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valeriarts · 6 months ago
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‼️Warning: late game spoilers, blood‼️
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the-bar-sinister · 9 months ago
me, coming up with an idea for smut fic: "this premise is so OOC but it's so hot." 😭😂
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tbmunson · 2 years ago
Escape - Gareth Emerson x Reader
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Summary: You and Gareth get paired for the most important art project of the semester.
Warnings: Slow burn, idiots in love, caring for Gareth's sisters.
WC: 4,730
Notes: I'm in recovery for surgery, so updates will be slow. Shout out to @ashes-writing for being my absolute bestie and letting me bounce ideas.
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“Okay, class, you’ll work as partners for your final project.” Mr. Greely the art teacher stated, earning a cheer from the class. “I wouldn’t cheer so fast. I paired you up myself. This project is to make art based on what you learn about your partner, hence the little questionnaire at your tables. It can be a painting, drawing, or sculpture. Any audio recordings or mixed tapes will be given a zero. This is art, not band.
You rolled your eyes, but not because you wouldn’t be working with Tiffany, the only other cheerleader in the class, but because there was a chance you’d have to work with one of the meatheaded basketball players. You didn’t really want to work with her either, but that was a whole other can of worms.
Mr. Greely droned on, only catching your attention when he said your name. “You’ll be working with Emerson.”
Your eyes widened, which caught the attention of a few of your classmates who began to giggle. The panic was not from the boy himself, rather the fear you would accidentally fall harder for him if you got to really know him. Your focus was disrupted by shuffling next to you as Gareth settled into the desk paired with yours. “Hi.” You said softly, meek almost.
Gareth assumed this was due to disdain for him, presented a bit more politely. He did hear the giggles after all. “What’s up?” Not a question, just a simple acknowledgement to your greeting.
You studied his side profile, debating the different art forms you could use to relay the puffy haired metalhead next to you.
“You have a month to complete this project. Oh, and, your partner will be grading you on how well they think you relay them to the world. That does have an effect on the overall grade, so get to know each other.” Mr. Greely finished as the bell rang.
“So, I don’t know if you’re busy tonight with it being Friday and all, but my house is free tonight if you want to come do the questionnaire.” You offered sweetly as you packed your notebook into your bag.
“I, uh, have to watch my sisters tonight, but, if you want to, I mean, you can come to my place.” His nerves were apparent, which made you smile.
“Yeah, I’ll find you at lunch and finalize the details.” You gripped the strap to your backpack and turned to meet Tiffany at the door.
She sputtered out a laugh as she glanced over her shoulder to Gareth. “You really got paired with the freak, huh?”
You couldn’t stop the eye roll. “Tiff, I’ve known him since forever. He’s a sweet guy. Just because he listens to different music and doesn’t dress the same doesn’t make him a freak.” You replied, trying to keep your tone level so as to not snap at the head of the cheerleading team.
“He plays a fucking fantasy game, babe. It’s weird.” She chirps back as if it was common knowledge.
“It’s an escape. Everyone has an escape. You totally zone out when you cheer. That’s your escape.” You’re fully annoyed now, but not showing it, which is hard due to the fact that she just laughs, mumbling a “Whatever.” under her breath.
You break off into your math class and sit next to Eddie Munson. “Hey, Eddie.” You say, catching his attention.
He peeks around you, looking around.
“What are you doing?” You ask, furrowing your brows.
“Wondering why Hawkins High’s very own princess is trying to talk to me. Not that I’m complaining. Just curious.” He responded with an amused look.
You can’t help the small smile that spreads at his antics. “I’m talking to you because I’m a nice person and I let you cheat off of me. It’s time to repay the favor.”
“Ooh, princess wants something from the freak. Enlighten me.” He taps the tips of his fingers together in a way that would mook maniacal if it weren’t Eddie.
You roll your eyes at the dramatics. “I have an art project and I need-”
“I will not model naked for you if that’s what you’re asking.” He had a very serious look on his face, which meant he was totally joking, something you’d come to know sitting next to him in three different classes.
You smacked his arm and furrowed your brow. “No. I need the inside scoop on Gareth. He’s my partner and I have to get to know him, like really get to know him for this project.”
Eddie nods, resting his chin in his hand. “Okay. I can help you with that. As long as I keep copying your homework and cheating off of your tests.” He smirked, a wide grin plastering his face.
“In all honesty, I didn’t even think about using that as a threat.” You giggled, reaching over and scribbling your number onto a page with a scratched out doodle in his notebook. “Call me tomorrow. I’ll be at Gareth’s tonight.”
“Oh yeah, date night.” Eddie replied kind of like an off hand comment.
“It’s not a date, Eddie.” Your eyes were wide again like they had been in art class.
Eddie laughed and shook his head. “I mean his parents. He has to watch his sisters. Although I may be reading into that reaction a little too much, but I think you-”
“Not another word or the copying does stop.” Your face was hard, begging him not to speak the words you already knew were true. You would like to go on a date with him, but this, getting to really know him as part of a project, it’ll work too. Better, you convince yourself. Better because there’s no pressure to actually like him and if you don’t, well at least you'll know and you can stop this pitiful pining over him.
“Yes, your highness.” Eddie bows as much as he can while sitting before the teacher begins class.
Two class periods later you were headed to lunch. Once you made it to the cafeteria you headed right for the Hellfire table, leaving a very confused Stephanie in the doorway. As you approached a group of freshmen were settled at the table. “Hi, does Gareth sit here?” You knew he did, but striking up a conversation would be better than just claiming a seat that didn’t belong to you.
The curly haired one looked up, surprised a cheerleader was talking to him. “I, uh, yeah.” he sputtered, earning a glare from the dark haired one.
“Dude, you can’t just tell people like-” He cuts himself off, looking up at you and wondering if you’d tear him a new one.
You laughed and leaned against the table. “I know. People like me have a bad rap, and usually for good reason. I have an art project with Gareth and we need to go over some details. No malice. No ill intent. Pinky promise.” You held out your pinky, waiting for one of the group to make their move.
The smaller boy with a bowl cut reaches out, linking his pinky with yours. “He’ll be here in a few. He usually takes a smoke break before coming to lunch. That’s his seat,” He points to a chair on the edge of the opposite side of the table. “And Jeff isn’t here today, so the spot next to him is open if you want to sit.”
“Thank you.” You smile before rounding the table and sitting in the middle seat. “My name is Y/N, by the way.” You offer a hand over the table for any one of them to take.
The curly haired boy reaches over and shakes it, “I’m Dustin, this is Mike and Will.”
“It’s nice to meet you guys. So, how does Dungeons and Dragons work? I’ve never played but it seems interesting from what I’ve seen.” You can’t find it in yourself to regret the question as Dustin and Will go into an in depth explanation of the game. You were so drawn in that you didn’t notice Gareth walking up to the table, or the look of horror as the freshmen bombarded you with facts about a fantasy game, even if he loved that fantasy game more than most things.
“Alright you guys, I’m sure she doesn’t want to hear about DnD.” Gareth sighed as he sat, drawing the attention of the four of you.
You gave him a playful glare. “I asked, actually. It sounds like a lot of fun. Very creative.” You were smiling by the end.
Gareth nodded, unable to help the thought that you were only saying that to seem nice and use it against them later. He immediately felt bad because in all the years of classes together, you’d never been that way. “Okay, well, I’m sorry. You can continue, Dustin.”
“Actually, Dustin, as much as I want to hear the differences in characters, I really need to get some stuff settled with Gareth about this project. How about I come sit here on Monday and you and Will can finish telling me about it.” You offered, finding the kids incredibly charming and utterly adorable.
“Yeah!” Dustin replied, opening a book to keep track of what he’d filled you in on already.
Gareth chuckled and leaned over to whisper to you. “You really don’t have to let them torture you like this.” The way his voice rumbled in your ear mixed with the warmth of his breath cascading down your neck, you knew you were screwed.
“Gare, really, I want to know about it. I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t.” You assured him, placing a hand on his forearm and giving it a small squeeze.
Gareth didn’t know what else to say, so he only offered a crooked smile instead.
“Good, it’s settled. Now to the main task at hand. What time do I need to come over?”
He shrugged and went over the schedule in his head. “I’m gonna do dinner at 5:30, give them a bath, and let them play. They’ll be out by 7:30.” He offered more as a question.
“Or, I can bring dinner from Benny’s around 6, help you give them a bath, and we can all watch a movie before they go to bed.” You twisted a curl around your finger as you waited for his response.
He nodded and smiled. “Yeah, they’d like that.”
You slid your notebook and a pen in front of him. “Write down your order and I’ll be over by six.”
“Do you even know where I live?” He quirked a brow as he scribbled down an order.
“Gareth Emerson, I have lived down the street from you my whole life. Of course I know where you live.” You reached out and gently smacked his shoulder.
Gareth laughed and held a hand up in surrender. “I’m just making sure. I’d hate for you to get lost and leave me starving.” He jokes, sliding the notebook across the table with the order, along with his number. “See you tonight?”
“For sure, but you’re going to see me sitting here for the rest of lunch, if that’s okay with you.” You looked up at him through your lashes.
“It’s totally fine!” Dustin said, grabbing your attention. You’d almost forgotten about the freshmen sitting across from you.
You laughed and nodded, knowing he wanted to continue his spill about the different kinds of characters.
The end of the day came and you were headed out to your car when you were stopped by Tiffany. “What in the hell were you doing at that table of freaks during lunch?”
Your jaw clenched, but you didn’t let your anger show. “I had to come up with a plan for this project. Gareth is my partner. Art is the only class we have together and I’d like to get it started sooner rather than later.”
Tiffany scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Don’t let it happen again.”
“Actually, I’ll be there Monday too, and probably a few times throughout the next couple of weeks. I’ll sit with you guys on game days so no one sees me in my uniform at their table, but this project is important to me. Art is important to me. You know I want to be an artist. If getting to know him is what it takes to make a kickass piece, then I’m doing it.” Your tone wasn’t harsh, but it was firm, letting her know there would be no room for negotiation.
She didn’t say anything, just stomped away, which caught the attention of the older Hellfire members.
“I think she just stood up for us.” Grant said, eyebrows raised.
Gareth pressed his back against the brick wall and looked up at the tin of the sidewalk covers. “Fuck.” He shook his head as he breathed deeply.
“What, Emerson?” Eddie cocked a brow at Gareth’s pained expression.
“I don’t know. Like, this is going to be so hard. I’ve only been in love with her since kindergarten. Now she’s sitting at my lunch table, standing up for me and my friends, and she’s coming to my fucking house tonight. How am I supposed to do this?”
Eddie couldn’t help but to laugh at his friend's pained expression. “I usually don’t get in the middle of this crap, but, earlier I made a joke about it being date night. She got really defensive, and that’s fully a sign that she’s into you. Maybe just go for it?”
“You’re so full of shit, Munson. She’s just a nice person and didn’t want you to get the wrong idea.” He replied, finally pushing himself off the wall. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow at practice. Gotta get home so my parents can head out.”
Eddie and Grant mumbled their goodbyes before making their way to Eddie’s van.
It was currently 5:50 and you’d just pulled into the Emerson’s driveway with a passenger seat full of food and shakes. You released a breath you didn’t realize you had been holding before cutting the engine and getting out of the car. You’d barely made it to the passenger door when the glossy red door to the house flung open.
“Lori, get back here!” Gareth’s exhausted yell came as he chased her down the steps, not yet realizing you’d arrived. He scooped her up as she giggled.
“I was trying to see your friend!” Lori‘s giggles quickly turned into a whine when she realized her brother had no plans to put her feet back on the ground.
Gareth finally looked up, making eye contact with you as you rested your elbow on the roof of the car. “Hey, uh, sorry. One sec.” He finally returned Lori’s feet to the ground but made her look at him. “Go back inside. I’m going to help Y/N bring the food in and you can see her in there, okay?”
She pouted but nodded before walking slowly to the house.
“Someone’s got the dad voice down.” You smiled, bending to grab the bags as Gareth made his way over to you in a pair of grey sweat pants and a faded Metallica shirt.
“Yeah, well, someone had to be when my dad split a few years ago. Rick is nice though.” He replied, reaching to take the bags out of your hands.
You nodded, smiling as his skin brushed yours. “I think you’re doing a great job considering she actually listened.” You offered before bending back down to get the drink tray with the shakes.
Gareth planned on replying, but he was silenced by the sight of you bent over and the amount of leg coming out of the old practice cheer shorts you’d changed into. He watched you stand and bump the door with your hip to close it.
“C’mon Gare, shakes are melting.” You said, taking a few steps towards his house.
He nodded and followed wordlessly. This was going to be a lot harder than he thought.
As you and his sisters settled into the table Gareth apologized again that his sisters threw a fit to both sit next to you.
“They’re fine, Gareth. Tell your brother to stop worrying so much, Lori.”
“Yeah, stop worrying that much.” She sassed, making you laugh and Gareth roll his eyes.
“I don’t know how Clara expects me to help her with her food all the way over there.” He gave the youngest girl a look as if to say ‘didn’t think of that, did you’.
“I’ve got it. It’s just chicken and fries. She’s safe in my care.” You assured him as you opened the small styrofoam container to start tearing the strips into more manageable pieces for a two year old
“Yeah, but you shouldn’t have to.” He replied sincerely.
You sighed and turned to look at him. “Gareth, it’s okay to let people do stuff for you. If I minded I wouldn’t be doing it. Do you trust that?”
He was at a loss for words, only nodding in response.
“Good. Now eat your burger before it gets cold.” You instructed as you finished tearing the chicken. “One at a time, Clara. Don’t put another in your mouth until the first one is all gone, okay?”
The small girl with white curly hair and bright blue doe eyes nodded, reaching for a piece of her chicken.
You popped a fry into your mouth, fully ready to dive into your burger when there was a tap on your shoulder. You turned to see Lori looking at you with a pout.
“Can you do my chicken too? Pretty please.” She looked like she was scared you would say no.
“Of course, baby doll! Let me see.” You pulled her plate over to you and started ripping the chicken into bits.
“Lori, you eat strips all the time.” Gareth stated after swallowing a bite of his burger.
“Gareth, eat your burger and let her be. She wants my attention and that’s okay.” You assured him, cutting your eyes over to look at him across the table without moving your head very much.
“But your food is going to get cold.” He urged as you took on the second strip.
“We’ll call it practice for being a real mom one day. Cold food, cold coffee, hot ice cream.”
“Ew! Hot ice cream!” Lori laughed as you pushed her plate back towards her.
You couldn’t help but join in. Her laugh is tinkly like a fairy, contagious.
“Okay, alright, I won’t say anything else.” He raised his hands in surrender before going back to his food.
The rest of the meal went by quietly, ending with you spooning the girls' shared shake into separate cups.
Once dessert was had, it was bath time, resulting in your cheer camp t-shirt getting soaking wet.
“I am so sorry. Let me get you a shirt.” Gareth was red from embarrassment.
You, however, were still smiling. “Okay, Gare. I’ll get them dried off and changed, then I’ll come find you about the shirt.”
He nodded and left the bathroom.
“Are you my brother’s girlfriend?” Lori asked once she was sure Gareth was gone.
You giggled a bit and shook your head as you pulled her nightgown over her head. “No, baby doll, I’m not. We go to school together. He’s my friend.”
She nodded and her face twisted in thought. “Will you be his girlfriend?”
You gave her a soft smile. “Yeah, I hope so one day.” You winked at her before turning to help Clara into her nightgown. “Why don’t you girls go down stairs to the couch while I go find Gareth and change, hm?”
Lori nodded and took Clara’s hand to lead her away.
You sighed and pushed yourself from the floor.
It didn’t take much to figure out which door belonged to Gareth. He had various band stickers and drawings on the door. You knocked twice.
“Come in!” He called as he snagged his favorite Motley Crue shirt from the hanger. It may or may not have been for a fantasy he had not too long ago.
You opened the door and stepped in. “Hey, I sent the girls downstairs to get settled. Just came to grab the shirt. It’s starting to get a little chilly.” You chuckled at the end, leaning against the wall.
“Okay, great. Um, you can change here if you want. I can go get the movie ready.”
You nodded and stepped further into the room. “Yeah, thanks. I’ll be down in just a second.” You said taking the worn material from his hands. Once the door clicked closed you pulled your shirt over your head and unhooked your bra which was soaked through. You hoped the shirt would be big enough that the lack of bra wouldn’t be noticeable. What you didn’t think about though, was leaving the pile of damp clothes at the foot of the bed before walking out of the room and down stairs.
“Can I sit with you!” Lori yelled as she saw you finally descend the stairs.
“Of course, baby doll.” You smiled, glancing over at Gareth who managed to go a deep shade of red.
Maybe putting you into that shirt was one of his less than stellar ideas. His mind wandered back to the dream he had the other night of you, in the shirt, on top of him- He stopped his thoughts immediately before they became too much.
You settled next to him and let Lori climb into your lap as Gareth hit play on the Care Bears movie. You ran your fingers through the six year olds hair, eventually braiding it into a nice french braid before she fell asleep. You looked over to Clara who was dead asleep in Gareth’s lap.
He looked over at you and then up the stairs. “They won’t wake. They sleep pretty hard. Wanna take them up and get started?”
“Yeah, that sounds good.” You smiled as you got a better grip on Lori. You followed Gareth up the stairs and pushed open Lori’s bedroom door. You laid her down gently in her princess bed sheets and covered her up before heading back to the hall to meet Gareth.
“You’re really good with them, you know.” He said, leading you back down the stairs and turning the light on.
“If I don’t go into art, I want to teach little ones.” You said, tucking a hair behind your ear.
“You could be the art teacher for the little ones.” Gareth offered. “Best of both worlds.”
“You’re so smart, you know that? That never crossed my mind.” You laughed a little, not believing you’d not thought of it before.
Gareth smiles as he bumped your shoulder. “Thanks. And when you do become an art teacher for little ones, make sure you credit me.” He winked before sitting on the floor at the coffee table.
You sat across from him, rolling your eyes at his joke. “I’ll put your name on the degree.” You said sarcastically as you pulled the questionnaire sheet from the spiral notebook.
Both of you took a second to look over the sheet before you spoke again.
“These are bullshit questions.” You said passively as you looked up from the bullet point asking ‘What is your partner’s favorite color.’
“Why do you say that?” He asked, putting his sheet down on the table.
You sighed and tapped your pen on your lip and you thought. “If I’m supposed to make an art piece based on you, what good is knowing your favorite food and color? I mean do I just draw a red cheeseburger? It’s so basic. Art is supposed to make you think. Make you feel something.” You emphasized before laying back on the floor.
Gareth laughed and scooted around to your side of the table to lay next to you. “You have a point, but how do you know my favorite color is red? I never told you.”
You turned your head to look at him rather than the ceiling. “I’ve lived 50 yards from you my whole life, we went to the same daycare, elementary, middle, and high school. Red is one of the few colors in your color palette. People don’t wear colors they don’t like.” You studied his face, taking in every freckle, every developing laugh line, every shade of blue and green in his eyes for the hundredth time, only this time you were much closer. It had much more of an effect on you.
“You’re very observant, you know.” His mouth ticked up into a lopsided smile as his eyes darted around your face.
“Which is you telling me that I’m right.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” He laughed this time, making you smile. “You’re not as oblivious as you present yourself as. Why do you do that?” His brows furrowed as he questioned you.
You shrugged, debating your answer for a moment. “I do what I have to in order to make it where I want to go. You present yourself as a dark, twisty guy who doesn’t care about anything, yet you’ve got smile lines and you’re amazingly sweet with your sisters. Why do you do that?” You challenged with a playful smile.
“Self preservation. I’m a weird kid and if I come off as someone who’s easy to mess with, life would be a whole lot worse. So I keep myself far away from the people who don’t deserve to know me.” He explained, his eyes holding a look that you couldn’t quite place.
Before you could stop yourself you asked, “Do I deserve to know you?”
His eyes that held your gaze flickered down to your lips and back up. “Yeah. Do I deserve to know you?”
You nodded, unable to resist the urge to reach over and rest your hand on the side of his face.
The moment was quiet, intimate, and gone far too quickly as his mom and stepdad came into the house.
“Gareth, whose car is in the drive-“ his mothers voice cut off as she walked in on the innocent scene because she could feel the tension between her son and the girl laying on the floor.
You snatched your hand away quickly and looked at the woman in the doorway, praying she wouldn’t berate you for being there.
“Mom. Hey. I told you Y/N was coming by for the art project.” He was red, not from a blush but from panic. His heartbeat was thundering in his ears so loud he thought it must have been audible.
She nodded and smirked. “Alright, well, carry on then.” She turned and walked into the kitchen where her husband was digging around in the pantry. “They’re going to get married. I’m calling it now.”
“Gwen, you can’t be serious. You haven’t even spoken to the girl.” He turned to look at her before glancing through the doorway to see the girl in question gathering her things.
“A mother knows.” She patted his chest and gave him the look. The look that said you-know-I’m-right.
Gareth walked with you out the door and to your car. “I’ll see you on Monday. Be careful.” He opened your door for you and watched you get in.
“If I wreck going three houses down the street, I probably don’t need a license.” You joked as you looked up at him, taking in the way the moonlight bounced off of the high points of his face.
“Be careful.” His tone was a bit more authoritative than before, making your insides turn.
“I will be.” You promised before smirking. “Do you want me to call you when I get there so you know I got in okay?” You teased lightly, making him roll his eyes.
“Just for that, I sure do. If my phone’s not ringing in 5 minutes I’m coming down there.” He was smiling, laughing at the way you scrunched up your nose at him before sticking your tongue out.
“Maybe I won’t call then.”
“Are you testing me?”
“I guess you’ll find out.”
“I guess I will.” He winked and closed the door to your car before walking towards the door. He stood there, watching you back out of the driveway thinking about how easy it was with you. It was easy to be himself. He finally went inside to wait for your call.
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alechans-cutetickles · 10 months ago
Mi sto immaginando una scena dell solletico su tadc per l' ep 2 mi immagino che zooble stava facendo niente quando all improviso dei piccoli pallini battufolose vanno adosso a zooble saltandole a dosso all suo pancino e tutto il suo corpo facendoli il s-solletichino mentre zooble ride con voce feminile e adorabile inizia a dire "hehehehey mi fate il sollheheetichohohoho! >//w//<" poi dopo i pallini batuffolosi vanno sulla testa di zooble a rubagli le sue antenne quanto sarebe carino all 1/♾️?! /// 💕
🇺🇸:HEAR ME OUT!!! O//O
i'm immagine a tickle scene of tadc for the ep 2 i'm immagine that zooble was doing nothing when a fluffly tiny balls jump on theyr tummy n theyr full body tickling them menwhile zooble was giggly w a girly n adorable voice starting to say "hehehehey that thihihicklehehehs! >//w//<" n after the fluffy balls going on zoonle l's head to steal theyr antennas how cute will be to 1/♾️?! /// 💕
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jeankirsteind · 8 months ago
"I'm not telling you to forgive her... But all children make some form of mistakes, her being an ass was a huge one on her part... she deserves her comeuppance, but also help..."
- Adrien Agreste, Goodbye isn't Forever… by Yaoi_Ships
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reviewinghiccup · 2 years ago
Title: Your Life is Made Up of The Everyday
Characters: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Astrid Haddock, Fishlegs Ingerman, Snotlout Gary Jorgenson, Spitelout Jorgenson and introducing, Zephyr Haddock.
Author's note: Hey guys I'm so proud of my first little fict on HTTYD. The timeline is set after the movie, including after they met Toothless and his family. I have been writing a lot about father-son relationship and was tinkering around with the idea of Hiccup as a dad. Hope you like it. Wishing you guys a wonderful weekend reading!
Its been 5 years since Hiccup, Astrid and their children went to meet Toothless at the tip of the Hidden World. Zephyr is now older. An intelligent, strong-willed viking pre-teen. With her father's brains and mother's brawn, she traverses the great island for new discoveries. Unfortunately, there is only so much to discover within the thickets and forests of New Berk. Things have fallen stale, and the child wonders if that is all there is about the world.
It is a cold, but sunny Wednesday afternoon. A knot welled in the middle of Hiccup's forehead, swelling into a migraine as Snotlout, once again insists that the new Storehouse be named in honour of his father.
"It is the right thing to do and you know it!" Snotlout says accusingly. "Snotlout, for the last time, we don't pay tribute like this unless the person has passed on."
"SO?" Snotlout replies indignantly.
"SO?! YOUR FATHER IS NOT DEAD! He's standing right there," Hiccup's hands gesture towards Spitelout, aged and white haired. "Oh, don't listen to him Boy-O. He's changed a lot since becoming chief. Pride can overcome a man of weak consti-tu-tion," Spitelout spewed, taking Snotlout by the shoulder as they left the Great Hall.
"What? No! That's not, what - Oh gods," Hiccup lets out, rubbing his forehead with his thumb and index finger. "What's next on the agenda Fishlegs?"
"Well, the Timbermans are wondering whether you can officiate their son's wedding this Friday?"
"Which one?"
"Didn't I officiate his wedding last week?"
"No, that was Jazon. Zen. With a "Z"."
"Why would they name their sons the same name?"
"Its not, if you really think about it. Not technically. At least," Fishleg mumbled. The knot spreads to the back of Hiccup's neck. "Yeah, yeah," he relents, shoulders slumped, "put me down for it."
Just then, a huge beam at the entrance of the Great Hall cracks. Hiccup hears it. His head turns to the sound. "Do you hear that?" he asks. "Hear what?" Fishlegs wonders. Instinctively, Hiccup yells "Get out of the way," to the family walking towards the beam. Grabbing a long staff, Hiccup quickly intercepts the falling beam with it stabilising the structure.
"What happened?" Astrid said, panting. She had come from the armour mason's shed to the Great Hall when she saw the commotion. "The beam gave way," Hiccup said, studying the rotten wood.
"You see here? This is where the woodmites bit through the stem. They've eaten all way through the bark! I told you this would happen. Didn't I tell you this would happen? We need to apply the Funnel Glue to drive them away. The woods dry. When was the last time the Funnel Glue was applied. When?" he said getting up and looking around for answers.
Astrid and Fishlegs tried not to make eye contact. "Whose responsibility was it to apply the glue?" he asks. Astrid looked guilty.
Hiccup sighs, "Zephyr."
"Where is she?" he says, storming out of the hall. Astrid runs after him. "You know where she is."
"This is irresponsible of her. This is very irresponsible of her. She knows the danger of woodmites. After the crashing of Bucket's Barn last summer. She knows the danger, I've told her many times," he rants. Astrid nods. "She knows. I know she knows because when I asked her if she did, she said she heard me."
"Well..." Astrid hummed, he didn't hear her. "That's it I need to say something." Astrid grabs his arm. "I know what you're gonna say," he claimed.
"Well, then let me say it anyways. She's young -"
"Young? I was young once too, but I did my chores as I was told. We all did. Even the Twins. Albeit they could've done it better, but we did everything we could to help the community. I didn't say anything when she didn't take out the trash. I didn't say anything when failed to water the community garden and we didn't have cabbages for four weeks. But, this is too much Astrid, I need to say something now. I'm putting my foot down."
"Ya done?"
"Not completely, but go on," he said, arms folded.
"She's going through something Hiccup. Can't you see? Don't you recognise it? That sullen boredom. Small island syndrome. You had it? I see it in her eyes. She going through the same thing you went through, and what she needs now, is not a lecture, what she needs now? Is her father."
God I hate it when she's right, Hiccup said inside. "And you know I'm right," Astrid replied confidently. He rolls his eyes. She was right. "Fine. I'll go find her."
Blade in hand, Zephyr attacked a bush "TAKE THAT!" she challenged it, slicing off its branches "It might be small, but never underestimate a sharpened blade!"
"Wow, you really showed that bush," Hiccup said, coming from behind her. He gave her a gentle smile. "What did I do now?" she murmured, shoulders slumped.
"What? What's with the third degree? Can't a father watch his daughter completely annihilate an inanimate shrub?" Zephyr smiles. "Of course he can, it's just. Whenever you come see, there's always something to tell me, and its not always good news."
Hiccup recalled feeling the same with his own father once. That on the most times his father sat him down "to talk" it was more of a one-sided directive than a two-way conversation. "Have you always felt this way?" he asks.
"Not always. But, more so recently, yes."
"Well, you're wrong. Because today, I'm here to see what you're up to."
"Yeah! Anything you want to do."
"Don't you have to work?"
"Your mother will deal with it. Between you and me, I let her wear the pants once and awhile. Good for morale," he whispers.
"Sure you do Dad," she replies, cheekily.
"Hey, what does that mean!" Zephyr lets out a slight giggle. "Come here missy!" Hiccup catches his daughter and places her on his shoulders. She falls into uncontrollable fits of laughter and Hiccup's heart swells three times its usual size. The knot in his head and neck melts.
He has grown bigger in ten years while, his daughter, smaller in size than most children are (as he was) could still sit on her father's shoulders. "Now tell me, what have you found?"
She showed him Lars Creek. A body of water Isla Ingerman named after her great uncle Lars. She then brought him up stream where they found huge conifer trees, and pointed to the one she wanted to have and decorate for Snoggletog. "I marked it with an Z, that's my initial," she said proudly "the other kids know not to touch it. Or else," she held up her tiny blade in defence.
"Oh, I see that," he encouraged.
She then took him up the high hill and showed him a view of the village from it. "That's where I look to know you're coming to find me," she says "I'll pass through those pines and into the thickets by a shortcut to reach the stone you always see me on. Just so you know where I'll be."
"Wow, this view. I've never seen New Berk like this. In this light."
"You've never had the time."
"Yeah, you're right. I've been neglecting you," he admitted.
"Nah, it's alright. It's my fault to. I've been avoiding you too."
"Me? Why?"
"Because I know that I've been slacking behind my chores, and well... the less I saw you, the less I felt guilty about it."
Hiccup then realised, she could see the Great Hall from here. She could see, in particular, the entrance of the Great Hall now fallen and lying on the stony pavement. She knew that it fell. She knew why.
"You've really had this place figured out, I'll give you that," he decided to say instead of giving her lecture on Funnel Glue.
"Uncle Fishlegs said that we used to ride dragons. He said that we don't anymore because it was safer for them to live in the Hidden World. But I just can't help but feel..."
"Like, maybe that was a mistake. What if, we need dragons and its better for us to have them? Like, life would be so much more interesting than... than..."
"Than this?" her father continued.
"You know Zeph. I was in your shoes too."
"How could you be? You got to ride a Night Fury. I doubt you know what boredom feels like."
"Yeah, but before I rode one, I was like any kid on Berk. I was just like you too. I had my chores. I rummaged and scouted the forests. Marked my trees. I did almost everything you have. And then one day, the adventure found me."
"Woah! Woah there," Hiccup laughs. "You're only 10 my dear. You have your whole life to build."
"I just wanna be like you Dad. I wanna go on adventures like you and mom did. I wanna be a great leader too. A great warrior like mom."
"And you will be," he said, taking his daughter by the hand "Zeph, I know what it feels like to want more. Wishing that I could push the invisible walls on this island and walk away from it. Fly away from it. But your life is made up of the every day. Whatever you choose to do, it reflects on whatever happens to you in the future. As a kid, mom practiced every morning, her backflips, cartwheels, sword-fightings. You still see her do it now. I used to have to practice flying dragons. It took years to study them, and even with all the knowledge I have, I'm still learning. Things takes time. And the best part about you, is, you have so much more of it."
"We all have to do mundane things in preparation for the greater things to come, you know?"
Zephyr nodded. "Let's get back. It's getting late," Hiccup says getting up. The town was quiet, and empty. It was supper time. The sun had set, and the moon painted the village light blue. They were three blocks down to their home. Zephyr could see her mother setting the table through the window and Nuffink jumping up and down helping her. She took her father's hand and squeezed it.
Hiccup held on to it tightly. All said and done, he loved his daughter, more than anything else and he wanted her to know that he is there for her, in all her good and all her bad, trusting that she will indeed, find her way someday.
"Hey dad?"
"Yeap," Hiccup said, his other hand pressed against their house door, about to push it open.
"I forgot to put Funnel Glue on the pillars of the Great Hall."
"Is that so?" he replied, smiling "Well, then, something for us to look into tomorrow morning."
So, I did it! Ha-ha. If anyone is willing to share their drawings of an older Hiccup / Astrid and Zephyr, feel free to do so. The post has no drawings, because I can't draw and I didn't want to take from googled sources because they don't always pin the original creator.
So if you have any you wanna share, feel free to reblog the post with your characters in mind. I might reach out to use some of your work in the future if this Fan Fict actually becomes a series.
I took liberties and named Fishlegs and Ruffnut's daughter Isla Ingerman. Thought it sounded pretty. Also, Lar's in an homage to Ruff and Tuff's actual uncle they mention in Episode 13 - When Lightning Strikes, Season 1 (Riders of Berk).
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way-too-addicted-to-fandoms · 2 months ago
Listen. LISTEN. I'm not a sub. But for this version of him I'd make a damn good impression of one.
Just A Taste
Characters: Spencer Reid x reader, minor characters
Word Count: 2,925
Warnings: talk of men abusing their female partners (very implicitly), smut, oral (female recieving), fingering, a bit of dom!spencer
request by @theitcaramelchick​: Okay but imagine Reid interrogating a suspect and you, an assistant at the BAU office, happen to hear how domineering he is with them and you get all hot and bothered? Jesus. 🥵 And the way he would make the suspect tell him stuff. …Could you do a one shot with this?
Summary: You assist Spencer with an interrogation despite having no experience with it all. Turns out, there is a reason why Spencer chose you, and it’s not all for work.
Squares Filled: office sex for @cmkinkbingo // free space for @cmbingo​
Author’s Note: If you have any requests, please send them in! this is unbeta’d and every mistake is all on me.
Feedback the glue that holds my writing together
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For the first time in… ever… you’re going to assist the one and only Dr. Spencer Reid in an interrogation room with a real criminal. You’re only an office assistant, but they wanted you to be in there with him. You know nothing about how to talk to criminals or where to even begin, but they wouldn’t take no for an answer. You don’t even know what you would do in this interview, but you’re not going to question it. This is your chance to prove you belong with the rest of the BAU.
Your dream is to be a profiler that catches bad guys. If you can see how they think during this interrogation, then maybe you can start to work on your own profile. While you’re very nervous to be in this interrogation room, you’re more worried to be in that room with Spencer. It’s not that you’re worried for how bad you might be in front of him, you’re afraid he will figure out your feelings for him. He’s the most talked BAU agent on your floor. He’s so smart, innovated, talented, and very handsome.
Keep reading
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i-am-pixxie · 3 months ago
Beneath the Beautiful - Part 3
Just forwarded it to my beta-reader :D Will post once I get the thumbs up - any time from now onwards! (hopefully on time lmao)
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dream-with-a-fever · 3 months ago
What is your favourite hinny fict of all time?
ooh this is a great question!!! several come to mind, because there are some really incredible writers out there who i think capture harry and ginny perfectly in their writing. and i can’t pick one so here goes:
Orchards by @whinlatter
this oneshot is incredible, building up hinny’s relationship over the summer that we see so little of in the books. it’s just so in character, funny and beautiful. you really see their easy dynamic and how perfect they are for each other. i’ve reread it several times and i will do it again it’s THAT good. also her other work Beasts about post-dh ginny and everything that follows the war with lots of flashbacks and added details. it’s really honest and gritty portrayal of grief & recovering from the trauma of a war
The Path From You by @takeariskao3
i am obsessed with this fic. it’s wonderful bc it has all the canon elements but it’s set a few years after the war, and the main plot is completely fresh and new. it’s like a harry x ginny second chance romance, harry is super protective and they’re both like still so in love with each other it’s ughhh *chefs kiss*! it’s so well-written too. i LOVE it.
quick-fire and warm front by @jiilys
these are two oneshots that i think perfectly capture hinny’s relationship after the war. the writing is just beautiful.
Come Stay for The Summer by @ashotofogdensoldfirewhiskey
this is such a fun and hilarious text-fic. i’m such a fan of hinny in a different universe, like regular high school / soccer fics. just another fun exploration of their relationship. also basically any of the oneshots by this author are so good.
Bewitched by @starlingflight (apologies for tagging the wrong author!!!)
i loved this fic so much. such an orignal concept — it’s mainly a non-magical storyline but with a twist. loved the characterisations and the non-linear format. so cute and fun and the ending is perfect.! also this author has lots of other wonderful works.
FloreatCastellum on ao3 is also wonderful - their missing moments works are so on point.
i also might take this opportunity to self-rec my fic too (lmao sorry) which is-
but i’m a fire, and i’ll keep your brittle heart warm by me hehe
it’s a fic about the beginning and blossoming friendship of harry & ginny during order of the phoenix. basically missing moments and build up to explore how and why these two eventually end up together !
but i am always looking for more fics to read so pls give me recs!!<3
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valeriarts · 2 years ago
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Tomorrow I'll post the new chapter of my Aadit/Builder fancomic. I've finished drawing all the vignettes, I just need to translate into English and place the dialogues in baloons!
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zerogravityinq · 18 days ago
Oh it wasn't a fict I read but one I hoped existed. I was asking for a rec not a 'where can I find' so to speak. I am ready and willing to write the idea if it doesn't exist in the form I mention.
I don't see much in the way of meta-aware/media-aware fict but the ones I have read either range from terrible to funny as hell/cute so 🤷
Anyone know of a fict where Danny Phantom knows of Batman as a comic book franchise while Batman and Co know of Danny Phantom as a cartoon and they meet?
Also at least one chapter where they show each other what they know so Batkids showing Danny an episode of Danny Phantom and Danny showing them the JL cartoon or BTAS or Batman Beyond or whatever was out when Danny Phantom takes place (so probably JLU or Teen Titans)
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 1 year ago
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The Radio Times magazine from the 29 July-04 August 2023 :)
How did Terry Pratchett and Neil gaiman overcome the small matter of Pratchett's death to make another series of their acclaimed divine comedy?
For all the dead authors in the world,” legendary comedy producer John Lloyd once said, “Terry Pratchett is the most alive.” And he’s right. Sir Terry is having an extremely busy 2023… for someone who died in 2015.
This week sees the release of Good Omens 2, the second series of Amazon’s fantasy comedy drama based on the cult novel Pratchett co-wrote with Neil Gaiman in the late 1980s. This will be followed in the autumn by a new spin-off book from Pratchett’s Discworld series, Tiffany Aching’s Guide to Being a Witch, co-written by Pratchett’s daughter Rhianna and children’s author Gabrielle Kent. The same month, we’ll also get A Stroke of the Pen, a collection of “lost” short stories written by Sir Terry for local newspapers in the 70s and 80s and recently rediscovered. Clearly, while there are no more books coming from Pratchett – a hard drive containing all drafts and unpublished work was crushed by a vintage steamroller shortly after the author’s death, as per his specific wishes – people still want to visit his vivid and addictive worlds in new ways.
Good Omens 2 will be the first test of how this can work. The original book started life as a 5,000-word short story by Gaiman, titled William the Antichrist and envisioned as a bit of a mashup of Richmal Crompton’s Just William books and the 70s horror classic The Omen. What would happen, Gaiman had mused, if the spawn of Satan had been raised, not by a powerful American diplomat, but by an extremely normal couple in an idyllic English village, far from the influence of hellish forces? He’d sent the first draft to bestselling fantasy author Pratchett, a friend of many years, and then forgotten about it as he busied himself with continuing to write his massively popular comic books, including Violent Cases, Black Orchid and The Sandman, which became a Netflix series last year.
Pratchett loved the idea, offering to either buy the concept from Gaiman or co-write it. It was, as Gaiman later said, “like Michelangelo phoning and asking if you want to paint a ceiling” The pair worked on the book together from that point on, rewriting each other as they went and communicating via long phone calls and mailed floppy discs. “The actual mechanics worked like this: I would do a bit, then Neil would take it away and do a bit more and give it back to me,” Pratchett told Locus magazine in 1991. “We’d mess about with each other’s bits and pieces.”
Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch – to give it its full title –was published in 1990 to huge acclaim. It was one of, astonishingly, five Terry Pratchett novels to be published that year (he averaged two a year, including 41 Discworld novels and many other standalone works and collaborations).
It was also, clearly, extremely filmable, and studios came knocking — though getting it made took a while. rnvo decades on from its writing, four years after Pratchett's death from Alzheimer's disease aged 66, and after several doomed attempts to get a movie version off the ground, Good Omens finally made it to TV screens in 2019, scripted and show-run by Gaiman himself. "Terry was egging me on to make it into television. He knew he was dying, and he knew that I wouldn't start it without him," Gaiman revealed in a 2019 Radio Times interview. Amazon and the BBC co-produced with Pratchett's company Narrativia and Gaiman's Blank Corporation production studios, with Michael Sheen and David Tennant cast in the central roles of Aziraphale the angel and Crowley the demon. The show was a hit, not just with fans of its two creators, but with a whole new young audience, many of whom had no interest in Discworld or Sandman. Social media networks like Tumblr and TikTok were soon awash with cosplay, artwork and fan fiction. The original novel became, for the first time, a New York Times bestseller.
A follow up was, on one level, a no-brainer. The world Pratchett and Gaiman had created was vivid, funny and accessible, and Tennant and Sheen had found an intriguing romantic spark in their chemistry not present in the novel.
There was, however, a huge problem. There wasn't a second Good Omens book to base it on. But there was the ghost of an idea.
In 1989, after the book had been sold but before it had come out, the two authors had laid on fivin beds in a hotel room at a convention in Seattle and, jet-lagged and unable to sleep, plotted out, in some detail, what would happen in a sequel, provisionally titled 668, The II Neighbour of the Beast.
"It was a good one, too" Gaiman wrote in a 2021 blog. "We fully intended to write it, whenever we next had three or four months free. Only I went to live in America and Terry stayed in the UK, and after Good Omens was published, Sandman became SANDMAN and Discworld became DISCWORLD(TM) and there wasn't a good time."
Back in 1991, Pratchett elaborated, "We even know some of the main characters in it. But there's a huge difference between sitting there chatting away, saying, 'Hey, we could do this, we could do that,' and actually physically getting down and doing it all again." In 2019, Gaiman pillaged some of those ideas for Good Omens series one (for example, its final episode wasn't in the book at all), and had left enough threads dangling to give him an opening for a sequel. This is the well he's returned to for Good Omens 2, co-writing with comic John Finnemore - drafted in, presumably, to plug the gap left Pratchett's unparalleled comedic mind. No small task.
Projects like Good Omens 2 are an important proving ground for Pratchett's legacy: can the universes he conjured endure without their creator? And can they stay true to his spirit? Sir Terry was famously protective of his creations, and there have been remarkably few adaptations of his work considering how prolific he was. "What would be in it for me?" he asked in 2003. "Money? I've got money."
He wanted his work treated reverently and not butchered for the screen. It's why Good Omens and projects like Tiffany Aching's Guide to Being a Witch are made with trusted members of the inner circle like Neil Gaiman and Rhianna Pratchett at the helm. It's also why the author's estate, run by Pratchett's former assistant and business manager Rob Wilkins, keeps a tight rein on any licensed Pratchett material — it's a multi-million dollar media empire still run like a cottage industry.
And that's heartening. Anyone who saw BBC America's panned 2021 Pratchett adaptation The Watch will know how badly these things can go when a studio is allowed to run amok with the material without oversight. These stories deserve to be told, and these worlds deserve to be explored — properly. And there are, apparently, many plans afoot for more Pratchett on the screen. You can only hope that, somewhere, he'll be proud of the results.
After all, as he wrote himself, "No one is finally dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away, until the clock wound up winds down, until the wine she made has finished its ferment, until the crop they planted is harvested. The span of someone's life is only the core of their actual existence."
While those ripples continue to spread, Sir Terry Pratchett remains very much alive. MARC BURROWS
An angel and a demon walk into a pub... Michael Sheen and David Tennant on family, friendship and Morecambe & Wise
Outside it's cold winter's day and we're in a Scottish studio, somewhere between Edinburgh and Glasgow. But inside it's lunchtime in The Dirty Donkey pub in the heart of London, with both Michael Sheen and David Tennant surveying the scene appreciatively. "This is a great pub," says Sheen eagerly, while Tennant calls it "the best Soho there can be. A slightly heightened, immaculate, perfect, dreamy Soho."
Here, a painting of the absent landlord — the late Terry Pratchett, co-creator, with Neil Gaiman, of the series' source novel — looms over punters. Around the corner is AZ Fell and Co Antiquarian and Unusual Books. It's the bookshop owned by Sheen's character, the angel Aziraphale, and the place to where Tennant's demon Crowley is inevitably drawn.
It's day 74 of an 80-day shoot for a series that no one, least of all the leading actors, ever thought would happen, due to the fact that Pratchett and Gaiman hadn't ever published any sequel to their 1990 fantasy satire. Tennant explains, "What we didn't know was that Neil and Terry had had plots and plans..."
Still, lots of good things are in Good Omens 2, which expands on the millennia-spanning multiverse of the first series. These include a surprisingly naked side of John Hamm, and roles for both Tennant's father-in-law (Peter Davison) and 21-year-old son Ty. At its heart, though, remains the brilliant banter between the two leading men — as Sheen puts it, "very Eric and Ernie !" — whose chemistry on the first series led to one of the more surprising saviours of lockdown telly.
Good Omens is back — but you've worked together a lot in the meantime. Was there a connective tissue between series one of Good Omens and Staged, your lockdown sitcom?
David: Only in as much as the first series went out, then a few months later, we were all locked in our houses. And because of the work we'd done on Good Omens, it occurred that we might do something else. I mean, Neil Gaiman takes full responsibility for Staged. Which, to some extent, he's probably right to do!
Michael: We've got to know each other through doing this. Our lives have gotten more entwined in all kinds of ways — we have children who've now become friends, and our families know each other.
There have been hints of a romantic storyline between the two characters. How much of an undercurrent is that in this series.
David: Nothing's explicit.
Michael: I felt from the very beginning that part of what would be interesting to explore is that Aziraphale is a character, a being, who just loves. How does that manifest itself in a very specific relationship with another being? Inevitably, as there is with everything in this story, there's a grey area. The fact that people see potentially a "romantic relationship", I thought that was interesting and something to explore.
There was a petition to have the first series banned because of its irreverent take on Christian tropes. Series two digs even more deeply into the Bible with the story of Job. How much of a badge of honour is it that the show riles the people who like to ban things?
David: It's not an irreligious show at all. It's actually very respectful of the structure of that sort of religious belief. The idea that it promotes Satanism [is nonsense]. None of the characters from hell are to be aspired to at all! They're a dreadful bunch of non-entities. People are very keen to be offended, aren't they? They're often looking for something to glom on to without possibly really examining what they think they're complaining about.
Michael, you're known as an activist, and you're in the middle of Making BBC drama The Way, which "taps into the social and political chaos of today's world". Is it important for you to use your plaform to discuss causes you believe in?
Michael: The Way is not a political tract, it's just set in the area that I come from. But it has to matter to you, doesn't it? More and more as I get older, [I find] it can be a real slog doing this stuff. You've got to enjoy it. And if it doesn't matter to you, then it's just going to be depressing.
David, Michael has declared himself a "not-for-profit" actor. Has he tried to persuade you to give up all your money too?
David: What an extraordinary question! One is always aware that one has a certain responsibility if one is fortunate and gets to do a job that often doesn't feel like a job. You want to do your bit whenever you can. But at the same time, I'm an actor. I'm not about to give that up to go into politics or anything. But I'll do what I can from where I live.
Well, your son and your father-in-law are also starring in this series. How about that, jobs for the boys!
David: I know! It was a delight to get to be on set with them. And certainly an unexpected one for me. Neil, on two occasions, got to bowl up to me and say, "Guess who we've cast?!"
How do you feel about your US peers going on strike?
David: It's happening because there are issues that need to be addressed. Nobody's doing this lightly. These are important issues, and they've got to be sorted out for the future of our industry. There's this idea that writers and actors are all living high on the hog. For huge swathes of our industry, that's just not the case. These people have got to be protected.
Michael: We have to be really careful that things don't slide back to the way they were pre the 1950s, when the stories that we told were all coming from one point of view and the stories of certain people, or communities within our society, weren't represented. There's a sense that now that's changed for ever and it'll never go back. But you worry when people can't afford to have the opportunities that other people have. We don't want the story that we tell about ourselves to be myopic. You want it to be as inclusive as possible
Staged series 3 recently broadcast. It felt like the show's last hurrah — or is there more mileage? Sheen and Tennant go on holiday?
David: That's the Christmas special! One Foot in the Algarve! On the Buses Go to Spain!
Michael: I don't think we were thinking beyond three, were we?
So is it time for a conscious uncoupling for you two — Eric and Ernie say goodbye?
David: Oh, never say never, will we?
Michael: And it's more Hinge and Bracket.
David: Maybe that's what we do next — The Hinge and Bracket Story. CRAIG McLEAN
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xpigeondraw · 2 months ago
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so in résumé, ist Painter from pressure and Scp- 079 from Scp- yeah i know, for that to work it would mean the scp fondation and Urban shade would coexiste ,that would probably nevek happend ,and that the memorie of 079 goes better than 35 hours , i see to make an small fan fict.
after an important confinement breach , the fondation have put some scp in surveillance at urbanshade , 079 have been put next to painter as other scp ,the time that the fondation finish the réparation
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rassotheraccon · 8 months ago
I have a fan ficts idea for MYST shadow knight Laurance. It's like if the shadow knights for MCD are the same people in MYST. So Laurance would still be a shadow knight. The fic idea is basically garroth finding out about this. This is all after starlight. So imagine
Garroth heard these sort of whimpers/ muffled screams coming from a room. They are very faint and he would not be able to hear them if he was not a werewolf. So he goes to investigate and it's coming from laurance's room. He opens the door and try to check in on laurance.
Laurance is sleeping and kicking/crying in his sleep (nether nightmares!). And like a good bro garroth tries to wake laurance up. And well it happens that when garroth wakes laurance up laurance has red eyes.
Garroth pauses because he is reminded of Aaron and his mind goes straight to my bestie is an ultima. Laurance panics because well his bestie just found out about his biggest secret but laurance just thinks about gaslighting his best friend into not believing that it's true. Garroth doesn't fall for it. Garroth explaines that he knows another ultima. Laurance chooses to explaine a bit. Questions hugs and panic attacks :DDD
Maybe Zane hears something and tries to come in and laurance is worried that garroth is going to tell Zane what's going on. Garroth just covers laurance's eyes and convinced Zane to leave them alone.
Maybe they fall asleep cuddling just maybe.
If someone writes this I will draw y'all something. I can't write for shit.
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uchihakeimei · 10 months ago
Yes, thank you, I hate it. I'm just gonna pretend I didn't read any of that, lmao.
So, what are your thoughts abt the Kaiser flashback? I mean, we obviously already knew something bad had gone down in his past, but this is a whole another level of evil from Kaneshiro's part. It's really interesting how every little thing that's part of his character now clicks in place. I like the direction the series is taking with him! Although I'm not really a big fan of the little-lost-puppy treatment he's now getting from the fandom. Abused people can still be shitty people, and no, he's not suddenly becoming a pure angel. If anything, the abuse he got explains his actions, but doesn't excuse them (did everybody forget the way he treats Ness and Isagi?). Just another day of wishing people could understand Kaiser a bit more than just on the surface level… Btw, I absolutely loved him rocking the shit out of his father and the cops. And the reference to the bruised ball that we got in that official art? The roses? Now everything makes sense, and I'm living for it!
Heyyy!! I am sorry for replying so late, I had exams on thursday and saturday, sorry sorry :<
Ahh, Ch 260.
Ngl, it hit me like truck-kun does (and I didn't even get isekai'd into a fantasy world with cute boys to make up for it :<<)
Yes, we all knew Kaiser didn't have the best past, the hints were all there after all, but I believe none of us were prepared for how graphic it would be.
A lot of things about his character that I found charming (and still do) are now also heartbreaking, though. The theatre metaphors (that come from abusive parents), the rose tattoo, the dramatics, the milk (god, I thought he was being dramatic and it was just a cute quirk, I was not prepared for the actual reason).
A thing that I noticed though, is that Kaiser is not the type to give up either.
A lot of people in the fandom seem to think that Kaiser intending to avoid fighting Noa for the throne of BM is a sign that he avoids conflict, but I disagree (and always have).
It's not that simple, imo. For BM, Noa is the tried and tested strategy. They know it works. BM wants a successor, not an usurper. Isagi has such an high offer from BM right now precisely because he's being evaluated as a Midfielder who can also play Striker in a pinch. It was mentioned outright that they want him to be the Ness to Noa's Kaiser.
If Kaiser chooses to take on Noa in an already established set up that's biased for Noa, well, the logical conclusion is that he will fail. Everything, from the team, to the coach, to the management, he will not have any support.
(Before, someone mentions it, it is, in fact, a different situation from Isagi's. Isagi is not playing on senior level. Isagi also has other blue lockers who will support him. He also has Noa on his side.)
So, Kaiser choosing to switch teams doesn't actually prove anything to me, except the fact that Kaiser is simply changing the mode and method of engagement. After all, even in another team, he will still have to contend with (and win against) Noa as an opponent.
But anyway, I digress. The point I was trying to make is that Kaiser does not give up either.
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"I'll... start over again..."
The sheer grit and mental strength it takes to even consider starting over again after having your chance of escaping an abusive situation being taken away is enormous.
That Kaiser could even react like that, that he could keep himself, even a little bit, from losing hope... it's anything but a sign of him being mentally weak. He's damaged, and cracked, but he's still held together, even if it's with tape.
Please do not get not get me started on the 180 the fandom has done on Kaiser. Like, I knew it was gonna happen (See: Itachi, Madara, Obito) but it's annoying anyway.
His past explains his actions, it does not excuse them.
(Though personally, I was in the camp of, "He's a piece of work and I love him for it, not despite it". There are few things I would not let a fictional character get away with (especially if I like them), and Kaiser has not crossed those lines yet.)
What really grinds my gears about the fandom reaction is the thinking that, "oh he had a shitty childhood, so it's okay".
Ugh. No.
He's still damaged, he's still traumatized, and he's still harming Ness with this codependent toxic situationship they have got going on.
(I wonder though, what was it that ruined them?? Was it Kaiser emulating the only thing he has known? It can't be. Kaiser hasn't been treated well by anyone before Ness, from what we can tell so far. And he does treat Ness well in his own way. So... is that what he assumes kindness is? A servant who's treated well? Is that what he sees, when he imagines an alternate reality where his father is not what he became in this universe?
Others have also made the connection, when they noticed that Ness is the soccer ball. It is the highest regard Kaiser can hold for someone and the most kindness Kaiser can offer. He will cherish it in the only way he knows, and protect it with what power he has, the way he fought his father for the ball.)
I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I truly adored the last few scenes of the chapter; idgaf over however 'unrealistic' it is. Who the fuck cares?
The scenes conveyed what they were meant to convey, they made their point. Kaiser's rage and heartbreak were potent and well drawn. No one needed the translations to even understand exactly what Kaiser was feeling, simply seeing was enough.
I don't care what anyone else says, the backstory was well done, and I cannot wait for the next chapter to drop.
(And yes. I loved the fact that Kaiser beat up his dad and the cops too. They were all assholes and deserved it. Kaiser rocked their shit and I am living for it.)
Ps: Sorry, It's longer than I thought would be 😅
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sewing-needle-anon · 2 months ago
Put cold running water on it.
HI Tuli. (New nickname for you Tulipe).
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