#fan content or official content i dont care
asgardswinter · 6 months
A thread of Jon Bernthal being a zionist and why all of you should stop supporting him.
Especially if you actually care about Palestinians and ur going around cancelling zionists like Noah Schnapp and Amy Schummer.
You can read my thread on my twitter page:
First of all, Jon Bernthal has liked tons of pro-Israel propaganda posts on twitter
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He signed a letter to Biden in support of Israel like many other celebrities
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He never signed the letter calling for a ceasefire. I think that says enough that he still holds zionist views.
He platformed an ex idf soldier on his podcast. Giving people who have killed Palestinians and committed Genocide a safe place.
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Jon Bernthal’s sister in law (his brothers wife) is Sheryl Sandberg, a billionaire who runs multiple technology companies.
She has spread a lot of misinformation about Hamas. Shes very pro-israel
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After all of this, hes stayed silent on the massacres that has occured in Gaza. Hes stayed silent as children have been bombed and are currently being starved. Over 40,000 innocent lives, mostly women and children have been taken, but he doesnt hesitate to stay silent.
If you care about this then you will stop supporting Jon even if he plays ur favourite character. I LOVED his ver of Frank Castle. But i cant stand by him with his complicit in genocide while i see innocent lives being taken.
In the past month he hasnt liked any pro-israel content, most likely because he saw the amount of support Palestinians are getting and that celebs r being outed. Or his team has told him to stop. I dont believe hes changed his views.
In 2022 he followed the official Israel account on twitter but has since unfollowed it.
If ur gonna continue supporting Jon then block me. U disgust me if you do and you cant go around cancelling celebs like Noah Schnapp because then ur just a hypocrite. If ur against zionism then ull stop being fans of every zionist celeb.
This isnt the only disgusting thing hes done, he platformed an abuser on his podcast. Giving people like them a safe place. Most of the ppl he has on his podcast r men, particularly ex cops and military. Hardly any women. Dude reeks of blue lives matter.
Update: 10/09/24
He had Sean Penn on his podcast. A known abuser who got a felony got domestic assault against Madonna when they were married. Jon calls him his hero in a clip on youtube. In that same clip Sean praises Jon for having Shia Labouf on his podcast, another violent woman abuser.
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dunkledog · 2 months
alright time to come out of the closet
im a heal and steel fan
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that's their ""official"" shipname right? dunno, that's what i've seen around i suppose. they dont have nearly as much content as the tf2 mercs.
CMedic gets 0 lines and shows up once in the catch-up comic? yeah, that's my guy. I love that guy. I'm gonna throw rocks at him and key his car.
I like to think he's a sarcastic little shitter with military experience and a degree from Yale. His main goal? Develop a "master vaccine" to protect troops from the effects of chemical and biological warfare. (he served in WWI and had... well. He had a time for sure.) His immune system is godly and he probably has some resistance to radiation honestly but I don't think that's anything to worry about...
As for the relationship I think they always seem like they just can't stand each other. Their "bickering" is buried in so many layers of sarcasm and dry irony it's impossible to tell if this is their idea of foreplay or if they're actually arguing. I like to think they care very deeply for each other but they would literally rather chug a box of nails than admit that.
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jamesroach · 8 months
Not sure if this is the best place to ask, but what is the current HICU stance on fangames? Excited for the future of Homestuck for the first time in ages, wishing you the best of luck
as i've mentioned before i don't own homestuck. the HICU, which produces HS:BC has been given a license to the property that allows us to use copyrighted content, and monetize it.
i have been tasked by andrew to finish the HS:BC (previously, Homestuck^2) storyline, which is currently the only publicly produced "official" content (besides Hiveswap ACT: 3 which is still in production as far as i know, just going very slowly)
a pretty universally applicable legal stance on any fan stuff is, you are allowed to make what you want to make but if you want to charge money for it then you "need" to "have" "legal" "permission". if you want to make a fangame, you should. if you want to make things you can. BUT technically if you charge money for it, whoever owns the property can legally force you to stop and pay them. will they? i dont know. take that with a grain of salt, i'm not a lawyer and don't care that much about upholding a legal system designed to benefit people who could buy and sell me.
at HS:BC, we are a pretty small team of independent artists. I can tell you right now that we can't afford to fight some legal battle with Johnny Fanmerch just so we can get our fifteenth of a cent. We rely entirely on community goodwill to function and I'm not about to destroy that by being an asshole about someone making a hundred total dollars for however many months of work. in my opinion the popularity and reach of homestuck is only made possible by fan driven content.
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narutouzumakiarchive · 3 months
i was neutral towards gaanaru because it has like 0 basis but now i dislike it because sasu**** shippers try to push it as the 'better gay ship'. they try too hard to disprove a ship they are not bothered at all since they are 'brothers' and just friends.
I've always disliked gaanaru simply because it's boring and the passion and romance lies in Naruto and Sasuke. I also have an innate repulsion to the "safe and healthy" wholesome uwu gay ships that fandoms try to prop up in opposition to dynamics that they perceive as more toxic. But don't worry. Even the SS fans that pretend to care about Gaanaru and think they should have more content can't be bothered to actually make more content outside of isolated performative posts comparing it to Naruto and Sasuke. [See example below: Only one Gaanaru post outside of SS content and they had to mention SNS]
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Them pretending Naruto and Sasuke are brothers and latching onto other ships to discredit SNS and beat the homophobic allegations is just overcompensation. I mean, I would overcompensate too if I shipped a character who was defined by love with someone who couldn't even explicitly be tied to the sharingan transformation that signals said character's love — though I wouldn't have such terrible taste to begin with.
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They try to disprove narusasu in that manner because they need fanfics and official fanart and novels that Kishimoto didn't write to even attempt to justify their pairing while Narusasu has the the text and classic mutual romantic coding. Naruto individuates Sasuke outside of Team 7 and Sasuke individuates Naruto outside of Team 7. They have a unique and valuable relationship.
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And ultimately, Sakura herself was envious of Naruto and Sasuke's dynamic (note the close up on Naruto's face after Sakura's statement). If Sakura herself wanted to do the things Naruto did for Sasuke and wanted Sasuke to feel for her the same way he did for Naruto in a romantic context, why would narusasu fans not ship them?
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Like Kishimoto intentionally framed their battle in the most romantic way ever. Imagine if right before Sasuke and Deidara battled or something, Karin looked at Sasuke dismally, confessed her love and said "I wish you could do Y for me to prove that you love me" and then Sasuke disregarded her and went to do that for Deidara instead. Kishimoto would never do that, not just because Sasuke and Deidara dont have the established emotional connection necessary for such a scene, but also because it would impart an obvious romantic subtext that people would recognize as such if it happened in any other show.
And if Naruto and Sasuke are just friends then they need to take it up with Sasuke who kept affinity testing (despite Naruto understating his feelings and calling him a "friend") and asking Naruto to define friendship... only being fully satisfied after Naruto moved outside of concrete labels like friend and instead identified pain as the reason for his affection and devotion. [The Naruto fandom is seriously something else honestly like the repeated "what are we" conversation even after Naruto gave him an answer would be a done deal anywhere else.]
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dr-spectre · 14 days
So brainwashed Callie in official content is cringe. Do you feel the same about it in Fanfiction? Have there been any takes on Hypno Callie that you enjoyed?
Honestly? I don't feel the same way about it in fanfiction. There's a lot of information and different takes floating around about certain things in the franchise so I dont necessarily blame people for using the word "brainwashed" for Callie in their fanfiction. The English localisation of Splatoon has said she was brainwashed despite other languages and the original Japanese version not using the word. At least from my own knowledge. So I get why most fans would take that information and immediately believe it's true.
Plus there's more people talking about what actually happened to Callie on twitter and tumblr which is really incredible to see!!! Im so happy to see Callie being treated with more respect!!!!! It is a night and day difference compared to the treatment in 2017 to 2020.
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Surprisingly enough I don't actually consume a lot of fanfiction. I can read my own writing easily but I can't read others that well and... I feel really bad about it... but I have read a bit of this one fanfiction that got Hypno Callie 99% right. I fucking forgot the name but i was recommended it by someone in the past, it had "dome" in the name? It was about DJ Octavio and the Octarian domes.
The way they explained the shades was actually really interesting and unique! It's basically shades that play catchy music and that's how Callie got hypnotised. It fits in line with DJ Octavio too as he's well... a DJ. Plus daydreaming and listening to music goes hand in hand so it has some basis in reality too. Everyone at some point has been put into a daydream state when vibing out to music.
Although I say 99% because there's this one line that Callie says, "Are these shades brainwashing me?" And it was so clunky I'm sorry LOL. And there's this implication that its also doing something further to Callie's brain but it's not that explained well, which i really dont like. Other than that, my Hypno Callie content is mainly fanart and 99% of that has been phenomenonal and powerful stuff.
However.... my biggest fucking gripe in "fan content" if you wanna call it that is... timeline videos and people going over plot details and stuff like that.
These people actually do RESEARCH and spend a lot of time analysing the story of Splatoon and trying to put the pieces together. Yet for Callie it feels like they just do a quick read through of Inkipedia and that's it because they dont give a flying fuck about her character. It drives me fucking psychotic and i cant be safe watching Splatoon videos anymore. How hard is it to say hypnotised? HOW HARD IS IT?!?!?! JUST USE THAT WORD!!! THATS ALL YOU HAVE TO DO!!! GOD DAMN!!!! DO YOU EVEN KNOW THE MEANING OF THE WORD BRAINWASHED AT ALL?!?!?!
It's really disappointing to me that this outdated timeline video is the ONLY VIDEO to say Callie was hypnotised and not "brainwashed." And that... makes me kinda pissed off.
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I can't even watch these videos anymore man. I'm sad. I'm not even trying to send hate over to them, they put in a lot of work... except for a character I really care about....
Imagine you like a particular character and you feel really strongly about them. Now Imagine people saying wrong or yucky things about that character and treating it as fact despite you knowing "Hey something is not right here. I think there's more here than people realise." And all the most popular and well liked content is spreading that kind of information around about your favourite character. It would drive you crazy yeah? I'm sure everyone has that one character in every fanbase.
Anyways, thanks for the ask! Sorry if it was long... I tend to ramble about Hypno Callie LOL! (Autism)
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mrs-monaghan · 10 months
I need advice, please, you never answer my asks, even though you do with tkkrs spewing lies and hate. Please, I used to love every Jikook interaction, but since a while ago, I can't do it without thinking about how 99% of the fandom are tkkrs and hate JM. I want to enjoy their moments like you do, but it hurts so much to see all the hate JM receives. Sometimes I wonder if JK is worth it...like JM would be free if he dated someone else...tkkrs only want JK to be TH's sex toy, and if JM is with someone else, at least we could enjoy Jikook even if it's them just being friends. Or JK could shut tkkrs up sometime and try to defend Jimin...I gave up on TH confirming Jennie, he's a coward and doesn't want to lose his fans (tkkrs), so he's going to keep doing fanservice namedropping JK everytime he needs it... please, what is your secret? how can I enjoy jkk again? why are there so many people that believe JK is TH's boyfriend if JM is the one he loves? really, everything is so frustrating. Poor JM, I'm tired
Maybe I dont answer your asks because you say things like "maybe Jimin should find someone else" Matter of fact, let it be known to everyone: I delete all such asks. Or any asks that sound remotely like anti JK. Jimin loves who he loves. He is head over heels for this man. Get with the programme or move the fuck on. Coz your fav aint never gonna drop JK just coz u want him to. And I personally figure that is common sense. So anytime I get an ask saying JK doesn't deserve Jimin I don't even finish reading that shit. I delete. So I'm sorry you're upset anon, but if this is how u talk everytime then that's why I have never answered u.
That being said, anon pointed out how I have time to reply to antis n tkkrs. I'm sure some of u who have sent me good Jikook asks probably wonder the same thing. Why does she reply to them but hasn't answered my ask from months ago? This is a fair question. Apart from my current situation 🤰🏽 I may not have time sometimes. And some of your asks require research. Some of your asks are so good they deserve time and thought put into them. Meanwhile insulting a piece of vermin or an anti is easy. I don't have to think when talking smack to these assholes. I don't need to research anything. Plus its very satisfying and takes 0 effort on my end. So that's why it seems like I prioritise them.
Answering a good ask and answering it properly, could take all day sometimes. As much as I love doing it, it requires a lot of time and effort. So yeah, incase any of u was frustrated about how u sent a good ask a long time ago and yet I seem to have time for antis, thats why. That, and people who send links. Those asks are easy n take no time at all.
I'm sorry guys. Really.
But anon, u asked for advice on how to enjoy Jikook moments despite the existence of tkkrs.
I will start by taking you back to this post I made when all hell broke loose that one time. It is incredibly important that people remember: your feelings are not Jimin's. This is the man who in 2018 was sent a death threat and he said that Armys were more worried about this person than he was. That he was alright and that no one should worry.
Quickly, lets pay attention to this part one more time
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His fans were more concerned than he was. I do believe this to be the case 1000% right now too. You are more worried about the vermin than he is. You are more worried about Jikook antis, than he is. He doesn't care. If he cared he would pull away from JK. If he cared we wouldn't be getting a Jikook documentary. If he cared why would be continue providing Jikook content despite knowing some people will not receive it very well??? Despite knowing there are people who wanna kill him for hanging with JK?
If he cared we would be starved for moments on official content. He would keep away from JK if antis were affecting him. Period. There is no "poor Jimin." He's more than okay.
Anon, my advice is to keep this in mind. This is what I do. Jimin doesn't care, so neither do I.
So instead I laugh at them and mock them because they are just wasting their time and energy. No amount of hate and death threats are gonna stop Jimin from loving those he loves. And this is the truth.
Plus, why be concerned with people who believe members hate each other? Like in what world does that make sense?? Anon, you have seen the fuckery i share on this blog. These people are brainless and stupid. As we speak they claim that wasn't JK with Jimin in Tokyo. How can u take such people seriously??? I know I don't. I can't. For me to even consider the shit coming out of your mouth you have to make sense and tkkrs dont make any fucking sense.
So my advice, this is up to you and you only. Its is up to u to treat these people like the mental cases they are; by not taking them seriously. Report, block and move on. Go watch a happy Jimin compilation or something. If u can't take the hate, then unfollow all report pages, mute key words, stay on the clean side of twitter. Believe u me, it exists. Curate your timeline anon, it is possible. Even on twitter.
I promise you Jimin does not care. He used to but he sure as hell doesn't anymore. You remember this crucial part, and you will be able to enjoy Jikook in peace.
Plus, if you've been paying attention to JK, you will notice he doesn't feed tkkrs. He really doesn't. Not like in the past. And the dude has made it clear he doesn't like them... not even a little bit. And can u blame him? Look at you and how u feel. Now imagine JK, Jimin's boyfriend seeing this hate. Imagine how he feels. You can tell he ain't about tkkrs. Especially this year. Even they know it and so they rely on V for tkk content. (Denying them moments is the most JK can do. Interfering or trying to shut them up wouldn't work. If it didn't work with V, twice, it won't work with JK either)
This is the only advice I can give u. Hope u heed it. Because no one deserves their BTS experience taken away from them. Xoxo
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paingoes · 3 months
Destroyer - Rupture
(Content: starvation, captivity, violence mention, trafficking mention, death mention, “gay” as an insult, fear, minor emeto)
They’d locked him in his room again. Delta was getting the sickest sense of déjà vu. He was glad the tap was still running and that he’d been stashing food, because the first three days they’d forgotten to feed him. Maybe it was understandable. The Thorn had descended into chaos, presumably. Simon didn’t even come see him, probably in a total tizzy over his ever-dwindling job security. Delta had been locked up alone for a week now. When he’d first been thrown in here, he’d still been splattered with Paris’s blood.
He turned the fan on, letting the cold air wash over him. It helped to calm him down. 
The only access he had to the outside world was with the laptop. Everyone online knew. There had been grainy footage posted of the assassination attempt. Everyone thought it was Nezu. In truth, the Thales bloodlust ran deep — and it ran in different directions. There could have been any number of mercenaries who were carrying out their business against the imperial line. But there was no denying that Paris’s death would certainly be convenient for the general.
Paris’s actual condition was uncertain. He wasn’t dead yet, not officially. But Delta had seen the spot where the arrow pierced him. They were probably just keeping him on ice. He could already see how this would play out. Paris would die. The next person to inherit Δ-107 would be Nezu, who had already made his intentions with Delta very clear. He’d put his brain in a jar, if he was feeling merciful. And even if by some miracle he did not end up in Nezu’s court, the odds still weren’t good. If everyone had really found out about the first “escape attempt”, whoever it was would likely kill or maim him. So that was that.
Delta was sick of Empire. Any lingering loyalty he might’ve had to it would die with Paris. This place was a cesspool collapsing in on itself. He felt disgusted and ashamed to have ever been part of it.
There was no one to betray now, no one to punish him, no one to anger and no one to disappoint. He took a deep breath, sorting through the directory once more. There was nothing to lose. He was dead anyway.
ndhakdvsnnd: EMPIREfile2ndQ.zip (574 MB) ndhakdvsnnd: enjoy guys
His laptop almost exploded.
He had to shut the computer down. In part because it was overheating to the point of burning, but in part because the attention scared him. He forced himself to read for a few hours before opening the machine back up. There were thousands of replies to the thread.
chat is this real
check 92. that would explain all the lights in the sky by scandia.
empire is cooked
We are not doing this shit again 
lol did the hera trafficking conspiracy just get canonized 
I used to work accounting at Empire. this is the same code they used, sooooo 
Nice knowing you OP
Delta reread that last response carefully. He checked his VPN settings, making sure he was still somewhat protected. It was on. He looked briefly through his post history to see if there was anything there that might hint at his identity. But he’d been careful. Before Lemuria, he’d never even acknowledged anything relating to Empire publicly.
His inbox was full. He went through, deleting every single stranger that had messaged him “real?”
There were some people he did recognize, though. A girl he’d been messaging on the programming board was pinging him again. They’d only had a few conversations before, but they tended to run long. She was always nice to him. He trusted her to be cool about it.
katkittykat: whoaaaahhhhh where did u find this :0
katkittykat: u have been practicing ur leet haxx skills !!!!
katkittykat: u set ur proxy up right  ?? theyre gonna try and swat u
katkittykat: dw its a rite of passage :3
ndhakdvsnnd: yes the vpn works. i dont know what that means.
katkittykat: its just an expression 
katkittykat: u should b careful tho im gonna send u smth
ndhakdvsnnd: okay
katkittykat: :P
He clicked the link she’d sent. It was a guide she had clearly made herself, written in the same cheery pink text. It contained instructions for how to finish encrypting the browser and ways to brick anyone who came looking for him. It was a bit above his level, but she must have believed he was capable of it. Besides, he had nothing better to do. It took him the rest of the night to set up. She was still online when he finished.
ndhakdvsnnd: okay i did it
katkittykat: yay!!! are u planning on uploading more
ndhakdvsnnd: i dont know if i will have time
katkittykat: ur not gonna tell me ur source right  ??
ndhakdvsnnd: no
katkittykat: lololol i didnt think so
katkittykat: b safe pls <3
B safe. It was a little late for that. Delta looked through the Empire portal again. It had only been a few hours, but he was happy to see that the leak hadn’t yet been acknowledged. A little flash of fear ran through his mind. He thought about what it would be like when it did eventually get caught. He reminded himself that he was already doomed – and doomed was a binary state. Though logical, it was not a very comforting line of reasoning. He stood up and calmly walked to the bathroom, dry-heaving into the sink. His body knew exactly how to feel about it. It turned itself inside out in protest.
Tags: @catnykit @indigoviolet311 @snakebites-and-ink @vivulapom @defire @scoundrelwithboba @whatwhump @pumpkin-spice-whump @deluxewhump
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nowhertogo · 9 days
big rant but who cares if all someone talks about when they talk about PD is cannibalism? who cares? i dont. doesn’t affect me. if it affects you block ‘em queen it’s your phone but everyone being angry all the time about how someone else is discussing/internalizing/talking about music makes the fandom generally unenjoyable and hard to interact with especially when everything is a contest of who can find the “deepest” layer of the album to contemplate.
if you’re a normal person who kindly suggests looking deeper into the album’s other themes to further other’s enjoyment and experience you’re an angel baby and i love you and this is not about you baby girl sweetie pie you can just scroll and keep being a little gift from god okay? get yourself a little treat and a glass of water yeah?
poorly done tldr: why are we surprised a popular album that mentions cannibalism attracts fans of cannibalism and why are we being incredibly cruel to them for liking it!
(contd below)
but if you comment shit about how they’re fake fans or shallow or dumb or “obviously didn’t REALLY listen to it” this is def for you. if you are normal about your opinions i repeat this is not for you. just scroll
also i’m very high writing all of this so any lore discrepancies are because my brain is sooo scrambled but i’m trying here
But anyways: you don’t have to agree with the person no one’s holding you at gunpoint asking you to or at least i’m not. but you also don’t have to hate in them for it because who fucking cares? no one interacts with ethel cain content just to see someone in the comments going “um it’s NOT just about cannibalism y’know. what a shallow interpretation you obviously didn’t understand it. you didn’t really listen to the album if that’s the most interesting part to you. you’re a fake fan and dumb stupid dummy.” (<this is an exaggerated mock up of the general sentiment. i’m not good at capturing their extremely condescending tone while also being void of actual insult because i’m a nice person almost 24/7)
also, if the other themes are so interesting and important to you: talk about them yourself. i want to hear your thoughts! you have good ideas but you’re making others feel bad for no real reason. like imagine if you shared an opinion about this album or another and I insulted it? you wouldn’t like that would you? also (i can’t believe i have to explain this) some people don’t connect with the other themes of the album or do but less so. some people just really like cannibalism metaphors. it could just be their fav part of the album. plus they’re not official music analyzers (not even a real job i’m pretty sure) what they say doesn’t have to change your opinion and doesn’t affect the art at all. they are an account on tumblr. their interpretation shouldn’t upset you to the point where you have to go out of your way to insult their ideas or intelligence. also not to be that girl but it’s the most shocking part of the album UH DUH PPL FOCUS ON IT. a first time listener is obviously going to go “holy shit he ate her” and talk talk talk about it bc name another pretty popular album at this time that talks (well, sings) about cannibalism. and to go on: not everyone is some deep critic. make the jokes, hyper focus on it if you want, and don’t let random tumblr accounts make you feel bad. i love the other aspects of the album and tend to focus on them the most but that’s not a rule or a law. its just a preference of the albums themes the same way you have one and they have one and you should respect it because it’s not hurting anyone. everyone will be fine and nothing will change except that you didn’t whine about how they’re interpreting music the wrong way and everyone will be happier and i will not have to scroll past your hate comment and think “ugh somebody gag this bitch” (side note: you can argue that the objective right way to interpret art is the same way the artist does how boring would that be? make it personal girl! have fun!)
anyways if you get mad about this check yourself because it’s text on a screen telling you to let ppl live and leave them alone and if that really pisses you off…well…you got other problems. little nervous to post but i really feel like i’m right here because if we could all scroll #ethelcain without intermittent hate posts directed towards other fans for thinking a thought and instead just more content related to the art i think we’d all be happier. i’d like to add that it’s not an overwhelming amount of posts, not a flood or saturation, just enough that i’m like “why! why are you fighting! you like the same thing! be friends!”
secondary point (unrelated mostly): i’ve seen people saying that the metaphor doesn’t exist inside the album and it’s a bit of a muddy opinion about that on my part. i don’t believe isaiah’s consumption of ethel is out of love. it is (in my interpretation) a depraved desire to be filled like the many others humans have but often don’t give in to and also possibly drug enhanced. but as she’s consumed i can’t help but imagine that since she has been chasing love all this time, ethel “finds” it (or rather conjures it out of thin air and the cruelty exacted upon her) for her own comfort as many of us do when being butchered (in the metaphorical sense for us i hope, stay safe out there). but i will agree with the other side that at the very end of the album the illusion seems to fade, and the metaphor no longer works because ethel no longer believes it was love. she sees that true love was dancing with Willoughby in nebraska with all the windows open, not eaten in a windowless basement by Isaiah (not sure where the actual consumption takes place btw. basement, attic, kitchen table, living room tv dinner style idk)
edit: and if you think Hayden would be into you policing how ppl listen to/interpret her album you’re crazy. she herself was normal about her preferences for these themes, stating her understanding of people en captured by that particularity and her own personal sentiments (negative like many of yours) without making anyone feel bad or coming off as snobbish when asked about it. be more like her! plus no one wants to see infighting while scrolling her hashtag! respectful debates yes but jabs at intelligence no!
more edits: this post is meant to end infighting, not elicit a negative/aggressive response. its is supposed to inspire you to be quiet instead of mean. i also do not collect the aforementioned posts like weird trophies to show you when you say “but i haven’t seen that“ good! that’s great! but i’m a normal girl so i don’t have them screenshotted and ready to serve to you on a silver platter.
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hiding-in-the-vault · 6 months
Thoughts on c!dreamnap dynamic?
theyre brothers youre honor,,,,,,
Ngl I looove c!dt in AUs and fics but most of that love comes from the earrlly early dsmp days, and the ccs. Since I got some Beef with how cDream is treated later on ; - ; mumbles mumbles idiots mumbles,, i say with love.
Which is not to say I dont still like their characters later on! I do. But people talk about Sapnap and how fiercely loyal he is, except,, he's not really,,,.. Time and time again, Dream has to BEG him to fight on his side. Even early on, he does it willingly so few times. Like he was cozying up with lmanberg until they annoyed him back onto Dreams side LMAO (was that before they officially took the name l'manberg? i think... the drug days) Which is Funny when Sap has Also shown cases of jealousy regarding Dream. Like he wants to be the favorite and is bitter that he isn't. (referring to some comment about George I vaguely remember) But despite all that, Dream still cares about him so much. So I really enjoy AUs where they are still on the same side.
Like that's the point of my Power Trio AU. Them Having to work together despite their many issues that have kept them apart throughout the whole story.
I also think the conflict between the Revive book and the Death book and Sapnap basically stalking the prison, waiting for Dream to show himself is ssooooo fun. Dream wanting his Nightmare armor and Sapnap not giving it back. Lots of tension there and I wish there was more time to explore it. I also wish it was given more attention in fan content that isnt dranti pilled :/
Anyway i love them
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lulu2992 · 11 months
It really sucks that the sheriff's dept (Whitehorse, Pratt, Hudson) dont get credit for anything. It sure feels that way at least. It feels like people forget their contributions.
Whitehorse protected and led the Cougars from the Hope County Jail. Provided guidance to those people and took control of the situation as best he could.
Staci and Joey both survived torture and just general horrible treatment under their respective heralds. But Staci freed the Rookie Deputy at what he assumed would be the cost of his own life. And Joey freed herself and killed multiple cultists in a final stand. Not only that, but freeing the other prisoners was HER idea!
"There were other people down here with me... We are gonna get them out. And then we are gonna burn this whole fucking place down. Help me, or stay out of my way."
Whitehorse gives you missions and a place of refuge, Staci gives you your life back, and Joey literally walks you through what to do in John's Gate to free all the prisoners there. But none of them get credit for it. The game doesnt and neither does the community. I think it's a shame that theyre overshadowed by the Seeds, who hurt them each so reprehensibly
I understand your frustration because, as people, Whitehorse, Hudson, and Pratt are indeed better than the Seed family, and they undeniably do and go through many things in the game. They’re survivors, fought hard, and helped numerous people, so they have a lot of merit and deserve recognition.
But one of the reasons I think many fans seem to care more about Joseph and his Heralds, aside from the fact people love fictional villains in general, is that, as characters, they’re more developed and layered. It’s clear the devs spent a great deal of time and effort on the Seeds, so they’re complex and interesting to analyze. Also, Far Cry 5 humanizes its antagonists a lot by having them talk about their pasts in story cutscenes that every player will see, but if you want information on the Sheriff’s Department, you have to go find its members to talk to them and—maybe, if you get the right lines of dialog—learn a bit more about their lives and feelings. In a way, caring about the Seeds is “easier”.
But even though more light is shed on Joseph, Jacob, John, and Faith, in Far Cry 5 itself or other official content, I wouldn’t say Earl, Joey, and Staci were completely forgotten by the community. I’ve seen many posts about them here and I know they have fans too, so don’t worry, a lot of people love them and appreciate their contributions :)
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yonpote · 9 months
i posted some clips on youtube (idk if i did on here) but it was essentially just dnp's actual statements on privacy which were "i want to keep some aspects of my life private so that i have room to fuck up without worrying about my public image" and "i dont want to open the door to my private life because it can be a hard one to close if i need to". i clipped them specifically in reference to people on tiktok who were phannies in 2015 and recently had begun to hear about them again (pre dapg return btw) and the only thing they would talk about was "well are they fucking or not lol they should just say so already."
my problem with that kind of behavior is that this was clearly coming from people who dont care about dnp and dont care about any of their recent content and only want the tea or want to feel like "they were right" or whatever. fans that have stuck around and have actually listened to what they have said already know that dnp will PROBABLY never make an explicit statement and that it's completely okay for them to not make an explicit statement because they already show in every other way imaginable just how much they care about each other without having to stamp it with an exact word.
i think unfortunately, the common thread under the comments of those clips is, "i am so ashamed for having been a cringey teenager who shipped them and wrote theories or fics about them, and other people who still do that or still speculate should also feel ashamed." that wasn't what i was trying to say and that wasn't what dnp were trying to say either. all they said was they're never going to make official statements about it because they want the room to be able to keep some of it to themselves. thats not the same as saying "fuck fic writers and fanartists you people ruined our lives" and nowhere did they even imply that. i just wanted people who clearly didn't care about what dnp were putting out now to shut up about how "well if they dont say that theyre fucking then theyre pushing back the lgbt movement" (PARAPHRASING BUT REAL SENTIMENT SOMEONE HAD ON TIKTOK LMAO)
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megamyceted · 6 months
Hi. I want to know more about resident evil I have enjoyed playing revelations with a friend. What is a good playing order for the games? I keep getting confused on the unnumbered games and where they fall in on the time line/if they are worth playing.
hi! the games are mostly chronological and can be played in numbered order. the exception is side games - outbreak is set during re2/3, survivor and dead aim is before re4, revelations before re5 and revelations 2 before re6. code veronica isnt really a sidegame, and is necessary for understanding the greater umbrella plot - it takes place after re3. games like darkside and umbrella chronciles aren’t really sidegames, just compliations of the previous games told in short scenarios and isn’t worth playing imo unless you want context about operation javier ( mentioned in re4, providing backstory for leon and krauser, but they’ve changed it in the remake for…some reason ). each game has its pros and cons and depends on what you prefer and what characters you like! whether its worth playing or not depends on the person and whether they find that kind of thing enjoyable - for example, i’m not really a leon fan, so i don’t care for 4. if you like modern horror games, start with 7. if you like camp action, then 4-6 is probably for you. if you like old survival horror, then the classic trio and code veronica is probably for you. if you want jill content, then 1, 3, revelations and 5. i love outbreak, but its complexity setting it up nowadays ( as its officially not live anymore, but ran on private servers ) can be difficult but if you like raccoon city it’s definitely worth it. i would consider the umbrella storyline to span 1-5 with code veronica and then survivour if you want something extra. re7 & 8 are part of the “winters arc” and don’t require playing the others to understand except perhaps explaining who chris is. personally, whilst the remakes are enjoyable with some good changes, i much prefer the originals, and i think capcom said the remakes are more reimaginings and aren’t really canon, but that’s my personal preference ( i do think you cant really appreciate a remake without playing the og, though)! my favourites are re1, code veronica, outbreak and then 7/8. i will say, umbrella corps is garbage don’t play it, and operation raccoon city is non-canon and fun but i’ve not known a single person who can play it without it breaking ( i dont even think you can buy it anymore…). re:verse and re: resistance are just multiplayer games and don’t seem very good / popular and feels like capcom wwanted to remake outbreak but without putting the effort in for actual story modes.
i hope this was somewhat helpful, but feel free to dm me with any questions if you have something in particular you wanna know or a more detailed recommendation.
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c0tards--s0luti0n · 3 months
Musics... what songs you like... I need... recs..
Steam Powered Giraffe . they're a robot band with a ton of lore but you dont have to know any of it to enjoy the music !!! if you wanna get into the lore i suggest listening to the albums in release order , but if not just shuffling em is good !! even if you decide to get into the lore later you can still just shuffle for now , the songs dont really spoil anything , theyre mostly connected to the robot's feelings and not events . except Vice Quadrant . if you wanna get into the lore i suggest leaving The Vice Quadrant alone until you listen in album release order . all of the lore is on the website below in the lore and comic tabs ! ^_^
Kabaret Sybarit . theyre a danish dark cabaret band with two narrative universes . the first narrative is in The Poodle and The Grand Finale , huge trigger warning for rape and sexual topics in these two . the second narrative is Akt 1: Rum Nr. 13 , the whole thing is in danish but google translate works fine for the lyrics . Akt 1 was unfortunately only act one of a story that was supposed to be longer , but the band separated and they never finished it . what it is is still really good though ! heres the music video for the first song in The Poodle:
Paul Shapera ! he has a few narratives over all his albums , but the only one ive listened to personally is New Albion . the New Albion trilogy is: The Dolls of New Albion, New Albion Radio Hour, and The New Albion Guide to Analogue Consciousness. there's also The Room Beneath New Albion but its not as long and not necessary to understand the main story . theres also more New Albion past those four but i havent gotten into anything outside the 4 . content warning for incest in act 3 for Dolls of New Albion (its not really explicit ever but the main character of act 3 expresses romantic love for his grandfather) . bandcamp link for the first one in the trilogy !
Will Wood and The Tapeworms ! ive only listened to Everything Is Alot , but its really good ! some songs i really like from it are White Knuckle Jerk (Where Do You Get Off), 6up 5oh Cop-Out (Pro / Con), and Front Street !
Shayfer James !!! i recommend Counterfeit Arcade, it has definitely some of my favorite songs ever in it (like Weight of the World and Diggin Up Hatchets) ! and Room by Room !
Sarah And The Safe Word ! im more of a casual fan of them , but some of my favorite songs by them are Sick on Seventh Street, Formula 666, Old Lace, Bottom of a Bender, and Red Hot & Holy !
The Cog Is Dead ! theyre a steampunk band with some lore but its decently less than Steam Powered Giraffe . most of their songs are one off stories with no connect to a greater plot . you can go whatever order for them but i do suggest listening to the albums and not just shuffling them ! website:
Scene Queen ! i suggest just shuffling her it doesnt really matter how you listen to her music . warning majority of her music is very sexual though
Set It Off ! they have so many different styles of music across their albums , i suggest listening to the albums in full for the full experience but it doesnt really matter , they dont have a narrative . except for Elsewhere . for Elsewhere , i suggest exploring the website if you wanna figure out the lore ! its really cool and visually interesting .
The Mechanisms ! they have a ton of lore , most of which is in their albums . for them you kinda have to listen to the albums in full you cant really shuffle . unless you dont care about the lore then do whatever ! you can listen in whatever order , but i STRONGLY suggest leaving Death To The Mechanisms for last . i started with that and i basically fucked up my whole experience :pensive:
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rhfffas · 1 year
PLZ stop comparing heartstopper with c dramas
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This is so upsetting to read, before you defend chinese danmei dramas I urge you at least do some research abt real queer experience in China. 
China is a totalitarian state and anti-lgbtq, the government do not allow actual queer content showing in tv or even in web series. So even if the mangas the books are abt actual queer characters, the live action tv adaptation is QUEER ERASURE. It’s not even queerbaiting cuz queerbaiting shows usually do acknowledge queer ppl existence. BUT Chinese censorship do not acknowledge queer ppl existence. Queerness is NOT allowed appear in tv. So the danmei/yuri c dramas are strictly “brotherhood””sisterhood”, with comhet. Yes, the Compulsory Heterosexuality is everything to China officials cuz they believe its the root of the family and the country. Also, you know China is a place where multiple ethnic group exist right? BUT those tv shows (well not just danmei/yaoi) almost exclusively showing Han Chinese characters, I wonder why.  (re: the Uyghur genocide) Don’t even get me start with the whitewashing of actors/characters in both canon and fandom. And the homophbia&biphobia in fandom is crazy too. Many fans even do not support lgbtq rights, in fact they actively anti-lgbtq cuz they only love those imaginary danmei stories, but do not care abt real queer ppl. Ccp anti lgbtq propaganda is worsening it, so fans prefer cut themselves off from lgbtq community. The homophbia comments are everywhere. Not that diversed and progressive. 
As an opressed chinese queer, I’d say I HATE those danmei/yaoi chinese dramas. They never are my representation and they never will be. They are Cultural Appropriation. They mock at my existence. They are not made by queer ppl they are just money maker for those who have the power to make the show. If you find yourself enjoying those media, suit yourself, just do not say they are more progressive than western media, they are NOT. They are even weaponized against chinese queers who just want to fight for a chance to live, cuz conservatives be like, YOU QUEERS LITERALLY HAVE SO MANY DANMEI/YAOI SHOWS HOW COME YOU SAY YOU ARE OPPRESSED?! But those shows just rly are not queer representation. We chinese queers are still fighting for BEING SEEN. 
Plus, the only Pride event used to held in Shanghai is now banned in China, and just recently China closed the last LGBT center in China. Ppl can get arrested or killed for being trans but media will not report it. Judging ppl by if they go to Pride events or not are so wild, and also, it’s not like danmei/yaoi writers are queers. So many of them are cis straight women. So thats the reason why I dont like chinese danmei/yaoi works cuz they are not realistic. But again, if you enjoy them thats not my business. Just dont say they are real chinese queer experience on my behave.
The point is, if you dont even know anything abt real chinese queer struggles, stop comparing Heartstopper with chinese danmei/yaoi shows and think heartstopper is less than them or just arrgantly say danmei/yaoi authors dont go to pride events! I know so many chinese queers and me included who feel so happy while watching Heartstopper!
Platforms like netflix favor cis white mlm but put zero effects in promoting poc queer shows and queer women shows and cancelling queer women shows is NOT abt c dramas. Dont be that whataboutism. AND dont romanticize c dramas.
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winderlylandchime · 9 months
I just now had the time to actually check your replies. I swear usually I’m more on top of things but a certain someone is still going through it, mentally and physically since he got sick again so he’s been acting like a big baby and unfortunately for me work is a bitch at the end of the year. Anyway you are/were imagining correctly about my brother being very animated which I honestly think is why people just let him go on and on. Because I can’t think of any other reason why they would. Except that he doesn’t let people get even a word in because he starts talking fast as fuck the second anyone looks at him. It’s basically like watching a little kid talk about dinosaurs, you have no clue what they’re saying but you let it happen anyway. Also i asked him for you (but for my own curiosity as well) why 2x02 and 2x09 and his reply was ‘because it shows Brian’s both sides, duuuh’ basically the way he explained it was ‘in the second episode you see him caring and loving towards Blondie and helpful and protective and you see that ending where they make looooooveeeee (yes this part was sang) and he is so careful with him and you see the scarf! and then in the other episode you see the hurt, the pain and the bitch of a mother he had and you are forced to imagine the life he lived. You also get the fun and dont give a fuck Brian but more importantly you get a tiny glimpse behind the curtain of Brian Kinney. Basically you see both sides of the coin and it was the easiest way to show and explain my man with the options I had.’ and i would like you to know that this was said very insightfully and nicely almost like a Ted talk and then afterwards, since he sent this to me through voice memo (his latest way of communication bc of his cast which has only backfired twice) he sent another one that just said ‘seriously i thought you were supposed to be a long time fan? How do you not know this’ so I officially got shamed and bullied by a new fan.
Also he now knows Gale’s real name and it’s kinda funny because he is clearly used of calling him Brian. So he keeps messing up and just refers to him as ‘the dude i like’ so, there’s that. With Randy he didn’t have that much problem but he also learned it through the podcast and still refers to him as Blondie. But it is funny because he will be talking to our parents about Gale and switch between Gale/Brian and they now all play this fun little game called ‘is he talking about the cat or the guy?’ You’d be surprised how many times they got the answer wrong. Also he was forced to socialize with humans while sick and spending all day watching qaf and he was talking to someone about it and they once again thought he was talking about his ex. So he explained it’s a tv show and then tried to sell it to one of the (straight) guys by saying ‘hot dude fucking hot dudes (that was his opening pitch). Killer soundtrack. Funny jokes from my man Brian. Seriously the soundtrack is dope. Watch it you wont regret it’ and the guy asked him if it was good and my brother went ‘it was the worst and best thing that’s ever happened to me’..
As for the Gag Reels? He absolutely loved them especially Gale’s blooper from S1 where he says smoking pussy instead of cigars but he absolutely lost it at the S3 wall push blooper. I’m talking pointing to the tv and going ‘huh? They? Kissy kiss after a fuck up! Imagine if the wall push happened’ and that cute blooper with Randy and Gale at the bar when they tried to catch the cop made him love both of them even more, if that’s even possible. However he was so annoyed that there is such little amount of gag reel and bts content, especially of Gale and Randy. He is demanding to know why the hell there’s so little bts content to begin with but especially when it comes to Gale and Randy. He wants to know why the fuck they were missing half of the time. He was also a little annoyed that there was more Hal than Gale because to him, Gale is the moment. And ngl, I fully agree with him on this one even tho I did explain that they kept to themselves more and didn’t like to be in the public eye much or in front of the camera unless filming, to which he replied ‘well they should’ve thought about ME before they acted so selfish’
I ALMOST FORGOT! Tomorrow I’m showing him ATX and Gale’s Interview. The plan was to do it a week ago but he got sick and acted all dramatic like he was dying (it was a bad cold) so cause of that the man spent the entire week watching……QAF/Britin fan edits (my cousins are betting that he will discover fanfic by himself which I really hope doesn’t happen, especially with his luck). Most of the edits obviously made him sad. So he watched more edits to feel better, which made him sad again. It was a vicious cycle that he refused to break. There’s this one video he found of Michael and Britin to the song Jealousy and he sent it to everyone he knows so that they’d see why he can’t stand him. He sent A LOT of us videos he found (I randomly would get texts from him while working saying stuff like ‘omg this one almost killed me’ and itd be a Brian edit to the song Heat Wave) and he’d send that to our parents and his friends too. First two he sent were videos of Brian Kinney (shocker). One was to Call Me By Your Name which made me immediately remember Randy’s love for lil nas x (I need their podcast to make a comeback) and the second one was titled ‘100% reason to remember the name’ in case you wanted to see what he sent to our parents and then acted shocked that they ignored him. But yeah he sent those videos to our family group chat and to his friend group chat and it was captioned ‘*heart emojis* I know right?’ So basically somehow him finishing the show made his obsession even stronger.
DEAR SWEET ANON!!! I'm so excited for this message and update
It’s basically like watching a little kid talk about dinosaurs, you have no clue what they’re saying but you let it happen anyway. This is so endearing though!
His reasons for showing 202 and 209 are valid! I'm sorry that I go you scolded by a new fan. I was just curious because there are other episodes that show those sides. But I guess not many with Joan to show where Brian comes from... very valid reasons.
There should have been more BTS and bloopers from Gale and Randy. WE WERE ROBBED. The wall slam blooper is the best and we were also robbed of that direction in the scene because... they broke the scenery. LOL but them kissing is so iconic.
I definitely want to hear his reactions to ATX and Gale's interview. Him being obsessed with fan vids and edits is so iconic. Welcome to the fandom. AND LOL AT THE CALL ME BY YOUR NAME FAN EDIT! I'm dying about him connecting it to Randy's podcast. Which yes, needs to come back. C'mon Randy! Take a break from grad school and chat about... anything.
Of course finishing the show made his obsession stronger - if I might gesture wildly to all of us... still here, still obsessed. That ending begets obsession.
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dojae-huh · 6 months
Hi huh-nim. Do you ever feel frustrated of analyzing jaedo? It's like sometimes they are PDAing but sometimes they dont even want to share what gifts they give to each other. I feel like maybe we should indeed leave them alone and not intrude their privacy too much?
I think you are mixing up "observing a couple" with "playing shipping game".
I don't need JaeDo to do anything special on a regular basis to "prove" to me they are "worthy" of being recognised as a ship or "worthy" of me liking them as a ship.
I would be frustrated if I had no answer to my initial question. However, I found that answer in 2018. I'm at peace. It is particular kind of shippers who frustrate me with their whining. I'm not responsible for keeping their interest in JaeDo alive, I don't care if they stop believing and shipping.
Only sasaengs intrude privacy. Fans ask an idol questions during official fanmeets/fancalls, the idol can choose not to answer, listening to the questions is the idol's job. A question about gifts is on the list of normal questions. Idols do lives during their BDs, fans always ask who congratulated them first, what presents they received.
People like me analazy the content from public domain, idols are public figures.
JaeDo would like to talk about their presents to each other, it's enough to remember how Doyoung tried to candidly lift up his feet to show off the sneakers Jae gifted him in 2019, he even made a manager laugh off screen. JaeDo can't affortd too much attention on themselves, they need to keep the interest in check. If they refuse to talk about their gifts, eventually fans will stop asking, and the problem of coming up with lies will go away. Or so they think, probably.
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