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regina-bithyniae · 1 month ago
Mom is directly bringing up vacations and the Vegas trip with me+girlfriend after dinner
She knows this is a very sore spot. I have told her directly! She thinks she's some sort of very empathetic feelingsy person.
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sturple-the-fuckweasel · 2 months ago
how many family members do you have? <- genuinely curious as you do seem to have a lot, but obviously you don’t have to answer that lol. just wondering!
Oh, my dear Anon, you've triggered an unskippable cutscene. I hope you're prepared!
I'm going to start listing everyone, so buckle up, because this train ain't stopping until I'm done!
Note: All of my children will not be listed. An age range will be given, and I will say the number of kids I have, but anything else will NOT BE PROVIDED, FOR PRIVACY REASONS
My Side Of The Polycule!
Raven (my wife, legally married!)
Crow (my husband, but not in the eyes of the legal system)
Cat (my other husband! Again, not in the eyes of the legal system)
Amethyst (fiance!)
Clay (my QPP/Boyfriend/"We Can't Find A Good Label And It's Confusing But We Love Each Other And That's Enough)
Bambi (Another QPP! He's a bit of an asshole but he also can take what he dishes out lmao)
Nugget (My last QPP! His full nickname is "Burnt Chicken Nugget" because he has burn scars on his face, arms, and torso, and yes he provided the nickname himself)
Kitten (girlfriend! Nickname is short for Discord Kitten, and yes she provided the nickname herself)
Star (Boyfriend! Bit of a prick sometimes and also dramatic as all hell lmao)
Constellation (Also boyfriend! BONUS! He is also my husband, Cat's, boyfriend as well!)
One boyfriend whom I refer to as Love and Darling, or My Heart And Soul. He currently lives in [REDACTED] with one of my best friends (Hi, bestie!!! I know you'll probably read this OwO)
Doc (and my final partner! Boyfriend, can come off as a prick and a know-it-all sometimes but he's honestly one of the kindest of all of us and is always checking in with everyone to make sure they're okay!)
I have 25 kids. All legally mine, but none genetically. Yes, I do mean 25. Don't ask, because I will not be providing an actual answer. It is not your business, just accept it as it is. Age range is from age 2 to age 15. There are several sets of twins, and a set of triplets. All of them like causing various levels of chaos.
I have, technically, four sets of parents. Well, three sets of parents l, and one singular parent. And no, none of them are polyamorous. Let's just say my childhood was a mess.
Bio Mom and Bio Dad: What it says on the tin, babes. They mixed the genetic material to make me. Not allowed in my kid's lives.
Birthgiver and Spermdonor: Not to be mistaken with Bio Mom and Bio Dad. They are both called these things in a derogatory way. If you know why, you know why. I also don't want to go into detail about it. Not allowed in my kid's lives.
Prick: Single father. Absolute asshole. I don't like talking about him to most people. He put me and others through a living hell, and I'm proud of all of us that we got out of that situation. Also not allowed in my kid's lives.
Mom and Dad: The only ones I consider my actual parents! Funny thing is, they aren't married. Dad's gay, Mom's a lesbian, but they're best friends and took one look at me and the "siblings" of mine that Prick had custody of and went "you know what? Fuck you, they're ours now, you bitch". Once they heard I had other Actual siblings (from Bio Mom and Bio Dad), they decided to take them in, too. They're wonderful grandparents to all of my kids and also enable them to be chaos causers outside of my house lmao
I have 10 siblings! Mom and Dad recently had to take in my two Young siblings from Bio Mom and Bio Dad. Without further ado!
Rat Bastard: Older brother! The only sibling who's actually older than me. He's called this jokingly and lovingly, and from what I'm aware of he actually is the one who started the nickname. He's a bit of a prick, but he's more than willing to do anything and everything to protect his siblings and my kids.
Pesto Protector: Brother, same age as me! We bitch and argue a lot but he may as well be my twin. Sometimes we're too in sync and it freaks people out.
Ghost: Brother, aslo same age as me! Very bookish and quiet, and doesn't like getting involved in drama.
Devil: Sister, same age as me! Short tempered, bit of a bit h sometimes, but likes to joke around. Always willing to throw hands with anyone and everyone.
KitKat: Sister, same age as me! Probably leans way too far into the pastel goth scene. Super bitchy and likes making her opinions on things known, but she loves and adores her family and friends.
OakTree: Sister, again same age! Quiet, kind of a scaredy cat, and usually keeps to herself. Pretty eccentric and has a weird sense of humor, but she's amazing
King: Younger brother! Mute, but very expressive anyway. His vocal cords are all kinds of fucked but that doesn't stop him from being a fucking gremlin and playing jokes and pranks on people!
Kangaroo: Younger brother! Has a special interest in goats, very defensive, known to be super grumpy and occasionally get into fistfights.
Deerling: Younger sister! She's probably Dad's favorite and honestly none of us can blame him. This child is a sweetheart, and adores the color pink probably too much.
Teacup: Youngest sister! Very shy, loves and adores everyone and just wants everyone to be her friend. Obsessed with collecting animal figurines.
Anyway! There's a pretty basic rundown of my family! Keep an eye out for an even bigger post that's been in the process for a while. I keep poking at it periodically lmao
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deadbeandrop · 4 months ago
thinking about gretchen's family today
still gotta figure out why gretchen has the attitude she does but i wanna play around with different species parents so i'm thinking her family set up is crocodile dad, ant mother, twin younger ant siblings, and maybe an older sibling of sorts
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i just drew this for her father. he's pushing 50 and is like a decade older than their mom. he used to be a criminal and is a stay at home dad taking care of their twins and gretchen now. he's trying to learn the computer as a second job cus they live paycheck to paycheck. he's mellowed out in recent years and is trying to be a better person and more optimistic cus his life rn is still better than what it was like before. gretchen thinks he's old and lame now and that he must've been way cooler back when he was a criminal but he's still trying to get through to her about that. he had a wife for a few years when he was younger before he got married to gretchen's mom
posting this specifically to say i love just sitting down and letting the ideas come to me and immediately getting attached to things so quickly i'm like *snaps fingers* okay sure let's get invested in gretchen's dad
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kayesdreamteam · 7 months ago
Is it legal to own a Pincurchin in Unova? Asking for my older brother who's become utterly infatuated with the little guys since he started his studies abroad in Paldea.
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rackartyg · 1 year ago
mother: now that you’re here for the holidays we should go through the last stuff in your room and decide what to keep/throw away/donate
me: good idea!
us: [happily dig stuff out and sort it] [get to things from elementary school era]
me: i don’t want to look at this stuff actually. you can just throw it all out
mother: okay!
mother: oh but look at this! and this! and this photo, oh my gosh, you and your classmates were so cute 🥰
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kickabel · 2 years ago
whenever my grandma calls me by the wrong name like my sister or something and apologizes I say "don't worry I know who I am!!!" and she giggles every time and I just wanted to tell that to the world
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kayesdreamteam · 5 months ago
I say "Arc" or "Arceus" just as like a generic exclamation. My family mainly worships Zekrom and Reshiram. My grandma's side of the family is Galarian, so they're all pretty devout towards Zacian and Zamazenta.
i have a question
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sweet-milky-tea705 · 2 years ago
“Stop being a crybaby i dont wanna hear it” ….you are aware this is a 2 yr old baby..? Right..? Why are you here right now anyways ??? Its 12:44am and youve been gone all day why didnt you just sleep at your old place or something ???
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lemonriice · 1 year ago
as the years go on and we get older i think. im really glad to say i am lucky to have a family that i love, and that we love each other. like they're not the greatest, far from perfect, but i'm very very lucky we have the relationship that we have.
thinking ab when i was like 13 and i did not speak to my brothers at all, i did not leave my room and rushed through dinner to run back upstairs, now my brothers are genuinely my best friends n my parents r at least my buds i can talk to casually. like im very lucky
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regina-bithyniae · 8 months ago
Getting mad is something I generally experience as a choice. Something you don't like happens, and there's a few moments where you can choose between being chill and accomodating the thing, or getting mad and escalating.
It always seems like the latter just leaves everyone worse off, and so I almost never choose to get mad about stuff.
An optimal strategy probably contains the occasional stupid blowup to raise expected costs of fucking with you. But I see people get mad about the stupidest possible things, down to someone agreeing with them but phrased a way they don't like.
So, this isn't how most of you experience anger.
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sturple-the-fuckweasel · 7 days ago
Raven is sitting here repeatedly bonking me on the head with a pool noodle while I try and write. I don't know where she got the pool noodle, because we got rid of all of them that we had after the Goat Incident.
I don't know whether to be concerned or amused at this point, but she seems completely content right now, so I'm going to dwell on this later.
For now, I need to steal that pool noodle and return fire.
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deadbeandrop · 5 months ago
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hello! i'm syd of @lyril 🎉 and i do all kinds of stupid and gay shit
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welcome to a VERY long over-due side blog! i got into camp lazlo on joe murray's birthday in 2020 and for some god foresaken reason it's stuck in my brain enough to have yearly months-long revisiting sessions, so, here we are! (even when i have other fixations for a while, i just have so many thoughts that it worms it way back in anyway, so, stay tuned if i'm inactive for a while...)
this will be an archive of old and new art, misc. commentary, and my ramblings about the ideas i have, that, at this point, are sort of a retool/continuity reboot/whatever of the show in my head... this is mostly a space to get out all the stuff that's been marinating in my brain forever cus i never finish anything, and just whatever other low effort stuff that isn't going anywhere else any time soon. one day, i will finish the big folder of documents i've been working on and share them here and everything will make sense ❤️
my main art blog is @vizabel, and i also have the blogs @scoutmaster-lumpus and @slinkman that i will return to one day as well if my team finishes workshopping the Situation
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more info (about what i do and how i approach things) under the cut!
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i can be known to take some Creative Liberties on occasion, but most of the time, a lot of what i do is still heavily based in what the show's given us, just a little more Modern-Cartoon-Esque in tone and emotionally complexity. at any given time i will either be expanding upon, re-arranging, or taking what's actually in the show a little too seriously OR completely making shit up, occasionally in the pursuit of something else/more expansive. if i don't like how something is or it just doesn't happen to work any more, there's a good chance i might just toss it out, considering the show is also no stranger to keeping an inconsistent continuity and freely retcon-ing stuff. so, while the sense of "canon" is still to be malleable here, i will note i am usually a big stickler for paying close attention to "canon" in the first place and have spent the past while just trying to make what we have in the show make sense and i am only now just sort of branching off into my own thing. in practice, i still want to maintain the overall vibe, cartoonishness, and other elements of everything that make the show what it is! i want the majority of these characters to still feel and to speak as close to they do in the show... as best as i can, at least. even so, it's best to still consider it all to have a personal flair to it in the end, of course :)
as such, i don't really consider all of this (or at least the individual parts) an "AU" even if you could definitely still consider it one, mostly because i am approaching this to at least some degree like i am actually on a Project here (aside from my own boughts of self-indulgence!). in a way, i think its sort of a "practice run" to me — if i were to actually plan out and write my Own series, what would it be like? what kinds of skills would i learn by figuring it out? i'm still a novice writer, so i'd like to think by studying i am giving myself some experience and practice, even in a casual setting without all the actual technicalities and limitations that would come with it
and do still take the stuff i say here with a Grain of Salt for now (especially if its tagged as old art — a lot of my approach has changed and is in progress since then) because it's not always set in stone when in such an early stage, and i'm frequently adjusting things... the art here will not always be up to par, mostly due to the fact that a lot of it is quite a bit old at this point and because a lot of the time i just need to get the concepts out and share them, and i'm trying to relax more about that exact thing, so please excuse me in my momentary stress about doing so... i'm trying to just have this be apart of my little Exercise Zone is all! additionally... this fandom is small enough that i'm not sure if anyone would, but if you want to draw any of my designs, i'd prefer if you asked first, just because i'm not always fully satisfied with them and they may be soon due for a redesign already.
in terms of focus, Overall, i am thinking up what's basically a re-imagining of the actual series, except with more of a sense of clearly defined character arcs and development for some of the cast, exploring underutilized characters and dynamics, and occasionally re-doing certain concepts in a better way. however, one of my favorite areas to play around in is the Pre-Story and Post-Story concepts, which can include anything from backstory to what the characters will be like in the future, as well as concepts for everyone's family! i find that stuff fun to explore as well as important to getting a grasp on the characters
currently, i'm in the process of working on a ton of documents full of scattered ideas for the majority of the characters. if you have a specific character you're wondering about let me know...
do keep in mind that the adult characters are my favs, and i am also an adult myself — and this is a blog for a children's television program from nearly 2 decades ago, so while there isn't anything crazy going on here, i might be a little unwell or make a crude/suggestive joke here and there. furthermore, i'm not all that into shipping the kids, but that's not really got much to do with anything, it's just not my personal focus outside of a very few exceptions :) (i might have more interest in "future" stuff in that sense)
i choose to Ignore the finale (and have since day one) just cus i think it's stupid and unsatisfying and its agonizing when its the Only thing people ever bring up in regards to the show aaand i'm doing my own thing anyway (no hate to tom kenny for thinking it up though LOVE YOU KING ❤️) let's all hate the finale... together! 🤝
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and, finally, PLEASE send me asks if you wanna...! about what i draw or plans for characters or the show or what you're curious about yourself or whatever else that's on your mind. i will THROW up. i'm NICE and i LOVE TO TALK and i am ALWAYS STARVING FOR CAMP LAZLO INDULGENCE... i have thousands and thousands of words i've got to get through, and i have no problem talking about some of it early if prompted. alternatively, you may absolutely send to me (or talk to me about) your OWN ideas and headcanons if you are fine with me playing along with them too! i work best by absorbing bits of other people's ideas first, so i would be glad to hear or bounce off of them. i can get a little bit carried away talking about my own ideas, but, please, don't take that for not wanting to hear anything from the outside — i still need sustenance to live!
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posts that i consider important will be marked with a bean emoji 🫘 ! however, here is a little quick directory and preview of the posts you will eventually find there:
masterpost of official content-related links
overview of general character(/ization) ideas
setting & worldbuilding
introductions to OCs
information on the 80s camp kidney cast
the lumpus and slinkman relationship timeline and analysis
post-finale storylines
the lumpus "redemption arc" process
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my Honest answer: i got shown chef mcmuesli and thought he was Cute. and for some reason watching the show revolutionized my friend group, so here we finally are a few years later
i think camp lazlo is a really funny cartoon that has a lot of good episodes, and even though i don't quite think it's the best one in the world, or even that i've seen in my own limited pool of media, i do still believe it's a painfully underrated show anyway and the "personal attachement" and "fun" factors are always the best sort of measure in that sense!
it's a little bit ("a little bit") of a Playground Area for me as well, where most of all i like the huge potential and the aesthetics of everything, but i also just disproportionately love some of these characters! which is partially my own fault. so i'm overall fine with just sort of fucking around... joe murray was talking about how the summer camp setting already provided an infinite supply of ideas, and i think that's really true! i LOVE the setting to Death and while i don't remember a lot of it, i feel VERY lucky to have been a girl scout as a kid
as you soon may notice, i am Way too invested in lumpus and slinkman and they are my wives for some reason ❤️ so, unfortunately, a good chunk of the stuff on here will likely be focused on them specifically because they have clung to me like a leech
i've only seen a couple episodes of each! if i ever watch some of them though i figure i'll post about them here too. the classic icon of my art blog is a minor/background character from RML with a couple lines!
that's just how it goes sometimes, isn't it?
i actually have a history of enjoying similar pairings of characters — lumpus and slinkman, burns and smithers, dedede and escargoon... every single one of these is a boss and assistant who are voiced by the same person, which is Wild!
but, i've accidentally dug myself into a very deep investment hole on account of All That Shit I Just Made Up, and just have a lot of fun playing around with them as characters. dysfunctional and complicated dynamics are some of my favorites to explore, and they have a lot going on — two characters i'm already super into individually, a childhood friends to life partners dynamic, potential to explore both ends of the health spectrum and the story i can play with there character-development wise for both of them while still keeping it interesting to me, some weird gay shit going on, and two characters who just bounce off each other well. at this point i just like to see them Exist in the Same Vicinity at All 🫶 for a long time now i've felt like there's been an empty space here to fill with focus of them!
i really do just like character analysis so the bigger documents i'm working on are sort of an idealized writing guide/story outline for myself. it's a very long process (the document i started chipping away at is like... over 20k by now, but its been a few years in the making) and after i finish laying it all out, i might turn it into a fic one day! for now, i've just got too much else on my hands to finish up first, so you'll get to see some of it in its raw conceptual form, while i try to get myself to work on cleaning it all up, at least
and here's a gay little timeline JUST FOR YOU of the Main stuff i have going on. i will make a bigger post(s) explaining things in the future
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(i'm still playing with the exacts of this too so several time frames on here are subject to change, as per usual)
i do, but since i take so long to finish and finalize anything, i have most things of that nature shut down until i revisit them. and if there's any interest i might work on getting the finished stuff i have back online at least. either way, any information about any characters will be in my DocumentsTM and talked about on here when i clean it up either way
i made it for the slinkman blog, i just think it's annoying when non-mammals have tits and i have a love-hate relationship with camp lazlo character design ❤️ and it's just really funny to put it there tbh
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kayesdreamteam · 5 months ago
Gonna head out to Cascarrafa to explore the Asado Desert today! Grandma is gonna be staying behind in the city while Zeke and Mateo accompany me. Don't think Zeke fully trusts Mateo yet, which I guess is understandable. I just hope his Pokémon won't be too bothered by the desert environment.
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ohmygodshesinsane · 9 months ago
watching hotd with my mother is insane she yells out ‘queen bitch’ every time she sees alicent and says aemond deserved to get his eye cut out… team black brainrot fr
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luluxa · 7 months ago
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Jan isn't just husbandposting in main, he's familyposting: Nace and Pino 🥰
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antisatiric · 7 months ago
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sorry for more twain familyposting that is relevant to exclusively me, but i actually do in my brain have plot involvement set up between twain and his siblings following his own story.
i like to call my biggest and most prominent thought "the las vegas coincidence" and it's a very complicated plot involving the reunion of specifically ben, margaret, twain, and orion. ben and margaret do both live in las vegas but don't know the other does, twain and orion are both separately travelling there and they all get caught up in the same large-scale ability user related incident.
it's really cool and i'll probably never write it. one day i could do a plot summary though.
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