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kayesdreamteam 7 months ago
Time for my first poll on Rotomblr, I think.
For anyone curious, I was scared of Ghost types as a kid, but I'm not anymore. You can thank Zeke for that one.
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kayesdreamteam 7 months ago
"UGH, why do you own a Drowzee, they're so weird and ugly and creepy and-" Shut the fuck up, Monica. Have you ever seen a Drowzee tuck its limbs under itself and loaf while laying down? No? Thought so.
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kayesdreamteam 6 months ago
I am not immune to the allure of the humble Mudkip.
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kayesdreamteam 6 months ago
Everyone cheer and clap for Lullaby right fucking now (we battled a trainer in the Dreamyard and she singlehandedly beat his Metang).
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kayesdreamteam 7 months ago
Hello folks. I'm back home in Striaton, and it's been decided that Swoobat will remain in my care. She's my third team member now. I've been a bit busy getting her acquainted with grandma, updating Zeke on the situation, ordering a perch so she can hang from my ceiling easier. That kinda stuff. While I've been doing this, I've also been thinking up new names for Swoobat. We nickname our 'mons in this household, and I wanna see what you guys think.
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kayesdreamteam 6 months ago
Been getting updates from the Castelia City Rangers on Lullaby's old trainer since I reported him for reckless Pok茅mon endangerment, and yep, just as I suspected his remaining Pok茅mon are getting re-homed because of that little stunt he pulled. He's indefinitely suspended from competitive matches, too. Good.
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kayesdreamteam 6 months ago
Between getting ready for the Paldea trip, taking Lullaby out for occasional battles at the Dreamyard, and keeping up with, y'know, my job. I am so tired, and so ready for this vacation.
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kayesdreamteam 6 months ago
Going to let each of my Pok茅mon make a post. Hang on.
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kayesdreamteam 7 months ago
I know that you can catch Pok茅mon in the Dream World, but damn if it isn't startling when I send a client there and they wake up suddenly holding a frickin' Slakoth in their arms. Like congrats on the new buddy, but also, Arc alive...
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kayesdreamteam 7 months ago
Is it legal to own a Pincurchin in Unova? Asking for my older brother who's become utterly infatuated with the little guys since he started his studies abroad in Paldea.
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kayesdreamteam 7 months ago
Spent a little while today trying to figure out what Lullaby's favorite berries are (and also trying to get her accustomed to her new name). Here's what I've gathered so far:
She seems to enjoy rawst and bluk berries a lot. Possible favorites?
I think she likes the smell of grepa berries (PJ's favorite) more than the taste.
She also likes kasib berries (Remi's favorite), but not as much as rawst and bluk.
Hates salac berries. She didn't even take a bite, just hissed at it and knocked it off the table with her wing.
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kayesdreamteam 4 months ago
Um. Hello folks. It's been a minute, hasn't it?
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kayesdreamteam 5 months ago
You should absolutely make friends with people from other regions, because they will love the most unexpected Pok茅mon from your own region. Today I learned that Mateo finds Patrat extremely adorable, which I've only heard from maybe 3 other people in Unova.
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kayesdreamteam 6 months ago
On the subject of that last reblog, we've got a lot of psychics here in Striaton, and I don't travel very much. So I guess I never fully realized that full-blown psychic hate was a thing. I've seen around 3 separate anti-psychic weirdos on this site just this month. I dunno. I must be some kinda shut-in to have not noticed it much until recently...
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kayesdreamteam 6 months ago
Would it be a bad time to mention that I've pretty much always known about the multiverse to an extent, or-
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kayesdreamteam 7 months ago
Contrary to what you may think for a Pok茅mon that can have the Insomnia ability, Drowzee do need to sleep. Not much, only about 6-7 hours a day. They're pretty low-energy 'mons, after all. In PJ's case, he usually conks out after he and Remi snack on my dreams at some point during the night, so he'll often wake around noon-ish.
All this to say, PJ has wrapped himself in his blanket at the foot of my bed and is snoring loudly from within. Arc alive, he sounds like my grandpa sometimes.
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