#fallout tale
senorpugbean · 1 year
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Cywren Caster
From a dead channel's fallout 3/ Fallout new Vegas series
Illusion of character involvement <3 I also got lazy with the last artwork
Have this while I prepare some Kara art
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karjalantroll · 5 months
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absolute disaster
I didn't even have enough space to put everyone in the hashtags......
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sacreblugh · 3 months
vulpes inculta has the same vibe as a kid who grew up going to his small town library with a very selective and small catalog of media to get out of his house where his parents (caesar + joshua) are always fighting
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amygdalae · 5 months
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the lone wandererrrrr (my fallout 3 character)
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itswarlockry · 11 months
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picked up TTW and made a new LW/courier, her name is Sunday
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koilarist · 2 years
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Step aside, Vault Dwellers. There's a new Overseer in town.
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...you know what...works for me! 👍
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dykedvonte · 2 months
What's a good Halloween costume for Danse?
I think the dude would make a great Knight, like medieval style. He has the build and the attitude but I think he'd find it funny to dress up as a historically accurate Paladin and be like "Costume? What costume? This is regular attire for a Paladin." And keep a straight face because he'd think it was an excellent joke to pretend his costume was regulation. It's lame but Danse is so comically serious that other BoS members would chuckle at it cause he's just so pleased with his little halloween "prank" by the end of the day.
Post BB I think he'd just match a costume with the Sole Survivor. A big part of celebrations is celebrating them with people you know and are comfortable around and without his BoS companions he really only has SoSu for the time being. Is SoSu dressed up as a raider? So is Danse. SoSu is a wizard or something? He's their hunk henchmen (SoSu's words not his). I don't think he's one to think of like extravagent costumes cause he really wouldn't care but if it was like a party he'd try a little bit.
In like a real like scenario he's the guy who wears a slightly modified version of the same costume every year. Seeing that he like country music and longs for like a nice simple family like I can 100% see his dressing up as a cowboy or rancher. Pitchfork and lasso and all. To be honest he may just wear that as regular clothes too soooooo...
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atombombbaby · 2 months
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When your "revisit the moment" thumbnail in Google Photos is just a Fallout 4 screenshot. (It COULD be FO3 or FNV, considering my most recent FO game was a Tale of Two Wastelands run)
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the-wasteland-tales · 3 months
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Wasteland Tales: A Ghoulcy Art & Story Event
Join a group of traveling settlers/wastelanders as they journey to resupply across the state. Along their travels, they regale the tales of The Famous Vaultie and The Ghoul.
Inspired by the Canterbury Tales. Each artist or writer uses one of the traveling settlers as a framing device to tell tales of The Legendary Vaultie & The Ghoul.
More Details: FAQ
Deadline December 2024 // Artwork inspired by Codex Manesse 
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findroleplay · 1 year
a new roleplay partner search!🥸
hii people, im here searching for some new roleplay partners. please be 20+, i am an adult. im searching for wlw, mlm, and anything in between them. trans characters, nonbinary characters, all characters. anything that isnt wlm (fxm), im okay with.
how i roleplay & how id like my partner to
i write multipara, third person only. my responses tend to depend on if we click ooc, im not rushing to reply to someone who doesn't click with me. a big part of roleplaying is to get to know your roleplay partner and treat the roleplay as a shared activity instead of a chore/assignment. id like it if my partner and i could chat outside of roleplaying, instead of treating it like such. pinterest boards, playlists, headcanons, are all things im interested in doing. im big on world building and character immersive roleplays.
what id like to roleplay & fandoms i like
some tropes/dynamics i would like to test out are: jerks that only have each other [ us against the world troupe, evil idiots who are mean to everyone but each other, etc ], the leader and right hand man [ ceo & coo; the mafia leader & trusted hit man, “i give them what they need instead of what they want”; bonus if they’re evil, bonus bonus if only one’s evil and the other just goes with the flow lol ], rivals to lovers [ enemies at first sight, bullies but only to each other, competing idiots who fall in love, etc. i love ABO plots as well, i have a few myself id love to try as well. 
my fandoms include: harry potter, kpop, disney, gravity falls, adventure time, fairy tales, fallout, the walking dead, lord of the rings, star wars, star trek, cyberpunk, JJK, and many more just ask. i dont like playing as a canon character against someones original character. i do ocxoc or ccxcc.
where to find me!
you can leave a like and ill message you (:
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arcanewonder · 2 years
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we all have our demons.
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therobotmonster · 6 months
What do you say to the one who killed Ceasar?
Corruption? Infighting? Communications breakdowns?
That aint' how it happened and that ain't how it is.
Pass me a sarsaparilla and I'll tell you how it happened and how it is.
After stamping westward like the vicious cattle they carried as their symbol, Caesar's Legion found New Vegas their downfall. Their martial prowess and seemingly endless numbers found in that place their nemesis, in the classical sense.
They found the Courier.
They didn't know what they found at first. The initial wound was shocking but not unthinkable. Vulpes Inculta went out to make an example of a local settlement called Nipton and never came back. The scouts that went looking for him found a their staging camp slaughtered. Landmines had been put in their sleeping bags. Their watchman was found in pieces.
Every scrap of clothing and equipment was gone. So it was chalked up to raiders. Patrols increased and the Legion moved on.
The loss of Vulpes Inculta's forces was a tiny cut, but a tiny cut can kill if infection sets in. The slaves at Cottonwood cove escaped, though no one could explain how. The Great Khans turned on Ceasar's Legion, somehow seeing through the Legion's plan for them. The prison break that kept the NCR off-balance just... stopped.
Weeks later, the forces at Cottonwood Cove sickened. By the time they found out their camp was contaminated with nuclear waste they were already dead. Their abhorrence of technology meant they had neither the Geiger counters nor the radaway to save themselves.
Prepared caravaners found Aurelius of Phoenix's wasted corpse, bald, covered in radiation burns, withered to a radioactive husk. He was staring up at one of the locals he'd ordered crucified. On his desk was a note saying "I did this. Signed, the Courier. XXXOOO" right next to a pile of human waste with Aurelius's helmet on it.
Enraged, Edward Sallow, the man calling himself Caesar, sent his assassins after the Courier. A squad of four, his second finest men. Then his finest four men. Then his third finest, and his forth. He'd sent his fifth squad before the one of them, the second batch, was found. They were stripped naked, their sun-baked corpses posed humiliatingly in acts of mock-coitus.
The scouts reported dutifully that the squad leader was found sitting atop his own head. The scouts didn't think their commanders needed to know how far down he was sitting.
Sallow watched the reports come in as this phantom cut through his men not with ruthless efficiency, but what appeared to be intentional ruthless inefficiency. The Courier wandered lazily from Legion outpost to Legion outpost without regard to strategy. The NCR would fight with a plan that could be anticipated. They wanted territory, they wanted resources.
As far as Sallow could tell, the Courier just wanted him to suffer.
Nelson's occupation ended in a hail of molotov cocktails and sniper fire. The plot to destroy the monorail ended on the knuckles of a Brotherhood scribe's power fist. As to Dry Wells, and the massive Legion Reinforcements there?
The mushroom cloud rendered a scouts' report moot.
No one really believed that Sallow was stupid enough to invite the courier to his camp. According to the legend, however, that's what he did, thinking he could sway the Courier to his own side with promises of power and wealth.
The legend goes on that the Courier and a vengeful NCR ranger walked in through the gates as welcome guests, only to murder the forces there to the last man. Sallow died, they say, begging. The Courier butchered him with his honor guard's machete, just like the livestock he chose as his symbol.
Sallow, it seems, had been right about what the Courier wanted.
That's pure myth-making, of course. The idea that an itinerant hero hopped up on chems and a vengeful NCR sniper could kill their way through an entire, alerted camp on their own is absurd, power armor or not. It was an obvious coup by Legate Lannius that he blamed on the Courier. It did him little good, as he ruled the Legion for mere weeks before the second battle of Hoover Dam.
Barely literate raiders in football pads and machetes do not fare well against against Vertibirds and Securitrons, it turns out.
They say that it ended there. With the heads chopped off the proverbial brahmin, the Legion crumbled from a collapse of leadership and operational control, with rival raiders, the NCR, and slave uprisings killing their 'empire' via a thousand cuts. That's the official story.
That's a bigger pile of crap than the one on the Aurelius's desk. The cut that killed the Legion was Nipton and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. The few survivors of the Legion's Hoover Dam forces thought the Courier would stay in their neon kingdom.
They did not.
They marched East, the Courier and their warriors: Arcade Ganon the Doctor of the Apocalypse, Lily the Nightkin who they call Shadow of Death, the Ghoul Gunslinger Raul who never misses, the Sniper Boone who never forgives, Veronica the fallen scribe, and Rose Cassidy? She's just plain ornery. They marched with a squad of twenty Securitrons at their back and an army of silent, deadly ghosts.
They marched through Arizona, severing Pheonix from settlement after settlement, starving the great bull before descending upon it. When Pheonix fell, they didn't stop. I know because that's how I'm free today. I know how Ceasar's Legion died. I saw one of its deaths with my own eyes in my own village.
When each Legion settlement falls, as the red-bull banners burn atop the naked corpses of those legionaries who make the same mistake Vulpes Inculta made so long ago and far away, the captured slavers that call themselves an empire are gathered in a line leading to the Courier's tent.
Each one is brought, in turn, to the Courier. They stand, a growling half-robot dog at their left hand, a laser-wielding eyebot at their right, as the ex-legionary is commanded to kneel. They obey, as the command comes from behind them. There stands Boone, a gun once belonging to Joshua Graham in his right hand.
There's a moment of silence. Just as the first beads of sweat begin to roll down the prisoner's face, the courier pulls up not a machete, nor a gun, but a simple wooden sign.
"Say it." The courier says-
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-and listens for the wrong answer.
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dylanblakesgal · 5 months
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When was watching Fallout TV Series and I saw Cooper Howard shoot the sign with the Vault Boy it reminded me of Tales From The Borderlands when the bandits or Rhys shoot the sign of Handsome Jack and AI Jack was face palming his forehead shaking his head I could tell that AI Jack was annoyed and Cooper Howard was mad but anyways I was getting that vibe from that scene with Fallout TV Series in away I do that sometimes I see things kinda similar to games with my favorite shows if there's anything I missed like easter eggs and references I would love to know about it.
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amygdalae · 5 months
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the vault dwellerrrrr
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geckoodles · 2 months
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Nobody asked for it, but it would not leave my brain until I got it out of my system. Thus, I offer Brotherhood of Steel/Scribe AU Alex!
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