#fallout 3 Catherine
birds-of-a-fallout · 1 year
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First Impressions
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something-in-the-seas · 11 months
People rightfully shit on Maxson, but, like, Lyons is also a huge asshole? Like, he appears like a wise and kindly old man (he probably thinks he is lmao), but he is also super manipulative. His dialogue as soon as you wake up in Broken Steel is him essentially guilt-tripping you to once again throw yourself into harm's way by finishing off the Enclave: "the only question is whether we can count on you to help us?"
After pressuring a 19-year-old, who recently lost their father, into martyring themselves, after all they've done, it still isn't enough. It is never enough for the Brotherhood, they take until there is nothing left, and then they move on.
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irradiatedrosegarden · 7 months
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AKA, a "bad ending" au where libby cannot leave point lookout and ends up rotting from the inside among the vines and the bugs and al the inhabitants of the swamp!! yippee!
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thearmageddonrag · 1 month
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happy, happy times
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thefalloutwiki · 1 year
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Pictured: A photograph of James and Catherine. It went unused in Fallout 3, but was eventually used in Fallout New Vegas, where it appeared in Sarah Weintraub's room inside Vault 21.
You can read more about James here.
You can also read more about Catherine here.
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I love the angst of a one sided pining a character who is in love with another but knows that the person they are in love with will never share their affections and having to accept it
I headcanon that Star Paladin Cross is one of these characters
She was in love with Catherine but knew she could never be with her because Catherine was with James
While she did consider James a friend and escorted him and The LW to Megaton and was saddened by his death there was a small part of Cross that resented James for marrying Catherine
She took Catherine's death incredibly hard
The reason why I think Cross cares so much for The LW and even willing to betray The Brotherhood for them which is what she does in River's story is not because they are James' kid but because they are Catherine's kid
Unlike James Cross has no problem with telling The LW about Catherine and The LW can tell with the way Cross talks about her that there are obviously feelings she has for Catherine and she still has them
In my headcanon she talks about Catherine being proud of The LW instead of James and while I do think that James would be proud I think Cross would want The LW to know that Catherine is proud of them too
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simplegenius042 · 5 months
Fallout 3 OC - Alph Dolen (The Lone Wanderer)
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Further information under the cut:
Here's my Lone Wanderer of Fallout 3, Alph Dolen, son of James and the late Catherine Dolen, he lived in Vault 101 his entire life with his father, growing up with the values embedded to him from his father, and looking up to his dad, wanting to work under him as a junior medical officer alongside his big brother figure Jonas Palmer (and hopefully when his best friend Amata takes over as Vault 101's Overseer when her stuck-up father either kicks the can or gets too old). However, this dream is cut short when Alph's father leaves the vault without warning, and is consequently chased out of the vault due to Overseer Almodovar viewing him as being guilty by association, accidentally taking Amata with him when the guards shoot first without asking questions. The two young adults find themselves out in the Capital Wasteland, and with no way of going back to the vault, follow after James' trail... leading them to Megaton. Little did both know they would be caught up in a conflict between the Brotherhood of Steel and the Enclave.
Alph is a handsome young trans-man who is 19-years-old at a height of 5 feet and 7 inches, stylish with his Tunnel Snakes jacket that Butch gave him as gratitude for saving his mom, and is great with his hands on account of working as a medical officer under his dad. He makes sure to keep the Tunnel Snake jacket, even when he goes off to war in Power Armour with his lovely plasma pistol. He's pretty average in strength, health, hygiene and energy. He inherited his mother's red hair and his father's brown eyes, though has facial features mixing from both.
James ensured Alph would be taught to be highly literate and creative. Alph has a natural charm towards children that not even Amata expected of him. Alph was pretty naive when he entered the Capital Wasteland with Amata, but both his and Amata's own awareness of their surroundings had slowly become good enough that they'd realize a particular place is kind of hostile. Alph's communication is good enough to get the information he needs but often doesn't specify on certain subjects, which Amata has to step in for. Alph is persuasive by pointing out flaws and faults in plans but he can't win everybody. Alph is quite tech-savvy, though old world technology can be quite tricky for him sometimes. He's capable of wandering out on his own, but he prefers to at least have Amata and/or a companion to watch his back. His luck is pretty even, and is able to handle animals like mole rats, dogs, yao guai and brahmin. Mediation is not his strongest suit, but it is Amata's, and his combat is pretty lacking, just like Amata's! He can barely sneak around, and his awkward Rizz only affects Amata (he's learning, give him a break). This man shouldn't cook cause he will straight up eat radroach meat off the floor if he's desperate enough, and even though he was born in the Wasteland, he was not raised in the wasteland, so his street smarts currently solely belong to his father, who didn't think to share.
Alph has high intelligence worthy of a medical practitioner and future scientist. He does devout himself under Christianity just like his parents, and mixes the morals he learnt from that into his actions towards others. He is very much full of anxiety after spending so much time in the Wasteland, which differs from his comforting lifestyle in Vault 101. He does however get confident as time goes on, and becomes impassioned by his father to help with Project Purity. His jokes jokes are hit or miss but aren't as bad as Wadsworth's. His happiness squanders over time after losing friends and family alike, and he is not exactly patient to put off his search for his missing father.
He's a polite dude, though given certain circumstances and the kind of people he's dealing with he can get a bit harsh. He's not used to violent confrontations as deadly and frightening as such in the Capital Wasteland, and is scared out of his mind, but I doubt he'd run. Honestly he'd rather avoid violence, unless he wants to commit to it (especially when dealing with Colonel Autumn and the Enclave). Though he does have that little voice in the back of his head that sets off the second he makes a stupid decision, I'd say that he is quite impulsive. He's very disagreeable with most people, especially those of authority and power (unless your last name is Lyons)... the Outcasts despise him for this very reason. He's definitely inherited more of James' pragmatic thoughts rather than his idealistic, but that doesn't mean Alph isn't as equally passionate about clean water as him and Catherine were. Alph has learnt that nowhere in the Capital Wasteland is cheap, so he saves as much as he can. He's very physical and honestly likes to travel around, and he also likes to spend indoors, especially with Amata. He's calm most of the time, but its to hide the gremlin that's sleeping within him, and Amata acts as an anchor while (eventually) Butch acts as a key for the gremlin side. Alph is very stubborn, quite decisive and sometimes gets jealous of others, especially if Amata pays attention more to someone else than to him.
He's quite charismatic, and ordinarily empathetic towards others (especially if they've lost their home and/or loved one), though sometimes turns this empathy off especially when there comes an opportunity to better the wasteland and make it less hostile for himself and Amata (e.g. increasing Harold's growth instead of killing him). He's quite generous to others (except those of power and authority... unless your last name is Lyons) and has earned a steady balance of wealth (at least he's not broke). He can be aggressive but isn't hot-headed. I think his libido is average, but you'll have to confirm with Amata. I think he's more honest with his intent than he his deceptive, he's definitely a follower himself (following around James, Reilly, Sarah and her father Elder Lyons to name a few) and as stated before, is generally polite. He's very indifferent towards the politics of the Capital Wasteland, but as Three Dog says, does "fight the good fight". Alph is a rather cool person, fun to be around, not to mention Amata finds him pretty cute if sometimes gullible. Saving grace about Alph is that he's only obedient to those he genuinely has respect for (such as his dad and the Lyons), and doesn't bow down to other authority figures that easily, which earns him Butch's respect.
Alph had been (mostly) raised to abide by the moral Christian values, and after almost dying at the water purifier, definitely believes there's a God watching out for him. At first he thought Fawkes' speech about his destiny was a bunch of nonsensical nonesense from being trapped down in Vault 87 for so long, but after surviving his near-death experience in the water purifier (and find out later he is starting to suffer from ghoulification), he actually starts to listen to Fawkes more often. Yeah, Point Lookout and the Dunwich Building make him realize that maybe magic kind of exists. He and Amata are two beans in an inseparable pod, and though there are days they annoy one another to the point she wants to wrangle his neck; he quite believes they're meant to be. With his experiences with Slavers, Cannibals, Super Mutants and the Enclave, you bet your ass he has a black and white view of the Capital Wasteland, and the Pitt doesn't really make much difference considering Alph's natural dislike for authoritarian figures. I guess he believes in luck.
His priorities are kind of all over the place but it's quite clear he aims to reunite with his missing father, keep his friends alive (and stick with him), keep his relationship with Amata and their home in Megaton afloat and to keep his health in check. Alph is also very conscious about other's opinion of him, especially those he looks up to (James, the Lyons, Cross, Jonas, etc) and those he cares for (Amata, Butch, Reilly, Fawkes, etc). He tries to dispense justice where he can, especially for his own, and manages his wealth steadily. Fame and public image are low but he at least ensures everyone knows he's not a menace looking to ruin everyone's days like Talon Company or Raiders. Praise and truth seem to be low on his priorities but if given the opportunity he'll take it.
His SPECIAL stats include:
Strength (6), Perception (6), Endurance (5), Charisma (8), Intelligence (9), Agility (6) and Luck (6).
Tag Skills include:
Speech, Science, Lockpick, Medicine and Energy Weapons.
Main Perks include:
Daddy's Boy, Animal Friend, Child At Heart and Bloody Mess.
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vaultgirl2077 · 1 year
Yo I was browsing the lone wanderer oc tag and saw you also recognize that Catherine was black? Also both our lones are natural redheads! Anyways love your oc, have a lovely day!
Awwww thank you darling! Freya and I love you too ❤️
Id love to know more about your OC!
And as for Catherine - I always considered this canon given that her in game character model is black, plus the photo you find of her and James in Vault 21/Cut content at the Jefferson memorial…I know she can look like what ever the player wants, same as how James changes depending on how you design your LW, but I wanted to keep my Lone Wanderer as true to those details as possible. Therefore she is mixed with James being white and Catherine being black.
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esmeralda-juniper · 1 year
ok so Jaime (james) IS a cringe fail parent cool
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coltswael · 3 months
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the sillies !!!!
Will be finishing the final later yayyay
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birds-of-a-fallout · 2 months
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the purity gang!! :D i hope nothing bad happens to them!
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ghoulschooldropout · 1 year
Hello! and welcome to the—
the only Tumblr competition where all the participants are dead women, and the real winner is the narrative that exploits them! This poll was made to poke fun at the Fallout franchise's misogyny favorite plot device & backstory trope, but hopefully it also shines a little spotlight on some female characters that (I think we can all agree on) deserve better!
Anyway, without further ado, here's who will be going head to head:
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Match 1: 👑Nora (fo4) vs. Sarah Kellogg (fo4)
Match 2: 👑Barbara (fo4) vs. Jennifer Lands (fo4)
Match 3: 👑Vera Keyes (fnv) vs. Lucy MacCready (fo4)
Match 4: Rachel Watkins (fo4) vs. 👑Rafaela Tejada (fnv)
Match 5: Claudia (fnv) vs. 👑Glory (fo4)
Match 6: Mary Abernathy (fo4) vs. 👑Sarah Lyons (fo3)
Match 7: 👑Catherine (fo3) vs. Initiate Reddin (fo3)
Match 8: 👑Carla Boone (fnv) vs. Hannah (fo4)
Additional Notes:
The polls go live at 12:01am Feb 5, each match will be staggered by 5 min (after which this list will be updated with links for easy navigation).
You have 24hrs to vote, then I'll update this post with the winners, and who will be moving on to the next round
How you make your decision is up to you - but here are some things to keep in mind as you vote:
how memorable/iconic is this character?
how tragic are the circumstances of their death?
how necessary/important is their death to the narrative?
which character do you wish was still alive so you could be besties?
And most importantly- have fun! Happy voting, and may the best (worst written?) woman win!
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Still playing a bit of catch-up with fic recs this week, we're focusing on fic recs from season 3 episodes 7-12:
3x07 Red vs. Blue, 3x08 In the Unlikely Event of an Emergency, 3x09 The Bird, 3x10 Parental Guidance, 3x11 Prince Albert in a Can, 3x12 Negative Space.
Here are this week's prompts:
126 softball
Gwyn's death
TK's relationship with his mom
Owen and Gwyn
Owen and Catherine
Paul and Marjan as ride or die besties
Carlos and Grace teaming up
Every week there will be a different prompt, and everyone is encouraged to share a fic (or a few!) recommendation that meets the prompt and tag a few fic-reading friends. The game can be played all week, so no pressure to post right away. Please feel free to use the banner above, to make your own, or to not use one at all!
Finally, please use the tag ‘Rewatch Read-Along Week 18’ and at the end of the week @911lonestarrewatch will post the link to the tag for the comprehensive list of fic recs!
Thanks to @guardian-angle22 for the banner!
Here are my recs:
Ride or die by @tailoredshirt
In the aftermath of their fight and makeup in 3x09/3x10, Paul and Marjan get in a car accident and have more of a conversation about why Paul was so upset by what happened to him. A beautiful little exploration of Paul and Marjan's friendship.
kiss it better by @sznofthesticks
Nancy/Marjan in the aftermath of the softball game. We always need some more softball-adjacent porn without plot excellence!
"You love this, don't you?" by @irispurpurea
A little missing scene from the softball game. An incredibly accurate portrayal of how much Carlos must have enjoyed seeing TK during the game.
Sex Drive by @welcometololaland
We all know without a doubt what happened between TK and Carlos after they left the softball game 😏 But in this wonderful rendition, they don't even manage to make it home first!
(if this is) goodbye by @fallout-mars
A lovely and heartbreaking missing moment from 3x08. Carlos waits helplessly at the airport and leaves TK a voicemail as TK is in danger in the air.
Sweet Dreams and Flying Machines by @carlos-in-glasses
An absolutely gorgeous fic that artfully intertwines Carlos and TK's memories of 9/11 with the events of 3x08.
Let me just tell you, I really should go back to sleep by @ladytessa74
Yes, this is a 4x04 coda, but it's beautiful and I love it and it heavily features Gwyn and TK's grief at losing her, so it absolutely counts as an appropriate fic rec for this week!
i'll go on singing till i know you've heard by @maxbegone
TK runs into Genevieve, the woman he saved on the plane in 3x08, at the grocery store and the meeting provides a bit of a healing experience for him.
let our hearts beat here by @doublel27
A really beautiful fic where TK and Carlos get to have a little vacation in the aftermath of Gwyn's death and before things start getting even worse for them again. These two pretty much always need a vacation, so it always makes me so happy to read about them getting one.
Tagging some fic readers who might have recs to share:
@lemonlyman-dotcom @paperstorm @carlos-in-glasses @reyesstrand @strandnreyes
@vineofroses @bonheur-cafe @alrightbuckaroo @herefortarlos @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad
@heartstringsduet @liminalmemories21 @lightningboltreader @fangirl-paba @reyestrandd
@chicgeekgirl89 @firstprince-history-huh @noxsoulmate @ladytessa74 @sznofthesticks
@literateowl @nancygillianmvp @bonheur-cafe and OPEN TAG for anyone else who wants to share some fic recs!
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leastdatablebracket · 11 months
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Here's the bracket for round 1! I intend to start posting matches tomorrow.
Group 1 (Matches 1-16)
Sam Wayne (Scarlet Hollow) VS Penny (Stardew Valley)
Joy Johnson-Johjima (Monster Prom) VS Vladamir (Moonlight Lovers)
P.S. Elle (Romancelvania) VS Saint Germain (Code: Realize)
Bram Galeborn (Tales of the Wild) VS Jumin Han (Mystic Messenger)
Edgar Morton (To Love & Protect) VS Zen (Mystic Messenger)
Nowi (Fire Emblem Awakening) VS Elise (Fire Emblem Fates)
Maison Talo (House Hunted) VS Sam (Stardew Valley)
Akihiko Sanada (Persona 3 Portable) VS Sam Dalton (Choices - The Nanny Affair)
Ota Kisaki (Kissed by the Baddest Bidder) VS Casavir (Neverwinter Nights 2)
Anna (Fire Emblem Engage) VS Yang (Piofiore Fated Memories)
Isabela (Dragon Age 2) VS Shuu Iwamine (Hatoful Boyfriend)
Liam de Lioncourt (Monster Prom) VS Sunder (Boyfriend Dungeon)
Cassandra Pentaghast (Dragon Age Inquisition) VS Curie (Fallout 4)
Cliff (Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town) VS Sylvain Jose Gautier (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Hanatsubaki Gorō (Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s First Love) VS Leliana (Dragon Age Origins)
Barbatos (Obey Me) VS Solas (Dragon Age Inquisition)
Group 2 (Matches 17-32)
Nightowl (Blooming Panic: Full Bloom Edition) VS Isako Toriumi (Persona 3)
Adam/Ava du Mortain (Wayhaven Chronicles) VS Drake Walker (Choices - The Royal Romance)
Taro Majima (Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side 2nd Season) VS Vace (I Was a Teenage Exocolonist)
Yoosung Kim (Mystic Messenger) VS Siren Head (Siren Head Dating Sim)
Rick (Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town) VS V (Mystic Messenger)
Ken Amada (Persona 3 Portable) VS Lorenz Hellman Gloucester (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Bigfoot (Dialtown) VS Damien Ramsey (Magical Diary)
Merrill (Dragon Age 2) VS Landon (High School Dreams Best Friends Forever)
Vyn Richter (Tears of Themis) VS Sumire Yoshizawa (Persona 5 Royal)
Sebastian (Stardew Valley) VS Triss Merigold (Witcher 3)
Rock (Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life) VS Morrigan (Dragon Age Origins)
Gray (Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town) VS Calculester Hewlett-Packard (Monster Prom)
Harry Choi (The Ssum) VS Ichiko Ohya (Persona 5)
Sadayo Kawakami (Persona 5) VS Randy Jade (Dialtown)
Kevan (Long Live the Queen) VS Camellia (Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous)
Ace (Heart no Kuni no Alice) VS Rhea (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Group 3 (Matches 33-48)
Ilessa (Romancelvania) VS Dolce (Rune Factory 4)
Sothis (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) VS Laito Sakamaki (Diabolik Lovers)
Cameron Conner (Wylde Flowers) VS Sera (Dragon Age Inquisition)
Elliott (Stardew Valley) VS Shane (Stardew Valley)
Mikah Hudson (Save Me, Sherlock) VS Harvey (Stardew Valley)
Towa Wakasa (Sweet Fuse: At Your Side) VS Shiloh Fields (XOXO Droplets)
Arsene Lupin (Code: Realize) VS Blackwall (Dragon Age Inquisition)
Vere (Touchstarved) VS Shiki (Togainu no Chi)
Sebastian Vael (Dragon Age 2) VS Toma (Amnesia: Memories)
Sakura (Fire Emblem Fates) VS Ethan Ramsey (Choices - Open Heart)
Warren (Life is Strange) VS Ryoma (Fire Emblem Fates)
Katherine (Catherine) VS Jonah (Boyfriend Dungeon)
Anders (Dragon Age 2) VS Dorian Grey (OZMAFIA!!)
Skye (Harvest Moon DS Cute) VS Tammy (I Was a Teenage Exocolonist)
Fenris (Dragon Age 2) VS Dys (I Was a Teenage Exocolonist)
Peter King (Your Boyfriend Game) VS Eisuke Ichinomiya (Kissed by the Baddest Bidder)
Group 4 (Matches 49-64)
Tharja (Fire Emblem Awakening) VS Jacob Taylor (Mass Effect 2)
Elanee (Neverwinter Nights 2) VS Megaricus (Kaichu - The Kaiju Dating Sim)
Joseph Christiansen (Dream Daddy) VS Naoto Shirogane (Persona 4)
Mr. Pages (Mask of the Rose) VS Soleil (Fire Emblem Fates)
Baxter Ward (Our Life: Beginnings & Always) VS Ryouta Kazama (Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side 4)
Colonel Sanders (I Love You, Colonel Sanders!) VS Kappa (Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town)
Andy (Romance Club) VS Micah Yujin (Error143)
Anomen Delryn (Baldur’s Gate 2) VS Koolie Sterling (Tentador Leches)
Canus Espada (Cafe Enchante) VS Nah (Fire Emblem Awakening)
Doctor (Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town) VS Lucy (Your Boyfriend Game)
Amber (Rune Factory 4) VS Marco (Lovelink)
Alfani (OZMAFIA!!) VS Makoto Niijima (Persona 5)
Haley (Stardew Valley) VS Azura (Fire Emblem Fates)
Zevran Arainai (Dragon Age Origins) VS Kai (Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town)
Yuri (Doki Doki Literature Club) VS The Red Prince (Divinity: Original Sin 2)
Lucio Morgasson (The Arcana) VS Cullen Rutherford (Dragon Age Inquisition)
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theautisticcentre · 6 months
One fact about all my Fallout OCs
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Jada was born and raised in Salem before moving to Sanctuary for her work in Vault 111
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Catherine has a fear of dogs due to a bad wound when she was younger. In contrast, she adores cats
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Joining the Atom Cats was how Elias learnt he was gay
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Adam considers the best female BOS Elder inferior to the worst male BOS Elder
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Ophelia's tried talking without her southern accent, but prefers talking with it
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Haylee is actually left handed
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Mathew is actually a Gen 3 synth (robot that looks human for those that don't know)
@punkeropercyjackson @mayameanderings @leo-thecactus @insomniac-jay Tagged because I hope/know you enjoy hearing of my OCs
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