poisonyouth · 11 years
Dance, Dance and Alpha Dog :)
Dance, dance:Talk about the person you are currently interested in.
im not interested in anyone at the moment, bit boring, soz
Alpha dog:What's something you're good at?
im quite good at art and photography tbh
send me one of these!!
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anabundanceofem · 11 years
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It helped :)
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deeriest · 11 years
I'm sorry if you've got this ask muliple times, but what is this movie and dead guy you speak of?
okay so this morning Philip Seymour Hoffman was found dead in his Manhattan apartment
he recently played Plutarch Heavansbee in The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
he was supposed to play him in the next two movies, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 & 2
so people were worrying about what was going to happen in those movies now that he's dead (which i find totally selfish and ridiculous and so do 20,000 other people apparently)
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swarnpert · 11 years
It turns out Pete Wentz is 5'6 and now I'm so so confused and scared about that guy's height
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timelohrds · 11 years
You kinda did not tag some things. They're not huge spoilers or anything, they're just untagged
alright man theyre all tagged now, sorry if anything major got spoiled
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asgardian--angels · 11 years
"..ran through Dean’s head- ‘You’re gonna where that- on a date'" The fic is really really good, I just thought you should know you made a slight error on where/wear
Hi, thanks for the input! Can’t believe I didn’t see that. I found a repeated adverb that I got rid of also. I’m glad you like it!
If I had more time I’d finish any of the six large ones that’ve been WIP since last spring.
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winglesschester · 11 years
fallingwithcasandsher reblogged your post i’m gonna puke was too ca... and added:
I found a download link! but my computer won’t let me send this as an ask, so here it is
omg bless you kind soul
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cassmoaka · 11 years
1) Post the rules
2) Answer the questions
3) Add 12 new ones
4) Tag 12 blogs and let them know they are tagged
1.  What’s your favorite city or place?
my favorite place is Disney World :)
2. Do you subscribe to any philosophies?
3. Do you like nature, cities, or the suburbs?
grew up in the city, love visiting the suburbs, love nature, but hate bugs so...
4. How often do you visit museums?
not too often, but just bought a yearly pass to the Museum of Science so i hope more!
5. Do you like to go to the library or to a bookstore?
bookstore!! i like exploring and owning books
6. Can you speak a language other than english?
i know a conversationalist amount of French and i speak sign language (Signing Exact English)
7. What is a special talent you have?
went to school and got my pastry and culinary degrees and currently work as a chocolatier :D
8. Do you go to cons? Do you cosplay? What cosplay, if you could do it perfectly, would you do?
no :'( i desperately want to though
9. What is a skill you would put on your resume?
i'm very personable and have worked in many customer service and culinary positions
10. Have you ever had a job?
yes, many
11. Are you in any clubs?
not currently- i was in guitar club, art club, dungeons and dragons, hospitality, success, recycling, and cooking clubs
12. What was your favorite game, or make believe story that you played or made up as a child?
my friends and i used to swim a lot and we used to have tea parties under water
1. What fictional character do you relate to most?
Tris Prior
2. Have you ever been to a concert?
yes, many. one of my favorite things to do
3. If you could resurrect anyone, fictional or nonfictional, who would it be?
probably my grandfather
4. Do you have any tattoos or piercings?
just my ears, but i'd love to get tattoos- they fascinate me
5. Have you ever met someone considered famous? If not, who would you meet?
i've met a lot of famous people actually: Chris Evans, Rob Benedict and the rest of Louden Swain, Bert McCracken and the rest of the Used, Crown the Empire, Bill and Hilary Clinton,  Gabriel Iglesias,  and the members of IllScarlett are the ones that come off the top of my head
6. Do you have a role model?
i don't really know, the only person that comes to mind is Jennifer Lawrence
7. What’s your newest obsession? (shows, movies, actors/actresses, musicians etc.)
ugh the flawless cast of Supernatural and the Divergent series
8. If you could live in any fictional world, where would you go?
King Triton's kingdom probably :)
9. Have you ever cosplayed? Who would you most like to cosplay?
i haven't :( but probably someone from supernatural or Doctor Who
10. What’s your biggest OTP? How about your biggest NOTP?
OTP: Destiel <3 (Supernatural) NOTP: Corky and Eva (Copper)
11. Do you have any guilty pleasures?
Dance Moms omg i love to hate it
12. What’s your favorite season? Why?
as in weather seasons i'm guessing? fall :) the weather is so perfect, sweatshirt or light jacket if you want it, but not too cold that you need one
1. What is your favorite book series?
2. What is something you wish you could learn more about?
3. Who is your favorite actor? actress?
4. What is your favorite movie?
5. What is your ideal job?
6. Have you ever been camping?
7. Do you believe in soul mates?
8. What is your all time favorite TV show?
9. What is your favorite band?
10. Have you ever been in love?
11. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
12. What is your best quality?
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anabundanceofem · 11 years
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*Whispers* Okay, I just did.
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