abaddonsboys · 11 years
Voted for Cryingcas :) Can i please get some advice? I need that.
Thank you, Lars :)
Advice: Well, idk what kind of advice I should give you. Maybe a new theme? You got yours for so long and tbh, I don't like it that much anymore. But except that everything is great :)
Vote for my new URL here 
And choose from the list!
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trenchcoatandwings · 11 years
Having to eat in front of other people
Pink - Who Knew
I started college this week
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katherines-blawg · 11 years
1, 5, 12, 24, 37 and 47
1. Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend?I do at the moment, actually. Kind of more into boys at the moment but if the right girl comes along that would be gr8 too
5.  Do you chew on your straws?Yeah. Like, all the time. I make them into squares and stuff.
12. Are you mad at someone right now?Mainly myself. But it's not hard for me to get angry at really anything.
24. What are you looking forward to?Don't Panic: It's Longer Now to come out because jfc A Love Like War was brilliant and omfg vICTOR.... *ahem*
37. Can you live a day without TV?Yeah, definitely. I can and do so most of the time. But when watching TV it has to be a good show or i'll cut a bitch
47. Have you ever found it hard to tell someone you like them?Oh yeah, definitely. It depends on who I like, but sometimes it's really easy to say and some times it's really hard.
Thankkk youuu :D 
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thuviel · 11 years
What is your favorite firefly character? HAHAHAHAHA
No omg how can I choose just one?? Agh I don't know D: Okay okay I think I'll go with, wiiiith... Wash! My baby ;_;
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deanismygrace · 11 years
vote here for castieltheangelofthetardis 
and you can have the world on a string 
or basically anything you'd like...I mean like a doodle or something
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lomeniel · 11 years
2,4,15,20,23,29,34,40 and 54 :)
Oh, you are curious, aren't you? (Thank you)
2: Are you more of a coffee or alcohol drinker? I don't like coffee, so I'd have to say alcohol. Nothing's like a nice, cold drink in the evening:)
4: Do you plan outfits? Not really. I own very little clothes, so I usually just wear whatever's clean.
15: If you could be a superhero, who would you want to be? As in existing ones? That's a hard one, really. I used to love the Witchblade comics when I was younger. Maybe... or Sue Storm. Yes. I'll go for Sue Storm. (Though that might change later)
20: Have you ever met a celebrity? Not really. I've met a lot of authors, as I work in a bookshop, but none of them really counts. Let me think... nah... no one worth mentioning :(
23: How many countries have you visited? Oh gods... Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia,Latvia, France, UK, Spain, Portugal, USA. So 12. Unless I've forgotten some. But I doubt it.
29: Have you ever been in a castle? Yes. I've visited Gamlehaugen, that's sort of a castle. I've been to Buckingham Castle too. And Versailles. And on our honeymoon my husband and I stayed in a wonderful castle in Scotland. Oh, and when we went on the road trip in USA, we visited Hearst Castle.
34: Ever had a near death experience? Both yes, and no. I'd rather not talk about it, as I don't remember much, and it brings me close to tears just thinking about it. Suffice to say it was self-inflicted. I was stupid.
40: If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you do it? Yes. In a heartbeat. I don't believe in ghosts or any supernatural beings, although I find the stories fascinating. And that being said: I do not judge anyone who believes. 
54: Do you believe in ghosts, werewolves or vampires? I think I accidentally answered that one above. No, I do not. I still get frightened in the dark, though. And I prefer to not walk home alone in the night. But that's mainly because I think humans are the monsters we ought to fear. Why be afraid of supernatural beings, when humans bring every aspect of evil into being just by being themselves?
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spirkism · 11 years
1, 9, 22, 23, 36 and 40?
1. Have you ever: Skipped class?Nope. People tried to get me to do it but I was always too scared. (well not talking about non-obligatory college classes obviously, that was an entirely differen story, whoops)
9. Favourite: Movie?Like you need to ask, c'mon. STAR TREK.
22. What's your: Age?I'm 20. I'm old. Well for tumblr anyway. 
23. What's your: Sign?Like star sign? Erm... Aries?
36. Do you: Believe in ghost?Erm... nope. (I do believe in aliens tho, actually - it is simply logical)
40. Do you: Still watch cartoons? Nope. Never really have for that matter. Well, Pokémon (if that counts) but that was basically it. :) 
Thanks for asking, dear! :) 
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abaddonsboys · 11 years
One word: Quality.
Laaaaaaaaars, staaaaaaaaaahp
ur quality
What's my reputation? What do you think when you see my URL?
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mrsweasley · 11 years
Engelsk? Kanskje det. Snakker om lærerstudiet altså, hva jeg skal eventuelt lære bort senere :)
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katherines-blawg · 11 years
1, 6, 11, 13, 24, and 36
1. What made you start liking the person you like right now? Well, weirdly enough there's not really anyone I like specifically. But there is this one guy I kind of want to date, so I'll just go with that. When we first met, we talked, had a pretty good conversation, topics came up that I was very invested in, and as far as first impressions go, it was awesome. Great friend material. But just as I was about to leave, I said goodbye, and he looked me right in the eyes. And, well, this sounds really cheesey, but he didn't just look AT me, you know? gah this is stupid. Moving on...
6. What's something you're not looking forward to? Ummm well my family (read: my mother and I) aren't really planners. So literally for the next four months we have NOTHING going on. So I will literally be sitting at home on the computer or watching television or reading a book for the majority of that time. So nothing really. I mean there's things that I'm nervous about, but it's not like I'm NOT looking forward to them.
11. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life?Um, yes and no. Like I'm happy with my situation, but I'm still in school and I haven't really lived. I've just survived up until this point. So it's not that I'm happy with "where I am in life" more like just waiting until I can be.
13. What are three things you did today? Well um... I woke up... ate food... watched Supernatural?? I didn't really do much. Just sat on my ass. I took a really long shower, if that counts as something worth stating.
24. If you recieved $60 (the question actually had pounds but w/e) without any reason, what would you spend it on? Ummm... Well I went to a friend's place recently and they were playing a game on the xbox called Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts, which reminded me of when I used to own that game, and how awesome that game was, so I guess that game. And spend the rest of the money on like food or movie tickets or something.
36. Favourite Colour? Green. Green and Purple. But not together. Because that's kinda gross.
 Thank you verryyy much :3 your blog is awesome btw wow 
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stahlcommaliz · 11 years
Tagged XD
Rule 1: Always post the rules.
Rule 2: Answer your tagger’s questions and ask eleven new ones.
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post.
Rule 4: Let them know they’ve been tagged.
1. Do you like Night Vale?
...Confession, I haven't given it a shot yet. It's on my list of things to do. I really want to like it and am a bit terrified I won't.
2. What was the last movie you watched? How was it?
The last movie I watched was Anna Karenina with my sister's boyfriend's mother, who i had only just met yesterday. My sister was like OH let's go to Michael's boat and i'll just dump you with the fam while i go on a really romantic date of stargazing for the meteor shower which was the whole reason we were originally going out but i need to spend even more time with my beloved boyfriend. It was a bit strained. But the movie was really interesting, if not easy to lose track of. The sets were fantastic, it reminded me of a play's movement with the benefit of a camera. Everything in that film was bursting with symbolism and foreshadowing and i just ate it up. I want to watch it again so that i know that i caught everything.
3. What was the last book you read? How was it?
DW Shada. Oh my god it was brilliant. I read it in a day and i just... Want more. I love humorous writing, and i was rolling on the floor.
4. What have you learnt recently?
5. How did you met your crush?
a theatre program at school freshman year:D (I'm still made fun of for the baboon thing)
6. If you could learn one random skill, what would it be?
Okay- I cannot shimmy. Do not ask me why, the movement doesn't come. All. I. Want. Is shimmy capabilities. Okay but other than that i want telekinesis. And time travel. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand i want to know how to do carpentry and metal work. No real reason for that uhhh the skill of persuasion, man i would love that. Yes.
7. What do you think people think of you?
Honestly, a lot of people like me, for whatever reason. Generally i feel as though i overstep and annoy often. My friends tell me that other people tell THEM that they think i'm really nice and funny. (seriously people, tell me that and i will shower you in love and baked goods, why do you keep your silence?!)
8. What’s something you wish everybody knew about you?
Honestly i don't really do much introspection so this is a weird question for me. Surface answer : i wish everyone knew i don't like chicken so i'd stop getting harried about it.
9. What’s your worst memory from school?
Spanish class freshman year. All of it. . . all of it.
10. The zombie apocalypse is coming. You grab something from your room and run. What is it?
Swiss army knife? (I admit i wouldn't know how to deal with zombies)
11. Did you grow up in a big or small town?
My town sucks. It's in central NJ and it is big in the sprawling sense. You can't really get anywhere walking. I'm about to bang my head against the wall with the frustration of needing to be driven e v e r y w h e r e. BUT in three more months i'll be driving, so that'll help. But i guess my my town is big?
1. What's your favorite music anything? (Genera, band, song, ect.)
2. Do you ever just want to run away?
3. If yeah, where in the world would you go? If no... well, where do you want to go anyway, answer the question.
4. How's your country?
5.Do you have any religious thoughts? One God, many Gods, no god, balance, karma, nature?
6. Favorite food?
7. How do you like to receive your media? (Reading, watching, listening, participating, ect.)
8.Can you believe that the other day i had to explain who Sherlock Holmes is? You don't have to answer that i'm just outraged.
9. Nature and Nurture are in a duel. Who do you place your bet on?
10. Are you left or right brained?
11. What's the most outrageous thing you've done? In public?
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thuviel · 11 years
Tumblr media
castieltheangelofthetardis replied to your post: Hey beautiful person!❤ Once you get this, you must share five random facts about yourself and then pass this on to ten of your favorite followers! :)
Aww, you are you are the person with the most multi-talented I’ve ever met, but why are you quiting or don’t you have time? And you will get over broadchurch, maybe in 5 to 10 years, hehe. And i really hope you get in, sounds good from what i have read.:)
aww thank :3 but yeah there'a little time also it's really hard for me to get to the ice rink cause it's far away and I would depend on people giving me a ride and there's like no one living close to me so yeah :/
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denisvilleneuv · 11 years
Uprising - Muse
song:★★★★✰url: alright | love it | howicon: alright | love it | howsidebar: alright |love it | howoverall: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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thrandul · 11 years
Keep Destielsarmy :)
What I like the most : postsBlog : 7.8 /10 Advice : maybe anotehr theme idk
No more please, I won’t change it (:
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ratfriends · 11 years
famous: vomit | meh | okay | good | great | flawless | perfect in every way | omg i can’t | husband/wife
blog: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 10+ | omg i can’t
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abaddonsboys · 11 years
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