zamalie · 4 years
D3ancas is like a heavy ass meal with all the depth and history and little moments that make it such an emotional ship w like cute and also sad moments between them
Samc4s is like a nice salad where there’s nowhere near as much there but like. Sometimes u just feel like going for something light instead
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notdrunkburns · 11 years
d3ancas replied to your post: d3ancas replied to your photo: i’m not obsessed...
ahhh pls you’re lovely and no seriously I keep thinking it’s just your average bloggers on my dash but then you post a picture and I am speechless bc so much beauty (and I love your hair and the flower crown too)
i'm dying, you are killing meee xx
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cassmoaka · 11 years
1) Post the rules
2) Answer the questions
3) Add 12 new ones
4) Tag 12 blogs and let them know they are tagged
1.  What’s your favorite city or place?
my favorite place is Disney World :)
2. Do you subscribe to any philosophies?
3. Do you like nature, cities, or the suburbs?
grew up in the city, love visiting the suburbs, love nature, but hate bugs so...
4. How often do you visit museums?
not too often, but just bought a yearly pass to the Museum of Science so i hope more!
5. Do you like to go to the library or to a bookstore?
bookstore!! i like exploring and owning books
6. Can you speak a language other than english?
i know a conversationalist amount of French and i speak sign language (Signing Exact English)
7. What is a special talent you have?
went to school and got my pastry and culinary degrees and currently work as a chocolatier :D
8. Do you go to cons? Do you cosplay? What cosplay, if you could do it perfectly, would you do?
no :'( i desperately want to though
9. What is a skill you would put on your resume?
i'm very personable and have worked in many customer service and culinary positions
10. Have you ever had a job?
yes, many
11. Are you in any clubs?
not currently- i was in guitar club, art club, dungeons and dragons, hospitality, success, recycling, and cooking clubs
12. What was your favorite game, or make believe story that you played or made up as a child?
my friends and i used to swim a lot and we used to have tea parties under water
1. What fictional character do you relate to most?
Tris Prior
2. Have you ever been to a concert?
yes, many. one of my favorite things to do
3. If you could resurrect anyone, fictional or nonfictional, who would it be?
probably my grandfather
4. Do you have any tattoos or piercings?
just my ears, but i'd love to get tattoos- they fascinate me
5. Have you ever met someone considered famous? If not, who would you meet?
i've met a lot of famous people actually: Chris Evans, Rob Benedict and the rest of Louden Swain, Bert McCracken and the rest of the Used, Crown the Empire, Bill and Hilary Clinton,  Gabriel Iglesias,  and the members of IllScarlett are the ones that come off the top of my head
6. Do you have a role model?
i don't really know, the only person that comes to mind is Jennifer Lawrence
7. What’s your newest obsession? (shows, movies, actors/actresses, musicians etc.)
ugh the flawless cast of Supernatural and the Divergent series
8. If you could live in any fictional world, where would you go?
King Triton's kingdom probably :)
9. Have you ever cosplayed? Who would you most like to cosplay?
i haven't :( but probably someone from supernatural or Doctor Who
10. What’s your biggest OTP? How about your biggest NOTP?
OTP: Destiel <3 (Supernatural) NOTP: Corky and Eva (Copper)
11. Do you have any guilty pleasures?
Dance Moms omg i love to hate it
12. What’s your favorite season? Why?
as in weather seasons i'm guessing? fall :) the weather is so perfect, sweatshirt or light jacket if you want it, but not too cold that you need one
1. What is your favorite book series?
2. What is something you wish you could learn more about?
3. Who is your favorite actor? actress?
4. What is your favorite movie?
5. What is your ideal job?
6. Have you ever been camping?
7. Do you believe in soul mates?
8. What is your all time favorite TV show?
9. What is your favorite band?
10. Have you ever been in love?
11. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
12. What is your best quality?
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phantmthread · 11 years
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chnsevans · 11 years
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d3ancas replied to your post: reblogged your photoset: supernatural au └ Dean...
that gif is perfect though oh my god (also don’t worry your gifset was also perfect <3)
haha leslie knope <3 and aw shucks
nah i actually did expect at least one person to point it out sigh 
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thedoctorstimorousbeastie replied to your post: reblogged your photoset: supernatural au └ Dean...
Don’t worry. Just think of all the people who reblogged it and decided NOT to taint it with idiocy.
hahaha yes, that does help
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cashands-blog-blog · 11 years
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d3ancas replied to your post: ok….so I was here some time ago, then I go off for...
I always end up unfollowing a few people during con weekends :c
yah, I feel ya. x__x;; bluah, I'm really reluctant to unfollow people because it already has taken lot of pondering and decissions to follow in the first place x'D (or to steer away from the blogs I have bookmarked and look alot) and I also hate blacklisting stuff and all that hassle, so yah...maybe best to just return tomorrow. Really hoping things will calm down by then. I just can't handle all the stuff like this. Sometimes it feels like with every happening things just explode bigger and bigger. uuuaghhh. 
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guardean-archive · 11 years
walk into ur ask like whatup i got a big dorky smile on my face becos of u
you are literally the cutest butthead in the whole wide world
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cocklestrash · 12 years
d3ancas replied to your post: HAPPY BIRTHDAYY!!!! I hope you have a wonderful birthday party with booze and an hot people and delicious cake and thoughtful and awesome gifts (idk if you’re into birthday parties but if not, I hope you spend it exactly the way you want to)
LOOK AT YOU BEING COCKY ANS SHIT ALREADY omg fiiiiiiiine you’re really hot I have to admit :D
hahaha mission accomplished
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bexism · 12 years
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d3ancas replied to your post: you’ve stormed out of your house, crying, alone,...
bex that was not nice omg i’m gonna cry are you happy now
maybe if you start crying, dean will come and hug you 
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woosome · 12 years
ublububbb, Nia you’re too sweet ;U;~~~thank yuuuu~~ //hugs~
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phantmthread · 11 years
d3ancas replied to your post: HOMESTUCK BUT HOMEWORK ugh
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lyriumglow · 12 years
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vampstiel replied to your post: .
I love you
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I love you too darling, you'll never get rid of me.
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vennstiel replied to your post: .
sorry. :(
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oh gosh no! I love you so much and for all of your thoughts and ideas and pls I can't wait to try and get it all in on my day off It was just a few things that happened today at university, people are ass holes that's why I love tumblr and writing and everyone on here
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d3ancas replied to your post: can you post some sn blogs??
oh my god thank you sdkfjalkj you’re so kind, really :) I think this is why I just got a sudden influx of followers oh man I was kinda worried
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Oh I'm glad it got you a few followers! You deserve them, you are wonderful! <3
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chnsevans · 11 years
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thedoctorstimorousbeastie replied to your post: ok so what are some vital/your fave castiel...
“These make me very happy”
another good one! ahhh though this won't be as easy as deanna
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d3ancas replied to your post: d3ancas replied to your post: ok so what are some...
oh don’t worry these are just some of my faves (and most are from s6 so that would be a bit problematic to put them all in there i think :D)
hahah that's alright! thanks for the food for thought though
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cashands-blog-blog · 12 years
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you know...it just always makes me smile widely to see your urls next to eachother~
just btw.
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guardean-archive · 12 years
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thats because youre a little shit
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cocklestrash · 12 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAYY!!!! I hope you have a wonderful birthday party with booze and an hot people and delicious cake and thoughtful and awesome gifts (idk if you're into birthday parties but if not, I hope you spend it exactly the way you want to)
well my mom gave me a handle of booze for my birthday, but idk when I’m going to really drink?????
but I’m getting cake later today hahah yes at some fancy restaurant. My goal is to be a cocky asshole because I can. 
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