#what an ask box?
kyri45 · 2 months
Oh, Red Son has a crush on mk! I love this ship and how did he start having a crush on him?
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Oh it was very romantic a truly emotional and intimate moment/s
Shadowpeach Bio Parent AU (PREV / FIRST /
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slavhew · 3 months
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look at this idiot not aware that his body is warm and his touch comforting everyone point and laugh
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bionicboxes · 6 months
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this is all just a bad dream. and you're never waking up.
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version without the 'proceed' text
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worldformula · 10 months
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you don’t know what you’re asking for.
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jackyjackdraws · 4 days
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This AU has got me on a chokehold and I haven't drawn angst in a while, so here you go!
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wltsquareih · 1 month
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kmesons · 5 days
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@paulkins-week alternate: roleswap
it's still paulkins week for another hour (or so) in my timezone! I'm glad I got at least one prompt finished before it officially ended.
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comrade-cabbage · 17 days
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a beloved mutual of mine suggested i share this with the world, so please enjoy 💖
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gigizetz · 2 months
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o7 for dead X eye guy he shall never be forgotten
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claraoswalds · 4 months
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#mrs flood who are you: time lord edition
#dwedit#doctor who#mrs flood#fifteenth doctor#the master#jacobi!master#tenth doctor#jack harkness#martha jones#twelfth doctor#ninth doctor#*#okay here is my argument: mrs flood IS a time lord but her presence here has nothing to do with the doctor#instead she's here because of ruby. she's seemingly part of/related to the pantheon of discord & we know that ruby is connected to them too#so i think that she was deliberately placed as ruby's neighbor by the pantheon/oldest one/ruby's mom/? in order to watch over her#it also explains why she was there to check on ruby in 1.04. once she realizes she's on the phone w carla she says 'nothing to do with me'#and she leaves. which implies that it COULD have had something to do with her. if it had been something else going on#ANYWAY. to get to the time lordness of it all. rn i personally believe that she's a time lord that's been hiding on earth for 50+ years#bc i don't think she recognized the police box as a tardis initially. that first quote should be taken at face value.#instead picture this: she's watching over ruby as per usual. a police box is there - weird but nbd. then it dematerializes in front of her.#she drops her groceries. she's shocked. she kinda looks scared. if she already knew it was a tardis why would she react like that?#so imo she knows OF tardises. she DIDN'T know the police box was one. and she's worried the time lords have found her hence the fear.#but when nothing happens and nobody comes at her she realizes she's still safe#later when she sees the doctor she realizes the tardis is his/he must be a time lord. he doesn't identify her but that's happened before#so then when she asks him who he is i think what she's actually asking for is his title. WHICH time lord are you.#bc lbr if she knows abt tardises then she knows about time lords and if she knows abt time lords she knows what it means for ruby#to be joining him - and that's why she wishes ruby good luck. meanwhile this is clearly the outcome she WANTS (them to be together)#bc she gets visibly upset when the doctor seems to decide to leave without ruby.#and for once i'm not master clowning bc the list of names the doctor gives out is VERY interesting. some of them we've never heard before:#the bishop; the conquistador; later he adds the pedant and sagi-shi and reiterates the bishop AGAIN. so i wonder if she's the bishop.....
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unboundprompts · 10 months
A SHORT X TALL ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP!!!! yes pls. they would be funny if you wrote it so pls
Height differences are my kryptonite I swear
Height Difference OTP Prompts
-> feel free to edit and adjust pronouns as you see fit.
"I love you," she mumbled, turning her head in embarrassment. "What did you say?" He teased, poking her. "I couldn't hear you from way up here." She huffed, looking up at him while a blush spread across her cheeks. "I said, I love you, you giant idiot."
"Can I borrow your shirt?" She asked, holding it up. "Yeah," her girlfriend responded, "if you want to look like you're wearing a parachute."
"You know, I've always liked it when you're on your knees," They said teasingly, brushing his hair behind his ear. "Why?" He asked, lip quirking upwards. "So you can finally look me in the eyes?"
She planted a soft kiss to the top of their head. "You can kiss me on the lips like a normal person, you know," they told her, raising an eyebrow. She shrugged. "It takes so much effort to bend over."
"You give the best hugs, I swear."
"You might have fourteen inches on me, but that does not mean I won't still kick your ass."
"You're acting like a child." "Well, at least I don't look like one."
"If you don't stop hiding the cookies on the top shelf I'm coming after your kneecaps."
"Lean over." "Why?" "Lean over." "For what?" "So I can kiss you!"
If you like what I do and want to support me, please consider donating! I also offer editing services and other writing advice on my Ko-fi!
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kyri45 · 25 days
The thing that did it for me in this update is the fact that MK reaching for Wukong while Macaque holds him is kinda mirrorring the time he turned into a baby and was reaching for Macaque while Wukong held him.
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I love those monkeys so much im gonna sob about it i love this flipping comic
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AKDNAISBA ok so- when I drew the scene (the latest one with unglamoured macaque) in my head I had the "oh let's make it a parallel to the scene with baby MK and him reaching for Macaque!"
But I never actually went back to look at the panels bc I kind of remembered how they were AND NOW THAT I LOOK THEM IN COMPARISON THE EXPRESSIONS ARE LITERALLY THE SAME WTF
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corviiids · 6 months
tbh au where L just doesn't seem to zero in on light as kira at all and light is smug at first but then starts to get increasingly frustrated as L keeps taking swings and missing completely. gets kinda close and then announces the biggest suspect is sayu yagami. don't worry about the older one, he's just an ordinary boy. L never even makes contact. light's dropping signs and L is picking them up but completely misinterpreting them. light's like this guy's a fucking idiot lmfao?? i could get away with this forever. but then he gets bored with no one to play with and he's irritated that L keeps giving credit to every random idiot for being kira. light starts dropping more and more brazen clues trying to see if this stupid detective can take a hint and then L arrests him off the massive trail of evidence he's been leaving for months
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stuck-writing-sickos · 4 months
In Poor Taste [P2]
[Series Link]
(Yandere x Reader)
[Warning: misogyny, xenophobia, hint to racism, explicit language, asshole male lead]
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You were never crazy about spoiled rich men. They were nothing but troubles.
He knew your type. Quiet, agreeable, and a little bit of a pushover.
He didn't say it, but he had noticed your lack of reaction when Tahara revoked your right to the summer break. Truth was, he never paid attention to women like you when he was in college. The quiet ones who took things seriously as if they had something to lose, those were hard to get. He never bothered with those who were hard to get when there were plenty of other options. He liked the sunkissed  blondes who knew to dress up in white sundresses and spaghetti straps, those who knew to party on Saturday and yoga class on Sunday. They never put up a hard fight, just the right amount, and when he got bored so did they. In and out of his bedroom they whirled, whimsical and effortless. He never bothered to find out if they were smart or complicated, and if they tried to show him, he'd move on to the next. A part of him felt bad, but the encouraging jokes and nudges of his frat brothers overrode that twinge in his chest when he saw sad eyes following him down the campus walkway. It didn't matter, not if he got the liquor and summer yatch trips.
He also liked other types. Soft-spoken brunettes who listened to sad songs and doodled hearts onto his notes. Fierce raven-haired girls who knew to throw back shots and moved their bodies to the music. The rich exchange girls who, despite their attitudes, knew their ways around his body and submitted to his rhythm. He liked them all because he could consume them, so he said he support women. Those he didn't like, well, they were on their own.
So he didn't mind that you were older and reserved. True, he never bothered with women like you because he thought he could do without them, but now that he was in Tokyo all alone, he could see your values. So, he thought to look.
You were the serious type. Soft-spoken, patient, and reserved. You looked after yourself rather dilligently - your clothes fit well, and you smelled of subtle floral perfume. Your movement when you walked around the school were gentle but decisive - you knew what to do, and you did it quick, as if you always had something better to do. A part of him didn't like that. For why, he didn't interrogate. "Why" was never a questioned he bothered with, since he could do well for the first 22 years of his life without it. When someone always get what they want, they hardly ever want to know "why".
He knew he was brash and bold to ask you out for dinner, but he assumed you knew the implication. He was interested enough. You had a fine body, and you knew how to look good. "Late bloomer" was what he liked to call women like you, the type who took themselves too seriously in school, but then learnt how to be pretty in their latter years. They would know how to relax, to not be so uptight.
So there he sat in a booth at a restaurant downtown, waiting, a little impatient to see that you were late. Perhaps he was to blame to tell you to take your time and freshen up at home. He wondered if you would doll up. Where would you show your skin? Where would you shave? He liked it shaved. His fingers toyed with the small tea cup, tapping its side and running down the curve of its rim.
"Hi! Sorry for the wait... I was caught up with a phone call."
He looked up. There you were, smiling down at him. He shamelessly looked at your body, studying the way the nice dress pants accentuate your hip and ass. Then, as you sat down, he took notes of your off-shoulder top, then the blink of your earrings. You may tried to make it seem innocuous, but he could tell. You dressed up for him.
"Not at all! I just got here."
You kept your smile on. He didn't notice that it was manufactured. He was caught up watching you leaning forward, your fingers flipping over the menu. The way your cleavage was catching shadow captured his attention.
"So, how is Tokyo treating you?"
He didn't think you would speak first. You barely humored any small talks during the day, only giving him just enough.
"It's good, it's good", he mused, "I'm enjoying the new culture and people. It's all very new to me, so I'm excited."
You looked up at him now, your eyes narrowing as your smile widened.
"It's a great city. There's always something to look at. Do you ever miss your friends and family, though?"
He leaned in as well, closing the gap. He could see you flinch just barely as his fluffy black curls almost tickle your forehead.
"Well, of course. I miss my family a lot, especially my sister. She's applying for college soon, and I wish I could be there to support her, you know?"
"You have a sister?"
He was pleased to see you following the script so far. Girls were often intrigued by the fact that he had a sister - it means he grew up knowing how to be sensitive and protective. It was a reliable card to play.
"Yeah, we grew up quite close, you know. I still remember her crying like a baby when I left for college", he chuckled, "now it's her turn."
You laughed softly at that.
"Yeah... she must be so sad to see you go to Japan, right?"
He nods, his eyes flickering between your face and your neck, eager to peer right down your top. You must be wearing those stick-on nipple covers to rock a top like that.
"Oh, she was, but she's more excited to be independent in college. Too excited, to be honest. I had to warn her not to get in troubles."
"What kind of trouble?"
He found himself looking at your lips now. Your gentle voice and soft gaze managed to distract him. For a second, he found himself pausing to stare.
"Oh... alcohol, drugs, bad friends. You know the deal."
"Did you get into troubles in college, too?"
The simple question now seemed so implicative. He swallowed, his adam's apple bobbing, and he saw that you looked. Your lashes flutterred for a second before your eyes met his.
You were harder to read than he thought. Perhaps it was the age difference, he wondered, or the fact that your naturally composed attitude had sealed your attraction toward him. He never hit on an older woman before, so he supposed it was only natural that he couldn't catch your energy right away. Or were you secretly experienced? Three years seemed little to him at first, but he suddenly felt self-conscious at your still demeanor. You were still smiling and expectant, but in a different way than he imagined. You were yet to be doe-eyed, yet to melt when she heard about his bond with his sister. How many men had had their ways with you? Did you please them well? Did you moved and squirm under their touch? He felt himself heating up.
"Good afternoon, dear customers. May I take your order?"
He almost jumped. You didn't. Awkwardly pointing to the menu, he glanced at you who quickly said your orders. You seemed comfortable.
Did he lose his edge?
The waiter swiftly left. Lukas felt that the chemistry was disrupted. His keen eyes watched your form pulling back away from him, and he caught the faint perfume wafting his way. He decided to keep his posture forward, staying on the offensive side.
"I guess I did get into some troubles", he admitted, his hand instinctively rubbing the nape of his neck, as if to conceal what his clothes couldn't. His skin was warm to the touch.
"Well, what kind?"
He couldn't tell if you were interested. You were asking him lots of questions, even from the start. Did you want to know more about him?
"Oh, we were crazy. One time, a pledge covered himself in lighter fluid and lit himself on fire before jumping into the pool."
"Ah... so the typical frat bros stuff. I guess I've seen something like that at X. Uni", you nodded, your smile turning a bit cheeky.
He shifted even closer.
"Yeah, we were bad boys. Were you in a sorrority? Greek life is big at X."
You shook yout head slowly.
"No... It seemed very fun, but I guess I was too focused on other stuff."
"What stuff?"
"I was trying to keep my scholarship, so that took most of my time, I guess. I wasn't too involved with student life aside trom the school's art magazine."
"So you are a smartie?"
You hung your head humbly.
"I guess you could say that."
"So what did you do to blow off steam, then? Or were you at the library all day?"
He felt just a bit desperate trying to know you. He knew his bombarding questions were coming off a little strong, but he didn't want to feel exposed and insecure anymore. He had opened up, he thought it would be fair if you let him in a little. Wind down, be less uptight.
"I went to Ellum sometimes."
Ellum, the bar street. So you knew how to party after all. Maybe you did have experiences with men.
"Oh, me and my boys liked it there."
"For troubles?"
He laughed.
"For troubles, yeah. It'd be crazy if we met and never knew it."
"Well, it was all dark and loud in there. Maybe we did."
"Then it's fate."
He felt corny saying it, but the words slipped out anyway. His heart twisted when you laughed at that, your chest vibrating. You lifted your hand to cover your smile, and he saw a glimpse of ink as your top pulled against your shoulder. Tattoos, huh? He didn't peg you as the type to get them.
Seeing that it was his chance, he reached over to adjust the fabric, his fingertips lingering just a moment too long. He felt it, the electric as he felt your cool skin against his own. You were soft and smooth, like a nice spread of butter against crispy toast.
"Oh, my bad, I just saw your shirt falling off a little there."
Your laugh dwindled. You touched where he touched, your chest rising and lowering at a slower beat.
Lukas found himself feeling expectant.
"Ah, well, thank you", you said, your voice more relaxed now. That was a good sign.
The waiters came back with the orders and left just as hurriedly.
"I have a question", Lukas mused, somehow anxious to lose your attention when you reached for your utensils.
"Pray tell."
"What's the best food place that you've ever been in Tokyo?"
He winced internally. Corny and immature, that was what he was being. What a 17-year-old first date question that was.
"I'd say the unlabelled streetfood carts at the open-air markets", you said, your finger resting on your chin for a moment, "I like to go there if I ever have to stay late at work."
"You gotta show me sometimes, then. I love streetfood!"
He felt stupid clawing at any ways he could to compel your interest. You were right there, laughing at his jokes, asking about his family, paying attention to him. Yet somehow he still felt like you were distant, somewhere in an invisible fish bowl, and what he had said to you were muffled through the water and glass.
"Of course, I'd be happy to. But let me know if you are allergic to anything, or if you are scared of seafood."
"Not at all", he confidently shook his head, "I went to Italy last summer, and the seafood was amazing!"
"Trip across Europe?"
"Trip across Europe", he nodded, "I'd say, Italy for best seafood, France for best wine, Germany for best beer, and Netherlands for the best, well, you know..."
You playfully rolled your eyes.
"I see you like to travel."
"Oh, it changes my whole perspective. I really found myself, you know. It's like... I come back a whole different person. I think everyone should travel."
You gave him a strange look. Not a scowl nor a frown. A gentle squint of the eyes. It could be anything. He couldn't decide if he was being too boastful, or if he had said something wrong. Did you not like that? Maybe you hadn't been as well-travelled as he was, and what he said had come across as unrelatable.
"But of course, you know, if your money allows it. It doesn't cost as much as you think if you know how to budget."
The playful twinkle in your eyes told him that you were responding to him, and likely not negatively. Still, he felt more stupid adding on to what he said. He didn't know why, but he felt as though you were looking down on him.
Why would you look down on him?
Lukas may not realize it, but this was one of the rare occasions when he let the "why" bother him.
"Of course, travelling can be great. I haven't travelled much, but I imagine that when I have enough money, I would travel. I have a few places in mind."
"Where to?"
"For starter, Norway."
Weird answer.
"What's in Norway?"
"The aurora borealis."
He furrowed his brows.
"You want to see the northern light?"
"More than anything."
"It doesn't cost that much though."
"Yeah, but solo travelling costs more, I imagine."
"I can go with you."
He felt decidedly stupid and overconfident.
"Wouldn't that be something...", you commented, your eyes casting aside, "well, that's my top destination for sure."
You were growing cold again. Lukas couldn't for the life of him figure out where he was going wrong. Maybe you just weren't attracted to him, but that was unlikely. He knew how good he looked. He may have heard "sorry I have a boyfriend" and "I'm looking for something serious", but he couldn't think of a time when someone had admitted to him not being their type. Not even behind his back.
"Also, you seem to like to drink. Two out of the four places you mentioned was about alcohol."
He didn't expect you to pick up on the conversation. Maybe he simply had gotten into his head.
"Oh, I guess. I did drink a lot in college, but that's just what it was all about, you know?"
"About troubles, I know."
He felt his face growing hot.
"Right... well, I'd love to know what other Japanese drinks are like, too. I've tasted sake, but it was mild. I'm more of a beer and shots guy."
"Wine, too, right? In France."
You had not once lost your composure. He felt like he was squirming in his seat. He wanted to sleep with you, that was clear. He needed to know what it was like to get with someone older than him, even if it was a mere three years. What would you be like in bed? What did you learn from all the men from your past? The unphased facade, the tattoo, the way you maintained your calm upon his touch and his banter... you knew something he didn't. You had experienced things he hadn't.
"Right, that. Do you drink at all? Here, in Japan, I mean."
"Hey, it's a Friday night. Do you maybe want to grab a drink at a pub somewhere after this?"
You raised an eyebrow at him, incredulous. He knew he was being brash and bold, but he couldn't help it. You were something he wanted to add to his collection.
Letting you mull over it, he watched your calm face.
"Sure...", you softly agreed, "but only for a little while."
"Something coming up tomorrow?"
Someone to see tomorrow?
Your blank eyes glimmered under the flourescent light for a second. He almost wanted to hold his breath.
"Just some personal affair in the afternoon."
There you go being elusive again. He thought he would have had you in his palm by now, but not yet. Maybe he didn't know your type.
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So I may have got The Book of Bill and it has me in a slight tiny itty bit of a death grip hyperfixation where all I've been able to imagine is his pathetic toxic ex ass
This pathetic triangle has once again parasitically wormed his way into my brain after years of absence
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Also he totally would try and gaslight Ford and say he probably just lost the shirt when he stole it if ever asked where the shirt went
Ok so I could've put a ton of things in that last, panel, so I did, with some joke suggestive ones as the last two below the cut
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I'm going to explode him with stock video explosions a bajillion times over
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genderkoolaid · 4 months
i’ve been seeing that “nooo tboy mutual don’t reblog that transandrophobia post, there are so many other non-reactionary frameworks that you can use to understand your experiences” post go around (unfortunately from. a lot of my mutuals.)
and it’s really frustrating to me bc like. i would love to hear them!!! i would love to discuss different lenses of viewing the specific kind of oppression that transmascs face, i would love to learn about different perspectives!!
but so much of what’s out there either 1) doesn’t include us at all or 2) insists that our oppression isn’t anything more than transphobia, or that it’s just misdirected transmisogyny, or that it’s just transphobia and misogyny, but no discussion of how transphobia and misogyny interact to specifically impact transmascs. it just feels so disingenuous and dismissive because whenever we talk about our experiences, no matter what language we use, we’re shut down over and over and over again.
Godddd I saw that post the other day and could not help but roll my eyes. Saying there's "so many other frameworks" to use disregards a fundamental reason why this framework is being created in the first place: transmascs, across different ages and races and other variables, feeling silenced and absent in other models of society, even those claiming to be for trans-feminist. Like if you are trying to convince trans guys to not use the term transandrophobia maybe start by acknowledging the absence of proper frameworks to discuss the unique position of trans men & mascs. & you know damn well none of these people will acknowledge how every other iteration of "transandrophobia" ALSO got shut down for being Problematic™, including "isomisogyny" which was literally just misogyny with a prefix attached to assure cis women that we would never DARE to imply that transmascs might be oppressed by the same social force as them!
But that's the problem with people trying to make the discussion of anti transmasculinity palatable! They want to have a version of this discussion that isn't threatening at all to the deeply ingrained anti (trans)masculinity in queer spaces. Literally any criticism, no matter how lukewarm or carefully handled, is labeled "reactionary." After you get rid of everything that people hate about transandrophobia theory you are left with none of the things that make it valuable to transmascs + everyone else who benefits from this discussion.
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