#falling for Innocence
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wellthisissomething · 5 months ago
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AI-Less Whumptober Day 14 - Concussion
Falling for Innocence - Ep. 15
Blind (2011)
Rattan - Eps. 13/14
Yukan Club - Ep. 10
Unforgotten Night - Ep. 12
Royal Sister Returns - Ep. 27
Previous 14/31 Next
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oresteias-heart · 1 year ago
I often believe myself to put even icarus to shame. I’ve always wanted to touch the sun, despite never being good enough to bask in its light. Were you ever aware, You were my sun? And I was your icarus? So even then, why did the sun fall? And not the angel? I will write letters to you in hopes you will rise once more, And I will the leave the comma out, when I call you my dearest.
— Oresteia
To those who seemed to have fallen harder in love than a fallen angel themselves with the sun.
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kayamark · 1 year ago
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Red sleeve (2021)
Ep 6
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King the land (2023)
Ep 1
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A date with the future (2023)
Ep 28
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Kiss sixth sense (2022)
Ep 1
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Not me (2021)
Ep 8
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You complete me (2020)
Ep 22
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Falling for Innocence (2015)
Ep 15
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King the land (2023)
Ep 2
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kdramafeeds · 2 years ago
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Kang Min Ho moments 
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fannyrosie · 4 months ago
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A mid-October day out in nature
Outfit rundown
Dress: second-hand Métamorphose temps de fille; Jacket: second-hand Innocent World; Hat: vintage; Turtleneck: second-hand Cecil McBee; Bag: second-hand Axes Femme; Boots: old Sperry Topsider; Earrings: Takano (Design Festa); Eye brooch and ladybug on leaves brooch: presents by friends; House brooch: handmade by a friend; Yellow grapes brooch: vintage
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ineffable-romantics · 6 months ago
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Thank GOD for those new promo pics.... I've always said this was the way I picture Aziraphale in modern day if he'd been the demon instead, and now I have the perfect angel!Crowley to match!
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origami-butterfly · 8 months ago
I think what a lot of j&h adaptations get wrong, is that ultimately, Jekyll is, at heart. A Cunt. Lots of adaptations like to write him as an innocent scientist, who got more than he bargained for when he drank the potion, and unleashed a monster, but in the novella, the only thing the potion really does, is change Jekyll's appearance. He created Hyde, and I think he had the opportunity to make Hyde into something good, but, because he's a cunt, he chose to use his alter ego as a force for evil and chaos. "Edward Hyde was alone in the ranks of evil"- of course he was, you never allowed him to be anything else. And Jekyll is fully aware of what he does as Hyde, he says it himself in his full statement, and he feels no remorse. He didn't create Hyde accidentally, he made Hyde because he wanted to do bad things and get away with it, without damaging his reputation.
Fuck Dr Jekyll, all my homies hate Dr Jekyll.
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sorsabruh · 10 days ago
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Love me some freakybee
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mushiver · 3 months ago
People who say Ford abused the shapeshifter, what.
I just read those pages. Fiddleford immediately wanted to freeze him, but Ford wrote, “I've grown attached to the creature.” He wasn't like OH ☝️ I must TORTURE this thing POST HASTE! He found a weird creature while digging and hand fed it some beans. The shapeshifter didn't show signs of being dangerous (besides "watch your fingers")
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Ford named him Shifty and did experiments, which involved seeing what forms he could take by showing him a book of animals, and he upgraded his kennel when he grew. Ford considered him a pet, but noted that Fiddleford being raised as a farmhand made him unsentimental toward what he saw as “livestock.”
Ford continued to take care of him until Shifty went nuts and tied Fiddleford up to take his place and steal journal 3. Even as Ford froze the shapeshifter for their safety, he wrote that he felt remorseful for having to freeze his former pet, but even worse that he'd been fooled - and that Fiddleford had paid the price
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flowersandfashion · 3 months ago
sorry let me rant about downton abbey 10 years later
Thomas's conversion therapy plot pisses me off so much. firstly, it's incredibly out of character. he never wanted to change to conform to society, he wanted the world to change to accomodate him. the man who said "it's not against the law to hope is it" and "I'm not foul, Mr Carson, I'm not like you, but I'm not foul" would NEVER
secondly, from a storytelling perspective, the only 'problem' is that he used infected needles. did we forget that Thomas was a sergeant in the RAMC? he knows how to sterilise needles and how to recognise and treat infection. this also shifts the blame to Thomas himself for getting sick and implies that the conversion therapy itself is harmless (Dr Clarkson says it's just saline solution)
thirdly, it's not historically accurate. I'm not an expert but conversion therapy was not at all common in the 1920s, even Sigmund Freud was against it. hormone therapy and chemical castration were barely developing let alone available to the public (I can't imagine what else the 'treatment' was supposed to be). the only practices that I can find evidence of were psychoanalysis and electric shock therapy
Thomas also mentions that he did electric shock treatment - if you really want to make a point about homophobia in the 1920s (and make Thomas suffer as much as possible), show that instead. watching him be literally tortured for his sexuality would have been far more impactful than him just... looking sweaty for a few episodes
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yuwuta · 10 months ago
"there could be two beds and they will still only one bed trope their way into your heart somehow" exactly! gojo doesn't know what personal space means at aaaaaaall
satoru wouldn’t know the definition of personal space if it smacked him in the forehead, he needs to be close all the time always. 
the “actually, there are two beds” trope with him is so funny esp in a f2l setting because for every night of your trip, he finds some excuse to be in your bed instead of his. actually, he would give up rooming by himself on a group trip if it meant he got to share a room with you, because he’d find a way to share a bed with you. 
the first night, he dumps his entire suitcase on his bed, then showers, and you’re asleep by the time he comes back. and now he’s clean and moisturized and he wants to go to bed and oh no! all his stuff is still on his bed! guess he’ll have to share with you for tonight 😇 
the second and third nights he fakes having a nightmare to crawl into your embrace, and then feeling sick so you’ll coddle him to sleep. 
the fourth night, he showers first and falls asleep on your bed instead of his. you’re the respectful one who takes his bed instead, but ofc he wakes up once you’ve fallen asleep to slide in next to you, and when you groggy and confused he just hushes you back to sleep with a cheeky, “you were in my bed, don’t worry about it.” 
the fifth night, he turns the AC all the way up and says you “looked cold” so he “came to cuddle you” while you were asleep. 
he could find an excuse for every single night as long as you share a room together, but the moment you invite him in, ask him, “satoru, do you wanna share?” his brain short circuits and his face goes all red and you offering does bad bad bad things to him and now he actually has to sleep in his own bed because this is gonna keep him up all night
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starblitzy-started-a-fire · 7 months ago
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So, um, I’m really into Bill’s backstory-
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kdramafeeds · 2 years ago
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Beating Again moments
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szynkaaa · 5 months ago
This is my first time asking but I'm going to ask anyway (and English is not my native language) I'm curious to know how your OC and the destined one met (I mean how was their first interaction)
hi hi! thank you so much for your ask, this is the first time I have received one about my OC <3
probably something like this (read right-to-left)
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Gonna use this chance to talk a bit more about my AU lol
Wrote in a separate post here that Oz has met Sun Wukong before when she was a child and he was buried under the mountain.
So when she got whisked back into fantasy ancient China, she landed where Yuan Shoucheng aka Gourd Grandpa (the old man carrying a big gourd on his back) was already waiting there for her. He foresaw her arriva. The vague gist of my AU is that the the reason why this Destined One succeeds in retrieving all artifacts and becomes SWK is because he is also sort of the manifestation of that childish promise 5-years-old Oz made that she will save SWK one day (from under the mountain but clearly that didn't happen lol). But also since her ancestor is from this world, her descendants were fated to return back here one day.
Gourd grandpa updates her on her ancestors and their roles in the Celestial Court and the shitstorm that happened that ultimately let to the clan being massacred and one person escaping to "our" world, where magic doesn't exist and all those people are just characters from myths and stories. But also her ancestor isn't the only person that traversed through the two worlds - over the centuries more have come and gone. This is also why people in her world have those myths and deities. In my AU Wu Cheng'en also escaped from fantasy ancient China into her world and then wrote Journey to the West. He took artistic liberty to change some things for his novel, hence some things in BMW are different than in JTTW (like the ZBJ and violet spider love story or how SWK had a romance with White Bone Demon).
Anywayyy, Oz task on the adventure is to document their journey together, and she is responsible for using the magical gourd to suck in the will of the defeated bosses in.
And 2-3 days later the Destined One shows up. I don't think Oz was very happy about leaving gourd grandpa and join the Destined One on his travel, but if he is her best chance to find a way back home to see Taylor Swift live, then she will do it.
The Destined One is indifferent to mildly annoyed about this, but doesn't protest too much, as long as she doesn't slow him down yadda yadda. I do think that DO did feel some sort of special connection to her, because he is sort of a manifestation of that promise. it doesn't really take long for him to get used to her and also to care for her. One of Sun Wukong's massive core trait is that he cares so much for his loved ones and does not hesitate to do the impossible for them, and I like to imagine that even though SWK senses have been split into 6 different parts, the caring part stayed with each Destined One reincarnation.
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fannyrosie · 1 year ago
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Another autumn outfit by Miss Strange Colour Combos, back when we still had leaves and sun
Outfit rundown Skirt: second-hand Innocent World Blouse: The Floral Notebook (defunct indie brand) Cardigan: thrifted Hat: vintage Shoes: Yösuke Earrings: 高野Takano (Design Festa) Chocolate ring: second-hand Jane Marple Cat ring and swan brooch: Design Festa (can't remember the artists) Other jewellery are vintage
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shootingstareon · 3 months ago
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and in that dying summer heat, you took my hand and smiled
separate and blur/textless version!
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