#fall of krakoa
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soviet-supersoldier · 1 month ago
Thank you to @rei-ismyname for jogging my memory on this bit with regards to countries that have ceased to exist. Arkady has now lived through the fall of two countries he was once a citizen of. First, the Soviet Union, which he learned no longer existed after he was brought back from being frozen for decades. And now, most recently, Krakoa. That has to be hard, outliving your country, not once but twice. Especially for someone like him, who was literally made to serve his country as a weapon. He has long outlived the original purpose he was altered for, then after years of misery, found new purpose and direction as a citizen in a new homeland, and then lost it again.
It's an experience that is unique to him. No other X-men character has gone through this kind of loss before like he has. It does explain why his reaction to the fall of Krakoa was different than what anyone else's has been. He's been at this point before, a man without a country or a home. Like so many times before this, he is left alone to fend for himself without any help. He knows the tragedy of the loss that he has experienced and yet knows that it's something that can't be changed. Like the Soviet Union, Krakoa is gone. A beautiful dream, lost again.
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badger-with-a-boa · 11 months ago
Me watching the fall of off-brand krakoa during the hellfire gala happen in X-Men 97 because of fucking course it did
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geekcavepodcast · 11 months ago
Jean Grey's Phoenix Gets New Ongoing Comic Book Series
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After the Fall of Krakoa comes the From the Ashes era of X-Men stories, and Jean Grey will be getting her own solo series as Phoenix in this new era. Phoenix hails from writer Stephanie Phillips and artist Alessandro Miracolo.
"She is Jean Grey. She is Phoenix. She saves the world. She brings death. One woman, alone in space, who not only must do what no one else can: she yearns to. A desperate S.O.S. from Nova brings the Phoenix to the edge of a black hole, where hundreds of lives hang in the balance… and whatever Jean does—or fails to do—will bring darkness to the universe and haunt her in ways she can scarcely imagine…" (Marvel Comics)
Phoenix #1, featuring a cover by Yasmine Putri, goes on sale on July 17, 2024.
(Image via Marvel Comics - Yasmine Putri's Cover of Phoenix #1)
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brutalgamer · 1 year ago
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The fall of Krakoa spills out into the pages of Avengers, Iron Man, and more this April
The X-Men find themselves under siege as the mutant nation of Krakoa falls, and the Avengers won’t be standing by.
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ale-chii · 9 months ago
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|| Fall of the House of X #5
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pacing-er · 21 days ago
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My sister showed me how to overlay photos on my phone we are so back
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emmafrostcovercollection · 3 months ago
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Fall of the House of X #5 & Rise of the Powers of X #5 (2024) - Nakayama Connecting Variant
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rei-ismyname · 3 months ago
Resurrection of Magneto Highlights 1
RoM is a book that loses something in the highlight format as the big moments are truly earned and impactful. There's an ongoing narration, dialogue or soliloquy running through each issue tying everything together and to truly give context I'd have to annotate it. Lucky for us, Al Ewing and Luciano Vecchio are masters and every panel serves as a coda for Storm or Magneto from SWORD and X-Men Red. This is easily my longest Highlights yet, there's just so much to say.
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I wish I dreamt about Magneto
Ororo has a dream of a full page splash - Magneto, Max, saying 'I was wrong' surrounded by five of his iconic helmets. 3 red ones, bloody and facing towards the world. 1 black, 1 white upright behind his back. It's been quite a while since Uranos the Undying tore his heart out on Judgement Day but it's good to see Ororo has some measure of peace and love on Arakko with Craig of NASA.
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She's the deuteragonist of RoM so she chooses to follow her dream and seek Max in the afterlife. Ororo shows up at Adam Brashear/The Blue Marvel's underwater base and asks for help with exactly that. He lampshades how bozos like Reed would deem it impossible and leads her to a portal. He's in the middle of explaining how dangerous it is and requires... we don't hear because Storm takes a running leap and YOLOs into it. Tarn the Uncaring and a who's who of Marvel cosmology are there to greet her. Tarn is insulted that Ororo has come for the guy who exploded his head, but as above, so below - he loves to talk and she outwits him.
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Ashake is often obliquely referred to but very rarely directly, so it's lovely to see her magical ancestor here to help. As Ororo pets her black cat, Ashake confirms this is a place of magic. Symbols and metaphors are powerful here - something Mags could use help with in his current state. It's also connected to the Kabbalistic tree of life, but I'm not very knowledgeable about that.
Two redrawn and recoloured keystone moments of Max and Ororo's relationship down the bottom.
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She resolved to see this through and her thought carries her towards the Sphere of Judgement. Unexpectedly a bunch of Dominions bar her path, though luckily the two mutants are too small to truly be of interest to them. Still, a single mortal arriving in Overspace is significant and they prompt her to ask questions. The face of Dominions are shown but it's still fairy tale rules. The most important thing she learns is about Enigma, though she doesn't know it at the time.
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The Sphere of Judgement is hostile, everything is inverted. Lightning is red, the river is lava, clouds are black, everything is broken. She notices this spot from her dream and the charred frames of Max's five helmets still sit in blood. Magneto has been here for months by choice, bypassing the Waiting Room Wanda built but refusing to move on. He believes he deserves this.
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Finally she reaches Magneto weeping blood in front of a wall of names. Everyone he ever killed and he's counting every one, remembering their name. He's judging himself, punishing, and doesn't think he deserves to leave.
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He shares his greatest shames, his most recent cruelties. Worst, the ones he convinced himself was necessary. He's overwhelmed by the red in his ledger and in this place of judgement lashes out, flinging names off the wall at Ororo while naming the person. What snaps him out of it is the mention that something happened to Charles, heh.
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'The no-place of his heart' 👌
Max turns the judgement on Ororo but she rejects it, calling him out for extending Charles the grace he won't extend to himself plus a little hypocrisy. Magneto has always been prone to drama and that tendency can hurt as much as it heals.
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That really gets him going, but he's judging himself more constructively now. Love, friendship, accountability. The things that are keeping some part of tethered to the living world. He pulls one more name down to say the name aloud before he sends it at Ororo - it's his - Max Eisenhardt. Still, he cries 'it's out of our hands.' He truly wants to give up but I think a part of him knows his story isn't done.
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Ororo disagrees. Displaying why she's the only person who could assist in the resurrection of Magneto, she covers his eyes and remembers the rules of this place. The wall of the dead becomes its opposite - the wall of the living. Not those he killed but those he saved. It's enough to pull him out of punishing himself. Neither group should be forgotten but he can choose to save life rather than take it - to change.
Torturing yourself in a personal hell might appease some of those dead, but accepting responsibility to the living should be what comes after judgement. Suffering helps no one, and as he says to Logan as he's about to kill Charles much later - 'no more martyrs.' Part of why I enjoyed Magneto identifying Logan Behavior is because he himself is the king of it. Charles too. All three are prone to martyrdom but dying is easy. It's living that's difficult and worthwhile. Secluding yourself from the world, whether it's in the Sphere of Judgement, a mega prison, or with a pack of wolves - is senseless and selfish. Living is better.
Next time - what does that actually mean for both of them and how do they get out of this place? It's not as simple as turning a key. Choosing to live is hard work. Metatextually, change and rebirth requires a tour of all that he is, all that he's done. What's the point of killing a character and then bringing them back the same as they were? Comic books do it all the time, but Magneto's long history is a study of opposites and extremes. He, the writer and the reader all need to deconstruct Magneto so he can be reconstructed as a better person. With the benefit of hindsight we know he succeeds, but what does that actually look like for him? 60 years of his oversized influence on the world is a lot and it only gets better from here.
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thatcrazymind · 5 months ago
I’m in Krakoa Cherik mood, anyone knows any good fics??? Let me know 🥹❤️
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farsight-the-char · 2 years ago
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Amy Reeder's cover for Jean Grey #2
Fire and Life Incarnate
Now and Forever.
"The Dark Phoenix has haunted Jean Grey since it emerged from Jamaica Bay. But what if the Phoenix had chosen…someone else?" it reads. "The love story of Cyclops and Jean Grey is one of the most beloved in Marvel Comics' history. Now witness a legendary creator break their hearts – and their minds. But this is no 'what if.' Jean Grey is not where she is meant to be…and neither is the rest of mutantkind. Stunning secrets will be revealed as Jean Grey lays the groundwork for her next shocking appearance in 'Fall of X'!"
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verycoolpersonyes · 5 months ago
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They still need to let marvel zombies go but I liked this
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vertigoartgore · 7 months ago
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2024's Fall of the House of X Vol.1 #2 cover by cover artist Pepe Larraz and colorist Marte Gracia.
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geekcavepodcast · 8 months ago
New "Sentinels" Series Rises From the Ashes
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Marvel Comics' From the Ashes era is continuing with a new Sentinels series featuring new mutant hunting machines. Sentinels hails from writer Alex Paknadel and artist Justin Mason.
After the fall of Krakoa, the government has revived the Sentinel program under Lawrence Trask. Lawrence is himself a mutant who "is cursed with visions of an apocalyptic species war and knows exactly which evil mutants will ignite it. On the surface, his new line of Sentinels appear to be technology-enhanced superhumans, but the truth behind their creation is darker than you can imagine. ... Powered by cutting-edge nanotech, this new generation of Sentinels protects a fragile peace between mutants and humans. But when being a Sentinel is your job—your life—is it possible to stay human? Meet Sawtooth, Lockstep, Drumfire, and Voivod, a brand-new team of heroes that will take on the most heinous mutants! Their first mission: capture Omega Red!" (Marvel Comics)
Sentinels #1 (of 5) goes on sale on October 9, 2024. The first issue sports a main cover by Justin Mason, a variant cover by Nick Bradshaw, a variant cover by Jeremy Wilson, and a windowshade variant cover by Chris Campana.
(Image via Marvel Comics - Justin Mason's cover of Sentinels #1)
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ourqueenwanda · 3 months ago
Just wanted to come on here and say I love Mystique and Destiny so much. They are my everything…
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gigawatt-conduit · 10 months ago
Mutants: Pls leave us alone, we just want to live. We’ll even go to our own place
Humans: no :) we’ll hunt you to the ends of the earth.
Mutants: *cracks neck* then I guess we’ve Started.
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pacing-er · 2 months ago
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Put Charles Xavier showing ass on your tumblr
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