#fake coins
archaeolorhi · 2 years
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This is Sponsian! Once thought to be a forgery from 1713, archaeologists have recently discovered that the coins show legitimate wear & tear and were used in a period where the province of Dacia became separated from the wider Roman Empire!
Find my whole reaction here below, I'd love to hear your thoughts!!
Photo above is from the original report on PlosOne, which can be found here: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0274285
The other article within the reaction is from History First, which can be found here: https://historyfirst.com/roman-coins-dismissed-as-fakes-are-genuine-and-depict-lost-emperor/
Happy reading/watching!! <3
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justarandomrat · 1 month
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Can we talk about this please?
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revretch · 10 months
Tfw your coins are so shitty that experts decide you didn't exist
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zeros-stimblog · 1 month
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Is it really a complex, or just lacking context? Why would someone go so far to be a walking lie?
A Beginners Guide to Faking Your Death stimboard with stims I recorded myself of my vinyl of the album, crow stims, blood stims and coin stims!
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(Credit if you use any of the Jhariah specific stims!)
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umbrify · 5 months
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Fate Coin (Fake Coin?)
(Open image for better quality pretty please. Close up under cut)
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spacedlexi · 9 months
people who think clem surviving makes no sense are so funny. "they were literally foreshadowing her death the entire season" let me introduce you to the concept of a red herring. she tells lilly she isnt lee and shes right. the narrative was forcing her down that path, a path she saw as an inevitable fate waiting to take her too, but its a narrative broken by aj, who is also his own person and not S1 clem
"it happened to lee, and itll happen to you" lilly tells clem she'll die protecting aj from some mistake he makes, when in reality his defiance of her will is what saves her life after she had already accepted her fate. he breaks clem free from the lee cycle and they get their relatively happy ending. good for them
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friendship-ditch · 7 months
Katniss x reader where r is coins daughter?
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(Katniss Everdeen x Fem Reader) ❀
Summary: Being the daughter of President Coin herself, you have a bit more freedom than others to do what you want. And after meeting District 13's newcomer, Katniss Everdeen, you use that freedom to make her feel at home.
Warnings/Notes: None! Also, I loved this request, thanks for sending it!
Word Count: 3240
  “Then you should’ve saved Peeta.”
  You heard the unfamiliar, angry voice from far down the hall, echoing off the metallic walls.  It was cut off by someone else speaking, and then the sound of a door slamming open.
  Right when you reached the end of the hall, you collided with her.
  She smacked into you and then jumped back, clearly just as startled as you were.  She wasn’t from around here, that was for sure.  
  Her District 13 attire was new and hung loosely from her thin, underfed body.  Her dark hair was borderline out of control and she had this distinct smell of forests and nature that you’d never known below ground. 
  She stared at you through eyes that were a grayish blue, teary, and hollow in a way, then she stalked off in the direction of the elevator.  Boggs hurried out of the room on her trail seconds afterward.
  Once they’d both disappeared down the hallway, you waited a moment and then stepped into the meeting room.  
  You saw Beetee off to the side, thinking over his own problems in his intelligent mind, and on the other side of the table were the man you’d come to know as Plutarch, and President Coin, who you would usually just call ‘Mom.’
  “Who was that?”  You asked, casting a side glance to the doorway and reimagining that girl.  
  “That–that was Katniss Everdeen.”  Plutarch responded as he stood up.  “Our Mockingjay.”
  “She is not fit to be the Mockingjay,” snapped Coin as she turned in her chair to face you.  She gave you a soft smile that didn’t meet her eyes and then looked over her shoulder at Plutarch.  “That girl is broken.  She does not feel at home here.  She has nobody.  She’s been destroyed by the games.”
  You watched the two converse quietly.  This had happened a lot in the past few days, you hadn’t seen this much activity down here in ages.  Your mother, of course, denied letting you help, but Plutarch seemed to notice your willingness as he suddenly looked at you.
  “Then let's make her feel at home.”  He said, meeting your eyes with a smile.  “Y/n?”
  You blinked in surprise.  “You want me to be her friend?”
  “No.”  Coin interrupted before any sort of plan could be made.  “Y/n, I appreciate your willingness to help, but it’s not necessary.  Katniss Everdeen, as brave as she may have been before, is a fire burnt out.  We will find somebody capable to take the job.”
  You scowled.  
  There were two sides to your mother; the kind, caring and gentle one that you’d come to know best as had the District, and the super controlling one that grew bitter when things spiraled in a direction that was not hers.  You were the only thing that could roam wild without much more than a sigh, and you used that to your advantage, often.
  “She’s my age.”  You sat on the edge of the table.  “I could be her friend, then maybe she’d trust us more.”  You’d heard of Katniss, heard of what she’d done, and seen her multiple times on the TV, you just couldn’t recognize her now.  But now that the idea was in your head… you wanted to get to know her.  “You can’t just give up on her.”
  “Your daughter is right, Madam President.”  Plutarch flashed you a quick smile.  “Katniss has built too many walls and her fire has no oxygen, we just need somebody to break them down, then we can reignite her.”
  You silently rolled your eyes at the amount of analogies being used but turned to your mother with insistent eyes, silently begging her to agree.  You could use a new friend, and it sure looked like Katniss could too.
  Coin looked between the two of you with narrowed eyes, and then she heaved that heavy sigh that usually meant she had no choice but to agree.  
  “Okay.”  She said slowly, reaching to grab your hand.  “You’ll only have a few days, at least to convince her to work with us.  We’re running out of time.”
  “Don’t worry about it.”  You assured her with a big grin.  “How hard could it be?”
  Coin just squeezed your hand and nodded with a tentative expression.
  You found out a few hours later that it was much harder than you thought, even just to find this Katniss.  She was elusive, as if she didn’t exist at all.  
  You eventually resorted to finding Primrose, her sister, who told you where she’d be: her living quarters.  She hardly ever left them unless dragged out.
  “Hello?”  You peered into the room, scanning for some sort of dark shape, a body sunken into rough gray clothing, a face hidden behind untamed hair.  When you finally saw her sitting in the corner, it was as if your heart skipped a beat.
  Katniss stared at you like a cornered stray, nose wrinkled and eyes narrowed.  She didn’t speak or move, almost like a rock.
  “I’m uh, I’m Y/n.”  You stammered.  Had this been a mistake?  You were too far in to back down now.  “You’re Katniss, right?”
  The rock of a girl stared back at you.  “What does it matter?”  Her voice was grave, grumpy.  Adjusting to District 13 wasn’t very easy for anyone from the surface but she was clearly struggling harder than most.
  “I’m your…” you bit your lip, thinking of something to say, “tour guide.  Yeah, your tour guide, of District 13.  Formally sent by President Coin herself.”
  The lie, as stupid as it was, seemed to intrigue her ever so slightly as she sat up a little straighter.
  Okay, maybe she wasn’t that accepting of the idea yet.
  “They figured that if you got to know the place a little bit better, you could maybe feel more at home here.”  You explained, finally stepping fully into the room.  “Boggs was going to do it, but they thought maybe if I, someone your age, did, you’d feel better.”
  “Nothing will make me feel better.  And nothing will make this feel like home.”  Katniss muttered with a heavy sigh.  
  She seemed to regret the bitterness of her words though as she turned to look at you once more, her tone softer.  “I’m sorry.”
  “It’s alright.”  You shrugged.  Back still pressed into the wall, you took a step closer to her.  “I’d.. probably be the same way if I was in your situation.  I understand that District 13 is not the coziest place in the world, but once you get used to it, it’s not too bad.”
  “Do you ever see the sun?”  Katniss stiffly stood up as if her body really was made of rocks.
  You paused.  “I do, a lot more than the others do.”  
  Sneaking up to the surface was a forbidden practice but you’d found a way up and didn’t tell anyone else.  It’s not like your mother would care anyway, she was often too busy to inflict any punishments on you.
  “But sometimes we go up in big groups, when the weather is nice.”  You add.  “We’re not complete cave dwellers.  Of course, there are some that are scared of the surface, but it’s not taboo.”
  Katniss slowly approached you now.  She towered over you by a few inches but her stature was uneasy.  “They seem very strict down here.”
  “They are.”  You shrugged and opened the door for her.  “But, you’re special, so that doesn’t matter.”
  “Special?”  She followed you into the hallway.  “I’m not special… if anything, I'm taking up more space.”
  This drew a spurt of laughter from your lips and a surprised expression on her face.
  “You’re like a legend down here.”  You chuckled.  “Most citizens will probably ignore you, but everybody knows who you are.  And then there are people like Plutarch and my mom who you’re really important to, even if they won’t admit it.”
  “Your mom?”  Katniss seemed surprised by this.  “Who’s your mom?”
  “That’s not important.”
  She scrunched her nose.  “Come on, tell me.”  
  The banter brought a small smile to your face.  You were breaking through to her, slowly, but surely.  
  “I’ll give you a hint.  You know her.”
  “I know a lot of people.”
  “But not a lot of people down here.”
  Katniss groaned.  She followed you into the elevator and leaned into the wall.  “I hardly know anybody down here.”
  You shrugged, smirking a little at her sudden annoyance.  Once the two of you landed on the floor you wanted, you showed her the cafeteria, and then took a left down another seemingly endless hallway in this metallic maze.
  “Think through the people you do know.”
  “Are you sure I know her?”
  “Very.  She told me she met you.”  Guiding her up a staircase tucked away to the side, you showed her some of the meeting rooms and offices in the government wing.
  Katniss bit her lip and studied you, looking at your features intently and trying to piece it together.  You didn’t look like anybody…
  “One more hint.”
  “The grayest person you’ve ever seen.”
  Bingo.  Katniss stopped and stared.
  “President Coin?”
  You grinned and whirled to face her.  “No, I’m y/n Coin.”
  If Katniss’s jaw wasn’t attached to her head, it would’ve fallen off.  She stared at you for a few moments, then shook off the shock.  She’d been friends with the Mayor's daughter back home, this wasn’t any different.  But still…
  “You seem shocked.”  You observed teasingly.
  Katniss’s pale face flushed a little and she quietly followed you down the hall once more.  “Sorry.  I just.. I don’t know, she doesn’t seem like the type of person to have children.  At least… not ones around my age.”
  You laughed softly.  “Well, I’m not her..  biological daughter.  She had one that was a few years older than me, but she died a little while back in an epidemic, so did my Dad.”
  “Oh, I’m sorry.”  Katniss’s shock softened into sympathy.  “I couldn’t imagine losing my sister…”
  “It’s alright.  She was kind of an asshole.”  You smiled weakly.  “It hit my mother much harder than it hit me, though.” 
  Katniss solemnly nodded and the two of you walked in a gentle silence before she spoke again.  “I lost my dad too.”
  “It sucks, doesn’t it?”
  The two of you exchanged a knowing glance, both silently acknowledging the quiet bond that was forming between you.  It was something both of you had been lacking for a while, but it felt good.
  Maybe she could be your friend.
  You just smiled gently at her and continued to walk.  “Well, we’re still here.”
  “Yeah…”  Katniss’s voice trailed off as she nodded once more.  She fiddled with a small black pearl as the two of you walked through the empty hall.  “Where… are we going anyway?”
  “Somewhere cool.”
  “I don’t really like surprises.”
  “You’ll like this one.”  You assured her, approaching an old door.  The lock had been busted years ago and was covered in rust.  You flashed Katniss a grin and then nudged the door open and entered.
  Inside was a huge, abandoned control room.  There were rows of platforms and forgotten machines left behind.  Half of the lights didn’t work but you’d been repairing them slowly, making them warmer, homier.
  The room looked as if it went on forever through the darkness around the edges.
  A few personal items were scattered around too, some cushions off to one side, some no-light flowers growing in some pots and some other little knick-knacks you preferred to hide rather than keep in your living quarters.  
  Katniss looked around in awe, her eyes chasing up the metal walls to the tall ceiling.  District 13 was impressive in itself, but this was even better.  This was a place that had been inhabited by humans, not the militaristic machines that roamed these halls.
  “What is this place?”  Her voice echoed through the quiet air.
  “It was an old mission control room.  The old president had most things run here, but after my mom took over, they moved closer to the center of the bunker.”  You explained, turning on a few more scattered lights you’d set around to keep out the shadows.  “But now, it’s my hideout.”
  Katniss looked at you with the warmest smile you’d seen on her cold stone face yet, and you knew you were making progress.
  The two of you spent hours in this hideout, talking, laughing, and seemingly forgetting about everything else that lay outside these walls.  It was something you’d both desperately needed and when you left, you felt like real friends.
  Even President Coin and Plutarch were surprised by the changes in Katniss.  She was still a little uneasy about being the Mockingjay, but you’d convinced her and supported her through it.
  After Katniss and her team went to District 12, you bid her goodbye and were going to work when your mother called you aside.
  She looked at you, her gray eyes studying your face as if searching for an answer to a question nobody had ever asked, until she finally spoke.
  “Katniss seems a lot happier.”
  “Yeah, she does.”  You smiled, sitting across from her.  “I’m glad she is.  She’s been through so much, and I know she misses Peeta, but–”
  “You seem happier too.”
  “I do?”
  Coin nodded, leaning towards you a little.  Her hand clasped yours gently and she tilted her head, long, perfect hair falling into her face a little.
  “I haven’t seen you this happy in ages.”  A rare smile softly spread across her lips.  “I know I haven’t been around a lot for you either, but… I haven’t seen you this happy since your father died.  It’s really nice.”   She never said his name, nor the name of your sister, the words were too painful for her, made her feel weak.  You would’ve yelled at her for that in the past but now it didn’t really matter.  You understood in a way, you couldn’t imagine losing…
  “I just don’t want you to get hurt.”  Coin finally said after a long pause.  “We don’t know how long this rebellion is going to last, how long she’s going to be here, what will happen after–”
  “What are you talking about?”  You frowned in confusion.  
  “I know you care about Katniss, a lot,” she said in a lower voice, “maybe you even love her…”
  Love her?  You hadn’t thought about it like that before…  You didn’t love Katniss, you couldn’t.
  But yet you thought about it anyway; how she’d sneak out past curfew and into your room after a nightmare so you could cuddle and lull her back to sleep, how during her propaganda filmings you were always right there and supporting her, how she told you everything, how dearly she missed her friend Peeta, stories from District 12, even the things she’d never spoken before… and you’d done the same.
  Your mother watched the realization dawn on your expression with a calm face.  She squeezed your hand gently and then reached to nudge hair out of your face.
  “You knew?  For… for how long?”  You stammered.
  She chuckled softly.  “Of course I knew.  I knew since you first agreed to be her friend.” 
  You blushed a little and looked away, embarrassed your mother had figured this out before you, but she gently turned your face back in her direction.
  “I’m okay with it, if it makes you happy.”  Coin whispered softly.  “But I really don’t want you to get hurt.  You have to understand that.  I’ll do everything I can to make you happy, but… I don’t know, I’m just worried.”
  Your heart swelled in your chest and you leaned into her hand with a smile.  “I know.  I know you’ll always worry about me… but I think it will be okay.”
  “I do too.”
  “Thank you.”  You whispered softly.  “Really, thank you.”
  The stark president, and your loving mother, chuckled softly again and nodded.  “Of course, y/n.”  She murmured, then glanced at the clock on the wall.  “I believe the team will have returned by now, if you want to talk to her.”
  You were about to run off, then stopped.  “Actually, I have an idea.”
  Later that night, once the sun had set, you’d convinced Plutarch to send Katniss to the surface for… some sort of reason, you’d left that up to him.
  And when Katniss arrived back in the soft dirt of the forest, she found a trail of your flowers.  She picked each one up and followed the trail until she finally found the second surprise she’d ever love.
  You’d set up a small little area in the middle of the forest; lights were strung from tree to tree, flowers were practically everywhere, and there was some actual edible looking food set out on a blanket for the both of you.
  You were sitting at the edge of the shadows, watching softly.
  When Katniss saw you, her new bouquet in her hands, she just stared at you.  Her gray eyes were dark in the night but they were on you, waiting for you to say something.
  “Hi.”  You stuttered, meeting her in the middle of the clearing.  “I uhm… I would’ve invited you here myself, but I was busy setting up and–”
  “How did you do this?”  Katniss looked around in awe, just as she had at your hideout.  You kept pleasantly surprising her and she was more enthralled every time.  “And… why..?”
  “I’m the President's daughter, I can get away with a lot.”  You grinned, fighting the stampede in your chest.  “And because… I don’t know how long you’re going to be here, or how long this is going to last, so I have to say it now.”  You took a shaky breath.  “I love you, Katniss..  I really do.  I know I sound insane and all but–”
  Katniss cut you off with a soft kiss.
  When she pulled away, she was smiling, and crying.  Hot tears dribbled down her face and the hand not holding the bouquet was trying to wipe them away but it was futile.  
  “I love you too.”  Katniss whispered softly, voice breaking.  She’d never said those words before, not like this, but she wanted to say them forever and ever now.
  And you would listen to every single one.  You smiled and cupped her face gently.  
  “You’ve made me feel safe here, feel like… I’m not alone.”  Katniss whispered through her tears.  She smiled pathetically at her emotions and tried to wipe them away again.  “I-I never thought anything would make me trust District 13, but you’re here and… and I love you, so much.”
  “I don’t care where you are, or what you’re doing, I’m always going to love you too.”  You whispered with the same teary smile.  You pulled her into a tight hug, that once rock of a girl now human, and yours.  She buried her face into your neck, gently dropping the flowers so she didn’t squish them.
  “I don’t know what will happen after the war, but I want to be with you.”  You continued softly into her ear, feeling her squeeze you tightly.  “I’ll go anywhere with you.” 
  “I’d be… anywhere that you are.”
  “Of course.”
  Katniss lifted her head back up, face red and streaked with salty tears, but her smile was beaming now.  She looked into your loving eyes and then kissed you once more.
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gengernoway · 3 months
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fakemal ;; a gender related to being a cute and cuddly animal thats dark and unsettling deeper down.
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀tagging : @radiomogai ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀requested by : anon
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no id :((
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d-vewing · 9 months
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♡ Unfathogoreygender ♡
[pt: unfathogoreygender] [no spoons for id]
Flag style inspired by @\acetrappolaswife if its not obvious lmao, anyways, this took so much energy so dont expect all my flags to look like this from now on plsplspls :3
Unfathogoreygender is a goregender && horrorgender connected to being an unfathomable, gorey, disturbing horrorific creature, covered in blood and guts with bloody fangs, very specific but this is specifically for me so :PPP
Top & bottom stripes are meant to be internal organs, second to bottom stripe is meant to be bloody teeth, middle stripe is the pristine white of bones, dripping stripe is blood
Tagging @horrormogai because i feel this belongs there? (Sorry about the tag)
Dividers by essthereal
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starriesse · 6 months
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ID: Three almost identical thirteen-striped flags. The second and twelfth stripes have large bumps, and the fourth and tenth stripes have small bumps. The stripe colors from top to bottom are almost black red, dark red, desaturated red, red, dull blue, light blue, white, light blue, dull blue, red, desaturated red, dark red, and almost black red. The middle flag has a stylized icon of a knife with blood dripping down in the center that has a blue overlay, while the other two do not. End ID]
[PT: Morfinalboyic. End PT]
— A gender related to morbidity and final boys. This may be interpreted as being a morbid final boy, a final boy who likes morbid things, or any way the user wishes to entwine the ideas. This gender may also be connected to a final boy, who is morally gray or also a slasher, but does not have to be. One does not have to identify as a boy or feminine to use this gender.
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ID: Three almost identical thirteen-striped flags. The second and twelfth stripes have large bumps, and the fourth and tenth stripes have small bumps. The stripe colors from top to bottom are almost black red, dark red, desaturated red, red, dull pink, light pink, white, light pink, dull pink, red, desaturated red, dark red, and almost black red. The middle flag has a stylized icon of a knife with blood dripping down in the center that has a pink overlay, while the other two do not. End ID]
[PT: Morfinalgirlic. End PT]
— A gender related to morbidity and final girls. This may be interpreted as being a morbid final girl, a final girlwho likes morbid things, or any way the user wishes to entwine the ideas. This gender may also be connected to a final girl, who is morally gray or also a slasher, but does not have to be. One does not have to identify as a girl or feminine to use this gender.
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ID: Three almost identical thirteen-striped flags. The second and twelfth stripes have large bumps, and the fourth and tenth stripes have small bumps. The stripe colors from top to bottom are almost black red, dark red, desaturated red, red, dull purple, light purple, white, light purple, dull purple, red, desaturated red, dark red, and almost black red. The middle flag has a stylized icon of a knife with blood dripping down in the center that has a blue overlay, while the other two do not. End ID]
[PT: Morfinalpersonic. End PT]
— A gender related to morbidity and final people (as in the horror trope). This may be interpreted as being a morbid final person, a final person who likes morbid things, or any way the user wishes to entwine the ideas. This gender may also be connected to a final person, who is morally gray or also a slasher, but does not have to be.
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fungh0u1 · 4 months
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eeveryone says they love emo bitches until they meet one
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fisher-price · 6 months
pretend play series
Agere Cashier Stimboard
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rifewithrifles · 2 months
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Phantom Regiment - Spartacus stimboard
(x) (x) (x) - (x) (x) - (x) (x) (x)
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magicalshopping · 1 year
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♡ Heart Pizza Wallet Coin Bag by InedibleTreatsShop ♡
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clovercoin · 2 years
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Desert Fakemon Ideas
Just some desert animals themed into pokemon for fun exercises! Cactus mule, a water kangaroo rat, and a electric roadrunner! They all still need names and I am struggling with it. AJD . ART
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scintilans · 1 year
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happy birthday silvio! 💙
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