#faith mikaelson
katherinereilly19 · 1 year
The new Individual Aesthetics
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viavolterra · 4 months
Snarky blonde x Snarky brunette
my new fave ship pairing
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well not exactly brunette but shush
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hopelesssheaven · 1 year
some of my fav wlw ships <3 (not including yellowjackets)
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enobariasdistrict2 · 2 months
clearly i like the bitchy brunette characters my first favorite was vidia from tinkerbell and the pattern has continued
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michelle-manips · 2 months
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Faith Lehane/Elijah Mikaelson Manip
Buffy Summers/Damon Salvatore Manip
Buffy Summers/Klaus Mikaelson Manip
Buffy Summers Lucifer Morningstar Manip
Requested by: @little-miss-buffy
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keinasmultimuses · 12 days
A nature's loophole. A danger to the other species. That's what people called her and her sister. And while they may have been very powerful, they were young still. Everything was teachable. Everything was possible to learn. And they did.
The one was a powerful witch while the other was a powerful witch, who triggered her werewolf gen. Both at the Salvatore school to learn control.
Sitting in her room, Faith worked on some new spells and tricks, she learned in class. @offwithhishat
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redemptivexheroics · 7 months
Henrik and Faith for the shipping meme.
Shipping Meme
Falls asleep on the couch: Faith
Makes friends with the neighbors: Henrik
Is the adventurous eater: Henrik
Hogs the covers at night: Faith
Forgets to do the dishes: Faith
Tries to surprise their partner more often: Faith
Leaves dirty laundry on the floor: Henrik
Stays up til 2 AM reading: Henrik
Sings in the shower: Faith
Takes the selfies: Henrik
Plans date night: Henrik
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finnismyoriginalsin · 2 years
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In honor of Halloween, have some silly reface Originals+Sage/BtVS things :)
@vicioux, @katherineholmes, @livlepretre, @sevensistersofsussex, @make-things-make-sense, @vasilisarheadragomir, @lovesomehate, @monsieurbbh
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bittergirlsworld · 2 years
they fucked up Caroline's development so bad to make this fanservice, if I was a fan of hers i would feel real pissed
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nerdie-faerie · 2 years
Damon about the sword: he's hardly walking around with it
Klaus pulling the sword out to kill his hybrids: guess again
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katherinereilly19 · 1 year
Happy Birthday to Mikaelson Trio -Legacies-
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specialagentlokitty · 9 months
Klaus x reader - just a smile
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Hey, i was wondering if i could request a Klaus Mikaelson x human!reader and the reader is depressed and also ignored by her friends (elena, stefan damon ect) and klaus sees it, sees her and kinda brings her out of her depression if thats okay? Thank you 🤎 - Anon💜
TW: mentions of depression
Sitting in the diner, you had your chin on your hand, staring at your phone waiting for it to ring.
“Hello Love.”
You jumped a little bit, and you looked at the seat in front of you.
Klaus sat down, setting two glasses down and you looked at the one that he had placed down in front of you before turning your attention back to him.
“If you don’t want it that’s fine. I just want to talk is all.”
You glanced at your phone again before putting it back into your pocket.
“Whatever it is I’m not interested in it Klaus.”
Standing up, you tossed some cash in his direction.
“For the drink.”
Stuffing your hands into your pockets you made your way back outside and towards your car, fully aware the vampire was following you.
“Wait! Wait.”
Klaus gently grabbed your wrist, and he walked over you, still carefully holding you but giving you room to pull away if you wanted too.
“I know it’s your birthday, I just wanted to give you something.”
Klaus reached into his pocket with his other hand and pulled out a small box, placing it in your palm and he let go.
You looked at it a little confused.
“Have a little faith love. I would never hurt anybody on their own birthday, it’s a gift, for you.”
You slowly took the lid of the box, setting it on the front of the car, and you looked at the beautiful bracelet inside.
“I know you’ve been wanting it, you asked your friends for it for your birthday, they never showed up to celebrate with you.”
Klaus reached inside, taking the bracelet he took the box and set it aside.
Turning back around, Klaus held your arm out, carefully clasping the bracelet around your wrist.
“Beautiful.” He smiled.
You cracked a small smile, admiring the designs and the patterns on it.
Lifting your gaze, you looked at the original vampire, giving him a smile.
“Thank you…”
Klaus glanced at his phone, putting it back away.
“There’s still time, I have one more gift for you if I may.”
Klaus took the box and put it back into his pocket, and he held his hand out for the keys of your car and you handed them over.
He drove you just out of town, and when he got out of the car you did as well, trailing behind of him without that much worry.
Klaus led you up a small hill, and he slowly sat down, so you sat down with him.
The trees in the distance were all surrounded in beautiful white lights, and on the lake were lantern boats softly drifting.
“I know you don’t enjoy large shows of affection, or large celebrations, it’s why unlike your friends you are never forced to attend any of my events. But I know you enjoy the simple things.”
“This is simple?”
Klaus chuckled a little bit.
“It is for me. But May I ask something?”
Klaus turned his head towards you.
“Why did you agree to come with me? You know whom I am, you know what I have done. You know I could have easily thought you here to kill you.”
“Yeah, I do know all of that.”
Klaus sighed.
“I know you have depression, I know your so called friends ignore you and pretend you are not real.”
Klaus got up, standing in front of you and he held out his hand towards you, giving you a charming smile.
“Let me treat you the way you are supposed to be treated, let me show you there is a whole world out there just for you.”
You sighed.
“Just give me the chance.”
“This could be a ploy to get close to the others.”
“Perhaps, or perhaps I’m being genuine but you will never know until you take the chance.”
You smiled, placing your hand on his.
“Alright, fine.”
To you, there wasn’t anything to lose. If he killed you you’d be dead, it wouldn’t matter to you, if he didn’t then you might have a friend who cared about you.
Either one seemed like a good outcome to you.
Everyday Klaus would meet you at the diner, he would buy you dinner and just talk to you about your day.
Even after months he still showed interest in you, learning about you, just content and happy to spend time with you.
Sitting on the roof of your garage, you looked down at the street to the vampire who waved at you.
“Care for company?” Klaus asked.
“Yeah I’d like that.”
He smiled, jumping up, he easily pulled himself up and he walked over, dropping himself next to you.
He looked at you and he furrowed his brows a little bit.
“What’s wrong love?”
“Just a bad day I guess…”
Klaus leant against the wall, and you placed your head on his shoulder, watching as he took your hand in his, running his thumb along your knuckles.
It made you smile a little bit.
“Tell me all about it.”
So you did, you told Klaus all about your day and what had happened and he sat there listening.
“I see, May I offer some advice?”
“You are incredible, you deserve so much more. And you want to know a secret?”
You lifted your head, turning around to face him and he smiled softly at you.
“They don’t deserve somebody as kind as you…” he whispered.
He leant forward, kissing your forehead and you smiled, closing your eyes.
“You have a beautiful smile, and a beautiful soul. And I have seen you grow so much happier recently, that’s all I want for you. For you to be happy.”
He smiled, and you smiled back.
“Now, I believe I promise to show you how to paint, did I not?”
“You absolutely did.”
“Come along then.”
He got up, jumping down he stood there and waited for you to lower yourself before he held his arms up, gently taking your waist, lowering you to the floor.
Klaus laced his fingers with yours and you looked up at him.
“No amount of art will ever compare to you.” He said.
You laughed a little, letting him lead you to his car.
Klaus smiled as he opened the door for you.
You were radiant, stunning, and you had such a kind soul.
And despite everything Klaus had ever done, he couldn’t find it in his cold heart to hurt you, all he wanted to do was make you smile and let you be happy
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writememysticfalls · 4 days
Soaked | Klaus Mikaelson
Summary: You slip in the bathtub, and accidentally call your one night stand Klaus to rescue you. Things get steamy.
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x reader
Genre: Suggestive, friends with benefits, mean!Klaus
Word Count: <1k
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You were dozing in the bath when you heard a knock on the door.
You were stranded in your bathtub with a twisted ankle, and you couldn't move. You had left a message begging Elena to come rescue you.
“Come get me, you idiot!” you yelled. You heard a click as the door opened. “Thank you so much. I’ll be your eternal slave!”
There were footsteps, then a very not-Elena voice said, “The eternal slave part sounds nice, love, if a bit extreme.”
You had a sinking feeling. Somehow, Klaus was here.
You wrapped your hands over your bare chest, even though the curtain was pulled and he couldn’t see you.
“Who is this?” you said, though you knew.
“Sadly, not Elena,” Klaus said. “You called me by accident. However, I did leave a message for Elena, so she'll be here soon."
You wished the fall in the bathtub had just killed you. Then you wouldn’t have to have this conversation. The last time you had talked to Klaus was when you had drunken sex in the bushes at the Founder's Ball. What did you say to a person after that?
“Um…thank you,” you forced out.
“It was my pleasure,” Klaus said stiffly. “Well, don't let me - interrupt.”
You heard him walk away. Surprisingly, you felt a stab of fear. If Klaus left, you would be all alone.
“Don't go!” you blurted out. “Stay with me? Till she comes?” you said.
Klaus paused. “Of course, Miss L/n.”
Your eyes widened. Miss L/n? Klaus’s politeness was even more weird than intimacy would have been. Apparently, Klaus could make your eyes roll back in your head in pleasure, but he couldn’t call you by your first name.
A very long time passed where you both said nothing.
You broke it, saying, “Um… could you please give me my phone? It fell, and… I’m bored.”
Klaus pushed your phone through the side of the curtain, without looking in. You tried to grab it, but it slipped out of your hand and fell to the bottom of the bath.
“No!” you cried.
“Y/n?” Klaus said in concern.
“It's nothing,” you said.
“It is something, little human. You dropped the mobile, didn't you?” he replied.
“Maybe,” you whispered.
“Just let me come in and get it, you fool,” he said. “Your pointless modesty achieves nothing.”
You were stunned by the way Klaus had suddenly stopped being polite. “Stop trying to look in here. Pervert,” you shot back.
“Oh please,” Klaus replied. “I know every contour of your little body by heart. And trust me, I've had better.”
You felt yourself blush, and were grateful for the curtain. “Oh really? Which of the… eight women who have slept with you in a thousand years are you thinking of?”
Klaus let out a sudden chuckle, and you found yourself smiling too.
“Oh, Y/n ,” he said. “There was a time when I would snap the neck of anyone who talked to me like that.”
You felt the tiny thrill of pleasure combined with fear that Klaus had always given you. “Please, kill me now,” you answered. “It's better than making chit chat with you.”
Klaus laughed again, not a small chuckle, but a laugh from the belly. You laughed too, until the pain in your ankle felt a little more bearable.
“Just get me out of here,” you groaned. “I want my bed.”
Slowly, Klaus pulled back the curtain. Despite his insults before, he did not look at your body like it was unremarkable. His solemn eyes lingered on every plain of your body. His lips were a hard line of carefully controlled emotion.
Suddenly, the jokey atmosphere evaporated. You had never just had a teasing friendship with Klaus. You had desired each other, so much that you had been willing to risk every relationship you had for one stupid, incredible leap of faith. The memory of that moment hung in the air.
You resisted the urge to cover your body up. Instead, you arched your back, your hair thrown behind your shoulders. You presented your naked body to Klaus like you had nothing to hide.
Klaus smiled slightly, like he could read your mind. Then, he bent over the tub and slowly lifted you into his arms.
Pain shot up your ankle, but with Klaus’s warm breath fanning your bare chest, it was the least of your concerns.
He laid you in bed, leaving your phone beside you, and you wrapped yourself in the covers.
Klaus placed one finger on your chin, and leaned in to your face. His mouth was inches from yours. His eyes flashed to your lips, and instinctively, you felt your whole body tighten in anticipation.
“We - can't do this again,” you blurted out, your heart racing.
Klaus smiled. He had just been reaching to twist a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
Your face erupted in a painful blush. You couldn’t believe you had assumed he was going to kiss you.
“I wouldn't dream of it,” Klaus said with a smile.
Klaus got up, but just before he walked out of the door, he said, “You would have made a great queen, Y/n.”
And while you were still wondering what he meant, he disappeared.
Let us know what you thought in the comments or on anon! 💋
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natsvenom · 7 months
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Lost & Found - PART 2 | Kol Mikaelson x Salvatore!Reader
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SUMMARY: 10 years after becoming a vampire, you discover you still have the ability to siphon. No amount of research you do helps you discover why, and you were never able to do it again. You meet a girl named Mary Porter and she tells you there's someone who can help you, but he's the most dangerous man alive, and one of the first vampires to ever roam the earth. But what other choice did you have?
WARNINGS: Minor violence
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It had been 44 years ago when you became a vampire. For the longest time you hated yourself, you lacked the one thing you always seemed to have as a witch. Control. Luckily, you had learned the art of compulsion, managing to stop yourself from killing innocent people. Your favorite thing about being a vampire though, was the ability to heal.
Emily Bennett had told you when witches became vampires, they lost their ability to connect with nature. So why did you still feel so grounded to the earth? After ten years of being a vampire, you discovered something.
You were walking down the streets of New York City, it was 1874, and you were looking for your brother Stefan. He had gone off the rails and you decided it was time to give him a concerned younger sister talk. You weren’t sure he’d listen, but the least you could do was try.
You ran your fingers through the cracks and crevices of the dark bricks, humming the tune of an old song you hadn’t heard in several years. You gasp, suddenly being pushed to the wall, a man holding you tightly in place, his face monstrous, resembling something similar to one you often saw in the mirror.
You grabbed a hold of his arm, pinning him against the wall. He was clearly newer at this than you were. He groaned loudly, almost like he was in an immense amount of pain. You were confused, you weren’t holding on to him that tight. You looked down, noticing a red glowing light coming from your hands. That’s when you realized, you were siphoning him, something you hadn’t done in ten years. You pulled back instantly, and the man dropped to the floor, letting out heavy breaths. You looked down at your hands, then back at the man, and then you sped off, without any regard for the man who had just tried to make you his next meal.
After that day, you thought maybe something had gone wrong with your transition. Why else would you be able to siphon still? The truth was, you had no idea what was happening to you, and it freaked you out more than death itself. You tried siphoning again almost every day after the incident, but you hadn’t been able to. Maybe you were just seeing things.
You spent years after that researching siphoners, but you could never find anything. Not a single witch or vampire you talked to knew what you were, most of them just assumed you were crazy or seeking some sort of attention. It was exhausting chasing after what everyone thought was a fairytale.
In 1906, you met a woman named Mary Porter. She was the only person who believed your story and offered you her help. She hadn’t known anything about siphoners herself, but she said she knew a man who could help you, claiming he was an expert on all things witch-related. You had hoped she was right. She warned you though, that this man was anything but good. He was dangerous, and one of the oldest living vampires on the planet. He used and manipulated people, so if you wanted something from him, he’d most definitely expect something in return. Nothing he did for anyone else came for free.
Mary told you if you wanted to meet him, you’d have to be patient, saying he was almost impossible to find, not unless he wanted to be found. She took you to New Orleans, a place he had called home many moons ago. Mary seemed to have faith that he was there though, so you trusted her.
You had spent a year in New Orleans, searching for a vampire who didn’t seem to wanna be found was probably the most difficult thing you had done. How hard could it be to hide in a place like this? Mary seemed to have known a lot of people, and she said she was getting closer to finding him. What you hadn’t expected though, was that he would find you first.
You sat down at the bar in one of many clubs in the French Quarter, a jazz band was playing loudly from the stage across the dance floor. You weren’t really in the mood for dancing though. You order something strong at the bar, fully aware that your ability to get drunk vanished that horrible night in 1864.
A man sat down next to you, you paid him no mind though, your intentions for being here had nothing to do with socialization. He ordered a glass of whiskey, his British accent peaking your interest slightly. It wasn’t often you heard an accent like that, especially not down in New Orleans.
“Rumor has it you’ve been seeking me out.” The man said, his stare burning into the side of your head. You turned to face him and were shocked at how attractive he was, but you still had no idea who he was, so you kept your guard up. He held his hand out, and hesitantly, you took it. A feeling of something dark instantly took over your senses, and that was when you realized who he was. The man you’d been searching for for two years, the one who could supposedly kill you without even blinking, no matter how old of a vampire you were.
“Kol,” He introduced himself, his smile cunning and mischievous. You had wondered if you were making a mistake being here, he was intimidating, and that was a feeling you didn’t like.
“Y/N,” You said.
He picked up his glass once more, bringing it to his lips, “So, what do you want from me?” He asked, getting straight to the point.
Your heart rate picked up. It wasn’t out of fear though, it was excitement, after all this time you were finally gonna figure out what you were. At least you hoped, “I need your help.” You explained.
“Help from somebody like me comes with a price.” He said in almost a joking tone, but you knew he was serious. If you wanted his help, you knew you’d have to return the favor.
“A price I’m willing to pay.” You insisted. He could tell you were serious by that intense look in your eyes, whatever you wanted, must’ve been important.
“Very well then. What do you need that requires my assistance?” He questioned, looking at you very intently.
“Well, it’s complicated.” You sighed, “Before I became a vampire, I was a witch. I learned everything I know about magic from a witch named Emily Bennett.”
“You must’ve had an excellent mentor then. The Bennett witches are a very powerful bloodline.” Kol speculated.
“She told me that witches balance out the boundary between natural and supernatural. Which is why you can’t be both a witch and a vampire because it defies nature.” You added.
“All very true,” Kol said.
“Oh,” You murmured, disappointed.
“There’s been exceptions for certain individuals though,” Kol claimed, swirling the last bit of his drink in his glass.
“Exceptions?” You questioned, raising a brow.
“They’re not exactly well known in the witch community, they like to keep themselves hidden. They’re called the Gemini Coven.” Kol explained. You sighed in relief when you realized what you were experiencing was possible.
“They come from a long line of witches called siphoners, which means they have to absorb magic from other magical entities. Most people think that means they're weak, but that’s far from true. A siphoner can desiccate a vampire just from their touch, and rid the influence of compulsion from any person whose been compelled by a vampire. This power of course doesn’t come without a price. The leader of the Gemini Coven is determined by something called the merge. Every time a set of twins is born into the coven they must bind their magic into one once they turn of age, the strongest of the two wins, becoming the next leader of the coven. And of course, if the leader dies, so does the rest of the coven. Unless you’re a vampire of course.”
You implanted the new information into your brain, finally feeling a weight lift off your shoulders. But of course, you still had questions and concerns, “But if you’re a vampire how can you be a part of the coven?” You asked.
“That’s what makes siphoners so exceptionally powerful. They’re the only witches in the world who can become both a vampire and a witch, they’re referred to as heretics. After the transition the witch side has the ability to siphon power from the vampire side, making them quite unstoppable. There’s only one way to kill them, which would require you to rip out their heart, a stake won’t do it. I haven’t seen one in quite some time though, so if that’s what you’re looking for you’re out of luck, darling.”
At first, you weren’t sure if you wanted to tell him. If you did there was always the possibility that he would want to kill you, but you were having magic issues, and you needed help getting them back under control, “What if I told you I knew one?” You said, rather abruptly.
“Then I would ask why you’re coming to me for this.” He said, drinking the last bit of his whiskey.
“And what if I said she doesn’t know anything about heretics and hasn’t been able to use her magic since she’s transitioned? Would you be able to help her?” You asked rhetorically.
“Well, I would have to meet her first and figure out the issue. There are many reasons for magic being blocked.” Kol explained.
“Like what?”
“First tell me to whom you’re referring, and then maybe I’ll give you the answer.”
You looked down at your glass, taking a moment to think, then looked back up at him, “Me.” You said hesitantly.
“You?” He questioned.
You sighed, “Before I was a vampire I found out I was a siphoner, with the help of an old friend, I couldn’t figure out much about my family history, and all I knew was what Emily taught me. Then I became a vampire and I had no idea about heretics or anything, so I just instantly assumed I had lost my ability to do magic.”
Kol looked slightly surprised, but he tried not to let it show. He set his glass down and stood up, “If you want my help, it’s going to take a while. And that’s going to be a lot of debt, darling.” Kol asserted.
You stood up quickly after him, “Please, I’ll do anything.” You pleaded.
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tags | @multifandombliss
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mrsmikaelsxn · 1 year
Christmas Shenanigans
pairing: kol mikaelson x female reader
warning: fluff, kissing, kol being his child self
summary: you and kol spend the morning of christmas together
a/n: kol would be such a fun boyfriend oml, also I was listening to christmas music while writing this and it made it so much better
song: angels we have heard on high - james chadwick
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"Wakey, wakey, darling"
You slowly open your eyes to see a giddy Kol looking down at you while poking your side.
"What time is it, Kol?"
"Uh- 5:18," he says looking at the clock on your nightstand. You groan and roll over, pulling the blanket along with you.
"Get up!" Kol jumps on the bed and lays on top of you.
"Get off of me you big baby!"
He rolls off of you and you sit up. You grab a pillow and wack him in the head with it.
"What was that for," he pouts.
"For waking me up at five in the bloody morning," you roll your eyes.
"But it's Christmas, don't you want to open presents," he dramatically sighs.
"Well, since I'm up now anyways, let's go downstairs," you grin.
"Race you down!"
He speeds downstairs and you jump out of bed to speed down as well. By the time you get to the living room, he's already there with his arms behind his head as his sits in front of the fire.
"Finally! You made it!"
"That's not fair. You cheated with your original speed, and you didn't even do a countdown"
"Awh, don't be a sore loser," he winks at you.
"Whatever, go on and open your presents, I know you're dying to"
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Christmas music was playing and wrapping paper covered almost every inch of the floor. Gifts were scattered around the room as well.
"We made a mess," you say looking around. You look down at Kol, who was laying his head on your lap while you played with his hair.
"Good thing we can clean it up fast"
"Touché," you grin.
"Did you like the gifts I got you? Bekah helped me- actually no, she picked most of them out. I'm not good at girl stuff," he admits.
"I did, thank you," you pecked his lips. "You wouldn't believe how hard it was for me to shop for you, it was practically impossible to think of things you don't have," you tell him.
"Welp, when you're over a thousand years old, there isn't much that I haven't had"
He sits up and goes into the kitchen. A minute later he walks in with two mugs of hot chocolate in his hands.
"Here you are, milady"
"Why thank you, kind sir"
You lay on the couch together and play 'Home Alone' for the millionth time.
"This movie will never get old," you laugh.
"You're right, it's too good," Kol agrees.
Once the movie and drinks are finished, you both work together to quickly clean up the room.
"I say we make some desserts for the party later," you look at him.
"I say that's a fantastic idea, darling," he kisses the side of your head.
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"Okay, now slowly pour the flour in," you instruct Kol as he held the measuring cup above the bowl you were mixing.
The cookies you had made were in the oven and you two were now baking a cake in your matching pajamas and aprons.
He listens and slowly shakes some in. That was until he had to sneeze. As he turns to sneeze away from the batter he accidentally pours the whole thing in at once, powder flies up into your faces.
"Kol," you groan.
"Sorry, darling," he looks at you sheepishly.
"It's okay, it should still be fine," you assure him.
As you finish mixing the ingredients in, Kol walks over to the bowl to pour it in the pan.
"Walk slowly, and don't drop the bowl," you tell him.
"Have some faith in me, pretty girl," he grins.
He was able to get the cake pan into the oven and you set the timer.
"We make a great team," Kol smirks, looking around the room filled with powder and previous burnt cookies that caught on fire and almost burnt the kitchen down.
"We do," you hold your hand up for a high five, he happily gives you one.
"Should we give Elijah the burnt ones?" Kol asks you.
"He would know, wouldn't he?"
"Not if he's blind folded," he grins.
"Good luck with getting him to wear one," you pat his back.
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"Kol!" Elijah yells after he spits out the burnt cookie.
"Yes, brother?"
"What did you put in my mouth," Elijah asks, disgust in his voice. He still had the blindfold on, to both of yours and Kols surprise.
"What do you mean? It was a cookie"
"That was not a cookie, that was- I don't even know what that was," Elijah grimaces.
You pat his shoulder taking the cloth off of his eyes.
"Technically it was a cookie," you say.
"A burnt one!" Kol exclaims.
"Hm, I see. I would tell you to throw them out but I'd prefer you to give them to Niklaus first," he smirks.
You and Kol look at each other and nod.
As you wait for him you hide against the wall next to the door frame. Kol standing a few feet away from you. Elijah was giggling like a little kid as hid behind the counter with the camera peeking out to film.
Klaus gets to the room you are all in and goes to walk towards Kol. He opens his mouth to say something and you shoved two of the cookies in his mouth.
He freezes and moves his eyes to look at you while you put your hand on his jaw, pushing it up and down.
"I made cookies!" you smile up at him.
Klaus adored you, he didn't spit it out yet because he didn't want to hurt your feelings. So he swallowed the cookies as his eyes watered from the taste.
"Is something wrong, brother?" Kol asks him with a grin.
"Uh- n-no, nothing. I- um- gotta go ask Rebekah something," he excused himself. You all laugh as you hear him gag in the bathroom.
You both turn to Elijah as he stops the video.
"Send that to us"
"Double Jinx"
"Stop copying me"
"Hey! St-"
"Enough! Children," Elijah rolls his eyes, walking out of the room.
Kol looks up and smiles.
"Look at that, darling. A mistletoe"
"I wonder how that got there," you look up at him with a knowing look.
"It wasn't me!" Kol holds his hands up. "Okay... maybe it was me," he admits.
"Knew it"
"I still want my kiss though"
You laugh and pull him to your lips. He wraps his arm around you and pulls you against him.
You pull your head back and look at him.
"Merry Christmas, my love"
"Merry Christmas, my angel"
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mrsmikaelson · 1 year
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I do not want to lose you
Summary: Ever since they met, the Harvest Witch has regarded the Original Noble's wife as a mother figure.
" Are you sure it will work? I mean you are pregnant by a miracle." Davina said trying to hold back the tears
"Absolutely not, but we will have to try, I will pass your spirit into my body and mine into yours so I die in your place. Thanks to the witches when I was a baby, every time I die I live. Kind of a strange sleep" Y/N Said like it was the most normal thing in the world
"Does Elijah know?"
Only that question that remained unanswered gave Davina the answer. The Original had no knowledge of anything
"this won't work... If he finds out he'll be disappointed, angry, whatever "
"Is that our only option, or do you want to die and not know if you'll come back?" Original wife said
"I don't want to lose you, since you met me when you went to get Elijah back from Marcel, you have become a mother, better than my biological mother"
"You won't lose me Davina, I'll wake up within twenty four hours but I'll wake up and in the meantime: take good care of my miracle"
"Will I be able to tell Elijah? Otherwise he'll kiss me or he'll think you're you... Not that I'm averse to it but it would be weird" Davina asks, hugging the older woman as if her life depended on the hug
"You can tell everyone but make sure curious ears don't hear. See you soon little one"
The harvest would take place, the body swap spell was done now Y/N was in the witch's body, Sophie with the knife ready to cut the supposed girl's throat
"Do you believe in the harvest?"
" I believe"
With just those words everything happened quickly, Davina couldn't look even if she was safe in Y/N's body, there was an important person for her who sacrificed herself , when none of the four girls were resurrected, everyone was worried because they had faith that it would work
Hours later when only the Mikaelsons were in the compound, all attention turned to Y/N / Davina
"I have something to tell you about" With a heavy sigh she took courage " How shall I say this? Davina and I switched bodies.
Klaus was the first to laugh, thinking it was a joke.
" tell another joke please Y/N "
"No joke Klaus, she saved me from possibly not coming back"
Elijah, who until then had been too quiet, spoke out
"So, when did we get married?"
" It's also tell us: what are our nicknames that only Y/N calls us when we're alone without nosy people?" Bekah added
Minutes passed when the realization hit everyone: really Y/N sacrificed herself
"She said she'll wake up in twenty-four hours"
"It's to think that our brother almost kissed you earlier"
"Let's leave the caresses for when your wife is in her original body." Klaus Said Giving a light pat on his brother's shoulder
"Meanwhile, Davina will be treated like a queen and after that she will be under our protection and we will owe her a favor in return. She is protecting the next Mikaelson, my son"
"I promised her I would take care of him and I will keep my promise Elijah
A/N: I'm used to writing on Wattpad so I don't know if this size is good but I hope you like it
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