#fairly oddparents a new wish x reader
clownsgirlghost · 2 months
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silly-in-my-room · 23 days
Hello! My name’s Malewife/Mw, whichever you prefer, and my old blog is @mitta-likes-moths for those who might recognize me
Keep in mind, I’m 16, putting this here for everyone’s comfort <3
Although I may not post as often as I like, I do create and engage with darker content sometimes, such as yandere content or other things, so if that sort of thing makes you uncomfortable be sure to keep that in mind when perusing my blog, I don’t want anyone getting uncomfortable, unsettled or possibly worse due to lack of warning or tagging on my end
I write sometimes, so my requests are open!!
My general rules writing wise is:
No smut, although it can be suggestive depending on the character/version of said character and the scenario
I only write x reader stuff, no character x character or oc x canon,
Get as specific as you want! Having more to work with is always good to have, and I always get scared I’m too rambly in sidings inbox, so I feel the need to clarify lol
If I don’t want to do a request, that is that, I have my own boundaries and things I’m willing to do, please do not be an asshole about it, you will be blocked
I absolutely do yandere content! I’m pretty involved in reading and writing the stuff, and even drawing it a few times, so I’m very open to writing or discussing it!
Clarify whether it’s platonic or romantic or the secret third option, if left unclear, I will assume based on the character, usually that assumption will be romantic
Fandoms I will write for:
Splatoon/Coroika, Yugioh (Arc V and GX), Fairly Oddparents A New Wish, and Project Sekai
More may be added in the future!
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yan-randomfandom · 1 month
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Peri x GN!Reader
Part 1[You're here!] — Part 2 — Part 3
warnings: semi-yandere, lowkey stalking, he's just pining [not edited]
Haven't seen Yandere!Peri anywhere here so I decided to make my own. Even so, it's not showing much here, but I wrote this with the idea of yandere in mind—ngl guys he's kinda platonic yandere here too but like it's also a lil canon? LOL IDK
Ever since Dev lost his memory from taking over the fairy world, Peri hasn't completely moved on from him yet. He is his first godkid, after all. It's hard to move on.
So, when Peri isn't with his family and friends, he resorts to jealously spying— err, normally and very confidently checking up on Dev.
He has never felt so desparate to talk to Dev again. The poor kid's been lonely; nothing changed. He was this close to speaking to him.
Then you came along.
When Dale found out about accidentally hiring Vicky from his son, he took it upon himself to actually check who's he hiring as trauma response. You seemed to be the perfect candidate. The first name that popped up! As long as you weren't named Vicky!
Peri watched closely when you greeted Dev with a sweet smile on your lips. He felt almost threatened, the same feeling when Irep stole his godkid from him.
But... so far, so good. You've been swiftly following Dev's every demand, not once losing your cool. You're patient with him.
However, Peri is not convinced. You're probably irritated with Dev with all your might, aren't you? He thinks that because he went through that emotional phase.
He really doesn't like the idea of Dev being secretly backstabbed by a person that isn't him.
The problem here is that you probably don't deserve to be Dev's caretaker.
So, Peri decides to pretend being a human and personally meet you. Just for extra measure.
It starts awkwardly. He tripped and fell in front of you when you were on your way to the Dimmadome house.
Peri panics. He tripped. In front. Of you. Not so good for first impressions, but he quickly justified it to see how you would react.
Which is why he can't help but be sort of disappointed when you helped him. Can't you be more evil? Your gentle hands supported him to stand up.
"Are you okay?" you ask. He completely freezes when he sees your oh-so-warm, concerned look.
The fairy begins to stumble on his words, cherry red dusted on his cheeks. What's wrong with him?! Calm down, calm down!
He gives you a half-hearted apology before running away, turning into his fairy form when he's out of your view.
Peri needs to learn more about you, he decided.
Why? He can't fully answer that yet... This is all for Dev, isn't it?
Part 2 here!
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cherry-pop-elf · 2 months
Flowers For You
‘Poof’ Periwinkle Fairywinkle-Cosma x Reader
Authors note: @clownsgirlghost You asked, Gimmie yo life force/jk
Sum: You’ve always been utterly obsessed with folklore. Fae, Crypteds, what have you. You respected them, the traditions, even when people made fun of you for it. You didn’t care. You loved them, and it seem’s like the gesture has been returned.
Warnings: Bullying, religious metaphor’s, paganism, assholes to witches, my attempt at accurate folk lore, and a shitty attempt because I only know so much from a show I don’t have access to
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“There goes that weirdo again. Stay away, might get cursed.” You would listen to them gossip. Never seeming to actually try and keep it subtle. You didn’t care, you were living your life. Well, trying to. It eats at you after a while. No matter how strong you were.
You would just sigh, as you just wanted to return home already. Had been such a long day. Shopping was a pain, and you just wanted to go to bed. Buying dumb adult things like food and toiletries. Also some things to leave as offerings. You saw a beautiful bundle of periwinkle flowers.
A fairy circle had appeared in your backyard, and you wanted to show your respect to the Fae that use them. You kept your distance, and respected the ring of mushrooms. Even put rocks around it, to try and help protect it. It’s a small gesture, but you hope they know your intent. They should, unlike your neighbors.
Swore they could hear the jingling of your keys, as they were quick to look over their fences to face you. Trying hard to not be seen, as they knew what they were doing was wrong. Actually it was because they genuinely thought you were a weirdo that might throw mud at them.
“Just ignore them. Just ignore them. The richer the man, the dumber the man.” You would plead to yourself, wishing you never inherited this old house. Right in a Richie rich neighborhood. Hey, a free house is a free house. Especially in his economy. Not like you’ll ever be in a position to move.
You would sort out your groceries, and be back in your zen. Feeling calm with yourself. Taking out the flowers, gently trimming off the dead parts, just fluffing it up really. Wanting it to look its best, as if offering it to a physical person. Gave you calm, and comfort.
With the flowers made you would go out to your backyard. Right to the fairy ring. Rocks all around it, as to try and keep it safe when you mowed the lawn. To give it respect, and honor, with letting it have its own space. Even as far as to gently toss the flowers into the middle, as to not break its barrier.
“Witchcraft I tell you. Keep your animals inside. Might be used for some kind of satanic sacrifice.” You would over hear, as the rattle of collars echoed from behind the fence. Made your heart ache. You weren’t doing anything wrong, this was your practice. What makes it different from what they do?
You tried to fight your tears, as you turned your back to the ring. Just as you did, however, you heard a strange noise. You swore it sounded as if a rattle of chimes went off, while hitting a pillow case. It was such an other worldly sound, you just had to turn to look at it.
“Really? You really jumped into the nearest fairy circle you could?” “I WANTED TO GO TO FAIRY WORLD-!” “YOU COULD HAVE ENDED UP AT THE BOTTOM OF A LAKE!” “I CAN SWIM-!” On and on the shouting went between your neighbor Dev Dimmadome, and a strange floating man. Left you in shock, as they argued. Not quite aware of your existence. Left you to study them.
“And further more-! Hey! Move your sneakers-!” The bright, purply man, shouted. Fluttering wings were quick to zoom down, and scoop up the flowers. Dusting them off from the trampling, and seeming to make them bloom back to life. As if they were never harmed.
“Look at that! Periwinkles! I love these flowers! Yes I’m bias, because they are my colors, but still! I remember back when I was just a little basketball. Back when me and Timmy…..” The man seemed to trail off, as those glittering eyes seemed to sparkle for other reasons.
“Uh, Peri…..You can cry about your brother later, we got company-“ Dev would tug at the floating man’s pant leg, drawing his attention to you. Those pure eyes just seeming to stare through your soul, and through your heart. Taking in every mortal detail you offered, and seeming to be taken aback. As if watching a sunset for the first time.
Didn’t last long, before he seemed to panic. The flowers tossed high in the air, leaving Dev to try and catch them off. Seemed like Dev can care for other living creatures. Who knew! As if you could focus on that, as a massive purple book appeared. With the worlds ‘Da Rulz’ on the cover.
“WHAT DO I DO?! FAIRES CANT BE SEEN LIKE THIS! OH NO OH NO OH NO OH NO-“ The poor, floating, man was in a panic. Not knowing what to do, while Dev would just casually walk up to you. Bundle of flowers still in hand, as he lower his shades a bit. Not all the way, but enough for you two to share eye contact.
You were one of the few people that ever gave a shit about him, and actually had human interaction with him. Not just his robot baby sitters, or just smoozed on him for his money. You didn’t have much, but you gave him something no one else did. Time. Time for him.
“Hey Witchy-“ A nickname he gave you, but like many friends it was a term of endearment and mockery at everyone else compared to actually an insult to you. Just a kid being a kid, and it was nice to have. Someone to just talk to you.
“So ya know how you always talked about fairies and folk lore and like Bigfoot and stuff? Yeah. That’s a fairy. Neat, huh?” He seemed to try and brag to you, as the poor fairy in question was still a panic mess. Just wanting to try and find an answer to his worries.
“Promise not to tell anyone?” He asked, as you slowly nodded. “Peri! Chill! Witchy is cool! Probs left the flowers even. You left the flowers, right? Course you did.” He more so said to himself.
That seemed to calm the fairy down, and make the book vanish. Ever so gently he would flutter over to you, as Dev returned the flowers to him. The bundle brought to his pointed nose, as he inhaled them. Lost in a memory, from childhood days. Days when he was with him.
“For me? Really? Like really really?” He asked, as his face was a brilliant pink. Was accompanied by intense fluttering of his wings. Much like how a person would wave their hands around when over stimulated, but in the positive way.
“I mean….Yeah. Yeah actually.” You nodded, as that was the intent. Never in your wildest dreams did you think something like this would happen. To very literally give flowers to a fairy, and to have the gesture enjoyed. Must be some kind of divine intervention.
“….Guess you would follow under a magical being identification, so I don’t need to worry…” Sounded more like he was trying to convince himself more than anything, but at least he was calming down.
“Um….Do you two want to come inside?” You offered. Probably a bad idea to invite a fae inside, and definitely a good idea that Dev used your nickname then your real name. The number one rule is to never offer a fae your real name. But…..Never have you seen a fae design like him in stories. Maybe things were a little different. Especially since he seemed to be in some kind of connection with Dev.
“Hell yeah. I do NOT want to be around my old man right now. Come on Peri-!” And Dev ran inside, leaving you two alone. For him to keep fluttering those pale purple lashes, as he was just adoring the flowers you had bought. Just stuffing his face in them. Lost in the textures and smells.
“Thank you…..I….They remind me of my childhood. Miss those days…So I uh. Thanks, Witchy.” He smiled to you, as you blushed all the same. Not as intense as him, because you were a human, but it was returned.
“You don’t have anything good in here! Peri! I wish that Witchy’s house was full of food! The good kind! You know what I’m talking about!” You heard Dev shout. Ever the blunt one.
Before you could make a remark, you saw Peri raise the strange cane of his. That same magical sound went off, and it seemed to blow out of your open door way. This bloom of smoke, that vanished as quickly as it arrived.
You would hurry inside, more so to see if Dev was ok, to be met with your home filled with food. Cabinets full and organized. Fridge open with sodas and juices. Pantry with chips and canned goods. It was like you suddenly were a grocery store with the levels of goods.
“There we go-!” Dev said, as he sat on the counter. Just munching away on a bag of cookies. Just left you speechless. What do you even say to something like this? Such pure, literal, magic.
“Guess that’s one way to say thanks for the flowers.” Peri would snort, as he giggled into his flowers. As if just a bashful school girl. Left Dev eye rolling, but was contented to be anywhere but his place. A mansion doesn’t bring the warmth your home did.
“Told you Witchy was cool. Didn’t do that weird back breaking dance, no screaming, no kidnapping. Witchy is so mellow. That’s what I like.” Dev would use you to brag to this fairy companion. Had you worry a moment.
“Are you like, owned by Dev? Did he kidnap YOU? Are you trapped?” You worried, given what Dev said. Along with just how true the statements are. To steal them for power, and wishes. Which was just what Dev did.
“Yeah. I mean-! Not like that-! Like-Oh uh. I’ll start from the top-“ He was blushing even more now, somehow. Suppose your genuine worry touched him. Along with the fact that even though he literally stuffed your home with food you were worried about him. Not a single drop of green in your tongue.
“I’m a Fairy God Parent. We are, basically, step in parents for kids who are….Well….” He gave a nudge at you, as Dev didn’t seem to be paying attention much. Messing with his phone. Most likely to plan some kind of tech aligned experiment for his future mischief.
“I get it-“ You nodded, as it was clear now. A parental figure, that can help kids be kids. With wishes to their hearts, and rules in place to keep both parties safe. Made you understand the situation alot more. You were wondering why Dev seemed alot happier lately. And a lot less of an asshole. Something you marked up as out bursts from his troubled home, which you couldn’t blame him for lashing out about.
“Guess since you are definitely classified as a magical being, I’ll be seeing you a lot more now. Dev hates being at home. Yeah it’s got all the things money can buy, but if it filled the damn void I wouldn’t be here. Huh?” He snorted, as you nodded as well. Along with a laugh, as it was certainly an experience to hear a fairy swear.
“Will you two stop flirting and get over here? Hazel sent me a text. Something about burritos? Violent mood swings?” Dev more so muttered, as Peri seemed red alert now.
“WE CAN NO HAVE ANOTHER BABY! I swear if Dad is pregnant, again-“ That had you both staring at him, before Dev’s phone dinged. “Never mind, it was just gas.”
Peri gave a sigh of relief, but you both were gawking at him still. That’s when he snapped his fingers, before trying to fix his hair. Get himself back in fairy order, instead of being a blushing mess of anxiety and nerves.
“It’s….Oh it’s a long story-“ Peri huffed, as his cane seemed to turn into a hand mirror of sorts. Floating in the air, so he could properly fix his large curl. Along with sneak a few flowers into it.
“I’ve got time…..” You offered, as you grabbed a drink from the fridge. Just finally able to enjoy some time now. Just chilling with people, and not so worried about food right now. Able to actually savor it all.
“Well….It all started with a wish. Before you ask, that’s gonna be a massive staple to most of my insane stories I have-“ Peri warned, as even Dev seemed interested now. Chaos from wishes? Don’t mind if he do! Even held the carton of cookies to you, as you were both ready for the gossip now.
It honestly seemed to make Peri happy, and do that flutter of his eyelashes again. Those flowers back to being snuggled into his face, and his cane turning into a photograph. A picture with a green haired fairy, a pinker haired one, a bundle of purple cloth in their hands, and a little kid. With buck teeth, and a pink hat.
“It all started, with an average kid, who made a wish for my parents to have a baby…”
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reareaotaku · 2 months
Periwinkle "Peri" Fairywinkle-Cosma Headcanons
Depending on how this goes I might write a x human! reader version/ some villain[?] reader [Forbidden Love]
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🧚🏼‍♂️You met him through one of your grandkids, Hazel. His grandkid, Devin, was picking on yours and you were not happy about it.
🧚🏼‍♂️ He was so caught up in his own grandchild, that he didn't realize that Hazel also had a fairy. He only picked up on it when Hazel started getting better things and sometimes bad stuff would happen to Devin or his wishes wouldn't come true.
🧚🏼‍♂️ He envies you, because you got a good kid, while he got a relatively mean one. While he cares for Devin, he can be such a pain.
🧚🏼‍♂️ He kind of wants to talk to you, to get another fairies insight, but something always blocks him.
🧚🏼‍♂️ You only knew about Peri because of him a special baby. The only baby born in over 20,000+ years. You had heard rumors, but you were surprised when meeting him
🧚🏼‍♂️ You're annoyed by his presence. You have never hated a child like you hate his grandkid
🧚🏼‍♂️ Though, there is a part of you that thinks that Dev might have a crush on Hazel. You don't want to think of the similarities of your relationship with Peri to the one Dev has with Hazel
🧚🏼‍♂️ You do feel bad when seeing how Dev treats Peri. Because of the rules, you can't tell Hazel about Peri, but you do try and guide her in the direction of helping Peri
🧚🏼‍♂️ You meet Peri's Parents, Wanda & Cosmo, when they also have a grandchild that goes to the school. You only see them when they're interacting with Peri and you think it's hilarious. He doesn't find it as funny
🧚🏼‍♂️ When Hazel and Dev become friends [Even for a short while], you become closer to Peri. You actually start to like him, but you would never tell him
🧚🏼‍♂️ No, never in a million years... Maybe in two million.
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sumthinganarchy · 2 months
Peri and tall reader!!
Short ass Mf would be so smitten
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yes he would be lol
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cjonesjr · 2 months
Any Dale Dimmadome lovers???
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ridreamir · 1 month
Fairly Odd HUMAN ADULT. (Peri 'x' Reader, Office AU, Introduction Post)
[Crack-post reader insert that relates to the new reboot :3 ]
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You don't remember how you came to be a boring office worker, but you did. Mediocre xerox machine manager. Member of the coffee run committee.
You dabble in a little water cooler activity in your spare time, very distinguished stuff.
Important key factor here: Human adult. Person. Grown big boih.(gender neutral.) Very responsible. Very know how to pay taxes.
Which is maybe why you're peeved when your office old guy boss introduces the new guy. He's tall, lanky, awkward. Seems nervous, a little green around the ears. Wears suspenders? Well, it's a clean look, you're not gonna knock it. But he's got a clear thing for purple. Purple contacts. Periwinkle perm.
You find it a little ironic that his full name is listed as Periander F. Cosmenwandguy in the 20 years outdated office system. Peri for short. Peri likes purple. See? Irony. What kind of name is that??? Originally, Herb was supposed to be his mentor. Seniority and all.
Which is why it's a little odd when you are handed a copy from your boss's desk and "Herbmoine Grandgeur" in finger quotes isn't listed where it should be.
New guy tugs his collar, laughing nervously. But when he speaks, you're surprised to hear he's forgone the squeaky wimp noises for a smooth and charming tone.
"So, uh, looks like you're my new mentor. The name's Peri- but you already knew that, since you uh, read that paper. And your boss- ah, my, boss introduced us."
Right. The *chhk chhk* finger guns at the end really sold it.
"Paper's wrong." You hand it back, and continue about your business. He jumps up and beelines after you. "But wait! There's no mistake! That's your name on the paper!!"
"Paper's wrong." You shrug again. You're a pofesional. Yar be very busy. Navigating breakroom politics is a full-time job in itself.
And this began the fairly unfortunate series of misfortunes in your very mundane life. Tune into the next episode of, wait, what is he- is he trying to staple himself to your computer??!?!?!
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pinkrosies-xox · 7 days
Your wish is my command 🧚🏻‍♂️
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[A Doting Boyfriend]˖⁺‧₊˚✦
Peri x Fairy!GN!Reader Tags: Fluff, Sickfic, A little domestic, ooc
Rating: G
You wake up feeling sick on the day you were supposed to have a movie date with your boyfriend. You tell him and he spends time caring for you while you're sick.
[Under line break]
[Your POV]
It was early that morning that you woke up feeling terrible. Your nose is runny, you feel cold, and your head feels lighter than usual. Oh, dear, you didn't feel that good.
Fairies usually don't get sick often, but occasionally-- unfortunately for you, there is always a certain time of year where you get the sniffles.
You sneeze out fairy dust and you take a soft tissue to wipe at your delicate nose. You were currently seated in your bed, covered up under your fluffy bedding with your tissue box next to your bed. Sometimes throwing the cover off when you felt too hot or pulled it up when you felt too cold, it was an endless cycle for you.
The worst thing of it all, was you had planned a movie date with your boyfriend today. You couldn't let him see you like this, all icky and gross!
So you trudged yourself all the way to your home phone to dial his number. You wait patiently as the phone rings and he finally picks up.
"Hey, honey! Good morning!"
"Hi, Peri…" you greeted back, albeit weakly. Thankfully he didn't seem to notice.
"You're ready for our date tonight? I was thinking about our movie night, I'm going to bring some caramel popcorn, some other snacks-- do you mind pretzels?" Peri said excitedly.
"Um… about that--" you were stopped in mid sentence by your coughing, you had quickly turned to cough in your elbow. Peri's worried voice peeked through.
"Honey?! Are you okay, hello?!"
Your coughing subsides and you could finally speak again. "I-I'm okay, sweetie. Um, I-I wanted to tell you I might have to cancel movie night. I woke up this morning with a really bad case of, the sniffles. Maybe we can do it another time?" you said, sadly as your wings drooped low. You were really looking forward to it, but you didn't want your boyfriend to catch what you had.
But your doting boyfriend wouldn't have none of it.
"Uh, yes? Of course I don't mind. BUT! I'm still coming over!" Peri said.
"Are you sure? I wouldn't want you to get sick…" you started, feeling a little worried.
"I'll be over in a few!" Peri then hangs the phone up with a quickness and you were left in silence. You sigh, putting the phone wand back on the receiver.
You had floated back to bed to lie under the covers to rest your tired body. You soon dozed off a bit until you feel yourself gently being shaken awake. You open your eyes to see Peri's violet ones looking down at you with a concerned frown.
"Peri…?" you mumbled.
You feel him cup the side of your face and you lean into it, appreciating the warmth coming from him. "You weren't kidding when you said you were sick. The coughing sounded awful." he said, sitting down on the bed. "Do you think you could sit up for me? I need to take your temperature."
You do as he said with a soft whine and he cooes to you reassuringly: 'I know, I know.' he would say, as he brings a purple thermometer out. Peri asked for you to open your mouth and you did, allowing him to slip it under your tongue and you close it.
You wait for a ding, and when he takes it out, you can see him freaking out a little.
"100.6 degrees, that's not too bad, but a little worrisome. Nothing a little rest can't help." Peri muttered thoughtfully to himself. He gets up to grab something to place it down on your lap and you look down to see a white bowl of hot chicken soup on a silver tray. The steam rose from it in gentle swirls. "Here, I whipped up some Chicken Noodle Soup for you in the kitchen. My mom would always make this for me whenever I got sick as a kid." He explained, looking wistful for a moment.
You smile, thanking him as you take a spoon and dip in the soup, you make sure to blow on it before tasting. The soup hits your tongue in a delicious combination of spices and seasonings. "This is good, I didn't know you could cook, Peri." you complimented, eating more of the soup.
Peri face flushes red from your praise and nervously rub the back of his neck as his wings flutter a little. "Ah…haha, yeah… I picked up a few things from my family." he said, embrassed. "You really like it?"
"Yeah--" you turn your head to sneeze out fairy dust away from him. You groan, sniffling. Peri immediately grabs you some tissues from your tissue box and he hands it to you.
"T-Thanks," you stuttered, cleaning yourself.
"Here, dump it in here and I'll take care of cleaning." Peri said softly, you notice he had a small trash can in his hands. You do as he says and he starts walking around with gloves on his hands and starts cleaning around your room.
"Peri… you don't have to do that," you said, watching him with a guilty look.
"I don't mind, and it's easier to just gather this up so I can just--" he waves his wand and the trash disappeared. "Do this." The purple fairy said smugly, then he magics in a vacuum.
"Baby--" you start,
"It's okay! You just rest while I clean up for you a bit. I don't mind helping you, really!"
He then flies over to kiss you on the cheek with a loud, 'Mwah'! Your cheeks turn even warmer from the affection and you sigh heavily. This fairy. "Don't do that or you're going to get sick too!" you chided.
Peri didn't seem like he cared. "I mean, if I get sick, that means you'll take care of me too." he wagged his eyebrows at you, and you snorted pushing him away by the chest. He chuckled at your embrassed look.
"You're so ridiculous!"
"You love it!"
Thus, he went off darting every way around your house cleaning and you let him be as you finish your soup.
After cleaning up and taking away your empty tray, he was by your bedside. If you needed something? He was bringing it to you. You wanted to watch TV? he's going to bring it into your room using magic, much to your shock. Food? Got you covered. You needed more blankets? Got that! Cuddling? Surprisingly, that too.
When you were feeling cold and was shivering, not even your blankets could push away the coldness you were feeling. When your boyfriend checked your temperature again, his hand on your forehead made you press you tilt your head up into his warm hand; chasing that needed warmth.
"Darling?" Peri questions, as you grab and tug at his suspender strap. "What's wrong?"
"Warm…" you mumbled, trying to pull him in closer. You were feeling a little delirious now, his hand on you was just the right amount of warmth you needed. You don't hear him as you pull him into bed with you and he… let's you.
Your arms were around his waist as you bury your face into his chest. So warm.. you didn't feel as cold as you did before… He was like your own personal heater and with that thought, you cuddle more into him.
Peri could feel his cheeks heating up, hotter than the sun. You had surprised him by dragging him into your bed with him. He was just checking your temperature when you started nuzzling your head into his hand and before he knew it, he was cuddling with you now.
Your legs were tangled with his, your arms were around his waist and head nuzzling into his chest. He did hear you mumble something about being warm. So he indulged you. Anything for his princess.
Not even a moment after, you fall asleep.
Peri sighs lovingly, grabbing the blankets and bed covers pulling it up over your forms before he wrapped his arm around you. He knew he would probably get sick after this, but he couldn't find himself caring too much.
Peri lean down a little to kiss your forehead softly. Soon, he follows after you into dream land.
[Your POV]
By time it was evening, you woke up in Peri's arms, feeling all better and refreshed!
You sit up smiling, "Peri! I think I'm feeling better now!" you cheered, fluttering your wings happily. You shake him awake and he wakes up with tired eyes.
"…Huh?" Peri groaned sleepily, rubbing his eyes.
"I'm feeling better now!" you repeat.
"Oh, really? That's great…" Peri muttered, smiling.
"Yeah, thank you for taking care of me. If you want, we can still watch a movi--"
Peri turns away and starts coughing in his arm and you look at him in awe.
"S-Sure," Peri finally said, his voice shaky.
His face was flushed and when you felt his forehead, it was hot. You get out from your bed to magic a new thermometer to check his temperature now…
"100.6 degrees?! Peri! I told you, you would get sick!" You chided, pouting down at the fairy who lies there sick. He laughs, rubbing a hand across his head covered with a film of sweat. "This isn't funny!"
"Y-You have to take care of me now right?" Peri said smugly, his hand grasping at yours. "That's not so bad. Means I get to spend more time with you…"
You sit down with an sigh, you lean over him to smile down lovingly at him. Your boyfriend was so stupid, you thought affectionly. "So, you risked getting sick to spend more time with me?" you laughed.
"….If I did?"
"Then you're a dummy." you pouted, playfully smacking him on the chest. He whines a little as you get up. "I'll make you some chicken soup,"
"Noo, stay…!" Peri pouted, trying to follow you from the bed but you give him a scolding look. He whines again as he sits back on the bed.
"I'll be back." you fly over to kiss him on the cheek.
"Love you." Peri said, giving you puppy dog eyes.
"Love you, too" you smiled softly.
With that, you float out from your room to start cooking soup for him.
Hopefully this is what you wanted 🩷 Thank you for requesting!
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xxinkys-ocsxx · 16 days
I had a cute idea that peri would try to recreate the date his mum and dad had when Thay first met to see if that makes him and Cordi fall in love faster lmfao
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clownsgirlghost · 2 months
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UPDATE: Apparently ive hit the link limit so ill make another post💀
on Ao3:
on Wattpad:
update: •Ai Bots:
On Chai:
3. TW: he is/acts like a Yandere on this one
7. In this one he is speaking Spanish
*ill update it if i find anything new <3
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fountainpenguin · 4 months
I love what you done with the fairly odd parents, it has to be the most in-depth fan made aus I have ever read. I actually haven't read all of it, because it kinda overwhelms me a bit. But the parts I have read have blown me away.
And I was wondering with "The Fairly Oddparents: A New Wish" being released are thinking of using it for your own au or are you going to leave the au as it is now?
I'm just asking because I know good you are at shaping and expanding a show's lore and characters, and I would love to read your interpterion.
Thank you, I'm glad you admire my work!
I don't even know where to watch the show, honestly; I haven't kept up with any news. The only reason I know it exists is because @zachbrightside keeps me in the loop. I'm hesitant to get my hopes up and I don't want to get pulled into fandom negativity, so I'm keeping my distance.
I'd like to watch it when I'm ready, but I can't confirm I'll treat it as canon. Those long worldbuilding posts took a lot of time and energy that I don't have as much as I used to. If people ask, I'm happy to discuss the worldbuilding for the Riddleverse canon, but I think I've answered everything that I needed to know as the author. I don't know what the missing gaps for readers are, but I'm happy to answer questions if asked!
- If I'm asked about the main show and spin-off media I'm familiar with. Please don't send me spoilers about "A New Wish," as I am trying to avoid spoilers. - For anyone planning to send Asks, please remember my policy is that if you come into my house and ask me a question, I will answer it according to my worldbuilding and/or personal interpretation. I'd love to chat about FOP, but remember that I'm in "book club brain" when answering Asks, and you should not send me asks if you're uncomfortable with the answer being "No, I don't see it that way" or "I didn't like how X was portrayed."
I'm planning to post some of my worldbuilding info to AO3 as a meta essay / lore essay, as I recently discovered that's allowed there, and hopefully that introduces people to some of my lore if they have an easier time navigating there than on my blog :)
I'm planning to do that starting next Friday, as I'm hoping Chapter 9 of Criminal Experience will be the last and then I can give my Fridays back to FOP stuff.
tl;dr - If new info about the magical beings is revealed, particularly the Anti-Fairy or Pixie cultures, then there might be a place for it in my current works, which focus on the cloudlands more than on humans. But I enjoy the cultures as they are, so I don't think I need to supplement them with potentially non-canon info from yet another spin-off.
Honestly, right now I just want to keep my head down and get the 'fics I have done before I get carried away on new ideas :) But I do incorporate the things I can (like adding Tyler to Timmy's family tree), so if something clicks, maybe it will make it into a 'fic.
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clownsgirlghost · 2 months
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i couldnt decide on what top color so we got both,,,also
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he got me on a chockhold,,,and he got me good...🧍
ill maybe do a facts or wtv that thing is called abt her,,,but feel free to ask questions!!
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reareaotaku · 1 month
Yall are strange, but I hope you like this!
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🟣 You worked for Dev's dad, though doesn't seem like you were all that interested in your job. But who is?
🟣 You interacted with Dev on a daily basis and you both seemed to get along to point, even though you were an adult and Dev didn't respect adults.
🟣 Fairies can not interact with humans, especially adults/ones aren't their kids, so when he first sees you and his world seems to freeze.
🟣 You were- Wow, he can't take his eyes off of you. He's enchanted by you. He's never seen a human like you- hell, he didn't know humans like you even existed. You're beautiful. It makes him wish he was a human
🟣 He shouldn't ditch Dev, but he's really obsessed. Any chance he gets, he's near you. Sometimes he'll 'encourage' Dev to be around you, just so he can be near you.
🟣 It's only matter of time before he accidentally reveals himself. He didn't mean to, but he didn't take any precautions to keep his identity hidden.
🟣 You freak out. Like freak out. At first, you think you're hallucination or finally going crazy. Why is there a floating man in front of you?
🟣 He tries to explain things to you that he's a fairy, but you're still freaking out. You don't know what to think or how to react.
🟣 He needs you to calm down, because if anyone finds out he was exposed, he could lose his grandkid.
🟣 You do eventually calm down and are willing to listen to him. It's weird at first, but you do come to terms with it. He tells you that you can't tell anyone or everyone would have their mind erased.
🟣 You're still a little freaked out, but you decide to calm down and try to understand what was going on. Fairies are real??? And some of them work for kids.
🟣 And now that you know he existed, he uses his free time to talk to you. Whenever Dev doesn't need him, he's around you. He's usually some type of work supply; Like a pencil/notepad/stapler/ etc
🟣 He likes to talk to you and just regular stuff. Doesn't matter what it is, he just likes to talk to you
🟣 Sometimes he appears in your home, which freaks you out, but you become used to it. You're not even surprised anymore...
🟣 He really likes you and just likes your attention. He just wishes you were a fairy too, because it's forbidden... But maybe there's a way?
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sumthinganarchy · 2 months
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*exhale* the Twink got me
Hopefully more soon! But I also have no internet lol
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yan-randomfandom · 1 month
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Yandere!Peri x GN!Reader[Pt.3]
Part 1 — Part 2 — FINAL[you're here!]
warnings: obsessive thoughts, guilt tripping
OH LETS GO!! Now this is actual yandere content 🙏 Part 2 bothered me too much so here you go LOL— The format for this is half bulletin and half drabble!
Peri didn't realize how deprived he is when it comes to friends. He enjoys your company more than he really should.
He supposed it's because he's literally the youngest fairy after a thousand years. The only experience he had with having friends has already faded away in his memories; he never saw those baby fairies again.
In one way or another, you both found common grounds in taking care of Dev.
Yet, you're a human. What do fairies and humans even have in common? He's already struggling to pretend like he's one of you.
Perhaps one of the reasons why Peri appreciates you is because you're giving him your natural attention. It's not smothering like his parents, not pressuring like the others, and is generally just not forced.
Needless to say, Peri really, really likes you.
Which is why he doesn't want to let you go so soon.
Being with you and Dev is almost breaking the rules. Heck, maybe it already is. Why else would he be doing this secretly?
Peri, your friend now, is babysitting Dev with you again tonight. You were skeptical about it at first, but Peri was so eager about it for some reason. If you had to truly be honest, you don't know what compelled you to agree with him tagging along with your kid.
You initially asked your boss, to which he easily said yes. But it was more about brushing you off, if you had to admit. Irritation creeps into your bones. Dale just doesn't care sometimes, doesn't he?
But it should be okay. Peri seemed to genuinely care about Dev. It's almost like he's known him his whole life, even.
It's quite perfect for the favor you're going to ask him later.
You watched Dev's blanketed figure for a few more seconds before gently closing the door.
Peri looked at you expectantly. You grinned with a thumbs up. You whispered, "he's sleeping."
He grinned, walking to the living room with you trailing behind him. "Well, then! Whatcha wanna do? Watch a movie, draw each other, put makeup on my face—"
"Actually, I've been meaning to talk to you about something," you carefully said as you sat down on the couch.
"Yeah? What is it?" Peri replied, sitting next to you. He's not sure how to feel about how serious you're being.
"Well," you sighed. "I know it's only been a few weeks since I got this job, and I love Dev with all my heart, but..."
Peri's expression almost goes blank. You're not looking at him. "But what?"
"I'm going to change my job soon," you grimaced. Turning your head, you finally looked at Peri. His lilac eyes looked distant. "Uh, which is where you come in! Do you want to replace me instead? I'm worried for Dev, and I think you're the best next babysitter for him! The pay is good! I'll talk to Dale—"
"Why? Are you saying you'll leave us? I mean, Dev?" Peri furrowed his eyebrows.
You frowned. Maybe you should have told him after babysitting. Peri's more upset than you thought. "I'm trying to explore all the work options right now. My aunt offered me a job as a barista, and.. well, I do like making drinks."
Peri doesn't understand. Why are you so quick to move on from Dev? He rejected a dentist job from the tooth fairy just so he could be a godparent to him!
"I can't replace you," he deadpanned. "It has to be you. I thought you said you cared about Dev?"
"I do!" you said, growing a little upset. "But I can't be in this job forever, you know?"
You placed a hand on Peri's shoulder, offering him a gentle expression. "I'll be honest, Peri, I'm not sure why you're so upset, but I can always just visit you guys."
A small pause.
To your surprise, Peri pulled you into a tight hug. He buried his face in your neck. You're used to him being touchy, so you let it happen.
"Really?" he mumbled.
"Of course. I promise it."
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