#failing at romance 101
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retrotrait · 3 months ago
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Amazing Tattoo Lot by @rheya28 ❤️
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justmeeeeeeks · 7 months ago
15. The Jock for @retrotrait's Failing at Romance 101❤️
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Name: Camden "Cam" Fowler Birth place: Mt. Komorebi Gender: Non-binary Traits: Bro, Goofball Pronouns: They/them Attracted to: Females Hobbies: Fitness, rock climbing
Growing up as a military brat due to their mom being a general has been a struggle since they were a child. Having a basketball in their hand transports them to a whole different world where they forget that they don't have roots anywhere to call home. They were born when their mum was stationed in Mt. Komorebi where they stayed until they were a child, they've moved 6 different times since, and now as a teen, Camden has practically lived everywhere. It's getting closer to when Camden will have to start thinking about their future in sports and college.
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riverofjazzsims · 7 months ago
The Mean Girls & The Janitor
For @retrotrait Failing at Romance 101
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Meet Kiyoko and her cousin Meaghan or as a good part of the school population is concerned, The Mean Girls. Though not always the title that they held, in elementary school they both were heavily bullied. It all started when Kiyoko and her mother moved to town, because her Aunt, Meaghans mother, was imprisoned for killing her abusive husband. The town and kids were cruel in their comments, not wanting their children to play with the murder girls. As if they had anything to do with what an adult did. Eventually all the gossip died down enough to make life at school and at the play yard not horrible to the cousins but the damage was done. To preserve the peace the found not dealing with the town for the most part. They come across as standoffish, Bitchy and yes mean but really deep down they just want to get through high school and get the hell out of town.
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Kiyoko Bishop
Aspirations: Leader of the Pack
Traits: Loner, Art Lover, Over Achiever
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Meaghan Stanton
Aspirations: Academic
Traits: Snob, Genius, Jealous
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Meagan is a townie remake from @cowplant-snacks Townie group D
The Janitor
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Meet Hiroshi Nakahara, he moved to Simerica about 5 years ago after his wife passed away. His Son & only child, who he had been estranged from for over a decade, lived here and he wanted to be apart of his life and a chance to be close to him once again. Before living the luxurious life of maintenance he was, in his hay day, a military man. Even seeing combat a time or two and has two scars displayed prominently on his face. Settling into his new surroundings has been trying but worth it because he came to mend fences with his son and found he was a grandfather. Now he works right at his granddaughter high school. He's not sure why she doesn't acknowledge him when on campus or why his sweet girl is known as being mean 😏
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Hiroshi Nakahara
Aspirations: Eco Innovator
Traits: Family oriented, Neat, Cheerful
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PRIVATE DOWNLOAD (lite CC and skills added)
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retrotrait · 7 months ago
She's perfect!!
For @retrotrait : The "Math Is Awesome" Teacher, Nella Baalman!
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Child Math Prodigy Turned Quirky Professor, Ms. Nella (as she has her students call her) is in love with the world of formulas and angles, which makes Geometry her favorite part of the curriculum. She'll use random movie references or dated SimTok memes to get the kids interested, and while they all know she's kinda cringe, they freaking love it about her.
Enroll in Ms. Nella's class today and ask for extra tutoring if you struggle with solving for X. Nella Baalman is THEE Best.
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what do we think?
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gracerings · 8 months ago
still stuck on louis staying with armand after the trial to get back at lestat. this is louis 101 and I’m COMPELLED. he punishes lestat by withholding his affection and giving it to someone else like he always did when he wanted him to suffer. he KNOWS lestat loves him endlessly and has deep insecurities about not being loved, he knows he is lestat’s weakness and he uses it to punish him for his role in the trial. and lestat knows armand’s true role in the trial and still he lets it happen, he lets louis be with armand, something that ultimately entraps louis in a metaphorical (and literal) prison for 70+ year. and it’s so good because NO ONE has the ability to hurt us like the people we love most. and that’s why I think the discussion about who deserved what that’s been going on is ultimately pointless. it doesn’t really matter in this case if lestat deserved louis’ cruelty or if lestat should have told louis the truth immediately, because the point is that they’re only capable of inflicting such deep wounds to each other because they are incapable of letting go of each other. their obsessive love tangled up with hate and resentment and lust and memories both fond and painful and the daughter they shared and whom they both failed, the blood that binds them, the century of carrying each other always, their synced-up heartbeats, the fact that lestat is the only person left alive who knew louis as a human. there’s too much history, too much intensity, too much emotion for them to be anything but what they are, a black hole that swallows everything around them, a hurricane they’ve both been swept up in, an endless loop of toxic obsession and infinite devotion that is both draining and addictive. and that’s why it’s the tragic gothic romance to end all others.
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htrhng · 6 months ago
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park jongseong 박종성
paris in the rain by @seongclb
too sweet by @star-sim
stuck with me by @yeonzzzn
study lessons by @jaeyunverse
distant memory by @boyfhee
essence of romance by @parkjayist
enchanted by @parkjayist
glasses by @jjunae
3am by @kimsohn
crossroad by @writingmochi
calfornia dreamin' by @star-sim
keep jazz a(live) by @soov
trouble is a band by @i2ycat
the five year deal by @jaylver
renaissance man by @simpjaes
pass or fail by @ikissjude
crawling back to you by @bywons
7:18AM by @ashtxrie
i know this sounds insane but... i like you! by @onlyjjong
pillow talk by @sainns
smile by @fleurre
melting by @boyfhee
fever dream by @boyfhee
coming home by @jlheon
1:17PM by @sainns
boyfriend headcanons by @okwonyo
midnight thoughts by @hanlimz
nice to see you by @suneng
white corvette and lipstick by @okwonyo
secrets i have held in my heart by @berryyuni
supermassive blackhole by @star-sim
yours forever in 786 by @jayflrt
under the weather by @iseos
post arguement by @jaysng
photobooth by @jaysng
your mess by @yoursjaeyun
boyfriend by @chvnnie
homes not home by @heesdreamer
naturally by @ikeuverse
here always by @soobnny
half return by @heesdreamer
the art & science of parenting 101 by @jakesimfromstatefarm
just a few kisses by @p0ckykiss
venom by @gyuuberryy
overworked by @soov
please be real by @ja3yun
doctor, doctor, help me! by @purinfelix
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mossy-aro · 3 months ago
Aspec Video Essay Masterpost
This is a resource masterpost intending to compile together the video essays pertaining to asexuality and aromanticism and affiliated topics online! I'm only going to be including videos that are 15+ minutes long (to qualify as a 'video essay') - of course if anyone has suggestions please feel free to contribute! This is a community project!
Compulsory Sexuality, Comphet & Asexual Alienation by Evie Lupine - slightly less of a video essay and more chatty but she does talk about academic articles on compulsory sexuality. She also did a podcast episode with @theacecouple (here: Asexuality and Kink ft. Evie Lupine) which was very interesting!
Amatonormativity by Tara Mooknee - one I've recced on here before! Definitely a bit 101 and aimed at an allo audience but still worth a watch!
The hell of "sad singles" set ups & the need for found family by Bryony Claire - sent to me! I'm afraid I haven't seen it yet.
is love a social construct? by oliSUNvia - recommended to me by a friend! Again, I haven’t watched it yet but I know pertains to the wider discourse around romantic love + amatonormativity.
Are Aromantic and Asexual Representation Queer Enough? (Buddy Daddies) by VIKA - I haven't seen this series but it's an aspec reading / analysis on the main relationship in the show!
How Romance Paths in Games Fail Asexual Players (and How to Fix it) by DarkTeaTime - sent to me! I haven’t seen it yet but it’s about asexual players + gaming :) for some reason it won’t let me embed the url but someone has left a link in the notes down below!!
Rowan Ellis has a few here:
the chronically online state of asexual discourse - I've recced this one before on this blog and I still highly recommend it!
The Rise of Asexual Representation
They've also done an interview with Alice Oseman about aspec representation but it's more of a discussion than a video essay, so I haven't included it.
Spacey Aces (their entire channel is dedicated to discussing aspec topics so check that out if that interests you!) - most of their content is more chat/101 focused and not so much video essay-y but I've picked two which I think qualify:
A-specs vs Amatonormative Media (and the world)
Lavender Marriage | a history of purple and relationship anarchy in the queer community
David J Bradley has quite a few essays, here:
Alone. Not Alive. | A Queer Reading Of Company
Sherlock Holmes: Asexual Icon
That One Time House Cured Asexuality
Maybe You Haven't Met The Right Person Yet | An Asexual Video Essay
Asexuals and Sex - more of an explanatory 101 video but still felt like I should include it!
Meghan Sandor has some here:
Polyamory, Relationship Anarchy & Queerplatonic Partnerships: Are They Really the Same Thing?
Asexuality and Kink: Why Do So Many Aces Love It?
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retrotrait · 7 months ago
Ahhhh *screaming*
she's going to run that school! TYSM
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ALISHA ANTHONY QUEEN BEE for @retrotrait's HS Years
Self-absorbed insider Alisha inherited the queen bee throne from her older sister after her graduation. A benevolent ruler she doesn't bully. Honestly she spends so much time thinking about herself she wouldn't have the time to be mean to anyone even if she wanted to be. A hater of extracurricular activities, her only pursuit is popularity. She's also one of the smartest kids at school, but don't let that get around.
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absolutebl · 3 months ago
GMMTV 2025 Line Up - My Totally Biased and Wildly Flawed Feels
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This is the point where I remind you that GMMTV announced 16 BLs for 2024 and didn't actually release 4 of them in 2024: My Golden Blood, Ossan‘s Love, Sweet Tooth Good Dentist, and The Ex-Morning.
So despite the fact that these are from GMMTV 2025 line up, some of them will not happen until 2026, and some could get dropped entirely or have cast changes.
I'm not including the GLs, grab bags, or possible bromances. Confirmed full-tilt gay af only.
In order of ones I'm most excited about.
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Dare You to Death
JoongDunk as police investigators in a mystery suspense thriller. Yes, I'm in. This is it. This it the one I wanted to instantly watch. Even though their's 20 BLs airing right now.
This is the only trailer I immediately rewatched.
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Boys in Love
Our only true high school BL from GMMTV and it's fresh faces for the youths and old favs for the teachers. It's milk teeth Make it Right and that is perfectly fine with me! I like lotte milk. Also DIMPLES! Yay! I suspect they're using this one to test some new pairs for future seasons. Like a Project 101 Thai BL. (Honestly I just invented an amazing reality TV for you GMMTV, you're welcome.)
Like My School President was in 2023, this could be a major 2025 sleeper hit for me.
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Memoir of Rati
Sing the praise song with me BLabies! GreatInn in a HISTORICAL with a class divide and everyone's favourite side couple! Be still my heart! I'm beyond pleased. (Also I got my boat in a lotus pond at last.) My only concern is this could end sad, it's in the title after all.
This is the only trailer that gave me chills.
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My Magic Prophecy
Paranormal mystery with a fortune teller and a doctor. I'm in. I hope the script doesn't fail JimmySea again, they are such a great pair. I'm intrigued by this one but it felt the most formless of all the trailers, so I'm thinking we could see some significant tweaks.
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Me and Thee
A photographer gets involved with the mafia? OMG is this a Thai dupe for Target the Finder? Only mixed with Cyrano? WILD. I mean to say, this one is wild WILD! Plus Est (my love) back in suits and ear dongles I see. Also GMMTV never gonna let us forget they bagged two of BL's best bods with PP, thanks all for the visuals.
Of course this is for me. I'm the shallowest, remember? Plus I love a BL that's just a little bit...... well...... stupid.
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A Dog and A Plane
A prissy gay flight attendant in a push-pull relationship with an EMT dude-bro. Characters are a bit throwback to PeteKao (no bad thing) not to mention the looming shadow of What the Duck? (bad thing). But the side couple is the always appealing MarcPoon.
Okay GMMTV, surprise me, I'm game. And you know TayNew are my OG GMMTV pair du jour.
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Cat for Cash
Finally something fluffy with a pair I like. Looks cute. I like cute. Yay for me! Adorable gay boys and cats.
This one is basically made to be a tumblr comfort meme meets thirst trap. I see what you're doing GMMTV and I applaud you. Carry on.
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That Summer
The only side pair to seriously level up. Okay so amnesia is my least favourite trope, and I tend to not be wild about secret identity either, but I like both pairs in this one, so I'll watch.
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My Romance Scammer
New couple! My boys Ohm and Fluke (no, not that Fluke, the one from My Ride). Honestly, Fluke has popped up as a side in a couple GMMTV shows I was wondering who they'd BL him with.
This could win. Prettiest human on earth paired with the world's most potent single dimple. Will I survive? I honestly don't know, because Ohm historically doesn't have much chemistry with anyone but the original Fluke so... Still I l do love JuniorMark and this as a really unique premise (gay Heartbreakers), so I'm game.
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Head 2 Head
The Boo kids are back. I don't love this pair (I find their chemistry and acting awkward) or the main trope (E2L) but I do like the new sides and their trope (2nd chance is a fav of mine). So this one will depend on whether those are full side dishes or just crumbs.
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Ticket To Heaven
GMMTV is doing Boy Foretold by Stars concept? Interesting, did not have religious boundary pushing and bildungsroman down on he Thai BL bingo card.
This isn't my thing but I think G4 are actually going to be amazing in it and I certainly look forward to them pushing their acting chops. Not to mention the discomfort something like this can cause in general/global viewership. I like it when BL makes people (who aren't me) uncomfortable.
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Burnout Syndrome
GMMTV doing edgy is never a good thing IMHO, and in this one they're handling sex work. *shakes head* However, Not Me is the noted exception and this is that same pair with the same director. So I'm curious if not wild about the content.
That said, I'm delighted to see Gun with someone else (Dew is a stunning choice, thank you Casting) even if only for a love triangle moment. It's been a WHILE.
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Melody of Secrets
Not wild about ForceBook, do like a mystery, don't like horror or psychological thrillers... not sure on this one.
I like BL pushing into new territory, even if it's not my territory, but this is defiantly not made for me, that's for damn sure.
And that's the end of my list.
"But wait," you cry. "P'ABL you're still missing some."
How Dare
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Only Friends Dream On
Yeah, no fuckoff. I will not be watching this. I already marked it pink on the Spreadsheet of Doom. (Pink means CNF or an automatic no watch for me.)
But dude was it nice to see all those pairs busted. That's always a good time for me. Anyway, all you so-n-sos who gave the first one your eyeballs are to blame for this. Watch it n weep. Without me.
(Side note: I love it when a title reviews itself, Only Friends: Dream On, indeed. It's like media aptronym.)
and last and definately least......
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Love You Teacher
no no
I do like Perth & Santa (although I'm not sold on them as a pair). But words cannot describe how much I dislike this premise. SERIOUSLY? No thank you very much. I could, just maybe, hate watch Only Friends 2, but it's gonna be hard for me to even turn this on. Infantilization and people acting like children wigs me tf out. YKINMKBYKIOK of course, but not in my BL GMMTV. Stop it! (This one also got the dreaded pink of will not watch.)
More Disappointments
Thor didn't get the lead in anything. (Pouts in "but he so sexy.")
No major pairs were significantly busted.
Tonally it's gone darker than I expected. I prefer lighter fluffier BL so this tonal shift for GMMTV as a whole is not a win for me personally. Should be left to Japan IMHO.
That said, most of my favorite GMMTV pairs are in my top picks to watch as well, so I'm happy for that.
I'm Intrigued Despite Myself
My favorite trailer of all was actually Wu (red thread fated paranormals are my favoritest thing ever next to isekai) but that's not a branded pair so I'm not convinced it's BL. Hoping it is, but that happened in 2024 with these boys, so I'll leave it in the air for now.
I like that we're making push to leave uni and high school behind (don't worry, other Thai studios will fill the gap). I think GMMTV is doing this in order to
keep branded pairs together and
keep the actors of those pairs interested in the BL scripts.
As their major pairs age out of uni, GMMTV has to hand them more meaty and grown up stuff. I didn't think they would actually do this, so I'm pleased to see it happen. Even if it's all going darker than I like, at least it's different.
I don't really report on GL and I rarely have time to watch it these days. I thought the new MilkLove looked cute, but I'm still recovering from whatever happen in their last one. The Girl's Rules one looks like a light-weight L-Word. Still happy to see GMMTV move out of school for thier few GLs too.
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idlerin · 8 months ago
love sick — 10. ur like an exorthermic reaction
romance 101; ideal partner #14 — someone who would be down to go to trips or do some fun activities with me!
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suna observed the way your lashes fluttered against your cheeks. the lights blazing colors in mixtures of red, blue, and purple. each of the hues seemingly highlights your features most excruciatingly. he couldn’t place exactly why it was so unbearable. perhaps it was because it was putting you in a light he’s resisted seeing you in for the past few days.
so far, he was winning.
“they’re next,” you absentmindedly tug on the sleeves of his shirt, gaze still focused on the stage where you waited for semi to show up, “they’re really good!” you hype them up more, a buzz in the tone of your voice.
“do they play originals?” suna asks, an arm slung around your shoulder. the both of you chose to stand close to the walls because it was easier for suna to prop himself to a more comfortable position. there were plenty of people in the crowd which caused the two of you to press closer against each other—he asked in the car ride if you went to these gigs often and you said yes, he wondered how you stayed cooped up in places like these alone considering the prissy princess idea he’s had of you for a long while now—in the process, you casually resumed a couple-like position. it wasn’t like there was anyone here you needed to put up an act with now.
suna didn’t want to dig into that thought deeper.
“ei likes to mix it up sometimes. they don’t always perform here, specifically, of course. i’ve noticed that his band usually starts with a cover song and then an original. he’s a really good songwriter, he’s been writing songs since high school,” you began to ramble, occasionally looking up at suna pointedly as if emphasizing your words. you had to lean in a bit closer in case he couldn’t hear you well with the noise surrounding you both.
“so you’ve been present and supporting him since the very beginning?” suna urges you to continue with his reply, yet his eyes were surveying over the place, trying not to make you the center of his attention.
“well, duh! i’ve known him before i could even form proper sentences,” you shift and cross your arms over your chest. causing your hair to brush against suna’s collar, making him fail in not having you his focus. his thoughts now went to your perfume and how it would linger in his car later on.
“that long, huh. i haven’t been close to anyone for years close to that, the closest would probably be the miya twins,” suna starts to share about himself, to your surprise.
“i find it hard to keep long-lasting friendships,” you confess, putting more of your weight on suna unintentionally, jutting out your lip in a subtle pout, “i’m lucky i have ei and the others.”
suna found himself focusing on your lips, they were tinged with a darker shade you usually wore. it contrasted the appearance you usually put yourself in around campus. it suited you even though it wasn’t anything he was used to, that made it more appealing. it was distracting, to say the least.
why did he even agree to go here?
he had no reason to. he was tired. and yet he chose to be here. he only needed you for one reason and that was to stop getting bothered. it was going fine, if only it could be kept up for more weeks. you guys didn’t have to be friends the whole time. you guys didn’t even have to be amicable as long as you acted like it. but you preferred having a more familiar relationship if you were ‘acting’, was it under method acting? suna thinks it’s a bit ridiculous that his thoughts made that conclusion just to rationalize. this. this problem.
he thought for the whole duration of this agreement he’d only have one problem, turns out he has two.
the first one was figuring out a way to get a particularly persistent one off his back, and the other was you.
because he was attracted to you.
“are you listening?” he snaps out of his slight daze at the sound of your voice. semi’s band has been playing for a minute or two, suna doesn’t know the specifics since he was only guessing, but you were here making sure he was paying attention. here you were, wide-eyed and raising a hand to tap his cheek.
atsumu was right, you were cute.
“yeah,” suna answered absentmindedly.
you squinted your eyes at him, “listen more,” you put a hand up to your lips to ‘shush’ and went back to watching semi.
suna listens for once and he admits semi was good. he hasn’t interacted much with the guy but he seemed nice enough, he was never interested in his musical endeavors though. suna’s life revolved mostly around volleyball, after all.
a few more minutes pass before suna couldn’t take it anymore.
he was being tortured by the sight of you, it was that cursed moment he saw you in the lobby. suna was taken aback by the way you presented yourself in a different style than usual, he didn’t really think it would have this kind of effect on him.
fuck it.
suna leaned down to whisper in your ear, “hey, you said i can kiss you, right?”
it takes a second before you turn to him, your features scrunched in curiosity, not in any way judgemental or doubting anything, your immediate assumption was, “is anyone you know watching?”
“no,” suna says, eyes dropping down as he watches you wet your lips, “but can i?”
you contemplate it, and in the middle of doing so your surroundings suddenly turn into silence. suddenly, there was only you and him. like they were described in books or movies, everything else turned into background noise.
your ears were ringing and you were a little dazed as you carefully stood on your tiptoes, your mind battling whether this was really a good idea.
it shouldn’t matter, it meant nothing in the end.
you were still clutched against suna and before you started regretting anything, you leaned in and pressed your lips against his.
it was a solid five seconds, and you stepped back with your stomach turning in knots.
suna’s grip on your shoulder tightens, but it wasn’t uncomfortable.
the both of you were silent as you continued to listen to semi’s music.
“i hope that made whoever you were trying to trick go away,” you suddenly say, looking up at him with a smile on your face.
suna was left dumbstruck, he clearly told you there wasn’t anyone he was trying to stray away from here… unless you were doing it on purpose, playing another act on purpose. suna observes your features once more, notices that your smile doesn’t quite reach your eyes, the blank determined look set in your gaze and deduces that he was spot on.
he splayed a small grin, deciding to play along, “yeah, thanks.”
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masterlist — previous | next
❥ fun facts !
kageyama has the healthiest screen time in the fg.
kiyoko has a whole list in her notes app abt reasons why she (personally) would never get pregnant.
suna is the type who needs time to warm up and joke around in texting.
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love sick ! a suna rintarou social media au
synopsis. cupid! calling cupid! as the resident matchmaker slash hopeless romantic of tokyo university, you are the person people look for to get love advice or to set them up with the love of their lives. when suna rintarou comes to you asking for the opposite, to help fend people away from trying to get with him, to the extremes of even asking to fake date you, you couldn't refuse! mostly because you did owe him since he was on the receiving end of a bunch of your clients’ unsuccessful love efforts (hey, you do warn them your matchmaking only has a 62.3% success rate).
a/n — i listened to sabik by deny n arthur nery the whole time reading this so i suggest listening to that if you feel like you wanna reread this PLSSS. also END OF ACT 1 YAY! look at how self destructive these two are 💖. also will prolly close the taglist before i start posting act 2 wlxnsnx. omg my head is throbbing.
taglist is CLOSED ! + (1/3) @yas-mjm @agirlwholovesalot @yenqa @fairywriter-oracle @noideawhothatis @alienvarmint @renardiererin @cheezitwh0re @yaboiithewreck @zephestia @nicerthanu @wolffmaiden @2baddies-1porsche @bluegrey02 @qualitygiantshoepsychic @lylovw @fo-love @cloudsvna @haruskatana @apinu @coyloves @rockleeisbaeeee @geombyu @girlkissersco @reveusecherie @mwhahahalasagna @megumiif @erenjvegerrr @thechaosoflonging @rintarousgirl @ris-krispie @kamikokii @complexivelovely @justabreadslice @hearts4faey @yuzurins @eleanorheartschishiya @hearts4itoshi @justsomeonewhoyoudontknow @rijhi @sleepystrwbrryy @snail-squasher @seiamor @wave2love @le000xxgrd @iuspired @theidontknowmehn @linmabbe @rntrsuna @tenaciouswritersheep
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retrotrait · 4 months ago
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S2. EP 1
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retrotrait · 7 months ago
Berry! You absolutely killed this, he's perfect !
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Gerard Nelson - The janitor for @retrotrait
"There's something off with him, I feel like he hates this job." "Can you blame him? Being a janitor in high school sounds the worst." "Ms Gardner told me after class that he was in prison before!" "No way?! What for? Did he kill someone?" "Either way, I feel like something's not right with him, he's clearly hiding something. Someone should get to the bottom of this!"
More info under the cut!
If you'd ask around the school, no one, not even the headmaster could tell you anything personal about Gerard Nelson, like what kind of music he listens to, if he likes sports, small details like that. He always keeps to himself and if anything's broken or needs fixing on the premises, he's there and will get the job done, but he never makes small talk and has a constant frown attached to his face.
So he's an enigma - someone who arrived in the greatest need when the old janitor had just died and no one in town wanted to take over the job. But why would someone like him, who clearly dislikes teenagers and this work offer to be the janitor?
That's a mystery that remains to be solved, just like why he went to prison, or if he has some other, perhaps ulterior motives to move to town and get employed at the school...
Private DL if chosen
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aziraphales-library · 4 months ago
Hi all! Thank you very much for all of your hard work. I've glad for this account since there is always something fun to read popping up. Can the Mods recommend any fics where either Aziraphale or Crowley use dating apps for any reason?
Hello. You'll find fics like this, including some of the fics listed here, on our #social media tag, but here are some dating app specific fics...
Bloggers, Baby! by Estrella3791 (T)
Crowley's a blogger, and he may or may not be developing a crush on his commenters. But he's not really - Oh, what's this? Angel1941 is on Tinder??
Oh, Lord, Heal This Love by WaitingToBeBroken (T)
"Looking for someone to take to couples therapy and see how long it takes the therapist to notice we don't know each other," is what Crowley's dating profile says. Too bad Aziraphale was too busy staring at those graceful fingers in his picture to realise that, before he agreed to go on a date with him.
abide by me by cosmya (T)
The year is 2001. Crowley runs a fake marriage website, and Aziraphale has encountered a... problem that requires his services. Naturally, they have No Idea that it's each other at first, but when Aziraphale proves a difficult client, Crowley takes matters into his own hands.
Dim the Lights and Sing You Songs by Polaris (E)
A few months prior to leaving the Dowling household, Crowley had downloaded Grindr for the sole purpose of catfishing randy morons. He was not expecting a paragraph that began with: ‘hello. I hope you don’t think this is too forward, but I couldn’t help but notice you have the most lovely nipples.’ Crowley keeps trying to meet his Grindr fuckbuddy. Aziraphale keeps showing up at all his meeting spots. This is terrible.
MatchMade! by amaruuk (E)
Crowley tests a new dating app for an online publication. When his match dumps him for another man's match, he and his fellow dumpee take a chance on each other.
With Potential by Caedmon (E)
Aziraphale is an author of popular and successful romance novels. His books have done very well, so he's surprised when his publisher, Gabriel, comes in and tells him that they expect him to start including explicit sex scenes instead of just the fade-to-black he's been writing. Aziraphale argues a bit, but it's pointless. Gabriel isn't asking, he's telling. And now Aziraphale is in a pickle. He doesn't have a wide swath of sexual experience to pull inspiration from. So his assistant, Anathema, helpfully suggests that he download some dating apps and seek someone to hook up with for casual sex. Aziraphale is appalled by the idea of casual sex at first, and thinks that this plan is going to go absolutely nowhere, but agrees to give it a try. Three guesses what happens next.
The Grindr Logo Doesn't Even Have a 'G' In It by indieninja92 (E)
After the Apocalypse, Aziraphale ventures into a new space in the gay milieu - Grindr. There he starts talking to a charming young man who certainly doesn't bear any resemblance at all to a certain long streak of demon, not one bit, no thank you. Meanwhile, Aziraphale and Crowley navigate their friendship after the world failed to end. There is much drinking and silliness, but could it be that there are other feelings lurking underneath?? Of course there are, this is fanfic.
The Mathematical Improbability of Reaching the Stars by cassieoh, D20Owlbear (M)
Aziraphale, 3rd year doctoral candidate in Library Sciences and current failure at Astronomy 101, finds out about an app for meeting people from some undergraduates. He’s desperate for a tutor so he decides to try it out. Surely someone in the wilds of Tinder is willing to help him learn about the stars? Meanwhile, in said wilds of Tinder, Crowley (high school dropout, star enthusiast, and official garden center plant-harasser) is not really looking for anything past dinner and maybe ‘tea’ back at their place. Hijinks, and also a surprisingly intricate plot, ensue.
- Mod D
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riverofjazzsims · 7 months ago
"The Foreigner" - Jannali Marrakulu
For @retrotrait failing at love
Jannali Marrakulu
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Teen From Simstrailia Aspirations: Goal Oriented Traits: Paranoid, Cringe, Loves outdoors
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OMG let me tell you, I WANT TO GO HOME!!!……(quiet surrounds her) See no one even gives a care I miss my friends, my school my TRIBE. But my sister cant even leave home for college and my SUPER overprotective Father and Mother wouldn't let her adult like normal parents. So here we are, my sister at a college that's 1 hr. away( rolls eyes I mean I guess that's better than the almost 10k miles if we hadn't moved) and on a full ride because she was scouted and granted a scholarship for soccer. Now I'm stuck here in Simerica for the next 4 years AND i have to start all over again, the thought makes my stomach hurt and my anxiety creep up. Ugh i just want a big tree to sit under, watch nature and hope i can fly under the radar at this new Highschool until graduation on top of that I now need to work on new friends... I could just cry !!!
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Private Download (Lite CC used)
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invisiblequeen · 5 months ago
I Recommend These Active Sim Stories:
Langerak Legacy
Laandgraab Generations Legacy
Things Fall Apart
Clawcrest Legacy
Girls With Guns
The Grand Occult Baking Championship
The Stephens Continued
Failing At Romance 101
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slowthypiglordblr · 1 year ago
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Overprotective friend alert
(don't worry, Regina may be harsh, but she means well to those she loves.)
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How to meet your future sister in-law 101.
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Definitely nothing off-putting about carrying a body shaped sack.
(Calm down, it's just a class assignment)
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"Do you wanna dance with me?"- Azura
By @Aykow01 on Twitter
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Ellowyn fainted: Mission failed successfully.
Ellowyn's greatest challenge yet, romance
Future Owl House by @aweirdlatina
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