#faifa p10l
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bl-inded · 2 days ago
Ik everyone is like, "They've confessed so many times already, why aren't they dating!" But the thing is, internalized homophobia is a fun beast 👀, and this is not easy for Wine.
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So when Wine prevents Faifa from confessing here, I honestly feel him. Coz, like, the kid barely came to terms with the fact that he's gay, and that it's okay to be gay. Just because he's ready to accept that doesn't mean he's ready to date yet. Because accepting you're queer does not simply prepare you to date a guy. Hell, it doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of it!
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And he recognizes it on a certain level too. Thankfully, he's ready to set the boundaries to figure it out without (hopefully) breaking anyone's heart. He seems so nervous when he asks for time because he knows it's not fair to ask someone to wait for him to be ready.
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But this is not just someone! This is Faifa (loml I swear). Which is why I love so much that Faifa's immediate response is acceptance.
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Much to Wine's surprise, clearly.
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He says we can keep doing this how you're comfortable. He allows them the chance to figure it out together. He lets Wine define their relationship because he saw Wine struggle with his sexuality and probably understands this would not be easy for him.
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And that is why this feels earned...
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It's a confession Wine knows will not be misunderstood or taken for granted. It's one he knows Faifa deserves and one he will treat preciously. And Faifa, to his credit, absolutely does!
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He doesn't push; he doesn't demand. He accepts the uncertainty with a smile.
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Because what Wine needs time for is not to accept Faifa. It is to accept himself. It is to accept this new life for himself. And that 👏🏽takes👏🏽 time👏🏽
But Fa also makes sure Wine knows that he's special.
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Fa has his own struggles, and honestly, that might be the reason both of them are willing to learn and try for each other. Because they know they'll never demand more than the other is willing to give. It's trust that they helped each other build.
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The best part- They laid this out for us from the beginning of the episode!
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It's a good thing he is willing to wait for you too, Wine <3
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pointlesscandies · 24 days ago
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Faifa ✨🩵
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heretherebedork · 24 days ago
I just cannot get past Faifa eating the cake despite his milk allergy because he knows his limits so well but also overstuffing his car, buying Wine four drinks and generally always giving and trying to give past his own limit every chance he gets.
Because he thinks he knows his limits but the truth is that he will do anything to make someone else happy, to bring them joy, to feel useful... even when it hurts him and the people around him.
Milk directly hurts Faifa but he will still eat some to celebrate and when asked and he won't remind his mother that he's allergic when she gives it to him because he just wants to be loved, to be seen, to be chosen and even if it hurts, even if it's just for his money, even if it's because he loves other people, as long as they choose him he'll do anything for that.
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bloominghaos · 30 days ago
I want to take a moment to talk about the reconciliation scene in episode 16 of Perfect 10 Liners
Yes, for Yotha, he needed this explanation from their mother, he deserved to be able to let go of his resentment (even if I don’t think she necessarily deserves any of their forgiveness) for his own well-being. But that healing moment for Yotha was really overshadowed for me because, for Faifa? His heart was broken again in that same moment.
Faifa had to sit and listen to his mother tell his brother that she took Faifa instead of him, because if she took Yotha, she would have been so happy having Yotha with her that she wouldn’t think of visiting her other children. So she took Faifa from his brothers and his dad, all of whom she admitted she knew he loved being with, because he would miss them and want to see them, for her own selfish reasons with no regard for how that could affect him. Because she needed him as an excuse to force her into being semi-present in their lives. And then, she ultimately sent him back anyway, further traumatizing him, because he missed them like she knew he would but she was too preoccupied with her new family. She verbally admitted she chose to take Faifa, not for his sake, but because she knew if she had taken Yotha, she would have wholly abandoned the rest of her children. In that moment, Faifa was made to feel like a second choice to her. He was othered. Again.
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Then she drops the news that she’s leaving the country with her new family (and she hadn’t even initially planned to tell them at all before she left, it was pure luck they were there when she came to say goodbye to their father) Effectively abandoning them all again. And Faifa had to sit there, hurt etched into every detail of his face. And he couldn’t even say anything.
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For the rest of the scene, he can hardly even bring himself to look at her. He wasn’t even really allowed the time to sit with his feelings before she was telling him how his half siblings missed him and he had to put his emotions aside, again, for the sake of others; agreeing to see her off at the airport so they could see him before they all left. He let her hug him despite how obvious it was (to the audience at least) that he did not find it very comforting. Because he didn’t feel loved. He hugged her, assured her that he knows she loves him when she asked, not because he actually felt that way, but in order to not hurt her feelings, to not cause a stir.
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She gets the comfort of being forgiven and making up with all of her sons so she can go and live her life guilt-free, all the while blissfully ignorant of how harshly she just hurt one of them, no matter how unintentional it may have been. She was not, and still isn’t, a good mother to her sons. Despite this scene being one where she is supposed to reconcile her mistakes, she is still selfish throughout, in her words and actions. Everything is done for her emotional benefit.
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Despite this being a mostly positive moment for Yotha, one he needed, I couldn’t help but feel so devastated for Faifa. Faifa who is always putting himself on the back burner. Faifa who probably thinks that if he makes himself as small as possible, if he doesn’t need to have his feelings cared for, if he’s agreeable to a fault and doesn’t make a fuss, maybe, just maybe, the people he loves will stop abandoning him over and over again.
(And don’t even get me started on how overlooked Newton’s feelings are because he’s the oldest and it’s “his responsibility to look after his younger brothers”. Gmmtv can not let a series end without an attempt to redeem even the worst parents and I hate it sometimes. They have every right to resent her for her decisions. No matter what her motivations were. In fact, they have every right to resent her because of her motivations even.)
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motelroomjesus · 5 days ago
something about faifa from perfect 10 liners makes me want to cry so bad
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jflower278 · 25 days ago
Faifa is too nice 😭 he just wants to help and take care of everyone
But faifa your gonna stretch yourself thin is you keeping doing that 😕
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witchzvamp · 18 days ago
faifa's alarm is so loud omg
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aprilblossomgirl · 11 days ago
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I understand what “special” means now. I understand that it’s probably you.
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crispywizardtale · 11 days ago
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lazzarella · 10 days ago
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🫱🙏❌ 🙏🫲❌ 🙏🙏🤝✔️
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athousandbyeol · 11 days ago
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would it be wrong to kiss you?
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bl-inded · 8 days ago
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I find it soo endearing how awkward Faifa gets in this scene when Wine casually lays on his lap! But the thing is, this is not a one off. It happens whenever Wine has been the first to initiate contact.
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He is shocked every time. He takes a moment to regroup before he hugs Wine back. He almost seems flustered. Like he's not used to being hugged. Like he's not used to receiving this kind of affection at all (or probably doesn't expect it directed to him).
Which is so weird when you think about it, because Wine is not the first to do anything very easily, especially show his admiration (and towards a guy! my sweet, previously closeted, gay baby 🥲). Fa is the one who eased him into this kind of comfort from day 1!
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He casually pats his hair, touches him, hugs him, kisses him and just showers him with love. He's the one who broke Wine's barriers. He made Wine comfortable with accepting physical touch (at least from Faifa).
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So, of course Wine thinks it's okay to do it back! And yet, when it's reciprocated...
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Faifa is surprised
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Every. Single. Time.
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pointlesscandies · 1 month ago
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So mom’s explanation is that when they got divorced she took the child who she knew would be most traumatized by going with her-and would most desperately miss his brothers and his father. Because then she would have an excuse to go visit them.
Instead of just. Like. Being involved in their lives because she’s literally their mother.
Oh and then she returned him anyways because he still missed his old family and she was busy with her new family.
And now?? She’s moving to England and didn’t tell any of her children about this plan even though it’s been in the works for months and they only happened to find out because she came to say goodbye to dad while they were there.
She was going to just abandon them again.
The verdict is in: Absolutely no forgiveness for mother. Get out the sticks.
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neonsbian · 11 days ago
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JUNIOR PANACHAI as Faifa & MARK JIRUNTANIN as Wine Perfect 10 Liners (2024-2025) EP. 19
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nanihirunkits · 1 month ago
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So you’re not going to help? No. Then why are you here? I said I’m here to see Gunyukhol.
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tortibomb · 1 month ago
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สายรหัสเทวดา Perfect 10 Liners | Faifa | Episode 16
Just Faifa being a mood the entire episode. Don't worry Faifa, you are next. 💕
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