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my-drama-heart2406 · 1 year ago
I love how every recent 'the impossible heir' YouTube short with Inha has reactions like, "Oh my god! So it was Inha all along?!", "Inha is the one who did this to Taeoh?!", "So Inha never really liked Hyewon at all?!", "He only liked Hyewon because of Taeoh?!", "So Inha turned villain and did this to the person who got him this far?!?!".
And then there's us on Tumblr who had predicted this is exactly what would happen since the first two episodes dropped.
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guttersnarls · 2 days ago
CONGRATULATIONS OPETH! on winning the Grammis for ‘Hard Rock/Metal Of The Year’ with The Last Will And Testament 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 (And what a beautiful moment seeing Tobias present it, my heart is full ♥️)
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sad-scarred-sassy · 6 months ago
“And if they do not kill Feyre outright, then they might realize what they stand to gain if gifted with offspring from her, too.”
“My stomach had turned over at the implication. That I might be stolen—and kept—for … breeding. Surely … surely no High Lord would go so far.”
Does it puzzle yall that this is essentially what ended up happening? This was Ianthe arguing with Lucien about not letting Feyre train. I fucking hate Ianthe and I do think this conversation should have included Feyre but I think these points are valid (even if she probably had ulterior motives for making them).
Now fast-forward to ACOSF and the whole pregnancy thing, how Rhys was hiding from her the fact she would most definitely die (while she could have avoided by shifting herself one more time with a risk of only hurting the baby) and in the same book we have the High King conversation that shows how much the Inner Circle weaponize the sisters.
“And do not forget that Nesta herself—and Elain, with whatever powers she has—is here. Feyre is here. All three sisters blessed by fate and gifted with powers to match your own. Feyre alone doubles your strength. Nesta makes you unstoppable. Especially if she were to march into battle wearing the Mask. No enemy could stand against her.”
Rhys seemingly turns the idea down but his actions speak otherwise.
I just find it very eerie how Feyre doesn’t realize what made her stomach turn is her reality. It is also sad that a character that had to always “earn” the love she received coincidentally ended up with the one who only began to treat her with humanity when she became powerful and useful.
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moviestarmartini · 5 months ago
jude fans’ opinions need to stay away from my club
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weregonnabecoolbeans · 2 months ago
Sam said in that podcast that they had a real true villain this season who they called the spider and I have decided that it’s Jean.
Please tell me you’re thoughts on this.
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zuzusexytiems · 8 months ago
re: the latest post about the reddit guy
I mentioned it in the thread and on twt, but I'd also like to take the time to clear this up for anyone who's familiar with my work on tumblr:
yes, jeanpiku is my otp, but it is 100% ok with me if you personally don't like it. I think what's important is to remember that there's a way to disagree with someone's opinion and have a discussion without being rude and disrespectful.
plus we don't always have to share the same opinions in order to get along! as long as you're not a jerk about it and we can talk in a civil manner, then it's all well and good. I have friends I'm close to that don't ship jeanpiku at all, and at least 2 friends that outright hate it. and that's fine! as long as you're kind and we vibe, that's truly all that matters. (plus there are many other things we can talk about and bond over that aren't jeanpiku, yk? 🤷🏻‍♀️)
so anyway, yes. if you're reading this, whether you ship jeanpiku or not—as long as you're respectful to people, then we're good. <3 at the end of the day, there are more important things that matter over shipping anyway.
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neotrinitysource · 2 years ago
Neo and Trinity's love story is the most beautiful and the most compelling love story that has ever been created.
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End of story.
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I will not have arguments.
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That is all.
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my-drama-heart2406 · 1 year ago
Honestly, Inha would have been WAYYY less fucked up if Taeoh had taken time out of all that planning and plotting and railed Inha's ass like he deserved.
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my Creature
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baravaggio · 3 months ago
I think one of the best things you can keep in mind as you age is that the strong desires you have to drastically change your life in impractical and destabilizing ways don’t speak to mental weakness or lack of self control but routine neglect of the day to day needs of certain parts of yourself…I think a lot of people are scared to let those parts of themselves take the reins even if just for a little while because they’re afraid that untamed part of them will completely abandon rationality and veer them irreparably off track. When the reality is that when left unattended in smaller more day to day ways, those parts of you will take charge whether you like it or not in more risky and disruptive ways lol. And there’s no way to create perfect balance between all these selves, really the best you can do is be nice to yourself and make small accommodations and trust that teaching those parts of you that they WILL have their needs met and that their desires (even the childish and impractical ones) aren’t stupid is the only way to really live without going nuts 😮‍💨
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eloiscbridgerton · 2 months ago
you are such a hypocritical bitch lmaooooo talking about how hardcore penelope fans don't see her flaws but let's talk about hardcore eloise fans don't see her flaws and how she was being an absolute idiot in s2 😭😭😭 like omg i hate yall bad cant wait for eloise to get with a man 🙏
what flaws? how was she an idiot? for trusting her best friend with her secrets? IJBOL
let's talk about how u people praise penelope for sneaking out at night to have lwd issues printed bc it's in the name of girlboss bullshit empowerment but crucify eloise for sneaking out to go discuss women's rights with the working class 😂😂😂
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weregonnabecoolbeans · 6 months ago
Agatha All Along is so so SO much fun!
And so far I have yet to see any of the usual fandom negativity that has been pretty unavoidable the past few years..
Whether that’s because those usual negative people are actually allowing themselves to enjoy life for once (doubtful, but one can hope)
or the more likely option..
That I have become incredibly skilled at keeping that vibe away from all my feeds..
Whichever…if I’m being delusional or not, it doesn’t matter to me..
I’m just happy to sit in my little bubble of positivity..
and enjoy this series..
and continue to love my favourite franchise
no matter how many people love to complain about fun :)
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kindahoping4forever · 2 years ago
5SOS IG Story
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studentbyday · 5 months ago
for the first time ever i left an exam unsure of an answer, found out i was wrong upon googling, and just said to myself, “oh well. i did my best under the circumstances,” those circumstances being on a time crunch (during review and during exam) and burnt out. i know i didn't fail, and i still have my hopes up (relatively speaking) for a pretty decent grade 😅 but i feel as if i have nothing left to prove. there is only the quiet satisfaction of knowing i did the best i could under the circumstances and the freedom of feeling able to move on.
is this a sign of growth or have i found myself on a slippery slope to mediocrity? 😅
we shall see... 🙃
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thesilverlady · 2 years ago
Little Rhaenyra&Aegon headcanons?
you put me in such a happy mood anon 🥰 here:
Little Rhaenyra&Aegon headcanons
1) Rhaenyra was always beautiful even as a child. When men started taking notice of her changing looks and begun approaching her at court to share a dance or to offer her a talk, little Aegon would go and roar at any lord, thinking he could mimic the dragons and scare men away from his sister
2) Little Aegon likes to throw things and when they break fast, food becomes a weapon. His sister is the closest and most approachable target, which results in a lot of... vocal arguments let's say. While child Rhaenyra is considered old enough to know better than to childishly toss food she's not hesitant to tag Aegon's hair as a punishment - which leads to a screaming match. Both of them have strong lungs 😭
3) Originally little Aegon wanted to name his dragon after a Valyrian God but Rhaenyra teased him about copying her and he held a grudge so he decided to make up his own name.
4) He once stole a perfume their uncle Daemon had gifted Rhaenyra from Lys because he liked the scent of it. Accusations were made and of course they were all denied so she had to write to Daemon about sending her another one (he ended up stealing that too)
5) Both of them are constantly told to reread The Seven-Pointed Star when they misbehave. Both of them find ways to not do it
6) While she tried to stay away from baby Aegon any time he threw a fit. She loved it when he slept in her arms. He was such an energetic baby, so falling asleep wasn't too hard once he was finally drained
7) Rhaenyra is made to read a lot of books to be properly educated in her responsibilities as a heir, but little Aegon gives her the opportunity to go back to her favorite old books that were fairytale stories of their ancestors and old valyria. Rhaenyra is a very dedicated reader and makes the best funny voices - which results her to being the best storyteller in little Aegon's opinion.
8) Rhaenyra flew with Aegon on her Syrax when he was a baby. She wanted to honor the Targaryen tradition her grandmother did (when she took her father and uncle on her dragon as soon as they were born) and since her father's dragon is dead and Alicent doesn't have one, she thought she was the one who should do it. Safe to say Alicent was not happy about this. But baby Aegon and little Rhaenyra had a blast.
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wonder-worker · 1 year ago
I heard that Edward IV and Elizabeth Widvile were known to be very beautiful. Were there any reports on their appearance at the time?
anon 😂
But yes, contemporaries and post contemporaries in the 16th century were pretty much unanimous in praising their appearance. I'll list some of the ones I could find:
"The most beautiful woman in England" - Jean de Waurin
"Her very great beauty" - Jean de Waurin
"Her beauty of person and charm of manner" - Dominic Mancini
"None of such constant womanhood, wisdom and beauty" - Hearne's Fragment; its author was one of Edward IV's servants
"A daughter of prodigious beauty' - 1469 Continuator of Monstrelet's Chronicle
"Both faire, of a good favor, moderate of stature, well made and very wise" - Thomas More
Edward IV:
"The beauty of your personage it hath pleased Almighty God to send you" - James Strangways, Speaker of the Commons in Parliament
"The king is a handsome upstanding man" - Gabriel Tretzel, travels of Leo of Rozmital
"A handsome prince and had style" - Oliver De La Marche
"In the flower of his age, tall of stature, elegant of person" - Croyland Chronicle
"One of the handsomest knights of his kingdom" - 1469 Continuator of Monstrelet's Chronicle
"A handsome and worthy prince" - Pietro Alipranto
‘...Tall and strapping as the king’ - John Paston, Paston Letters
"He was young and more handsome than any man then alive" - Philippe de Commynes
"A man so vigorous and handsome that he might have been made for the pleasures of the flesh" - Philippe de Commynes
"The handsomest prince my eyes ever beheld" and "I don't remember ever having seen a man more handsome than he was" - Philippe de Commynes
"A very handsome prince" - Louis XI, from the Memoirs of Commynes
"He being a person of most elegant appearance, and remarkable beyond all others for the attractions of his person" - the Croyland Chronicle, referencing Edward a few months before he died
"He seized any opportunity that the occasion offered of revealing his fine stature more protractedly and more evidently to onlookers" - Dominic Mancini, writing shortly after his death
"He was a goodly personage and very princely to behold...of visage lovely, of body mighty, strong and cleanly made; howbeit in his latter days, with an over liberal diet, somewhat corpulent, but nevertheless noy uncomely" - Thomas More
I'm tagging @edwardslovelyelizabeth because I think you got a similar ask?
I hope this answers your question, anon! I don't generally pay a lot of attention to the physical appearance of historical figures (I find it pretty irrelevant), but in this case, it ultimately does play a role in both Edward IV and Elizabeth's historiographies for better and for worse, and seems to have actually been a personal prop of Edward's kingship, so I don't mind discussing it :)
#either anon is making rounds or someone else saw the ask and asked me something similar 🤷🏻‍♀️#edward iv#elizabeth woodville#ask#also (I wanted to make a separate post about this but fuck it I'll just rant in the tags):#Something I find very interesting (read: fucked-up) is how we have multiple independent accounts praising Edward IV as extremely#attractive at the end of his life#Yet for some reason (aka fatphobia) most historians simply assume that he lost his looks over the years because he put on weight#even though his actual contemporaries (sans Commynes who in any case didn't even see him after 1475) certainly didn't seem to think so#as we can see: Croyland Mancini and More all noted the fact that he had put on weight AND emphasized his attractiveness#because the two are not mutually exclusive in the slightest and assuming that they are is not only incorrect it's also deeply problematic#it's similar to how so many historians assume his health was failing towards the end of his life when we KNOW - we are literally TOLD -#that his illness was both unexpected and baffling to contemporaries#(there is a contemporary reference to his supposedly deteriorating health but as Horrox says this is actually an editorial interpolation)#and the thing that's *always* referenced almost synonymously with this alleged non-existent ill-health is his weight#and the thing is - even if both of these were true they still ultimately wouldn't (and SHOULDN'T) matter. But we KNOW they weren't#and so it's incredibly indicative that historians and general histories STILL automatically assume them - and this assumption#is almost always on conjecture with his weight. (I don't think I've framed this coherently but oh well)#I'm still not over Katherine Lewis's deranged and frankly extremely ignorant epilogue in 'Kingship and Masculinity'#she literally framed her entire perspective on him around his weight with some really ridiculous (read: fatphobic) speculations/assumptions#she's even worse than Thomas Penn who is also revolting (and AJ Pollard isn't much better)#though of course they're not the only ones - almost every historian and general history does this
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