#fabulous lives of killjoys
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comfybirdie · 4 months ago
I don't think I'm smart enough for plausible theories, so this is just a vent of a long time fan. I also have not read many posts, because I've been busy with life, so sorry if someone also said these points.
1. The concept.
I hope this is an album, but I wouldn't pledge my life on it. What I think, however, this is going to be something that brings all the storylines together from previous albums. At least from the Black Parade and Danger Days definitely, but I'm also thinking a bit about Conventional Weapons, too. This is because while yes, the tour does carry the Black Parade name and comes right after everybody spent time crying about not being in the select few to attend the WWWY Fest, the Secretary was not part of the Black Parade storyline. The closest thing we had eas the Director of BLI in Danger Days. And I think we all knew who this woman was the moment she popped up on the screen:
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So what if Gerard's costume for the tour was the now undead Director, who became the Secretary of the Dictator?
2. The storyline itself.
I know every word to every album, from the singles to the B sides to leaked ones. But there may always be a chance that I misinterpreted the whole thing, maybe we all did, but the Black Parade is about the afterlife. Whether you got there because of illnes, war, it doesn't matter, you become part of the Black Parade when you die. I believe it to be a celebration of life, or carrying on even after the end.
What the Black Parade has never been, was a personal celebratory National Band, which is exactly what the post writes as the story. I'm going to insert a screenshot with the story.
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I saw a theory that the entire concept is going to be revamped, which it might as well be, but even it doesn't make sense.
3. Because that's not what My Chemical Romance is.
And right now I'm thinking about the captions under the pictures.
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After seeing the Secretary, my first thought about these captions was that we - The Black Parade - originally must have answered by wanting to be killjoys, the rebellious ones, but eventually we broke and stood in line, becoming the Dictator's beloved National Band, to which the Secretary replied: "Good boy."
However, My Chemical Romance never stood for that. They would never reward us with a tour for standing in line and shutting our mouth. They would never become the corporate machine they stood against since the very beginning. They would never lead the Black Parade in this manner and for this purpose.
And maybe it's just my naivety, the long lost teenager somewhere deep in me saying this, but I still believe they would never do that.
4. Foundations of Decay.
Has it been 2 years since this song came out? Yes. Am I going to bring it up? Absolutely.
(This is definitely overthinking on my part, but I was a history major and with the current events, the parallels are unmatched.) So the thing about wars is, you need people to fight it for you. You need soldiers and military leaders and all of them have to be loyal and obey the orders. The easiest way to achieve that, is by building an ideological foundation you can use to sway their judgement and decision making. The mustache man started with the theory of the back stabbing of the nation. During the middle ages, Christianity provided this foundation for the crusades in the middle east. If you give people something to fear or you give them something to idolise, they will be willing to fight against or for what you want.
And this is the Foundation of Decay.
"you must build an altar where it wells"
"Take his body as a relic to be canonised"
"You stumble through your last crusade"
And is you ask me, this is why this one song came out so much earlier than the rest of the project. Because they lay the ideological foundation first, and you need people to absorb it and truly believe before you can lead them with it. So you tell them again and again and again. Play it at every show on a tour. And so that reunion tour is when the Black Parade became the National Band, instead of the Killjoys. Because we sang along to every word, we absorbed it and not just believed it, but lived it as we attended the tour and sang when they told us to, cheered if they just came on the screen. We became conditioned to follow Gerard's orders as he walked on the stage, just as we will follow the order to play for the Dictator, instead of standing against him.
5. But empires and dictatorships never last, do they?
Rome fell apart. There is a reason there was a Third Reich, because the first 2 also fell. The Ottoman Empire also eventually weakened and fell apart. And just because the Communist Party always said that life is great and everyone is happy "In the Concrete Age", everyone who has lived in a ex-soviet occupied country (hello to my fellow Eastern and Central European MCR fans), we can all tell you, it was everything but true.
And so it is only a matter of time before Dictator's reign has to see its end? Perhaps maybe even bought on by his beloved band, put together from the misfits who the Secretary had to break to stay in line.
But, this is all just my theory. Thank you for clowning with me and my tinfoil hat if you read it this far.
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therealaxlrose · 11 days ago
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mothwithpronouns · 1 month ago
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macaronirats · 4 months ago
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Happy danger days birthday
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luxevamp · 4 months ago
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All the way in battery city…
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eden-has-rotted · 4 months ago
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firezsky · 2 months ago
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killjoys :(
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cherrybugbite · 9 months ago
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batatinhaturbo · 2 months ago
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mychemicalraymance · 1 month ago
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XD time to operate :P
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ego-sandwich · 28 days ago
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sweet sweet poison
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tteokbukki · 3 months ago
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I thought it’d be cool to redraw the national anthem killjoys as the mcr killjoys:) so here it is! took me about two days
the og image:
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angeltheveil · 2 months ago
do you guys think their periods ever synced up
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the-ria · 3 months ago
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Why does the Arcane style look like it was literally made for them🤨
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wykonii · 3 months ago
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captaincalamity · 10 months ago
tumblr. look at my graduation cap.
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feel obligated to remind you that this is technically an mcr blog
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