#f2 incorrect
adore-u-ls · 2 years
max basically turning round and saying “uhm, checo can stay where he is in the race and the championship standings” is giving me forbidden rival love x
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33-81 · 9 months
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My cherries and wine, rosemary and thyme
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tf2incorrectquotes · 11 months
Medic: Don't be ridiculous, herr Engineer. Heavy isn't in love with me.
Engineer: Yes, he is.
Spy: Yes, he is.
Soldier: YES, HE IS!
Scout: Yes, he is.
Sniper: Yes, he is.
Demo: Yes, he is.
Pyro: *muffled*
Ms. Pauling: Yes, he is.
Merasmus: Yes, he is.
Administrator: *over the speaker* Yes, he is.
Heavy: Yes, I am.
Medic: ...
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kazuha-pista-badam · 5 months
ollie bearman the type of person to name his goldfish sir bubblesworth
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think-like-a-poet · 5 days
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incorrect-prema · 10 months
Fred: It was me...
Oscar: ...Is going to be forgiven because everyone deserves a second chance.
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thebitchsaid · 2 years
Dennis: *comes home and sees Arthur drawing Pentagrams*
Arthur: I'm satanizing the house like you said!
*Charles waking up in cold sweat halfway across the world*
Charles: *Panting* I feel a disturbance in the force
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majactrl · 1 year
charles: arthur, say hi to pierre and this stranger
arthur: hi pierre. i love you.
arthur: nice to meet you stranger. i love you too.
pierre: man, he really is a leclerc, isn't he?
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incorrect-merc · 2 years
Paul: Change is inedible
Frederik: Don't you mean inevitable?
Paul, spitting out coins: No, I did not
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sotofa · 2 years
callum: i'm leaving now. drugo is in charge. i've left notes for each of you with instructions
marcus: mine just says "marcus no"
callum: and you can apply that to any situation
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adore-u-ls · 2 years
where is she?
a logan sargeant fic cos i wanted to. i have two ideas for this title so this one is going to be the kinda cute soft maybe a lil angst idk how it’s gunna go i’m winging it based on one of my scenarios i like to imagine when i go to sleep. completely unedited and self indulgent. probably also rlly bad, if u wanna comment/judge feel free
looking at the usual crowd of prema team members sat having lunch, logan was a bit confused when he didn’t see the other usual, almost permanent fixture of your high ponytail intermingled with the mens short hair. approaching the group, the question was hot off his lips.
“where’s natalie?” he spoke with an air of desperation that he hoped the mechanics didn’t hear.
“oh, she wasn’t feeling too well so dino said he would try smuggle her to the ferrari motorhome to sleep. i don’t know why but we’ve not had an urgent sent help text so i assume he managed” one of them, pablo, garbled out around what logan guessed was a bacon cheeseburger. tasty, he supposed.
“i’ll text dino and tell him you’ll come see her, if you want” pablo offered nicely, easing logan’s sense of desperation and removing the anxiety of how he would get around to seeing you without making it obvious to everyone, you weren’t hiding your relationship but you also weren’t screaming it from the rooftop.
“yeah, if you could. i’ll go take her to williams so i can give her a ride back to the hotel after” falls from logan’s lips and before he has chance to think of the implications, he’s turned on his heel and is making his way up towards the ferrari motorhome.
worry starts to gently nip at the back of logan’s throat as you hadn’t mentioned anything about being sick and he wonders how long it had gone unnoticed or if you suddenly got really sick and now it was really serious. the worry stops nipping now and starts sinking it’s teeth in to his skin as scenarios of dino being on his phone as you turn blue and rushing you to hospital swirl around his head. he was being overdramatic and he knew it but that worry had left it’s bite marks and no matter how many times he tried to tell himself they aren’t real, he blinks and it’s like they’ve bitten straight in to his brain.
he rounds the corner, panting slightly and he wonders when he started running but dismisses it quickly as he leaps up the ferrari stairs and opens the door to be greeted with several weird stares, he is a carlin f2 driver in the f1 ferrari motorhome after all.
luckily, he spots charles or rather charles spots him as he stands up immediately exclaiming “logan, hello mate. how are you? what are you doing here?” and offering a hug to the younger american. reciprocating the hug, he says “hey charles, yeah i’m good thanks. i dont wanna intrude but did dino bring natalie here? she wasn’t feeling well and i ju-“
charles cuts him off, quickly noting the glint of anxiety in logan’s eyes “yeah yeah she’s with carlos now actually. you know how he is with her, the second dino brought her here he was fussing over her like a madman, come on”
charles leads him to a door and knocks twice. the door is quickly inched open by carlos who widens it upon realising it’s logan and ushers him inside.
logan’s eyes fall to your figure curled up under a ferrari jacket and he sees how your usual glowing skin looks papery and haggard, your breathing stifled by slight wheezes and sniffles, your hair dismantled from its usual style spread this way and that away from you.
“she came in and fell straight asleep, dino and i have been watching over her. dont worry, she’ll be okay, just a flu” carlos says placing his hand on the americans shoulder and logan knows he should be reassured and he is. partly. but there’s a part of him that sees the “d.beganovic” on the jacket and his stomach stirs slightly but not with anxiety anymore.
carlos thinks it’s safe to leave now that logan is here and pats his shoulder once before making his exit.
he knows it’s silly, in fact he knows it’s very silly but that doesn’t stop “can she not have another jacket that isn’t dinos?” being spat under his breath as he takes off that ferrari jacket and replaces it with his own. he knows the younger drivers, apparently mostly ferrari academy drivers, had heart eyes for natalie. he understood it of course, he was head over heels for her. but he knew that they knew about their relationship, natalie was a mother figure (“frued eat your heart out” he thinks laughing internally) to them and she disclosed their relationship to them, ollie had backed away with the heart eyes, charlie kept following her like a lost puppy but logan knew he just needed an idol, james got over his “ typical teenage crush on an older person” stage quickly but dino. in logan’s eyes, dino kept trying to flirt and make an effort with her. he was sure it wasn’t intentional because dino isn’t disrespectful, logan just thinks he needs to make it violently clear she’s off limits.
as the thought starts to fade into nothingness, dino walks in and looks a little like a deer in headlights when he realises logan is sat in what was carlos’ seat “oh, uhm hey logan. she looked really sick and i wanted to take care of her you know?”
“thank you dino and as much as i appreciate you for this, can we have a chat?”
dino goes from looking a little wide eyed to looking like he has dinner plates for eyes “uhm, oh yeah sure”
“dino, you know about me and nat don’t you?” logan starts off, not wanting to scare the poor boy
“y-yeah why” dino stumbles out
“you seem to be trying to flirt or make “moves” on her, whether you realise it or not i don’t know but i would really appreciate it if you could stop it towards my girlfriend please?”  succinct, not harsh and over with logan thought, mentally patting himself on the back for not letting his small pool of jealousy bubble over into a lake.
“oh.” dino blanches “yeah, i’m sorry i didn’t even realise. i’m sorry. i’ll cancel my plans with her”
“no dino. you don’t have to do that. i’m not going to stop you being friends. jeez i’m american but i’m not that bad” logan jokes and sighs a bit as dinos eyes stop glossing over with tears and return to their normal stage “ i want you to continue your relationship with each other, i just want you to be aware it’s platonic, okay? we can all still hang out together, i don’t hate you. i’m just letting you know”
dino nods slightly feeling the words “thanks” pull themselves from his throat.
“come here, hug it out okay?” the american brings the taller into a big and they pat each other on the back.
you open your eyes briefly to the vision of a tall brunette hugging your brunette and allow them to flutter shut again as you snuggle your way back to dream land.
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mclarennerd1645 · 1 year
Charles : Sorry it took me so long to bail you out of jail
Arthur: No it’s my fault, I shouldn’t’ve used my one phone call to prank call the police
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tf2incorrectquotes · 1 month
Spy: *to Scout* You should write a book; "How to offend women in five syllables or less!"
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piastricism · 2 years
oscar, about arthur: hes got honkabadonkanonkers and nice hair
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incorrect-prema · 2 years
robert: hey oscar, can i bother you for a moment?
oscar: you're always bothering me but go ahead.
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thebitchsaid · 2 years
*BTS of the first screaming meals episode*
James: Hey, Mate?
Felipe: Yeah?
Clem: Can people breath inside the washing machine?
Felipe: No! Of course not why- WHERE MARCUS!?!?!
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