#f1 testing 2002
f1 · 2 years
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not-that-syndrigast · 1 month
I hate Alpine.
And I know, it seems hypocritical of someone that claims to be incapable of hating, but that is why i am about to give you the longest analysis on whats wrong at Alpine.
The thing is, I don't hate alpine because of their drivers or just for fun, the reason i hate alpine is that i know they could be so much better. They have great drivers, they could be fighting for podiums right now, but sometime in 2022 it all went downhill. I don’t hate Ferrari, as an example, because I am well aware that they are trying their hardest and I don't agree with their strategies, but I don't hate them because it's not that deep. 
So, let's start from the beginning; the downfall of Alpine. But to fall, you have to rise. 
Alpine, or officially BWT Alpine f1 team, formerly known as Renault sport formula one team have had a rocky path. For clarification; the official team name has changed multiple times and Renault (the car brand) has been involved in different percentages. In 1995 they produced the engine that would help Schumacher win the world championship and the then team called Benetton the constructors title. In 2000 Renault officially bought the team and changed its name to renault f1 team in 2002, these are the parts where it becomes interesting; in 2005 and 2006, with the help of Alonso and Fisichella, they won both the drivers championships and constructors championships. In 2010, they pretty much sold the team to Lotus, only to buy it back in 2016 and rebrand it to Alpine in 2021, to “promote Renault sports car brand” as stated on wikipedia. 
Now, why is all that important? Considering all these facts, it's pretty clear that Alpine is not a winning team like Mercedes, Red Bull or Ferrari, but they still managed to win some things. Different then other current backmarker teams, they have experience that they should use, which brings us to the big point of this; the real rise of alpine.
The 2022 drivers line up, consisting of Alonso and Ocon as drivers and Piastri as test driver is the perfect example of a popular strategy on how to build a team. With the alpine rebrand, they made a lot of changes in head positions to ensure a new beginning. This strategy is most famously known from Mercedes in 2010. The strategy is easy; the team signs a former world champion with many years of experience, in this case Alonso. Alonso knows the big teams, knows how they work. He almost won a championship with both McLaren and Ferrari, he knows how to make a team competitive. His role was to teach Ocon and Piastri, because it was pretty clear Alonso wouldn't be able to stay with the team for another decade, that's what Ocon was for. Ocon as a driver was already experienced and thus cheaper than a rookie, he lacked experience in fights though which Alonso could give him. Piastri would have replaced Alonso and thus the team would have two young drivers with different strengths to build the team around and win. You can't make a championship winning team with a car and drivers in a year, but with the Ocon and Piastri combination, they could have easily kept both for a decade, if not longer. 
But this is where the downfall begins. The strategy was not the problem, it would have worked if everyone actually followed it. Ocon has mentioned in interviews before how his, Alonsos and others comments on the car were ignored and they’ve been facing the same issues for years, which means Alonso's whole reason to be there was ignored. The only reason why Mercedes managed to be so good was the fact that they could have employed Schumacher and Rosberg as engineering interns, they knew how cars worked and they could give feedback. Ocon and Alonso could do the same, only that they were ignored. Then, many important people left, like Piastri and Alonso. They had planned on Alonso leaving the team, but under better circumstances and suddenly they also lacked the second driver they had planned with Piastri, and that's where they made their next mistake; signing Gasly.
Now don't get me wrong, I love Gasly, but it's a strategic failure. The team had a not functioning car, drivers lacking experience that they should’ve gotten from Alonso and the team lacking basic team work. When a midfield team signs two experienced but not winning drivers, that's usually a transitional strategy when they either plan to sell or start a new strategy. With Gasly and Ocon they are aware they can't win, which is why we are at their current masterclass of disaster team strategies.
They got rid of Ocon, after being absolutely weird not just about him but pretty much everyone that has left, which is why I'm questioning why people even want to drive for them, but alright. Their next step is to sign a rookie in hopes to build a team around them, only that said rookie has no experience and won't be able to get much experience from Gasly either. Even if they fix their car, neither of them knows how to fight for a championship or even a win. 
I want to go into deeper detail about Ocon though, because to me it's the best proof that Alpine is absolutely going nowhere. Ocon is with this team for his now fifth season, he got their first win as Alpine, he's been there through a bunch of bad seasons, with different teammates to now decide that he would leave. This leaves me to believe that there could only be two different explanations as to why he’s leaving; either, the team wants to get rid of him. No team is nice to their drivers unless they are currently winning and even then it's really on edge. It's about money and not being nice, so after Monaco there was quite a bit of talk. I wont address Monaco here, because the crash itself is irrelevant; relevant is only how they talked about Ocon which led many to believe they wanted to get rid of him. It makes no sense in my opinion though, considering that Alpine seeks to get a rookie into the second seat, he’s the one with actual experience on fighting. Many talk bad about his on track fights, but i think it's exactly what you need to win. The other thought is that Ocon deliberately left because he doesn't believe in Alpine anymore, which would frighten me if i was at Alpine, because he’s been through four rather bad seasons, even if he could have signed for another team and there were talks, he used to believe in Alpine. Only that belief is over now and he thinks Haas could be better.
But these are only speculations; back to the facts. In recent times, Alpine also could not score with being likable in any other way. From the way that no one stays at the team and the team principal once again got exchanged to the fact that they want to become a customer team. Yes, the Mercedes engines are better but just logistically, everyone knows they won't be able to build a better car than both McLaren and Mercedes so they could have focused on engines.
Last but not least, it's good that they support many young drivers through their drivers academy, if only they actually got the chance of a seat that would be a bit better, but considering that except for getting an F1 seat, the Alpine academy is one of the best, i can't really hate them for it.
As always, these are only my thoughts and ideas so I would be very interested in what others think of Alpine and if you agree or not and why. Also i'm sorry this got so long, i still have many thoughts about them.
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princemick · 2 years
MICKLORE for dummies
here;s part 1 with his racing history
because over roc weekend people seemed to have gotten to know him a lot better so here's a bunch more of mick info that I deem as essential
so under the tab I will add a bunch of stuff that kinda break trough that introverted pr trained wall he has.
this will be broken into facts, quotes, moments and videos.
he speaks, english, german, french and italian but beraly speaks italian and french because he doesnt feel comfortable enough with them
the f-2002 is his favorite of his dads cars
during a lot of 2022's off season he has been dirt racing in the states where he bascially races for as long as the car runs together with gina's bf (x) (x)
apperantly recognizes the italian anthem before the german
can't choose himself for a dream team so his dream team is michael and seb
couldnt choose between lewis and max in 2021 "because theyre both nice to me"
he used to play drums as a kid
his middle name is 'junior'
he is named after Mick Doohan (5x mtotogp champ) who used to live close to Michael who were really good friends and so him and Jack Doohan (f2 driver) have always been and are still close friends.
apperantly introduced himself to kevin when he got back to haas with 'suck my balls'
modified said off road buddy that he does mud racing with so it goes quicker then intended
he seems to have extra clothes with him at all times bc he borrowed an extra pair of pants and shirt to callum for their f2 podium celebration
his dad wanted him to study engineering (also interesting piece of related information: he said he would have become a biologist if not an f1 driver in this video)
he refers to his dog angie as his best friend
in F3 he won 5 races in a row. race 22 til 26 of the 2018 season.
he started doing champions for charity where he organizes a football match every year with a bunch of german sports players
mick denies it but this man has bleached his hair
"a bomb, a knife, a serial killer. I mean that comes all together so.."
"I mean if poeple ask me if I'm mick I usualy just say no. I learned that from my dad."
"can I eat this?" procedes to eat it
"you guys are gonna do pushuupss"
"can I go and pet it?? play fetch??"
"those cars are so shit"
"deutsche, german..WHA??"
"you sure??"
"my dad, my dad, my dad, my dad"
"I just wanna get to my dad"
"beep beep beep"
"I won f2 and f3 for a reason"
"you guys are fucking brilliant, FUCKING BRILLIANT! fucking hell- sorry for all the swearing guys"
"I have a problem with italian bread tbh"
"PTW man, PTW" (pwt means prove them wrong)
"so you have to be smooth, realise that its an old lady and treat it that way, take it easy and enjoy the ride"
"hmm, have you ever driven on the road blindfolded?"
"ah, I was fine" after crashing
"I'm glad it was you I was fighting against"
prema stranger things - where he bascially just shouts his ideas and is loudly jock and himbo coded
The 5 Second Challenge - him having to really quickly talk and think shows how he thinks really well aka himbo
The Taboo Challenge - where he has to explain something without using specific words
Seb And Mick Take On The Formula 1 Tower Challenge! - where Seb and Mick ask eachother questions as they play mega jenga
Mick and Dan at the 2021 russian gp presser - just wholesome
Mick and Sean cook pizza together - him being wholesome and happy and speaking italian
Prema Trivia Challenge - giving ultimate himbo rights
him hugging every haas mechanic after his last race w them
mick post Q2 in Canada
the groundhog video
Some minutes with Cyrus Watches: Mick Schumacher
The Texas Red Hot Sauce Challenge - shows his relationship with gary (his old race engineer) really well
Guess the Flavour: Japanese KitKat Taste Test - shows how weird mick is sometimes
Map The Track - himbo.
Mick celebrates with the team after first F1 points - hes so beloved
Gina and Crorinna's congrats after his first points
okay there's much much more, if you wanna get more into it I reccomend watching more of his prema and haas videos and just keep updated with him over his time at mercedes
dont be afraid to send me asks with questions or anyting!
and special thank you to 2/3 of the pillars of mickblr @acrosstobear and @schumaclerc for helping me out w some micklore and @stoffelvandoornegf for this post
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hirocimacruiser · 4 months
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Speaking of the Skyline GT-R, it was a straight 6 engine. The first-generation GT-R, which debuted in 1969, was also a straight-six engine, and its predecessor, the 1964 GTB, had a 1500 with an extended engine room and a straight-six engine. The R32 GT-R, which returned to the circuit in 1990 and went on a winning streak, was naturally equipped with a straight-six engine. However, in May 2002, a GT-R that appeared in the All Japan GT Championship SUGO was equipped with a new "V6 engine." All GT-R models were changed to V6.
In March 1990, the Skyline GT-R (BNR32) made its spectacular debut at the West Japan Circuit at the opening round of the All Japan Touring Car Championship. He achieved his first victory by holding off strong opponents such as the Ford Sierra RS500 and Toyota Supra, and since then has won 30 races.
They would be on an unbeatable 20 race winning streak until the Group A regulations expire at the end of the year. The overwhelming speed of its RB26DETT engine (inline 6-cylinder 2771cc+ twin turbo with nominally over 470 horsepower/02 specification) and four-wheel drive completely changed the conventional wisdom of touring cars around the world.
The All Japan GT Championship, which started in 1993, rapidly grew to become the most popular racing event in Japan. The main battlefield for the GT-R has also shifted here. In 1993, it won 3 out of 3 races, in 1994 it won 2 out of 5 races against Porsche and Ferrari, in 1995 it was replaced with the BCNR33 and won 2 out of 6 races, and in 1996 it won 1 out of 6 races during the overwhelming dominance of McLaren F1. In 1997 1 win in 6 races with the rise of Supra, 2 wins in 7 races in 1998 with the rise of NSX, 1 win in 7 races in 1999 after replacing with BNR34. 2 wins in 7 races in 2000, 1 win in 7 races in 2001, and 0 wins in 8 races in 2002. This is a total of 15 wins in the All Japan GT Championship. It wasn't until 1999 that Toyota's Supra and Honda's NSX gained strength, and a close-up competition between them and the Skyline GT/R began. Due to changes in the regulations unique to the series that equalize the combat power of each car, it is impossible to say whether the machines are superior or inferior just by looking at the trends in the number of wins, but since the beginning of the new century, the GT-R has been relatively competitive. The chances of winning have diminished.
Under these circumstances, the decision was made to switch to a V6 engine midway through the 2002 season. The rear-wheel drive BNR34, equipped with the new VQ30DETT engine (V6 cylinder 2987cc+ twin turbo, over 485 horsepower), showed off its good origins by finishing in 2nd place at the 5th race at Fuji and at the 7th race at MINE. The team is disappointed that it ended 2002 without a win.
The team is determined to make amends for the lack of a win in 2002 in 2003.
The 2003 machine has changed before and after due to changes in vehicle regulations.
It became possible to use a vibrator frame, and the low hood shape of the 2003 GT-R became a hot topic among fans as soon as test runs began. We need to pay attention to future developments.
However, on the other hand, there are many GT-R fans who are disappointed that the long-loved straight-six (RB) will be replaced by the V6 (VQ). This was an era when in-line six-cylinder engines were becoming more valuable, and the RB engine's great appeal was its torque characteristics that appealed to the rider's five senses, as well as its good engine speed and vibration.
Each engine type has advantages and disadvantages. While reflecting the various needs of each era, from a global perspective as an automobile manufacturer, we created products specifically designed for motorsports.
We come to the fact that it is difficult to make an engine exhaust. An RB engine that exhausts from the left side cannot be used in left-hand drive cars, and because of its length, it cannot be installed in front-wheel drive cars either. When considering the global automobile market, it is important to have an engine that can be used in left-hand drive and front-wheel drive cars, and the lightweight and compact V-type 6-cylinder VQ engine can be used for a variety of purposes.
It was.
VQ engine became a luxury in 1999
When it was first introduced in the Cefiro car, it was not an engine designed for motorsports use. However, the VQ was introduced into the motorsports scene one after another overseas. Overseas motorsports officials were quick to realize that it had high potential as a base engine for racing. For example, Spain's one-make formula, which is becoming increasingly popular, Grand Am racing sports cars, the Dakar Rally, and off-road racing in South Africa.
VQ is demonstrating high combat power.
The decision to equip the 2003 model GT-R with a V6 engine instead of the familiar straight-six was not a sales strategy, but an essential choice to improve the machine's competitiveness. I'm saying that.
At the ``Nissan Motorsports Press Conference'' held in February 2003 the keyword mentioned was ``fast GT-R.'' The revitalization of the GT-R, which emphasizes ``fast'' rather than ``strong,'' has just begun with the V-6 VQ engine.
BNR32 (1990~1995)
In 1990, the GT-R myth returns. BNR32 begins a winning streak. The GT-R is back for the first time in about 20 years.
BCNR33 (1996~1998)
In 1998, E. Comas/Masami Kageyama, riding BCNR33, won the JGTC championship.
GT-R equipped with VQ engine participates in test race at JGTC Round 3 in 2002 (car No. 22)
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skitskatdacat63 · 3 months
so i’m really new to f1 and idk who is flavio :( can you pls pls pls explain me?
Yes of course!!
Simply put, Flavio is probably the epitome of shadyness and criminality in F1. He was involved in two of F1's biggest scandals in the past 20 years: spygate and crashgate, the latter moreso. This doesn't have to do with F1, but I must mention that he was literally a fugitive at one point, bcs he committed fraud in his home country of Italy. But while he was "on the run", he also did really well at setting up Benetton franchises in the US, and was promoted to the team principal of Benetton(also known as Renault and now, Alpine.)
Soon after he became TP of Benetton, he was able to swoop in and sign the newly debuted Michael Schumacher, who then won 2x WDCs for the team. However, Michael was just his test-run golden boy twink, but omg their pics are still crazy:
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His true golden boy is none other than Fernando Alonso. He had met Fernando in 1999, when Fernando was still a teenager. He then signd Fernando on as Renault's test driver in 2002, and then as a full driver in 2003. They proceeded to win 2x WDCs and WCCs together!
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At the 2008 Singapore Grand Prix, Fernando's teammate, Nelson Piquet Jr. crashed into a wall, causing a safety car, leaving Fernando in ideal conditions to win the race(from p15!) Piquet Jr. later alleged, in 2009 almost a full year after the fact, that the Renault team had told him to crash, in order to give Fernando an advantage. Flavio originially denied this and accused Piquet Jr. of trying to blackmail the team into keeping him on. This sparked an investigation by the FIA into Renault, which ended in Renault being charged with conspiracy. They did not fight the charge, and Flavio subsequently left the team. He was then banned indefinitely from all F1 events(as well as any other FIA-sanctioned series' events.) However, he disputed this ban and sued the FIA not much later, and the ban was overturned by a French court. He agreed to not return to the sport until at least 2011, but had said he would not return to F1. In 2022, he returned as an ambassador of the sport.
In the original charges brought against him, the FIA had declared that any driver he managed would have their super licenses revoked(however this too was overturned,) but I think it's important to note how many well known drivers he managed. He managed drivers such as Mark Webber, Jarno Trulli, Nelson Piquet Jr and Heikki Kovalainen. And he still manages Fernando to this very day.
But as of today, he has been hired as an executive advisor to Alpine. You know, Alpine, the team that dismissed him over crashgate 14 years ago? So we'll have to see how that goes. Honestly I feel like it could either go great or cause Alpine to become a bigger trashfire than ever, but who knows! He's both renowned for managing a team that won 4x wdc and 3x wcc over the course of his tenure, but also renowed for being like the biggest super villian fraud in recent F1. I, however, welcome this new role, I think it will be fun, I respect his game <3
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feraltwinkseb · 1 year
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Jaguar F1 testing session May 30, 2002 -  Silverstone, England Source: Mark Thompson/Getty Images
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scotianostra · 1 year
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On July 30th 2003 Multi race winning Motorcyclist, Robert Steven ‘Hizzy’ Hislop died.
Hizzy, as he was affectionately known once said “If I’d never thrown my leg over a bike, I’d never have lived.”
Robert Steven Hislop grew up in the village of Chesters, near Hawick in the borders. His father started the interest of both he and his brother Garry in motorcycle racing. This was short lived at the time as he lost his father and a few years later his brother was killed at Silloth circuit. He ended up with a serious alcohol problem which led into depression.
Hizzy thankfully recovered and began his Isle of Man road racing career in 1983 by finishing second in the newcomers’ race at the Manx Grand Prix.
On short circuits, his first championship success came when he won the 250cc British Championship in 1990. Superbike victory followed with the British Superbike Championship in 1995. Some attributed his success to James Whitham leaving the series mid-season to deal with cancer.
Although he did not take a BSB victory in 1996 or 1997, Hislop was hired by Rob McElnea’s dominant Cadbury’s Boost Yamaha team for 1998. The nature of the fight for the championship between Hislop & team mate, fellow Scot. Niall Mackenzie, was illustrated by a near-collision on the last lap at Snetterton which cost the team a 1-2 finish. Hislop generally matched his countryman before a serious crash took him out of title contention.
His last championship success came in 2002 when he won the British Superbike Championship riding a Ducati. A notable feature of his season resulted from Hislop lapping Donington Park circuit more quickly on a superbike than the fastest Moto GP machine: Hislop’s modified production Ducati was heavier and less powerful than the bespoke Grand Prix bikes.
The 1992 Senior TT was described as an absolute classic. It is often described as one of the best races in TT history.
After their successful 1991 TT on all conquering Honda RVF machines, Hislop and Carl Fogarty had not planned to return in 1992. However, they both lined up on the Glencrutchery Road that year on unfancied machinery: Hislop was ona Norton with Fogarty on a Yamaha. The Norton Hizzy rode had been developed on a shoe string budget when compared with the Japanese competition. John Player had no intention of backing Steve’s TT campaign but after scratching around for some support and with minimal testing time, the team headed for the Isle of Man.
Hislop’s Norton took to the circuit in the unconventional white livery of Steve’s long term sponsor Abus. Hislop and the team defied the bike’s detractors by taking a fine 2nd place in the opening TT F1 race. The bike proved it could complete 6 laps of the gruelling Snaefell Mountain Course in hot weather so the team looked forward to Friday’s Senior TT.
Hislop’s main rival was Foggarty, who started at number 4. Steve started at 19. Not only did this give Hizzy more traffic to contend with but it also gave the crowd an anxious wait as the officials calculated the time difference between them. As the race progressed, the two riders smashed records they set the previous year with Hislop taking a narrow advantage into the final lap. In a last-ditch attempt to catch Hislop, Fogarty recorded a record lap time of more than 123 mph on his Yamaha. It was all in vain however as Hislop guided the fly splattered Norton home to an historic win. This was one of Hislop’s greatest achievements and one of the most popular TT wins. Carl Fogarty’s lap record stood for 7 years.
Hislop and Fogarty went on to become two of Britain’s most successful motorcycle racers, winning many races and championships. It was the 1992 Senior TT that saw them battle together for the last time.
Described by some as a flawed sporting genius, success in the world championships never materialised for Hislop. This was possibly because of a self-destructive aspect to his character. The flaw may have led to a number of well-publicised clashes with other riders and teams in the British championships which hindered progress into international series.
Having lost his brother and many friends in motorcycle accidents, he made a point of never going to the funerals of fellow racers, saying:
“Some people might find that a bit callous. I only ever attend family ones and people find it a bit strange that I won’t go to a friend’s funeral, but it’s just my little way of shutting off.”
Steve Hislop died in a helicopter accident in July 2003, near Teviothead, Roxburghshire and was interred in the village of Chesters near his birthplace of Hawick, Scotland. He had two children.
There is a bronze statue in memory of Hizzy in the grounds of Hawick Museum. at Wilton park and another at Onchan Head, Isle of Man, as seen in order in the pics. The last pic is a cairn near Teviothead, the scene of the helicopter crash, it reads……
‘Hizzy’ This cairn was built by a few friends of Steve Hislop, British Superbike Champion, who was tragically killed in a helicopter accident near this site, on July 30th 2003.
Kind permission was granted by His Grace The Duke of Buccleuch.
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greatunironic · 2 years
self rec game
thank you @ruthofrhythm for the tag!!
rules: recommend three of your own fics (1 most popular, two hidden gems) then tag some people!
most popular the most remarkable thing about you standing in the doorway is that it's you (steve/eddie, the whole gang, 35k words)
Sixteen years after the world didn't end for the last time, Max Mayfield showed up on Steve’s doorstep and said, “You gonna walk me down the aisle in May or what?” Or, it's 2002 and Steve Harrington attends a wedding, a funeral, and a birth.
hidden gems second hand unwinding (steve/eddie, eddie, nancy, robin, and the party, 23.6k)
“Back in tenth grade, he’d done his final report for World History on prophecies. The Greeks were kind of the last people who’d really made a big deal about it, even though there’d been recorded True Prophecies well into the 19th and 20th centuries. It was more that people had gotten weird about it — didn’t want to believe in predestination and a concrete future, even though it was something like a one in a billion chance you’d get a True Prophecy about yourself or even someone you knew; people just liked to feel special, Eddie thought, and hated when they weren’t — and so it had slid to the fringes of society and anyone who might have Sight got swept into the insular embrace of the Priestesses of the Quiet Sisters.” Or: Steve dies at the end. Or: a story about prophecies, love, and loopholes.
cause in the back of my mind, i'm in the back of your car (steve/eddie, steve, eddie, robin, max, erica, 68k)
"It was overcast at Silverstone, that afternoon. It was cooler than last year, the wind from Friday had died down significantly, and the likelihood of seeing rain was slim to none. Conditions were favorable, and Steve had had good runs in practice and snagged P2 to start. Max had officially made her test debut for the team Saturday too, and Erica, despite her age, had gotten to be her race engineer; Max was going to get elevated out of testing and dev within the next two years and make motorsport history, and Erica was going to be the youngest race engineer in F1 history shortly there after, mark his words."
In which Steve started racing go-karts at ten, and never looked back.
i think most people have done it so far, but if you haven't consider this my request that you do, if you see this!! hype yourselves homies!!!
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wigglesforonce · 11 months
2006-2008 Testing
x (<- random collection, 2005-2008 i think)
and here's an extra phot for you (rubens barrichello on a scooter)
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oaresearchpaper · 4 months
Nile Tilapia Count and Location: AI and CLAHE Unleashed
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Fish counting in aquaculture is an important task in fish population estimation. However, it is very challenging because of the diversity of backgrounds, uncertainty of fish motion, and obstruction between objects. To solve this problem, a model using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) is proposed to provide an advanced and efficient counting method for aquaculture. The methodology involved image acquisition, CNN implementation, and evaluation. First, images were manually annotated from video frames. Then, a CNN was trained on the training dataset to detect the tilapia and determine its location. Lastly, the performance of the method was evaluated and compared with other assessment methods. The results show that the study gained 95%, 87%, and 91% for precision, recall, and F1-score, respectively. Further, the mean average precision at 0.5 resulted in 94.21%; thus, the study can detect and locate the fish in a tank and be integrated into a feeding management system.
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Accurate counting of organisms, such as Nile Tilapia (Oreochronis niloticus), is important for various applications, including fisheries management, environmental monitoring, and aquaculture operations (Li et al., 2020). In the Philippines, tilapia is the second most important cultured species, with approximately 281,111 MT of total production in 2021. In 2020, tilapia made up 20% of the aquaculture production in the country, with Central Luzon as the leading producer. Tilapia is an important commodity for food security and economic development (PCAARRD, n.d.).
The tilapia industry in the Philippines has made notable growth in production from 2002 to 2022, with an increase of 115.58%. This may be attributed to several programs done by the government, such as improving the strain of tilapia and improving the technology in production and culture to sustain industry growth (Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, 2022).
However, despite the progress made in tilapia aquaculture, problems and challenges persist. Pollutionrelated problems like diseases and water quality management, sources of quality fingerlings, and market competition are among the key challenges faced by farmers (Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, 2022). Addressing these challenges and enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of tilapia production is crucial for the industry's continued growth.
In this context, developing an automated methodology for accurate surface tilapia detection using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) brings an opportunity to improve tilapia farming practices. Leveraging the capabilities of CNN and Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) aims to develop an approach to determine whether Nile Tilapia are at the surface or submerged. The insights gained from this research can contribute to optimizing feeding strategies, improving management practices, and enhancing tilapia aquaculture's overall productivity.
The paper is presented as follows: Section 1 introduces the motivation for the research. Section 2 concentrated on the related works on image processing, CNN, and CLAHE. The methodology of the research is presented in Section 3. Section 4 presents the Tests and Results. Finally, Section 5 discussed the conclusion and future works.
Source : Nile Tilapia Count and Location: AI and CLAHE Unleashed | InformativeBD
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mutsukiss · 1 year
Pedro de la Rosa (F1 pilot and test driver for Repsol Arrows 1999-2000, Jaguar Racing 2001-2002, McClaren Mercedes 2005-2009, Sauber 2010-2011, HRT 2012 and Ferrari 2013-2014) is saying "this is how it [the sport] is", and that drivers aren't used to these conditions because now with tire management they don't need to get to these extremes often or at all.
Toni Cuquerella (F1 race engineer for BMW Sauber 2008-2009 with THE Robert Kubica, HRT 2009, technical director and chief track engineer for HRT 2011-2012 and track engineer coordinator for Ferrari 2015-2016) argued that while its true the cars may be more manageable for the whole duration of the race now they are able to reach 6G and old cars weren't this physically demanding on the drivers. Pedro agrees but insists that this is an extreme sport and reaching the extremes is what is expected and actually looked for.
And I agree in the sense that I expect the fastest road coursing racing cars in the world to push the drivers to the limit and they have to be able to resist that and thrive in it, but that's also kind of the point? If the drivers suffer that's expected, and I like that, F1 should be hard and challenging and exhausting, but never needlessly unsafe (keeping in mind that they drive cars that reach 360km/h in race for shits and giggles. And a lot of money, but yknow)
So it IS true now cars are harder in a different sense but they are safer and easier to manage and the way they are driven is different with no fuel stops and a wider tire array; a significant number of the pilots now haven't driven an f1 car without a DRS system. I like when cars slip and lose control and smash against the walls and there's collisions because it's fun! and it's entertaining! and it shows how hard these cars are to drive and how insanely small the errors you can make are and how big the consequences are!!! I see how extreme the sport is there. But I only feel that when the drivers are safe. If there is a human error and someone is hurt it's a tragedy, but its stuff that happens. If the conditions are hard and someone just cannot keep up that's a shame, but it is still stuff that happens. If ALL the pilots in the grid are visibly unwell and being open and vocal about how unsafe they are while driving on something that race direction could have avoided or put a stop on, that's not stuff that happens. That's not an error, that's not the sport being hard, that's irresponsibility from the organization body, that keeps happening over and over again!
The sport IS extreme, and drivers MAY not be used to the harshest conditions a circuit may offer, and that doesn't necessarily mean that it needs changing or that it should be easier or more bearable, but that's not what's happening here and I can only watch people being pushed to the limit so much before I stop enjoying it because the worry they might get killed violently ruins the concept of the whole sport to me.
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f1 · 2 years
Alonso to join Aston Martins Pirelli tyre test next month | RaceFans Round-up
In the round-up: Aston Martin’s new hire will perform tyre testing duties for the team next month. In brief Aston Martin call upon race drivers for Pirelli test Aston Martin’s new driver Fernando Alonso and team mate Lance Stroll will drive their 2022 car in the Pirelli tyre test being conducted by the team next month. Pirelli is testing with several teams during the off-season to aid the development of their next tyre compounds for F1, and Aston Martin’s test is taking place at Spanish track Jerez. The team plan for Alonso to drive on the seventh and Stroll will take over the AMR22 the next day. Chadwick to continue Williams simulator work Williams have announced three-time W Series champion Jamie Chadwick’s role within their young driver development programme will not change despite the relocation of her racing career to the United States. Chadwick, who was champion of the Formula Regional-spec-W Series in 2019, 2021 and ’22, will race for Andretti Autosport in Indy Nxt this year. She was signed by Williams as a development driver in 2019 (with the team’s Driver Academy not created until 2020), and two years ago the team decided to increase her involvement within the team by giving her more time in their simulator in Grove, England. Williams already announced at the end of 2022 that they would continue their support of Chadwick into 2023, and on Wednesday added that she “will continue with a personalised simulator programme to aid in her progression as a driver and provide valuable support to the team’s race preparations” through 2023. Sato funded move to IndyCar after F1 career ended Sato has scaled back to an oval-only campaign for 2023 Takuma Sato has explained on motorsport journalist Marshall Pruett’s podcast how he self-funded his move into IndyCar back in 2010 after his Formula 1 career came to an end. The Japanese driver raced in F1 from 2002 to 2008, and was in contention to race for Toro Rosso in 2009 but ended up with a year on the sidelines before joining IndyCar with KV Racing Technology. After 13 years of full-time competition in the series with five different teams, and six wins, he has decided to scale back to only contesting the oval races for 2023 and has moved to Chip Ganassi Racing. “Of course, all the drivers want to be always professional, always want to be employed and admitted on your performance,” said Sato. “But sometimes these things are not going that simple, and I thought now is the time I really need to open the door myself even using just pure personal budget, at the very beginning. I was confident that I could get it back in the end. It took time, of course!” Using his own income, Sato got his first IndyCar seat aged 33. He’s now 45, and has been earning money by driving since then thanks to pay cheques from teams wanting his services but also in earnings from major races like the Indianapolis 500, which he has won twice. McLaren welcome new engineering scholars University of Auckland mechanical engineering students Sabrina Yarndley and Joshua Cates have been selected as the latest recipients of McLaren Automotive’s Bruce McLaren engineering scholarship. The pair will work in Woking’s iconic McLaren Technology Centre for three months, undertaking jobs in multiple departments of the road car firm. Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free Happy birthday! Happy birthday to Markg! On this day in motorsport 65 years ago today Stirling Moss scored the first wins for Cooper and Climax engines in the Argentinian Grand Prix, while Juan Manuel Fangio came fourth in his last home race via RaceFans - Independent Motorsport Coverage https://www.racefans.net/
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racingliners · 2 years
F1 Re-watch 2022: Round 6 - Spain
To quote Manuel from Fawlty Towers: I know nothing
The only thing I remember from this race is the gifs of Seb and Lewis sharing an umbrella during the national anthem.
So yeah, this could be... fun???
I did not know Lewis and Schumi were the joint most successful winners in Spain. That is a fun fact (Just goat things)
Also Charles is on pole, so I fear I know how this race is ending.
Seb in 16th 😭 (To repeat a previous point, the AMR22 was beautiful, but boy she was a tractor)
Livery watch: Alpine preeeeeeeeetty (blue and pink livery my utter beloved)
Lewis starting on the mediums??????
Fernando taking his sweet, sweet time getting to the grid
[Start/Lap 1]: Another clear turn 1, I’m genuinely shocked
oop didn’t last long Lewis and Kev went into each other
Seb up into 13th though!!!
[Lap 5]: Damn Ocon got past Dan like he was slicing through butter
[Lap 6]: and again on Mick
ahhhhhh Seb on Fernando violence
(Insert quote about how Seb and Fernando have always raced each other)
Ugh Fernando got back past it was fun while it lasted
[Lap 7]: Oop Sainz in the gravel
[Lap 9]: Verstappen in the gravel????
Not the gust of wind excuse. *2015 Testing flashbacks*
[Lap 10]: Comms are already talking about team orders. 😬
oof Dan dropping down the top 10 like a stone 😶
[Lap 12]: Russell’s car is overheating???
[Lap 13]: And Verstappen’s DRS isn’t working. 
F1 cars don’t like heat too much do they?
[Lap 14]: Given how the second half of the season went I simply do not trust the face that Leclerc is leading by 14 seconds. I will not be lulled into a false sense of security by Ferrari I know better. I just about survived Seb’s years there 😭
Unrelated: where is my midfield spice???
Livery watch: Alfa Romeo preeeeetty
(shhh I know he hasn’t stopped yet)
“DRS = Doesn’t Really Stay” Brundle I will give you that one right bc that was funny
This race is playing into Ferrari’s hands and I still don’t trust it
aeuvheugh we’re not in 2002 Crofty
(which reminds me I need to watch some old Schumi races when I have the time)
[Lap 20]: “So Perez is on a one stop” “Blimey!” fguehguehsg
Tell me George is British without telling me he’s British
Stop interrupting Ted, let him speak!!!
[Lap 22]: Yay Seb finally pits... and drops from 8th to 17th 😭
[Lap 24]: Russell on Verstappen violence, some spice at last
Who would win? A multiple F1 race winner or one (1) rear wing flap?
Livery watch: Glossy silver Merc preeeetty
[Lap 26]: uerhaguiehgueh Perez straight up asking for Verstappen to be moved out the way. I would have spat out my tea had I been taking a drink.
“Why won’t you let me by?” Honestly, valid question.
(I’m still laughing)
[Lap 27]: Ah. There it is. The sight and sound of Ferrari betrayal. Number 16 Ferrari goes poof.
Rule 1 of watching F1: Never, ever trust Ferrari
Ted is surprised. I am not.
Ouch, that on-board of the car dying is brutal though.
ANYWAY Seb up into P13 let’s get it
aaaand Lewis got past him 😔 (It’s fine it’s Lewis I’ll allow it)
[Lap 31]: Oop Perez’s turn to get past a car like cutting through butter
(something something the W13 was not a sexy car)
I mean it didn’t last very long but DAMN
I take it it’s bc others pitted, but anyway STOP THE RACE
I feel like this race sums up the 2022 Season. Ferrari start strong, then they fuck up. Red Bull pick up the pieces.
[Lap 39]: BOTTAS IS IN 4TH???? FOURTH?????
I mean damn Val go off but FOURTH?!
Seb gets passed by Lando for 9th
Ferrari engineers looking at their remaining engines like:
[Lap 43]: aaaaand we’re back with Seb vs Fernando
nvm Seb pitted
Livery watch: metallic green AM preeeetty
continued Seb footage... feels good feels organic
[Lap 47]: Bono sighting!!!
...RBR team orders.
If I speak 😶
(They are 1.7 seconds apart my dudes)
What do you mean this race was six years after 2016???
Christ has it been that long??? The season aged me more than I’d care to admit
[Lap 50]: Bottas is still in P4. Porridge power.
[Lap 57]: Mick: Can I get points??? F1: NO
It’s fine he scores points with Seb in Silverstone 🥺😭
[Lap 58]: Three car fight for 4th? 👀
oh nvm that lasted two corners
Crofty shut up about Seb and Mick crashing in Miami I don’t want to hear about it
[Lap 60]: Oh that was a nice pass from Lewis on Sainz
I would like an emotional support Bono, he sounded so proud 😭
[Lap 64]: Seb in P11. 15 secs behind P10. 😭
DNF risk on the Mercs???? wat
OH cooling issues. shit.
cut to Displeased Toto™️.
[Lap 66/Finish]: A water leak??? a water leak?????
Anyway Verstappen won quelle surprise
Are the Mercs gonna finish though???
They lived!! That was very wild though.
Hmm. It was fine I guess?? Much more interesting than Miami, but the bar was very low. I missed my spicy midfield drama. Russell v Verstappen was fun to watch, and seeing Lewis come through the field as Lewis does was cool. Overall 6 front wings out of 10. Monaco next!
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maranello · 2 years
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BARCELONA, 2002 — Michael Schumacher during pre-season testing. (Photo by Mark Thompson & Bryn Lennon)
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p1tstop · 2 years
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a compilation of nico rosberg being gender 25/100
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kucherovv · 3 years
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17 yr old nico at his first f1 test in 2002
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