#ezzy my beloved!!
nothingtoseehd · 1 year
happy birthday :)
thank you ezzy !!!!
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sprnklersplashes · 11 months
big big love to the people who reblogged that "what do you associate with me" poll and tagged 'the crows' despite not having soc. thank u for supporting my brainrot.
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wizardofrozz · 1 year
Hi Roz!!❤️ Freckles, paper and watermelon for the soft asks??
🥺 I love these
Freckles - most worn article of clothing?
I have an Obi-Wan sweatshirt that I literally wear any chance I get lmao. It's so comfy and I'm so upset it's hot where I live because I can't wear it as often anymore 😭
Watermelon - do films ever make you cry?
Very, very rarely do I cry because of a movie. I can only think of one off the top of my head that made me cry and it was The Lovely Bones 😭
Paper - favorite children's book?
Stellaluna by Janell Cannon was one of my favorites as a kid and I still love it today. It's such a cute story and probably is the reason I love bats so much lmao
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The only thing staving off the mental breakdown this unit is giving me is wait hold on are the green triangle quality streets fucking truffles. Hello. What. Why. In the green trianglr qualitu streets wtf!!!
Anyways its the quality streets im currently having. That is the sole reason im not having a breakdown. I am REALLY not looking forwards to the impending all-nighter
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8 pls??
8: mystery of love - sufjan stevens
(oh, will wonders ever cease? / blessed be the mystery of love)
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ghostofskywalker · 1 year
Hey Tori! Sliding in with a 3k (yay!!! congratulations🩷) request for Echo our most beloved <33
I am forever thinking about that one scene where Echo says "Harm her and you're a dead man". It lives rent free in my brain and never fails to make me smile the ways is says it is just so-
So maybe something with Echo being a little extra protective over the reader? Looking out for them and making sure they stay safe?
thank you ezzie!! he is just So Lovely!! i don't know if this is anything like what you had in mind but i really hope you enjoy this :)
words: 1,750
summary: rationally, echo knew this assignment was going to be easy, an in and out acquisition of information. he's just annoyed that he's not the one playing your lover at that gala tonight.
clone troopers masterlist || join my 3k celebration!!
Under a Watchful Eye
Echo watched from his seat in the cockpit as you stepped out of the barracks area of the ship, and the dress you were wearing stopped his breath for a minute. It was long and flowing, fluttering and shifting around your legs with every step you took, and the fact that the color was a near-perfect match to that of his old battalion was not helping. 
But unfortunately, he was not the one you were dressed up for. 
Technically, the mission was the reason that you had donned the gown that had apparently come from Echo’s deepest fantasies, not a person. But still, this assignment required two people, as you were going undercover as guests at a banquet. And much to his dismay, it wasn’t him that had the privilege of being the one who played your lover this evening. 
No, that honor had apparently been bestowed on Crosshair. 
Logically, it made sense why you and Crosshair were the ones going on this mission. Even though there was little to no Separatist presence on this planet at this point, you couldn’t risk being recognized, and Crosshair was the member of the team that looked the least like a traditional clone (and he was also the least likely to draw attention to himself in the way that the others would). 
But even though it made sense, it didn’t mean that Echo had to be happy about it. 
He knew his brother, he knew that there was no way Crosshair would willingly put you in harms way or leave you behind, but there was still a festering cauldron of worry in Echo’s stomach as he thought about the fact that all he could do at this point is just sit and wait until you left the function. He would have to sit by if something happened to you in there, and he hated the thought of it. 
“Do I look okay?” you asked, stepping into the cockpit as you finished putting a pair of earrings in your ears. As well as matching the color of the dress, they would serve as a communication device that could easily be turned on and off from a remote location, this way if anyone tried to scan you, nothing would show up. That was Echo’s job this evening: to sit there with Tech, Wrecker, and Hunter and listen to everything that went on while you and Crosshair were gathering the information they would send back to Commander Cody.
It took him a moment to realize that you were talking to him, and his eyes widened slightly before he responded. “You look amazing,” he said earnestly. 
“Thank you,” you responded, and he could see the hint of a smile cross your face. “I wasn’t sure how the dress would look, since I don’t usually wear this type of thing.” 
“Well, I would never know it if I just looked at you,” he said, the urge to walk over to you and take your hand only growing. “I mean it, you look stunning.” 
You opened your mouth to respond, but were interrupted when Tech stepped into the space. “Oh good, you’re here,” he said, directing his attention to you. “Come with me, I have a few things for you to add to the ensemble.” 
The “extra defense” had been Echo’s idea, a way to ensure that you would be able to defend yourself if necessary. Just in case everything went wrong, he wanted to make sure that you made it out unscathed, and it would be a lot easier if you had a tiny blaster strapped to your leg. 
Right as you and Tech walked away, Crosshair stepped into the cockpit. He was a wearing a suit, the tie matching the color of your dress perfectly. Somehow he had found a way to cover his tattoo, and Echo hated to say it, but the image of you and him together screamed “power couple” to anyone who wasn’t aware of your identities. 
The only thing wrong with Crosshair’s look this evening was the scowl etched onto his face. “Do you have all the information from Cody about the mission?” Echo asked, wanting to make sure they didn’t miss anything. 
“And you remember where we’re going to meet you when you have the intel?” 
“And you know-” 
“Echo,” Crosshair said, cutting him off with a matching glare. “I already got this lecture from Hunter, I don’t need it from you too. I promise that I won’t let anything happen to your girlfriend.” 
“She’s not-” 
“-Your girlfriend, I know,” Crosshair said. “Even though you’re acting like it right now.” 
But Crosshair silenced him with a look. “You’re questioning me like I’m brand new to the team, and you haven’t been able to stop glancing over at the entrance to the barracks. It’s not that hard to figure out that you have feelings for her.” Crosshair was right, but Echo did not want to admit it. “Look, if you don’t want to say anything to me it’s fine, but don’t lie to yourself about it.”
Echo was suddenly very glad to see you step back into the cockpit, because he had no idea what he was going to say to that. However, that happiness was tempered slightly when he realized it was time for you and Crosshair to leave. After one final check to make sure that everyone was up to date on the plan, he sat down in one of the seats in the cockpit and watched you walk away until you were too small to see. 
Security was bypassed, and you and Crosshair had successfully infiltrated the banquet. This was an assignment that spawned from an unnamed informant to the Senate, so they didn’t have as many details as they would have liked about what was going to go down, but so far it seemed like everything was going to work out and no major catastrophes would happen. 
“Do you see anyone suspicious?” you asked quietly, and you voice easily carried so that the rest of the team could hear you through the small device that Tech made to communicate with your earrings. 
“Not right now,” Crosshair responded, his voice slightly quieter. “But I don’t think we’ll have a good vantage point from where we are now.” 
“Where should we go?” 
“What about over there?” 
They could hear shuffling, so it was clear that you were moving somewhere, but the fact that this device only picked up audio was starting to get a little annoying. Echo wanted to see what was happening, rather than just hear what was being said. 
Suddenly the music suddenly got a little louder, and his curiosity only grew. 
Finally, your voice once again came through the radio, and he was allowed to imagine some of what was going on out there. “Wow Crosshair, you didn’t tell me you were such a good dancer.”
“I’m a man of many talents.” 
“I’m sure.” 
It was only for the mission, it was only for the mission, it was only for the mission, Echo kept repeating to himself. Although he understood the fact that you and Crosshair were going to be posing as lovers for this event, he didn’t really think about what that might have entailed. The thought of you dancing with someone that wasn’t him was almost too much, but he forced himself to keep his cool. 
Trouble always found them, there was no way they should have expected anything different with this mission. After you and Crosshair had acquired some very interesting information from another set of guests (which sounded a hell of a lot like what they needed to bring back to Cody), Tech was right about to tell you and Crosshair to meet the rest of them back at the ship when the sound of blaster fire came across the communication device, and they realized something was wrong.
Instantly, Echo jumped into a frenzy. “What’s going on?” he asked worriedly, pulling the radio device up to his lips. 
“Bounty hunters just showed up!” you whispered. “I don’t know what they want though.” 
“That doesn’t matter, you need to get out of there, now!”
Crosshair’s voice came through the device next. “Wow, what am I? Chopped bantha?” 
“You know I meant both of you!” Echo responded, rolling his eyes. He didn’t have time for the jokes right now, not when you were in danger. “Now, before anyone sees you!” 
All they could do was wait until you and Crosshair could be seen through the windows of the cockpit, and it was taking a much longer time than Echo was comfortable with. Although the communication devices you wore were still technically active, the sounds of footsteps and general chaos really were not of any use to them when trying to determine your location. 
Finally though, the two of you were bounding up the ramp of the Marauder, and Tech was pulling the ship off the surface of the planet and back into hyperspace. None of the other batchers batted an eye when Echo got up from his seat and made a beeline to where you had just walked in. 
Crosshair had already disappeared, probably having gone into the refresher to wash whatever was hiding his tattoo, and you smiled at Echo when he got close enough. “Are you okay?” he asked, noticing a few rips near the bottom of your dress. 
“I’m fine,” you responded, reaching out to take his hand. “We got out of there just in time, no one even noticed us leave.” 
“We took a shortcut through some woods and the shoes they sent me weren’t really meant for anything too extreme,” you said, laughing quietly as you reached up to place your other hand on his cheek. Echo’s gaze traveled back up to your face, and he couldn’t help but fall in love with the smile you gave him. “I promise, everything is okay now.” 
“I know,” he said, too busy drowning in the sensation of your fingertips touching his skin to really worry about what he was saying. “I’m glad you’re safe.”
“Me too Echo,” you said, pulling your hand away from his face. Echo would have been upset at the shift if you hadn’t leaned up and placed the softest of kisses on his cheek. It felt like his skin was set aflame, your lips permanently marking his face; it was evidence that he’d always be yours, even if you didn’t know it yet. “Me too.” 
- the end -
i no longer have a taglist! if you're interested in being notified when i post, you can follow my library blog @ghostofskywalker-library and turn on notifications!
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fallenlightsif · 10 months
So excited! Going to need to do a playthrough with my beloveds, Julian and Florian, but, to be honest, I'm most excited for holiday time with big bro Ezrah!
I’m honestly so excited for Ezzie’s route 😭
He makes fun of politicians with you and then you clown him for his love life. The true sibling experience.
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parkitaco · 1 year
if we were irls i’d be like following you around from a respectful distance like a worried mother following her teenager around during their first public event alone. far enough that your cool friends don’t see me but i have cheetos and appy slices in my fanny pack if you get hungry. have you had enough water today dear i have juice boxes. oh look you posted a wonderful fic tearing people’s souls from their mortal prisons and sticking them back again in a way they didn’t quite belong but still fit. how nice dear i’m so proud we’ll get ice cream to celebrate
tldr i’m v proud of u and need to go to bed lmao
EZZY my beloved u are very much an auntie friend 2 me i think this is so sweet <33 (i Did post a fic tearing ppl's souls out ty for noticing i'm having a great time and mentally i am eating ice cream to celebrate w u rn)
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luucypevensie · 1 year
🐴 + my beloved Ezzie??
1. Their favorite musical: SIX because Ezzie was always fascinated with Anne Boleyn growing up, and a musical about the six wives of Henry VIII? You’ve sold her
2. Their first ever Halloween costume: Wonder Woman because Ezzie’s father was a comic book fan growing up, and it turns out that Wonder Woman was his favorite superhero. He thought bb!Ezzie would be a wonderful Wonder Woman for Halloween
3. Their favorite 2010s song: Follow The Leader by Wisin & Yandel and Jennifer Lopez
4. Their favorite kind of weather: Ezzie loves a good rainy day where she can just curl up on the couch with a cup of coffee and a good book while the news is on in the background
5. What extracurriculars they did in school: Science club, Writer’s Workshop (where she would help other students with their essays), Dance Team and Theatre
6. Their favorite word: Strong
7. About their first kiss: Ezzie had her first kiss at a middle school dance; she was so excited because she was invited to go with a boy she had a crush on and a group of friends. They all had a blast going out to an Italian restaurant for pizza and pasta, and then just hung out once back at the school for the dance. Ezzie’s crush worked up the courage to ask her to dance, and during a slow song, they had a cute little peck that had her grinning for days
8. What kind of posters they had in their room as a kid: Ezzie was a big fan of Jennifer Lopez (she loved her in Selena, and she might’ve had a crush on her because come on, J.Lo’s STUNNING), so there were multiple posters of her, as well as Enrique Iglesias because he was her other crush and she LOVED his music. There also was a photo of Albert Einstein hanging up on her wall because SCIENCE
9. If they had a lucky object (and what it is): Ezzie’s father had a St. Jude’s medallion that he left behind after he and Ezzie’s mother divorced. Even though she doesn’t have fond memories of her father, Ezzie still wears it because it surprisingly has given her good luck
10. Their saddest injury: Before Kyle was shot and killed, her stalker tried to grab her by using the element of surprise. Ezzie fought back, but in the fight, she suffered a blow to the stomach that caused a few bruised ribs and her arm was twisted around her back so hard, it was pulled out of its socket
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metaphysicae · 1 year
tbh i dont think purity culture is that bad in most leftist spaces, and "don't sexualize children" is branded as such by like people who think reblogging porn of my hero academia kids is more important than anything in the world. that being said, there definitely is a problem where leftists hold other leftists to ridiculously high standards and turn on them the second they're anything less than perfectly informed and graceful about every topic.
HELLO EZZY BELOVED don't mind that i am several months late to this.
but yea no i think you're absolutely right. the line between freedom of expression and exploitation does, in fact, exist, and bad shit happens when one crosses it.
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nothingtoseehd · 2 years
IT’S ALRIGHT EZZY THANK YOU!! i’m so proud of you for spelling it right <33!!
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14dayswithyou · 2 years
Do you possibly mean Ezra? Since he's allergic to doors according to Lily? If not Ezra who is it?! We need to know!!!
Referring to: https://14dayswithyou.tumblr.com/post/692161775773351936/im-curious-what-does-ren-do-after-he-picks-the
✦゜ANSWERED: bruh someone PLEASE tell them how to use a door i'm on the vERGE OF TEARS RN KKJSDKG
Ren would probably keep Angel's window closed still (why would Ezra go to their apartment without his knowledge? 😢), but would keep his own window open at night lmao
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district-stoplights · 2 years
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16,17,18 for song asks
16 (a song from a film/tv series?) - the entire soundtrack of the umbrella academy it’s just a bunch of bops from anywhere in the early 60s to today it’s amazing
17 (a song that reminds you of someone?) - well i have an entire playlist for overdue so. those songs. also dear friend, by dayglow reminds me of some old friends :)
and i answered 18 already
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maybeimamuppet · 3 years
You are an amazing author! I love how you write all the mean girls characters! I love how gay you make it! I was a fan of yours before I became your friend! I totally think that you're awesome and I want to get to know you better! I am writing this for the post of making you flustered but I mean every word! I hope that this makes you flustered in a good way because you totally deserve it!
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thank you!!! i’m weeping omg
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boycritter · 3 years
ozzie!! today’s the fifth of October!! thats 11 months!! <33 :]]
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