#ezzie my beloved thank you for the ask <3
wizardofrozz · 1 year
Hi Roz!!❤️ Freckles, paper and watermelon for the soft asks??
🥺 I love these
Freckles - most worn article of clothing?
I have an Obi-Wan sweatshirt that I literally wear any chance I get lmao. It's so comfy and I'm so upset it's hot where I live because I can't wear it as often anymore 😭
Watermelon - do films ever make you cry?
Very, very rarely do I cry because of a movie. I can only think of one off the top of my head that made me cry and it was The Lovely Bones 😭
Paper - favorite children's book?
Stellaluna by Janell Cannon was one of my favorites as a kid and I still love it today. It's such a cute story and probably is the reason I love bats so much lmao
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luucypevensie · 1 year
🐴 + my beloved Ezzie??
1. Their favorite musical: SIX because Ezzie was always fascinated with Anne Boleyn growing up, and a musical about the six wives of Henry VIII? You’ve sold her
2. Their first ever Halloween costume: Wonder Woman because Ezzie’s father was a comic book fan growing up, and it turns out that Wonder Woman was his favorite superhero. He thought bb!Ezzie would be a wonderful Wonder Woman for Halloween
3. Their favorite 2010s song: Follow The Leader by Wisin & Yandel and Jennifer Lopez
4. Their favorite kind of weather: Ezzie loves a good rainy day where she can just curl up on the couch with a cup of coffee and a good book while the news is on in the background
5. What extracurriculars they did in school: Science club, Writer’s Workshop (where she would help other students with their essays), Dance Team and Theatre
6. Their favorite word: Strong
7. About their first kiss: Ezzie had her first kiss at a middle school dance; she was so excited because she was invited to go with a boy she had a crush on and a group of friends. They all had a blast going out to an Italian restaurant for pizza and pasta, and then just hung out once back at the school for the dance. Ezzie’s crush worked up the courage to ask her to dance, and during a slow song, they had a cute little peck that had her grinning for days
8. What kind of posters they had in their room as a kid: Ezzie was a big fan of Jennifer Lopez (she loved her in Selena, and she might’ve had a crush on her because come on, J.Lo’s STUNNING), so there were multiple posters of her, as well as Enrique Iglesias because he was her other crush and she LOVED his music. There also was a photo of Albert Einstein hanging up on her wall because SCIENCE
9. If they had a lucky object (and what it is): Ezzie’s father had a St. Jude’s medallion that he left behind after he and Ezzie’s mother divorced. Even though she doesn’t have fond memories of her father, Ezzie still wears it because it surprisingly has given her good luck
10. Their saddest injury: Before Kyle was shot and killed, her stalker tried to grab her by using the element of surprise. Ezzie fought back, but in the fight, she suffered a blow to the stomach that caused a few bruised ribs and her arm was twisted around her back so hard, it was pulled out of its socket
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eerythingisshaka · 4 years
Ficmas Day #3 “Misfit Wakandans”
[T’Challa x OC]
Word Count: 1.2k
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“You won’t win!  You’re just a toy maker, no match for Santa!  Now leave before you’re reindeer food!”
Akini looks over the script in her email as T’Challa claps.  “I don’t think the reindeer food line was part of it, Ezzy.”
Ezzy shrugs, hopping into her father’s lap as she twists her braid.  “They said we can make up some stuff sometimes if we want.”
Akini holds her daughter’s cheek.  “That’s good.  Maybe try something different because reindeer do not eat people, right T’Challa?”
T’Challa appears to mull it over.  “Given the barren environment of the North Pole, it could very well be in the interest of the animal to survive-”
“Well thank goodness this isn’t a nature documentary.  I would just stick to the script for that  part, baby girl.  Just so no one is confused.  Now go wrap your hair and brush your teeth.  Your father will put you to bed in a minute.”
Ezzy deals out kisses to her parents before scurrying to her room.  Akini turns to T’Challa suspiciously.
“Now, what is the meeting so important about that you must go right before our daughter’s first play?”
T’Challa’s hands splay over his knees as he breathes in deep, avoiding Akini’s eyes.  “There are a couple of businesses willing to donate to our center for the holiday.  It won’t be long until that time comes.”
Akini nods, reaching for her husband’s chin to pull his gaze to meet hers.  “You cannot, by any means necessary, be late.”
T’Challa nods, but Akin tugs his chin hair this time.  “I mean it.  The crowds are horrendous at this American school, I won’t be a part of a mob for Kumkani, ok?”
T’Challa wraps an arm around his beloved, resting his other hand on her thigh as he stares lovingly into her eyes.  “I won’t be late.  I promise.  It will all be worth it in the end.”
“Stop.  Just here is fine.”  T’Challa opens his door and glides out swiftly in front of the elementary school entrance area.  His heart beat picks up as he sees his wife standing outside the front door, arms folded in a tight cross under her chest.  Akini’s  billowing afro hides her expression from him as she looks in the opposite direction while Ayo stands idle by.  Before T’Challa can signal her to remain silent, Ayo’s lips move, alerting Akini to his presence.
Okoye lets out a low whistle next to him.  “That almost scares me, kumkani.”
Akini’s eyes lock onto him as she stomps her booties towards him.  
“Why weren’t you kimoyo beads active?”
“My love, please slow down,”  T’Challa says calmly, approaching to meet her halfway.
“Calm - T’Challa, I have told you to not be late for our daughter’s performance for weeks, the last time being this morning, yes?”
T’Challa puts a finger to his lips, holding Akini’s arm to escort her to the school.
“I know, I know.  But something came up, this has happened before.”
Akini stops walking to turn and face him down despite her short frame.  “Heh!  I know it has!  Ezzy has been practicing her American Christmas recital for so long.”
T’Challa nods, hanging his head slightly.  “She has shown me at home.  She is quite good.”
Akini claps for emphasis.  “And when it actually counts, where is her father?  And you know she hates a scene.  If you got here when I asked, I wouldn’t worry about people gawking at you instead of paying attention to the children.  Now there will be a fuss over your presence.”
T’Challa holds out his hand for Akini to place hers into.  “It will be fine.  Has it started?”
Ayo speaks up.  “Five minutes ago, but Ezzy will not be on for another 15 minutes.”
T’Challa nods approvingly.  “Then you and Okoye secure an area in the balcony, front seat.  Maintain a distance on the east and west until it is time to dismiss.”
Okoye and Ayo open the doors to the school for Akini and T’Challa to enter.  A starstruck volunteer hands T’Challa  a program before they make their way up the stairs to the balcony.  T’Challa doesn’t let go of Akini as they walk hand in hand to their designated seat.  A musical number begins to taper off as Ezzy makes her way to the stage.
Akini points.  “Look!  Look at her!  Oh, she is the cutest looking ragdoll isn’t she?”
T’Challa smiles warmly, seeing his daughter under the bright spotlight with crimson circles on her cheeks and her natural hair in braids and bows.  Despite taking the appearance of a ragdoll, her costume was more of an abstract art piece than rags.
“Santa needs our help to get the toys to the children!  Who is with me?”  Ezzy commands, stamping a buckled shoe on the wooden crate she stood on over the cheering crowd.  
“Aye, you hear her?  She speaks clear and strong, just like I told her.  She studies me well, eh?”  T’Challa beams with pride as she leads a march toward an evil toy maker’s cave who tries to end Christmas but fails thanks to Ezzy and her crew.
When Ezzy had practiced the play before, T’Challa was not sure if the story would measure up enough to carry a performance worth watching, but Ezzy livened the cast in a way that was infectious to the crowd as well.  When the curtains closed for the end, the crowd erupted in loud praises and whistles as the cast took a final bow.
“We should go now,”  Akini says, standing up in her seat and motioning for Okoye and Ayo to follow.  Soon as T’Challa and Akini start their journey to the lower auditorium, the crowd begins to notice the King of the richest country on earth.
“Whoa, look!”
“T’Challa!  I seen you on the news!”
“Hey King!  I’ve got an investment opportunity you may be interested in!”
T’Challa has good blinders for these kinds of hassles, but Akini struggles, shushing people and turning them down for conversations and pictures and autographs directly when anyone is brave enough to talk past Okoye or Ayo flanking the couple.
T’Challa grips her hand tightly, mouthing that everything is fine but they couldn’t get to their daughter fast enough to make their exit.
“Baba!”  a big voice from a tiny frame calls out.  T’Challa follows the sound of his offspring’s voice, expertly finding her in the hoard of children and parents buzzing with excitement.
“There she is!  Come here!”  T’Challa takes his arms wide, letting Ezzy jump into them.  Akini pats her back for attention.
“I was here first, you know!”  Akini pokes out her lip as Ezzy looks down from her father’s arms and reaches for her mother.  Akini takes her into a tight hug.  “You did exceptional, my girl!  Let’s get out of here so we can talk all about it.”
Ay and Okoye helped them safely outside and began to make a path for the car until T’Challa felt something shift.  He turns back and sees his wife appear bewildered and stumble.
“Aye!  Come!”  He pushes through bystanders, holding Akini close as Ezzy climbs into his arms.
“Someone pushed Mama,”  Ezzy says.
“I’m fine, let’s go,”  Akini says flustered.
“Hey, King!  I said wait up!”  A middle aged white man tries to close the gap before Okoye’s staff separates him from his target.
“Do not touch the king or his family,”  Okoye warns.
He holds his hands up.  “Hey, I didn’t know they were together.”
“That does not excuse your actions,”  T’Challa says curtly.
He stammers as the crowd around him notices the drama.  “Sure, I just got too excited I guess-”
“That is no one’s problem but your own.  You have nothing more to say to me.”  T’Challa turns to leave, holding tight to both of his girls as they get into the car for a safe ride home.
“I’m so sorry Akini.  You were right.”  T’Challa confesses, looking down at his daughter resting her head on his chest.
Akini holds his hand to her face affectionately.  “I was too harsh with you.  But I will accept the win nonetheless.  WE are going home, that’s what matters.”
Ezzy looks up at her father.  “Baba, remember in the play when the toymaker tries to make the toys think they are better with him than with Santa?”
T’Challa thinks for a moment.  “I do.  Why?”
“You kinda sounded like me talking to that pale face guy.  I think you could be an actor.”
T’Challa grins.  “No, I could not because that wasn’t an act.  I love you and your mother very much and no hurt will come to either of you long as I am around.”
Akini lays her head on his other shoulder.  “While also teaching our daughter to protect herself...she is lucky to have you as her father.”
T’Challa kisses his love’s hand, inhaling the sweet smelling oils in her hair as his calm nature begins to cement.
Ezzy puts a hand to her father’s ear.  “Did you get Mama’s present today?”
T’Challa puts a finger to his lips, nodding.  “Mama thought I was late, but I still got to see you.  She is lucky her birthday and Christmas are on the same day; she may forgive me.”
Ezzy eyes widen with wonder.  “Two presents?!  Is it the moon and sun like you always say you want to give?”
T’Challa shrugs.  “You and her will see,”  he whispers.  “You’re a big girl for helping Baba with this task.”
Ezzy snuggles under him.  “I know.”
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