#ezra plans
gherkinlizard · 5 months
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oh how indeed ezra... how indeed
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peachyhoolagan · 1 year
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Lothals rage WIP
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just-a-madrigal · 7 months
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This started as a perspective study and turned into me thinking about Nancy as a Waverly student and maybe Corine was cool and they’d be friends and their room would be so cozy and I think they should have a cat
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stairset · 2 years
I know certain parts of Star Wars fandom are determined to see literally everything about the Jedi in the most bad faith way possible but one of the most baffling examples to me is when people act like they look down on all other force religions and don't take the time to understand them because they see their own way as superior when there is quite literally nothing to suggest that. Like the only other force users they have any actual beef with on principle are the Sith, which I'd say is justified considering the Sith are a bunch of fascist pricks who constantly try to take over the galaxy. Literally all the others are either allies of the Jedi or the Jedi just leave them alone to do their thing.
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lykomeraki · 5 months
May The Fourth Be With You!
here are some sketches that I've been working on. Mainly because I need more content on Thrawn and Ezra annoying the heck out of each other. :)
Week 4 on Peridia
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And then of course I love the concept of Ezra helping the navigators:
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And lastly, I have Ezra and Jacen, as well as some random sketches
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I hope you liked these, and may the fourth be with you!
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jessicas-pi · 17 days
for the three sentence prompt, could you do sabezra in a mythical creature au, whether it be the mer one or another variety if you want?
so i DID start writing some mer-fic but then I realized it actually worked a lot better as part of a current mer-WIP I have going, and I also had another idea and uhhh long story short this is kind of a continuation of this one!
Ezra perched cozily in the window seat, carved into the soft golden-toned wood that made up the walls, ceiling, and floor of the room. Spiderweb-fine curtains (that may or may not have actually been made of spiderwebs, he wasn't sure about that) fluttered as a light breeze brushed through the window, bringing in the scents of flowers and the distant chatter of hundreds of voices.
In the middle of the room, the Seelie stood, watching him just as intently as he watched her.
"You know," she huffed, breaking his gaze and crossing her arms, "I was really expecting more of a reaction to all of this!"
Ezra tilted his head indifferently. "I mean, I've always wondered if you'd have wings or not, so that answers my question, I guess."
Her pink-violet wings, which looked like something between bumblebee and dragonfly, twitched at this. "These are a little creation of my own, actually," she said, a pretty smile pulling at the corner of her mouth as she shrugged one shoulder. "I liked how your modern, storybook fairies had wings, so I gave myself some. Started a fad, actually."
"Modern fairies?" Ezra repeated. "Fairies have had wings for a long time."
"Yes. Well. They didn't when I first visited your realm. But that was..." She paused to think. "About five hundred years ago, more or less."
"You're five hundred years old?!"
Her smile grew. "Time is flexible in the space between realms. If you counted the days I've been alive, they would add up to just under nineteen years. But... I have been visiting your realm since about 1361, so..."
"But---I thought you said five hundred years ago, you first came?"
She looked at him curiously. "Is it... not... 1855?"
"It's 2024!"
"...oh." She chuckled nervously, and if he wasn't mistaken, she might have even blushed at her mistake. "I---I lose track of time, sometimes."
"I'll say you do," someone snorted as a door that Ezra hadn't seen---it blended smoothly into the wall---was thrown open. A new Seelie sauntered in. "Because you missed dinner. Again."
She startled at the unexpected entrance, and glanced at Ezra for a split second. It was enough, apparently, because the new Seelie looked over his shoulder, right at Ezra.
He stared at Ezra.
Ezra stared at him.
"Hi...?" Ezra ventured.
The new Seelie looked over at the first one and stated, "I'm telling Mom you brought a human home."
"I'll kill you," she replied without missing a beat.
Ezra held in a laugh at that. "So, I assume this is your brother?"
The pretty Seelie gave him a look that was dripping with exasperation.
"Unfortunately, yes." She took a deep breath, then sighed. "Brother, I'd like to introduce you to... Jabba-the-Hutt-Lando-Calrissian-Brom-Titus-Dev-Morgan."
"The third," Ezra added, deadpan.
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sseureki · 2 years
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Wait, who are you getting all cute for? Why can't I just look cute for me? You know and if it just so happens that my ex is around, I guess to see how hot I still am, then so be it.
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timetodiverge · 8 months
Ahsoka season 2 brainstorming: practical and impractical ways to get the girls* back from Peridea
*Ahsoka, Sabine, AND Shin. (...and David Tennant, the Howler wolf, and the turtles)
(1) just use the force (somehow)
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step 1: use the force
steps 2~10: ???
step 11: profit girls are home yay
(2) purrgil wearing a hyperspace-ring backpack
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(Behold my astonishing drawing skills. You're astonished right.)
Since the purrgil migratory route from Seatos to Peridea only seems to go one way (because the whales go there to die), they'd have to build a mini Eye of Sion so they can all get back after Ezra hitches a ride there. Purrgil know the way to Peridia; Ezra knows the coordinates of home already.
(Will Thrawn be staking out Seatos to try to prevent this? Yes. Will that make it funnier when Ezra does it anyway and gets away with it? Most definitely 👍👍)
(3) use the "somehow, Palpatine returned" method
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The audience:
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(Mate, Disney did it first. This is now an in-canon way to Solve Problems.)
(4) Mortis Gods temple ruins on Lothal=secret yet convenient portal
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Ezra "the force is all I need" Bridger will use his amazing Space Jesus powers and *insert additional justifications relating to loth-wolves, world-between-worlds, Lothal magic, Morai etc*, Ezra will open the portal on one side and the girls, working as a team in a way that will make us all cry, will open from the other side
(additionally, because we are not crying enough yet, there will be a cameo from Kanan!loth-wolf/DumeWolf. You're welcome)
(additionally additionally, the deal Ahsoka made with the Mortis Gods to make this possible means she will now die to repay the debt. Because the writers really want us to cry. A lot.)
...okay everyone YOUR TURN add on your most practical and impractical ideas
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rhaeblack66 · 1 year
ezra: i can’t wait to go home!!
sabine: *crickets*
ezra: we are going home, right sabine?
ezra: sabine?
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windblume-violet · 3 months
5 days until Getian arrives.... my account is SO ready
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heckin-music-dork · 10 months
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Rebels sketch dump! (Mostly Ezra bc I love him he's my Son 💙💙💙)
@kanerallels @accidental-spice @kazoosandfannypacks
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mysterythief · 1 year
I can already see this conversation in the next Ahsoka episode.
Ahsoka: You let yourself willingly be captured by the enemy and put the whole galaxy at risk of Thrawn’s return 😕
Sabine: In my defense, I thought you were dead 🤷‍♀️
Ezra, wiping away a tear: You came up with a crazy not planned through plan just to come rescue me. I love you, but you’re a crazy idiot. I would do the same for you Sabine
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connecting-the-stars · 5 months
Started my first watch through of Star Wars rebels!
Really like the first three episodes so far. The expanding lore of Zeb and the slow growth of erza’s abilities.
But since im watching right after the finale of Bad Batch I keep seeing different parallels.
Ezra and Omega are both master classes at using vents/wall crawl spaces, and I love that. If Omega was revealed to be force sensitive, they could be Jedi besties.
I love to think of both Hera and Omega being pilots, but also I feel like the two together in a ship would be crazy unstoppable. Hera would pilot and Omega at gunner, literally can’t beat them.
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nerianasims · 2 months
So I've figured out my Sim teens issue (using the SimBlender and a couple other mods), and started on my plan. I moved a teen into the Bigg City lot they will be living in and he immediately seemed to disappear. Normally Sims stand around for a bit on the front yard after moving into a new place, but not this time. Well, here's the "new" place:
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The abandoned warehouse. I've remodeled it a bit, though actually not a huge amount. (I've got some mod or other that makes garage doors not work, so I can't use them at the moment. I'll figure it out. Someday.)
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The garage wall cracked and broke in one spot. On the plus side, this means the underground stream that bubbles up here will bring them fish.
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Ah. There he is. I should have known. Ezra's ltw is to be a professional party guest, so I guess he's getting his practice in. (Randomized, btw.)
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
For the fic ask game: "Y'know, technically, I still owe you a dance."
I tried to come up with any unique idea but I kept circling back to this one... Anyway, this is set in the Rebelvengers AU!
"Y'know, technically, I still owe you a dance!"
"Is that really what you're thinking about now?" Sabine scoffed, screeching around a corner.
Ezra raised his voice to be heard above the roar of the motorcycle. "Well, what should I be thinking about?"
"Oh, I dunno," she replied, glancing up at the spot of gray, white, and red that swung through the sky above them. "The fact that we're chasing a mutant spider person through the streets in an attempt to convince them that we're actually on their side?"
"So what? We're secret-agents-in-training, not normal teenagers! We're going to be doing motorcycle chases all the time!" Ezra argued. "For us, Homecoming is a once-in-a-lifetime experience!"
"You know what else is a once-in-a-lifetime experience?" she shot back, gunning the engine and flying past startled drivers and pedestrians, feeling very glad she chose to wear gym shorts under the poofy skirt that was currently flying out behind her. "Being part of a motorcycle chase while dressed up for Homecoming!"
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Ok so ima just ask this since I feel like im not the only one who wants to know,
But is it okay if someone were to make an AI of some of the fantasy au charters on charter.ai? Cause if we can I mightttt make one but I doubt it cuz im lazy </3
i would ask that you please Refrain! i mean technically i can't stop you 'cause they're not my characters & you can do what you want.
but personally i'm very against "A.I" and don't want to associated with it
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