#ezra is a.d.
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couragehopelovefaith · 2 years ago
I still remember getting so excited to see Aria’s darker side during season 7. Her playing on A.D’s side or possibly being A.D. herself was so juicy and had so much potential. Realizing that the motivation behind that was once again all about Ezra was one of the biggest disappointments on PLL for me. It still is, during every single rewatch. 
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daimonclub · 8 months ago
Ezra Pound quotes and aphorisms
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Ezra Pound quotes Ezra Pound quotes and aphorisms, a collection of his literary creations that resonate across generations. From the depths of poetry to the heights of philosophy, Pound's words encapsulate the essence of human experience. Let his insights inspire and provoke thought in your journey through life. USURY is the cancer of the world, which only the surgeon’s knife of Fascism can cut out of the life of the nations. Ezra Pound Music begins to atrophy when it departs too far from the dance... poetry begins to atrophy when it gets too far from music. Ezra Pound There once was a brainy baboon who always breathed down a bassoon for he said, "It appears that in billions of years I shall certainly hit on a tune." Ezra Pound With one day's reading a man may have the key in his hands. Ezra Pound The act of bell ringing is symbolic of all proselytizing religions. It implies the pointless interference with the quiet of other people. Ezra Pound Pay no attention to the criticism of men who have never themselves written a notable work. Ezra Pound No man understands a deep book until he has seen and lived at least part of its contents. Ezra Pound A general loathing of a gang or sect usually has some sound basis in instinct. Ezra Pound Fit for kings, formal gardens afford an earthly Elysium and the odd impression that we mere men might actually control nature for a time. Ezra Pound Literature does not exist in a vacuum. Writers as such have a definite social function exactly proportional to their ability as writers. This is their main use. Ezra Pound Literature is news that stays news. Ezra Pound The art of letters will come to an end before A.D. 2000. I shall survive as a curiosity. Ezra Pound If a nation's literature declines, the nation atrophies and decays. Ezra Pound A crowd pagan as ever imperial Rome was, eager, careless, with an animal vigour unlike that of any European crowd that I have ever looked at. Ezra Pound The eyes of this dead lady speak to me For here was love, was not to be drowned out. And here desire, not to be kissed away. The eyes of this dead lady speak to me. Ezra Pound Technique is the test of sincerity. If a thing isn't worth getting the technique to say, it is of inferior value. Ezra Pound I have tried to write Paradise Do not move Let the wind speak that is paradise. Let the Gods forgive what I have made Let those I love try to forgive what I have made. Ezra Pound Artists are the antennae of the race, but the bullet-headed many will never learn to trust the great artists. Ezra Pound Gloom and solemnity are entirely out of place in even the most rigorous study of an art originally intended to make glad the heart of man. Ezra Pound The curse of me and my nation is that we always think things can be bettered by immediate action of some sort, any sort rather than no sort. Ezra Pound Glance is the enemy of vision. Ezra Pound The flavors of the peach and the apricot are not lost from generation to generation. Neither are they transmitted by book learning. Ezra Pound What thou lov'st well is thy true heritage. Ezra Pound The modern artist must live by craft and violence. His gods are violent gods. Those artists, so called, whose work does not show this strife, are uninteresting. Ezra Pound
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Ezra Pound quotes collection The primary pigment of poetry is the IMAGE. Ezra Pound The natural object is always the adequate symbol. Ezra Pound There is no reason why the same man should like the same books at eighteen and at forty-eight Ezra Pound Fundamental accuracy of statement is the ONE sole morality of writing. Ezra Pound But the one thing you should. not do is to suppose that when something is wrong with the arts, it is wrong with the arts ONLY. Ezra Pound Humanity is the rich effluvium, it is the waste and the manure and the soil, and from it grows the tree of the arts. Ezra Pound In our time, the curse is monetary illiteracy, just as inability to read plain print was the curse of earlier centuries. Ezra Pound All great art is born of the metropolis. Ezra Pound People find ideas a bore because they do not distinguish between live ones and stuffed ones on a shelf. Ezra Pound As a bathtub lined with white porcelain, when the hot water gives out or goes tepid, so is the slow cooling of our chivalrous passion, o my much praised but-not-altogether-satisfactory lady. Ezra Pound I have never known anyone worth a damn who wasn't irascible. Ezra Pound It is difficult to write a paradise when all the superficial indications are that you ought to write an apocalypse. It is obviously much easier to find inhabitants for an inferno or even a purgatorio. Ezra Pound I guess the definition of a lunatic is a man surrounded by them. Ezra Pound A heroic figure... not wholly to blame for the religion that's been foisted on him. Ezra Pound No good poetry is ever written in a manner twenty years old, for to write in such a manner shows conclusively that the writer thinks from books, convention and cliche, not from real life. Ezra Pound AS A MIND, who the hell else is there left for me to take an interest IN?? Ezra Pound The worst mistake I made was that stupid, suburban prejudice of anti-semitism. Ezra Pound I dunno what my 23 infantile years in America signify. I left as soon as motion was autarchic - I mean my motion. Ezra Pound Any general statement is like a check drawn on a bank. Its value depends on what is there to meet it. Ezra Pound The jargon of these sculptors is beyond me. I do not know precisely why I admire a green granite female, apparently pregnant monster with one eye going around a square corner. Ezra Pound A great age of literature is perhaps always a great age of translations. Ezra Pound The Image is more than an idea. It is a vortex or cluster of fused ideas and is endowed with energy. Ezra Pound A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him. Ezra Pound You let me throw the bricks through the front window. You go in at the back and take the swag. Ezra Pound Nothing written for pay is worth printing. Only what has been written against the market. Ezra Pound
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Ezra Pound aphorisms and quotes A civilized man is one who will give a serious answer to a serious question. Civilization itself is a certain sane balance of values. Ezra Pound The real trouble with war (modern war) is that it gives no one a chance to kill the right people. Ezra Pound I could I trust starve like a gentleman. It's listed as part of the poetic training, you know. Ezra Pound A man of genius has a right to any mode of expression. Ezra Pound Religion, oh, just another of those numerous failures resulting from an attempt to popularize art. Ezra Pound The technique of infamy is to start two lies at once and get people arguing heatedly over which is the truth. Ezra Pound Democracy is now currently defined in Europe as a "country run by Jews". Ezra Pound If a man isn't willing to take some risk for his opinions, either his opinions are no good or he's no good. Ezra Pound Wars in old times were made to get slaves. The modern implement of imposing slavery is debt. Ezra Pound Real education must ultimately be limited to men who insist on knowing, the rest is mere sheep-herding. Ezra Pound Until you know who has lent what to whom, you know nothing whatever of politics, you know nothing whatever of history, you know nothing of international wrangles. Ezra Pound America is a lunatic asylum. Ezra Pound What matters is not the idea a man holds, but the depth at which he holds it. Ezra Pound It is the business of the artist to make humanity aware of itself. Ezra Pound What matters most is not the idea, but the capacity to believe in it completely. Ezra Pound When words cease to cling close to things, kingdoms fall, empires wane and diminish. Ezra Pound To say that a state cannot pursue its aims because there is no money, is like saying that an engineer cannot build roads, because there are no kilometers. Ezra Pound The temple is holy because it is not for sale. Ezra Pound Wars are made to make debt. Ezra Pound The what is so much more important than how. Ezra Pound Use no superfluous word, no adjective, which does not reveal something. Ezra Pound The concept of genius as akin to madness has been carefully cultivated by the inferiority complex of the public. Ezra Pound Either move or be moved. Ezra Pound Liberty is not a right but a duty. Ezra Pound Every great change is simple. Ezra Pound
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Ezra Pound quote on the lunatic Why fight for a flag when you can buy one for a nickel. Ezra Pound I guess the definition of a lunatic is a man surrounded by them. Ezra Pound Adolf Hitler was a Jeanne d'Arc, a saint. He was a martyr. Like many martyrs, he held extreme views. Ezra Pound It would be about as easy for an American to become a Chinaman or a Hindoo as for him to acquire an Englishness or a Frenchness or a European-ness that is more than half skin deep. Ezra Pound I found after seventy years that I was not a lunatic but a moron... I should have been able to do better. Ezra Pound Man is an over-complicated organism. If he is doomed to extinction he will die out for want of simplicity. Ezra Pound The artist is always beginning. Any work of art which is not a beginning, an invention, a discovery is of little worth. Ezra Pound I did not enter into silence. Silence captured me. Ezra Pound When two men in business always agree, one of them is unnecessary. Ezra Pound Be not cheap or mediocre in desiring. Ezra Pound Somebody said that I am the last American living the tragedy of Europe. Ezra Pound I once saw a small child go to an electric light switch as say, Mamma, can I open the light? She was using the age-old language of exploration, the language of art. Ezra Pound Where the dead walked and the living were made of cardboard. Ezra Pound The ant's a centaur in his dragon world. Ezra Pound There is no topicmore soporific and generally boring than the topic of Ireland as Ireland, as a nation. Ezra Pound And in the mean time my songs will travel, And the devirginated young ladies will enjoy them when they have got over the strangeness. Ezra Pound Don't be blinded by the theorists and a lying press. Ezra Pound Speak against unconscious oppression, Speak against the tyranny of the unimaginative, Speak against bonds. Ezra Pound Poetry is a language pared down to its essentials. Ezra Pound Great literature is simply language charged with meaning to the utmost possible degree. Ezra Pound Rhythm is form cut into time. Ezra Pound Good writers are those who keep the language efficient. That is to say, keep it accurate, keep it clear. Ezra Pound And the days are not full enough And the nights are not full enough And life slips by like a field mouse Not shaking the grass. Ezra Pound The only thing one can give an artist is leisure in which to work. To give an artist leisure is actually to take part in his creation. Ezra Pound Science is unpoetic only to minds jaundiced with sentiment and romanticism... the great masters of the past boasted all they could of it and found it magical. Ezra Pound It doesn't matter which leg of your table you make first, so long as the table has four legs and will stand up solidly when you have finished it. Ezra Pound Poetry is a very complex art... It is an art of pure sound bound in through an art of arbitrary and conventional symbols. Ezra Pound Any damn fool can be spontaneous. Ezra Pound Learn of the green world what can be thy place in scaled invention or true artistry. Ezra Pound The artist is the antenna of the race. Ezra Pound
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Ezra Pound quote on the press Come, let us pity those who are better off than we are. Come, my friend, and remember that the rich have butlers and no friends, And we have friends and no butlers. Ezra Pound Utter originality is, of course, out of the question. Ezra Pound Discoveries are made by gluttons and addicts. The man who forgets to eat and sleep has an appetite for fact, for interrelations among causes. Ezra Pound Genius is the capacity to see ten things where the ordinary man sees one, and the man of talent sees two or three, plus the ability to register that multiple perception in the material of his art. Ezra Pound I desired my dust to be mingled with yours Forever and forever and forever. Ezra Pound The secret of popular writing is never to put more on a given page than the common reader can lap off it with no strain whatsoever on his habitually slack attention. Ezra Pound There is natural ignorance and there is artificial ignorance. I should say at the present moment the artificial ignorance is about eighty-five per cent. Ezra Pound In verse one can take any damn constant one likes, one can alliterate, or assone, or rhyme, or quant, or smack, only one MUST leave the other elements irregular. Ezra Pound Religion I have defined as "Another of those numerous failures resulting from an attempt to popularize art". Ezra Pound This is no book. Whoever touches this touches a man. Ezra Pound Use no word that under stress of emotion you could not actually say. Ezra Pound The history of an art is the history of masterwork, not of failures, or mediocrity. Ezra Pound The artist is always beginning. Ezra Pound Anyone who is too lazy to master the comparatively small glossary necessary to understand Chaucer deserves to be shut out from the reading of good books forever. Ezra Pound Properly, we should read for power. Man reading should be man intensely alive. The book should be a ball of light in one's hand. Ezra Pound What thou lovest well remains, the rest is dross What thou lov’st well shall not be reft from thee What thou lov’st well is thy true heritage Ezra Pound Poets who are not interested in music are, or become, bad poets. Ezra Pound I would hold the rosy, slender fingers of the dawn for you. Ezra Pound Small talk comes from small bones Ezra Pound From the colour the nature And by the nature the sign! Beatific spirits welding together As in one ash-tree in Ygdrasail. Ezra Pound I have always thought the suicide should bump off at least one swine before taking off for parts unknown. Ezra Pound The difference between a gun and a tree is a difference of tempo. The tree explodes every spring. Ezra Pound If I could believe the Quakers banned music because church music is so damn bad, I should view them with approval. Ezra Pound A people that grows accustomed to sloppy writing is a people in the process of losing grip on its empire and on itself. Ezra Pound Compose in the sequence of the musical phrase, not in sequence of a metronome. Ezra Pound A man's hope measures his civilization. The attainability of the hope measures, or may measure, the civilization of his nation and time. Ezra Pound If the individual, or heretic, gets hold of some essential truth, or sees some error in the system being practiced, he commits so many marginal errors himself that he is worn out before he can establish his point. Ezra Pound The sum of human wisdom is not contained in any one language, and no single language is capable of expressing all forms and degrees of human comprehension. Ezra Pound Our own consciousness is incapable of having produce the universe. God, therefore, exists. That is to say, there is no reason for not applying the term God, Theos, to the intimate essence Ezra Pound Colloquial poetry is to the real art as the barber's wax dummy is to sculpture. Ezra Pound Bureaucrats are a pox. They are supposed to be necessary. Certain chemicals in the body are supposed to be necessary to life, but cause death the moment they increase beyond a suitable limit. Ezra Pound Consider the way of the scientists rather than the way of an advertising agent for a new soap. Ezra Pound Here is our poetry, for we have pulled down the stars to our will. Ezra Pound Poetry must be as well written as prose. Ezra Pound The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet black bough. Ezra Pound The man who fears war and squats opposing My words for stour, hath no blood of crimson But is fit only to rot in womanish peace. Ezra Pound Rhythm must have meaning. Ezra Pound To break the pentameter, that was the first heave. Ezra Pound A real building is one on which the eye can light and stay lit. Ezra Pound It is better to present one image in a lifetime than to produce voluminous work. Image...that which presents an intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time. Ezra Pound America, my country, is almost a continent and hardly yet a nation. Ezra Pound I think an alliance with Stalin's Russia is rotten. Ezra Pound The intellect is a very nice whirligig toy, but how people take it seriously is more than I can understand. Read the full article
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uncleweed · 2 years ago
One afternoon the last week in April
Showing Kai how to throw a hatchet
One-half turn and it sticks in a stump.
He recalls the hatchet-head
Without a handle, in the shop
And go gets it, and wants it for his own.
A broken-off axe handle behind the door
Is long enough for a hatchet,
We cut it to length and take it
With the hatchet head
And working hatchet, to the wood block.
There I begin to shape the old handle
With the hatchet, and the phrase
First learned from Ezra Pound
Rings in my ears!
"When making an axe handle
the pattern is not far off."
And I say this to Kai
"Look: We'll shape the handle
By checking the handle
Of the axe we cut with—"
And he sees. And I hear it again:
It's in Lu Ji's Wên Fu, fourth century
A.D. "Essay on Literature"-—in the
Preface: "In making the handle
Of an axe
By cutting wood with an axe
The model is indeed near at hand."
My teacher Shih-hsiang Chen
Translated that and taught it years ago
And I see: Pound was an axe,
Chen was an axe, I am an axe
And my son a handle, soon
To be shaping again, model
And tool, craft of culture,
How we go on.
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aristeianews · 23 days ago
Ezra Pound: "America, Roosevelt and the causes of the present war" (1944)
Ezra Pound: "America, Roosevelt and the causes of the present war" (1944)
Title of original work: L' America, Roosevelt e le cause della guerra presente. First published at Venice in 1944. First English Edition Translated by John Dr ummond The main events dealt with in this pamphlet are : (1) The suppression of the paper-money issue in Pennsylvania, A.D. 1 750. (2) The American Revolution (1776) and its subsequent betrayals. (3) How the United States fell into the…
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measuringbliss · 4 months ago
In Japan, TV shows are often released by DVDs of 1 or 2 episodes. It quickly gets very expensive, as you might guess, but that's not my point.
My point is this:
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This is the DVD cover for the final episode of Pretty Little Liars. I love how it shows a character who, in the end, never had any actual any bearing on the main plot. I'm not sure he even appears in the episode. Maybe he has a quick cameo? I don't know. He's certainly not key to the whole mystery regarding "A.D."'s identity.
It feels unceremonious, and so awkward it's funny.
Because this guy isn't a protagonist. He's not even a secondary character. He usually guest stars for a few episodes at a time to be a red herring and break off a main couple.
He's no DVD cover character, and he's certainly no final episode cover boy.
Here's the previous DVD front and back if you're curious (I'm an Ezra fan).
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(The last episode was split in two for international airing because it lasts 2 hours. As a consequence, we lose the glorious scene where a horse discovers that a character is actually their secret mega twin, before their actual friends.)
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meandmybigmouth · 9 months ago
The article lists those who have written the bible!. Look at the age they lived and what they actually did? It makes them sound like the bottom of the barrel so called "expert's" Trump and the GOP trot out! LMAO! Hilarious!
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy - 1400 B.C. by Moses, an Egyptian prince Joshua  - 1350 B.C. by Joshua, leader of the Hebrews Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel - 1050 - 900 B.C. by Samuel, Hebrew leader and prophet, with Nathan and Gad, also prophets 1 Kings, 2 Kings, Jeremiah, Lamentations - 600 B.C. by Jeremiah, prophet 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah  - 450 B.C. by Ezra, priest and scribe Esther - 400 B.C. by Mordecai, king's advisor Job- 1400 B.C.by possibly Job or Elihu, philosophers, or Moses, or Solomon  Psalms - 1000 - 400 B.C. by several authors, many by King David Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon - 900 B.C. by King Solomon Isaiah - 700 B.C. by Isaiah, a prophet Ezekiel - 550 B.C. by Ezekiel, a prophet Daniel - 550 B.C. by Daniel, member of the royal court Hosea - 750 B.C. by Hosea, a prophet Joel - 850 B.C. by Joel, a prophet Amos  - 750 B.C. by Amos, a prophet and shepherd Obadiah - 600 B.C. by Obadiah, a prophet Jonah - 700 B.C. by Jonah, a prophet Micah - 700 B.C. by Micah, a prophet Nahum - 650 B.C. by Nahum, a prophet Habakkuk - 600 B.C. by Habakkuk, a prophet Zephaniah - 650 B.C. by Zephaniah, a prophet Haggai - 520 B.C. by Haggai, a prophet Zechariah - 500 B.C. by Zechariah, a prophet Malachi - 430 B.C. by Malachi, a prophet Matthew - A.D. 55 by Matthew, a tax collector Mark - A.D. 50 by John Mark, a scribe Luke, Acts - A.D. 60 by Luke, a physician John, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Revelations - A.D. 90 by John, a fisherman Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews - A.D. 30-60 by Paul, a tentmaker and rabbi James - A.D. 45 by James, a high priest 1 Peter, 2 Peter - A.D. 60 by Peter, a fisherman Jude - A.D. 60 by Jude, a carpenter and priest
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chrysocomae · 1 year ago
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Introduction to a Book of Love Poetry by Jon Stallworth
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Ezra Pound, Commission
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A.D. Hope, The Gateway
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whatilistenedtoatwork · 1 year ago
From December 11th to December 15th, 2023
ROY BAILEY “Hard Times”; RICHARD THOMPSON “Two Letter Words: Live 1994”; LUCINDA WILLIAMS “Down Where The Spirit Meets The Bone”; DUNGEON FAMILY “Even In Darkness”; SQUAREPUSHER “Alive In Japan”; JULIAN COPE “20 Mothers”; AUTECHRE “Incunabula”; A GUY CALLED GERALD “Black Secret Technology”
GALAXIE 500 “On Fire”; BATTLEFIELD BAND “There's A Buzz”; SQUAREPUSHER “Budakhan Mindphone”; THE SAINTS “Prehistoric Sounds”; STEREOLAB “Transient Random-Noise Bursts With Announcements”; ANDY McGANN & PAUL BRADY “It's A Hard Road To Travel”; JERRY BOCK “Fiddler On The Roof: Original Broadway Cast Recording”; MADONNA “Confessions On A Dancefloor”; LINDISFARNE “Roll On, Ruby”; THE NITTY GRITTY DIRT BAND “Uncle Charlie And His Dog Teddy”; WORLD PARTY “Bang!”; THE ROBERT CRAY BAND “Sweet Potato Pie”
THE PRODIGY “Invaders Must Die”; NICK LOWE “Jesus Of Cool”; GILBERT O'SULLIVAN “I'm A Writer, Not A Fighter”; JEAN-JACQUES PERREY “The Amazing New Electronic Pop Sound Of Jean-Jacques Perrey”; THE PRODIGY “Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned”; GOBLIN “Suspiria Original Soundtrack”; KYLIE MINOGUE “Aphrodite”; PETER GABRIEL “So”; SQUAREPUSHER “Selection Sixteen”; IRON BUTTERFLY “In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida”; YAZOO “You And Me Both”; KATE AND ANA McGARRIGLE “La Vache Qui Pleure”
LEON ROSSELSON & ROY BAILEY “If I Knew Who My Enemy Was”; AMON TOBIN “Bricolage”; WENDY CARLOS “By Request”; JOHN CARPENTER “Halloween Original Soundtrack”; ROBERT CRAY “Take Your Shoes Off”; PINK FLOYD “Wish You Were Here”; EZRA COLLECTIVE “Where I'm Meant To Be”; ELLA FITZGERALD & LOUIS ARMSTRONG “Ella & Louis Again”; RICHARD THOMPSON “Mirror Blue”; CHAOS A.D. “Buzz Caner”; KYLIE MINOGUE “Impossible Princess”; MEGAN HENWOOD “River”; BRITNEY SPEARS “Britney”; PAUL BRADY “Back To The Centre”; QUICKSILVER MESSENGER SERVICE “Happy Trails”
THE WHO “Quadrophenia”; DONNA SUMMER “I Remember Yesterday”; THE VERVE “Urban Hymns”; STEPHEN MALKMUS & THE JICKS “Sparkle Hard”; WEEZER “Weezer (1994)”; VARIOUS ARTISTS “John Peel: Right Time, Wrong Speed”
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silvestromedia · 2 years ago
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Bl. Thomas Tunstal, 1616 A.D. English martyr. Born in Whinfell, near Kendal, Westmoreland, he studied for the priesthood at Douai, France, and was ordained there in 1609. The next year he returned to England but was arrested almost immediately upon his arrival. Escaping, Thomas was recaptured and taken to Norwich where he spent six years in confinement until finally being hanged, drawn, and quartered. While in prison, he joined the Benedictine Order.
St. Dogfan, 5th century. Welsh martyr, descended from chieftain Brychan of Brecknock. He was slain by pagan invaders at Dyfed, Wales. A church there honors his memory.
St. Teresa de los Andes, Roman Catholic Carmelite Nun, also known as Saint Teresa of Jesus of Los Andes. 100,000 pilgrims who visit each year the shrine where her remains are venerated in the Shrine of Saint Teresa of Los Andes in the township of Los Andes, 60 miles (100 km.) from Santiago. She is Chile's first saint, and is specially popular among women and young people. Feastday: July 13
ST.HENRY II, EMPEROR, -Henry lived at the turn of the first millennium, and reigned as Holy Roman Emperor from 1014. He was the last member of the Ottonian dynasty. He dedicated his life to building up both the Church and his own realm. Henry is considered a model of good governance, and is the patron saint of rulers.
ST. ESDRAS, SCRIBE-Ezra is the high priest who is one of the chief protagonists of the Old Testament books of Ezra and Nehemiah. The Babylonian Exile had weakened the faith of the people. When the Jews returned to their land, Ezra worked to restore the faith and traditions of the Covenant
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steambend · 8 years ago
guys ezra is literally a.d. a.d. asked mona to meet them for pie. who do we know that was related to pie way back in season four? ezra. the boysenberry pie. that's too big a thing for it to be a coincidence
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qsofm · 8 years ago
That One Question
What if the one question that Marlene wants to ask us but can’t because it would give A.D. away is the same question Holly Marie Combs tweeted after the Big A Reveal/Charlotte reveal?
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Is that because we would all know that Ezra’s middle name is Charles?! 
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couragehopelovefaith · 2 months ago
On the other hand, Aria talking to the dead body in the trunk of her car in 7x19 is such a chilling and amusing scene at the same time but it also seemed like a big middle-finger and salt in the wound to everyone who wished for her to be A/A.D (or even just some of her storylines to not include Ezra). *sigh* Oh, what we could've had..
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yawnjockey · 8 years ago
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PLL 4x19 “Hot For Teacher”
OK, so by now we know that I think that Ezra is the one currently testing Aria and her loyalties. 
I was rewatching 4x19 “Hot for Teacher”, which you will famously know as the “Chickpeas” episode. Also the “Sometimes the Villains win” episode. A great episode for EzrA believers.
Season 4, is a really heavily suspicious season for Ezra. Which I think speaks to the fact that, before they got renewed for a 6th and 7th season, they were planning on running it home with Ezra and a partner as ‘A’.
Anyway... Ezra spends most of season 4 trying to isolate Aria from her friends and loved ones. Making them keep their relationship a secret, so that when they are together, they have to be alone. frequently making her choose between concerns with her family and friends and time with him. Guilting her into choosing him, whisking her off to a remote cabin for isolated weekends together.
in 4x19 they have the exchange shown above. 
Aria says that she wants to go home, she’s tired of lying to her friends and family. 
Ezra says: “Have you ever thought that maybe this feeling you have of being torn between me and your friends maybe is not such a bad thing?”
Aria: “Is it supposed to be a good thing?”
Ezra: “Maybe. I know it feels like you’re growing away from them, but maybe this feeling is you and me grower closer.
Aria: “Right and I want to be able to share that with my closest friends.”
Ezra: “And I agree with you. And I think we are past the point in our relationship where we have to hide but...If what we have is going to last, you have to start thinking of me as the person you’re closest to. The person that you want to share everything with. And I have to do that with you.”
I think this season is Ezra trying to gear up to tell Aria about his involvement with ‘A’. She sticks by him during the stuff with Malcolm, she chooses him over Jake. Even when confronted with stories about Ezra’s violent encounter with the blonde woman in that car, she still chooses to believe him. She doesn’t believe her friends when they’re suspicious. No one can tell season 4 Aria that Ezra is a bad guy. She has been loyal to a fault.  
Ezra thinks he can trust her. But he has to be certain. He thinks that he and Aria have what it takes to go the distance, but only if she can handle the truth about who he is. And he brings her up to the cabin to tell her the truth. 
But then she unleashes on him that she has doubts, and that she can’t lie anymore. So he decides to test her. He “writes a book”. He types up a cheap manuscript, and in 4x21 he plants it in a place that he knows she can’t help but look. He hides it a Carnivore’s Delight cookbook, after we’ve been reminded again, that Aria is a vegetarian. Hides it on the freaking coffee table. 
This is a man who wants to be found out. 
Since he has camera’s on the girls at all times, he knows that Aria is fielding suspicion from her friends. He knows that she’s coming. He clears out the basement lair, hides the book, and waits. The cabin is very remote, and far from home. But in 4x21 he shows up shortly after she has found the book. Just enough time to get notice from the security company that someone gained access to the cabin. He knew she was coming to look for something, and he was ready for her to find it. 
Fun side note: Isn’t it awfully funny that Ezra had a security system installed, and alerts set up, and a very Ezria specific password... for a cabin that belongs to a friend? 
Anyway, she runs from him... like ya do... and when they’re trapped together on the ski lift he says “ I know. I lied. I wanted to tell you so many times. But I was afraid. I was afraid you wouldn’t forgive me.” 
^That’s the truth. He did want to tell her, and he was scared. But not about the book. He was scared she wouldn’t forgive him for his ‘A’ work. Whatever good motive he had for doing it. 
The book is full of misinformation, because the book is fake. He wrote it up in a hurry, or had a minion write it up, so that there would be something for Aria to find. Fake the book to cover the truth. 
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ashleyinwondrland · 8 years ago
In my heart of hearts, Ezra Fitz is still A
And this is my take on how it should’ve went down
After Mona went to Radley, Ezra was mad about which direction the book was going in (he was obsessed) so he became A so he could control the story and found it to be more exciting than just writing
He used it to track down Ali and hired Charlotte, and made her think that she was actually Uber A and was the master mind when he was really pulling the strings
He was obsessed with Aria more than the others and wanted to be able to keep her if everyone found out which is why he was slowly trying to isolate her from her friends
When she found out about the book Ezra had to take a break from being A or else they would connect the two, so he hired Shana and handed the reigns over to Charlotte for awhile and orchestrated himself getting shot (tho it wasn’t aimed well) to get back in Aria’s good graces
During the time he gave Charlotte, her working from France at first with Shana, Jenna and others doing her bidding, Charlotte became more obsessed with the power and Ezra lost control of the game
Then the doll house and all that happen
Ezra grows more angry during the flash forward because he still doesn’t have a good ending to his book, not without exposing himself, until Charlotte is released and all the girls are back
He realizes now it’s time to get back in the game but first he has a lose end, Charlotte whom he pushes off the bell tower when Charlotte threatens to tell Ali everything he did
Of course he couldn’t do all of this on his own, he needed someone else who was invested in the girls lives and had access he didn’t (to Radley specifically) and not just a minion, which is where Wren came in
Ezra knew about Wren and him flirting and kissing Spencer so when they happened to be sitting next to each other at a bar and started talking he slipped in that these Rosewood high school girls are such teases
Wren joined team A and gave Ezra access to whatever Radley files he needed and helped Charlotte be able to get in an out without questions
He was already obsessed with the Hastings so working with Charlotte was easy for Wren since she was related to them
It was Wren’s cabin that Ezra used, and also a secondary A head quarters just incase Ravenswood got found
Wren also had his own help, Melissa, who didn’t know quite what she was involved with but she knew it would protect Spencer and Ezra having found out about her burying Bethany when Melissa accidentally confessed it to Wren used it to blackmail her into becoming the Black Widow
As far as Melissa knew, Wren was also being blackmailed because he wanted to protect her and Melissa had no idea Ezra was behind it
Jump forward to when Ezra finally got back with Aria and everyone was happy, he knew it was time to finish the game, the last chapter Which is why he proposed to Aria and tried to rush her into getting married
In his mind she was as in love with him that she would forgive him for everything (which is why he brought the file into play to test her love for him) so as long as they were married she wouldn’t have to testify against him and would also be bound to him
Over time the things Mona had forgotten at Radley were coming back to her and she starts to go off her meds so she can remember
She doesn’t have all the pieces together when she accuses Ezra in front of everyone of being AD, and no one believes her but finding out she is off her medication they decide to get her help and don’t think twice about her accusations
Jump forward a year and Wren goes back to Radley to take care of Mona But Wren doesn’t have the strongest will and Mona convinces him that they need her (same as the show)
Ezra and Aria are about to get married and be all happy so Ezra surprises her with a new house, the one Toby built
Aria is so excited but what she doesn’t realize is the under ground bunker he built, where all his AD stuff is and also would be a comfy place if say your wife finds what you have been up to and you have to keep her somewhere
Spencer goes to the brew and finds Wren there arguing with Ezra in hushed tones (about not killing Mona) she had no idea they knew each other
She confronts them and they make a stupid lie about Ezra spilling coffee on Wren
She asks Wren what he is doing in town and he just says business and tell her he has to leave but they should catch up soon (did I mention the bunker as enough room for two ladies to live comfortably though Wren still isn’t sure which, Spencer or Melissa or hell even Hanna)
Ezra starts acting off, he knows he can’t trust Mona and doesn’t know what she knows, which Aria tries to dismiss as pre wedding jitters but he keeps trying to push up a wedding that’s only two days away
Aria goes to the new house to take some pictures as reference for when she is furniture shopping and such, she goes out back to the tool shed, notices the ground is uneven and finds a secret door in the ground
She goes under and finds everything but what she doesn’t know is Wren is already down there and he hits her over the head, then calls Ezra and tells him they have a problem
Ezra planned to tell Aria everything about the book on their honeymoon and if she reacted badly was going to claim and accident happened where she goes missing but keep her in the bunker (he had practice making someone go missing) but now Aria was in the bunker and he couldn’t just let her out
He goes to the bunker where Aria is terrified and won’t go near him, he thinks she just needs time to cool down
He takes her phone and sends a text to everyone saying “we can’t deal with the wedding stress and everyone arguing, we decided to leave for our honeymoon and elope. I’m sorry and we love you all”
He figures that will keep everyone busy for awhile while he tries to convince Aria to get on board, reminding her how she betrayed her friends for him and how their love story would go down in literary history
In the mean time, the girls are hurt Aria left to get married without them but they understand, except for Spencer who feels like things don’t add up because she had spoken to Aria just a couple hours before and she was excited for the wedding and Aria had invited Spencer and the others to the new house to show them, only giving them the address and not telling them the surprise
The girls all disperse, Emily and Ali talking about how they need to get home to the girls and Hanna to see if she can refashion the bridesmaids dresses into something she can show to a client, though after they leave Spencer realizes Emily’s Fitbit fell off and sends her a text that she will hold onto it til they see each other again and put it in her pocket
Spencer still goes, curious because she recognizes the address and then realizes it is the house Toby built, and even more confused when she sees Wren coming from the backyard and doesn’t even realize Ezra coming up behind her with a needle knocking her out
Spencer wakes up in a cell across from Aria, her phone missing and Ezra & Wren are just standing there
They explain they didn’t want things to work out like this, and once they calm down it is very comfortable and nice in the make shift home they built down in the bunker and when things were settled they could all move away to a much bigger place so the girls would have more room (because they can never actually leave and be free now)
Ezra leaves they each with a book incase they get bored, which is his finished manuscript including the ending he intends to make happen
They jump to the end and read that Ezra plans to be the hero, and pin the entire thing on Spencer, who became AD as a way to keep the girls together after realizing how much she missed them when they came back for Charlotte’s trial and used Charlotte’s death, who she killed, to keep them in Rosewood
He planned to make it seem like Spencer followed them on their honeymoon, making one last use out of Melissa by having her getting on a plane as Spencer so they had her on the flight manifest, and tried to kill Ezra for taking Aria away while confessing she was AD and Ezra, in self defense, pushes her off the side of a cliff
Aria freaks out after reading it while Spencer continues to read through the book, looking for clues about how to get out
Meanwhile, the others grow concerned they haven’t heard from Aria, who should’ve landed and always texts after a flight or Spencer, who wasn’t at home when they checked
Mona shows up and tells them AD is back and is ready to end the game, for good and she knows at least one person helping is Wren but she doesn’t know who AD is yet
They realize at least Spencer was kidnapped and after Caleb can’t pin point her cell phone Emily remembers Spencer has the Fitbit and maybe they can track her with that (might have to bend reality) and Caleb is able to find a location, the house Toby built
The gang minus Mona make their way over, meanwhile Spencer and Aria are trying to break out, Aria tosses Spencer a bobby pin which Spencer can barely reach but manages to get it just before Ezra comes back
He asks how far they are in the book and what they think of it so far, he actually sounds genuine for their feedback
Realizing this is the only chance they might have, Aria tried to distract him by asking him questions about the book while Spencer quietly works on the lock and manages to open it
While Ezra is still facing Aria, Spencer uses her copy to knock him over the head though she knows he won’t be down for long so she opens Aria’s cage and they run not realizing they have no where to go
Above ground, the others get to the house and start to look around when Toby sees the shed and mentions he didn’t build a shed, and why would someone build a new shed before anything else
When they open the shed they see Wren inside who is starting to open the trap door who tries to make a run for it but Hanna manages to trip him and he hits his head on a rock
The guys work on tying him up while the girls look for Spencer, thinking Wren is AD and the bunker would be safe now and they come across Ezra who looks dazed and convinces them that AD kidnapped Aria and himself and that the girls have to get out of the bunker before AD comes back
He starts to lead them out when they run into Spencer and Aria who yell that he is AD, Ezra acts quickly and grabs Ali as a hostage while pulling out a knife
He tells them all to get back to the cells or Ali dies, then tells Ali this whole messes started with her so it should end with her
Behind him is the sound of a gun cocking, aimed right at his head, Mona says “actually this started with me, and I am going to be the one to finish it”
Ezra drops the knife and let’s go of Ali as the police come rushing in and Emily rushes forward to grab Ali
Ezra and Wren are taken into custody, where the both face charges of extortion, stalking, kidnapping, murder, building a creepy bunker without a permit and statutory rape
The girls all agree it’s time to finally leave Rosewood, for good
Forgive me if this sucks, I wrote this during my lunch break on my phone so there may be plot holes by the dozen and grammatical errors but I did this quickly
And I don’t get paid for it nor have years to plan it out but thats another story
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mitskialtieri · 8 years ago
I'm officially on the Ezra is A.D. train. I really want this to happen
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perfectly-b · 8 years ago
Ezra is A.D
nobody can tell me shit about nothing else.. EZRA 👏🏾👏🏾 FITZGERALD 👏🏾👏🏾 IS 👏🏾👏🏾 A.D👏🏾👏🏾 I REFUSE TO BELIEVE ANYTHING ELSE👏🏾👏🏾 EVERYTHING MAKES SENSE 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
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