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projectmanagertemplate · 4 months ago
A Project ELE refers to a critical incident, or series of incidents, that leads to the complete termination of a project. Once this point is reached, it becomes nearly impossible to salvage the project in its current form. Unlike regular setbacks, an ELE suggests a fundamental flaw or irreparable problem that means continuing the project will not be feasible or beneficial.
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pennsyltuckyheathen · 1 year ago
Fossil fuel companies are amoral, greedy organizations which have caused untold damage to our planet.  They continue their destructive ways in order to make even more money at the expense of the world’s people and its environment.  
Tax these low-life scumbags out of existence.  Nationalize the fossil fuel industry now.
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mobiletimestoda · 5 months ago
A New Beginning book release #cover #earth #motivation #books
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madamlaydebug · 10 months ago
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Could #Earth be Terraformed?
The answer is yes, with cooperation of the natives. What you want to do is first lower the #oxygencontent, which is poison to them. You convince the natives that burning #carbonbasedfuels is the way to go, and deplete the oxygen in the atmosphere. The next move is a lot trickier, and the natives might catch on: You convince them to also convert to a#hydrogeneconomy, and sequester not the #CO2, (or the #H2) but the oxygen during the #electrolysis. You vent the #hydrogen into the #atmosphere. Earth would have a lower mass, and not able to hold on to the hydrogen for more than a few million years, but this planet would be a steppingstone anyway. You want the #nitrogen, so you make sure that this gas stays where it is by penalties to#fertilizermanufacturers. You regulate nitrogen fixing plants, and create a codex to prevent further manipulation of this gas.
What to do with the population? Well, if there were an #ExtinctionLevelEvent, it’s an act of God, isn’t it? The #aliens are not to blame. All the animals will not survive the #terraforming anyway, so they’re expendable as well. The native plants wouldn’t survive a hydrogen nitrogen atmosphere, so they’re also expendable. It would be a total #extinction of all#aerobiclife to terraform earth. And on top of that it would be temporary.
The aliens would be looking at planets on the conditions of their raw materials. #Jupiter is no good, as there is little or no nitrogen there, but plenty of hydrogen. It’s the same with the outer planets.#Mars wouldn’t have enough mass for the hydrogen, but enough for the nitrogen. It might be doable.#Venus is out of the question, along with #Mercury. With Venus, the atmosphere would be too difficult to reform.
Earth is the low-hanging fruit. And it would have a population that would do all your work for you. All you have to do is promise them everything, and leave them there when the extinction level event happens.
Via: Chemistry of the Alien
-Bill Donavan
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optipess · 5 years ago
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pennsyltuckyheathen · 2 years ago
One of the most appalling, reckless, amoral and shameful examples of Republicans self-serving, unwavering dedication to corporate special interests in their endless pursuit and worship of the Almighty Dollar.
Fossil fuel executives CHOSE to protect themselves and their profits by using legalized bribery to have Republicans put us on the path to destruction the world is experiencing now. Fossil fuel entities, assets, profits, bank accounts and operations around the world should be seized and nationalized by government.
Compensation for boards of directors and executive management should cease immediately. Scientists and other technical experts should be retained to support operations as governments take over and eventually dismantle the most dangerous, destructive energy sources ever exploited by corrupt capitalists and the government officials they bribed.
The White House had solar panels for 7 years:
On June 20, 1979, the Carter administration installed 32 panels designed to harvest the sun's rays and use them to heat water…[Carter predicted at the dedication ceremony], “A generation from now, this solar heater can either be a curiosity, a museum piece, an example of a road not taken or it can be just a small part of one of the greatest and most exciting adventures ever undertaken by the American people."
By 1986, the Reagan administration had gutted the research and development budgets for renewable energy at the then-fledgling U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) and eliminated tax breaks for the deployment of wind turbines and solar technologies…
And in 1986 the Reagan administration quietly dismantled the White House solar panel installation while resurfacing the roof. "Hey! That system is working. Why don't you keep it?" recalls mechanical engineer Fred Morse, now of Abengoa Solar, who helped install the original solar panels as director of the solar energy program during the Carter years and then watched as they were dismantled during his tenure in the same job under Reagan.
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kjjonesing · 3 years ago
Stono Rebellion
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA In Book Four, the Stone Rebellion is mentioned. The guys were found near the Stono River. Phebe had one of her visions/hallucinations (depends on your perspective – she thinks they are hallucinations) of Syanna Lynn telling her the guys were at the rebel river. ‘Rebel’ was mistakenly taken as the nickname for Confederates. But this was an earlier rebel. Wikipedia has a…
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toogoodmusic · 3 years ago
DJ and producer Slushii drops in to share his latest single "After Midnight" which features singer/songwriter and TikTok star Mackenzie Sol. He sits down with Austin from All Access and Too Good Music to talk how Mackenzie and him came to collaborate on the song, his upcoming album Extinction Level Event, what it's like seeing "himself" in fans across the world, how he'd do on the show Impractical Jokers and so much more. 
Dive into the fun by checking out the full interview above and stay tuned for Part II where we're joined by Mackenzie Sol himself to discuss the single and his focus from comedy to music. 
00:58: When did you know music was what you were going to do with the rest of your life?
01:49: How did you learn how to produce?
02:04: How did the official birth of Slushii come to be?
02:38: What's the reasoning behind creating music under different alias outside of Slushii?
03:19: How did the collaboration with Mackenzie Sol for "After Midnight" come to be?
04:32: What's the meaning behind the album title Extinction Level Event?
05:39: Talk about the film that's coming along with album
06:36: How has it been overcoming being bullied growing up and becoming an inspiration for fans going through similar situations?
08:17: Were there any artists or songs that helped you through the tough times growing up?
09:07: Outside of focusing on numbers, how do you define success?
10:11: What are you most excited about the future of gaming and/or gaming and music coming together?
10:56: Do you think you could pull off the pranks they do on Impractical Jokers?
11:49: If you could only listen to 5 artists for the rest of your life, who would they be?
12:22: What's the rest of 2022 look like?
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aworryingdarkness · 4 years ago
Cosmic radiation. Laughable. It was the stuff of comic books. Of course by the time the phrase started being used seriously, everyone knew ‘something’ strange was going on. And yes, like an old b-movie it all began with a meteor shower. No one was really sure how long higher authorities had known it was coming, but news reports began around two weeks beforehand. Small ones at first. That final ‘human interest’ piece to pep viewers up a little. After a week, amateur groups (hell, anyone with a decent telescope) could see the shower’s approach and started raising concerns about its size. And just like an old b-movie, they were shouted down. Condemned as crackpots and conspiracy theorists. And of course, the actual conspiracy theorists loved this. Because ultimately, why worry? Our planet takes small meteor strikes all the time and the last one to have had any significant impact occurred millions of years ago. There were always larger problems closer to home. It began in the middle of the August night, around 3am UK time. We slept as usual. Most of the asteroids passed the earth uneventfully, avoiding its atmosphere completely. The outliers however, were caught in our gravity well and made their presence known. The bombardment - there is really no other term for it - lasted for just over 60 hours. The first strikes occurred out in the Pacific, causing relatively minimal damage. They seemed to be small or deteriorated enough that the much-mooted tidal disruptions didn’t occur. This changed as the planet turned of course. Come the morning, the rest of the world was starting to wake up. Or to be woken up. All in all, there were 38 confirmed impacts. We didn’t know it at the time but the first casualties had been the twenty crew members on board the space station, as it was clipped by a meteor and ended up re-entering the atmosphere. People were on the lookout for falling objects, but they weren’t stopping to examine each one. By the time that was reported, it was fighting for column inches with the half of Ghent which had been destroyed in the first land-strike. We’re not programmed to deal with an accidental catastrophe of that magnitude, especially when everyone on the planet thinks they might be next. And for the people in Belgrade, Osaka and Calgary, they were. Hundreds of thousands dead. The world stopped breathing. Eventually the danger passed. And our very best started planning to help, to counsel, to rebuild. Then after two weeks or so, it was noticed that the plants were dying. 'Cosmic radiation'. Actually no, plants continued to exist, they just no longer flowered, pollinated or propagated. No new plants were growing. At all. Anything taking hold before the meteor strikes continued to thrive, but any other seeds lay dormant, inert. And no new plants then meant no new crops to eat. Which also meant nothing to feed the livestock. But by the time this chain of events was forging its panic-stricken links around the globe, we suddenly had another problem. There was to be no new livestock, either. Whatever force that had instantly snuffed out the world’s farming cycle had seemingly done the same to the lifeforms which were dependent on it. Namely, all of them. Animals continued to be born/hatched if they were in utero before the meteors came. But no new ones were being conceived - anywhere - despite the best efforts of farmers and the enthusiasm of their herds. So it came as no real surprise when the authorities reluctantly, if belatedly, admitted to the world’s population what they suspected already: that humans were part of this sudden mass sterilisation, too. Infants in the womb continued to grow and develop, but this 'would be it'. Nine months after the meteor strikes that shook the world, no more children would be born. Naturally, pharmaceutical companies raced to find a solution, a fix, a shortcut. But all to no avail. Even the bacteria in their laboratories had stopped reproducing; what hope for jumpstarting a planet? Absolute panic fought with total despondency for domination of the global mood. There was no clear winner. Within a week rioting became the norm as authority either dissipated completely or just joined-in. Existential shell-shock and impending starvation caused society to disintegrate almost immediately. The wealthy holed themselves away, rumour had it that a handful even made it off-world. Everyone else hardly cared as they knew it would make no difference. We are all just waiting to die. In theory, the earth has until the last children that were born, either die of old age or find a solution. In practice it will be far less than that, since there is nothing for them to grow and eat. It’s now been a year since The Strikes, and current thinking predicts our planet will be lifeless within ten. Although this is near instantaneous in terms of cosmological time, it feels longer when one’s own end is sealed but not yet delivered. I’m not sure why I’m documenting all this. I’m almost certain that it’s been done elsewhere and far more thoroughly. I’m also aware that none of it really matters. The light will be out soon enough and there will be no one to read these words, much less care. Future extra-terrestrial archaeologists are unlikely to be sifting through my pages above any others. Other than the curious hives humanity has terraformed for itself while slowly destroying the world which houses them, there will be little here of any interest. Because ultimately, we achieved little. After the decades of warnings, we didn’t kill ourselves after all. It was just bad luck. Why do we persist? Instinct, I imagine. This species’ hardwired urge to leave something behind. Some trace of our individual existence. Anything to prove that we were here once. That we were more than animals. We weren’t - aren’t - of course. But still the need remains. For this short while, at any rate.
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sun-fyre · 4 years ago
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“Gimme some more / Everybody spread love / Gimme some more / If you want it let me hear you say / Gimme some more....” - #bustarhymes #gimmesomemore #extinctionlevelevent #extinctionleveleventthefinalworldfront #kiwi #workflow #humpday #sunkissed #melanin #melaninpoppin #locvibes #womenwithlocs #locqueen #blackqueen #nofilter https://www.instagram.com/p/CMzkE7dF2BqHVFPEdi_xSI0DLNTLz3Q7u12tNw0/?igshid=1e7uzikvorevl
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mistaboombastick · 4 years ago
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#rockthevote only 2 days left to the #extinctionlevelevent get out and #vote peoples #fck45 #fuck45 #dumptrump #fucktrump #bidenharris2020 #ele2thewrathofgod #ele2 (at Granados Adult Senior Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHDc310Hky-/?igshid=1xhjkxoupz9e2
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pennsyltuckyheathen · 6 months ago
Time will not save us
EV's will not save us
Plant based diets will not save us
Guns will not save us
Technology will not save us
Fossil fuels irreparably wrecked our climate
Methane puts heat into overdrive
No future will remotely resemble now
Civilized society disappears
No emergency services
No medical services
No law enforcement
Millions flee cities
Only to find
Inescapable Violence
I keep working and maintain my routine to survive for now.
"No Future!" shouted the Punks of the late 70's and early 80's
We foolishly thought they were wrong.
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chexawe · 5 years ago
AI, the not so new wave of population control. These automated robotic beings are invented, too dish out destructive force and not be destroyed!!! Who do you think, they'll be using them on first?!? Reposted from @obexeronerizmer (@get_regrann) - #clonewars #starwars #terminators #replacement #extinctionlevelevent #extermination #termination #populationcontrol #human #massacre #getready #getthestrap #nasa #spaceinvaders #aliens
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therealmrmecc · 6 years ago
#MeccahnismMonday - Salute Da God! ⠀⠀ “Powerful Impact!!” - The Dragon. ⠀⠀ #HipHop Music #MC #Meccahnism #BustaRhymes #TheComing #WhenDisasterStrikes #ExtinctionLevelEvent #Anarchy #Genesis #ItAintSafeNoMore #BigBang #Blessed #YearOfTheDragon #LeadersOfTheNewSchool #Flipmode #TheConglomorate #HappyBirthday #Legend #Icon #Classic #Birthday #artist #Tattoo #Ink #Melanin #Dreads #Tattoos #Inked #Monday (at Flatbush Avenue) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxr3UEhlsDf/?igshid=9if4l7j4aptn
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djdillygent-blog · 6 years ago
@tonybakercomedy putting classic on top of classic @bustarhymes wit the #ExtinctionLevelEvent #cram https://www.instagram.com/p/BtJnIG9gHud/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1w9z93bfh38p7
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ble4chmyhandz · 7 years ago
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Gimmie some mo’... #bustarhymes #1998 #extinctionlevelevent #hiphop #rap #flipmodesquad #gimmiesomemore #rampagethelastboyscout #classicmaterial #busabus
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