kjjonesing · 2 years
2D character vs 3D character
2D character vs 3D character
The bougie white far-left has decreed the ELE Series characters to be “2D” or “superficial,” which the target audience says the exact opposite. So let’s take a look at what 2D means. This is quoted from: http://changingminds.org/disciplines/storytelling/characters/2d-3d_characters.htm The 2D character The two-dimensional character is simple and unexplained. They appear and they do things, yet…
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kjjonesing · 2 years
The American assimilation machine steam rolls on. It has been going on for a long time and continually increases, developing different guises. Now, it’s social political through the misusage of the word “stereotype,” which the far-left uses compulsively to eradicate all subcultures of the United States from existence and force everyone to be just alike. My series is to help preserve our…
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kjjonesing · 2 years
The Gullah
Jackson comes from the Gullah of the Sea Islands off of South Carolina. We very briefly got to meet the Gullah, which had to be through a character who’d understand them, namely Angela Jackson. Originally, there was a scene of Peter and Chris with the Gullah, and Chris had to translate for Peter. When I first met a Geechee-talking person who could not code-switch, I needed a translator. I did not…
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kjjonesing · 2 years
Censorship Book One Caused by White Nationalists
Censorship Book One Caused by White Nationalists
I had to remove an ironic joke from Mr. Sullivan with his snark mouth in Book One. In the bumper-to-bumper traffic situation and everyone pulls out firearms, Peter originally said, “Welcome to a red state.” The white nationalist extremists took this as a declaration of political war made by me! WTF?! The irony was entirely lost on them because they are stupid as can be and looking for trouble.…
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kjjonesing · 2 years
Censorship of Bathroom Scene Book One
Censorship of Bathroom Scene Book One
Originally, in the bathroom scene between Mazy and Phebe, Mazy told Phebe about the wolf pack and about their particular alpha male, Peter, with his illustrious sexual past – a big intimidation factor for Phebe. The young white bougie left males went berserk in reviews over the scene. They specified this scene, and proclaimed all the characters as “2D” and “forced” – because of one scene that was…
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kjjonesing · 2 years
A friend from Upstate New York thought Chris was black from the way he speaks. I responded, “No. He’s a redneck.” She said, “Black people can be rednecks, too.” And I said, “No, they can’t be.” Some regionality education is needed. African Americans in the North are speaking traces of Southern, where their ancestors came from during the Great Migration. The curse word ‘motherfucker’ was…
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kjjonesing · 2 years
The Basis for R140 – It’s Not So Fictional:
The Basis for R140 – It’s Not So Fictional:
Rabies and lyssa mean madness, frenzy, rage. Classic rabies is endemic to most of the Americas, Africa, and much of Asia. It is the most widespread lyssavirus in the world. Not surprising then, classic rabies is the one we know the most about. All other lyssavirus species are called ‘rabies-like,’ but they should not be assumed to be actual classic rabies. R140 is not rabies, but rabies-like. In…
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kjjonesing · 2 years
Writing Style
I reject the American spelling of certain adverbs and adjectives. In America, we have been saying forwards, backwards, towards, etc. for generations. Saying, “The man fell backward toward the door,” would get you locked in a locker in an American high school. It is up there with saying “to whom” and wearing a bowtie. It’s perceived as pompous. So grammar Nazis need to stop it. They are taking…
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kjjonesing · 2 years
Book One Book Two Book Three
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kjjonesing · 2 years
One of the Worst Lynchings in American History
One of the Worst Lynchings in American History
The grizzly history Mazy mentions in Book Four about Italians being lynched in New Orleans. This is important to remember, because there is a white washing afoot, primarily by Critical Race Theory, to delete white ethnic history and reinvent it as Disneyfied. I received the Disneyfied version in high school in the 1980s under the predecessor of CRT. The Irish Potato Famine was missing from the…
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kjjonesing · 2 years
Stono Rebellion
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA In Book Four, the Stone Rebellion is mentioned. The guys were found near the Stono River. Phebe had one of her visions/hallucinations (depends on your perspective – she thinks they are hallucinations) of Syanna Lynn telling her the guys were at the rebel river. ‘Rebel’ was mistakenly taken as the nickname for Confederates. But this was an earlier rebel. Wikipedia has a…
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kjjonesing · 2 years
Mazy's Family Story
Mazy’s Family Story
A New Orleans Tale Mazy Baptiste is black, to American definition, but not African American. For those confused, all African Americans are black people, but all black people are not African Americans. It is a specific ethnicity with traits such as their ancestors spoke English and were Protestants. Their history involves a caste system modeled after European medieval serfdom known as…
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kjjonesing · 2 years
Wounded Warrior Project
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kjjonesing · 2 years
Change of Book One Cover
Change of Book One Cover
I had to change the cover of Book One because the glyph I originally used is lost. The paperback version of the cover comes out with lines that I cannot erase. It looks dreadful in paperback, so the cover has been changed to one I can work with in Canva.   Original Lost! Cannot manipulate this in Canva! Absolutely no program will exactly match the gray color of the background, therefore the…
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kjjonesing · 2 years
Mazy's POW Backstory
Mazy’s POW Backstory
[Note: I do not capitalize race words. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the capitalization of race words was compulsory. This only faded in the 1970s. What does it mean for its return? Does ‘white’ also have to be capitalized if ‘black’ is, as I have seen some people do? I prefer to not take a stand and observe, keeping with my time’s lower case race words.] Mazy did not lie to Phebe in Book One,…
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kjjonesing · 2 years
What’s an extinction-level event?
Geek Out Time! Quote from https://www.crystalinks.com/ELE.html “An extinction event (also known as a mass extinction or biotic crisis) is a widespread and rapid decrease in the amount of life on earth. Such an event is identified by a sharp change in the diversity and abundance of macroscopic life. It occurs when the rate of extinction increases with respect to the rate of speciation. Because…
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