#experimented with the colors too while I was at it
galactaknightyaoi · 3 hours
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GALACTA KNIGHT!!!! And congratulations to Meta Knight for experiencing the Cain Instinct for the first time.
Galacta Knight, as you might've been able to tell already, is one of my favorite characters, and KSSU is one of my favorite games (the original SS was my introduction to Kirby!) so I wanted to go all out. Happy day, old man. I pray for at least 20 more years.
Oh, and don't worry! He's not upset about the cake smash, he thinks it's funny. And he got back at him.
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As for the in-universe explanation for there being 16 candles in his cake?
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... 500+ didn't fit in safely.
The birthday boy and his family were just a bit too flammable.
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stellocchia · 21 hours
Killer being incredibly touch-starved is something I've been thinking about for a while. We know very little about monster biology, let alone Killer's who's something in between, so I'm gonna base this on the effect of touch deprivation in the real world (which, yes, is a very real and highly studied thing. And no, the people using it as an excuse for why they're 'owed sex' are still full of shit, because to the human brain the kind of touch, as long as it's positive and well received, doesn't make a difference).
Killer, for his whole time with both Chara and Nightmare, is deprived of any positive touch. Nightmare stabbing him and forcefully manipulating his soul certainly doesn't count as positive, and most Chara did was cut him up for fun (and out of curiosity).
There is a chance for him to receive some affection in an expanded Nightmare's gang situation, as I refuse to believe that people stuck in such awful conditions together would not develop a certain degree of closeness. Still, they live under Nightmare, so they probably cannot afford to indulge in any form of comfort too much. And I don't doubt that, in such a tense situation, fights would also break out often. Meaning he'd most likely get more gaster blasters to the face than pats on the back.
With that out of the way, here are some of the symptoms Killer may experience:
Overwhelming loneliness
Strong cravings for affection
Feelings of depression
Heightened levels of Stress
Difficulty sleeping
Attachment avoidance patterns
He'd also most likely do things to emulate the feeling of touch like cuddling his cats a lot, laying under whatever heavy thing he can find, and taking hot showers/baths. After all, this is Killer we're talking about. These are a lot of feelings and uncomfortable sensations that are entirely out of his control, he's definitely gonna try and reign them in.
I do think that, of course, this would affect every Stage differently. And they'd probably go about dealing with it differently.
Stage 1 would have a conflicted relationship with touch. On one hand, it's hard for him to keep from showing the discomfort he's feeling due to the touch deprivation. On the other, he also always struggles with feelings of guilt regarding the fact that, in his mind, he put himself in this situation. He probably wouldn't think he deserves to feel better. And definitely wouldn't outright ask for a hug or to hold hands unless he was desperate.
He'd probably try to deal with it quietly. Probably running the shower as hot as it can get and hoping it gets rid of the itch in his bones. He has probably begged both Chara and Nightmare for affection before, though I doubt that ended well. I think Chara just pushed him away in Disgust, Nightmare probably made him regret asking.
I feel like later on with Color he's probably gonna need constant reassurances and frequent gentle reminders that he can ask for a hug whenever. And, if that feels like too much, he can sit close to Color, shoulder to shoulder. They can hold hands, and, when that feels like too much, they can interlock pinkies. There are ways for them to navigate around this. And I think Color would be happy to help from the get-go with him.
Meanwhile, with Stage 2 I've always felt like they probably dislike touch (something something they don't allow themselves to show any degree of vulnerability and never let go of control. Both things that would happen if they indulge in any amount of physical affection). To be clear, this does not mean that they're immune to the consequences of touch deprivation, it just means that dealing with them will be even harder for them.
During their time with Chara and Nightmare they'd probably use a lot of the good old "gaslighting themselves into thinking that everything is okay" method. Similarly to how they did with convincing themselves that they actually enjoy being hurt on the regular, eventually, they'd probably start believing it. Also, they'd be highly reliant on their cats if they have any around. Cuddling them does soothe a lot of the symptoms for quite a while, and those little balls of fur at least are not gonna backstab them.
Even once they're with Color, I still feel like Stage 2 would rather cuddle with animals than with other monsters or humans. They'd just be far more free to do so without the threat of Nightmare killing those little critters hanging over their head. Also! A lot of types of dance and stuff like theater can help stave off the touch starvation in a way that may feel more comfortable to them. In a lot of those situations, there's a ton of touch involved, but as they'd be able to remain professional about it, it would probably feel less like giving up control and showing weakness than the alternative of being physically affectionate with Color.
Stage 3 is an interesting one. I feel like it would be the most open to admitting (at least to itself) that they have an issue. However, to solve said issue would mean putting the body in danger and that's not something it's willing to do.
Still, it would try to mitigate the discomfort as much as it can. Trying to find soft things to wrap the body up tightly with. Trying to find small places where it can feel somewhat compressed. It would never try to ask either Nightmare or Chara for help. Ever. It hates them with a burning passion and, besides, it's fully aware that, whatever is wrong with them, is most likely the fault of those two.
It probably also would regard Color with distrust at first, but, eventually, as it comes to trust him, it probably would be more than happy to get some cuddles in with him. I do think its favorite thing would be to sleep all curled up around one another in whatever safe den it has built. And, of course, as it builds trust with more people, those people are gonna be let in too. Though that's gonna take time, because for Stage 3 to trust anyone, Stage 2 and Stage 1 have to trust them first.
Stage 4 my boy... it's suffering. Not only can it not remember any instances of kindness, however rare, the other 3 may have received, but it is also the one that would struggle the most receiving any kind of genuine help even after running away with Color. And, before that, it basically just gets treated like a dog. Though, no matter how much he'd want it, the treat for a job well done is never a hug or a pat on the head for it. Usually, it's just it being allowed some basic necessities like water, food, maybe even sleep if things went particularly well.
And it wouldn't try to soothe any of its needs by itself. Just like it doesn't eat, drink, or sleep if it's not explicitly allowed. If Nightmare or Chara wanted it to get a hot shower or some cuddles from its feline friends, they would have said it. Since they didn't clearly it's against the will of the Players, as they're the Players' mouthpieces. The same would go for Color not saying anything.
And, here's the thing, Color would struggle to show kindness to Stage 4 at first. Both because it starts off as hostile as it doesn't initially recognize him as an owner and because there is something fundamentally unsettling about a being so divorced from humanity and monsterkind wearing the face of his friend. Stage 4's biggest downfall is the fact that it is so other that even the kindest souls would struggle to not dehumanize it. It was created to be a tool and it doesn't recognize itself as anything more than that, so others often fall into the trap of doing the same.
Anyway, Stage 4 would straight-up weep the first time it gets a hug. And, seeing that, Color would undoubtedly feel like shit for ever thinking that Stage 4 wasn't just as lonely, hurt, and deserving of kindness as the other Stages.
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blueishspace · 18 hours
Looped Sun 12
Loop #380
Mumbo: Ok, it is done!
Scar: What is- WHAT IS THAT!?!
Grian: Is that why you needed the power stone?
Mumbo: It sure is mate. I present to you the new and improved powers stone powered Buttercups mech.
Grian: It's great!
Mumbo: Doc stands no chance against it!
Scar: Wooho! big and large! My favorite combo!
Mumbo: ... U-uh. R-right moving on.
Scar: What!?
Loop #383
Scott: Thomas sanders, right?
Thomas: Yeah? A looper right? Whose place did you take?
Scott: Oh right right, I'll be your Creativity for this loop.
Thomas: Oh... can you tell me why my friends had animal features this time around?
Scott: Oh that is a thing from our loop that seems to have carried over.
Thomas: ... Wait...Ours?
Scott: Right! Morality!
Jimmy: Hello! First fused loop for me so I'm a bit nervous... Why didn't you just call me by name though.
Scott: Easiest way to introduce your role. Next, Logic!
Mumbo: H-here! I uh... I really should have been anxiety though.
Jimmy: Eh, I see it. You are like, really smart Mumbo.
Mumbo: Oh... thanks.
Scott: Well, since you mentioned her, Anxiety!
Pearl: Hello mate.
Thomas: My anxiety being australian I didn't expect.
Pearl: Yeah... did you know about this australian spider that can kill you and is basically impossible to see?
Thomas: This is going terribly.
Jimmy: Listen It's not that bad, right?
Thomas: ...
Scott: It is pretty bad... Thomas' sides are all fragments of his personality but we aren't...we are complex people It's difficult to do their job.
Thomas: ...
Scott: Take me, sure I'm colorful and creative and prideful and all about that jazz but I'm also rational. I can't give Thomas the same delusional and completely fantastical type of pure creativity and imagination that he needs.
Jimmy: Well I think I'm doing a good job as morality!
Thomas: You are It's just...
Scott: You are also prideful and get weird when you feel insulted so your flavour. morality is too emotional, you also aren't used to killing being a bad thing as the life series has multiple respawns and Empires has infinite which means that the most basic morals of don't kill and don't steal don't really come to you naturally.
Jimmy: O-oh... well, I'm trying.
Scott: And Mumbo?
Mumbo: Y-yeah?
Scott: I mean it in the nicest way...Logic is supposed to reign Anxiety in, not akwardly stutter whenever Pearl makes a point.
Pearl: What can I say, I'm right.
Scott: And Pearl, I know you are having fun with this but you are treapassing into intrusive thoughts territories way too often.
Pearl: Do I? I'm sorry mate, I didn't mean to.
Thomas: It's...it's fine, I understand It's hard I just-
Mumbo: U-uh can I say something?
Thomas: Y-yeah?
Mumbo: Uh...you do know Scott scottish accent is not really that strong right?
Scott?: ... Frick... Well, I knew it wouldn't last forever.
Thomas: Huh!?
Grian: Hello Thomas, I just couldn't stay back while...this happened.
Pearl: G! You cunt! You didn't tell us you were here!
Grian: Sorry, sorry, just wanted to keep the surprise a surprise.
Mumbo: Grian!? You are here!
Grian: Sure thing Mumbo.
Thomas: How did I not-
Grian: What can I say? I'm a looper, I'm really good at lying. Now, I have a few ideas to fix these issues.
Thomas: Ok, ok this is fine Scott I need some ideas for the video-
Scott: Already on it! Are you-
Scar: Have you ever tought about tasting human flesh? I heard and totally have no experience with it that it tastes like pig.
Thomas: What!? No!
Pearl: Scar!?! Grian, did you know about him being here too!?
Grian: Yep, sure thing.
Pearl: And you didn't say anything.
Grian: Funnier this way.
Scar: Ok, ok, what if you stole a bone from a grave and sold it to one of their family members!
Thomas: Nooo!
Scar: Hm...
Scott: Got anything else?
Scar: ... Uh...murder?
Thomas: Not happening.
Loop #387
Jimmy had known about this type of loop from Grian, still waking up with healing powers and stuck in a tower was a lot. Still Grian said he just needed to reach the castle, reunite with this loop's version of his parents and get mother gothel apprehended. Which he did, in record time he might add which meant he was surprised when the loop didn't finish immediately when Grian said it would. It lasted a while more actually, he even got a special guard-
Jimmy: Pearl!?
Pearl: Jimmy!?! Of course you are taking Rapunzel's place.
Jimmy: You are my guard now?
Pearl: Yeah, It's my sworn duty to protect you.
Jimmy: So... why did the loop not end?
Pearl: This is the extended version of the loop mate.
Jimmy: Oh. Oh! Ohhhh.
Pearl: ...
Jimmy: I don't know anything about it.
Pearl: Oh right, well... follow my lead, mate and you'll be good.
Jimmy: Ok!
Jimmy: That's...different from the healing incantation.
Pearl: Yeah, don't read it.
Jimmy: What why not?
Pearl: It's not going to be good.
Jimmy: Well now I want to read it!
Pearl: Jimmy no-
Jimmy: Wither and decay... see nothing bad.
Pearl: Don't the words not make you think about it!?!
Jimmy: Hmm... End this destiny... no! Break these earthly chains and set the spirit free.
Pearl: Ok then, I'm just going to wait here to tell you I told you so.
Jimmy: Nothing is happening. Wither and decay, end this destiny. Break these earthly chains and set the spirit free.
Pearl: Guess It's happening.
Jimmy: Wither and decay, end this destiny. Break these earthly chains and set the spirit free. Wither and decay, end this destiny. Break these earthly chains and set the spirit free.
Pearl: ...fuck.
Jimmy: The moonstone? It's pretty.
Pearl: Yeah.
Jimmy: So do I just grab it?
Pearl: About that, plans have changed.
Jimmy: Uh?
Pearl: Listen, I'm the PearleascentMOON, I have a bit of a thing going on.
Jimmy: Don't -
And then light enveloped the room.
Jimmy: I can't believe you tricked me for the bit!
Pearl: Oh C'mon, it was funny.
Jimmy: ... Power of the sun, gift me with your light-
Pearl: And that's my cue to go.
Loop #393
Jimmy: Wait, why did I get Mabel's place and you Dipper!?
Pearl: You tell me mate.
Jimmy: You know what? I don't care. This is going to be great anyway.
Pearl: You do know what happens in gravity fall, right?
Jimmy: Not really! Just the basics!
Pearl: ... Right. Don't get your hopes up too high.
Jimmy: Wait, what happens!?
Pearl: ...
Jimmy: I hate gnomes.
Pearl: Big L.
Jimmy: Not even king! Queen! They tried to make me wear a dress!
Pearl: Nothing wrong with a dress.
Jimmy: There is when I'm forced into it by small creepy men.
Jimmy: How do people deal with so much...this!?!
Pearl: Probably used to it, they live here. It would be weirder if they didn't.
Jimmy: I- I guess!? You know what, I'm going to make more sweaters.
Jimmy: Oh, we can't just leave Pacifica there all alone.
Pearl: But she's a-
Jimmy: You said she gets better though.
Pearl: ... Yeah but-
Jimmy: Pacifica! Do you want a ride?
Grian: Oh It's nice to be here! You must be Gideon then?
Gideon: What are- How do you know my name?
Grian: Oh, I know lots of things. Lots of things.
Jimmy: Grian!?!
Grian: Hey there Timmy, I told Pearl this would happen eventually.
Jimmy: Why are you talking to me?
Grian: Well, it is near the time when the puppet show happens, you just didn't make them.
Jimmy: ...What?
Grian: Doesn't matter, at this point Bill would posses Dipper but I don't really want to posses Pearl, a bit unconfortable for me.
Jimmy: I'm not letting you posses me G.
Grian: Oh C'mon, it would be funny!
Jimmy: Why do even want to?
Grian: The nightmare realm is just so boooring. I promise I won't embarass you.
Jimmy: ...I want control at least 75% of the time.
Grian: no way, 50%.
Jimmy: 70%.
Grian: ... 60%.
Jimmy: ... Fine.
Grian: It's a deal then?
Jimmy: Yes.
Pearl: Grian you-
Grian: What? I didn't do anything!
Pearl: You caused Weirdmageddon!?!
Grian: Oh come on, It's so much tamer then canon, i'd call it Tamemageddon even.
Pearl: Grian.
Grian: I even turned infinte respawns AND keep inventory on.
Pearl: Grian.
Grian: Look at Timmy, he's having a blast! Aaaand I know for sure someone wants to pratice using the moonstone and chaos magic together.
Pearl: ...
Grian: I'm not going to hurt anyone Pearl, this is all innocent fun.
Pearl: ... Fine.
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machveil · 2 days
Beautiful, cute, dulzura, A quick question, do you have any advice for drawing? I see your drawings and I just fell in love with them, I just started drawing again but it's difficult...
I don't know, sorry, English is not my first language, using translator jiji 🤎🍁
(note: this post is long, grab a snack lol) ah! no problem, don’t worry about the translator haha (pinterest link - this is my masterboard for human references! I’ll talk about it more below)
I think my best advice for anyone wanting to draw is to break down your piece into shapes! (also, depending on your style, using different line weights)
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from my experience, while looking at the whole reference is good, it’s easier to break down individual parts! while some parts can look complicated, a lot of things can be broken down into triangles, squares, and circles (or half circles)
I focus on character art, so I’ll be speaking about that - but it can applied to scenery and objects too. a lot of characters clothes are broken up into colored articles already - in the top reference, Ghost has a red bandanna on his arm! that bandanna helps break up his arm: the top near his shoulder is triangular, the bandanna itself is overall rectangular, and the bottom of his sleeve is a square
of course, depending on how you’re posing the character it can change the angle of what we’re seeing - there’s also an accommodation that your art probably won’t be a 1-to-1 copy with your reference. Ghost’s right arm (bandanna) has a white rolled up sleeve - while the model’s sleeve is square, I prefer to draw rolled sleeves more triangular
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I think line weight is also important depending on your style! I prefer thicker lines around the entire character, and defining qualities also get thicker lines
I like thinner lines inside the character to help define dimensional shape and form. I use thicker lines on the inside of the body if there’s a shape/area that’s more in the foreground - example: König’s chest and midsection have thick line art to help differentiate from his left arm (behind his body)
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I know a common piece of advice is to use real life references, and I agree… but, I never hear people talk about how to use references in a way that actually helps (“just draw from real life”, or “drawing with a reference is good practice”). I experienced that and wasn’t able to take anything away for years!
within the past year or so I seriously took a look at how using references can help me, so I want to try and talk about that - if I had trouble learning from references I’d wager someone else has
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here’s my best example of using a reference because I actually remembered to! I labeled the figure to make it a little easier to follow
(1) my first tip is using a reference to figure out how the body ‘flows’. the human body has a lot of soft, rounded lines when you look at a picture - very few things are legitimately straight and sharp. I used the reference specifically to figure out how men’s pecs are shaped (of course, this is just one reference… because this is my headcanon for König’s body type haha)
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(1) looking at references can help you understand how muscles move. in the reference with the woman, you notice how her right arm (down) muscles are layered - the shape portrayed by the reference lets you see how an arm’s muscles might be laid out in that position
(2) my second tip from the König reference is to look at negative space! the highlighted red portion between the arm and midsection is roughly the same negative space as the reference. if you’re using a reference and something feels off with the placement of what you’ve drawn I’d recommend looking at the space your reference takes up
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(2) the negative space trick helps me line up where proportions should meet up - the distance between her arms lets me gauge how the rest of her body should be proportioned
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(2) while it doesn’t match up 1-to-1 with the reference when layered overtop, it doesn’t have to! the negative space between the arms was enough for the sketch to mimic what the reference looks like. art doesn’t have to be a 1-to-1, but negative space can help you figure out ‘why does that arm look funny?’, “that arm looks funny because, compared to the negative space of your reference, it’s too (far away/close) to the body.”
(3) my last tip is the simplest, so I’ll just be referring to the König figure! when using references I look to gauge the distance between different body parts - it helps me get more realistic proportions. the bit I specifically compared to was the man’s stomach placement compared to his waist. I didn’t copy it 1-to-1 because I like the idea König has more of a tummy, but the reference allowed me to figure out an anatomical placement for where König’s stomach would be compared to his waist
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I hope my advice wasn’t terrible haha everyone’s art journey is different, but these are tips I would have liked to know a few years ago (specifically the reference material ones lol). I wanted to focus more on the reference material because when people say ‘just use a reference, it’ll help’ it didn’t do it for me
I personally needed a more in depth explanation on why I would use a reference, what should I be looking at - because just drawing a person doesn’t necessarily help, and how should I be learning from it - I accidentally taught myself negative space before I knew what it was
but uhm… yeah, I hope this wasn’t awful! good luck on everyone’s art journeys, just remember that you’re allowed to take your time and try different things
if you guys have any other questions about my art feel free to jump into my inbox; process wise, inspiration, etc - I’ll answer anything I can<3
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I've been dabbling in some young adult series, and Bree Matthews from the Legendborn Cycle is one of the best protagonists I've had the pleasure of experiencing. (She's also so beautiful on the cover art. I love the red and blue lights reflecting off her curls and the detail given to her hairline.)
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When it comes to YA, I tend to be really picky about main characters. They make or break the experience since the plot hinges on how believable/compelling the MC is. Bree is a joy to follow; she's clever, sincere, and level-headed (despite ALWAYS going through it; she's at that age where everything is turbulent. There are many scenes where my heart hurt for her). She's a good example of a young adult character who grapples with loss and grief, who sometimes behaves selfishly with good intentions, and whose charm comes from being authentic and likable.
She is attending early college classes when she uncovers a secret society and the existence of magic. She learns that her late mother was somehow involved with this secret society, and wants to infiltrate them in order to uncover the truth behind her death. The book plays heavily in the sort of 'alter ego' space of Bree living a double life while also discovering her mother's secrets.
But as with all history, magic didn't exist in a vacuum in the southern United States. As Bree learns more about her mother, she learns about how Black people had interacted with magic and how it's different from the secret society's culture. She's also a Black girl in academia, so she finds herself often in competition with privileged white men or their sons benefiting from nepotism. Her journey as an 'underdog turned victorious hero' character was very satisfying. (I highly recommend the audiobook too: Joniece Abbott-Pratt does an amazing job emoting along with Bree in a way that captures the senses.)
🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 this all makes me happy, especially the last paragraph. Exploring Blackness and how even within magic societies it's different? YES. I wish I'd had this during my YA days. OH don't get me started on the experience of watching a mediocre White man (person in general really) get treated better than you despite you knowing more in your field.
And yes, this cover? 🤌🏾🔥 The way lighting and colors are so beautiful and dynamic on Black skin needs to be appreciated more. It's why I get so annoyed and upset when we're drawn ashy and matte. Light LOVES melanin. Color LOVES melanin.
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lady-boketto · 9 hours
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Gaming Headcanons (Call of Duty)
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A/n: This is not canon at all and I thought it would be fun to think about what kind of games and gamer the CoD men would be
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Price does not have a lot of gaming experience but he likes to be included in game nights
He's the one who rages the most when he is playing games (but it's mostly when he is playing multiplayer games)
Price prefers board games rather than digital ones (likes the atmosphere that is created when gathering around the table with close friends to sit down and have some fun it)
Don't ever ask him to play poker because he can and will kick your ass (unless you are a poker legend or you manage to cheat without him noticing)
He has his own personal chess board to play with (it's a nice quality wooden one that's not too big so that he can bring it with him to pass time when he doesn't have access to the internet)
A true master of gaming, like there's no game out there that this man won't be good at
Also kind of a sore loser when someone finally manages to beat him, Gaz kind of lets out this big sigh and crosses his arms over his chest while looking off into the corner but he doesn't stay this way for long, it more of a 'in the moment' situation (Gaz is more frustrated that he wasn't good enough to win this round but knows there will be other chances)
Gaz equally enjoys playing digital games as much as he does when he plays a board game (his favorite board game to play is monopoly, since he can get very strategic while he plays and is very easily annoyed when he's sitting in monopoly jail)
Johnny is the person who tries to tell stories over the mic only to realize that he's been on mute for the past ten minutes (the rest of the group was wondering why he was so quiet all of the sudden)
He also has a Nintendo switch ( He has a Nintendo lite in the color blue) but he loves playing Mario Kart or any of the Mario Parties and loves it when you get frustrated when he steals first place or star from you (he gives his famous laugh and pecks your cheek while telling you how much he loves you while committing the vile act)
Trolls/griefs a ton. He thinks it's funny when other players scream curse words at him and never misses an opportunity to provoke them even further. (he laughs his ass off when they rage quit or if he has to read their attempt to argue back at him in the game chat)
He actually likes spending multiple hours on a game. Grinding to get the best stuff just so he can brag about it the next day.
Soap also does occasionally broadcast his game play with others (because he likes to look back on the memories when he feeling alone or that he just needs something to cheer his mood up a little)
Ghost is the type of person who would say they only play multiplayer games but likes to secretly play the cozy single player games like animal crossing and Stardew Valley (he rant to you about how unfair Isabella is when rating his island a mere 3 stars or how he often forgets to go back to his house before 2 am because he was too focused on the monsters and loot in the mines.)
Even though he doesn’t mind online multiplayer games to play with the rest of squad 141, he also doesn’t mind to play co-op games with you (his favorites to play are it takes two or playing some version of call of duty zombies on a split screen, he takes pride in protecting you in co-op games or he shyly admits a thank you when you revive him)
He just likes strategic games in general, you will find him often playing chess with Price ( when you watch them play, they always take the longest time possible to make their move, it seems like they both go through every possible move until they find the best position to move forward but the game is always interrupted by something that needs one or the other’s attention)
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jermer10 · 2 days
How would you feel about writing drabbles about pyro, heavy, medic, scout and spy with a clown/jester reader? :o)
They often engage in trickery, play silly (and sometimes horribly messy!) pranks on people and overall have a goofy personality along with colorful clothing. (You don't have to do it if you don't wanna, I love your writing and headcannons!)
TF2 mercs with a clown/jester reader
gn reader | jester reader is so silly i love it
includes: pyro, heavy, medic, scout, spy
drabbles under the cut :P
Pyro: Pyro loved your vibrant, clownish energy the moment they saw you. With their mutual love of chaos, you quickly became a duo of disaster. Today, you’d rigged up an elaborate prank - fake flowers filled with water in place of Pyro’s flamethrower. You watched as Pyro gleefully sprayed your target, Engineer, soaking him from head to toe in a wave of unexpected water. Engineer groaned, but Pyro clapped in joy, their muffled laughter contagious. You couldn’t help but join. “Ya’ll ever thought about not doin’ this?” Engineer sighed, wiping his face. You just gave him a huge grin, honking your nose with a silly honk. “Where’s the fun in that?” Pyro high-fived you with a grunt, and the two of you ran off to plan your next prank, giggling like school kids.
Heavy: Heavy sat, deep in thought, quietly cleaning Sasha, when you slid into the room. You tiptoed up to him, eyes gleaming with mischievous intent. Your colorful jester outfit clinked with bells, but Heavy didn’t notice—too focused. Perfect. With grand gesture, you reached behind him and pulled out a massive rubber chicken. Waving it like a magician about to perform a trick, you gave a loud squeak by slapping the chicken against Heavy’s back. Heavy slowly turned his head, one eyebrow raised, completely unamused. “You think this is funny?” he asked, though the twitch of his lip betrayed his amusement. “Yes!” you giggled, your clownish laughter ringing through the room. “Very funny!” Heavy shook his head but couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped him. “You are…very silly.” He let out a small, deep laugh and ruffled your colorful hair. “But Heavy likes silly sometimes.” You beamed, bouncing away to plot your next grand jester act while Heavy watched, shaking his head but smiling fondly.
Medic: Medic was deep in his medical laboratory, concocting some new bizarre experiment, when you decided it was time to bring some color into his sterile workspace. With a wild grin, you quietly slipped in, clutching a bucket of bright, sticky goo. “Ah, mein experiments! Zey are coming along nicely,” Medic mumbled to himself as he worked. You tiptoed closer, your bells jingling slightly, but Medic was too engrossed in his notes to notice. Then, you dumped the bucket of neon goo all over his latest creation. “Was zur Hölle—?!” Medic spun around, eyes wide in disbelief. “What have you DONE?” You stood there, grinning ear to ear, hands on your hips in a victory pose. “Brightened up your day! Science is more fun when it’s colorful!” Medic stared at the mess for a moment before a laugh bubbled up from his chest. “I cannot argue with zat!” He scooped up a bit of the goo and threw it right back at you. Within minutes, the lab was a battlefield of goo, the two of you laughing like mad scientists—or rather, like one mad scientist and their jester accomplice.
Scout: Scout loved your chaotic energy. In fact, he encouraged it. The two of you often teamed up to prank the rest of the team, and today was no different. Armed with a bag of itching powder, you set your sights on Spy’s study armchair. Scout leaned against the doorway, snickering as you sprinkled the powder all over. “You’re a freakin’ genius, ya know that?” he grinned. “Of course!” you twirled around, flashing him a bright smile. “Clowning is an art form!” Spy walked in moments later, completely oblivious. As soon as he sat down, the itching powder kicked in. “What the hell is zhis?!” Spy jumped up, scratching furiously. You burst out laughing, practically rolling on the floor while Scout doubled over, holding his sides. “Oh man, that’s too good!” he wheezed. “You shitheads!” Spy shouted, glaring daggers into your tear streaked faces. Scout gave you a high-five. “We’re the best team, babe. No one can top our pranks!” You took a deep, exaggerated bow, already planning your next chaotic endeavor with him.
Spy: Spy prided himself on his composure, which made you want to test his limits even more. You darted around the base, spreading your pranks, but Spy? Oh, he was your ultimate challenge. Today, you had set up an elaborate ruse: an innocent-looking box rigged with confetti and a loud BANG. Spy walked into the room, his usual air of elegance intact. You hid behind the door, barely containing your glee. As Spy approached the box, he paused. “Hm,” he muttered, already suspicious. But curiosity got the better of him. He lifted the lid, and POP! A spray of confetti exploded in his face, coating him in brightly colored paper. “Mon dieu…” Spy sighed, wiping the confetti from his suit. “You do realize this suit costs more than your life, yes?” You peeked out, grinning. “Totally worth it, monsieur!” Spy looked at you for a long moment, completely unamused. Then, to your surprise, he plucked a piece of confetti from his shoulder and flicked it at you. “You are incorrigible,” he said, though you caught the slight smirk on his face. “I don't know the meaning of the word!” You twirled around, bells jingling as you skipped out of the room.
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avengerscompound · 2 days
Shared Experience - Chapter 10
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Shared Experience - A Captain America Fanfic
Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Rating:  E
Warnings:  Injuries, blood, blood-drinking, sex talk and touching.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Rose Astor
Word Count: 1972
Summary:  Rose Astor met her end in 1920, joining the ranks of the living dead two years after the birth of Steve Rogers.  A century later the two meet in battle - a beacon of light clashing with a creature of the night.  Despite their differences, the two bond over their shared life experiences.  Can a vampire become an Avenger?  Can two such different beings create a life together?
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Chapter 10
Blood spilled into Rose’s mouth and down her chin, warm, salty, and nourishing.  Rose tried to turn her head, to pull away, to stop from swallowing the very thing that could keep her alive.  She had never wanted something as much as this before, yet simultaneously she wanted it to stop, to push away and fight this from happening.  Steve was trying to feed her after spending months telling her no and she wanted it so badly, but if she started, she wasn’t sure that she could stop.
There was no stopping it.  Her injuries were too severe and even if she was strong enough physically to push him away, when she was this close to death she lost all humanity.  The instinct to survive pushed away all mortal thoughts and her body acted outside her control.  It would have been hard not just to bite him if he wasn’t bleeding freely into her mouth.  The fact he was, made it impossible.
She latched on, her hands going to his forearm and holding it in place as she drank.  Each swallow of the thick hot liquid reenergized her.  Her wounds knitted and her flesh filled back out.  Color returned to her skin.  The heat from the blood radiated through her until she felt like a furnace in the middle of the snowy forest.
Never had she felt the effect of blood so fully and to such an extreme as drinking from Steve now.  It was like drinking straight from the sun.  His blood surged through her, making her feel stronger and more alive than she could ever remember feeling.  Within minutes, she felt strong enough to run again, yet she couldn’t pull herself away.
Steve moaned.  It was a low and deep sound that reverberated out from his chest.  She looked up at him.  His head had lolled back on his shoulders and the look of pure bliss etched into his features made her tingle right through to her core.  She knew what it was like for the people she fed from.  The near-orgasmic feeling that vampires created for their victims was a defense mechanism.  It stopped them from struggling and meant the Vampire had more control over the outcome.
God, how she wished this wasn’t happening like this.  In the middle of the Russian Wilderness, buried in snow, and surrounded by HYDRA was not where she wanted to be sharing this with Steve.  She wanted to do this at home, in her bed, his cock buried as deep into her cunt as he could go.  She reached down and put her hand on his cock.  He was rock hard, even through the thick fabric of his combat wear she could feel the press of his cock.  He moaned again and pulled her closer to him.  “Rose…”
It was her name that snapped her out of it.  The way he breathed it, the love that it carried even in the throes of pleasure.  She released him and pulled back, scrambling away from him.  She needed a moment to compose herself and while the wound on his wrist was still open, she wouldn’t be able to.  It would heal quickly now she wasn’t feeding - another side effect of her feeding.  The wounds healed with no scar, so no one could guess what had happened.
Steve looked up at her dazed.  “Rose?” he asked.
“Just give me a second,” she panted.  Not that she was breathing heavily.  She wasn’t breathing at all.  It was just a way to regulate the blood flow and shake off the feeding frenzy that had taken over her.  “Are you okay?  Did I drink too much?”
Steve shook his head and looked down at his wrist.  The wound was mostly healed and he rubbed his hand over it.  “I’m okay… what was that?”
“That’s why it’s taken me so long to separate feeding from sex,” she said.  “Are you sure you’re okay?  We should probably get out of here.”
He stood and while he still looked a little dazed, he was steady on his feet.  She stood, shaking off the layer of snow that was clinging to her.  “We should find the others,” she said.  “I’ll need to go to ground soon.  Dawn is coming.”
Steve pointed the way he came.  “It’s that way, but we’ll have to move fast if you’re going to make it.”
“I guess we’ll go as far as I can.  If I need to bury myself, that’s okay.  You can mark it and find me tomorrow night,” she said.
He nodded.  “Let’s go,” he said.
The two began to run, tearing along the frozen landscape toward the rest of the Avengers.  The cold air stung Rose’s cheeks, yet she couldn’t remember ever feeling warmer or more alive.  Something about Steve’s blood had invigorated her.  It had given her some sense of life again.  More than that, it made her feel slightly high.
She kept her pace steady despite wanting to take off and test her limits.  She thought with this new boost she could run over water.  She felt invincible.
At the speed they moved, she was sure she’d find the jet and the others before the sun rose.  Unfortunately, she’d misjudged exactly how long she’d been awake for.  Lethargy began to kick in and she felt the animalistic urge to start to dig.  She kept pushing, determined to find something, and just as the first rays of light rose to the East, she spotted a small ice fishing cabin.  There were no signs of life around at all and while there was the risk of someone coming during the day, with all the HYDRA activity in the area, it was safe to assume no one would be coming to use it.
Surprising as it was to find any shelter in the Russian wilderness, the fact she could see sunlight and yet was both still awake and not burning was more surprising.
She pointed at the cabin to Steve. “I’m going there.  I need to get out of the open.”
He simply nodded and she ran as fast as she could, a mere blur in the snow, pushing the limits of her abilities.  Her skin was starting to blister and her energy waned as she reached the building that was no more than a box with a slanted roof.  With a massive heave, she shoved the pile of snow away from the door, yanked it open, and hurried inside.  Once out of the sun, her skin immediately healed, giving her an almost tanned look.  The cabin had bunks built into the far wall, each with a lumpy hole-ridden mattress and dusty blankets piled on them.  Closer to the door was a wood stove, and some shelves with tinned food and a bottle of what looked like moonshine.  Rose didn’t take long to take it in.  She rushed to the bed, pulled down the upper mattress to create a walled box under the lowest bunk, grabbed the blanket, and crawled under it.  As soon as the blanket was covering her entire body, her eyes closed.  She had lost consciousness before Steve had even reached the cabin.
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Rose woke all at once.  She had expected to be colder than she was, but aside from the fact that whatever was in Steve’s blood had made her own body heat to above the ambient temperature, warmth radiated out from the other side of the room.  She shimmed out under the mattress that was protecting her from the light.  Steve was sitting on a rickety fold-out chair by the stove, looking over something on his tablet.  With the large coat he had on, he looked far too big for the chair and she wondered how it was even still in one piece.
He looked up at the sound and a smile lit up his features. “Wow,” he said.  “You look - different.”
She looked down at herself to try and see what he was talking about.  All she could see was the tattered ruins of her uniform.  She didn’t need coats like the others, but the outfit covered her neck to toe, including her hands.  There was a tear in the fabric on her chest, but the wound under it was completely healed.  “What is it?”
“You have a tan,” he said.  “I was worried when the sun came up.  You normally go into autopilot as soon as it gets close to dawn so you get somewhere dark and protected.  What happened?”
She shook her head. “Your guess is as good as mine.  I felt that urge, but I was able to overrule it, and when the sun started coming up, it burned but -” she shrugged.  “I guess it was your blood.  The super-serum.  I feel - alive.  Or as close to it as I have been since I was turned.”
Steve seemed to assess her.  The weight of his gaze was heavy and she felt like she was under a magnifying glass.  She wrapped her arms around her body, almost as if she was trying to protect herself.  “Is it always like that?” he asked, finally breaking the silence.
“The way you felt?” she asked.  He gave a short nod in reply.  “Yes.  I think it’s a survival thing.  It’s safer for us if you enjoy the experience.”
He didn’t say anything and she started to worry his feelings had changed about her.  She hadn’t wanted this.  She’d tried to resist feeding from him, but he’d forced it.  “Are you angry with me?” she asked.
He blinked and shook his head.  “Oh god, no,” he said, holding out his arms.  She moved into them instinctively and he held her close to his chest.  The steady even thud of his heart soothing her along with the strong arms.  “No, honey.  How could I be angry with you?  You’ve never lied to me about what you are.  This is just new - for both of us.  I wonder what it means.”
“I’m sure it will wear off,” she said.  “Like when you eat white bread.  A blood sugar spike and then drop.  By the time I need to feed again, it’ll be like it never happened.”
He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “I guess we’ll see.”
Rose closed her eyes and just let Steve hold her.  Yesterday had been a lot.  She’d had worse days in her life, but they’d been a long time ago.  Never had she had someone there to just comfort her like this after so much stress and pain.  Usually, the person she had to be with after it, was the same person who had inflicted the pain in the first place.
She pulled back slowly and looked up at him.  “Should we find the others?” she asked.
Steve laughed.  “Oh, they’re just outside,” he said.  He opened the door of the cabin to show her the view of the lake.  On the far side, the lights from the Quin reflected off the ice from the lake, glittering like stars.  The sounds of the rest of the team talking and preparing to leave floated over on the arctic wind.  “I stayed here through the day.  I thought a wood cabin near a town and a HYDRA base might be a little risky to leave you unguarded.  If someone else came to use it or hide in it, they’d just need to start a fire and that would be the end of you.  The rest of the team was off finalizing everything.  SHIELD arrived.  They made their arrests.  The base is in the process of being cleared out of illegal equipment.”
Rose sighed in relief and leaned against him again.  “So we can go home?”
“Yeah, we have some prisoners that need to be taken to the Raft,” he said.  “But yes, we can go home.”
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sabrondabrainrot · 3 days
I never posted these pieces but I'm so big into Kid Flash, flash, DC, etc. Wally West, Wallace West, and Bart Allen (i love Barry too but he's not drawn here). I always really liked Wally's suit redesign with the new 52 and rebirth issues. Both of these pieces I made were done 09/18-09/20 alllll the way back in 2021. I ended up not posting them because after doing the 3 hour experiment of coloring Wally West, my husband, I showed it to some friends and they proceeded to tell me his feet were wrong (they are...) so I just gave up and never wanted to post it. 🤣🤣🤣
The Sanrio x Flash was basically going to be a crowded mall as the bros hang out but I hate drawing crowds and gave up. Looking back, I actually learned a lot while working on this. I'm actually really proud of my 2021 self for attempting perspective.
Also just tossing in sketches cause I like showing off sketches. I specifically was referencing a lot of flash comics for the sketches so it's relevant.
Even though these were 3 years ago, I still remember learning a lot working on both of these. The Wally West running actually was the first instance of a coloring technique I still use to this day 😂
Crazy to me these were exactly 3 years ago!
⚡09/18/21⚡ & ⚡09/20/21⚡
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⚠️Disclaimer: I used to never sign my art. But I've recently noticed some of my old stuff being stolen from my Instagram/Twitter and uploaded to Pinterest. I've never posted any of my work to Pinterest so it's all been stolen. My friends have encouraged and reminded me to sign my stuff which is why my recent art usually will include a signature or water mark of some type. ⚠️
🚨I've never once consented to my art being reposted or uploaded to anything that's not my accounts.🚨
🚨I do not consent, and never will, to my art being used to train AI.🚨
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teunip · 3 months
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Alex & Tin-Can plotting to blow up a car or two ⚡⚡
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tzarrz · 3 months
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i listen to fog lake too much
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arcanegifs · 9 months
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ARCANE LEAGUE OF LEGENDS: 1x08 - "Oil and Water"
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lylahammar · 1 year
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Let's take a moment to appreciate the amazing villains/monsters (sorry Nimona lol) we've been given in animated films this year
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linkedin-offficial · 9 months
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kitty colony au anybody?
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artkaninchenbau · 7 months
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Herding 🐑✨ [Shop]
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💛 Head Over Heels 🩷
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