#experimental translation
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acyborgkitty · 1 year ago
The Politics of Experimental Translation by Lily Robert-Foley
"Situating norms is obviously a fluid and problematic, culturally specific activity. Examining what is opposed to these norms serves to accentuate this. ... Translation very often is inflected with political or ethical aims, a desire to right wrongs in the original or to intervene in the landscape of authority and canon formation." "... experimental translation is any translation practice that opposes itself to translational norms." "It poses a threat to the mainstream dogma of translation, in particular, the place of fidelity, equivalence, accuracy, transparency, smoothness, and legibility. [...] it defines itself in contrast, or in opposition, to other more frequent forms of translation. ... not solely for aesthetic reasons but for social and political reasons. ... supported by a belief that the structures of aesthetics and poetics are profoundly and radically political." "the idea that translation is also radically political, never neutral, always inflected or even generated by the ideologies that frame it and give it its pulse."
"what separates this practice from other forms of experimental writing is the question of language, of the foreignness of languages, and the act of translating in its formal sense and amidst the chaos of its cultural negotiations."
"Tim Atkins’s ‘7 Translation Types’, as part of his unpublished PhD dissertation, which identifies seven discrete practices, including constraint, editing and domestication, misreading, allusive referential, derangement of the senses, intersemiotic, and hoax and parody."
"the question of fidelity is proportional to the text and most importantly, to the context of manipulation and power dynamics in which it is situated. [...] The implication here is that to translate faithfully, an author who does not have much visibility represents a homologous subverting of norms to a translation that, for example, shoots holes in a source text with a 12-gauge shotgun and translates the resulting text. ... And this is because of each practice’s relationship to the norm."
"translation always brings out dimensions of cultural context that might be otherwise invisible, reveals what might first appear as transcendent universals as situated specificities."
"norms do not represent the majority but are always determined by power and by the elite minority who wields it."
"that the notion of sense equivalence is deeply connected to a closed, un-situated relationship between two equal languages and can even be associated with culturally blind constructions of sense and sameness."
"Authorial intention then becomes an instrument of justice: respect for the original is connected to the desire to right a transnational wrong – specifically with regard to the ‘neocolony’."
"Luise von Flotow’s four strategies for feminist translation (supplementing, prefacing and footnoting, and hijacking) (1991) are instructions for experimental translators seeking to align themselves with the feminist cause."
"Spivak has referred to her in her article on the politics of translation as ‘intimacy’ with the culture and language original, necessary for the carrying out of an honourable translation. ... a lack of intimacy with an original, specifically in the case of translating across unequal power divides, can lead to essentialisms that serve more to propagate colonial or misogynist ideologies than they do to enact justice."
"By deforming, mistranslating, or rendering unintelligible a white, male canonical text written in a hegemonic language in a power centre, many experimental translators have political aims of posing a threat to forces of oppression ... a faithful translation of a text written by a subaltern author in a non-hegemonic language or in a marginal situation seeks to do the same thing."
"For Spivak, although the original text is not transparent, the activity of translation is – and must be."
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e-stranger · 1 year ago
Language is a Foreign Language
Language is a Foreign Language / Experimental Translation as Device Nancy Seidler, Hopscotch Translation, 2022.
A good, insightful text on translation and it's role, with well described and nice examples.
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Language shapes the way we see. Experimental translation shapes the way we see language. The way we see language shapes the way we construct our selves, the landscapes we inhabit.
i's, land/guage/scape, no original, floating, self/other relation, textual instability, entanglement, Yoko Tawada, enstrangement, Wang Wei, Chantal Wright, Chika Sagawa, Eliot Weinberger, Ezra Pound, Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o, Octavio Paz, Outranspo, Sawako Nakayasu, Viktor Shklovsky, Xiaolu Guo, Bakhtin
“Is this ich always the same? Can one always be the same?” Her (Yoko Tawada) questions about language have no resolution, “and that’s exciting”. These questions without answers, this paradoxical positioning between languages, is the enstrangement she lives in a multilingual subjecthood.
“Language,” Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o writes, “is thus mediating between me and my own self; between my own self and other selves; between me and nature. Language is mediating in my very being” (15). The language that allows us to say “I, myself,” is entangled within these frameworks. As Yoko Tawada mused, “I” am not the same “I” in another language.
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selenityshiroi · 2 years ago
Zelda travelling around Hyrule after the Calamity and people are tripping over themselves to tell her stories about the Hero because they love that feral cryptid mad man and are so proud of him
'I met him when I was about to get eaten by a Hinox...he jumped off a horse, fired 12 arrows in the blink of an eye and then got smacked in the face with a tree...but then he came back and hacked away at it's legs with this stupidly big sword until it finally died'
'He was wearing this weird patched together mask that looked like a monster but he made enough curry for everyone so we didn't like to ask'
'But...the hero was a girl? She wore these lovely green silks and every time she came out of the Gerudo Canyon she had a bag full of electric safflina to sell to Beedle over there. The Gerudo think she's an amazing fighter, which says a lot, and she always thanked me for looking after her horses when she went into the desert'
'I swear to Hylia that he ran through here wearing nothing but his underwear and a mask shaped like a leaf...claimed he was looking for the Children of the Forest. Sorry, Princess, but I'm not sure he was quite right in the head at the time'
'He used to creep in here silently wearing this grey mask and with enough lizards and beetles that we could make enough elixirs to last for a month. Not sure I ever saw his face without it'
And the entire time Link is stood neatly dressed, three steps away, listening to every word and no one pays him the slightest bit of attention. Because none of them cotton on that 'prim and proper Royal Knight' Link and 'I will defeat this Lynel with a stick, a pot lid and a bucket load of adrenaline' Wild Child Hero is the same man. Especially with how many masks he owned.
When they walk away and are out of sight and earshot Zelda just raises her eyebrow with a smile and he is like '...I can explain...it made sense at the time'
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feelo-fick · 9 months ago
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Q: What's your favourite food? A: THE ALE THEY SERVE AT THE TAVERN!
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other versions : )
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yeyinde · 4 months ago
Hi! Are you planning on continuing the Winter Soldier AU for Price? It's so good!! 😩
thanks!!! and yes! i'm writing the last leg of part one right now so if all goes well, it should be posted sometime this week.
i also posted a bit on my sideblog too @/dvchvnde! but here's some to set the mood;
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olivexing · 7 months ago
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A date between Ben and Olympe goes awry. He’s gonna turn back into a giant merman (pictured below!). I wasn’t satisfied with the first take on this scene:
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so here’s another take:
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I wanted to get more wild with the action and composition! An emotional scene will follow—-first Olympe is outed, and Ben is next. The sea will wipe her makeup away, revealing her identity. What will they do??
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zarvasace · 9 months ago
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Cover art || next
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petitwrites · 3 months ago
HORIZON, the musical: "RETURN TO MERIDIAN" –or a feeble attempt at fanfiction.
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A journey back to the heart of Horizon world, both literal and emotional.
[CONTEXT: Post-HFW] A new threat looms over Meridian. Aloy heads back to Carja territory, determined to avert disaster.
“She made out below her the flaming silhouette of characteristic rocky mountains, bathed in the sun’s last rays. The glow of the sunset reflected off the water in a million sparkling stars she saw dancing before her eyes, like so many shards of fire and metal.”
This 'gamified fic' is an experimental concept, designed as an immersive interactive reading in sync with the Horizon games' OST—kind of like a 'reversed-soundtrack'.
Instead of writing music to illustrate a story, as is usually done, I thought it would be fun to try it the other way around. Because, why not? ^^
The layout will [guide you to] follow the flow, with the text becoming a mere subtitle to the music... which is ultimately the true hero of the story here.
[Teb’s voice]  In any case… be ready to scroll!
🎵 On your marks...
' Headset...
' GO!!
>> 🎧 MUSICAL version (special layout)
>> 📖 TEXT ONLY version (traditional layout)
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This fic is a first for me in every way possible: first time I’ve ever written a story (let alone a fanfiction), first time I’m publishing any of my work online… and it’s pretty terrifying!
Faithful Ao3 reader for years, I absolutely want to express my immense gratitude and admiration to all the amazing people who write for this beautiful fandom—and especially to @portabelloroad and @pikapeppa, whose work has brought me so much joy, greatly inspired me, and gave me the courage to step out of the shadows and start writing myself.
Who knows… maybe just one person might enjoy my story? Huge THANKS to these wonderful authors who will always hold a special place in my humble fan heart.
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lordpetit · 3 months ago
HORIZON, the musical: "RETURN TO MERIDIAN"—or a feeble attempt at fanfiction.
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Quick update! Chap 4 is now available in French 🥐🍷
Don't blow your Blaze tho, English translation will drop next week—still polishing a few shards here and there.
Stay tuned!! 🎵🏹
🇫🇷 >> Original French version over here: 🎧 LECTURE EN MUSIQUE // 📖 TEXTE SEUL
🇬🇧 >> English translation over there: 🎧 MUSIC-GUIDED // 📖 TEXT-ONLY
Feel free to explore, and let me know what you think!
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saisons-en-enfer · 1 year ago
CHVE Grauzone festival 21.05.21
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ngdrb · 3 months ago
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saltlickmp3 · 2 years ago
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also new Sigur Rós out today! (icelandic ambient post-rock band)
(my friend saw them live and said it felt like being underwater)
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dbarenzu626 · 8 months ago
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So I redrew a thing this evening!
A good while back, in my studies of EPCOT and olden Disney Parks history for my "Stitch Triverse" project, I came across this shirt when I was looking into Journey Into Imagination. This shirt, titled "Girl Watcher", features a beachcombing Figment who appears to be scouting the riff raff on the beach for a partner. Of course, it was the 1980s, so it had to be girls, but when you really think about it, Figment has the opportunity to be the pan icon most don't think of: imagination could make him love anyone, right?
Fast forward years later and when I created my Royals, Keiko Hubrecht became one of my mainstays upon their creation in 2021. An alien humanoid called a Luxian from the Auros system, Keiko became someone who took a ton of inspiration from Journey Into Imagination and by extent, Figment. In continuing my mission on expanding on the L&S realms and with a unique touch of LGBT in the mix, Luxians are genderfluid and don't contend to gender norms (they can appear more masculine or effeminate, but not in identity, they/them, please). They are also incredibly well known for their powerful imagination-based abilities, able to spawn duplicates of themselves, bend or warp things around them or that they can grab to whatever they can dream up and even change or modify aspects of themselves. But that's if they can get the time to imagine before doing, this is key. Kei by extent is hyperactive, happy-go-lucky and also, get this, an intergalactic indie musician by the name of "Figment"... Yes indeed, named after one in the same.
So with summer literally here, I took the gambit and decided to redraw "Girl Watcher". Now it bears saying that Kei, while hyperactive and all over the place with their energy, does have the light penchant for outbursts of hopeless romance. So it only further helped them be the reflection of Figment in this redraw. But by that extent? I couldn't use the words "Girl Watcher" for the result because they're not a girl or a boy. But they do love everyone almost akin to someone on the side of pan. So what do you use?
"Crush Watcher". It's inclusive, covers all of what Kei crushes on and above all, acts as a parallel to the Figment 1982 original. Now, the question remains, who has got the Luxian's eyes in the design? Is it a hunky Neptusian boy? Some geeky Kweltikwan lass? And why, pray tell, are they taking advice from Pleakley via a self-published magazine?
...All these and more questions are up to you, I just wanted to draw a fun redraw with my imaginative idol kid and I think I did a good job with it~ 🐉🌈🏖️
To learn more about the ever ongoing work on “Stitch Triverse”, check out the Carrd site here! https://stitchtriverse.carrd.co    
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petitwrites · 3 months ago
HORIZON, the musical: "RETURN TO MERIDIAN"—or a feeble attempt at fanfiction.
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Chap 4 is out guys! Enjoy 🎵🏹
[Musical TW: emotions incoming. Proceed with caution]
Happy scrolling!!
🇬🇧 >> 🎧 MUSIC-GUIDED version // 📖 TEXT-ONLY version 🇫🇷 >> Original French version over here: 🎧 LECTURE EN MUSIQUE // 📖 TEXTE SEUL
Feel free to explore—and let me know what you think! 😉
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sbf-orouborus · 1 year ago
I speak dragon.
so, Thuum.com is amazing. and I decided to use the translator + legacy translator on it to translate a song. I may do it again... BUT WHO KNOWS!
Bold means it sub or non cannon
Ima do a test. Let's see how many will figure out what song this is.
Dii monah fun zu'u wah smolinaal
Rek fun, "hin tanz ahst fin verlovaas"
Zu'u prii gon wah sahvot ek
Ruz zu'u koraav hi ahrk zu'u ruz mindok
Aal kos fah zu'u aan ma wuth
All kos nol pah zu'u vod zeim
Zu'u med wah mindol nii vir hi nok nau dii kopraan
Ahrk vir zu'u koraav zu'u voth hi
I have the rest of the song if y'all want it and I think I may do this more often if ppl like this!
Also take note this is a rough translation. Using the most official words as possible with quite a few substitutes but the overall meaning stays the same.
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br1ghtestlight · 10 months ago
had a dream that i was sick and dying of cancer but ngl it was the best sleep that ive had in MONTHS
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