#expect more art coming soon probably lol
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I told you I would post MoTa fanart, and I deliver! This is for all my Crosby fans who have also fallen head over heal for this big dork:)
(Thank you: @footprintsinthesxnd for providing me with the screencap💜)
M y taglist: @ronsparky @whollyjoly @next-autopsy @ @barbeygirl @dustyjumpwingz @xxluckystrike @heystovepipeboys @sweetxvanixlla @kafka-ohdear @footprintsinthesxnd @panzershrike-pretz @iceman-kazansky @bucky32557038ww2
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macabr3-barbi3 · 3 months
Pillow Talk- Vox x Reader
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(Banner made by my love, @fraugwinska 💛❤️💛)
A Vee Tower maid, you get an eyeful- and more- when stuck hiding in Vox's closet after Alastor comes back to town.
Tags: the Alastor body pillow; Dry Humping? I think that's what it would be; Accidental Voyeurism; Cunnilingus; One-Sided Alastor/Vox; Vaginal Sex; improper use of electricity lol; maid outfit; a tiny bit of hypnosis but not regarding the sex
[this is almost a crack fic honestly I laughed way too much writing it xD this was inspired by a few pieces of art- as soon as I can find the artists I'll link them below!]
So technically, you weren’t supposed to be here. The entire cleaning crew knew that the main apartments of the Vees were off limits unless they specifically asked for them to be serviced- you, specifically, would not be a welcome sight, especially by the CEO.
But when Vox had spotted you outside his office he had barely spared you a enough of a glance to get his hypnotic eye swirling before he had very explicitly stated, “I want every single thing in here put back where it belongs,” and apparently, to your will-bent limbs that meant even the fucking throw pillow on the couch needed to be returned to his home.
The blue striped fabric clutched in your arms, cleaning supplies left in one of the numerous cleaning closets, your feet took you to the elevator, pressing the button for the elevator to take you up to the penthouse. You were sweating a bit in your uniform- despite how little fabric the damn thing had (courtesy of Valentino deciding “if we have to fuckin’ look at them they might as well be hot” when hiring a cleaning crew, apparently) you were still nervous about going against established orders for implied ones. If Vox found out you had been in his section of the penthouse, in his room, Satan only knew what he would do to you.
That shouldn’t have excited you a little as you thought it, but it does- your breath comes a little quicker as you had entered the key code to Vox’s sector of the penthouse floor, thankfully empty as you enter and where you now stand. The television is playing something from the news, Vox sat at his desk with some sharp toothed red deer demon in the frame with him, mouth turned down into a frown and spewing vitriol- you caught some snippets of speech from the low volume, something about him being a fossil, outdated, et cetera. It wasn’t surprising- Vox and all of the Vees were all about innovation, updates, upgrades. If this guy was into older tech it made sense that he would take personal offense to that.
When you try to toss the cushion onto the couch your arm freeze, unwilling to release the fabric- which meant it wasn’t a couch pillow but a bedroom one, and your feet turn to take you in that direction. The door opens without a lock, and the room that greets you is a little neater than you would expect from the CEO of the company, being as prone to outbursts that the staff had to clean up as he was. The bed was made up, and finally your compelled brain allows you to throw the pillow out of your grasp to bounce harmlessly on the bed. Order satisfied, you’re about to turn to leave when the lights snap out with an audible click.
You freeze in the darkness, worried somehow that you’ve been caught, but they flicker on mere moments later. Another tentative step towards the door, and that’s when you hear it- a crackle of electricity from the living room, not unlike an arc flash, one that you’ve heard enough times working in this building to know what it means.
Vox is back.
In hindsight, it was fucking stupid. You probably had better luck explaining yourself, telling him that his command earlier had forced you up here against your better judgment because of course, Vox, sir, you knew that the penthouses were off limits. But your prey brain reverted to instinct, doe ears dropping against your head, and you bolted to the nearest safety- the closet. 
You can hear him coming closer, his voice increasing in volume- “that ancient fucker, thinks he can just come back to my fucking town, in my fucking section like he never- fucking dammit, Bambi, I can’t believe-” He just keeps going and you shuffle further back into the clothing around you, the smell of his soft cologne enveloping you as you descend. You can see light peeking through the slats of the doors, and it vanishes as he quickly approaches. The door flies open and you squeeze your eyes shut, waiting for a sharp clawed hand to land on your arm and haul you out but it never comes.
He grabs something close to you, something soft you had been inadvertently leaning against, and slams the closet door closed again so hard that it swings back open, another crack that light leaks through. Despite your better judgment you lean forward, peek through the slats of the door at what is happening in the room. He throws the item he had grabbed against the bed, and it bounces at an angle so that you can see what it is.
A body pillow- with that guy from the television on it, his red outfit unmistakable even not knowing who he was just from a quick glance. He wears a sly smile on his face, eyes half-lidded over a monocle, a frankly stupid haircut that came to his shoulders with tiny antlers peeking out of it. Vox is still bitching, and this time you catch a name: Alastor. Your boss kicks his shoes off, rips his jacket from his frame, and falls to his knees on the mattress, bringing the pillow close and slotting it between his thighs.
You stop breathing.
He falls forward and braces himself on one hand, the other scrambling at his fly to bring out an impressive erection that you can tell even from this distance must be painful, faintly glowing a bright blue at the tip before fading to the darker shade of his normal skin at the base. He strokes himself once, spreads what looks like a fair amount of precum over his length before he releases his grip and dips his hips into the pillow, now free hand clutching at the fabric between his fingers. 
“Alastor,” he moans, and the low timbre of it shoots straight through your core, thighs clenching together as you stand stockstill in the darkness of the closet. “Oh fuck, Alastor, Al- fuck, fuck,” and his hips are driving into the pillow all the while, the bright tip of his cock occasionally peeking into view from your vantage point. 
You bring a hand up to clamp over your mouth, to try and muffle your breathing as you watch the private act and shift closer to the wider gap in the doors for a better view- slowly, silently. His voice is dark and delicious as he groans into the seemingly empty room, unrestrained in his pleasure. The hand braced on the bed is shredding the sheets, bits of fabric floating up into the air with the force of his claws dragging into them- the one on the pillow is surprisingly gentle, clenched lightly where the hair is on the image of the demon that adorns it.
Your body aches at the apex of your thighs, slick and throbbing just at the sights and sounds before you- if you made it out of this, if Vox didn’t discover and immediately kill you for witnessing this, you were going to have the most phenomenal orgasm of your fucking afterlife the moment you could get yourself alone. You’ve never wanted to be a pillow so badly in all of your existence- Hell, you’ve never wanted to be a pillow period but Vox was making it look downright tantalizing to be shoved between his legs and thrust against. 
He’s still going, his lower body moving rhythmically against the pillow and still muttering under his breath- “Alastor, Alastor, Alastor,” like he’s in a trance, can’t stop himself from saying it. His voice catches in his throat, hips stuttering then stilling while shoved hard against the pillow, collapsing against the mattress with a frustrated groan.
Everything is quiet for a moment, the only sound your muffled breathing against your hand as you peek through the door at the VoxTek CEO. Your spare hand itches for movement at your side, but you refuse- absolutely refuse- to get yourself off in your boss’ closet with him less than five feet away. You fist your fingers in the poofy fabric of the Val-approved maid uniform that the crew was made to wear, and you wait.
When Vox pulls his head up from the mattress, his screen is tinted pink in embarrassment even thinking no one can see him- he looks down at the pillow with such an earnest expression of longing that you feel embarrassed and avert your gaze for a moment, until he scoffs and you look back up to a sight you’re more familiar with. His face is twisted in anger now, and his claws hover menacingly over Alastor’s face before he snarls in disgust- at himself? At the other man?- and clambers off the bed. You watch his body move across the room, lithe muscles flexing as he moves, and only when he exits the room do you heave out the breath you had been holding, taking your hand away from your mouth.
You hear the rushing sound of water that indicates that the shower has been turned on, and you make perhaps the dumbest decision you’ve ever made- you stay in the closet instead of taking these precious few moments of him being out of the room to book it out of the penthouse. You’re not thinking clearly, so preoccupied with the arousal that it wars inside your body with the logical part of your brain saying to get the fuck out. But you’re surrounded by the sweet, heady scent of his cologne, the rough sounds of his groaning still echoing in your ears, and with your eyes slipping closed you slide a hand up under your skirt; you didn’t end up in Hell by sticking to the concept of chastity, after all.
Your free hand fists in the fabric of his shirts that hang next to your face, bringing them closer to breathe in the scent of him. The sounds he made echo in your mind, your fingers brushing lightly against the dampness of your panties, hand dipping inside them to graze your clit-
The closet door flies open, the light falling across your body and illuminating what is clearly a shocking sight to the Overlord if the glitching of his screen is anything to go by- one hand holds the Alastor pillow in a death grip, obviously about to toss it back into the closet after wiping it down with a damp rag (the sink, you realize, not the shower), probably for one of your team members to properly clean later under an oath of secrecy. Your hand is up under your skirt, the other gripping his shirts for dear fucking life, and Satan’s fuck, he was absolutely going to kill you.
You both stand frozen for a moment, still too shocked to move your hands until you see the spark of static cross between his antennae. You let go of his shirts and remove your hand from under your skirt. “Sir,” you start, and your voice cracks on the word. “I’m-” 
“Shut the fuck up,” he snaps, and even without the swirl of his hypnotic eye your jaw clamps closed. He lets the Alastor pillow fall to the ground, both hands free now to open both closet doors, and you close your eyes- this was it, goodbye Hell, nice knowing you. At least you were going out with a hot image burned behind your eyelids of the guy that was going to murder you.
Instead you feel the sensation of your floppy ear being rubbed between two fingers, gentle and inquisitive. When an eye peeks open again, Vox is staring at them, his gaze flicking between your ears to the tiny white spots that line the edges of your face that he can now see with the increased light. “You a deer?” He asks, his tone dark, and you heave a shaky breath.
“Yes, sir.”
He hums, a quiet noise as his other hand comes up to rest softly on your waist. “Didn’t notice earlier. Thought I told the head cleaning bitch I didn’t want any fucking deer in my tower.”
You force yourself to breathe slowly. “I had great recommendations and she said she would just keep me out of your way.”
“Great recommendations, huh? Any of your previous employers know you fucking touch yourself watching people get off in what they assume is the privacy of their own homes?”
Instinct- you try to run rather than face his questions, only getting as far as an abortive jerk forward before both  of his hands are on your hips, pushing you further against the back closet wall. His scent is fucking everywhere, a faint heat coming off his screen with how close it is to your face, and you feel the threat of claws where he grips you. “Please, I’m sorry-”
“This for me?” Vox takes one hand off your waist to grab your hand- the one that had been under your skirt- and moves it back to its prior position, just pressing against the front of your damp panties. “Or was it the fact that you were being a little pervert and I was none the wiser? Tell the truth now, dear,” he says, his eye going black rimmed and swirling, and you’re helpless to answer.
“A bit of both, sir,” you breathe, and he looks pleased at your answer, pressing your fingers harder against the heated skin under your joined hands. The words don’t stop- “I didn’t mean to come here, sir, there was a pillow in your office- and you said everything had to go back where it belonged, so-”
“Gotcha, gotcha,” he nods. “The downsides of hypnotism, huh? But it’s gotten us into an interesting situation- how much of that did you see?” He tilts his head towards the pillow.
Deep breath. “All of it, sir.”
“You must think I’m pretty pathetic now, huh?” 
His eyes still spins lazily at you. “Not at all,” you say, and the pixels of his eyebrows twitch upwards. “I thought it was… alluring. Sexy, to watch you let yourself go like that.” You glance down at the pillow, a grimace taking over your mouth. “Admittedly a little gross that you aren’t like. Properly cleaning that. Were you just going to throw it back into the closet?”
His screen tints and he lets go of you, taking a step back to kick the pillow out of your line of sight. “I have a dry cleaning lady that comes on Saturdays,” he says defensively, “it would have only been in there like two days max.”
“Sir, that’s still kinda-”
He tugs you out of the closet by the wrist and pulls you over to the bed, sitting on the edge and pulling so that you straddle his lap. “You wanna keep calling me gross or do you wanna fuck me?” He grinds your hips down onto his and you feel the hard length of his arousal against you despite it being not more than a few minutes since he had finished with the pillow. 
“Can’t I do both?”
“Cause let me tell you,” he adds, talking over you, not picking up the barb, “the sooner I can get that fucker out of my head, the happier I’ll be as your boss. And a happy boss might not decide to kill or fire you for being a- what’s the lady equivalent of a Peeping Tom? Just a slut?”
“I’m not sure there is one, sir,” you say breathlessly, and his tongue snaking out of his mouth to trail along the length of your neck distracts you from his fingers reaching up under your skirt to slide your panties to the side, thumbing your clit with soft pressure.
“S’nice that you’re a deer,” he murmurs, the tingly sensation of his lips tracing a path down your collar, letting his tongue slip between the swell of your tits, pushed on display in this fucking uniform. “Just like- shit, do you have…?” His other hand comes under your skirt as well, reaches around the back to cup your ass, and at the base of your spine-
“Oh, fuck,” he whispers when he gets a grip on your tail, fingers tightening around it in a way that makes you cry out, high and trembling. “Fuck, I gotta-” He shifts the both of you, a quick motion that ends with you bent over the edge of the mattress while Vox flips your skirt up, exposes the cute fawn spots that covered your ass and thighs, the fluffy nub of your tail above the red lace of your panties.
“Fuckin’ red,” he mutters, mostly to himself, “just like him- what is it with fuckin’ deer and red? Do you all use the same style guide or something?” When you look back, there’s a note that appears on his screen- “ask Vel about deer style magazine?”- before he sees you watching and grins. “Might wanna hold onto something, doll,” he advises, and before you can ask him why his face is pressed against your rear, tongue slipping between the slick folds of your cunt and diving in.
The shock of it makes you yelp, immediately devolving into a moan that’s lost in the sheets when you bury your face into them. The slick muscle is long and strong, reaching deep and flicking against your inner walls with a fervor you’ve never had from a partner before. You try to grind your hips against the bed, the motion aborted when Vox’s large hands come up to your waist and hold you in place so he can lick into your pussy more efficiently, keeping you firmly against his screen. He moans at the taste of you and keeps you still with one hand, the other coming down to rub forcefully at your clit. You groan into the sheets, fingers fisting in the fabric and fuck, fucking finally,  pressure and friction where you wanted it. “Vox, sir, please,” you whine into the mattress, and he moans against you, the vibration of it from his screen adding a nice edge to the pleasure. “Please, please, please-”
Tongue still inside of you, you can hear his voice, broadcast from the speakers on his head- “I’m not sure you get to beg for anything, baby,” he says, and his tone drips sarcasm and amusement. “I could leave you high and dry and I would be well within my fucking rights- maybe I decide that perverts don’t get to cum.” His tongue starts to draw back, and when your walls clench down on him in protest he fucking laughs. “I guess fucking any deer will do, though- helps that you’re fucking cute, even if you don’t really look like-”
Like him. Like Alastor. It should have been insulting, and maybe a little terrifying that possibly the only thing keeping you from having been murdered on the spot when he opened that closet was that you were a fucking deer.
Logic had no place in your body right now, though; you’d been aroused for the better part of Satan only knew how long, and you would take what you could get. Maybe if you were lucky he would just fire you after he fucked you stupid. “Please,” you ask him again, not caring if you sound pathetic about it, and he does pull off your pussy now, leaves your soaked entrance clenching down on nothing. “Fuck, sir, please-” 
He chuckles and you hear the clinking of his belt behind you, loud in the quiet of his room that’s interrupted only by your soft moans into the mattress. “Don’t worry, Bambi,” he said, using the nickname for Alastor that he had spit in anger when he first came into the room. “I’ll give it to you- give it to you real fucking good.” His hand reaches above your head and grabs the pillow that had led you in here like a lamb to the slaughter, shifts your hips up enough to shove it under them while pressing against your back. You feel the hard line of his cock against your ass and resist the urge to grind back onto it, staying put until he decides to move.
“Ohh, look at that! That’s fucking cute,” he says, and there’s a hard grip on your tail, making you aware of the faint shakiness to the appendage in his grasp. “All twitchy and needy- you always get like this when you want a cock in you?”
Your response is a drawn out whine when he finally pushes in, and fuck- seeing it glow faintly against the pillow while he rutted to completion couldn’t have prepared you for having his cock inside of you, filling your cunt perfectly and still fucking going. Vox presses in slowly, methodically, until he’s buried balls deep and breathing heavily against your back. “Fuuuccckkk,” he groans, and the rumble of it through his chest makes your inner walls spasm around the hard length of him. “Oh fuck, baby, do that again,” he encourages, a hand squeezing at your tail, and what are you supposed to do? Not listen to him? You clench down and he chuckles, low and dangerous, and there are lips nipping at your skin where the shirt of your uniform leaves you exposed. “God fucking damn, Bambi, you’re just-” He pulls back, the drag of his dick inside of you leaving sparks of pleasure that burn behind your eyelids, and shoves back in, the tip of him bumping something soft and sweet inside you that makes the evidence of your arousal drip from where you’re connected. He sets a steady pace, and you wish you could fucking see him- watch him use your body for his pleasure like he had used the pillow, mindless with it, bucking his hips with reckless abandon.
A hand wraps around your throat, gently at first before the feeling of it makes you moan and he tightens his grip, thumb coming up to brush against your lips and smearing the drool that he finds there, having fallen unbidden from your mouth as you panted with your mouth open while he fucked you. “Making a mess of my sheets, huh? I like the sound of that- fucking the drool out of you while I fuck my cum into you-”
The keening cry you try to let out at that is garbled and broken with his hand squeezing your throat, the other still having a grand old time pulling on your tail, and fuck, you think you could cum just like this. “V-Vox, sir,” you manage to get out with the pressure on the sides of your neck, “please, gonna-”
“Gonna cum, baby?” He lets go of your throat and you fall forward onto the mattress, face burying in the sheets again and muffling your sounds- he brings his fingers to your clit to circle it while he fucks you, still pulling your tail, and everything inside of you feels like its tensing and electrified around your cunt where you’re stuffed full of him. “Come on, show me how- how fucking sorry  you are for getting caught with your hand down your panties.” He brings his face down next to yours, teeth snapping in your ear and licking up the side of your face at the tears that have leaked out. “Wanna fucking call me gross now, Bambi? When you’re about to cum on my cock like a goddamn slut- fuck, so close, it’s almost fucking perfect-”
Static sparks off his antennae, and you can almost feel the thrum of electricity though his body before it ends at his finger tips, shocking both your clit and the sensitive skin of your tail where he still holds it in a death grip- that’s all it takes for you to almost scream with your orgasm and drag him over the edge with you, a soft grunt of “Alastor, fuck, Al-” as he spends himself in long, hot pulses inside of you. Static still tingles lightly at his fingertips, causing tiny jolts of pleasure that make your muscles twitch and your walls flutter around Vox’s cock, drawing your release out until you’re almost overstimulated, trying to shift your hips out from under his body.
The hand on your tail tightens in warning. “Stay the fuck still for a sec,” he mumbles, and he presses his face against your back- you can feel the heat of it through your shirt. “Just fucking- came twice in the span of thirty minutes, let me catch my goddamn breath before you try to go again.”
“That’s not-” He presses hard against your clit and your body jerks in his hold. “Not helping,” you finish feebly, and he laughs against your flank before he lets go of your body and pushes back, pulling out with a loud, wet noise that brings a flaming blush to your face. “And not what I was trying to do.”
There’s a shuffle of movement and then the bed dips in front of you- you raise your head up from the mattress to see Vox eagle-spread across the sheets, his chest heaving. “No, you were just trying to get off in my closet after watching me fuck a pillow like a fucking loser. Not sure if that reflects worse on you or me.”
You flush, and prop yourself up on your elbows to watch him- he didn’t seem like he was as angry now, less likely to murder you probably. “It’s not great for either of us, but probably a little worse for me.” You take a deep breath, tense despite the orgasm that made your bones feel like goo. “I… I don’t think you’re going to kill me now? But I do understand if you would still like to fire me, sir- this was… lovely, but I was still unprofessional, and-”
“God, just- shut up, damn, is that also a deer thing? Never being able to stop talking? I’m not gonna fucking fire you.” He throws an arm over his screen, his internal fans whirring and blowing hot air across your face. “Are you any good at your job or do you hide in closets on a regular basis?”
“First time transgression, sir.” He chuckles, and you shift a little bit higher up. “Besides- you know, this, I do a good job.”
He hums, turning on his side to look at you- or more specifically, to look at the valley between your breasts where they’re pushed up from your position on your elbows. “Fuck,” he mutters, then actually meets your eye. “Can you get a cum stain out of a pillow?”
You resist the urge to laugh. “I can do more than just wipe it down with a damp cloth and throw it in the closet to sit for two days.”
“Oh, fuck you,” he says, his screen tinting pink, but he doesn’t actually seem upset about it. “It would have gotten cleaned eventually. The point is- you’ve already seen it, I don’t think there’s any reason why anyone else needs to.”
“Your dry cleaning woman hasn’t seen it before?”
“What, you think I make a fucking habit of this?” He sits up, crossing his legs on the bed to turn and look down at you. “First time transgression, doll. Fuckin’ Val bought me that thing as a joke a few years ago, I forgot about it entirely until he came back, and all this fucking tension came along with it that I obviously couldn’t do anything about with him. No one else has seen it, no one else- no one else knows.”
“I can keep a secret,” you find yourself saying. “And yes, I can get a stain out of a pillow like that.”
His eyebrow quirks up. “I’ll take your word,” Vox says. “Tell you what- you work your magic on that fucking thing, we toss it back into the closet- properly cleaned this time- and we can discuss some kind of arrangement between the two of us. A personal contract with me, instead of the collective like everybody else. You won’t have to wear that uniform anymore,” he adds, “but I can’t say one that I come up with would be any better. I’d keep that cute tail on display though.”
“Sounds like a plan.” You stand from the bed and enjoy the way that his eyes trail down your body, even if they do hover a little longer on your ears. “Do you keep any hydrogen peroxide in the apartment?” He blinks at you. “Bleach? Rubbing alcohol? Fuck, baking soda and vinegar?”
“I’m the CEO, what the fuck do I need any of those things for? Everything I need other people will do for me.”
“God damn it- okay then, you wait here and try to keep your hands off the pillow- I’ll be back.” With a grin rivaling the one on the soiled cushion's image you turn your back to the still grumbling demon. You couldn’t believe your luck - not only had Vox not killed you but you got a good fuck and the promise of some sort of a promotion out of the situation as well. With newfound confidence, you flipped your skirt up and wagged your tail at him before you disappeared through the door to look for the necessary supplies, chuckling to yourself as you heard the grumbling turn into a needy groan.
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sebscore · 1 year
hey lovely! i love how u write and i’ve just had this idea for a request for a while and it’s with charles and u know how he plays the piano 😁 so the reader loves to sing and has a really nice voice so he loves to play like an adele song and let her just singgg. I think it’s so sweeet, have nice day/night ily!!🫶
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pairing: charles leclerc x singer!reader
warnings: this is heavily inspired by taylor swift and joe alwyn's relationship!
author's note: this is probably the first and only time I'll ever complete a request the day it was requested lol- I'm proud of myself. I know it is not exactly like how you suggested it, but I still hope you enjoy it! thanks for the support and I hope you have a nice day!
• • • • • • •
''There is this one name that comes up a few times in the song credits,'' Jimmy puts the cover art of her new album down, ''Jules Perceval.'' He reads out loud, a humorous grin on his face.
Y/N nods her head, already knowing where this was going. ''Yes, Jules Perceval.'' She confirms.
''Your fans are quite confused on who this person is, because it's the first time they've shown up in your album credits and they have a lot of theories so can you confirm who Jules Perceval is?'' Her publicist had already confirmed with Jimmy's team that they had permission to ask about the mystery person that had producing credits on her new body of work.
The singer laughs as the audience reacts enthusiastically. ''Yes, I can,'' she mischievously smiles at Jimmy who claps his hands, ''Jules Perceval is a pseudonym for my boyfriend.'' As soon as the words left her mouth, the crowd started applauding and making 'ooh'- noises.
''Your boyfriend? Is he a composer or?'' The host grows more curious at the revelation that it's her significant other.
She shakes her head. ''No, he's actually a, uh, race car driver.'' Y/N chuckles, Jimmy's surprised face amusing her greatly.
''A race car driver? Wow, that's quite a contrast,'' he laughs, the audience giggling along with him, ''how did you guys end up working together? Because your jobs are vastly different.'' He asks, putting his cards down.
''It wasn't planned, but Charles- my boyfriend- he loves playing the piano and he's been doing that for years, and one day he was just playing around on it and not taking it very seriously, but he played this certain melody that caught my attention,'' she explained, ''I asked him to play it again, recorded it on my phone and I send it to my producer that I usually work with.''
''He sent a more worked out version of the melody back and that's how it came about.'' She finished her explanation.
Jimmy and the audience looked impressed. ''That's amazing! And why did he decide to use a pseudonym and not his real name?''
''We wanted people to listen to the song without having any higher expectations simply because he was in the credits.'' Y/N answers, diplomatically.
''Jules Perceval sounds very fancy,'' Jimmy smiled, gathering some laughs from the crowd, ''did you come up with that or did your boyfriend?''
''That was all him,'' she grinned, ''his godfather is named Jules and one of his middle names is Perceval so that's how the name came about.'' Y/N remembers clearly how proud Charles looked as he told her and her team which name he wanted to be credited under.
''I love that! Well, if the racing doesn't work out, he has another profession he can get right into.'' Jimmy teased, leaning his arms on the desk.
Y/N giggled, hiding her face in her hands. ''I'll tell him that.''
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''So… I can quit racing, huh?'' Charles' tired voice sounded over the phone, the mischief still present.
Y/N snorted at his greeting. ''You watched the interview then, I thought you might be too busy to watch it.''
''Of course I saw it, it was your first time on the show- I couldn't miss it.'' His words melted her heart, touched by the fact that he still took the time to watch her interview despite being busy in Italy with simulator work.
''I really appreciate it, honey- I hope you're doing well, you sound very tired.'' His voice was a bit deeper than usual, indicating just how exhausted he was.
She could hear him chuckle on the other side. ''I'm fine, chérie,'' he assured her, ''it was just a long day, that's all.''
Y/N was about to reply, but her manager waved her hands in front of her face. ''I'm sorry, we have to go now.'' She whispered, pointing at the door of the dressing room.
''You have to go, huh?'' Charles sighed.
''Yeah,'' the singer pouted, disappointed the couple didn't get to call for at least a few more minutes, ''I'll call you later, though.''
''It's okay, mon amour,'' despite not seeing him, she was sure he was smiling, ''I'm always proud of you, okay? I'm thinking of you.'' The driver let her know the words in his heart.
''I'm thinking of you too- I love you.'' Y/N bid him goodbye.
''Je t'aime.''
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philtstone · 1 month
Shawn and Gus, "comforting hugs"
you can also read it on ao3! psych: into the mollyverse coming soon to laptops near you. just kidding. i physically dont have time to fall headfirst into another elaborate kidfic series. which is what i always say, isn't it sort of canon divergence for the movies, tho i guess technically they havent fully committed to anything yet outside of the actors getting too old lol. takes place in the same universe as my great labor of love, "so here we are again" and, alas, i love molly already
Navigating the obstetrics ward in the middle of the night is harder than Gus ever expected it to be. It really feels like a critical failure of signage, which someone needs to be held accountable for. He wonders if there’s somewhere he can make a complaint. Three in the morning, arms laden with fragrant takeout and mildly damp from the mean streets of downtown San Francisco is not his ideal time for busting out the Super Sniffer.  
Thank God Axe body spray is strong enough to survive a full work day, twenty-four hours of labor, and an outfit change. 
He breathes a sigh of relief when he finally tiptoes back into the correct room. 
“Jerk chicken, sourdough donuts, and that weird lychee butter Juliet likes,” Gus whispers, setting down his many bags in a corner. “Shawn, we need to lodge a complaint. This establishment does not have good signage. I almost got lost five times coming back up here! Isn’t that a hazard to infants and mothers and best friends of families who’ve just had babies everywhere? What if someone goes into the wrong birthing room? That would leave random people’s babies vulnerable to the potential criminal element! If I was a babynapper, this hard to navigate hospital hallway system would absolutely serve as a good alibi were I suddenly caught in the wrong place.”
His last year of parenthood and decades of friendship with Shawn have honed Gus’s whispering skills to a finely tuned and precise art; he’s not really worried about disturbing Juliet, who is finally getting some much deserved sleep in the bed adjacent. She’s pretty much knocked out cold, anyway. Shawn had guessed it would take a freight train passing right outside the window or blowing an air horn directly into her ear to wake her up. 
It is a little weird that Shawn doesn’t reply, though. Gus spends the two seconds he spends bent over and rummaging through the takeout bags for forks confused about this. Then he straightens up and looks across the room.
They’ve got a little baby crib set up by the side of the bed so Juliet can sleep. There’s a chair right next to the cot, high enough that you can look right in. Shawn’s sitting in it, in the exact same place Gus left him, more or less unchanged except for the fact that he’s sobbing silently into his hands. 
Gus sighs softly, tilts his head, and puts the takeout box on the table that houses their overnight bags before walking over. At Shawn’s side, he pauses, looking down. He’s a little biased – there is probably no baby in the world as perfect as his own, not to mention Selene would kill him if he ever suggested otherwise – but at six hours old, Molly Spencer-O’Hara comes pretty damn close. Squinched shut blue eyes, puckered rosy mouth, and completely bald. Gus loves her desperately.
He pulls up the remaining empty chair beside them and sits down.
“Shawn,” he says gently. 
“It j-j-ust – it all kinda –” Shawn waves one uncoordinated hand in the air immediately beside his head, gesturing vaguely towards himself. His voice is muffled and wet against his hand and he’s barely able to control the way his hands are shaking. “All – at th-the same time –”
“Yeah,” Gus says. “I know.”
“Sh-she’s just so – and I’m – for her – a-and it’s –”
“I get it,” Gus says.
“A-am I supposed to j-just walk around f-feeling like this all the time?” Shawn finally manages. There’s a desperate and hysterical note to his voice, the question nevertheless still drenched in sincerity, and he lifts his head, just enough to maybe breathe properly, and stares at Gus with huge wet eyes full of an emotion that Gus had had no idea what it would feel like to share.
Considering they’ve spent their lives sharing almost everything else, it’s really weird how keenly and suddenly it brings a strong, unexpected lump to his throat that has nothing to do with his usual tendency towards sympathy tears. 
“Pretty much, yeah,” Gus says.
“Fuck,” Shawn says, and cries harder.
His face is splotchy and red and his hair is sticking up stupidly from the last day and a half of chaos. He’s still got the splint on his hand where Juliet sprained his fingers earlier. Without another word, Gus leans over and wraps his arms around his best friend in the world. 
Sighing again, carefully controlling the damp rimming his own eyes, Gus rubs a hand against Shawn’s back and pats his shaking shoulders and waits for the feelings Shawn rarely exhibits so openly to calm down.
“Is he freaking out?” sounds a sleepy, feminine murmur from the other side of the room.    
“In the best possible way,” Gus says, “yes.”
Shawn hiccups in his arms.
“‘Was waiting … f’r it t’happen,” Juliet mumbles. He can hear the fond smile in her barely-awake voice. “It’ll be okay, baby.”
“I hate you guys,” says Shawn, wet and pathetic, muffled into Gus’s shoulder.
“We know, Shawn.”
They sit like that for a few more minutes, the comfortable silence only broken sporadically by Shawn’s wobbly breathing and the soft steady beeps of the machines monitoring Juliet’s vitals. Gus’ll have to head home soon – he’s switching shifts with Selene, and then Henry and maybe Karen will help them settle back home in a few days – but right at this minute, there’s no other place in the universe he’d rather be. 
“You guys better leave some of that jerk chicken for me,” Juliet says after a moment, sounding significantly more awake.
“Are you kidding?” Shawn protests, finally – marginally – less water-logged. He still hasn’t detangled himself from the hug. “Half that food is for you.”
“You know that’s right,” Gus agrees.
From below them, a tiny little voice interjects, burbling softly. Grinning hard enough that the few tears lingering in his eyes slip out, Gus decides to think that she’s probably agreeing, too.
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chaithetics · 4 months
Lessons in History
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Pairing: Javi Gutierrez x f reader Word count: 2.8K Gif by @tomcriuse Warnings: fluff, reader had no physical description but she/her pronouns are used, flowers, some history, colonisation & discrimination mention (not graphic), not beta/proof read except for sending the first 3 paragraphs to @coulsons-fullmetal-cellist! A/N: This was written for @morallyinept's flora and fauna challenge for the month of May, green carnations are mentioned here but the real focus is on the Faqqu'a iris! I hope you all enjoy this and maybe learn a fun floral fact as well! The mentioned pieces of art are imagined and I didn't put in any artist names because I couldn't think of any, oops! Title was inspired from 'Lessons in Chemistry' because of name vibes, haven't read or seen it lol! Comments and reblogs are always appreciated 🫶 @mittos may you get to the botans soon bestie x
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Javi Gutierrez was nothing if not a patron of the arts. He was the biggest cinephile in all of Spain, he had the film memorabilia and Letterboxd account to prove it. Letterboxd had contacted him several months ago to let him know that he had logged the most rewatches of Face/Off than any other member, by a lot... He’d been enchanted by the theatre from a young age, he had an ever-growing collection of visual media, and he was a critically acclaimed screenwriter and producer. It’s why he was at this pop-up exhibition a History in Flora. Of course, it didn’t hurt that the curator and gallery educator was so pretty. 
He couldn’t take his eyes off her, she had an air of intelligent grace and while her eyes were kind, they definitely had the potential for a sharp wit. She was tidily dressed in colours that brought out the beauty of her skin tone and eyes, and a keffiyeh around her neck. She was positively radiant. A beauty that needed to be captured in art, he’d proudly commission such a piece by a dozen different artists just to try and find someone who would be able to capture her essence in their art. He was smitten by you as well. When you made eye contact with the handsome man, a slight blush coloured his cheeks and you couldn’t help but smile even wider. His soft curls were stunning, you gave him your best smile which made him melt more. If you kept smiling at him like that he’d either melt into a puddle or he’d hold a snowdrop bloom and become a new installation in the exhibition to symbolise his resilience with the challenge of not causing a scene and swooning over you and attempting to sweep you off of your feet.
You had a hand on your abdomen as you waited around near the entrance of the botanical gardens greenhouse, this was the opening day of your pop-up exhibition. One you’d been working on for months. Probably more like years with how you were such a history nerd and how one conversation with your cool aunt when you were a teenager sparked an interest in flowers and all the nerding out that came with that. 
Anxiety was looming in your stomach but that was to be expected, having your hand on your stomach wasn’t a super obvious marker of that though so you kept it there as you tried to imagine your diaphragm while regulating your breathing. Inhale. Exhale. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. 
While some people had already come in and started to make their way around the art, this would be the first guided tour of the exhibition. This project had been your artistic baby for so long, it felt really important to you and you just wanted it to go perfectly. 
You took a deep breath and listened to your amazing colleague who came over after a moment as you both ran through some things quietly and in what felt like the blink of an eye, you were now standing with a group of about a dozen people of all ages and had started to guide the tour. 
You weren’t sure if you’d blacked out and started, you weren’t sure what that would feel like so you couldn’t compare it to anything else, but you were certain it would feel something like this. You don’t know what had happened but your feet had started moving and your mouth had turned up into a friendly smile and words started spilling out as you’d started to lead the keen group around the exhibition. 
You all walked around and discussed the sculptures, crochet installations, and paintings. The group was interested and respectful, there were some witty questions and there was a plethora of interested and respectful questions as well. 
Whenever there’s a point you almost forget to add in Javier will smile and politely raise his hand to ask a question, a gesture that nobody else makes before they ask a question. He’s too cute. His existence is taking almost everything in you not to giggle when you look into his sparkling chocolate eyes and nod and he then asks the perfect question for you to elaborate on something. “Ah…” He coos at the right times when you speak. 
“How interesting!” He genuinely exclaims with a fascinated and kind smile when you add in a stroke of a fun fact while painting the context of a piece. 
You’re feeling more and more confident with each piece you show and talk about. Having your personal, professional hype man in Javier is extremely helpful. It’s the little necessary boost in confidence that helps bring you back into your body and in no time you’re feeling more present in the moment and that you can truly enjoy it. 
There are pieces and interesting conversations about peonies, a Chinese symbol of wealth adored by Emperors, violets, a queer symbol of sapphic women going all the way back to Sappho on Lesbos island thousands of years ago. The group are interested and engaged throughout the various topics which makes you smile. 
You smile more widely as you and the group arrive at the next three pieces. Javier’s eyes shine as he sees the genuine but more customer service polite smile turn into a wider, awe-inspired smile as they get to the next piece. His eyes take in how your eyes glow like the most luminous image in the world. You’re a true piece of art. He thinks of how inspired and meta it is that the most beautiful piece of art in the world is sentient and is the one loving art and educating the public on it while being completely unaware of the masterpiece that she is. 
His cheeks heat up, he’ll keep that image of you as a mental photograph to treasure for years. He’s not sure if he’ll ever have the words to describe it with justice in one of his screenplays but he’ll try. It’ll be the look of love on the intelligent lead’s face, and then the romantic look of love, that’s on his face right now, will be seen on the love interest’s face. 
You’re completely unaware of Javier’s thoughts as you’re not a mind reader. But you smile more as you look at this next piece. You love every piece in this exhibition of course, but these next few pieces stunned you the most with their power and the artistic vision and skill that went into them. You had felt honoured to be able to work with these artists. 
The piece that your group have now stood around is a display with a series of woven Waratah flowers in different stages of bloom, all bright in colour. The crimson of the flower is so eye-catching and gasp-inducing. All of the pieces are stunning but this is one of your favourites, you happily reactivate into nerd mode for this piece. 
“This is a collection of the Waratah flower through its cycle of life.” You catch the amazement in the eyes of people who step closer to take in the vibrant colour and detail in this piece, you pause to let it truly have its moment, before continuing. “The Waratah is a stunning crimson bloom native to Australia, that has particular significance to the Aboriginal communities there. Its name comes from ‘Warada’ which is an Eora Aboriginal word meaning ‘beautiful’.” You say as you smile and look at the woven piece, its colour is so vibrant, while it may not be a real bloom that everyone is looking at, it’s still clear that it deserves to have a name like that. “Each Spring in the southern hemisphere, when the Waratah blooms it’s viewed as a time of new beginnings and marking of the new season. The flower has a history of being used medicinally for the Aboriginal peoples in Southeast Australia, and symbolises the powerful connection between indigenous peoples and their land. Indigenous peoples aren’t homogenous but there is a shared experience with connections to land and the trauma of the loss of land that has come with colonisation along with other institutional and intergenerational traumas that have occurred and continue to as a result of colonisation.” 
Collaborating with indigenous and other artists with histories of resilience and oppression had been an honour and you were happy for it to be platformed in this space and to see people engaging with it. 
You guide the group to the next piece in the exhibition, which was a mixed-media collage painting. Two men were painted outside of a theatre, they were wearing suits and hats and each had a green carnation visibly pinned to the lapels of their blazer. It was then collaged with newspaper headlines about men charged with sodomy and homosexual law reform. 
“The red carnation symbolises deep love and affection, pink meaning gratitude, white meaning pure love. The green carnation wasn’t originally given a specific meaning like its differently pigmented cousins.” You say as you look at the large painting, it was truly incredible, the brushwork was stunning and the colours had been pulled together perfectly. 
“In 19th century Paris, it became a fashionable coded way of queer men signalling their queerness to each other.” You see Javier raise his hand and you smile and nod, confirming him to ask his question. 
“This is in relation to Mr Oscar Wilde, the poet and playwright, right, Miss?” He asked with a big smile. “Yes.” You smiled at him warmly which made cheeks widen with a big, innocent grin. “In 1892 Oscar Wilde popularised this symbol by asking his friends to wear it on their left lapel when attending the opening night of his play Lady Windermere’s Fan. Boygenius’ pink carnation is a reference to Elliot Smith, not Oscar Wilde, I’m afraid.” You add with a small chuckle that gets a few laughs in the group, mainly the younger ones but Javier chuckles like you said the wittiest thing ever. 
There were a couple of questions about this piece and a discussion on all the different elements of this piece. You took a deep breath in and made eye contact with Javier, he gave you a warm reassuring smile. He mouthed you can do this! And his eyes were as warm as a hug from your closest friend you haven’t seen in months. 
You then guided the group to the final piece, it was the big finale of the exhibition, something truly incredible. You looked at the gorgeous, blooming sea of purple with hints of dark yellow, brown, and green sprinkled through the cloak. 
“Here, we have this stunning cloak.” You paused to take it in and to see the expressions of everyone else take in how detailed and time-consuming this must’ve been. “This cloak is covered in the Faqqu’a iris, the national flower of Palestine. Covered in over 300 handmade flowers, each one is made out of satin that had been hand-dyed and or hand-painted by this young artist.” 
“The Faqqu’a iris is typically purple and has grown in the mountain ranges of Palestine.” 
“Purple irises symbolise intelligence, no?” He asked with a gentle smile on his face as he looked at you. 
“Yes, along with royalty and strength and courage. Which is particularly fitting here.” You say with a smile, Javier thoughtfully nods, almost as if he wasn’t aware and this is new information to him. “The Faqqu’a iris has suffered as part of the resulting ecocide of Israeli settler colonialism and the illegal occupation. The flower has become critically endangered due to over picking and deforestation for Israeli settlements dating back to the Nakba in 1948. This became worse in the 50s and the flower has been called endangered, vulnerable and at the risk of extinction several times by various organisations.
This artist had been making some blooms for a project but was inspired to create and finish this piece after the 2024 Met Gala which had the theme of ‘The Garden of Time’, the story that inspired the theme and the fashion choices were opulent, showing a great class divide, and apathy towards the struggle of many. This, the complicity of guests and media covering this and the media distraction away from the genocide Israel has been committing upset many. Fashion was not used as a form of protest at that event. Which is highlighted here, with how simply it could be done.” 
You look at the cloak for a moment and then have a conversation about all of this and the exhibition as a whole. Slowly the group breaks off, some leaving and others deciding to stick around. You take a deep breath in and then another one out as this has happened, the rest of this pop-up is going to go well, you know it. 
“Excuse me, Miss,” you’re interrupted by Javier’s words with his thick accent and kind face. “I have to say that I truly feel like an expert in floriography and the social history of blooms across the globe.” He continued, smiling as the few lines around his eyes creased in delight as he looked at you. 
You couldn’t help but chuckle at his words. Your sweet cheerleader. 
“I’m glad to educate a stranger, always.” You playfully tease. “A stranger, mi amor?” He asks feigning shock as he pecks your cheek softly. 
“Thank you for coming, it was really sweet.” You say softly as you smile at him. 
“You were truly exceptional, mi amor! So smart! So creative! So pretty!” He exclaims as he looks around at the exhibition in awe. 
“You’re too kind.” 
“Do you think any of the patrons saw through my sneaky disguise?” He asks playfully with a bright large smile. He’s so playful and endearing, if you had a cold heart, he’d melt it. 
“No,” you chuckle. “I don’t think anybody wondered if the inquisitive patron is seeing the guide.” You chuckle more as you look at him. 
“Maybe I pay more attention to pretty educators, and this exhibition has the prettiest one, who could not be inquisitive amor?” Javi then turned in a theatrical way. “I believe I just saw someone delivering and installing an installation live?” 
“Wait-what?” You ask, as you quickly turn. “Is-” Your eyes widened as you saw the purple hues of a large bouquet of flowers being delivered to your colleague at the entrance who was nosily checking the note.  “We should see the history behind this one no, amor?” He asked with a hopeful smile as if you wouldn’t want to look at a big bouquet that had been delivered. You nodded and gave his cheek a soft peck as you walked over to take the flowers from your colleague, she winked at you and smiled at Javi. 
Purple irises that symbolised intelligence, the man had done his homework. But you suppose he had done that just by living with and loving you. A similar purple hue was in the greenery backing the bouquet, the heliotropes, everlasting, eternal love. The centrepiece was your favourite flowers which made you smile. The other little flowers carefully placed in were beautiful and he had certainly picked up one of the many floriography books that had been sprawled out on the dining room table lately. 
“You and your sweet words and gestures and perfect curls.” You say with a small breathless chuckle as you look up at him, he smiles back at you. The flowers are gorgeous and there’s a sweet smell as you look at him. 
“Well amor, I’ll look around again and then go back to the entrance for the next tour.” Javier says smiling widely. “You don’t need to stay for the next tour, it was so sweet of you to come now- it helped.” You say after letting out a small chuckle at his offer. “Is it too much?” He asked as his eyes widened, worried he’d maybe overstepped. His face was always so reactive and sweet. “I’m just so proud and always impressed by you, it is marvellous to see the passion you have when you speak of the intersection of art and history.” 
“No, not at all, it’s so sweet.” You reassure him as your cheeks heat up. You feel very loved with all the little sweet gestures happening, the flowers, him showing up to the opening day of the exhibition, engaging as if he’s a stranger enthralled by this, wanting to spend the day doing that. And he does.
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March Creator of the Month: Bayleedraws-sometimesx
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Each month, CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers or artists, and this month’s creator of the month is the lovely @bayleedraws-sometimesx!  The writer is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page. Past COTM's can be found here. Center photo by the lovely @bayleedraws-sometimesx!
Quick Links:
Tumblr Blog
How do you want to be known on Tumblr? 
More below...
When did you start playing Choices? What was the first book you played? 
I think it was in 2018, and I first played Bloodbound 1. 
When and why did you join Choices fandom?
It was December 2020. I was really struggling at that point; my whole life had changed, and I still hadn't come to terms with it after a year. It was just an escape. 
How did you pick your blog name? 
It’s just my name and what I do. 
Pull up the first post in your archive, and tell us about it!  
It’s just a pfp i did over halloween. It’d me dressed like Sally from Nightmare before Christmas. 
Do you write fanfiction, create fan art, or are you one of those really gifted people who do both? 
I used to want to be a writer. I really love writing stories, I’ve never really written any fanfiction, but technically, I can draw and write. 
How long have you been creating for Choices and for any other fandoms?
It’ll be four years in December since I’ve been creating Choices-related stuff, but ever since I was a little kid, I’d get obsessed with different shows/ characters and write/ draw them. 
What is your favorite Choices book, and what is your favorite Choices book to create for?
My favourite book is definitely Bloodbound. I love drawing BB related stuff because I have a slight obsession with Kamiliah 
Share your first Choices fanfic or fan art that you posted with us. Do you still like it, or would you change it if you were creating it today?
It was a drawing I did for @ao719. I think I would change a lot if I were to draw it now. I don’t really like it anymore, and my style has definitely changed over the years.  I find it really embarrassing looking back at old drawings. 
What is your favorite piece of fiction or art that you created? 
A BB animation (I still haven't finished), but it was really fun writing the story and designing/ drawing everything. 
Do you have a creation that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to do well but found it could use a little more love?
I never expected any animations to do well and was very surprised when they did. I’m really sure that I would like to get more attention. 
If you could only draw one style or type of art for the rest of your life, what would it be and why? 
I don't know. I’m moving into my own flat soon, so I’ve been drawing some scenery pieces I’m going to put up once I’m there. I find them really therapeutic to draw, so maybe that. 
Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs?
What element of art do you struggle with most?
Probably finishing the pieces off. By that point I’ve stared at it for so many hours that all I can see are  the problems with it. 
Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
Absolutely, I’m going through a lot right now so there’s quite a lot of things that i really do want to finish but i just dont have the motivation. 
If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to see your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you show them first? 
Maybe. My big brother taught me how to draw, so occasionally, I’ll let him look at some of my drawings. 
16 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing or art? Are there any artists that influence you?
I can’t think of anyone published that I looked up to or have really inspired my artwork. There’s definitely people that i know in my life that have. 
Which one of your creations would you like to see fiction written about? 
I have absolutely no idea lol 
Do you write original fiction or create non-fandom art? 
Yeah, I love creating new characters and really animations doing animations of my original characters.
What other hobbies do you have?
A lot of crafty things. I was taught how to sew, knit, and crochet as a kid, and those are things I still enjoy doing now. 
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impactedfates · 11 months
JDBJDBDKN i’m new and in the nicest way possible, your fix’s are so TASTY I WANT TO EAT THEM SO BAD.
Not the same anon who requested the Jing Yuan’s child fics but I really loved them sm, could I get a continuation of that AU on more of reader’s divination abilities and antics and come with it? 💕💕
Genre/Trope: Platonic + Mainly just more HCs on reader and their antics in the divination commission with Fu Xuan (Auntie Fu Xuan anyone?)
Format: Head Cannons + Mini Scenarios
Warnings: None
Extra: More Fu Xuan in this then Jing Yuan as we're talking about readers job lol // Not fully proofread, just rambles of this AU // Reader is a teen in this // Original Jing Yuans child fic here
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I feel like how you wanting to be a diviner was when Fu Xuan had to babysit you once when Jing Yuan was busy. During this time she decided to take you to work and show you the magic future things. This sparked you, you came home and told Jing Yuan you wanted to be like Auntie Fu Xuan. He was happy you took an interest but uh *ahem* (Fu Xuan won that day)
On the rare days you do decide to be nice and not trick whoever your doing a divination for, I feel if you don't laugh or do a dramatic wince and you're serious about it. They STILL think you're pretending, thinking something really bad is going to happen.
To be honest, no matter what you do they'll think you're pretending until you're older I feel. If you wince genuinely or not they'll think you're joking as well.
[Name]: Bro your house is gonna get robbed… Random: Yeah right, what's actually going to happen? [Name]: I'M SERIOUS, YOU'RE GONNA BE HOMELESS :fearful: Random: So I'm tripping on a pebble tomorrow?
You usually have lunch with Fu Xuan, she'll probably take you somewhere peaceful where she'll eat lunch by your side...however, if word got to her that you messed with people again during the job? Expect a big lecture during your lunch break.
Qingque loves you, like. She loves your antics so much. She loves hearing them and if she manages to convince you to slack off with her, better pray Fu Xuan doesn't catch the both of you.
As much as Fu Xuan does lecture you, she cares a l o t for you. If anyone tells her you're in trouble with enemies, best believe the person who's the cause of it will be seeing a VERY angry Fu Xuan.
The two of you gossip ONLY if the both of you agree whoever youse just did a divination for was an ass. And Fu Xuan can be s a s s y.
When you were younger you tried to make some food with the things you found in your kitchen and gave it to both Fu Xuan and Jing Yuan for their lunch at work. Sadly...as a child you weren't exactly a world class chef...but they both still ate it to keep you happy.
Fu Xuan most definitely favours you over the other diviners she works with. It's so clear to the others with how she lectures others more harsher then she does you. Also your punishment for misbehaviour or slacking is always so little. But can they blame her? You're her nibling! (GN! term of nephew/niece I think)
You horribly drew her once as a gift when you were like 6 and it's been on her fridge ever since.
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I did add a Jing Yuan header first, but after writing this I realised this is more of a reader and Fu Xuan centered thing so changed it lol. Fu Xuan needs more content I feel, she's so interesting!! My next requests are all fics/mini scenarios so I'll get on those as soon as I can >:D
Also! Recently made an art blog for my ocs and other things, feel free to give it a follow if you want :>>
Art Blog: @argentimybeloved
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pluckyredhead · 9 months
so what did you not like about worlds finest teen titans? There were a lot of dropped plot threads and bits I expected Waid to develop more (Roy and Ollie conflict, Roy, Garth and Wally never resolved their sleepover argument, Karen's reaction at the con to nearly being unmasked, Wally's parents, ect) and also the queerbaiting with garth (and his eyes changing colour halfway through???) was annoying. I thought it was cute overall but maybe I'm not familiar enough with some of the characters?
I held on to this ask because I was going to reread the miniseries to answer you more accurately, and then I decided to not put myself through that, so...hopefully my memory is accurate lol.
(I should note before I get into it that none of my quibbles are with Emanuela Lupacchino's art. She's a treasure and we're thrilled that she's here.)
But yeah, you've put the nail on the head with a lot of it. It was just terribly paced, like Waid didn't know how many issues he had or something. Aside from all the dropped threads you mentioned, it felt like the main bad guys were...pretty much hastily introduced, or at least assembled, in #5? There didn't seem to be any kind of...well, point to this miniseries. There was no theme. There was nothing Waid was trying to say, as far as I could tell, except "Fuck Roy Harper." (Oh, we'll get to that.) It wasn't an origin story for the team. It wasn't about adolescence or coming of age or learning who you are, except maybe a little bit for Garth. It was just...there.
And I want to be clear here: Mark Waid is one of my favorite comic book writers of all time. When he hits, he hits. The regular World's Finest book and his Shazam are wonderful. I just think this wasn't the right match of writer/characters, because he didn't handle these very well. Taking them one by one:
Dick: DC is fully in their "Dick the unbearable Mary Sue" era and this book is no exception. If I never see another comic where a whole team of experienced superheroes with major league powers and training stands around like incompetent jackasses until a Bat comes along and tells them what to do, it'll be too soon. I'm here to read about an ensemble book where everyone is a three-dimensional character, not The World's Most Perfect Boy and his loser sidekicks. Not only is it unfair to everyone else in the cast, it's doing a disservice to Dick, who is a much more interesting character than this book (or Tom Taylor, ahem) gives him credit for.
(There's also something very weird and inconsistent Waid is doing across his books with Dick - WF, WFTT, and BvR - where sometimes he's throwing a tantrum because he doesn't get to be a circus star with everyone looking at him all the time, and sometimes he's screaming at Roy for filming them, and both feel utterly arbitrary to me as well as contradictory.)
Donna: Donna's characterization in this was just...bizarre. I was a little worried about how Waid would handle her, since he has a tendency to turn more quote unquote "wholesome" female characters into the Mom Friend (see: his Champions run, where he tries to get away with it by having Kamala announce that she's not going to be the Mom Friend because she's the only girl on the team...and then immediately becoming the Mom Friend), and Donna's already very much a Mom Friend, and I didn't know what Mom Friend Squared would look like. But instead he went for this...Manic Pixie Nightmare Girl approach? Where she's really into bungee jumping and monster trucks? I'm not offended by it, it's just so utterly random. This isn't who Donna is? It's never been who she is? Baffling.
I am offended (I mean, mildly, but still) by the fact that she and Garth are shoehorned together in this. He's the only boy on the team she's never been romantically linked to, even in dreams/hallucinations/whatever, so completing the set feels very much like Donna's only narrative worth is in being a love interest, which...gross.
Garth: Garth probably got the best treatment of the bunch, to be honest. He was in character as the shy little weirdo he was in the Silver Age and in pretty much every flashback we've ever seen. He's smart and perceptive and bad at saying what he wants and generous towards those who have hurt him, all of which is very Garth. I have no complaints about him except the weird queerbaiting, and I'm not blaming Waid for that because from what I understand, solicits are written by editorial working off of a pitch, potentially before the comic is even written, so who knows what happened there? It might have been a stupid joke that didn't land, it might have been a story that was pitched and then a higher up vetoed it, it might have been a story Waid was going to write and then changed his mind. I'm not going to say it's his fault when I have no idea if that's true. Otherwise, I think he handled Garth well.
Wally: Wally was another one where I was just like ??? the whole time. He didn't feel like Wally, he felt like Bart. But, like, fanon's innocent child version of Bart and not the actual canon character, who has a lot more backbone. Why is he hero worshipping Dick like that? Why is he so docile? What was up with that weird line where Dick's like "you're the youngest?" Yes, historically Dick had already dropped out of college while Wally was still in high school, but otherwise they've always been portrayed as the same age. And if it's a reference to debut year, Donna's the youngest. It's such a random throwaway line dumped in at the very end for...why? Confusing me personally?
The worst, though, was whatever the hell was going on with Wally's parents. Wally's parents are not an idyllic suburban couple! They are not the Kents! Rudy West is only not classified as a supervillain because he doesn't have a costume! Even if he hadn't tried to kill Mary, sold the Earth out to alien robots, faked his own death, or run a deadly labor camp for children at this point in the timeline, he definitely hit Wally and, uh, poisoned Wally's Little League coach. I don't think Mary is as bad as some of fandom does, but she's certainly a difficult person. Wally was desperately unhappy at home as a child, which is why he latched on so hard to Barry and Iris. And Waid knows this, because he wrote a lot of that canon. If it's a retcon, it's such a strange, pointless one that makes all of them a lot less interesting. Just baffling.
Karen: I think it was a very smart choice to add Karen to the founding roster and make the team slightly more gender-balanced and not all-white. It's kind of a wasted choice, though, when she's so aggressively sidelined. All she does in this book is hang around with Mal and the support staff. She isn't looped into any of the major emotional conflicts - Garth and Donna, Dick and Roy, Roy and Wally and Garth. She's not treated as a headliner in the same way the others are, and that really sucks.
Roy: Hoo boy.
When Waid was announced as the writer of Batman vs. Robin, I was worried, because I had a feeling he didn't like Damian. I couldn't put my finger on why, it was just a feeling I had. And boy howdy, was I proved right! Damian is treated like shit in that book.
I had the same feeling with this book and Roy, and...let's just say I'm two for two, okay?
Here's the thing. I'm okay with Roy being written as kind of shitty, especially during his period of his life. Teen Titans: Year One writes him as an utter fuckboy, and I love that comic. The Mal and Karen issue of The Other History of the DC Universe retells the Bronze Age Titans era from their perspective, and it pulls absolutely no punches regarding Roy being, well, kind of an asshole...and it's right to do so, because it's drawing very directly from those 1970s comics, and he was often awful in those.
But Waid writes him as a generic 80s movie villain. He's a human popped collar. He's a stereotype of a bully. My problem isn't that I need him to never do anything wrong, it's that nothing in this book is specific to Roy, his history, or his established personality.
For instance, all of his bragging about how much money he has? He comes off like a kid who was born into wealth and has never known anything else, but that isn't true. He was at best middle class before Ollie, probably more likely working class given the economic situation on most reservations - but there's no indication that he's responding specifically to that shift in circumstances. He's just, like, Draco Malfoy with arrows. Also, Dick has a nearly identical history but none of the same issues. He even says "Roy and I have the same background but he sucks." Why is one of them a perfect angel untouched by filthy lucre, and the other is Bradley Uppercrust III?
And then there's the subplot with Ollie neglecting Roy, which fizzled out to a real wet fart of a resolution. But honestly, at no point did I know where Waid was going with that, because...well, if you know Roy's history, you know Ollie neglecting him is what leads directly to Roy getting into drugs. And like...first of all, the timeline here is off, because historically Ollie didn't ditch Roy until after he lost his money, and he still has it here. (How interesting would it have been to have Roy pretending he was still rich in addition to pretending Ollie was around?) But also, this comic ends on an "and now everything is fine!" note, but it isn't! It really, really isn't. So Ollie showing up at the end and being like "I'm here for you, buddy" doesn't ring true, because he is demonstrably not in this very comic, and we also know he won't be in the future. And Roy getting what he wants doesn't feel like a satisfying resolution either because we don't actually get to see changed behavior from him, and again, we know this won't last. (Again, TT:YO handles this dynamic very well, where we see that Ollie is an affectionate but negligent guardian who Roy is learning some very bad habits from.)
And to top it off, constantly contrasting Terrible Roy to Virtuous Dick and simultaneously pretending that Ollie was at this point a responsible guardian has the (I hope unintentional) effect of implying that Roy will eventually become an addict because he's just a bad and weak person, instead of a struggling teen who needed support and didn't get it. I would have actually preferred a story that hinted at the beginning of Roy's addiction and how he hides it from the Titans, because we've never had that story told in comics, but I don't think Waid's the one to write it. Instead we get a conflict that's out of character for Roy, a resolution that doesn't feel at all earned, and the looming threat of Roy's immediate future which Waid refuses to address.
In conclusion, this book was a mess, and you should all read Teen Titans: Year One instead.
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
*deep breath* ok ok so
This mahwa is action-fantasy so I'm expecting the stereotypical uber-OP or hardworking underdog kind of main characters, but then we meet our MC and the thing he does is:
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And immeditely I'm intrigued, because quite honestly he seemed pathetic. I wondered how they were gonna turn him around.
For some background info: our MC, Gong-ya, is an average person living in a world where a mysterious tower filled with monsters sprung up out of nowhere. People inside the tower are in general from the lower classes, looking for treasure and opportunities by challenging the many levels of the tower. Our MC is jealous of the current #1 player, who is wealthy and irreverent, and wants to be like him so much that the system rewards him for (lol)
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with the skill to randomly receive a skill from his murderer.
Soon after that, while he's drowning his sorrows in alcohol from receiving this seemingly useless skill, the MC overhears the #1 murdering another player, and is subsequently killed himself just for being nearby. Fortunately for him, he receives the #1's skill to revive 24hrs prior to dying (though it comes with a cost). Realizing how twisted he is, how many people have probably died in much the same way, and that the #1 is unkillable with such a skill, the MC exploits his newly acquired skill to go back 11 years into the past (via ~4050 suicides) and murder the #1 before he gained any of his skills.
I think what I love about our MC most is how utterly human he is. He is petty, and sassy, and a little bit pathetic, and he wants recognition and power and money, but he is also the goddamned KINDEST human being you'll ever see. Instead of swearing vengeance and powering up gradually to "destroy" the #1, he decides to turn back the clock to before the #1 received his revival skill, in order to both avenge himself and prevent the murders of the thousands that had previously been killed by him. He learns that the power he had so coveted often comes from psychopathic behavior, and becomes determined to never be like that himself.
And he's so empathetic to others, often in little ways that go unseen and unrewarded, yet he soldiers on, dying again and again and again, reliving the trauma of his killers every time and somehow becoming MORE empathetic every time.
He is not overpowered, and he has to earn every victory inch by bloody inch through pain and effort and death, while simultaneously living through so much trauma that he struggles to maintain his ego intact. He doesn't just depend solely on his skills, he's also incredibly freaking clever, finding the best way to use his strengths and those of people around him every time. With every revival he gains just a smidgen more information, just a bit more of the battle moves and strategies of his opponents, sometimes gaining just a few seconds of progress. And wonderfully, instead of growing colder and more jaded he BECOMES KINDER STILL, determined to avoid the most bad endings for the greatest amount of people he can,and I just ahfjhsjgdhsgdshgsh I love him SO MUCH
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I also love how, very frequently, we start out in a setting that seems comedic, ridiculous or stupid, but we're later given an explanation that sheds devastating light on the situation.
For example, at some point the MC arrives in a doomed, dying "martial arts" world plagued by a zombie apocalypse, where the only two surviving people are members of opposing factions that refuse to stop fighting even though their world is completely collapsed around them.
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Seems stupid right?
Turns out that both of those people were already bitten, and were holding off the infection through their ki temporarily. And as martial artists, they were terrified of dying a meaningless death, rotting away on the floor, unmoving, alone, and forgotten.
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So they fought.
And fought.
And fought.
Even though they had been using almost all of their strength holding back the infection
Even though all they could manage to do was bite and pull hair and slap
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They fought, and hoped the other could manage to strike a killing blow, and they could go out in a "blaze of glory", fighting their life-long rival
And yet they never could bring themselves to go all out, because they knew - if one of them was the victor, the other was doomed to die rotting alone.
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So our wonderful, amazing MC finds this out and not only becomes the disciple of one of the survivors so they can live on in their teachings (despite having to die hundreds of times over in order to master the pain-based martial arts of his new teacher), but also collects the findings of his alchemist every time until they manage to create a cure within the time limit, AND brings back more disciples, AND gets his master a duel of sorts with the only martial artist on her level before she passes in his arms.
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And it's beautiful, and heartbreaking, and I loved it I LOVED IT SO SO MUCH YOU DONT UNDERSTAND
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The manhwa is called "SSS class suicide hunter" and EVERYONE NEEDS TO READ IT I SWEAR YOU GUYS ITS SO GOOD YOU WONT REGRET IT
Holy shit this looks magnificent
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toadlilyaus · 5 months
Okay so I just finished reading the sunshine court (probably gonna hop right back in and reread it soon lol) I'm gonna keep things super vague for spoiler reasons, (but if you've read it and feel like screeching into the void with me send me a message cause I have thoughts lol) but without giving too much away...
I feel so vindicated right now lol. So many of my personal headcannons were proven true (and more of them at least have more evidence to imply they could be true under the right circumstances (ie in the conditions of the au my fic is set in)) so many charecter dynamics and implied charecter dynamics. So many themes and motifs and just- like even things that weren't about Jean or any of the main charecters, but just things that were present or implied with side charecters and then Jean's reaction to it. I feel so vindicated. I love being right lol
Like going into this I had already decided not to let anything revealed in this book change the direction or characterization or 'cannon' of my fic. And I'm still not gonna let it affect too much. But there's so much in here that if I were to kinda allude to or put my own twist onto it then it wouldn't actually change anything at all, and I'm loving that.
But also there was so much I wasn't expecting that just adds even more depth to things. I'm obsessed. I'm biting at the rails of my enclosure. I'm eating dirt.
Come rant to me if you've finished the book, but I'm feeling so inspired again now. I'm probably gonna spend the next few weeks in a constant cycle of writing, art, and doing re-reads of this and the original trilogy. I just have so much to say about all of this. The IMPLICATIONS! Ahhhhhh!
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aspisera · 11 months
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(Updated 08/27/24) (mm/dd/yy)
#SINSS!AU (this is a Deltarune HORROR AU)
#Titans!AU - A Deltarune AU of mine that assigns the DR main cast (Azzy and Dess included) as stars with Titan influence.
Hey, I'm Aspisera. You can call me Asp.
Pan and any pronouns, these bitches got me good.
I like horror/horror movies. I really like Hereditary and I'm a sucker for the first Scream film.
I really do like all music.. just like.. shove it in my ears and I'll vibe with it.
I also have a soft-spot for musicals and theater (like Waitress and Ride The Cyclone). I really love Something Rotten!
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This is my art signature. You see this anywhere on any piece on any site with anyone who claims my shit as theirs, you tell me in the askbox.
My reblogs are on this blog as well
(Original art tag is below in "TAGS" section)
Mutuals feel free to message me.
All art I reblog is tagged with their respective fandoms
If it's art/picture of an animal then the post is tagged with the animal.
#cuppy dog city!!! - The only exception to the animal tags (all dogs baybeeeee!!!!).
#asp's fanwork - Art of mine that's related to fandoms (Active 11/17/23).
#I ate mold today - Art of mine that's not related to any fandoms (usually is related to me/mutuals).
#aspen sound off - I answer what you send me.
#fly in the blinds - txt post tag (active 1/16/24)
#asp got tagged - People tag me in stuff (like picrew chains). This is what I use to respond.
#EATS AT MY BRAIN - probably the only post(s) that will pull me back in with my core-fandom once more if I ever fall out of it (this tag is mostly for me lol).
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adipostsstuff · 1 month
THE THING ABOUT DANGANRONPA THAT YOU SAID SOUNDS FUN AND COOL!!! a friend of mine is really into the whole series but I've never seen or played anything, if I were to jump into the web series, is there any previous knowledge I need? :O
Omg I'm so excited that I managed to get you interested in this Web series, it's really good but I didn't expect you would actually show interest!
The web series can be found on YouTube under the name Danganronpa Despair Time, there are playlists for the prologue, chapter 1 and the first part of chapter 2. The series went on hiatus part way through chapter 2 due to the creator's health (who does all of the writing and art by themself btw) but the remainder of chapter 2 is nearly finished so can be expected to come out soon (which means you got in at a perfect time lol). There's also bonus episodes, free time events and character music videos which aren't necessary for understanding the main story but can provide interesting information that I would personable leave until after watching the main series should you wish to do so. There's also quite a hit of info on their Tumblr page @danganronpadespairtime which I would check out that also has the progress bar.
In terms of Canon game knowledge, I'm not sure if there's anything you need to know. It is based off the timeline of the main games but everything that you need to know for the series is explained so I don't think you necessarily need to know what happens, someone else who's seen the series can correct me if I'm wrong (it does spoil the canon games though, particularly the first one, so bear that in mind). While it is set in the same timeline, the story is completely original, at least so far, so I think you're good, though if you're not planning to get into the canon games or if you don't care about spoilers for them you could ask your friend if there's anything you dont get. It would probably be helpful to know the structure of these games but I can just explain that right now: 16 Ultimate students (high schoolers chosen by a special school that are the best among high schoolers in the country in a particular field) are trapped in a closed location by a robotic bear (which can be replaced by other animals in fan projects) and the only way to escape is to kill another student without getting caught. Once a body is discovered the remaining students have to investigate for a while before they are made to participate in the class trial where they discuss and eventually vote for who they think did it. If the majority vote is correct only the killer is executed but if it is wrong everyone except the killer is executed and the killer gets to leave.
A bit more propaganda: I talked about my blorbo in length but really all of the characters are great. I can think of a few you would like but I won't say who so your experience can be as unbiased as possible (not sure if that's the right word haha). Not to spoil anything but the series does treat its characters in a similar way to how Milgram does, and, no, I will not elaborate. There is actually a significant crossover between Milgram fans and DRDT fans, though usually the pipeline is the other way around, so you already have other mutual to talk about it with, yay.
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im-no-jedi · 5 months
alright. it’s finally time. after almost four years, the series that radically changed my life is coming to a close. I’ve seen several other people make posts about this, so I think it’s only fair that I write my own. be warned, this is going to be long, rambly, and only somewhat coherent LOL
when this show was first announced, I was shocked. although I had fallen in love with the Bad Batch during their arc in TCW, I was unsure how an entire show surrounding them could work. I was even more skeptical after I saw the trailers, which had this mysterious child show up. and as I’m sure all of you know by now, my feelings quickly turned around just after the first episode. I immediately was endeared to Omega and looked forward to seeing how the rest of their story played out. by the time the first season had ended, I was already deep in the planning stages of writing out my self-insert series, MLWTBB.
I honestly didn’t expect to love this show as much as I do. but I quickly realized why after the first season ended. (I'm gonna sound like a broken record for some of you, I'm sure LOL)
firstly, the characters. like I said, I loved TBB from the moment we saw them in TCW. and I immediately liked Omega as well. but the way these characters have been portrayed and fleshed out has only endeared them to me more. it became clear to me very quickly that these guys were an eerily similar analogy to my own family. I already saw a lot of myself in Hunter, but the rest of my family are very similar to them as well, even down to certain dynamics between each of them. not only that, but their struggles also mirror my family in that we’ve suffered several losses in our lives too. my mom sobbed like a baby when Kamino was destroyed because she saw similarities between that and a similar loss we’d endured irl. which, for me, is why it hits SO much harder when something bad happens to them. Plan 99 was devastating for many reasons, but for me, because I see so much of my dad in Tech, it felt like I was losing both of them. and having already had struggles with my dad irl… yeah. I feel like these guys ARE my family now, which has been the running theme in MLWTBB. and it's been cathartic both seeing them get through their struggles in the show, as well as portray my own struggles through my writing.
speaking of my writing, this show has inspired me so much creatively, that literally nothing else is comparable. I had already ventured into the realms of digital art previously to watching this show, as well as publicly sharing some of my writing. but not only did my art significantly improve due to all the pieces I was drawing for this show... but my writing skyrocketed. I finished writing a fanfic for the first time since I was FOURTEEN. and I've both written and finished several stories since then. and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. my art and writing will continue to flourish long after this show is over, I'm certain of that 😁
another thing is the real life impact this show has had on me. and honestly, this is the big one.
some of you have been following me for over a year or more now, so you'll probably recall the struggles I've had with my mental health, especially last year. I'd suspected that I had some mental disorder for a while now, but it was only last year that I really began to pursue the idea of getting diagnosed and treated. it of course began in therapy, then moved to having discussions with my parents about it. everyone was very supportive of me, thankfully... except for one person. myself. despite all of the work I'd done to move forward in my life, this was the hurtle I was struggling with the most. the fear of the unknown has always terrified me the most, so this unfamiliar territory was like a nightmare-scape to me.
then "The Crossing" happened.
fandom had headcanoned Tech being autistic for a while previous to this episode, myself included. some even liked to think all of them were neurodivergent in some way, again myself included. so when this episode dropped and we basically got the confirmation that our headcanon was correct? that. that was the push I needed. seeing this character that I love SO much in a show that I love SO much not only confirming his neurodiversity, but embracing it??? I literally told my mom that weekend that I was finally ready to get tested. and the rest is history. I'm now officially a part of the ND gang, and I've never regretted it for one second \o/
not only that... but I'm on meds now. meds that have altered my brain in such a way that I've NEVER felt before. my anxiety and depression no longer have a hold on me, and it's all thanks to this show 💙💙💙
and leading into that, the last thing I wanna mention is the connections I've made through this show. my entire family is (mostly) SW fans, so I've always had them to fangirl and discuss SW shows with. but I've missed having friends outside of the family to connect with. it's been YEARS since I've been involved in a fandom that had such a lovely group of people. and I know what some of you might say. and you're right. of course there's toxicity, just like any other fandom. but I can honestly say, I haven't met such a welcoming and friendly group of individuals as I have with this fandom. I've made some real, true, long-lasting friendships because of this show, and I'll be forever grateful for that. do the meds help? absolutely. but remember, I never would've even been on meds rn if not for this show either!!
and on that note, I just wanna call out some of the lovely people I've met, some whom I've only gotten to know recently! 🥰
@photogirl894 my beloved Morgan, my little sis, the Omega to my Hunter. you've been nothing but a joy and a blessing to me since the day I met you. I truly believe the Lord led you to me so that I could properly start this journey towards recovery and growth. I love you SO much, sweetie, thank you for being you 💙💙💙
@heyclickadee my dear friend, the conductor of the Tech Lives train. I've so appreciated your insight and wisdom in regard to all of the insanity. you genuinely helped get me through my depression after Plan 99, and you've continued to uplift me with your positivity and hopefulness. may we finally get to see our nerd alive and well again in your honor 🙏🏻
@clonethirstingisreal sweet Carol!! fellow Hunter simp!! getting to know you has been nothing short of amazing and wonderful! I can't tell you how refreshing it is to see an older fan amongst the young'ins LOL. we've been able to relate to each other in SO many ways, it still astounds me. I look forward to seeing your journey progress in hopefully similar ways to mine! 🥰
@lightwise @freesia-writes @better-to-bee @probadbatch (spacing this out so y'all get tagged properly)
@jedi-hawkins @anxiouspineapple99 @arctrooper69 @sunshinesdaydream and everyone else I've gotten to know both here and on Discord, THANK YOU!!!! thank you for letting me into your lives and for all the joy and laughs we've had together. I consider you ALL my friends, and I'm blessed to have met you all ����💙💙💙💙
and finally, because I know she'll berate me if I don't mention her too, my best friend and irl sister @jam-n-ham. gurl, we have been through it, haven't we? you've been the sole witness to my reactions every week, and for that, I apologize LOL. but we have fun, at least, right? 😆 we've spent HOURS talking about this show, and I'm sure we'll have many more hours to come. you've also supported me and my writing, which I'm eternally grateful for (even if you can barely stomach the Hunter romance scenes ROFL). I can't wait to add in your additions to the story, and for you to see what I've been cooking up 😁 thanks for always being my no.1 bestie 🥰🥰🥰
I don't feel like rereading this before posting, so if there's any typos or whatever, oh well. the fact that I even got all of this out tonight is a miracle honestly haha. now if you'll excuse me, I have to start compiling every single box of tissues we own before tomorrow 😝
oh, and one last thing. an addendum if you will. I haven't been posting much of my thoughts about the finale for many reasons, but I'll just say this. ever since "The Return", I've been rotating Hunter's last words to Crosshair in my head, on repeat.
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enough said✨
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chaifootsteps · 10 months
Sorry, same anon mad at the babyfication of Viv but. I wonder how many fans know Viv is 30? Her tumblr bio still says that she's in her early twenties (she hasn't been on for a few years, but had been on soon enough to reblog Fizz art). And she still acts like a teenager. I know thirty isn't REALLY that old, but there should still be more maturity expected from her at this point.
(And to be clear, this is even if you don't believe all the transphobia and workplace abuse accusations. But with those in mind as well, it makes Viv's immaturity even more apparent.)
Kind of reminds me of when the FNAF youtuber Theft King got into hot water, whining and making false accusations about Kane Pixels after he made the smallest criticism (that wasn't even directed at him) and jokes towards him. And then it came out that Theft was 30 years old and most people thought he was like, a teenager lol. There was no coming back after that.
I think that's probably a part of it. People on the outside or new to the fandom think she's this fresh-faced little baby straight out of art school, but no, she's five years shy of being able to run for president.
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billygoat26 · 11 months
NOTE: Anything I say that has to do with politics or shit like that is likely to not be entirely true, so if you see that I have said something that is incorrect, PLEASE TELL ME! (Preferably in a nice way? If it’s in a rude way chances are I’ll not accept it as easily.) That said, I try to keep my own political thoughts off of here and reserve that for my Twitter account /@BillyGOAT226.)
Helloooo everybody and welcome back to my Youtu-
Just kiddiiiiing!
As I’m sure you’ve gathered, I am a person who likes to joke around a lot. I also tend to type/write a lot, so instead of making you guys suffer with a whole essay about me, let’s break it all down!
Name/Nickname: BillyGOAT (Elsewhere you might see me as CallMeToes or StillToes. The nickname originated from auto correct, to put it shortly)
Other Accounts: @horrorrrrrrr @vox-does-shit @the-short-king-of-hell-himself
Birthday: February 26th
Fandoms I’m in: Undertale/Underverse, Gravity Falls, TOH (The Owl House), anything to do with Marvel is awesome, Spiderverse (does that count as Marvel anymore?) Honkai: Star Rail, Helluva boss, Hazbin Hotel, The Amazing Digital Circus, Eddsworld, South Park, Sherlock (BBC version), Wuthering Waves, MHA, Ramshackle… (This list CAN and probably WILL grow as I either join more or think of more)
What do I do here: Art. Plain and simple. Though there may be some random things I post that have nothing to do with art, I’ll mostly be posting art stuff (Edit: Oh past me, how silly you were... Now I mostly reblog stuff and sometimes rant)
More about me: Jokester, I play the viola, singing is fun when I’m alone lol, I have two cats (Maui and Loki)
I'm currently working on an AU of my own for Undertale called Ambertale. Character designs are a WIP, and once I figure all that out then I’ll work on an official comic! Just… don’t expect it too soon, life is being life and free time is on vacation lately. (Edit: So the comic has just been sitting in my iPad for ages now and I don't wanna continue it right now- might continue it when school decides to not school or when it's summer break. For now, no comic.)
With that, have fun staring at all my random posts!
#ambertale reblogs
#ambertale lore
#ambertale side comic
#ambertale asks
#ambertale holidays
#ambertale sans lore
(anything that has to do with amber sans [example: #ambertale sans, #amber!sans, etc.])
#amber sans guide
#Billygoat talks
#ambertale fanart
#antics of billygoat and killer
#incorrect quotes / #incorrect utmv quotes
(Eventually there will be a comic tag that will be #ambertale comic)
Ambertale Character Designs:
Ambertale Papyrus by rurunyaa
Ambertale Sans by me
Asher reference sheet in progress (I think- updated version anyways)
Ambertale: A Day in the Life of Sans:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 (coming soon)
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December Creator of the Month: Oh-So-Youre-a-Nerd
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Each month, CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers or artists, and this month’s creator of the month is @oh-so-youre-a-nerd . We're very excited because Ascindio is our very first artist to be highlighted! We hope you will enjoy learning more about them and their work below! The writer is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page.
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How do you want to be known on Tumblr? 
More below...
1- When did you start playing Choices? What was the first book you played? 
I started playing in 2016, I can't remember if I read Endless Summer or Rules of Engagement first, but I ended up deleting the app after like 2 weeks cause I couldn't stop buying diamonds 😅🤦
I re-downloaded it about, ohh idk 2 years ago?
2- When and why did you join Choices fandom?
I joined the Fandom specifically on Tumblr and specifically for It Lives Within, which happened to come out right after I read the first two books 
3- How did you pick your blog name? 
I always try to seem cool and mysterious when I meet people irl, and then as soon as I open my mouth, I ruin it with some niche trivia or something, and they say,  “Oh, so you're a nerd.” 😂 Can't tell you how many times this exact phrase has been uttered to me. 
4- Pull up the first post in your archive, and tell us about it!  
This is the first Choices related post I made 😂 I was just thinking about the concept of what if characters make terrible decisions cause they're controlled by a player who is out of diamonds lol I was going to do a whole series of them (next was going to be lotr “fly on eagles to mordor?” *30 diamonds* or “simply walk”) but got lazy lol
5- Do you write fanfiction, create fan art, or are you one of those really gifted people who do both? 
Only art. God, I  WISH  I wrote too. I've thought about trying cause I have so many ideas floating around in my head, but at the end of the day, I'd rather spend my free time drawing. 
6- How long have you been creating for Choices and for any other fandoms?
For Choices, since early 2022
For other fandoms, since well, forever, but I only started posting around 2017/18
7- What is your favorite Choices book, and what is your favorite Choices book to create for?
Favorite Choices book is probably It Lives in the Woods. All of the characters were so interesting, I never got bored reading it, and it had an incredible twist that made sense but I still didn't see coming. 
Favorite to create for is probably Blades of Light and Shadow though because I am such a sucker for the fantasy aesthetic.
8- Share your first Choices fanfic or fan art that you posted with us. Do you still like it, or would you change it if you were creating it today?.
This isn't the first Choices art I made, but it IS the first I actually shared
And honestly, I DO still like it because I still remember the way I felt absolutely POSSESSED while drawing it (I hadn't drawn anything for *months*). I would definitely change the background, though. Those trees look like shit, and they're not even the correct type for the kind of forest they're in. 
9- What is your favorite piece of fiction or art that you created? 
My favorite Choices art I've done is probably this piece. 
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10- Do you have a fic/art that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to do well but found it could use a little more love?
I definitely didn't expect this one to do well at all as it was so hastily drawn
And I was sad this piece didn't get more love, it was such a dope scene and I was so excited about how the sword turned out
11- If you could only draw one style or type of art for the rest of your life, what would it be and why? 
I'm not sure if I'm interpreting the question right, but if I had to pick like a specific type of art, it would be digital, and I would want to do fan art. I have a hard time painting anything that I don't already have a deep connection with (so original art with no story behind it is usually a chore for me), and digital art is just so incredibly convenient and not messy and so so versatile. 
12 - Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs or in your writing?
Because I use fiction as a way to safely process trauma/ grief/ other big emotions, each MC I make has a small part of me, whichever part I feel the need to explore at the time.
There's an amazing quote by Patrick Rothfuss that I feel explains it perfectly. 
It's from Wise Man's Fear
“These folk knew all about death. They killed their own livestock. They died from fevers, falls, or broken bones gone sour. Death was like an unpleasant neighbor. You didn’t talk about him for fear he might hear you and decide to pay a visit.
Except for stories, of course. Tales of poisoned kings and duels and old wars were fine. They dressed death in foreign clothes and sent him far from your door. A chimney fire or the croup cough were terrifying. But Gibea’s trial or the siege of Enfast, those were different. They were like prayers, like charms muttered late at night when you were walking alone in the dark. Stories were like ha’penny amulets you bought from a peddler, just in case.”
13 - What element of writing/art do you struggle with most?
I have a very difficult time making the poses seem natural and flowing. My all time favorite art is Baroque/Renaissance style and how fluid the poses are, how soft the skin looks, how delicately it's all done. Obviously, I will always have my own style, but those are things that I so want to incorporate but never seem to get quite right, and it drives me crazy 😂
14 - Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
Not really. I mean, I have a ton of unfinished work, but as soon as the window of inspiration passes, I just can't get myself to care enough about it to finish it (insert Jake the Dog, “now it's gone, and I don't care about it anymore!” )
15 - If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to see your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you show them first? 
I would, and have.  I typically show them whatever most rendered recent picture from my Instagram because I don't post any nsfw there and usually try to post only my prettier work for this specific reason haha. (As opposed to here, I post everything here, ain't NO ONE from real life invited to see my tumblr 😂)
16 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing or art? Are there any artists that influence you?
Writers: Brandon Sanderson, for sure. He's the reason I got back into art back in 2017 ish. His stories are just so emotional they push me to create. Same with @saibug1022, there is always at least one scene from every story he shares that I desperately want to draw to try to capture the emotions. 
Artists: God, sooo many, here are just like my top 3 favorites and their instagrams.
Audra Auclair
Obsessed with her unique style, and specifically the way she draws eyelids and noses
The way they draw those dripping, glowing wisps. I stare at their pieces for hours (no lie) trying to dissect them stroke by stroke to figure out how they do it.
Miho Hirano
Their art has a delicate whimsy-ness I would SELL MY SOUL to achieve 
17- Which one of your creations would you like to see a fiction written about? 
JC, this is the shit I DREAM of.
Definitely this one. 
So this is love.
This little comic means a lot to me. 
18- Do you write original fiction or create non-fandom art? 
Very rarely, but I do, every so often. This is my favorite original piece.
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20-  What other hobbies do you have?
Gaming, singing, walking through the Cemetary with my wee daughter, reading, that's about it 🤷
21 - What’s your favorite emoji? 
22: BONUS - tell us anything you’d like (if you want to).
I really wanted to say that I don't believe in “good” art and “bad” art (just ethical vs non-ethical). That being said, I know what it's like to hate your art, like soooo intimately. If you ever are feeling shit about your art, you can ABSOLUTELY message me (I don't care if we're mutuals or not, I don't care if we've never interacted before) and just say, “I am feeling shit about my art” and I will go through your art and tell you every specific thing I love about it and why it's wonderful. I am not joking; I am so so serious rn. 💗💗💗💗 
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