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CHPTR 2:3 : La vie
La croyance en quoi que ce soit soulĂšve chez moi de nombreux questionnements. Il est devenu commun de dire que de vouloir rĂ©futer lâexistence dâun dieu ou tenter de la prouver, mĂšnerait Ă dĂ©couvrir plus ou moins la mĂȘme chose.
Jâavoue que mon cerveau a du mal avec lâidĂ©e de pouvoir prouver lâexistence de dieu, par quoi commencer? RĂ©futer son existence semble bien plus abordable, surtout quâil existe pas mal de rĂ©ponses Ă une foule de questionnement jadis imprononçables.
Commençons par la base : Comment la vie est-elle apparue?
LâĂ©volution telle quâon la connaĂźt aujourdâhui semble ĂȘtre une piste sĂ©rieuse face au crĂ©ationnisme qui se base sur des Ă©crits dont le but premier Ă©tait d'aider Ă lâĂ©ducation. Oui des rĂ©centes dĂ©couvertes prouvent que la genĂšse serait en fait un manuel scolaire. Pas de quoi en faire un tintouin, les preuves tangibles qui rĂ©vĂšlent au monde que la religion est un concept crĂ©Ă© de toute piĂšce, ne fera pas la une des journaux.
De toute maniĂšre, cette rĂ©vĂ©lation fait face Ă une rĂ©alitĂ© bien Ă©trange, que lâon nomme conviction. Jâai la conviction que lâunivers est fini.
Qui peut me contredire? Puisque aucune preuve tangible nâexiste et que cette conviction semble ĂȘtre une chose qui mâappartient, donc chacun sa conviction, sa rĂ©alitĂ© en quelque sorte.Â
VoilĂ qui est intĂ©ressant, aurions nous chacun, une rĂ©alitĂ© diffĂ©rente?Â
Je dirais oui, diffĂ©rentes mais se ressemblant tout de mĂȘme, nous permettant dâinteragir les uns avec les autres. Finalement les consonances qui existent de part et dâautre nous permettent de nous connecter et Ă©ventuellement de faire des allers retours dâun monde Ă lâautre Ă moins que lâon parvienne, ne serait-ce quâun temps, Ă en crĂ©er un nouveau, dans lequel subsisterait la rĂ©alitĂ© de chacun. jâen viens Ă me dire quâil y a une infinitĂ© de mondes dans des mondes, comme en mathĂ©matique, des tas de petits infinis.Â
Autant de possibilitĂ©s que dâinteractions, difficile Ă imaginer pour notre petit cerveau, câest comme lâapparition de la vie dans notre galaxie. MystĂšre auquel il nâexiste toujours pas de rĂ©ponse concrĂšte. Par ailleurs des scientifiques se sont penchĂ©s sur les probabilitĂ©s dâune telle apparition et ont dĂ©terminĂ© quâil faudrait plus de temps pour expĂ©rimenter toutes les possibilitĂ©s que lâĂąge de la terre soit 4,54 milliards d'annĂ©es.
 Nous pouvons en conclure que notre planĂšte Ă en quelque sorte a gagnĂ© au loto. Ce qui laisse un vide Ă combler me direz vous, cependant une thĂ©orie propose que lâeau de notre planĂšte est plus vieille quâelle, elle aurait lâĂąge de notre systĂšme solaire soit 4,56 milliards dâannĂ©es et aurait Ă©tĂ© apportĂ©e par des astĂ©roĂŻdes qui se seraient Ă©crasĂ©s sur terre.Â
Une direction Ă vĂ©rifier certes, mais tout de mĂȘme plus proche dâune explication quâune main dĂ©miurge qui aurait crĂ©Ă© la vie.
 Jâavoue quâil paraĂźt plus simple dâĂ©viter un raisonnement complexe, trop complexe pour nos perceptions et notre comprĂ©hension et d'accepter le fait de nâavoir aucune rĂ©ponse. Pour autant il me semble possible dâaccepter sans abandonner. Pour ce faire, il ne faut pas juste se contenter de poser une question, mais de commencer par celle qui a une rĂ©ponse. Car dans cette rĂ©ponse il y a forcĂ©ment une autre question, câest comme un dĂ©dale, quand on arrive dans un cul de sac, nous ne restons pas lĂ prostrĂ© dans lâabandon, estiment quâil nây a pas de chemin puisque celui-ci ne mĂšne nul part. Nous rebroussons chemin afin de trouver une autre voie, une autre question si vous prĂ©fĂ©rez et ce jusquâĂ trouver la sortie, quand bien mĂȘme quâil puisse exister une telle chose.Â
La mort potentiellement peut jouer ce rĂŽle, bien que lâon puisse observer que nos questionnements, quand ils sont riches, nous survivent. Albert Einstein nâa pas emportĂ© dans sa tombe la thĂ©orie de la relativitĂ©, câest devenu un hĂ©ritage prĂ©cieux auquel on se rĂ©fĂšre, quand on essaye pas de le mettre Ă mal , comme il se doit dâĂȘtre fait avec toutes les thĂ©ories. Certains y verront une forme dâĂ©ternitĂ©, les moins Ă©gocentrĂ©s, une forme de continuitĂ©.Â
Pour ma part je pense que nos actions ne sont jamais isolĂ©es, leurs causalitĂ©s nous dĂ©passe, quand bien mĂȘme que lâon essaye dâavoir une certaine maĂźtrise sur les effets que lâon cherche Ă©ventuellement Ă produire. Nous sommes bien incapable dâen avoir une vue dâensemble, alors que nous faisont Ă©galement parti de ces causalitĂ©, que nos vie ne dĂ©pande pas uniquement de notre volontĂ© et de nos possibilitĂ©s, mais dâun tas de donnĂ©es innĂ©rantes Ă lâensemble du monde.Â
Câest ainsi que jâimagine lâavĂšnement de lâhumanitĂ©, comme autant de rebond vers notre Ă©volution puis vers notre rĂ©gression. Oui, effectivement jâestime que nous sommes en train de rĂ©gresser, mais cela nâest quâune thĂ©orie et comme telle, elle se forge sur du concret, sinon câest une croyance et comme vous lâavez certainement compris il nâen est rien. Je me base tout dâabord sur lâobservation que lâon peut avoir sur lâensemble du vivant, sur l'Ă©cosystĂšme, voir sur la formation de lâunivers et sur les rĂ©centes dĂ©couvertes archĂ©ologiques, notamment en musico-archĂ©ologie ainsi que dans les neurosciences oĂč les outils technologiques nous offrent de nouveaux point de vue sur notre cerveau. De nombreuses dĂ©couvertes ou redĂ©couverte, grĂące justement aux moyens que lâon dispose au vingt et uniĂšme siĂšcle, permettent de mettre en lumiĂšre la prĂ©sence de lâart dĂšs les premiĂšres heures de lâhumanitĂ©. En effet des portraits dĂ©couvert dans la grotte de la Marche , qui serait pour le coup les premiers portrait de lâhistoire de lâart, Ă Gibraltar a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©couvert une gravure rupestre potentiellement abstraite ,
 de nouvelles disciplines ont permis de sortir des placards certains objets, jugĂ©s insignifiant jadis, ainsi la trouvaille de flĂ»tes taillĂ©es dans des fĂ©murs de cygne et de vautour, nous apprend que Neandertal et sapiens Ă©taient capables de crĂ©er des instruments dont la capacitĂ© Ă gĂ©nĂ©rer des notes extrĂȘmement proche de nos instruments contemporains est stupĂ©fiante. En gros ils connaissaient la musique telle que nous la connaissons, fait corrĂ©lĂ© par les neurosciences qui ont dĂ©terminĂ© que la musique prĂ©cĂšde le langage.
 La musique est essentielle au développement de notre cerveau, fait vérifier par des expériences menées sur des foetus in utero et des grands prématurés.
Crédits photos : ©orso
serie 35mm argentique "Sale"
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imagine looking at yourself right after you decided to become a shell of yourself
Cw: non-sexual nudity but nothings actually really shown, itâs just obvious.
I wanted to join @waxsuyaaaâs dedtober art prompts and I forgot to post this yesterday for #0 shell. Iâll post #1 progress later when I finish it
accidentally posted this in community at first, lol.
thereâs the artwork without the sticker under cut (still, nothing is explicitly shown)
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Happy 5 years of octo-expantion! Hereâs the development of my agent 8: Oct and Ling: 2 people, 1 body.
Were they once one Octoling who split into 2 when they fell and lost most of their memories? Were they two Octolings who were forced into the same body? Were they one Octoling who developed an alter? Who is the original? Were they born like this? Neither know. And neither care to find out. Theyâre alright with not knowing. They know they are together and this is all they can remember.
#splatoon#octo-expantion#octo expansion#octo expansion dlc#my oc#agent 8#splatoon agent 8#splatoon art#splatoon oc#videogame art#videogames#i didnt play much of splatoon 2 when it was fresh im gonna be honnest. i remeber struggleing to get any cloathing i liked and i lost my love#for splatoon for a time. so i didnt play octo-expantion when it came out.#splatoon 3 rekindled my love for splatoon and so me and my brother went back and bought octo explation this summer vacation#we just finished playing it like 2 weeks ago. since our cannon has him as og agent 3 and me as neo agent 3 neither of us where gonna make a#sona be agent 8... however the way we played though the dlc gave us an idea! when ever one of us finished a level or died in a level we#whould switch who is playing. so we desided that our agent 8 whould be 2 ocs in one. my brother owns oct's side of the oc and i own ling's#side of the oc. they started off as being based off of us but since then they have been hevily modified.#anyways here they are :D#i have more drawings of these goobers but have their concept pages! :D#bonus captin and neo agent 3#neo agent 3#splat dare#captin 3#captian 3#captain 3#dare is short but it dosent help that 8 is stupid tall. poor splat dare uvu
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#i scaned over 140 pages of splat doodles to smash together so expect many more to come.#1: agent 3 dare 2: me and brother/ agent 3 plus captin 3#quick lore drop#i used to be really bad at the story mode and never finished it. insteed i had my brother finish it for me so i chould get the post game#loot#he compleated it for me after he compleate it for himself#therefor ive always head cannoned him as original agent 3.#i compleated splat 3's story mode first and easyest so therefor ive head cannoned myself and neo agent 3 xD#i didnt really play much of splat 2 and me and my brother just bought octo expantion and compleated it a week ago.#that being said we now have an agent 8 oc that im very excited to be shareing with you soon ;]#splatoon#splatoon art#videogame art#videogames#artists on tumblr
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Bee: sings ne in the 4 head. 4head: gets super swole. Migrane:comes upong me to lock my insanelt high iq I just achieved to save me from understanding everything.
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Look I don't care how much you can see my little theatre brain trying to find good ways to make sure everyone gets a whole new set for the 11 O'clock Number which is fighting the elder brain so you can dress everyone like clowns if you want
but I'd like everyone to essentially even if not literally get one set that's theirs, and the fancy version of their introduction look to just feel good to see in a final fight.
#I /do/ want this to be a fashion show a little as long as it feels in character thank you very much.#Let everyone get to look like their best possible self (or worst not my game :p) while having a battle to save all of existance.#why not have some fun#I feel like I'm just seeing the battle version of the difference between Elle Wood's pink suit within the show vs curtain call#where it was a beaded version of the same suit.#just because why not.#we need more of that energy in bg3 really.#why not be a little extra with the end game stuff?#why is the best spore druid set just the same as the druid sets we've been seeing?#I'm bringing in ffxiv because it's the fashion game#....treat it like the end of expantion (50-60-70) job gear where it's meant to show the peak of whwat that job is.#not just.....we made it purple? (I like that set but like...come on....)m#(I just want less gear mods since they worry me so much to have in....)
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Prospiant Expands Florida Team
PRESS RELEASE Prospiant â the largest US greenhouse manufacturer and leader in controlled environment agriculture has expanded its Florida team to include onsite construction management teams. This allows the company to have boots on the ground ready to manage any construction projects â including all indoor, environmentally controlled (sealed) greenhouses, and more basic greenhouseâŠ
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OH BUT I DO!!! OCTO EXPANSION WAS LOOSELY BASED ON IHNMAIMS!! (At least the English localization idk about the original JP) i looove splatoon
I don't remember this being in the game...
#I used to see a bunch of octo expantion + TADC art#which is super cool#idk if i can find it#but i remember when i first saw cain he reminded me of the commander tartar concept art!!#and they ran with that#really cool to think they're based on the same thing
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If requests are open may I request, some uppermoons with a female s/o that pulls their head into their titties every time they hug?
The clones won't be included, they need their own post :)
TW- implied nsfw, angst in Kokushibo's
Muzan panted as he threw his test tubes to the ground.
His work... His research... For nothing...
He ran a hand through his hair, grumbling softly before he let out a shaky breath.
He paused a moment as he heard your voice.
"Dear...?" You asked softly as you tilted your head to the side, placing a hand to your stomach.
"You should be resting..." Muzan said as he stood up straight, turning his head to look at you.
You smiled softly as you walked over to him, grabbing the back of his head.
You pulled him close, placing his head to your chest as you stroked his hair.
"Don't worry my dear... You'll walk in the sun one day..." You said to him as you cupped his face in your hands.
Muzan just looked at you, slowly nodding, resting his head on your chest.
Letting out a sigh he held your waist.
It was all he wanted... To walk hand in hand with you... To be a proper family with your expantant child.
Kokushibo sighed as he arrived at your home, pausing as the door was opened before he could open it.
"Koku!" You said happily as you hugged him bringing his face to your chest.
He just closed his eyes as he let out a sigh, holding you close, he had grown so used to this... He expected it everyday, somerhing he looked forward to.
You were everything to him... His own little secret Muzan allowed him to have...
He flinched a bit as you coughed.
"You're... Sounding worse..." He muttered as he stood up straight.
You quickly shook your head as you smiled. "No no! I'm fine!" You said happily.
Yet you quickly brought your hand to your mouth as you coughed, Kokushibo immediately taking your hand.
"You are... Taking a turn for the.. Worse..." He said, wiping your blood from your hand with your sleeve.
"Let me... Turn you..." He said to you.
You slowly shook your head as you smiled at him. "No... My death, will give my life more value than you could ever imagine.." You said to him.
The days passed, Kokushibo returned one day...
You didn't greet him like you did...
He quickly opened the door, his eyes widening.
There you were.. On the floor... Dead.
"No..." He said as he slowly kneeled down, lifting you.
Now... It was your turn to be held to his chest.
Akaza yelled as he punched the tree.
Douma had angered him yet again... And all you could do was laugh in amusement. You understood his anger, but it was still funny.
You sighed before you smiled at him. "Akaza..." You said softly.
Akaza turned his head before his eyes widened as his face hit your chest.
You immediately wrapped your arms around his head.
"Now now..." You said as you stroked his hair.
"If you're going to take your anger out on anyone... Take it out on Douma. Not the poor tree." You said with a smile.
Akaza just looked up at you as he galred a bit, before he relaxed as you placed a kiss on his head.
Maybe this wasn't so bad...
Douma looked at you as he pouted a bit. "My flower please!" He begged you.
"No! Go to your followers!" You said as you looked away with a huff.
"She means nothing!" Douma said as he grabbed your wrist. It wasn't his fault that his follower kissed him! She caught him off guard!
You just looked away as you huffed, tearing up.
"Oh... My poor flower.. Consumed by jealously..." Douma sighed before he forced himself in between your arms.
He put his head on your chest, burrowing his face in between them.
"Douma..." You said as you narrowed your eyes.
"My flower... Why don't you just lay back... And allow me to make it up to you...~"
#demon slayer#kny#kimetsu no yaiba#douma#demon slayer x reader#demon slayer douma#kny douma#douma kimetsu no yaiba#kimetsu no yaiba douma#demon slayer douma x reader#douma x reader demon slayer#douma demon slayer#kny douma x reader#douma x reader#muzan kibutsuji#kokushibo#upper moons#akaza#kny akaza#demon slayer akaza#akaza demon slayer#kimetsu no yaiba akaza#akaza x reader#kokushibo x reader#kny kokushibo x reader#kokushibo demon slayer#kimetsu no yaiba kokushibo#kny kokushibo#kimetsu no yaiba muzan#muzan demon slayer
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Alexia Putellas x Reader
Summary: After a miscarriage, you are pregnant again hopeful that this time will be it. But this time, things are not what you hoped they would be.
Oh my god. Oh my god. Something is wrong. The midwife is taking an extra second look at the ultrasound. Sheâs stopped talking. Sheâs stopped smiling. Sheâs stopped everything. Sheâs just looking. Her eyes glued to the screen without as much as an emotion on her face. Sheâs moving the probe. And looking some more. Oh no. Not again. Your heartbeat was increasing. It felt like it was about to beat through your chest. You had miscarried once already. The first IVF attempt had surprisingly worked. Only to be ripped away from you after 2 months. No heartbeat. No baby. No future. You had decided that you were ready to try again just shy of Christmas. It was now May, and summer was fast approaching. Alexia had been stuck in traffic as practice had been running late, and she was just around the corner. You couldnât even imagine having to tell her that once again; your body had killed her egg, her baby. The first time it happened, she didnât say much. She was so supportive that I t hurt. But when she thought you were sleeping, she let her tears flow. How was she gonna react to this again? What was a third try gonna look like? Would she even want to go for a third try? You didnât know if that was a possibility. Due to the poor state of her eggs, you didnât get many good eggs from her, and very few of them had matured into good quality embryos ready for transfer. It had all happened in a short amount of time: from kissing her for the first time to buying a house and trying for a baby all in the span of 3 years. What if she couldnât handle this? You got nauseous by the thought of it.
âSorry, Iâm just gonna go and get the doctor. Just wait here mrs.Putellas.â The midwife said as she stood up and walked out. You reached for your phone as you pulled your sweater down causing the gel to stick to the inside of your sweater. You didnât care. You didnât want to see the tiny bump. You didnât want to let the doctor see the bumb. You didnât want the doctor to tell you that your baby was dead. You wanted to hide the bump, and to run away so you didnât have to deal with reality just yet. You had to once again tell Alexia that you fucked up. It couldnât have been anyone elseâs mistake. It had to be yours. You had been so careful, but you had that one piece of shrimp you shouldnât have had a few weeks ago and you had a stomachache a few days ago without connecting in to the pregnancy. Alexia had insisted on seeing a doctor, but you insisted that you were perfectly fine. And now you were paying the consequences for it.
âHola, mi amor, lo siento mucho. The traffic was horrible, so I parked upfront. Donât expect anything but a fineâ the Spaniard sang as she walked into the room, a little out if breath. Her smile quickly faded as she saw your serious grin. âPreciousa, are you okay, no?â She asked with a shaky voice as she pulled a chair out to sit close to you while she grabbed your hand. You shook your head as tears formed in your eyes. âAle, she said that she was gonna get the doctor to come lookâ you mumbled as your head hang down. âOhâ alexia said as her good energy died out. âIâmo sorryâ you said as you buried your face in your hands. âIâm so sorry, ale. Iâll do better next time, I promiseâ you said as a tear escaped your eye. âAmor, letâs wait for the doctor. It will be okay. I can get some time off and we can travel, just stay at a resort and relax in the heat, si?â She said as her hand touched your belly as if it was purely routine. âBut for now, letâs wait for the doctorâ she said as she kissed the side of your tiny belly that were still covered by your sweater. You nodded as you tried to distract yourself with the thought of going on vacation. Thailand would be nice, or Bali. Or south-Africa. Greece was also nice, but you had already been there. Cap verde was close and had lots of beautiful beaches. You sat in silence for a while until the door swung open again. âSorry again, Mrs.Putellas, letâs take a look now shall weâ the older woman said as she gestured for the doctor to sit down on the chair to look at the ultrasound. You unwillingly leaned backwards and pulled up your sweater awaiting your penalty. The midwife pointed on the screen and the doctor nodded. âMhm, I seeâ she said as she moved the probe around on your belly. You held your breath terrified of the words that were about to come out of her mouth. You didnât wanna hear it. You gripped Alexiaâs hand hard and got a second of reassurance when she squeezed back.
âSo, the results. Two things.â The doctor started as your heart-rate skyrocketed. Alexia gripped tighter in your hand and you felt her skin becoming somewhat damp. âFirst: Your little girl is perfectly fine, sheâs small for her age, but sheâs getting thereâ the doctor said as you gasped. Your little girl. A girl. A girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes looking like her mami. âA girl?â Alexia said as her eyes teared up. The doctor nodded as she smiled. âA girl, a princesaâ she said as she smiled. She turned around the screen of the ultrasound so you could see your daughter. She was moving her legs slightly, but she still wasnât big enough that you could feel it. âThe second thing i wanted to tell you is, well, exactly that. Second. The second baby is also a girl. Twins. Most likely identical.â She said. Your eyes widened and your jaw dropped. âQue? Thereâs-thereâs two?â alexia said as she scooted closer to the screen as the doctor pointed out the second twin. âSi, dos, correct. She was just hiding behind her sister, which is why she hasnât shown herself yetâ the doctor explained as she gave tons of information about how check ups were gonna have to happen more often than before. You didnât catch any of it, as you were just releaved that the baby was alive. Your eyes were glued to the baby on the screen. Well, the babies. The girls. Your two girls. They were fine, healthy and growing. You were snapped out of your thoughts when the doctor and the midwife left the room to allow you to breathe. None of you said a word. The room was dead quiet.
âI-I guess we need to go shopping againâ she stuttered while looking it you. You nodded. âTwo cribs, two strollers, two carseats for both of the cars, oh my god! Do we need a new car to fit the girls??â She panicked as her eyes widened kicking your brain into action. âBabe, itâs okay. There is two girls. They are both healthy. Everything is good. We are all good.â You said as you stood up and embraced her. She held you tight. âGod, I just canât believe it. There are gonna be little girls running around soon. Not just any little girls, our little girlsâ she said as she wrapped her arms around you kissing the top of your head. âYea, our little girls. And twice the loveâ You said as you breathed in her scent instantly calming you. âOur perfect little girlsâ she said as she placed a hand on your belly. «Our perfect little girls» you repeated as she kissed you.
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East Side
When I Was Young, I fell In Love
Bill could always remember the day he met you. Love at first sight was how he would always remember it from then on.
From years on he would remember sitting next to you on those old playground swings, no friends except his older brother by ten minutes, Tom.
Bill looked up, seeing your expantant smile. He could only return with confusion as he felt something fester in his chest.
"I'm (Name)."
He would remember your name for years on, saying it in his sleep and his wedding vows.
We Used To Hold Hands, Man, That Was Enough
"Your hands are nice."
Bill giggled at your words, sitting next to you in the small flower bed in the school courtyard, waiting for your parents to pick you up.
Then We Grew Up, Started To Touch
You sat across from Bill on the couch, leaning closer to one another at a mere fourteen years old.
Your lips were locked with his, deeming and experimental kiss as you both wanted to give each other your first kisses instead of someone else.
Bill's hand went up to your waist, pulling you closer to him as you both broke away for air only to come back for more.
Used To Kiss Underneath The Light On The Back Of The Bus
You leaned your head onto Bill's shoulder on the tour bus, watching the trees flying by.
Bill held your hand in his as you lulled off to sleep, pecking the crown of your head.
You looked up at him through half lidded and sleepy eyes, smiling tiredly as Bill smiled back before locking lips with you under the glow of the back of the bus.
Oh, No, Your Daddy Didn't Like Me Much
"How many times do I have to say, kid, get lost." Your dad scoffed, holding the door open barely as he saw Bill standing on your porch.
You watched from the hall, locking eyes with Bill as he could see your sadness from there.
"Oh, come on, sir! I love your daughter! I swear!" Bill didn't stop, pleading with your father for one chance.
Didn't Believe Me When I said You Were The One
"I don't believe you, Bill." Your father shook his head, a rock in Bill's way to you.
"You think I don't know your kind? Some 'rocker' tryna sleep with my kid?" Your father scoffed once more, about to close the door but Bill held it open abruptly.
Bill looked at your father with wide eyes, barely believing he did it but there was no backing down now.
"Please! I'm not trying to hurt her, I love your daughter!" Bill couldn't say anything else, looking at you with bare tears in his eyes.
"Sorry kid, answer no." Your father said simply, stern and strong before he pulled the door to a close.
Bill was left there for a moment, staring down at his feet with the closed door in front off him.
It didn't take long for him to need to walk off the porch, hands in his jacket pockets before he stopped just in front of the lawn at a tapping sound.
Bill's head shot up at the familiar and harsh whisper, looking up to see you in your bedroom window.
"I'll meet you later! Be quiet!" You smiled, reassuring Bill in a whisper before your father called you, and with one last smile, you disappeared.
Bill stood for a moment, hope sparking once more in his chest before his face bloomed into a smile, jogging off to his house to get his things.
But Everyday She Found Her Way Out Of The Window To Sneak Out Late
"I'm coming!" You hissed out in a harsh whisper, throwing your legs over the window sill with an expectant Bill waiting below.
"Come on, before your dad kills me!" Your boyfriend laughed, matching your smile as he helped you down by your waist.
"Go, go, go!" You laughed, adrenaline filling your veins as Bill matched your laughter, dragged along with you as your dad and mother's room light lit up as you two ran into the night.
She Used To Meet Me On The East Side
Bill sat in the old recording studio, freshly eighteen and single without you, barely words through the early years of the 2000's.
Until you walked back into his life.
"You look like shit."
Bill froze, hands stopping and completely still on the spinning chair he sat upon at the familiar voice filled with the same love and teasing he remembered.
Bill finally looked up, eyes wide and searching before his eyes fell upon your dazzling smile as he remembered, older and more mature, still as beautiful as the day he left.
"(Name)?" Bill muttered, a smile breaking onto his face as you laughed, nodding and opening your arms.
Bill didn't waste a moment, getting up so fast the chair knocked over, lifting you up off the ground as he hugged you around your waist.
You laughed, yelling as he did so and wrapping your legs around his waist and arms around his neck.
You pushed the hair out of his face as you finally stole a kiss you waited forever for.
In The City Where The Sun Don't Set
You laid nuzzled into Bill's side in the meadows grass, the sun never seeming to fully settle behind you guys as Bill held you.
Bill wouldn't let go, stealing kiss after kiss to makeup for the years behind you guys.
And Everyday You Know That We Ride Through The Backstreets In A Blue Corvette
"You're crazy!" You yelled, head out the window and laughed as Bill laughed along, the empty street in the middle of nowhere as he pushed the gas.
"You were the one who wanted to do this!" Bill protested along, barely missing a bush.
"Yeah, because you guys did this before in an episode! But I just remembered that it was Tom and GeorgâŠ"
"I was there too!" Bill yelled out.
"You won a go-kart race!" You yelled back, smacking his hand.
"Still counts!"
And You Know That I Just Wanna Leave Tonight
"Will you come with me?" Bill could barely hear his small voice over the fear of being shut down.
"To LA?" You asked, sitting next to him on the bed as he ran his thumb over the back of your hand in his house, the house he and Tom no longer felt safer in, much less the country.
"We can't stay here. Fans break in, they stole our shit, they're threatening you." Bill listed off, the fear evident in his voice as he looked into your eyes.
"So, yes, to LA. Will you come with me?" Bill said, completely serious and genuine as his eyes practically begged.
You stared into Bill's eyes for a moment, going over it before you came to a conclusion.
You left to be with him.
What's stopping you from leaving with him?
"...alright. lets- let's go."
We Can Go Anywhere We Want
It was almost a ritual, sitting next to Bill with your head on his shoulder no matter in what type of moving vehicle.
This time it was in a plane, watching your old home country disappear from under you as you took off.
But all that Bill could think was how lucky he was.
His hand in yours, your head against his shoulder and his lips kissing the crown of your head, leaving once more to stay with you.
Drive Down To The Coast, Jump In The Seats
"Bill!" You laughed, jumping into the open roofed Corvette that was parked on the beach in the middle of the night.
"What was that?" Bill laughed as you settled into the seat, feet bare and in your swimsuit as you smelled of the coast.
"The Pelicans! They're after me!" You laughed hysterically, Bill's eyes widening in horror and amusement as he finally spotted them.
"Why?!" Bill exclaimed, starting the car as fast as he could.
"I fed them and they want more!"
"There's fifty signs not to for that exact reason!"
My Love Is Yours If You're Willing To Take It
"You're leaving though." You mumbled out sadly, against Bill's chest on the trunk of his car as he broke the news of the tour when you guys were just fifteen, years before.
"I know. I'm sorryâŠ" Bill couldn't help but apologize again for the next time you lost count. Everything to be with you was going down the drain to his career.
But he had to go.
"It's okay. Got to love you while you were here." You sniffled, wiping your tears as you placed your chin on his shoulder, smiling sadly up at him.
"You'll keep all my love, I know you will." Bill smiled back sadly, pushing back a tendril that fell in front of your face.
"...take mine with you?" You said, mumbling out as Bill nodded, kissing your temple with his arm around your shoulder.
"Of course, I'd never leave it behind." Bill laughed softly, his fingers running through the ends of your hair as he kept your legs in his lap.
"Not even when you find someone new?" You joked almost, but Bill shook his head immediately, massaging your thigh before he punched it playfully.
"There'll never be someone new. Can't be after there's already you."
Give Me Your Heart Cause I Ain't Gonna Break It
Bill held your hand with one of his with his other on your waist, relishing in the sound of your laughter as he spun you in the hotel room.
You laughed, tripping over your own feet as he yelped while laughing even more, catching you into his chest as you two collided into a pile of limbs on the floor.
As Bill held you in his arms on the floor with a smile, he couldn't help but admire and share a kid with so much love in his eyes
@billsjum6ie @bigbootahjudy @ilovebill-and-gustav @r3dheadedw0rld @kiwitsune @V4mpyboyy @novaaisstupid @billybabeskaulitz @yas-v @iischafer @dilfverz @ahswhore0 @graciegizmo3184 @sweetpuffy12 @80s-tingz @ryiana @yuriayato5 @bunnysenpai31 @banshailey @bellastoner420 @victryzvv9 @stxngnr @killed-kiss @stilesandjames @m00nzyblogs @sylisan @lyzit @trixiekaulitz @laylasbunbunny @5hyslv7 @limaswife
#tokio hotel#tokio hotel imagine#tokio hotel x reader#bill kaulitz#bill kaulitz imagines#bill kaulitz x reader#Spotify
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THANKS GOD you write for alejandro, because this men have me on my knees. First of all, congratulations on those 100 followers. Well deserved for your great content and how fast you do it, it's great! You deserve more than that. Now, back to the request.
I would like to leave the solitude for alejandro (daddy yes). Maybe where he's trying to courting his crush, or in what way he would try to win the woman he likes without trying to expant her or push her away from him.
Thank you âĄ
Stop youâre making me blush and cry â€ïžđ youâre too sweet! Yesssss we gotta give our boy some love too â€ïž (side note: I always listen to music when Iâm writing these, so I got the opportunity to dip back into my Spanish playlist and I might gone a little crazy with this lmao)
Letâs flip the tables, youâre coming off the plane with Soap and Ghost and Alejandro is blindsided, Laswell told him about MacTavish and Ghost, how could she have forgotten to mention you?
Youâre walking up to him just a step ahead of the other two, instantly he can recognize that they respect the hell out of you which means he does too
Your solid grip and the smile you give him as you introduce yourself have him feeling lightheaded, and as heâs getting into the car, heâs got an eye on you through the mirror and he decides that he has to have you
Despite the seriousness of the mission, heâll find ways to get you to smile, whether itâs telling you a joke or telling you something about Las Almas, anything to see that gorgeous smile
When thereâs downtime he finds a way to be physically close to you, he watches you as you train, heâs with you in the common area, heâs offering to give you (and only you) a tour of his base
He goes from referring you by your name to calling you different terms of endearment
âHell of a shot, amor.â
âWheels up in 20, querida.â
He always saves you the best looking breakfast pastries, thereâs always magically a seat available next to him, he loves introducing you to different foods, maybe even poking fun at you for sweating from the spice
âPobrecita, too much?â
He loves when you shove him with your shoulder, youâre still laughing so heâs not worried, donât worry heâll get you some tissues for your runny nose
And when things have finally calmed down and Graves and Hassan are no longer a threat, he gathers you up in a big celebratory hug, heâs spinning you around and youâre a little breathless, but he canât help it, you make him feel alive and at peace and almost like a kid again
âYou were incredible, mi vida, maybe I can talk them into letting you stick around longer hm?â
âAre you sure? I still donât speak Spanish very well.â You laughed,
âThatâs ok, querida, Iâll teach you.â He winked at you with his signature lopsided smirk, and suddenly your cheeks felt incredibly warm
Private lessons with Alejandro donât sound too bad
#alejandro vargas x reader#alejandro x reader#alejandro cod#cod x reader#mw2 x reader#cod mw2#cod mwii#cod headcanons
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I fucking miss blaseball, and I think the worst part is that for me it wasn't about the blorbos I can keep writing and reading about, but it was about being part of a community that was constantly experiencing that sense of discovering something new. Every time I sat down to watch a game or briefly check the Discord between class it was some new funny play or a new score for the sclorigami or a new wild betting strategy or a new meme for election propaganda. And even if I was caught up, without fail somebody would wake up and walk in asking "wait, we got Inky back?" or "since when is Logan a batter?" or whatever and we all got to relive the experience by telling it again.
And with the sim dark there's no new moments. Nothing new to discover. The same old moments being passed back and forth, occasionally with a new coat of paint or something.
I wish we'd get a final livestream talking about the plans for the rest of the Coronation Era and maybe things like the Expantion Investigation, the Baristas, and all of that. Both for a bit of closure and one last show of "oh wait what that's wild we are al love blaseball".
I like the people I met during blaseball, Magic will always be a part of me, but I didn't form a lot of close friendships, honestly. It was always about the feeling of being in a room where we were all looking at the same weird piece of art and catching people up when they joined in, so without the art it's more like awkwardly standing around making small talk.
I just... miss blaseball a lot, man.
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Flag ID start. A plain rectangular flag of 5 even stripes. The colors go from top to bottom purple, purple-magenta, light magenta, muted light purple and cool tone purple. Flag ID end
UTCsongic: A gender related to the Warrant song Uncle Tomâs Cabin
The colors are inspired by my associations with the related song
For anon
No suggested pronouns
#the warrant : uncle tom's cabin#the warrant : cherry pie (expanted edition) album#liom#mogai#songgender
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finally got the courage to watch the lmk season five trailer. Yes the animation has gone down. But I was more focused on the story beats we got teased.
Ne zha seems to betray then recoup with the main group.
Chang'e spotted it is a win to those who thinks she's pretty (aka me)
Sandy uses his magic again maybe we get more of his story like we got in season one then never again.
Monkey form MK expantion
Sun Wukong gets the circlet placed on him again?!? I need more of this beat alone.
Macaque, surrounded by his magic, screaming. Who knows if it's in pain or not.
Mei mech maybe
MK gets therapy via Sandy
Redson and Mei duo once again appears
Also what's up with the eye guy. He seems super cool and threatening.
Storylines gonna carry this season I just know it. Can't wait to watch
#lego monkie kid#monkie kid#lmk redson#red son monkie kid#mei lmk#long xiaojiao#lmk sandy#lmk season 5#lmknezha#lmk nezha#lmk macaque#lmk mk#lmk sun wukong#lmk story line lovers win#lmk chang'e#lmk fandom is STILL in the trenches
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