#exo-m discography
holdingforexo · 1 year
Hello. I have a question and hope it's not too controversial. If it is, you can ignore this. Twitter never talks about the former members, but I was going through your blog and saw you actually found EXO through Tao. Do you still stan him? I'm a relatively new EXOL so I don't know too much about how it all went down. Is there bad blood? Like, does EXO still keep in touch with them? I'm most curious about Lay since he was in EXO-M with them and also in China now. I wonder if they ever talk.
I think this came weeks ago... I haven’t gotten around to replying, not because I think it’s a controversial topic, but because it’s one that requires some time to think through and type out. This is going to be lengthy, but hopefully, I address all that you’re curious about :)
Disclaimer: I’m only going to mention Luhan and Zitao. The other one does not exist.
I think it’s normal for the fandom to not talk about the former members... at least, in relation to EXO, anyways. I know some people who still follow and support the former members, but they do so separately, as individual artists outside of EXO. I see nothing wrong with that. I do it, too, actually.
I didn’t actually stan Zitao. Flashback to 2018—I was watching Negotiator, which Zitao was the male lead. I found his character enduring, so naturally, I looked up the actor. Found out Zitao started in Kpop, which led me to EXO, and I’ve been in this “We are one! EXO saranghaja!” nonsense ever since. Of course, with my luck, it was around the time Minseok enlisted.
I don’t stan Luhan either. But I like his music, so I pay attention to his discography. And because of that, I’m also somewhat updated on his other projects. I don’t follow Zitao’s projects, but both he and Luhan are doing great for themselves. They each have over 60 million followers on Weibo, and are considered top of their field. They’ve also stayed close friends since their EXO days. They’ve collaborated on music. They hang out together. Luhan is currently on his China tour, and Zitao was at one of the shows recently. They’re doing good.
As for their relationship with EXO—truthfully, I think it’s nonexistent. I obviously wasn’t around during both of their exits, but from what I gathered, everyone knew they were leaving. It wasn’t sudden, and I’m hopeful conversations were had among the members. But, while there might not be bad blood, I think it happened so early in their careers and lives, maintaining relationships afterward probably didn’t happen. It’s like when you’re in high school... those years were great, but keeping those friends in your life gets harder after you graduate. It probably also didn’t help much if SMent was actively prohibiting communication. I’m not saying they did, but I wouldn’t be surprised.
The only public interaction I remember was Luhan liking Minseok’s IG post before he enlisted. Luhan still follows five of them on IG, and Yixing follows him back. Zitao doesn’t follow any of the EXO members, and none of them follow him.
Yixing has been true and loyal to EXO. He talks about EXO normally and casually and have always referred to them as his brothers. But I don’t remember him ever mentioning the former members. It’s actually quite funny because the three of them (Yixing, Luhan, and Zitao) are arguably three of the most well-established young singers in China, but there’s a known awkwardness whenever Yixing is at the same function as the other two. A couple years back, Yixing and Luhan were on the same stage for an event, and Yixing avoided Luhan’s eyesight the entire time. I think I’ve seen Yixing and Luhan interact in public all of two times—both very casual, short, awkward greetings.
For the record, I do not think there are any negative feelings between Yixing, Luhan, and Zitao. I think Luhan and Zitao grew closer over their similar experiences, while Yixing chose EXO. I’m sure no one regrets their decisions, it’s just the way it is. I also don’t think being in the same country impacts or affects their relationships. Yixing and the rest of EXO aren’t in the same country, but Yixing consistently talks about keeping in touch with them despite the distance. At the end of the day, I think it’s the effort you put into maintaining the relationships you choose to keep in your life.
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aireterra · 19 days
My favorite songs from the (idol) groups that I like listening to:
Dreamcatcher — [Scream]
Ngl, I don't know the members of this group or anything about the group for that matter. However, I really like their songs. I like the vibes of their every albums.
BOL4 — [Travel]
My current favorite BOL4 song. It's part of my morning commute playlist. Lyrics-wise, [To My Youth] will always hurt and I love songs that pierces the heart.
Franchouchou — [Kaze no tsuyoi hi wa kirai ka? // Do You Hate Windy Days?]
The first anime idol group I listened to. If I had an ult anime idol group bias, it'd be Franchouchou. It's actually kinda funny that I liked a zombie idol group first among the many popular anime idol shows out there. Zombieland Saga was actually the reason why I started watching idol anime (and at someone's recommendation too I guess). If I'd have a bias in this group, it's probably gonna either be Saki or Junko.
μ's — [Yume no Tobira]
Their stage for this song was so pretty that I watched it multiple times. I listen to some Aqours songs too but I don't particularly have a fave song from them. [MY Mai✩ TONIGHT] comes to mind but the English lyrics part kinda bothers me a bit.
Saint Snow — [Believe Again]
I remember listening to this song on repeat after watching the episode it was shown in. I immediately searched for the song on YT and Spotify. I think this is actually my number 1 Love Live! song. I wish Saint Snow had more songs (*μ_μ )
Seventeen — [Ima-Even if the world ends tomorrow-]
My ult KPop group ς(* ` ˘ ´ *). I'd love to attend their concert once in my life. I especially like their Japanese songs. PFU is my favorite based on unit dynamics but VU songs are more my taste.
Day6 — [Right Through Me]
Lyrics-wise, I'd say [Zombie] is my fave but [Right Through Me] has that impact on me that I can't quite figure out. I don't know much about the group yet as I've only really listened to their songs but I wanna consider myself a fan of this group already. I really really like their discography.
EXO — [Been Through]
Their winter albums are just the best. I'm not sure which song made me search more about them but it was definitely a winter album song (either [Sing For You] or [For Life]). I was an EXO-M OT4 biased then. Watched their past variety shows (Exo's Showtime and their Happy Camp appearances) during the pandemic and got sad on my own lmao. Ngl, I wasn't a fan of their title tracks ([Growl] and [Wolf]). However, other than those, their songs are just so good. They have the best singers. I like their past songs especially as well such as [Don't Go], [Baby Don't Cry], [Thunder], etc. From their latest songs, I like [Let Me In], the whole DFTF album, and the solo songs of Kyungsoo, Suho, Chen, and Baekhyun. EXO was the first K-Pop group I got into. I'm not updated about this group anymore but I still always listen to their songs.
Stray Kids — [Social Path]
I started listening to Stray Kids' songs because of [Social Path]. It was my intro to the group's discography and it was enough to check out the many other songs of Stray Kids that I came to like.
Xdinary Heroes — [Strawberry Cake]
Same with BOL4, I don't know their members too. I don't know the faces behind the music they produce but before I knew it, one of my playlists had been full of their songs.
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a9saga · 1 year
I started typing this whole thing on mobile and couldn't figure out how to put a break in and I refuse to update the app. Fuck it. You are scrolling past this whole damn thing. Unfollow me. This is all I'm gonna be talking about for the next two weeks.
Exo needs to break up. They have needed to break up. That was my hot take I had been saying I'd eventually share but I never got around to it, and now it's a lot more apparent. Not that I thought this was going to happen. I thought that when I finally posted this, someone might be mad about it, but in wake of CBX's lawsuit I don't think anyone's going to be surprised to hear it.
I was sure exo members were done suing SM entertainment a long time ago. It's been 9 years since Kris and Luhan filed their lawsuits, both of whom won. It's been 8 years since Tao's hiatus, and almost 8 since he filed his lawsuit months later, which he ended up losing despite never rejoining exo. I became a fan of exo during Call Me Baby promotions when Tao was still dancing with a broken leg. I was 15 at the time, about to turn 16. EXO scandals were extremely fresh and ongoing. But those three are so far in the past now. Lay quietly decided not to renew recently, but he hadn't been able to appear with the group for 5 years so, yeah. No surprise. But I really thought it was all done when EXO-M was done for.
Well, I can tell you why I'd been thinking for a while EXO should break up. It's because they're really a thing of the past, and essentially after Love Shot, it felt like there was nowhere to go from there.
That felt like the last breath of their 5 year long prime. Don't get me wrong, it was awesome. EXO have hit after hit after hit, think of the absolute best most addictive song by your favorite pop artist, and EXO have a discography of mostly those. But they haven't grown and changed artistically or commercially as a group. They've been around 11 years, they're in their 30s now, and I don't even think most of them have the heart to revitalize their prime like Super Junior did after their military hiatus was over. Maybe a couple of them have it in them to do the pop star thing for their entire careers, but I didn't think that like, Sehun or Chanyeol were necessarily passionate about creating new music for the rest of their career. Chen has a family now and that's also something I'd like the rest of exo to afford without their huge commercial group getting in the way of that. The only one I felt for sure would not be done anytime soon was Baekhyun. I thought he'd be the new Kangta of the group, sticking around when EXO were dormant and fizzled out. I never thought SM would actually let them break up, like H.O.T did when I was a baby. But yeah, Baekhyun leaving shocks me the most. Not that I blame him. I do fully believe the allegations made in the lawsuit as SM have had such a shady reputation.
Looking at SM's pre-EXO boy groups, one might say EXO were the main successor to Super Junior, because, obviously, both groups debuted with 12 people. Large groups like that weren't really a thing in kpop before Super Junior debuted. Additionally, Han Geng of Suju was one of the first Chinese kpop idols. In 2008, two more Chinese members were added to the sub unit Super Junior-M, which released Mandarin versions of pre-existing and original Korean Super Junior songs. Hm, this sounds familiar. I only just built up a better case for the EXO/SJ argument. Diana and I talk about this sometimes though; I once made an argument that I think EXO was more a successor to TVXQ/DBSK (Tong Vfang Xien Qi/Dong Bang Shin Ki), which I would have forgotten saying if she never brought up that one time i said it ever again.
In July of 2009, JYJ threw the first brick at SM Entertainment I mean TVXQ's members Kim "Hero" Jaejoong, Park "Micky" Yoochun and Kim "Xiah" Junsu filed a lawsuit against SM for contract termination, claiming they had been coerced into slave contracts as minors. They were 22-23 at the time, TVXQ having debuted on December 26th, 2003. The three of them won the lawsuit, signed to C-Jes Entertainment and formed the new group, JYJ, of just the three of them. It was assumed the original five piece was dead by that point, but surprisingly, in 2010, Jung "U-Know" Yunho and Shim "Max" Changmin chose to stay at SM and continue TVXQ as a duo.
This whole thing is arguably the most significant scandal in the 30-year history of SM. TVXQ had been SM's biggest success to date and some argue they and Boa still are. Your faves wouldn't have cracked Japan without the efforts of those two, and if kpop didn't reach Japan in the early 2000s, the entertainment industry in a small East Asian country wouldn't have become huge across the entire planet---and frankly, if TVXQ hadn't been big internationally, they'd have been done for because SM had them blacklisted from Korean television for a decade.
Han Geng of Super Junior actually did file for contract termination shortly after JYJ did, also for mistreatment. As did Luhan, Tao and Kris as we've already acknowledged. But all four of them could move to the entertainment industry in China. Sure, you're always going to lose something by leaving as big a group as EXO, Super Junior or TVXQ, but SM hasn't been sued by its Korean idols since JYJ. Baekhyun, Xiumin and Chen know that they're putting at least as much on the line. And now, like TVXQ, more than half of EXO are no longer in the group, and the majority of the run for the both of them has had this cloud of mistreatment over their reputations. They were also both so unstoppably huge and popular.
I was in elementary school for DB5K's prime, and there were fans of kpop in the west but I can't tell you what their success across Asia looked like as someone who wasn't there. But I can tell you, between 2015-2016 when kpop gradually started to become very big, EXO for a time were bringing in more people to kpop than A Particularly Famous Group in the West I Have No Interest in Naming Because I Don't Want Their Fucking Fans Derailing My Post With Unrelated Discourse While I'm Not Even Talking About Them. Just believe me there was a time when EXO were way more popular in the west than Said Band I Decline to Specify, the eclipse that happened was gradual, and to my understanding EXO continued to be the biggest thing in Asia despite that another one eventually cracked America more and I'm not denying that they did. Point is, EXO coming first was important to all of that, because I and several others wouldnt have heard of the one kpop group if EXO didnt get us all into kpop first from 2013-15/16.
That all said now, this was all very much not how I'd wanted EXO to actually end. This is crashing and burning. Much like TVXQ, EXO is not going to be able to have a reunion after this, because they'll never receive SM's blessing to work together. I mean, EXO-M never would. 12 member EXO hardly lasted for two years though and their prime was very new when people started leaving, so to be honest, I don't know if the kids getting into EXO in the 2020s would really care to see Luhan, Tao, and Someone Sitting In Prison Whose Name I've Uttered More Than I'd Like To.
But in a similar vain, while DB5K originally split into two, JYJ are all off in different directions now. Yoochun was fired. Junsu left C-Jes and made his own label. Jaejoong did the same recently. Could you tell I listen TVXQ? But yeah, now that there are more than 3-4 people departed from EXO, they've got former members going in a lot of different directions. Someone already said it but I hope Xiumin follows Luhan back now. Back in my day Xiuhan were so cute.
Also, since I managed not to slip this into the post anywhere.... these guys have been showing up to work. Every damn day they've been showing up to work, that's another reason why it's so shocking. Chen dropped a song days ago and Baekhyun has been doing shows, posting dance practices, EXO have been appearing together for their 11th anniversary and supposed upcoming comeback. Whaaat a slap in the face. I support CBX 100% though and you should too.
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lovesick-gxrls · 2 years
lee gaeun masterlist
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lee gaeun profile, relationship with exo-k, relationship with exo-m, friendships, love life
drabbles / one shots coming soon
series coming soon
aesthetics kokobop
discography coming soon
eras overdose, exodus, sing for you, ex'act, lotto, for life, the war, the power of music, universe, countdown, don't mess up my tempo, love shot, obession, don't fight the feeling
social media coming soon
news articles coming soon
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eyesofshan-if · 2 years
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answers under the cut!!
does like iu!! she's his favourite female soloist not just because of her music but also her personality and her story
really is the type of guy who just listens to kpop like it's any other type of music
thinks wjsn is slept on
sorry this man will never stan loona. he enjoys their music but got so put off by the stan loona phase on twitter he just gtfo-ed out of there
he needs a little bright bubblegum pop, it's like the creamer to his dark espresso soul he just likes bright music
went bopping to sumchango love dive for weeks
loves the artistic aesthetic of all of taemin's songs and choreography, especially move
yes he loves hwasa's songs twit and maria
likes songs with deeper messages that make him reflect
is actually not fluff allergic!! his happy song is wjsn chocome's hmph!
would be an nmixx apologist and i hate him for it (no nmixx hate but O.O just left me O.o??? at the end of the song(s))
mirotic is sexy as fuck
if he goes "oh my god do you know i'm a savage" one more time insu will punch him into the next century
dalhwa likes maturity in the groups she stans - only third gen and above
yes is a fan of clc, hates cube
noise music or experimental sound or mixing of traditional instruments with modern
loves the entire exo discography
would like to outsexy yongsun
i sometimes imagine f!???? and m!???? as twins and imagine them dancing to seulgi and irene's monster together. i would disrespectfully pass away
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colorisbyshe · 2 years
I really love Mitski, Wsshing Machine Heart and Nobody are very special to me :3. I also really love Strawberry Blonde & Me and my husband. I enjoy Conan Grey a lot, Comfort crowd is one of my faves. I also like Space Girl, by Frances Forever, Say so by Doja Cat. I also LOVE Do It by Chloe x Halle. Way Down by MØ. Also Janelle Monae.
A lot of the music on my playlists are very 'soft' and im looking for something harder, and I'm not really sure how to describe it. I did hear a BT/S song and liked the general vibe, but i dislike the band bc ive heard theyre very antiblack, but i do like what I heard so far so im pretty interested in kpop as a genre :)
Okay so some of this music I had to listen to for the first time, but I got you. Sort of. I'm taking all of this music into consideration at once because you cast a fairly broad net and I don't want to get too bogged odwn in going X Song of Mine = Y Song of yours.
I just scrolled through all my music by artist so uh
this got long
i;m sorry
Physical by The Aces, kinda poppier than you listed but still some gay girls making some indie pop-rockish music
Maybe try Runner by Alex G. I haven't listened to much Conan Grey so maybe I thought of this song when you mentioned him
Start It Up by Alex Mali, very sliick R&B with ethereal vocals. Check out the rest of this EP, tbh
Lovergirl by Andrea Valle is a bit more wavey but I think if you like Chloe X Halle this is... adjacent to that that but a bit more experimental
Lark by Au Revoir Simone has some of that sad girl crying on a synth vibe
Un Village by Baekhyun is Kpop, is both hard and soft, but has a focus on vocals that i see across your music taste
Maybe Fire Escape by Beach Bunny?
Actually I'm going through my music alphabetically and let me say if you like Chloe X Halle please listen to like... all of Beyonce's discography. She is like... the OG. I give you no specific song... just... explore, enjoy
Motospeed 24 by Bibi--she's kpop but more R&B inspired and has a lot of that vocal work I think you'll like. She can get dark and gritty
Your Light by The Big Moon, kinda poppy, kinda guitary. Pleasant
Luna by Bombay Bicycle Club--something you're less likely to stumble on as it's a bit older but it has the kinda poppy, indie rocky sound. This one is more of a reach
Forgive Me by Boa. I wanted to put Boa somewhere,because she's essential kpop me, and this is her song that feels the most "hard" BTS to me. Not a track that's indicative of most of her discography though
Just... all Bree Runway. Start with Somebody like You or All Night, which are more immediately in your wheel house
Western Wind by Carly Rae Jepsen, listen to the entire album this is from
Welcome to my Island by Caroline Polachek
HWA by CL is a bit harder kpop. Is dancier than previous kpop listing on this track
Stressed by Doechii, again more of the R&B stuff but she's GOOD. If you like this, also check out Persuasive
BOCA by Dreamcatcher, they do a lot of "harder" kpop but also have softer vocals as contrast.
An obviously Mitski-adjacent rec is Crush by Ethel Cain
Alternative to BTS: Exo!!! IDK what BTS song you liked, so it's hard to give direct alternaives but try: Monster, Tempo, The Eve, and I think Overdose is essential listening for them
I already forgot what the Conan Grey song you linked to sounded like, which makes this a bad rec based off it, but try back again by flor
MØ did a song with foster the people (blur, good song). Foster the people is one of my fave bands. None sound quite like way down but maybe try Pick U Up. Sit Next to Me is one of their song with the widest general appeal.
Undo by Heize. More kpop that isn't hard but I think based off your interest in Chloe x Halle... AND Doja Cat... thi sis a good middle place
Layin Low by Hyolyn. Sounds more like western R&B but... kpop
Be Mine by Infinite. NGL this has nothing to do with any of your songs, I just think it's essential kpop. The Chaser might be a closer BTS alternative
If you like Janelle Monae, make sure you don't miss her collab with Jidenna "Yoga." Telling a man to bend over... yes Janelle I love you
More by K/DA is a bit "harder"
Come In by Kai, I think based on your Conan Grey + Kpop interest, this might hit for you
Red Moon by KARD is a bit harder kpop, they have harder tracks but the instrumental here (and in a lot of their songs) has connective tissue with the song way down you mentioned
IDK what BTS song you listened to, so, again, Gasoline by Key is maybe the song I could more easily correlate with them. But Key is an eSSENTIAL kpop listen, so if you don't like this track, try others! Throw a dart at any track, it's good
This is a shot in the dar... by try Bedroom Eyes by The Knocks & The STudio Killers. Or look into any of The Knocks collabs with foster the people like their collab "ride or die"
LUNA from f(x) did a cover of "Say So" but her best song is "Free Somebody" which doesn't sound much like say so but give it a shot!
I feel like if you haven't heard much music, you probs don't know Marina, which is PROBABLY for the best, btu she was like... filling the void Mitski would later fill. Her older stuff is good. I am not a robot might be a nice place to start.
Another shot in the dark... try River by Mattis
All In by Monsta X is harder kpop and reminds me of what older BTS aspired to be. Try Shine Forever and Miss You a well
This is ALSO out of left field... try Heaven's Only Wishful by Mormor. Softer and different than the music you posted, but I think it's on the periphery of your taste and amybe you'll want to explore
Dark Doo Wop by MS MR comes to mind when I think of Mitski and idk why. Try it out
Listen to Come by Namie Amuro. It's jpop and it doesn't SOUND like say so but I think it taps into some of the asme energy.
This is Why by Paramore. Jump into Paramore's new album and celebrate with us all as it comes out soon!
Going by the MO inclusion, try out PVRIS. Just try a song or two from each album. Maybe start with Death of Me.
1-800-MLKYWAY by Rakiyah. She also has more Korean heavy tracks liek Like You or The Invitation.
I can't think of what Red Velvet track to rec to you just know that they are the pinnacle of kpop to me
One on 5 by Rico Nasty. Don't know why the way down track makes me think of htis but here we are
Same for Red Velvet: I think of Shinee as some of hte best kpop has to offer. Don't Call Me might be the most BTS-adjacent but isn't the best they have by a long shot. Listen to their song "View" and if you like that, I can rec you more
Listen to Jopping by SuperM i fyou want to be up to date on Kpop Memes because this one never dies but I prefer theri song I can't Stand the Rain
Idea by Taemin (a member of both Shinee and SuperM) goes pretty hard
If you liked the Tiger Woods track I mentioned in the last ask before, also try Mean Girls by her
Naturally by Tinashe, her entire 333 album really
im just rly into no one does from love by tove lo rn, check it out
you'll run into a lot of twice songs if you get into kpop, get loud is one of my fave less common ones
Scentist by Vixx is better than most BTS songs. Error is great too.
Try the WOnder Girl's album "Reboot." I have a suspicion about this
and i went overboard but i think that's it. i got distracted a lot doing this sorry
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fyexo · 2 years
A young Lay Zhang had a clear goal in mind: in 2005, he enrolled in a talent competition, the Hunan-based Star Academy. Zhang Yixing (as he was known back then) did it for 50 RMB — an incentive that his father had promised him if he got through the first round of auditions.
He did, but more importantly, the achievement meant that he went on to become a finalist on the variety show. “I never dreamed that I would become an artiste,” Zhang reminisces. But the experience unlocked something inside him, as the creative teenager found himself continually drawn to the allure of the stage. He’d go on to make cameos in other shows in China, and each time he gained even more confidence and experience. It helped that Zhang was an easy crowd-pleaser; he was charismatic, and bubbled over with youthful exuberance. Plus, he could sing, rap and dance — he had all the makings of a teen idol. Not surprisingly, he ended up at a global casting by SM Entertainment, held in Wuhan in 2008, and was soon headed to South Korea to train as a performer at the age of 17. In 2012, he debuted as part of EXO — the wildly successful South Korean-Chinese boy band that has topped music charts worldwide since its debut.
Now, at 31, an older Zhang has a different goal in mind: to create works that speak to his roots, and that are unapologetically his. After 10 years with EXO, the Chinese pop star will be focusing on his solo career. But the experience of condensing years of hard work into mere minutes of an intense performance alongside his fellow members is something that Zhang continues to hold dear to his heart today. “I feel that it’s because I’ve gone through all that back then that I developed this awe for the stage,” he says. “It’s just so unforgettable.”
A hand-written note on Zhang’s social media account says: “It’s time to say goodbye… It’s also my new beginning.” That fresh start would see Zhang venturing into uncharted territory, where he melds Chinese classical poetry, traditional instruments and historical facts with modern musical influences — adding cultural elements into songs, raps, music videos, and more. “I want to share my music and my culture with my fans from all over the world,” he muses. West, his latest five-track EP, is a widely anticipated sequel to 2021’s East — and continues to be a heartfelt ode to his Asian heritage. When sharing how he blends and finds harmony in melding Eastern and Western influences, Zhang gets particularly animated. “That makes the sound feel very unique,” he says. “There’s something different, yet the same.” In the lead single “Veil”, what starts out as dreamy chords from the erhu, a Chinese traditional instrument, quickly segues into slick trap beats. The same Oriental motif can also be detected in “I Don’t Care”, a song about cyberbullying, and how it is important to stand up to the haters.
Most of his songs can feel vastly distinct at first; the groovy, flute-fuelled “NAMANANA” stands in stark contrast to the heavy, rap-driven “Lit” (the music video is a vivid reimagination of Xiang Yu in the historical Chinese opera Farewell My Concubine). But a common thread that runs across most of Zhang’s discography is a duality in terms of the language used. He flits comfortably between Mandarin choruses and English verses, connecting the dots, sonically, between seemingly distinct cultures — and thus bringing into full force his entire vision: of finding a higher purpose (and platform) for Chinese culture and folklore. He calls this Mix-Mandarin pop, or M-pop for short (not to be confused with Mandopop).
His music has certainly got everyone perked up, and tuned in. “Different languages help achieve different effects,” Zhang shares. Beyond cementing his popularity back in China, the pop star has also started to gain the attention of audiences elsewhere. His first solo performance in the States saw Zhang joining Alan Walker in a 2018 Lollapalooza set. The Chinese singer also lent his vocals to “Love You More”, in a collaboration with Steve Aoki and Will.I.Am. Diplo was impressed by the work ethic of Zhang when they met backstage, and referred to him as “the truth” in a tweet. In recent times, he sang — in both Mandarin and English — alongside American rapper 24kGoldn in “Dawn to Dusk”. “Through music, we can overcome language barriers,” he says in an Instagram post. Not that Zhang has ever let any obstacle get in his way. “Every small setback is a great opportunity to toughen you up.”
This might explain why the multi-hyphenate never shies away from a challenge — from his role as Er Yuehong in the action series The Mystic Nine, to voicing the sleek and chic Jackson Storm in the Chinese-dubbed version of Disney’s animated film Cars 3. Not one to be satisfied with the status quo, Zhang says: “I keep raising the bar on myself, on my music, on my dancing, and more. When I reach a certain level of quality, I raise it even higher — to make myself better.” In this continual pursuit for more, the entrepreneurial creative has embarked on yet another new path, as the founder of Chromosome Entertainment Group, where he, in turn, hopes to identify a new generation of superstars — and nurture in them a “respect for the stage”, the same reverence that got him performing in the first place.
These days, Zhang finds himself dreaming a new dream. He didn’t set out to become a global phenomenon — but along the way, he gradually found and settled into his own voice and identity. Zhang now wants to be remembered as a musician “with guts” — one who is unafraid to take risks, and make bold moves. “I hope to leave behind a spirit of not giving up, of chasing a goal regardless of the cost,” he says. It seems fitting that Zhang uses a quote from an ancient Chinese poem, A View of Taishan, to describe his journey thus far — “that at the summit, look beyond your feet, and everything else in the scenery will look small in comparison”. The stanza holds a huge amount of literary significance, but its essence, to put it loosely is be ambitious, trust the journey, and reap the reward. “I feel that the world belongs to the adventurous,” he says. And it’s clear that Zhang is embarking on the grandest adventure of all.
source: Fabian Loo @ Elle Singapore
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limitlesssense · 2 years
Just listened to SuperM for the first time in a good while… I totally forgot how good their songs actually are
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aerisosweet · 4 years
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exo-cbx - gentleman in japan
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koreancravingshop · 12 years
Poster availability is limited for the first press versions. Order the album earlier to grab them. Check out EXO Goods here: LINK Fill out the ORDER FORM to order.
Kai - Peaches
₱ 999 w/free poster for a limited time only
DO - Empathy Photobook Version
₱ 1119
Xiumin on:Xiusweet Time Photobook
₱ 2239
Don't Fight the Feeling Photobook Version
Ver. 1: ₱ 1199 Ver. 2: ₱ 1069 Both Photobook Versions: ₱ 2200
Don't Fight the Feeling Expansion Version
₱ 999 per album Choose your favorite member/s
Don't Fight the Feeling Jewel Case Version
₱ 745
Baekhyun - Bambi
Photobook Version: ₱ 1065 Jewel Case Version: ₱ 745
Kai First Mini Album Photobook Version - Flip Book
₱ 1699
Kai First Mini Album Jewel Case Version
₱ 1199
EXO SC - 1 Billion Views (RANDOM VER ONLY)
₱ 1069
Baekhyun - Delight Chemistry Ver.
₱ 1069
Suho - Self Portrait
₱ 1129
₱ 1639
Chen - Dear My Dear (RANDOM ONLY)
₱ 1019
₱ 2499
Chen - April, and a flower (April ver)
₱ 1169
Chen - April, and a flower (Flower ver)
₱ 1169
EXO PLANET No 4 -THE EℓYXION [DOT] - Concert Photobook Live CD (2CD)
₱ 2699
Love Shot
₱ 1259
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Don't Mess Up My Tempo
₱ 1249 each; buy all 3 versions for ₱ 3550
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The Elyxion in Seoul
₱ 2999
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CBX - Blooming Days (Blooming)
₱ 999
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CBX - Blooming Days (Days)
₱ 999
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₱ 999
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From Happiness 2 DVD
₱ 1699
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₱ 2959
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Lay - Sheep
₱ 1539
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EXO PLANET 3: The EXO'rDIUM in Seoul Live DVD
₱ 2959
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₱ 1275 each; buy both for ₱ 2500
The War
₱ 1139 each; buy both for ₱ 2200
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Winter Special Album: For Life
₱ 1199
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CBX - Hey Mama
₱ 989
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Lay - Lose Control
₱ 1039
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₱ 1189 each; buy both for ₱ 2300
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EXO Planet 2 The Exo`Luxion Photobook
₱ 2299
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₱ 1119 each; buy both for ₱ 2200
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₱ 3699
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Sing For You
₱ 959 each; buy both for ₱ 1850
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₱ 2699
EXO from EXOPLANET #1 The Lost Planet in Seoul DVD
₱ 4299
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₱ 1179 each; buy both for ₱ 2300
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EXODUS (Random covers will be sent)
₱ 1099 each; buy both for ₱ 2100
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EXOLOGY Chapter 1: On Stage + Off Stage Photobook
₱ 2499
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EXOLOGY (Standard Edition) 2cds + 36-page photobook
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EXOLOGY (Special Edition) 2cds + World Tour Map + Postcard Set (10) + 72-page photobook
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₱ 2799
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₱ 999/each; buy both for ₱ 1950
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FIRST DVD BOX w/Earphone Winder
₱ 2999
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₱ 989/each; buy both for ₱ 1950
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₱ 1235/each; buy both for ₱ 2400
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₱ 1119 each; buy both for ₱ 2200
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₱ 879
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₱ 879
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soyioblog · 6 years
I think this is every EXO song, including the Mandarin and Japanese ones.
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xiubyuns · 6 years
kyungsoo: “bAAABY GIRL”
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nunbuchen · 6 years
I need exo
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yehet-me-up · 2 years
New to EXO? Start Here 🌌
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➸ For the complete EXO overview, including their full discography, individual members’ posts, and sub-unit information, please view the EXO Support Masterlist ✨
The band was formed by SM Entertainment in 2011 and debuted on April 8th, 2012. Their music - released and performed in Korean, Mandarin, and Japanese - primarily incorporates pop, hip-hop, and R&B, including elements of electronic dance music genres such as house and trap. As of May 8th, 2021 EXO had exceeded 17,500,000 total combined album sales (group, solo, sub-unit) according to the Gaon music chart, making them one of the best-selling music groups of the century. 
EXO have been described as "the biggest boy band in the world.” They have also been labelled "Kings of K-Pop" by international outlets including Vogue, Metro, PageOne and South Korean outlets such as OBS, as well as "Nation's pick" and "Global pick" by South Korean media, especially following their performance at the 2018 Olympics in PyeongChang. 
They are considered a prominent force in the Hallyu Wave, which refers to the rise and spread of Korean pop culture around the world. In April 2018, Forbes described EXO as one of the two artists worldwide (alongside fellow K-pop band BTS) that dominate social media, even exceeding the reach of American artists such as Beyonce, Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift, with mentions on Twitter in the millions.
EXO have inspired numerous other groups and soloists, and started several global trends, with their unique musical style, choreography, and personality. Producer Harvey Mason Jr. ("Overdose", "Moonlight", "Diamond", "Sign", "24/7") commented: "We listen to their material ... and try and go one step further. We try and do things that are fresh and original, but still sound like EXO. They can sing, they can dance, they have the energy ... It's like a painter having every color to paint with."
In addition to creating music, online content, and record-breaking concert tours, the members are also incredibly popular and well-respected in film, television, and musical acting, fashion, and brand endorsements. EXO has two sub-units: EXO-CBX (Chen, Baekhyun, Xiumin) and EXO-SC (Sehun, Chanyeol). There are currently nine active members: Kim Minseok (Xiumin), Kim Junmyeon (Suho), Zhang Yixing (Lay), Byun Baekhyun, Kim Jongdae (Chen), Park Chanyeol, Doh Kyungsoo (D.O.), Kim Jongin (Kai), and Oh Sehun.
➸ With the release of their debut studio album in 2013, EXO became the first South Korean artist in 12 years to sell over one million copies of an album; the previous artist to reach this milestone was g.o.d, in 2001.  ➸ "Power" recorded the all-time highest score on M Countdown with 11,000 points, which made EXO the first artists to achieve a perfect score after the show's calculation system changes were implemented in June 2015. ➸ Following the release of their fifth studio album, Don't Mess Up My Tempo, EXO became the first South Korean artist who debuted in the 21st century to sell 10 million albums cumulatively.  ➸ In 2021, Exo became "sextuple million sellers", meaning the band has sold over one million copies apiece for six different albums. ➸ “Monster" became EXO’s first number one on the Billboard World Digital Songs chart in 2016. ➸ EXO ranked second on the Billboard Social 50 Year-End Chart from 2018 through 2020. ➸ The band have won over 100 music program awards cumulatively, becoming the second act to do so after their label-mates Girls' Generation. ➸ They have received 23 Daesang ("grand prize") awards from various year-end award shows. These wins include six from the Mnet Asian Music Awards, a feat that was recorded in the 2018 Guinness World Records book.
Originally debuted as two separate halves of the group - EXO-K for Korean activities and EXO-M for activities in China (in Mandarin) - they combined into a singular EXO for the release of their third EP Overdose in 2014, following the departure of EXO-M members Kris, Luhan, and Tao. These three artists’ lawsuits to leave their contracts stated that SM Entertainment, “disregarded [their] health; maintained unfair profit distributions; restricted [their] freedom; and treated [them] like a product rather than a person.” I will refrain from adding my personal thoughts on the matter (but know I’m yelling it internally 🙂)
On June 13, 2017, SM Entertainment announced Lay would not be participating in activities for the group's upcoming album due to conflicting schedules with his solo activities (also due to political tensions between China and South Korea during this time). Lay did not return to active participation in EXO until 2021 with Don’t Fight The Feeling, although he contributed vocals to the Chinese version of their song "Tempo" in 2018. While Lay’s contract with SM has ended after 10 years, on April 8th, 2022, he is still an active member of EXO and will continue to be part of any group activities in the future.
Three of the members have completed their mandatory military service, three are currently active, and two have yet to enlist (Lay, as a Chinese citizen, is exempt). We anticipate the group’s complete reunion eagerly in the next few years. Thank you for supporting EXO 💕
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I polled folks on what their favorite EXO songs are, to make sure that I’m sharing the most loved, most representative tracks for new people discovering the wonders of loving EXO 🌟 All songs are available on YouTube, Apple Music, and Spotify. Most of them have AMAZING music videos to enjoy as well :)
Top tracks for new folks that summarize EXO:
1. Growl 2. Love Me Right 3. Obsession 4. White Noise 5. Monster 6. Transformer 7. The Eve 8. Call Me Baby 9. Tempo 10. Lucky One  11. Love Shot 12. Lotto *Also check out this live acoustic melody... just- you’ll thank me
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Best of the rest!
Best Slow Jam/R&B songs: 1. Tell Me What is Love 2. Oasis 3. Fall 4. Runaway 5. One and Only 6. She’s Dreaming 7. Lady Luck Best ‘Wow, I’m emo now, thanks” Songs: 1. Promise 2. Cosmic Railway 3. Baby Don’t Cry 4. My Answer 5. Sing For You 6. Lights Out 7. Universe 8. Heaven
Best Rude™️ and Sexy songs: 1. Sweet Lies 2. Playboy 3. Artificial Love 4. My Lady 5. Thunder 6. Exodus 7. Ooh La La La 8. 24/7
Best Upbeat/Fun songs: 1. Power 2. Don’t Fight The Feeling 3. Tender Love 4. Coming Over 5. Paradise 6. Tactix Best Hip Hop/Rap songs: 1. Twenty Four 2. Diamond 3. The Star 4. Overdose 5. Heart Attack 6. Run This 7. Damage 
Most Unique songs: 1. Ko Ko Bop 2. Wolf (extended/live version) 3. Jekyll 4. Chill 5. MAMA 6. Cloud 9 7. Butterfly Effect 8. Going Crazy
Top Underrated songs: 1. Bad Dream 2. Electric Kiss 3. El Dorado 4. Gravity 5. Lightsaber 6. Trauma 7. Lovin’ You Mo’ 8. Hurt
98 notes · View notes
sugar-petals · 4 years
Baekhyun Doms You: Ending Up Laughing
↳⎡NOTE.⎦thought this’d be an interesting concept & a different side to smut: what if you try things out and it’s both not your thing? w/ a humorous twist and subby bf moments sprinkled in 😄
♡  words. 4k
+ tags ⚠️ pwp hc, bondage, throatfucking, graphic, cum play, unsafe/clumsy practice: do not recreate, degradation, biting, masochist bbh, domme!reader switches unsuccessfully, whips, hair-pulling
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imagine that. a wide-eyed baekhyun pacing and tiptoeing in front of your toy shelf, trying to pick a riding crop he fancies. it takes five minutes and several ‘uhh, ohh’ confused puppy noises until he’s able to decide which one he’s taking. 
...literally even if he knows exactly which one does what. you’ve used all of them on him. 
meanwhile, you take three seconds flat to pull out one that fits your mood and proceed to edge the living shit out of him. yes, without literal further ado. teasing his dick and marking his thighs and doing all kinds of delicious things. 
he’s still going back and forth in his head without having even started out. cutely tapping and swaying from one foot to the other. 
it’s like he’s back to school. priceless.
what’s even more hilarious: baekhyun practices random mean facial expressions while trying to decide. he doesn’t seem to be sure what character he’s going for. it feels like he’s rehearsing for a concert or photoshoot, even. absolutely fascinating to watch. 
i mean he’s absolutely photogenic no doubt about that but
you’re sitting on the bed waiting naked like okay is this gonna be william shakespeare deluxe or what is kyoong channelling over there
“um... i think i got it! this one, okay? i’m ready!”
finally he walks over, strutting with his nose in the air and his eyes glaring, muscles tense, a mysterious bad boy charm about him, whip ready to sting, lips tight and punitive...
....and hits his pinky toe on the bed
oh the pain
great master baekhyun flops headfirst into the sheets processing the existential cruelty of bedpost pinewood and needs head pats to recover
lots of head pats
at least twenty of them
so many head pats
more time passes until kyoong is back in character i guess
you probably could have listened to exo’s whole discography in the meantime
and knitted a rug for taemin’s new flat
baekhyun tries to act very confidently finally getting into it 
adopting a sharp ‘hmph’ kind of tone 
endlessly teasing your back and thighs with the riding crop
so far so good sir pinky toe
but he just goes on and on
you could actually crochet a pair of socks for chen’s daughter now that you think about it
it’s you who has to tell him to get to the point and it’s clear he’s more nervous than he pretends to show
to be fair he’s not the only one
you try to get yourself mentally ready but you find yourself giving him actual orders and even correcting his stance five times cuz he’s so wobbly on the mattress like a pupper indeed
baekhyun mumbles to himself and has a hard time fully implementing the advice on posture but tries to aim well regardless. it seems to work at first
but tragically
he ends up with a miss, hitting his own thigh rather than your ass and moans out loud
now you’re the one confused because you were waiting for the whip to come down
but nope it went elsewhere did it
you wonder how he managed to do all that furious fencing in the obsession mv with an aim like that
looks like he’s so submissive, he straight up whips himself
taking matters into his own hands is he. subs these days.
baekhyun keeps on being wobbly on the bed and looks like he ran a marathon already
may i remind you that this guy does 3-hour long concerts and can practice throughout an entire night
... you both agree to immediately scratch that completely after his next flailing strike sends the riding crop flying into his unsuspecting, non-consenting plushie collection
animal cruelty
moving on
you figure that a change of location might be a good idea
baekhyun sits you down on a chair and bashfully stores away the yeeted whip
he vows to never use a riding crop again already and his teddy bears are thankful for it
now the whole plushie village and whole china knows how you don’t do it
next up is rope
what could possibly go wrong
he practiced wrist bondage on his own ankles for five days straight, you really prepared a lot of things to test out together today 
and he’s seen you tie him up over and over and over
but whatever it is that he manages to install on your arms 
looks like a piece of very experimental modern art that just sold for half a million at sotheby’s
what’s supposed to be a column tie is nothing but a mere... ball
chaotic like baekhyun’s personality. not surprising at all
wait that rhymed
even alexander the great couldn’t have cut this gordian knot of a tangly masterpiece
ironically: while baekhyun’s roughly grabbing your chin for an intense kiss... the rope casually falls apart harder than the soviet union in 1991 my loves, you ain’t ready
baekhyun takes ages to notice while he’s teasing and kissing you and ends up sweating bullets when he realizes that the sublime art fell to pieces.
sorry comrade 
the fantasy knots and artistic freedom increases even more when it comes to putting a collar and leash on you
and his guy is supposed to be a dog owner? mongryong, instruct your man
baekhyun is a flustered mess trying to fasten it on you even if he tries very hard to be concentrated
maybe it’s because you’re watching him with literal hawk eyes checking every move (...hoping he learned something from you oh my). you’re not really melting into your role either, huh. the only thing melting is your pussy because baekhyun is acting so embarrassed which is the actual turn-on
if that doesn’t give you away
the leash comes off in two minutes time after baekhyun miraculously ties his own hands together with it
how the fuck did that happen
how do you even manage to do that
eager are we
after whipping his own thigh, self-domination 2.0 i guess
so whipping and bondage are off the programme 
this has been the most chaotic and hazardous attempt at topping in the history of sm entertainment
and they’re literally called s and m
...humiliation is next
when you planned your session you both figured hey he’s tested and tried by exo’s lively debate culture and he might be able to pull that off
and there are no props involved so he’ll have an easy time right
life is an illusion
you find out he can’t pronounce degrading names clearly because he keeps on stuttering them. which in return makes baekhyun crack up. 
carrying on the joke, you correct him every time. 
“i want you to repeat after me: stupid, slutty, bitch.”
it ends up as you doing what you always do 
teaching and training him while baekhyun either shyly or brattily obliges. you don’t even notice how you’re doing it but from the outside, it’s blatantly obvious.
because your brain is still feeling in domme mode, you also find yourself saying the usual things to him without thinking, even when he grabs you and gives orders. “now bend over! i’m gonna fuck your brains out.” — “okay, cutie!” 
which causes baekhyun’s mean face to collapse and he snap out of his command tone immediately, snorting because it’s the last thing he expected
he tries to carry on by punishing you with an actual mouth gag and a harness he can hold onto while fucking you from behind, i mean your pussy is already wet why not
guess what’s gonna ensue
wearing a harness feels kind of strange and new so you wiggle back and forth and all over the place. like what is this, what’s happening. baekhyun’s dick is going into all kinds of directions my friends, the amusement park carousel surely inspired this fucking style right here. 
and wearing a gag — there’s a way different person who needs to have this in his chatty mouth. 
kai and kyungsoo’s dream would come true and yet you’re the one gagged 
something ain’t right
if you’re honest. you’re feeling so weird being on the other end of punishment tonight and not being able to give him any directions. your dom brain is worrying he’s all left to his own devices trying to drive that confused dick home left and right and above and below and diagonal and crosswise. 
the fuck
your poor guts my god
what’s worse: his stamina is gonna sneak up behind him and tap on his shoulder like... bro that’s enough pounding for a whole month please spare these balls from deflating please do not break this device
to which your pussy agrees in unison
how are you gonna love your bub day in day out if you’re that sore
there’s nothing more frustrating than being sore and horny with byun baekhyun at your disposal
or a knocked out boyfriend trying to generate at least a sprinkle of semen after getting completely emptied in one go
probably sleeping for three days straight
alright so the harness and gag come off fast oh dear baekhyun clears those away in a heartbeat
that’s another point off the list 
the more you know
carousel cringe dicking down type of dominance... bizarre, disorderly, totally erratic, not on the agenda, worst rated on bing 
comrade baekhyun keeps on apologizing for making things so messy even if he tries and tries
you’re both so puzzled because you’re used to something so different and need a water chugging pause
baekhyun hasn’t sweated this hard since doing the MAMA choreography
and your pussy has never had to provide this much lubrication at once
where on earth is both of your usual stamina what happened
if a type of sex exhausts you fast and even baekhyun’s balls are suddenly moody you just know you’re wired in the opposite way
safe to say you’re better at giving and baekhyun is better at taking
leave the multidirectional powerfucking to kai or something
and being orderly to xiumin
another rug could have been knitted my friends 
moving on dot org
so, you both figure to take it easier and try to go with something he usually does in passing. you know, turning a typical baekhyun habit into something you can try out casually in bed so he can tease you.
that one should work out right?
proceed: teeth action. you seated, him positioning himself above you. after your approval baekhyun pulls your hair back to expose your neck — so he can deliciously bite into it (or so was the plan). 
reality: his hand gets tangled up completely. 
while he’s busy nibbling and giggling about like a lil’ bunny chomping at a carrot that turns out to be extremely ticklish herself. 
in fact, you start squeaking out a wonky high pitch, startling baekhyun’s fine musical ear to the bone by the obvious atonality. did she just try to outsing my vocal range with a creaking whistle note? 
mariah carey would cancel you on twitter over this one
that’s how you turn a vicious, possessive bite into an eternal meme
every time either of you go for a neck kiss, you end up imitating each other. baekhyun has immortalized himself as a nervous chomping bunny and you as the vocalist anti-christ
lord have mercy
you miss your old sex life already and it’s only been two hours
cause you see... if baekhyun gives you the chance to bite him? he needs a set of long sleeves, scarves, and an extra soft pillow to sit down on for the next two days
like, no mercy bitch
you get right down to business and ravage him and do it properly until he cums in his pants
sure, the way he uses his tongue now is definitely kinda hot mind you
baekhyun is always good with his singing equipment that doesn’t suddenly change aye
and you keep your eyes closed
but with time you notice that he starts drooling and whimpering. baekhyun’s wet mouth is out there betraying him, huh.
same with your body. your reactions give you away, body language just won’t lie. you have a damn hard time staying still. you wanna do something, you wanna touch and guide baekhyun all over.
and vice versa baekhyun keeps on glitching and doing the same thing he really became a living tumblr gif now
this whole session is just so confusing and laced with all these moments of awkwardness it’s really telling you something about yourself and mister pinky toe’s ideal dynamic
baekhyun can’t even get himself to even lightly slap you properly. and when he does, his delicate hands are just so cute. it’s as if legolas came along, scented in jasmine, elegant and fabulous like it’s a l’oreal commercial
he immediately looks concerned after he manages to do it cleanly and you admit it wasn’t really that exciting a feeling yourself. it felt more like, “um ouch, and?”
needless to say, you’re weirded out if anything, baekhyun smacking and dragging you around as a cold-as-ice dom is just a strange thing to do for both of you 
like even exo’s wolf era fashion was more coherent than this carrot fuckery
and those were some of the most intense turtlenecks ever 
is there really nothing dominant baekhyun can pull off. come on he’s the genius idol 
there’s something that does work out for once
because no rule without exceptions indeed
because hey, you can learn something anyway, it’s the whole point of you going through a list of things to try as a couple
baekhyun is good at doing the more hardcore, faster kind of fingering. who would have thought, totally surprising, revolutionary i know. but that’s where you’re both agreeing hey, there’s some untapped potential you can use for the steamier evenings you have going. 
cuz wow, he can get you off with flying colors. 
...only to succumb to a malfunctioning bobohu wrist 
even baekhyun’s boner for your legs in latex isn’t that stiff
it’s another pause until his hand loosens up again
this poor man just can’t win
and if you’re asking oi hard domming isn’t the only thing you can do
baekhyun trying to summon his inner soft dom: surprise, same old tale. here we go again.
your boyfriend thinks he generally looks way too puppy-like to be your big ole buff daddy taking care of you. oversized sweater, fluffy hair and all. 
you say to him well, it’s not that doms can’t wear casual things. but it’s true that you have to feel your role and find yourself believable. regardless of your looks, in fact. 
unless your partner really enjoys you dressing up as some kind of dominant hyper-archetype? looking the part is relatively unimportant if you’re absolutely made for dominance you say
pretty eye-opening moment for him
in your roleplay, he caresses and kisses you to the point, he can approach and lead you to do this or that position, don’t be mistaken. and he’s good at making presents, he’s indulging you perfectly well and actually likes doing it. but... it still ends up being more vanilla than not a few hours in. the d/s is out the door almost automatically the longer you do it.
at the end, it leaves you with a feeling of “but err, what now? give the maid outfit to charity?” 
baekhyun rubs his neck in search for something else to do, both of you staring at each other with expressions blanker than kyungsoo when a prancing chanyeol is acting up.
how did the quote go again. if you scramble for inspiration, let it be?
it’s exactly that situation when baekhyun soft doms. he can hold you tight and do his thing for a while, but the chemistry of your roles is dwindling into a question mark.
in fact. there’s an uneasy silence as if great mother suho was sitting right beside you critiquing baekhyun’s sugar daddy skills
baekhyun is rich like a motherfucker and can’t even call you ‘my innocent lil’ baby girl’ without looking like he just learned a first grade tonguetwister by heart
you did play your parts with less cracking up, but you clearly tell him that there’s still something strangely clueless and “ah, awkward” (baekhyun’s verdict in response, verbatim) in between the two of you. 
when you take care of baekhyun and tuck him in, you hardly run out of ideas. it just goes on and on. even when you played through an entire scene, you both come up with things to extend the scenario because it’s so much fun. you make him a hot chocolate, massage his feet, brush his hair, do some extra light bondage with a silk ribbon around his ankles to make him feel pretty, feed him pizza, have him cuddle up in your lap, pinch his ass, and do some rimming if he’s feeling a bit hornier. 
the spoiling is nice at the start, but there’s something missing. you want to lead his hands and really treat him, and do it all the time, and baekhyun really finds himself craving it as well. 
baekhyun soft domming quickly turns into — well just normal loving makeouts and gestures. you kiss and touch, there’s nothing hierarchical about it, nothing mega juicy or exciting.
you just don’t get into the groove, you know. there’s nothing particular happening if you try to get into those roles. it doesn’t titillate both of you for an extended period of time, it doesn’t make you curious for more. it’s like... shrug. what about it. 
when you usually dominate, you know something hits home when you think about it all day. baekhyun screaming and crying with his legs twitching pops up whenever you close your freaking eyes goddamn.
you make a note to observe whether you’re going about your daily business thinking about how you could be his innocent good girl. following his every whim, making big eyes at him or something. 
result: more shaky, ruined baekhyun moaning his soul out in the highest of notes and leaking cum everywhere from getting choked and his face sat on. 
daddy baekhyun has simply not crossed your mind. in fact, poor guy no chance to fit in there from the get-go. his particularly whorish, extra subby counterpart is all over your brain cells with his tongue out. and you’re very tempted to grab it between your thumb and index and spit in his mouth for some very good measure. maybe cum in it as well.
um. so there’s that. the more you know.
baekhyun figures as much himself and you try the other side of the equation. oh, oh. here comes hard dom baekhyun.
who gets you on your knees and starts a wild deepthroat session while calling you names. that’s all well and good... nope. your gag reflex decides to yeet some weird coughing facial expressions and reflex cock bites at poor baekhyun who doesn’t know what’s happening. to finish him off completely, you sneeze while having a hiccup and his dick slips out. 
... you both safeword at the same time.
that cleanup has scarred you both for life. what the everloving fuck. no more impulse throatfucking in this pure christian household, then. 
you’ll stick to lazy, twirling, indulgent blowjobs and the usual ruined orgasms for him — the actually planned ones, jesus christ.
like seriously. you invented a whole new language with those confused gargling noises and that wasn’t french, it was advanced level klingon. baekhyun repeats asking if you’re okay and you’re still stuck realizing oh hell, that was not pretty. off the bucket list, you like sucking him off but this style just doesn’t come natural to you. 
the popsicles you could train yourself with are usually gone from the freezer within a day after getting the groceries. baekhyun is wholeheartedly addicted to them. 
he loves cheating on his diet since you told him his fully cheeks are your emotional support squish and kiss pillows, so.
baekhyun rightfully insists he’s better at eating pussy the wild way in the first place — and that you have no business choking on his dick like you’re on hot ones eating the world’s spiciest whatever is trending now.
or actually... baekhyun’s dick can’t be compared to a chili pepper if we’re doing a choking analogy alright. that just doesn’t fit his promotion concept. cinnamon stick is more like it.
ever saw one of these terrible cinnamon spoon videos where reckless people try to defeat god by— anyway, you’ve seen them. that’s how you looked like trying to get your mouth fucked. i think god would actually be defeated by how far away from divine elegance that was and you’re so sorry for subjecting baekhyun to this artless display. 
cinnamon is still best used in small doses. say, for garnishing a creamy cake or pie y’know. 
anyway. you dished up the most butchered attempt at sexy gagging in history and so, baekhyun will preach for days how he’s the one chosen by fate to push down seven big fat inches of your strap still half asleep without even blinking. 
... and that his world-class operatic breath control would probably enable him to bury his face in your pussy on mount everest. baekhyun knows that every domme would sell her soul to get a sub as skilled with breathing as him.
...and that he has the official copyright for giving quality slobbery oral with quality smudged tears. as he will demonstrate to you almost daily from then on. king of messy head and going stupid with the tongue acrobatics. ugh, the noises are amazing, too. give him a grammy for his oral sounds.
gotta leave the heavy-duty work to the experts innit.
at dinner, he also poutingly brags how he can make his spit run out of his nose while he’s sucking himself through your entire dildo collection. and blow spit bubbles. and snort his own semen off his thighs and let it drop off his tongue if he’s in a particularly slutty mood. or a creampie. jeez, baekhyun, the wolf of wallstreet is strong in him. you literally have to stop him from showing off because “hey boy, i already know! i’ve seen it last week bro it was good!”
needless to say he’s talking in essays all day because he wants things go back to normal and he doesn’t have to ask twice.
for real, your candy man with the cinnamon stick has been suffering from the love bites and has to retire his cock for two days from the bruising. 
mind you. the pain he can deal with. that ain’t the problem. by all means, man. he’s a fucking masochist. 
it’s actually more like... submissive you has deactivated his boner and he can’t help it. it’s not you that makes him limp, it’s more like, the klingon choking and the ton of mishaps that just don’t sit right. 
baekhyun feels bad about not doing well enough to make both of you have a good time as well which is lowkey heartbreaking. you have to cheer him up with ‘now repeat after me: stupid, slutty bitch’ jokes to make him chuckle at least a bit.
cuz you gotta understand, baekhyun is very ambitious to develop his talents in all areas of life. if there’s a skill he gets stuck with and he can’t work with his potential, that’s so unusual to him.
and you say man, imagine if you were some kind of uber-talented dom. that’d still not make me sneeze any less.
if you dominate him, it feels easy to do. nothing can really ruin the mood, not even when the lube runs out (baekhyun drools enough to make anything slippery okay). 
except maybe when xiumin rings on landline because he left his favorite fluffy sweater in the subway and needs to vent about it. my god that’s such a tear-jerking story i’m close to sobbing. this shit could kill literally any boner.
or when your hand cramps up after shoving your fingers down his throat and in his ass for like half an hour which should be ranked first as the saddest anime betrayal of all time but it’s justifiable and you had a lot of fun beforehand.
in other words. only the things outside of your control tend to mess with your femdom business. in and of itself, nothing can kill your vibe except a dying battery obviously. 
whereas you trying submission oddly spoils the atmosphere from the inside out and provides a free cringe compilation. like without even doing much, it happens automatically. 
baekhyun relishes in dramatically recounting how you both looked like true clowns attempting a rendition of overexpensive, extra tangly contemporary art bondage. hell, not even employed clowns, completely retired ones, struggling to regain their tightrope tricks from summer 1912 when harry houdini was still hot shit in town. 
you say oh god, that wasn’t even worth a retired clown’s skillset, clowns work damn hard man. you’d be hardpressed to find any circus artist capable of cracking a whip onto themselves baekhyun-style and moaning out loud because it was this good. seriously. that was one for the books.
if baekhyun tried to set foot in some willy-nilly maledom porn, he’d be capable of firing himself on the first day. 
at the end, you just have a good laugh, man. you agree — hey, this ain’t it, but it’s good to know at least. tried and tested, been there, done that. self-whipping and carrot-nibbling and blowjob hiccups.
if you’re both so hopeless and living up to the challenge managed to upset poor mariah carey instead of giving you a hot and steamy time, you very well know where you belong. that’s a good feeling. assuring and a confidence boost for your skills. it makes up for all the clumsiness actually. 
exactly because the try-out part was an entire disaster, domming baekhyun will be even more fun, you can’t see it becoming anywhere near boring. it never really was, but now you know where your strong suits are even more so. and — what to avoid, anyway. 
no more unsafe practice and teddy whipping under this roof my friend
and something to incorporate more often which is baekhyun unleashing his very creative, pianoesque fingering skills on you.
you have lots of anecdotes to rile each other up as well. or, at least, tease another a bit. your high note was too legendary not to be remembered.
baekhyun will use all of these things against you in a positive way if you get what i mean. he’ll say how you being so strangely vocal made him realize just how commanding and compelling your sexy time voice is when you tell him how to kneel, how to kiss, how to revere.
and you teasing him how clumsy a dom he is makes baekhyun more self-assured in his subbing abilities. he knows for a fact you’ve not once roasted him about how well he can use his pretty mouth. cuz it’s the real deal. sloppy, skilled, and eager to please. he’s damn right about that.
hitting his toes has ruined baekhyun’s whole career as a dom and he was mad at first but he did realize that beside the clumsiness, subbing just suits him well as a principle
your experience gives you even more anticipation for all the sex you will have in the future. 
you already knew what you both liked. you know it even more now, it’s underlined, it’s a big relieved yes. no more cringey “daddy, daddy, choke me please!” worship. time to make his day and sit on baekhyun’s perfect face to fuck the shit out of it. 
or you know, actually land a whip on his juicy boyfriend thighs and listen to those heavenly loud reactions in a dead-on pitch (he usually moans in C minor).
long story short and cinnamon sticks aside. it’s even more fun now. you just love your cute subby boy just as he is. he doesn’t have to try to be anything else or step up his game. he’s so ideal just doing what he does like a real angel.
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more subby stuff: m.list + ao3
↳⎡FINAL NOTE⎦i love writing crack lmao i hope you were rolling on the floor like i did 😂 write me your favorite part in the comments so we can laugh again and buy me a ko-fi if you wanna 👍
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jeonheejin-remade · 7 years
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