#exo mint shirt
boysplanetrecaps · 9 months
The Great Produce 48 Rewatch: Ep 3, Signal Song Performance + Start of Challenge Mission 1
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Hello lovelies! When we left off with my Ultra Super Duper important Produce48 Rewatch Project, we had finished the grade reassignments and I did some number crunching. Now we'll dive into choosing the center for Nekkoya (WHO COULD IT BE???) and the performance itself, as well as the beginning of the first challenge mission. Woot!
Ok, we’re about 19:30 into episode 3. The next portion of the episode deals with the girls’ huge performance on MNET. First, they gather as a group, and sweet vocal coach Soyou comes out to tell them that they’re going to choose the center for the performance. 
If you’re newish to Kpop, it’s worth knowing that when people say “center,” they mean the person who stands in the center for a lot of the performance. For most kpop performances, the performers take turns standing in the center, and the “center” is just the person who usually begins and ends the performance in the middle, and/or takes center position at key points. A center is usually chosen for their looks, charisma, and dance ability. When people say someone just simply “is” the center of a group, they mean that this member tends to take center position for most of their performances. For example, Nayeon could be considered the “center” of Twice, Jungkook could be considered the “center” of BTS, Hyunjin is probably the “center” of Stray Kids, Kai is probably the “center” of Exo, and Irene is generally considered the “center” of Red Velvet. 
In many cases, the other members of a group can absolutely steal focus from the center. Just think of Sana stealing focus in Twice’s performances of Cheer Up. In the case of this huge performance of Nekkoya, however, the center position is even more important, because during this performance, the girls never change position. The center is in the center the whole darn time. Also, as the show points out, the trainees who got the “center” position in the first two seasons of PD101 ended up debuting in the final lineup (though neither currently dominates the Kpop landscape -- Choi Yujeong is a member of the criminally underrated Weki Meki, and Lee Daehwi is a member of the not quite as underrated but still underrated AB6IX.) (Please note that this is also a WKMK stan account.) 
How will the center be chosen for Nekkoya? By trainee vote! And the 14 members of Class A are each going to do a one minute performance to try to convince the other girls to vote for them as center. 
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We see Bae Eunyeong from Idol School -- the mint Chewing Gum girl -- saying that she’s taking the responsibility of choosing seriously since the person she vouches for will probably debut soon. 
First, we see Lee Chaeyeon, future soloist. Kim Choyeon (fire eyes girl) is cheering for her, because apparently Chaeyeon helped all the A-class girls learn the dance, despite apparently being sick when they got to learn with the teacher! In other words, she learned the dance better from watching the video than they did from working with the teacher. That’s Chaeyeon for you. We see a few seconds of her dancing, and she does great, of course. She never had a chance, though, because her face is slightly imperfect. I mean, so's mine. So's everyone's. IDK.
Next is Kim Shihyeon, future Everglow member. She comes out in a gray “F-class” shirt, queueing a flashback to when she was on season one of PD101 and was placed initially in F. 
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She introduces herself as “Kim Shiyhyeon from class F” and then sings, very nicely, while dancing lightly. She sounds great, though we only hear a second or two. Also, live vocals don’t matter much for this particular performance. Still, I love that she went with what she had -- a pair of pipes and a great backstory. 
Honda Hitomi dances energetically, adding a little cartwheel-flippy thing at the end.  
Ko Yujin, the “Hyuna lookalike”, immediately drops into a split and does a bunch of other dance moves straight out of Roll Deep or something.
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It’s all good, but it’s obviously the wrong vibe for the song, so I’m not sure if she actually though this would win her the vote or if she just wanted to show everyone what she was working with. 
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Little Kang Damin, future member of Queenzeye, does a pretty straightforward performance of the song, using a headset mic, singing and dancing. She says, “I want the center position if the opportunity is given.” I think she knows that she’s not likely to get it, not with both Gaeun and Sakura standing in line in front of her.
Damin’s labelmate, the flat tummied Hwang Soyeon, dances without singing, adding in a kind of weird windmill-of-arms at the end. I guess her enthusiasm carried her away. 
Little Lee Haeun, the “mini-Chungha” girl, also does a pretty straightforward performance of the song, using a headset mic. And like Damin, she does a great job, likely knowing she won’t get chosen but just wanting to show her skills. 
When Ah Yujin steps up, the editors play weird inspirational music, and splice in comments from other girls about how pretty Yujin is and how she would make a good center. We get a longish clip of her in the rehearsal space, totally overthinking what would make a good audition performance. I mean, most of the other girls are just literally performing the song that they are auditioning to be the center of, doing the moves that they will be doing as center. Just do that, Yujin, you silly goose.
We finally get to see her performance: she begins by saying “It’s dry in here. I hope to quench you all! Drink it up!” I had to pause the video because I cringed so hard I lost the use of my eyes and ears for a while. When I tuned back in, she was dancing -- what looked like original choreography -- and saying, in Japanese, “I love you all!” I’m obviously not the target market for this, because apparently at least some of the girls found this charming, and she got some votes. 
Next up is THE SAKURA, who Kim Shihyeon says “is so pretty, she doesn’t even have to do anything.” But of course, she has done the most -- she changed the Korean lyrics to something befitting the moment. She’s worried she’ll mispronounce it and people won’t understand her “sincerity.” She lays out all these pieces of paper on the stage, then begins her performance. My Korean is pretty limited, but the show put her new lyrics up on screen, and I was able to use my translator app to find out that she’s singing, “It was hard, lonely days, but let’s get through it together.” 
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She does a perfectly adequate job of singing and dancing, then picks up her sign. It says “Center -- Nekkoya 🩷” (the center position is mine). It’s very slightly misspelled, which is kind of cute, as it shows that she did it by herself. 
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Last up -- that we see -- is Lee Gaeun, who sings and dances charmingly, adding in some Japanese at the end. 
We don’t see any part of the performance of Kim Na Young (future Lightsum), Takahashi Juri (future Rocket Punch), Yabuki Nako (the one who moved up from F) or Na Go Eun (future Purple Kiss). 
Soyou comes out to tell the girls that per the voting, there are only a few remaining candidates: 
Lee Gaeun: 
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They appreciated that she spoke Japanese and liked her witty new lyrics. 
And Sakura: 
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They appreciated how much effort she put into it. 
Soyou reveals that actually, so far, they’re tied! So they need to have a final vote between the two. 
In the end, Sakura wins. Gaeun smiles that cute anime smile of hers, and Sakura begins to cry.
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Gaeun hugs her and says “congratulations” in Japanese to her. Sakura apologizes profusely, saying that Gaeun’s performance was much better than hers (I mean, it probably was) and Gaeun comforts her, still speaking Japanese. Of course, in being the kind of person who would tell Sakura that she, Sakura, is the perfect person for the center, Gaeun is just sort of proving that she herself is the perfect person to be center. 
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Everyone applauds and cries, including someone sitting in my chair. We hear Jo Yuri’s voice saying, “It warmed my heart. Even though they’re rivals, I could really feel that they’re already friends.” Kwon Eunbi says, “It didn’t seem to be about who won or lost. It was more like, ‘We won together.’” Choi Yena says, “I don’t know why, but I was happy. My heart grew that much bigger.” Sakura says, “I looked around and realized I had so many friends.” 
To cut through the treacle, the always squinting Yu Minyoung (mint polka dots, fell from B to A) says, “I’m a little worried that people might only see Sakura. She’s so pretty, otoke?!?”
Time passes, and now it’s time to film the big Nekkoya performance, on the big diamond shaped stage. 
Kim Da Hye asks Kim Cho Yeon and Goto Moe what their ending pose will be, then demonstrates her own -- a spot on impression of the classic out-of-breath, earnest smile you always see. It’s really funny, so check it out at about 34:30 in. 
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The A girls go up on stage, and the other girls are jealous, especially the ones who had been in A but were moved down. The girls in F are taking it hardest, because they’re not even allowed to go up on stage. 
The other girls notice that gavely-voice Noe is starting to tear up, and they try to comfort her.
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She interviews, “To be honest, I’m neither good at singing nor good at dancing. I couldn’t even be on stage.” Other girls are really sad, too. 
A few of the girls -- I think it’s that YGK+ model Ahn Ye Won and the show's favorite punching bag Shin Suhyun -- call the other girls together, saying “no crying! Come here!” and they all end up doing a cheer together.
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As it turns out, they’re dancing on the floor right in front of the stage, so they actually are kind of visible. 
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You can see the distribution of the groups -- the pink A girls are in the center, flanked by a stripe of orange B girls, with the yellow C girls and Green D girls at the corners and the back. Gotta say, I’d rather be that D girl in the left corner than the D girl all the way in the back. 
On the day of the actual recording, they do one run-through, and the judges notice that they all look terrified instead of happy. (Soyou calls out Damin for always making the same cutesy face -- pretty funny.) The judges encourage them to show more cheerfulness in their performance, and they try again. 
Their actual performance is a hit. At this point, I’m good not hearing the song again for a while, but here is the full length performance if you want to see it. It’s kind of interesting what happens -- Sakura is the center for the first part, and then the second half of the stage comes out and Gaeun is sort of the center for that group. 
But as I think I said in my Boys Planet recaps, I never really understood the appeal of these super huge dance numbers. You can only see the people the cameraman and editors choose to show you. It might be different if you were there live...? I don't know. I understand that it's a tradition on these shows and all that, but it never really captures my interest.
Sakura interviews that if even one person hadn’t been on stage, it wouldn’t have been the same, that all of them came together to do the performance. Not sure how she’d know that if she has her back to literally all of them. But seriously, she really has the gift of diplomacy, doesn’t she?
When they’re done recording the performance, the girls are stunned to find out that finally they’ll be meeting the alleged host of the show, Lee Seungki! He comes out to strains of electric guitar and lots of applause. Future Kep1er’s Dayeon says, “He’s really handsome. Chincha chincha chincha chincha.” You could say that she really really likes him! Nomu nomu nomu nomu jowa! 
Rocket Punch’s Juri and Purple Kiss’s Na Goeun like him too, so maybe liking Lee Seungki helps you debut!
They’re all looking at him kind of like this:
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He tells them that he’s here to help and that they can talk to him any time. He says that he’s heard that they’ve worked really hard, but also that a few of them have given up and gone home. It must have been hard for them, he says, which is actually pretty kind. He tells them not to give up, and encourages them to keep their dream in mind. Whatever he says, it seems to really help them. 
He says that he believes that an international powerhouse group will emerge from this show and take all of Asia by storm. They all cheer. 
Challenge Mission 1 Begins: Group Battle Mission
At 43:40 we move on to the next part of the series: the first challenge mission. 
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The girls gather in the studio dressed in their class colors, and cheer loudly when Lee Seungki comes out to greet them. 
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Hwang Soyeon looks especially delighted. 
Lee Seungki explains that their first challenge will be a group battle mission which will help decide if they stay or get eliminated. He tells them that they’ll be divided into 16 teams of 6, doing 8 different songs -- in other words, each song will be performed by two different teams, which will be each other’s rivals. Within each pairing, there will be one winning team and one losing team. Each member of the winning team will get 1000 bonus points, and only the top 58 ranked trainees will survive.
The trainees view the 1000 bonus points as a “free pass” to stay, but I wouldn’t really agree with them. It’s nice and all that, but knowing what I know about the vote totals in the first round, it would only make a difference to people who are *right* on the line -- between 58th and 61st place. If you were going to be in 62nd place or below, or 57th place or above, it wouldn’t matter at all.
So, sure, you want the 1000 points, but what you want more than that is to come off as especially winsome in the rehearsal footage. That’s how you win the attention of the National Producers. Ideally, you should be really pretty, at least moderately skilled, very hardworking, and extremely sweet to the other girls, but perhaps a little bit put upon or martyred. 
The trainees can’t believe that almost half of them are going to be eliminated. Nakanishi Chiyori, from What’s Your Name?, interviews, “I felt as if someone was poking my heart with something sharp.” They’re all varying degrees of desperate to survive. 
The song choices for the 16 performances are revealed. 
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The songs:
Short Hair by AOA (from June 2014) 
Peekaboo by Red Velvet (from November 2017) 
Love Whisper by Gfriend (from August 2017) 
Boombayah by Blackpink (from August 2016)
Very Very Very by IOI (from October 2016)
High Tension by AKB48 (in Japanese, from November 2016)
Like Ooh-ahh by Twice (Japanese version, original version from October 2015)
Mamma Mia by Kara (Japanese version, original version from August 2014) 
Naturally, the Korean trainees want a song in Korean, while the Japanese trainees would prefer a song in Japanese. And, though no one is saying it right now, probably none of them want to do Boombayah, a song with famously difficult choreography. None of the others come close. It’s like that time they had NCT-U’s Seventh Sense on a Produce101 season. It just filled the trainees’ hearts with dread. 
Seungki explains that he’ll be choosing trainees at random to be team captains, and that those girls will get to choose the other members of her team.
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But first, Sakura gets to choose her own team, because that’s how this show works. I’m lowkey surprised they didn’t just write “Sakura” on every ball and then choose her name at “random”. 
Sakura chooses “Lee Chaeyeon-chan” first, surprising almost no one. Chaeyeon probably is the one who taught Sakura the choreo to Nekkoya, and her teaching skills alone would make her an extremely useful member of any team. Then Sakura chooses sweet-faced Motomura Aoi second, which surprises… everyone? I mean, that’s not who I’d choose if I had my choice of everyone. But they’re both on HKT48 so they’re probably friends. Then she calls for Kim Minju-chan, likely because (a) Minju is a Very Pretty Girl and fairly highly ranked and (b) maybe they met somewhere and got to be friendly? After all, she calls her -chan not -san, which is a friendly name tag. Then she calls for Kim Choyeon, who, from everything we can tell, is a really sweet girl, and a hard worker.
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She also has amazing facial expressions.
Her last pick is Kwon Eunbi-chan, who is a solid choice. Both Choyeon and Eunbi probably cemented their spot by being friendly to Sakura when they were together in A class. 
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Left to right: Sakura, Chaeyeon, Aoi, Minju, Choyeon, and Eunbi. 
They stand together on stage and the Avengers theme song music plays. But I, an intellectual, know that often the *second* team picked is just as good, if not better, than the first. 
Sakura has to then choose the name of the next team’s captain by picking a ball from the machine. Everyone wants to get picked, including a familiar face….
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… but Sakura chooses An Yujin, future IVE member, instead of Huh Yunjin, future Le Sserafim member. Well, instead of everyone. And it’s totally random, right, MNET?
Yujin knows what’s up. So she chooses:
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Na Goeun, future Purple Kiss
Jang Wonyoung, future Queen of all Kpop (and member of IVE)
Choi Yena, future soloist
Shiroma Miru, future visitor to Queendom Puzzle
Honda Hitomi, certified cutey-pie (but not shown in the screenshot)
Really, really strong team, in some ways stronger than the first team. To be fair, as much as I love Miru, I might have picked someone else, but Yujin was on B-team with Miru and they might have gotten really close. 
She draws out Yabuki Nako’s name to be the next team captain, and holds the ball up straight to the camera like the commercial queen she is.
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Does anyone else just want to buy pink ping pong balls now for some reason?
As a reminder, Yabuki Nako is the girl who moved from F class all the way up to A. From Nako onward, we don’t see who anyone picks, but we do see the next few team captains. Kojima Mako, Matsui Jurina, and Oda Erina. From there, things speed up. We see teams being picked and the ranks thinning out, until all that’s left is… the leftovers. (The reason I’m interested in the order that the captains get selected is that it gives us a sense of where a team fits in the hierarchy from AVENGERS at one end to LEFTOVERS at the other end.) 
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Team leftovers: Sato Minami, Chiba Erii, Asai Nanami, Asai Yuka, Kang Hyewon, and Han Chowon. 
Poor Han Chowon, future member of Lightsum. For some reason she doesn’t get picked, despite being a member of B-class and having some obvious skills. It must have been galling to see people picking Ds and Fs ahead of her. Meanwhile, true to her basic lot in life, Miss Purity Kang Hye Won is like, “I wasn’t upset, but I didn’t know what to do.” Asai Yuka, who auditioned with Knock Knock, probably didn’t get picked because she’s only 14 and relatively inexperienced. It must have been so depressing and embarrassing, and as much as I kind of laugh at hopeless Hyewon, I feel sorry for all of them. Well, most of them. 
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Chiba Erii has prepared a brand new facial expression for the occasion. Totally different from the spaced out look she had in class, right? This one is like, 2% angrier. 
I know I should be being nicer about it, but I find it really difficult to work up much sympathy for Chiba Erii. She strikes me as a girl who has always had an easy time in life because she’s pretty, and she expected that to continue. I'm probably being unfair, right? Sigh. Well, part of the point of these recaps is for me to mention my opinions, and that's one of them - that an accident of bone structure shouldn’t be an excuse to be unpleasant and dull.
Next, Lee Seungki tells them that the way they’ll be deciding who will get which song will be with a race. UGHH. They ran races on all four seasons of Produce101, and it’s always a mess. I get it that part of these shows is to just be fun, silly television for the viewers, but I don’t know, doesn’t it seem like a terrible idea? A bunch of extremely eager people placed into a situation in which they could easily harm themselves or others in their enthusiasm? 
Produce X 101 was the last time they did the race, for the record. For Girls Planet 999, they did a challenge where they had to find each other’s baby photos, and for Boys Planet, they did it based on fancam views for the signal song performance. Either seems better than just like, who can run fastest. 
Anyway, the girls discuss the songs that are right for them, and then the team captains line up for the race. (The teams can’t choose a runner -- the captain has to run.) There are two signs for each song on the far wall, but there is only one sign holder for each song, so the runners have to first grab the song they want then sprint back to the other side of the room to get that sign into the sign holder first in order to guarantee the choice.
I explained this song selection method to My Fella and he said, "Why don't they just put the song holders at the bottom of a deep swimming pool?" and I was like "I don't know why they're not at the heart of a volcano" and he was like "that's where they keep the signs themselves." We have fun, My Fella and me.
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A few girls say that they have experience running track and field, including future IVE member Ahn Yujin, Kim Yubin, one of the CNC school girls, Lee Chaejung, future member of Alice, and Queen Jurina.
They run to the strains of “Chariots of Fire” and a lot of shrieking. Little Bibian looses a shoe. Looks like no one wants High Tension by AKB48, but fast runner Chaejung grabs Boombayah, and Hwang Soyeon grabs Like Ooh Ah. There’s a bit of a scuffle at the end, as Ahn Yujin and Kato Yuuka fight over who will really get Very Very Very, and Seungki has to come over to make the call: Ahn Yujin wins.
The winners get to choose which team they want to face off against -- and that team will have to do the same song. Jurina, whose team won Peekaboo by Red Velvet, chooses Kim Yubin’s team to be their rival, dashing Sakura’s hopes. Jurina is too smart to choose Sakura as a rival! 
Lee Chaejeong, whose team is going to do Boombayah, gets to choose almost any team to go up against, and makes the strategic choice: the leftovers team. It’s a way of quite possibly guaranteeing success. As Won Soyeon puts it, “I feel bad, but… I don’t want to die.” This means that the least skilled team will be forced to do the most difficult song. Some of the girls on the leftovers team start to cry almost immediately -- pigtailed little Asai Yuka just buries her face in her hands and sobs, and Asai Nanami (Sailor Venus) interviews that for the first time, she just wants to go home --   and everyone feels awful.
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I get it -- first no one chooses them to be in a team, and then they get chosen right away as the weakest rival to do the hardest song. It’s a one-two-three punch that had to really hurt. 
Lee Seungki asks directly, “why are you crying?” and Erii answers just as directly, “We don’t think we can do it [perform Boombayah].” 
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Seungki kindly says, “In my experience, having the resolve to accomplish something will make people watching you feel touched by your determination. So having the resolve to be able to do it will touch the hearts of the National Producers. And nobody can predict the final outcome of that. So believe in yourself and be strong. I’ll have high hopes for all of you until the day that you turn those tears of sadness into tears of happiness.” 
Aww! That’s some good stuff, Seungki. 
Chiba Erii says, “ganbarimasu,” which is translated as “we’ll work hard” and is sort of the Japanese equivalent of “Fighting!” His words seem to cheer up the other girls, too, especially Hyewon. 
The selections continue, in order I think of when the girls got their sign in the holder, until the very last team -- Ahn Yujin’s team -- gets stuck with the team no one wanted to face off against: Sakura’s team. Uh oh! This will be a tight race. 
So, the teams have all been created and songs assigned. Now it’s time for the girls to start preparing! But that will have to wait for the next post!
Thanks as always for going on this Grand Journey with me. How is it going for you? Are you watching along? Are you just reading? Just skimming and looking for info about a favorite? (That's ok -- I know people might want to do that, which is why I bold the names of the trainees.) I hope all is well with you and that you've already come to some sort of acceptance about your New Year's resolutions.
Love ya lots,
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unlikelyandco · 2 years
@lxghtbound​ asked:
& for mint n legion :3
Legion and Mint just came back from their late-night date and he was ready to rest. He took off his shirt and plopped onto the bed with a content sigh. Laying on his stomach, he put his hands under his head and shut off the optics. Mint was surely going to come soon.
But when the other comes and sits down on the edge of the bed, and his hand trails over Legion’s spine, the Exo freezes up for a moment. It’s rare that anyone purposefully touches the scars there, and he tries to keep the attention elsewhere - he’s not really fond of them.
With a build based on paramuscle instead of plating, and a high mechanics skills, Legion didn’t get to keep a lot of his scars. He always replaced what he could and as fast as it was possible, mainly to keep his body in good condition, but also to keep his appearance pleasing.
But he still had some in places that he couldn’t really touch without destroying the intricate Vex implants - the spine, the insides of his hands, and the back of his head. While he always managed to keep the two last in good shape, his spine was one huge library of injuries from the very start of his Exo life.
Still, he hums and turns his head enough to look up at Mint. Maybe it’s because it’s Mint, or maybe the scars don’t bother him that much anymore, he finds the touch rather pleasant. “I can tell you where they come from Just put a finger on the one you want to hear about.”
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calpicowater · 4 years
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Week 31/53: July 27th - August 2nd 2020 | Ball Gown
This week felt so long lol. I had two interviews on Tuesday and I died KJSKDSKLKFSL. Both felt low-key wack..... For one of them I had to walk near farmland for like twenty minutes wearing heels like wtf!!! HELP???! Did some more applications during the rest of the week lmao but I feel like my results are better when I spend more time working on my apps instead of rushing on them (okay no shit Sherlock Xie). I'm so tired of this already lmao idk what I am doing!!!!!! Only working twice a week makes me feel so bored and useless lmao. Good thing I'm gonna work 3 days starting next week lol maybe it will be good for me??? ANYWAYS YAY FOR MORE COIN??? EVEN THOUGH I GTG SUFFER FOR AN EXTRA DAY IT’S OK LOL. Idk..... I'm so lost right now KAJDKSKDLD. On Thursday I met up with Vivian aka my neighbour/cadet bff LOL we used to hang out once a year but we missed 2019 so I thought I'd never see her again but 2020 came through LOOOL. She took me to a random spot near Stevenson for picnic and then we went to Terra Nova to take photos because she's always obsessed with taking photos of skylines luls. This weekend spent w bb as usual ^0^ I made a giant bowl of seaweed rolls on Saturday LOL I rolled four rolls... I USED SO MUCH RICE HAHAHAHHAHA. Time to start a business!!!!!!! On Sunday we went to eat ramen at Ramen Danbo and we waited in line for almost an hour even though we went at 3pm aka a super unusual eating time..... just because we were unlucky SJDJSKKA SMH but the ramen was yum as usual. I got their spicy sesame ramen this time..... yum~~~ (but I think the regular sesame one was better??? I forgot LOL) After eating, we went back to bb's apartment and I gave her a haircut even though she just got one last week but she wanted her hair to be shorter so I helped her cut it again ^^ and it looks pretty cute...... I watched the 2block haircut tutorial like 4 times but in the end I still couldn’t give a proper 2block... sorries babe ;-(( but it still turned out really cute honestly!!! I AM PROUD OF MYSELF HAHAHAHAHA... time to start a hair cutting business too. Tfw low-key jobless so I just wanna start a business out of everything. CEO Lily when?????????? MILLIONAIRE LILY WHEN????????
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lxghtbound · 2 years
my muse will take a shot and confess something they regret/shouldn’t have done
Anon asked: 🍸🍸🍸 two for Scout and one for Prose
Scout drank the two fluorescent blue shots easily in quick succession, giving a dramatised breath out as if it’d been a huge feat. “Hah, guess I’d say I regret suggestin’ that Banshee works on telesto. That gun is cursed, ‘n’ I’ve heard about some real strange things happenin’ ‘round the Tower ever since he got his hands on the damn thing.”
Prose was next up, taking his own equally as blue but not quite as glowy shot. “Oh, c’mon, you don’t really believe that shit, do you? Anyway, guess I’d say I probably shouldn’t’ve stolen Mint’s hoodie tonight. I...dunno if he has any others right now, ‘n’ Tangle’s are too small. Might have to go with just the shirt look, or whatever fancy shit he’s got, though it’d be real cool to see him in one of my croptops.”
“Oh, you gotta get a photo of that for me,” the Exo snickered, imagining the look on Mint’s face as he tried to fit into a croptop far too small for him, “’M s’posed to give another one, aren’t I? Uh...guess I really regret droppin’ my original handcannon for the one I have now. I’d rather have ‘em both, even if it was just some sorta’ momento.”
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exoluxionlove · 3 years
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EXO-L JPN Planet #14: Chen's One Summer Day
👤: What do you think of once you heard the word summer? ⚡: Hot! I can only think of this in the first place (laughs) I actually dislike summer the most. I would want to run away from the heat. Also, watermelon! It is the most tasty fruit in the summer. I don't really eat fruits normally but I really watermelons. Summer = watermelon.
👤: Did you always dislike summer? ⚡: I feel like I wasn't as (weak) about the summer when I was in primary. I used to be a kid that likes to play under the heat. But I became more weak about summer.... (laughs)
👤: How do you like spending your summer? ⚡: I like to spend it indoors with my air con switched on. Even if I go outside, I will be visiting shopping malls indoors. I enjoy movies too so I will visit late shows in the cinema as well.
👤: How did you spend your summer holidays when you were a student? ⚡: When I was a student I remember spending my summer holidays in tutorial lessons. My parents are quite strict about education so I spent a lot of time in tutoring school (laughs) When I was even younger I used to play with water guns as well. The water gun I used to play with will have half of it leaking when I tried shooting with it (laughs) It reminds me of those days today during this shoot. But the quality of the water gun is good today. I thought water guns will leak all the time (laughs)
👤: What food would you like to eat in the summer? ⚡: Eels and chicken ginseng soup. I would want food that gives me stamina (energy). Ah, but rather than wanting to eat I feel entitled to eat these food (laughs) Since I feel like I lose energy due to the sweat, I would want food that increases my stamina. There is a word called "Sambok" in korean and there were three days to it. I will eat (those food) during those days. First day it will be chicken ginseng soup, the second, eels.. something like that. I will eat these food no matter what happens (laughs) The members love food like these as well. Not even in the summer, but when we prepare new albums me and my members will eat these kind of food.
👤: Favorite summer fashion? ⚡: I like the type of clothes I am wearing today! I love clothes that are comfy for the summer. Instead of clothes that fit, I like over sized t-shirts, my tension will go down if I wore fitting clothes that stick onto me due to the sweat. In terms of colour, I usually wear black no matter which season it is. My wardrobe is 50% filled with black garments (laughs) I don't usually wear white that suits the summer, I also wear bright yellow and grey if not black. It is hard to have a lot of variations with summer fashion. Thats why I will wear rings and bracelets, watches etc. And actually I don't really like wearing sunglasses either, I like to wear rings and bracelets as details. I actually own quite a lot of bracelets made of beads and bangles. I used to wear chain bracelets but lately I am obsessed with beads bracelets.
👤: Were you the type that plans to do your summer homework? ⚡️: I was the type that had my homework clogged up. But instead of the last day, I will begin doing it slightly earlier, around a week beforehand (laughs) Diaries, summaries of books read, workbooks etc... Even if there were many I will still do everything by myself. I hate writing summaries and thoughts after book reading most. I like DIY homework most, I have made a windmill with kibigara.... It reminds me so much of my old memories talking about this.
👤: Most memorable summer holidays in private? ⚡: I went camping with my friends during high school. We had a tent in the beach and I can never forget about how fun it was. We had bbq, fireworks, ate watermelons... but there were some happenings. We had meat but no one brought any utensils for it and we can't begin our bbq for it... (laughs) We played paper scissors rock and the one that lost had to spend an hour and a half going to the shops alone. It is like hitch hiking since the shops are so far. Btw I was one of those who won (laughs) We went together as a group of nine and this teenage memory is something I still remember deep in my heart.
👤: Do you eat cold food? ⚡: I love korean cold noodles. I can eat those no matter which season. I have shops that I would definitely recommend if you visit Korea (laughs) I always check if there are any new restaurants selling Korean cold noodles too. But even though I like cold food, I don't really like sweet food. Even if I want ice cream due to the heat I won't choose chocolate flavors. If I had to eat those I would choose the fruity flavors. I also like soda flavor too. I like ice candies that are of soda flavor since they aren't too sweet. I also like mint flavor. Even though some hates it because they say it tastes like toothpaste (laughs)
👤: What drinks during the summer ⚡: Cola! I like diet coke instead of the usual ones. It helps when I am thirsty drinking cola. If we are talking about drinks adults like during the summer, I love beer most, but since I won't drink beer everyday I usually have diet coke instead (laughs) My taste towards drinks qre quite complicated, even though I like carbonated drinks I don't really enjoy sweet ones like soda and cola. But I won't drink the carbonated water either (laughs) I only drink diet coke. Also, though I like watermelon I won't drink watermelon juice. I feel like it's more tasty eating it instead.
👤: Memories with EXO's members? ⚡: We usually spend our time preparing for albums during that period. We used to film together the MVs under the heat. Even if it's not in summer it reminds me of our trip to Taiwan for variety show. It doesn't feel like filming but we got to be our natural selves, and it made me felt like I have enjoyed a summer vacation. Since this was a reality show we got to spend our time outside together.
👤: Which member suits summer the most? ⚡: Chanyeol. His personality fits summer. He is bright and energetic, which fits summer perfectly. On the other hand, Xiumin Hyung and I probably are the types that are weak to summer most.
👤: Which song fits summer most among EXO's discography. ⚡: It has to be Power! Isn't this the song that brightens the atmosphere most? I like listening to up-tempo songs to drive the heat away in the summer too. In that sense, Power fits summer most.
Even though Chen has mentioned he likes watermelon better as a fruit itself, our staff didn't notice and prepared him a watermelon ice candy.... but Chen is the kindest person as agreed by his members!
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agonydearest · 4 years
Fragments - M!Sidestep x Herald
Every time I have a panic attack, I need a stress reliever.  Sometimes I take a bath with lavender oil, sometimes I take antihistamines to help me sleep at night (at doctor’s recommendation, of course.  Don’t ever self-medicate unless you know what you’re doing) and sometimes I write.  Tonight, I’m writing again.
I know I haven’t posted in a while, and had fully intended to have some projects finished, but life sucks for me right now and my stress levels are on the crazy high side atm.  And you know what MC of mine has similar problems?  Sidestep himself.  I wrote a similar fic for ExO a while back - linked on my masterlist - so why not let Jude have a minute?  And if it calms me down in the process so I can get some sleep before work tomorrow, well that would be a great bonus.
So, Tumblr, meet Jude Bellamy, AKA Sidestep, AKA Puppetmaster!
It was happening again.  Jude felt his body trembling (whether that was from the panic coursing through him like icy water from a raging river or not having eaten that day, he didn’t know nor care).  His blunt fingernails dug into the flesh of his arms, a grounding gesture to let him know he was still alive and the dream wasn’t real.  Not then, anyway.  His stomach was in nauseating knots as he sat in a tub of steaming water with his knees to his chest and his eyes stinging and damp.  How long had he been in there?  He didn’t know, but it was long enough for his fingertips to shrivel, and apparently long enough to be worrisome.
The sound of knocking broke him from his trance.  His head snapped in the direction of the door, and his heart dropped at the voice that came from the other side of it.  “Jude?  Are you okay?  I can hear you through the door.”
Shit!  He must have been breathing too heavy.  He felt it now; hyperventilation.  fingernails started to break the skin of his biceps where his grip tightened.  
“Go away!” Jude hissed at the slight sting.  He’d had worse, even performed surgery on himself and he had more scars than even he could count, but his entire body was on high alert, and every touch against his sensitive skin sent his senses into overdrive.  He prayed for Danny to leave.
But he persisted.  “You sound...You’re not sick, are you?”
“Please, Danny, just leave me alone.”
That was when the door screeched open, the awful sound making the vigilante wince.  He didn’t even bother to cover himself; just stared at the man in the open doorway with wild eyes like a frightened animal.  “Jude?”  Danny’s own eyes were enlarged with horror, and Jude knew he looked terrible with his dark blond hair matted to his cheeks and neck and - “Oh my God, Jude, let go of yourself!”  The other man had rushed in and grabbed the one wrist that was close to him, pulling it away from pale tattooed flesh until the man formerly known as Sidestep registered the throbbing pain shooting from the crescent-shaped marks on his bicep, red as the whites of his green eyes, stinging with unshed tears that finally started to overflow as he met his lover’s (?) frightened gaze.  
He could have screamed at Danny to leave, flung him across the room and kicked him out of the apartment - anything to save what little dignity he had left - but all he could say was, “You’ll get wet.”  It was utterly pathetic.  Like the first time they had sex - he’d cried then too.  He was pathetic,
“I don’t care.” Danny replied, “Hold on.”  He took Jude’s hand and helped him to his feet, Keeping his body balanced as he gestured for him to sit beside the faux marble sink.  
Jude was fully aware of the position he was in; naked on the tile countertop with only a mint green bath towel in his lap to keep him covered while Herald used a smaller hand towel to dry his upper body.  It actually felt...nice, being taken care of.  Aside from the heat of the tears streaming down his cheeks and the shakes still wracking his body.  Jude hated that he felt that way.  He was too vulnerable.  He could feel fingers on his cheek and heard Herald speaking soft and firm. “You’re alright.  It’s going to pass, I promise.”
He knew.  Somehow he knew.
The thought alone was enough to make the tears turn to full-on sobs and Herald pulled him into a tight embrace that had Jude burying his face in the clothed flesh of his shoulder and gripping his shirt hard enough he was surprised it didn’t rip.  
He’d never allowed himself this moment of weakness, not in front of another person, and he isn’t sure what to do or say.  Not that he could speak other than letting out cries and gasps for air as he tried to regain control of his breathing.  Eventually, his throat was raw and he barely managed a single word in a voice that sounded more like a hoarse croak.  “I’m... I... ”
“It’s alright.” Herald told him, still cupping his cheek with one hand while the thumb of his other hand danced over his knuckled in a soothing gesture, “You don’t have to say anything.  Just concentrate on my voice.  It’s going to be okay, you hear?  You’re going to be okay.”
Jude always told himself it was best to deal with his panic attacks alone - who could understand anyway?  He didn’t need comfort or pity from anyone else.  It turned out he needed it bad.  He needed...
“I need you.”
Herald smiled warmly and pressed a kiss to his hair, cradling him close and blocking out the cold with his body heat, almost as if he could shield him from everything that might possibly hurt him with the embrace.  “I’m here, Jude.  I’m not going anywhere.” he assures, “I love you.  It’s going to be ok.”
“No one has ever said that to me.”
Danny stared into his eyes with a confused frown.  “That they love you?”
“That it will be ok.” Jude replied, because it was true.  He had no parents, he was always on his own, even with the Rangers as friends.  Even Ortega never knew how bad it was inside his head.  Nobody did.  Nobody could; it wasn’t safe.  
But he was safe with Danny.  He managed to glimpse a few thoughts through the young man’s shields, now much stronger with training but sometimes still loud enough that Jude could hear them clear as day.  He felt acceptance, concern, affection, love.  It was like a warm blanket draped over him, and Jude never wanted it to go away. “Stay with me?” he asked.
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coepiteamare · 4 years
interview tag
tagged by: @yeojaa & @papillonsgf like...a week ago 
rules: answer questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better!
name/nickname: violet/vi, yerim/yerimi/yeri/yea (wow my korean name has so many nickname/variations)
pronouns:  she/her/hers
star sign: sag sun, virgo moon, leo rising (i have a sag stellium and a aquarius stellium in my 6th house too)
height: 159?160cm? 5feet 2? or 5feet 3 i dunno
time currently: 23:45
when is your birthday: lalala
favourite band/groups: bts, red velvet, arctic monkeys, snsd, exo, little mix? ...i know there’s more but i cannot think of them
favourite solo artist: iu, ariana grande, baek yerin, sam kim, taeyeon, niki, alessia cara, illenium, said the sky, 
song stuck in your head:  don’t need your love - nct dream, hrvy
last movie you watched:  uhhhh 
last show you binged:  tiny, pretty things (i dont recommend it. it’s laughable how much consistency is emphasised in ballet, yet this show has so little of it)
when you created your (main) blog:  this is my current main blog! created in January 2020
last thing you googled:  “does canada have girl scouts”
other blogs:  i don’t use the other one!
why i chose my url:  based off a pacific rim au! fic ft double b. i like latin. and it felt oddly fitting
how many people are you following:  uhh 216
how many followers do you have:  77!
average hours of sleep:  it really depends. sometimes 8. sometimes 10. sometimes 5
lucky number:  21!
instruments:  none... i used to play piano (till grade 3). i want to learn guitar and i have been eyeing a very cute pink one...
what i’m currently wearing: my middle school shirt and shorts
dream job:  uhhhh i don’t really have one. but i’d like to print a poetry collection. i never know what to title my fics but oddly enough, i actually have titles in mind for the collection and i love them.
dream trip:  luxembourg. idk anything about it but i like the way the name rolls off my tongue. paris for pastries. tokyo. seoul. portland, oregon. my friends’ hometowns. 
favourite food:  mapo tofu, bibimbap, sweet potatoes, lasagna, pad kra pao (but i don’t eat meat anymore), mint ice cream. 
nationality:   korean
favourite song:   gah, it changes. maybe haunt you - social house
top three fictional universes you’d like to live in:  six of crows (would i be a grisha? idk), harry potter (jk rowling can SUCK it tho), percy jackson
tagging: uhh i think everyone has already done it?
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10 things about EXO
I’ve given it a lot of thought over the last few weeks, so here are 10 things that make me think about:
Kim Junmyeon
The ambiance at a high class New Years Eve party. Old handwritten letters kept in a box on the top shelf of your closet The glow of tall white taper candles at dinner Hearing a steady heartbeat when you lay your head on someone’s chest Pressed flowers between the pages of old books Reading to someone as they fall asleep The surprise of a bouquet of flowers just because Dancing like nobody is watching Coffee flavored kisses that turn into more The moment you realize you truly love someone
Kim Minseok
Long, peaceful drives on scenic roads after snow Butterfly gardens Holding hands on the ferris wheel Humming a tune while you do house chores Smokey eye shadow and cranberry lipstick Overwhelming tears of joy when you find out someone loves you back Animal selfie filters The excitement of sparklers Kissing sweets off of someone’s face or fingertips The smell of eucalyptus and mint
Zhang Yixing
Kisses on the hand Whispered conversations in the bath together until your fingers turn pruny Layered necklaces The idea of falling in love slowly Watching planes take off from rooftops Waking up in each others arms and falling back asleep The act of rolling up the sleeves of a white dress shirt Slow dances with feather-light intimate touches Rare but intense and passionate sex Sharing food from a street vendor in a new city
Byun Baekhyun
The sparkle of dust through an intense orange sunset Blowing bubbles in chocolate milk Eating a pizza together straight from the box The rebellious freedom of walking in the middle of the street late at night A collection of unique and stylish sunglasses Making breakfast together Blue jeans with colored chuck taylors and a blazer Sinful words whispered and kissed against your neck Watching the city at night from somewhere up high Dahlia flowers
Kim Jongdae
Sunflowers in a vase on the kitchen table The tingling giddiness you feel when the person you love smiles at you Fluffy, unstyled hair under the hood of a sweatshirt Blurry selfies Oil paintings in modern art museums Running your fingers through a field of wildflowers When your cheeks hurt from smiling too hard The kindness of reassuring someone they are enough Forehead kisses during a long hug Tight leather pants and sleeveless shirts
Park Chanyeol
The smell of the salty ocean just before you see it The reflection of palm trees and sunsets in puddles on the road Retro video games Yellow muscle cars Lazy kisses snuggled in bed under warm blankets An assortment of oversized sweaters Icy blue contact lenses The infectious happiness you feel with someone A look in someone’s eyes that turns you on The feeling of falling for someone fast and hard without regret
Do Kyungsoo
The stillness and scent of snow in the air hours before it starts falling Easy chords played on an acoustic guitar The comfort of homemade hot chocolate Quiet laughter that sounds like a hum Motorcycles The act of enjoying someone’s company without saying a word The feeling of wanting someone you can’t have Fresh linens on the bed The sounds of slow, mind-melting kisses and the breaths that come after Being moved to tears by someone’s singing
Kim Jongin
The softest, warmest skin The glitter of the sun on the surface of moving water The scent of lemons or citrus in general Sharing a pair of earphones and a playlist with your heads pressed together Dreaming about someone you love Clothes in all shades of brown Innocent, uncertain kisses that grow in confidence The vulnerability when someone looks at you like they can see your soul Falling in love with your best friend Cute, fuzzy stuffed bears
Oh Sehun
The moment between hearing thunder and seeing lightning when you hold your breath Back hugs that make you feel safe The gentle sound of windshield wipers on a rainy drive Standing on someone’s feet as you dance The smell of campfires Sex that lights your veins on fire Smiles that are only meant for you Laying in bed together and silently memorizing every detail of each other’s face Long walks in the park with your dog
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breadoffoxy · 4 years
Tag Game
Tagged by @soft-hard-peaches, thanks!
1. It’s your birthday! What did you ask for and did you receive it?
I always ask my mom for Durarara. I got season 1 now awhile back so now i’m asking for season 2. She thinks the name is funny and not sure how I started but that’s always my answer for laughs now haha. I didn’t get it, and season 1 I bought myself, found it for a good price where I used to work.
2. What was the last song or album you listened to?
Listened to EXO-SC’s album What a Life to get ready for their new on. So ready!
3. What is your go to snack when you’re hungry or bored?
It’s weird I like oreos when I really don’t like chocolate, its like toned down chocolate. That and bread!
4. What is your morning routine?
Wake up when my dog Angel wants to go to the bathroom, go on a quick walk, eat breakfast while watching an episode of community or something on Netflix, then shower and wash my face, go on another walk that is longer with Angel before work.
5. What mythical/cryptid creature would you be?
Either a majestic unicorn or a dragon. FIRE.
6. How do you interact with someone that you don’t like?
I’m an adult so I try to be professional about it. I won’t be mean to them, but I won’t go out of my way to interact with them if I can help it. My responses will probably be short and to the point.
7. How do you define a toxic person?
Oh geeze there are so many ways I feel like. Someone who takes advantage of others, acts selfishly, and refuses to listen to reason. If they hurt someone’s feelings they blame the victim and feel like they can do no harm. 
8. Have you ever been to a concert or fanmeet type of event? If not, would you want to?
I’ve been to BTS Speak Yourself Tour in Chicago and Monsta X We are Here Tour in Dallas, both very amazing. I would love to go to a fanmeet if that were possible. I kinda been to one but not for kpop. I used to work at conventions and helped out in the autograph area. Its crazy and stressful so I can’t imagine what all the staff at kpop events have to go through.
9. Do you believe in astrology? Why or why not?
Like I’m not going to follow it blindly, but I think it is one way to look at and interpret the world.
10. If you had only one sense (hearing, touch, sight, etc.), which would you want?
Hearing. Music is my life, without it I’d lose a lot of joy. 
11. Who is your favorite celebrity or idol?
I can make you a long list, but I’ll do my best to keep it short. So I’ll stick with my kpop biases from my favorite groups and some actors/actresses. Jimin, Chen, I.M., BamBam, Taemin, Wooyoung, and Yuta. Tom Hanks, Stanley Tucci, and Sandra Bullock.
12. If you could talk to your favorite celebrity(s) for a limited time, what would you tell them?
If I ever met anyone from BTS I’d like to thank them for helping me understand myself better, and also helping me survive grad school after discovering their great tunes.
13. I’m taking you out on a date and it’s your choice. Where are we going and what are we going to do?
Aquarium! haha no idea why, but I just really want to go on a date to an aquarium. Get some good food after.
14. Do you like sweet or savory foods?
Depends really, how about both? Chicken and waffles!!
15. Do you have any band merchandise or merchandise from any of your favorite artists? If so, what?
hahahahaha yes. Like it’s too much to name really. I got tons of bts, monsta x, got7, and exo posters, photo cards up in my room and shirts from the concerts I’ve been to. Got lots of BT21 merch -  pillows, keychains, clothes, wallet, etc. I have anime and video game posters/fan art and autographs i pick up at conventions too. Lots of one piece, my hero academia, haikyuu, fire emblem, Dragon Ball Z, Legend of Zelda things. there’s a bunch of things in my closet i don’t have room to put out in my room, and lots of my clothes are references to pop culture. I have a lot of video game art books too. I like things! It’s really bad.
Tagging: @thin-mint-yoongi, @salade-tb
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lifewithsehun · 5 years
She’s back XIII (M)
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Note: I've never written smut before… but here goes nothing 😅😅 
Characters: Exo, Red Velvet, Y/N
Pairing: Y/N x Baekhyun
Genre: Fluff/SMUT
Warnings: cursing and SMUT
6 months later
"Byun Baekhyun… get off me", you whined. "I don't want to", he groaned. You were both still in bed although it was already noon, Baekhyun had his arm and leg over you and kept snuggling into you. You loved waking up on some mornings with him and staying in bed late, but not today. Today was Minseok's and Wendy's wedding day and Baekhyun was one of the groomsmen and you, a bridesmaid. It had been six months since the night Baekhyun asked you out and since then he would always insist that you stay to sleepover during the weekends, but last night should have definitely not been one of those sleepover nights. "It's already 12, my hair and makeup lady will be here soon, because we have to take pictures everyone before the ceremony", you said as you tried to break yourself free. "Fine.. but give me a kiss first", Baekhyun mumbled. "No, I'll give you a kiss after I shower, so move", you replied. "Ok, ok so fiesty… can I join you in the shower..?", he teased as you broke free. "No", you replied and rushed into the restroom. Baekhyun and you had never done anything more than making out, but he never missed his chance to tease you and make you turn red. You finished your shower and changed into some shorts and tshirt. As you were brushing your teeth Baekhyun joined you in the restroom to brush his. Once you had both rinsed your mouths, he grabbed your face and kissed you. "Ya, what are you doing", you giggled against his lips. "You owed me a kiss", he replied and started removing his clothes to shower causing you to run out of the restroom as he laughed. "Pervert", you yelled making him laugh even louder. 
It was soon 4pm, leaving Baekhyun and you an hour until the pictures and ceremony. Your hair and makeup were all done and you were helping Baekhyun adjust his tie, so you all you had left was to change and you'd be on your way. You went to the room and changed into your dress. When you stepped out of the room, Baekhyun reached over to hug you and whispered, "You're so beautiful my love". 
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You felt your heart beating fast and butterflies in your stomach. Baekhyun was almost always complimenting you and calling you love, but at the moment hearing him call you beautiful and my love, made you feel different than the other times. You both arrived at the venue and everyone was already there. "I'm surprised I got here before you", Joy said as she hugged you. "I know, Joy's always late", Kyungsoo added. "It's Baekhyun's fault he didn't want to get up", you responded when you saw that he had gone to talk to the Minseok, Yixing and Chanyeol. "Oohh… sleepover.... how was it?", Joy teased. "Omg.. I'm leaving", Soo said and walked away towards Jongdae and Junmyeon. "How was what?..sleeping? Well we slept good", you shrugged. "Wait Baekhyun and you haven't.. you know..", Joy asked with shock. "No..", you mumbled. "Why? You don't want to or what?…", she asked. "I do...", you replied as you looked over at him. "Well then? You love him don't you? I can see it in the way you look at him", she said. "Yes.. I love him", you replied. 
You were in love with Baekhyun, he had won your heart in these past 7 months of dating and of being his girlfriend. You now knew you wanted everything with him, you want to be his and only his forever, but you weren't sure of how to tell him. Your thoughts were interrupted as the photographer told everyone to get ready for the pictures. Minseok of course looked handsome, but Wendy looked amazing, she was dazzling. "Watch out Minseok, I might steal your bride if you don't take care of her", you teased as you pretended to pull her away. "I don't think Baekhyun would allow that", Minseok laughed. "He's right I'd steal you back and take you far away from her", Baekhyun laughed. The ceremony was beautiful and of course you were trying not to cry during their vows. Weddings were usually beautiful, but seeing your childhood friends getting married to each other made the threat of tears even stronger. The wedding was going on smoothly and the newly weds had just finished their first dance, so of course Baekhyun was already pulling you to the dance floor. "I can imagine you in a wedding dress, you'd be the most beautiful bride that has ever existed", Baekhyun whispered in your ear as you both danced. "Hmm.. you think so?", you asked. "I know so", Baekhyun replied with a grin.
"It's time for the bride to throw the bouquet", the wedding planner announced. "Let's go", Joy said and pulled you to the dance floor. "I never catch these", you said as you waited for Wendy to throw it. "Me either, but whatever", Joy shrugged. "You girls ready?", Wendy yelled. "One", she yelled and swung the bouquet. She counted to three and pretended to throw it. The girls all booed and the guys cheered causing you to laugh. You turned to Baekhyun and saw him mouthing something that looked like he was saying "extend your hands and catch it" and you shook your head,  but extended your hands out anyways. You were too busy looking at Baekhyun and shaking your head, that you hadn't heard Wendy count to three again as she threw the bouquet. You felt something land in your hands and you realized it was the bouquet and everyone cheered. You turned back to Baekhyun and he had a big smile on his face, so you smiled back shyly. "Omg I caught it", you said as you walked up to him. "That's good… now you'll have to marry me", he responded and gave you a peck on the lips. "Who said I want to marry you?", you teased. "I'll make sure your mine and only mine love just watch", he said and winked. "So confident", you laughed. "In my love for you, yes very", he replied and pecked your lips again. 
The wedding soon finished and you mean soon because you hadn't even realized how much time had passed as you danced and had fun. Baekhyun and you left the venue, but headed to get some pizza because you were both starving. When you walked in several of people just stared because Baekhyun was still in a suit and you in your dress. You didn't care though, you were starving. "Hmm", you practically moaned as you bit into the pizza. "You're really enjoying it", Baekhyun chuckled. "Heck yes there's nothing else that I enjoy more than pizza", you replied. "I know something better than pizza", Baekhyun smirked. "Baekhyun just eat your pizza", you replied while rolling your eyes. You both finished your food and sat there for a while talking until you didn't feel that full. "Are you staying over?", Baekhyun asked as you stopped in front of his and your apartment doors. "Can I?", you asked. "You always can", Baekhyun answered as he opened his door. You walked in nervously because you honestly didn't want to just sleep. You thought about how you wanted to tell Baekhyun that you love him and how much you've been wanting him.
During the past couple of weeks Baekhyun had been torturing you by walking around in just boxers while at home and he had been working out, so his body was looking extra good. Sometimes you'd sneak a peak and admire his proportions and you'd start having not so innocent thoughts. You weren't sure if he was doing it on purpose at first, but two days ago, when he caught you staring, he threw you a wink. "Go put some clothes on", you had told him as you rolled your eyes. Now here you were two days later entering his apartment and wanting to tear his clothes off. 'Calm down Y/N', you thought and chuckled. "Why are you laughing", Baekhyun asked as he walked in behind you. "Hmm nothing..", you replied. You both removed your shoes and Baekhyun walked over to the couch and sat down. You stood there looking at him and he patted his thighs indicating for you to take a seat. You walked over to him and sat sideways on his lap. "Are you tired my love?", he asked as he hugged your waist. "No", you answered. "Give me a kiss then", he said and puckered his lips. You laughed and leaned in for a kiss. He kissed you gently as he held your head with his hand. You kissed him back with much more eagerness and he deepened the kiss as he entered his tongue into your mouth. You loved Baekhyun's kisses, his lips were so soft and he always tasted like mint, you could never get enough. You broke the kiss to catch your breath and you could see the want in Baekhyun's eyes as he stared at your red lips, while licking his.
(I love this gif)
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 "Baekhyun", you whispered breathlessly. "Yes love", he replied as he looked you in the eyes. He could also see the want in your eyes, but wasn't sure if he was just imagining it. "I want you.. make me yours Baekhyun", you whispered. Baekhyun felt his heartbeat increase and his blood rush down to his member when he heard you say that. "Are..are you sure?", he stuttered and you nodded your head. "I need words baby, do you want me?", He asked. "Yes, I want you, I want all of you", you replied and he kissed you with force as he pulled you more into him. Baekhyun wanted to take you fast and hard, but he also wanted to take his time with you and savor the moment. He started kissing down your neck and leaving small marks on your collarbones and the top of your breasts. You moaned at the feeling and Baekhyun picked you up bridal style to carry you to the room. He layed you down on the bed as he pulled of his suit jacket and tie. Once he had also unbuttoned some of his shirt buttons he climbed on the bed and hovered over you to kiss you again. "I've waited for this for so long" Baekhyun whispered against your lips. You pecked his lips and he smiled adoringly at you. He reached for the zipper of your dress, but you knew it'd be a struggle to remove it while laying down. "I think I have to stand up", you chuckled. You stood up and he stood behind you as he slowly pulled down the zipper. You grew nervous at the thought that Baekhyun would be seeing you completely naked for the first time. Baekhyun noticed how nervous you looked and he stopped to place a kiss on you shoulder as he whispered, "Don't be nervous love, I'll take care of you". You nodded and he proceeded to remove your dress. 'Good thing I chose to wear a new matching all black strapless bra and underwear', you thought when he turned you around and looked at you from head to toe. His eyes shifted back up to your face as he groaned, "You're perfect", causing you to blush. He pulled you onto his lap as he sat on the corner of the bed and you could feel his hardened member against your core as he pulled you close to him. You felt yourself getting wetter by the second and the moan he let out when you rubbed against him, had you wanting to hear more. He slowly ran his hands down your back and squeezed your butt as he kissed your lips once more before he proceeded to kiss your neck and chest. You grinded your core against his member and let out a moan. "You sound so beautiful baby", Baekhyun groaned against your chest. "Baekhyun please", you moaned as you grabbed his hair and pulled his head up to kiss him. "Please what?", he teased as he broke the kiss. "I need you", you said and grinded your hips on him. "Whatever my princess wants", he groaned as he undid your bra. 
He pulled your bra off and threw it somewhere across the room and immediately took one of your nipples in his mouth. You felt like your body was on fire with his kisses and touches, he already had you a moaning mess and he had barely touched and kissed you. His mouth felt so good and you could already imagine how much better it would feel somewhere else. You moaned at the thought and the feeling of him flicking your nipple with his tongue as he massaged your other breast. He switched to your other nipple to give it the same attention and then reached down between your bodies. "You're so wet babygirl", he said as he released your nipple and ran his finger over your covered core. "Don't tease me", you whined. He stood up with you and turned to lay you on the bed. "I won't tease, but I will take my time with you", he replied as he hovered over you and started placing kiss down your body to the top of your underwear line. He looked up at you as he slowly slid your underwear down and you could see his eyes darken once he saw how wet you really were. He spread your legs and you could feel his breath fanning over your core. You suddenly felt his tongue run up your folds causing your eyes to roll back. "Shit", you moaned as he continued to swipe his tongue through your folds and place kisses on your clit. "You taste so fucking good", he moaned against your core. "You… you're tongue feels so good", you stuttered as he suddenly inserted a finger into your core. Baekhyun started sucking on your clit as he inserted another finger and started pumping them in and out of your core. You have always loved Baekhyun's hands, they were like a piece of art and having them do what they were currently doing had you loving them even more.  He continued to pump them in and out slowly and you could feel the knot in your stomach building. You knew it would explode pretty soon. "Faster", you moaned. Baekhyun complied as he pumped his fingers faster and hit your sweet spot continously. He could feel you clenching against his fingers, so he knew you were close. He inserted a third finger and flicked your clit with his tongue. You started to shake and moan his name as you felt your orgasm hit you hard. You had never come this hard and Baekhyun was able to do it with only his fingers and tongue. He continued to pump in and out of you to help you ride your orgasm until you whined because of overstimulation. He pulled his fingers out of you and inserted them into his mouth to clean off your cum. "That was amazing", you panted while trying to catch your breath. "There's still more baby girl", Baekhyun replied as he leaned in to kiss you. You could taste yourself on his tongue as he deepened the kiss, but you didn't care and you sucked on his tongue causing him to moan.
You reached for the buttons of his shirt and you slowly undid the rest of them and pulled his shirt off. You broke the kiss to admire his body and run your hands from his chest down to his abs. He closed his eyes and his mouth opened slightly as he felt your hands on him. You leaned forward and placed a kiss on his chest as you reached for his belt buckle and pants. He made eye contact with you as you slid down his zipper and pulled down his pants and boxers. Baekhyun's member sprung against his stomach and you gulped once you saw his size. Baekhyun was big and thick, he was definitely bigger than your ex. Your eyes shifted back up to his face and you saw him smirking. You smirked back as you wrapped your hand around his member and pressed your thumb into his slit to spread his precum on his tip. His smirk disappeared as he closed his eyes and moaned at the feeling of your hand on him. You slowly started pumping his member causing him to slump over you and moan and whine into your ear. His moans and whines were like music to your ears. You started to pump faster, but he stopped your hand. "I can't anymore babygirl, I have to be inside of you now", he groaned. He removed his pants and boxers completely and reached for a condom in his nightstand, but you stopped him. "I'm on birth control, I want to feel you bare", you said. You had always had sex with a condom even though you were taking birth control, but you wanted something different with Baekhyun, you wanted it to be more intimate, if that was possible, and you wanted to feel him completely with nothing in between. His eyes darkened even more and he aligned himself at your entrance as he caressed your face and whispered,"I'll go slow babygirl, I've got you". He started sliding slowly into you causing you to whimper in slight pain. He stopped halfway as you let out another whimper and he grunted, "you're so tight". Although it was a bit uncomfortable, you wanted him fully, so you wrapped your legs around him and pushed him forward. "Fuck", he moaned as he slid fully inside you. You let out a breathy moan and grabbed onto his biceps as you tried to adjust to his size. "You're so big Baek", you moaned as he started to move out and back in slowly. He kept a slow pace as he thrusted in and out of you and you felt your discomfort fading as it was turning into pure pleasure. "Right there ..faster please", you moaned when you felt him hit the right spot. Baekhyun picked up his pace, hitting your sweet spot over and over. He felt amazing and he knew how to move his hips. His thrusts were deep and fast. Honestly the sex you've had before was nothing compared to sex with Baekhyun. You started moaning his name as you felt the familiar knot forming in your lower stomach once more. Baekhyun felt you clenching down on him repeatedly and he felt the slight tremble in your body. "You feel amazing baby, better than I imagined", Baekhyun moaned. He knew you were close to your orgasm, but he wanted to postpone it a little longer, so he pulled out completely. Your eyes widen at him and you whined about how close you were, but he just chuckled at your reaction and pecked your lips softly. "Why did..", you started but chocked out a moan instead as Baekhyun pounded himself into you completely without warning. You ran your nails down his back as he continued to pull out completely and push back in slowly but deep. He did it a couple of times as he looked you the eyes and then placed a soft kiss on your forehead and then your lips that were slighty open. "Do you want to cum babygirl", he whispered against your lips before he shoved his tongue into your mouth. You hummed against the kiss and he grabbed both of your hands above your head with one hand and started thrusting fast and hard into you. The knot in you lower stomach started to form again and you felt it even bigger than the last one. "Please let me come", you begged as you felt your legs starting to tremble with pleasure. "A little bit more baby", Baekhyun replied as he lifted your leg up and thrusted deeper into you. You started moaning his name like a chant as he thrusted fast and deep while his thumb rubbed circles on your clit. "Look at me as you cum", Baekhyun moaned out as he felt you clenching harder on him. You connected your eyes with his and you felt your orgasm explode and your legs shake uncontrollably while you screamed his name. Baekhyun let go of your hands and gripped your hips to keep you still as he continued to pound into you, helping you ride out your orgasm and chasing his. He came soon after and hard. You felt him twitch and then felt his cum filling you up as he trembled and continued to thrust into you. His facial expression as he came was pure beauty, you loved how his eyes rolled back and his mouth parted open as he came and moaned out your name. You'd never get tired of seeing him like this and knowing that you were the cause of it. He slowly stopped his thrusts and stayed inside as he layed on top of you, while you both tried to catch your breath. After a while he suddenly lifted himself and pulled out slowly causing you to whine at the feeling of emptiness and his and your cum coming out of you. He chuckled as he got up to get a wet towel to clean you up. Once he had cleaned himself and you up, he laid next to you with his head on your chest as he rubbed small circles on your waist and placed small kisses on your skin.
"Baekhyunah", you called out. "Hmm baby", he answered with a yawn. "I love you", you replied quietly. He stopped rubbing and kissing your skin as he pushed himself up to look at you. "What.. what did you say?``, he stuttered with wide eyes. "I said I love you Byun Baekhyun", you replied louder as you leaned up to kiss him. He kissed you back and mumbled against your lips, "I love you Y/N".
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calpicowater · 7 years
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Day 241/365: August 29th 2017 | Stanley Park
Today was another super hot day!!! Did Gaby’s makeup (eyeshadow + highlight) and it looked pretty!!!!!! I used orange + browns but it ended up looking rosy/purple because the brown had a purple tinge to it LOL. Anyway, we managed to get to Stanley Park without trouble so we just spent the afternoon and evening walking around and sitting down in the shade (we even bought Hardbite BBQ chips at one point and ate them together while watching people who were exercising run by LMFAO). We were both super exhausted by the end of the day so we decided to skip on English Bay :’( . At around 7pm, we bussed and trained back home and spent the rest of our night laughing with each other. ^0^ <3 I ~ Love ~ Her ~~ :>
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emeraldbabygirl · 5 years
My Favorite Concepts
I decided I wanted to make a list of my favorite concept idols and groups have done:
Safety shorts: very important
Oversized sweaters: sweater paws are too die for
Chokers: everyone looks amazing in them
Idols and cute outfits in general like overalls uwu
Retro concepts: I’m an absolute hoe for retro concepts, Spica’s I’ll Be There, April’s Oh My Mistake, Ladies’ Code’s Feedback
Idols wearing flowers crowns
Idols wearing specks
Idols with beautiful tan skin: Hakyeon, Jessi, Hyorin, Seungyeon
Idols in pastel colors: they look so cute and soft uwu
Idols eating delicious food
Foot stomping and shoe squeaking dance practices
Idols having fun outside or at amusement parks as well as filming cute videos in different countries
Tattoos: tbh it’s my kink but damn some idols just pull it off so well
Sometimes idols have really cute piercings, like different places on their ears or belly button piercings like LE and Mint
Specific sections of their hair dyed: Lisa, Dahyun, Jinjin and that member of Itzy (forgive me I don’t know her name)
Idols and karaoke rooms: always iconic
Idols with braces: there’s nothing cuter than when Vernon, I.N, Sanha and Donghyun had braces uwu
Idols being thicc or muscular and not twigs: Hwasa, Wonho, Kyla, Eunha, Luna, St.Van
The girl crush/tomboy concept: Amber, Jeongyeon, Miya
Idols with stuffed animals: San & Shiber, Bobby & Pooh, Youngguk and Tigger
Low rapping voices or voices that you wouldn’t expect them to have: Youngguk, Wooseok, Wyatt, Zuho, Hwiyoung & Song Mingi uwu etc.
Tbh I love the rappers that sounds like Hyuna, Yeeun and Miso. At first I thought it was annoying but I really like it now
That one year that like every idol dressed as Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad
Idols “getting thicc on us” Hongki, K.Will, Kyla, half the members of Boyfriend, CNU etc.
Female idols not caring when female fans pull the mirror trick
Idols sticking up for themselves and each other
Female idols really doing the best despite how difficult it is being a female in the music industry: this is mostly because I honestly have so much respect for female idols, they have to deal with periods and creepy perverts, dancing and running in heels, they’re just really amazing
Male idols not being afraid to show their soft sides
Male idols showing love to male fans
Idols being adorable with fans
Idols of mixed races and/or other races, Hanbyul, Felix, Samuel, Somi, Monika, Wendy, Mark, Sorn, Nickhun, Momo, etc.
Really tall and really short idols: Rowon, Zelo, Soobin, the whole of Tiny-G, Jinhwan, Woozi etc.
Idols and onesies and idols with onesie dance practices
Idols genuinely having fun on stage
Idols in suits and really gorgeous dresses that are classy and elegant
Groups with unique introductions: D-Crunch, Alphabat, 24K
Groups celebrating 7th, 8th and further on anniversaries, like Apink: because seeing a group together after so long is really cool and I love that
Groups leaving a company together and resigning with another one or filing lawsuits and winning: B2ST/Highlight and B.A.P
Younger idols being children for as long as they can :(
Idols being safe and happy
The “every member is a visual” group: Imfact, VAV, Bigstar, N.Tic
Big groups, 9+ members: WJSN, Seventeen, UP10TION (Super Junior, Exo, and Alphabat used to be big)
Idols being bf/gf material af
Idols getting married to their gf/bf of 8 mothafuckin years: shoutout to U-Kwon and his beautiful relationship with his gf
Idols getting married before having children
Idols being cute with kids
Idols being cute with their parents and siblings
Idols and beach fun time episodes; everyone is so cute and they are having fun
Unique concepts that lots of underrated groups are amazing at like horror concepts: stan Dreamcatcher
Unique and fun choreos like Speed’s Don’t Tease Me, NCT Dream’s Chewing Gum, fromis_9’s Fun
Tiny female rappers spittin fire: Dasom from 2EYES, Seoyeon from fromis_9
Idols wearing comfortable clothes for dance practices
Idols that are actually bands: Royal Pirates, LedApple, Say Yes, OneWe, Tweety, Barbie D (Kiwi Band)
Older idol groups that are either still around making music or came back after a long hiatus to continue making music: Shinhwa, Sechkies, S.E.S
Newer idols covering older idols songs like H.O.T, BoA, DBSK etc.
Idols in haunted houses, unless they cry like Tao :(
Performing on stage with hand mics and being able to do the choreo one-handed: I think the newer mics are cool but there’s something about the hand helds that I’m in love with especially when the rappers get the mics, it’s really hot tbh
Idols under JYP in hoodies: tbh all idols under JYP look so smol and cute in hoodies I uwu
I love aesthetically pleasing mvs that a lot of newer groups are doing but I absolutely love the dark, boxy, old 2008/2009/2010 aesthetic tbh; anything by MBLAQ especially Cry and Oh Yeah, Girls Generation’s Run Devil Run, Shinee’s Ring Ding Dong, NU’EST’s Face, B.E.G’s Abracadabra, that dark stuff. And it’s not even for a specific reason really, it just reminds me of the golden days of kpop and tbh I miss that. I love all these new groups but there’s something almost nostalgic to me about those older mvs and every kpop fan should watch those older mvs definitely. The older groups are really legends. I miss them, like Infinite and KARA uwu
Groups covering and/or dancing to literally any Sistar song, but ‘Touch My Body’ will forever remain THE iconic Sistar song: NewKidd, Boyfriend, fromis_9
Idols wearing suit jackets and slacks with just plain t-shirts. They look so nice but also casual and comfortable and I like that. EXID’s Night Rather than Day outfits I really like and then recently OneUs’s dance practice for Twilight, Keonhee wore it really well
Idols wearing suit jackets and a nice button up on top and just jeans and plain sneakers on the bottom: again it’s a casual look but also nice and comfy
Idols with bright hair colors; Yugyeom and GD with yellow hair, Miso and hot pink hair, Yeonkuk with a pretty neon and cyan color
I’m gonna brag rn; literally N.Tic’s Fiction mv is a whole concept within itself. Yeah it’s retro but it’s also the way it was filmed, the lights & effects, the choreo, their outfits and just the way the song flows is absolutely fantastic. It’s like, my favorite song of 2019. Facts sis. Tbh N.Tic themselves are a concept. I’ve made so many posts about them but they deserve it, they are improving with each comeback and all their songs are bops and I am so fucking glad I decided to check them out. I’m glad that, despite how I felt about Jion’s appearance at first, I saw past that, realized how amazing his voice is and decided to stan the group. They’ve done so much for me already and I’m so grateful to them and hope they continue to improve and gain more fans.
Idols and dogs
Idols and plushies uwu
Honestly idols at fansigns are so precious
Hyuna killin it on her way out of Cube we stan
Male idols with long hair; rip Ren, Jungshin, CNU, Kangnam, Jeonghan and Hwiyoung’s long hair :(
Idols stepping on me
Relay dances; Saturday, Weki Meki, 9Muses and A.C.E take it to a whole new level
Reblog with some of your favorite concepts. It can be actual concepts like cute or vampire or something. I just did non music concepts
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youngster-monster · 4 years
four leaf clover - lucky
Something explodes in the distance.
Razel reacts accordingly: he jumps to his feet, lifts his hand off the supplies he was rearranging, and says, “Didn’t do it!”
For once it’s more than a desperate attempt to avoid his supervisor’s wrath. Surely he’d have noticed if the crate of — he checks the label quickly — dehydrated fruit rations had exploded in his hands, and it sounded pretty distant anyway.
It turns out to be useless: no one is looking at him, accusingly or otherwise. All the other workers spur into action at the sound and Razel is left standing there like an idiot as they run around the docking bay, strapping crates of supplies to each other the way they do when they’re about to enter a planet’s atmosphere.
Another explosion, and this time the floor shakes under his feet. People yell in surprise, trying to hold the few unattached boxes in place before they fall on someone. Razel stumbles and almost collides with his supervisor, Lexi Kendall. She catches him by the sleeve of his shirt before he can hit the ground instead and shoves a gun in his hands.
“Make yourself useful,” she barks.
She strides away before she can see him fumble with the weapon. They both know he’s no good with guns, so he’s not sure why she gave him one.
Yet another explosion rocks the ship, loud enough to cover the sound of panic in the room. The lights turn red, alarms blaring. Through the chaos, a voice screams,
“Guard the doors!”
Razel looks down at the gun. Then up at the crowd of people rushing through the small hangar space. Back at the gun. He puts it down on a nearby crate. Better be unharmed than accidentally shoot someone — it’s happened before and he doesn’t fancy a repeat of that particular lecture. He replaces it with the crowbar he was using on the crates. Now that he can do something with.
Somewhere on the ship — above their heads, the mess hall maybe — there’s the sound of fighting, people running over metal floors. Silence falls on the room, or as silent as it can be with the alarms still screaming in their ears. Workers and guards shift uneasily, fingers tightening around their guns.
Then, as suddenly as they started, the alarms stop. It’s quiet enough to hear a pin drop… or the feet pounding outside the docking bay, coming to a stop on the other side of the door.
Razel takes a low stance, relaxes his shoulders and breathes out.
When the door is blown off its hinges, he’s ready.
Bullets rain over the singed gap left in the wall, but whoever was behind ducked for cover just in time. Kendall steps closer to the hole, her rifle held at the ready.
She collapses before she reaches it.
A second later enemies swarm the room, shooting down anyone who tries to fight back. They advance with ruthless efficiency but instead of uniforms they’re wearing mismatched pieces of armor, obviously stolen off other shipments, patched to hell and back.
Pirates. He’s never met those before! He’s a little excited, to be honest.
Razel jumps out of cover when one of the pirates walks by the pile of crates. He slams the crowbar into their head and grins when they collapse to the ground. A good kick sends their stun gun way out of reach and he moves to the next one.
It takes a second for the pirates to react. Whatever opposition they were expecting, a maniac with a crowbar wasn’t it. He gets a good few hits before they start shooting at him. He drops to the ground then, narrowly dodging a projectile. His slide takes him right into a pirates’ knees— and in the middle of the rest of them.
Think fast. Better: don’t think at all.
He throws the crowbar with all his might. It hits a pirate square in the chest — he was aiming for the head but alright. There’s a sound like something cracking, and he winces even as he scrambles back to his feet and jump over their fallen body. It didn’t sound pleasant.
Gunshot. Something collides with his back hard enough to send him back to the ground. He tries to cushion the fall with his hands but his body seizes up, muscles locking tight, and he hits the metal flooring face first. It hurts — might have broken his nose — but not as much as the burn of electricity through his veins.
Stun guns. Who would have thought.
He’s still seizing up by the time footsteps reach him, echoing sharply in the room, quiet again save for the faint moans of pain from the other paralyzed workers. The toe of a boot nudges him in the ribs before flipping him on his back with a light kick. He wrinkles his nose — the only protest he can muster in this state — and groans when it only makes the pain worse by jostling the possibly broken cartilage.
The pirate standing over him, a stun rifle held loosely against their chest, is the one they got in the chest. He thinks it’s a miracle they’re standing after that kind of blow before his eyes trail up to their face and he finds mechanical eyes staring back.
An exo. That explains it. Not much that can keep these down.
“Feisty, aren’t ya?” The exo says — a male, by the sound of it. He gives Razel something that might be a smile, internal light brightening as he opens his mouth slightly, and nudges him again. “A gun might have been more useful.”
The electrical jolts have calmed down enough that Razel can unlock his jaws enough to say, “Can’t shoot.”
The exo kneels next to him and drags him up into a sitting position, pulls his arms back and loops a long cord around his wrists. His voice sounds a little mocking when he speaks again, moving down to do the same thing to his ankles.
“And they hired you anyway?”
“They never told me I’d have to use a gun!” He pouts. “Not that I need one anyway.”
“You’ve got a good throwing arm on you, I can tell ya that much.”
Once satisfied with his knots the pirate steps away and to the center of the room, making a quick turn on himself to take a good look at the rest of Razel’s coworkers, all similarly tied-up. He clears his throat, if such a thing is necessary for robots.
“Good evening, good people of the Clovis Bray Corporation!” He makes a mock bow at them, opening his arms wide like a performer thanking the public after a play. His finger never leaves the trigger of his handcannon. “My name is Cayde-5, and my wonderful friends and I have decided to huh… appropriate the goods you are carrying. Stay calm, and we’ll be off before dinnertime!”
The rest of the pirates — most of them exos, he notices — don’t look half as friendly. Relaxed, yes, as they lean against walls and cargo crates, but the way they keep their guns pointed at the hostages doesn’t seem friendly to Razel. Their leader though… He’s fun. If he wasn’t holding him hostage, Razel thinks he’d like him.
It’s a little disheartening to see all his hard work organizing these crates goes to waste as the pirates start carrying them away to where one of their own is setting up a transmat zone. He sighs wistfully as they cart off the crates full of canned food. There are canned peaches in these that he’d kill for.
“Something on your mind, crowbar guy?”
He has to crane his neck to look Cayde-5 in the eyes from his position on the floor, and the movement isn’t made any more comfortable by the way his arms are tied behind his back. He manages a small shrug despite the tight bindings.
“It’s Razel, actually. And I guess I’m kinda bummed out,” he says. “If I’d known we were gonna get robbed, I’d have kept some of my candy stash for later. I was kind of resting all my hopes on those canned fruits.”
“Never put all your eggs in one basket,” Cayde-5 says wisely. “Sucks for those snacks though.”
He thinks about it for a second. “I have a chocolate bar left in my pocket actually,” he says, because he remembers shoving it there before Thomas could catch him in the act and steal it. “So it’s not too bad.”
There’s a second of quiet as both of them watch the pirates work. Finally Cayde says, “Gotta say I’m impressed, crowbar. You’re taking this really well.”
“Thanks! All the ships I get on end up getting robbed at some point so, you know, you get used to it.”
He can see Kendall glaring at him from behind the pirate’s back, probably because he’s chatting with the enemy, but it’ll be awhile before they’re done taking all their stuff so he might as well entertain myself. Cayde looks above his shoulder, and Razel thinks he somehow felt the weight of her glare on his neck, but he just calls out to one of his pirates instead.
“You heard that Mint? That guy survived… how many robberies was it?”
“Huh, I don’t know. About a dozen?”
“A dozen robberies Mint! How cool is that?”
One of the pirates stops, puts down the crate he was carrying and leans against it to reply to his boss. “Doesn’t sound all that cool for the one getting robbed though.”
“I know, but… dozen attacks, and he still has all his limbs! How lucky is that?”
Mint thinks about it for a second and concedes the point with a nod and an appreciative hum.
“It’s not so bad, after a while,” Razel feels the need to clarify. “I mean, once you’ve sat at gunpoint while someone took all your stuff once, it all starts to look the same, you know?”
“It is more fun when you’re the one doing the robbing,” Cayde agrees. He sits down on his heels and gives Razel a good hard look. He’s glad for it: his neck was starting to ache. “Tell you what, you give me that chocolate bar you’ve got squirreled away in one of these pockets and you can tag along, see how it looks from the other end of the robbery. How does that sound?”
A few pirates make noises of protest, though there’s not much energy in it, like they’re used to that kind of recruitment technique. Kendall yells something along the line of don’t you dare-
Razel them and takes a moment to think about it, really think about it. He looks at the pirates, who shakes their head at their captain’s antics and move on. He looks at Kendall, glaring daggers at the two of them, then at Cayde, who winks at him. He looks at the crate of fruit preserves.
“Okay,” he agrees. “But I call dibs on the canned peaches.”
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an-annyeoing-writer · 5 years
Questions Tag Thing
I’ve been tagged by @an-ordinaryghost and @baekwell--tart uwu! Here we go!
Name: You wouldn’t even know how to pronounce it-
Nickname: Rev or Revi! It’s from Revalya. One of my first OCs, I think I was 13 back then? Anyway, she was a shameless self insert so it ended as my own nickname. Also, in some places, I go by Knight and Drago, from my usernames.
Star Sign: Pisces, but I don’t like the star stuff.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Questionable
Favorite Color: White! It’s special.
Time right now: It’s 18!
Average hours of sleep: Around 8, but I extra nap through the day.
Last thing I googled: ...it may or may not have been dom Kyungsoo fanfics.
Number of blankets: Only one.
Favorite fictional character: Izaya Orihara! 
What Are You Wearing Right Now: Simon Cat shorts and my high school shirt! Just home attire.
Favorite Book: I don’t really have one, I used to read more when I was younger, but I can’t tell if I’d still like the old books as much as I used to.
Favorite musicians: BTS and EXO ofc, also Marek Grechuta, but I usually listen to songs I like and not particular bands or stuff.
Dream job: no job
Number Of Followers: 316, but increases!
When did you create your account: On 23.04.2019! It’s in my description uwu
What do you post about: BTS and EXO fanfiction!
What made you get an account: ...the will to write BTS and EXO fanfiction? I have some other blogs, and I have an old writing blog on which some people didn’t seem to like that I got into KPOP after being more of animation oriented writer, so I created another account for these only.
When did your blog reach its peak: It surely hasn’t yet~ 
Do you gets asks on a daily basis: Not much. Could get more. But I appreciate every single one.
Why did you choose your url: I was supposed to be ‘annoying writer’, but my friend told me ‘annyeoing’ sounds more Korean, hence why I picked it.
Okay then, I’d like to tag: @sevenincubistolemyheart, @chimchimsauce, @mint-yooxgi, @byunmonoxide and @liasviel. No idea if u guys have done it before, plz ignore if u did, anyway, I love y’all.
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domestic-void · 5 years
Rules: answer 16 questions and tag 16 people you want to know better
I was tagged by @maximoffsdarling thank you so much i love you 😭
1. Height: 5'4
2. Last thing I googled: piano sheet music for miracles in december by exo
3. Favorite musician: BTS, Halsey, Troye Sivan, Panic! at the Disco, Stray Kids, 5 Seconds of Summer
4. Song stuck in my head: Cross Me by Ed Sheeran
5. Followers: 343 400 on my old blog
6. Following: 500 ish whoops
7. Do you get asks: practically never
8. Amount of sleep: 10 hours or more
9. Lucky number: 12
10. What are you wearing: Avatar the Last Airbender shirt and shorts
11. Dream job: doing something related to video games, music, and psychology. or dogs.
12. Instruments: piano for like 13+ years and vocal for like, forever
13. Languages: English, some Tagalog, high school French, and a tiny bit of Korean
14. Favorite song: this is gonna be a long list
I Need U - BTS
for him. - Troye Sivan
Nightmare - Halsey
Euphoria - BTS
Yeah! - Usher, Lil John, Ludacris
Nine in the Afternoon - Panic! at the Disco
15. Random fact: I am the BIGGEST nerd when it comes to video games
16. Aesthetic: galaxy/stars, ocean, a nice aqua/mint green
I’m tagging @borhapparker @boohooiamthefool @silverlightqueen @laureharrier and anyone else who wants to do it cause those are the only friends i have on tumblr
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myforeverforlife · 5 years
Aesthetic Tag
I was tagged by @abangtanfangirl! thank you, this tag is so pretty! 
rules: bold all the aesthetics that apply to you. 
side a - the city glittering lights, yawning skyscrapers, broken glass shards, street gangs, hip hop music, late night strolls, blinking stars, sleek cars, flickering neon signs, glittery earrings, small tattoos, empty subways, dark eye shadow, snapping cameras, cozy apartments, fried churros, silver necklaces, dyed hair, ripped jeans, bright lipstick, dazzling smiles
side b - the book nerd large glasses, steaming hot chocolate, thick books, lofi music, hot pastries, soft smiles, large sweaters, quiet libraries, small flowers, melting candles, sweetened coffee, messy hair buns, soft pillows, fairy lights, vanilla scents
side c - the stereotypical girl soft pinks, mini skirts, crop tops, romantic fantasies, love songs, strawberry milkshakes, lip gloss, high ponytails, candy hearts, nail polish, Starbucks coffee, clear skies, hoop earrings, excited ramblings, stuttering heartbeats, rose bouquets, soft blushes
side d - the stereotypical boy arcade games, graphic t-shirts, baseball caps, chocolate milkshakes, messy rooms, acoustic guitars, chocolate chip cookies, multi-colored bruises, rap music, nightly escapades, stolen glances, pencil-drumming, chocolate milk boxes, low hums
side e - the nature hippie mini plants, cloud-watching, star gazing, damp forests, sandy beaches, ocean waves, wildflowers, hiking, iced lemon tea, gardening, hippie music, buttered toast, birds chirping, multi-colored leaves, evening sunlight, fruit cups, sundresses
side f - the rebel cherry lollipops, devil hand signs, grape flavored bubble gum, rock music, killer boots, dark make-up, horror movies, denim jackets, switchblades, handguns, stargazing on rooftops, glowing cigarettes, large headphones, skull rings, converse shoes, graffiti murals, glowing moonlight, rose thorns, fishnet stockings
side g - the winter
busy cafes, oversized hoodies, drizzling rain, small snowflakes, marshmallows in hot chocolate, loose hair, sad music, reading a book, blanket forts, frozen lakes, crackling fireplaces, old movies
side h - the summer tank tops, lemonade, sunny days, dripping popsicles, short haircuts, tinted sunglasses, cotton candy, amusement parks, traveling, blasting music on the car radio, wagging dog tails, large sunflowers, snow cones
side i - the autumn pumpkin lattes, warm bakeries, warm colors, hair braids, soft sweaters, colorful leaves, purring cats, dark chocolate bars, romance movies, soft music, zentangling, vintage cameras
side j - the spring floral scents, peach tea, mint shampoo, tinkling laughter, video cassettes, colorful paintings, excited smiles, lollipop sticks, blooming flowers, melting snow, action movies, singing in the shower 
i’m tagging @byunfirstlady @g-exo @crossandchange @crazy-gingerbread-lady @daelicious-jongbulge @khelmatic @marshmallow-phd @noona-clock @trishmarieco and whoever else wants to do it!
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