#exo kris scenario
So, I used to do weekly updates to let everyone know where I’m at, and since I also like polls I decided to do weekly polls/updates on what I’m working on.
I'm hoping to make it every Monday night for it to come out on Tuesday Mornings!
Requests status: OPEN For both Reactions & Scenarios
Things Coming this Week:
As of right now, Nothing is set in the Queue. I am still working on things. I haven't had the time to write anything but I hopefully will get back into the swing of things ASAP.
Working On:
Reactions: Working on Reactions 13-25. In the Meantime you can find the Masterlist here.
Scenarios: I have 18 (2 for each member) in the planning phases as of this moment. In the meantime you can find the Masterlist Here. [These will usually be either One Shots or 1-3 parts]
Universes: My Multiple Chapter Stories. The Main reason I came back to writing EXO Fanfic. These will not be Member x Reader. For these I either write in 3rd Person with OC characters or First Person. Also all the Member OC pairs will stay the same through out each series.
Currently Working on...
Rewriting an old Minseok Werewolf -> Basic Plot is done. Maybe between 5-15 Parts, won't be higher than 25.
On: Chapter One
Phase: First Draft
Exodus College -> Based on Romance Trope; each Member gets one. [Each member will have 10-15 chapters each plus an epilogue]
On: Series Planning
Phase: Planning
Exceptional Love Series -> Sci-fi fantasy based on EXO Lore; This is 9 different stories that build to a second phase of the story that I am planning on being 25-50 Chapters Minimally [This is also a rewriting a pervious work I had done before as well; All members will have 5 Chapters each. All basic plot outlines for phase I are done.]
First Story will be Light [Baekhyun - 5 Chapters]
On: Chapter 1
Phase: Editing
Fae Inspired -> (I made a World map...) This will be similar to Exceptional Love with each member getting their own story but unsure if I will do a Part II, with a bigger story. [if I do, it' won't be that big]
Phase: Planning [had to finish the map first ]
Other works from my old account I'm thinking of rewriting and working out: Greek God Series & EXODUS City (A Mafia theme)
Okay that's a lot of information, but I do want to hear back from you guys! Which Universe are you the most excited about!
Also for those who don't know, I do not include Tao, Luhan & Kris in any of my writings of one shots/reactions. If I do, it's in the past tense, and I usually have them die in the prologue or before the stories begin in my universes if and only if it makes sense for the plot overall. I have chosen to include only current EXO members. Yixing to me will always be EXO Member, he has made it clear how much the band has meant to him over the years. Even if he eventually leaves, I will probably include him in the future as well. If you don't like that well then...Thank you for stopping by!
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kpop-dungeon-dark · 3 years
Fury Of The Dragon. (Dragon!Yifan x You)
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Warning(s): Non-Con, punishment sex, humiliation, degradation, walk of shame, exhibitionism, fear kink, headshave, ultimate ownership, Dragon!Yifan. My content isn’t for everyone so read at your own risk please. You're both legal in this.
Wu Yifan was seething from rage as he sliced the throat of the last peasant bandit through one of his claws that his human hands had morphed into for combat as the rest of his body remained human. Vision filled with red as sweat and blood of all the men he had killed, it was hard for it to locate the girl standing a few steps away, shaking in her now dirty and bloody wedding gown. Sniffing the air to locate her better in the dark jungle, the man wrapped his literal claw around one of her delicate arms, tugging her towards him and placing her on  the horse.
He could just fly. But the King had very respectfully and fearfully requested him not to.
And Wu Yifan was a man of discipline, honesty, and his word.
The young lady, Y/n, his bride that had attempted to run away rather childishly in his honest opinion because no one could escape his grasp, trembled and cried, dreading the wedding and what was to come next.
Tales of how he treated traitors were terrifying.
In the span of the next few minutes, the girl's ashamed and scared parents had married her off to the man or… so it disguised itself as. Y/n could swear she had felt something much sharper and thinner against her lips -like a million fangs- when they had kissed. There was no way those were the teeth they could see guarded by his lips.
Something much more inhuman, if not sinister.
The journey to his Estate was the most nerve wracking for her. Having multiple meltdowns, constant crying and a panic attack, or two, she couldn't tell anymore, Y/n felt the carriage stop, causing a long and sharp inhale of air defensively.
But her groom didn't open the door and romantically helped her out before carrying her inside her new house bridal style. It angered Yifan to know that he was actually planning on doing that. The cliche many newly wedded husband's did which was driven by the love he felt for his now bride and wife.
The Grand General wasn't a man of much emotion, if any at all. Same went for the words he spoke. They were always careful and calculated.
Just enough to satisfy the need for communication, would it arise.
Y/n nodded respectfully at the carriage owner who had helped her inside upon the groom's order, placing her luggage besides her and respectfully bowing since she was Wu Yifan's wife. The man who was respected, feared and obeyed more than the King himself.
The one time he let his emotions consume him, and act upon them, this is what happened, huh?
"Did you really think you could get away?" The girl jumped at the ear piercingly deep voice from right beside her, making her search for the owner to see her husband standing a few feet away facing one of the many large windows that the living room walls of the mansion contained. "I could tell you were an innocent little simple girl but… are you really that stupid?"
Yifan's hands were held behind his back as he stared outside the window, form so calm a human would never be able to judge what he was feeling or what was actually coming. Streaks and droplets of blood from earlier stained his face, robes and hands. His tone was taunting and belittling.
Silence followed his words, the only noise being the grandfather clock as Y/n stared at the ground in fear and embarrassment.
Maybe. Just maybe. It wasn't really worth it.
The girl wasn't sure how much longer they stood just like that, Yifan's inhaling and exhaling gradually getting faster as he probably thought about the shame his bride brought him on the first day. To the point where steam started to escape his nose and ears.
It was when the heavy clock hit another hour that Yifan moved, and he moved so fast that Y/n’s slow human brain couldn't even decipher it before he was standing in front of her, causing her to gasp and jump back, looking at him for the very first time today with her pretty eyes wide and mouth agape.
“Ah… There are those pretty eyes~” the deep coo he let out sounded almost ingenuine due to how terrifyingly animalistic his voice had gotten. “Shining so bright and full of innocence… all for me.” A gasp left the girl when Yifan's long -maybe a bit too long- fingers slipped up her half open messy hair and wrapped it around them, tugging her beautiful face closer to his.
"After all these years of my continuous pride and victory, you, a mere human, thought I'd let you stain it and bring me shame?" Tears welled up in her already red eyes as she tried to shake her head only to receive a sharp slap right across her face with her groom's free hand. “Just because I decided you were pretty enough to carry my name and children?”
“N- No-!”
“You really are foolish enough to think I am demanding an answer and want to take it, huh?” The evil grin slipping through his lips allowed her a sight of the deadly fangs that decorated his mouth.
Y/n’s legs shook as she bit her lips and cried in fear. Everyone knew he wasn’t human. But being forced to witness it so up far and close… She didn’t deserve this.
“Bad little wives like you get punished for trying to defame their husbands.” The girl couldn’t tell if Yifan could actually walk that fast and smooth or he was floating in the air a bit above the ground as he dragged her smaller body upstairs and into the grand master bedroom that was decorated with rose petals and candles.
She could have never counted on him for romantic gestures.
"They're punished and taught their pathetic little places as well as put in them" she winced from the sharp way he spat the words at her. "Stand right here and don't you dare fucking move." The terrified bride was too weak and petrified to move anyways, too busy trying to decipher the red-ish orang of his eyes, the sharpness of his pointy canines and hands that were half transformed into claws.
Y/n almost didn't even notice when he grabbed the scissors and started cutting at her long locks up and down after ripping her veil off, causing her to let out a scream but before she could fight for herself, his hot and rough thick crimson coloured tail slapped at her hands, coiling around her helpless little weak body while squeezing it in place.
"Pathetic little humans like you start from nothing. As they deserve. They earn their rewards and promotion." The tip of his tail was in her mouth and down her throat, choking and gagging her from making any sound, being too thick for the girl to attempt anything as the man took his sweet time shedding her locks. "In case of no rewards and rights, you know they never deserved them in the first place."
Then came the straight razor. The military leader of the Kingdom took his sweet time with holding her small head in his large half hand half claws, tilting and moving her head around however he liked, licking his lips at the skin getting exposed from under the bristles of hair he had left.
"Look at yourself clear and well, THIS is all you are. My personal little slave wife meant to lay under me, take care of my residence while I am gone, stay true and loyal to me as well as carry my children. You're nothing besides that. Nothing at all..." Placing his hand on her now bald skinhead, he roughly tilted it backwards to have her look in the mirror. "... other than what I decide you are." Whispering the last words in her ear, he grinned, looking at her through the mirror, head and face hairless. "And now, you'll redeem yourself to your groom by showing the whole Kingdom just how sorry you are to their beloved Grand General."
"Walk." Y/n felt the cold tip of Yifan's wooden guiding stick tapping her butt as she stood at the beginning of a sort of pathway surrounded by commoners on either sides, leaving a strip in the middle for her to walk on. Her nude body was shivering in the chilly breeze, hands clenched into fists as her face burnt in pure humiliation. "Come on now, we don't have all day!" The Dragon was quick to scold, towering over everyone in around him as he firmly tapped her sitspots now.
The girl let out a strangled cry as she weakly and shakily started walking, tears streaming down her sore and red cheeks that Yifan adored even in their stained and snot smeared form, arms locked behind his back as he followed her, hawk-like eyes watching her every move. God. He sickly loved the tremble in her stature from fear induced by him and him alone.
Only he owned her. Only he could do whatever he pleased with her. She was all his.
"Tell them how sorry you are, my little wife. Be good. Come on, now." The inhuman creature cooed almost, causing a whimper to escape Y/n as the people booed her, mostly due to how afraid they were of Yifan and knew not doing what he pleased really wasn't the way to go. "Such a good little wife I have. Good girl. Just from here and back to our residence. That's all." Some of them even felt bad for the poor girl.
The Grand General behaved and talked like this was the most casual thing in the world.
After a while of parading her around the Kingdom making her apologise to him for running away from Wu Yifan; The Invincible -or so it seemed and he believed- and for thinking she could actually get away, he had guided her back to his estate with the use of his thin but painful strip, crimson coloured streaks decorating her ass, back and rear thighs.
"Such a good girl you've been for your husband… finally." He praised like he hadn't just put her through all that humiliation, caressing the top of her head as the main double doors of the estate were closed behind them, Yifan's rough and hot claws starting to feel and grope her smaller body all over, more blood rushing to his already hard cock.
"You better have learnt from this. Because let me assure you that this is one of your kindest punishments since it's your first day here." He could feel the shiver that ran down her spine from the fear and Yifan felt his tip leak, causing him to spin her around and push her into the wall behind her using his supernatural speed and strength, attacking Y/n's neck with kisses and hickies, caninnes tickling her skin as well as threatening to tear the fragile layer at the same time.
"Fuck… You smell so good… So delicious" the Grand General's hands hurriedly undid the extravagant robes that his body was adorning as his pointy and hot tongue caught a stream of sweat streaming down her cheek after having been released from the skin or her temples. "I just knew you were perfect one when I first laid my eyes on you, my little human."
Y/n could swear his voice had gotten much more animalistic than before, claws back to caressing and feeling her thighs as he lifted her up against the wall and in the air, leaking and swollen red tip stroking her naval. "Mmm… All mine. Only mine." Were the words the Dragon possessively chanted over and over.
Biting on her nipples and sucking at them, leaving hickies on her tits, groping her neck with his claws, prodding and teasing her vaginal opening with his hot tip whilst his tail tortured her asshole, Yifan covered her in bruises of his ownership and saliva. "Hnnng. Now you smell even better" grinning against her lips, he finally kissed her, pushing his tongue in her mouth which went all the way down her throat and instantly made her gag, claws groping her ass cheeks and spreading them open painfully. "You smell like… how do the girls say it?" He wondered evilly, slowly starting to forcefully sink her down his thick and veiny shaft. "Ahhh~" his features got more beast-like for a second before he regained composure, grinning. "Hubby! They say hubby and you will too."
Snickering right in her face, Yifan hungrily kissed Y/n again, licking her lips and tears. "I'd have loved to prepare my wife for me on our first day. Too bad she didn't deserve it and fell down to the rank of a slave from that of my wife." His lips curled into an evil smirk at the way she pouted and whimpered out from his words, crying and pathetically holding onto her husband's shoulders, wincing and huffing for breath.
Yifan had torn her. Of course he had.
"What? Don't like it?" Raising an eyebrow, the man toyed with one of her nipples as his thrusts sped up, nails softly digging -or as soft as they could- in her hardened nipple. "Don't worry. You will soon. And I promise you'll beg me to fill you with my children everyday." In the blink of an eye, the girl was now being fucked into the mattress of their bed. "As for now, I am going to show you my forgiveness by filling your filthy and fertile little human womb full of my hatchlings as you deserve."
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kpop-dungeon · 4 years
Fifty Shades Of Wu. (Sadist!Yifan x You)
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Warning(s): Water boarding, degradation, Sadist!Yifan, anal, hair pulling, choking, blind folding, bondage. My content isn't for everyone so read at your own risk, please.
"Okay, ready?" Master's deep and stern voice rang in her ears from behind as he finished cuffing her, tugging at them to check their security as his free hand caressed one of Y/n's nude shoulders comfortingly. "See if you can snap your fingers." Butterflies filled her stomach as she felt Yifan caress her sides lovingly, waiting for her response.
"Y- Yes, Master. I c- can." Was what she meekly responded with, snapping them to assure him as she faced the bathtub full of chilly water that the girl couldn't see due to being rather firmly blindfolded. "Once is to go on, twice is to slow down, thrice or more is to stop." The man proudly smirked down at his good little slave moulded into his own perfect little playdoll.
"Good slave." Praising her one last time, he helped her lower down onto her knees, one of his huge hands naturally finding their way to her throat as the other one rested on one of her ass cheeks. "Now…" Inching his perfect lips closer to her ear, Yifan spoke. "For the last time, sure you want this?" Y/n was a rather sensitive sub with not much experience with masochism or hard bondage, and Yifan was a cautious hard Dom. "Don't overdo yourself or push your limits too much in order to please your Master. He is proud of you as you are."
A shaky breath left the girl as she could feel her cunt drip and pulsate in knees already, thighs trembling. "I- I really want to, Master. I really, really do." Biting her lip at the sensation of his lips grazing against her ear, Y/n gulped the tiny bile in her throat. "I can always call my safe word out, right? We can always stop."
The man nodded, moving away and letting go of her completely. "That we can." Biting his lip, Yifan finally allowed himself to just take in the sight before him for a few moments, feeling his arousal tighten the specific patch of his pants. "Hmmm, little slave. You look so perfect for your owner. Just like the good little play toy you are, hm?"
Y/n's breath hitched in her throat as she felt the tip of his erect cock against her crack when Yifan freed it, back arching in response as her ass tried to feel it more, making a chuckle escape the man.
"So desperate for cock, aren't we?"
The girl suppressed the high pitched giggle that was threatening to escape, knowing now wasn't the time for such behavior. "Y- Yes si-" before the girl could finish, Yifan forced her head towards the tub and in the water, causing a defensive high pitched squeak to escape her as she coughed, trying to take it but her body soon started to slowly struggle, trying to fight against the restraints while her neck desperately tried to lift her head back up.
"Aw, what is it?" Yifan taunted right in the girl's ear from behind after pulling her back up by her neck, grazing his tip up and down her crack using his other hand. "Not so strong and experimental anymore, already, huh? Can't even take the first dunk, huh?!" Gripping her hair instead, the man pulled at her hair more, earning a cry out of the girl.
"N- No, Master! No! I can take it, sir! I promise! I promise, please! Please drown me and use me all you please!" That was enough for the man to smirk proudly and push her face down the water again with more force, spitting on the girl's pucker and teasing the tight rim of muscles with his cock tip, grunting and biting his lip due to how good it felt.
"That's a good fuck pet" pulling her back out, Yifan allowed her to breathe, loving how ragged her breathing pattern was. All under his control. Y/n couldn't even breathe without his permission. The thought more than satisfied him. "Look at you. Nothing but a blind, limbless little drowned rat. Spreading it's ass like the pathetic little fuck slut that it is."
His words made her pussy clench around the empty air as her core's pulsating slowly transformed into a dull ache, asshole stretching to accommodate the dominant's thick and erect tip, another wad of spit landing on his shaft as he wrapped his fist around her hair, snorting due to how her body was shivering.
"Yes si- AAAAHHHHHH!" The girl's mouth fell open and back arched when Yifan pushed his cock rough and fast up her ass in one powerful thrust, dunking her head in the chilly water at the same time at the same time. Y/n struggled to take it, unable to see as she tried to breathe calmly in order to get used to his thick and hard shaft but choking on the water instead, feeling her tied up arms panic as her legs started kicking.
"Look at this worthless little fuck sleeve struggling" landing a slap on the slave's ass, Yifan pulled his hips back before ramming them back in, feeling her soft walls and grunting at how they choked his cock, grabbing her back up by the throat and holding her there in place as she panted like some animal, trying to catch her breath. "What? Chickening out already, my filthy little rat, hm? Was that all you could take, hm, you pathetic little dumb fuck pet?"
Shaking her head and blinking her covered eyes, Y/n felt herself drip even more, almost whining out due to how needy she was but knew better than to be selfish. She was nothing but a slave that deserved only what the Master decided to give her. Nothing else. "N- No, Mas-ter… M- More… p- please… A- All you want…" Her hips rolled along Yifan's thrusts, loving the difficulty she was having in breathing as he firmly held her neck, shoulders rising and falling a bit slower now.
"Good." Pushing her pretty and red face back in the water, Yifan landed harsher spanks on her ass now, making her whine into the water, loving how the skin burnt. The man knew how to treat her right and she loved it. All of it.
But her pussy. It was so desperate for more. Something. Anything.
Using the hand that wasn't choking and drowning her, Yifan further pushed her head further down in the water and feeling his hips tighten and edge closer to an orgasm when she pathetically started to fight back after a while, one of her legs repeatedly tapping against the ground before he pulled her back up, thrusting at a rapid powerful pace which caused the sound of skin slapping against skin to echo in the lush bathroom of the businessman.
"Keep behaving like this and you may earn yourself an award, my pretty little rat." His words were promising and deep in her ear as her now expanded hole started to stretch even more when Yifan started to push his balls in through the tight ring of flesh as well, the hard tip tickling her deep and high.
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l000ey · 4 years
sex list ━ red
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𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙨: 2007 — 2014
𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣: first time, dated
𝙘𝙪𝙧𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙨: distant friends
Having started her training at a very young age (at ten years old) and later became the musical sensation of the country, Red did not have much time in her adolescence for romantic relationships until at sixteen when her friendship with the leader of BigBang turned into something else when he kissed her and confessed his feelings for her. It was not until she was eighteen that she lost her virginity, since when they began to start dating she was still a minor and both decided that it was better to wait, for the good of both of them. Jiyong was her first everything, her first kiss, her first love, her first time although we already know how that ended.
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𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙨: 2015
𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣: several nightstands
𝙘𝙪𝙧𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙨: best friends
Between these two there was always sexual tension. They both like to flirt with each other, it's a big part of their friendship. Jay was always there for her when she broke up with Jiyong, Red was sad and depressed since she believed that he was the love of her life, plus the issue of 2ne1's separation had already been mentioned a couple of times so one day Jay showed up in her studio with several bottles of soju and between a few laughs they both began to get very touchy and the friendship took another step. When it happened the second time they both talked and decided that it was nothing serious and that the most important thing was their friendship so they finally decided not to have sex again until it happened again for the fourth, fifth and even sixth time. At the end of the year they both decided to stop since they did not want to screw up their friendship. Today they are still best friends, only a few know what happened between them.
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𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙨: 2017
𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣: one nightstand
𝙘𝙪𝙧𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙨: acquaintances
There are few times that Red remembers that this really happened. It happened when Yongguk decided to rent Jigoku for his Yamazaki mixtape release party, he obviously invited the owner of the club to the party and even invited her to sing along with him on stage. They both started talking about music, Red told him that she loved the song and that he had done a great job plus she was a fan of BAP. Again the alcohol did its thing and both ended up in the girl's office fucking on her desk. They had never spoken or been close so they did not speak again and when they saw each other at a party or event they simply shared polite smiles.
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𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙨: 2015 — 2016
𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣: friends with benefits
𝙘𝙪𝙧𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙨: distant friends — acquaintances
At the end of 2015 Red was hired to do a drama in China (another reason she cut off her physical relationship with Jay) in which the former EXO member was her character’s love interest. Red didn't know anyone in China and he knew that, so he reached out to her —more because he was a fan of hers than because of his kindness— and helped her feel comfortable in the unknown country. The two began a friendship after multiple outings in which Yifan taught her his origin country or reviewed their lines for the series. As soon as she saw him, Dara found him attractive so she didn’t complain when one day they had to practice a kiss and he touched her ass, it was accidentally and the boy apologized multiple times with his face redder than a tomato, breaking his image of bad boy, though his face turned two shades darker when she took his hand and placed it back on her ass and then kissed him. They kept having sex during the recordings until the time came when Red had to return to Korea, Yifan who had already started to have feelings for her decided that it was best if they did not talk for a while. Red was hurt but still she accepted, she proposed that if he ever returned to Korea he would have a friend there, he told her the same. Nowadays they exchange messages from time to time like birthday wishes or sometimes Red goes to China and asks if he is there to get a coffee together.
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𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙨: 2014/2018 — Present
𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣: two night stand, dating
𝙘𝙪𝙧𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙨: married
It all started at that YG end of the year party, Red was depressed and somewhat drunk due to her breakup with Jiyong so Taeyang made Mino her babysitter. Winner's rapper had always found her attractive, how could he not? It was Red, the queen of kpop, a goddess in all Asia. He had grown up listening to her songs and being a fan of hers, in fact it was her who had given him the idea of ​​being an idol so when he met her in Mix & Match he almost fainted but that was a silly celebrity crush. He kissed her and she returned him the kiss, that night was the first they spent together although he knew it had been out of spite because she was still in love with the king of Kpop, and his theory was confirmed when during the following weeks she ignored him as if he didn’t exist but after confronting her they managed to remain friends. It was not until three years later that they returned to have an approach of another type, when he realized that he was in love with her. When Ikon and Winner found out that she was leaving the company and probably the country he decided to show up at her house and confess his feelings in a desperate action to make her stay, I guess it worked since now they are happily married and are parents of two babies.
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haveanotherkpopblog · 4 years
The 12 Days of EXO-mas
Pairings: OT11!EXO x You, Surprise! X You
Genre: AU, Angst, Fluff
Rating: PG
Summary: One day. One boy. All leading to a special Christmas.
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Day 1- 12/13
--> Santa’s Christmas Cookies
Day 2- 12/14
--> Deck the Cubicles
Day 3- 12/16
--> Angel with Curly Hair
Day 4- 12/17
--> Strangers in the Night
Day 5- 12/18
--> Gardenia’s Secret
Day 6- 12/19
--> Sweet Lullaby
Day 7- 12/20
--> Promise Me
Day 8- 12/21
--> Love of Devotion
Day 9- 12/22
--> My Dearest Love
Day 10- 12/23
--> The Price of Perfection
Day 11- 12/24
--> All I Want for Christmas
Day 12- 12/25
--> Santa Baby
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bleuxberri · 3 years
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→ 445 words | 2.2K characters
⇻ fluff, slight-angst
⤷ Delilah is Kris' daughter, but she doesn't know when a war breaks out amongst the witches and the vampires, you tell Kris to take your daughter to a safe place.
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"Mommy what's happening," your daughter Delilah asked you as you both heard shots coming closer and closer.
"The war."
"What war?"
"You know how your fathers not around anymore?"
"Yeah, why is that," she asked you.
"Well, its because, he's a Vampire and he can't be with us because if that, and I think someone told and they're trying to find us, but we won't let them now will we?" Delilah shook her head no and continued to listen.
"The war between witches and vampires has gone on long enough, longer than I've been here, and far longer than anybody remembers, except for one person, and that's---" you said as you got interrupted when some vampires started telling you to give them your child.
"No, never she is mine,won't let you take her from me!" That's when he came through the hole that the other vampires made in your home.
"Do you trust me, Delilah, do you trust me?"
"Take her somewhere safe and far away from here, I'll come and look for you, I love you, Delilah, don't you ever leave his sight do you hear me!"
"Now boys, where were we?"
"What are you gonna do you're just some witch," one of the boys said.
"Yeah, I may be some 'witch', but I'm not just a witch. You see my father had a special power and that power was passed on down to me after he died, and when I die it'll pass down to my eldest child."
"Why are you telling us this?"
"Because you two won’t live to tell the story of this special power," you told them as you're eyes turned red and you flashed around the house tormenting them like they've done to you in the past.
"Is this is?"
"No." You showed them your true colors, picked them up and smashed them like a little bug.
When you got done you immediately knew where to find your child and Kris. You ran to the spot and when you found them, Kris ran right to you.
"Kris, don't you ever leave me again."
"Babygirl, I was always there, after you went to sleep at night I was there when you gave birth to Delilah I was there, and I wish you just could've seen me, I watched her grow up, I love you both, now let's go be the family that we've always dreamed of."
"Oh and Kris, tell her the story, about me."
"What did you do?"
"I did what I had to do to save this family, but there is a cure, and I can make it...if you find the spellbook, the hybrids spellbook."
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iwillsooyou · 4 years
EXO as shit my friends have said pt. 3
Yifan: hey girl you be lookin like a snack but i'm on a diet so i'll save you for later.
Junmyeon: i prolly lost 20 years off my lifespan just worrying.
Yixing: sorry i'm listening to limitless nothing makes sense when i listen to this song.
Baekhyun (when someone knocks on the bathroom door): oh i just stay quiet and they're like hello? and then i turn off the light to scare them.
Jongdae: all i got was chew chew chew chew chewing gum and i’m like damn that’s poetic.
Chanyeol: i shall draw a penis on his face.
Kyungsoo: i thanked the girl and she thought i was being sarcastic smh.
Tao: i’m still scared from his twerking.
Jongin: omg shut yo ass up goddamn i'm going back to sleep.
Sehun: lemme get a calculator because frankly i'm done with math.
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sscarletvenus · 5 years
Luhan - Yifan, if Zitao jumped off a cliff, would you?
Yifan - With all due respect, my mother gave birth to a leader, an innovator, and most importantly, a dumbass.
Yifan - I'd be the first off that cliff.
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kpop---scenarios · 5 years
Torn Between Two
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Part One! 
Demon! Kris Wu x Demon! Kim Jongin x Reader 
Warning: Smut
Word Count: 3.4k 
A/N: Hope you enjoy! @uwu-yifan​
Do you ever get the feeling there are eyes on you, but no one is around? You hear whispers in the wind but tell yourself you’re hearing things? Do you ever dream about two handsome strangers that you’ve never seen before? You didn’t always, but in the last few months, you’ve dreamt of the same two insanely attractive men. The two men with black eyes, one with white hair and one with grey hair. Everyday that you woke up, you felt the urge to know them more and more. You wanted to meet them, touch them and know they’re real and not just something you conjured up in dreamland. Most of the time by noon, you’d already forgotten about the men in your dreams and focused on your day and the man you had been seeing, Chanyeol. Chanyeol was nice, tall, funny, polite and not to mention the muscles. He was a little nicer than you usually went for but you decided to give him a chance after he begged you to give him one and you had to admit you were glad you did. You were having a lot of fun with him but you weren’t planning on having anything really serious with him. And because you weren’t serious with him, you didn’t tell him about your dreams, or your lust for two men you didn’t know, or the fact that you fantasized about both of them while Chanyeol was fucking you. Did you feel bad? Of course. Were you going to stop? Absolutely not. The way they touched you in your dreams, the way they made you moan, the way they could make you cum, woke you up, panting and agonizing for more. That’s part of the reason you said yes to Chanyeol as well.. when you woke up in the middle of the night, horny as all hell, you were able to call him to come help you out, which was better than doing it yourself. After you and Chanyeol were finished, he usually left because you had to get up for work, even though he tried to stay over a few times but you refused. You didn’t want him getting the wrong idea, even though you’d told him before that you didn’t want anything serious, he was adamant on changing your mind which wasn’t going to work. ** On Friday Chanyeol had called you to ask you if you wanted to go to a concert with him that night, you didn’t have anything else to do so you agreed. After work, you went home to shower and get ready for your outing with Chanyeol. He was taking you to see Jay Park, who was one of your favorite rappers. You had decided to wear tight black ripped jeans, along with a white crop top, your hair down and your make up dark and smokey. Chanyeol picked you up at 8pm, on the dot. He was never late to pick you up, being punctual was something he was very proud of. ** Arriving at the venue, the two of you managed to get a spot near the centre of the stage. After Chanyeol had made sure that you were okay, he left to get you two  few drinks. He returned just seconds before the show started, with three drinks for you and one for him, since he wasn’t much of a partier anyways, but he knew you liked to have fun. A few hours into the concert you yell to Chanyeol that you’re going to attempt to find a bathroom, he nodded as you turned around. Your eyes scanned over the crowd, but landed on two very familiar faces. Your eyes went wide as you see the two men you had been dreaming about for months. You thought your heart was going to burst out of your chest. You see one whispering in the others ear before they both turn to look at you, their faces straight. You close your eyes and shake your head before opening your eyes again in hopes that it was all your imagination, but it wasn’t. The two men still stood there, now smirking at you. The taller one with grey hair licked his lips as he looked your body up and down. The one with white hair gave you a sly wink along with his smirk. Both of them soaking your panties immediately. Chanyeol turns his head seeing you still standing there and asks you what you’re doing. You look at him quickly to answer but you turn your head back to look at the men who had now vanished. You stood there for a moment, wondering if what you had seen was all in your head or if they had actually been there? “Are you going to the bathroom?” Chanyeol asks. “Oh, uh yeah. I’ll be right back" you say, shaking your head before moving through the tight crowd of people. After you finish, you stand in front of the mirror, thinking about the two men you saw. You were sure that they had been there, but if they really were, how did they vanish so quickly. You drop your head down, giving it another small shake before you sigh. “What the fuck is wrong with me" you groan. “I think you’re absolutely perfect” you hear a man's voice purr. Your head shoots up, looking into the corner of the bathroom, there stands one of the men, the one with white hair. “just breathtaking” he smirks, walking towards you. “You" you whisper. “Me" he chuckles. “Kai" he says, introducing himself. “and you’re Y/N. The absolutely ravishing woman that has caught mine and my brothers attention" he says, standing before you, brushing a strand of hair out of your face. You can’t say anything, it’s as if your entire body is frozen in his presence. “Kai" you hear another man growl. “You weren’t supposed to approach her alone" he says, his voice deep and dark, like Kai's. “Ah my dear brother Kris seems to be a bit jealous" Kai chuckles, turning away from you to face his brother. As soon as Kai stepped away from you, you felt like you could move and breathe again, until his brother stepped in front of you. You were frozen again, your eyes looking into his black eyes that were void of emotion. “Such a pretty little thing you are" Kris whispers, stroking your face much like Kai. “She really is" Kai agrees. “Quite naughty too, as we’ve seen" Kris slyly whispers, the comment going unnoticed to you. “Y/N? Are you okay in there?” you hear Chanyeol banging on the door. Kris steps away from you, allowing you to breathe and speak again. “Uh, yeah I’m okay. I’ll be out in a second.” You shout. “Ahh, your little boyfriend.” Kris sighs. “We’ll be seeing you soon, baby girl" he winks. “Tonight in your dreams" Kai smiles, and like nothing happened, they’re both gone. With shaky hands you open the door to see a worried Chanyeol on the other side. “What happened?” he asks. “I ran into an old friend and lost track of time. I’m sorry" you say. “Can you take me home please?” you ask. Chanyeol nods his head and guides you from the venue to his car. On the way he asks you again, if he could stay over tonight. You couldn’t really come up with a reason to say no, since you didn’t work tomorrow, and you couldn’t really say ‘there are two sexy men coming to visit me in my dreams' so you reluctantly agreed. You wondered though, how were they able to come to you in your dreams? It actually terrified you a little bit, made you think the worst of what they could be. Ghosts? That’s a possibility. You couldn’t imagine vampires or werewolves could he real.. or could they? Maybe they were warlocks? Your mind was spinning with the amount of possibilities of what they could be. So much so, you hadn’t heard a word that Chanyeol had said to you on the entire ride home. When you finally came too, you heard the last part of what he was talking about before starting to talk about something else you’ve explicitly told him wasn’t happening. “.. say that when you meet my mom.” He laughs. “Then when you quit your job, you’re able to stay home in the new house we get together” he says. Before you can say anything, he pulls into the parking garage of your apartment complex, you dreaded agreeing to allow him to stay over, but you didn’t have the heart to tell him to go home, so you just went with it. The moment you unlocked your front door, you took your shoes off and made your way to the kitchen. Taking a bottle of water from the fridge you gulped it down almost as quickly as you opened it, and Chanyeol stood there shocked, yet impressed. “Wow" he laughed. “Impressive.” “Ha, yeah. I’m not really feeling the greatest” you tell him, hoping he’ll offer to leave. Unfortunately you’re not that lucky. “It’s okay, let’s go to bed and you can get some sleep.” He smiled. You forced a natural smile back at him before dragging your feet to your bedroom. You wanted to go to sleep, you had so many questions for Kai and Kris, but you didn’t want to be sleeping next to Chanyeol when they came. Clearly you didn’t have a choice, since you looked back at Chanyeol who was undressing, leaving himself in his boxers before climbing into your bed with a smile. He patted the side of the bed next to him, wanting you to come over and get in with him. You went in your closet to put on your ugliest pair of pajamas before hopping into your bed, with your back turned to Chanyeol. He snickered as he scooted himself closer to you, wrapping his arm around your waist and burying his face into your hair. You automatically rolled your eyes without even trying. Chanyeol fell asleep rather quickly, while you laid awake, unable to sleep with the heat radiating from his large body and the dead weight of his arm practically crushing your ribs. You decided to attempt to wiggle your way from his grasp, trying to not wake him up. You managed to squirm your way out of his death grip and slide your body off the bed like a worm. You sat on the floor for a second to catch the breath you were holding. Finally you stand up, creeping your way to the kitchen, needing some water to still quench your thirst from earlier. Glancing at the clock, it reads 2:48am and you sigh. You were tired, but you couldn’t sleep. The anticipation of seeing them again made your body flutter with excitement, but also with fear. As you turn to leave the kitchen, you bump into a hard chest of a man. Your first thought was that it was Chanyeol, but then you remembered he was shirtless and you could still hear his snoring from the other room. “Mhm, your boyfriend is here?” he growls. Looking up you see the black eyes and unimpressed face of Kris. “He’s never stayed here before" he says, his eyes staring straight across the kitchen to your bedroom. “He wouldn’t stop pestering me to stay over. And he’s not my boyfriend." you whisper. “You should have told him to fuck off" You hear from behind you. Turning your head you see Kai standing almost against your back with Kris standing in front of you. You feel so small between the two of them. “You’re not serious about him, are you now baby?” Kris asks, his black eyes now on you. “N-no. I told him I don’t want anything serious with him but he keeps pushing" you whisper. “Pushing how?” Kris asks, cocking his head to the side. “Just doing things a boyfriend would do that I don’t want from him.” You say. “He keeps trying to bring up meeting families, moving in together, trying to get me to quit my job. It’s making me start to feel uncomfortable.” You admit, the truth flowing from your mouth like word vomit. “Would you like us to take care of him?” Kai breathes. “Yes" you huff, before you were even able to process what he asked. “Wait? Get rid of him or like kill him?” you ask. “He hasn’t technically done anything for us to murder him. We could get in trouble for that since it isn’t his time." Kai says. “..although we’d like too" Kris murmurs under his breath. “Unless you’d like us to murder him..?” Kai asks. “No, no murdering please.” You say. Kai pouts for a second before he and Kris develop evil grins on their faces, as if they know what each other is thinking. “I like it. Good idea.” Kai tells Kris with a sinister look on his face. “What idea? Neither of you said anything? I’m so confused.” you huff. “No worries baby, we’re just going to take care of the love sick puppy in there. It’s going to be slow, but in about a week you won’t have an issue with him anymore" Kris tells you. “What are you?” you ask, stepping out from in between the two. “Do you want to know?” Kai asks. Did you want to know? Would you regret it? “Yes" you admit. “We’re demons.” Kai says. “Demons? Like from hell?” you asks, not really sure how to feel   “Correct.” Kris answers. “So what do you want from me?” you ask. “Why do you even know me? Why is any of this happening to me?” “Do you want to take this one? Or should I?” Kai asks Kris. “I’ll do it" Kris chuckles. “You remember that party you were at a few months ago, at your friend Jisoo's house?” “Yeah..” you say, thinking back to the party that was almost six months ago. “You said, and I quote ‘I’d sell my soul for some bomb ass dick'" Kris tells you. Instantly the memory hits you like a ton of bricks. You did say that. “Okay?” You say. “That's us. We’re the bomb ass dick you’ve been seeking, we just need your soul" Kai smiles. “I don’t want to give my soul up" you whisper, feeling more scared now then you have been. “We don’t want it now.” Kris says, glaring at Kai. “Originally we did, but the more we watched you and kept tabs on you, the more we just wanted to find out more about you.” “You’re quite captivating, you know?” Kai smirks. “What do you want from me?” you ask. “There’s nothing we want from you. We just want you.” Kris tells you. “Want me? Like want to take me? Want to hurt me? What?” you ask. Kai chuckles. “No love. We want to be with you” “Both?” Kris nods his head. “At like the same time?” “No. We figure the best way is to each date you and then in the end it will ultimately be your decision who you want to be with.” Kris says. “What if I choose neither of you?” “Then you don’t choose us.” Kai shrugs. “Obviously we hope you will choose one of us but we can’t force you, as much as we’d like too" Was this real? Or were you dreaming? Did you actually have two extremely sexy men wanting you? Wanting to prove to you that they would be the best fit for you? You had to pinch yourself to believe it. “Ow" you hiss, knowing full well that you’re definitely awake. “Just had to make sure I was awake" you say to the two man staring at you, concerned. “Y/N?” you hear a groggy voice from the bedroom. “Ugh”. You roll your eyes. “Don’t worry baby, we’ll take care of him. See you soon" Kris winks before they both disappear. A groggy Chanyeol comes shuffling into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes. “What are you doing?” he yawns. “Its like 4am" “Yeah I can’t sleep" you say, turning to go towards your bedroom. “I can help with that" he chuckles. “I’m okay. Stomach still hurts" you say crawling into your bed. Chanyeol crawls next to you, snuggling against you. This time, you fall asleep, having pleasant dreams about Kris and Kai. Whereas Chanyeol, began to have nightmares. He tossed and turned in his sleep as what he could only describe as demons, chased him relentlessly through the crowded streets. Chanyeol continuously turned his head, seeing if they were still following him and no matter where he turned, there they were. “Hey buddy" one of them yelled, eyes glued to Chanyeol. “Stop" Chanyeol halted, feeling as if his feet were glued to the pavement. “W-what do you want?” Chanyeol stutters. “Stay the fuck away from Y/N" Kai snaps. “You don’t want to see what will happen to you if you don’t listen.” Kris growls, his eyes turning black. Chanyeol bolts up in bed, his body soaked in sweat. He looks over at your peaceful sleeping body before getting out of bed quietly and getting dressed. Chanyeol takes one last glance at you before quickly but quietly bolting for the door. A few hours later, Kris sneakily pops himself into your room, his cock hard, needing to get off. He laid on your bed in between your legs in your dream, his tongue licking a long strip up your pussy. "Mhm, tasting as good as I imagined." He smirks. Kris wraps his lips around your clit, harshly sucking. Your hands grip the bed sheets as your back arches. He places a hand on your stomach, pressing you back down into the mattress without any effort. Before you have a chance to cum, Kris removes his head from in between your legs, licking his lips as he looks at you. "It's going to be quick baby, I gotta get back." He smiles, unbuckling his belt. You watch intensely as he pulls his pants down just enough to let his cock spring free. It's bigger than you imagined, thicker too. You can see his precum leaking from his tip. You lick your lips, wanting to taste him but you know you'll have to save it for another day. Kris lines himself up with your entrance, slowly pushing himself inside you, stretching you out completely. "Fuck" you hiss, your eyes already rolling into the back of your head. "That's right baby, take my cock" he growls, pulling out of you before slamming himself back inside. You can't help but moan loudly, practically screaming as Kris continues to fuck you. "You take it so well." He growls, placing his finger in between your lips to rub your clit. "Cum quick baby." You clench yourself around him, his cock and fingers working like magic as your orgasm builds extremely quick. "Fuck" you cry out as pleasure shoots through your body, your orgasm completely taking over. "That's right baby." Kris grunts, yearning for his own release. "Shit.." He cries, cumming inside of you, his warm liquid coating your walls. Kris pulls out of you, as you chest heaves, attempting to catch your breath. He walks to the bathroom, getting a warm cloth to clean you up. When he finishes, you fall asleep almost immediately to the sound of him humming to you. ** Waking up in the morning, you're relieved to feel the spot next to you is empty, and your apartment is quiet, meaning Chanyeol must have taken off extremely early. You smile as you stretch out in your bed, only to feel the side next to you now weighed down. Turning your head you carefully peel one eye open, to be met with the face of a smiling Kai laying beside you. "Morning" he says in a low voice. "Busy night?" He asks. "I can smell Kris' scent on you baby, and you know what that means, I need to replace his smell with my own." He smirks.
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smitten--kitten · 4 years
Giving Former EXO Members Head Under the Table:
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yifanxai · 4 years
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“Over the seven jeweled hills, beyond the seventh wall, in the cottage of the seven dwarfs, dwells Snow White, fairest one of all.”
yifan as Snow White; moodboard
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kpop-dungeon-dark · 3 years
Hell. (Lucifer Kris Wu/Yifan x You)
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Warning(s): Non-Con and fucked up twisted shit. You are legal in this. Read at your own risk.
"Mmm…" She hummed and smiled, nuzzling into the much older man and inhaling his scent while he held her tight to his chest. "Oh… I should get going now~ I have class in an hour~" glancing at the clock on the bedside table, the girl sat up slowly with a pout.
"Get going?" Yifan chuckled at her before grabbing her ass and pulling her into him, clicking his tongue. "Nah… you'll stay here with me like my good toy now~" Y/n looked at him and giggled, taking the covers off to her to get out of bed.
"Chill dude… we just met like last night. Don't expect anything only because we fucked. You have a looooong way to go if you want to impress me…" Before she went to step off the bed but her hand was captured in Yifan's much bigger one.
"Impress you? Tsk. You're branded as my belonging now that I've fucked you, finally. You're mine now. Nobody and nothing can get you out of my world now, you're officially a satanist after you opened your legs for The Devil. You're nothing but my fuck toy now." His lips brushed against her ear as he chuckled to himself. "You don't have a choice."
Turning around to look at him, Y/n started struggling as she got creeped out. "U- Uh… okay… weirdo… I really gotta go now~" trying to back away, she tried to break out of his grip. Her friends were right. Maybe single older men really were fucking nutjobs.
"You're not going anywhere!" Yifan's complexion darkened before horns grew out of his temples whilst his hair turned white and back to its original length which was til his waistline. "I came up here looking for a new toy as the last one…" He sickly grinned. "Anyways. I've found you now and have decided that you'll be my little slut from now on." Y/n was shaking as his pupils disappeared, blank white eyes staring down at her now.
"O- Oh… m- my fucking G- God… n- no way…" She whispered, only causing the man to laugh at her. "H- Holy fucking shit-" she was cut off when everything around them started to disappear, as of they were standing in a tornado, their surroundings starting to spin before getting distorted to the point where Y/n's human mind couldn't decipher it anymore.
"Welcome to your new house, my pet." Yifan mightily spoke when it finally stopped and they were standing in a dark hall now that was illuminated by an unknown source. "There's only one rule for little slaves like you. Behave well, get treated well." The man- fucking Devil's voice was so much deeper and inhuman now, his tall frame growing even more as well as expanding.
"T- This can't be real… th- this can't be real!" Y/n shook as she looked around, her senses numbed whilst she knelt in front of him, the shock too much for her legs to still work.
"Tsk. It is real. Very real. Since the beginning of time. And now you're a part of it." His teeth seemed sharp, almost like fangs.
"They're awaiting you in the court, Father." Y/n jumped when she heard an even more inhuman voice from behind, making her gasp and stagger towards Yifan when she looked back at the abomination of a creature standing behind her, staring at Yifan through its plain black eyes.
It was a literally mutilated half bull and half human looking thing. Her head was spinning.
"I don't condone a pathetic little human like you being disrespectful to my people!" A harsh kick landed in her side, making her groan in pain. "Pathetic fucking slaves like you show respect and please their owners. Tsk. Apologize!" He boomed while glaring down at the shaking human, expecting her to just suck up the fact that her one night stand had turned out to be The fucking Devil and had brought her to Hell. "Apologise, I said!" A whip appeared in his hand before he controlled her mind, making her get on all fours while crawling to the creature that was waiting silently. "I DON'T HAVE ALL DAY!" Before the whip made of lightning whipped her back, making a whole jolt go down her back.
"I am sorry! I am s- sorry, Master! P- Please forgive me!" The girl shook while crying, the mind control forcing her to kiss the creature's animal-like feet. "I didn't m- mean to-! Please!" When Yifan landed another whip, she cried out in agony, holding the creature's feet desperately.
It only nodded in response, silently saying something in a language of whispers and hissed she didn't understand before it left.
"Good slut." Since her ass was in perfect view, Yifan kicked it from behind, making her let out an embarrassing yelp before he grabbed her hair. "Now. Let's go and introduce you in court." Starting to walk swiftly, the Devil basically dragged her against the rough floors by her hair, his own feet in the air, almost.
It wasn't long before they reached two huge doors made of gold which instantly opened for Yifan, a huge courtroom like that of a king inside. Y/n felt her heart beat getting even more erratic when The Devil started to drag her inside, causing her knees to start getting torn now, all the creatures standing on either sides almost impossible to decipher by a human mind.
"This, my people, is my new toy and slave!" Lucifer announced as his people cheered, letting go of Y/n's hair in the middle of the court and ascending up the stairs and onto his throne, sitting like the royalty that he was. "But this pathetic little human here thinks she can deny me and disrespect our kind!" Everyone let out angry hisses and groans, speaking in that one language she didn't understand, making her let out a sob.
"We must teach her a lesson now, shouldn't we?!" Everyone cheered in response, rushing to the screaming girl when their Ruler nodded at them, pulling and pushing at the smaller body from every direction. Y/n wanted to call out for help to no one in particular but her tongue froze upon The Devil's power.
The human was on the verge of knocking out but she couldn't, forced to take all the slaps, pushes, pulls, pokes and abuse. Yifan laughed like a maniac. "Now now, don't touch her little privates. That's mine~" her slits closed up. "Take her elsewhere until I am done with court, we have important business to do here~" and with that, those creatures dragged her out of court.
She couldn't speak, she couldn't run, she couldn't knock out and she couldn't die.
"That's enough!" After what felt like days of turmoil, Lucifer finally stopped those creatures that had destroyed Y/n's body again and again only for it to heal again. "Come here now…" Grabbing at her arm, he pulled her up to her feet as her slits opened up again, gesturing at everyone to leave before he looked down at her. “Have you learned?” The human had no choice but to nod in desperation, ready to do anything to not go through the turmoil those God forbidden creatures put her through.
“Good.” Before her brain could decipher any of it, they were standing in a huge room and a heavy door was shutting behind them, The Devil throwing her naked form on the bed before his own clothes disappeared. “See, I am not a bad Master, my slave” crawling on top of her, he deeply spoke before kissing her cheek and then her soft lips. “Not at all… I take well care of my toys and play with them all the time but…” Dipping his middle finger in her mouth, Yifan picked her up and closer to him by snaking an arm around her waist, plunging his middle finger in her pucker and making her cry out wordlessly as she couldn't use her tongue.
"But for good treatment you must show good behavior, my little toy…" Kissing her lips harshly, he tortured her asshole before his red and hot tail slipped in, replacing his finger as he kissed and bit at her tits now. "Fuck… you're so tight and soft" Yifan grunted and rubbed his balls against her soft folds, healing her hymen back up just so she could bleed when he plunged his huge cock in, moaning even more when he felt it's shape in her stomach.
The human wanted to struggle and scream but instead let out moans under compulsion, her body betraying her mind and making her try to ride him more and more, the shape of his manhood very clear to see. Y/n hated how good her pussy felt because of his compulsion.
"You like this, don't you, my little pet? Tsk. Look at you! Being raped by The fucking Devil and enjoying it!" He smacked her cheek before gripping it and kissing her deeper, pushing his tongue in her mouth and entering it in her throat, gripping her neck and feeling it, moaning loudly in satisfaction while pumping his cock in and out of her pussy whilst his tail toyed with her ass.
"Look at you! Shaking and crying like a needy little slut!" Gripping her hands, he pinned them above her head and licked at her tears with his now long Devil tongue, thrusting harder and harder, her holes expanding more and more when the girth of his cock and tail was increased by him.
"That's right. You're mine! My toy! My little slave! That's all you are and will ever be good for! Fuck!" The human couldn't help but helplessly nod and moan. She was powerless.
And Yifan wasn't done just yet. They had a long way to go before he'd be satisfied for the day.
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marshmallow-phd · 5 years
Secret in His Eyes
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Spinoff of Sins of the Father
Genre: Mafia Au
Pairing: Luhan x Reader
Summary: A vacation exploring China’s famous city was supposed to be relaxing. When you witness a horrifying murder, you instead find yourself in police custody, unable to run. Trying to stay alive, you meet Luhan, and you believe you can trust him. You never imagined that he might be the one you should be running from.
Warning: Mentions of blood and gun violence 
A/N: Sorry the gif is rough... I didn’t take as much time on it...
Part: Prologue I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I 11 I 12
“Well, at least we know where she is now.”
Kris was quick to give Tao a very deserved smack to the back of the head. The latter glared at the one who hit him, but didn’t fight back. 
“We don’t know where she is,” Luhan said through teeth clenched so tight his jaw muscles were crying from the pain. But it was either that or completely destroy the room to let out his desperation and frustration. 
“There was nothing else in the envelope?” Yixing asked, his own voice thick with worry. “Nothing that might say where the picture was taken?”
Tao turned the envelope upside down and shook it, but nothing else fell out.
“Why taunt you like this if they aren’t going to give a place for us to fall into their trap?” Kris wondered. 
Yixing frowned. “You think it’s a trap?”
Kris nodded. “Positive. Why else take her and then send a picture like this? I doubt they know the exact nature of Luhan’s relationship with (y/n), but I guarantee that they know about her involvement with the murder and the investigation against Luhan. Especially since word of us taking her from the motel had started to spread.”
“So, what?” Luhan scoffed. He sntached the picture from Tao and glowered down at the glossy surface. Streaks of lights bounced off photo paper despite the darkness of the subject. Without even thinking, his fingernails ripped through the back of the picture and his handles crumbled the remaining scraps before throwing the ball across the room. “I couldn’t care less as to why they took her. We need to get her back. I promised her I would keep her safe and get her back home. I plan on keeping that promise if I have to die trying.”
“Since when did the genre of our lives go from a crime thriller to a love drama?” Tao uttered underneath his breath. 
“Tragic love lives tend to be the norm in this business,” Yixing replied with a downcast face. The female doctor looked at him curiously, but said nothing. 
Luhan swallowed. “I need this to be a different ending.”
Tao tossed down the envelope where it landed near the woman’s feet. “We can’t do anything if we don’t know where to start.”
Frowning, the woman bent down and picked up the envelope, holding it up to the light. Noticing the strange action, Yixing straightened up. 
“What are you doing?”
“I thought I saw something earlier….” The woman ripped the sides of the envelope to expose the inside. Sure enough, right within the lining was an address, small and easily missed if one was looking directly into the enclosure.
“So, that’s where the trap is,” Luhan said thoughtfully. 
“Do we go in guns blazing?” Tao asked a little too gleefully. 
“Not exactly,” Luhan shot down. A new determination was in his eyes, a fire roared to life as if a can of lighter fluid had been poured over it.  “But we are going. Soon.”
He was going to get you back. He was going to make sure that you made it home, even if it meant he had to take his last breath. 
If your subconscious had been able to imagine the situation you would be in once you woke up, this… was not it. 
No, it wasn’t a luxury hotel or even Luhan’s mansion, but at least you weren’t chained to a wall or tied to an unforgiving chair. Although your wrists did hurt and red indentions told you that you might have been restrained at one point, you were free to roam around now. The room you were in was tiny, like a broom closet, but it still held a bed and dresser with enough room to maneuver around. 
Even as you slipped off the bed, you braced yourself for the inevitable outcome. You were in this room for a reason and you doubted Detective Zhuang wanted you anywhere. But if you didn’t try, you felt that you would be giving up. You didn’t fight to stay alive this entire time only to sit down a hundred feet from the finish line. 
You couldn’t believe it. It turned. The doorknob turned. Not only did the knob turn, the door opened. Was this a trap? A tease?
You didn’t care. You’d take the risk of the rogue officer mocking you. The door opened up to an industrial-looking hallway. Maybe this room really was a closet at one point. 
Stepping out with one foot, you went slowly, checking every direction for any sign of life that might force you back into the room. There was none so you kept going. 
As you went farther down the hallway you could hear the faintest of voices. You were more than certain you were getting closer to the main area of the industrial building. The only questions left were why were you here and what would happen to you if you were caught. 
The end of the hallway came. There was no exit in the opposite direction so these doors were your only option. Quiet as a mouse, you pushed one of the doors open and peeked your head through. Several burly looking men were roaming around, unpacking guns from wooden crates, going over what could have either been checklists or invoices, among other nefarious activities. Though her back was to you, it was easy enough to pick out Detective Zhuang as she spoke to one of the men.
Now that you’d pinpointed your kidnapper, you searched around the large open room for the exit that could lead to freedom. You nearly cheered out loud from relief. The exit was along the same wall the hallway entrance was and most of the way was blocked by oversized crates. Perhaps fate didn’t hate you so much after all. 
While moving in a slow, cautious way in order to avoid drawing attention, you snuck out between the doors and headed for the exit, bent over nearly in half so you didn’t create a shadow that would show beyond the crates. You hurried towards the doors, already thinking of different scenarios that would take you back to Luhan. 
Freedom was just within your reach. Only a couple more steps and-
“So glad you’re awake now.”
Damn it!
You didn’t consider any alternative. You ran for the door, hoping to make it out, but Detective Zhuang’s men were quicker. Two blocked your path while another practically body slammed you into the wall and then caged you within his arms. You kicked and squirmed to no avail as he carried you over to the woman who’d made your life hell. No courtesy was given to you. The man practically threw you down to the ground at Detective Zhuang’s feet. There was no holding back the whimper in your throat as your knees and palms scraped against the rough concrete floor. 
“You shouldn’t have tried to run,” Detective Zhuang shrugged as you nursed your wounds. 
“You didn’t have to kidnap me in the first place,” you retorted. 
She shrugged. “You should have learned to mind your business.”
“Just let me go home like you promised,” you begged. “That’s all I want.”
That was a lie. It wasn’t anywhere near the only thing you wanted right now. You wanted to see Luhan one more time, to warn him about who was really behind all of this. And to say goodbye, if this really was the end. 
Detective Zhuang sighed sympathetically. “I can't do that now. You know too much.”
“Too much?” You scoffed. “I hardly know anything. I don’t know why you’re doing this. Why you’re going against the very laws you swore to uphold.”
Bending down to meet you at your level, her eyes searched your own before drifting down the ground. “I used to believe in good. I used to believe in the law. Now all I believe in is the balance of life and death.”
You shook your head. “Why? What happened?” It was impossible to know why, but you wanted to understand. Hell, you almost needed to understand. Maybe if she gave you the reason, you could find a way to change her mind. 
It was silent for a minute or two, only the sounds of your breathing reaching your ears. Finally, she looked up at you. “I grew up in the world that Luhan controls. Before he ever rose to power, there was my father. He was the most feared in the criminal world. He ruled the underground and no police force dared to touch him. Admittedly, while growing up, I hated him. I hated what he stood for and I vowed to be nothing like him. So I became the opposite of what he was. I became the best damn officer in the city. But he was still my father. I still loved him, whether I could admit it or not.
“Then a man named Luhan started taking over, occupying territory he had no right to. And he eliminated anyone who stood in his way.” Detective Zhuang licked her lips and gave a humorless smirk. “I think you can guess what happened next. My father was taken from me, so I’m going to keep taking from Luhan until the scales are once again equal. I’ve been ruining his business, but I need more. I need his life.”
“There is nothing equal in taking a life for another life,” you argued. “If he really is the reason your father died, then as a detective, you should have let the law do its job. You can’t take justice into your own hands.” 
That was apparently the wrong thing to say. Grasping your chin and digging her fingernails into your skin, she hissed, “You think I didn’t consider that? There was no physical evidence connecting his death to Luhan. And no judge would be brave enough to convict him.”
“Killing him still isn’t the solution.” It was probably a huge mistake to continue insisting that she was wrong, but you couldn’t help yourself. She wanted to kill Luhan. And you didn’t even want to imagine a world where he wasn’t walking around with that big stupid smile on his face. “He has two others with him. Even if he were to die, they’d still keep going.”
Pushing herself back up, Detective Zhuang laughed once. “I don’t care about their business. They can do what they want. As soon as I have Luhan lying cold in the ground, I’m leaving the country, happy and content for avenging my father.”
You shook your head. “That won’t make you happy. Anyone with any sort of common sense knows that.”
You flinched at the noise, thinking maybe she’d finally had enough and shot you. But no pain came. In fact, it wasn’t a gun at all that made the noise. It was the main doors being shoved open. The air was ripped from your lungs as you watched Luhan strut in, his normal air of confidence tenfold. Only part of you was relieved, however. You knew he was in danger and waltzing in here like he was invincible was a dumb move. But it was also very him. 
“I honestly thought you would come sooner,” Detective Zhuang mocked. “Have difficulty finding the place?”
“Not really,” Luhan replied in the same cheeky tone. “Especially since you printed it on the inside of the envelope.”
Detective Zhuang shrugged. “I couldn’t make it too easy for you.” Reaching back behind her, she pulled out a pistol, clicking back the barrel to make sure a round was in the chamber before aiming the weapon at your head. “But now that you’re here, we can attend to business.”
Luhan threw his hands up, stopping in his tracks immediately. “I should have known it was you. (y/n) would trust you, especially since she can’t understand Chinese.”
This whole time, you’d been able to keep up with everything that was going on, but now you were lost. “What are you talking about?”
For the first time since he’d walked in, he met your eyes. “Remember that day in the car? Outside the precinct?” You nodded. “You were happy to recognize her voice, but what you didn’t know what she was saying. The other detectives were asking about who to find you, but she didn’t care. She told them to forget about you and to follow other leads. They had your statement, why would they need to find you again?”
“Why would I need to find her?” Detective Zhuang agreed. “I knew you had her. I knew where your mansion was located and that you would keep any threat to your precious empire close. If she got hurt along the way, then so be it.”
You felt like an idiot. Her words in the beginning, in that interview room… you fell for them hook, line, and sinker. “Did you plan for me to get taken?”
“I didn’t think Luhan would come get you himself, but I knew he’d try to get his hands on you one way or another. I couldn’t care less if you had proper protection. He’d keep you safe for the time being, until I had use for you. ”
“Because you’re so clever,” Luhan said dryly. 
Rolling her eyes, Detective Zhuang said, “You might want to watch that mouth. I’m a little heavy fingered and I’d hate to prematurely pull the trigger. Then again, now that we’re face to face, neither of us really need her, do we?”
All jesting was gone from Luhan’s voice. “If you want me, you’ll let her go. Now.”
Detective Zhuang acted as if she were really thinking about it, even moving her gun from you to Luhan. “That was a bit demanding, Luhan. Why would you care if a stupid foreigner died or not?” A few seconds of silence went by and then she laughed. “Don’t tell me the great Deer fell for someone? You actually let yourself develop a weakness? Well, this changes everything.” She trained her gun on you once more. “I was just going to kill you slowly. But now… now I think I’ll kill her first and let you sit on that for a while, so you can feel what I felt when you killed my father.”
“No!” Luhan fell to his knees, panic striking in his eyes. “Stick with your original plan. Kill me. Torture me. But let her go. She doesn’t deserve this!”
More silence filled the room. All the men standing around flickered their eyes back and forth between the stand off. 
“I’ve considered your offer,” she said, “but I think I’ll decline. So say goodbye- AH!” 
The gun fell from Detective Zhuang’s grip. She clutched her hand to her chest and your eyes widened in horror as you saw red liquid run down her wrist. Luhan jumped back up to his feet and ran to you while the main doors swung open once more. 
Kris and Tao charged into the room, guns in every hand that lit up with each bullet that left their chambers. Luhan tugged you out of the fire’s way, making sure to keep his body between you and the fight. Crouching behind a wall of crates, he turned your around and cradled your face as he searched for any signs of injury. 
“I’m alright,” you insisted, but he didn’t stop looking. 
“Are you sure? She’s had you for hours and-” 
You stopped him with a quick kiss. Perhaps the wrong moment, but you were too happy to be near him again to care. “I’m fine. I promise.”
Closing his eyes, he leaned his forehead against yours. “I thought I’d lost you for good. I thought you’d ran away from me.”
“Technically, I did,” you confessed. “She said she was going to send me home. I had to take the chance. I guess I should have thought about it a little more.”
Luhan pulled back and shook his head before pulling you back into a hug. “I don’t blame you.”
“Okay!” Tao called out from the other side of the barrier. “The people are dead!”
Getting back to your feet, Luhan made sure to stay in front of you as the two of you emerged from safety. Bodies littered the ground, making you shrink into his back. You wanted to leave. Now.
“That was quick,” Luhan said, impressed. 
“They weren’t the best marksmen,” Tao shrugged. 
Kris frowned at his right shoulder. “But I liked this shirt.”
Tao laughed. “I told you to change before we came.”
“Speaking of marksmen….” Luhan looked up at the ceiling, eyes scanning the windows that lined the top of the warehouse. A vague shadow moved on the other side. One of the windows above the crates opened and a figure landed on top of them before climbing down the side.
“Yixing?” You gasped at the doctor who came over, a long range rifle strapped to his back. 
He nodded at you, but there wasn’t any hint of a smile on his face. “Glad to see you’re safe.”
You, however, did give him a small one. “Thank you.”
“Come on,” Luhan urged. “Let's get out of here.”
“Don’t worry,” Kris said. “We’ll take care of this.”
Luhan gave him a short nod and led you out of the warehouse where you could breathe normally for the first time in too long.
141 notes · View notes
mybiasisexo · 4 years
Genre: Angst | Supernatural!au 
Pairing: Kris x Reader (yeah... your eyes aren’t deceiving you)
Length: 549
Warning: Mentions of Blood | Unfinished but could def be a drabble | It’s brilliant and you will prob want more (yall: actually??????????no❤️, we don’t. Me: word.)
Summary: Something suspicious is going on behind some random bar.
Author’s Note: Another oldie!!!! I think I wrote this in like 2014 (I checked, it was 2015 IDIOT). I had a Plot™, but then I just wrote this and called it a day haha. But, idk, its really good. Like I reread it and am like ‘damn I wrote this????’ truly wild. Plus, Kris. This must’ve been during his bald phase cause the way I feigned for him...smh. Anywho Enjoy!!!
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From far above, the city resembles the nighttime sky.
Thousands of twinkling lights dwelling thousands of galaxies and dimensions. Layers of life most people will never be able to experience.
Let’s zoom in a bit, a little closer to a somewhat rundown building, whose rooftop trembles from the bass of the music thumping from within.
Some may say that music controls heartbeats, that appear to slow down or speed up accordingly, never wanting to be left behind, to be forgotten or ostracized.
Lets zoom in closer still, to the back of said building, where the music is just a muted dull pulse.
Yet still it seems to maintain control, at least, control over the poor soul’s who lay upon the dirty damp concrete floor beside the filthy dumpsters that cradle the items that could not keep up with the music. The soul whose heartbeat dulled as her blood slowly left her body, to sustain the life of another.
���Hurry up,” A young woman draped in red and black hisses impatiently.
“Shut up,” the man kneeling before the one on the ground retorts, continuing on.
“Are… are you going to kill me?” A small whimper.
Dead eyes soften from the question, “of course not, Honey.” A reassuring grin.
The darkness is interrupted by the blue and red hue of authority.
The woman growls.
The man stands up proud and tall beside the lady as a police officer gets out of his vehicle to slowly approach them, his hands automatically yanking up the belt of his trousers, an unconscious attempt to remind them he is armed.
They are armed as well.
“May I ask what you two are doing out here in the alley at this time of night?” He asks, but it is not a question.
The man wipes the red off his lips and grins crookedly, “getting some air.”
“It’s hot as balls in there,” the woman finishes, voice firm and flat.
The officer lifts an eyebrow, his eyes scanning the area for the unusual, “is that so?”
The two being questioned just stare.
“There was a call. Someone heard screaming coming from back here. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?”
“Actually, we are the ones who placed the call,” the girl informs, her arms crossing over her full chest.
“We couldn’t find anything though, but we still decided to stay out here to meet you, Officer.”
The cop doesn’t buy it. One of his hands slithers down to his hip, the action causes a low chuckle to leave the woman’s mouth.
“I’m going to scan the area, if that is fine with you.”
“By all means,” the man steps away and sweeps his hand towards the dumpsters, allowing the cop access. As the officer walks between the two, he fails to notice them lock eyes.
He takes out his flashlight and runs it over the darkest part of the alley, pausing once he notices the flash of pale flesh.
Before he can utter a syllable, the girl knees him in the back and the man catches him before his knees hit the ground, sinking his teeth into the flushed flesh of his neck.
“God, I hate cops,” the girl states with the roll of her eyes.
One of the twinkling stars flickers out of sight.
8 notes · View notes
The story of Yujin & Kris (Kris Scenario // 5of59)
FIIIIINNNAAALLY sorry guys it took soo soo long. This is the 5th of 59 (long way to go still I know.) 
I loved writing this eventhough it took so long bc I kinda forgot how to write hahah Have to get in the hang of it again. 
Hope you like it ^^
PS: This can be read as a oneshot but also as a “before” to my other Kris scenario. >> Part 1
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He sat there, on his guitar case, closed his eyes and started singing. His voice was so different, it didn’t ever sound the same it was really unique. The passengers didn’t just look for a couple seconds and continued walking no. Some of them stood in front of him and enjoyed his music. The gave him money or talked to him after he was done singing. Which always made him happy. But he never waited long enough for them to start a real conversation.
No he didn’t do this for money. Not in any way. He just wanted to share his passion with everyone. And the money he made? He saved it. This guy? I’ll tell you more about him. He’s Yifan or Kris however you want to call him. He lives in Enland now, but he was born in China. Why did he move? His university was here in Enland. And since he liked it so much he decided to stay. Kris never really had a full time job after uni, his parents always helped him out. Though, he didn’t really use his parents money. He had jobs on and off, at the car wash, in restaurants, in Hotels and in Bars as the singer. He made enough money to life with that. And he loved that life. Honestly he would make enough money just with singing but he wanted to work hard and earn his money. “Dude, I’ve been waiting for so long now. Where are you?” “Sorry man. I totally forgot time. So what are you up to tonight?”  "Thought about going to the bar again. Uh… I forgot the name but do you remember the bar we went to when we came here the first time? That one. Jaya told everyone to come over for her birthday. She invited the old ones too. So you coming?“ “I’ll see what I can do… I’ll call you back.”
“You’re not gonna be there tonight right?” an unknown number sent him just minutes after he hung up. “Who are you?” Kris was on his way home, he lived in a small apartment, not far from city centre. “Claire,… Yujins friend from back then?” Why would she text me? Why shouldn’t I be there? Yujin…. She would be there too? That can’t be, she’s supposed to be in China now. “Oh… I’m sorry. Idk, why u asking?” “Dude? They didn’t tell you she’s back already? She just came back. She’s gonna be there tonight.” “How? I thought she had to stay with her family? Didn’t they force her to go back forever??” “She’s a free spirit isn’t she? She decided to come back after her 23rd birthday. She’s been here for two or three days now.” “Oh. Nah I didn’t know.”
Wow. Nice friends he had there. Kris put his phone away and listened to some music while walking. He bought some grocries also. He felt the vibrations of his phone, but he wanted to reach home before thinking about his new problem. ‘5 unread messages’ “Kris?? / tbh, she wanted to meet you again. She asked a lot about you. / Normally she wouldn’t come to the party but she knew you could be there. / She told me to not tell you anything but I don’t want drama happening. So yeah. / Are you ready to face her again? Is it gonna be difficult?” Difficult, the heck is she saying? “She left me tf should I be facing her. If anything she’s gonna regret her choice will she? I’m over this kindergarden games. I’ll be having no problems looking her into the eyes since I didn’t do anything that could hurt her. I’ll be there tonight. Do whatever the fuck you want.”
Kris threw his phone away in anger. Able to face her again? What is this?  He leaned back and thought about this whole situation again? Oh wait, let me tell you the short form too.
When Yifan arrived in England he still had some time before his school year started. So he decided to visit an English class for a couple of weeks to improve his skills. During that time he met a lot of foreigners including Yujin… Yujin, Kris and the other chinese students got along pretty well. And of course after a while Yujin and Kris got really close, eventually became a couple. They’ve dated for quite a while when one day, Yujin left and moved back to China without telling Kris. She was back in her home country and no matter how often Kris called her she didn’t pick up. Yujin left Yifan heartbroken and didn’t tell him where she was, why she left and why noone else should tell him also. Weeks later she called him crying, saying that she still loved him. That her parents wanted her to move back and she was being forced to stay there. But he didn’t believe, or he did. We don’t know but he was done with this dilemma and never talked to her, never thought about her or asked how she was doing ever again. The last time he saw Yujin was quite a while back. Five years to be exact.
“So man you coming over?” “Probably, as long as I don’t get into any type of trouble.” “Nah, just stay with us and you should be good. Thanks man, it’s been a while since we did something with the others.” He chuckled, he really missed his friends. Yifan spent his last weeks working and saving money. Honestly he didn’t want to go. The messages were still making him angry, as if it was his fault but he didn’t want to make his friends sad so he got up, showered and threw on new fresh clothes. “Dude you didn’t even tell me when to be there.” “Oh sorry Kris, can you be there at 8? Or wait I’ll pick you up at 7.30, let’s take the metro just in case.” “Sounds good, just ring the bell and I’ll come down.” Puh… still more than an hour left.
He got up and poured himself something to drink, still he was “used” to alcohol he wouldn’t get drunk easily. Not like his friends. Kris thought abour his old friends, those who would be there tonight too. He also thought about Yujin…. Yujin would be there too. And though he didn’t do anything wring he wasn’t ready to face her. Not now. No matter what he said to claire today, he didn’t want to see Yujin after she left him. He didn’t know if he was angry or sad, he just felt like he didn’t want to see her. What would she tell them? And if she speaks would she talk to him? What would she tell him? Is she married now, or did she find a job. Does she still love him or did she ever? “Kris come on. Don’t think about her. Just think about seeing your old friends.” he told himself. And that worked. Somewhat at least.
“Man it’s been a while huh.” „How long has it been man? At least a year? And you don’t even live too far, sad man really sad.“ Kris said while laughing. Their houses were not too far from each other, but due to his school and work kris was never really able to meet one of his closest friends, Joe. And now that they met again, they’d probably talk about a lot of different things. Suprisingly, Kris also forgot his thoughts about Yujin. „So what have you been up to?“ Joe asked, lighting up his cigarette. „Since when do you smoke though? Uh, not much. I worked here and there, I think I’ll look for a real job soon. Set a foot into the real world you know.” „Never thought that you would do that. Honestly I always saw you as a singer or something, because you never shut your mouth.“ The boy was laughing, so was kris. He was happy that he could spend some time with his close friends.
After a good 10 Minutes they arrived at the place. And even from the outside you could hear their friends screaming and shouting happily. „KRIIIIIS! / YIFAN / FANFAN You’re here too.“ Oh god… They were already tipsy, but that was alright. „Hey, glad that you came. How are you Yifan? When was the last time I saw you?“ „Oh Matt, it’s been a while. Looong long time man, I think we were in Uni still. What have you been up to?“ „Nothing much. Found a job, got fired, found another job and then I had to move because of my family. Came back just weeks ago and now I’m looking for a job again. Really tiring process. You? I heard that you never really looked for a real job.“ „That’s how it is Matt, I never really worked, but I’m looking for a job now too. But from what you told me… I should be ready to face a lot of stress.“ The boys laughed and then sat down to meet the others. Matt introduced Kris and his friend, even though they knew them already. Some of his old friends brought along their „better halfs“ as they called they Boy/Girlfriends so Kris even met new people.
„Kris why don’t you sing for us?“ The voice oft he person speaking was really familiar, soothing and not too loud. She didn’t even sound tipsy but when Kris turned around he saw who was talking to him. „Yujin…“ And it got silent instantly. Everyone here knew what was going on with kris and her, but no one really talked about her until she got there, 1.5 hours later than she should. The atmosphere was awkward now and everyone realized that, even kris, who was not able to look away. She still looked the same but something,…. Something really seemed odd. It felt like world stopped for him, it felt like hours he looked at her. Kris, though didn’t want to show his realy feelings so he out on a grin and got up. He looked at her provocingly because yes he was still mad about everything but he directly walked passed her to the stage.
While all eyes were on Yifan, who was still talking tot he Dj and asking if he could sing, Yujin took a seat right next to his. She started drinking and talking to his friends, getting closer to them with every minute. Eventually Kris started singing. Soft tunes, slow song… The whole bar was going quiet just listening to him. And his friends? Some oft hem tried to harmonize with him, singing along since it was a chinese song. All of his friends knew this song, even the non-chinese. The song he sang,.. well it was about love and friendship. Kris was thinking about everything in the second he sang, he knew the song so well that it wasn’t really necessary to think about lyrics. He closed his eyes and thought about his first week here in london, how he met matt and steve – the boy who walked with him – how he met Jaya and then… how he met Yujin. When kris opened his eyes, everyone was cheering for him. He looked around and bowed down couple of times.
“I totally forgot how good your voice was, thank you so so much.” Jaya grabbed Kris’ hand and started to talk with him. Meanwhile everyone finished their last drinks, started talking about the past, things they`ve done, places they’ve been too and all of that. Sooner or later he realized that someone was missing. “Matt, where did she go?” “Why, you still looking for her?” Matt said with a cheeky grin but he frowned right away. “I don’t know man, she left while you were still up singing. She looked pretty sad it almost looked like she was on the edge to cry.” Cry? “What?” “Actually, I think she still has… some sort of feelings for you man. Joe saw her, couple of weeks ago they talked a lot he said. Ask him she told him that she still has feelings for you. Joe? Come.” The place was quite noisy, so it would be no problem to talk about her in public but Kris wanted to talk outside still to make sure that nobody can listen to them.  
Outside Joe ones more lightened his cigarette, offering it to Kris and Matt this time. “Guys come on that’s really bad for your health… Anyways. Joe tell Kris what Yujin told you the last time you met.” Joe took a deep breath before he started talking.  „I picked her up from the airport and she told me that she wanted to talk right away. So we met the day after. Man she was so down... Asking and begging for your phone number. She said that she still had feelings for you and she regrets ever leaving you. She was really sad man and just now when she left she gave me her number again just in case and asked me to give it to you. Call her if you want. I can send you the number.“ „What?“ „She still loves you, you idiot.“ „She left. She just left without saying anything and after 5 years she decided to come back and do this? What the heck is she thinking?-„ he looked at his friends in anger, „-that I’d come back no matter what? That I’d be running back to her as soon as she said that. What? You tell me.“
Without further or do Kris left. He had his phone and wallet in his pocket so there was no reason to walk back in. If anyone should ask he’s just say that there was something he had to deal with. Which, technically, wasn’t even a lie. Kris walked for a while, he didn’t want to go back home this early but he wasn’t really happy to be with the others right now. He pulled his phone out at a red light: „Joe, give me her number. I’ll clear this out ones and forever.“
„Please watch your words man. I know you’re right but Idk what could happen…“ „k“
„Yujin, this is Kris. We need to talk.“  “Come to this place. It’s where I’m living.” 
The place she sent him right after was quite far from here, but he wanted to talk about this right now. So he called a cab and told the driver where to go. About 20 minutes later he reached the place and the first thing he could notice was how dangerous this area was. Actually it scared him to walk around alone, since it was pretty quiet and the only thing you could here were alarms going off. 
“Hey Kris....” Yujin said, she looked like she’s been crying for hours. “Hey... You’re alright?” “No. Come in. I think there’s a lot we should talk about.” She walked in leading him to the living room - which he wasn’t sure about since the apartment was really tiny- and poured them something to drink. “I don’t know if you want to drink but I think I need this to talk.” Yujin sat down, patting the place next to her for him to sit down. “So what was going on in the bar. Why did you leave?... Why did you leave me today like you did back then..” Kris almost completely chugged the drink and looked down, he didn’t want to face her but this had to be done sooner or later. 
“I never wanted to leave you. I just... I don’t know I was young and stupid. I just felt like going back home to my family. Everything here was just too much. It didn’t feel right. Nothing I did here felt right. I wanted some time out... But when I called you to tell you everything... I mean I can understand but it made me sad. I really wanted to come back to you.-” Kris looked at her with anger. “You shouldn’t have left in first place. Do you know how I felt? How scared I was? I thought that something happened to you. I looked through every bar, every disco, libraries, hotels literally everything you can think of because I thought you ran away. After four days of no sleep, no food, no water and loong days of looking for you they told me that you’ve moved back to china with your family. Do you know what I had to go through because you were to selfish to tell me that you needed a break. I would’ve understood. And the only thing you needed to do was telling me where you wanted to go, or what you wanted to do. I died several times in the first year of you being there because you didn’t tell me nothing until exactly one year later. You needed one year to tell me what happened and you didn’t even do that. The only thing you did was begging for forgiveness. What did you expect me to do huh? just accept the fact that you left me for a year and only told your friends where you were. Not answering my phone calls, not sending any messages nothing. You left and you’ve been gone for five years. What are you doing here now? Why’d you come back?” 
Kris’ voice was full of anger. He teared up but controlled himself to not cry now. Again, he wasn’t sad just angry. And Yujin... she just looked at him. For minutes she just looked at what he was doing, how his facial expressions changed from minute to minute. Kris felt how the alcohol made his way into his blood stream. He felt how his hands started to shake and his vision to blur. “You’re not gonna say anything, are you?” “Kris... I love you.” 
The next day Kris woke up with a bad headache. It took a while for him to realize where exactly he was. “What... How did I get here.” Kris was lying on his couch with no Idea how he got back home. “What happened yesterday?” No matter how much he thought and thought the only thing he remembers was talking to her, then leaving, but in between those action there’s nothing he remembers. 
When he looked at his phone just to see that it was turned off. So he got up plugged his phone in, hopped into the shower to get the burning smell of alcohol off and made breakfast. As he got back to his phone he already heard that he got one message after the other. “MAN? Why are you not answering??? // What happened yesterday you didn’t talk to us. // You didn’t fight did you? // Call me when your up. // She’s not answering either WTF MAN WHERE ARE YOU?” What? “Joe chill, I just woke up. Phone was off. We talked I guess.” “You guess?” “Yea man I remember saying a lot of things to her, but then.. It’s like completely gone. I was drunk. Don’t even know how I came back home.” “That’s not good. So why is she not answering?” “Idk, I don’t care at this point.” 
The days passed and as he told Joe Kris didn’t talk about her again. Neither did his friends. He just spent time with them and enjoyed seeing all of them again before finding a job. Which he did, just a week after. “Guys. Look at this. I’ve been accepted.” “Knew you would make it in. // That’s so great we need to celebrate this. // When are you starting?” “Next week. They want me to be there next week.” 
Kris was happy, so were his friends. He got accepted into a big company here, their headquarter is in China, so his knowledge would be of good use. Everything was going well, not even a year later he was able to rent a house, paying it so that ever so slowly it could be his own. His life was coordinated now, finally.
“Yeah, I’m on my days off might even turn into a full vacaytion they said. Let’s meet with matt in a couple of days maybe?” “Sounds great. I’ll call you later okay? Have some things to do.” “Okay man, bye.” 
“We need to talk.” Oh man, who is this again. Why can’t I just have one relaxed day? He put his phone away and didn’t look at it for hours and hours. He didn’t even care. 
“Kris we need to talk. // It’s Yujin. // Kris??? // I’m in the hospital right now. // Call me when you’re free. // Kris it’s been hours where are you? // Yifan?... Please.” Without hesitating he called her back. No matter how angry he was, she was in hospital and he needed to know why. “What happened. What did you want.” “Can we talk?” “Uhh... Sure.” “Not on the phone.. Can you come over please.” 
She said it, and he did it. He went over to her, didn’t exactly know why he chose too. But he wanted to know what she wanted to talk about and so he tried not to think to much about this. “Hey thanks for coming. Do you want anything to drink tea, coffee?” “No thank you. Just tell me why you called me several times today.” “Kris... Kris I’m going back to china.” “And? You wanted to say goodbye this time?” “Kris... please. It’s not like that.-” They stopped instantly and Kris got up as soon as he heard a baby crying in another room. “A baby?!” “Kris.. That’s why I called you. She’s yours.” “WHAT?” “Yifan.. Calm down please. She’s yours... Remember the last time we met?” 
Kris walked up and down and didn’t want to believe. “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME EARLIER?” “I was scared...” “Yujin stop lying. Nothing... Nothing happened...” “How can you know you were drunk.” “So what now. You tell me she’s mine and then? Take her with you? Why. What did you want?” “I want you to take care of her.” “WHAT?” “She’s yours. So why don’t you take her. Be responsible.” “Are you joking? I know myself. She’s not mine.” “She is.” “Let’s go and make a test then. My DNA and hers. Should be easy. I have the right to do that. The results might take a couple of days.” Yujin didn’t talk anymore at this point. She just stood there crying silent tears. “Ok...” 
After the test was taken none of them talked to the other. She was too scared and he too angry. He avoided meeting her and waited for the test results day in and out. When he heard the door bell three days later he rushed up. “Sir, you need to sign this.” An envelpe. Please... “Thank you.” 
He walked back into the house and took a deep breath. “Please..” He read through the letter saying that those tests could be wrong and there’s always a chance of them being the opposite of what’s written down, but 99.9% of the time they’re right. “... negative.” 
Yujin and Kris met hours later. Kris didn’t tell her anything he just said that he wanted to meet. “Why did you lie to me?” “What?” “I got the results this morning. Why did you lie?” “Kris...-” “I’m not her to listen to any other excuses. Either you tell me the truth now, or the next time we meet we’ll be on court.” “Can we sit down.. Look. I knew she wasn’t yours.. It was a mistake. She was. I never wanted a child this early. And I still don’t. I met someone in china. I came back with him... I was his affaire I guess. And she.. Probably happened just a day before the party of Jaya. I didn’t want to be alone so I.. just had her and now I’ll go back. No one knows that she’s there well... actually a lot of people do. I told them.. I told that she was yours but also that they should never talk about her when you’re there.-” “WHAT?” “I’m so sorry. But you’re the only one I trust...” “Did you leave me because of him back then?” “...yes. We both had.. affairs. I was just stupid enough to follow him whereever he goes. I can’t go to him.. I can’t trust him.. He wanted me to... He wanted to...” “Abortion?” “Yes... I knew that you would never want me to do that.. and that you wouldn’t ever leave a child alone...” Yujin was crying her eyes out but kris just sat there staring into nothing. “I need time. I will... I will call you tomorrow.” “I won’t be there then... I’ll leave her at my moms house...” “Your mom?” “Yes. Yes... She’s here too, she moved years ago. But we never told anyone. I’m sorry but I have to go now... She doesn’t know anything about the lie.. So please don’t tell her that... You know. She lives in the same house. Last floor.... If you want to check.” 
Yujin left, leaving Yifan behind. And he? Got home and thought. The whole night. The next day. He just thought. 
Days passed again and one time he just stood up and aimed straight to Yujins house. While walking he wrote a message to Yujin. “I’m taking her. Not for your sake. I don’t want her to grow up without any parents. And god knows how long your mother will stay here in England. She will be my daughter from now on and I won’t ever make her feel like something’s off. Don’t ever come back and if you do... don’t look for either of us.” 
“Kris you’re here.” “Where is she.” “Come in son, I’ll pack her things.” “Just give me the basics. I can buy the rest.” Yujins mother told him what to do and how to handle her. She didn’t do anything wrong and that’s why he silently listened without saying anything. And ones she brought the baby Kris’ world stopped. She wasn’t his, she would be he reason why he could lose his job. But she was tiny and innocent. He took her with no real expression on his face. And as soon as he left the door he looked at the baby again.
 “Hi Wen..” 
Part 1 (or 2 if you will) 
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xiumin-on-this-shit · 4 years
Take Care of You Pt 6
I snap up, “Oppa,” Is the first word out of my mouth, followed by a quiet whimper caused by the pain radiating from my leg. My eyes scan over the world around me, I recognize nothing as panic begins to bubble with in me. A shadow on my side moves closer, I react without thinking, scurrying back away from the stranger.
The man shushes me, “It’s alright Love,” He tells me. He holds out his hands in a show of surrender, a kind smile comes into my vision as the light settles on his features. “Hey there sleepy head, how are you feeling?”
My wide eyes scan the room around me, it looks like part of a warehouse that has been converted into a living area. There’s a large industrial kitchen in one corner of the open space, all stainless steel and high end. A large leather couch cradles me with the help of a few blankets and pillows, forming a nest around me and the man. My eyes shift to him. Soft features remind me of a sweet puppy, his smile radiates nothing but kindness and innocence, but I know looks can be deceiving.
“Where is my oppa?” I demand, not bothering with polite words.
The man chuckles as he shifts slightly closer, “You are in a strange room with a strange man and your first question is about Minseok hyung?”
“Should I be worried about myself?” The question is for both of us, the man hasn’t grabbed me, his tone is soft and sweet. He doesn’t seem like he is going to harm me in anyway at the moment, he had his opportunity to when I was unconscious and at his mercy. Looking down though I realize I am in different clothes, from just a sniff I can tell they don’t belong to Minseok.
“No,” The man answers, “You are very much safe here with me.”
“And who would you be?”
He scoffs, “I’m offended that they didn’t even show you a picture of me, but I guess they had to be careful in case any police happen to come by. I’m your Baekhyun oppa!”
“Baekhyun oppa?”
“Yea, it must be nice to finally put a name to a face, right?”
“How do I know it’s really you?” I snap back without a thought, after this whole night I don’t trust anyone I don’t know.
The cheeriness on his face falters for only a moment before he resumes the façade, “Hyung wasn’t kidding, you are a very smart girl.”
“Where is Minseok? Or Chanyeol? Or anyone else?”
“You’re sounding a lot like Kyungsoo.”
“Answer me,” I demand once again, before adding on a meek please just in case this really is Baekhyun.
“Minseok is resting along with Chanyeol, just like you should be.”
“What about Kyungsoo?”
“Resting, he got grazed and had to deal with a lot of people after. You know that takes a toll on him,” He chuckles.
“Out and about.”
“Kai and Sehun?”
“Damage control.”
“Jongdae or Yixing?”
“Resting, they were taking care of Minseok and Yeol, that was a lot of work.”
“Okay who the fuck isn’t off doing something right now?” I end up snapping again.
He sighs as he once again scoots closer, “I’m all you’ve got right now Love. Hyung should be waking up here soon, until then you should rest or eat something because I know the first thing out of his mouth is a demand to see you.”
I nibble on my bottom lip as I consider my options, “What is there to eat?”
A large smile graces his face once again, “Soo had lots of things brought over! I was going to run out and grab some take out but he threw a fit and sent me to his place instead for some left overs.” He jumps up and rushes into the kitchen for whatever leftover he has in mind, his mouth still moving a thousand words a minute, “I was going to eat a little, but he gave me strict orders that he would kill me if I ate anything before you, he didn’t want to lower your options.” I move to follow him but his eyes snap to me at the movement, “Don’t even think about it.”
“If you so much a move an inch to stand up I have been given permission to hold you down and I really don’t want to do that. So, do us both a favor and stay there, I can guarantee your leg is going to hurt, and I don’t need you on the floor with a concussion on top of the hole in your leg.”
I sigh but curl into a loose ball on the couch again, holding a pillow tight to my chest as Baekhyun continues rummaging through the kitchen humming a happy tune. His words echoing in my mind. Everything he says sounds right, Kyungsoo’s threats and the smell of his food are very familiar, but I can’t trust this man so blindly as much as I would like to.
“Where are we?” I ask as my eyes continue to wander over the renovated building.
“The club house, Yeol was bringing you here with everyone else when the idiot crashed the car.”
I nod, remembering our sweet moment before blacking out, “Why are you here? Why have I never seen you before?”
“I don’t know if I can answer those questions.”
“Trust me, Minseok oppa is going to be in so much trouble he won’t be worried about what I know and who told me what, if anything we can blame it on Chanyeol oppa.”
The man busts out in a fit of laughter, “Now I see why Soo loves you so much. You are both looking to get that man killed. I can give you a summary of what lead me to being… placed out here. I can assume you know that Minseok is involved in some shady things?”
I nod.
“Well one night a few months ago things got a little crazy, there was a fire, or two, a few people were injured, or died, the details aren’t very important but what happened was that I was caught on tape being involved in said things and had to recover and hide out for a bit.”
“People died?”
“People die every day!”
“Is that supposed to be comforting?”
He shrugs, “I don’t know what you want me to say. I followed my orders.”
“Orders from Minseok?”
“The man was killing two birds with one stone, got rid of some bad people and did something a little selfish for himself while he was at it.”
“What selfish thing did he do?”
Baekhyun rolls his eyes as he offers me some of the food, some western style pasta in a bowl along with a sliced apple on the side in the shape of a bunny, no doubt Kyungsoo’s work. I accept the tray and balance it on my lap as I stare at him expectantly.
“Think back, have there been any fires that have affected your life?”
It takes me longer than it should have to connect the dots, “My work.”
“Your work. While Suho corralled the younger boys to work on that I was sent on another job to make it seem like random attacks and knocked out some competition in the process.”
“How can you say that so casually?”
“Because I, like you, can count the people I care for on two hands,” Long, pretty fingers wiggle as an example as if he is speaking to a child. “What happens to everyone else is not my problem.” Baekhyun has dropped his fake smile and replaced it with something much more somber, finally showing a bit of his true self. We sit there for a long while silently munching on our food. I don’t know what I would say if I spoke, there is no clever snap back to what he said for me. He is right. I’ve been a selfish person my whole life, never caring about who lives and who dies but I’m not a murderer. The blood has never been on my hands and from the cold look that has settled over Baekhyun’s face this man has a lot of on his. I can’t help but wonder how much of it was his own doing or an order from his boss, my Minseok?
“I just wanted one nice, simple thing in my life,” I mumble into my hands where I buried my face. “Was that too much to ask?”
Baekhyun scoffs, “Asking the world for anything is asking too much.”
“This is all my fault,” I blurt out without any real thought but once the words are out I can’t help but believe them. “I shouldn’t have convinced Minseok to go out, he didn’t want to, but I basically forced him. We could be sitting at home right now cuddled in bed,” I hit my forehead a few times, cursing myself for being so stupid. “God, I just want to go home. I should have used my getaway free card to convince him to let me cook dinner for a change.”
“I can’t imagine Hyung cooking.”
“He has gotten really good at it now, but I wish he would let me cook.”
“What would you make for him?”
“Pancakes,” I hum, “Breakfast for dinner kind of thing.”
He chuckles, I echo the noise to the best of my ability, “I’m sure Hyung will let you get away with that now consider he will probably keep you inside for the rest of time.”
I nod but inside my mind is whirling as I try to understand everything that is going on but I can’t grasp it here, not with Minseok and Chanyeol both in mind. The fact that they are both lying somewhere in this building with a few extra holes in their body is clouding my logical thinking. These men are mobsters, they are monsters who murder people when it seems to fit their agendas but at the same time it’s my Minseok, the love of my life. It’s my best friend. I need to get away from them, I need fresh air to breath and I know won’t be getting that with this whole situation if Baekhyun won’t even let me stand. Once again, I’m looking over the room in a new light, looking for an exit.
“When will Minseok oppa wake up?” I question.
He seems surprised by but quickly recovers and answers calmly, “I’m not sure, whenever he feels like it.”
“I really want to talk to him, could you go check please Baekhyun oppa?”
“Sure,” The man sighs as he stands, he walks to the door on the far side, with glance over his shoulder he opens up a little key pad I hadn’t noticed and types in a code. The lock clicks, “I’ll be back in a few minutes, I’m going to talk to Yixing if he’s awake, so he can check on you.”
He nods as he heads through the door to some gray hallway. The minute the door closes behind him I’m on my feet wincing in pain as I drag myself towards one of the large windows nearby. I curse the world and whoever designed the windows when I realize that they don’t open, of fucking course not since this is a hide out for the mob, there’s probably security everywhere. I scan the room once again for another way out, the door with the key pad was obvious but who knows how many times I’m able to get the code wrong before an alarm goes off. There is a large vent near by that might be wide enough for me to fit through, I shake my head. How the fuck did this go from some sweet romantic movie to the godfather to fucking mission impossible? I know I should probably be more mature and talk this out but right now I need space and I know Minseok would not give that to me right now after all of this, I can almost grantee I wouldn’t be let out of his sight.
Hopefully, He won’t be too mad to know I let myself out.
I grimace at the thought as I pull the vent out of place and set it quietly down to the side. With all my strength I get my legs into the waist high vent and kick the inside of the metal cylinder out of place, hoping that there isn’t some kind of sensor in the system. The thin metal gives after a few solid kicks from my good leg, sinking down slightly creating the exit that I need. I push it out of the way enough for me to slide not-so-gracefully to the ground. The gravel digs into my heel as I force myself to place all my weight on to my good leg. Sneaking has never been one of my better skills but I manage to make my way across the compound of warehouses. I see Minseok’s car near the gate and rush to it, hoping they left the keys inside.
The world is on my side for once, the key fob is sitting in the center cup holder, a puddle of blood on the passengers seat. I gasp at the sight, nearly collapsing, it has to be Minseok’s. I almost turn back, but Baekhyun told me he was fine. Minseok is fine! I’ll check in on him in the morning, right now I just need to get somewhere safe, where I can think things over. My hands move in their own, turning the car on and driving towards the closed exit.
I panic at the sight of the guard standing by, he looks over the car briefly before sending me through without so much as a peek inside. Luck is really on my side right now. I’m on autopilot as I drive back into the main part of the city in complete silence. Just the soft hum of the cars’ motor buzzes. I don’t know where I’m going but my body seems to as it’s steers me around corner after corner. It isn’t until I pull into the parking spot so I realize that I’m at home.
Minseok’s home.
This isn’t the best place to clear my head of him for a moment to think about everything that happened but it’s the place I feel comfortable. I feel safe the moment those elevator doors close and pull me up to the top floor. Using his keys, I let myself in and automatically head to the bedroom and climb into bed. I curl in on myself, nearly crying at the realization that the bed is warm. Burying myself deeper into the heated sheets I try to figure out what I should do. The reasoning part of my mind tells me to get out of bed and make a run for it.
Minseok is in the mob.
He fucking runs it for God sake.
I have to admit I’m slightly proud of myself for going for the head honcho. This must be some joke from the universe, I ask for one good thing and they give it to me but with some double sided tape. An amazing guy who treats me amazing, has friends that I get along with, but also happens to be the leader of the mafia, who kills people for a living. Perfect.
I sigh.
This is such a mess.
I’m not helping the situation by leaving. I’m sure they already know I’m gone, they will probably someone to kill me now that I know.
I shake my head.
He would never. Even though he kept this from me I can’t honestly question if he would hurt me. He couldn’t, he just took however many bullets for me and still tried to stay with me because he loves me.
And I love him.
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