#excuse me while I find a place to hide like a cat that knows it’s about to die
flashbackonyourbehalf · 4 months
I’m so disgusting and abhorrent I want to cry and throw up and slice myself open
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fairestwriting · 7 months
Hello there! Love your writing! How about my sweet Savanaclaw boys finding out that their crush (or S/O) sleeps cuddling a plushie of their respective animals (like a wolf for Jack). Thanks! I love Jack so much :)
me while jumping at the opportunity of writing the man: i hate leona
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Leona Kingscholar
He is canonically a very smart and perceptive guy. But somewhere in my heart I just know he wouldn't fully make the connection for a while. Just trust me on that one.
Kind of pokes fun at your "cat" plushie. What's with that thing, Herbivore? Aren't you a little too old for stuffed animals? Though he steps back if it makes you genuinely upset, which isn't what he's going for, he's just being an ass as a joke again. A part of him thinks it's really endearing, even before it really clicks for him.
He kind of feels vaguely jealous of the plushie. If you bring it while you two are sleeping together he'll pull the what do you need this thing for, I'm right here kind of shtick.
Confused on why you sleep with a plushie in the first place, more confused about why this stuffed cat looks so weird... oh, wait.
He's stupidly proud when it actually clicks. Of course he won't tell you it went over his head for the longest time, but all of a sudden, he's all smug whenever he sees you with the plushie, saying you could've just called if you missed him so much.!
Ruggie Bucchi
Takes a hot second to make the connection, but a lot less than Leona. The delay is mostly because he's never expected to see a hyena plushie of all things.
Actually loves it because it reminds him of the kids back home a little. He asks where you bought it, how much it was, tells you a little story about a kid he knew who wanted one just like that.
He won't explicitly ask to hold it but you should offer it, he loves your little buddy, he's already said you should come to him if you ever need to get a tear patched up. Doesn't even have it in him to make a joke about it being childish, at most tells you he'll keep it a secret if you look embarrassed.
When he does notice though, while poking at the plushie's little ears absentmindedly, he's the one who gets flustered. Oh no, that's really cute kind of realization.
He wants to sound cool when he says that, you know, if you want to sleep with him, you can just invite him over, but he does fail pretty hard. He can't help it, though, it's just way too endearing to him.
...Besides, he's already offered to co-parent the toy. If it doesn't have a name, it's just a matter of time before Ruggie asks and "jokingly" comes up with suggestions.
Jack Howl
Only one who thinks it might have to do something with him... but he's kind of too flustered to say anything about it for a good while.
He bashfully reassures you there's nothing wrong with keeping plushies around even if you're not a kid, maybe letting it slip that he thinks the little wolf is pretty cute... then pretending he didn't say anything.
Jack overthinks it a bit. Wolf plushies aren't that uncommon, right? You probably had it before you met him. He's too shy to ask if you had it before you met him.
He'll settle on... asking about the plushie itself. It might not have anything to do with him, but he knows pretty quickly that he wants it to. If you're not dating yet, he'll use the almighty excuse of asking about it because he needs to get his little siblings a gift.
Either way, though, the next excuse he gets, whether it's Christmas or your birthday or whatever, you find yourself with a very neatly wrapped box in your hands, and Jack nearly hiding behind it. Just saw it in a shop near home and thought you might like it, he says.
Whether your previous plushie was based on the exact same type of white wolf he is doesn't matter. If it is, it's getting a twin. You bet he scoured the shops to find it, blessing his luck on wolves being animals plenty of people love. He has a small, shy smile on his face when you take it.
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holylulusworld · 7 months
Alone again - Naturally
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Summary: Even around your so-called friend you are alone.
Pairing: Clark Kent x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, loner reader, introvert reader, flirty Clark, low self-esteem, almost accident, fluff, Lois bashing
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Alone again. Naturally.
You should’ve known better than to go out with your so-called friend.
A few years back Lois Lane was your best friend. Now you are only an excuse for her to go to a bar or attend a party without one of her flings.
She always was the one drawing all the attention toward her person. In high school, during your freshman year and after you landed your first job at a cat magazine.
Lois Lane. The rising star.
You have always been in her shadow, and this will never change. If you are shy, meek, and introverted, people easily overlook you.
Just like tonight. Lois is once again the center of the party. She chuckles loudly and bathes in the attention she gets from the men in the room.
You sigh deeply, wishing you didn’t follow her invitation to the party her employer throws only for her.
Her latest article got all the attention, while your job led to nothing but articles about birthdays, other people’s weddings, and missing cats.
Your career is just like your love life – non-existent.
Her laughter fills the room, and when she looks your way you hope Lois will save you from drowning in self-pity. Sadly, she turns her back on you to talk to someone else than you.
She always does this. Sometimes you believe she’s the cruelest person on the planet. Maybe she only keeps you around to show you how much better her life is.
“I’ve never seen you around here,” crap, someone found you standing in the corner. Now you have to engage in small talk. You wring your hands and force a smile on your face. “Hi, I’m Clark Kent.”
“Hi,” you glance at his offered hand and murmur your name. “I’m not working here.”
“I got that,” he flashes you a stunning smile. “I assume one of the gentlemen brought his charming girlfriend with him. A shame he left you here.”
“Oh, no,” you shake your head. “Lois invited me and she’s…” You bite your tongue. This man is a stranger, and you don’t want him to believe you are the kind of person talking behind your friend’s back. “She’s busy and I’m not much of a partygoer.”
“Honestly, I came here to hide in the shadows. I’m not much of a partygoer myself,” he grins and finally drops his hand. “So, what do you do for a living.”
“I’m a…” You are embarrassed to admit that you are working for an unimportant online magazine that barely anyone reads. “I write articles.”
“Oh, I’d like to read some. Where can I read them?” He gives you a soft smile. “Anything I should read first?”
“I write about missing cats and such,” you drop your eyes to avert his gaze. “Nothing important like you and Lois. I guess no one even reads the things I write.”
“I’d still like to read your articles.”
“It’s fine, really,” you sniff, and wring your hands again. “I know that the things I write about are boring. No one wants to know about Miss Fluffy ending up stuck in the neighbor’s car. You don’t want to read the things I wrote about.”
“Never underestimate your talent,” Clark tries to cheer you up, but you don’t believe a single word leaving his lips. “I’m sure you are a very good author.”
“No. I’m not.” Your fake smile drops. “I know my place, Mr. Kent.” You get defensive and step back. “You should go back to the party and talk to more interesting people.”
“What about?” He asks as you try to find a way to sneak out of the room without drawing any attention toward you. “Why don’t you come with me and talk to some of the people in the room?”
“I told you, I’m not much of a partygoer, or good at making small talk,” you wince at your words. You sound like the pathetic loser you are in your opinion. “Uh-I should go now.”
“What about Lois?” Clark takes a step toward you. “Don’t you want to say goodbye to her at least?”
You glance at Lois and quickly avert her gaze. She’s not in the mood to hold your hand or talk to you. “I think she’s good without me.” Your voice cracks. “I don’t even know why she invited me.”
“Wait—” Clark tries to stop you, but you hurriedly make your way toward the exit. “Y/N, don’t just go.”
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You are out of breath when you finally leave the building. Feeling like a fool for coming here to watch Lois celebrate another milestone in her career.
Before you can go back and apologize to her for leaving without saying goodbye, you hurriedly cross the street.
One moment you want to reach the other side, and the next a car speeds toward you. You gasp, and close your eyes, waiting for the impact.
You don’t feel the car hit you, and you don’t end up dead on the street. You’re suddenly high up in the air, clutching Superman’s suit.
“You should be more careful.”
“I-“ you look up at the superhero you heard so much about. Rumors said that he was dating Lois Lane not so long ago too. At least you read an article telling you so. “Clark?” You furrow your brows as the same soft eyes you saw not moments ago look back at you. “How…?”
“What? I—” He seems to be confused. You’re the first person to uncover his secret. “Y/N, you can’t just run over the street. That’s dangerous.”
“Okay,” you hastily say. I mean, you are floating above a building, your life in a stranger’s hands, and you won't argue with him. “I’m sorry for worrying you.”
“You can worry me any time,” he wraps one arm around you to bring you closer to his chest. “How about I bring you home?”
“Does…uh…Lois know about your secret identity?” You can’t stop yourself from babbling.
“No,” he whispers lowly. “I guess she wouldn’t have left Clark Kent if she knew I got a secret,” Clark smirks when you look at him with wide, fearful eyes.
“You won’t drop me, right? I swear I won’t tell anyone about your secret.” You claw at him. “No one would listen to me anyway.”
“Do you honestly believe I’d drop you?” He quirks a brow.
“No…I mean…you’re a hero…right?” You pout. “I didn’t want to find out. It’s just…your eyes give you away.”
“I should wear sunglasses from now on,” he laughs while floating toward the next building to land on the rooftop. “If you promise to not tell anyone about my secret, I believe you. And I won’t drop you, sweetness.”
“Hmm…” You nod thoughtfully. “Did you date Lois as Superman too?”
He laughs now. “No. She didn’t know we were the same person. Lois broke up with me for Superman and the stories she wanted to write about him.”
“Oh, that’s awful,” you pat his chest, admiring its firmness. “I’m sorry this happened to you. Sometimes she’s just…” You trail off while patting his chest. “You know…”
“Let me bring you home,” Clark stops you from defending your friend. “Please.”
“Can we…uh…walk?”
“I’m already in my suit and got no clothes to change back into Clark,” he lies. Clark could easily change back into his alter ego, but he’d love to fly you home.
“Does this mean you want to fly?” You suck in a breath. “Do you have a seat belt or something?”
“I’ll bring you home safely, Y/N.” You end up back in his arms. This time you sling your arms around him and hold tight onto Clark for dear life. You close your eyes and hide your face in his chest.
You squeak when he pushes off the building. “Now that you know about my secret, do you want to fly with me again someday?”
“Uh-“ you blink your eyes open but still claw at him. “If you bring me home safely, we can do this again.”
“It’s a date then,” he smiles and flies into the night, making a detour to hold you a little longer…
Part 2: Not alone any longer
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Very often I think about Sephiroth crawling in my bed and napping. Cause why not? Headcanons for Sephiroth Angeal Cloud Zack +Tseng and Rufus? if they have consistent access to your home. I doubt they’d do anything too invasive…that doesn’t go for Rufus and Tseng
haven’t been paying enough attention to him he’s worried about you, you haven’t sent him your routine messages that let him know you made it to work or when you were heading home and that’s just weird. “What could be more important than thinking about me?”
Love him all you want, he’s eating your favorite snacks like a greedy little monster, it doesn’t matter if you buy enough to accommodate both of you. It takes a lot of food to fuel that man’s body, so that just means you started buying more for him to eat in addition to what he already steals right?
Doesn’t really snoop around while you’re gone but if something catches his attention he’s going to investigate. You’ll catch him with something in his hands that you haven’t seen in ages but still claims he doesn’t actually go through your things…sure buddy
Tries to straighten up messes, most of which he makes, but I dunno man. Something about Zack doesn’t scream world’s most tidy man and he doesn’t pay attention to fine detail. It’s the effort that counts right? He’ll at least take your trash out for you and clean up any obvious messes.
Will find him sprawled out on your couch waiting for you to get home, snoring and drooling all over the arm of your sofa…god he’s so fucking adorable and he’s just waiting for you to get home and cuddle him. After all you gave him a key for anything important.
Yall know I’m making the “you like krabby patties don’t you squidward” face mhm..anyways are those most definitely your underwear in his hands that he’s so poorly trying to hide behind his back. Not to mention the underwear hanging out of his pocket. “You know Cloud,I heard you were a perv but fuck.”
After that day he didn’t use his key for a while. No, that’s not what he was there for originally. He was waiting for you to get to your home after an argument the two of you had on the phone to speak to you in person. Who knew that in his boredom his feet would led him to your drawers? There wasn’t too much to argue about anymore, not after asking if he wanted the ones on your ass too. He did and he got them off of you personally.
Will also straighten up things he sees in disarray, especially if he knows you like things a particular way. Will also feed and take care of any other needs your pet has if you have one. He gives your pet way more attention in private than he does around you.
The “Oh I fixed it” guy. If he isn’t there by the time you get back there might be a list of miscellaneous items he fixed. Eventually he stops making the lists considering you didn’t even realize what needed fixing and when, knowing that his actions are always appreciated.
Because what more of an excuse does he need to freely enter your home than being Genesis? He’s coming to get your attention and recite Loveless to you while creating parallels between you and the words of his beloved epic.
Mad at him? Ignoring him? That’s not going to work, you better take that key back if you really don’t want him in your face. He’s not going to knock, sweet boy is coming straight in to fix whatever turmoil has risen between the two. Sometimes bearing gifts in these moments but he delivers you gifts when you’re not mad at him as well.
Noticed one thing isn’t very tidy, taken in account that perhaps you’ve been too tired or not in the best of moods lately. He’s going to end up cleaning your home just as he would keep his own. It’s the least he can do to help his darling.
Somehow makes your entire home smell like him, it’s like he has a Febreze can of himself that he sprays around the place. It’s just him spraying his cologne everywhere to mark his territory like a cat.
Sets up cute dates for when you arrive. This is especially convenient considering the two of you have such busy/conflicting schedules. Making sure to take care of anything around your home so you can solely focus on unwinding from the events of the day and on him.
Sometimes you’ll come home to fresh flowers sitting on your living room table. Along with a sickly sweet note, a quote from Loveless thrown in, and addressed to “his goddess”.
Angeal (ily break into my home pls I just wanna talk)
The master at taking care of his “beautiful liege”. Originally got a key to your home to pick up some things you needed for work but seeing the disarray of your apartment causes him to pause. It doesn’t bother him but if you needed help being taken care of you should have asked. Poor baby feels bad for not noticing that he needs to take care of you far more than he already does.
Yeah, you actually never got the things you needed for work that day. Only receiving a short text from Angeal claiming he would “be there soon”. Stepping into your home you can’t help but notice that it smells amazing. Beginning your trek to the couch toss your things down you go to step over some books that you swear were going to get picked up two weeks ago. Looking around you can’t help but notice the whole apartment is spotless. No longer able to hold the irritation you held with Angeal for bailing on you earlier, as you realize why he never showed up.
He refuses to give you back “his” your key after this. He won’t enter without your permission of course, even if you’re home, the man’s polite after all. Certainly wont go through your things unlike Cloud and Zack but can often be found curled up in your bed if it takes a while for you to get home.
You already know this man is cooking for you, normally timing when he’ll finish a meal with the time you get home so it’s fresh cause he “needs the best for his baby”. He’ll also do things like having a bath running for you, will join if you want him to, he’ll wash you up himself since you “shouldn’t have to lift another finger today”. Once again due to such a busy and conflicting schedule this is the easiest routine for you two.
Sometimes it seems like he lives there, seemingly spending more time at your place than at his own. Which is just fine with him, home is where his heart belongs, and his heart belongs with you.
Sephiroth (the cutest one idk i usually write my favorite one last but between Angeal, Seph and Rufus+Tseng idk) {After Genesis goes missing to highlight his emotional state}
To say the look on that man’s face was stressed was an understatement. As you walked into his office, immediately asking our dear Sephi what was wrong. Not one to go into too much detail Sephiroth explains he’d just like to be alone. That right now everything is a bit much for him to deal with and he doesn’t want to be found “unless it’s by you”. Prompting you to offer up your apartment, knowing nobody would look for him there.
Hesitant to accept your offer because he doesn’t want to intrude or make himself an inconvenience to you. A statement that makes you roll your eyes because Sephiroth could never be a bother. It doesn’t take much convincing for him take your keys and disappear from the Shinra building.
When you get home Sephiroth you can tell he’s made himself at home. His shirtless form opens the door for you, giving you a quick kiss and asking how your day has been. Noting that he looks a bit more well rested than he did earlier. As you walk around you can kind of tell what he’s been up to, a few of your books are sitting on the couch along with his laptop. Nothing out of the ordinary really, asking what he’s been up to and if he’s feeling better.
Scooping you up in his arms he carries you to the bedroom, stating that he’s just been “waiting for you”. Giggling at the sight of your bed you gawk at him asking “did you make a pillow fort?!” He actually looks a little prideful when he tells you he did and that “the structural integrity is absolutely astounding.” He’ll only let you leave the fort for good reasons, either food or the bathroom seems to be the only things he lets you get up for so far.
In the morning you give him a spare key, telling him to feel free to use it whenever. And that he does, the next day finding him cocooned in your blankets on the couch. The only thing you can see is his beautiful green eyes peeking at you from his nest of blankets. Hiding in your home definitely becomes a routine for him, only going to his own for clothes and whatever other items he may need. Spending a few nights at his own place every so often to give you space (that you never needed he just worries). Just a few nights every so often though cause why does he need to be there “when everything I want is here”
Rufus+Tseng (they’re definitely a package deal, can’t tell me otherwise) ffff-hi Reno you weren’t supposed to be here but my mind has now put you here
You certainly didn’t give these guys access to your home. Walking through your apartment after a long day, to what you thought was going to be a relaxing evening. Instead being greeted by a massive guard hound, well that wasn’t on your schedule but it seemed to get penciled in “what the fuck is that?” You can’t help but spit out, reaching for your pistol only to be interrupted by a foreign voice
“Now don’t be rude Y/N. The things you just got done doing are far more terrifying than my DarkStar.” Your eyes immediately darting around to find the owner of that voice- Who is this pretty blonde fuck sitting on your couch? Legs crossed, arm propped against the arm rest with his head held up by his hand. It’s almost like he’s trying to look as disinterested as possible in…whatever it was they were here for.
Not to mention the guy standing beside him, long black hair pulled back neatly…yeah, that’s just screaming to be pulled. Drawing his weapon the minute you reached for your own, telling you to drop it and to step towards them slowly. As you start taking steps towards the duo your arm is grabbed and being twisted behind your back. Their chest rumbling against your back as they chuckle.
“Oh, this one is so cute. How do we feel about ‘em bossman?” craning your neck to get a look at your assailant, being greeted by a red head with a goofy grin on his face. My god he was easy on the eyes as well. Sporting a suit similar to the raven haired man, his shirt unbuttoned, leaving his chest deliciously exposed. If it weren’t obvious you were in danger you might’ve thought you were in for a treat. Jumping a bit as his other hand starts roaming your body. Letting out a chuckle as Reno speaks stating that he’s “just checking for weapons, ya know how it goes. Unless..” his tone turning flirtatious to be cut off swiftly by Tseng, requesting you take a seat.
Reno, as the gentleman he is, assists you in your seat. All but shoving you down as he leaves his hands resting on your shoulders. You make it clear not to him “mishandle the merchandise” only for him to tell you he “can do better later.” Quickly shutting down the interaction between Reno and yourself finally asking who they were and why they were here. Rufus does a majority of the talking he is the center of attention of course, going into detail about how the Turks have been tracking you for the past year. Going through the list of atrocities you’ve committed along with some pretty damning evidence.
“Wow, you kill a few people and now the government is breaking into your home? I don’t know if this is really warranted.” At that comment you receive a rather pointed glance from Tseng and a raised eyebrow from Rufus. Finally getting to the point after Tseng lectures you on how this is a serious matter and there’s no time to play. They offer you a job with them, “redemption” as Rufus called it. While sure you’re a criminal, you indirectly solved a lot of their problems and you’re the final loose end they needed secured. “Or, you can go back to prison, but this time for the rest of your life.”
Though Tseng made it clear, if you can’t pass their training and be a successful member of the Turks you’ll be going prison anyway. Your smarts and ability to have snuck through the system this long is what got their attention drawn to you, well Rufus’ attention. Tseng thinks picking up “low-life criminals” to join their forces is far below them. Besides, they don’t really need you anyways, they just want you.
Crying cause I hate I can tell when I first started writing this and when I finally found it and finished. Saving things to drafts seems like a dangerous game I won’t be playing again. I couldn’t think of anything to add to characters I already wrote for. Definitely making the last hc something bigger and is now main priority.
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thetarttfuldickhead · 4 months
There was this post a little while back suggesting that Beard gets kicked out by Jane and moves in with Higgins and that’s very narratively satisfying and right, given that Leslie’s the one person daring to tell Beard that his relationship with Jane isn’t, you know, great. However, I’m a Roy & Jamie girl at heart, so I couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if Beard instead moved in with his fellow fan of few words, ie one Roy Kent.
Say, for instance, that Roy and Jamie are fucking/dating/what have you and Jamie gets it into his pretty, silly head that they can somehow hide the fact from Beard. Roy tells him stop being an idiot, of course he’s going to know if he’s staying here, only way to keep it from him if you keep away until he finds another place to live, and fuck no, I’m not moving in with you, how the fuck would I explain that, and anyway your fucking headboard would give me a migraine.
Well, Jamie says mulishly, I’m not staying away.
Fine, Roy says, secretly a little relieved. So he’ll know. Big fucking deal.
And in this version of events Roy really is cool with it, because it has to come out sooner or later and he’s not ashamed and it’s not like Beard’s gonna say anything (Roy may or may not be mistaken in this assumption), and anyway, he’s Roy Kent, he does whatever the hell he wants, okay. Only Jamie doesn’t accept that, because he has this strong and somewhat misguided notion that he needs to defend Roy’s honour by not letting anyone suspect he’s fucking his player. So Jamie starts making up increasingly absurd excuses as to why he should show up at Roy’s place like having some work done at my house and Roy was concerned I’d be breathing in poisonous fumes, yeah, so he said I had to come over here and um, Coach, I think I strained my calf today, could you maybe take a look here in the bedroom ‘cause my back hurts too and I need to lay down and yeah, Beard’s eyebrows are not as psychotic as Roy’s but they certainly climb and climb and climb. Later in the evening he just glances at Roy, so, you and Jamie, huh? And Roy shrugs, unconcerned, yeah, and pours himself another cup of tea. He doesn’t tell Jamie that they’ve been made, though; it’s still kind of fun watching the muppet make a fool of himself. Besides, the idea of their encounters being particularly illicit seems to really get Jamie going, so.
Alternatively, Jamie agrees to stay away, and then proceeds to do everything in his power to set Beard up with someone else so that Beard can be happy and move in with his new friend and Jamie can go back to shagging his grumpy old boyfriend all over the house. The attempts are predictably absurd, but also oddly sweet (‘cause Jamie wants the relationship to last, right, so that Beard doesn’t come knocking on Roy’s door again anytime soon, so obviously he needs to find someone properly nice, but it’s hard for him to figure what nice means to someone as odd as Beard).
(These two scenarios work if Keeley’s part of the mix, too, btw. She can either join in Jamie’s antics because she’s a weird girl at heart, or she can be the voice of reason if a voice of reason is what gets you going.)
Or say that Roy and Jamie really are just friends (for the moment, at least) and it’s Roy that gets a little nervous about Beard realizing just how close they are. Like, he’s reluctantly cool with everyone knowing that Jaime is his favourite player (though of course he’d deny it if someone dared say it to his face) or them knowing that Roy spends stupid amounts of time torturing training Jamie, but he’s not quite comfortable having people know that they also just… hang out. That Roy cooks Jamie dinner. Leaves Phoebe with him when Roy’s busy with a coaching crisis. That they watch stupid shit on the telly together, and that Roy doesn’t complain (much) when Jamie curls up to him like a cat. That stuff’s private, all right? So he stops having Jamie over, starts brushing him off, and at first Jamie’s undeterred because if he let Roy’s grumpiness get to him he’d never not be gotten to, but Roy persists and Jamie starts to wilt, hurt and confused. In the end, Beard – wise, all-seeing Beard – fixes Roy with one long stare and notes that there’s nothing wrong with having a friend, Coach. Plenty wrong with being shit to the ones you’ve got, though, and Roy doesn’t even yell fuck he just stands there, stony like, until he jerks a short nod and stalks off to make things up to Jamie.
Anyway, the idea of Beard bearing witness to Roy and/or Jamie being particularly ridiculous about each other is very funny, to me.
(I tried to hunt down that original post because even though I didn’t want to add to it and derail OP’s poignant take with my Roy & Jamie obsession, I still want to credit them for the original idea. Couldn’t find it, however, but please give me a shout if you have a link. Aha! @coachbeards is the original galaxy brain!)
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silverflqmes · 5 months
Any HCs for Sephiroth with an s/o that's afraid of thunder? 👀💖
notes. hi hi, i did my best to compile some headcanons, personally i think sephiroth might also be scared himself, so a little comfort will go his way too :’)
genre. hurt + comfort
sephiroth x gn!reader.
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⌗ the fear of thunder and lightning, otherwise known as astraphobia, is commonly shared among most and completely understandable to sephiroth whenever you find it in yourself to tell him.. unless you give yourself away on accident.
⌗ i feel that due to his enhanced senses and of all the bullshit hojo put him through, he might have developed a sensitivity to loud noises and flashes — but he has learnt to grit his teeth and bear it.
⌗ on some nights it can be a little harder for him, but he feels at ease if you are around and does his best to protect you since you are suffering from the same — if not, worse.
⌗ if you take it upon yourself to speak up about your fear, rest assured, it’s a judgment free zone. sephiroth neither has the place to judge, nor does he shun you for it because he understands it well and wishes to do all that he can to help you through your fear.
⌗ if you have difficulty telling him, trust me with how observant he is, he’s likely to put the pieces together pretty easily. but even still, he will wait until you are ready to tell him.
⌗ but if a thunderstorm comes and you have failed to do, he will take matters into his own hands and at the minute he catches wind of your discomfort.
⌗ it could be a flinch, the tiniest whimper, you ducking to cover your ears or a haphazard excuse to leave the room — but sephiroth will know.
⌗ he would give you a moment if you left the room, but when he doesn’t see you return, he will approach and either join you wherever you are hiding, no matter how small the space is ( this man will cram himself in there like a cat don’t underestimate him ), or pull you into his hold for you to hide in his chest while he soothes your shaking body with his touch.
⌗ from the day he discovered your fear, he would regularly check the weather, making sure to be home whenever a thunderstorm would take place to comfort you through it.
⌗ if he’s away or cannot be home on time from either a mission or meeting, he’s got you on speed dial and keeps you on call for however long you need.
⌗ if he cannot call you at all because fuck shinra sometimes ( all the time ), he took it upon himself to buy you one of those weighted anxiety plushies — or even a normal plush for you to cuddle to feel safe. personally i’m uh.. thinking a gray kitty with cerulean colored eyes to remind you of him :’) so that you feel like he’s still there in a sense.
⌗ another thing is maybe audio recordings of him ( probably just random stuff about his day and sweet nothings ) for you to listen to if you need to hear his voice in the case again, that he cannot be there or phone you.
⌗ throughout a thunderstorm, he would do his best to take your mind off it and make it a little more bearable if at all possible.
⌗ me personally, i like rain but i’m no good with thunderstorms that come with strong winds — the sounds give me a bit of ptsd, especially if i’m on my own. but i try to do things to take my mind off it, which i will list through sephiroth<3
⌗ thunder is a sound which can be solved by playing something over it. whether it’s a show, movie or music, even conversation — you bet your boyfriend is providing whatever he can to mask the unpleasant noises outside.
⌗ rainy days can be nice to get all bundled up in blankets with tea, hot coco or coffee — any warm beverage that you personally enjoy, and sephiroth is willing to use that as a way of making the storm a little easier to handle. pairing the experience with a good book or poetry is also nice — certainly if he offers to read to you. goodness his voice is so nice..
⌗ furthermore he has the curtains pulled in your shared apartment if you find it easier not to see what’s happening outside and he takes it upon himself to make homemade soup for dinner<3
⌗ when the storm drags into the evening, he takes you into his arms and holds you as tight as he possibly can, shielding you from the world beyond his windows.
⌗ even as you tremble and tears prickle at the corners of your eyes, you can hear sephiroth humming, the gentle and steady pitter patter of his heartbeat as he smooths a hand down your back. gradually, it relaxes you and your eyes begin to get heavy.
⌗ you hold on tight to your beloved, allowing his protective hold to envelope you wholly as you at last give into sleep, aware that he would keep you safe throughout the evening and remainder of the thunderstorm.
⌗ bonus for sephiroth.. on the rare occasions that his own fear gets the better of him, you do your best to muster whatever courage you can throw together and hold him closely.
⌗ you card your fingers through his silky hair, allowing him to bury his face in either your neck, shoulder, chest — wherever he feels most comfortable — as you rub his back as tenderly as possible, vowing to be there through the very end as he has with your moments of fear.
notes. i may have gotten a little too detailed and indulged a little more than i should have.. but i’m hoping it’s to your likings, tysm for requesting again<3
↳ return to main masterlist . request rules . send an ask
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paleprincessturtle · 1 year
Hi, peeps! Please excuse any inaccuracies in my writing. Enjoy!
Summary: Harvey closed yet another deal. So, what's new?
Warnings: Nothing
"Where the hell were you?" Harvey barges into your office, unannounced, and with such force. You slide the pamphlet you’re reading underneath a pile of documents in front of you and hope to God that Harvey didn’t realize your abrupt movement. "Where the hell were you, and what are you hiding? Answer the questions consecutively," Harvey says sternly while looking you dead in the eyes. “Okay, so umm." You paused and realized how Harvey was looking at you skeptically. You have to pull yourself together. You can speak in the middle of a courtroom with such elegance, determination, and confidence. But Harvey Goddamn Specter strips it out of you.
" The answers to questions one and two were correlated. " Harvey sighs, "then starts answering. Smith was my old client, and I know how long it takes to get from his house back to the office. You took almost 3 hours and blew me over in our meeting.” Shit. You forgot completely about the meeting. You were supposed to be in this meeting with Harvey hours ago. “So, pray tell, where were you and what happened?” Harvey sits himself down on a chair across from yours. "Like the initial plan, I went to Smith’s place to drop the final contract. I was about to go straight back here until I saw something just on his doorstep." You bite your lips, contemplating how you should proceed with this story. Harvey nods his head, encouraging you to continue. "I saw a black kitten, alone.” You see Harvey’s eyebrows draw closer together. "So I took him to the vet to make sure if he’s okay and all.” Harvey’s lips turn into a straight line. "You bailed from our meeting for a cat?” You flinch at his tone. When you choose to work for Pearson Specter in the middle of dating Harvey, you know that he won’t always be your boyfriend. You know there will come days like this when he is nothing but your boss. And you know you are in the wrong for this. "I’m sorry, Harvey. It won’t happen again. My emotions got the best of me, and I didn’t think it through. I’m sorry." Harvey sighs and leans back on the chair. "Where’s the cat?” Harvey asks. Again, you bite your lips and point at the corner of your office. Harvey follows where your finger points, takes a solid 5 seconds to look at the crate with a sleeping black kitten inside it, and looks back at you. You start before he says anything: "I won’t have any meetings with anyone in my office today. And you didn’t even realize he'd been there since you got into my office, right?” Harvey just stares at you. "Don’t let something like this happen again. I wasn’t only pissed because you hung me dry in our meeting; I was worried about you too. I’ve insisted you should take Ray.” Harvey stands up, and you find yourself following his movement as if he were your client. You get more nervous under the scrutiny of your own boyfriend than all your clients. He can be intimidating when he needs to be. He starts to walk for the door before you say, "What about the kitty?” Not only do you ask for his existence here, but you also subtly ask if you can bring it home. Harvey stops and looks like he’s contemplating his choices before he looks back at you. "Bring the cat home until you find the cat an adopter. Talk to Louis; he likes cats.” Harvey leaves you alone, sad about his answer.
It’s 7 p.m. when you turn off your laptop and decide to finally go home. Timmy, the black kitten you found earlier today, is still sleeping soundly in his little bed. You grin, looking at him. You have to admit that you already love this cat. You replay what Harvey said to you, and your heart heaves at the option you have. No, you think to yourself. You’ll fight Harvey, so he’ll let the cat stay. You’re also a lawyer yourself anyway. You sure can wiggle around to get something you want. You call Ray to help you bring down the crate while you walk down the hallway to go fetch Harvey. The room is dark, but you see Donna still at her desk. You lean on her desk, and she smiles. "Where’s Harvey?" you ask as you peek inside, trying to find any sign of him in case your eyes deceive you. "He didn’t tell you? He went to Atlantic City to close a deal after lunch," Donna says as she studies you. Harvey always tells you everything. "The Blanchard case?" you ask, and Donna nods. "Why didn’t he tell you?” Donna asks; all are curious. "I ditched the meeting we had. I was supposed to go back to the office after I dropped a document, but I saw a kitten," you pause as you shuffle around to grab your phone. "This is Timmy, the kitten in question.” You show your phone to Donna, and she smiles. "He was all alone?" and you nod. "I took him to the vet and forgot I was supposed to be Harvey’s number two at that meeting." You put your phone back inside your handbag. "He went all Boss Harvey on me, not that I blame him. But he told me we couldn’t keep the cat." Donna looks at you and smiles again. "We all know how he deals with emotions. He was more worried about you than you missed the meeting. You huff and nod, "Yeah, we all know he’s trying," and you smile weakly. "Just go home after you’re done, Donna. I gotta go home and get Timmy situated in the house." You wave her goodbye as you walk to the elevator.
Once you get home with Ray bringing the crate inside and all, you sit by the kitchen and try to listen for any sign of Harvey’s arrival. He won’t stay out for the night; he was mad, but he’ll get home. You know that. After jolting out notes on your current case, you hear a ding outside from the elevator. You close the file and run to the door, ready to welcome him home. He opens the door to you, smiling. He looks tired but smiles once he sees you grinning. "Welcome home," you say as you cup his cheeks with your hands and give him a kiss. "What an excellent service," Harvey whispers, his lips touching yours. "I’m sorry about today," Harvey says as you lead him inside. "If anything, I’m the one who is sorry. About the meeting, about making you worry. He stops both of you in the middle of the hallway and kisses you. You smile against his lips, take his coat off, and walk further inside. “Harvey, look," you say as you point near the couch. "You’ve found an adopter?" Harvey asks as he takes the mug of warm tea you offer him. "I’m thinking of keeping him here.” You say it carefully. Harvey sighs, as he takes your hand and leads you to sit with him on the couch. He sits you down as he faces you. "We can’t keep him, baby.” You instantly pouted at his words. "Because you know both of us are busy. A pet is a big responsibility.” Harvey explains with a stern voice, trying to make you see reason. "But Louis had Bruno,” you said defensively. "Bruno died because Louis was too busy to realize he was sick. And why do you think he hasn’t got another cat yet?" You see where this is going. "I want you to be happy, and you know that. But a cat with our work schedule right now will be quite hard, don’t you think?” As you look down at your intertwined hands, tears threaten to escape. You really do love Timmy. “Remember, we made a promise; once we marry and decide to start a family, we’ll lessen our workload and move to a bigger place. We’ll have more time then. And we can have 10 dogs and 20 cats.” He cups your cheek for you to look up at him and smiles as he wipes the tears from your cheek. You see his reason and just nod. Harvey kisses your forehead before saying something about a bath and bed.
Harvey sighs as he looks at the time on his phone. 2.30 am. He looks down at you, sleeping soundly. He carefully untangles you from him. He walks to the kitchen and retrieves a bottle of cold water from the fridge. He chooses to work for a bit as he opens the door to his home office. He’s deep in some files when he sees a movement just at the door, and he snaps his head up. He cocks his head at the sight of the cat walking inside his office. The cat uses the chair across from him to climb up to his desk. The cat sits down, looking at Harvey. Harvey has no choice but to look back at the cat. And so the staring contest begins. Harvey looks at the little creature and contemplates how much this cat can make his girl happy. He believes a cat won’t require as much care as a dog. He remembers the tears and the pout on his girl’s face when he said they couldn’t keep the cat. He remembers how she was an only child and never really had a friend growing up. He petted the cat in the head. The cat looked cautious at first, but then he closed his eyes and purred. "Okay, bud. Here’s what we’re gonna do. We’ll make our girl happy, you and I. And in return, you’ll get the best care this world has to offer, deal?"
Note: Feel free to send me a request! Thanks!
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devildom-moss · 2 years
The demons’ favorite places to kiss and be kissed headcanon
(the demon brothers, the royals, and Mephistopheles x gn!MC)
(slight NSFW)
Kiss: The neck. He likes to mark you as his for others to see. The proximity also allows him to take in your scent (he’s especially enamored if you wear cologne or perfume) and hear you even more clearly. He wants to hear every reaction: soft moans, gasps, panting, every word. If you whisper his name when he kisses your neck, he won’t stop until you make him. He just wants to please his favorite human.
Kissed: Anywhere on his chest. First, it feels good, and when his body is feeling especially sensitive, it’s enough to get him close to orgasm. Second, the marks are easier to hide, so he doesn’t need to worry about his reputation. Third, he wants you as close to him as he can get. Having your lips right above his heart is a dream. He’d never admit it because it sounds too obsessive, but if he could open his chest to let you hold his heart in your hands, he’d happily give over that control.
Kiss: The top of your head. “Huh? No, I didn’t just kiss you. Ya just got your hair in the Great Mammon’s face. I was blowin’ it away. But, if you want me to kiss ya, just say so.” (Yes, he will still use that excuse if you’re bald or shave your head) But really, he just likes kissing you there when he’s holding you in his arms. It makes him feel like he’s doing a good job protecting you and making you feel safe. He savors this even more if you’re about the same height or taller than him since it’s harder to reach.
Kissed: Mouth. He knows he talks a lot, much to his detriment. So, please, shut him up. He feels like you pay more attention to him when you’re kissing his lips, and it can go from sweet to wild in seconds. The range. A forehead kiss could never! Also, please bite his lips or wear some kind of lip color - just leave proof of the kiss so when someone asks what’s wrong with his face (whether they mean the lips or they’re just being rude), he can brag about getting kissed by you.
Kiss: Thighs. If you let him, he will snake his way into any comfortable position that means he can get his face near your thighs. Let him rest his head on your lap while watching anime and he’ll actually look away from the screen to place a quick kiss on your thighs. If you hold him on your lap or sit with him between your legs, he has been known to slowly sink down your chest until he’s just above your pelvis and can easily grab your thighs to kiss them. You want to tell me he doesn’t have squash my head with your thighs like I’m the last watermelon of the season energy?
Kissed: Forehead kisses. They make him feel like the main love interest in a romance. He likes it when you take the extra second to brush his hair out of the way. However, if the angle is possible, he will look down your shirt, and it’s not subtle. But moreover, he just wants you to treat him like he’s precious and loved.
Kiss: Chest/torso. He just wants to be near your body and to listen to your heartbeat. It calms him down just having proof that you are there and alive with him. It’s soothing to watch and feel the rise and fall of your chest as you breathe. Plus, it puts you in the perfect position to pet his head and call him a good kitten.
Kissed: Neck. All that reading might have given him a slight vampire kink. He can’t keep track of the number of times he imagined you coming up behind him while he’s reading or cooking, kissing his neck with an ample peppering of bites and hickeys. He’ll worry about covering it up later. He has a secret game going where he sees how long he can keep reading while you kiss his neck. The high score is 3 pages. (To be fair, it was probably a story about a catboy detective who finds out that he’s actually a were-cat in the middle of a big serial killer case called Lynx Between the Crimes or something. I don’t know, sounds like something he’d enjoy reading.)
Kiss: Your hands and fingers – especially shortly after he’s painted them. When he’s feeling horny, he will go from kissing to sucking your fingers with no notice. However, more often, he does this thing where he kisses each finger and says “MC loves me” on the first finger and “they love me not” on the next. When he gets to the last finger with a sad, “MC loves me not,” he’ll kiss your lips and tell you “But, I love you anyway.”
Kissed: Also his fingers and hands. He spends a lot of time on manicures and moisturizing, so he wants you to admire his hands and show them appreciation. Kisses on his hands make him feel like a princess, which he adores in general, but especially when it’s you who’s treating him like that. He will pounce on you if you turn the tables and suck on his fingers, though, and you won’t be going anywhere for a few hours. A very close second would be kissing his dick. It’s just a very cute gesture to Asmo.
Kiss: Your stomach. “But it’s so cute. That’s where you store all the meals we share together.” If you’re ticklish, he’ll do it more frequently so he can hear your laughter. It’s not all that innocent, though. Kissing your stomach gets him pretty close to being able to kiss even lower. He’s already down there, so if you want him, he’s happy to oblige. Beel will happily turn you into a full course meal. He also likes to lay his head down on your stomach.
Kissed: His cheeks. Every time you kiss his cheeks, he can’t resist smiling. He can still eat and chew while getting kissed on the cheek, too. In Beel’s mind, couples who kiss each other on the cheek often are secure and stable. When you kiss his cheek quickly before either of you leave, he feels like you’re a married couple.
Kiss: Shoulders. Your shoulders are both a good place to nap and to kiss. When he curls up in your lap, head on your shoulders, he likes to leave a kiss on his human pillow before his nap and, again, after he wakes up. Your shoulders are also his favorite spot to bite, whether it’s to mark you or muffle his voice or just to taste your skin and blood a bit.
Kissed: His back. Belphie tends to fall asleep curled up, sometimes without a shirt and sometimes with his shirt rising up his back. The first time you decided to kiss his back to wake him seemed to also wake something else up in him. He moaned at the feeling of your lips on his skin. It makes him feel so safe and secure – so much so that he’s able to fall asleep even in the midst of pleasure.
Kiss: Your thighs. He just really likes thighs. If you’re sitting next to him, he’ll squeeze them. They’re so soft and cute, and he wants to bite and kiss them all over. Isn’t the fact that he finds them cute enough? He’ll spend an extra 30 minutes kissing and marking your thighs when he goes down on you unless you tell him to stop. And if you do, he’ll look up at you with the saddest eyes a demon like him can manage.
Kissed: Chest. You really think he’s all titted up and barely dressed from the waist up in his demon form for no reason? He loves when you pepper his chest with kisses. Just the thought of you on top of him and leaving a trail of affection with your lips fills him with lust warmth. It also provides him with an opportunity to pull you close and just hold you.
Kiss: Neck and behind the ear. Barbatos wants to be able to kiss you in public (among other things), and he’s granted a bit of subtlety with neck and behind the ear kisses. He’ll get in close, as if to whisper something before placing a kiss on you. Usually, he will whisper in your ear before kissing you, his hot breath and sultry voice teasing you. This is particularly enjoyable for him when he causes a noticeable rise out of you. One time, you had to explain to Lucifer why you suddenly looked panicked and feverish after Barbatos whispered to you without blatantly telling him that Barbatos had just licked your neck, blew on it, and told you that he wanted to fuck you in the middle of the party.
Kissed: Thighs. You look so pretty when you’re down between his legs. Having you kiss his thighs is a very intimate act for him. Barbatos is typically covered up, showing far less skin than most demons. It’s rare for anyone to get the chance to see his thighs, let alone kiss them. For him, kissing his thighs is a gesture that says, “I would never allow this from anyone else. I treasure you the most.”
Kiss: The hand. He’s quite comfortable with kissing the rings of superiors. He’s always trying to make a good impression, and that’s no different for you. And he will never get over the menacing aura that came from Lucifer the first time he kissed your hand in public. Honestly, he was just grateful that you had helped him with an article, so he invited you to eat with him. When you agreed, he just wanted to fluster you a bit. After all, how often does a human receive such a sign of gratitude. So maybe he does it more in front of Lucifer, but a demon can have his fun. Once he’s finally warmed up to you, he likes being able to show you that you’ve earned his respect.
Kissed: His feet. Don’t worry, he’s got good hygiene and he would only ask if he knew he was clean. It’s less of a foot fetish preference and more that it makes him feel treasured. And a puny human is barely fit to kiss the ground he walks on, but for you, he can make an exception. Despite all of his wealth, his devotion to Diavolo can make him feel unworthy of praise quite often. Kissing his feet would make him feel worshiped and secure; you could probably ask him for anything in that moment.
(the non-demons version)
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draguuula · 1 year
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synopsis: mc is a little - just a tad bit - down bad for mychael over their impromptu dinner date. all silly fluff and crack here, maybe spoilers? for a lot of game dialogue used, and a bit of swearing. whoopsie 🤭
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"mychael...? is that... yours?"
the man burrows his head in his hands as he shamefully lowers his gaze while you stare at his tail, the slender limb firmly wrapped around the mug. you can feel the atmosphere in the room change, too, if the tension wasn't already thick enough to cut through with a knife.
"i'm sorry, mc, i think...
"i think it's time i was honest."
as he lifted his head and carded his hair back, you saw his eyes, yellow gleaming despite a shadow downcast over them. you froze as they stared directly at you before swiftly averting your gaze.
you were in awe. you had to fight the urge to have your giddy smile spread over your face with excitement, yet you didn't think you could stop your eyes from sparkling.
as if sensing your heartrate pick up, mychael stuttered out his next words. through your own burning gaze, you could see his throat bob up and down when he gulped.
"i-i know it's a lot to take in, but... this is the real me...
"please... please don't be scared."
he carefully picked and said his words with such utter desperation you felt your heart clench and you grit your teeth, having to stop yourself from bombarding this little forest guy with reassurance.
god, he was so cute.
he tensed even more so than he already was as he saw your jaw clench, trembling slightly while he prepared for the worst reaction from you. it was almost unfair how he waited with baited breath as you nearly passed out from trying not to bounce off the walls with excitement.
i mean, could he blame you? maybe. you were excited just first seeing his rather unusual appearance too when you awoke, but the sheer shock of being in an unfamiliar place and not finding your cat made you a bit... prickly, earlier.
you winced at the memory, and mychael grimaced at the idea of you being disgusted by him. of course, you noticed this only after sensing his gaze on you, awkwardly clenching the kitchen utensils in hand.
"mychael... i..."
you placed them down, a hand over your eyes while you lower lip trembled.
"i'm not scared.
"honestly, i think you're really fucking pretty."
the silence was loud.
"oh. excuse me. that was rude. are you comfortable with swearing? i sure hope so..."
he was going to sputter, but no words came out. instead, his eyes blew wide open and his pupils dilated significantly. like a cat's... you noted.
he clearly stared at you dumbfounded as his face slowly grew blue, silently waiting for an explanation behind your thought process. he couldn't believe what he was hearing. you merely chuckled at his awe. and the cute way his ears lowered and pulled back, by extension.
"o-okay, maybe i came off a little too strongly," you cleared your throat awkwardly, nervously tugging at your collar with a laugh, "aha, maybe i'm a little scared, but-"
"ah! s-sorry." he apologized.
of course he apologized... you thought, just when you were about to say you were scared by how damn alluring and attractive he was because... damn, had you never seen a guy so otherworldly.
you went to sigh at your messed up rizz, but paused midway of doing so as he grabbed a plate, hiding behind it. you blinked at his "hidden" figure with a blank face, opening your mouth to say something but deciding against it as that same mouth already made him panic just now.
"would it help if i just... hide it? i-i could fix my hair like before... if that's what you prefer."
you sat there with tears stinging your eyes mentally. or maybe a singular tear really did slip out as you watched him hunch over to make himself seem less intimidating... he was just too damn adorable.
you finally let out a sigh, a crooked yet bashful smile appearing on your face.
"hey... mychael?"
he flinched in place as your fingertip made contact with his flushed green skin, and you delighted in seeing faint hints of blue decorating his adorable, elongated ears up close. he muffled a response to you from behind his glass shield. you shook your head at his antics.
"...can... you put that down?"
he went silent with the shyest look on his face as he slowly peeked over the plate, all four eyes looking at the floor instead of you.
"...c-can you look at me...?"
he finally glanced at you. you felt that stupid, silly grin of yours take over your face against your will, warmly smiling at him as you got a proper look over his features.
"hi, there."
with just those words alone, his face was almost fully taken over by a shade of blue, much to your amusement. it only served to make you giggle at his shy cuteness while he blushed harder.
"d-don't look at me like that..."
"look at you like what? i'm not doing anything..." you tease, feeling your own face heat up and paint your cheeks a darker hue.
"mc, p-please..." he groaned, on the borderline of hiding his face in his hands again before you apologized, not wanting him to pull himself away from your stare anymore... even if it flustered you, too.
you plucked the mug from his tail as he stared at you, bewildered once more. you stared into the mixture while moving the mug in a circular rotation to watch it swirl, about to compliment his natural affinity for his handiwork in the kitchen before he fidgeted.
"a-are you really... okay with this? with me?"
you noted how his voice seemed small as he questioned you, the blue pigment having seemingly never left his skin. the corners of your lips twitched upwards lazily while you had your own blush dusting your cheeks, now being the one to glance away.
"i said it before, and i'll say it again... you're really pretty, mychael. i think... i think you're really attractive, if i'm gonna be honest..."
he watched as you squeezed your own eyes shut and took notice of your flushed skin, his lips pressed together nervously. he twiddled his fingers together, fidgeting again. "...y-you think i'm attractive?"
your hum in response didn't help his own blush out as his head spun watching you genuinely - genuinely, of all things, get embarrassed and now be the one to bury your head in your hands.
he could probably cook something with the heat rushing to his face. yet, he found a silly smile make its way to his lips while his eyes gleamed with happiness.
what a hell of a first date.
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miss-hyoko · 1 year
Hello there! I'd like to order a "childhood arranged marriage" gado gado with Leona please! Thank you very much 💖
"This is your order, dear customer. A plate full of [The Lion's Fiancé(e)] gado-gado. Is there anything else I can help you with?"
"No? Then, I hope you have a pleasant meal."
The Lion's Fiancé(e)
Character: Leona
Summary: You were betrothed to Leona since childhood
Tag(s) and warning(s): GN!Reader, fluff, romantic, reader is NOT Yuu, arranged marriage, a bit spoiler about Leona's past, Leona being a little shit (affectionately)
Note: AAAH, MY FIRST REQUEST IS HERE! Thank you for requesting, anon. Your idea is so wonderful that it almost made me get a brainrot for this lion 😩✋
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To establish a good relationship with the royal family of Sunset Savanna, your family then decided to make you the betrothed of Leona, the second prince of Sunset Savanna. Because of that, you often visit Leona at the palace to deepen your relationship.
The first time you met little Leona, he's kind of... a brat. He didn't hesitate to show his disdain towards you, his forced fiancé(e). Starting from the way his tail always twitching in displeasure at the mere sight of you, his ears that drop flat, and even the angry expression that adorns his face every time he senses your presence. Little Leona thought he must look very intimidating. But in your eyes, he's no different from a grumpy kitten, it makes you just want to stroke his fluffy-looking ears and tail. And how could Leona miss the way your eyes twinkle following every movement of his tail? The audacity you had!
The next meetings you spend trying to coax your grumpy kitten fiancé. Leona constantly tries to hide every time you come to visit, but somehow you always manage to find him, as if you put a tracking device on him. Over time, Leona himself felt tired from this silly mouse cat game, and he decided to give up on his fate, which was to be your fiancé. Now, every time you come to the palace, you just need to go straight to Leona's room without having to bother looking for him again around the palace.
Since getting engaged to you, Leona started to develop a new habit. And that habit is that he always deliberately sleeps on one side of the mattress, while the other side he leaves for you. He did that not because he's kind, alright? He deliberately left a place on the mattress so that you wouldn't crush him again while he was sleeping, using a stupid excuse like 'you also want to lie down, but you can't because he sleeps right in the middle of the bed'.
Leona knew he was disliked and feared by the palace attendants, all because of the frightening power he has. There were even times when Leona himself hated the power he possessed. For him, turning everything he touches into sand is a curse. But you, you say that his terrifying power is a blessing. When a disaster occurs and debris is scattered, his power can turn all the debris into sand, thus making it easier for the rescue process. And as if to prove the seriousness of your words, you held his hand, pressed it against your face, and looked into Leona's eyes with a small smile, in such a way that say 'look? I'm fine, aren't I?'. And really, that was the only moment where Leona tried his best to keep his tears in their place, hoping they won't stream down his cheeks (and he failed miserably).
Leona may never say this, but he actually enjoys –no, he loves– the time he spends together with you. All this time, he was used to growing up compared to his brother, insults and ridicules had become his daily consumption. But when you come into his life, seeing him for who he is without judging him, looking at him with eyes full of wonder instead of fear, how can Leona's heart not be open to you?
Almost all the beastmen in Sunset Savanna know that their second prince has a fiancé(e) and he's very a bit protective of them. Every time the two of you went out for an outing, Leona would put his hands around your waist or shoulders to let people know that you're with him. If someone dares to stare at you a little longer than necessary, Leona will immediately growl at that poor fellow until they take their eyes from you.
When you come to Savanaclaw to meet your fiancé, all the students there will surely greet you in a very friendly way. Gone is their usual brashness, replaced by a sickeningly polite smile. All because Leona has given them orders to treat you with an utmost respect, even they should be more respectful to you than to him. If someone's being disrespectful to you, then Leona himself will personally teach them a lesson or two about respecting one's fiancé(e).
You may not know, but Leona always tries very hard to control himself to not 'eat' you every time you do something he finds adorable, like holding his hands, sleeping on his chest, giving him a peck here and there, and other things that can make his heart beat faster than it normally does. It's not just once or twice that Leona has dirty thoughts about you, and every time those dirty thoughts start popping into his head, Leona will rush away from you to 'take care' of himself first. He may be a beastman, but he's still sane enough not to force himself on you before the marriage. Well, unless you don't mind?
All in all, Leona treats you pretty well as his fiancé(e). He may not be the nicest fiancé you can have, but he's not the worst either. He can respect your boundaries, listen to your opinions on some things, and take good care of you. The downside may be that he's not very responsive, sometimes ignores you, and also easily irritated by small things. But despite it all, you should know that Leona really cares about you. His high ego makes it a little hard for him to apologize and admit his mistakes, but if you talk to him first, he will definitely apologize in the end. Albeit, with a voice so small that you can barely even hear it.
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sillygoosealert · 6 months
Can you write about Smoke finding out his significant other has been harming herself and has been depressed for sometime but would try to hide it from him so he wouldn't worry?
They’re just Cat scratches I swear
Tw self-harm by cutting, pretty self-indulgent as my own experience but also like this is pretty much everyone’s experience combined, hope whoever sent this is okay, I hope you all are doing okay
Tomas angst, you might die at the end if I'm Feeling Silly
You're training with Tomas in a black long-sleeve
An odd choice considering you're training at the Shri-Ru-Yu but he doesn't question your fashion choice
Afterward, he tries to take you to the hot springs so you don't rot after training
You decline and insist you want to just go to bed
‘How come? We never hang out anymore, did something happen?’
A grim expression covers your face and you excuse yourself to bed
after you train you don't even shower, you just sleep
You sleep a lot, its like you hate being awake
So he desides to get you a sweet treat to cheer you up
That's how he cheers up, little acts of service
He gets you a small cupcake with pink sprinkles
But when he gets to your door, he hears muffled crying
It's like you're sobbing into a pillow
Afraid you are hurt- or something worse, he rushes in
The sight before him is horrific, blood-smeared across your arms and thighs
You're shaking harshly too
He goes over to the bed confused
‘What did you do?!’
Then he notices the razor blade in your hand
And then you notice he noticed the razor blade
Then you start crying even harder
And then he has to put the cupcake down
Then you drop the razor blade, nicking your thigh in the process
And then he has to quickly grab it, putting it on a flat surface to get it away
‘What happened? Why did you.. why didn't you tell me?’
You start to babble incoherent things, curling into a ball and sobbing
Maybe you're having a crying spell
He crawls into bed with you, wrapping an arm around you to pull you in
‘What happened? Talk to me..’
You just cry into him, blood-smearing onto his uniform
Now he's holding you close while rubbing your back
‘Baby I don't know what to do, let me clean you up, please’
You calm down enough to nod and let him drag you away to the bathroom
Its so much worse is good lighting
The cuts are close and long, covering the majority of your thighs
They are sloppy on your arms, not as close or neat
He's shaking with you
And crying
You're both crying a lot
Then he starts a bath
‘I'm going to clean you up, okay? It's going to be fine..’
You don’t know who he’s really saying that to
He places you into the bath, the water lightly changing its shade
‘Gods.. why would you do this? I would have helped you through it.’
‘I’m sorry’
That’s all you say, the time he spends bathing you is spent in silence
The world is cruel and incredibly unfair, you both knew that
But how could someone like Tomas, who has experienced it firsthand, continue to go on when you couldn’t?
He lost his family because he was supposed to, and he still wakes up every morning and lives
But you weren’t like him.
Something neither of you could quite grasp
But that made him scared
What happens when it gets bad again?
Who’s going to save you from the disease that is death
Though, you could also call his love for you a disease too
But that is something he wants no cure to
He cleans your cuts with tears and sobs
Then drys you off without a word
Holding your arms with a firm grip, he stares into you
‘I won't be telling anyone. But I hope you know you aren't going to be leaving my sight anymore.’
You nod your head quickly ‘Okay’
Then he places his head on your thighs
‘You can't leave me. Not yet, not soon..’
Then you run your fingers through his hair, his slightly bloody hair
He doesn't wrap your wounds, letting them heal on their own
But he does take you to bed and lays on top of you, making sure you can't leave
‘Why didn't you tell me?’
‘You have enough on your plate, you didn't need to stress about this.’
‘I want to worry about you, to remind you that I care. I'll always care’
‘Thank you..’
‘I love you’
‘I love you too’
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Silly 🎀
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whitebookposts · 2 months
*skitters towards your ask box autistically* do you have any teth headcanons :3
Anyway, Teth! Our deeply beloved forest cryptid. I have to be honest, I don't have as many headcanons about her as I do about some of my other fave elders, which is a thing I should work to change because Teth is awesome. But here are some I do have for now:
CAAAAT I think my good buddy @krillking has already spoken about Teth having cat traits in his animal elder post, but yeah. While in my headcanons, the animal traits are less defined, Teth still very much has cat behavior, like her irises widening or narrowing like a cat's, and she likes to sleep in the sun (which is trouble because. Forest is 90 percent clouds and rain. Thankfully she has the yard behind her temple and the sunny forest segment, though due to the whole thing happening in the kingdom, she could visit those comfort places less and less :<) and most importantly - purring. Which she is a bit shy about, so she rarely does it. If you get to catch her purr, it means that she trusts you enough to do it next to you, though she will still be embarrassed if you mention it out loud. (Also do not leave her anywhere near fancy furniture she will try to rip it with her claws. Yes, lamed learned it the hard way.)
TRANSGENDAAAAAAAAA Idk how to explain it but Teth is just so transfem coded. Goes by both she\her and they\them. It just makes so much sense that I don't even need any proof to know that, she has told me this herself. Gotta give @dogedepan for this one though since I stole this idea from her (like many others. Can't help it Chi your headcanons are awesome)
BEEFCAKE Let's be real, TGC is a bunch of cowards for making her slim. How can you look at this woman, who is a blacksmith, and can catch a giant flying hammer with one arm like it's no big deal, and not think that they have some impressive muscle? If you draw Teth buff I am forever in your debt. PLEASE I WANT TO SEE MORE BUFF TETH ART PLEA-
BESTIE Teth and Ayin are literally fated besties, be they platonic or romantic. Even in early concept art, Ayin was described as "Teth's friend" and held the key to her realm, just showing the level of trust between them. Their realms also work with each other really well, with Ayin being the main supply for Teth's factories which is what allowed her realm to grow. I like to think of them being childhood best friends, and that they have been by each other's side through the good and the bad. Remember that headcanon about Teth enjoying sleeping in sunny places? Prairie is perfect for that, and if she decides to take a nap while visiting it is no rarity for her to choose Ayin as a bed for that (soft). I don't really see em as romantic because I already ship Teth with someone else, but as an aromantic person, it's important for me to show intimacy like that even between friendships. Ayin is always there to lend an ear to Teth, being there for her through her worst, and Teth is Ayin's "EXCUSE ME THEY ASKED FOR NO PICKLES". Although, if we go to the sadder territory, their friendship did suffer a falling out during the turbulent era of the kingdom, with Teth closing off from everyone, including Ayin, too caught in her work and darkstone production to meet the ever-growing demands, and that led to Ayin also drowning in work to keep up the light supply. That is not to mention the different world views about light creatures and how worthy they are of preservation.
CRYBABY I just like to think that despite appearing cold and serious, Teth is a very gentle soul underneath the hard facade she forced herself to create due to her position. But if you get to know her you will find a very soft, shy, and caring heart that makes it easy for her eyes to water, be it a happy or sad occasion, even if she is trying to hide it. She is also a pretty big introvert and starts getting nervous during events with big crowds, esp if they have to do a speech as an elder or something. This gentleness and softness hidden behind a cold surface is one of the things that attracted Priestess to her, which leads me to the next point:
LESBIANNNNNN You may know this already but I'm a big PriesTeth truther, which is the ship between Priestess (the original elder of the Valley from concept art, never made it to the final game but there is a pretty popular fanon that she is the mother of the twins) and Teth. Again, I was enlightened about this ship thanks to @dogedepan she is literally the CEO of this ship god bless. I know it's a bit silly to ship her with an elder who never even made it to canon, but I fell in love with the dynamic of the "serious and cold at first glance but soft and gentle on the inside x extroverted, energetic and mischievous but deeply caring and kind" that exists between them. Priestess was Teth's firework, the bright and colorful in the grey and cold of her life. Never had the elder of the Forest loved someone like she did this bright, giggly, and open girl who managed to always make Teth smile. And it hurt all the more when Priestess was lost. After the death of her partner, Teth closed off completely, lost in her work, just to not feel the pain because the grief was overwhelming. She couldn't make herself go to her backyard anymore, because it was the connection between Valley and her forest and where the two met most of the time, being there was just too painful. Some ancestors say that the rain became much more frequent after this loss.
Milf As I ship priesteth, I also headcanon that Teth is the other parent of Sah and Mekh. Unfortunately, their relationship is very rocky. Priestess died when the two were very young, and due to Teth being too lost in her grief, she simply couldn't care for them, causing the two to be raised by other elders (mainly Tsadi, who is their uncle) and kicked around from temple to temple until they were old enough to live on their own. This caused feelings of betrayal and neglect in the two, and it came to the point that they rarely acknowledged Teth as their other parent anymore. And she feels too guilty before them to try and get them back because she believes she deserves this for her mistakes. But perhaps not everything is lost, and some of this relationship can be salvaged if she finally gets brave enough to reach out.
WORSTIE She and Tsadi have a beef. That's it that's the headcanon. It's not anything serious, it's literally a "cat and dog" type of beef, the two can't even tell when it started, it's just that both will use any opportunity to roast each other. Why do I have this headcanon? Because it's funny.
INSANE SITUATIONSHIP Let's just say that the situationship between Teth and Nesting guide still left the latter one staring at her pictures every day for hours.
Hobbies Other than being a blacksmith, Teth enjoys all types of crafts, like sculpting from clay or woodworking. Girlie doesn't need any IKEA, she can make all the furniture herself (I mean, the Nesting guide had to learn this from someone)
Anddddd.... That's all for now! There's probably more headcanons but I can't remember them all rn. I hope these were written good enough and sorry for any grammar mistakes! AND SORRY FOR MAKING YOU WAIT SO LONG I PROMISE I DIDN'T IGNORE YOU DJHGDJGDJ Teth is best forest mama, and I really should put more thought into her, thank you for sending me this ask so i can brainstorm about this gal.
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layla4567 · 7 months
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Mihawk x Thief!Fem!reader
Summary: The third time is the charm they say. It's time to end this once and for all. Mihawk will find you again and this time it will be forever, will he let you go or will he keep you just for himself?
Warnings: teasing, kissing, kidnapping, shanks apricion, worries, canon divergence, y/n use, swearing/bad words, injuries, beta read, ooc maybe(?, mention of sword fights, mention of blood, lil make out
Wc: 6,524 (phew)
A/N: I listened to a lot of Rosalia songs before writing this, I have no idea why lmao
gif divider: @k1ssyoursister
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A good day of profits, yes indeed. Your life continued as always, the small changes made before (thanks to the inspiration and advice of a warlord) have improved your existence. You had gained more muscle mass and resistance, now people called you "The light of the east blue" and not "The shadow" and that fascinated you. You never thought that so much satisfaction would come from helping the poor survive (and making the government angry, of course)
It was so fun to see the humiliated faces of the men who chased you after being defeated by a woman. Your wanted posters were still scattered all over the island, the reward on your head was very large but you didn't give it any importance, they would never catch you alive, you had learned a lot and evolved. Besides, it was flattering to see your face everywhere, they had even brought out the good side of your face.
You walked happily around the island strutting and swinging your hips like a cat. You already expected all eyes on you and you appreciated the audience. The people around you looked at you satisfied, happy, proud. You were his salvation. You stopped in front of a rewards sign. Your face was shown in all its glory, you put your hands on your hips and smiled widely.
"Even my nose is correct"
You walked safely home, waving your hair while you felt all the eyes behind your back. When you entered your humble abode, you took off your heavy sword and took off your hat. As you hung it on the coat rack, you quietly resisted when you saw Mihawk's wide-brimmed hat. You still hadn't returned it to him. You were planning to keep it for a while longer, so he would have to. look for you instead of you looking for him. The game of cat and mouse was fun for you and you had taken a liking to it.
You sighed tiredly and were about to lie down comfortably on the couch when a knock came on your door. Grumbling you jumped up and went to open the door. Oh surprise! Some uniformed men with unfriendly faces had stopped in front of the entrance. They were taller than you and looked angry. Those of the government.
"Excuse me miss, are you y/n y/l?"-One of them cleared his throat
You tried to hide your surprise by crossing one leg in front of the other and resting one arm on the door frame, how quickly they had discovered your name. Of course you didn't tell them the truth.
"Sorry, I don't know who you're talking about, you must have the wrong person"
You were about to close the door when one of them stopped it by placing his palm on the wood.
"I don't think so. Maybe we should try one more time, shall we? Are you the one they call The Light of East Blue formerly nicknamed The Shadow?"
Shit. They knew, they weren't genuinely asking, they had found you, they knew exactly who you were and they just wanted you to confirm it. You could see a flash of evil amusement pass through their eyes and it infuriated you, they were treating you like a poor devil. But you weren't stupid
"Gentlemen, with all due respect, I think it's not the right time to chat now, why don't you come later?"
Again you made an attempt to close the door but they kicked it with so much force that you almost lost your balance and fell. Staggering, you backed away in a state of alert. Now were they coming to break into your own house? That never. The two men approached slowly with sickly smiles, believing themselves to be the hunters and you the prey, poor idiots, they must have understood for a long time that it was the other way around. Your eyes scanned your entire room and when they found your sword you looked back at them and cautiously approached your weapon. With a quick and accurate movement you grabbed your trusty sword and threatened them, brandishing it in front of them, you moved your sword from side to side to make them move away. They angrily retreated and you took the opportunity to push them and run between the two of them.
You ran at full speed trying to lose sight of them. At a safe distance you turned your head and saw that other men had joined the chase. The people around were booing the government and cheering you. This undoubtedly gave you the strength to continue running to the beach. Your feet flew in the sand although the men behind you still did not give up. Suddenly you saw something from afar that made your blood run cold, or rather someone's. The famous warlord stood with his Yoru sword, appearing to be talking to someone through an intercom in his ear. With satisfaction you noticed that his dark, slightly curly hair was waving in the wind, you celebrated that the hat you stole from him was the only one he had because his new appearance didn't look bad on him at all.
Dracule had turned as cannons continued to fire and sent the sand flying behind him. As he did so, he saw you running and raised an eyebrow curiously when he noticed that some men were chasing you.
"Well, well. What trouble have you gotten yourself into now?"-he thought quietly
Mihawk tightened his grip on his sword and raised it to his shoulder. You hadn't stopped running but you were getting closer to him. The closer you got, the stronger the explosions became and you had to crouch down slightly, covering your head so they wouldn't shoot you. You arrived agitatedly next to him and looked at him from below, when he had his hat on you were intimidated by looking at him that way since it made him look taller than he is, but now you simply licked your lower lip and gave him a mocking, shit-eating smile. He stooped slightly to see you better and tilted his head.
"What happened now?"-he said tired
You feigned innocence "What? I was just in my abode calmly resting when these ruffians appeared in front of my entrance"-You pointed with a pout at the men who were approaching.
The warlord looked up at them and growled softly
"I see… good luck with that"
He turned to leave with more important matters to do when you, offended and indignant, grabbed his arm and roughly forced him to look at you again. You were no longer afraid of him getting angry, you knew that physical contact was not his thing. Dracule focused his gaze on you again and his eyes twinkled at you. You didn't remove your hand from his arm yet. It had been a long time since your last meeting, you still remember the tickle of his jaw against your skin, his whispering voice in your ear. For weeks you tried to suppress that annoying tickling that appeared in your belly when you thought about him, at that moment or when you saw him.
"You're not going anywhere, Warlord, or have you already forgotten that you rebelled against them too? I don't think they'll be very happy to let you go"
Mihawk growled lowly, looking at the government men and then looking at you. You were right. They would never leave him alone again, and all to help you. But could he complain? No, deep down Dracule was entertained, finally something that took him out of his boring life.
"Fine, I'll help you one more time, little bird. But you owe me one" -he said, getting into an attack position by your side
You smiled satisfied, having gotten what you wanted, you always have. Now the men were getting closer and closer and when he was only two meters away from you, you and Dracule grabbed your weapons tightly and began to fight. You had to admit that Mihawk was an excellent swordsman and he didn't wear the name warlord in vain. Back to back he quickly finished off the men who were coming at him, his height protected you and he made sure that no one touched you, despite knowing how to defend yourself alone. When one of them came dangerously close to you, Mihawk with a wide movement of his arm passed his great sword over you while you crouched down. Yoru's blade sliced ​​through the man's torso. Exhausted they looked around, the panorama was devastating. Fallen bodies everywhere, it seemed like the end of an arduous civil war.
You put your hands on your hips and closed your eyes, smiling contentedly. Dracule watched you carefully, memorizing your features as if he wanted to remember them later. It's been a long time since he saw you. Suddenly his deep voice broke the silence.
"I noticed you haven't brought my hat. Do you plan on keeping it longer?"-he said sarcastically
You looked at him mockingly. "Maybe, is there a problem with that? So I can continue admiring your beautiful curls in the wind"-you said with a shrug
You started to walk away from the beach towards the grass and Dracule rolled his eyes. Following you closely as if it were your shadow. He wasn't going to leave you so quickly now that he found you again.
"Are you some kind of vulture or why are you following me so closely?"
When you passed by a palm tree Mihawk took a step forward and stood next to you, unsheathing his sword and placing it in front of you with his arm extended to the right, stopping you. You looked at him irritated.
"I really would like my hat back, my dear"
"I'm sorry, that's not going to be possible, I realized that I like the perfume it has" - you said, smiling mischievously, Mihawk's smell was like that of grapes with a mixture of sandalwood.
You turned in front of the palm tree to go in the opposite direction when Mihawk crashed his yoru again against the trunk, preventing you from passing. You slammed the heel of your boot on the ground in anger and drew your sword.
"Alright if you want it that way"
Dracule, unlike you, seemed entertained by this new game, he realized that provoking you in that way had something…delicious. Now you two were facing each other with the palm tree in between the two of you. You raised your sword trying to cut him in the face when he was faster and gave you a light spank with the non-sharp part of his sword. The surprise was more than the pain and you opened your mouth and eyes as wide as you could while you brought your hands to your sore butt. You almost noticed Dracule's facial muscles trembling slightly trying to suppress a smile perhaps. Outraged, you ran towards another palm tree but the warlord did the same thing again, only this time the blow was a little stronger. You squealed, closing your eyes as you caressed your buttocks, surely now you would have a nice red mark.
"You are a rude pervert!"
"And you are stubborn"-he said calmly
You lunged at him and finally your sword collided with his. You fought with all your fury and great efforts while he simply moved his wrist and dodged the edge of your sword, it was like child's play for him. His arrogant attitude made your blood boil even more. At one point you brought your wrist forward and he grabbed it, put his head under it and spun you around until you crashed into his chest. You tried to get away but the arm Mihawk was holding you was against your back, only your other free hand was left which was now resting on Dracule's naked torso. He was breathing noisily through his nose from the effort. Your gaze lingered on his pecs for a second, trying to process what was happening. Again those annoying tickles like fluttering butterflies appeared in your belly. You looked up and noticed that Mihawk was looking at you. In fact, he hadn't stopped looking at you, so he also noticed how you were looking at his bare chest.
"You've come this far darling, now I'll ask you one more time. Give me the hat back now, please"
His deep voice resonated in his ribcage, it was funny how despite him now being under control his manners were not demanding and he asked for things please like a gentleman. His honey eyes piercing yours, his deep and manly voice, his soft and elegant gestures, his way of asking for things being calm and not rude. Damn. You could have melted right there if it weren't for him holding you tightly against his warm skin. You hated him and that stupid feeling that you tried to ignore but now you knew it was love. You tried to maintain your composure
"Fine was just playing, you bitter old man"
He loosened his grip and you finally separated from him like a hot breaststroke. You headed towards your house with him behind you. The entire way you avoided eye contact. When you arrived he stood at the entrance watching everything, afraid to interrupt your home. To tell the truth, its dark appearance made a strange contrast to your house with light walls and a warm appearance. You grabbed his hat from the rack and walked towards him. You caressed the fabric and the feather lovingly one last time and handed it to him. Dracule placed it on his head solemnly, stroking the wide black brim. When he looked up his eyes this time saw you softer.
"Anyone would think you fell in love with my hat"-he said raising an eyebrow
and not only with the hat
You rolled your eyes, smiling in amusement, and gently pushed him away.
"Ok you have what you wanted now go away and don't bother"
Dracule turned to leave and as he did so his black cape fluttered like a flag in the wind, so elegant. You slammed the door and sighing, you slid your back along the wood until you fell into a sitting position. What had all that been about? Did he realize the dangerous game he was playing? You put your hands to your hair, combing it back and trying to process what you experienced a few seconds ago. You shook your head, trying in vain to suppress all those feelings you had for the god of war that were increasing more and more like a giant snowflake rolling downhill, an avalanche of emotions and thoughts that you couldn't control. His naked torso was still stuck in your eyes as if you were seeing it right now. What would the rest of his body look like without clothes?
"Ok enough, I better visit my mother to distract myself"
You stood up and went to your room to get a large backpack where you would put everything you needed. Since you had become a thief and stole for the poor, your mother now lived much better. Many would say that it is selfish because you are helping someone in your family and not a stranger, but only God knows the bad times that both of them went through years ago. Although now she could buy her own things, you always brought her something as a gift, whether it was food or something else. You decided to wrap a couple of cookies and put them in your backpack. You started walking towards his house, people as you passed greeted you as if you were a rock star, you simply smiled and nodded back at them. Your mother's house was quite far away but you were used to walking so much so when you arrived you began to contemplate its facade. Painted white with two stories, the house was definitely beautiful. Your mother had been in charge of planting many flowers to give color.
"Mom! I'm here!!"-You screamed putting your hands around your mouth.
Your mother opened the door and ran towards you to hug you. The two merged into a warm embrace as if they were one.
"Honey, it's good to see you! I was missing your visits."-she said with a slight loving reproach.
"I know, I know. But my job is not easy…"
"Don't worry, come in and let's talk better inside"
Inside the big house was filled with plants too, hanging pots, tiny cacti, pothos and ferns, etc. And you loved it like that, it gave more life and purity to the home. You both sat on a soft sofa, you handed her the cookies and she thanked you tenderly. They spent the hours chatting like the old days when the two of you were alone at home and she taught you how to cook, knit, or paint. It's like all these years had never passed, everything was better with her and she made you feel safe and happy.
You looked at the wall clock "Oh, I'm sorry but I have to go now."
Your mother tilted her head a little sadly but then she got up and grabbing you by the cheeks gave you a loud kiss on the head.
"It's a shame sweetheart but I understand. Just come visit me more often when you can, okay? Don't forget it"
You nodded vigorously and she walked you out. Before you left she grabbed your wrist and held you for a moment longer.
"Please honey, take good care of yourself and don't put yourself in unnecessary danger, I want you to be safe. And remember that no matter what you do, I love you and I'm proud of you."
You felt your eyes begin to water, everything you did was for your mother and for her to tell you that was the best gift of life. You hated that they saw you cry so you looked away and wiped your tears with the back of your hand.
"Thanks mom, I love you too"
You walked away from the house and walking at a brisk pace you went to your house. When you arrived you felt fuller and happier, your mother always had that effect on you. You took off your boots and changed your clothes into something more comfortable. You chose a wide beige shirt and short brown pants. You realized that you were a little tired so you stretched like a cat and let yourself fall exhausted into the big chair to take a nap. And without realizing it you dreamed of Mihawk
Two hours later you woke up suddenly and you didn't know why. As in your dreams, you heard some dull, muffled and distant knocks. The knocks were insistent and were starting to tire you out, someone was knocking on the door. Annoyed because someone interrupted your nap, you got up and opened the door abruptly.
A smiling face with brown eyes appeared before you, with fiery red locks falling on his forehead. He was wearing a navy blue shirt and you noticed that he was missing an arm. He had a slight smell of alcohol and his gaze ran over you from top to bottom until he stopped for a few seconds on your shirt that had opened and revealed your bra a little. You rolled your eyes and snorted which caught his attention and he quickly looked back into your eyes.
"You have 6 seconds to tell me who you are and what you are doing in my house"-you said bluntly
He cleared his throat "Hello doll, sorry for bothering you, my name is Shanks." He bowed slightly, winking.
Brilliant. another sycophant, you thought.
"I came to ask you something… Are you the new Robin Hood walking around these parts?"
You laughed sarcastically, Robin Hood… yeah, sure.
"I don't know what they told you or how you found me, but just so you know, they call me "The Light of East Blue," not Robin Hood"
"Sure babe, whatever you say"
Shanks knew very well how he had found you, to tell the truth it was not difficult to keep track of you. You were strutting around like a peacock. Also, by chance he had seen you talking to Mihawk near your house once and he was very curious about you, especially to know what your relationship with Dracule is. Your patience was running out and you started drumming your fingers on the door frame.
"Ok, ok I'll be brief. I like your style, I think you do noble deeds and you could be a great collaboration for my crew."
Shanks had to be joking. You worked alone and there was no chance you would join his crew or any other. Besides, you had the feeling that he hadn't come just for that reason, because of the way he smiled at you and how he seemed to eat you with his eyes. No, you were definitely better off alone.
"Ha! Shanks, right? Look, I work alone, okay? I don't need a crew or a pirate ship." You slowly got closer to him to intimidate him. "And believe me, I already know how men get in the presence of a girl and I don't need of that daily dose of idiocy in my life"
Your face was now closer to his. Shanks, far from being offended or angry, widened his smile, looking at you playfully.
"More girls should have your courage and toughness, I like it. Are you sure you don't want to come with us? We wouldn't need more feminine intuition."
You sighed rolling your eyes “NO!”
You walked into your house and slammed the door in his face. The redhead stood there for a few more seconds and then started laughing fun, turning around.
"We'll see each other again, then. I'm sure," he said quietly.
You were walking calmly on the island, cooling off with the fresh breeze and smiling enthusiastically as usual. You walked through the stores looking at the clothes and jewelry in the windows, rubies, emeralds, silks and linen. You were about to enter a store when a thin girl with purple hair and a backpack stopped you a little abruptly. You turned around startled and frowning. The girl looked at you and seemed worried.
"Sorry to interrupt you but you're Y/N right?"
You looked at her somewhat surprised, almost no one knew your real name. You nodded confused.
The girl let out a sigh of relief "Oh thank God I found you, your mother asked me to call you urgently"
Your intrigue grew even more, how was it possible that she knew your mother? And what had happened to her? The girl noticed your confusion and hurried to say
"I'm Suni, her maid, she hired me a month ago. But now she's seriously ill and I don't know what she has, you have to help her soon!"
A whirlwind of emotions crossed your entire being and confusion gave way to panic. How had your mother gotten sick if a few days ago she was fine when you went to visit her? Why did he never mention Suni, had he forgotten? You couldn't waste time with questions so you ran with her to your mom's house. Your heart was beating fast and you feared the worst. When they both arrived you saw the house a few meters away and felt a little relief. When suddenly a headache invaded you and your vision blurred until it became black and you fell flat to the ground. Suni had hit you from behind with a bottle that he had taken out of his backpack. He smiled satisfied as he looked at you unconscious on the floor.
"You already have her?"-a voice behind her asked
A member of the government approached at a sure and fast pace, anxious.
"Yes, it was easier than it seems. It turns out that our little thief has a sensitive heart. Now pay me what you owe me"
The man paid without even looking at her, he only had eyes for you. They had finally caught you and they wouldn't let you escape. The man called his comrades and between six men they lifted you into the air and put you on a boat without being seen. Luckily, almost no one lived in that part of the island.
You woke up on a cold, wet floor and with a severe headache that almost made you nauseous. You slowly opened your eyes and had to get used to the darkness, you weren't sure where you were or what had happened to you, you only remembered being about to enter your mother's house and then that unbearable pain that left you faint. Suni… sure, Suni. That bitch set you up, but why?
Very slowly you sat up and realized that your hands were tied tightly with a rope, luckily they had not gagged you but you assumed it was because you were in a place where no one could hear you. Suddenly you heard sounds of splashing water and turned your head to see. In a round window you could see the sea, you were on a damn boat
You sat up with difficulty to see outside. The salty breeze hit you squarely and gave you the strength to wake up and get into action. You were about to come up with a plan when you heard footsteps approaching. A governor approached your cage and placed a hand on the bars to open the cell. You froze in place waiting for the moment to attack.
When the man entered you approached quickly but he stopped you by taking a gun out of his pocket.
"Don't even try, dear" He said while pointing at you
You stepped back in resignation as he smirked. You hated it
"Why the fuck did you lock me in here?"-you spat out the words like they were poison
"Simple, you were causing us a lot of problems especially when you started allying with Mihawk. But that's over"-he said playing with the gun
You approached again with a bitter smile. "You think you're very virile, don't you? Locking up a woman, believing that this way you'll gain more power, what did they offer you in exchange for my head? Money, a higher position? They wouldn't give you that even if I You're just another pawn in this chain, an idiot who delights in the inferiority of others, I feel sorry for you. You're just a miserable son of a-!"
A loud crack was heard throughout the cell and reverberated. The son of a bitch had slapped you. You fell to the ground with a pitiful moan, feeling like your lip had been split. You licked it and felt that iron taste.
"I'm not the one who's tied up, do yourself a favor and shut your fucking mouth."
The man spit on the ground and left to lock you up again. You felt alone and tears fell towards your cheeks without being able to stop them. You thought about many things but above all about Mihawk, you wanted him to come rescue you. You no longer cared about all those stupid feelings you had for him, because they weren't stupid. They made you feel good, loved and safe. You promised yourself that if you came out of this alive you would confess your love to him.
Dracule had gone out as always to do his job, kill. But he thought he felt a little lonely and realized it was because you weren't there. He would never admit it but his games and teasing towards you had a deeper meaning than just making you angry. He was amused when you challenged him but over time he realized that he had also fallen in love. Love…was it possible to feel that? Was it possible for someone like him to love? With you everything was possible.
With his Yoru on his waist he walked the beach looking for you, it was strange that you weren't turning around or running away from someone. Suddenly he saw someone but unfortunately it was not who he wanted to see. Shanks came running agitated and disheveled towards his friend.
"What do you want now Shanks? I'm not going to drink with you this time."
"It's Y/N! She's in danger, I saw how the government took her away!"-he said breathlessly
So the pirate hurriedly explained how he had seen Y/N and a girl in the market. He followed them and saw when they beat her and took her away. Dracule's eyes seemed to flash and turn yellower as his hand tightened on the hilt of his sword until his knuckles turned white. He turned around and with long steps walked away from there.
"Wait! Where are you going?"-Shanks shouted.
Mihawk without turning, said "I'm going to save her"
You were still in your cage racking your brain thinking about an idea to escape from there, you couldn't take it anymore. From time to time some men would approach your cell to whistle at you or laugh in your face. Suddenly you saw a loose screw in a wall and started rubbing the ropes to untie the ropes. It took you several tries but you got it. Just in time when a uniformed member of that ship came to bring you food. You pretended to still be tied and approached, hunched over a little. When he opened the cell you got up and kicked him to run away.
You felt him shouting orders to catch you but you didn't hear him, you just ran towards the deck, eager to get out of there. When you came out you saw a large number of men surrounding you, some holding guns, you decided to take the risk and fight with all your strength.
There were too many of them but you managed not to get hit. What you didn't take into account was that you felt the fatigue of being locked up and your strength was leaving you. Suddenly while you were fighting with an admiral you felt a gunshot and a burning sensation in your arm. With a grimace of pain you first looked at your bleeding arm, the bullet had grazed you but still cut you, and then you looked back. The man who had locked you up was holding the gun towards you.
"She's mine"
They fought, although it didn't last long. He was stronger and soon with a blow to your jaw and belly he left you lying on the ground. You felt your body burn and you held back the tears of pain that wanted to appear in your eyes. You crawled as best you could on the ground to get away from him.
"That's it, crawl like the bitch you are. You know, you were right, I love feeling superior to the weakest"-He laughed as he kicked your legs, making you scream in pain.
"Don't worry, I'll spare you the pain, it'll just be a quick death" He said sarcastically as he prepared to shoot.
You closed your eyes in fear and your body tense as you waited for the shot. but that never came, instead a strong shake made the ship shake, someone was firing cannons. With great effort you propped yourself up on your elbows and saw Mihawk's ship in the distance. You sobbed in relief.
The ship got closer and closer until it soon collided with the other and Dracule jumped towards where you were. You were feeling very sore so you could only pick up a few things, like how Mihawk seemed angrier than usual as he moved frantically and killed the men mercilessly. When he had finished he approached you with a genuinely concerned face, you've never seen him like this.
"M-mihawk...?"-you said almost without strength
He crouched down to your height. "Shh, don't say anything. Let's get out of here."
He picked you up from the ground and you complained about the pain, he tried to be as delicate as possible and taking you to the wedding reception he walked away from there so he could leave you in his castle. Your vision became blurry again and you became unconscious.
When you woke up you noticed a soft, pleasant warmth. You opened your eyes and noticed that you were in Mihawk's castle and that heat was from the fireplace. Dracule was sitting right in front of you, you smiled shyly and wanted to sit up but a sharp pain in your abdomen made the air escape from your lungs and you fell back into the chair. He approached, afraid that you had hurt yourself, and put his hand under your neck.
"Don't move, you still need to rest."
You looked down at your body and noticed that your shirt was gone and a large band on your abdomen was pressing against your skin. On your arm there was also a tight white band to stop the blood. You instinctively touched your lip and noticed that it was no longer bleeding.
"I called a doctor myself to treat you, he said that your injuries are not that serious and you will be fine."
You looked at him and suddenly remembered everything you had been through. All the accumulated nerves and tension were triggered and came out in the form of crying. Without realizing it you began to sob bitterly. Mihawk was worried and wiped away your tears, holding your cheek with his hand.
"Darling, what's wrong?"
You cried harder as you held on to his hand. How would you tell him that you loved him in a state like that? When you realized that you were about to die, you thought about him, how much you loved him and how much you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him. And now he had been so nice to you, as if he were someone else. You really felt that he cared about you and also felt love.
"Mihawk, I… I don't know where to start. Something like this had never happened to me, I- I felt afraid, very afraid. I thought I was going to die and the only thing I thought about was you" you felt your voice break "Thinking about you gave me hope, you were my anchor so I wouldn't give up and I realized… that I don't want to live without you, I love you."
Since you couldn't stop sobbing, Dracule approached you and kissed you on the lips. At first it was a sweet and tender kiss but soon you two realized that it was not enough, it was not enough to show all the love and desire that you had been suppressing so he placed a hand behind your neck and deepened the kiss. . You gasped in surprise when you felt his tongue run through your mouth but you gladly let him do it. Mihawk rested his knees on the cushions of the chair, cornering you while he raised your thighs and you surrounded his waist with your legs. Your hands surrounded his neck and he began to kiss your jaw and run his lips and his facial hair along your neck, tickling you.
"I didn't realize how much I loved you either until I saw you lying there, helpless" He whispered against your skin "All these games were starting to take their toll on me, you've cast a spell on me angel"
His words and his whispered voice were beginning to cause that tickling in your tummy that you already knew with the addition of a throbbing in your groin.
"Mihawk I-"
His mouth was now kissing your collarbones near your chest and making you sigh, you wanted more. You cautiously raised your hips until you bumped against his pelvis, wanting some friction as your hands were now in his hair. Mihawk kissed you again, sucking and biting your lower lip. Suddenly he got too close to your wounded belly and made you moan in pain. Startled slightly, he moved away from you a little, looking at you.
"Don't worry, it wasn't your fault, I'm fine."-You comforted him by stroking his jaw when you saw him so worried.
He nodded in relief and grabbed your hand to kiss your knuckles.
"Rest now my love, there will be time to enjoy the two of us"
You smiled a little blushing and he left you alone to recover. You never thought something like this could happen to you, or to him. Love love love. YES, that was it and you liked it that way. I resisted you thinking that at first they couldn't stand each other, and now… well only time will tell, but you were sure that this was the beginning of something beautiful.
That afternoon you went to visit your mother as you usually did. Now you were chatting with her in the same chair as always.
"Oh honey, the letters you sent me are very nice but you finally appear here!"-she laughed
Yes, it had been weeks since Mihawk let you stay in his castle, since you couldn't go out anywhere he suggested you write letters to your mother and he would send them himself. That's how you started telling your mother about your experience in the big castle, your relationship with Mihawk and what had happened to you. Until you recovered and were able to visit her like now.
"Well… what did you think? Did you read them all?"
"Of course yes! I admit that I was very scared when I read about the kidnapping, but it was lovely to know that they rescued you and left you in a castle!" She lowered her voice and looked at you knowingly. "Above all, I found the letters where you named Mihawk very interesting."
You looked away blushing and embarrassed. In your letters you had told him what Dracule was like, but not what others could know about him but something deeper, what he was like inside. Your relationship with him had blossomed, you could say that you were already a formal couple. And your mother seemed happy about it. Of course you never clarified your intimate encounters with him, the way he touched you and made you sigh with pleasure.
"Well, if you'll excuse me, I have to go back to the castle, he's waiting for me for lunch."
"I understand love, I won't keep you anymore"
After a hug you said goodbye to her and ran towards the castle. Now you lived with him. You decided that after everything you went through you couldn't be away from him for a minute, ever again. You continued doing your job and his, sometimes separately or fighting together, that had not changed. When you arrived he greeted you with a small smile and a passionate kiss.
"Just in time, my angel"
They both entered the castle holding hands, happy. As they say, the sun always comes out after the storm, right?
taglist: @canthebest1
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snowbabys · 1 year
Jake Yandere Profile
(Disclaimer: I do not condone this behavior, nor think the idol acts like this in any way. This is purely fiction and for entertainment purposes only.)
. .. .♡·˚ 𝚃𝚆: toxic and obsessive behavior (obviously).
. .. .♡·˚ 𝚆𝙰𝚁𝙽𝙸𝙽𝙶𝚂/𝙽𝙾𝚃𝙴𝚂: use of ‘gorgeous’ and ‘pretty’ (gender neutral).
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Sim Jaeyun
Occupation: Pet shop employee Yandere type: Caring, clingy, and depending Violence level: 8/10 Danger level: 8/10 Punishment: 1/10
First time seeing you There weren’t many customers on the night shift, the exceptions being adults with crazy schedules or bored teenagers who made their pets an excuse to go out. You, on the other hand, were an exception among exceptions. Finding a starved stray kitten on the streets on your way home made your heart sink, and you took it without hesitation. You wrapped the kitten in a hug and rushed for its life, knowing there was a pet shop right down the street, near a vet facility.
“Good night, how can I help you?” Jake was strolling through his phone when you came up. Despite his welcoming tone, he didn’t look at you at first, only caring to meet your eyes when he heard you panting – and boy, oh boy, how gorgeous you are. He even dropped his phone on the desk, palms sweaty and face reddening.
“I… I need to feed this little one here, asap,” he could swear he saw the stars in your eyes.
It took him a minute to start moving around the shop to get what you needed, he was so mesmerized by your appearance. He kept looking at your face while you caressed the animal, only looking down to his feet when you caught him staring. With a flirtatious smile, he crouched down to touch the kitten’s head.
“Pretty boy/girl like you… such a shame you like cats.”
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Don’t get fooled by his sweet words, caring actions, and physical affection. He may be a sweetheart to his friends and you, but he has his short limits with people (and trust me, you don’t wanna see this boy mad).
Will use the rescued kitten you keep bringing to the clinic next to the shop to see and talk to you.
It wasn’t long until he had your phone number, which he asked with the sweetest smile, knowing you wouldn’t say no.
He’s always so worried about you and your well-being. Buys you food, sends you morning and night messages (might keep you talking to him the whole day), shows up at your place randomly claiming that he was worried you’d be skipping meals due to stress – you were pretty sure you didn’t send him your address, but what could you say?
Also likes to take you on mini dates, such as a short walk around the neighborhood, a picnic in the park when he needs to take Layla out, or just bringing you to accompany him during his night shift, acting like your boyfriend so people don’t hit on you (secretly tells some he’s your actual boyfriend to keep them away).
At first, you thought he was just a protective best friend. He’s relieved you didn’t realize his murderous glare at the customer flirting with you the other day. He’s also happy you didn’t miss that coworker that kept buzzing you.
110% clingy. Will take any opportunity to hold your hands, touch your face, or any form of physical contact you allow him. He just loves how your skin feels against his.
Loves to cling to you when you’re doing anything, just to support and watch you.
Flirts blatantly with you ’cause he loves to see you all shy, but if you reply or flirt back, he becomes even shyer and hides his face into the crook of your neck.
Always napping on your shoulders and inviting you to join him. And he drools a bit too (if you bring it up to him, he’ll embarrassingly dismiss it and state he’s just leaving his smell on you).
He’s the type to brag about how you’re so attractive to his friends. Shows them his favorite pictures and goes on and on about how much he adores you and your personality, but as soon as they become interested, he’s all cranky and cutely protective.
Jake never fails to amaze you with the random gifts he gives you. As a result, you learn how attentive he is. If you mention you’re especially fond of a specific color, he’s only buying items in that color.
In addition, he randomly sends you photographs of clothing he thinks you’ll like and asks what size you want it (don’t even dare mention money to him, he’ll stop you immediately).
Jake wants to watch every single movie release with you. He prefers to have you come to his house rather than go to the movies, so he can be close to you while sharing and learning your favorite genres, tv shows, and actors/actresses.
Pictures and more pictures. He’s taking as many as he can while you’re around, he has so many folders dedicated to your pics (more about this trait here).
Book recommendations constantly, and if you’re a bookworm, he’ll read every book you mention.
He may recommend a physics book (at least pretend you’re interested and you have all his heart).
He’s been told by his closest friends that he’s a bit too infatuated with you, but his response it’s always how he’s proud that he loves someone that much. Let’s be honest, he’s a sweetheart.
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Pet names:
Baby boy/girl
If you’re okay with PDA, he’s in heaven. Jake won’t be shy about it at all, especially because he gets to demonstrate his affection in front of people who might have their eyes on you.
He always has his hands on you, whether holding your own hands or around your waist, never forgetting to caress the area so you feel relaxed.
Long-lasting back hugs, cheek kisses, piggyback rides to anywhere, he’s in for it all.
It’s not like he gives you any chance to start physical contact, but he’ll be the happiest man alive if you start it – be it a surprise hug or blocking his eyes with your hands when you visit him in the shop.
If you react negatively to any of his physical advances, he’ll be understanding and more than happy with just holding hands or being by your side.
back to masterlist | sunghoon yandere profile
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© snowbabys 2023 | do not repost.
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piratekane · 2 years
26...+29? 👀
for you? sure.
twenty-six: you're so warm twenty-nine: you're everything to me
They pick places at random: a few weeks in Florence, some time in Stockholm. They go to the Mediterranean Sea, the Caspian Sea. Ava finds gelato everywhere they go and always orders their most and least popular flavor, giving the shop owners her honest opinions. She finds the most kitschy shop she can and buys postcards and terrible mugs and t-shirts. I'm building a collection, she tells Beatrice after every purchase. Ava loves it and Beatrice loves Ava, even if she feels like their luggage is made up of lime green t-shirts with the Eiffel Tower on it and misshapen mugs with when life gives you lemons make avgolemono written on them.
Ava loves it. Beatrice loves her. That's all there is to it.
They stay in hostels - for the experience, Bea - and take the cheapest sleeper cars on the trains. It's cramped on a good night and practically uninhabitable on the bad ones. But somehow, Beatrice doesn't mind this either. It gives her every excuse she doesn't need to pull Ava close, tangle their legs together, and curl her hands into the back of Ava's sleep shirt.
Because she doesn't need an excuse. They're not hiding anymore - not from anything, including each other.
Ava picked Valencia a few days ago off their worn map. She found it in a secondhand store in Brussels. The woman warned that it was outdated, but Ava called it exciting and happily handed over too many euros before bustling Beatrice off to see the Atomium, something she read about in the back of a magazine left behind on their last train ride.
The map takes up more than half of their bed-for-the-night, hanging over the sides of it. Ava screws her eyes shut and swirls her finger in a circle before jabbing it down at the map. They're closer to Cat's Cradle than they have been in months and Beatrice wonders if she picked Valencia on purpose, if she knows Beatrice is missing Camila and Yasmine. But she's Ava, so of course she knows. And Beatrice knows Ava feels the same.
They had spent the morning walking through Valencia and then all afternoon at L'Oceanogràfic. They went for the turtles - and then we'll do a fancy dinner, promise. A sit down kind - but Beatrice knew it would be more than just the turtles. It would be the jellyfish and the penguins and dolphins.
And it was. They spent an hour outside the penguins habitat while Ava talked to the aquarium worker in perfect Spanish, asking about migration patterns and what penguins liked to eat more, krill or cotton candy. Beatrice watched in amusement. No matter where they went, someone fell in love with Ava, charmed by her easy smile; and someone was always left brokenhearted when they packed their things and headed off to their next destination. But today, Ava had even managed to get them back behind the Employee Only door to see the penguins closer.
Ava insisted they take a selfie with a penguin named Yago so they could send it to Mother Superion. From one nun to another, Ava declared. Beatrice neatly stole the phone out of her hand before she could hit the send message button. They agreed on Camila.
She sits on the edge of the twin bed they're sharing and stretches her arms above her head, listening to the soft pop and rolling it back into place. Ava is carefully packing away her latest find, a L'Oceanogràfic mug with a penguin on it, but looks up at the noise.
"Shoulder bothering you?" She doesn't wait for Beatrice's answer, immediately reaching out to rub at the muscle between her shoulder and the blade. "You should have said."
Beatrice lets her head drop to her chest, eyes closing in relief. "It didn't hurt before now."
She hears Ava tut behind her. Her fingers dig a little deeper. "Do you want to pick the next place?"
Beatrice opens one eye, looking back a little. "We're leaving already?"
"Well, no. I still want to see Bioparc Zoo. They have giraffes."
Beatrice hides a small smile. "I'm sure they have an excellent collection of coffee mugs."
"They do, I saw-" Ava stops herself, hands pausing. "You're making fun of me."
Beatrice rolls her neck back, looking up at Ava upside down. "I am."
Ava scowls playfully and leans down, pressing a kiss to the space between Beatrice's eyes. She opens her mouth to say something but yawns instead, her dark eyes suddenly looking tired. She lets her hands drop from Bea's back and pushes her way back towards the head of the bed.
Beatrice watches her. So many things are different now, light years away from their apartment in the Alps, but this is still the same: Ava lifts her legs and pulls the top of the blanket out from under her, she slides both legs under, she shimmies down until her head is resting on her arms, and she looks expectantly at the other side of the bed.
What has changes is this: Beatrice doesn't hesitate.
Ava sighs as she settles into bed next to her, immediately rolling to the side so they're pressed together, knee to knee, nose to nose. Ava grins, the ends of her growing hair tickling Beatrice's chin.
"Have I told you how much I love this?" she whispers.
Beatrice smiles back. "Only twice every city."
"I've always wanted to do this. Travel the world. Get out of that room and experience life. And when the Halo found me, I thought I had a second chance to do all of that." Ava runs a fingertip down over the bridge of Beatrice's nose. "I'm finally getting to do it. And with you."
She shudders at Ava's touch and her cheeks flush. "Well, you could have done this with anyone," she says, ducking away from Ava's piercing attention.
"But I want to do it with you." Ava meets her eyes, holds them for a moment before she says, just loud enough that Beatrice can hear it over the sound of her heart pounding in her chest, "You're everything to me. If we went back right now, never went on another adventure, I'd still be satisfied, because I was with you."
She inhales sharply. Ava says these things so casually, as if she doesn't know how a simple sentence can dismantle all the hard work her parents did closing her off. But then, Ava probably does know. Ava probably works harder than her parents did to bring them back down.
Ava pulls Beatrice's arms around her, wiggles her way until Beatrice's chin and hums happily. "And also, you're warm."
Beatrice laughs unexpectedly and feels Ava grin against her collarbone. "Am I?"
"Better than those hot water bottles Sister Frances begrudgingly put into my bed on the nights where the heat went out." She feels Ava's scowl now and smooths it away with a hand through Ava's hair. "A better shape, too. An Ava-shape."
"An Ava-shape," she repeats. She feels Ava's cold toes press against her shin. "What is that?"
Ava scoffs. "The perfect shape for me to fit in, obviously."
"Yes, of course," she says lightly. She tips her head down slightly, touches her lips to the crown of Ava's head. "Goodnight, Ava."
Ava smiles again, pressing a kiss to her hollow of her throat. "Goodnight, Bea."
In the morning, they'll go to Bioparc and Ava will charm someone else into letting them touch a giraffe and they'll leave with a too-large t-shirt that Ava will wear to bed and Beatrice will pretend to protest when Ava makes her take a selfie with an elephant.
But Ava loves it. And Beatrice loves Ava. That's all there is to it.
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gothy-froggy · 1 year
could you write smt for huntress, kate, yui and feng min like the one you made for the knight about ass, tits or thighs? it can just be yui and anna if you think it's too much!
Oh my god. Yes.
(So sorry that this is long overdue my life is always messy)
Anna (Huntress)
Thighs. Anna like thighs.
Because Anna has spent so much time by herself after her mother’s death, being attracted to any isn’t something she thinks about.
It would take her a bit to notice that she likes thighs. Probably while she was force to lay her head on her lover’s lap. And staring at them.
Anna now finding out her interest, she doesn’t show it off or hide it. She’ll probably stand in the doorway like a cat demanding for pets. They bring her comfort.
They call feel nice around her face-
Feng Min
Tits & thighs
Feng was the type who would joke about liking tits but it was actually true. Now she isn’t obsessed with them, they just feel nice in her hands…and face. But she isn’t obsessed!
A nice top or dress that shows off those lovely sister pair will definitely make her steal a few glances. She’ll definitely deny looking and make up small excuses.
“There was a bug!”
“I was just dozing off!” Yeah, trust me we know Feng.
Now she won’t say no to thighs. No way. Literally suffocate her in them. That’s the only cause of death she’s fine with in this realm. She loves grabbing the inner thighs and just squishing them around.
Ass & thighs
Yui is a strong and an independent woman. She loves a nice healthy butt and strong thighs. Not even in a sexual way. I feel like Yui likes the way they look just the way they are. Just nicely curved and the fleshy bits. She definitely gives a nice ass a nice slap.
Yui finds thighs a nice place it bite and leaves marks. Unlike Feng, she tends to put them into use, marking up a art piece for her to admire.
She also likes a fair pair of hands. Especially if someone can use them well 👀
Kate is a gal that cares about personality more….but a big butt will get her full attention. She tries to be sneaky about it, but sometimes messes up. Kate just shakes her head and say she wasn’t staring when she gets caught.
Kate isn’t one to take action unless she has permission or it’s in the right setting to do something. In a private area, she’ll give an ass a little slap, but she doesn’t show that side of her often in punishing.
If a nice ass is offered to her…how could she say no?
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