#excluded from certain contexts and positions of power
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thepoisonroom · 15 days ago
moving to canada has been like every day against my will i have to learn about new kinds of white people and it is unclear if when and how i will be tested on this
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genderkoolaid · 9 months ago
Hi, people are claiming you recently used lifetime intimate partner violence stats to claim lesbians are especially abusive and then deleted the post. I wanted to ask what the context is — how much of that is true?
I made a post talking about how women who are victimized by other women are frequently overlooked & their trauma is devalued. I added some statistics from the 2016-2017 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey. the way I framed the data was a bit unclear & some people misinterpreted it, and I made another reblog clarifying what the statistics meant.
It ended up getting swarmed with people who openly identified as TERFs for obvious reasons. Although it also had many people talking about how their experiences being abused by women alienated them from places claiming to be "safe spaces" for exactly the reasons I outlined in the post (it's overlooked & downplayed & people often are not taught to recognize it as abusive/traumatizing). I ended up either turning off reblogs or deleting it because I was tired of the TERFs in my notes.
I never claimed lesbians are especially abusive. They may have had higher rates of women abusing other women compared to straight women, but that's a matter of proximity and also not something I can control. My point was that excluding groups like trans women & justifying it using the trauma of abuse is a bad way of handling abuse in community spaces. It's far better to have gender neutral rules on behavior & be aware of all possibilities rather than justify bigotry by saying that excluding anyone you consider "male" will make a space safe for survivors. It's also a perspective that inevitably downplays certain survivors' trauma as lesser & leaves them with fewer places to find support (lesbians, for example, may have to worry about an abusive partner showing up at the shelter they are staying at. You can't deal with F/F abuse through gender segregation, because segregation in itself only increases the likelihood that a woman will be a position to abuse her power over another woman) Exclusively cis-binary-based ways of handling abuse WILL fail and in the meantime, vulnerable trans people are left out in the cold because of our percieved or real proximity to "maleness".
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helenofsparta2 · 5 months ago
kind of related to your post about zoe just now but: what do you think of the hunters in general? I've got a lot of thoughts on them myself.. most of them not that positive lmao lots of "could have been good, but very poor execution" and "sounds cool on the surface, but very questionable when thought about more"
First of all, thank you for the question :)))
Oh god, this might become a slightly longer post, because I have a lot to say about the hunters of Artemis.
From what you’ve written, it sounds like we might have a very similar opinion. I personally think they are one of the worst-written parts of the original Percy Jackson books. I love their idea, I love their basic concept, but their execution was pretty atrocious.
There are four main points regarding them that I want to talk about.
The portrayal of Artemis (though this one is by far not as bad as the others)
2. The behaviour of the huntresses
3. Bianca
4. Lacking Development
Now, I know that the gods and goddesses of the Riordan verse, are sanitized caricatures, and shouldn’t be compared to their actual myth versions. I think everyone in this fandom has at least heard some well-founded criticisms regarding the portrayal of Ares, Athena, Aphrodite, Apollo or any of the other gods.  
I even understand why Rick Riordan made most of the decisions that he did. Obviously, the gods had to be sanitized for a book series primarily aimed at children, and, to be fair to him, even if their characterizations are a far-cry from their myths and sometimes overly stereotypical (Aphrodite), they are fulfilling the roles they have in this story as deeply flawed, but powerful individuals, because of whose careless mistakes and pride demigods, and other ‘lesser’ beings have to suffer.  
And I actually do not hate Artemis’ portrayal that much, if we exclude the behavior of her hunt, and the initiation of Bianca. Her taking Annabeth’s place in holding the sky and her loudly arguing against killing Percy and Thalia at the winter solstice was a great portrayal of her being a patron goddess of children, and the idea of including the hunters of Artemis as a group of girls, both from mortal and immortal parents, who have been hurt by the world, and found a safe place with one another is actually really great. Generally, whenever she appears in the books, I have the feeling she is handled with far more graze and respect than a lot of other godly beings.  
However, as someone who very much loves Greek mythology, I just want to point out some small parts, which are not entirely accurate, though, again,  I understand Rick’s reason for omitting them in the context of what he wanted to do with her character and the hunt , and I acknowledge that even in ancient times, there existed a variety of different interpretations of the gods.
(Please note, that while I read original sources like the works of Diodor, Apollodorus, Hesiod, and Euripides, I am not a classicist, and that my knowledge of the greek gods primarily stems from personal research and my own interest. If anyone knows more about Artemis, please feel free to correct me if necessary)  
While Artemis is primarily the goddess of the hunt, and in later interpretations of the moon, she is not only the protector of girls, but the patron goddess of children in general and a goddess closely linked to childbirth.
Yes, she expects her followers to remain chaste, but to say that she is completely against men would be a grave mistake. Male followers of Artemis did exist in mythology, most famously Orion, who later became a constellation, and Hippolytus, the son of Theseus and the Amazon Hippolyta.
So, her cold behavior towards Nico and her degrading words towards boys in general is an attribute primarily added by Rick Riordan.
Though, like I said, I understand making certain changes to gods and goddesses, or rather choosing different interpretations of them to have them fulfill a certain role in a book series, so Artemis portrayal itself doesn’t bother me that much.
But if we’re talking about the hunters themselves, things easily take a turn for the worse.  
The behavior of the hunters
Now, I understand the hunters point in the story.
A huge theme of Titan’s curse is to explore the difference between old ideals of what heroism entails and the modern take on it, represented through Theseus and Herakles on one side, and Percy on the other. The hunters, and especially Zöe, represent a group, who have suffered through the actions of those old, primarily male heroes, and have developed a strong bias against all boys and men as a result. A bias, Percy is supposed to break in this book.
This, in itself, is a pretty awesome concept. But, like I said, the execution mostly failed.
Most of the Hunters of Artemis in Titan’s curse were written without any nuance, without development and without any sense of self reflection.
To express it plainly, they completely suck. And that hurts to say, especially as someone who is asexual-sex-repulsed and aromantic, because, like I said, they could have been an absolutely amazing part of the overarching story and theme of the book series, but with the way Rick Riordan wrote them, they suck. They’re insufferable.  They’re a group of immortal teenagers with a superiority complex, who act the way right-wing republicans and trump supporters think feminists act like.
They’re completely antagonistic towards the campers at camp half-blood for absolutely no good reason, act really childish and immature, and their overwhelming bias against every male character, especially Percy and Nico, is just plain annoying and goes to a point, where it makes them act like absolute idiots and assholes.
Zöe’s behavior at the meeting to decide who should go on the quest to save Artemis is a pretty good representation of everything I dislike about the hunters.  
She doesn’t want to take campers with her on the quest, even though the oracle plainly stated that them working together was the only way for them to succeed:
“You’re missing something as usual,” Thalia said. “Campers and Hunters combined prevail. We’re supposed to do this together.”
“No!”, Zoe said. “The Hunters do not need thy help.”
Immediately afterwards, she makes fun of Silena Beauregard (who is around 14 or 15 at the time, might I add.):
“Percy is right,” Silena Beauregard said. “Two campers should go.”
“Oh, I see,” Zoe said sarcastically. “And I suppose you wish to volunteer?”
Silena blushed. “I’m not going anywhere with the hunters. Don’t look at me!”
“A daughter of Aphrodite does not wish to be looked at,” Zoe scoffed. “What would thy mother say?”
And then, she decisively refuses Percy’s help for the quest, even though he is objectively the best person for the job. I really can’t reiterate enough that Percy is the most accomplished hero present at that meeting. He has successfully led two quests, one to stop a civil war between the gods, the second to recover the golden fleece. Even in comparison to Thalia, Percy is more accomplished and has gained more respect within the mythological world.
As I walked back through the city of the gods, conversations stopped. The muses paused their concert. People and satyrs and naiads all turned towards me, their faces filled with respect and gratitude, and as I passed, they knelt, as if I were some kind of hero. (The lightning thief)
Yet Zoe refuses his help to save the goddess she serves and increases so the risk of failure, simply because he is a boy.
“Oh,” Grover said, suddenly aware of the problem. “Whoa, yeah. I forgot! Percy has to go. I didn’t mean… I’ll stay. Percy should go in my place.”
“He cannot,” Zoe said. “He’s a boy. I won’t have Hunters travelling with a boy.”
Another huge problem in their characterization is their immortality. Here I want to focus again on their ongoing beef with camp half-blood, because, yes, while the campers also act pretty antagonistic in return, I think it’s important to note that most kids at camp half blood are between the ages of 10 and I’d say maybe 17 years old, while the huntresses are immortal.
Now, it’s obviously possible that most of them are still teenagers and haven’t been part of the hunt for that long, but considering the fact that Zoe is over 3000 years old, and could very well be older than most Olympians, the chance of most hunters being older than at least 30, is pretty high, which makes their behavior seem even more ridiculous.
And obviously the whole situation with Bianca paints the hunters in the worst light possible.
There are already some pretty good and detailed posts on tumblr regarding the subject of Bianca and the hunters, so I don’t want to dig into this subject too deeply, because this post is already way too long, but you can’t possibly write about the hunters without mentioning her.
The hunters, especially Zoe and Artemis convinced Bianca to join them in a moment of huge distress. Bianca was a twelve-year-old, vulnerable girl, who just found out she was a demigod, almost got kidnapped by the manticore, and watched a girl fall down a cliff, yet they expect her to swear allegiance to them after only a couple of minutes of knowing them.
They paint her this beautiful picture of having no responsibility and a new family, telling her exactly, what she wanted to hear without giving her even a moment to breathe or give her time to talk to her brother or fully think this through.
I want to point out that at this point in time, Artemis had already decided that she needed to go after the monster alone, and knew, that her hunters would spend some time at camp half-blood. But instead of giving Bianca these couple days/ weeks to accept this new reality of the mythological world and get to know both camp half-blood and the hunters, she wants an answer at this very moment,
Yes, Bianca’s answer was rash, and yes, I do think it’s rather cold that she didn’t first talk to Nico about it, but it’s pretty plain to see that she was overwhelmed and pretty much manipulated during this entire conversation.
Later, Zoe decides to take her with her on the quest, even though Bianca is completely unprepared for it. She is probably, aside from Nico, the most unprepared person in the entirety of camp half-blood to go on a quest.  
I don’t think I have to explain how terrible of a decision that was.
The hunters are objectively the worst thing that could have ever happened to Bianca and the main reason why she died.
Lacking Development:
Now, all of this, every single flaw I just pointed out, could have actually worked out, if there would have been some sort of change in the hunters’ way of thinking and an acknowledgement that their opinions on boys and males in general are misguided and lead to more harm than good during the course of the books.
Especially after their actions led to Bianca’s death.
Them seeing how much love Nico had for his sister and how much he suffered from her death could have been a great moment for some character development.
But nothing happened.
Camp half blood and the hunters grieving together at the end of Titan’s curse for both Zoe and Bianca could have resulted in a genuine moment of friendship between the two groups, leading to understanding and change.  
But nothing happened.
The only person who took responsibility for Bianca’s death at the end of Titan’s curse was fourteen-year-old Percy. The only person who cared enough about Nico to search for him and make sure he was safe, was Percy. The hunters didn’t care at all. Took no responsibility whatsoever.
All that happened at the end of that book was that Thalia became a huntress, and that Zoe and Artemis acknowledged Percy as a hero.
This, while admittedly, a great moment for Percy’s characterization and also somewhat for the character development of Zoe, had very little effect otherwise.  
Because, in the end, Zoe and Artemis treated Percy as if he was the exception. As if they had been only wrong about him, and not boys in general. They didn’t revisit their line of thinking, they didn’t self-reflect and they didn’t acknowledge that their bias was utterly flawed, and that they should treat male demigods generally better.
She (Zöe) grasped it contently. “You spoke the truth, Percy Jackson. You are nothing like… like Hercules. I am honored that you carry this sword.”
Then, she (Artemis) turned to me. “You did well,” she said. “For a man.”
Percy Jackson is fundamentally a story about the circle of abuse, and, Percy specifically, breaking that circle, but nothing of note happened with the hunters.
Because even if Zoe had confronted her own bias, (and there is admittedly an argument to be made that she did) she would have been the only hunter to do so. And she died.
Thalia becoming the lieutenant of the hunters as someone who is best friends with Percy and Grover, and who misses Jason more than anything, could have confronted this distorted line of thinking, but the other hunters remain pretty much unchanged in the last Olympian and The Lost Hero.
There were hugs and greetings al around- or at least Thalia was friendly. The other hunters didn’t like being around campers, especially boys, but they didn’t shoot any of us, which for them was a pretty warm welcome. (The last Olympian, chapter 10)
“Oh, no way,” Leo said. “We’ve been sitting in a cave and you get a luxury tent? Somebody give me hypothermia. I want hot chocolate and a parka!”
Phoebe sniffed. “Boys,” she said, like it was the worst insult she could think of. (XXXVI Leo, the lost hero.)
So, yeah. They had huge potential, both as individual characters and as part of the overarching plot and theme of Percy Jackson, but their execution was absolutely abysmal.
The only possible positive thing I could say about them is that they are at least better than the Amazons (though that is not particularly hard)
I hope my rambling was understandable, it's already pretty late:')
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saikrishnaassociates · 4 months ago
Trusted IPR Firms in India for Protecting Innovations and Ideas
 The Intersection of Competition Law and Intellectual Property Rights
The intersection of competition law and Top IPR firms in India is where things get intriguing. Interaction between both  – competition law and IPR in India is complex due to their inherent tensions. On one hand, IPR protection encourages innovation and rewards the inventors and creators for their efforts. On the other hand, the exclusive rights granted under IPR can lead to monopolistic practices. Balancing these interests is a delicate task. IP rights are designed to incentivize innovation by granting exclusive rights to inventors and creators. However, these exclusive rights can potentially lead to monopolistic behavior that hampers competition. Striking the right balance is challenging.
Patent Law and Antitrust Regulations – A key aspect of patent law and antitrust law is the unilateral right of the patent holder and antitrust protections. Patents grant their holders the exclusive right to make, use, and sell their inventions for a certain period, typically 20 years from the date of filing of patent application. This exclusive right is the core part of the patent grant and allows the patent holder to exclude others from using their patented technology without permission. However, antitrust laws are in place to prevent anti-competitive behavior and promote fair competition. In the context of patents, unconditional, unilateral refusals to license (meaning the patent holder refuses to license their technology to anyone) are generally considered within the patent holder’s rights. This is because patents are essentially a government-granted monopoly for a limited time, and patent holders are not obligated to license their technology to others. Conditional refusals to license that cause competitive harm, on the other hand, may be subject to antitrust liability. For example, if a patent holder has a dominant position in a particular market and refuses to license their technology to competitors in a way that harms competition and consumers, antitrust authorities may intervene.
Copyright Law and Antitrust Regulations: Copyright law grants creators exclusive rights to their original works for a limited period. This exclusive right, while protecting creators’ interests, can also lead to a monopoly on certain content. When copyright holders abuse this monopoly power to stifle competition, it can raise antitrust concerns[1]. Similarly, doctrine of ‘fair use’ under copyright law allows limited use of copyrighted material without permission for purposes such as criticism, commentary, and news reporting. Competition law may come into play when copyright holders misuse copyright claims to suppress fair use or hinder competition, especially in cases involving transformative use of copyrighted works. Copyright holders often enter into licensing agreements to grant others the right to use their copyrighted material. These agreements can have competitive implications, especially when they involve exclusive licenses that may restrict competition or reduce consumer choice. In such cases, Antitrust authorities may scrutinize such agreements for anti-competitive behaviour. Copyright holders should not engage in anti-competitive practices such as price-fixing, market allocation, or exclusionary conduct that harms competition and leads to abuse of dominant position. This may trigger antitrust investigations and enforcement actions.
Trademark Law and Antitrust Regulations: Similarly, Trademark law grants the holder exclusive rights to use a particular trademark in connection with specific goods or services. While these exclusive rights are crucial for brand protection, they may raise competition concerns when used to create an unjustified monopoly in the market. In Bayer AG v. United Drug Co. Ltd. (UK), the court considered the potential anti-competitive impact of granting injunction over the mark ‘aspirin’, as it could maintain a monopoly in the market. The court observed that, if the plaintiff (trademark holder) is allowed a monopoly of the word as against consumers, it will deprive the trade in general. Read more - https://www.saikrishnaassociates.com/aboutus/
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hsn1 · 1 year ago
Power of Diversity
In recent years, the landscape of organizational dynamics has undergone significant transformations, propelled by industrial revolutions and strategic initiatives such as the Saudi Arabia 2030 Vision. This ambitious roadmap has unleashed a wave of change across various sectors, including trade, manufacturing, tourism, investments, and healthcare. With the proliferation of new organizations and teams, the quest for achieving optimal performance and excellence has become increasingly paramount. Central to this pursuit is the recognition of diversity as a pivotal factor shaping work behavior and job performance.
Diversity, in its multifaceted forms, presents both opportunities and challenges within the organizational context. While it encompasses a spectrum of differences spanning cultural backgrounds, experiences, perspectives, and skills, it also introduces complexities that demand adept management and communication strategies. However, the focus of this paper will delve into the positive implications of diversity, acknowledging that many challenges, such as communication barriers, can be mitigated through the establishment and refinement of organizational protocols and regulations.
This paper aims to explore the several types of diversity that warrant consideration in the context of enhancing work behavior and job performance. Notably, it will exclude discussions on religious and sexual diversity due to their controversial nature, with a focus instead on fostering an inclusive environment conducive to productivity and innovation. Drawing upon insights and experiences, this paper will leverage examples from Saudi Aramco, one of the world's largest and most successful companies. As a veteran employee of over 13 years, I will provide firsthand perspectives that reflect the reality of diversity management within this esteemed organization. Furthermore, the accessibility of data from Saudi Aramco's website ensures transparency and verifiability of information, bolstering the credibility of the analysis presented herein.
Demographical & cultural diversity:
The diversity of human populations across the globe encompasses a rich tapestry of demographics and cultures, each with its own unique characteristics and adaptations forged by centuries of existence in various geographical and environmental settings. Throughout history, as civilizations evolved and adapted to their surroundings, they developed distinct traits that suited their specific circumstances, shaping their customs, values, and behaviors.
For instance, consider the precision and meticulousness ingrained in many East Asian cultures, exemplified by their emphasis on punctuality and attention to detail. This cultural trait can be traced back to their agrarian roots, particularly in regions where rice cultivation was predominant. The cultivation of rice demands meticulous timing and precision, with farmers needing to plant seeds at specific times of the year, on certain days of the month, and at precise depths in flooded fields. This necessity for accuracy instilled a culture that values precision and attention to detail, traits that continue to resonate in various aspects of East Asian societies today.
Conversely, the resilience and adaptability observed in many African cultures can be attributed to a history marked by hardship and adversity. Enduring centuries of colonization, slavery, and environmental challenges, African communities developed a remarkable capacity for perseverance and innovation in the face of adversity. From the sweltering heat of the Desert to the lush jungles of Central Africa, the continent's diverse environments have shaped cultures that excel in thriving under pressure and overcoming hardships through resourcefulness and resilience.
Similarly, European cultures have been influenced by a legacy of organized governance and systematic development, rooted in the civilizations of ancient Rome and the structured societies of the Viking era. The establishment of laws, institutions, and societal norms reflects a tradition of orderliness and regulation, which has played a pivotal role in shaping European societies and institutions.
Lastly, the creativity and ingenuity inherent in Arabic culture can be attributed to a nomadic heritage shaped by centuries of desert life. Bedouin tribes traversing vast expanses of arid terrain developed a knack for innovation and adaptability, devising inventive solutions to navigate the challenges of their environment. This spirit of creativity and resourcefulness continues to permeate Arabic culture, evident in fields ranging from literature and art to architecture and science.
In essence, the diverse demographics and cultures that populate our world are a testament to the adaptive ingenuity of humanity, shaped by the environments in which they have thrived. By recognizing and celebrating this diversity, we not only honor the rich tapestry of human experience but also harness the collective strengths of our global community, for example we can sense that in successful organization like Saudi Aramco that has more than of 70,000 employees from 85 nationalities.
Generational and age diversity:
Generational and age diversity bring a unique blend of perspectives and strengths to the workplace, shaped by the experiences and challenges each generation has faced. Every era has its own distinct characteristics and abilities, reflecting the evolving nature of society.
Firstly, let us consider the Baby Boomers generation, born between 1946 and 1964. Baby Boomers are renowned for their strong work ethic and extensive professional experience. With years of dedication to their careers, they offer valuable knowledge and wisdom, serving as mentors to younger colleagues and providing strategic guidance based on their accumulated expertise.
Moving on to Generation X, born approximately between 1965 and 1980. Members of Generation X are known for their adaptability and resilience, having grown up during times of rapid change. They excel at working independently and thrive in ambiguous situations, often bringing innovative solutions to the table. Their ability to navigate uncertainty contributes to a team's flexibility and agility.
Next, let us explore Millennials, born between 1981 and 1996. Millennials are characterized by their familiarity with technology and collaborative approach to work. Having grown up alongside the internet boom, they possess a knack for leveraging digital tools to enhance efficiency and communication. Millennials prioritize teamwork and inclusivity, creating a supportive work environment where diverse perspectives are valued.
Finally, we have Generation Z, born approximately between 1997 and 2012. This generation is known for its diversity and social consciousness. Generation Z individuals advocate for inclusivity and social justice, bringing fresh perspectives to the workplace. They are adept at utilizing social media and digital platforms for networking and marketing purposes, offering innovative strategies to reach diverse audiences.
In summary, each generation contributes unique strengths and perspectives to the workplace, enriching collaboration and fostering innovation. By embracing generational diversity, organizations can harness the collective talents of their multigenerational workforce and thrive in an ever-changing landscape.
Gender diversity:
Gender diversity in the workplace brings a harmonious balance, reflecting the complementary qualities inherent in both men and women. From the very beginning, with the creation of Adam and Eve, God established a partnership between the sexes, each possessing unique characteristics essential for the advancement of society.
Starting with men, they often exhibit traits such as risk-taking, innovation, and analytical thinking, which contribute to their effectiveness in the workplace. Men's willingness to take risks and explore new ideas fosters innovation within teams, while their analytical skills enable them to navigate complex challenges and make informed decisions. Additionally, men's assertiveness and leadership qualities empower them to take charge and provide direction, leading to effective team management and goal attainment.
On the other hand, women bring a distinct set of strengths to the work environment. Their innate empathy and emotional intelligence create a nurturing atmosphere where team members feel supported and valued. Women excel in collaboration and consensus-building, leveraging diverse perspectives to achieve collective objectives. Furthermore, their adaptability and resilience enable them to thrive amidst adversity, contributing to a dynamic and flexible team that can navigate change with grace.
In essence, gender diversity fosters a workplace where the unique talents and attributes of both men and women are celebrated and leveraged for collective success. By recognizing and embracing the contributions of individuals of all genders, organizations can cultivate a culture of inclusivity, creativity, and productivity, for example this also can be sense that in Saudi Aramco that in last year the recruitment rate reaches to 50% of females and 50% of male’s witch reflects on total of the company female’s employees to reaches 9 % of the total company employees.
Experiential diversity:
Experiential diversity in the workplace encompasses a broad spectrum of backgrounds, including differences in education, work experience, skills, and career paths. Embracing this diversity enriches teams with a wealth of knowledge and expertise, fostering a collaborative environment where various perspectives contribute to innovative problem-solving and efficient operations.
For example, Engineers bring valuable problem-solving skills to the table, honed through rigorous training and experience. Their ability to analyze complex issues and devise innovative solutions is instrumental in overcoming challenges efficiently, benefiting the entire team with their strategic insights and methodologies.
Administrators are recognized for their strong organizational skills, adept at managing tasks, resources, and schedules with precision. Their expertise in streamlining workflows and ensuring smooth operations enhances efficiency within the team, facilitating seamless coordination and task management.
Coordinators excel in communication and coordination, serving as liaisons between team members and ensuring alignment and collaboration. Their ability to facilitate communication and keep everyone informed and on track fosters constructive collaboration within the team, promoting productivity and cohesion.
Technicians bring specialized technical expertise to the team, equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary for implementing and maintaining technical systems. Their proficiency in troubleshooting issues and ensuring the smooth functioning of technology is essential for optimizing performance and productivity within the team.
In summary, leveraging experiential diversity enhances team dynamics by harnessing the unique strengths and expertise of individuals from diverse backgrounds. By embracing the wealth of knowledge and skills represented within the team, organizations can foster innovation, efficiency, and success in achieving their objectives.
Linguistic Diversity:
Linguistic diversity within teams offers numerous benefits, enhancing external communication and expanding knowledge accessibility. Firstly, having team members proficient in different languages broadens the team's ability to communicate with diverse external stakeholders. This facilitates interactions with clients, partners, and customers from various linguistic backgrounds, fostering stronger relationships and opening doors to new opportunities.
Additionally, linguistic diversity improves knowledge and data accessibility within the team. With members fluent in different languages, teams can access a wider range of resources, including research papers, market reports, and customer feedback in different languages. This enables more comprehensive analysis and better-informed decision-making, ultimately leading to improved outcomes.
For instance, consider a team with members fluent in Spanish and Portuguese. Their language skills allow them to effectively engage with Latin American customers, leveraging their understanding of Latin culture and preferences to tailor products and services accordingly. Similarly, team members fluent in French can connect with French and African markets, tapping into diverse cultural nuances and expanding the customer base.
Furthermore, having team members proficient in Chinese enhances the team's ability to reach the largest population in the world. Their language skills enable effective communication with Chinese-speaking customers, providing insights into Chinese culture and preferences that can inform marketing strategies and product development efforts.
In summary, linguistic diversity within teams enhances external communication, expands knowledge accessibility, and enables more effective engagement with diverse markets and communities. By embracing and leveraging linguistic diversity, teams can unlock new opportunities and achieve greater success in today's globalized business landscape.
Special need consideration:
Special needs individuals are an integral part of our society, representing a diverse spectrum of abilities and experiences. Despite facing unique challenges, they possess valuable strengths and capabilities bestowed upon them by a higher power. Embracing special needs individuals in the workforce not only promotes inclusivity but also enriches the organization's understanding of the special needs community.
Each special needs individual brings a unique perspective and set of skills to the table, contributing to the diversity and richness of the organizational culture. Their presence fosters empathy, compassion, and acceptance within the workplace, creating a more inclusive environment for all employees.
Furthermore, employing individuals with special needs enhances the organization's understanding of the challenges and barriers faced by the special needs community. By engaging with these individuals on a daily basis, coworkers and employers gain insight into their strengths, abilities, and needs, fostering greater awareness and sensitivity towards their unique circumstances.
Integrating special needs individuals into the workforce not only benefits the individuals themselves but also enhances the organizational culture and promotes diversity and inclusion. By recognizing and valuing the contributions of individuals with special needs, organizations can create a more equitable and supportive work environment for all employees.
For example, Saudi Aramco last month just establish new board among the corporate for disability and special as part of promoting this diversity type.
In conclusion, while it may be tempting to remain within the confines of familiar and homogenous work environments, venturing beyond our comfort zones reveals the immense value of diversity in all its forms. Just as the Avengers harness the unique strengths of each member to achieve extraordinary feats, so too can organizations benefit from assembling teams that represent a diverse array of backgrounds, perspectives, and abilities. By embracing diversity, whether it be in terms of gender, age, culture, language, or special needs considerations, organizations unlock a wealth of potential and innovation. Imagine a team where Asian accuracy meets African resilience, European organization meets Baby Boomer work ethic, and Millennials' technological prowess meets the empathy of Female emotional intelligence. Add to that the problem-solving skills of Engineers, the organizational prowess of Administrators, the communication abilities of Coordinators, the technical expertise of Technicians, and the linguistic capabilities to speak English, Arabic, French, Chinese, and Spanish. Envision the unstoppable force that arises when these diverse talents and powers converge towards a common goal. It is through embracing diversity that organizations can truly harness the full spectrum of human potential and achieve unparalleled success in today's dynamic and interconnected world.
Management Study Guide. (n.d.). Organizational Diversity. Retrieved from https://managementstudyguide.com/organizational-diversity-articles.htm
International Labor Organization. (n.d.). Equality and Non-Discrimination. Retrieved from http://www.ilo.org/global/topics/equality-and-discrimination/WCMS_536630/lang--en/index.htm
Forbes Coaches Council. (2021, April 28). It's More Than the Numbers: Organizational Culture and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Forbes. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2021/04/28/its-more-than-the-numbers-organizational-culture-and-diversity-equity-and-inclusion/
Saudi Aramco. (2022). Sustainability Report. Retrieved from https://www.aramco.com/en/sustainability/sustainability-report
Deal, J. J. (2022). Designing Exceptional Organizational Cultures: How to Develop Companies Where Employees Thrive. Kogan Page.
Winter, D. M., & LeMay, M. C. (2022). Leading Global Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: A Guide for Systemic Change in Multinational Organizations. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
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wovenstarlight · 3 years ago
chapter 64 new scene
"post new SHJ scene" option won on the twitter poll! but so did "don't post SHJ we don't want him", so i'll put it under a readmore fsjklbsjdfb
CONTEXT: in chapter 61, Yoojin originally interrupts a meeting between Yoohyun and Sung Hyunjae to reveal his plans for a special Awakening Center powered by his Promising Sprout skill. this has been revised so that he instead seeks out Yoohyun and Seok Simyeong to reveal his plans. Yoohyun's just as unhappy about it as before, but with Seok Simyeong's happiness at finding a way to AVOID thousands of helpless low-ranks dying, he can't say anything to Yoojin. in the end, they send a message to the Association regarding the matter, presumably CC'ing the other guilds+their leaders
this new scene is then inserted in chapter 64, right after Yoojin finishes checking out the Forge with Myeongwoo, and right before he goes people-watching with Yerim. the Association requests a meeting with Yoojin to follow up on the matter, and a certain nosy someone makes up for being removed from the earlier scene
without further ado, here it is!
The Hunter Association sent a request for me to visit the Awakening Center. As expected, their response was positive.
After all, they had nothing to lose.
“Seseong, Breaker, and Hanshin’s guild leaders are also expected to visit. MKC has been excluded from this matter as well.”
Seok Simyeong said as he pressed the elevator button. When Peace, in my arms, noticed we weren’t heading to the training room, he tilted his head. He really was a genius. He’d learned the floor numbers too.
“In addition to Hunter Kim Sunghan, the other guilds will also send over A-rank or higher Hunters for your safety.”
Yerim-ie was raiding dungeons to level up. And I deliberately told Yoohyun-ie not to come because he was still unhappy. From what I’d heard, he was acting positively frosty.
If he came with me in that state and ruined the negotiations, it wouldn’t do. Anyway, he was overprotective.
“Team Head Seok-nim.”
We headed down to the parking lot, Kim Sunghan joining us on the way, where a Haeyeon Guild member called out to Seok Simyeong with a troubled expression. Almost at the same time, Seok Simyeong’s phone vibrated.
Seok Simyeong checked the text on his phone, and his brows furrowed.
“No, why…….”
Come to think of it, the atmosphere around us was strange. There were more than a few people coming down the stairs and peeking around as if watching for something.
“What should we do?”
The Haeyeon Guild member who’d called out to Seok Simyeong said.
“This isn’t a matter we can do anything about. Han Yoojin-ssi.”
“The Seseong Guild Leader has come to act as your bodyguard.”
“…Excuse me?”
What was he saying? Why was the Seseong Guild Leader here?
“I mean, that’s… is it alright for an S-rank Hunter to act as such?”
Though as someone who went around with Yoohyun-ie and Yerim-ie, I wasn’t one to speak. Anyway.
“Of course, it’s extremely rare for an S-rank Hunter, especially one who is a guild leader himself, to visit another guild. Hunter guilds are a type of no-go area, so as a rule, meetings happen outside them.”
Having paused, Seok Simyeong started walking again and explained with a sigh.
“This is the first time the Seseong Guild Leader has visited Haeyeon Guild—no, the second time, including the previous visit. Of course, Guild Leader-nim has never visited Seseong Guild.”
In other words, it meant entering someone else’s territory. It might be different if their ranks were different, but since they were both S-rank, they’d probably be reluctant.
“The same goes for the other S-rank guilds as well, though he’s visited Soodam once.”
Seok Simyeong spoke in a low voice. Soodam? That was also a guild with an S-rank as their leader, so what happened to make him go? Were they friendly?
“…Thanks to that, he was arrested. It ended with a fine and a week of probation.”
So they weren’t friendly. What did you do, little brother? Seok Simyeong added that that was why it was all the more rare for S-rank guild leaders to personally visit other guilds.
After passing the checkpoint and entering the outsiders’ parking lot, a car caught my eye. It was a car that seemed specially made, but the man that stood before it, far from being overshadowed by the car, stood out more.
…What was with the bouquet he was holding?
“It’s troublesome for us if you visit without even contacting us.”
Seok Simyeong said after a polite greeting.
“Oh, my. There seems to be an issue with Haeyeon’s systems. I believe the request for a visit from Han Yoojin-gun’s bodyguard was sent in this morning.”
“Yes. But the call we received definitely said that an A-rank or higher Hunter was to visit.”
Seok Simyeong swallowed a sigh with effort. Sung Hyunjae smiled slightly with his eyes, as if saying ‘am I not higher than A-rank?’. Well, he certainly was.
“I’ll take responsibility for ensuring Han Yoojin-gun’s safety.”
Sung Hyunjae pulled a full, pastel-blue flower with layers of leaves from the bouquet. Snapping its long stem shorter, he inserted it into Seok Simyeong’s breast pocket.
“Do try not to worry.”
Seok Simyeong’s lips trembled. Uncaring, Sung Hyunjae turned his gaze to me.
No, wait a minute.
“Then shall we go?”
Sung Hyunjae handed me the bouquet of flowers, then bowed lightly. The sight was so uselessly picturesque that it made the onlookers behind us exclaim and I got goosebumps.
“My hands… aren’t empty, so.”
My lips trembled as much as Seok Simyeong’s were doing. This was an S-rank client, so I should be smiling, haha. I’m so glad I brought Peace out.
Pretending to be regretful, Sung Hyunjae opened the car door for me. Being a two-seater, this was the passenger seat.
“Ah, I…….”
Seok Simyeong hastily and briefly shook his head at me, who was about to say ‘I can go in one of Haeyeon’s cars’. His eyes shook complicatedly, as though containing many of his innermost feelings.
“…Thank you.”
Right, it might be different if it was Yoohyun-ie, but for me to take the protection of the A-rank Kim Sunghan might be considered an insult by Sung Hyunjae.
The Guild Leader-nim himself came! To visit me! And even opened the car door for me, so what could I, an F-rank, do? Well, at least my safety was definitely guaranteed.
When I got into the car, Seseong Guild Leader-nim placed the bouquet on my lap and closed the door. Peace batted at the flowers with a front paw.
“You seem a bit… idle.”
As soon as Sung Hyunjae got into the car and started the engine, I couldn’t restrain myself anymore and spoke. Then he held out a hand towards me. What, what?
“Your stats are F, Han Yoojin-gun, so you should wear the seatbelt.”
“In…deed. I forgot.”
High-rank Hunters didn’t need seatbelts. Only their cars would get smashed. I stroked Peace, who was growling quietly at Sung Hyunjae. The car started soon after.
I glanced in the side mirror and saw Haeyeon’s cars following right away. One came up beside us and the other located itself behind us.
Though I was in a position where I needed to be protected, these circumstances felt as unfamiliar as ever.
“Thank you for coming personally, but it won’t give us an advantage in the negotiations.”
“Consider it pure curiosity and compensation for not being of much help during the kidnapping case the other day.”
“MKC is to blame for that, isn’t it?”
“And it’s thanks to this that we learned it was corrupted enough that it needed to be cut off.”
Would MKC go under sooner than it had before the regression? Though it was the fastest of the giant guilds to collapse even originally.
“As you might already have heard, I’m going to use my skill for learning Awakening aptitudes to prevent the side effects from the Awakening Center. I’ll be busy just raising the kiseungsu. So you guilds and the Association can discuss this between yourselves without me.”
“I would’ve liked you to go abroad as well.”
“I can’t even leave Seoul right now.”
If Yoohyun-ie heard, he’d set fire to Seseong. And I didn’t have any plans on going abroad, either.
After a moment of silence, the light changed. The stopped car shifted forward. The Association wasn’t too far from Haeyeon Guild. We’d be there in a few minutes.
‘Should I use the Sprout skill once?’
I was curious about the Status Window of the Hunter ranked no. 1 in the world. Riette had noticed right away, but Sung Hyunjae was driving right now, so I thought it’d be okay.
I’d been continuously glancing at him, but he didn’t seem to care. When I used the skill and the Status Window opened, I could check it while pretending to read a sign outside the window.
I wouldn’t read it all, just a part, quickly. WIthout moving my eyes as much as possible.
The skill—
My neck was grabbed. To be exact, a cool palm settled against the back of my neck.
- Kyaang!
Peace bared his teeth wildly, and as though nothing had happened, Sung Hyunjae spun the wheel with one hand and turned the corner. The bouquet fell at my feet.
I took a short breath. His thumb smoothed gently, repeatedly, over the back of my neck. The Fear Resistance message appeared before my eyes.
“…Peace-yah, it’s alright.”
- Grr.
Dammit, had he noticed? But how had he done it before I’d even used the skill?
“It was my understanding that you came here as a bodyguard. Don’t tell me you’re trying to follow in MKC’s footsteps.”
His light eyes narrowed in a smile. The hand touching my nape slowly dropped. As I reflexively moved away from the back of the seat, he patted my back as if to comfort me, then withdrew his hand.
“Neither of us did anything. Isn’t that right, Han Yoojin-gun?”
“…It is.”
Could it be he’d sensed I was going to do something? How disgustingly sharp.
As I thought, I should avoid using the Sprout skill on S-rank Hunters unless it was during a fight. Particularly that guy Sung Hyunjae—I’d never use it on him again. Disgusting didn’t begin to cover it.
Soon after, the car arrived at the Hunter Association. I quickly got out of the car and joined Seok Simyeong’s group without looking back.
I’d take Haeyeon’s car on the way back. For sure.
aaand that's a wrap. after this, the people-watching with Yerim is finally explained as Yoojin providing the Association with hard evidence of his skill as per their request. that's the last of the major changes to the chapter
as always this is subject to edits if i realize i fucked up something etc. etc.
(if there are further edits/translation progress updates i'm more likely to talk about them on my twitter than here. keep an eye on that for TL thoughts, or backread for my reactions to the above scene :P)
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thegirlwiththelilactattoo · 2 years ago
no. 4, or imposter syndrome
I hate the concept of imposter syndrome. It's a term I became familiar with in graduate school during the recruitment and orientation process. Imposter syndrome was invoked a lot in DEI contexts to describe the grad school experiences of students from historically marginalized groups. Imposter syndrome used as a catch-all term able to describe so many different experiences -- but a feeling of not belonging seemed to be a core aspect of imposter syndrome.
From the moment I stepped into my first graduate school class, I felt like I didn't belong. I was the youngest of my peers, the only Black student, and one of a few people who did not previously attend a private university. Most importantly, I did/do not perform "smartness" in a way similar to my classmates. I don't talk in class typically and when I do, I don't name drop people I have read or scholars I know. My on the spot comments are not profound (I was told by a prof l that my comments addressed low hanging fruit :) I'm sure wasn't racist at all! /s) Once issues of class, gender, race, etc. were added to this mix, I felt incredibly insecure throughout the entirety of coursework. I knew I was an imposter. I thought somehow my application presented a moment of brilliance rather than any kind of intellectual rigor that could be sustained for a career.
Because of all the ✨discourse✨, I internalized my experience as "imposter syndrome". I thought that with a postive mindset, being okay with failure, and getting support, that I would feel confident and like I belong :) The onus became all about these interpersonal relationships and relationships to institutions that could somehow be overcome solely through individual means.
People parade imposter syndrome around like toxic positivity and self-help garbage will someone allow an individual to overcome the exact purpose of systems of power, to dominate certain groups for the supremacy of others. I "overcame" imposter syndrome by realizing I was not confident in myself because of an insidious combination of self worth being tied to school and divesting myself from any self worth tied to these institutions.
Imposter syndrome is framed like a personal condition, so it is something that I, as the individual, can cure. There is a point where insecurity will be lessened, where self-confidence will grow, and we will feel like we belong. The concept of imposter syndrome ignores the fact that the reason I feel like an imposter is because the university was never envisioned as a place for Black people, poor people, and queer people. Me feeling like an imposter is the point. It's not something I can fix because it I am not the problem. The psychological response is an appropriate reaction to a culture literally designed to exclude me. Imposter syndrome is a larger part of American culture that seeks deflect responsibility from institutions of power. If imposter syndrome is my problem as a black student, how on earth could it be the university's?
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nightferns · 4 years ago
The Third Variant to the SootCraft Fundy and Wilbur family drama that Maybe Accidentally Started it
So yesterday me and @bigbraveboop came to the conclusion that C!fundy had an arc in early early L'manburg that we were kinda unaware of. And it cracks the case of... how the family drama started. And also is why is this exists
C!Tommy was the catalyst of the c!Fundy | c!Wilbur family drama in S1 and i promise i have proof
all /rp
So what does Fundy repeatedly say is his biggest gripe with Wilbur currently and multiple times after his death? Well:
“You were there for me for a very very long time and then when i needed you the most, you skedaddled fuck the out of my life and died. Because of what? L’manberg’s causes, huh? You thought that was- You thought that was justice? You thought that was good for me? You left me, man.’
“The dad that- my dad that exploded himself for the sake of a country, just for that country to be demolished in future hands?-"
“He put me to priority number 2, man. He put me in the second place.”
So its about L’manburg being more important than him to Wilbur.
Now lets dig deep, where did that insecurity start? Why did Fundy arrive at this conclusion? Why did he feel like this in the first place about his position in L’manburg and his Father?
We kinda assume it was always there or was because of Wilbur actually prioritizing L’manburg over his son/being negectfull. But no! Fundy was very confident in his realtionship with Wilbur and his position in L’manburg at the Start and we see tha change so!
I want to argue that this insecurity... didn't come from Wilbur or any of his actions or lack thereof. Not directly.
“Wilbur? I dunno, Wilbur’s a man of chaos, alright- due to the lore of the server, Wilbur may or may not have been the father of our nation, but- that doesn’t mean he’s for everything I do. That doesn’t mean he stands behind me, alright? Not necessarily...not necessarily.”
This is the first instance of Fundy doubting his connection to Wilbur helping things, i'd argue it still was a part of a lighhearted bit that isn’t to be taken too seriously in the context of the larger story but i realized something that made me change my mind, i mean it is still a lighthearted bit but it connects to a certain quote from uncle Innit:
“What would father think?”
And then that got me thinking and:
Part 1 aka Early L'manburg Fundy had different feelings towards Wilbur than Civil War Fundy
So how did Fundy act towars Wilbur early on?
Fundy: "Don't speak to me ma- hey that's fucked up don't talk about that. That's-"
Tommy: "Listen Th- you gotta kn- you gotta know you don't speak to the boss's son like that. Nevermind about- about the boss's wife to the boss's son in front of the boss's right hand man! You really gotta- You really gotta read the room Thunder."
Fundy: "Yea you don't. You don't."
JM: "fine ok let him do what he wants to do, i just don't wanna hear about it [..]"
Tommy: "Listen to me Fundy- Listen to me Fundy- he didn't mean that- he's just a bold man- he had- he had a little-"
Fundy [turning to JM]: "I will tell on you."
Tommy: " NO no no no Fundy- Fundy He had a little flirt with Dream- he had a little flirt with dream, he's- he's a- he's really new, he's learing his boundaries, he's over stepped them, alright, listen, but you don't have to tell Will, you don't have to tell no-one. "
[To JM] "Thunder you need to to calm your fucking- holy shit."
"-Please, please give him a rest."
JM: "no i- im sorry, im sorry, i'm sorry Fundy"
Fundy: 'I don't want this behavior again, alright."
JM: "no i wont- i wont-"
Fundy: 'Don't talk to my Dad OR my salmon Mother like that ever again, i will tell on you, keep it in mind. I have privilege to speak up against-"
JM: "i understand."
I will come back to the i have a privilege line later but first, from this we see Fundy being confident that Wilbur would take his side because he is his son. He is the “i will tell my parents about this” kid, alongside that he doesn’t feel like he has no imput in decisions, he doesnt feel insecure here he is in the position of power. 
So again when did it appear?
Fundy: “I may or may not have scammed a bunch of people, including all of L’manburg people, um…”
Tommy: “You scammed L’manburg members?!”
Fundy: “But here’s the thing – I’m willing to pay you a part of the profit if you help me out here!”
Tommy: “Fundy…okay, can I tell you what’s happened from my point of view? The son of the President has gone around scamming the other presidential members, and as the Vice President whilst the President’s not on, this is my duty to make sure that this doesn’t pull apart L’manburg. And what you’re saying – what you’ve essentially just said is, ‘hey, can I bribe you?’“
Fundy: “…Can I?”
Tommy: “Jesus Christ…No, okay, we need to settle this now, ‘cause I mean if this happens on my turf, I’m gonna fucking take the blame from this from Wilbur, alright…so listen, Fundy, under no circumstances can you bribe anyone!”
Fundy: “I got two Netherite scraps?”
Tommy: “Okay, okay – explain to me what’s happened, please.”
[Fundy explains the conflict]
Tommy: “What would father think?”
Fundy: “Well, he always – he always sides…by me…obviously.”
Tommy: “Would he though? I mean, you’ve gone against the other members of the nation he fought to build.”
Fundy: “Well only because my loot has been stolen! Alright?”
Tommy: “This sounds petty, Fundy.”
Fundy: “Okay, okay, I can word this differently in my favor.”
Tommy: “No, okay, no – you’re not meant to say that out loud! Okay, I’m gonna ask Tubbo what’s happened, and then from there on we’ll – but please do not do any – we can’t have L’manburg falling out over this, alright?” 
So here we see Fundy the president’s son being put in comparison to L’manburg the nation the president built for what Wilbur would prioritize for the first time, and Tommy sows the seeds that maybe L’manburg matters more to Wilbur than him, that Wilbur would choose the nation. this is also first time Fundy has been sort of excluded from the Whole of L’manburg.
and we see Tommy’s words affect Fundy,
Fundy: “We gotta list everyone who’s against me:”
“I killed Tubbo twice, I stole his bow. Tubbo’s probably against me.”
“Tommy has always been against me from the start.”
“Sapnap is against me because I killed his animals and stole them.”
“Punz is against me ‘cause I stole his bees.”
“Eret is against me ‘cause I went after Karl.”
“Karl’s against me ‘cause -- I just realized I’ve made a lot of enemies...I just realized I don’t have many -- I don’t have many allies on the server. There’s not many allies.”
“Who’s neutral? Niki! Niki is with me! Niki is friendly.”
“Wilbur? I dunno, Wilbur’s a man of chaos, alright...due to the lore of the server, Wilbur may or may not have been the father of our nation, but...that doesn’t mean he’s for everything I do. That doesn’t mean he stands behind me, alright? Not necessarily...not necessarily.”
“Quackity? Quackity’s definitely not -- no, listen, Quackity’s definitely not for me, okay. I called him a whore. There’s definitely -- there’s definitely many things Quackity has against me.”
so here is my argument... Fundy’s insecurity started with Tommy.
Part 2 Development Of Those Feelings (Uncle Tommy you’re not Helping)
Fundy, growing disillusioned with Wilbur and L’manburg, lead to this one coversation between Fundy and Wilbur,
Wilbur: Well the uh- the ballot entries have closed now.
Fundy: Who's in it?
Wilbur: Well it originally was just gonna be me and Tommy, me and Tommy tired to do it so- tried to do it so we will be the only ones running, then suddenly out of nowhere Quackity joins and enters himself on the ballot-
Fundy: Ok.
Wilbur: -so it's me and Tommy against Quackity and someone else.
Fundy: Who's someone else?
Wilbur: We don't know yet, he hasn't announced,
Fundy: Wait then- oh, so it's just a random… sneaky person who put himself in the ballot not announced who he is.
Wilbur: yeah, yeah. I mean if you wanna try and convince Quackity that you wanna run against your father.
Fundy: Yeah ok.
Wilbur: Wait, you- you wouldn't though. 
Fundy: What if i win? What are- what are you gonna do?
Wilbur: Well then you'd be Vice President.
Fundy: but-What if i win?
Wilbur: Why do you want power in L'manburg so much?
Fundy: Why do you want power?
Wilbur: Because- i led the revolution, i'm your…  i'm your president.
Fundy: That's history.
Wilbur: Wh- d- Do you not think i-  i'm suitable to run for president?
Fundy: I think you are, but i think I am as well.
Wilbur: I don't know man. I don't- i think- i think you- i think you'd be s- i think you'd be getting into a fight you wouldn't want to start with me. You've only been on the positive side of me, you've only seen my nice side, because y'know? being my son you get- you get special- y'know? You won't ever see me going against you.
Fundy: Wait so you're a biased person going for presidency.
Wilbur: Biased to my son? Yes. But, if you're gonna run against me then i'm changing, i'll- i'll go guns blazing.
Fundy: I'll have a word with Quackity.
Wilbur: Fundy i…  i've got- i've got- i've got a bad feeling about this. I think you're just gonna… you're just gonna get hurt.
Fundy: That will happen-
Wilbur: Fundy yeah- Yeah someone in my chat just pointed out, Fundy you started the civil war.
Niki: I mean technically Sapnap started the civil war.
Fundy: I mean- i mean technically- Yeah y' know, technically- and i'm gonna win it! It's fine! I mean what does he have on me, really?
Wilbur: I thought it was you fighting Tubbo?
Fundy: what?
Wilbur: I thought civil war was you and Tubbo?
Fundy: No, Tubbo's just a prick.
Wilbur: Sapnap's not even- not even part of L’manburg how is it a civil war?
Fundy: I don't know you brought it up!
Wilbur: Tommy told me- Tommy told me it was Tubbo and Fundy.
Fundy: Yeah no Tommy is a little bit delusional.
Wilbur: I think i've spoiled you.
Fundy: How?
Wilbur: I think you need to learn some manners.
Fundy: I dunno- power seems nice.
Wilbur: Fine, you can run against me, it won't end well for you but you can give it a go.
Fundy: Like i said i'll- i'll have a word with Quackity i'll think of my actions, see what will happen, i'm not saying necessarily that i'll go against you, then again i'm not standing beside you because you may or may not be the father of L'manburg 
Wilbur: And you! The father of you!
Fundy: That's irrelevant. To-
Wilbur: No it's not irrelevant! It's very relevant to this!
Fundy: I don't-  i don't think that's relevant to presidency
I’ll talk over Wilburs pov here in a little bit but focusing on Fundy, 
He wants to run, other than everything we established before here Fundy wants to run to prove himself to himself, and we see the other part of this conflict more internally is,  
(“[..] may or may not be the father of L'manburg- “ , “ That's irrelevant.” )
 Well, here is the insecurity about Wilbur choosing L’manburg (here his position as president) over Fundy, the being second place to L’manburg part matters here becasue i think this is where Wilbur and Fundy fundamentally clash, so Fundy doesn’t want for it to matter to Wilbur, he doesn’t want for his position as son to have any influence over Wilbur here beacuse of this fear that that’s why he may be in the second place.
now let’s move on to,
Uncle Tommy ‘helps’
Fundy: “I’m wearing glasses…are you making fun of my eyesight?!”
Tommy: “Yes.”
Sapnap: “Your father would be very disappointed.”
Fundy: “Wh – disappointed for wearing glasses?!”
Tommy: “You got glasses, like what are you wearing…”
Fundy: “What do you mean?”
Tommy: “Sapnap, Sapnap, over here. Fundy, Fundy, Fundy, I’m really sorry to say this – I’m just here to publicly denounce you.”
Fundy: “…What?”
Tommy: “I just, I – yeah. You’re stinky, you’re shitty, the fur that’s sewn onto your skin, I look at it and I go (retching sounds) And whilst you’re a lovely guy, you’re actually not, you’re really…and all the viewers are like ‘oh no!’ But they can’t smell you. I can! Holy shit, you know? I mean you know, Sapnap…”
Fundy: “I showered two hours before the stream…”
Tommy: “I know, and that’s what makes it so remarkable, how you smell that terrible.”
Fundy: “I used coconut oil…it smells good…”
Tommy: “Fundy, I’m just here to kinda let you know that I – if you weren’t Wilbur’s son, you would be out of L’manburg, alright? Just remember – you need to keep that relationship with your father. I saw how asshole-y and bratty you were acting in the courtroom the other night. You need to pull your shit together young man.”
Fundy: “Being neutral is – is asshole?”
Tommy: “Yes. Come with me, Sapnap. Yeah, I’ve denounced you – well no no no, you were challenging him. You were challenging him.”
Fundy: “Denounced to what?”
Tommy: “I just – it’s just a formal way of saying you suck.”
(Tommy and Sapnap leave)
Fundy: “…They are mean…They are mean! Why are they so mean? That is so mean…”
Fundy: “Listen, it is one thing making fun of a person’s appearance…it is one thing making fun of a person’s blindness, but hey – don’t fucking make fun of my coconut oil! Listen dude…that shit smells tasty! That smells good! Man…that’s…god…coconut oil, man…dude.“
Fundy: “TNT their houses? That will just prove their point, chat. That will just prove their point. That will just prove their point…they’re just mean. They’re so mean. But it is okay, chat. It is okay. The reason why it’s okay…that’s actually true. Why is he talking to the enemy? Wait…wait a minute. Wait a minute! So let me get the story straight real quick.”
 “Chat…just hold up a second here! Hold on a second! So Tommy is demoting me, right? And he’s saying you’re only in L’manburg because of Wil. So Tommy says…in theory, he would kick me out if he had the chance. But considering that, while he’s together with Sapnap…it leads me to believe…Tommy wants to destroy L’manburg!”
“Why would he do that? Why would he team up with Sapnap? He had no correlation with this conversation at all. What was the reason for that?”
“…Do we have another traitor in our midst?”
Fundy: “Listen, Tommy, here’s a really interesting theory, alright…here’s an interesting theory, Tommy. I got a little theory on my mind! Listen, boy, we’re part of L’manburg, you and me. Wil as well, Tubbo, all of us, alright? And we’re supposed to be a union! Now here’s the thing! Here’s the thing. If you said, due to Wilbur I’m still basically part of L’manburg – in other terms saying that if it was on your hands you would get me out of there, right, why would you excessively bring Sapnap, out of all people, for that conversation alone?”
Tommy: “Shall I explain to you? It’s because, Fundy, we fucking need votes, Fundy. We need votes! This Quack City guy, son of BadBoyHalo? He’s just – he’s just, like, oh my god. We needed votes. And listen, Fundy–”
Fundy: “You basically just lost my vote, and I feel like that’s your purpose!”
Tommy: “You’re in L’manburg! You vote for us already – you vote for your own father, don’t be an idiot!”
Fundy: “I feel like you’re trying to bring us apart, Tommy. I feel like your goals are not supportive towards L’manburg at the moment…”
Tommy: “From my perspective, Sapnap hates you, Fundy. Sapnap hates you. And if I go listen, if I had to tier list all of the members of L’manburg, Fundy would be in D tier. He needs to hear that.”
Fundy: “…Tommy, are you Eret?”
Post the court debate Fundy was more decided on running on his own,
“Honestly, I feel like everything just needs to change. Honestly, I feel like neither of the parties have done enough right to deserve leadership, to deserve presidency in the first place. I feel like a lot of shit needs to change.”
Fundy didnt want to endorse any of the parties, SWAG2020 was endorsed by Dream, and he belived POG2020 to be corrupt because of the bribing Karl situation, so he was more keen on running on his own, and then came the public denouncing situaion.
Obviously Fundy was hurt by this, especially considering Sapnap was his enemy, and Tommy’s words didnt do Fundy’s and Wilburs already shaky relationship many favours, but his behaviour both pushed Fundy futher away from the POG party, and started Fundy’s ‘traitor Tommy’ theory that he shared with Niki after which the Coconut2020 party was formed.
Part 3 Wilbur is a oblivious dumbass but it makes sense now.
now lets look at Wilburs pov of things, which means we are coming back to the privilege line,
Wilbur: I don't know man. I don't- i think- i think you- i think you'd be s- i think you'd be getting into a fight you wouldn't want to start with me. You've only been on the positive side of me, you've only seen my nice side, because y'know? being my son you get- you get special- y'know? You won't ever see me going against you.
JM: "no i- im sorry, im sorry, i'm sorry Fundy"
Fundy: 'I don't want this behavior again, alright."
JM: "no i wont- i wont-"
Fundy: 'Don't talk to my Dad OR my salmon Mother like that ever again, i will tell on you, keep it in mind. I have privilege to speak up against-"
JM: "i understand."
So coming back to this quote, i belive Wilbur didnt realize Fundy had these doubts about thier relationship, because he was used to Fundy sharing his problems with him, and he was left kinda drifting in an ‘why is my son suddenly against me now??’
Wilbur didnt realize Fundy’s feelings about him had changed, as in Fundy no longer WOULD come to him if he had any probems, because Fundy used to come to him with problems, ("I will tell on you.") But Tommy’s first comment knocked him down and the debate and the Sapnap-Tommy situation had as well and the denouncement, (which Wilbur also knew shit about) because he was already insecure about his place in L’manburg and Wilbur. AND he wouldn't come to Wilbur like he used to because Wilbur was the point of his insecurity even if he wasnt the couse of it.
So we see Wilbur kinda be sad and confused and misstepping becasue of that,
Wilbur: I don't know man. I don't- i think- i think you- i think you'd be s- i think you'd be getting into a fight you wouldn't want to start with me. You've only been on the positive side of me, you've only seen my nice side, because y'know? being my son you get- you get special- y'know? You won't ever see me going against you.
Fundy: Wait so you're a biased person going for presidency.
Wilbur: Biased to my son? Yes. But, if you're gonna run against me then i'm changing, i'll- i'll go guns blazing.
Fundy: I'll have a word with Quackity.
Wilbur: Fundy i…  i've got- i've got- i've got a bad feeling about this. I think you're just gonna… you're just gonna get hurt.
Wilbur: Tommy told me- Tommy told me it was Tubbo and Fundy.
Fundy: Yeah no Tommy is a little bit delusional.
Wilbur: I think i've spoiled you.
Fundy: How?
Wilbur: I think you need to learn some manners.
Fundy: I dunno- power seems nice.
Wilbur: Fine, you can run against me, it won't end well for you but you can give it a go.
Wilbur: Wait, look who’s coming, look who’s coming.
Tommy: Uh oh!
Wilbur: My son. My boy.
Tommy: Your ex-son.
Wilbur: Yeah. Well, I mean, he’s still my son in blood, but, he’s just…
Tommy: You should put him up.
Wilbur: What d’you mean, put him up? What, for adoption?
Tubbo: For adoption.
Tommy: Yeah. You should see if Big Q will adopt him.
[They discuss Fundy’s Twitch Prime cape. He runs up on stage, to the microphone, and starts punching the air. He’s not in the same vc as them.]
Wilbur: What’s he doing, what’s he doing- what is this? What is this bit? What is he doing?
Tommy: What the fuck are you- no.
Wilbur: He’s just not- he’s not- he’s really upsetting me.
Tommy: Just- just- he’s not President is he? He’s got no manners, he has no manners. No etiquette.
Wilbur: Look, he’s supposed to be my son.
[Wilbur types in chat: “fundy talk to me” and Fundy immediately leaves the game.]
Tubbo: He is trying.
Tommy: Tubbo, you’re gonna get murdered, my friend.
Wilbutr: He said, he said, “I am here for the Presidencialcy-” He just left.
Tommy: And then he- [sighs] I’m so sorry you have to deal with him.
W: I don’t- I- It’s really sad, like I… Honestly, I- when he turned around to me and he said he wasn’t gonna vote for me, and then he decided he was gonna vote for the opposition, and then he decided he was gonna run against me, that was- one of those was the straw that broke my back. I’m not sure which one- I’m still contemplating which one was the- are you listening?
[Tommy has jumped off the podium to join Tubbo in the audience.]
Tpmmy: Yeah, I’m going down to Tubbo, I just- I’m just letting you vent, Wilbur, I want you to have time to vent.
Wilbur: Yeah I just- I miss me son! I miss me son! I miss when he was my boy! Do you remember when he was my boy?
Tommy: Yeah, I’m not really good at handling… People who are emotional.
Wilbur also didn’t know anything about the denouncement situation,
Sapnap: “Will you continue to have your son banished from L’Manberg if I vote for you?” 
Wilbur: “My son. My- My son. Look, we’re talking about politics here, I don’t want to talk about my family, if that’s alright. … I would like to say, thank you, Sapnap, for the question, I very much appreciate it, but I’m not gonna be fielding responses about my family situation, thank you.” (Alivebur)
*Wilbur proceeds to step off the podium and cry*
Wilbur: “Fundy...!” 
Besides that  fundamenatally Fundys and Wilburs views about the presidency oppose eachother,
“Tommy, I’m- I’m- I’m- I don’t know what to do, Tommy, I’ve never not been President.”
Fundy sees Wilbur and L'manburg as two separate things that he has to unfiairly contest with and for 
1. for Wilbur because of his fears, for a place among L’manburg members
2. Because He wants to prove himself to himself. he needs to know what Tommy said, isn’t true/he can thrive regardless without his fathers support he can still be a  great member of L’manburg and even a president
Wilbur sees himself as inherently connected trough L’manburg with everyone to the point that he thinks that without his position he cant do anything for his loved ones/ he wont be usefull. he thinks of l’manburg as something he does FOR all of them including Fundy.
“My son… My son is tearing down the walls, in front of me! My son is tearing down the walls in front of me! The walls I built to keep him safe! I promised him this world, Tommy, I promised him this world.”
 “Fundy was the closest thing I had to something I cared about in L’Manberg, when it all began. You know, when it started, the closest thing to anything I cared about was Fundy. Fundy was my, he was my, he was my boy! My rock!”
Ranboo: "I don't know if they actually needed me, but I was there.(about his work in the NLM cabinet)" 
Wilbur:"I know that feel." 
This why Fundy and Wilbur clash fundamentally here,
Fundy: Like i said i'll- i'll have a word with Quackity i'll think of my actions, see what will happen, i'm not saying necessarily that i'll go against you, then again i'm not standing beside you because you may or may not be the father of L'manburg 
Wilbur: And you! The father of you!
Fundy: That's irrelevant. To-
Wilbur: No it's not irrelevant! It's very relevant to this!
Fundy: I don't-  i don't think that's relevant to presidency
Part 4 Tommy WHY? (he is propably protective and and a tiny bit jealous )
Tommy: “Hey, you know about Fundy’s little rebellious stage he’s going through?”
Tommy: “Fundy, I’m just here to kinda let you know that I – if you weren’t Wilbur’s son, you would be out of L’manburg, alright? Just remember – you need to keep that relationship with your father. I saw how asshole-y and bratty you were acting in the courtroom the other night. You need to pull your shit together young man.”
Tommy: “Shall I explain to you? It’s because, Fundy, we fucking need votes, Fundy. We need votes! This Quack City guy, son of BadBoyHalo? He’s just – he’s just, like, oh my god. We needed votes. And listen, Fundy–”
Fundy: “You basically just lost my vote, and I feel like that’s your purpose!”
Tommy: “You’re in L’manburg! You vote for us already – you vote for your own father, don’t be an idiot!”
Fundy: “I feel like you’re trying to bring us apart, Tommy. I feel like your goals are not supportive towards L’manburg at the moment…”
Tommy: “From my perspective, Sapnap hates you, Fundy. Sapnap hates you. And if I go listen, if I had to tier list all of the members of L’manburg, Fundy would be in D tier. He needs to hear that.”
Wilbur: Wait, look who’s coming, look who’s coming.
Tommy: Uh oh!
Wilbur: My son. My boy.
Tommy: Your ex-son.
Wilbur: Yeah. Well, I mean, he’s still my son in blood, but, he’s just…
Tommy: You should put him up.
Wilbur: What d’you mean, put him up? What, for adoption?
Tubbo: For adoption
Wilbur: He said, he said, “I am here for the Presidencialcy-” He just left.
Tommy: And then he- [sighs] I’m so sorry you have to deal with him.
W: I don’t- I- It’s really sad, like I… Honestly, I- when he turned around to me and he said he wasn’t gonna vote for me, and then he decided he was gonna vote for the opposition, and then he decided he was gonna run against me, that was- one of those was the straw that broke my back. I’m not sure which one- I’m still contemplating which one was the- are you listening?
[Tommy has jumped off the podium to join Tubbo in the audience.]
Tommy: Yeah, I’m going down to Tubbo, I just- I’m just letting you vent, Wilbur, I want you to have time to vent.
Wilbur: Yeah I just- I miss me son! I miss me son! I miss when he was my boy! Do you remember when he was my boy?
Tommy: Yeah, I’m not really good at handling… People who are emotional.
Besides Tommy genuinely wanting to get more votes during the dennoucemnt situation, his seconddary motive was well, he was protective over Wilbur, he noticed that what Fundy did during the debate hurt Wilbur, and kept acting bitter towards him from then on. ( “ I saw how asshole-y and bratty you were acting in the courtroom the other night.” / And then he- [sighs] I’m so sorry you have to deal with him.”  )
the he a was tiny bit jealous point IS more up in the air but we can compare this to how Tommy acted towards Ranboo just after leaving prison, when he learned of the c!beeduo marriage.
Quotes from @/kateis-cakeis, @/findingjoynweirdstuff, @/ace-enderchest and my own transcripts, thank you guys!
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nopefun · 4 years ago
Interview #494: Ryan Frigillana
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Ryan Frigillana is a Philippine-born lens-based artist living and working in New York. His work focuses on the fluidity of memory, intimacy, family identity, and visual culture, largely filtered through the lens of race and immigration. Embracing its plasticity, Frigillana explores photography’s relationship to context as a catalyst for thematic dialogue.
His first monograph, Visions of Eden, was published as two editions in 2020, and is held in the library collections of the MoMA, Getty Research Institute, and Smithsonian among others.
We spoke to find out more about Visions of Eden, his love for photobooks, and photography as a medium for introspection.
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Lee Chang Ming Ryan Frigillana
Thanks for agreeing to do this! As we’ve just arrived into the new year, I want to start by asking: how did you arrive at photography and how has your practice evolved so far? Your earlier work was anything from still life to street photography, but your recent work seems to deal with more personal themes.
It’s my pleasure; thank you for having this conversation with me! Wow, looking back at how I’ve arrived at this point makes me feel so grateful for this medium, and excited to think of where it will lead me from here. I came to photography somewhat late. I was initially studying to become a nurse and was set to start a career in that field, but I found myself unhappy with where I was going. My mother was a nurse and I know what goes into being one; it’s not an easy job, and I respect those who do it, but my heart wasn’t in it. I found photography as a creative outlet during that stage of my life, and I’ve clung onto it ever since.
My first exposure to photography (no pun intended) came in the form of street and photojournalism. I would borrow books from the library a lot, consuming works by Magnum and other photographers working in that tradition. At the time, it was all I knew so that’s what I tried to emulate. Even early on in my undergrad career, these modes of creation were reinforced by curriculum and by what I saw from my own peers. My still-life work branches off of that same sentiment: the only names that were ever thrown around by professors were Penn and Mapplethorpe, so that’s who I studied. Thankfully over the years, I’ve been able to broaden that perspective through my own research. Though I don’t necessarily pursue street or constructed still-lifes anymore for my personal work, I’d like to think my technical skills (in regard to timing, composition, light) owe a debt to those past experiences.
I suppose now I’m starting to explore how photography can be used as language, to communicate ideas and internal conflicts. I’m thinking more about the power of imagery, its authorship, its implications, and how photographs have shaped, and continue to shape, our reality. That’s where my work is headed at the moment.
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I liked how you mentioned photography as a language, which calls into question who we are speaking to when we make images and what kind of narrative we construct by putting photographs together.
In your work “Visions of Eden”, you trace your family’s journey as first-generation Filipino immigrants in America. I was quite struck by how you managed to link together original photography, archived materials and video stills. To me, with the original photography there was a sense of calm and clarity, perhaps in the composition. But with the archived material it was like peering through tinted glass, and the video stills felt like an unsteady memory. What was the editing process like for you and how did you decide what to include or exclude?
For me, editing is the hardest part about photography. Shooting is the enjoyable part of course because it can feel so cathartic. Sometimes when I shoot it feels almost like muscle memory in the sense that you see the world and you just react to it in a trained way. But with editing, it’s more of a cerebral exercise. More thought is involved when you have to deal with visual relationships, sequence, rhythm, and spacing, etc. The real creation of my work takes place in the editing process. That’s where the ingredients come together to form an identity.
When creating this identity, I not only have to think about what I want to say, but also how I want to say it. It’s like speaking; there are numerous ways you can communicate a single sentence. How are images placed in relation to one another? How large are they printed, or how much white space surrounds it? Are the images repeated? What’s on the following page? The preceding page? Is there text? How are they positioned on the spread? All of these little choices impact the tone of your work. And that’s not even mentioning tactile factors like paper stock or cover material. I think that’s why I have such a deep love for photobooks because 1) they’re physical objects and 2) someone has obsessed over every aspect of that object.
I’m aware that my photographs lately have a quiet, detached, somewhat stripped-down quality to them. I think that’s just a subconscious rejection of my earlier days shooting a lot of street where I was constantly seeking crowded frames and complexity in my compositions. As I’ve grown older, I realize less is more and if I can do more by saying less, that’s even better. Now, the complexity I seek lies in the work as a whole and how all these little parts can form something fluid and layered, and not easily definable.
For Visions of Eden, I wanted the work to feel somewhat syncopated and wandering in thought. That meant finding a balance between my quiet static photographs and the movement and energy of the video stills, or balancing the coldness of the illustrations with the warmth of the family snapshots. The work needed to be cohesive but have enough ambiguity for it to take life in someone else’s imagination. Peoples’ lived experiences in regard to immigration and religion are so complex that they can’t be narrated in any one definitive way. Visions of Eden, hopefully, is a rejection of that singularity.
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Yes, there’s definitely something special and intimate about flipping through a photobook! For your monograph, you recently released a second edition which is different from your first (redesigned, added images, etc.). Why did you decide to make it different? Was the editing mainly a solitary process?
The first edition was a partially hand-made object. Illustrations were printed on translucent vellum paper and then tipped into the gutter of the book. When you flip through the pages, those vellum sheets would overlap over certain images, creating a collage-like effect. That was my original concept for this book. Doing this, however, was so laborious and time consuming, and not to mention expensive! Regretfully, I wound up making only twenty copies of that first edition. I wanted the work shared with a wider audience so that’s why I decided to publish a second run.
The latest edition is more of a straight-forward production without the vellum paper. With this change in design, I had to reconfigure the layout. I took liberties in swapping out some images or adding new ones altogether. Also, a beautiful afterword was contributed by my friend, artist, writer, and curator Efrem Zelony-Mindell. I still feel so fortunate and grateful to have had my work seen and elevated by their words in my book.
For the most part, yes editing is quite a solitary process for me. But there does come a point when I feel it’s ready, where I share the work with a few trusted people. It’s always nice to have that outer support system. Much of Visions of Eden was created during my time in undergrad school so I had all sorts of feedback from peers and professors which I’m grateful for. But in the end, as the author, you ultimately have the final say in your work.
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Given that Eden is a starting point and metaphor in the work, I was thinking about ideas of gardens, (forbidden) fruit, and movement of people.
How do you view yourself in relation to your place of birth? In your series, I see the most direct links in the letters, old photos where tropical foliage is present in the background, and the photo of the jackfruit (perhaps the only tropical fruit in this series).
I came to America when I was very young, about five years old. For my family and for many other families still living in the Philippines, America is seen as a sort of ideological Eden: a land of milk and honey, of wealth and excess. We all know that’s far from the truth. Every Eden has a caveat, a forbidden tree. Which leads me to ask: as an immigrant living in this country, what fruits were never intended for me?
I honestly don’t remember much about my childhood in the Philippines aside from fleeting memories of my relatives, the sounds of animals, the smell of rain and earth, the taste of my grandmother’s cooking. The identity that I carry with me now as a Filipino is not so much tied to the physical geography of a place but rather it is derived from a way of life, from shared stories, in the values we hold dear, passed on from generation to generation. This is a warm flame that lives on in me to this day as I write these words thousands of miles away from where I came.
Photographs have a way of shaping our memory and our relationship to the past, which in turn affects how we engage with the present. The family photographs and letters used in my book act as anchors in a meandering journey. They serve as landmarks that I can return to whenever I feel lost or need assurance so far away from “home”. They give me the comfort and affirmation that I need to navigate a space where I never really felt I belonged. The spread in my book­­ that you mentioned—the jackfruit on one side, and the Saran-wrapped apple on the preceding page—was a reference to my duality as both Filipino and American. It’s a reminder and an acknowledgment that I am a sum of many things, of many people who have shaped me. If I flourish in life, it’s because my roots were nourished by love.
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I like how you mentioned photos as anchors or landmarks. Isn’t that why we create and photograph? To mark certain points in our lives and to envision possible futures, like a cartographer mapping an inner journey. Do you feel like you and your relationships with those you photographed changed through the process of making your works?
When my parents took pictures of our family, it wasn’t done solely in the name of remembrance; it also served as an affirmation of ourselves and our journey—a celebration. Every birthday, vacation, school ceremony, or even the seemingly insignificant events of daily life were all photographed or video-taped as a way of saying to ourselves, “Here we are. Look how far we’ve come. Look at the life we’ve made. And here’s the proof”.
Now, holding a camera and photographing my family through my own lens still carries all of that celebratory joy, but with so much more possibility. Before I really took photography seriously, I never realized its potential as a medium for introspection, but that’s ultimately what it has become for me. In taking pictures of my family, I not only clarify my own feelings about them, but the act of photography itself informs and builds on my relationship with each person. The camera is not a mere recording device, but a tool for understanding, processing, and even expressing love...or resentment. Though I may not be visible in my pictures, my presence is there: in my proximity, my gaze, my focus.
Does all of this impact my relationships? Absolutely. Photographing another person willingly always demands some degree of trust and vulnerability from both sides. There’s a silent dialogue that occurs which feels like an exchange of secrets. I think that’s why I often don’t feel comfortable photographing other people unless we’re very close. Usually my family is open enough to reveal themselves to me, other times what they give can feel quite guarded. That’s a constant negotiation. After the photograph is made though, nobody ever emerges the same person because each of us has relinquished something, no matter how small.
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Being self-reflexive in photography is so important. I agree it should be a constant negotiation, but it’s something that bothers me these days – the power dynamic between the photographer and photograph, particularly for personal and documentary projects. More significantly, after the photograph has been made, who is really benefiting. But I guess if we are sensitive to that then perhaps we can navigate that tricky path and find a balance. 
Right, finding that balance is key and sometimes there are no clear-cut answers. That power dynamic is something I always have to be mindful of. As the photographer, you are exercising a certain role and position. At the end of the day, you’re the one essentially “taking” what you need and walking away. There’s an inherent violence or aggression in the act of taking someone’s picture, no matter how well-intended it may be. This aggression carries even greater weight when working, as you say, in a genre like documentary where representation is everything.
I remember an undergrad professor of mine, Nadia Sablin, introducing me to the work of Shelby Lee Adams—particularly his Appalachian Legacy series. Adams spent twenty-five years documenting the disadvantaged Appalachian communities in his home state of Kentucky, visiting the same families over a long period of time. Though the photographs are beautifully crafted, they pose many questions in regard to exploitation, representation, and the aestheticization of suffering. He is or was, after all, an artist thriving and profiting off of these photographs. Salgado is another that comes to mind. This was the first time I really stopped to think about the ethics of image-making. Who is benefitting from it all?
I think the search for this balance is something each photographer has to reckon with personally. Though each situation may vary with different factors that have to be weighed, and context that must be applied, you can always ask yourself these same ever-pertinent questions: am I representing people in a dignified way, and what are my intentions with these images? Communication (listening), building relationships, acknowledging your power, and respecting the people you photograph are all foundational things to consider when exercising your privilege with the camera.
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Well said! The process of making photographs can be tricky to navigate yet rewarding. Any upcoming projects or ideas? What’s keeping you busy these days?
Oh, let’s just say I’m constantly juggling 3-4 ideas in my head at any given time, but ninety percent of the time they don’t ever lead to anything finished haha. This past year has been tough on everyone I’m sure. I’ve been dealing a lot with personal loss and grief and the compounded isolation brought on by the pandemic, so for months I’ve been making photographs organically as a subconscious response to these internal struggles. It’s more of an exploration of grief itself as a natural phenomenon and force—like time or gravity. Grief is something everyone will experience in life and each of us deals with it differently, but in the end we have to let it run its course. I see these photographs as a potential body of work that could materialize as a zine or book one day, so we’ll see where that goes.
Other than that, I’ve been working on an upcoming collaboration project with Cumulus Photo. Speaking of which, I saw your photograph featured in their latest zine, running to the edge of the world. Congrats on that! It’s beautiful. But yeah, just trying my best to keep busy and sane, and improving myself any way I can.
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Thanks! Looking forward to your upcoming projects! Last question: any music to recommend?
I feel like my answer to this question can vary by the week. I go through phases where I exhaust whole albums on repeat until I get tired of them. So I’ll leave you with the two currently on my rotation: Angles by The Strokes, and Screamadelica by Primal Scream.
Thank you for your time!
Thank you for a lovely discourse. I had a lot of fun!
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his website and Instagram.
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rumblelibrary · 4 years ago
The Diary of Doctor Laszlo Kreizler
Chapter 1  -  Chapter 2
Synopsis: Alienist’s notes are private, sometimes gruesome, secrets of others and of himself.Those pages belongs to secrecy and decadence, have a glimpse to this world made of drafts, notes, accidents and reflections. Or maybe it is you the only person that should ever reach for it.
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While you read this imagine Laszlo mostly at the end of his day, scraping the ideas and the thoughts, adjusting previous notes with additions, closing the day behind himself with a couple of sentences while sitting in his evening robe, a good glass of whiskey and his glasses bridged almost at the tip of his nose. Or maybe imagine yourself, you sneaky thing, reach for it from a far shelf.
Word count: 3.5k
Warnings: listen, this is the set of ideas and confessions of a man living in the 1890’s. Most of them will be outdated, rough, even deprecating in some analysis of the roles of men, women and social status, religion, etc.So be prepared, my point is to make Laszlo reflect upon those topics, but to be as faithful as I can to his time. Mention of death, mutilation, self harm and sex. Psychologically troubled young children ahead! Author’s note: The story is placed between season 1 and season 2. Thank you for everyone that encouraged me to keep going. I have to wait for my local drop of serotonin to get fully Laszloed to go through this.
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Lyra’s Contellation, Illustration taken from Uranographia by Johann Bode
Routine. Routine is comfort. Habit stabilises the character.
If you follow a routine, you won’t ever be victim of imprudence, of evil jokes of fate. The stability earned through calculated and repeated actions brings a sense of fulfilment that forbids other thoughts to come bashing in, breaking rules, breaking hopes that a solid scheduled routine forbids to have. I take my time to begin this week, I planned the things to do, the next steps for the case, the people to meet, the resources I am allowed to contemplate. I feel good, I feel back to myself and the events of the weekend seem far from me and my own perception. I probably got ahead of myself, carried by some instinctual though and random rush of emotion, to be always in contact with the same people and mostly kids probably doesn’t help my stance in the presence of other adults. I feel silly now reading back the last page, I felt tempted to tear it off, but to keep it there should be a small memento of not losing my temper so easily. I read it over and over and I know I am not as charmed as I thought I was. I am just lonely. I have always been and it is normal to face ups and downs even for a man of my age who is more accustomed to it.  To desire a partner is a natural instinct, to find somebody attractive is meant by nature, it is the body calling for the natural fulfilment of the reason we are put on this very Earth.  But even in a state of nature my own condition would be forbidding me to be part of the natural process of growing my own kind. I am the type of male that would be excluded because of his impossibility to give the protection to the pack, therefore it is just more reasonable to me to adapt to my condition. No matter what my Potentia generandi might be (the ability to procreate).
With all the smugness that characterises him, Niki showed off that he passed my challenge. But to be really of an help to his antics I didn’t show any kind of surprise. I treated him like he did the bare minimum, like he didn’t prove me any kind of superiority. He has a natural attitude toward challenging the figure of power, he is trying to overpower me, but I won’t satisfy his need. I have noticed he has a very technical brain, he finds ways to solve problems in ingenious way and not by throwing himself into the task. I proceeded giving him to work on a clock, an old broken one we had in the institute, one of the kids hit it with a ball years ago and nobody ever worked on repairing it. I gave him the clock, a couple of screwdrivers and a book. He called me a number of German names I won’t transcribe, but it gave me a certain amount of satisfaction. If my intuitions are right, I am sure the clock will be repaired by next week.
Analysis of the victim’s body through John’s eyes. The drawings and sketches are as detailed as I requested, all of this thanks to you joining him. I deal with art critic section, I am used to notice these things. You assure me, you play yourself low and I wonder why, nevertheless you did notice things neither John or I did, which pleased me. It fooled me, distracted me from my purpose to not give in to your witchery, as I leaned closer watching your pale hand move across the pages tracing this or that line, showing how this must be done with the killer on this side and not that side, with words so deliciously elaborate, your way of composing your speech is compelling, you could sell the drawing of a kid like it was a Botticelli. I noticed the shape of your hands, the way you move them, I wonder if you play an instrument, or played, some habits just stick with you through life. I focused on taking notes, your ideas and instructions giving me a new point of view, a new stimulus. What if that is the only way the killer can communicate? Or what if this is the communication that works for him? Could our killer be mute or deaf? Or that’s how society made him feel? This man, or woman, needs a listener and I am afraid that now, since he got our attention and the public’s, he won’t stop. Another killing could be just as close.
Scheduled: meeting with the parents of Alex Garel for new admission, Monday next week at 11 am. Love at first is a fetish and like all fetishes it is based onto an object that hides a deeper meaning, like gloves mean hands, to love at first sight means to see somebody that you think, and think only, to have the chance to share not only a sensual kind of bond, but an intellectual. Love at first sight is based onto not knowing someone well enough, but having the time to idealise most of that someone. I can see why I feel this attraction, using a particular phrase that Sara often mutters when investigating: you tick all the boxes. I know you do, your beauty is everything but conventional, you’re the kind of face that painters would paint and musicians would write hymns about, but any animal on the street would never be allowed to see. You have the grace of the body and the fire in the eyes, and then you speak. When you speak, I realise, you could bring the world to its knees. Also, you never speak out of context, and if you do it is to ease somebody’s position. You do it often with John or with Stevie, you say something really silly in order to put them back to a place of comfort. Some women would call it self deprecating, but I see that you only pick wisely your fights and your wins. You don’t need to earn your peace and quiet by neglecting, but by lifting up the others. I wonder if you do it with me too, if your silences are just you allowing me to be in a better place while instead your judgment is tearing me apart. I shouldn’t care, but I keep wondering, sometimes I take my time to answer you, I analyse every shade, every peculiarity of your question, I am looking for sarcasm, for a condescending voice, for something to hang on and bare you open. To prove myself you’re not perfect. But deep down I know that you do, you judge me and you do well.
Mother never said so. That’s what one of the girls in my care said today. Ursula. She is tough. Skin as thick as an alligator and the tendency to pull her own hair at night or when under a massive amount of stress, enuresis alongside erratic episodes of mutism. I tried the soft approach, it didn’t work. She is too accustomed to be indulged. Therefore today I pushed her a bit overboard, I teased her over opinions on the female body, the female role, she is only 12, but she is soon to bleed, she knows, I can tell from the way she clenches to her skirts, from the way she looks at me as a threatening figure. I am the incarnation of danger to her. Under her steady silence, I pushed a bit more, asking how her mother taught her to be nice and submissive. Does her mother tells her she is going to be a good wife? The phrase, which I reported at the top of the page, surprised me.  What is her mother teaching to her then? What closed her so much, locked her soul away, making a small bird like this choose the silence and the retirement of self inflicted pain over, what? Mankind? Or just Men? Is that even a curse? Should I cure her from a truth that her own mother whispered to her ear one night before bed and made a child decide that the world wasn’t a place to share her time with? Am I the man supposed to teach her that men are worth of trust? In the eyes of modern society, who measures its own value over the modesty of the women, she would be a champion, but at what price? I can’t in any way let her parents bring her back home after our recent meetings. Nevertheless, I have to make up my own mind on how to give her troubled soul ease without making her believe in fables. I, as a man, regard myself not worth of any of the trust they expect me to teach her.
In all of my years practicing with people’s feelings and traumas, I challenged myself to find those same traumas within my own mind. It is a tricky game, terrible, anguishing at times. But it straightens me, the pain of others, the pain of kids mostly, so unadulterated and pure, breaks the curtain between me and the lies that I often surround myself with. Pain is made of method, you can open it up, you can scrutinise it, part it piece by piece dividing it in sectors and, partitions, centre part, side part, heart of the problem. Pain is reliable. Happiness is not. It is random, cruelly sudden, unexpected, it washes over you in such deflecting way only to leave you alone a moment after ashamed and alone. I saw you again today. You were in a table full of what I could only guess as your former university colleagues, I saw pain in you, not heavy but constant. Annoyance, a bit of sadness. Your head titling on side and your eyes drifting on the left, you’re imagining something away from them.  A place? An object? Or maybe someone? Your hands play circles at the bottom of the flute of your drink like kids do, your smile only one sided. I don’t see you speak at all, only listen.  What could keep your voice down? I almost gulped down my own breath as you looked up and I realised how I must have looked. I was having lunch on my own, in a very private table and even entertaining myself with a newspaper on the side. I wish you didn’t, but you came over, your eyes shining.  Did I save you? Or maybe I was just a good excuse to leave that painful meeting behind. Don’t be so nice to me, it is not healthy. Don’t look at me like you expect anything more from me than me listening. I won’t smile back at you, I won’t give you care, attentions or thought. I won’t lean for your perfume, I won’t obsess over that dress you wore, that pin that adorned your neckline keeping your undershirt in place, a silver robin, I remember. I won’t remember the number of the buttons on the side of your glove, three. I won’t observe the little moles just under your ear. A small constellation, I later realised, hidden between your ear and the beginning of your neck. I don’t need to check in my books. It is a constellation. It is Lyra. Why? Why you must be like this? Are you the Lyra? Are you the instrument of Orpheus come to me to drag me out of Hell? The Tartarus holds my soul and you should know already, I am not worth the quarter part of Eurydice to be saved and she never came back anyway. I won’t be now recollecting the way your teeth sunk in the inner side of your cheek when you apologised for the annoyance.  You apologised twice, I ignored you both times with a raised hand to request peace and silence. I am not letting you in.
Reserved: Tickets for Wednesday’s evening Traviata by Giuseppe Verdi. The guest female lead promises a beautiful show.
Leonardo, as I am learning through Paul Valery essay, is who I would define as a figure of projective identification of the Subject or, to better explain it, of the knowledge of the Subject that formed and grew through the use of sketches in the experience of the Artist. I have always thought that the finest form of art was the representation of knowledge duly undressed by any personal identification. Leonardo, instead, proceeded to represent the figure through the essence of the artist, a representation technically unlimited on objects and symbols and that keep expressing the transformation and development of Leonardo’s own being.Some artists are testimony of the destruction of the world, of the loss of eternal beauty over decadence. And then you have Leonardo, who creates an art that is the gravity of the world’s system, of the nature, of thoughts and abstractions. I wonder if our killer does the same, if the way they presents the victim through their own personal view, if what we can read there it is their stories, their pains, their needs. Their happiness and troubles. What are they trying to tell me?  I need to know, I need to know to save a life, of course, but I also need to know to be able to sleep at night. Hair, hair are the epitome of femininity in any era. I keep studying Ursula and her habit to pull the. I took notes on it: she picks them by the bottom, slowly separates them until she gains an amount her mind defines satisfactory and then she rolls her finger and pulls, she does it until her finger is empty and there are no hair left. I find her process incredibly interesting. In men’s case the display of physical attributes is not as vital, a beard can be appreciated but does not modify the power of seduction of a grown man. On the contrary, for women hair are a vital part of their attractiveness toward the opposite sex, society sees the hair of a woman as part of their vital characteristics, also in ancient times for a woman to cut her hair or have her hair cut was a sign of deep separation from the society. Only heroines or whores wore that mark and the association of the two is so rooted into the way society always parted the role of a woman in two that it is nauseating to think of. I am still fearing to let Ursula go away, the repulsion that she is showing toward her own body makes it difficult even for me to crack her shell open as a man, but my deepest worry is when that hate will take a scarier and deeper tool on her. How a girl with such  a fear of what her body can do, like sex or pregnancy, can endure in the future to have an husband? Or even to be courted by anyone?
John is helpless and I admire him for that. He doesn’t hide it, he just is. He is vulnerable and exposed, he is an open well bursting with doubts and feelings and troubled waters. He is genuine in a way I could never be. Maybe that’s why I despise even more him talking about you, how he sees you every morning, how you greet everybody, how you behave even with interns, how you like your coffee.  Your talents, your wits, how you said this and acted like that and reasoned through him. How you forbid him to drink even when he felt tempted. How you stayed late over to help him collect all the informations I requested him to get. To him. Not to you. The evil demon of envy scratching in the back of my head screaming like a siren out in the sea, he demands to be heard, he demands to be allowed a part in this game. I won’t allow him that. I won’t allow myself any of that. This is a pure game of chess, if I give in a pawn now, I will lose my knight, and I know it. I advice him to not be so closed minded when he praises you, only to get surprised by the charms of a natural logical mind. I find a way to hurt him, he is an easy target, I look at him as his eyebrows twitch and he summons his patience on me. He lost the plot about you already, his bruised pride taking over. You won’t come into my life.
“Un dì, felice, eterea, mi balenaste innante, e da quel dì tremante vissi d'ignoto amor.”  (“On a day, happy and ethereal, you appeared in front of me and from that day, trembling, I lived on an unknown love”)
The words of Alfredo in the first act of the Traviata keep running through me, a chant that won’t let me go, almost painful. The Opera House, that was my hiding place, a place where in plain sight I could let out myself, unleash. The catharsis of the characters involved running through me, I didn’t need anything but their voices and those musical instruments to let out my fears, doubts and anger. When Alfredo came to the scene tonight, the lights were strong and slightly pinkish, the performer bursting out of the seams with passion. My eyes diverted only to see you there. Alone. Those blinding lights gave you the the radiance of a vision singing the notes of greek myths and heroes, that dark blue evening clothing rang through my eyes like it was a bright yellow, the little shiny details that adorned you so clear against the heavy lighting to look like transparent pieces of water collected to adorn your beauty. I wasn’t me, but Alfredo, and I was helpless against you sitting so far and yet too close from me. I was naked in front of thousands. I am aware of the effect you have on me and our last conversation was barely regarded as one. This is infatuation, this is the pure work of a lonely mind and not something worth of any of all the words that I am dissipating here. Yet. I saw you cry at the climax of the opera, Violetta, the protagonist, heartbroken falling on stage consumed by pain and regret for her lost love and ultimate sacrifice. Your eyes shone as you tried to hide the tears and collect yourself. Through my binoculars, I saw your throat tremble and gulp down something more than just a sigh of pain. Your jaw clenched, your gloved hand moves to hide your shaking lips. I reckon, I have never seen such sad lips look more inviting. You look at the wall on your side breathing through your nose and not even that can save you by the strength of the voice of the soprano. You’re defeated and so you brought a fine silk handkerchief to your eyes, your shoulders bent inward in self defence.  The Opera won. It won you like it always wins me. I wonder if you felt like this because of a past lover, somebody that broke your heart and made you feel wrong in any way.  And because of that little wonder it is even more clear to me why I am a man worth of no trust. Because for a moment, I know, I wished to be the one that broke your heart. That gave you just the pain you’re inflicting on me so mercilessly by offering intoxicating kindness and beauty.  To own your thoughts, tears and shame. To be the one man you have to look away from. I want to own all of that and, maybe, I will be freed of you the day you’ll be just another human being that hates Dr Laszlo Kreizler.
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saby-chan · 3 years ago
Fire Lord Ozai: A blood thirsty monster or the less fortunate “Zuko” of his generation?
Hello again and thank you as always for clicking and allotting some of your time to read my humble post! Since I’ve happened to notice quite an increase in posts lately regarding the controversial character and nature of the former Fire Lord, the now imprisoned fallen prince Ozai, and I’ve personally promised in my previous post that I will share my own analysis on him if people asked me to do so (which actually happened), I am here to deliver my own take on this very intriguing man’s character, while also building a potential past for him based on stuff gathered from the show’s cannon.
I would like to start this essay with what I find to be my favorite quote ever: ”Monster’s aren’t born, they are created.” ~ Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto) What I like about this quote soo much and find very inspirational is the truth it holds within its short, yet powerful message. We are often fast to judge a “book by the cover”, to reduce others to what we assume of them by their appearance or latest actions that we’ve seen them do, but never actually take a moment and wonder where they come from, if this person we soo harshly look down upon really has been this way since their very beginning?
I’ve come across many comments on social media related to ATLA, especially on YouTube videos on which people would throw with harsh comments such as “Aang being a coward for choosing to spare the villain just because they saw a dumb baby pic of them” or “Ozai is the essence of evil and even as a baby he’d been a monster”. I can’t help but wonder who hurt these people to make them be so cruel? Like, how messed up must you actually be to say that a baby, a friggin baby, is the embodiment of all evils? Or that a child was a coward for choosing to see his opponent’s last bits of humanity and opted to spare them?
Aang was soo morally conflicted about the idea of killing Ozai not only because it contradicted the morals of his people, but because he himself understood that this man hadn’t always been the cruel beast he came to met in their first and final showdown. It’s important to note here the fact that upon finding that picture, Aang was actually convinced it had to be Zuko as a baby since it looked so innocent and cute and was actually surprised to learn it was Zuko’s father. And that’s the thing, Ozai was born like us all as an innocent and sweet baby. Babies aren’t in any way evil or twisted, they don’t even have the notion of ‘good’ and ‘evil’ defined in their small, still developing minds. In fact, the very choice of the creators to add this picture in the show is meant to tell us this very thing: this man wasn’t always like this. But if he wasn’t always like this, then what happened to make him become this way?
Well, in order to find out the reason, we must go back in time to the very beginning: Ozai’s childhood and upbringing. For this next part I am going to solely focus on the show cannon, as the comics aren’t the products of BryKe and have a lot of inconsistencies to the source’s cannon (you can go and read my other post on why they fail when it comes to Zuko’s character and his family).
 From what we know and can easily deduce by ourselves just from their appearances, Ozai and his brother Iroh have a huge age gap between them (somewhere between 10 and 15 years). This has to be our first red flag: isn’t it soo odd that this family opted to have their children at such a long distance between pregnancies? It almost feels as if Ozai hadn’t actually been part of his father’s actual family planning... In other words, he was a ‘mistake’ child (I actually hate having to use this terminology, but it will become relevant to when we expand on Azulon’s relationship with his sons). Sure, some may argue that Azulon actually decided to have two sons in case something were to happen to his first born, but wouldn’t it have been more logical to have his second born at 2-3 years max distance from his first? Why choose to have your second child when you are much older and thus risk having a baby with issues, if your sole purpose of this child is to serve as an insurance that you don’t ‘run out’ of heirs? It just doesn’t make much sense, so let’s go for the moment with the possibility that Ozai was an unplanned pregnancy.
This perspective actually gives way to another very interesting aspect: remember the infamous “Born lucky...Lucky to be born” quote? What if I tell you that there is a possibility that this quote wasn’t Ozai’s personal wicked invention, but actually something he himself heard from his very own father? It had been puzzling me for a long time why he choose to say “You were lucky to be born” to Zuko, which implies that Zuko wasn’t supposed to exist. I mean, it’s soo odd that Ozai went with something implying that Zuko was an unplanned pregnancy, since Zuko was the first born. So my theory is that maybe Ozai wanted to convey a different message to Zuko when he said that quote, but due to his anger he ended up replicating the same line he received from Azulon at some point in his childhood. We never got the exact flashback when the line was delivered from Ozai to Zuko, so we don’t have the exact context that lead to it (remember, we are excluding Yang’s take on the matter from the comics).
I mean, this feels like something that wicked old Azulon would have said to his least favorite child. Okay, so let’s go with the scenario that Ozai was an unwanted child, to which we could also add the possibility that Ilah’s health deteriorated after the first birth, which makes plausible the family’s initial decision of stopping at 1 kid.
Moving on, we know from the old ATLA character wiki’s that Ozai’s character design was made with Zuko in mind, being meant to be a grown up version of Zuzu, without the scar. An interesting choice indeed and even Iroh’s letter to Zuko on Ozai from one of the ATLA books describes Ozzy in a similar way to teenage Zuko in book 1: stubborn, feisty, determined and with a volcanic personality (easy to anger and competitive), so it means that these were intentional choices to imply that Zuko and his father are more similar than we were led to believe at first glance. Maybe Ozai was the “Zuko” of his generation. Also, in one of the interviews on the royal family, BryKe stated that Ozai worked very hard to get where he is in book 3, referring to his firebending specifically (we all know how Ozzy got the throne, so clearly, he didn’t “work hard” for that), so maybe he wasn’t always the strongest man alive, with the most exceptional firebending skills out there, like Azula who showed ease in her learning, but rather someone closer to Zuko’s weaker performance as a child, building his way to success through endless hard work until he became the prodigy we know today.
Continuing with our theoretical scenario, after his birth, the second child show’s lesser skills compared to his brother Iroh (by that I don’t mean that he wasn’t gifted at all, but that maybe Ozai wasn’t as fast and great of a learner like his big bro), so Azulon opts to just ignore him and continue focusing solely on his golden child. In my headcannon I actually think that Ilah survived the birth and so she was left in charge of the younger child’s education and upbringing. At this point Iroh is already 10 or older, so he is forced to focus on his development, which prevents him from spending time with his lil brother, but just for the sake of being positive, let’s assume that Ozai still had both his mother and his big brother to keep him sheltered from Azulon’s darkness for a small portion of his childhood.
I choose to believe that Ozai had his mother’s love for a small bit of his childhood due to his willingness in the show to allow Ursa (who mind you, as the granddaughter of Roku was considered a treacherous individual) to spend a ton of time with both Zuko and Azula and share her philosophy with the children, as seeing his wife playing with their children probably reminded him of his own bitter-sweet memories he had with Ilah. They also probably spent a lot of their time near the turtle-duck pond since that pond’s existence prolly dates long before Ozai and Ursa married and had their own children.
Unfortunately, Ilah dies and little Ozai remains all alone, to be influenced negatively by his father (and even by his grandpa Sozin, we don’t really know for certain when the old man died, so he prolly was there for a short time when Ozzy was still a child). Azulon most likely blames Ozai for his wife’s death as the second birth might’ve really had a huge toll on Ilah’s already fragile body, bringing her closer to death, so he still neglects and ignores the child, if not straight out bullies and abuses him for not being on par with Iroh. This prolly leads to Ozai becoming jealous of his brother since Iroh has their father’s love, pushing them further apart. I headcannon that this jealousy between the siblings led to Ozai complaining to his dad when he finally had too much of their father’s discrimination (at a similar age to when Zuko prolly did and got the infamous line, if not younger) only to get the “Iroh was born lucky, you were lucky to be born!” line with the sole purpose of hurting him since now the child knows that he was never wanted.
When Azulon scolds very furiously adult Ozai in Zuko’s memories for daring to ask to be named crown prince, he literally says something like “What, you dare ask me to betray MY own son?!” (this is like red flag number two), line that pretty much testifies how Azulon chose to pretty much treat Ozai as if he wasn’t his son too, showcasing how much he despised his second born and favored the first child over him. Since we are on the topic of their last conversation, the punishment Azulon gave to his son alone proves this man’s level of sadism, which leads me to be believe that Ozai’s childhood was full of this type of punishments for bad behaviors that could be easily corrected trough a long serious lecture or a lesser punishment focused more on teaching him an actual lesson. 
The old wikis also mention on the page about the hall with portraits of the previous Fire Lords that it was the place where Ozai chose to spend most of his time in his youth, seeking advice from his ancestors. I mean, seriously now, if he had a good and supportive father and a present brother in his life, would Ozai had chosen to seek guidance from the dead instead of his living family? That piece of information that was easily overlooked by many proves how lonely this man was in his youth.
So for the most part of his life, Ozai grew up under the toxic influence and abuse of his tyrant father who refused to acknowledge him. Yet he managed to grow up still full of determination to one day prove his worth to Azulon and gain his acceptance (just like we saw with Zuko in book 1, who was desperate to regain his honor and be accepted by his father). But unfortunately, no matter how strong he became or how good of a firebender he was, Azulon was unmoved and unphased by his second son’s performance.
From what we could gather from the little info we received in the show, it seems that Ozai was never sent to the battle field to aid his older brother, being kept as a stay home prince, with the only occasion he actually left home being to search for the Avatar (I don’t think Iroh was sent to do his part on searching the Avatar since he strongly believed that there wasn’t going to ever be one, so it’s safe to assume Azulon assigned Ozai with this mission just to get rid of him for a few years) and the only purpose he ever served to his father was to become part of the old man’s genetics experiment in order to create strong unparalleled firebending offspring (which I am pretty sure were meant to be ‘biological war machines’ used by Azulon in the war, as he didn’t really seem to give a shit about Ozai’s children compared to Lu Ten). So just imagine the level of disappointment and dishonor Ozai must’ve felt as a man and young aspiring soldier to find out that he was going to be used like a ‘non-bending daughter’ in a strategical marriage and never get to serve his country in what he’d been taught was the greatest and most important war for their Nation.
All in all, this marriage didn’t really end up that badly because it seems he and Ursa were actually very compatible. The old wiki for Ursa states that she was a noble woman and the perfect match for Ozai, which leads me to believe that show Ursa was intended to be a very strong willed and determined woman who earned his respect. The show never stated that Ozai never wanted his first born or that he was disappointed with Zuko from birth like the comics say, so it’s safe to assume that Ursa and Ozai actually ended up falling in love at some point since they had not one, but two kids with relatively a short time in between pregnancies. 
There are actually many signs in the show that actually prove that these two loved each other and Ozai didn’t abuse his wife: from the fact that they went every year to see Ursa’s favorite play despite Ozai hating the poor performance of the Ember Island Players (I mean, what man would do such a sacrifice as to endure the same torture every single year just to make his wife happy if he never loved her?), Ursa’s undeniable and sincere love for their children (in the show it was never stated that Ursa saw Zuko and Azula as someone else’s children, so if she were indeed an abused woman who was forced to have these children, she wouldn’t have ever loved them to such an extent, especially Zuko who resembled his father the most physically), the fact that Ursa had equal rights in their marriage and raising of their children (her even scolding and grounding Ozai’s favorite child without hesitation), to the most significant scene to the Urzai ship in Zuko’s flashbacks: Ozai sitting troubled all alone in Ursa’s favorite spot by the pond, in a sad and brooding atmosphere, after he lost her, instead of celebrating what had to be the happiest day of his life since he was finally crowned Fire Lord (it’s clear who had more importance in his heart: Ursa meant more to him than the throne, so losing her outshined his achievement). In fact, Ursa must’ve been the only thing that still kept him outside of the darkness that threatened to swallow his heart and once he lost her, Ozai had nothing else to keep him on the right path.
And even as a father, it seems that Ozai wasn’t always cold and distant to his children, as his true self depicted in Zuko’s memories on Ember Island shows him caring for both of his children, even holding Zuko close to him with a protective arm on the boy’s shoulder. Except the Agni Kai, there don’t seem to be any instances in which he was physically violent towards his son before the banishment (Iroh literally let Zuko in to join that faithful war meeting willingly. Would’ve he done that if he knew his brother to be very violent towards his children in case they disobeyed? If yes, then it would make Iroh actually very questionable on a moral standpoint) and even on an emotional level, I don’t really think that he was actually abusive to him (at least while Ursa was there) because from Zuko’s conversation with Zhao, he’s adamant that his father will take him back and even states "You don't know how my father feels about me. You don't know anything!", meaning that the father he used to know showed him a level of respect and genuine affection (if Ozai were to bully Zuko since the boy’s very early childhood, do you think this kid would grow up to be so sure that his father wants him around and would he defend this bully when someone badmouths them in front of him?).
Even with Azula, despite people demonizing her from early childhood and saying that she was manipulated since birth by Ozai to become a war machine, I do believe that she shows genuine love and affection towards her father. I do choose to believe that back in the good times when the family was happy, Ozai spent quality time with his daughter, filling in the gap left by Ursa’s neglect. I theorize that the reason why kid Azula badmouthed her grandpa and uncle was because she was being very protective of her father: since she used to like spying and eavesdropping, it’s safe to assume that she prolly witnessed many instances in which the old man bullied or insulted Ozai, favoring Iroh over him. It’s a bit harder to see it that way since her snarky comments involve dark topics, but since they live in a society governed by power and war, I see them as something similar to if Azula would’ve said “Uncle sucks and he will surely be fired from his job!” or “Grandpa is old and weak, he should leave the family business to dad!”. Even the fact that the only thing capable of shattering her to pieces was her father leaving her proves how much she cared for him. Ty Lee and Mai’s betrayal was a big blow on Azula’s control and sanity, but she didn’t breakdown until Ozai discarded her after his coronation as Phoenix King. There’s nothing more painful in this world than to be left behind by the person you loved the most and was there by your side your whole life, whom you wanted to follow to world’s end and back. That was the moment Azula finally realized that the father she used to know and love was actually gone and had been in fact, long gone for years at this point.
But if Ozai cared for his family what made him change? Easy, it all comes back to the fact that his father never acknowledged him. The throne doesn’t seem to be his ultimate goal in life since Ozai discarded of the Fire Lord title very easily, tossing it to Azula without any remorse or hesitation. It was more about the meaning behind getting the crown: replacing Iroh in the line of succession was the ultimate proof of his father’s acceptance, that he wasn’t only a “mistake” and “failure” in his father’s eyes, but since Azulon ended up saying and doing what he did, backfired Ozai and made him understand that no matter how hard he tried, the old man will never see him for what he is. So yeah, for a proud man like Ozai this was a hard defeat to swallow, which in turn sparked his strong desire of winning the war and becoming the king of the world: if Azulon wouldn’t accept him even in death, then Ozai will prove to the whole world that he was above his father and his “perfect” brother by accomplishing what they never could and even better and no one was going to stop him, not even his own family.
This is what differentiates Ozai from Zuko: while both had similar upbringings, Ozai never broke away from his obsession of gaining his father’s admiration, allowing himself to fall prey to the darkness left by Azulon in his heart and abandon his true self, only to become the copy of his abuser, while Zuko stood up to his dad and chose his own destiny. If Aang were to come back around 20 or 30 years earlier, then he might’ve actually been able to save Ozai just like he saved Zuko, but unfortunately it wasn’t this way.
Do I think that Ozai could still be saved and redeemed even after the events of book 3? Definitely! Since he’s actually a broken man and still has a tiny bit of humanity left within, I think he still has a chance to change his heart. The only thing is that it’d be a long lasting process: first off he needs to spend a long time in solitude and reflect on his life’s choices and his past, understand where he went wrong and that what happened to him in his childhood is called abuse, which he ended up replicating on his own children. After he understands his wrongdoings and becomes willing to rediscover his true self, he needs to understand the truth about the war, that everything he’d known was fake propaganda and that there was nothing glorious in what he, his father and Sozin did under the excuse of “sharing their Nation’s greatness with the rest of the world!”. But most importantly of all, the only remedy that could possibly save him is love. It sound cliche, but by responding to hatred with more hate like Zuko did in the comics would never change the world “for the better” or bring it “to reality”. The only way to save both Azula and Ozai would be trough showing them the power of love, hope and empathy, how they don’t have to struggle alone and push everyone away. And especially by redeeming Azula, she would be a very important piece in Ozai’s redemption: since he had a closer parent-child relationship with Azula and cared for her the most when he did care, realizing how much he made her suffer through his actions, that would probably break Ozai enough to make him admit that he was wrong all along.
So yeah, this is my analysis on Ozai’s character using the cannon information from the show and old wikis and why I think he is just the product of a very bad environment and an abusive parent who never showed him love (if there’s a reason for why Ozai might be uncapable of showing a healthy parental love to his children is because you can’t show what you’ve never learnt yourself), being the Zuko of his generation who never got to experience the positive influence of an “Uncle Iroh” to guide him on the right path. 
You can agree with me or not on this one, but this is what I choose to believe. Maybe I am way too good by choosing to see any potential good in anyone, but I feel it’s a better way than to counter hate with more hate like Yang did in his monstrous portrayal of Ozai in The Search.
Let me know your thoughts in the comments and if you agree with anything I’ve said, feel free to leave a like and to reblog this post.
See you next time and stay safe! Bye-Bye!
Saby out.
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camilliar · 4 years ago
recs for someone new to omgcp
[February 2021.]
Reading, or not reading, OMGCP fics has come up in a couple of conversations I’ve had recently with artists newish to the fandom (ie. @jovishark; @decafffff), who are making OMGCP art (!!!) but haven’t started exploring fic -- but maybe want to? Which of course reminded me that I’ve never bothered to make an actual, concrete recs list for this fandom. So, I mean. Here is one.
The approach is, what do I think about when I think about OMGCP fanfic? What comes to mind, what stands out to me? I have excluded some very popular fics. Some of these I just don’t think are very good, and others I do think are good, and/or I enjoy them, but I don’t see why you’d need me, specifically, to recommend them. I am thinking of a story like maybe i’m waking up, which I discuss below because I link to a podfic of it. It has a lot of merits, to be sure, but it’s the second-most-read fic in this fandom by hits, and it’s got thousands of comments, and it’s by an author whose work is relatively widely praised and circulated. I am not sure what telling you more about this fic will add to the conversation; if you want to find and read it, you inevitably will. I’m happy to, say, answer asks about these kinds of fics, or talk more generally about them via DM or whatever. Feel free.
Also, I don’t think there’s a point to pretending to be objective about fanfic; this list has a perspective and that perspective is mine. In this fandom I largely read stories that navigate the tension around Jack, Bitty, and Parse, in various permutations. This is not to say that I’ve never read fic about the frogs, or that I have no interest at all in other pairings, but I am by no means an expert on Dex/Nursey and can really only speak to the one fic about them that sticks out to me because it goes beyond being merely Dex/Nursey and does something else. This is just to say that I am sure there are great and interesting fics about other things and ideas--but I’m not the person to hear about those from.
Likewise, I’m not super interested in stories that really reproduce that which is already in OMGCP. I like Zimbits--albeit maybe not in the ways or for the reasons most fans would--but I do not really need to see endless iterations of the same story about them falling in love and being cute together. I don’t think these stories are bad or they shouldn’t exist or that they have no merit by default. Still, I don’t need fanfic to give me more OMGCP. I need fanfic to complicate, to comment on, and to transform OMGCP. Many people don’t work like this! Totally okay! But I can’t rec you fics that do that.
What I have noticed, however, is that over time there appears to have been a shift in how people do write fic for this fandom. (Other than, you know, increases and decreases in activity pending the status of the comic, pairings going in and out of vogue, and so on.) Early on, say during Y1 and Y2, the comic was about the group of friends having a cool time at college together; about whether the burgeoning attraction between Jack and Bitty would manifest and, if so, how; and, especially, Jack’s past coming into fuller view for Bitty and how it would have to be dealt with in order for a relationship between them to work. YMMV on how great the comic executed there, but as Y3 went on these themes increasingly disappeared from the story. I think this means a lot of fic written over 2015-2016 or 2017 has one kind of tone, and was written mostly around these questions; after that, it feels like a new crop of writers and a new crop of ideas started circulating, that is, either embracing Jack and Bitty’s canon relationship and accepting its relative straightforwardness in text--or deconstructing it, imagining what readers aren’t seeing, or how problems not dealt with in the comic would manifest later. People who have read my fic know which of these I’m mainly interested in exploring.
All of which is to say, looking at what I’m reccing here, when the fics were posted or when I first read them probably has a lot to do with why they stick out to me so much. Because there’s no real culture of fanfic criticism--and I mean that in the positivist sense of broad evaluation not explicitly for fault and merit but rather, for context--I think it’s really hard to keep this in mind. But I’m obnoxious and I can’t just be easy about things.
Fic recs
In alphabetical order, somewhat unsorted; if a stand-alone fic has a summary I’ve included it, but in other cases I’ve recced a couple of conceptually related fics or series, which I’ve tried to just describe or explain as opposed to copying the summary off AO3.
There are so many more fanfics I think are great and worth reading! In an ideal world I’d come back and add more later, or create a secondary list that’s more along the lines of “if you like this, read these,” or whatever. But, being realistic, this is a starter kit. I’m open to talking about fanfic.
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7-0-2 by Idday; Friends in Low Places and Sorry for the Blood in Your Mouth; I Wish it was Mine by blue_rocket_frost | I’m not sure it would be correct to say that I don’t like Parse/Tater, or that I’m not interested in Parse/Tater. I’m not interested in Patater a priori; I think it could be interesting, with teeth. These fics stick out to me when I think about this pairing, because they feel different. Accusations of a preference for just linking any two white men who happen to be hanging around have validity, but because of what hockey is and how it works and who’s hanging around it, it’s not exactly a leap to imagine what kind of gritty spark the friction between two closeted NHL players would create. A little violence in your sex? A little sex in your violence.
A Sight Worth Seeing by sadtomato | A four-fic Jack/Bitty/Shitty/Lardo explicit BDSM series. Either you want that or you don’t. It’s nothing hardcore, and not properly a four-way, really; more properly a kind of voyeuristic round-robin. There’s a more open and egalitarian view of sex here than I really get from the characters in the back end of the comic. It’s an expansive, propulsive view of sex and relationships that’s really nice to see. I love Lardo's detached coolness, and Bitty as a smooth operator; if you’re looking for some kind of Dom/sub dynamics world, this really isn’t it, but it’s a lively exploration into the sexual dynamics in a group of friends that’s super close to the good-times vibe you get from Haus scenes in the first couple years of extras.
call me son (one more time) by Summerfrost, Verbyna, and blithelybonny | This is a series, incomplete, and you will love it or be massively put off by it. I mean that as a compliment. I love it. The premise is, Bob Zimmermann and Kent Parson have been having sex since Kent was, like, 19. Everyone in this story has been chewed up: by themselves, by each other, by hockey. Plainly, this is a pretty bleak view of what OMGCP, as a story, is supposedly offering. If you want fic that is dark and glamorous, treading the toxic melange of substance abuse, sex-as-sublimation, and so much money you can’t possibly throw all of it away without trying, this series has that sick-inducing shimmer to it. But, again, its strength is its examination of Kent Parson, textually and meta-textually, as someone to be projected onto. Bob, Alicia, Jack, and Bitty all impute certain feelings of their own onto him, displacing their own issues to a character who’s centralized in every fic but defies neat or total comprehension. Some critiques I’ve read of this series feel it’s too dark, and I’ve also seen it argued on FFA that an overwhelming amount of praise heaped onto these stories has made it tough for other writers to make headway in writing Bob/Kent fic. But I’m also not sure you could engage with Bob/Kent fic without going down this road at some point? I’m sure there are ways to scale it back, but ultimately it’s a story about how hockey’s violent, homophobic, old-guard gatekeeping has continued to set the terms for a younger and ostensibly less toxic culture. I fully embrace PWP fics that tread on the power dynamic without fully excavating it, but buried within any PWP is the fact that a 53-year-old man is ensnaring a 19-year-old, no matter how much the latter is, realistically, into it, and legally empowered to consent. Not to mention the dynamics of it being a 53-year-old man who is the father of the 19-year-old’s ex-boyfriend, and a 53-year-old man who is an eminence grise in the field the 19-year-old is trying to make a career in  The sexual element--the vaguely incestuous nature of it--is making textual the subtext of how hockey works, actually: objectification of teenage bodies as older men’s capital.
Coach Z by thistidalwave | Just before the 2009 NHL Entry Draft, tp prospect Jack Zimmermann overdoses on his anxiety medication and is admitted to rehab. His future turns from a clear-cut road to the top into an uncertain path filled with therapy appointments, ignored text messages, a group of boys who aren't there to teach him a lesson about himself, and, of course, hockey. | I keep reccing this fic because it has 360 comments on AO3 but nobody, as far as I can tell, has ever read it; it never appears on rec lists. This isn’t the kind of fanfic I usually go in for, but I can’t help being charmed by it. This is a character study in the truest sense, a kind of Mighty Ducks-but-better view on what Jack’s time coaching peewee hockey might have been like. I have no interest in kids and my own aesthetic is maybe a little darker than this, but I admire this story because it injects vibrancy into a period of Jack’s life that OMGCP has left largely unexplored, and so has the fandom. We know nothing about what made Jack want to go to college, nothing about how he spent his days in between juniors and Samwell. It posits a very sympathetic and patient Jack/Parse dynamic, showcasing the exact kind of ragged teenage push-and-pull that would have led to the circumstances we see in Parse I-III. The outside perspective Jack needs is largely present in an OFC who’s not a love interest. Super unique, somehow both engrossing and low-key.
#dirtbags by angularmomentum | A series that is a Kent Parson/Claude Giroux fuckfest with feelings. I’ve long suspected that Parse is popular in part because he is the character who most easily elides OMGCP with the actual NHL, or rather, NHL fandom; I think he made it appealing to write OMGCP fics where the NHL is a factor. Case in point, this series, which is basically “what if Kent Parson was a real hockey player and therefore part of NHL RPS”? I have only read some NHL RPS, so I’m not the person to assess accuracy, but what I do know is superstar IRL hockey players take turns here as the caricature fanfic versions of themselves, and since Kent Parson is already that, it’s great how seamlessly he integrates into their social fabric. Rambunctious energy peppered with regret and loss, but ultimately this series is farcical, and it doesn’t take its sentimental ending too seriously--which, good.
fated to pretend by nighimpossible | 5 Jack/Kent fics that Ransom and Holster dramatically reenact for the Haus + the truth. | As a fic format, 5+1 doesn’t usually work for me, but this one isn’t just front-loaded with five too-knowing vignettes; it then wraps up by using its +1 better than you might expect. Sometimes I talk about economy of fic, and this one exemplifies it. A zero-waste fic.
go ahead and move along by originally | "Leave, Parse," Jack says. Again. Or: Kent finds himself stuck in a time loop. | Kent Parson is trapped in a Groundhog Day scenario on the day of Epikegster. I’m sure you can imagine, just from that, what happens. And yet I think this fic is super entertaining, reserving some key surprises. What this story is doing is something a lot, and perhaps even the majority, of great Jack/Parse fic wants to do: digging into the question of just why this can’t work in comic canon. Most often this is approached from the past, by writing teenage Jack/Parse deep-dives that examine their lives mid-juniors, or by writing AUs where enough circumstances are shifted that it does work, or via future fics that posit enough growth has happened, and enough things have changed. But this fic makes Parse live the same bad day again and again, testing multiple theories about just how dependent on circumstance and incident real life actually is. Another day, another tone, 10 minutes sooner, not at all--you just can’t know why it didn’t work until you exhaust every possible variable. I worry that this rec has sucked the life out of the story, though--it’s so fun!
I Saw a Life and Strange Lovers by @bluegrasshole | Most AUs in this fandom seem to retell the story in a new setting or with some big detail change, following OMGCP’s rhythm beat-for-beat. I think of this as, “It’s the plot of Check, Please, but” -- they’re doing high school football? They’re acrobats? They’re a/b/o? They’re in a DIY punk band? And so on. These two stories are not that! They’re both 1950s AUs, each deeply felt, and yet hugely different from each other. I Saw a Life is about displacement and fragmentation, two sides of a similar but incongruent social critique; Strange Lovers is a finely wrought social drama about coal mining in Nova Scotia in the 1950s, centered around historical events. I suppose a theme on this rec list is something like, “I don’t even like this, but” -- yes, okay, I don’t even like Dex/Nursey, but--! This fic is so overwhelmingly complete, the AU laid out so carefully that the story breathes with all the background details informing the writing that aren’t actually, in the story; you just know they’re below the surface. (With the exception of one investigation of Jack’s character in a short, separate fic.) I Saw a Life, meanwhile, really tests the limits of the notion that Jack and Bitty are soulmates--not by calling it into question but by asking, rather innovatively, how the setting and place of the comic itself activates that.
Les Hivers de mon enfance by staranise | What do you do when hockey is the language of prayer for your soul, and also the toxic thing that almost killed you? 2009: Jack Zimmermann takes a mental health year. God knows he needs it. | Here’s a fic by someone who’s no longer around so much, but she felt ubiquitous in 2016-2019 OMGCP fandom. Before any of that, though, she wrote this one lovely fic about Jack’s pre-Samwell recovery. The author is Canadian and really irritated by hockey culture, and I think this fic benefits greatly because she is clear-eyed about Jack’s being caught in an exploitative system; it’s hockey he’s in recovery for, in a way. There’s an epistolary element that works for me, too. I read this early on in my time in OMGCP fandom and it really stuck with me.
Lysistrata? I Hardly Know Her! (by which I mean everything) by @tomatowrites | It feels somehow like cheating to recommend OMGCP fanfics by my OMGCP BFF with whom I make an OMGCP podcast where we talk about OMGCP. You know the fics I really want to rec, like truly the ones that speak to some kind of shared depravity, are the ones where Jack is miserably mpreg for the second time and accidentally lets his kid see Kent Parson’s Long John Silver’s shrimp scampi promo spot, which obviously would get twisted into a self-hating three-way. How many times do I have to rec this fic? As many as I need to, is my feeling. If you don’t know, Long John Silver’s is an American fast-food chain that sells, like, fried pollock sandwiches; it is nautical-themed; I have never eaten there; I don’t know where there is one; I don’t eat fried fish. (Shrimp, on the other hand?) All of which is to say that it takes a real genius to investigate a premise that far out. And while a lot of people almost certainly will start reading this humanity’s depths-themed sex scene and back the fuck out, readers with refined taste will note that Kent, the point-of-view character, is right there with you, despairing that he can’t help himself. And so long as you’re in that story collection, honestly, you’ll love petite gems like Jack is transmasc, Jack and Shitty play hockey in 18th-century England, and oh, right, he’s from Georgia. Tomato holds the distinction of being probably the gamest author I know in this fandom, just really like fearless in her pursuit of any range of concept she’s pushed to. (I can push her to?) See, for example, a sublime bandom AU; Bitty is cancelled for buying a maybe-unethically exported Roman fragment of a youth’s torso; or, god, the masterwork that is this future fic series where Jack keeps relapsing and Bitty exiles him to their guesthouse. Do I think you need to read a fic where Bitty is snide about the teen prostitute whose baby they’re adopting? Yes, I mean, he would be snide, don’t tell me he wouldn’t. I could go on, but my main thing here is, if I have to pick just one, I’m going to pick this Lysistrata fic. The premise, literally, is that Bitty reads the Lysistrata and it gives him ideas. Like most of Tomato’s OMGCP fic, it’s a stripping away of the comic’s polite fiction that Jack and Bitty could possibly attain the ideal it reaches in the comic without some kind of messy, efflusive breakdown. Life is like that, you see! Tricky. Like a lot of people, although it’s tough to say precisely how many, I have always intuited that maybe Bitty is kind of a natural top? But obviously when you meet him, as a literal virgin, it’s hard to see how he’d go from zero to self-actualization so neatly. This fic floats a theory, and it has a fun little side plot for Whiskey, something I never thought about or needed before Tomato built it out herein. In conclusion, BONUS: Dex’s gay lobster novel.
only fools rush in and the light of all lights by decinq | This person wrote of the nature of the wound, one of the early, formative Jack/Bitty fics that was oft-recced when I was getting into the fandom in 2016. It forms part of a larger series that deals deeply with how Jack has been shaped by his struggles (? I hate this word) with homophobia and his own mental health. It’s a picture of the character as you might have imagined him much earlier in the comic’s run. The formatting is atrocious and he author’s flair is what Tomato would call “AO3 house style.” It’s a voice that works great for her writing. I think it’s at its best in these shorter fics; the former is about Parse and Shitty stumbling into a relationship almost accidentally; the latter, an eerie PBJ vampire fic. I had begun writing a fic where Parse is a vampire early on in this fandom, only to read this and immediately quit, because you only need one, and this one’s all I need. The Parse/Shitty rare pair fic shares its exuberance with hockey RPS when it’s good: here’s how fun it can be when you’re young, rich, and jocular. And I don’t even like accidental marriage AUs, they’re usually boring, so that says a lot. By all means, read the wound fic; read the entire series. But these are highly unusual.
OVERDOSE and Oomph and a little spin-o-rama by jedusaur | None of these are long, or plotty, and they’re all a little experimental. OVERDOSE is an AU set in a world where you know how you’ll die, but no details; Oomph, a little fic where Jack hears hockey pucks talking to him. This is the kind of stuff I used to think I’d find in fandom forever, coming out of Lotrips lurking in the 2000s: short, zany bursts of energy that surprise and delight. a little spin-o-rama peers at Kent’s character through the grim reality of being the hypertalented superstar stuck on a dead-last team. All three are sparse and stylish in a way that’s really smart, practically economical.
Sowing Season by @agrossunderstatement | Parse and Zimms, Zimms and Parse. Kent Parson's life, from the Q, through his early years with the Aces, to Jack's senior year. Canon divergent. A story of love, loss, moving on, regressing, hockey, and found families of all kinds. | Effectively a novel, digging into Kent’s personal history, mostly concerning his life in juniors but expanding into his present, overlapping with the plot of OMGCP. I think there is room enough for endless speculations on what went down pre-canon; this one offers a fuller life for Kent than nearly any others, digging into him as a whole person rather than as a satellite to Jack or the plot of the comic. Which isn’t to say that the Kent/Jack stuff isn’t dealt with here; it explicitly is. But the fact of Kent Parson’s life, if we can begin to imagine it beyond mere text, would exist before, after, and alongside Jack; he gets to juniors without Jack, presumably, and he is the captain of a hockey team without Jack, and Pinkerton lays the foundation of Parse’s character within a junior hockey that Jack also inhabits, more so that Parse existing for Jack, so to speak. And I’m not implying this latter tactic is wrong; I have certainly employed it, and others have employed it to great impact and effect. But, still, the title of this series tells you what you ought to know: Kent and his story are the potentiality of OMGCP, up to a point; seeds being planted. Young hockey players, similarly. The question implied there is, what will be reaped? And the answer to the latter, in a sense, that reaping is a sort of violence. Which makes this series sound pretty heavy, but it’s not -- more like, realistic.
(tell everyone) you were a good wife by @queerofcups | The biggest problem with pretending that he doesn’t know that Kent Parson is fucking his husband is that Jack can’t tell Kent how grateful he is. | The ne plus ultra of PBJ triangulation; I’ve been squealing to the writer about how good it is since August, begging for behind-the-scenes insights, and I’d only do that if I really meant it. The precarious social fabric stretched across these three chapters is fraying before the reader’s eyes. The details are delicious, and I don’t want to spoil them, but they sing in chorus with the plot. My favorite OMGCP fics, honestly, remove the romance narrative guardrails that keep things in the comic itself humming along. I think Dann’s take is to ask who in this comic has power and what they would end up doing with it. (Or not doing, from another angle.) At one point, early on in its telling, OMGCP looked like it was going to be a story dealing with the compounded traumas of hockey’s discontents. Then, of course, it wasn’t. This is a fic that steps back and asks what the fallout of that oversight would be. But that’s just the moldering core of this fanfic; it’s actually embroidered, like I said, with glittering detail. The color of the suit Bitty wears to his wedding is burned into my brain. The gray manicure of a woman Jack knows. The ingredients in a cake. This is one of those fics I still haven’t reviewed because the thought of stacking everything I could say about it into mere AO3 comments is inadequate.
when you’re ready by megancrtr | The Aces’ director of communications gets the call at 3:13 a.m. Jack Zimmermann has withdrawn from the draft. | “What happened at the draft” is so mythological it gets asked in the comic proper, and I’ve never counted how many fics attempt to answer this question--from Kent’s point of view, even--but it’s gotta be, oh, hundreds. This story replays the situation from the perspective of an Aces staffer who just wants to do her job, and gets at the jarring discordance between the plot of OMGCP in its quest for social justice and the business of actual hockey. Important context is that this story was written around the time the comic was playing out the end of Y3 and start of Y4, and Bitty pointedly asked Jack the question, “why can’t we?” This story reframes the question as literal, rather than rhetorical. A sterling example of fanfic being a gloss on its source.
BONUS, podfics
hockeyed up | There are many things on Jack's mind. Namely: hockey, hockey, Bitty, hockey, anxiety, hockey, hockey, anxiety, Bitty, hockey, hockey, anxiety, and hockey. | A fic read aloud by its French-Canadian author. Also a relatively early OMGCP fanfic; composed while the first semester of Y2 was posting, the story suggests a version of OMGCP that was in some ways more and in other ways less complex than what it would turn into not long after. The real power of this podfic, however, is that it’s read by the writer, so you can hear the intended emphasis in every line. Also, because she’s French-Canadian, Sophie’s intonation is what I picture when I read or write dialogue for Jack.
maybe i’m waking up | It’s almost funny. All he ever wanted was to play hockey, to play in the NHL, to win the Cup. This—Samwell, the team, the Haus—was supposed to be just a detour, but now it feels more like a destination he failed to realize he’s already reached.(Or: Jack signs with the Falconers, graduates, and leaves. It's the hardest thing he's ever done. What comes after is even harder.) | Don’t get too excited; this isn’t finished. A podfic of probably the best-known, most-recced fic in OMGCP fandom. Striking for its use of metatext woven into the story, this is one of several early longform Jack/Bitty fics that posits that maybe Jack has a lot more development to undergo before he can really, truly, be okay--or be okay enough to be with Bitty? To be honest, this story strikes me now as too long, but the parts in it that work are effective beyond that which fanfic demands. Meanwhile, this audio version only covers six chapters, but it’s so slick, so well-realized, so true to the story. Podfic as art.
my own dear friends | Ever since the day he met Jack Zimmermann, Shitty has seen it as his solemn duty to aggressively love him. (He just didn't know how aggressive the love Jack needed would be.) | There’s previous little Jack/Shitty in this fandom and a lot less quality BDSM,
the city’s ours until the fall | Kent has been, historically, good at this—forgetting about things until suddenly he doesn’t, and then it’s like the scar has never been there in the first place, just the wound. (Or: Kent Parson lets himself be happy, after all this time.) | I’ve never read this fic and I never will. I cannot imagine how, no matter how good it is, it could compare to the version that lives in my head, with Kent’s voice so totally realized. Vocal fry and pathos, a languid energy that I still think about when I think about Parse.
the model home | It’s going to be better, and that’s great, but sometimes Jack thinks, why can’t it be good right now? | j/k j/k, this is a self-reminder to finally one day review this.
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beardedmrbean · 3 years ago
Finland finds itself in the centre of a spat between Turkey and Nato, as the military alliance member announced its list of demands needed to approve of Finland's and Sweden's accession to Nato.
Finnish President Sauli Niinistö and Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson travelled to Washington DC to meet with US President Joe Biden to discuss Nato-related issues. ** **
Swedish-language daily Hufvudsbladet covered (siirryt toiseen palveluun) the mini-summi.
Given that the demands of Turkey are not entirely centred on Finland, HBL said it is unclear whether diplomatic talks will go through Finland or the United States. Niinistö emphasised that such responsibility belongs to Finland.
"We will find out exactly what they want and then we will leave a clear and unambiguous message. Then we can discuss further," Niinistö said.
However, there are certain aspects of Turkey's objection that cannot be smoothed over by Finland alone.
After Turkey acquired the Russian S-400 missile defence system the country was excluded from numerous aircraft deals, and kicked out of the F-35 fighter jet programme.
Helsingin Sanomat reported (siirryt toiseen palveluun) that the US does not see a need to revisit an F-16 jet fighter deal for Turkey in regards to Nato membership for Finland and Sweden.
US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said there are no plans to renegotiate or open direct talks with Turkey in the context of Finland and Sweden joining Nato.
According to Turkish media, the country's President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan could abandon his protest of Finland and Sweden's Nato bids if Turkey could purchase more F-16 fighter aircraft or was taken back into the fold of the F-35 program.
Electric bills rising
Business daily Kauppalehti carried (siirryt toiseen palveluun) a piece regarding the rapid price increases of electricity.
KL said that the price hike can be attributed to multiple factors— not just Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Last year, the electricity market was impacted by a depletion of water supplies due to overall dry weather, then cold temperatures in November and December and a general rising cost of natural gas throughout Europe.
These long-term impacts, coupled with the suspension of electricity imports from Russia, have driven the price of electricity to more than 80 euros per megawatt hour. In the beginning of January, however, electricity prices reached a high of almost 200 euros per megawatt hour. In the summer of 2020, electricity prices were only about 20 euros per megawatt hour.
KL spoke with Toni Sjöblom, an analyst at energy firm Gasum, about the recent developments impacting Finnish electric bills.
"There is talk of an estimated price increase of 20-30 euros per megawatt hour during May," Sjöblom told KL.
However, Sjöblom maintained a positive outlook on the situation.
"Looking ahead into the future, the market situation will calm down and more wind power will be available in Finland, and the impact [of cutting off Russian electricity imports] will be much smaller. In the longer term, it could drop around five euros per megawatt hour," Sjöblom emphasised.
World Ice Hockey Championships continue
Tampere-based paper Aamulehti wrote (siirryt toiseen palveluun) about the ongoing World Ice Hockey Championships hosted in the city.
The Finns, coming off an overtime loss to Sweden and winning every other game this tournament, find themselves playing the British national hockey team, or Team GB, on Friday afternoon.
This is a sharp contrast from the underdog British team. The Brits have not fared quite well against their opponents in the tournament, recording losses in all of their games. However, they gave the Norwegian team a run for their money, bringing the match to overtime, despite losing in the end.
While there is some evidence that ice hockey was invented (siirryt toiseen palveluun) in the United Kingdom, Aamulehti described their admittance to the tournament for the third consecutive time as a "small miracle."
The last time the Lions faced off against the Brits was in 2019, when the Finns handed them a 5-0 loss back in Slovakia. Despite this, the two teams have faced off only three times in history, and Britain is currently leading historic series 2-1, having beaten Finland in 1951 and 1961.
Finland may tie the series when the teams square off this afternoon, or Team GB may have the underdog story of the year against the reigning Olympic gold medalists.
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fromtheplanethexagon · 4 years ago
the robot problem: a critical look at tobecky, 5 years late
hello wordgirl fandom i am back :) and i have a lot of thoughts that i never got around to expressing before i moved on from the show. so be aware that everything i'm saying is based on my experiences during the 2012-2016 era of the fandom & state of tumblr in general, and i am not familiar with more recent fan content.
it's been over five years since the show ended, and @ifbrd​ reminded me (along with some great analysis) that while tobecky was super popular since before the show technically started (thanks to the play date shorts), it's pretty unhealthy in a lot of ways that tend to be excused or flat out ignored in fanworks. i'd like to reflect on that a bit (a lot); specifically, how both the show and the fandom approached this enemies-to-lovers ship, and how easily this ship can slip into uncomfortable territory if we're careless about how we interpret the ship and create fan content of it.
i will admit, i'm mostly writing this as a response to past me and my old creations - though i moved on from the show as a whole years ago, i do like taking the time to reflect on old interests once in a while, and reevaluating my thoughts on them. and this ship is probably the biggest one that still lurks in the corners of my mind once in a while, so let's go.
cherish is the word: a short positive note before a much longer negative one
i wanted to start this essay off with some positivity, because i am going to be very negative after this. tobecky was, in some ways, cute. it's obvious from the very beginning that these two characters are on pretty equal ground, even if one of them isn't aware of it. and that's part of the fun - the irony of how unaware tobey is that his nemesis/crush/person that pretty much always wins against him is someone that he completely dismisses as incompetent. i want to point this out because honestly, in general i don't like enemies-to-lovers because a lot of them use a power imbalance within the dynamic, and i hate power imbalances, especially when it comes to actual life-or-death scenarios (at least, as much as cartoons can do that). in most episodes, becky is never actually forced to go along with his wishes. she's not held in a 'date' against her will, nor is she ever really outwitted by him. i bring this up because there is one huge, uncomfortable exception, which i will get to later.
another big plus to the ship is the fact that they just... get along? even when fighting? of course we get brief moments where they just hang out and talk about paintings or whatever, but i'm talking about how much they get each other, even if they don't realize it. like the word banter, for example. been there since day one. becky loves words, and while most other people in her life don't really care (ranging from 'eh, that's cool i guess' to her brother calling it annoying), tobey gives her a chance to show off and thus treats her as a worthy adversary as herself, not because of her more generic superpowers - something that we've seen in canon that she feels self-conscious about (see: her motivation in patch game). one of the less noticed examples, to me, is "it's your party and i'll cry if I want to", because it's just - okay. they both are excluded from a social event, and while it's obvious that tobey deals with it by destroying the city, it's also pretty obvious that becky also deals with her frustration by fighting in that battle. like, yes, realistically it's just objectively bad that he's destroying buildings. but they're also providing each other with a way to work through their frustrations, first by fighting and then by talking things out, and finally by hanging out together instead of dwelling on being excluded from the party.
so it makes a lot of sense to me that many tobecky fans gravitated towards writing far-in-the-future fic, usually by implying that some growth had taken place before starting to write the ship. (there are, as far as i'm aware, 2... maybe 3 exceptions, that take the time to attempt a real redemption for him, at least when i left the fandom.) because if you take away his worst moments, either by reasoning out that he was 10 years old and a mess, or that he was a cartoon character in a cartoon world where everyone's actions are over-the-top, or by just flat-out pretending that certain episodes never happened, there's some pretty solid ground to start a ship on.
go gadget go: we all do not see it, we simply close our eyes (review of canon)
when the show began, i was the same age as the characters. a lot of other people were, too - at least in my cohort of the fandom. i think it's pretty safe to say that many of us have fond memories of the show's earlier seasons, and held on to that interest as we got older, for whatever reasons. so like, not to be all 'as an OG fan...', but i remember seeing the shorts air for the first time in 2006. i have a diary entry in july of 2009 about how i, a 12yo with no concept of the idea of 'shipping', was disappointed in the new tobey episode because i wanted more tobecky interactions. (that was robo-camping, btw, lol.) and so i remember how exciting their rivalry felt, watching them as someone literally their exact same age, and then watching that again as a nostalgic 17yo, and then uh... growing up, to put it frankly, and realizing just how unhealthy most of their interactions were.
okay what i meant to say was, this section is an overview of the relationship's canon portrayal throughout the years.
first, we have early tobecky: this includes the shorts and the first few seasons. this is their classic relationship: he likes her and takes robots on rampages to get her attention, she majorly disapproves and has fun taking him down. we've all seen the show, you know what i'm talking about. his backhanded ways of trying to find out her identity often feature prominently in the episodes, which - sigh, i've mentioned this whole issue before, but it's kind of a grey area in the whole uncomfortable-factor thing, because while trying to find out her identity is VERY invasive, it's something that like... everyone in the show tries to do, even her canon crush (scoops). on the one hand, it's really not a great look, but on the other hand, this is a cartoon meant to parody a genre in which this trope is extremely common. so i just wanna say that i have Issues and Thoughts on this aspect of their relationship, but there are other things i find more important to discuss here.
second, we have late tobecky: this is seasons 7-8. this is... a very strange and huge shift from the previous dynamic, though it's not necessarily obvious. what i mean by that is that for some reason, the show writers made it so that half of tobey’s rampages have nothing to do with his crush on wordgirl, even though that used to be the sole reason for his villainy. seriously. we have the birthday episode, where he's upset because he feels left out; wg vs tobey vs the dentist, where he's mad that he has a cavity; and trustworthy tobey, where his robot goes on a rampage... after becky accidentally makes it malfunction. the two outliers are ‘guess who’s coming to thanksgiving dinner’ and ‘patch game’, but they still differ from previous seasons because 1) his destruction is isolated to a forest far away from the city, and 2) his motive is still to impress wordgirl, but his methods are relatively tame. also he completely gives up on the secret identity thing??? i may have missed some things but i think he straight up tells her 'yeah there's no way you're wordgirl, lol' and the subject is just dropped for the rest of the show.
i also want to include 'the robot problem' here, because it's one of two season 6 tobey episodes, and follows the 'doesn't destroy buildings to get her attention' pattern: in fact, he teams up with her to try and stop someone else from going on a rampage (even if his reasons are selfish, lol).
and finally. the other season 6 episode. we have go gadget go, the bane of my time spent in the fandom. because GGG is the single episode where tobey truly manages to take away her autonomy, and proceeds to abuse that power for an extended period of time, for his own amusement. it's bad. it's Very Bad. put in the context that it's a white boy doing this to an (ambiguously) brown girl, it's REALLY REALLY BAD. and the more i look back on it, tbh, the more weirded out i am that the show not only made it seem like she wasn't affected at all within the episode, it just... forgot about it (which is not unusual for shows and especially children’s shows, but WG does make some efforts to either retain continuity or create canon reasons for why things are forgotten about). it's the kind of thing that you can't excuse and honestly you can't redeem (like at this point, you gotta ask yourself why you're spending so much effort trying to redeem this guy when becky has several other possible ships that are nowhere near this unhealthy - violet, scoops, honestly even victoria if you want another hero/villain ship, my absolute fave rarepair rose, etc).
so if you want to still ship it you have to just pretend that it never happened. (i remember trying for weeks to write something exploring the aftermath of this episode, to try and make myself feel better about it, but the more i wrote the more i realized just how traumatic this event should've been, so i eventually just dropped it.) and i brought up my own timeline of experiences earlier to point out that this episode aired eight whole years after the show started. which means that when i saw it, even though i was a huge stickler for canon at the time, i'd built up my own idea of the show and characters strongly enough to go 'yeah, no, this episode sucks and i am going to pretend that it doesn't exist'. and i think a lot of other people did too, because i really saw like... no one mention it, ever, except for some rogue fanfics over on ff dot net that already liked dynamics like that.
because here's the thing, and i don't know if people nowadays are aware of it? but i'm 80% sure (cannot find a source, so the other 20% is that it was just a rumor) that the show was originally supposed to end after season 6. and even if it's a rumor, it makes a ton of sense, because we get 1) an 'ending' to tobecky, which is a bad one, 2) a permanent wordgirl identity reveal that significantly changes one of the major dynamics in the show, 3) an episode where TJ gets to work with wordgirl and get a nice potential ending for their sibling dynamic, 4) an episode where we see Two-Brains explore life without his henchmen... the list goes on, and idk how many of these are just major stretches. but the point is. if the show had ended there, that would've been a pretty solid ending for many things, including their relationship: aka, it would prove that it was only ever heading somewhere bad, and when tobey finally has his moment of triumph, he is truly evil about it. and this provides us fans who HATE go gadget go with an easy reason to dismiss it - we can say that it was an attempt to conclude things in a way that wouldn't have happened if the writers had known they'd get more time. but despite that... it is still a canon episode.
it is odd to me how dramatically the dynamic shifts after that, though, because we seriously go from 'worst case ever, tobecky is toxic, your ship is dead' to 'no actually they get along and hang out and get ice cream together and tobey isn't even pressuring her into it, she's happy to go along with it :)' like, immediately. i never knew much about the show writers, so i don't know if the writers changed in between these seasons, but i would absolutely not be surprised if they did.
the earlier episodes are definitely problematic as well (though they pale in comparison to GGG) but i think everyone who ships it is aware considering that tobey is, yknow, a villain. from memory, he destroys buildings to get her attention, lies to her about the level of danger that people are in to trick her into spending more time with him, blackmails her into reading his poetry, and he creates a robot based on her that’s supposed to be devoted to him (but of course, all of these things backfire). not great stuff of course, but like... he’s a villain, that’s the point of his character. and considering that he’s a child these are things that can be redeemed, if done thoughtfully.
anyway, to sum up this section, the show starts off with a pretty standard 'enemies with an unrequited crush' setup, takes a really dark turn for a single episode, and then for the rest of the show takes their dynamic in a direction that makes it much, much easier to ship. as long as you ignore a lot of previous content.
wordbot: where's becky's autonomy in all of this? (misogyny)
we've finally gotten to the fandom. i recognize that a lot of this is going to come across as hypocritical considering how active i used to be re: this ship, but like... i'm a very different person now. anyway. disclaimer i guess - i don't write this to accuse all tobecky shippers of being like this - i know a lot of us aren't/weren't! but boy do i have things to point out, so without further ado:
it is very hard to ship this without allowing some bit of misogyny to slip into it. very, very hard. the entire premise of the ship involves a girl falling in love with a boy that repeatedly pressures her to date him via threats to the safety of herself and people she cares about, which... it's 2020, i shouldn't have to explain why that's terrible & a terrible example to set for children (which is why i am glad they never made it canon, tbh). best-case fan content has tobey stop pressuring her and start working to redeem himself out of an actual change of heart, which leads to becky seeing him in a new light. worst-case fan content treats his incessant pressuring and sometimes outright threats as something romantic - and even worse, romantic to the point where he deserves her attention and love as a reward for not giving up or whatever. i did see this pretty frequently for a while, especially in the earlier 2010s (didn't read much, Not My Thing At All), but i don't feel like going into detail here because of how obviously problematic it is. one medium (but still bad) case is where the fan content makes him start his redemption, but treats her liking him back as a reward for not knocking buildings over anymore. another not great case is where she tries to fix him with her love, which is a very common and very dangerous romantic trope. both are just... so incredibly unfair to her.
in content where she tries to 'fix him'... yeah i feel like it's really obvious how misogynistic that is. girls and women should not feel responsible for the evil actions of men, plain and simple. idk what else to say here i just really hate that trope and hated it back then and it just sucks! so can we not do that anymore, thanks.
in content that treats her like a reward for good behavior, there really isn't much of an explanation for what she sees in him. if she just goes 'oh wow, you're good now, i am going to fall in love with you for it' the whole thing falls flat because it makes NO sense whatsoever. we get to hear so much about tobey and his feelings and why he likes her and how he feels about it, but where is that energy for becky? why does she choose to trust him, to spend time around him, what does she enjoy about his presence? where is her getting over scoops in the process of falling for tobey? where is her telling her friends about this, confiding in them, asking them for advice? where is her choice in the matter?
win a day with wordgirl: do you guys even like becky or do you just like the idea of her (misogyny... 2!)
it was pretty standard for all fandoms the early-mid 2010s, but that's still not a good excuse for why so many tobecky fanfictions centered specifically around tobey's feelings while refusing to give becky the same level of empathy and nuance. it is true that to ship them comfortably you have to redeem him to some degree, which means spending time figuring him out and trying to find ways to pull him to the light without feeling super OOC. but ships take two people??? and there was so much potential for fanfics to explore becky's complex feelings on the matter - because she is! complex! she's heroic and kind but she's petty and has a competitive streak, she easily befriends villains but also doesn't trust them and doesn't believe they can ever really change, she's the savior of an entire planet but has feelings of inadequacy as her civilian identity and struggles with feeling like she can be successful without superpowers, she's great at the straightforward meanings and uses of words and loves reading but struggles to write passages that aren't dry as hell, it can be easily headcannoned that she's neurodivergent (special interests, issues with fitting in with her peers, taking things very literally, etc)... seriously there is SO MUCH to explore about her character, and a lot of it comes into play when you add tobey into the mix (literally ALL of the things i mentioned are explored at some point using tobey as a parallel or foil), but i rarely saw fanfiction that explored her thoughts on things further than 'he's evil but... maybe good?' or 'he's evil but... i kind of like him anyway?'.
if you want her to fall for him while being a villain, explore it!! why does she go against her morals? does she lie to herself about it to feel better? does she feel like she has to 'fix him' as part of her superhero duties to the city, and if so, how does that affect her as she tries and fails to help him? does she fall for him when she believes that he's turning good, only to feel betrayed when he starts acting worse because he feels like he can get away with it? it's such a shame that fanworks spend so little time even considering these questions, and it is absolutely a product of how deeply misogyny is/was baked into how we approach media (especially back then).
tobey goes good: but wait, i thought this show was progressive (a conclusion, i guess)
ifbrd wrote a great meta recently about how the show is a bit misogynist, despite being progressive in several ways. honestly i don't have much to add, but i'd really recommend reading through this; it makes a lot of great observations about the ways that male and female characters are presented differently through the show
i have little to add, so i'd just like to conclude with a reflection on the ship from my current viewpoint. i do think part of the reason so many of us latched onto the ship, despite how obviously problematic it was, is that the show treats a lot of things that would be serious in real life as normal or even comedic - which is fine lol, i'm not going to pretend that it's not a show for little kids, so they have to keep the tone light.
but if we, as teens/adults, decide to engage with this content in a more realistic manner, we have to be prepared to confront how messed up so many of the things going on really are. and if you still want to ship it, there's nothing inherently wrong with that! there's a lot of interesting things to explore in this ship, no matter what stage of enemies-to-friends-to-lovers you write them at, and it can be really helpful to have a space where you can explore a dynamic such as this in fiction. (speaking from experience here tbh, writing some fic for them helped me deal with complicated feelings about some ex-longtime friends.)
so to write this ship at all means that there are canon issues that you need to deal with if you want to have them end up in a healthy relationship in any manner that makes sense (unless you create an AU where none of that is applicable, which, power to you then). and i’m not saying ‘write them with a healthy endgame or you’re Bad’, not at all lol. but at least please, please take a step back once in a while to examine the dynamic that you’re writing, and please be careful about whether you mean to be romanticizing whatever behaviors you end up portraying as good.
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mybg3notebook · 4 years ago
I LOVE reading those, so just right from the beginning, I wanted to say that I'd love to see you keep up the good work, but with that being said, I just wanted to add my two cents if that would be okay!
Overall, my thoughts on those analysis, is that they're really on point huge majority of the time. But they misunderstand the most basic part of his character. He is not psychopathic. He has emotions, feelings, but just as you said, is also a victim turned abuser, that is in constant survival mode, and is actively trying to insure his survival by means of manipulation.
The scar reading scene is the biggest example of them being, to some degree, fundamentally wrong. He is vulnerable in that scene, showing trauma and genuine shame. Even though he is doing is very consistently, he's not manipulating Tav in that instance. It's one of those rare raw moments where he drops the facade.
He was a bad, corrupt man as a mortal, but that doesn't exclude him from also showing the subtilty of simply being quote "human"
Underneath that mask, he's scared, and traumatized. And those factors manifest as him entering the cycle of abuse and that 24/7 survival ensuring strategy.
Thank you very much. It's very nice to read someone disagreeing in a mature way, since I've been receiving several hate messages from Astarion fanatics (because there is no other way to call them, defending a fictional char as if it were a holy symbol when in the end it's all about EA and the interpretation done by a nobody). I'm glad you enjoyed these notes and I thank you for your insight. However, I'm afraid that I’ll stick with my interpretation because, so far, I don't see strong enough proof to see him in another way yet.
If you check the list of approvals and disapprovals of Astarion, he has a very psychopathic behaviour in my opinion. Psychopathy is characterised by lack of empathy and remorse, and disinhibited, egotistical traits. Reading the list of meta-knowledge I've compiled, it seems fair for me to use that adjective to describe him.
The whole interpretation of his character would be very different for me if he truly would have been a victim before turning into a vampire. But he was a victimiser before, and ended up as a vampire because of his own greed and abuse (again, all EA). In a way, Cazador “brought” justice to Baldur's Gate (a wicked justice, that is). This is why I insist that I see the story of an abuser who found a bigger abuser, not the story of a victim turning into a victimiser. He started as victimiser, and as a spawn, he became victim of Cazador, aspiring to retake his position of victimiser.
I agree with you. I never denied his “humanity” as vulnerability. I emphasised many times that, like any victimiser, he suffers his own pain. Being evil doesn't make him immune to it. But it's always about him and himself. We all agree that since he is free for the first time in 200 years it's reasonable that he is more than eager to just think only about himself. So, once more, all these characteristics we agree revolt about himself and his pain, which is what psychopath cares about. I just add the context of his mortal past, which was of an abuser as well.
For some reason if you describe Astarion with what we see in the game, some people think you are judging him, and there is this need to justify all his list of evil approvals and disapprovals because he became a victim of Cazador after failing in outsmarting him in his corruption. But the raw description of his persona is that: a psychopath, who approves most assaults, and assassinations without being provoked, he approves all sorts of cruelty, animal cruelty, slavery, torture, humiliations. He even comments/approves Arabella death's and Mayrina's tragedy as “funny” shows. We don't see remorse when he accidentally kills Tav, supposedly the unique ally he has so far. He was sure that he had gotten ridden of Tav—his secret was safe—, so he is surprised when he sees them alive, and then he dismisses Tav's anger, adding that they should thank him even, because he is not a true vampire. The datamining scenes only show he suffers his own curse, and aspires for more power to be free first, and to bend the will of others, later. I only see a reiterative psychopath behaviour mirroring Cazador. I know that if Tav doesn't fail those checks during the bite scene, Astarion says that he won't forget the gift (a gift Tav doesn’t know because only via datamining we know that scene was not about thirst). I point this out just to show how, in the only reasonable situation in which we could have seen remorse, we see none.
The scar scene, in my opinion, is about vulnerability as you say, true. And shame, shame for having been too careless in outsmarting Cazador and ended up as his spawn after accepting his bite. We see this is an issue since he is pretty sensitive when Tav suggests to outsmart Raphael. He feels that mistake deep in his bones.
I see you understand the scar scene differently, and it's totally valid. My main goal in doing this blog was to keep my own interpretation in one single place, to easily share with friends, and to keep it as an archive for when the game is fully released so I can see how wrong I was or how much the characters changed. And also, as a side-consequence, to share it with the fandom if they want to read these long posts since an Astan friend encouraged me to do it. Evidently, this was a terrible mistake according to a certain group of his fans.
Again, I never denied that he is not traumatised, nor scared (therefore his paranoid attitude with Cazador), but he comes from an evil past, passes through vampirism (which increases even more his evil traits) and spent 200 years under a sadist master. Then you see all of his approvals and disapprovals, all the confrontations you can have with him with a good-aligned Tav, and the bear-drunk scene (which implies that any attempt to keep a facade is lowered because he is drunk on blood), I can't see, so far in EA, any hint that can tell me he wants to be something different of what he is in terms of evilness (also, why would he be? Bg1 and Bg2 have many wonderful Evil chars that never changed their alignment in the 2 games, not everything is about redemption, which is exactly my point in the post of Power). He only wants to kill Cazador, hinting that he may be the next most powerful vampire afterwards (with the help of the tadpole). We all see how much he enjoys the tadpole powers to bend the will of others. But he doesn’t care in the slightest to inflict upon others that mind control that tortured him for more than 200 years. The lack of empathy in him is obvious to me: he doesn’t even hesitate to inflict on others what tortured him for centuries. All these details bring me to interpret all what I wrote. And again, I’m describing him, this is not to judge evil chars. I like evil chars too, my point is I work with what I see.
It's also true that all the info we have is in EA, but like I said before, my interpretation is neither “sacred word” nor “unable to change''. So far, I see all that list of content in EA, the datamining information, and the Dev's notes (which were really key for me to see many details I was not seeing) and I conclude what I did in those analyses. The devs notes made me realise that more than one situation was manipulative when I was understanding it in a more honest way. For this reason dev's notes were removed from the game. Sven said that the core concept in the relationships with the companions was going to be trust. Evidently Dev's notes were ruining that process. So, sadly, no more narrative peeks in the code.
So, I agree to disagree. I never had the slightest pretension of being... I don't know, “the truth” of anything. If some people think so is because they love to misinterpret what's plainly written. Or my English is truly that bad.
With all this said, once more I thank you for being the first mature message in a while, and I thank you for your opinion. I also would take advantage of this message to say that I will refrain myself from doing Astarion-related content anymore. I'm very tired of these attitudes in fandom. I don't want any more headaches. From now on, I will focus on the rest of the companions instead.
Thank you again.
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transhawks · 5 years ago
See, Hawks brings a particular uncomfortable philosophical fact into high definition. Your good and your evil (your help and your harm? Words are hard) don’t cancel each other out. The bird has saved lives. He’s efficient and careful and undoubtedly there are families that are still together because of him. But he’s treated people like things, and killed in cold blood. Both are true. Neither cancels out the other. He wholly embodies the best and worst of absolute determination.
I think this is the thing where we also have to acknowledge the good doesn’t matter if it enables the bad. I know that sounds really harsh but like...let’s apply this same argument (and I hate comparing them because in no way do I think Hawks, despite the awful murders, is on his level of this) to Enji. 
Enji’s had a career with the most resolved cases. We know he’s a workaholic. He’s probably kept lots of people safe, even if we do know from details in the manga he goes ‘overboard’ in arrests and probably has a track record of something akin to excessive force (and likely, a death).  But twenty five years of a mostly stellar and prolific record of resolving incidents doesn’t mean shit when Endeavor used his position in society to make sure he got away with coercing a woman into a marriage, forcing her to bear him children, terrorizing her and children repeatedly for decades, and then institutionalizing her and continuing to neglect and abuse those children. 
And this is where power comes in; Endeavor’s record as a hero means he got away and will continue to get away with this sort of thing. He did it for the sake of heroism. So, what does that mean?  Let’s go back to Hawks; because the society around them means that what Hawks did removed from context is okay. Because the reality is, most people will see Twice and see someone who deserved death, as we can tell by the reactions to 267 and also just by Tokoyami’s initial reaction - Hawks will get the immediate benefit of the doubt simply because he’s a hero. Hawks will be sympathized over Twice first. Hawks will be presumed to be still good. Because this a world that values heroes over other people, even and especially the people hurt because of that heroism.
And I do think there’s something good in Hawks, deep down, far more than Enji, but what does that mean in the end, with Twice dead and a society that’s fine with that? 
The thing is that we have to stop looking at Endeavor and Hawks as individuals and acknowledge the good and the bad are reinforced and allowed to happen because they are part of and serve an institution that’s wrong. It’s not just ‘some’ bad apples or people who make bad decisions; it’s the entirety of hero society. Twice was killed preemptively to uphold a system where children are used as soldiers and give benefits of doubt to the murderers of men fleeing, rather than to the murdered. 
Just to briefly segue to real life; when marginalized people make criticisms of law enforcement, there’s always a vein of counter-argument about how ‘police keep us all safe’’, that excludes the aforementioned groups so often. But Law Enforcement is designed to protect certain groups and incentivizes penalizing people. So, what is there for the people excluded from being safe?
So, again, to Twice’s line, “Only the virtuous” are saved. Hence they’ll get the benefit of the doubt of being human enough to save and keep safe, and the goodness of heroes will never extend to the people who supposedly need it most. 
Shouldn’t that mean that system is inherently wrong then?
Endeavor and Hawks embody the worst of heroism, victory and sacrifice, and of course there’s complications but overall, it’s the system and institutions that they reflect most of all because they’re meant to make people like Twice and the League. People don’t slip through the cracks; the society made holes. And Hawks chose to uphold that. 
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