#excerpts from my fic
Luffy nods and pulls his hat onto his head, holding the brim with both hands tightly. Ace and Sanji, seemingly not sure what to say but wanting to help, crowd him.
‘Give him to me,’ Sabo suddenly says, pointing at the cart he’s in. ‘Give him to me and I’ll hold him, and he won’t get in trouble.’
‘I’m not a baby ,’ Luffy grumbles.
Ace looks up at Sabo sharply and they exchange a look.
‘But Sabo’s all alone in there,’ Ace says, ‘don’t you wanna keep him company?’
Luffy narrows his eyes at him.
‘You’re trying to trick me,’ he tells Ace.
But he also looks at Sabo and wavers.
‘This is unfair,’ Luffy whines, but does end up climbing into the cart.
Sabo makes space for him, spreading his legs to sit Luffy not exactly on his lap, but directly on the wood. Which is probably best, because of the injuries still littering his thighs. 
scenes from my fic that I'm proud of 4/?
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aiyexayen · 1 year
For the WIP ask game, "chengxing I guess"; "Jiang Cheng / Wen Xu"; & "wei wuxian / ye baiyi Soup" 👀
:chinhands: i have snippets for all these!
"chengxing i guess" is thus titled because this ship came for me while i was minding my business and i was put out that i had to start an entire new wip about it:
Wen Kexing has heard about Lianhua Wu--Yunmeng youths are not shy about what they like, and what they like are the disciples of Yunmeng Jiang Shi. Strong, principled, determined, free-spirited, charming, playful, etc. Nothing more than banal hero worship of course, although playful does sound promising. Occasionally a sighing, swooning voice will wax poetic about their favourite pretty face. Things like easygoing and warm as a lake on a summer afternoon or untamable and flexible as the river winding through the hills; or impulsive as the rain. And Wen Kexing acknowledges that there's been an attempt. It's merely an attempt that he finds abysmal. Nothing, therefore, could prepare him for the absolute storm of a man who thunders his way through the market, jawline sharper than his sword and eyes even sharper than that. A man with hard-won command in every wire-taut line of his body, deep violet robes flaring out from a waist cinched tight under black leather, and shoulder blades...oh, shoulder blades so distinct. The face of a true beauty, wreathed in venom. Touch, it promises, and you'll definitely get bitten. "Who is that?"  A-Xiang's voice does nothing to pull Wen Kexing's gaze away but he does lean back further in his seat and finish bringing his cup up for a drink, lips lingering on the cool silver as he watches the man cut through the crowd like an arrow. "Silly girl," Wen Kexing says, because if she was paying attention she would have already heard the answer in the conversations around them on the patio, "he's Jiang Wanyin, zongzhu of Yunmeng Jiang Shi. Master of Lianhua Wu."
"Jiang Cheng/Wen Xu" is still in very early stages of sussing out but have a smol glimpse:
Jiang Wanyin knows what it is to be a failure in a father's eyes, upstaged by a brother, found unremarkable by the world. The similarities don't outweigh the differences, but behind the waterfalls of Cloud Recesses, hands buried in lotus-perfumed hair, Wen Xu thinks it's enough.
and of course, "wei wuxian/ye baiyi Soup" which i was prompted ages and ages ago and then just kind of fell off on writing. finished fic WHEN, i lament in the mirror while i honk my own clown nose:
These days Wei Ying hasn't had much reason to cook at all, either a guest at some sect or another or eating at local restaurants and inns or, occasionally, trying not to set whatever he's roasting on fire while he gets lost staring at the stars above his campsite. In fact, Wei Ying hasn't made soup even once since he came back to the world. Huh. That's what makes it particularly notable that he's now sitting here in this questionably-called 'house,' slowly stirring a pot full of water, scrounged vegetation from what might be an attempt at a garden, and hastily hunted game. Nothing fancy, but Wei Ying doesn't think he's gotten rusty. It's hard to get rusty about soup. So he thinks this will eventually become a pretty great meal. Even if it's not his best it will be nourishing and that's actually the most important thing about soup, no matter what anyone else says. Nourishment. Wei Ying mutters the word to himself distractedly as he smudges a line on the talisman keeping his hearth at the right temperature. Few people need a good, nourishing soup right now as much as a guy sitting in a little hut in the chill of mid-autumn watching over a beautiful, barely conscious stranger.
wip ask game
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starchaserdreams · 2 years
Sirius: you know, it's kinda flattering for me that you're dating my brother
James: how so?
Sirius: one of me as a best friend wasn't enough, you had to go and find a me to date too
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vechter · 8 days
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batman (1940) #590 // get out before the drop, shipyrds // another part of honesty, shipyrds // grayson (2014) annual #1 // art by anna-laura // titans (2008) #5 // secret origins (1986) #13 // beat journalism, dustorange // teen titans spotlight (1986) #14 // robin & batman (2022) #1 // declensions, dustorange // robin & batman (2022) #1 // nightwing (2011) #30 // sputnik sweetheart, haruki murakami // justice league (2011) #25 // secret origins (1986) #13 // wayfinding, shipyrds // the long and short of it, richard siken // batman: black and white (2021) #5 // pearl (2022) // batman (1940) #684 // unknown // nightwing (2016) #50 // soft clocks, dustorange // nightwing (2016) #50 // nightwing (2016) #1 // wayfinding, shipyrds // nightwing (2016) #1 // francheska, hey fran hey
dick grayson + an exploration of identity, personhood & belonging
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myokk · 3 months
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Her kisses were all-consuming and he felt his heart surrendering to her with every gentle nip, losing himself in the feeling of her. Her soft body pressing tightly against him, her breathy moans, the soft hair at the nape of her neck, her taste.
When Eloise finally pulled away from him, breathing heavily as their foreheads pressed together and their eyes locked, Sebastian was dazed and content and...happy. Merlin, he was so happy. Her cheeks were bright pink, and her lips were swollen and red and smiling up at him. His breath caught in his throat - he didn't think he had ever seen anything so beautiful as Eloise in that moment. Sebastian knew that he was grinning like a fool but he didn't care.
Happiness was bubbling up in his body and he was leaning down to kiss her again because it would never be enough and -
She started coughing.
Eloise abruptly pulled away from him, covering her mouth with her sleeve as she doubled over. A terrible, horrible, familiar wracking cough that Sebastian never thought he would hear again.
When she pulled her sleeve away from her mouth, there were little flecks of blood.
They both looked at each other in horror.
"Eloise..." he started, his voice cracking. The balloon of happiness that had filled him burst and he felt himself crashing back to the grim reality that had been his life for too long. Arms hanging limply at his sides. When his voice came out again, it was a whisper. He could barely choke the words out.
"...what did you do?"
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their first kiss😇😇😇
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newoozi · 5 months
your new friend vernon is walking you home one night, telling you all about the date his mom is setting him up on in an attempt to “get out there more”. he admits it’s been a while since he’s taken somebody on a date, and he’s sort of nervous and half dreading it. he doesn’t even have any idea what he’s going to wear.
the two of you reach the front of your apartment building, and you face to look at him. placing your hands on his shoulders you teasingly say, “wear that navy blue polo shirt of yours. it almost makes you look nice.”
he huffs out a small laugh in response, but the truth is he’s sort of spiraling. you notice what he’s wearing beyond an aesthetic sense? do you pay attention to how the shirt fits him perfectly, how it hugs at his chest and shows off his arms? of course, vernon knows he’s attractive — people swoon over him on the daily, and many times he can get away with not paying for ramen at the convenience store if the girl at the counter is young. but, it never crossed his mind that you thought about him in that way. it was different with you, wasn’t it?
he thinks about that, and you, on the way back to his dorm.
you text him to ask about his date the next night, the curiosity getting the better of you.
how was ur date? did she appreciate the polo?
he admits he didn’t wear the polo, but doesn’t offer any explanation as to why. he adds that the date was going fine until they were saying goodbye and she went in for a kiss on the cheek and he held out his hand. he probably won’t see her again.
you laugh out loud at his message.
when it’s your birthday a week later, he wears the polo to the casual dinner you host at your place with your closest friends. he notices when your eyes linger on his lean figure, and the way you blush when you know you’ve been caught. you’re almost sure he’s worn it on purpose.
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misscalming · 1 year
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(Spock got completely fucking wiped out while in a small tinny boat and is living his best “castaway” (2001) life rn ) (( edit: excerpt from my fic ))
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immortalbutterflycos · 8 months
“The name, The Infirius… What does that mean, exactly?” James asks, lightheartedly, staying as quiet as he can as he breaks the silence between them. Or at least, whatever silence there ever is when surrounded by the constant crashing of waves all around them.
Regulus huffs a bitter, near-silent laugh followed by such a long silence that James is starting to get the idea that his question won’t be answered at all.
“It comes from an old legend.” Regulus finally murmurs, “An Infirius is essentially a reanimated corpse. They feel no pain. They can’t be cut by a blade, they’re fast, and they have incredible strength.” 
James frowns but doesn’t interrupt.
“Only there’s another part of that legend that everyone else chooses to ignore.” Regulus turns his head to meet his eyes and James sees something sad within them. Sad and sharp with anger.
“Inferi have no free will.” He whispers, “They can’t even think for themselves. They can’t feel, can’t breathe, can’t take their lives back. All they can do is follow the orders of their Master. If he says kill? You kill. If he says die? You die. Not even half of a life. Just a puppet on a string that can’t be cut.”
“Regulus, you are not a corpse,” James murmurs firmly with sincerity in his eyes; in the very line of his brow.
“You are alive. You have air in your lungs and fire in the depths of your eyes–I can see it. Yeah, just there...” He points to a spot in Regulus’ eye, his lips curling up into a small smile. “Your will is as free as you are desperate to take it back from those who stole it from you in the first place. Regulus Black, you are not an Inferius. You are a human being. Your will are your sheers. If you want something cut, pick them up and do it. It is your will. Not theirs.”
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dss1101 · 6 months
" “I was on a mission to take out the chandeliers in the foyer, but construction on the gym finished before I could get them all.” 
“There’s only one chandelier in the foyer.” 
“Exactly.” "
Dick Grayson the man that you are. Baby Dick Grayson was on a mission to cause as much destruction as possible and honestly I respect it.
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marauders-brain-rot · 1 month
Wrote this for the fic I'm writing but I literally have no clue when it's going to happen, thought it was perfect to post for today though, might write another one exclusively for Tumblr as a microfic rather than an excerpt but we shall see, I'm determined to be able to update my ao3 fic today:
Regulus was laying with his head in James’s lap and James was running his fingers soothingly across the other boy’s scalp, humming absentmindedly as he thought. Regulus’s eyes had fluttered shut long ago but James knew he wasn’t sleeping because every now and then he would adjust himself or his eyelids would flutter briefly before settling again. James liked that things were easy with Regulus, he didn’t have to pretend around him, he could be the imperfect version of James Potter and Regulus would still choose him anyways. 
“I was doing some research last night,” James said absentmindedly after a while, fingers still running soothing tracks through Regulus’s hair. 
“I knew this was too good to be true, tell me Jamie, how long before I go into the light?” Regulus popped one eye open and the mischievous smirk that spread across his face sent James’s stomach into flips. 
“Hush now, you, or I won’t tell you what I found.” James replied with a light flick to the tip of Regulus’s nose, which only caused him to scrunch it so adorably that James couldn’t resist planting a delicate kiss to the space between his brows. 
“Okay, okay, what did you find?” The smile on Regulus’s lips made James want to kiss him until they both forgot what they’d been talking about. 
“Did you know that Regulus is the brightest star in the Leo constellation?” James started as he twisted strands of Regulus’s hair between his fingers. 
“Believe it or not Potter, Sirius and I were taught all about our stars growing up.” He answered with one of his famous dramatic eye rolls that rivalled Sirius’s.
“That isn’t the point I’m trying to make. The Leo constellation is the lion constellation, the actual name for Regulus is Alpha Leonis which means ‘heart of the lion’. Reg, we were written in the stars, you were meant to be in my heart.” James was beaming with pride at his discovery but Regulus just groaned. 
“James Fleamont Potter, that is absolutely the cheesiest thing I have ever heard.” Regulus was shaking his head but the smile on his face and the red in his cheeks told James that he didn’t really care all that much. 
“You love it,” James responded, hovering his face above Regulus’s. Regulus’s eyes locked with James’s, allowing him to see every bit of emotion that he usually kept locked deep inside. 
“No, I love you.” The intensity in his eyes was unlike anything James had ever seen before and it took his breath away. Before he’d known him, he’d always thought that Regulus had gotten cold, grey eyes where Sirius’s had a more lively tinge of blue. It wasn’t until Regulus had really started letting James in that he realised that every time he’d looked at Regulus and seen cold, grey, lifeless eyes, he had been staring directly into carefully crafted occlumency walls. In reality, Regulus’s eyes were the most stunning grey-blue that reminded James so much of the ocean when they were filled with emotion.
“I love you too, Reg.” James watched as his reply caused the widest smile he’d ever seen spread across Regulus’s face before the emotions of the moment overtook him and he kissed him as passionately as he could given their awkward angle. ‘This is my happy place,’ James thought, ‘this is where I belong.’
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“When I’m upset I like to cry about it. That way all the bad thoughts fall out your eyes and they aren’t in your head no more!” “…Zim does not cry.” “Not ever? Not even a little bit?” “No, GIR, not even… not…” He knows that’s not true. As much as he wants to deny it, the records state otherwise. Zim has cried before, a long, LONG time ago. So fuck it. He spends the next however long it takes sitting on the floor with GIR curled up in his lap, tears streaming down his face.
This scene in Creative_Clawmarks' fic De-program was so incredibly vivid in my mind, I just had to draw it. I loved this story!!
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‘What’s the D in your name stand for?’ Ace asks, looking thoughtfully at Luffy.
‘Dumb!’ Sabo volunteers.
Ace glares at him, unimpressed. Luffy blows a raspberry.
‘Dunno!’ the little boy says, ‘maybe donuts!’
‘Dunno works as well,’ Sabo mumbles.
That startles a laugh out of Ace, that he seems to be surprised by himself. Sabo looks up to Ace beaming at him. Sabo gives him a shy smile in return. 
scenes from my fic that I'm proud of 6/?
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sanderscat · 2 years
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a quick fanart for chapter 27 of Excerpts From Mondstadt because I loved this scene 💗
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Tribute Niko Sasaki
The animals in Ten starved less than the people did. Niko is familiar with how a person looks when they’re breaking.
She remembers helping rescue Edwin and Charles from Teeth Face and Esther Finch. She didn't do much of the actual 'saving' there. She didn't do any saving, either, while the rest of her family was taking down Esther Finch and the President- she was too busy surviving.
Once again, Niko can't save Edwin, Charles, or Monty from themselves.
But maybe she can find out what broke them. Maybe she can find a way to stitch them back together.
Niko Sasaki isn't brave. She isn't a Victor. She isn't hardened. She hasn't proven herself.
But she is kind, and she can stitch a jacket as well as she can a dead body, and she will not let her friends swallow themselves whole.
-aletterinthenameofsanity, can still hear you saying (you would never break the chain)
Pull up, nobody panic Why did you vanish? Hold up, needed a hand and Nobody had it
I'm on the fence and I'm rocking To the side I call home I'm on the edge of my coffin With a smile and some hope
-Jean Dawson, PIRATE RADIO*
@deadboy-edwin @icecreambrownies @anonymousbooknerd-universe @ashildrs
@tragedy-machine @just-existing-as-you-do-blog @orpheusetude @mj-irvine-selby
@pappelsiin @itsbitmxdinhere @rexrevri @sweet-like-h0ney-lavender @saffirez
@the-ipre @sunnylemonss @days-light @agentearthling @helltechnicality
@tiredghostby @sethlost @catboy-cabin @secretlyafiveheadeddragon @vyther15
@anything-thats-rock-and-roll @queen-of-hobgobblers @every-moment-a-different-sound
@nix-nihili @holvivum
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spooksier · 1 month
writing jon and sam together is enrichment for me, two different flavors of the same type of guy.
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^ need to invade somebody’s privacy with these guys
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myokk · 4 months
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The whole summer had felt like trying to remember a dream after waking up: the moments and days slipping away no matter how much they tried to hold on and make them last. Running outside with abandon, chasing each other through the tall grass deliriously happy and lying down in the fields surrounding their village, watching the clouds float by.
The Sallow twins were determined to enjoy the last summer of their childhood.
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