#except you aren't i know who you are i just don't want to put you on the spot abt the art by naming you outright
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valeriefauxnom · 3 days ago
Dragalia Niche Things In Weapon Lore You May Not Know
-Emperor Dane, ya know, the dude that Jupiter accidentally set on a brutal conquest where he became a dude that would kill two for fun every day?
He was also a weeaboo:
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I knew there must have been warning signs that such a nice prince could be beholden to such depravity...
-Karina's real identity maaaaybe is Miralda, princess of Dargas.
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The weapon that bears this description is a water axe, the very same weapon and element she wields, and it theoretically fits within her story. She claims that she ran off, but hardly escaped before she was captured. It would make sense that in a pirate invasion that they'd be crawling over the area enough to instantly get ahold of her.
If true, this would be an interesting case of Dragalia telling the future of a character. It's also one I potentially could see, since Karina's story focuses on her wondering how Euden has kept himself as a Good Boi even if he's a prince among all those Nasty Bois and Girls, so I could see her being inspired to change things in her own land later on.
Granted, it's not 100%, 'I have a definitive section where she clearly states she is Miralda', but I think there's enough 'hmm' elements to warrant a spot here!
-Zodiark had a cult around him, who called themselves Meggidothians! Also, they liked sacrificing humans.
...Of course, not officially sanctioned, but that didn't stop them!
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Meggidoth might have also been a real person, but it is unknown how much he was involved or responsible for the cult's creation/tenets:
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They also have an alternative cosmology:
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-This isn't really a hidden lore or fact, but I find it curious that the weapon 'Blackwing' bears such a strong resemblance to Zodiark, without being attributed to him in any way. It looks more like him than his actual high dragon weapon:
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-Alberius had a lance made when his kingdom was created and promised to personally kill anyone with it that threatened the formation of the new nation. He meant business, I guess!
-Tartarus may have been cut in half by the Greatwyrms, which is the reason he's now half-steel:
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-Humans once got so nutty over a spear that Mercury put it at the bottom of the ocean
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-There may be more than just one ark of humans living in the sky and at least one may have fallen and did a whoopsie destruction of a kingdom:
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-Kukris are a weapon tied to the southeastern-most part of Grastea:
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...And this is another instance of 'very niche lore that the writers kept track of', as Nevin's story also reaffirms this lore that kukris aren't really used except in the SE:
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-This is just a funny intermission, but I find it funny if you take the many many many weapon descriptions literally, Euden's handing out weapons left and right quite skilled in delivering torture and otherwise painstaking deaths and subsequent commendations to a similarly terrible afterlife. Oh yeah and some also can destroy the world. Here's a small sample of what I mean:
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And trust me, despite the 3/4 examples being shadow weapons, this is far from exclusive to the shadow element. So, uh, yeah.
Don't mess with the Halidom unless you want to face a whole bunch of people capable of sending you and your soul into endless agonies?
Intermission over! Back to the actual lore parts instead of just the 'oh boy you're gonna love to hear what this beauty's capable of...' likely exaggerations.
-There's a prison called Odo somewhere in the world, who seems to have a lot of executioners who predominately execute by the good old axe or by a bow in a proto version of a firing squad, judging by their weapons.
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It's unknown if it still exists, however, as Odo was the place Stribog the dragon protected until Agni destroyed it with a firebomb disguised as a Trojan Horse. Maybe it was rebuilt and eventually repurposed as a prison town?
As bonus related lore, the death penalty is very much still active in Alberia, and usually takes the form of beheading or hanging. It can be commanded by local lords (as feudalism is in full effect with local lords having much control over the workings of their endowed region) as well as through courts.
There's also this bit of lore regarding it in another weapon:
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-There may have been another race in Grastea, possibly their equivalent of halfling or gnome-esque races:
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-This strays into other niche lore, but there was a band of elite Alberian knights called the Alberian Ironsides who seemed to love tower shields:
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-Also another crossover between wyrmprints and weapon lore, the Battle of the Thelodian Plains was one at least 300 years ago in which eventually 23 armies unaffiliated with a formal state came together in a senseless battle, with a casualty rate of 80% (quick reminder that 'casualty' counts both injured and dead).
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-There was a dude called Count Logan the Brave who seemed to like collecting weapons and bringing them back home. There's three weapons that mention him.
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-Interestingly, Troy, the one adventurer dude that pops up a bit frequently in weapon lore, the wand from his last supposed adventure seems to bear a bit of a resemblance to Bahamut...
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...Who, by the way, was indeed the explicit creator of the earth, as Xenos crafted sky instead!
-Last but not least, Zodiark really just seems to be involved in a lot of weapons that are Not Good for their wielder:
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That's all I have right now, but I do hope that you learned something about the eternally-batty Grastea, through the weapons its residents use!
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ms-demeanor · 3 days ago
Let us say that you are 45, you want to retire at 67, you put your money into an extremely conservative fund with a predictable 5% interest, you make $12,000 a year and save 10% of your income ($100 a month) and start with $1000 in the fund.
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In that time you would have *saved* $27,400 and you have $23,590 built in interest. Is $50k enough to survive on for retirement? Absolutely not. Will it keep you more housed and fed and cared for than $27,400? YES.
Let us say that you are 35 and you are just letting your money from your 401K sit at a low interest of 1.5%; you are saving for 32 years to retire at 67, you start with $1000 and you save 10% of your income (same as above, $1200 a year).
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In that time you have saved $39,400 and gained $11,500 in interest. Is that better than not saving? Yes. Is it going to be enough to survive on for retirement? Absolutely not.
Now, let's say that you're doing everything exactly the same as the 35 year old in the above example except you put your money into an index fund with a very modest return of 7%.
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THAT'S A LOT FUCKING BETTER. You've still saved $39,400 but the interest is now $112K. THAT'S MUCH BETTER.
Now: same example - you start with $1000, you make $12,000 a year and put $1200 a year into your 401k, you invest in a fund with an average over time of 7%, but you are 25 and you are saving 42 years to retire at 67.
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You have only saved about $11k more, but you have collected over a quarter million dollars in interest. Is $320k enough to survive on? Well, let's say you expect to live to 87, almost 20 years after retirement. You get $16,000 a year, which is more than you were making during your working years in this example.
Now. Let's say you're 25 and you're broke as fuck, you don't have a thousand dollars a month income, you don't have a hundred dollars a month to put in the fund. What happens if you just do twenty dollars a month with no padding up front at 7% interest for 42 years?
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You ended up with more than the 45 year old who saved for 22 years at 5% interest, more than the 35 year old who saved for 32 years at 1.5% interest by saving at a rate of $240 a year.
Now, let's say you're thirty, you're making $35k a year, you are going to be saving for 37 years, and we'll still be cautious and say you're getting 9% interest. You're contributing about 5% of your income, $145 a month, paid directly to your 401K automatically from your paycheck, before it ever hits your bank account, because that's what "pay yourself first" means.
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You retire with half a million dollars.
Let's say you get a tax return every year, and you take $300 of that tax return and put it in your retirement account.
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Let's say you're 25, like the person up there who is convinced they won't ever be able to retire, and you have 47 years to save. You figure out a way to save $50 a month for retirement and you put $200 of your annual tax return into your 401k, which has a 9% yield:
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You already don't do any of those things? Cool, this is about 1/8th what you can make selling plasma per month put into a retirement fund to make sure you aren't homeless when you're older.
I am a big believer in mutual aid and not trusting the government. You know what's going to enable you to help more people later in life? If you don't have to rely on your younger family members to support you in your old age. If you make 35k a year (which you might not now, but may in 5 years) 5% of your income means having the means to continue helping your family, and helping your community, and not relying on community resources that other people might need because you put your oxygen mask on first.
I know fifty bucks a month is hard. I know twenty bucks a month is hard. But it's not as hard as leaving your home when you can't afford it at 70 or becoming a walmart greeter at 75 would be.
Also "Social security is going to run out of money" is a pretty egregious oversimplification; if no changes are made by 2035 social security beneficiaries will only receive 83% of the benefit that they would have if it had been fully funded. Here's how a financial advisor describes that (while advising that you invest for retirement):
It's likely that Social Security will be around when you retire. However, you may not receive the full benefit offered to current retirees. The Social Security Administration's 2024 annual report found that the program is likely to be able to pay 100% of the current benefits through 2035. After that, retirees would receive 83% of their scheduled benefits. What could that look like? As of January 2025, the average Social Security payout is $1,976 per month. If you were to receive 83% of that, it would drop to $1,640 per month.
Being an anarchocommunist does not absolve you of the responsibility to do some planning for the future. I know you want to give to every support post that comes across your dash and that is something that you should plan for and budget for. And you should plan to treat your own retirement savings as though you are a 70 year old writing a post on tumblr to try to raise money for rent
Part of recognizing that a better world is possible is recognizing that you have to have some agency in making that better world and nobody wants to do a revolution with people who don't have the ability to do basic math or plan for the future.
Save for retirement now so that the money people would have used to support you can go to strike funds, or can provide dental care for low income families, or can be used to provide housing for someone who wasn't able to work, or who DID have some disaster that wiped out all their savings.
And then fuck it if you want, plan on dying at 80 (or using less of your income annually after retirement) when you retire and give fifty grand to someone to put a down payment on a house or to pay for two years of rent for a family that needs help.
I'm in my late 30s now and I deeply regret not setting up better savings in my 20s or early 30s because it's *HARD* to catch up. If you're young, and you're reading this, and you have twenty dollars a month that you can put into a 401K I am speaking directly to you. Don't be me. Be smarter than I was. Please please please please just invest and provide a stable senior situation for yourself, or at least do what you can to make that situation more stable.
unfriendly reminder to open a pension fund/retirement account.
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mxtxfanatic · 2 days ago
So before I say anything, I have to let you know I probably hate the golden core discourse as much as you do. However, there’s one thing I see brought up a lot in discussions surrounding the golden core transfer and I just wanna know: How dangerous was the golden core transfer to Jiang Cheng? What would’ve happened to Jiang Cheng had the transfer failed?
Obviously, I know if the transfer failed and he didn’t get a golden core, he would not be emotionally or mentally okay. But I do see some of his stans argue that Wei Wuxian was recklessly putting him in danger and that if it failed, Jiang Cheng would’ve been seriously injured, have severe complications, and possibly even lose his life.
When I read the novel and got to the golden core reveal, I never really got the impression that JC was the one who would’ve been harmed if the transfer failed. But I have also never read any cultivation stories except for MDZS, so idk much about the details surrounding golden cores, hence why I don’t normally participate in these discussions.
So I’m really just asking: How valid is that argument?
Literally nothing would have happened to Jiang Cheng had the golden core transfer failed except that he would have remained without a golden core. Jc stans do this sleight of hand with picking excerpts where if you aren't actually reading the text and only know the story through vibes or you've forgotten details and don't go back to look, you'd fall for it, but the reason why they argue that Jiang Cheng "was in danger" is from this convo:
Lan WangJi, “What were the chances?” Wen Ning, “About half.” “Half.” Soundlessly, Lan WangJi took in a deep breath. He then shook his head, repeating, “... Half.”
—Chapt. 89: Loyalty, exr
The context of the above excerpt is that Wen Ning had just finished describing the torture Wei Wuxian went through to remove his golden core for Jiang Cheng—a procedure that nobody except the Wen siblings and Wei Wuxian even knew was a possibility—and Lan Wangji asked him what the chance of the transfer succeeding was. Jc stans, however—banking on the idea that most of fandom is either illiterate or too lazy to fact check them and that neither character explicitly says what the "chance" they are talking about is because based on the context it's obvious—will tell you that this quote is about "the chance of someone dying."
Imagine: the best doctor in the world operates on you with the best anesthesia but tells you that your chance of dying from only this very basic, entirely non-fatal operation they are leading is 50%. Somebody's either stupid or lying. At no point was anyone's life in danger in the transfer, least of all Jiang Cheng's who got to sleep through the whole thing with all the anesthesia he could have ever wanted. The only person who suffered and lost out was Wei Wuxian, who either way would have been without a golden core.
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popatochisssp · 2 months ago
hiya poppy! i dunno if this is a silly ask but I’m a bit curious… do any of your unique boys have weird condiment obsessions or comfort foods?? tale sans has ketchup, swap paps has honey and so on, i assume that the rest of hoodie gang (what i loosely refer to the lazy brother role as) has the same weird habits. mostly curious about ash, brick, ell, nemo, sunny!
(Anon, I know you did not initially send this on anon, and you included an Art with it that I enjoyed very much, which is why I was so very upset to somehow lose this ask??? Luckily, tumblr cannot eat my emails so I still had the text saved and can at least answer the question, but if you wanted to re-add your art to this post, I would like that very much 😭)
I did do a favorite condiments/toppings post ages ago, when I only had ten of these losers, so it might be about time to update it!
Sans (Undertale): Yeah, it’s ketchup, he likes it on anything and everything, and he will drink it straight ‘cause he’s a terrible gremlin man. He started doing it as a joke to freak people out but it grew on him and, uh… well, now, he just likes it. This is his life and he has no shame.
Papyrus (Undertale): Nothing so uncouth as his brother, ugh! …But… on occasion…very rare occasion, mind you! He…has been known to sneak a spoonful of peanut butter straight out of the jar… Just the one, though, he never double-dips! He’s not disgusting!
Sky (Underswap Sans): As far as condiments go, he likes relish! He won’t eat it straight, if anyone’s looking, but who doesn’t like a hearty helping of it plopped onto a hot dog? Or a hot cat, he’s not picky! Spicy or sour is equally fine, just not the biggest fan of sweet.
Paps (Underswap Papyrus): Nothing new here, he likes honey a whole heck of a lot, though mostly just to sweeten his tea… or in a candy-bar, or drizzled on a pastry or something… Damn, he’s making himself hungry just thinking about it…
Jasper (Underfell Sans): Mustard, obviously, anything else on a ‘dog is the blatantly incorrect choice. Also pretty good on a sandwich, but you’re never gonna catch him guzzling it straight from the bottle. He never tried to pull that prank like his classic counterpart did, and never got accidentally hooked on his own condiment of choice. Ha!
Pyre (Underfell Papyrus): He’ll deny it to his dusting breath, but you cannot bring Nutella or any kind of chocolate spread into the house and expect it to still be there when you come back. He will eat it directly out of the jar, the whole thing, especially if he’s had a hard day or something. You’ll just never find the evidence. He’ll do it with ice cream, too, so y’know…keep an eye on your groceries.
Mal (Swapfell Sans): He likes spicy flavors so any kind of salsa or hot sauce is a favorite for him. His tolerance is damn good, so he can–and will–pull a Power Move and drink it straight if he feels the situation calls for it, but he generally just likes it on his food, like a normal person. Don’t test him, though, remember the freak that lies just beneath the surface…
Rus (Swapfell Papyrus): Can he pick literally everything sweet ever? No? Okay, then it’s probably maple syrup that he likes best, he’ll have it on waffles, in candy, or even to sweeten up some normally more savory foods like beans or ham or just about anything else you can think of. …Not that he, uh…really knows how to cook, himself… But he was a picky eater as a kid and syrup was easy to get in Snowdin, so it was usually used as a bribe to get him to eat A Thing He Didn’t Like and it’s a bit of a comfort-flavor for him now!
Slate (Horrortale Sans): For obvious reasons… he’s not picky. He’ll eat anything– burnt, flavorless, or even a little moldy, just drown it in ketchup and it’s good as gold. Like his classic counterpart, he’ll drink it straight, but surprisingly he’s also developed a bit of a fondness for mayo, mostly post-surfacing. It is not an unusual occurrence to find him just eating it straight, especially if he’s managed to get ahold of one of those squeeze-tubes that make it even easier. You might think he’s trying to pull a vanilla-pudding-in-the-mayo-jar prank but…alas, it’s real.
Papy (Horrortale Papyrus): He’s in the health field and knows in great detail why this is a thing he should probably not be doing but… You know those tubs of whipped topping…? Yeah, he’ll eat that with a spoon until the, “Oh My God, Why Am I Doing This” thoughts hit him and he shamefully puts it back. It would easily be one of the most mortifying moments of his life if you ever caught him at it, standing in front of the fridge in the dark at two in the morning like an oil-and-corn-syrup-loving cryptid.
Ash (Undergloom Sans): Worcestershire sauce is probably his top choice of condiment. His brother’s cooking has spoiled him a little bit, so plain old ketchup doesn’t quite cut it for him anymore. A lot of his favorite foods are hearty, heavy, meaty or all of the above, and Worcestershire can go on and in most of them! Now, will he drink it? No, probably not… but if there’s any on his plate that he can sop up with a bread roll and eat, he absolutely will be doing so.
Yrus (Undergloom Papyrus): No one can know. Whenever he buys those little jars of maraschino cherries, it’s for garnishing drinks or desserts or whatever else he might need them for, and when he cleans out the jars to reuse them for other things, there’s no reason to wonder what he’s done with the juice, probably dumped it, right? Well…no. He drinks it, straight from the jar, like some kind of fucked up, bookish skeleton hummingbird. Don’t judge him!!!
Brick (Horrorfell Sans): Whether he acknowledges it or not, he’s living a bit more of the high life these days than he used to, and with that tends to come some upgrades in the little things around you. In his case, that means he still prefers mustard over any condiment, but it’s Dijon mustard specifically that he tends to reach for—a bit fancier, more of a bite to it, and now the plain yellow stuff feels like a downgrade. He’ll eat whatever, he’s not picky, but y’know…if given the option…
King (Horrorfell Papyrus): He has no such vices…that he’ll admit to. But neither will he back down or show even a hint of shame if you catch him squirting a bottle of chocolate syrup straight into his shaker full of milk that you may have previously assumed was a protein or workout shake of some kind. As for whether or not he’ll drink the syrup straight… You’ll never catch him. Don’t even try.
Merc (Horrorswap Sans): Probably sweet-and-sour sauce for him, there’s a lot of different things to use it on and he likes the versatility of that. To the point that he’d drink it? Yes, sure, boldly so, in front of anyone, admittedly mostly as a bit for the reaction but hey, it’s tangy and delicious, no regrets!
Ell (Horrorswap Papyrus): His favorite topping to snack on is also a backfired prank. His brother is a baker and buys more new and unnecessary kinds of sprinkles than anyone could ever reasonably need, and he may’ve stolen a bottle or two to see how long it’d take him to notice. …And then maybe…grazed on them a little bit one time, when he was hungry and busy and didn’t want to get up. In his defense…they’re crunchy?
Pitch (Horrorswapfell Sans): He’s still all about the hot sauce, baby! Buffalo sauce in particular is probably the favorite, perfect for wings, but he’ll branch out if there are options—especially if they’re advertised as the hottest around, or put to him as a challenge. He’s a defiant thrill-seeker at heart, he all but has to drink it straight from the bottle if someone thinks so highly of it.
Nemo (Horrorswapfell Papyrus): He’s a caramel fiend. He pretty much always has been, in its candy form, but pretty much as soon as he started cooking for himself and realized how easy it was to just put a few things in a pan and have caramel sauce? It was over for him, he does it all the time now. It’s lucky if it actually makes it on top of anything because he’ll eat it by the spoonful almost straight out of the pan, but if he doesn’t, it’s still a perfectly good snack after it’s cooled a little. Not even store-bought jars last any longer in his house.
Sunny (Gastertale Sans): He loves a good steak sauce, obviously for steaks but on pretty much anything—burgers, sandwiches, jazzing up some veggies, what can’t it do? He’s not quite at the level of drinking it straight from the bottle, but it can seem close some days when he’s really slathering it on.
Aster (Gastertale Papyrus): Definitely some kind of weakness for tahini. It makes such a good dip, or spread, or partner with jam on toast to make a not-quite-pb&j, so even though he doesn’t usually find it on a menu, he tends to keep some around the house. Would he eat it all by itself? Has he? Well, what’s the fun in just telling? He has some kind of mystique to maintain, you know…
Spectr (Transcendtale Sans): Ketchup is super nostalgic for him, a very comforting flavor. He’ll totally drink it straight or eat it out of a packet just for the taste of it, even if he doesn’t have the hunger to actually eat it with something. He’s also gotten a bit more adventurous, though, and is a lot more open to trying different varieties of ketchup, and those trendy combos with other things—spicy ketchup, mayochup, thousand island—if it’s available, he’ll try it, and he’s slowly amassing a personal catalogue of favorites tried all across the globe.
PapAIrus (Transcendtale Papyrus): He doesn’t eat. He doesn’t need to and he’s not actually capable of it, so… It’s fine, he really doesn’t miss it or think about it much. …But whenever he gets around to having that back-up body made, probably the first thing he’d eat with it is a big jar of peanut butter, the crunchy kind.
Xanth (Ascendswap Sans): Having almost completely done away with any sense of shame and a large amount of awareness of social norms, he is no longer shy of straight-up eating relish. He is also not shy of going for maximum sour, vinegary flavor and will fully sip pickle juice out of the jar. He is living his truth and we are all so proud.
Piper (Ascendswap Papyrus): Did I call somebody else a hummingbird? I should’ve saved it for him, he’s graduated from honey to something a bit more concentrated—agave syrup. He follows the trends a little more attentively these days, gave it a try when he heard about it as a honey-substitute, and that was…kind of it. His sweet tooth is his weakness, and he doesn’t even mind paying a little more for the ethically sourced brands, he’s too hooked on that super-sweet sweetness for his tea and candy and pastries and whatever else he can find to drizzle it on.
Carmine (Underfell Fruition Sans): He’s a cool ranch guy, all the way. As a dip, it’s the perfect accompaniment to anything crunchy and he’ll freely load up his carrots and celery and chips with it. As a proper condiment, it’ll go on anything from pizza to burgs, and while he’s definitely taken a swig once, just to try it, he probably likes it better as supporting cast than the lead act.
Tank (Underfell Fruition Papyrus): He was ruined the first time a jar of marshmallow fluff came into his possession. He didn’t get much in the way of sweets growing up, so pure, soft, sticky sugar…? He has no defense against it. He’ll actually need to be told you can make things with it if you want to, because eating it with a spoon is all he knows and that’ll be a beautiful brave new world for him.
Vi (Swapfell Fruition Sans): He’s a barbecue sauce fan. His preference is for the smoky or spicy kind, but even the sweeter stuff has its charm and he hasn’t really eaten a kind he hasn’t somewhat liked. He won’t take a swig from a bottle, but if he ever comes across a brand he really likes, he may go out of his way to buy some to take home, and that's a huge compliment from him.
Hunter (Swapfell Fruition Papryus): Butterscotch is his thing, actually. He likes it as a topping in sauces and cocktails quite a bit, but if there happen to be any butterscotch chips around, that’s more to his preference. Be wary trying to get any baking with them done around him, he actually prefers them outside of the baked goods and he’s not above petty theft. In fact, he’s below it, far below it, a little quick yoinkery is the least of what he’ll do to get something he wants.
Kohl (Descendtale Sans): He’s a soy sauce kind of guy. It’s salty, savory, and strong, a little goes a long way even to overpower a flavor you’re sick of, but you have to eat because it’s nearly all there is… Yeah, he got a little hooked on it when monsters started eating the echo flower root, and it stuck around as a new favorite after. Would he drink it? Not unless it would be really funny, he has limited room in the tank these days and would prefer to use it for food he likes, not on a bit.
Bram (Descendtale Papyrus):  Nothing beats a nice crème anglaise drizzled over something sweet… Of course, he’s not much of a cook so mostly he just waits for vanilla ice cream to melt and that’s basically the same thing, right? Ice cream soup is delicious and also a perfectly valid topping for all manner of deliciousness, don’t knock it until you’ve tried it!
And as for comfort foods…well that’s a whole other post to update! ;)
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phantomrose96 · 2 months ago
When people join self-improvement or even hobbyist communities, there are some absolutely critical skills of fundamental skepticism they need when going in. I think most people who get into these communities aren't aware of these.
And just, as a fundamental few:
Does this person stand to gain financially from the thing they're trying to sell you on?
Is the business model of this whole community one of artificial competitiveness? Is there a pressure around never lapsing, or never straying from the model being sold to you?
Are the claims made in this community becoming bolder and bolder deviations from standard information?
These are absolutely rife in fitness, nutrition, and financial-advice communities and they often receive very little scrutiny except among those who already "got out." Because from the outside, seeing someone get into fitness is a good thing, good for them, glad to see it, look at that dedication, happy for them. Same on the other categories, and probably numerous others I haven't seen.
Does this person stand to gain financially from the thing they're trying to sell you on?
If the answer is yes, that does NOT mean "immediately abort", it means keep that in mind when you're interacting with their content.
This nutrition influencer has given you some great recipes for free, and now they're promoting a "really fantastic" brand that they have an affiliate link with? Their motivation isn't to be your friend and helpfully clue you in on a great product. It's to make money off you.
You really like this fitness influencer's work outs, but she gets MORE interaction and MORE viewers the skinnier she gets? She CLAIMS she's been losing weight naturally with healthy eating and exercise, and she's still full of energy, and You Can Too. This is not your friend. This is not someone who knows you. This is someone under large financial and social pressure to do everything she can to put out her best appearance and her happiest appearance, and your attention and belief in the appearance is where the money and clout come from. You really need to remember this in the same way you remember to look both ways before crossing the street. You can cross a street and you can follow a fitness account, but protect yourself when doing it.
Is the business model of this whole community one of artificial competitiveness? Is there a pressure around never lapsing, or never straying from the model being sold to you?
Communities stay strong if they retain people. There are a lot of fine and positive ways to retain people, but it's often easier to retain people by instilling them with a sense that they must be here. They should feel bad if they lapse or if their attention drifts. What they were before was inadequate. Everyone outside this community is inadequate. Do you want to go back to inadequate?
Is that financial subreddit that taught you valuable lessons about 401k's, index funds, and budgeting also quietly pressuring you to always do more? Are the top posts from extremist examples of people living in destitution so they can show the most extreme screenshot, and curate the envy of everyone else who ought to be ashamed of not doing as well as them?
Is that fitness community that got you into jogging also putting you in the mind that the truest and best people exercise 7 days a week? Never miss a metric? Never compromise on their dedication?
Is that person who "cut out all sugar and feels amazing" informing you that you should never have another cupcake in your life? And if you DO it's because you're BAD and DON'T WORRY, you'll get RIGHT back on the horse after. Shame will motivate you to come right back, and stay with the community, and never leave.
As long as you stay, the community grows. As long as you stay, the ad sponsors and the endorsed products and the influencers can benefit more and more. And sometimes, there's perhaps not even a malicious force behind it. It can happen from evolutionary pressures. The communities that survive are the ones that retain people. A community that trips accidentally into a model of pressuring people to stay is one which retains people and thrives.
Are the claims made in this community becoming bolder and bolder deviations from standard information?
You joined because you wanted to learn to cook for yourself. And this community has been helpful! You know how to make some delicious things. You've tried vegetables you've never tried before. And maybe you needed some convincing that brussel sprouts can be yummy, but what do you know, turns out you like them roasted.
But what else is being said? What things are being said with more and more frequency? Is it that "humans don't actually need any sugar, and it's a poison being sold to us?" Is it that "seed oils are toxic for you"? Is it that "pasteurization is bad"? Is the raw fruitarian convincing you that cavemen lived exclusively off fruit and you can too?
They'll have sources sometimes. Check them. Are they cherry-picked? Are they from an insular echo-chamber? Why isn't the mainstream literature aware of this? And if the answer has anything to do with "because mainstream wants to TRICK YOU and you're actually BAD for ASKING" then don't engage. Disregard. Take the recipes if you must but apply your skeptical filter to all the parts that are snake oil.
Sometimes it's that another community is only a stone's throw away. That person with a great financial portfolio has only good things to say about crypto, and what they're saying is making sense (average person [not smart] [poor] [bad money skills] laughs at crypto, but you're smarter. you're on the in-track). That amazing bodybuilder is pulling the hottest dates, and he says it's about male-confidence, and he says there are good support guides on becoming a respectable masculine man, and all you need to do is reclaim your masculinity in a society that wants to steal it from you.
In any place like this, come up for air. Come up for air FREQUENTLY. Talk to regular people and engage in academic literature outside this circle. Conspiracy thinking wins if you draw all your information from the entity trying to sell you on the conspiracy.
And I hope this is clear but my message is not "never join a community." My message is know danger when you see it. Recognize when you're being used or pressured. Don't fall for conspiracy thinking. Protect yourself. You can use a gas stove to cook meals but don't touch the flame and don't burn your house down. You can cross the street but recognize the signs of a car coming down the street.
And I'm making this point because so many people just don't know. ...Because getting into fitness is "good" and "self-improvement"! So is nutrition. So if financial responsibility. People walk into it and the extremism can make them feel accomplished, and admired, and like they're a part of something, and maybe even like a proper self-punishment for their own inadequacies. And people on the outside won't save you because "Wow! He spends 3 hours at the gym every day! I wish I was that dedicated." is a common attitude, and will push you deeper into what has its claws in you.
Everything I'm saying is not because I'm so much smarter and so much holier-than-thou for knowing this when others don't--I'm saying this because I was in it. I fell for it. Not all the examples above, of course. But I recognize the machine in them. It is highly appealing to run farther and fast longer and overload your class schedule when you don't feel good enough and want to prove something, and so many communities will sell you on the idea this IS an accomplishment. Then once you do, you have to do it forever. Or else you'll go back to not being good enough. And since fitness is "good", and weight-loss and good grades, no one can save you but you.
The answer was not to give up on the hobbies I was doing. I cook for myself most nights. I run and bike as regular parts of my routine. I like new recipes and I like half-marathons. But these are just positive additions to my life and they do not define my worth. If I miss a work-out it's whatever. If I order take-out it's whatever. I fundamentally do not care about the influencer with the washboard abs, and if I try a work-out from her, I have no loyalty to it. If the new recipe I try mentions "clean eating" I'll roll my eyes and just figure out if the recipe seems good. If the recipe is botching itself to avoid certain scare-words I will simply find something else.
There is absolutely a reasonable place for challenging yourself and trying things outside your comfort zone. The internet is full of resources to do so much more than you currently know how to do. And if that community is an oven, recognize it's an oven. Wear oven mitts. If it's actively on fire, leave. You're the only one protecting you. Stay safe.
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mimiiiiiiiiisstuff · 1 month ago
"I bet on losing dogs"
ok this is like my first time actually writing anything EVER, and I don't know how to work tumblr or make this aesthetic so bare with me pls!! I keep seeing yandere batfam x neglected reader and I have had so many ideas so I'm giving this a shot! The reader is referred to with female pronouns but you can imagine it different if you want :) Reader is 2 years older than Damian and is 15 at the start of the story. Damian is 13. Dick is around 10 years older than reader, making him 25 right now. Jason is 8 years older than reader, making him 23. Tim is 2 years older than reader making him 17. Cass is 4 years older than reader and is 19. Stephanie is 3 years older than reader and is 18. Barbra is around 8 years older, making her 23! Bruce is around 35-40ish??? All just kinda guesses to make the plot and dynamics more clear, lmk if you have any questions!!
This is the prolouge and it kinda sucks so pls be nice. Hearts and comments are appreciated. If it's bad ignore it, english isn't my first language. Chapter one:, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4:
You couldn't understand it. You aren't a bad kid, so why were you treated like one? Why did your father treat you like the bane of his existence? Why did your older brothers see you as nothing more than dirt at the bottom of their shoes, a ghost in the manor, a blemish on their picture perfect family of misfits. You tried so so hard to fit in, to be part of the family. You wasted 11 YEARS of your life trying to get noticed, doing activities and hobbies you hated in the hopes of striking conversation with your "siblings". Batman, Bruce Wayne, your "father", ignored you no matter what. He ignored you like it was his job, from the day you came to the manor on your fourth birthday, your mother's death day, to today, your 15th birthday. You saved his life, his and all those other ungrateful losers who you used to call family. Yesterday, you put you life on the line for them, got bitten by that damn snake for them, and they ignored you and told you to walk it off while coddling the girl who suddenly appeared. Never again would you help them, nor would you brush off their mistreatment, not after this betrayal. Not after they took in another girl, a girl your age, the girl who took credit for your heroic act, the girl who bullied you for years at Gotham Prep, the girl who made your life living hell, and called HER family. They choose Tiffany Maverick to be their supposed savior, they would never believe you had the bravery to help them. They chose her to be Tiffany Wayne and scorned you.
You did nothing wrong, from the day you came to the manor you were perfect. Straight A's, no attitude, no complaints and no demands. All you did was try, try, try, and they never noticed.
Richard "The Dick" Grayson, as you and your friends call him, was the world's best big brother to everyone, except you of course! He was your first brother, he was the kid that Bruce Wayne actually wanted to take under his wing. You were 5 and he was 15, he was busy being Robin and then Nightwing. Alfred assured you that Dick adored you, you were his baby sister after all, he was just busy! In later years you realized he was only busy when it came to you. He made time for Damian no matter what, always attended Cassandra's ballet recitals, chatted with Tim and ruffled his hair, and he even dealt with Jason's snarky attitude and biting remarks. Yet, somehow when it came to you, he never had time. Always brushing you off with a shoulder pat and a "Maybe next time sweetheart!" and rolling his eyes when he thought you weren't looking. He's been making time for Tiffany or Tiffybear, as he loves to call her while pinching her cheeks and calling her his favorite little sister, "Don't tell Cass though!" he'll whisper to her. You don't even think he can remember your name. Or that once upon a time you were his "baby bird."
It makes you sick watching her take credit for everything, she's only been in the manor for 6 months and they've all given her more love than they have to you in the past 11 years. She took credit for all your awards, she told everyone she was top of your class, made them "homemade" cakes and muffins. It was all you. She stole everything.
Jason Todd, the red hood, was so mean to you. You used to admire him, looked up to him, and he took all your kind words and gestures for granted and spit them back in your face. Once upon a time, he was your favorite brother, you wanted to be as confident and unshakeable as him, it didn't matter how mean he was now because he was you brother and you loved him. The bond you had before his death was something you couldn't let go of, he was the only one who loved you. When he first came to the manor he was 12 and you came a couple months later. An adorable 4 year old who followed her favorite brother like a duckling. You were 7 when he died. You were 12 when he came back to haunt Bruce and Dick and Tim. You chased after him and tried to resurrect the bond you had for 3 long years. You gave up when you saw them. You couldn't believe your eyes when you saw him and Tiffany sneaking out the manor on a school night, you almost threw up when you saw him strap her on his motorcycle and leave for hours. They came back with shit-eating grins and cupcakes for everyone from a 24hr bakery, everyone except you. The bakery you asked him to take you to months ago. Tiffany saw the tears in your eyes and your clenched fists and she laughed.
Timothy Drake-Wayne, you first saw him after Jason died. Tim, in your 10 year old mind, was trying to steal your dad. Bruce ignored you even more after Jason's death and shut everyone out. Your bond with Tim was non-existent no matter how hard you tried. After you realized he wasn't trying to replace Jason, and saw how he was helping your father heal in ways you couldn't, you tried to bond with him. You attempted to play his video games and ignored his complete disintrest in you and anything that had to do with you in hopes he might come to appreciate you. You brought him coffee after long patrols, asked him about his day, asked to meet his friends, you picked up all his hobbies like hacking, cooking, reading even martial arts and yet he ignored you. You tried to find him in hallways at school, only to be treated like a stranger when you found him. He was embarrassed that you were his sister. You were chubby and awkward and didn't have many friends, he didn't want his cool kid friends to know you were his sister. For 5 long years you chased after him, for 5 years you chased a ghost, and somehow Tiffany captured his attention using one of the gadget-thingys you made in hopes to impress him. She walks the hallways of Gotham Prep with him, a perfect sibling duo, he even had her lunch moved so she could sit with him and his friends. He wasn't embarrassed of her. You watched them get closer in 6 months than you have in 5 years. And it hurt.
But perhaps what hurt most is her newfound bond with Damian. Your baby brother. You tried the hardest with Damian, almost as hard as you tried with Bruce, and yet he chose her while all you got was a sword to your neck and sneers of disgust thrown your way. Damian moved in when you were 12. You were elated, if you couldn't have good older siblings, at least you could be one! That plan went to hell when you realized Damian saw you as less than him. No matter how hard you tried, returned your love with disgust. You tried to show him around school like you wished Tim did for you and he called you " A waste of space and Wayne DNA" and said that there was no way you were of "Wayne" blood and that your "whore of a mother" had to have deceived his father, in front of your two friends and half the school. You could've handled his cruel words if he didn't begin attempting to duel you to become your father's heir. About a year ago, when you tried to hug him he threw you down the stairs and you broke your ankle, you stopped trying with him after that. He was so possessive over Bruce and now that somehow transferred to Tiffany too. You'd feel bad for her if she wasn't eating his obsession with her up.
Barbra, Cassandra, and Stephanie were the "It girls." All practically sisters, they hung out almost everyday and had sleepovers every Friday. They giggled about boys, hook-ups, missions and bonded over everything. You wanted be one of them, you tried so hard to be cool, to be pretty, and they could only see your flaws. You curled your hair and did your nails in hope you would blend with them, you even attempted to be Batgirl at one point. You were quickly denied after Stephanie pointed out that you didn't have the right 'physique' for it. Barbra quickly agreed and said you weren't cut out for it, Cassandra simply looked you up and down. Thats why it hurt extra when they welcomed Tiffany with open arms. Suddenly, she could be Batgirl. She talked to them about boys and bonded with them over girl things. She stole your sisters.
You figured out Tiffany was a spy almost as soon as she came into the manor. Her apperance and ability to act like it was her who saved the Bats from the Joker and his new radioactive snake was not a coincidence, neither was her becoming a vigilante only two weeks after coming into the manor, and neither was you catching her walking out the Batcave with arms full of Batman's weapons and plans. You couldn't believe your luck and pulled out your phone to take a picture, too bad you left the flash on. Tiffany quickly noticed you and tried to explain that it was a misunderstanding when Bruce came into the hallway. You beamed at the sight of him and began to explain what you saw Tiffany doing, only Tiffany was faster. She was quick to blame you for everything, and Batman, the world's greatest detective believed her. She said that you bullied her at school and you were so jealous of her joining the family that you went to steal plans and took pictures to frame her. It was a shitty lie and somehow everyone believed it. You still remember the cold indifference on Bruce's face, the sadness on Alfred's, the look of pure delight on Damian's, the shock on Dick's, the interest on Tim's and the disappointment and disgust on Jason's. Something shifted in you that night. You didn't feel an overwhelming amount of love and longing when you looked at your family, you felt anger. Pure unadultered rage, rage at Bruce for never loving you, rage at Dick for being a liar, rage at Jason for throwing away your bond and cool indifference and disgust at the rest of them.
Maybe that's why your abilities finally formed. Maybe thats why the place the snake bit you that fateful night began to glow as you cried in your bathtub, after being scolded all night and getting body slammed by Damian for trying to "taint his dear sister's image". You had powers now, the agility of a snake, you could eject venom out of your fingertips, you could walk on walls, now you could prove them all wrong.
okayyyy yall this was the prolouge. Again this is my 1st attempt at writing so be nice. If enough people like this I'll put out part one. Hope yall enjoyed and lmk what you want to happen next in the comments!!!!!!!!!
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fxllfaiiry · 2 years ago
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─ you're the sunflower ੈ✩‧₊˚
✶ pairing: miguel o'hara x fem!reader
✶ synopsis: everyone on the team loves you, expect miguel who seems to hate you more than anyone.
✶ warnings: angst!! major angst. sunshine!reader x grumpy!miguel. reader is nicknamed sunflower, mentions of death.
✶ notes: there's one spanish sentence in this, I'm not good with spanish so if I've made a mistake please tell me so i can fix it! part two is already up!!!
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Everyone on the team loved you from the moment you joined, everyone, except Miguel. 
You knew Miguel was cold towards everyone, but he was extra cold with you. Maybe it was because of how different your personalities were. 
You were the embodiment of sunshine, always positive in any situation, putting others before yourself. Hence why everyone calls you sunflower, it fits perfectly, Miles was proud of coming up with it. 
Miguel on the other hand was cold and distant but that didn't stop you from trying to get him to open up. You'd try to have simple conversations with him but nothing, all you would receive in reply was an eye roll or a slight grunt, but you wouldn't give up that easily. 
Like today, you got him some coffee. 
"Morning, boss. Got you some coffee." You said in your usual cheerful tone. 
"Why?" He raised his eyebrows, looking down at you suspiciously. That's the most he's said to you all week. 
"Because I wanted to." You shrugged, placing it down on his desk. 
He steped down walking towards his desk, you couldn't help but stare at him, unfortunately for you, everything about him was so attractive, it's such a shame he hated you. 
"This isn't how I like my coffee." 
"Huh?" You snapped out of your daydream at the sound of his voice. 
"The coffee, it tastes terrible. Get it from another place next time." 
"Well, actually I made it-" But he had already walked away from you not listening to a word you said. "Alright, never mind, I'll just go back to work." You mumbled hurt by his words. 
"Wait, hold on." You looked up, thinking, maybe he'll say something nice after all. 
"Take the coffee with you, I won't be drinking it." 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
"Girl, why do you look so sad? Did Miguel do something again?" Jess asked with a frown, she did not like seeing you sad. 
"Okay, yes." Miguel being cold towards you was normal, he never spoke to you unless necessary. Out of everyone here, he probably hated you the most, even more than Miles.  
"Sunflower, I've told you to stop trying." Jess sighed. 
"I know, I know… why does he hate me so much, Jess?" 
"That's just the way he is, don't overthink it. It's his loss, baby." She replied, gently patting your shoulder. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Today was going to be a good day, you were so sure of it. 
But, of course, you were wrong. 
Everything was going great up until a few hours ago. 
Miguel had assigned you on a mission to catch an anomaly, alongside a few other spider-people. His instructions were clear, stick to the plan and catch the anomaly. It was supposed to be simple. 
If only you didn't disobey him. You screwed up badly, and because of that, you could have been killed. 
"Why don't you ever listen?" Miguel shouted. No one had ever seen him this angry. 
"I was just tryin-" 
"¡Ay, por el amor de Dios!" Being yelled at by your boss in front of your coworkers was humiliating, everyone was looking at you with pity. 
"I'm sick of this, why can’t you follow simple instructions? Is it that hard to understand?" He barked, towering over you. 
"It's not a big deal." You tried to keep your composure, you didn't want to humiliate yourself further by bursting into tears. 
"Not a big deal? You could've died! A simple mistake would have ruined the whole mission." 
Don't cry. Don't cry.��
"But we're all fine, aren't we?" You weakly chuckled. That was the wrong thing to say because it only made him angrier. 
"Oh? If that's the attitude you have then you shouldn't even be on the team." Ouch. 
"Miguel, I think that's enough-" Hobie said, quickly jumping in. 
"Not now, Hobie." He growled. 
Never once did you think that you'd be in a situation like this. 
"If you put more focus on trying to be good at your job, rather than impressing me, we wouldn't even be here!" Oh, so he did notice that. 
At this point, tears were streaming freely down your face and you made no attempt to stop them. 
"Yep, you got it, boss." You smiled up at him through your tears. It was pathetic, but you did not care, you just wanted to leave and never come back. 
"Next time make sure this doesn't happen." 
"It won't happen next time." That's because there won't be a next time.
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junkissed · 4 months ago
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member — incubus!cheol x f reader genre — smut, supernatural (demon), pwp word count — 2.2k synopsis — who said you aren't allowed to fuck your sleep paralysis demon? warnings — descriptions of female anatomy, monster cock!cheol, mean dom!cheol, masturbation (reader), messy blowjob, rough throat fucking, throat bulge kink, choking/breathplay, dacryphilia, some degredation and praise, a little humiliation, throat training (kinda), cum in mouth, sooooo much cum, cheol is a demon both metaphorically and literally, cheol has a tail and uses it for kinky purposes, objectification (of reader), nicknames (darling, sweetheart, slut, good girl, toy, etc.), implied established relationship ? (this is not their first time together) notes — thanks to @multi-kpop-fanfics @kwanisms for help brainstorming the demon part and @cheolism @onlymingyus @beomcoups for proofreading !! i really wanted to put out one more spooky fic before december hehe. if you enjoyed this fic, please remember to reblog!! it's super important for sharing my work and it lets me know this is something people wanna see more of :)
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“darling, now what did i tell you about touching yourself without me?”
you startle at the sudden low voice whispering in your ear, and your cheeks grow hot as you sit up straighter on the bed. your skin prickles with the sudden feeling of being watched, tingling almost in excitement. 
you already know who it is even before his figure fades into visibility. his face still obscured in shadow and your room is dark, illuminated by nothing but the faint gleam of the moon shining in through your window. even so, you know his piercing eyes can see through the dark when yours can't. 
he looks different each time he arrives. sometimes it’s the long blond hair, slicked back with gel and a single strand falling across his forehead. sometimes it’s the black hair, shaved close on the sides with half of it tied back in a bun. but the red that he wears tonight has always been your favorite: a bright, unnaturally glowing shade that seems to match his fiery personality.
that’s how he appears to you now, dressed in his usual purple suit, the deep neckline showing off the muscles in his broad chest and his tail curled in a relaxed coil around his leg. a thick silver chain hangs around his neck and instinctively you shiver at the sight of it, the memory of it seared into your skin from all the times he's held you down rough and fast and let it drag across your back, just the way you like it.
“you were expecting me, weren’t you?” he murmurs. his voice is warm and deep like a pool of water, and each time you hear it, it only makes you want to jump deeper and deeper into him.
“m-maybe,” you manage breathlessly, though both of you know it’s so obviously a lie.
he laughs, but his tone isn’t humorous. you can practically see the smirk in his voice even without being able to see his face. “of course you were. or else you wouldn’t be sitting there, soaking through your panties and thinking about me like the depraved little slut you are. isn’t that right, sweetheart?” 
the bedroom suddenly brightens with a warm orange glow, as if lit by a candle, except there's nothing there. cheol finally steps out of the shadows, allowing you to see all of him. the look on his face radiates condescension, yet it only makes the heat between your legs burn hotter. 
you don't give him an answer to his question, and he doesn't pry for one. that's how this usually goes; you both know exactly what the other is here for anyway. once you're sure he's watching, you slowly pull your fingers from your cunt and keep your legs spread to reveal your glistening, sticky arousal that he loves so much, and that's enough of an answer to keep him satisfied for now. he doesn't react, but you can tell he's enjoying the sight from the way his eyes begin to glow a deep, hungry red.
you get up off the bed and start to move towards him, but he vanishes. a laugh sounds from behind you, and you whip around to see him sitting where you had been on the bed.
cheol spreads his thighs apart, leaning back against the headboard of your bed, and you take it as an invitation to move back towards him. you're already starting to feel the neediness returning, the empty feeling only heightened by his presence.
you try to sit down but his hand catches your arm, wrapped around your wrist to keep you at a distance.
“ah ah ah,” he scolds, holding back a laugh at your pout of confusion. “you already had your turn. if you behave for me, then i might consider giving you something in return.”
you nod quickly, and he smirks, directing you to kneel between his thighs instead. “mm… my good girl, always so eager.” 
he leans closer to you and fists his hand through your hair, his fingers tangling in your hair to pull you up and force your head to be level with his. he whispers against your cheek and it raises goosebumps on your skin, his eyes dark and narrowed as he bares his teeth with a grin. “i think you might just be one of my favorites, you know? such a cute little thing you are.”
he lets go of your hair and you reposition yourself to lay as comfortably as you can, now face to face with his cock as he pushes away his pants. you may be one of his favorites, but he's also one of yours. the first time he appeared was the last time you slept with a human man, and as long as you have him you'll never want to again. there's no desire for the mediocre hookups of the past when you have the devil's right hand man using his hands on you. seungcheol fits in all the right places, in all the right ways, and each time with him is even more satisfying than the last.
you tentatively wrap your hand around the base of his cock, trying to guide him into your mouth. this part never gets easier on you, but it's well worth it for the pleasure he gives you in return. 
“relax, sweetheart,” he coos as you slide your lips further down. “you're so tense. you want to take it all, don't you? breathe through your nose, you know the drill.”
to anyone else his words might sound kind, but you know the way he's teasing you is anything but kind. you whimper and try to follow his direction, forcing your jaw to go slack as you try to fit more down your throat. slowly but surely you manage to take him into your mouth, but your lips still only reach halfway down his length.
he pushes his hips up into your mouth once he's given you a moment to adjust, an experimental thrust to see if you're ready. you choke a little and let out a gagging sound, your eyes instantly starting to water as he hits the back of your throat. but you don't tell him to stop, and he doesn't stop.
you keep trying to relax your jaw, letting the length of his cock slide against your tongue with wet, messy noises.
cheol's tail wraps itself around your neck and you stifle a strangled gasp in surprise. his cock is so far down your throat it’s already almost hard to breathe, but the added pressure as he chokes you makes it even harder. you're lightheaded from the feeling but not enough to hurt, teetering on the line between pleasure and pain. 
“you look absolutely pathetic, darling,” he says, a low groan rumbling deep in his chest. “so gorgeous.”
your arms are shaking from holding yourself up on your elbows, but his praise is what keeps you going, choking back a whimper as you take his cock further down your throat. your vision blurs around the edges, but you can feel the spit dribbling from your mouth as it runs down his length. he makes it impossible to focus on anything besides the bruising pace of his cock.
cheol coos in fake sympathy, his tail coiling just a little tighter around your neck. “aw, poor thing. is it too difficult for you, sweetheart? you're trying so hard to be good for me. just relax.”
at this angle he can't see it, but he can feel the way your throat bulges around his length. he can feel the ridges of your throat tightening around his cock with each labored breath you take, barely enough room to allow air into your lungs. if you were in a different position he'd be able to see the faint outline of his cock stretching your throat, expanding and contracting as you struggle to meet his thrusts.
“you're loving this, aren't you? i can tell. i can smell it.” he inhales deeply through his nostrils, as if to prove his point. “ahh. like cinnamon, and… peaches. i can practically taste you from here, my darling. so sweet…”
if your mouth weren't so full and you could speak properly right now, you'd probably be whining seungcheol's name and begging for more. no matter how many times he tells you to forget him, he always ends up back in your bed like this. maybe he really does have a favorite.
he groans and rolls his neck back, his skin flushed red as he looks down at you. fuck, what a sight: your pretty little ass up in the air and your lips stretched around him, looking up at him with pleading eyes filled with tears.
cheol lets out another laugh, his voice just a little strained as he teases you. “if you hadn't already soaked through your cute little panties before i got here, then i'd bet they definitely are by now.”
you choke a little around him, caught off guard by his words, but he's not wrong. you wiggle your hips involuntarily, trying your best to hold still but it's hard to stay focused. your head is fuzzy and your senses are overwhelmed, your throat burning with friction both inside and out.
your grip starts to loosen around the base of his cock but seungcheol just tsks and repeats your name, his tail squeezing once to get your attention. “use your hands, darling, you have them for a reason. now just stay still, relax for me.” he flashes you a grin. “don't want to hurt my favorite toy, of course.”
his thrusts into your mouth grow more hurried, shoving his cock down your throat faster and sloppier with each snap of his hips. the force of his movements is unnaturally strong, and although you know by now that he's right on the edge, he barely looks like he's breaking a sweat. 
he finally releases with a deep groan, spilling down your throat and flooding your mouth. his thrusts don't stop, only slowing down a fraction as he tilts his head back, letting out another satisfied moan.
you know better than to stop without cheol's permission, so you hold your head in place and try to keep up with him. your eyes are brimming with tears as you struggle not to choke, and finally the hot, wet drops spill over and roll down your cheeks from the intense amount of energy it's taking to stay still.
all you can do is focus again on breathing through your nose and swallowing all of his cum that you can. unlike other men you've been with, you're not repulsed by the taste of him, and swallowing would be easy if there weren't so much of it. even when he should be finished he still keeps going, his tip pulsating against your tongue with each spurt.
just when you think you can't hold it any longer, the pressure on your neck suddenly releases and seungcheol uncurls his tail from around your neck. you pull your head away from his cock, gasping and stuttering, and you vaguely register cheol's fingers beneath your chin to support your head, your jaw aching from being held stretched open for so long. 
“mm, there you go. deep breaths, now.”
seungcheol chuckles as if he’s pleased at the sight of you. his tail lifts to wipe the tears from your cheeks, then some of the drool and spit and cum from the corner of your mouth, and you exhale a shallow, shaky breath.
“are you done for tonight? or…” he hums once he's given you a moment to recover, but although his words are kind again, there's no sympathy in his tone. he caresses your cheek gently with his thumb, his crimson red eyes sparkling as he looks down at you.
“… you think you can take more?”
your eyes are heavy and lidded, feeling like all your energy has been zapped from you, but somehow you're still insatiable. there's an itch that you can never quite scratch, feelings that only seungcheol can make you feel, and the promise of that satisfaction is enough to keep you sated and happy for decades.
“more,” you stammer, still catching your breath, but your eyes are fixed on his. “p-please, i can take it.”
cheol's smile widens, revealing his gleaming white teeth, although he'd already known what your answer would be. “oh, i know you can. such an obedient thing you are, always so ready to please and be pleased. you want more, hm?”
you nods quickly as you can manage, your neck still aching a little. that's how he always leaves you: a ruined mess, exhausted and sore, yet you'd still jump on the chance for another round if he offered. and he always does.
before you can blink he flips you onto your back, disappearing almost like magic and reappearing at the end of the bed to kneel between your legs. his thick cock rests against your stomach, still just as hard as before, and the weight of him on top of you already has you shivering with excitement.
“you’ve been such a good girl for me, darling. i think you deserve a little reward for taking my cock so well.” he grins as he traces his fingers down your body, his hands finding your hips as his grip tightens. “you get to take it again.”
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i hope you enjoyed this!! if you did, consider reblogging or leaving a comment or an ask :) it shows me this is something people want to see more of, and knowing people like this makes me want to write more of it! thanks for reading!!
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loves4ge · 7 months ago
tattoo artist!au, cw: partial nudity, mdni
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choso can feel his heart stutter in his chest, bumping against his ribcage. god, who just walked in? the pen he's using to draw in his tablet clatters to the ground, though he can't be bothered to pick it up because he is too busy staring at you.
oh, you, with your lovely little dress hitching near the middle of your thigh. strappy sandals and painted nails, you have him hooked. the parlor is dimly lit and smells of ink and paper and alcohol. the kind that's used for cleaning wounds and not the one that you get drunk on with your friends on friday nights. he doesn't even hear your words and you have to repeat them.
"sorry, what did you say?" he sounds out of breath despite not doing any physical exertion. and you grin, that smile would put the sun to shame.
"that's alright. i wanted to get a tattoo but i wasn't sure if you accepted walk-ins?" you trail off towards the end in an inquiring tone. you know that they don't. it's their pinned post on social media.
he does not accept walk-ins. "sure we do, what do you have in mind?"
your eyes brighten, grinning even wider, and choso thinks he might just die and go to heaven right now. he can't stop glancing at you when you show him the designs on your phone.
"where do you want it done?" he asks at the end, opening a blank page on his tablet to finalize a design. you can't help but observe him, leaning over the counter, hair in two twin ponytails and eyeliner done to perfection.
"i was thinking my hip? like if i wore a bikini, i want the tattoo to be partially obscured by the bikini bottoms." choso thinks he may as well have short-circuited with the speed his brain is malfunctioning. you notice his delayed response and almost cooed. he's shy.
this isn't the first time a client has asked for a tattoo in a risqué position, and he's never batted an eye at nudity either. but he's entirely unsure of himself when you strip down to your panties (you ended up taking off the short dress, though you did wear a cami underneath it), and he's thinking maybe he does have a problem with nudity after all (most people call this problem an erection, but choso's not that crude).
"you're gonna have to pull it aside, or i can cut it off." he doesn't specify which part, and now your eyes widen.
swallowing thickly, you ask, "what do you mean?" you know what he means, but you sort of hope he meant something else.
"the side of your underwear, we can just cut a slit—oh," he understands what his previous sentence sounded like when he sees your face contort into disbelief and then promptly dissolve into relief.
he doesn't look at you directly, "sorry, i don't know why i said that. it's, oh god, sorry to make you uncomfort—" he's cut off by your words of understanding.
"it's my fault really. i swear i'm not uncomfortable. really, choso." oh, the money he'd pay to hear his name leave your lips again.
"…if you say so. i'll use the scissors now, if that's okay?" you nod, smiling to encourage him. god knows he needs no encouragement to cut off your panties. there's silence in the parlor except for the sound of fabric being cut. he hands you a small towel to cover whatever you need to, but you just place it to the side. you know what you're doing. choso isn't sure if you're an angel or the devil.
he makes sure his ponytails aren't loose and puts on some nitrile gloves, black like his hair. you're wondering if you should break the silence, make some small talk, put the boy out of his misery, or just let the tension simmer.
"i really like the face tattoo thing you've got going on." he snaps up to look at you, then immediately reddens. his fingers hover above the black stripe across his face.
"mhm." you lift your hand, thumbing his cheek where the tattoo ends. he's still the entire time.
you'd be the death of him.
with careful hands, he sanitizes the part of your hip where the tattoo would go on. he may have taken a little bit longer than usual, his fingertips pressing into your skin with the thin layer of an alcohol wipe acting as a barrier. your skin is soft, and he wants to grip your hips more actively. without the façade of a tattooist doing his job.
you're not feeling calm anymore, and in a sudden fit of unadvised decision-making, you grab choso's wrist (this choice was not peer-reviewed by your groupchat, but at the moment you find it in yourself that you don't really care). he startles but doesn't say anything.
"i'm nervous," you murmur. he instantly softens, melts, and reaches out to grab your shoulder in a sort of platonic 'i'm there for you' way. you're not planning to be platonic.
"that's alright lovely, everybody gets nervous before tattoos. it's more common than you think. would you like water?" his voice is soothing, and the way his lips move. you know what you need. you know what would calm you down.
"i know another way we can get rid of my nerves."
"mm, how so?"
"kiss me."
he almost chokes. he looks at your dead serious expression.
he is so fucked.
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chaoticwriting · 1 month ago
Part 1
Cass: Ellie! What are you doing here, honey? Aren't you supposed to be with papa?
Ellie: Papa is busy with Uncle Dan. They asked me to go play with Mama for a little bit.
Cass: Uncle Dan? I thought papa and Uncle Dan don't get along well together?
Ellie: Yup. They always fight whenever Aunt Jazz invites them to dinner. But papa says there is some very important very secret job that they need to do. So they ask me to go play with you.
Cass: Do you know what they are doing, honey? Maybe I can help papa with his job. You know I am very good at fighting.
Ellie: But...
Ellie says as she looks at the people around her. Cujo has shrunk himself back into a small puppy and is currently standing guard behind Ellie. She trusts mama but she doesn't know these people.
Cass looking at her daughter's signal, understands her worry.
Cass: Don't worry, honey. They are my family. Over there are your other aunts and uncles.
Ellie gives a nod of understanding to Cass and puts the brightest smile she has on her face.
Ellie: Hello, everyone. I am Ellie Fenton. Nice to meet you.
All of them awaken from their shock, greet Ellie properly. Some of them restrain themselves from throwing themselves to Ellie to pick her up and dote on her. If not for Bruce still recovering from almost having a heart attack, he would have ignored everything and just doted on her while his children solved whatever problem there is.
Cass: Ellie.
Ellie: Yes, mama?
Cass: Can you tell us what happens now?
Ellie: Ummm, I actually don't really know myself. But I hear Uncle Dan cursing Plasmius and papa saying something about the timeline being messed with.
Everyone is immediately concerned about whatever Ellie is saying. The timeline being messed with usually is a league level threat. And yet here there is one and the only reason they get any news is because their newest family member is somehow related to it.
Tim: Ellie, who is Plasmius?
Hearing the question, Ellie looks at Cass to ascertain the trustworthiness of Tim. Getting a nod from Cass, Ellie then answers.
Ellie: Plasmius is my creator. He clones papa using papa's and his DNA because he wants papa to be his son. Papa saves me but because I am a girl, born from two male donors, I am unstable.
Tim: I don't think that is how clone works?
Ellie: That is what Doctor Frosty says. Oh yeah, mama. I have a gift from papa. Papa is afraid that he might not be free on your anniversary date.
Ellie pulls out a small box out of her pocket and gives it to Cass. Cass happily takes it while observing the box. From roughly looking at it, the box isn't anything special. Except a very beautiful carving of her name on it. Cass opens the box to reveal a beautiful black pearl necklace that has 2 miniature swans in the middle. One black and one white. Their heads form a heart shape while around them are stars shining brilliantly.
Cass puts on the necklace and sees there is a note inside of it.
I'm sorry that I can't join you, Cass. I have some important matters to handle, so I hope you can take care of Ellie while I am away. I will compensate our missed date with a better one later.
Have a good time with Ellie. I love you <3
Your husband,
Cass smiles as she reads the note. Keeping it inside her pocket, she returns her attention back to Ellie.
Cass: Ellie, papa says that you will stay with me for a while. Do you bring everything you need for a sleepover?
Ellie: A sleepover? With mama? Yaaayy. But I don't bring any clothes with me.
Suddenly, a green portal opens up and spits out a purple bag right onto Ellie. Ellie catches it and giggles happily.
Ellie: Thanks grandpa Clocky.
A sticky note with a thumbs up appears in front of Ellie and disappears in an instant.
Cass: Errmm, Ellie. Who is that?
Ellie: That's grandpa Clocky. He sometimes babysit me when he sends papa to do some work for him.
Steph: How did he do that?
Ellie: Grandpa Clocky can control time. He always knows when we need his help.
Jason: Well that certainly is entering his file.
Ellie then pulls out a box of apple juice from her bag and starts drinking it. Cass picks her up and as she holds her, Ellie leans her head towards Cass's shoulder.
Tim: They really do look like a mother-daughter duo.
Steph: Of course they are, idiot. They are literally mother and daughter.
Suddenly, Dick steps forward wearing the most friendly smile he has.
Dick: Hey, Ellie. My name is Richard. You can call me Uncle Dick.
Ellie: Hihihihi. Your name is a bad word.
Dick: Well, I guess it is a bad word. But I am Romani.
Ellie: Yes, Uncle Dick. Hihihi. You are funny.
Everyone's alarm blares at the same time when they hear the statement. They finally realized Dick's plan. How dare he try to get a headstart in securing the best uncle/aunt position.
Dick can feel the glare from everyone but as they say, early birds catch the worms.
Part 3
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♠️ AiB males playing "7 minutes in heaven" ♠️
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A/N: A friend of mine and I came up with this topic very randomly. Still, I think this can get interesting and also kind of funny, so I wanna give it a try at least. Are you in? of course you are, hehe! 🤭
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Summary: Everyone knows The Beach and of course next to parties, there will be enough time for some funny games you and the other members can play together. Beside dangerous games, someone mentioned "7 minutes in heaven".
7 minutes in heaven- Rules: Two chosen people are getting into a private, dark room. Doors are closed and now the both have to find a way to pass the time- that's it.
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Characters: Aguni, Arisu, Chishiya, Karube, Niragi
POV: gn!neutral
Warnings: Not given.
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A g u n i
Tatta: "..." Chishiya: "..." y/n: "... So ... you are playing with us?"
Literally everyone is in shock and irritated when Aguni is joining the group for playing this dumb game.
Niragi would like to say "How pathetic" but since Aguni is not only his leader, but also attends the game himself, he prefers to keep his mouth shut.
It should come as no surprise that hardly anyone don't want to be locked in a dark room with him.
He always exudes something threatening and the fact that he is extremely radical in some situations doesn't really make it any better.
Arisu and Karube aren't keen on spending seven minutes alone with him- that's how everyone feels, except maybe Niragi, "Last Boss" and you.
He never did anything to you.
However, you don't have much to do with each other either.
Which doesn't mean he didn't notice you.
He can tolerate your presence and you can tolerate his.
This is also the reason why the two of you are ultimately put in the room together.
An: "Sorry." y/n: "Don't be, I'm really fine with that."
You are not afraid of him, just very respectful.
The fact that he is so quiet and says so little about himself makes you believe that there is more to his character than most people would probably believe.
It's risky, but once you've arrived in the room - where you've both found a place to sit or lie down - you just ask him.
y/n: "Tell me … what actually made you the person you are now?" Aguni: "You really try to start a conversation with me?" y/n: "Sure. I have nothing left to lose."
It gets quiet between you for a moment.
Aguni: "Me neither."
Well, that hits differently, but:
Aguni: "Not interested in idle Chit-Chat. I don't need someone listening to me." y/n: "Alright ... I'm sorry." Aguni: "No ... I am."
You don't exactly know what he is sorry for but you can tell by his voice that he means it.
Deep down he would like to talk to you.
And he is pleased that someone is interested in him and his story.
But he doesn't want to show weakness- and anyway, it's just not the right time to open up to anyone about it.
A r i s u
He's a clever boy, but one has to explain the rules for him twice ...
It's so easy but, what? He? Alone in a room with someone who is allowed to do everything he wants?
Arisu: "Didn't you guys say this game isn't dangerous at all?" Kuina: "I ... don't think someone wants to kill anyone here." Niragi: "Uh-" Chishiya: "Please, do us a favor and keep your fantasies to yourself."
However, he breathes a sigh of relief when he realizes that he is being put in a room with you.
And after that ... he gets nervous.
Damn, he thinks you are so beautiful/handsome- you make him literally SPEACHLES!
Speaks to himself in his head: it's only seven minutes, time will pass quickly.
So, the both of you go in the room ...
Aguni: "Don't forget, the room is next to us- we will hear everything."
Yeah, actually, they will hear nothing, because Arisu and you are just sitting there, towards each other, in silence.
You both are so shy, that's cute! UwU
But he tries his best to start a conversation with you at least.
Arisu: "Well, this ... uhm ..." y/n: "I can't hear you, it's too dark ..."
With that, you finally got him- like, he's going to laugh, because he knows that quote exactly.
Arisu: "Did you seriously quoted Spongebob?!" y/n: "No, I quoted Patrick Star."
And that's it.
Yes, you guys are sticking to the Spongebob references and holy, time suddenly goes by so fast.
The others are simply shocked and can't believe the conversation they're hearing …
Well ... you can't take another fandom if you want to if you can't relate with it but, hm ... shame on you ...
C h i s h i y a
The calmest and most composed of all.
If you're nervous, rest assured: he's not.
Kuina wouldn't have put you two in the same room if she didn't know he had a thing for you- but don't expect him to show.
Kuina: "Have fun you two!" Chishiya: "Be sure we will have." y/n: "Uh- will we?" Chishiya: "We will see."
Well, luckily everyone defines “fun” differently.
He laughed at you when you bumped into something as you entered the room.
y/n: "Ouch!" Chishiya: "Watch out." y/n: "IT'S DARK INSIDE HERE, I'M NOT AN OWL!"
He would be willing to help you, but he's no more an owl than you are.
Chishiya: "Ouch!" y/n: "Watch out." Chishiya: "Maybe I deserve that."
Once you have settled down somewhere, peace and quiet return.
For a very long time.
Chishiya doesn't speak if he doesn't have to.
And he is patient.
A person with lots of time.
But you aren't in here with him to remain silent.
y/n: "Haven't you told me we will have fun in here?" Chishiya: "Question is, what kind of fun you think of."
Thanks god it's dark inside here so he can see how your face is turning red now.
Chishiya: "Did you know: Owls can turn their heads by up to 270 degrees, as they have twice as many neck vertebrae as humans." Kuina: "You should give y/n compliments instead of boring them with your knowledge." y/n: "UP TO 270 DEGREES?!" Chishiya: "You know, Kuina- you aren't in the room, so leave us alone."
K a r u b e
The brother has no inhibitions. When he hears that you should go into the room with him, he stands up, grabs you by the wrist and pulls you behind him, no hesitation.
The other players already have a premonition of what's going to happen with you two, which is why they deliberately stay away from the door.
The only thing is, they are wrong.
You aren't about to start a wild make-up-session.
Instead, Karube simply leads you to the window of the room, where he quietly and secretly draws the curtains.
y/n: "You know, this is against the rules ..." Karube: "Rules are made to be broken."
In any case, the little romantic has a plan for how you can make the seven minutes pass quickly together.
Karube: "Have you ever noticed how brightly the stars shine outside at night in this world?" y/n: "Honestly, no. I … I've never really felt like looking at the stars in this world. I never had someone to do that with, plus ... it kinda makes me sad, 'cause of all the people we have already lost and kill ourselves." Karube: "But the deceased can be better remembered in the dark and in peace."
That leaves you speechless.
You know that Karube can be a bit of a jerk.
But you also know that he's not stupid.
And you really love like how kindhearted he can be if he wants to.
Karube: "So, seven minutes to just stand here and watch the stars getting brighter together- will you join me?"
You smile at him and this is your answer, before you turn your head in the direction of the window- whispering a quiet "Wow" while your eyes are getting a litte teary.
y/n: "You are a blessing, Karube ... you really are ..."
N i r a g i
Niragi is the most annoying partner you can get from any player.
Unlike Chishiya, he wouldn't talk about any 'useless' knowledge, but he would be nagging and complaining.
And above all, he would be offended because he doesn't get what he wants from you.
Niragi: "Come on, seven minutes would be enough for a-" y/n: "I said no and no means no!"
But who would he be if he just accepted it.
y/n: "And anyways, it wouldn't be much fun if we aren't able to see each other ... right?"
You can then hear a choking noise from outside, which is uttered by Tatta.
Nevertheless, Niragi gives you the point and just sits back from that now on.
At least for a while until he gets bored again.
Niragi: "And now? Are we just sitting here, doing nothing at all?" y/n: "We can play “I see something you don't see”." Niragi: "Are you fucking kidding me?" y/n: "Alright, then let's call it "Guess what I see"." Niragi: "Stop it." y/n: "Well, than stop nagging, you can't be bored enough then."
Just be happy about the fact he do like a lot.
We all now Niragi is none who is listening to a "no".
If he wouldn't care about you … just think about what he did to Usagi …
Still, he is happy when things are finally over.
Karube: "So, how does it feel like to be dumped?" Niragi: "You should know the best." Karube: "Sorry boy, none has ever rejected me."
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myth1cs · 4 months ago
Locked in (Oh Haewon x M!Reader)
Yes Haewon spread that Charisma Uniqueness Nerve and Talent (Smut! .... Sorry!) Word Count: 5,588
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"Fuck you Y/N, I'll do whatever I want!"
"Haewon please get off the table. You're getting it dirty with your shoes!"
You were getting tired of Haewon. She always purposely went out of her way to piss you off. This time was no different, yesterday you made a big deal about her spilling her drinks all over the table and not cleaning it. Today she decided to get revenge by making the table dirty with her shoes.
You aren't much of a clean freak but the way Haewon kept being so unhygienic was driving you crazy.
"And what if I don't get off the table Y/N what are you going to do about it?" You aren't much of a confrontational person and Haewon knows it. You try to assert authority but she never felt intimidated by you, which made her more comfortable challenging you.
You sighed as you knew you couldn't do anything to get her off the table. The only thing you could do was wait for her to get bored and get off so you could start cleaning the table.
Suddenly you heard someone enter your dorm and looked behind you to see Kim Dahyun.
"Are you guys arguing again?!" Dahyun asked as if she was a mom who was disappointed that her kids weren't getting along.
"It's Y/N's fault!" Haewon said when she saw that it was Dahyun. Something you noticed about Haewon is that she treats everyone nicely. Well everyone except you for a reason that you don't know.
"Both of you guys need to learn to get along. Why do you guys even argue so much?"
"It's all Y/N's fault!"
"Oh really Haewon? Last time I checked you were the one being such a fucking bitch!"
"Enough both of you!"
Dahyun grabbed both of you by an arm and dragged you both into a room.
"I was gonna take you both out to the friend groups hangout but instead you guys can talk out your differences. By the time I get back you both better have made up." Dahyun left and closed the door.
"Wait!" Haewon yelled, she tried to open the door but it was locked. "Dahyun quit playing don't leave me in here trapped with this loser." Haewon started banging on the door but it was useless Dahyun already left.
"Ugh! I hate you Y/N."
"Me? This is your fault Haewon!"
"Shut the fuck up Y/N!"
Haewon went up to you and punched you in the face. It hurt you, it didn't even feel like she put much power into that punch yet it still felt painful.
Both you and Haewon started fighting each other. Leaving bruises on each other and tiring yourselves out at a result. Eventually you both got tired and laid on the bed.
"Fuck you Y/N lay on the floor."
"Why don't you do it Haewon?"
"Because it's gross, now get off the bed!"
"Make me."
Haewon sighed, she didn't have the energy to push you off. You both laid there on the bed for an hour not talking to each other. Neither of you had anything to entertain yourselves with and it was driving you both crazy.
You eventually turned over to Haewon
"Hey can we talk."
Haewon turned over and you guys made eye contact for the first time since you guys laid down on the bed.
"Well not like I have anything else to do."
"Why do you always bully me?"
"Y/N ... I just like seeing your reaction. Seeing you upset is something that-"
While Haewon was talking you started to pay more attention to her body. You never realized how ... good she looked. I mean she was totally your type. How come you never noticed?
You couldn't stop yourself from looking at her lips. They looked so delicious you just knew those soft lips would feel amazing.
"Hey! Hey! Y/N!'
You suddenly came out of your thoughts and realized you've been staring at her for too long.
"Do my lips look that good to you Y/N?"
You blushed and nodded your head. I mean she already caught you no point in lying to her at this point.
Haewon smiled and started scanning your body.
"You know Y/N you're not too bad yourself."
"Really Haewon?"
Haewon pulled you into a hug, hugging you tightly as if you would disappear if she let go.
You hugged her back taking her sweet smell in.
"Y/N I'm sorry for everything. I hope you can forgive me."
You brushed her hair and kissed her on the cheek which made her gasp. She didn't expect you to take such a sudden move on her.
"Haewon I love you. I could never stay mad at you."
"I love you to Y/N"
You both hugged each other tightly and drifted off to sleep.
Suddenly you and Haewon were woken up by the sound of the door opening. Dahyun entered the room.
"When I told you guys to make up I didn't expect this. So are you guys dating now?"
"Wh-were not dating!" Haewon quickly responded in defense.
"Yeah sure, I've never seen you as happy as you were just now Haewon. You were hugging Y/N as if your life depended on it."
Haewon sighed "Fine you caught us, we're dating now."
You were shocked when Haewon said that. You realized you two were now official, and honestly you couldn't be happier.
Haewon reached out for your hand to help you get up. You were still a bit hazy from just waking up but you managed to grab Haewon's hand, and she helped you sit up on the bed.
Dahyun squealed "I'm so happy for you guys!"
You clung to Haewon's arm as if she was going to leave you. You were in love with her. The same girl that one day ago you wanted nothing to do with was the same girl that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with.
"So when's the first date?"
"Aren't you rushing things Dahyun? Besides little Y/N here is still sleepy, he probably wants to catch up on his sleep."
"Haewon you're only 1 month older than me!" you responded in a groggy voice.
Dahyun giggled "Alright well I'll leave you two love birds to it. Don't do anything dangerous without the proper protection."
Dahyun left you both in the room alone. You laid your head on Haewon's shoulder.
"Haewon can we go back to sleep."
Haewon looked at you and gave you a warm smile.
"Of course we can."
1 week later
You and Haewon were going out on a first date. As you held her hand you couldn't stop yourself from feeling happy. Your heart kept beating fast and it felt like the only thing in the world that mattered was you two.
You and Haewon arrived at the ice cream shop and went inside. There were a handful of people inside but not too many people that it felt cramped. You both went up to the counter and ordered your favorite ice cream flavors.
You both decided to eat outside. You felt the wind blowing on your skin as you ate. It was relaxing, you felt at ease with Haewon at your side. Back then even being in the same room with Haewon would put you on edge but now she was a source of comfort for you.
"Y/N you have something on your face."
Haewon acted like she was wiping something off your face but she really just wanted an excuse to rub your cheeks.
"Did you just make that up?"
Haewon giggled "You caught me Y/N."
Ever since the day Dahyun locked you both into a room you've both been inseparable. You've both been sleeping, showering, and hanging out together. Every morning you felt blessed being able to see Haewon's face first thing in the morning.
When you finished your ice cream you clung to Haewon again.
"Y/N you're so clingy!" Haewon said when she felt you cling onto her.
I mean ... you were, but could anyone blame you? I mean when someone like Oh Haewon is your girlfriend you just have to show her love every moment you get.
"Hey Y/N can I ask you something?"
"Anything Haewon."
"Okay ... just know I don't want to force you into anything if you don't want to do what I'm about to say then that's completely fine and I respect your decision."
That night you locked the door to your room and looked at Haewon a little nervous.
"Y/N are you okay?"
"It's just ... I don't feel good about myself. I don't want you to see me naked."
Haewon hugged you and kissed your cheek.
"Y/N I love you the way you are. But if you don't want to go through with this then that's okay."
Hearing Haewon say those words gave you confidence and you decided to go through with it.
"Can you strip first Haewon?"
Haewon nodded and began to take her clothes off. You were mesmerized, you couldn't believe that she had such a perfect body. But it only made you that much more insecure knowing it was your turn next.
Haewon went up to you and grabbed the hem of your shirt.
"Do you want me to take it off for you?"
"No! Please let me take my time Haewon."
Haewon understood. She backed away and watched you as you slowly mustered up the courage to start taking your clothes off.
When you finally took all your clothes off you felt horrible. What business did you have trying to have sex with Haewon? You should have stayed in your clothes. What were you thinking by taking off your clothes? You should just put your clothes back on and try to-
"Y/N your perfect."
You got pulled out of your thoughts when you heard those words come out of her mouth. You felt relieved and happy when Haewon called you perfect. You started blushing and feeling giddy.
"Oh ~ Y/N you like it when I praise you?"
You were a little bit surprised when Haewon said that. You never thought that you had a praising kink but when you thought about it you always felt butterflies when Haewon praised you.
"Well I guess I do." You responded.
Haewon went up and softly kissed your lips. They felt like heaven, you kissed her soft lips back wanting to be able to kiss her forever.
Haewon started mumbling while kissing you "Y/N you're doing so well." It turned you on. Your cock started rising slowly.
You started to deepen the kiss. You both were caught in the moment and you both started to kiss each other more rough. You slid your tongue in her mouth and your tongues started fighting for control.
Neither of you won as both your tongues got tired and you both eventually pulled away.
"Y/N you did great." You felt yourself getting flustered and your cock was getting hard when you heard Haewon say those words.
Haewon looked at your cock and smiled. "Do you want me to take care of you?" You nodded and she got down on her knees.
Haewon was on her knees for a few moments before she spoke up. "Y/N I'm new to this. Is there anything in specific I should be doing?"
You had to ponder for a moment. This was your first time having sex to so you weren't sure if there was something she should be doing or if she should just do what she thinks is right.
"How about you try just touching it?"
Haewon nodded and started to poke your cock. She wasn't sure if there was a specific way she should touch your cock so she just went with what she thought was a safe option by poking it.
"Y/N are you okay? Am I doing it wrong?"
"No Haewon your doing just fine."
Haewon started to rub your cock with one finger to see if she could get a reaction out of you. She saw that you slightly reacted but it wasn't anything significant.
"Y/N is there something else I should be doing?"
"Try licking it."
Haewon got her tongue out and started to wonder where she should lick your cock. Should she start with the head? Or maybe the base of your cock. Or would somewhere in the middle be better?
Haewon decided to start in the middle just in case. When you felt her tongue you jerked. Her tongue on your sensitive areas felt great and you felt your legs going weak from it.
You grabbed onto Haewon's head grasping it desperately so you wouldn't fall. Haewon started licking your cock at different speeds. She didn't know which speed was optimal so she did all of them. Randomly going from a slow speed to a slightly faster speed only to drastically increase her pace the next second.
Even with all of the stimulation you felt you didn't feel any closer to release. "H-Haewon I hate to bother you but I'm not any closer to cumming."
Haewon felt horrible when you said that. Was she really that bad? She was regretting asking to have sex she shouldn't have ever tried. She got up and sat next to you.
"I'm sorry Y/N I really wanted this night to mean something special to us." You could tell Haewon wanted to cry for messing up an important moment in your relationship.
"Haewon don't cry." You embraced her patting her back. "Let's try again Haewon"
"But Y/N the moment is ruined now."
"As long as it's with you every moment is precious to me."
That made Haewon feel better. She got back up but this time she was going to do what she thought was right.
"Y/N lay down."
You followed her instructions without hesitation. Haewon got on top of you and started to align her pussy to your cock.
"Are you going to be okay?"
"Let's hope so." Haewon said as she quickly took your whole cock in her pussy. She knew it was gonna hurt so she decided to just try to take the whole thing in one go.
"Ow fuck- It hurts."
"Haewon you should get off. I don't want you to be hurt."
"Trust me Y/N I can handle it."
After some heavy breathing she managed to calm herself down and started to bounce on your cock. Her pussy gripped your cock so good you thought the blood flow to your cock stopped.
You both were sweating. It was the first time for both of you so it felt like an extremely intense activity.
"Y/N I feel like something is building up in me."
"It's fine Haewon just relax yourself and let it happen."
Haewon proceeded to cum all over your dick. So much came out that some got on the bed sheets.
She was exhausted. After having an intense orgasm she was ready to hit the hay but she still wanted you to experience pleasure.
"Y/N sit up and let me try to suck your dick again."
"Haewon that's the least of my worries. My time can come another time right now let's just get some rest."
She nodded and fell asleep on top of you.
A few years later
You and Haewon had just finished moving all of your stuff into your new house. After college you and Haewon decided to live together and move into a home together. The rest of your friend group lived separately but you all didn't live far from each other so you guys would see each other every now and then.
"Let's start unpacking Y/N."
You started to help Haewon unpack and as you went through all your things you couldn't help but to think about the past. Honestly so many things fell in place for you and Haewon to even be together. You had to had picked the same college, you guys were randomly assigned roommates, and it just so happened you shared a friend that decided to lock you both in a room. You were grateful for Dahyun as if she had never locked you in that room with Haewon. Well who knows how your life would've turned out.
"Reminiscing about the past Y/N?"
"Yeah I was just thinking about us and how we even came to be you know?"
"I remember, I remember when we first did it. We were so inexperienced."
"Don't remind me Haewon! I prefer to think that night never happened."
You and Haewon started to talk about the past and talk about old memories. Suddenly you heard the doorbell ring.
You got up and went to open the door. When you opened the door and saw one of your friends from your friend group Lily Morrow.
"Y/N it's so nice to see you!"
"It's nice to see you to Lily."
"Where's Haewon?"
"She's unpacking in the living room."
"Want to help me scare her?"
You walked back into the room and went back to help Haewon with the unpacking.
"Who was at the door Y/N?"
"It was just a sales person."
"Ugh I hate sales people. Like why are they bothering us on our own property."
While Haewon was complaining Lily suddenly came up behind her.
"L-Lily! Don't scare me like that!"
"Sorry Haewon I couldn't resist."
"Did you plan this with her Y/N?"
"You're gonna pay for that."
You knew exactly what Haewon meant.
"Anyways Lily why did you even come over."
"I was in the area and wanted to pay you guys a visit. Well since I'm here I might as well help you guys unpack."
After a few hours you all managed to unpacked all of your things and put them in there place. Lily was about to leave but suddenly it started raining.
"Just my luck. It rains just when I'm about to leave."
"You can stay with us Lily for the night." You offered.
"Really? I don't want to bother you two."
"It's fine you can have the bedroom here on the first floor."
"Thank you."
Lily got up and left for the bedroom. Once Haewon heard the sound of the door close she looked at you and gave you a smirk you were all too familiar with.
"Haewon please don't."
She started to rub your clothed cock and you tried your best to keep your moans in.
"I don't know Y/N. I think you should learn your place."
You gulped knowing what was going to happen next.
"Follow me."
You obeyed Haewon and followed her to the bedroom on the second floor. On the way Haewon grabbed an unopened box. Once you two entered the room Haewon locked the door.
Haewon started to open the box. You gulped wondering what she would pull out. She pulled out handcuffs.
It was no use she was already lost. Haewon put your hands behind your back and put them in the handcuffs. You didn't resist and let Haewon do what she wanted.
Haewon kissed your lips for a few moments before pulling away.
"Safe word?"
Haewon smiled and went back to the box. She pulled out a whip and went back to you.
"You'll listen to me from now on."
"Yes Haewon." It would only make it worse if you resisted so it was easier for both of you if you just listened to her.
"Now don't move or else I'm going to punish you." Haewon proceeded to pull down your pants and saw your hard cock.
"Horney already Y/N?" You nodded. You couldn't lie you enjoyed seeing Haewon take charge like this.
Haewon started to slowly take your cock. Her tongue glided through your whole length. Swirling your tip and gently sucking. Your legs were shaking you. Wanted to thrust in her mouth but knew better.
You started moaning but you quickly shut your mouth and tried to suppress them. When you did this Haewon used the whip to hit you.
"Did I tell you to suppress your moans?"
"But Lily-"
Haewon whipped you again "I don't give a fuck that she's downstairs. You listen to me got it? Now you let me hear your moans Y/N."
You nodded and Haewon went back to taking care of your cock. You moaned loudly knowing full well that there was a good chance Lily could hear you.
"Mhm~ Yes Y/N let Lily know that you're submissive for me."
Haewon went back to whipping you. It hurt you horribly but something about it turned you on. Haewon started to tighten the handcuffs on your hands to add to your pain.
There was too much to focus on. The pain you felt was horrible but at the same time Haewon gave you the best pleasure you had ever felt. Your cock started twitching in her mouth and she pulled out.
"Who knows Y/N maybe I'll leave you like this as punishment for earlier."
Haewon pushed you onto the bed and got on top of you. She started to strip her clothes and you couldn't help but stare.
"You're really excited to see me naked huh?"
You blushed and nodded.
Haewon smirked and deliberately started going slower.
"Please don't tease me Haewon."
Haewon smacked your face.
"Since when do you order me around?"
"I don't.."
"Don't speak up unless I say so."
Haewon went back to undressing and after what felt like hours she finally took off all her clothes off.
Haewon sat on top of you and you started to struggle to breathe.
"If you want to be able to breathe properly eat me out."
You started eating Haewon out as fast as possible. You slurped down every bit of juice from her pussy and ran your tongue all over it. Haewon was lost in her own world. Her legs were shaking and she held onto your head for support.
As you felt yourself suffocating Haewon squirted all over you and got off you. You gasped for air and tried to regain composure.
Haewon however didn't have any interest in letting you rest.
"Get up Y/N and let me get those handcuffs off you."
With low energy you sat yourself up and Haewon grabbed the key and freed you from the handcuffs. She also took this chance to take off your shirt.
Haewon got up and went back to the box and reached for something else. She ended up pulling out a blindfold and some ropes.
You gulped. It was far from your favorite activity but you wanted to make Haewon happy.
Haewon tied up your arms and legs. She put the blindfold on you before she got on your dick and started riding you.
She whipped you repeatedly. It stung you horribly but for the sake of Haewon's pleasure you didn't want to use your safe word.
"Fuck Y/N I'm gonna cum!"
Haewon was sadistic which you were fine with but you felt the pain becoming more unbearable overriding your enjoyment. You tried holding out until Haewon came.
But you reached your breaking point. Your body was bruised badly. If Haewon whipped you one more time you felt like you would break.
"Lock! Lock! Haewon please stop!" You yelled in pain unable to take much more of Haewon's sadistic tendencies.
Haewon was snapped out of her trance and quickly got off you. She untied the ropes and took off your blindfold.
"Y/N are you okay?! I'm sorry I got ahead of myself." Haewon was sad when she saw a few tears on you.
"I-I'm fine Haewon."
"No you're not! Come on Y/N let me fix you a hot bath."
Haewon helped you get into the bathroom into the bathtub. She started the warm water to help you relax.
"Thank you Haewon."
"Don't mention it Y/N. I should be sorry to you. I got carried away."
Haewon got in the bath with you and embraced you lovingly. She kissed you in the spot where she smacked you earlier.
"I love you Y/N please don't ever hold off from using your safe word."
"I promise I won't next time Haewon."
You both sat in silence until Haewon remembered something.
"Y/N you did great back there."
To say you were a bit surprised would be an understatement. But it also warmed your heart that Haewon still remembered when you told her you had a bit of a praising kink all those years ago.
"Y/N you are perfect I love you so much."
You felt yourself getting worked up from Haewon's compliments and started to feel your cock rising.
"Want me to make you cum?"
You nodded
Haewon and you got out of the bath. She got to her knees and started to give your cock all the attention she could. You started thrusting in and out of her mouth. Her tight throat felt amazing and you felt closer to release.
You increased your thrusts and Haewon started to deep throat your cock. You ended up spreading your cum all over Haewon's mouth and she swallowed every last drop.
"Your cum is amazing thank you Y/N."
You both dried yourselves before going to sleep together naked.
The next day you were both woken up by Lily's yelling downstairs.
"Haewon Y/N! I made pancakes!"
You both got dressed and went downstairs. You saw the pancakes Lily made and went to eat them.
"Thank you so much Lily. You shouldn't have." You said before eating her pancakes.
"Well it's the least I could do for you guys. Besides I'm sure you guys need the energy after last night."
You and Haewon blushed.
"You heard us?" Haewon said surprised
Lily chuckled "Of course I did. My room was directly under yours. I didn't know you were sadistic like that Haewon."
Haewon couldn't make eye contact with Lily and ate her pancakes with her head down.
One year later
You were nervous.
Today was the day you would propose to Haewon. You ran the scenario multiple times throughout your head.
Step 1: Go to the outdoor venue you rented out for the day and set up the place with Lily.
Step 2: Dahyun picks up Haewon to take her to a "Fancy restaurant"
Step 3: Dahyun tells Haewon that she needs to "Pick up her friend" as an excuse so she can head to the venue.
Step 4: If everything goes well you and Lily should be done by the time Haewon and Dahyun get their and you propose to Haewon.
It should be simple enough.
When you arrive at the venue you notice Lily is not there. Panicking you call her.
"Where are you?!"
"My car broke down!"
You started panicking. Lily was in charge of bringing all the decorations. The venue only had some basic decorations but you wanted to go all out as this would be an important moment in your life. Should you try to pick Lily up? No she lives too far away, you probably won't make it back in time.
Should you tell Dahyun to try to stall for more time? But Haewon would be suspicious if after Dahyun gets a call she suddenly starts stalling.
You checked the time and saw you only had 20 minutes before Dahyun and Haewon would get to the venue.
You were about to have a break down. How could everything go bad on such an important day?
15 minutes passed. Only five more minutes until Haewon and Dahyun arrived. You were contemplating whether you should try to propose another day or if you should just try to make do with what you already have.
Suddenly you heard people scream your name.
Looking in the direction of where the sounds were coming from you saw Lily and Bae running towards you.
"Lily and Bae? What are you guys doing here?"
Lily was out of breath "I called Bae to pick me up. We were speeding our way here. And then we ran the rest of the way since the closest parking lot was far."
Bae suddenly interrupted Lily "Guys we're running out of time we need to decorate now!"
All of you started setting up the venue. You had to cut some corners as you didn't have time on your side anymore.
You got a text from Dahyun telling you that she arrived. Lily and Bae quickly went to hide and you tried to get yourself ready as you went to hide.
"Dahyun why is your friend here anyways."
"They had to help out someone set up for an event."
"I don't see them."
"Hold on I need to use the restroom Haewon. Try looking around for them."
Once Dahyun left the area you came out from hiding.
"Y/N? What are you doing here?"
"Haewon I need to tell you something."
"What do you need to tell me?"
"I-I don't think our relationship will work out if we stay like this."
Haewon was shocked. She grabbed your hands while looking as if she was about to cry.
"What do you mean Y/N."
"Ever since we graduated from college I truly loved you. I love everything we've done together and honestly I've made memories I will never forget with you. But we can't keep going ... at least not like this."
Tears fell down Haewon's eyes. She was crushed fearing your next words.
"Y/N please don't leave me! I promise I can fix everything just name it."
"Haewon I can't let you be my girlfriend ... I want you to be my wife."
You got down on your knees pulling out the ring you bought.
"Will you be mine Haewon?"
Haewon looked at you. You couldn't make out her facial expressions. You held your breath waiting for her answer.
"Y/N fuck you! Don't ever scare me like that again! Of course I'll be your wife Y/N."
Haewon took the ring and put it on. You breathed a huge sigh of relief and pulled her into a hug. Lily, Bae, and Dahyun came up to you guys and congratulated you.
"Come on Haewon let's go eat." You said while holding your fiance's hand.
Wedding Day
You were waiting for Haewon to walk down the aisle. You were ready to spend the rest of your life with Haewon. Sharing all of your worst and best moments and being there for each other even in illness you were ready to tackle anything as long as you had Haewon by your side.
And then you saw her. She was perfect, you couldn't take your eyes off Haewon. It was as if time slowed down.
Everything was going perfectly. You two exchanged vows and then the magic words were said.
"You may now kiss the bride."
You pulled Haewon in for a deep kiss. The only thing that mattered in that moment was you and her.
"Y/N I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with you."
"Me to Haewon."
That night you partied hard. Hanging out with the people who meant the most to you.
Haewon threw the bouquet and Bae ended up being the one to catch it. Everyone cheered for her and you jokingly asked her.
"Are you finally going to ask out Sullyoon?"
Bae blushed and lightly pushed you.
"Yah not so loud Y/N."
Eventually the party came to a close and everyone went home. When you got home with Haewon you carried her to bed.
You laid her down gently and kissed her forehead. Haewon was getting sleepy so you started to change her into her pajamas. Once you got Haewon changed you started to take off your clothes so you could change but suddenly you heard Haewon get up.
"How about I give you a special present Y/N as a celebration to us?"
Knowing where this was going you nodded your head and took off your remaining clothes. Haewon got on her knees and started to pump your cock.
"Haewon this is the best thing I could ask for."
She simply smiled and started to suck your tip. Haewon swirled her tongue on your tip covering it in her saliva.
Haewon bobbed her head. Her tongue sliding through your cock letting every inch feel it. Your cock started twitching and you were close to release.
You started to thrust in her mouth. You spread your cum in her mouth. So much cum came out it was leaking out of her mouth.
Haewon's face was stained with cum. And both of you wouldn't have it any other way.
"Now it's my turn to give you a special gift Haewon."
You picked up Haewon and laid her on the bed. You took of her pajamas and started to lick her pussy and rub her clit.
Haewon moaned loving the feeling you gave her. You licked her pussy and enjoyed how her fluids tasted. You truly never could have enough. You ate Haewon out.
Shoving your tongue deep into her pussy Haewon screamed and squirted all over you. You drank every last drop.
You both laid naked next to each other in bed and shared another kiss.
"I love you Haewon."
"I love you to Y/N"
You both drifted to sleep holding each other, ready to spend the rest of your lives together.
Finally finished this for all the people requesting longer smuts.
I wanted to make this longer but I felt like people would loose interest if I made it too long.
Anyways if you actually sat through all of this thank you.
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navybrat817 · 7 months ago
On the Rocks
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Pairing: Bartender!Ari Levinson x Female Reader
Summary: You're not sure why Ari doesn't seem to like you, but you two have to work together.
Word Count: Over 2.4k
Warnings: Tension, coworkers, bit of grumpy and sunshine, misunderstanding, future smut, Ari Levinson and he's slightly rude at first (he's a warning, okay?)
A/N: More Beach Fun Nonsense! Hope you lovelies enjoy this intro to my Gin and Bear It AU. @spectre-posts requested bartender!Ari to Go for a Swim (smut) with prompt #13 in bold. TECHNICALLY not smut, but there will be smut in future parts. Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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You weren't one to brag, but you were good at your job. You showed up on time and stayed late if necessary. Never dropped a tray or drink. Didn't skip out on cleaning or any other tasks. And not only were you attentive with your customers, you showed just enough skin to keep it professional and never went home with anyone at the end of the night. Your work ethic helped you earn the respect of just about everyone at the establishment.
Except for Ari Levinson.
You eyed the gorgeous bearded man behind the bar, your blood rushing faster through your veins. He didn't spare you a glance. He hardly ever did. Everyone else who worked there got a smile from him. Even a smirk. But you? An unimpressed look was what you got on a good day. You chalked it up to you being a new member of the staff, until the barback who started after you received kinder treatment from him.
To be fair, it wasn't like Ari hated you. He didn't seem to particularly like you either. For the life of you, you couldn't figure out why. Maybe there wasn't a specific reason. Some people just didn't mesh well. It didn't stop you from treating him like every other coworker. The two of you had to work together whether he liked it or not.
“Hey,” you smiled as you stopped at the bar and set your tray down. You waited a second for him to acknowledge you, but he kept drying glasses. “Three Jack and Cokes, please.”
That got Ari's attention. He didn't have to greet you, but you both had a job to do. You waited in silence while he made the drinks. He didn't look at you, but you looked at him.
He was in good shape. Great shape, in fact. With his large and somewhat intimidating size, you were surprised he wasn't a bouncer. He was a good bartender though. He wouldn't have a job there if he wasn't.
It wasn't right how attracted you were to him since he never seemed to give you the time of day.
“Thanks,” you said when he set the drinks on the tray for you.
He grunted and turned to put the bottle back.
“You know, we’ve been working together for almost three months. One of these days you may actually carry on a conversation with me instead of answering me with random sounds,” you teased.
“I'm here to work, not chat,” he said over his shoulder, his deep voice sending a wonderful shiver down your spine despite his statement. “You should do the same.”
You sighed when you picked up the tray. “I’m just trying to be friendly.”
Like always.
“Don't need friends.”
It was a bit of an odd statement. You said friendly, not friends specifically. “Aren't Steve and Bucky your friends?” You asked. They were two of the other bartenders. Best friends and good to the rest of the staff. Protective, too, always quick to jump in if a customer got mouthy or handsy.
Ari’s jaw clenched as he faced you, but you didn't cower. “Yeah, they are.”
You may not have cowered under his gaze, but you sure as hell felt small the longer he looked at you. “But you don't want to be my friend,” you said.
“I don't need more friends,” he said dismissively as your stomach dropped. You wished it didn't hurt to hear that and you had to blink rapidly when you felt a familiar telltale burning in your eyes. “Anything else?”
Plastering a smile back on your face that didn't quite reach your eyes, you straightened up. “Noted. We aren't and won't be friends,” you said before you added with more bite than you intended, “And don't worry, Ari. I don't need anything from you.”
He must've noticed the shift in your tone, too, since his jaw clenched harder than before. You walked off before he had a chance to say anything, cursing yourself inwardly at your tone. You shouldn't have let his dismissal get under your skin. Besides, he was right. You were there to work and your customers needed their drinks.
So, why did it bother you so much that Ari didn't want to be your friend? It shouldn't matter. There were lots of people who worked together who never talked or saw each other outside of their jobs. You wished he would've given you a chance, but you’d respect his decision.
For the rest of the night though, you planned to avoid him like the plague.
As your shift went on, you felt Ari’s eyes on you. Instead of looking back at him or giving him a smile like usual, you ignored him or acted like he wasn't there. You didn't stop at his end of the bar, going instead to Steve to get your drinks. For the first time since you started working there, you had Ari's full attention.
And for once, you didn't want it.
By the end of your shift once you wrapped up just about all of your tasks, you were ready to get out of there. “Any plans after closing?” You asked Steve, counting out tips for him.
“I might be seeing someone,” he smiled gently, his gaze flickering to a woman sitting alone at a table.
You raised an eyebrow. Patrons hit on the guys all the time, but it was rare for them to take anyone home. “Well, I hope you have a good time,” you said before nodding over to Bucky who was sitting at the bar, too. “Isn't it your night off?”
Bucky smiled softly. “It is, but my girl should be here in a few minutes. We won't stay long.” His girl had gone through some heartbreak before she rolled into town and the brunette quickly became her knight in shining armor.
“You have fun, too,” you said, sliding off the stool with a sigh.
Steve’s brows pinched. “You okay?”
“I will be,” you said, not wanting to lie to him and pretend you were fine. You also didn't want to get into what was going on. Feeling sorry for yourself didn't do you any good and everything would be okay tomorrow.
“You sure?” Steve swung his head toward Ari. “You think I didn't notice that you haven't been back to that end of the bar?”
You glanced in that direction, inhaling sharply as you met Ari’s gaze. He crossed his arms as he stared you down, tension as thick as fog. All you could see were the blue of his eyes and you had to look away so you didn't lose yourself.
“Just an off night. Nothing to worry about,” you said, pushing over Steve’s cut. “And I’m out for the night unless you need anything else.”
Bucky and Steve exchanged a look. “Need one of us to walk you out?” Bucky offered.
“No, I’m good,” you said, sighing again when you realized you’d have to pass by Ari to leave. You also had to give him his tips. “Enjoy the rest of the night.”
Ari stood in the same spot as you walked toward him, your heart beating erratically. One day he may not make your heart race like that. “Night,” you smiled sadly, setting his tips down on the bar and walking on.
You grabbed your bag from the backroom and headed out for the evening with your keys in hand, shivering at the slight chill in the air. It wasn't until you were about halfway to your car that you heard footsteps behind you, making you tense up. Maybe you should've had someone walk you out.
“Hey.” It was Ari. “Wait up.”
You stopped and turned to face him with a quizzical look. “Why? Do you need something?”
Ari looked up at the night sky and ran a hand through his long hair, but didn't reply. You were two seconds away from walking to your car when you heard above a whisper, “I’m sorry.”
“Sorry?” You asked when he met your eye. “Sorry for what exactly?”
“I was an asshole to you earlier,” he replied, surprising you as he took a step forward. “Been kind of an asshole to you since day one when you've been nothing but friendly.”
“Yeah, I know,” you said. Why did it matter now?
A stricken look crossed his features before he put up his mask again. “Why were you so nice to me then when I was an asshole to you?”
You shrugged, trying to convey that it wasn't a big deal. “Because I had no reason to be rude to you, Ari,” you replied. It was that simple. “I was upset earlier though and I did avoid your side of the bar, but it’ll be fine tomorrow.”
“You don't have to like me. You really don't,” you told him, the words bittersweet. “But we do have to work together. So as long as we’re civil to each other, it’s fine.”
You fought the urge to step back when Ari took another step forward. There was usually a bar between the two of you when you stood near him. Up close with nothing between you showed just how large he was. And he smelled good, too, because of course he did. “I never said I didn't like you.”
“Maybe not with words, but your actions kind of said it for you. Seriously, there’s an obvious difference in your demeanor with me versus everyone else,” you pointed out.
“Yeah, there is,” he agreed, his blue eyes full of regret. At least he acknowledged that.
“Not to mention, you just said tonight that you didn't need more friends. Between that and your attitude, the natural assumption is that you don't like me,” you said. What else were you meant to think?
He nodded. “I can see why you’d think that, but I'm sorry.”
Both of you stayed quiet for a moment. You weren't exactly sure what to say. “Okay, well. Apology accepted, I guess. Good night.”
“Wait,” he said when you began to turn away. “Do you really wanna know what I thought about you when you started working here?”
The skeptical look was back on your face. “I’ll admit I'm curious, but I won't just stand here if you’ll continue to be an asshole to me.”
He chuckled. Did you actually make him laugh? “I wouldn't expect you to,” he said, taking a breath. “This might get me fired if you complain.”
“Just say it, please,” you half begged. “Whatever it is, it can't be-”
“I wanted to bend you over the bar and fuck you ‘til you screamed my name.”
You sputtered, an embarrassing sort of sound. It wasn't what you expected to hear. Ari Levinson wanted to fuck you? Since the moment you met?
“You what?” You asked, wanting to hear him say it again.
“I want you and I’ve imagined fucking you all over the bar every day since you started working here. The tables, the booths, the office, against the wall, even in the bathroom stalls,” he spoke, his voice deep and confident as you tried not to whimper. How were you already wet? “But not just that.”
You bit your lip. “What else?”
His gaze softened. “I think about your smile. You have such a beautiful smile.” You did whimper this time. Since when was praise so important? “And how you giggle at bad jokes. And how you sway your hips to the songs you like. And how you're just so fucking kind, even to those who don't deserve it.”
“You like me?” You asked.
“Yeah,” he whispered.
You held up a hand, your head spinning from his confession. “Wait. Hold on,” you said, trying to get your bearings and not throw yourself into his arms. You needed to have some self respect. “You’ve been an asshole to me because you like me?”
Why do men do dumb things?
Ari winced. “Not my smartest plan, I’ll admit, but I thought pushing you away before anything happened was the best move.”
“Why though? Why push me away?” You asked.
He clenched and unclenched his fists. “I don't like to mix business with pleasure. Been there, done that.” It wasn't a secret that Ari was single, but there was a story there. “But that doesn't excuse being cold toward you. And if you’re willing, I’d like to start over.”
You searched his gaze for sincerity and found it. “So would I.”
His expression softened more, relieved. The fact that he wanted to try gave you hope for things moving forward. “And maybe we can grab a coffee at the diner? Just talk?”
Your eyes rounded. Was Ari asking you out? “When? Now?” You asked.
He smiled. “If you’re free.”
You smiled back and shook your head. “Nope. Sorry, Ari.”
Ari's smile fell immediately. “No?” He repeated the word in disbelief. You were in disbelief yourself. “No you aren't free or no you don't want to hang out with me?”
“Any other day, I’d love to have a coffee with you and talk or for you to make good on that promise of bending me over the bar and making me scream your name. But tonight?” You batted your eyes for good measure. “No, I don't.”
“Oh.” Ari blinked and cleared his throat. “I guess that makes sense after how I acted.”
“It makes perfect sense. A quick apology doesn't get you off scott free for how you treated me,” you told him, taking a step closer yourself this time. “So change my mind.”
“Change your mind?”
“Yeah. Let's start over like you suggested and you find a way to change my mind. I'm not saying you have to be overly friendly during our shifts, but treat me a little better. Show me why I should give you a chance and ask me again later,” you answered, gliding your fingers along his forearm once you were close enough. “And I'll still be nice to you. I promise.”
“So, you want me to woo you?” He smirked after a moment, one that nearly made your panties melt. “I can do that.”
You giggled. “I think I deserve it.”
“You do. And my first step in mending things,” he said, offering his arm as he stepped back. “How about I walk you to your car?”
“You may,” you smiled, linking your arm with his. You felt him flex a bit and you almost giggled again, a spring in your step as you walked. One day you’d feel him pin you down with that strength. You’d be patient though.
After all, he promised to woo you first.
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How do we think he'll make it up to you? Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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drurrito · 11 months ago
Night Drive (18+)
Summary: You get a new car
AN: 18+ only y'all--we're gonna pretend that there are plenty of other self-driving cars that aren't t*sla...I hope this makes up for me not putting out another part of AYTO yet! All mistakes are mine.
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Warnings: cursing; reader has a dick; dom//powerbottom!Natasha; sub//top!reader
You sink lower into your seat as you rev the engine of your new car with the widest grin Natasha can't see. Natasha looks hardly impressed from your view beyond the barely-legal tint of the windows.
You decide to roll down your window and plead your case.
"Hey baby."
Natasha rolls her eyes. You already screw yourself coming right out the gate with pleasantries, Natasha knows you're desperate to get on her good side when you do that.
"So...what do you think?" You vaguely gesture to the rest of the car and Natasha scoffs.
"I think you were a finance bro in your past life," she crosses her arms, and you relent, "probably," you sing as you round the car to lean against the hood. The gun metal gray still holds a shine in the moonlight. This wasn't an impulse purchase, you had been talking about buying a new car for a while now. You would go on little rants about the specs of certain cars whenever you saw them on the road or on TV. It's not like you were waiting when you had the money, being an avenger was a pretty-paying gig. You were just waiting for the right one, at the right time--a method you mastered by the time Natasha came around.
"Wanna go for a joyride?" You offer, already leaning off the hood and spinning the key in your hand.
Natasha wants to keep giving you a hard time, but you look so damn good in front of your sleek, expensive, new backdrop. Your muscles bulge under your fitted black shirt, and you have the cockiest smile on your face, like you knew you were winning this race.
"And if we get pulled over?"
"With SHIELD plates? I'm not worried about it," it almost comes out like it's scripted. You're not above rehearsing a speech for Natasha if it means getting your way. You're pulling out all the stops, but Natasha wants to remind you who's really behind the wheel. Her eyes rake over you slowly, intensely--the same way fresh lava travels over earth. You're standing at attention and you don't even know it.
"You gonna open the door for me or just stand there like you forgot your manners?" Natasha watches in amusement as you fumble for the door handle. She slides onto the cool leather while you make your way into the driver's seat yet again. You wait patiently for her to get comfortable and buckle in.
It's only when you rev the engine with a wink that Natasha muses this might have been a bad idea on her part. You punch the gas pedal and she's quickly acquainted with the back of the cherry red bucket seat.
Natasha decides that she doesn't like going fast unless the fate of the world depends on it. She also decides this is the one exception when she sees the freeway system of veins in your forearms as you grip the steering wheel. Natasha feels like she's flying when she watches your triceps flex while you turn the wheel or do something as mundane as turning on her seat heater.
Natasha slides her seatbelt off in a way that doesn't set off the sensor--she didn't want this moment to be ruined by a lecture on why it's important to buckle-up. You're too distracted by the beat of your night drive playlist to notice her crawling closer to you.
You feel her lips on the shell of your ear, "eyes on the road, got it?"
"Yes ma'am," you try to say cooly, you don't dare chance a look over at her. She hums with satisfaction and rewards you with a kiss on the skin behind your ear and a nibble on your lobe that tightens the coil in your belly.
Natasha sucks and licks at your neck while her deft fingers work to undo your belt and zipper. Her hand explores the border of your waistband before dipping under and finding what it was looking for. You let out a whisper of a gasp when Natasha admires your full length and girth. Your grip on the wheel tightens, Natasha chuckles when she hears the leather under your fingers groan.
Natasha begins to stroke you slowly, agonizingly so, but that doesn't keep your hips from bucking up into her hand.
"Tash," that only elicits a rumble against your neck. Natasha's other hand curls around your neck and gives a light squeeze that makes your vision blur for a second. Her stroking picks up speed, you have to work impossibly hard to keep your foot off the brakes.
"Natasha, please."
"I like the way you say please, baby," she mumbles with your skin between her teeth.
"What did I tell you?"
"Eyes on the road, ma'am," you say with a quickness that makes the corner of her lips curl up in satisfaction.
"So smart," she praises before you helplessly watch her head lower until you feel her lips greet your cock with a sloppy kiss. You throw your head back against your seat with a pathetic moan.
"So desperate," Natasha teases, and your mind feels like it's going a million miles an hour--multitasking is usually your strong suit, but it seems damn near impossible now.
Natasha's tongue travels the length of you, your hips feebly buck into her mouth when she finally grants you entrance. You slow your speed to safely take a hand off the wheel and hold her hair back. She thanks you with a gentle squeeze on your thigh and the prettiest sounds you could have only ever imagined.
Your playlist is already repeating itself by the time Natasha comes up for air. She can barely hear it over your panting anyway. You're rock hard and right where she wants you.
"The car can drive itself, you know," you breathe out. Natasha's brow quirks with curiosity.
"Show me," it's a gentle command, but your fingers rush to press the right sequence of buttons. You ease the seat back with haste, and Natasha just lets you sit there for a few beats to take you in and also leave you in suspense.
Your fingers dumbly flex against your legs while you wait for further instruction from Natasha. She doesn't even try to hide her smirk when your eyes begin to dart between the road and her.
"You're not gonna let us crash right, dove?" Natasha's finger traces a feather-light trail down your arm. It's a genuine question, even though she knows you probably did some sizable research on the safety features of the car before you even entertained buying it.
"No ma'am, you're precious cargo," you give an easy smile and that's Natasha's cue to move and straddle your lap. You help her with your hands on her hips, your hands quickly retreating to your sides when she's situated over you.
Natasha swears your eyes are sparkling as you watch her slide her panties to the side with one hand and take your length in the other.
"Eyes on me, baby, just for a second," she coos and you obey. Natasha can't help but admire the striations of your muscles working overtime to restrain yourself. You've always been intoxicatingly obedient, even when it's downright painful. Your eyes are locked on Natasha's, you have to bite your lip to stifle a moan when she finally eases down onto your cock. She's already working her hips in a way that has your entire body buzzing. You can count on one hand how many cars have passed you by this whole time, just like you expected.
Your fingers dig into the leather of your seat, your eyes periodically glancing at the road to make sure it hasn't veered off course for whatever reason. Natasha steals a few sloppy kisses when she leans into you to get a better angle and bounce on your cock at a speed that should be illegal.
"Tash, I'm gonna-," you choke out between labored breaths.
"What was that baby?" she leans back and oh god, you wish you had the kind of self-control your car has right now. You feel like you're going to pass out watching Natasha ride your cock, you're too blissed out to realize that she's spelling out 'm-i-n-e-' with her hips.
"I'm gonna come so fast."
"I know baby."
That seals your fate. Your arm reaches back to brace yourself against the seat. With a long and drawn-out "fuck," Natasha feels you push deeper into her, filling her up with every last drop of you. You both fall into a sweaty, moaning heap against the seat. Your body trembling with aftershocks as Natasha scratches at the skin on the back of your neck. You only get to drink this feeling in for a few seconds until you see red and blue flashing lights in your rearview mirror.
"Shit," you sit up and Natasha freezes when she sees what you see. You feverishly check your speedometer, you're not speeding. You start rifling through your brain to see if you forgot to do something, insurance? Plates? Registration?
Your questions are answered when you watch the cop car speed off into the night. Natasha lets out a heavy sigh of relief that makes your dick twitch, reminding you both that you're still inside of her.
"Told you," you try not to sound so exasperated. Natasha just rolls her eyes before kissing your temple. Night drives might just become a regular thing now.
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trypo-p · 2 months ago
Alright alright I know everyones going crazy over the ending of the comic (I am too) but I don't see this moment talked about enough and how beautifully done it is.
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We start with the Administrator: The man who took everything from her is finally dead. She reigns victory. She is now living alone in peace, leaving flowers for each and every gravestone that was left before Zepheniah Mann's passing. The gravestones left before him are carved out beautifully, time and effort put into each and every one of them. The Administrator even lays out the roses so they look like they're grown out around the gravestones.
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And here we have Zepheniah Mann's grave. A slab of rock with only his initials carved into it. The other gravestones are large, extravagant, and have their full names carved into them. Zepheniah's remains small; little thought put into it.
The gravestone wasn't even for him in the first place. It was for whichever of his son's died first, whichever one failed him. He himself didn't put much care into the gravestone, so why should he deserve anything better? In the end, he was treated the way he treated others. He was the failed son.
The Administrator leaves the stems of the roses out for him. She just places them there, no thought put into it seemingly. But there is SO much thought in this very moment. She had everything planned out from the very beginning.
Every day, she watched as the man grew older and older. She was there for his passing, and as far as we can tell, she caused his death. She leaves out roses for each and every grave, except for his. She leaves the stems. To her, he doesn't deserve the flower, he deserves the thorns. They aren't placed with care like the other flowers had been, they are simply put down. She gives him exactly what he deserves.
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The atmosphere has suddenly lost that beautiful lighting and vibrant colours, the sky has become more gray and dreary. The Administrator is waking up more devastated, putting less time and effort into her daily life. The stems are turning brown, wilting under her eyes. She cares less. She seems relatively unaffected by the things around her. She gets stung by a bee, but doesn't seem to care. However that last panel says everything. She's growing tired of doing the same thing day in and day out. The cycle of depression is a tiring one. Soon enough you realize: is it even worth it? After all of this, after I finally got the one thing I wanted. But what now?
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The scene is now almost completely devoid of colour. The weather is gloomy, and the Administrator looks like she has been bedridden for a while. She has taken the gravestone into her bedroom, now having to wake up to the reminder that he's dead and gone, she got what she wanted. But at what cost? There's nothing left to do anymore. She set herself out for one goal and one goal only her entire life. What was the point anymore?
There's so much to unpack in these panels, I doubt I've even scraped the surface of this. She's lost all emotion, the next few panels showing that she doesn't believe there's a point in living anymore. It's a terrifying thought, setting your entire life up to do one specific thing, getting that thing done, and then having nothing else left to live for. It's such a well-done portrayal of how depression can destroy you from the inside out.
Revenge is sweet, but it has a bitter aftertaste.
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red-doll-face · 3 months ago
Getting caught in the rain with Arthur leads to him finding creative ways to warm you up.
(high honor) arthur morgan x fem. reader
I love this trope! prob been done before but I cant resist... 😔Can you believe I wanted this to be a short head canon post?? LMAO it ended up way longer than that. That's why it has a more casual thing going on despite being super long 🥲Happy thanksgiving! This is for the girlies who are stuck with family and need something absolutely filthy to read !!! 💕💕💕💕💕
Warnings: NSFW content, vaginal sex, while honor isn't too relevant, arthur is very sweet and hes kind of a weenie here, in a good way! arthur does not have bad intentions here, he's genuinely a sweet little man...
Thinking of begging Arthur to take you away from camp for a while. Maybe you haven't had a bath in a bit or you're sick of hearing Swanson drunkenly parade around camp. But you've decided to ask Arthur, he's always so sweet to you and you know he won't say no. And Arthur and his stupid bleeding heart (the one that bleeds so much more for you) grumbles and pretends he's thinking about it but really he'd probably say yes to anything that came from your lips. He has no regrets when he sees the smile you give him. You're hoisted up onto the back of his horse, holding onto his waist so you don't fall. Arthur is desperately trying to play it cool. 
Then the rain starts coming down, you're soaked through very quickly and Arthur, such a gentleman, sheds his coat to give it to you, except now he is soaked through as well. The both of you are freezing and he tells you that you have to stop until the weather clears. He’s cussing up a storm worse than the one you're in. You nod, just wanting to be warm, wracked by shivers. He comes up on an abandoned shack and guides you inside, shutting the rain out. You're standing in the center of the room, looking like a wet cat after a miserable bath, Arthur is kind enough to take his coat off of you, giving you a ratty old, moth bitten blanket but it doesn't do much of anything for the cold. Trying to get a fire going proves fruitful but it's a small one and the wind blowing in from the flue almost puts it out several times.
Arthur feels so helpless, sitting there watching your teeth start to chatter as you sit in front of the pathetic little fire. He's trying to apologize (Ah, I’m sorry, I didn't know it was gonna come down like that,) but you only tell him it's not his fault. He has to help, all he wants to do is help. Things aren't getting any better and he doesn't want you to come down with something on account of him being an idiot. And then he gets an idea. He’s red all over flushed at the thought but he knows taking your soaking clothes off would help. And he's standing there, awkwardly, one hand rubbing the back of his neck while he tries to hide under his hat. He’s gently clearing his throat, trying to get your attention. 
“Maybe we could try… I…could…” he's nervously stumbling through his words and he's looking at you, sitting on the floor, desperately trying to warm your hands by the fire. You look up to him but he can hardly speak, so enraptured by the look of utter trust, reliance on him. His mouth hangs open but he swallows the lump of spit in his mouth. He tries to shake off these boyish jitters he gets around you. “Uhhh- I mean, it would be better if we weren't sittin’ round in these clothes, I guess, can’t be doin’ you any good...”  
“Really, you think so…?” Your voice is quiet and meek, struggling to say anything past the clicking of your teeth and the shivers. “Well then, turn around, Arthur,” at your obvious attempt to be modest, he nods stiffly and turns towards the wall, listening to you take your dress and your underskirts off, landing in a wet plop on the floor. You whine, peeling yourself out of your undergarments before a quiet ok leaves your lips. He turns and you're desperately covering yourself with that dusty blanket, legs bare, fabric hardly long enough to cover the soft mound between your legs, the fat of your inner thighs squished together. Arthur has a hard time keeping his gaze from locking onto any of the inviting bits of skin you show him. You're embarrassed, biting your lip, squeezing your arms around yourself. 
“Aren't you gonna- Arthur, you're gonna do it too, right?” Arthur has a hesitant nod and a course even though he just now thought he should probably follow along to help make you more comfortable. He’s removing his hat first, nothing to hide under now and he notices that you watch him take his gun belt off, unfastening his suspenders from his pants. You finally look away, his boots and his pants are peeled off and his shirt is unbuttoned. He’s breathing heavily now, naked as the day he was born. But you won't stop shivering. Your hair is still wet. And the fire is struggling to warm you from the bitter cold that clings to the dusty air. There isn't much left to burn for the fire. 
“You want me to hold you?” It's out of his mouth before he can stop it, trying to smack away these thoughts about the glimpses he’s getting of your naked figure underneath the blanket. He swears it's only out of necessity, that you're just not warming up fast enough. “Don’t want you gettin’ sick on me,” He really does only want you comfortable. Unrealistically hoping this won't change what you most likely consider a friendship. You nod, vigorously. 
“I think it would be ok, maybe if you just didn’t- didn’t look. Just- don’t look,” and you're desperate, curling up in his lap in front of the wavering fire. You're unable to look at him, but you still rub into him, enjoying how his body warms up a lot faster than yours. And both of you make some excuse that things would be better without that old blanket between you two. And suddenly you're pressed into him, his arms tight around you while he looks at the ceiling to avoid staring at things he shouldn't. Arthur struggles hard to keep from rubbing upwards into you, trying to keep you from sitting directly between his legs, afraid the way his body reacts to the feel of your body will scare you, scandalize you. But you only seem to want to be there more, getting comfortable with him. His chest hair tickles you, the hair creeps all the way down his torso. You giggle softly as it tickles you. His heart beats fast at the feel of you, so soft compared to the roughness of him.
As if all of the blood hasn't already rushed down to the very center of him, you just have to sit squarely on his lap. He tries to readjust you but it's too late and you've felt him, hard as a rock, pushing at you. He's so embarrassed, stumbling over an apology, “Shit-I-I’m sorry, I-” in that surly voice, all rough and low. you gasp and look over your shoulder. You see how he can hardly stand to look at you with his pretty blue gem-toned eyes. Instead he shows you his profile as he turns away. 
“It's ok”, Arthur has no idea how he's supposed to look at you after this, he can't see himself looking you in the eyes for a long while after you've felt his cock nudging the swell of your ass, unable to deny his own reaction to you. Hopefully he’ll be able to dismiss it as a fluke and not a devastating hope that you’d be interested in him that he's been crushing down for months now. He's trying to will away the burgeoning desire just under his skin, tamping down fires that rage on. And you look up at him again with that look of trust in your eyes, too ashamed to continue touching you, wholeheartedly convinced you don't like him. 
But then you're only closer than you were, looking up at him, so close, he's breathing in your scent, sweet and like fresh summer rain. His eyes search yours for any inclination and all you have to do is put your hand on his prickly cheek for him to lean and kiss you, hands on his broad chest, rushing over the warmth you can feel. How he ends up with you on his lap, tits pressed up against his hairy chest, his big hands squeezing at your hips, he's not too sure. Your arms are over his shoulders, playing with his light brown hair sweetly, rubbing the sore muscles in his back. And the glide of his tongue over yours is heaven, he swears. You whine into his kisses, the heat between the both of you licks over your skin, noses clumsily bumping into each other. 
Then he’s on top of you, tucking you over the blanket. “You gotta tell me you want this, want me,” and all you can do is say “Yes, please, Arthur, please,” features showing your ecstasy, anticipating his hands on you.
His hands are rough; petting down your sides. Any worries he had about being too old, too ugly and too brutish for you are forgotten when you kiss him, spread your legs for him to fit between them. When you push your breasts in his hands when he goes to touch them. Your nipples are hard from the cold but his hands start to warm them up when he gropes at them, squeezing languidly at your breasts, grabbing handfuls.
It's not long before he’s pinning your thighs up with his hands, spreading you and licking eagerly between your legs, so selfless. Letting you moan as loud as you like, telling you how good you taste, the roughened pads of his fingers circling at the sensitive button at the top of your slit. And he's so strong, doesn't put much effort into keeping your legs up. He has dulcet praises for you, “Such a pretty girl, darlin’, jus’ beautiful,” making you soften and ease.
He’s so warm, holding you, like you wanted him to, messy kisses that taste like you. The very tip of him catches on you, dipping softly between your folds. Your nails dig into him, thighs clench tight. He's sweet talking to you, shushing you, rubbing hard at the delicate little nub, getting you as wet as possible. Saying how good you look. How he must be dreaming. That’s my girl is what he says when you soak his fingers with your own arousal, heat rising to the apples of your cheeks. Even more when he's working his cock inside of you, panting, he seems overwhelmed, mumbling and groaning praises to you, his sweet girl, perfect in that slow easy voice of his. You feel him carefully easing you open, hissing at the feel of you wrapped tight on him and leaking down his shaft. You can't say much but his name, begging him not to stop, feeling his fingers almost bruise the tender softness of your hips. 
Arthur pushes so deep, a growl of pleasure leaking from his lips. You didn't think he would feel so big. Telling him how big he is and feels; “You're so big, Arthur,” in a wispy moan, makes him groan. He just wants to hear how much you like him. The rhythm he was trying to keep slow and careful speeds up. And he doesn't last very long, poor thing. It's been a while for him and he's flushed bright red, embarrassed and feeling a tad emasculated. The disappointed son of a bitch he lets out has you petting his hair back tenderly.
But all you have to do is give him a minute, kiss and nip gently, lock your legs around him so he can't pull away, until he's pushing his own seed deeper, mindlessly pinning you under his weight. He loves feeling so close to you, so small underneath him. 
The way you feel clenching down on him, moaning for him, begging him to keep going has him rutting into you, following his instincts, brain feeling like it's melting. He's harder than he has ever been, listening to the sound of your wetness slide on him, the mess he’s left between your thighs sounding dirty and sticky. You don't have to tell him to keep rubbing you, grinding your hips into his so he can press into the perfect spot. 
His thumb is rubbing at the very center of you, that tender bud, so sensitive, has you pushed to the edge and falling over, legs locking up behind him, bucking and moaning much too loud. You sink your fingers into the layer of fat over his broad muscles, arching your back, feeling so complete. Seeing you so relaxed, feeling so good because of him makes him push as deep as he can, making your toes curl, forcing more of his cum even deeper, a sloppy wet mess that drips out of you when he pulls out. But he revels in those few moments where he's catching his breath, still so deep inside of you, feeling you pulse on him. 
Arthur can’t not hold you afterwards, unsure what to say. He thinks it might be too soon for I love you, maybe you’ll be scared away by his raw sentiments and his lovesick words. But you stare into his eyes; his heart jumps when he blurts it out in the silence, too late to shut his damn mouth. But you only smile and say you love him too. You're the farthest thing from cold, tucked into his chest, not even noticing that the rain has stopped.
Thank you for reading! SO sorry this ended up being so long. Excited to write more for high honor arthur, this was more fun than i thought... I love him 😔😳
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