#except that of course since we haven’t seen each other in a while she wanted to chat & ask me questions about picking up more work & im like
mildmayfoxe · 16 days
i was actually dreading today because saturday notoriously busy day at any business but we especially get so many donations on saturday & i thought it was just gonna be me & two other people, one in the store & one who recently had surgery & can’t lift anything heavier than eight pounds. so as you may be able to infer i would have to do all the lifting which is fine except for the fact that my work station is on the entire opposite end of the building and i have SOOOO much work to do. as you can imagine going back and forth to bring stuff down would be extremely time consuming & going back to a task after being interrupted always takes longer than working in a streamline. but my savior coworker who i thought was still off today is unexpectedly HERE which means god willing everyone will leave me alone & i will actually be able to get some THINGS DONE
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irndad · 1 year
hi im back! okey so def can see spencer still wanting to hug and snuggle with you even when fighting or mad at each other. he even gets genuinely ??? confused ??? when you try to sleep on the couch instead of in bed at night. he holds you and either reader or him is like "i know we are snuggling right now but i am still super pissed off at you." lol i can just see it. he may be petty when mad but he wont stop trying to touch you bc its a biological need of his and no argument is more important than needing you 🥺
enjoy this I did it very fast!!!! ily
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He knows he’s not easy to be with sometimes. She would never say it, but it’s true. He doesn’t always get the jokes, sometimes pushes things too far and without even knowing it the ground gets pulled out from under him. 
And sleep- Sleep is so complicated. The memory of the first time she slept in his bed is etched into a place he could never erase. Spencer had always had trouble sleeping, either fear or alertness plaguing him into the late hours of the night. He used to lie awake, the kind of exhausted that feels like it’s seeping out of your bones, while constantly facts he’d unwittingly memorized about how sleep deprivation can cause brain damage. 
But then she’d come into his life. All soft words and gentle disposition, and there really is something magic about the way that everything just dissipates when her warm, soft body curves into his own. He’s slept well almost every night since. 
Except today, she isn’t coming to bed. 
It’s his fault, and he knows it. He wasn’t being fair. She hadn’t seen him for two weeks (and he hadn’t slept nearly enough without the weight of her form beside him since the last time he saw her) and she’d said that she wanted to be prioritized more. 
“I haven’t seen you in weeks, Spence!”
His head was killing him. Was it actually possible, for a headache to kill you? Her voice is audibly upset, and it’s alarming how he could be the cause of it. 
“Please,” he had said through labored effort, “Can we talk about this later?” 
“When would you like to talk about it? Because I don’t ever know if you’re leaving-“
“Do you even know what it is that I do?  That it’s not a choice for me to go? I have to do this. I can’t pick and choose and honestly, I don’t want to. If you don’t get that, we’re not doing what I thought we were doing.”
It sounds foreign, his own voice. And it’s after he’s said it that the sick taste reaches his throat because oh, that means the end. Her lovely face is unreadable for a brief moment, before something like grief splays over her expression.
It’s silent for a beat, and Spencer wishes he could swallow the words back up, rewind his life like a battered VHS tape where he’s not so stupid to mess up the one thing that’s ever brought him peace.
“You’re not yourself, Spencer. I’m gonna give you a minute.”
A minute, it turns out, is hours in the living room. She hadn’t left, thank fucking god, but she hadn’t come back. Of course she hadn’t. She wasn’t the one who needed to apologize. 
He’s just so tired. 
He thinks of her so-sweet voice, the curve of cheek- the junction of her neck and shoulder, and how much he would like to have her pressed against him. He pads out into the living room like a nervous puppy, and sees her sleeping on the olive green couch she had picked out. Her hair was splayed across the arm of the sofa, and her head laid on a throw pillow, their fuzziest blanket draped across her form. 
His first thought is how low he’s dropped, that he’s jealous of a blanket. 
His second his that she is not coming to bed. He sits beside her gingerly, and the scent of her body wash lingers in the air. 
“Are you planning on coming to bed?”
“I didn’t think you’d want me to.” He can tell she wants to sound cold, but the truth is much worse; she sounds guarded. 
“I always want you to.” It’s the most honest thing he’s said today, and it’s just not fair, how much he revolves around her. How he has waited 14 days, 13 hours and 34 minutes to hold her again and managed to ruin it within the first 20 minutes of having seen her again. He grabs her hand, soft and pliant against his in a way that almost makes his heart leap. “Please? Come to bed?”
Her gaze softens, the warmth and light that guides him back in her eyes, and he hopes his relief isn’t too visible. It’s then that she drinks him in. It feels too revealing like she can see right through him. His clothes are old. He’d rushed off the jet to see her, and the half moon circles under his eyes only lend to the unimpressive picture of himself. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” she breathes, touching the side of his face. He instantly leans into it, the contact more than he’d be willing to give up to save his dignity. “Come here.”
She wraps her arms around him, and he pulls her into his lap, squeezing her tight to his chest, like she might disappear. 
“I’m still mad at you,” she says, looking at him with such affection it betrays her words.
“That’s okay,” he says into her collarbone, “As long as I still have you.”
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peaky-shelby · 2 years
Say My Name Three Times | Kylian Mbappè
Pairing: kylian x reader
Series: Take Me On The Field
Request: Heyy, can I have a Kylian Mbappe request maybe they’re at a game of his and she goes to surprise him, she’s his girlfriend and an actress they haven’t seen each other in a month
Writer's note: this is the first story of the take me on the Field series. send in requests for our favorite players. You can check my prompt lists here.
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When I reached Qatar I was praying to everything holy for no one would recognize me. So far I had done a great job at convincing Kylian that I wasn’t going to make it to the final because of reshoots for the new project. The thing I loved most about him was that he didn’t even get mad about it. We were the exception of the rule that footballers dating actresses never ended happily. We both understood each other’s busy schedules, even when it wasn’t in our favor.
Of course the fact that he didn’t get mad didn’t mean that he didn’t complain. He wanted me there as much as I wanted to be there and it was eating us both alive. When I got the ok two days ago to leave the movie set I decided to surprise him, instead of telling and giving him a boost of confidence from the sidelines.
The hat covered most of my facial futures, along with my eye vision which was the reason I bumped into about 20 guys wearing Messi’s shirt. But thankfully my mask hid the rest of my face, as did my black as night sunglasses. To mix with the crowd I was wearing one of Kylian’s jersey’s and an old pair of sweatpants. Nothing about me was screaming celebrity, which was exactly the way I liked it.
The only one helping me with everything and knew I was coming was Giroud. He had spoken to the drivers, so one of them would be waiting for me. On the way to the French base, I stared out of my window, at the people, dressed and blue and white or in dark blue carrying the french flag over their heads. I smiled, truth was, kylian or not, football had been a part of me since I was a kid, the view made me emotional. When we reached the French base, the team had already left for the stadium. One of Giroud’s assistant was waiting for me on the foyer.
“Bonjour Mademoiselle!” he exclaimed when he saw me. He dealt with the security and helped me find my way to kylian’s room. All the way to his room, he’d mumble about how happy he was the Giroud has trusted him with this mission. I laughed at his excitement and thanked him a bunch for his help. When we got inside it instantly felt like home as Kylian’s perfume filled all my senses and I almost snuck in the bathroom expecting to find him by the mirror, shaving. I left my stuff next to the bed, as I raised my head I noticed he had a picture of us by his nightstand. I must have stood there looking at it for a long time because Giroud’s assistant, patted me on the shoudler “We have to go Mademoiselle!”
I nodded quickly, picked just my scarf with the French’s team’s logo, my phone and my jacket and ran outside with him. Everything else happened too quickly, the drive to the stadium, sneaking in with Giroud’s passes and all the way to the dressing rooms my phone was buzzing with Mbappe’s picture. I stopped just right outside the dressing room, smiling at myself. Giroud’s assistant looked at me confused as I answered the call.
“Babe! Où étais-tu ?” he asked, stressed, before I even had time to say anything.
“Je suis désolé! I got caught up at work! Has the came started?”
“Non!” I could hear the nerves in his voice. “Two minutes before we go out! I need your good luck!” While he was speaking I peaked through the door of the dressing room, all the boys were there sitting on their benches. Talking, laughing, putting on their uniforms. Mbappe on the other hand wasn’t there at all.
“You have all my good luck! You know that!”
“HEY! KYLIAN! JE DOIS ALLER AUX TOILETTES, MEC ! SORTEZ !” I heard somebody yelling through the phone.
“FUCK OFF ! Je parle avec ma copine!” he said shot back, my heart sinking when he called his girl. It sounded beautiful in any language he’d say it. I finally walked in the dressing room, everybody started exclaiming until I shushed them with my finger “You shouldn’t be talking to your teammates like the kyky!” I walked behind the benches, high fiving giroud as I passed him and got to the hall that led to the toilet. Tchouameni was knocking on the bathroom door. I guessed Kylian must have been inside.
“They shouldn’t be interrupting me when I’m talking to you.”
I patted Tchouameni on the shoulder. He jumped and covered his mouth when he saw me, he was as shocked as I hoped Kylian would be. I tilted my head to signal him to away for a moment and I got closer to the door. I could swear my heart was tied with Kylian’s because the closer I would get the more I felt it beat, like it wanted to jump out of my chest and right into his hands. I leaned on the door.
“If they gotta pee, the gotta pee Kyky!”
“Can I face time you?”
I smiled “I don’t have time. I have to go meet somebody.”
I heard him sigh and curse. I imagined him covering the microphone because I only heard it through the door, the he said on the microphone. “I really wish you were here, mon cheri!”
“Say my name three times, I might appear out of nowhere.”
He did it without thinking, he’d believe in anything if it could get me to be where he was. I laughed and knocked on the door.
“Putain de merde ! Laisse-moi tranquille Tchouameni!” He yelled, making me laugh again! So I knocked, with my palm, loud, like I was his teammate in need of the toilet. “PUTAIN!” He yelled and I heard him stand up, my heart reaching the speed of an airplane about to lift off. I heard him unlock, my breath becoming so stiff I thought I would choke right then and there and then-
“Merde Ts-“ he stopped. His eyes starring blankly at me, his voice eaten, his body frozen. I thought he was on facetime and the connection had fallen as it usually did and he was gonna stay like that for the next hour. I was scared to even touch him, as if he would reload and disappear completely. Then he spoke, relief filled my lungs, he was real. “Merde..” he said, this time softer, this time like a prayer. He didn’t even waste any time to put his phone back on his pocket, he just let it slip off his hand and wrapped his arms around me, lighting me up. I tied my legs around his waste, hiding my face in the crook of his neck, taking In his perfume and his skin. A drug I had long missed. He spoke curses and muffled words in my hair, until I pulled my head back, just so I could look in his eyes. I smiled widely and kissed him, the way I’ve waited for a month. He walked until I was against the wall, still kissing me and holding me like I was part of him. It felt easy, it felt as it should be.
We pulled back to breath and I leaned my forehead against his, our eyes saying a thousand words as we stared into each other’s souls. He was smiling like a dork, I think I was too.
“Hi.” I whispered and he laughed. Still unable to believe this was real. He shook his head.
“You came.” He whispered, his one hand reach my cheek, stroking it. I leaned to his touch.
“You said my name three times” I whispered back, getting another laugh from him. Then his expression got serious, his eyes fell on me with lust burning out of them.
“I’d say your name every second of every day non stop if I have to.” He answered and leaned in to kiss me again, this time deeper. We were interrupted by someone flushing the toilet. We hadn’t even realized his teammate had walked passed us while we were reuniting. When he came out he gave us a teasing look. Kylian kicked him in the ass, cursing him and then we looked at each other, laughing. It was as it should be.
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Something I’ve been thinking about lot lately are movies that I would introduce to people who haven’t seen many (or any) movies from Classic Hollywood.  If a friend came to me and asked me to recommend old movies, what would I choose?
What do I consider Old Hollywood “gateway movies”?
*Originally was going to stick to movies made before 1960, but one 60′s movie could not be ignored.*
Roman Holiday
I’ve heard this referred to as a “reverse Cinderella story” and I think that’s a great description.  It’s about a woman who just wants to get away from her stressful life and have fun...even if for only one day.  It really has it all...it’s lighthearted, funny, romantic and bittersweet.  And while these are in no particular order, this would probably be the first movie I’d suggest to someone.
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On The Waterfront
To me, this works as a great introduction because it actually is a bit of a transition movie for Hollywood...and by that I’m referring to the acting style.  Nearly every actor in this movie came from The Actor’s Studio, bringing the more grounded, realistic approach to acting that modern audiences are used to (compared to the more presentational style of the 30′s and 40′s).  So, this movie is a great way to ease them into Old Hollywood.  And the story still feels relevant today...trying to find the courage to stand up to the big guy who has his foot on the back of everyone’s neck...and risk alienating your friends in the process.
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The Adventures of Robin Hood
Of course, I was going to recommend this one!  This movie is just...so much fun...even if a person is new to Classic Hollywood, they are guaranteed to find something they like about this one.  Even if it’s just the swordfights or the score...but honestly, everyone I’ve shown this to has really enjoyed it (even people who don’t like adventure movies).
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Yes, this seems like an obvious choice, since it’s one of the greatest movies ever made.  But there’s a reason for that.  The acting, directing and writing are iconic and you really can’t ask for more.  Plus, one of the main points of the story is about sticking it to the Nazi’s.  I think we can all (hopefully) agree that that’s a point in this movie’s favor.
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12 Angry Men
Another movie that still feels timeless and relevant even after all these years.  It discusses themes of class, parent/child relationships, justice, ignorance and so much more, you’d believe it was written today.  And the performances from every single actor in that room is outstanding...there are some scenes that are so electric as you feel the tension rising.
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How to Steal a Million
Another Audrey movie!  This is a perfect option is someone wants to watch a fun, fluffy comedy.  It’s light and relatively low-stakes...it almost feels like a send-up of heist movies, except they don’t wink at the camera.  It’s just that instead of stealing something because the fate of the nation depends on it, or to stick it to the man...Nicole just wants to steal back something she already owns.  And the way they go about it is absurdly hilarious.  The chemistry between our two leads helps a lot, as they are so much fun to watch.
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Summer Stock
If I was only going to recommend one musical from back then, I’d have to recommend Summer Stock!  Not just because it’s one of my favorites, but because I do think it’s a fairly good choice to ease someone into older musicals.  It’s not super elaborate and grand...no Busby Berkely musical numbers or elaborate sequences...just a bunch of people trying to put on a show.  And the love story between Joe and Jane feels so real and grounded...no love at first sight, no enemies to lovers...just two people who happen to be perfect for each other, and were lucky enough to meet.  This is Gene Kelly and Judy Garland at their best and I want other people to see it.
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Rear Window
And if they wanted to see a Hitchcock movie, but maybe aren’t super into horror...I think I’d start them off with Rear Window.  This isn’t a traditional scary movie...as with most Hitchcock movies, it’s all about the tension.  But it isn’t released with jump scare and music stingers.  And around the tension, you have this romantic drama between James Stewart and Grace Kelly, which is so fun to watch (and we can’t forget Thelma Ritter and her one-liners!)
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And once they become hooked, the next round of films I’d suggest would be: A Streetcar Named Desire, The Maltese Falcon, Psycho, The Philadelphia Story, The Heiress, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, and Meet Me in St. Louis.
Any that you would add?
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levi-venn · 3 months
Accolades - Part Three (Final)
Timeline: A Year after the final escape from Mount Tantiss.
Summary: Omega receives her own Accolades.
Part One | Part Two | Part Three Available on AO3
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“You made all of these?” Omega asked, studying the five decorated boxes in front of her. 
“Mmhm.” Hunter sat beside Omega, letting the quiet moment settle as she absorbed all he had told her.
He wanted to present these five boxes as a happy little exercise made by a brother who had love and pride for his squad. 
Of course she had questions.
“Why haven’t I seen these before?”
“Did Tech get to see his accolades?”
“Why didn’t you give these boxes to your brothers earlier?”
They were hard questions to answer, but good ones. Whether she meant to or not, Omega's unflinchingly honest questions always put things into perspective for Hunter. To his surprise, he felt his heart heal more and more with each answer he gave, while their brothers sat in the circle and listened.
“It was painful to look at them after Crosshair left the squad”
“No…Tech never saw his accolades.”
“I planned to give them to my brothers after the war ended.”
Omega closed each of the boxes, except for one which had remained untouched.
The brothers had all agreed not to open Tech’s box, but they didn’t want to tell what Omega would do. As always she would do what she felt was right.
Omega picked up Tech’s box. She leaned against Crosshair as her fingers traced over the digital skull. Admittedly, seeing Omega and Crosshair bond like this would've kicked up jealousy in Hunter's chest like a gritty dust storm. In the end, after a lot of self-reflection, he recognized that Omega and Crosshair's bond was just as strong as his own with Omega. Just different. It was different with everyone in Omega's life. She went to Hunter to be comforted, and she went to Crosshair to commiserate. She went to Echo for deep conversations and to Wrecker to forget her worries. Her bond with each of her siblings was all equally important and Hunter wouldn't have it any other way.
“Are you going to open it?” Crosshair asked, breaking the silence, sitting stock still, as if to provide a pillar for her to lean on.
Omega shook her head. “It doesn’t feel right. This isn’t for me, it’s for him. And he was always particular about not sharing his stuff.”
She looked up at Hunter suddenly and it took him a moment to realize she was looking for approval.
Hunter smiled. “We felt the same way.”
Omega looked up at her brothers. “You haven’t opened it either?”
Wrecker, Echo, and Crosshair shook their heads. 
“Eh, it’s like you said,” Wrecker said, rubbing the back of his head. “just didn’t feel right.” Then Wrecker perked up. “Can we show her the surprise now?”
“There's a surprise?” Omega gasped, sitting up straight.
“Is there a surprise?” Hunter asked with a growing grin, unable to resist teasing his brother and sister who were now both bouncing excitedly.
“Ugh, Hunter you knowww,” Wrecker whined.
"Show me," Omega whined, too.
“He's kriffing with you two,” Crosshair rolled his eyes. “Go get it, Wrecker.”
“Yeah!!” Wrecker hopped up and went to Hunter's armor tote and pulled out a silver coffer painted with a pink energy crossbow and a lurca hound paw print. 
“You made this for me?!” Omega gasped, taking the box from Wrecker.
“It was long overdue," Hunter said.
“Yeah, you've done a lotta wizard things since you joined us!” Wrecker said.
“We all pitched in and created some medals and ribbons for you, too.” Hunter said.
“And only one fight broke out,” Echo said, dryly.
“No blood this time, I hope,” Omega grinned, hugging the box.
“Just glitter.” Crosshair sneered at Wrecker.
“He aimed at my head,” Wrecker pouted, turning to reveal a patch of silver sparkles on his bald head. “I’ll never get it out.”
“You shouldn't have tried to steal it from me,” Crosshair shrugged, his toothpick flicking like a serpent’s tongue. “Silver's my color.”
Hunter nudged Omega. “Go ahead and open it.”
“My accolades are the best,” Crosshair said, confidently.
“But look at mine first!” Wrecker said, giving Crosshair a rough shoulder bump.
Omega opened the lid. “Whoa...”
The boys had outdone themselves. Arts and crafts weren’t exactly their forte, but they knew how to put colors together. Yellow, gray, and blue ribbons, painted scrap metal, and colorful ripped fabrics handsewn together and...glitter. A shocking amount of glitter, though that was probably due to the Great Glitter Battle that took place in Hunter's living room.
Omega picked up a medal that barely fit in the chest. It was a tarnished metal disk painted yellow with a message burned into the surface. Four long chains dangled over her fingers as Omega read the message: "Most Mantel Mix eaten in a minute! I remember that day!"
“Ugh, that Mantel Mix,” Echo huffed. “You two were the reason we owed Cid so many credits.”
“Hah, worth it though,” Wrecker laughed. “But it wasn't a fair fight, I had already eaten four boxes before that challenge.”
“I warned you I’d win,” Omega grinned, sheepishly.  “Though, I guess we both kinda lost because of how sick we were afterwards.”
“Oh yeah. I remember,” Hunter said. Omega had curled up in his lap with what she describe as "the worst tummy ache of her life."
Omega took her time looking at each medal, giggling, giving sudden hugs, and excitedly recounting each adventure with her brothers. 
When she picked up one of Crosshair’s ribbon, she read the inscription and flashed their youngest brother a secretive smile.
Crosshair sneered back.
Hunter squinted. “What’s it say?”
“Nothing,” Crosshair and Omega said at the same time.
Hunter laughed and rolled his eyes. “Right…Always gotta keep an eye on you two these days.”
“You’d have to find us first!” Omega said, cheerfully, then looked to Crosshair for approval. Crosshair gave her a wink.
“Hey, I'm a tracker, remember?” Hunter poked Omega’s ribs. She laughed and scooted closer to Hunter, leaning against him while she put the medal away and picked up a new one. “This one says ‘Winning the Most Credits in Under an Hour'.”
Hunter narrowed his eyes at Crosshair. “Hang on. What do you mean ‘Winning’? You took her gambling?”
“Actually, I took him gambling,” Omega said, gazing up at Hunter with her “sweet smile” that always got her out of trouble with Hunter. “But it was for a good cause!” 
"I'm sure it was."
“This one next,” Echo prompted, tapping a hyper realistic version of an Arc Trooper's medal. Hunter realized that Echo must have donated one of his own medals to the box.
Omega read the message silently, her face lighting up like a Pabu Sunrise before she lunged towards Echo.
Hunter caught the message: To Omega: Best Hugs in the Batch.
“Oh what, that medal doesn't go to Wrecker?” Hunter smirked.
“Ugh, no. Wrecker nearly crushes me to death with his hugs.”
“You mean like this?” Wrecker grabbed his entire family and pulled them all into a giant, crushing hug.
“Like that,” Echo wheezed, making exaggerated choking sounds.
Omega giggled and hugged back.
 Crosshair and Hunter sighed in the exact same way and shared a smile. They’ve been tolerating these hugs since they were kids.
“Guess that just leaves mine,” Hunter said when Wrecker finally freed them.
Omega pulled out the medals Hunter made. She read each of them quietly. 
“Hunter,” she said, her eyes brimming with tears.
“What do they say?” Wrecker asked.
Omega started to cry.
“What the hell, Hunter,” Crosshair snarled, bristling. “You made her cry.”
“No, no, they're happy tears,” Omega sniffled and raised her arms up to Hunter. 
He knew that one day soon she’d be too old to hold like this, but for now, he scooped her up in his arms and held her protectively. She clutched the medal to her chest. 
“Proud of you, kid,” Hunter said, quietly. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
The medal was a triangular fabric pin with a silver star against the starry black background, black paint flecked with white. In gray paint it said. “The best daughter in the galaxy”.
One by one, the brothers peeked at the medal and their expressions all softened as if realizing that they felt the same way Hunter did. 
Hunter had always had brothers, and brothers made a squad.
But when Omega showed up, she made them a family.
The boys gathered around, joining in on the hug…this time Wrecker didn’t choke anyone out, Crosshair didn’t complain, Echo didn’t huff. They just existed, thankful for the time they had together. 
Tag List:
A special thank you to @dragonrider9905 @yeehawgeek, @cw80831 for requesting a sequel.
A special thank you to @kybercrystals94 for seeking this fic out.
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joocomics · 6 months
eyes on me
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pairing: photographer!jungsu x fem!reader
genre: smut wc: 3047
contains: friends to lovers trope, praise kink, body worship, masturbation, dry humping, filming
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You always used to say that you’ll never make an only fans, but here you are - your account is all set up, you just need to make the first post.
“There’s no way you won’t blow up.” Your friend peeks at your phone.
You keep checking your profile although it’s still empty, and there’s nothing to look at except your name and the cheesy bio that you should definitely change with a new one before you upload anything.
“You’re fuckin’ gorgeous and your best friend is a professional photographer who doesn’t want your money.” Your friend keeps babbling while scrolling on her phone as you snack on a bag of chips together. “If that’s not a recipe for a successful only fans I don’t know what is. So when is the first shoot gonna be?”
“This Saturday.” You reply, just now realising how near the date is.
“Are you nervous?”
You look away from the screen, taken aback by her question.
“About what?”
“About getting butt naked in front of Jungsu?” She spits out, as if making her elaborate was super unnecessary.
For an unknown reason you start thinking over the question. Your friend stops chewing, staring at you intrigued.
“No…” You turn around to avoid her stare. “Of course not.”
Should you be nervous?
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You’re making the last final touches of your makeup when Jungsu rings at your door.
He enters the hallway with a big backpack on his shoulders, an extra bag with equipment in hand and a warm smile. You want to help him out by taking something, but he tells you it’s heavy, so you step aside to give him space.
“Oh, what happened here?” He enters the living room after you, blinking impressed towards the small cozy spot you created right in front of the windows. His eye notices the different positions of some of the furniture right away.
Since you live on a high floor you doubt someone will catch a thing of what you’ll be doing, so you decided last minute to open the curtains and let the natural light come inside the space where you’ll take the photos. The fuzzy blanket on the floor, the vase with the flowers, the candles and cushions are all nicely lit up by the sun making it the perfect time to shoot.
“I moved a few things around last night to make the photos more interesting.” You talk as he inspects your decorations. “Is it too much?”
He turns to you after hearing the slight concern in your question. As he stands in the centre of the room with hands hidden in the pockets of his jeans, Jungsu for the first time since he walked in, allows himself to just stop and really look at you.
Is it because you haven’t seen each other in a while because you’ve been both busy with work and finals, or is it because the reality behind him being here is starting to sink in?
“No, I think it looks great actually.” Jungsu quickly mumbles like he’s trying not to get lost in his thoughts again. He squats down to unzip his bags. “You might make a good creative director.” He chuckles quietly, taking out his equipment one by one.
A moment later, after Jungsu has set up his camera in the right position with the appropriate settings and lights, he takes a step back, giving you a thumbs up.
“We can get started if you’re ready.”
“I just need to change, I’ll be quick.”
He mumbles you to take as much time as you need, watching you run to the sofa that’s now moved to the other side of the room. He didn’t expect you to change here so when he accidentally catches you pull down your sweats, he turns back around so quickly, as if he’s not about to actually photograph you half naked, and then eventually… completely naked.
He feels your familiar presence getting closer, but he’s too stunned to move a bone, and he hasn’t even seen you yet.
The second you appear in front of him he realises what a huge mistake was to agree to this. There’s no way he can spend an hour, or even more, cause things like this are time consuming, looking at you in this state - with your familiar gentle gaze sparkling with lust; with your gorgeous body swaying provocatively in front of the camera, bending in different positions that will be lit up by the sun, while the lingerie will do the worst job at covering up anything.
“I have a few poses in mind, but you better tell me if something doesn’t look okay.”
“Of course,” Jungsu responds in a lower tone after clearing his throat. He continues to speak while focusing on the camera. “You said you want a profile picture, right? Let’s do that first.”
You pick up loosely your hair as you face the camera, parting your lips slightly just like you’ve seen models in different magazines do.
“Lift your chin up a bit,” Jungsu mutters focused on the little screen, and without even realising his lips curl into a smile as you follow his instructions. “Yeah, pretty.”
The clicking sound rings in the room again.
You do a few more - with you biting on your nail; hands on your boobs; a side profile. Each snap is only another reminder of how in love Jungsu has been with you for the past what… almost six years?
Different poses follow up after you kneel on the blanket. Jungsu alternates between squatting and standing up to photograph you from a higher angle while hovering over you.
The closer he gets to you, the more his palms sweat against the camera. It’s surprising his hands haven’t started shaking yet. His mind is fully occupied by thoughts about how beautiful you are; your shape, your curves, and the fact complete strangers from different parts of the world will touch themselves while watching those exact same things he admires right now.
He notices your thumbs tug at the waistband of your panties, and his eyes immediately unfocuse from what he’s doing.
“I think we can move onto the video.” You say through a soft voice that effects him just as much as your next move that consists of swaying your hips left to right seductively while your fingers tease by tugging the lingerie lower and lower before bringing it back up.
Jungsu swallows while zooming at the view of your pussy peeking through the thin fabric. It’s just for a few seconds, but it brings pressure into his core that unfortunately he cannot ignore. He’s undeniably turned on.
He keeps recording as you lean slowly on your elbows, arching your spine like a cat. He starts to feel the fabric of his boxers pressing a bit too harshly on his cock when he’s suddenly standing behind your ass that’s up in the air.
“Jungsu,” your mellow sweet voice pulls him out of his trance. Hours could’ve passed since he started recording and he wouldn’t know, that’s how lost he is in this moment; in you. “Can I ask you to pull my panties down? For the video.”
He hesitates for a second. Is the camera catching his heartbeat? He feels like it’s banging too hard against his chest.
“Are you sure?” He peeks at you. Your head is resting on top of your hands, but after his next words you lift up on your palms, trying to take a look behind your shoulder. “Are you sure you don’t mind I—“
“No, silly,” you chuckle. “You’ll cut this part out, right?”
You smile, staring at the floor while the gentle brushing of Jungsu’s fingertips starts to linger on your hips. He’s so careful with every move it brings shivers down your spine.
He traces his knuckles up your back then glides them all the way down to your lower waist very slowly, making sure everything is caught on the screen. His fingers sneak under the string and tug down until the panties begin to expose more of the pretty shape of your ass.
His mouth waters at the sight. He would’ve never thought he’d find himself in this situation; that he’d be able to see you the way he does in his secret fantasies. True, this is all for your content, but he can feel you underneath his fingertips, and it feels like a dream.
Jungsu’s gaze alternates between watching your folds through the camera and outside of it. It’s time he does something else or he risks to leak through his underwear if he keeps staring into your pussy like that.
“Turn around.” His voice comes out as a whisper. He doesn’t even know why he suggests that. If you turn around he’s almost sure his heart will jump out of his body.
You shift on your back, and your eyes catch Jungsu’s darkened gaze. He looks uneasy, and not as concentrated as he was earlier, when he brings the camera back up close to his face.
You keep on the seductive look while biting on your bottom lip.
“You’re doing perfect,” he praises you, causing your eyes to glow even brighter from the compliment. “So beautiful, stay just like that.”
He moves backwards, as the sun hits the perfect parts of your figure just at the right angle, earning you even more effective shots.
You let out a chuckle when Jungsu notices your panties are tangled around your heels. He drops on his knees and removes them while keeping the video going.
“You can touch me.” You tell him, tilting your head. You’re not really sure what to do for this video anymore, and to be honest, a part of you misses the feeling of his hand on your skin.
Your lips open for a gasp, but nothing comes out, because his palm gliding on your inner thigh steals your breath. It most likely comes from the fact you’re standing with your legs spread wide in front of him…. naked. Both of you can see your tummy clenching as his fingertips trace light patterns on your skin, reaching closer to where you feel warm and wet at the same time. Eventually they trail away, not daring to go further.
The drunken state this put you in makes you bolder, and you take Jungsu’s hand, guiding it to your chest. This time you’re relieved to see he doesn’t hesitate to act on his desires.
“This makes things more interesting, right?” Your question comes out airy from the way he squeezes your breast through the lacy bra.
You both stare at each other for a moment, trying to figure out if you understand the question the same way.
Jungsu nods, moving the camera in the direction of his roaming hand which goes up your cleavage, your neck and stops at your lips. His thumb swipes them lightly to feel enough of their texture without messing up your lipstick.
“You’re so fuckin’ gorgeous.” Jungsu’s breathing turns uneven as your teeth graze his finger before he pulls it back.
He’s kneeling between your legs, so hypnotised by your pretty face that he’s memorised like the back of his hand, but yet, feels completely new to him right now, that he doesn’t notice when your hand starts to rub slow circles on your clit.
At this point he cannot do anything about the tent in his pants. His erection throbs and yearns while he films your lower body sat on the fuzzy blanket. After a moment of you touching yourself, the silence in the room grows intense from an obvious squelching sound - clear lewd noises begin to emerge from you, and not a minute later Jungsu notices that your folds are glistening.
“Jungsu,” a moan spills from your lips; one with his name, that makes even breathing a difficult task.
“Y/N… Shit, you’re so wet.” Jungsu utters, as he regains a better grip on his camera, although caring about the quality of the video is long neglected thanks to your arousal and the way you call his name.
For a moment he wonders if you’re asking him for something. If you’re provoking him. However, he quickly tunes back into his own reality again, - he’s a friend helping out a friend.
“Keep going, you look perfect.” His dreamy voice encourages your hand to move faster, reaching for your peak while simultaneously building up the bubbling pressure in his tummy too. “Your body is so perfect, you’re perfect…” Jungsu’s thoughts that have been clouding his mind from the start begin to burst out on their own.
Your body squirms the second you stop your fingers in one place to delay your orgasm. The camera records your overwhelmed panting, and each flinch of your muscles that anticipate the sweet burst of energy.
You observe your friend who seems just as excited as you, and your attention lowers to his crotch, or more specifically the big vivid bulge underneath the black denim.
“Is it true?” You lean closer, placing your hands on his thighs. “Do you really think I’m perfect?”
He doesn’t hesitate to say the truth, nor he needs time to think about his answer.
“In every possible way.”
You both recognise a new spark in each other’s eyes, one you’ve never exchanged before.
Jungsu’s brows knit together for a moment when you distance yourself back from him.
“Kiss me then.”
Jungsu leaves the camera on the floor not bothering to waste time by turning it off, and crawls on top of you. Your legs hug his hips while the rest of you easily gets used to the nice feeling of his weight pressing against you.
Your lips cannot separate from each other. You kiss deeply and sensually, making up for all these months you spent secretly fighting back against your own cravings. The pleasure flows even stronger through your veins, causing Jungsu to welcome each and every one of your small whimpers inside his mouth.
You break the moment to catch your breath when you get the idea to switch places.
You take a seat on Jungsu’s crotch after he relaxes on his back, attaching hands to your hips. The simple thrill from your weight suddenly on top of his erection shoots intensely through his core, and he groans before you even press against it properly.
You grind once, shutting your eyes closed at the immediate pleasure, then repeat the same move, watching Jungsu’s expression change in a euphoric state.
“Yeah,” Jungsu moans again, but louder, feeling his cock throb inside his clothes, “yeah, like that, baby.”
The friction coming from the rough denim fabric is so strong and effective, it provokes you into instantly speeding up your movements back and forth. The lucent slick spreads onto Jungsu’s clothed bulge, as you put in the effort to reach both of your peaks while rubbing your clit on the stiff shape. He is so immensely hard, that you don’t need to apply much force in your humping to heighten the stimulation. One normal swaying of your hips is just enough, but with each passing second Jungsu’s desperation becomes thinner.
“Fuck, gorgeous…” His hands drag higher on your waist, quickening the way you move on his cock. His fingers dig in your flesh emphasising his needs. “Faster—“
You listen to his pleading tone, and with palms underneath his t-shirt for support, you fasten the pace.
Jungsu’s hazed gaze trails up and down your mesmerising body after he lifts up on his elbows to appreciate the view better, especially the one of your breasts pushed together from the position of your arms.
The hitched pants and whimpers escaping your mouth melt into longer moans as you get dangerously closer to fall apart, but the burning exhaustion of your legs slows you down. Jungsu sits up, digging back into your lower half with his fingertips, not letting the sensation slip away.
You wrap an arm around his broad shoulders, as he helps you ride out your high. His open mouth covers your neck with kisses while you shake on top of him, pressed down as hard as possible by his strong grip. Your voice cracks in the middle of your orgasm that muddles your mind, but not enough to not realise Jungsu cums at the same time as you.
“Aah, f-fuck, ‘m gonna—“ his weakened voice is lost, muffled in the crook of your neck, but it still rings so captivating in your mind, clearing out everything except the thought of him.
Your fingers tug tightly at his shirt as your arms stay around him. You listen to his elevated moan; how it becomes less heavy till all that’s left from it is just panting from relief which warms up your already sweating skin.
While the warm release soaks his underwear, Jungsu slows down the motion of your hips, slightly bucking up his own, as his climax washes off.
You stay in each other’s embrace for a while; the only thing filling the silence is the sound of your own heartbeat till Jungsu whispers in your ear.
“I want to see you.”
His hands leave your body, so you can lay down, allowing him to take a nice look between your legs. The sight of your intimate lips is even more arousing with your skin coloured in light red from the fabric of his jeans; your entrance clenching around air, begging to feel him inside.
You humm from delight when Jungsu pushes half of his middle finger in, gliding through your walls with ease from so much slickness. His ring finger goes in next, stretching you out in the most pleasant way. It feels soothing, laying like that on the floor while he freely moves his digits so slowly like he has all the time in the world. You don’t even realise the camera is back in his hand until he speaks out.
“This is just for me.” He says, meaning the footage of the way you’re squeezing around his slick fingertips.
As time passed, the sunlight sneaking through the window turns much more subtle, and now it invites new shadows to fall over your silhouette, making it even more seductive and addictive for the eyes.
“It’s all for you,” you say back.
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! please do not repost, copy or translate my works
! please keep in mind that english is not my first language. i apologise for any mistakes i’ve might missed
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rachetmath · 6 months
Jaune's Last Man
(Hi sorry this has been my head and I completely forgot about this so let me end this with a kicker. A rap you may say. If you need a recap or you don’t know what this is about....he links here.;
Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/rachetmath/681709097493659648/ilia-blake-i-want-to-come-with-you-blake-ilia?source=share
Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/rachetmath/683991434179805184/can-we-please-get-a-sequel-to-the-post-about-jaune?source=share
Part 3: https://www.tumblr.com/rachetmath/688883250974916608/so-i-know-ow-you-said-you-dont-normally-do?source=share)
Jaune: Mercury.
Mercury: Vomit Boy. How’s it hanging?
Jaune: I’m doing fine.
Mercury: Really? I mean since you killed your friend. Your girlfriend dead. And Atlas. I would think you be in a site of depression.
Jaune: Yeah. Except I’m in state of rage.
Mercury; Oh.
Jaune: I mean I haven’t seen my family in years to where I can barely remember their faces. I watched thousands of innocent people die. I was betrayed by someone I wanted to call friend. All because of my stupidity.
Mercury: Wow finally admit it. You don’t know what your doing.
Jaune: Still don’t… but I’ll take my chances.
Mercury: So what are you going to do torture me.
Jaune: Haha no. Of course not. Ladies.
Neo and Ilia walks into the room. Neo before she took a seat on the table, she gives Jaune a kiss on cheeks while Ilia a has weapon to Mercury’s neck. Mercury was still shocked with Neo.
Jaune: Alright. Let us begin. I’m here to make a deal.
Mercury: A deal?
Jaune: You bet. I want you on my team.
Ruby: What?
Jaune: Yes.
Mercury: Why?
Jaune: We need someone like you on our side. Guys like you come in very short supply.
Mercury: That doesn’t give me much of a reason. Why should I give you allegiance?
Jaune: I’m willing to give something that can’t refuse.
Mercury: Please, your not even giving me a right to choose.
Jaune: *sigh* Ilia.
Ilia removes her weapon and sits down.
Jaune: Fine, I’ll play by rules. Look, I understand. Your father he was bad man. But brother he’s dead.
Mercury: I know.
Jaune: I know it was by own hands. I get it wasn’t easy but you fail to get-
Mercury: Is?
Jaune: That you can be better. So much clever. Do really want to stay in his shadow forever?
Mercury: Please. Who are you to judge me? If I recall correctly didn’t you cheat. You went to a school filled with talent. With nothing to show but empty promises and values. You talk a big game but you can’t measure up. Face it bud, your only here because of luck.
Jaune: …. ….
Mercury: Got nothing to say. Guess the fun is over. No more debates. I guess I’m done now prison await. Besides Salem offered me world on a plate what’s better than that?
Jaune: Okay, little man, so what’s your plan?
Mecury: What?
Jaune: Yeah, little man, what’s you plan?
Mercury: I mean-
Jaune: What’s your plan? Tell me, little man, what you gone do when you got the world in your hands? You get all money and get some respect. You make yourself sound like you really are a threat. Yes its true, your right about me. I did what it took to follow my dreams. But now look at me. I am all three. Money, Power and respect. A threat guaranteed. I lost many people but yet I still breath. Yet I still believe in what we can achieve.
Mercury: … … …. What are you saying to me?
Jaune: We’re nothing like them.
Mercury: What do you want from me?
Jaune: Show me your bravery. Leave it all BEHIND and make history.
Mercury: But I-
Jaune: You’re nothing like him.
Mercury: I’m-
Jaune: You can still be better.
Emerald: *burst in door* And if your not sure we can explore it together. We’ll have each other.
Jaune: And if you believe-
Mercury: Believe?
Jaune: In yourself.
Emerald: And me.
Jaune and Emerald: There’s nothing you can’t achieve.
Mercury: Really?
Jaune: Right.
Emerald: You can fly. Again. Sore the sky. Again.
Jaune: Away from sun. Together with us. We can make history. Forge our destiny. Our story will be legendary. So-
Jaune: *pulls his hand out* What do you say?
Mercury: Hmm. Well-
Jaune: Yes, you will paid.
Mercury: And?
Jaune: Yes, come man, what do you say?
Mercury: *shakes Jaune’s hand* Alright you got a deal compadre.
RWBY: Dang.
Oscar: They went play by play.
Nora: So Jaune? Tell us, what’s now the team’s name?
Jaune JMNI. What do you all think?
Mercury: I got say, it’s got nice ring to.
Ilia: I accept the team name. No mistake.
Neo: *agrees with smile*
Jaune: Guess we agree. But before we celebrate we have demonstrate, how useful we are, leave no trace to debate. So let’s start on our first case. What do you say?
Mercury, Ilia and Neo(with a sign): Bring it.
Jaune: Oh this will be great.
Nora: Can we stop rhyming.
61 notes · View notes
Let Me Spell It Out For You
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Jax Teller x Rockstar!Reader "Firefly" Ex Bf!Rockstar!Steve Rogers x Reader
Wordcount: 2599
It’s Battle of the Bands Night at your local hole in the wall bar run by SAMCROW. You're currently dating their prez Jax Teller. Your lifelong best friend and first real love. Somehow your ex, Steve Rogers and his band The Howlies have shown up, vying for top spot and the cash prize. Such a shame they’ll have to go against you and your all girl group Serenity. It’s going to be a verbal bloodbath and you can’t wait to humiliate his arrogant ass.
Smut, Shameless Smut, Gratuitous Smut, Exes, Jax Teller Being an Asshole, Semi-Public Sex, Voyeurism, Accidental Voyeurism, Fuckboy Steve Rogers, rubbing it in your exes face, Teaching A Lesson
Hello Heathens, I was feeling some type of way and well this is what came of it. Enjoy the fuck you Steve vibes. Songs lyrics used are in bold. All songs will be credited in the end notes :) HAPPY READING!
Divider @firefly-graphics Banner @cafekitsune
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The energy in the bar was none short of chaotic. Between the loud music, the alcohol flowing and the rowdy mix of bikers and patrons it was looking to be a night to remember.
“I can not wait to get up on that stage and destroy some wannabes!” Zoey practically shouts while strapping on her electric guitar.
“Nothing beats that high,” I smile devilishly. “Well except for sex of course.”
We all laugh as we hear our band being called to the stage. “Next up, Serenity!”
It’s the first round of Battle of The Bands Night. I’m not worried about making it to the final round and grabbing the cash prize. Most bands here are so fresh they haven’t performed as a group much yet. So that leaves us at an advantage. We’ve been thick as thieves since high school when we used to skip class and jam out in my garage.
Not wanting to blow our load on the first round we chose to start with “Becky’s So Hot” to show off our sex appeal and my vocal talents. I may be singing about Becky, but in actuality it’s about the time in my life when Jax was dating Tara when he and I were broken up. 
I wanted to destroy her for having the audacity to be with him. While at the same time I wanted to know first hand what made her so special that he kept her around as more than just a lay. The feelings were so conflicting, the only way I could work through it was to put it into a song.
Fine, okay, I'll say, I went and stalked her And I don't really blame you 'cause Damn, the waist, the hips, the face, this is awkward Are you in love like we were? If I were you, I'd probably keep her Makes me wanna hit her when I see her 'Cause Becky's so hot in your vintage t-shirt Ooh, she the one I should hate But I wanna know how she taste I kinda wanna hit her when I see her Becky's so hot in your vintage t-shirt
As we reach the interlude, my eyes catch the familiar frame of one Steven Grant Rogers. My ex and lead singer of The Howlies. Standing to his left, bass strapped to his chest, is of course Bucky Barnes. Steve’s best friend and cliché fuckboy musician. 
He happens to also be Zoey’s ex. This is going to be interesting to say the least. It’s been months since we’ve seen each other. Much less been in the same room competing to see who the better band is. 
It’s us of course. The Howlies are good. But they rely heavily on their good looks to fill seats. About 80% of their fans are of the female variety. Where ours is ratioed at about 60/40.
I turn to Zoey. She gives me a subtle nod. Acknowledging she’s aware of their presence and that it’s playtime.
I scan the crowd for my favorite blonde haired biker until I lock eyes with Jax just as the final chorus begins. I sing to him for a moment before turning my attention back to enticing the crowd into wanting to see more of us.
I sing the last line and drop a kiss to Zoey’s neck, as I stare down our exes. A challenge in my eyes. Tonight just got so much more entertaining.
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As predicted, The Howlies make it to the next round. This time we were afforded the chance to watch them go before us.
They leaned full on into the whole sexy bad boy thing, playing “I WANNA BE YOUR SLAVE”. A song I helped Steve write. It’s a great song. Really gets the ladies hot and bothered. Never ceases to get them laid. Regardless of if they’re attached.
It’s cute that they think they somehow have the upper hand. I have more talent in my pinky finger than the lot of them combined. Plus all that feminine rage to go with it. 
With a whispered last line, the song is over. We wait for the next band to finish before we take the stage.
Where The Howlies went for a sexy hair band vibe for this round. We’ve taken the gritty and dirty approach by performing “Drain The Blood”. 
See we’re no one trick pony. We can growl and scream with the best of them. While still remaining soft and feminine at the same time.
This song always gets the crowd going. I can see elbows benign thrown and shoulders getting checked from my vantage point on stage. I just feed into the frenzy, hypnotizing the bar with our haunting harmonies over rough chords.
Another round in the bag.
As the night carries on, both of our bands make it to the final round. This is where we pull out all the stops and show them who the better band truly is.
Man is this going to feel great.
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The time has come to begin the final round.
It’s just us and The Howlies up on stage ready to give one final performance each. Facing off against each other as we share a stage.
We flipped a coin and the boys won, choosing to go first. Steve saunters up to the mic as the familiar beat of “Tear You Apart” begins behind him. 
I’m not surprised they chose to perform this song. It really is their best. Get’s the girls going crazy. They may think they have it in the bag with his haunting tune. 
But they couldn't be more wrong. 
I watch from our spot at the back of the stage, as Steve swivels and sways his large body to the beat. Singing about crossing the line from friends to lovers. The obsessive need to devour and take control. 
He once told me that I was the inspiration behind the music. That he had hungered for me from the moment he met me. That he spent days just biding his time, his mind obsessing. Playing an endless loop of me smiling sweetly. My touches, innocent in nature, felt anything but to him.
I was fuel to his creative mind. The ache he could not soothe until I was unattached.
When I was free from that biker shaped attachment he made his move.
It was intense and volatile. Burning out as quickly as it was set ablaze. For Steven wanted my heart when it has always belonged to another.
He makes a point to turn his back to the audience and move his hips like a hedonistic Elvis. We lock eyes as he sings the last line.
Give me those Ocean eyes all you want, pretty boy. I will never be yours for more than the memories I left your damaged soul with.
If he thought singing that song was going to throw me off somehow because of my affiliation to it, he was more delusional than I thought.
Two can play that game. And I am far better at it.
We wait for the swooning women to settle down as The Howlies step to the side of the stage and take our places. I make a show out of lowering the mic stand while Zoey begins strumming the opening chords to “abcdefu”.  
I kept it calm and cute as I sang my own song inspired by Steven.
I swear I meant to mean the best when it ended Even tried to bite my tongue when you start shit Now you're textin' all my friends asking questions They never even liked you in the first place Dated a girl that I hate for the attention She only made it two days, what a connection It's like you'd do anything for my affection You're goin' all about it in the worst ways I was into you, but I'm over it now And I was tryin' to be nice But nothing's getting through, so let me spell it out
I rip the mic off the stand, turn towards The Howlies and flip them the bird as Zoey joins me in singing the chorus.
A-B-C-D-E,  FUCK-U And your mom and your sister and your job And your broke-ass car and that shit you call art Fuck you and your friends that I'll never see again Everybody but your dog, you can all fuck off Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah
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The look on their faces is priceless. Our song is catchy as fuck and by the time we make it back to the chorus the crowd is already sing along with us. All the women who were drooling over them minutes ago, have now all tapped into their feminine rage.
It’s glorious.
We brought it down to just me and Zoey's guitar as I lightheartedly told them they could all fuck off for the last time.
There was a beat of silence before the crowd erupted and ‘Serenity’ chants began. It was safe to say we won the battle. This particular victory never tasted sweeter. 
After accepting our prize and bragging rights, we made our way over to the MC is holding court in their favorite booth.
As we reach the table, Jax stands up and grabs my hand. Pulling me along behind him towards the closed off hall that leads to the extra rooms. 
As soon as we clear the doorway, he has me pinned against the wall with his lips locked with mine in a fevered dance. 
He pulls away when we are both in need of air. “You are so fucking hot when your up on stage. Even more so when you're being bad. Tell me, darlin’. You wearing anything under these leather shorts?”
“Do you see any panty lines?” I quirk a brow at him.
He literally growls at me before dropping to his knees and untying my shorts. He pulls them down, over my ass and thighs until he reaches my knees. “I only need you to pull one leg out for this.”
“And what pray tell do you have in mind?” I ask as I remove my right leg from the skin tight fabric. Leaving my shorts to gather on my left ankle.
He rises to his feet, unzips his jeans and pulls his cock out. It’s rock hard and angry. A bead of precum perched at the tip ready to drop at any moment.
“Jump.” He demands and I oblige. He grips onto my thighs. Wrapping them around his waist as he slides himself inside me. Pausing when our pelvis’s touch.  
The stretch of my walls accommodating his thickness steals my breath away. 
We make eye contact as he pulls back and slams forward. I have to bite my lip from moaning out and alerting the bar to what is going on.
Jax ruts into me with the skill and precision of a man who knows all too well what my body craves. But all I can focus on is how amazing his dick feels inside me.
Without a care in the world, he continues to fuck me. He’s so engrossed in trying to take me apart that he doesn't hear the door creak open.
But I do.
I watch over Jax’s leather clad shoulder as Steve walks in. I gasp at being caught by my former lover. 
Jax turns his head to the side to see what’s going on. He quirks a brow and then turns back to me, pressing his forehead to mine as he fucks me even harder. Almost as if he’s taunting him. 
"Go ahead and keep your eyes on him, darlin’. Watch as he remembers what you look and sound like lost in pleasure. Watch what it does to him.” He states aloud.
I lock eyes with the heavily tattooed blonde Adonis spectating our coupling. Noting the heat and hurt in his eyes. He refuses to move along though. Almost challenging me to follow through and enjoy what is happening. 
Alright then, Stevie. Challenge accepted.
I turn my gaze back to the man who owns my heart. Whispering for only us to hear, “Do your worst Jackson. I’m so close, baby. Go ahead and destroy me. Remind the whole bar who I belong to. Then we can get some good food on the way home and then get lost in each other all over again.”
I feel his chest vibrate against mine as he hums his satisfaction with my suggestion.
He pulls his hips back until just his tip remains cushioned by my slightly swollen lips. He takes a moment to turn my head toward a stoic Steve, still taking up space in the small hallway.
“Don’t you dare hold a single moan in. Let them all know. Especially him, why we’re so good together. Understand.” Jax commands.
I barely have a moment to nod my head in agreement before he snaps his hips forward and sinks back deep inside me. A moan escaping my throat at the feeling of being so full once again, so intensely.
Mind set on staking his claim for the whole bar to hear, Jax sets a ruthless pace. My eyes catch the ocean blues of Steve’s once more. 
The lust is clear, seemingly overshadowing the hurt for the time being. I don’t shy away from their harshness. I lean into it. Allowing it to fuel the flames of my impending orgasm.
He can be jealous and angry about the current situation all he wants. It won’t change a thing. Hopefully this little display will finally kill whatever thread of us being together he’s holding on to.
I put the thoughts of Steve aside. Focusing on the man between my thighs, thoroughly taking me apart. Placing every bit of love into each wicked thrust. He does that thing I love with his hips. Pivoting them a certain way that allows his tip to graze against my sweet spongy spot. 
It’s like a direct line to my climax. With each pass I can feel the coil tighten and a tingle begin at the base of my spine down to my toes. 
I’m panting and whimpering, uncaring of my surroundings. I can barely make out Jax’s encouraging words in my ear of how I'm a good girl. That I’m taking him so well.
With a well placed thrust, followed by a grind that has his belt buckle teasing my clit. I give in and succumb to the pleasure of my orgasm taking over me. I sound loud even to myself, as a guttural moan fills the air. I’m barely aware of Jax’s name being screamed out, along with the words yes and oh fuck on repeat.
I can just make out his own roar as he loses himself inside me. Filling me to the brim while he growls sweet praises in my ear as the world seems to fade away. 
I have no idea when I closed my eyes, but upon opening them, I see that we are alone again.
Jax takes that moment to grab my chin and lay the softest kiss to my lips. I can’t help but lean into the sweet gesture.
“Come on, darlin’. I’ve been told I need to feed my girl some greasy food before we settle in for the night.”
He helps me back into my shorts before pulling open the door that heads back into the bar. A ruckus of applause meets us as we navigate around the drunken bikers to the exit. Hoots, hollers and whistles follow us out into the night as we climb onto his bike and make our way home.
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Songs used in this story. I do not own any of the rights these tracks. Please go give each artist a listen. Becky's So Hot - Fletcher I WANNA BE YOUR SLAVE - Maneskin Drain The Blood - The Distillers Tear You Apart - She Wants Revenge abcdefu (angrier) - GAYLE If you made it to the end, THANK YOU! If you liked it please feel free to let me know (but it's not required); and if you didn't, that's okay too, I still thank you for even giving it a chance.
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midnightstar-90 · 2 years
The One That Got Away
Jason Todd x Reader
Taglist | Request | Wattpad
Main Masterlist | DC Comics Masterlist
Summary: After learning about Jason’s death, her and Nightwing set course to Gotham.
Warnings: Mentions of Character Death, Angst, Slight Suicide TW
A/N: I plan to make a part 2 to this, but with Red Hood, so stick around for that. But otherwise, enjoy!
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It’s been 6 months since Jason left, and everyone has been okay… all except for me. Since the day that Jason left with Rose, only leaving me with a kiss goodbye, I haven’t been much of anything to anyone. I haven’t moved from my bed, and when I do, it’s to use the restroom.
I’m pretty sure that when I lost a bit of weight since the last time I had a well-cooked meal, with my diet only consisting of crackers, ice cream, and whatever juice Gar and Rachel had decided to hide from Dick and his insane health kick. Like, what teenager do you know eating cauliflower mash? Anyways, one of the Titans would show up in my room with a plate of food every now and then, begging me to eat it, but I just ignored them. I never accepted the food, I was too upset to do anything other than wallow for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. They would leave the plate of food on my nightstand, hoping that I could pull myself together enough to eat, but I just left it to sit there for days before someone came to get it.
No matter what I do, I can never get Jason out of my head. Anytime I entered the kitchen, I was reminded of when Jason and I would stay up late and hang out. He would sit on the counter, swinging his legs back and forth, causing them to repeatedly hit the cabinet doors that sat under the countertop while I baked whatever recipe I had seen on YouTube earlier that day. (He was the perfect subject for recipe experiments)
But it wasn’t just rooms inside the tower. Jason seemed to haunt my dreams too. I couldn’t stop dreaming about that night… The night he left me alone. When he abandoned me to go with another girl, leaving me with only a kiss.
Everyone sat around the commons area of Titan’s tower. Thanks to Conner, we were able to get Jason back from Deathstroke, unharmed. And since then, nothing has been the same. 
After saving Jason, Deathstroke broke into the tower, placing objects- memorabilia for each Titan to find. For Hank, it was a bottle of bourbon. Rachel had crosses drawn all over her room. Dawn was met with a photo of a friend who had recently died. And Donna received a bottle of orange soda. Specifically, a brand of soda she once shared with a close friend of hers who had also died… a former Titan.
But to make things worse, everyone (except me) blamed Jason for their recent trips from memory lane. This only ended with me coming to Jason's defense. My fellow teammates were shocked at my outburst, all of us failing to realize that Jason was no longer in the room.
Dick soon stormed into the central living area, where all of us stood, and warned us of the true threat. "Hey, where's Jason?" I asked everyone, nervously looking around. My eyes fell on Dick's, giving each other a knowing look, before setting out to look for Jason. We found him on the roof, planning to jump off the rooftop. I tried to stop him, but Dick and his dark secret ended up getting him down from the ledge.
So now, here we all are, listening to Dick explain how he lied to us, his so-called “friends,” for the hundredth time, and everyone was fed up. Upset because of the trust this team had for each other.
I sat next to Jason at the kitchen table, who propped his head against his hand. I lay face down, no longer wanting to be here, forced to listen to friends argue. After earlier, Jason was so disappointed in himself that he couldn’t even look at me. And judging how everyone was earlier, I could only imagine how much everyone would judge Dick for this.
Now, I couldn’t see anything, but I could definitely hear. I heard Rose speak up for the first time since Dick explained everything. “My brother’s dead because of you,” Rose said with a sense of hatred. “I’m out,” she continued before standing up and making her way out of the room.
“I’m going with her,” Jason added, giving me just enough reason to look up. I looked at Jason, feeling my lips tremble as I looked up at the boy. He turned away from Dick, looking at me with an emotionless expression, but his eyes said everything. “Come with us,” He whispered, holding his hand out. I hesitated. When I didn’t take his hand, Jason took it as a sign of rejection, giving me a sad smile before leaning down and kissing my lips. My eyes closed, trying my best to hold in all the tears I wanted to release as I heard the sound of his steps disappear into the next room.
I felt everyone's eyes, watching me as I slowly began to break down. My cheeks grew warm and were about as red as a cherry. My eyes flooded with tears as they fluttered open. My eyes were focused on the door where Rose and Jason walked out of.
“Jason,” I whispered, finally feeling myself give in to the loss of my boyfriend. My best friend… The love of my life.
And since then, I’ve never been the same. Every time I fell asleep, that memory haunted my dreams, and there was no escape. I wake up every night sobbing, wishing Jason was here to hold me. And although it hurt, I would sometimes imagine that he was here, comforting me. His warm breath running down the back of my neck, leaving goosebumps, as I clutched onto him, with my head resting on his chest. And it really did help… but not entirely.
Anytime I missed Jason, I called. I sometimes called to see if he’d answer, but it was no luck. And even though I was sent to voicemail, I still left him messages. I hoped he listened to them and felt just as bad as I do right now, but there was no way of telling.
Sometimes, the thought of him and Rose would enter my mind, making me even more depressed than I already was. “Does he love her more than me? Is that why he left?” Those questions ran through my mind almost 24/7, but deep down, I knew why he had left.
Feeling the urge to move out of bed, I slowly got up, making a few loud grunts and groans from the relief of being in bed all day. I went into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. “Damn, I look rough,” I whispered as I rubbed my fingers against my sunken eyes. Seeing how thin my cheeks seemed, I had lost more than a couple of pounds. I looked half dead if you asked me.
With an exhausted sigh, I walked out of my room and stopped. Something strange in the atmosphere told me to go back to bed, but I didn’t listen. Instead, I walked to the kitchen, only to be stopped by the sound of Kory. It sounded like she was talking to someone. I walked to the end of the hall, which connected to the common area, where everyone once hung out, and I peered into the room. I saw Dick and Kory sitting at the counter with sad expressions, telling me something terrible had happened.
“What am I going to do? I don’t know how to tell her,” I heard Dick say as he looked away from Kory. He rested his head on his arm, much like Jason did before he left that day. I watched as Kory leaned back in her seat, taking Dick’s words in. 
When he was done speaking, Kory began to speak. “She needs to know, Dick. She hasn’t been out of this tower in 6 months because of Jason… I hate to say it, but he broke her, and now she’s slowly killing herself the more she stays in that room,” Kory told Dick.
“I know, Kory. But how do you tell someone who can barely eat that her boyfriend was reckless and impulsive and killed himself? Wouldn't that just make it worse?”
Listening to Dick and Kory’s words, I soon realized that they were speaking about Jason. I watched Kory sadly place her hand down on Dick’s leg. Suddenly it became hard to breathe as I also realize that they weren’t just talking about Jason. They were talking about telling me that Jason was dead. I felt my body slam into the wall, making a loud enough sound to get the attention of the two adults.
Dick and Kory ran over to me as I slid down the wall, clutching my chest, where my heart rests. Ugly cries exited my body as I thought of Jason being dead. Dick grabbed me, holding me in his arms as I cried in his chest. He rested his chin on top of mine and slowly rubbed my back. 
“Jason," I cried. Dick’s arms hold me tighter.
I couldn’t believe it. Jason Todd was dead. I always knew his abilities would get to his head, and that’s exactly what he did. He was cocky, and believed that he didn’t need help… that he could fight the fight by himself. And that’s what killed him. Now, I didn’t know how he died exactly, but I knew teenagers don’t just drop dead. Especially not Bruce Wayne’s kids. But, I also knew that there was a possibility that if I had accepted Jason’s offer that day, that none of this would have happened.
“I know. It hurts. Cry it out. Cry it out,” Dick muttered into my ear. Kory sadly watched the two of us as we held onto each other.
“I could have saved him,” I whispered.
“No,” Dick said sternly, pulling away from the hug. “What Jason did was on him. You probably would have had no idea what was going on, no matter if you were there or not… much like the Deathstroke thing,” he said, looking me in my eyes.
My eyes narrowed as I felt a rush of anger flow through me. “Jason only went out to fight Dr. Light 1. Because you and the “O.G. Titans” couldn’t beat him. And 2. Jason only wanted to prove to you and Bruce that he knew what he was doing. None of you ever gave him a chance,” I scowled.
“Jason did get chances to prove himself,” Dick said, making me even angrier. “And everytime, he proved that he was still reckless, still impulsive, and still full of rage. There is a reason Bruce sent him here. And when he left and went to fight Joker on his own, he was still the same Jason we all know. And that right there- that’s what got him killed,” Dick said.
The Joker ran through my head as I tried to take in everything he told me. I remember running through the streets of Gotham, hearing the name Joker, and every single bad thing he had done. How gruesome he left his victims. I could only imagine what Jason went through in the time before his death, but I knew what ran through my mind wouldn’t do the real thing justice. 
But it wasn’t just Joker running through my mind. It was also the fact that the people who didn’t give Jason a chance believed that they knew him… but they didn’t. They didn’t know the true Jason Todd. The Jason Todd I knew was kind. When it was just me and him, he didn’t want to punch a wall. We would have movie nights almost everynight back at Wayne manor. I remember sneaking into his window to see his slightly messy room, and how we would cuddle in his bed, and we would just talk about everything during the movie. Sure Jason was everything Dick described, but he was also so much more. I just wished everyone else could have seen that.
“You’re wrong.” That’s all I said before pulling out of Dick’s arms indefidently, and standing up to leave. I could hear as Dick shuffled to get up and run after me, but I think Kory stopped him, because all I heard was a quiet, “She’s grieving. Let her process this on her own, for awhile.” And with that I was out of their line of sight. 
I made my way back to my room, where all the anger and sadness I had once felt released out of me. I screamed as loud as I could as I fell to my knees. I felt the energy shift, like something new had awakened in me. My chest heaved as I began to cry harder than how I was earlier. I faced the ceiling and opened my eyes. Expecting a white ceiling to appear, I found loose objects floating in mid air.
“What is happening?” I whispered to myself. And suddenly everything fell. I looked down at my hands as a blue mist escaped my hands. I slammed my hands to the ground, making everything around me shake. I heard multiple sounds of feet slamming against the floor as the remaining Titans met up outside my door. Small murmurs appeared, but i ignored them.
I let out a small sniffle before making my way over to my bed, and climbing in, and laying down as if I never got up in the first place. I slammed my eyes shut, trying to imagine that this was all a dream, but then a small knock at my door appeared. I faced the wall as I heard the sound of my door opening before slowly shutting. I heard the sounds of a pair of shoes against the hard wood of my floors. I felt a dip in my bed, next to where my legs laid, causing me to open my eyes, but I didn’t face whoever it was.
“I’m sorry,” Dick started. “I guess I really do live up to my name. You know, after losing Donna and now Jason, I realized that I can’t loose you to.”
“Why? Because we all just learned in a span of 2 minutes that I have earthshattering powers?” I asked with a hint of anger.
“No,” He sighed. “I can’t lose you because you are a big part of this team. And I didn’t reealize it until Jason left, and you entered your current state. Both of you were such a big part of this team. You and Jason were a power team all by yourselves, with you as the brain and Jason as the brawn.” He paused, taking a deep breath. 
“At first, I hated to admit that Jason was my brother. After losing my parents in the circus, I closed myself off, not even allowing Bruce into my life. But then, after years of being closed off from the world, I eventually opened up. When Donna died, I felt just how you felt. Growing up, she was always like the big sister that knew how to keep me in control. She was my Y/N, and I was her Jason. So I understand your pain, and I want you to come with me, back to Gotham. Just you and me.”
I slowly turned facing Dick, I looked down, not wanting to look him in the eye. I gave the man a slight nod, accepting his offer. And with that, he patted my leg before getting up to leave the room.
“Dick?” I called out ot the man. He peeped his head back into the room, and I continued. “Thank you,” I said with a smile. The first smile in 6 months. Dick gave me a short nod, continueing back to were he was planning on going.
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The trip to Gotham was quiet and also quite tense. This would be my first time back in Gotham without Jason, and knowing that hurt. I could tell Dock wanted to say something about it, but he remained quiet. Instead, Dick kept his eyes on the road and I kept my eyes on the different types of scenery we got with each state we drove through.
So, when we had finally made it to Wayne manor I was desperate to get out of the car. Dick pulled up in front of the entry door, and instead of being met with Alfred like always, we were met with nothing. Jason wasn’t the only person that the Wayne manor had lost. Alfred’s soul also rested in our memories.
Dick and I got out and I was met with the familiar smell of Gotham’s air. I turned to my left where I found a tree. It was the same tree I used to sneak in and out of the manor to see Jason. At least, that was until Alfred found out and convinced Bruce to let me stay with them. He only agreed to let me stay because of his obsessive need to bring in children from off the street. Children in need of a home. It only surprised us that he didn’t adopt a whole orphanage.
I continued to make my way towards the tree where I softly rubbed the rough bark which brings back a sense of nostalgia.
“Hey,” I heard from behind me. I turned to find Dick with both of our bags in his arms. I ran back over to Dick, trying to grab my bag from him, but he only responded with an “I’ve got it,” as he nudged me towards the front door.
Dick knocks at the door before remembering that it was just Bruce here. He gripped the knob and slightly twists, opening the door. I look at Dick with a scoff, “I think he forgets where he lives.” Dick laughed, as we made our way into the large home.
“Okay. You go find your old room, and put your stuff away. I’m gonna find Bruce,” Dick said, handing me my bag. I walked up the stairs feeling the small dents in the wood from where Jason would ride down the steps on his motorbike. I smiled at the memory and continued up the steps. 
I walked to my room and stopped right outside the room. I looked across the hall to where Jason used to sleep. Lucky for me, the door was shut. If it wasn’t, I probably would have broke down again. I just turned back towards my room and opened the door. The room was just as I remembered. The walls were still the same pearly white that I remembered. And the bed looked as if it hadn’t been touched since I left. The grey bedding was positioned just as Alfred had done it that morning. I didn’t have much decoration, considering I didn’t have much at the time, and I didn’t really want to be a burden towards Bruce, since he had already done so much for me. 
I flopped onto the bed, relishing in the soft sheets I had laid in once before. I stared up at the ceiling as I took a deep breath before closing my eyes. I felt almost at peace with where I was at. The only thing missing was Jason’s presence. But it was enough to put me to sleep.
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Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187, @esposadomd
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scorpi14 · 2 years
Alright. Let’s talk about this season opener. I have THINGS to say & I haven’t seen anyone else saying them yet, so here I go.
Remember when Lucy said her car felt like the only safe space for her after Caleb tried to kill her? Well, Tim’s become that safe space. It’s happened slowly since the day he pulled her out of that barrel in Day of Death, and I think became especially true after he helped her through Jackson’s murder. Everything they went through last season cemented Tim as Lucy’s safe space (and Lucy as his, but we’re not talking about that right now).
Season 5 episode 1 opens with Lucy dreaming about the kiss she and Tim shared at the end of season 4. This is important. It’s been days and it’s still on her mind, and she’s smiling. It’s a good dream at this point, awkward and taboo as it was. Of course being Lucy, when she wakes up, she’s in denial about it/completely brushes it off as nothing.
Fast forward to when she finds out Rosalind’s escaped, absolutely nothing matters anymore except dealing with that. She’s freaking out and can’t show it. Worse, has to stuff it down as quickly as she can, but it’s not that easy, right? So what does she do? She seeks out her safe space.
Tim’s already provided it by gripping her hand, protecting their cover and getting them into the bathroom so they can have a moment to talk it through. But it’s not enough. Yes, Lucy’s thinking about their cover when she mentions they’re supposed to be hooking up, but there were plenty of ways to solve that. Mess up their hair and clothes, smudge her own lipstick, etc. 
That’s not what she does, and we know why because of the dream at the beginning of the episode. Kissing Tim was good. Good enough she’s dreaming about it and it’s leaving her warm and gooey while she’s snuggled in her covers. She wants that feeling again and is desperate for a better distraction than the job they’re on, so she goes for it and kisses him like her life depends on it. 
Someone caught in a gif that her hands were shaking when she messed his clothes up. See this tweet here: https://twitter.com/multixcswan/status/1574481594840129539
Melissa confirms it’s a callback to when her hands shake in Day of Death while Tim’s cradling her. Read the comments in her response to the above tweet for confirmation: https://twitter.com/Mel13Oneil/status/1574491389194215424
Lucy’s freaking tf out and is trying to recreate what she had earlier that morning in her bed, what Tim provided her when he hugged her in Day of Death and in episode 1 of season 4. That’s why Tim’s so thrown, because it is 100% a real kiss and he doesn’t know what to do about it because Lucy kissed him like her life depended on it. And he’s clearly weak to that level of passion (he always has been with the exuberance Lucy lives with), not to mention it feels like it’s out of left field given what they were just dealing with.
When she’s called on it, she panics and chalks it up to biology to save face, but the conversation opens up a door. She not the only one thinking about it. Tim clearly is if he’s bringing it up, and his reaction after she comments on her robe flying open further makes her question if she’s not the only one feeling what’s going on.
Fast forward to the end of the episode, when Lucy’s egging him to come into her apartment with her. This isn’t just about the fact that they’re hot for each other and sexual tension is sizzling the paint off the hallway walls. She’s back where Rosalind’s escaped and is clinging to her safe space. She doesn’t want undercover to be over because if it is, she has to face the reality that her worst nightmare is waiting around the corner (or in her fucking apartment as we learn in that heartbreaking ending). 
That’s why she says we haven’t been debriefed so we’re still undercover. Yes, it’s about that crackling tension between them now, and they both know something’s going to happen (personally, I don’t think they’d have sex. I think they would’ve had a hardcore make out/maybe gotten to some clothes being shed, but would’ve backed out on their principles and just cuddled/fallen asleep together so Lucy could feel safe). But there is completely a deeper meaning here, and I think it’s going to make the rest of this season so damn interesting to watch.
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missacidburn928 · 1 year
Wicked Wednesday Goodies...
A new Crossover AU story is live on my ao3!
Go ahead. Click keep reading. I know you want to.
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Let Me Spell It Out For You
Jax Teller x Rockstar!Reader "Firefly"
ExBf!Rockstar!Steve Rogers x Reader
It’s Battle of the Bands Night at your local hole in the wall bar run by SAMCROW. You're currently dating their prez Jax Teller. Your lifelong best friend and first real love. Somehow your ex, Steve Rogers and his band The Howlies have shown up, vying for top spot and the cash prize. Such a shame they’ll have to go against you and your all girl group Serenity. It’s going to be a verbal bloodbath and you can’t wait to humiliate his arrogant ass.
The energy in the bar was none short of chaotic. Between the loud music, the alcohol flowing and the rowdy mix of bikers and patrons it was looking to be a night to remember.
“I can not wait to get up on that stage and destroy some wannabes!” Zoey practically shouts while strapping on her electric guitar.
“Nothing beats that high,” I smile devilishly. “Well except for sex of course.”
We all laugh as we hear our band being called to the stage. “Next up, Serenity!”
It’s the first round of Battle of The Bands Night. I’m not worried about making it to the final round and grabbing the cash prize. Most bands here are so fresh they haven’t performed as a group much yet. So that leaves us at an advantage. We’ve been thick as thieves since high school when we used to skip class and jam out in my garage.
Not wanting to blow our load on the first round we chose to start with “Becky’s So Hot” to show off our sex appeal and my vocal talents. I may be singing about Becky, but in actuality it’s about the time in my life when Jax was dating Tara when he and I were broken up. 
I wanted to destroy her for having the audacity to be with him. While at the same time I wanted to know first hand what made her so special that he kept her around as more than just a lay. The feelings were so conflicting, the only way I could work through it was to put it into a song.
Fine, okay, I'll say, I went and stalked her
And I don't really blame you 'cause
Damn, the waist, the hips, the face, this is awkward
Are you in love like we were?
If I were you, I'd probably keep her
Makes me wanna hit her when I see her
'Cause Becky's so hot in your vintage t-shirt
Ooh, she the one I should hate
But I wanna know how she taste
I kinda wanna hit her when I see her
Becky's so hot in your vintage t-shirt
As we reach the interlude, my eyes catch the familiar frame of one Steven Grant Rogers. My ex and lead singer of The Howlies. Standing to his left, bass strapped to his chest, is of course Bucky Barnes. Steve’s best friend and cliché fuckboy musician. 
He happens to also be Zoey’s ex. This is going to be interesting to say the least. It’s been months since we’ve seen each other. Much less been in the same room competing to see who the better band is. 
It’s us of course. The Howlies are good. But they rely heavily on their good looks to fill seats. About 80% of their fans are of the female variety. Where ours is ratioed at about 60/40.
I turn to Zoey. She gives me a subtle nod. Acknowledging she’s aware of their presence and that it’s playtime.
I scan the crowd for my favorite blonde haired biker until I lock eyes with Jax just as the final chorus begins. I sing to him for a moment before turning my attention back to enticing the crowd into wanting to see more of us.
I sing the last line and drop a kiss to Zoey’s neck, as I stare down our exes. A challenge in my eyes. Tonight just got so much more entertaining. 
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middleearthpixie · 1 year
Wanted Man ~ Chapter Five
Summary: A price on his head, Loki of Asgard finds himself stranded on Earth and in need of one woman's help in order to free himself from the bounty and try to reclaim what he sees as his rightful throne in Asgard.
McKenna Carlin just wanted to put a horrible day behind her. She had no idea that things would get worse before they get better…
Pairings:  Loki Laufeyson x ofc McKenna Carlin
Characters: McKenna, Loki  
Warnings: None
Rating: T
Word Count: 4k
Tag List: @fizzyxcustard @court-jobi @guardianofrivendell @piggledy-higgledy @evenstaredits
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here! 
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What she’d hoped would be a quick breakfast at the diner turned into anything but as Loki's eyes practically popped from their sockets as he read the menu. His first taste of bacon led to a four-course breakfast of eggs, pancakes, French toast (she thought he might actually cry when he tasted it with maple syrup), bacon, sausage, and hash browns. She’d never seen a man eat the way he did and it was nothing short of amazing that he managed to put so much food away. She was pretty sure her credit card actually groaned when she paid for breakfast and managed to drag him away from the dessert carousel at the front of the diner. 
“You can’t possibly still be hungry,” she grumbled, grabbing him by the hand to pull him away.
“You’d be amazed,” he replied, but allowed her to steer him out the door to her waiting Honda. “I had no idea how well Midgardians ate.”
“Trust me, there was nothing even close to eating well in what you had. And where did you put it all?” She unlocked the Accord and slid in behind the wheel.
Loki sank into the passenger seat with the heavy sigh of a well-fed bear. “So, where do we go next?”
“You need the basics. Jeans. Socks. Underwear. So, we’re heading to the mall.”
He leaned his head back and closed his eyes. “The mall it is.”
She glanced over at him as she maneuvered through the traffic on Route 18. It was always heavy near the mall and today was no exception. But finally, she pulled into the parking lot and managed to find a space. With any luck, finding Loki suitable clothes would be relatively painless.
And it was. He was perfectly amenable to any suggestions, which was nice for a change since Joe was always a very particular shopper with particular tastes. And what was nicer still? He didn’t mind sharing the load when it came to carrying everything. In fact, when she’d reach to take the short stack of jeans from him, he drew back with an, “I’m quite capable, you know.”
Finally, when they’d amassed enough clothing for what seemed like half of the people in Brunswick, McKenna blew a wayward tendril out of her eyes and said, “Maybe you should try something on now?”
To her relief, he nodded. “I probably should, yes. And where do I do this?”
“Come with me and I’ll show you.” She wove her way through the racks and stacks to the back of the store and the dressing rooms. “Just take something and go in one of the little rooms. I’ll wait right here.”
“Shouldn’t you accompany me?”
Heat flashed through her and she had to bite back the word yes as it pressed against her lips. “No. It’s okay. The rooms are barely big enough for one person and since you’re a little bigger than most of us… well… we’d probably get to know each other a little too well, if you know what I mean.”
His dark brows pulled low. “I’m afraid I don’t, actually. I haven’t the foggiest idea of what you mean.”
“Just… trust me, okay? You’ll be fine on your own.” She handed him the pile of clothes and gave him a little push. “I’ll be right here when you come out. And remember, go slow with the zippers.”
He nodded and off he went, while she paced about just outside the dressing rooms like a nervous mother. When he emerged, he was wearing new Levis, with a plain black tee shirt stretched across his broad chest, and she smiled. He cleaned up nicely. Still looked a little battered, but otherwise… 
“These jeans are stiff. Are they supposed to be?” he asked, walking a bit bowlegged in her direction, as if he’d just gotten off a horse.
“They will until we wash them. Don’t worry. Eventually, they’ll be like a second skin. And nice and soft, like the ones I gave you.”
He smiled. “You are very kind, McKenna. I appreciate it. Not many people show me kindness.”
“Well, that’s kind of what happens when you kill and maim people.” She held his stare easily, but still breathed an inward sigh of relief when he slowly nodded.
“Yes, I suppose it does. Would it make a difference if I had a good reason?”
“I don’t think so.” She gestured to his dressing room. “You should go change back, if you’re done trying things on.”
“I am.”
“Good.” She glanced at his feet. Fortunately, his boots went with jeans, but she thought he might like something a little more comfortable as well. Surely her credit cards were groaning again, but so be it. He needed clothes, right?
“Come on,” she said. “Let’s hit the shoe department and then get out of here before I’m completely broke.”
After the mall, she did a quick grocery shop, and when she pulled into her apartment building’s parking lot, she groaned. A white Acura was parked in her space. Joe.
Loki was dozing in the passenger seat and she really hated having to poke him in the ribs. “Come on. We’re here and there’s no way I can possibly carry everything.”
He sat up, rubbing sleep from his right eye with one hand. “I think I can manage.”
She popped the trunk and he lifted everything as if it weighed almost nothing, and her belly twisted into knots as they made their way up to the third floor. Sure enough, the front door was unlocked. 
Her keys dangled from her hand as she pushed open the door and as she and Loki stepped inside, Joe poked his head out of the kitchen. “Kenna! Where were you?”
“I was out. What’re you doing here?” 
Loki set the bags on the floor just inside the door. “Who is this?”
The two men eyed each other like two lions trying to decide if they were going to do battle. McKenna tossed her keys back into her purse and set her purse on the coffee table. “This is Joe. Joe, this…” She paused, not really sure how to introduce Loki. How did one go about introducing a god wanted in at least two realms?
Joe’s hazel eyes narrowed. “Yes?”
“A friend,” she said, glancing back at Loki only to find he wasn’t looking at her, but still staring at Joe. Not only were his blue eyes icy now but they also had hints of green swirling in them now, and she had the sinking feeling the body count was close to going up by one. 
Turning back to Joe, she said, “What are you doing here?”
“I need my Rutgers sweatshirt. Shelley and I are going to Ocean City and I might need it.”
“You broke into my apartment for that? I don’t have it.”
“Sure you do. It’s in the bottom drawer. And I didn’t break in. I unlocked the door, like a normal person.” 
As he spoke, he held up the key she’d given him and as soon as she saw it, she snatched it from him. “What are you still doing with this? I told you leave it in the dish, didn't I?”
“Yeah, well, I didn't and I want my sweatshirt, so do me a solid and go get it.”
Her fingers tightened about the key on their own, and she ignored the sting of the teeth biting into her. “Do you a sol—are you kidding me?”
“I think the time has come for you to take your leave now,” Loki broke in, his voice low and steady.
“I think you need to mind your own business, pal,” Joe retorted. “I want my sweatshirt, Kenna. Where is it?”
“I told you, I don’t have it.” And she didn’t. Last weekend, she’d used it to scrub the toilet and tossed it into the trash with a glee that was almost scary. 
“Go get it, Ken,” he sighed, crossing his arms over his chest. “Shelley’s waiting in the car and I don’t feel like getting caught in a ton of traffic.”
“Get out, Joe. I told you, I don’t have it.”
“Come on, Ken. I’m not in the mood for games right now.”
Loki caught her by the wrist and gently drew her around behind him. “She said she doesn’t have it and she’’s .”
“This really doesn’t concern you,” Joe glared at him, “and if you don’t back off, you’re gonna be sorry.”
“Am I? I think not.” Loki never raised his voice, but a flicker of fear shone in Joe’s eyes. 
Still, Joe was nothing if not stubborn. “Yeah? You think not, do you?”
Loki didn’t let him finish, but grabbed him by the throat and spun him about so his back was to the door. Joe gasped, “Let go of me, you son of a bitch.”
“Don’t hurt him,” McKenna broke in, grabbing Loki's right arm to try to break his hold. “You’ll get in trouble and he is not worth it."
“I’m not going to hurt him. I’m going to help him leave,” Loki replied evenly, shaking her off as he backed Joe across the room and shoved him out the door to send him reeling backward into the hallway. He hit the far wall with a crash and slid down in a daze, while Loki calmly shut the door on his glazed expression.
A flick of Loki's left hand, and the lock clicked into place, and he turned back to her, his eyes still cold and hard. “That is the man you lived with?”
“Well, he wasn’t always such a jerk,” she replied, sinking onto the arm of the sofa. 
“I find that difficult to believe.” 
“Yeah, well… he wasn’t.” She didn’t know why she was defending him, except for it didn’t say much for her, that she spent three years of her life accepting Joe’s bossy, overbearing, stubborn ways and for what? So he could dump her for his perfect Shelley, who’d he’d been screwing for months before he’d come clean about it?
Every last bit of happiness drained from her as she reached up to rub her forehead. Up until now, it’d been a pleasant day. She’d actually enjoyed the errands, enjoyed shopping, even enjoyed watching Loki put away his body weight in diner food. And now? Now she just wanted to crawl into bed and pull the covers over her head.
Loki put the groceries in the kitchen. “Where do you keep things?”
“I’ll get it.” She sighed as she pushed up from the sofa arm and trudged into the kitchen to join him. As she was putting things in the fridge, she caught sight of the bottle of white wine chilling on the bottom rack on the door. When she finished, she plucked the bottle from the shelf and set it on the counter. “Want a glass?”
“I think we could both use one. Where are the glasses?”
“In the dining room, overhead rack.”
He left, returning with two red wine glasses, but she didn’t care. She plucked the cork from the neck and emptied the bottle into both glasses. It was a Pinot Grigio, light and crisp, and after his first sip, Loki smiled. “Now that’s not quite as good as the coffee, but better than those potato-things I had at breakfast.”
She grinned. “Hash browns. They were hash browns and I’m amazed you had room for them.”
“What will we do for our evening meal?”
“I can cook, you know. I just didn’t have anything for breakfast.” She swallowed another mouthful of wine. A slight buzz settled over her. Perfect. “Beef or chicken?”
“Pheasant, if you have it? Or some wild boar, perhaps?”
“I don’t have them, Loki. Beef or chicken?”
“Surprise me.”
She smiled at him over one shoulder. “There’s another bottle of Cavit on the wine rack. It’s just below the glass rack.”
While he went to retrieve it, she lit the broiler, seasoned the flank steak she’d bought, and got it ready to go in the oven. He came back with the bottle. “A corkscrew?”
“Top drawer, left side. And I have to admit, I’m amazed you know what a corkscrew it.”
“We do open bottles in Asgard, you know.”
“You don’t just use magic?”
He grinned. “At times.”
She glanced up at him. When he smiled, the skin around his eyes crinkled in a way that was really cute. Especially since the bruise was fading from beneath his left eye. “I thought you were going to really hurt him,” she confessed, tearing off a sheet of aluminum foil to line the broiler pan.
“Joe? You should have let me.” Loki expertly popped the cork from the bottle and refilled both glasses. “He didn’t deserve you.”
“Oh, I know. I’m totally a prize.” She looked over and grinned at him. 
But he didn't smile back. “Why do you say it as if you don't mean it?”
“Because I don't meant it. And besides, ” she set the steak on the foil and bent to open the oven door. The pan slid in easily and by the time she straightened up, the delicious scent of garlic and pepper wafted up from the broiler, “he wasn’t always a jerk. Not at first.”
“He was trying to win you then. It’s unfortunate he didn’t keep trying to win you, because he should have been doing just that.”
She gave him a look. “Is that so?”
“You have a good heart. People mistake kindness for weakness, and that’s unfortunate, which I know sounds strange, coming from me, but a hint of kindness can go a very long way, you know.” He lifted the wineglass to his lips. 
There was something in his voice, a hint of wistfulness, perhaps, that suggested he had personal experience with being shown only hints of kindness. Sympathy swirled through her. He was a villain, he’d actually killed, and yet if she didn't already know what he’d done, she’d never believe it if someone told her right then. Aside from the way he’d handled Joe, and his arrogant demeanor the previous day, Loki had been almost been the perfect gentleman.  
“Thank you.” She set down her glass. “Salad or frozen veggies?”
“Good. Fixings are in the fridge. Go crazy.”
He laughed. “I should have known.”
After dinner, McKenna cleared away the table, loaded the dishwasher, grabbed the bottle of wine and gestured to the living room. Loki followed, smiling as she curled up on the sofa and tucked her feet beneath her. He was finally a little more comfortable in the jeans, although they were a little snug in the crotch, which she insisted was how they were supposed to fit. Not quite as comfortable as the clothes he was used to, but definitely cooler.
“Now,” she was saying, swirling the wine in her glass, “tell me about this bargain and the—” she paused, her forehead wrinkling—“the Chitauri. Did I say that right?”
“You did.”
“Good. Tell me why they’re out for your head on a platter.”
He sat down on the edge of the coffee table, trying hard to keep his gaze off her legs. They were tanned and shapely, and rather nice to look at, but this was neither the time nor the place for any type of those thoughts. He needed her help and that was it. She’d had her heart broken recently, although he was certain she’d never admit to it, and she was vulnerable and right now, he felt no urge to play on that vulnerability.
The Midgardians were a curious lot. They warred with one another over the most petty of disagreements and thought nothing of slaughtering one another in mass numbers. They lied. They cheated. They abused one another with unspeakable violence. And that violence was kept to human alone—they were even cruel to those far weaker than themselves. How they hadn’t exterminated themselves yet was a miracle.
He’d hoped to rule them, to bring them peace if nothing else. Unfortunately, thanks to his brother—his adoptive brother—and his group of friends who called themselves The Avengers, that hadn’t happened and now, here he was, relying on one Midgardian woman to keep his head firmly attached to his shoulders. He had to be mad.
No, not mad. Desperate.
He sipped the warm wine in his glass. It made him feel relaxed, more so than he’d felt in a very long time. Relaxed. At ease. Comfortable, even. But could he trust her? He thought so. She wore her heart on her sleeve and seemed quite guileless. It was easy to see how a man like that Joe could simply take and take all he wanted from her, and she would let him. 
Normally, he would have sneered at her perceived weakness where that dishonorable Midgardian was concerned, but he felt no such revulsion now. There was something about McKenna that begged to be cared for, a part of her that wanted only to be loved that she couldn’t hide no matter how hard she tried.
“I’m not so certain I can explain them. They come from nowhere and everywhere and can look like anything they please.”
“That sounds horrible.” 
“To make a long story short, after I was—shall we say—deposed as king of Asgard, I was exiled and in this exile is where I encountered The Other.” As she opened her mouth, he held up a hand. “Don’t ask me to explain, for I cannot. I made a bargain with him. The Tesseract for control of the Chitauri. I would,” he paused, because no matter how he explained it, she was bound to be angered by it, “rule Midgard as your king with the help of the Chitauri armies and in return, I would hand them the Tesseract.”
“An energy source. A neverending energy source and valuable to all the realms.” He drained his glass and set it on the table next to him. “And quite simply, I failed.”
“The Hulk.”
“Among a few others.” His back ached at the mere mention of the green beast that had grabbed him by the ankles and repeatedly whipped him back and forth until he was, as she pointed out, buried three inches into stone and steel. Not pleasant. Not pleasant at all. “Including my brother.”
“Close family.”
“He is not my family. I was stolen from my family as an infant and raised an Asgardian. But I’m not. Not as Thor and Odin, and even my mother, were.”
Her eyes narrowed. “What are you then?”
“I’m a Jötunn, a Frost Giant.”
“You don’t look like a giant.” 
He smiled. “No, I don’t. But I assure you, I am.” He held up his right hand, gave a flick of his fingers, and snow started falling over her.
“What the hell…?” She laughed, setting down her glass and raising her hand, palm up, to catch the gently drifting flakes. “How did you do that?”
“My mother. She was quite the skilled illusionist.” 
Snow clung to McKenna's golden hair and she smiled at him as she stuck out her tongue to catch a flake on it. Such an innocent gesture, and yet, his hand went still and the snow stopped. 
She sat back, brushing the snow from her leg. “Cold. Now, you say she was a skilled illusionist. What happened to her?”
“She died. Was murdered, actually.”
“Oh my God…” Her eyes went round and wide with sympathy he knew to be genuine. “How awful. I’m so sorry.”
He bobbed his head. “I thank you and if you don’t mind, I’d rather not speak of it.” He tried like mad to never think of what happened to Frigga, for each time he did, his rage bubbled to the surface and threatened to devour him. She wasn’t his mother, but she was the closest thing he knew to a mother and the one person he trusted. She was the one person he loved. 
“No, I understand. I lost my own mother not too long ago, although it wasn’t unexpected or violent. She was sick. Brain cancer. And it was a long, slow—” Her voice hitched and she pressed her lips together as her eyes glimmered. Tears. He could almost see her heartbreak.
He moved his fingers again to make it snow a little more, but she didn’t smile this time. So he moved them with a little more speed and created a snowball in the palm of his hand, which he handed to her. “Throw it at me.”
“Throw it at me.”
She took the snowball and lobbed it at him. It hit him in the chest and exploded into a shower of white-winged butterflies that sparkled as if encrusted with diamonds as they fluttered all about the room. She couldn't keep the amazement from her voice as she murmured, “How did you do that?” 
“I already told you.”
“They’re so pretty.”
“Do you prefer white? Or perhaps purple?” He didn’t wait for her response, but wiggled his fingers and the butterflies sparkled like rich amethysts. “Perhaps green?” Sparkling emeralds darted about the room.
“Perhaps multicolor?” The swarm became a kaleidoscope of brilliant, shimmering butterflies. Then, with a wave of his hand, they all vanished. “And to answer the rest of your question, I thought everything was as it should be. Asgard believes me to be dead. I assume the other realms do as well. But then, the Chitauri appeared. I couldn’t take the chance I might be discovered, and since I couldn’t access the Bifrost, I had to find other, less secure means to take my leave of Asgard. And that’s when I crashed into your flat.”
“Why did they believe you to be dead?” 
McKenna refilled her wine glass and as she reached to fill his, he held up a hand. “Thank you, but no.” She set the bottle down and took her glass as he added, “Because I let them think so. Thor believes I sacrificed myself on Svartalfheim and I let them all think it. I avenged my mother’s murder and it was either let everyone believe I was truly dead or spend an eternity in Asgard’s dungeons.”
“Because of what happened in New York?”
He nodded. “Because of what happened in New York.”
“And yet, here you are and I’m not dead. Amazing.” Her words softened, running into one another as the wine hit her hard.
“I’ve no cause to kill you.”
“I’m glad to hear it.” She sank back against the arm of the sofa. “Our clothing suits you, Mr. Loki. Jeans look wonderful on you.”
“I think you’ve had a bit too much wine, Miss…” He frowned. “Have you a surname?”
“Miss Carlin.” He smiled as she fought to keep her eyes open. He rose from the table and slid his arms beneath her, one under her knees, the other about her waist, and lifted. She was not quite as light as she looked, but she wasn’t exactly heavy, either. 
She didn’t fight him, but looped an arm about his neck, murmuring, “The room is spinning…” as he carried her back to her room and balanced her against his hip as he freed one hand to tug down her blankets.
He shifted her back, and bent to gently place her on the bed’s left side. Her hold on him tightened, and she whispered, “Please stay…”
“No. That wouldn’t be wise,” he replied, reaching up to peel her hand from his shoulder, where her grip was like iron. But he managed to free himself and he straightened, pulling the sheet and blanket up to her chin. “Perhaps another night, McKenna. But not this one.”
Her eyes were already closed, a breathy sigh floating up from her lips as she snuggled down into the pillow. Cinder hopped up to curl into a ball on her other side and Loki stood there for a while, he knew not how long, and watched her sleep.
In sleep, she looked so young. The day’s cares and worries faded from her face. Her blonde hair spilled across the pillow, glinting in the glow of the nightlight plugged into the outlet next to  her bed. She was a lovely creature. As beautiful on the inside as she was on the outside.
“Sleep well, McKenna Carlin. Sleep well.”
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bonesandthebees · 11 months
Then we have Quackity. And having reread the prequel, this is the second time Wilbur almost gets screwed up by the light from the windows messing with his vision. If I had a nickel… and so on.
Anyway, they are friends! (And probably doing some may or may not be joking flirting.) It’s amazing how fast the light air disappears when Quackity tries to get info about the announcement and Wilbur won’t show his cards. To Quackity Wilbur is just playing coy or showing loyalty. While Wilbur just does not want Quackity to know that he doesn’t know because of all the aforementioned implications.
[He wanted Quackity to be successful. Just not as the future King.] Sums up how Wilbur views Quackity pretty well. He doesn’t hate or even dislike him. He’s just in the way of Niki’s success, and Wilbur does want to see Niki succeed very badly. Both because she’s his friend and because it’s a guaranty to his position as future consul. Wilbur even says he admires Quackity’s skill as a leader and his willingness to take risks.
He also says that his wit is on par with his own, which Quackity sees too. [But I want you to know that there can still be a place for you here, regardless of how things shake out tonight.”] You could take this as either 1. Quackity’s faith in Wilbur’s ability to be a good consul because he’s obviously trained to be, 2. Quackity’s believe that Wilbur is useful to have around because of personal knowledge about his skill set. 3. Quackity wanting to keep Wilbur around because they are friends or most likely 4. A combination of all of these.
There’s also the nod during dinner (or more like right before the announcement), which feels like an acknowledgement that even though Wilbur is sitting at Niki’s side, he still has a place with Quackity. Because Quackity full believes it to be the announcement and thinks he will ‘win’ on top of that.
Also, side note cuz this probably won’t fit anywhere else, but we haven’t really seen a lot of Niki and Quackity together, so I can’t guess too much about their relationship, BUT he did talk to her about to announcement after(?) the dinner. They do talk, which means they are at least on okay terms, which means Phil’s plan to have them know each other is kinda working (except for the part where both of them think they are entitled to be the heir and a third dog is about to arrive to get the bone.)
BACK TO THE SPRUCE ROSE ASKS it's been a hot minute oops
hehe yeah the light in wilbur's eyes definitely isn't going to come back not at all nope
they're friends!! one of the things i'm most excited about with rose!tntduo is how their relationship is going to change over the course of the fic. they start out as childhood friends who, yes have this sense of rivalry always hanging over them, but it's never been too invasive. because while the choosing sides between quackity and niki existed, it wasn't fully there yet. choices like that didn't have to be made as children. but as the stakes get higher...
wilbur also admires quackity a lot. like niki is his best friend, his closest confidant besides his father, and the one who has promised him power for years now. so of course he's going to stay loyal to her. but he respects quackity and his intelligence. and quackity feels the same way about wilbur. despite the fact that wilbur is loyal to niki, quackity knows that since there's no true animosity between them, if he gets chosen as heir wilbur would be a powerful ally to hold onto. and also again, that's his friend! he wants wilbur to stick around.
you'll learn a bit more about quackity and niki's dynamic as the story develops, but yeah, right now the two of them are on pretty good terms. yes they're competing for the title of heir, but it's kind of a 'may the best man win' deal. they've grown up with each other, and have a lot of respect for the other as a result. while the trio of niki, wilbur, and quackity was never a proper 'trio', the three of them definitely snuck out into the palace gardens one night with a stolen bottle of wine and got drunk together.
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milonavarroo · 2 years
in character task 01: initial sit downs
Milo sat down in the uncomfortable chair across the desk from the two officers, looking between them. Feeling unimpressed, and annoyed that he was even being bothered with this. Did they really have to question every single person on campus? If he knew where Greer was she'd fucking be here. "Can we make this go fast? I'm supposed to be at practice, training my new partner. And she needs the help," he said, resting his hands neatly in his lap.
"Of course Mr. Navarro. We just have a few questions, if you don't mind answering them."
"I don't, I want to find Greer as much as anyone," he said. Trying to look assuring that despite the fact he didn't want to be here, it had nothing to do with him hiding anything.
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“When did you last speak to Greer?”
"We talked when we were gathering our tennis equipment, and schedule for that summer. When training would take place, and any matches we had over the next few months. She didn't show up to any of it, of course."
“When did you last actually see Greer?”
"I saw her around campus the day I was leaving."
“How well did you know Greer?”
"Well enough. She probably knew me better than I knew her, she was that sort of person. Good at getting others to talk, while not doing any talking herself. We met the summer before Freshman year, during summer training for Tennis. Picking partners is very important if you are playing doubles. You want to pick someone you're going to work well with. We were partnered together the first round, and decided to stick with each other after that. There was no need to play with anyone else. We've been close since then."
“What was your relationship with Greer like?”
"We're both strong personalities," he said, with a quirk of his eyebrow. How was he supposed to explain this without coming across like he'd done something, just because him and Greer butted heads sometimes. Better to be honest rather than someone else tell them and seem like he was hiding something. "I consider Greer a close friend of mine, one of the people I was closest with on campus most likely, but that doesn't mean we always got along. We worked impeccably well, we spent a lot of time together on campus and on the road when Tennis was in season. We also argued like friends do, but I fight with everybody, so that's just how it is sometimes."
“Have you heard or seen anything about where she was this summer?”
"No. The dozens of scathing texts I sent her for flaking this summer should be indication of that."
“You wouldn’t have wanted Greer to disappear, would you?”
"No offence but is anyone going to say yes to this? If someone really wanted her to disappear do you expect they're just going to say 'yeah you caught me'. I guess probably not... No, I didn't want her to disappear. She was my tennis partner for one thing, you know how hard it is to find a good tennis partner? Like, good god. I was lucky enough to find someone who matched my skill and passion for the sport like Greer did during my first year. Now she's gone, and I'm fucked because I haven't been practicing with other people. Listen, if I have to explain to you how and why it's difficult to find a new partner we're already losing the game, Sir. Anyway, I'm getting off the point. The point is, no, I didn't want her to disappear. I don't want her to be gone. I'd like for her to tell someone where she is and when she'll be fucking back. But nobody matters to Greer except Greer, so I don't think she'll be to bothered."
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Does anyone else think the Chucky series is really ooc or is it just me?
I’ll be honest I haven’t watched any full episodes because I don’t have cable or a subscription option to watch the show and I haven’t had the time to actually find a bootleg website to watch it lol so I can’t say I know everything about the show lmao but yeah. I have watched LOTS of clips on YouTube so I know kinda what’s going on for the most part.
I just think that the characters (the old ones not the new of course lol) are really ooc to me. Like Chucky just wants to take over the world like an evil villain now? Okay then? You do you I guess? Andy, Kyle, Nica, and even Eddie in the flashbacks didn’t bother me though. They all seem pretty in character (also we don’t know anything about Eddie Caputo except that he was Chucky’s best friend and partner in crime in Child’s Play so we can assume he’s just as messed up and crazy as he is. So that’s why I’m not super bothered by his character. Also I’m glad we FINALLY got some background info on Chucky and how he met Eddie and Tiffany but anyways) but Tiffany, Glen, and Glenda’s characters really felt ooc and so did their relationships.
Like the twins don’t remember Chucky? And Tiffany told them he was a deadbeat who left them? (Okay well that I can understand because she was kinda pissed at Chucky at the end of Seed, but it seemed like they made up when Curse and Cult happened, y’know? But yeah Chucky loved his kids. He wasn’t the best dad ever, but he tried to get along with them and wanted what was best for them at the time just like Tiffany did). Anyways, like did they get amnesia or something because you’d think they’d remember everything that happened during Seed even after getting separate bodies and being human babies and all that? Like we’ve seen at the end of Seed that Glen still remembers their mom as Tiffany and their dad as Chucky after 8 years of being human. Glen even received Chucky’s arm as a gift for their 8th birthday and kept that picture of them and Chucky all those years. I mean, yeah that could’ve been some kinda supposed nightmare scene but even still that shows proof Glen remembered who their parents really were as a human, so y’know…that’s really weird that they just randomly forgot? I can understand Glenda not remembering much since they were kinda in the background of Glen’s mind, but would come out when wanting to commit violent acts. I mean, we even hear Glenda say they remember killing Joan in Seed of Chucky, but they think it’s some reoccurring nightmare/messed up memory. Like I said, I get that, Glen was mainly in control for most of the movie so that would make sense, Glen forgetting though, does NOT make sense. And you’d think if they did remember that they’d tell their sibling because they obviously are super close in the series (which is really awesome because even I assumed that the twins would have contrasting personalities and dislike each other lol) and tell each other everything. Oh also Chucky NEVER called Glen or Glenda “Shitface” that was Glen’s “name” given to them by that goth British “ventriloquist” (I think his name was Psychs?) before they actually got named by Chucky (and Tiffany). Chucky laughed at their name when they introduced themselves, but he NEVER called them that. In fact, he wanted to give Glen a name so he wouldn’t have to call his own kid “Shitface”. It was never an “affectionate nickname”. I think they just wanted to make a reference to Seed of Chucky by making another plot hole lmao.
Also the twins don’t know about Tiffany being a murderer or that she’s actually Tiffany and not Jennifer Tilly? She most likely still killed even while the kids were growing up and they probably would’ve noticed right? And yeah Tiffany was still acting like and being referred to as Jennifer Tilly since she took over her body, but she was still Tiffany y’know? She still had her Tiffany traits. And y’know Glen should remember that their mom’s name was Tiffany and their dad was Chucky and all that. I mean, Glenda watched Tiffany kill that nanny at her birthday party at the end of Seed and Glen’s whole deal was that they hated killing and violence while their parents killed people, you’d think they both would remember that right? Nope guess not, random amnesia for the twins for dramatic plot purposes I guess?
Also Tiffany’s toxic relationship with her kids is SO ooc for her! She’s such a horrible mom to them which is like a total 180 from the kind of mom she was in Seed. She was so kind and caring and affectionate and always tried to think of Glen’s (and Glenda’s) needs before her own even if that meant to stop doing what she loved (which was killing of course). I mean, yeah she had the whole thing about Glen being a girl and all that (of course that was a different time in 2004 so being non binary and queer wasn’t widely accepted yet) but other than that she was a really good mom to the twins even after they were born (as humans) and she always dreamed of settling down and having a family (she even felt that way in Bride of Chucky, wanting to marry Chucky and have kids with him). So why is she so awful now? Is it because her kids are grown now so she can act however she wants or something? Idk that’s just really weird to me that she’s like super selfish and not the sweet and loving mom she used to be.
The only other thing that bothers me is Tiffany’s relationship with Chucky. Like yeah we’ve seen in past movies that their relationship can be pretty toxic sometimes (or most times), but for the most part they adore each other and they’re basically soulmates lol. I mean Chucky eloped with her in Bride when he was acting like a total ass the whole time, that says something doesn’t it? He loves her and she’s just as crazy about him, they’re just mentally unhinged and psychos so they tend to argue and fight a lot (they also have big personalities too so they kinda clash sometimes). Idk I just miss Chucky and Tiffany being in love with each other like in Seed and Bride. I wish they’d bring that side of their relationship back because it was really nice to see and the fans love it tbh like Chiffany is A LOT of people’s OTP so I guess that says something too lol they’re like Bonnie and Clyde or I guess more like a Harley and Joker but less psychologically abusive lol
Oh also, Tiffany would NOT call the cops on Chucky the night he got murdered. That’s just not like her. She’s always been ride or die for him. I mean she even collected papers about his murders and him getting gunned down after he died. Maybe she was super guilty and started obsessing over him because she got him killed? Idk. Also wasn’t it Sarah that called the cops on him because he was holding her (and I guess Barbara when she wasn’t at daycare) captive and he was away getting her more sunflowers? Also that whole plot also feel just a tad ooc to me. So Chucky was cheating on Tiffany the whole time because he met a hot milf at a bbq? Idk that just doesn’t seem like Chucky. I mean he was out there trying to act like such a loving husband and family man to her when he despised the thought of marriage and kids for the longest time with Tiffany (y’know until it ended up happening anyways lol). That’s weird right? Is it because Tiffany’s just like him and he wants someone innocent like Sarah? I doubt it tbh. Also Eddie was there as a get away driver for Chucky the night he got shot so you’d think he just killed someone with him, y’know? Why would Eddie be there while he was hanging out with Sarah? Was he his ride or something? Because Chucky said he was gonna pick up Barbara from daycare, but Sarah told him to stay and the cops ended up coming (because Sarah most likely called them while Chucky was out). Now I did notice that Sarah was gagged and chained to the bed/couch/table thing she was laying on so maybe that’s why she supposedly didn’t call the cops, but it’s weird that the cops showed up THERE and that Sarah stalled him long enough for the cops to get there. Or did Tiffany know about him and Sarah and knew where he’d be? She was apparently pissed that he killed someone while she was at the store and she thought killing was “their thing” so it was practically like cheating on her, but there was never any mention of another woman he was cheating on her with, so yeah. Idk that whole plot is just so weird to me
Anyways, as you can see there’s lots of plot holes in this show (and pretty much in the newer movies too lol) that honestly made me not want to try and watch it now and the characters are just too ooc for my liking. Imma just stick with my version of the Ray family if you don’t mind lmaoooo
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toa-kirhan · 2 years
First time watching ToH S1E11 (Sense and Insensitivity). Thoughts below:
Detailed thoughts:
It’s nice to see King open up to Luz again about his dreams and insecurities, as well as apologizing for his actions, something we haven’t seen since E4 and under very different circumstances.
Back then, King apologized to Luz that his help on how to perform magic didn’t work. This time, King apologized to Luz for actually wronging her, but unlike last time, Luz has already started to make progress on her dream of becoming a witch, while King is in the same spot as before, clasping at any opportunity to feel special, to be special, no matter how small it is. Even proving that he’s better than the children that people treat him as is a win in his book.
It was also nice to see the two Clawthorne sisters interact with each other again. The last time Eda and Lilith were together (barring that time Luz body swapped with Eda) was back during the Covention, an event dedicated to one of the main ideological differences b/w them that unsurprisingly leads to conflict.
Here, we get a better view of what the dynamics between the two sisters is really like, or at least, what it used to be like. While Eda has plenty of reasons to beat Lilith to the Bloom of Eternal Youth, the reason she gives isn’t to stop the Emperor from gaining immortality or gaining it for herself, but to prove to her sister that she isn’t frail and weak, that her curse, as debilitating as it can be sometimes, is no reason to coddle or underestimate her.
Even though the two are on opposite sides from each other, the competing adventure between them to claim the Bloom of Eternal Youth was enough to reaffirm their sisterly bond, something that Lilith evidently had her doubts about.
Luz is still a good bean.
General thoughts:
Book fair!
“Where books come to life?” Wasn’t that 4 episodes ago?
I want to read My Boyfriend from Tartarus (or at least, I think I do).
A writing competition you say? Well, NaNoWriMo is right around the corner. Not exactly a competition (except against yourself and time).
Also, Luz’s relatability has increased dramatically for me over the course of this one episode.
John de Plume looks and sounds like an Ace Attorney villain.
Go get it nose girl!
Lilith? What’s she doing here in my book fair episode?
There sure are a lot of con artists in the Boiling Isles, Adegast, Tibbles, Map to the Bloom of Eternal Youth merchant...
Ain’t nothing wrong w/ writing a pair of self-inserts. A good story is a good story.
Demon typewriter is the type of friend we all want to have.
Luz is a natural shipwright.
Is this the first multi-day story? If the elixirs are starting to lose effect then how’s Eda going to manage w/o them? Or are we holding off on that idea for another episode?
I would make a joke about Piniet being an obviously evil book publisher, but I don’t know any.
Tour de Horse is an excellent pun.
Get it nose girl, get it!
Eda’s got a magic machete! Does that fall under illusion magic too or something else?
What happened to Steve? Was he just there to help Lilith buy a map?
Demon typewriter best character!
It’s neat to see Boscha here. I didn’t pin her as a big reader.
It’s hard to believe that Luz was able to put on a brave face and attend the party of someone who plagiarized her just because they’re her friend, but I’m really glad that Luz stood up for her work.
“Hemming... hawing...”
Shout out to the Owl House for standing up against crunch time.
Very sweet moment b/w Luz and King. The only thing I put in my notes for this scene was: ;v;
I’m sure there’s some symbolism here, but Lilith and Eda’s motifs seem to be eagles and owls.
Nose girl finally winning!
“Pachoo! Pachoo!”
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