#except not really cause Benni doesn't care too much about him
im-no-jedi · 2 years
Benni my boy, my son, my problem child, I love you dearly, truly I do
but unfortunately I cannot bring you home with me, I’m so sorry 😞
and since the show provided me with no other named characters besides Drake
I’m afraid I must take matters into my own hands 😤
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allied-mastercunt · 4 months
Yandere AM is cruel. But what kinds of yanderes would the main 5 be? Who would be safer to be with? (Plot twist it's neither of them/hj)
i love how since you don't know me well, you assume that the very mild version of yandere AM i showed so far is cruel to you.
The Five as yanderes
Ellen (book leaning)
The emotional type.
Ellen is the only one who kept some of her humanity. She still cares about the others. And she cares about you so, so much... All because you've shown her kindness the others don't show her anymore.
No, to the others, she's scum. She's aware of that. She knows they only really bother to take care of her because she let them all use her body. She's accepted that it was her only real value for the rest of the group. Well, maybe except for Benny, Benny was nice to her most of the time.
But you? You felt bad for how the others treated her. You offered her a shoulder to cry on. You offered to hold her, let everything out. And she missed being loved. She missed being cared for and held.
She becomes addicted to it. To you. She wants all of your attention, all of your affection, all of your love.
She'll scream. She'll cry. She'll beg.
She loves you. She needs you.
And she'll do anything in her power to make sure she gets you.
Gorrister (game and book mixed)
The wifebeater violent type.
There's very little left of what Gorrister used to be. A once passionate man who then lost himself, first to how his life turned out and then to that damn computer. He was now heartless, both literally and figuratively.
And yet, it would seem a certain kind of passion was... re-awakened in Gorrister. All because of your sweet self.
You tried so hard to reach inside him again. To try and find the man he once was. You could say you succeded, in a way. A very hurtful way, sadly.
Gorrister was now an angry man with an unhealthy attachment to you. He wanted you all to himself, no matter what he'd have to do to keep the small spark of light in his life.
And if beating you was the only way to get you to work with him? That's what he's gonna do, darling.
Ted (book and game mixed)
The manipulative type.
Ted is an expert at lying and manipulating people for his advantage. Especially now. He's a charmer, really! And you're just so easy for him, so nice, so sweet... He loves it.
He manages to wrap you around his little finger. He'll convince you that he's your knight in shining armor, that he's your only real friend, that you can depend on him, that he'll protect you...
He's your only friend around there, really! The only person you can really trust!
He's possessive and has a tendency to objectify his partners. Especially women. His mind was a truly dark place now, seeing as he barely respected anyone at this rate. You have to listen through his rants about how all the others are affected by AM and how he's the only sane one. He'll insult everyone, you included.
And then he'll gaslight you into thinking he's right and that you're slowly losing your mind because of AM. He's your only true beacon of hope, your only link to sanity.
And you'll do everything for him, won't you?
The worshiping type.
Poor Benny doesn't really understand love anymore, due to all the damage AM caused to his brain. But he understands all the kindness you've shown him. He knows you were the one who comforted him through all the pain caused by that damn machine.
Especially since you'd try to chase after him and help save him from more pain. You did your best for him, and he took your kindness when he could, his brain warping it into a worship-like obsession.
It starts off innocent. If he managed to find something "nice", he'd bring it to you. He would follow you, seek you out, do anything for your attention to be on him exclusively, even if he had to pull you away from the others and hold you down to cuddle him.
And he's very physically strong. He's not letting go, you're the most important person in his life, after all. The others need to learn that, too. Or he'll use those teeth AM gave him to rip their guts out.
But hey, their hearts would be a great offering for you.
To show just how great his love to you is.
The twó-faced type.
He's an old man who barely remembers anything about his past. You naturally want to help him, don't you? Of course you do, you're such a kind person...
But the truth is, even without his memory, you can never take the cruelty out of a monster. And he worked with doctor Mengele himself, he may not be as bad as the Angel of Death himself, but he's definitely no saint.
For you, though, he's just a poor old man that AM torments alongside the others. But the others...?
Well, he might not remember what he did, but he sure remembers how to be a scary motherfucker and how to form his incredibly detailed, whispered threats to make them all leave you alone. And of course, he will make those threats come true if needed.
You have no clue, of course. You think he's a sweet old man, the only one who's actually nice to you, unlike the others who push you away.
And the others... they get to see his true colors.
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littleferal · 3 years
every time i see a thot post of yours im just like... oh no
anyway i believe that santi is both a fan of edging and being edged 😌 like imagine him looking up at you as he gets lost in the sauce, appreciating how gone you are and the tight hold you have on his hair, tugging every time he pulls away. BUT!!! also the way he laughs all breathy when you turn it around on him, shuddering with every teasing lick -- strap anon LMAO
hahaha you're welcome 😌
mmmmmmhhhhmmmmmmmmm. though i personally feel like it'd be more of doing the edging rather than being edged (at least initially, cos oh boy does a bish wanna top that man) cos it's all about control to him. although i should stress it's not control of you (or any of his other loves), this isnt an ego boost thing, it's a controlling himself thing cos otherwise he's just gonna lose it and he cant do that. so usually he prefers a harder, quicker fuck.
but. you know.
frankie has a way of methodically sneaking past his defences until it's both - a hard fuck but it's drawn out and the wait is wiping his brain. because frankie has to prep him properly - of course mr big dicked does, so stop bitchin' santi. then he's gotta go slow just because and the next thing santi knows it's a confusing mix of tender, slow thrusts balls-deep, and a sharp sting where frankie's got a grip in his hair and teeth against his ear, completely embracing him. it's all the details that get santi overwhelmed - frankie's larger form hot across his back, his sharp teeth but tender tongue and words. how one hand can hold him so safe but the other drags him whichever way frankie wants. they way frankie teases santi like he teases no one else because frankie - only frankie - can go toe to toe with santi without missing a beat, santi doesn't get a choice in being overwhelmed but in the end he doesnt. fucking. care.
and benny has an honesty about him that's there's just no way santi's defences cant fall. how can you really tease benny when it just rolls right off him? because yes he is enjoying this, yes he does want that, benny isn't hesitant or embarrassed in the slightest. so maybe it's quick but it's so overwhelming, it's too much, too good and shit wasn't santi trying to be in charge at the start? except it's all he can do now to stop from cumming so fast, so hard that it hurts a bit that santi ends up edging himself just by pulling benny off him. and benny's fuck drunk expression with spit and pre-cum dripping down his chin doesnt help santi in the slightest, god forbid frankie decides to get involved and take control.
or the way you're a disarming mix of soft and sharp, your curves giving under his hands but you're own gripping his curls til he has no choice but to yield his neck to you. surely santi can let you have just a moment? and then another. just one more to be nice to you. but the next thing he knows all he can think about is that he really just wants to get fucked, please keep doing this.
and and and i was supposed to be talking about being edged. woops. so let's just consider that for a moment, cos it's one of the ways santi shows his love - overwhelming you with drawn out pleasure, some part of his insecurity signalling up in a tiny voice with stay stay stay. so he tries to make it last as long as possible. wants you to pull him in close, the sharp tug at his hair sending a flare of pride coursing along right next to his desire causing a heady mix and a teeth baring grin against your neck.
sometimes it's what he wants cos honestly santi is so fucking filthy and he fucking loves pussy. the guys don't get wet like you, cant soak him like you, dont smell like you, he'd be down there drawing it out for his own pleasure at times. other times he's smug with it by the way it builds his confidence that he - only he - can do this to you. but if you were to ask him for it, ask him specifically? he's so fucking tender, he would give you anything for however long you wanted.
talk to me 🌙
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dreams-of-wings · 5 years
Being a part of the Core VK's, and daughter to Hades
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Relationships with the Core Four:
You and Mal are half sisters - same dad, different moms. Mal hated you for a long time, even when she had yet to meet you, she knew of you and that made her blood absolutely boil. You were the daughter Hades raised, while he just left her and her mother. You both eventually get along, and once you do, you're inseparable, as thick as thieves, partners in crime, the works.
Evie thinks you're cool. She doesn't have a problem with you- then again I don't think she has a problem with anyone really. She likes your style, she wouldn't wear it, but she likes it because you work it and make it look good. She gets to know you more when you and Mal start hanging out and she kinda becomes like your sister as well.
Jay thinks you're awesome. He witnessed your hair burst into flames one day when someone pissed you off, trying to steal something your rightfully *coughcough* found. Definitely asked you about your powers and wondered why you could still use magic. It was kinda hard to explain, but basically on the island you can only do a few things - all of which require direct contact. Lounging/parkour buddy.
Okay, but please tell me why the thought of harmless, got bullied a lot, soft boy Carlos/intimidating, protective Daughter of Hades, just makes me melt. Like, you save his ass a lot. You knew Carlos before you knew the rest of the core four - back when it was Mal and Jay, Evie did her own thing, and Carlos was just kinda left to fend for himself. It's okay though, you'll protect him.
No one knows who your mother is
Not you
Not Mal
Not even Maleficent
Hades doesn't like to talk about her
She died before you had the ability to retain memories
She wasn't the first or the last of the people that were claimed by the terrible conditions of the Island of the Lost.
Medical care wasn't exactly top notch, and no one really cared about the ones who passed the first few years.
Just ment more supplies for the rest of them
You weren't allowed to wander the isle as a child, he kept you locked away - worried Maleficent might try something (and worried that if anyone found out about you being his daughter, they would have something over his head).
It was thanks to Hades tucking you away, that Maleficent was never able to find you.
You started sneaking out when you turned 10
You proved you could handle yourself, so Hades let you run free.
Besides 10 years had passed since you were born and he figured maybe Maleficent didn't care about you anymore.
It took you and Mal a while to trust eachother.
When you trusted her enough, you told her about your dad.
She didn't say anything and just left you - she was so angry and conflicted, on one hand she wanted to hate you because you were the child Hades' stuck around for, the one he raised, and fathered, and protected from Maleficent.
After a few weeks she found you in your own little corner if the island you carved for yourself, and explained everything.
Suprise, you're sisters!
Evie knows you're sisters
To be honest, you could be leader of their group, and also could be considered one of the most problematic kids on the Island, but you're too laid back.
You could go out of your way to cause trouble and make life on the island even more miserable than it already is.
But that takes too much effort.
Uma and Harry have no beef with you other than the fact that you're Mal's friend.
They try to get you to join their crew almost daily.
"Nah, you guys are good at what you do without me."
You're welcome at Ursula's fish and chips any time.
Uma doesn't even find your rejection insulting, you're just. So chill?
Her crew has rules, training, errands to run, collecting protection fees, and helping her at her mother's restuarant.
No thanks
Too much work
You like Mal's mom's way of doing things, "When you're evil, doing less is doing more."
Mal's crew just kinda hangs out together and roams the island being cats basically - lounging and loitering where you're not supposed to, subtly stealing things, knocking things over, just chilling and having fun doing whatever you want.
Your kinda crew.
When they go to Auradon, they take you with them
You weren't invited because again - no one knows who your parents are.
But you guys are kinda a package deal.
Ben was all for it when they called him.
"The more the merrier!"
He thought it was just an early sign that this was a great idea and he was making a difference.
You dont get to say bye to your dad because it was a very last minute thing.
You just kinda disappear.
But to be honest he's used to you just not showing up for weeks or even months at a time.
It's the reason why you were able to keep who your father is a secret for so long.
You come out the limo looking as cool as a cucumber, with your arms crossed as you stand next to Mal.
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"This is more than you said there would be!" Fairy Godmother is not so subtly whisper-yelling at Ben.
"They wouldn't come without her- it was all of them, or none of them."
"Well maybe that should have been a sign, Benny-boo!"
"You know we can still hear you," you say while purposely chewing your gum in an obnoxious manner, just to get on their nerves.
They're already getting on yours.
In all seriousness, you whisper a, "Just say the word and she's toast," to Mal.
Screw Audrey.
Of course they split you all up for the most part.
They're worried if they put all the VK's together in one class, it may be too much for the teachers to handle.
They're not wrong.
To be honest though, you're a handful all on your own.
Your teachers wonder how things managed to burst into flames for no apparent reason all through out class.
Some jerks thought it would be okay to pick on Carlos when Jay isn't around him.
For some reason they think that just because your a girl, you're weak?
Must be the stupid "princely boy needs to save the day" mentality that runs rampant in Auradon.
You set someone's hair on fire.
And someone else duffle bag.
This would probably be a good time to mention that the VK's already know you can conjure fire.
They just think that your parent/parents are witches and you just have an affinity for fire.
Carlos normally either sticks to you or Jay when he isn't practicing with Ben.
You dont see your fathers statue in the hall of villains when you guys break into the museum - mostly because he's in another hall completely.
There's a whole hall dedicated to God's and goddesses as well as Hercules story.
You dont bother to offer up your powers when you're escaping, you know Mal's got it covered.
Helping Mal bake love potion cookies.
While the others are doing this because their parents would have their necks, you're genuinely doing this for your father. You know all he wants is to get off the island.
Causing a small lawn fire when the Sleeping Beauty's family and Chad get in Mal's face.
Your bursted into blue flames when Maleficent crashed Ben's coronation.
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Having Mal's back after she was announced to become a new Lady of the Court.
Honestly you dont know what the big deal is about Mal using her magic.
Of course you go with Evie, Ben, Carlos, and Jay when they go to the isle to get Mal.
When Evie goes to talk to Mal you go visit your father.
He's a bit upset with you because he's seen you on TV so he knows you left.
But he can understand you not wanting to be trapped on this island forever.
"I'll find a way to get you out, soon."
"Say 'hello' to Mal for me"
Of course you couldn't.
Harry flirting with you and trying to recruit you again when he snags Ben.
When the battle at the docks ensues, you dont need a sword to fight.
Like Hades with his Ember, and like Mal and her Mother with their eyes, you dont need magic to use your flames because they are a part of you.
Sure the island managed to hold you back, but you can bring just enough to the surface to make any sword you grab on to too hot to handle.
Your powers are useless against Uma when she crashes cotillion.
You know, being surrounded by water and all.
"See ya, Y/N."
"See ya, Uma."
Surprisingly hard for you to make enemies
Except for Audry you know.
Of course you are Mal's planned maid of honor for her wedding.
Evue already has a dress made for you, and it was super hard for her not to gush to Mal about it because that would have given away the suprise.
You pretending to be defenceless against Hades when you all go to pick up the next chosen VK's to come to Auradon.
You keep your flames concealed of course because this would be a terrible time to show that both you and Hades share the same flaming blue hair.
You honestly surprised no one put two and two together sooner.
Definitely not there for the meeting where Mal decides to close the barrier for good.
But you were there for when Mal told Evie.
You were also the first to figure out Mal was hiding something. She wouldn't tell you right out though, but you knew something was up because that pause to answer Evie was too long.
Going back to the isle with the others to get Hades ember after Audrey turn Mal old.
"Hey girls~" was the greeting you both got from Hades when Mal tried to grab his Ember.
"Long time no see, Y/N."
Mal just glares at him.
You sit on the table where the Ember was while you let Mal and Hades have their little musical number. Mal kinda let her anger come through.
"Hey!" You would not be dragged into this, thank you.
You went to stand next to Mal when she asked for the Ember one final time and looked at your father with a shit eating grin, because you know deep down he won't say no to his girls.
"The Ember won't work for you."
"Yes it will. We're blood."
"You're only half Hades."
"Well then I guess two halves make a whole, right?"
"Those are my girls~"
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You, Mal, and Uma joining together to break Audrey's attempt to keep you guys trapped in the cabin.
Helping Evie be the peace keeper when you all battle the suits of armor in Ben's castle.
You chase after Uma and Harry when Mal breaks the news about the barrier.
Which means you didn't get turned to stone.
Helping Uma reignite the Ember so Mal can take on Audrey.
Telling Mal you want to go back to the Isle along with Uma, Harry, Gil, and Celiea.
She's heart broken because you're her sister and it was kinda supposed to be you both against the world.
You can't turn your back on the kids from the isle. Like Mal, so many of the younger ones look up to you. On top of that you also can't imagine not ever seeing your dad again.
She understands, and when Hades comes to wake up Audrey, you go back to the Isle with your father.
You finally agree to join Uma's crew when you return.
Shes happy but also let's you know shes sorry you had to leave your sister.
You're hanging out with your new crew at the Fish and Chips when it's almost time for Mal to announce that they will be closing the Barrier forever.
You, Uma, Gil, and Harry are huddles up together around the TV.
But when Mal announces they will be opening the barrier for good you all cheer and you run to go get your dad.
Yay big family reunion!
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moishecampbell · 3 years
#and honestly imo had they actually followed up on how they set up the mark of cain arc in s9 this rs would've been much nastier but #they just nerfed sam and cas' rs in general. the half a glance beyond the ghostfacers affect we got in the sacrifice church scene.🤭🤭 - i know it's been a few days since you said this but would you mind elaborating? because i thought sam saying "another ANGEL?" in sacrifice was intriguing but then it was never followed up on so i tend to forget it even happened
hi thank you for asking even if i'm not sure if i'm enough of a sam expert to answer. it is a bit frustrating isn't it? i feel like the show - esp post gamble - is very aware of the fact that cas is there cause fans love him and doesn't see a point in making sam too antagonistic to him, so they don't let them have conflict even in situations where they should, which is. weird. [readmore as to not stick people's dashes sorry that this got a bit long and still a bit pointless]
on a more personal note - the reason i love that line is cause like a lot of people i'm a little unsatisfied by the way s5 resolves the s4 conflict. one of the points was that just like sam was being manipulated by hell, dean was being manipulated by heaven into mistrusting him (dean also has his reasons for mistrusting ruby - "she seems to know everything about lilith but somehow neglected to mention she holds my deal" and him being back fresh from hell but i digress), and it kind of doesn't get a follow up - ig bc dean redeems himself by convincing cas to rebel and cas redeems himself by, well, getting blown up for the cause sdkfjfs so the fact heaven manipulated dean is pronounced in his hatred for them but we don't really get to see how sam feels about his brother choosing heaven over him (where dean's resentment of sam choosing ruby gets voiced. the issue of s5 pivoting from the conflict of s4 is a complicated in general, i'm not saying dean's treatment was fair)
idk if that's what he meant in the church scene tho, cause there is the more specific context of sacrifice and carver era sam which is. Well. All That. his resentment of crowley is more understandable between him being the king of hell and him manipulating dean into taking on the mark, but his resentment of benny is a little more complicated and i think if you look at it in the context of sam's carver era arc - esp s10 - it's about sam's guilt for being unable to save dean himself? which could explain his resentment of cas, cause cas also saved dean from hell when sam "couldn't". but also maybe sam just hates it when dean has friends who threaten their relationship lol i mean the "that's what makes you lose your chickens" line gets interpreted in fandom as crowley's dean derangement syndrome but i do think it was crowley taunting sam that dean is MY Bestie Now (And Not Yours Anymore). in general i think carver era was about how sam is kind of good at lying to himself about how much he needs dean but he pretty much goes off the rails during much of the mark of cain arc, which was the whole point (s10 sucked ass at exploring dean and his violence at least imo. it was more about pushing sam to see how far he'll go to save him - and tbh they kind of sucked at that too but the suicide house was fun. either way i think that relegating cas to sam's side kick through that was incredibly stupid considering ... everything about cas AND a missed opportunity for drama between them but eh). i feel like people tend to take sam at his word even when the show makes a point to show that he's a little clueless and that's how people get to the idea that sam is not as codependent as dean, but also the show itself forgets it a lot cause most of the writers just don't care to write sam as complicated and dark, EXCEPT for my insane friend jeremy mystery spot carver
so yeah sorry that this is long but doesn't say a lot. personally i am ALWAYS thinking about that line but that's bc when s8 was airing i really hated the purgatory storyline so i was elated when sam said that like YEAH FUCK THOSE GUYS fdlkjskjh
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bish-0-p · 3 years
🌹🌼 for whoever you'd like? 👀
Thanks so much for the ask! I think I'm gonna do this for all of my tagged Fallout OCs, cause I'm in that kind of mood.
🌹- What's this OC's biggest fear? Wanda's biggest fear for a long time was actually the sky. Growing up in a Vault, she was unused to the big, blue void being overhead all the time. For the first few months in the wasteland, she was terrified of sleeping out in the open, thinking that gravity would stop working and she'd float up into the sky. Now, that fear is nearly gone, but she still has days where she wakes up thinking she's falling in reverse. Though she would never admit it aloud, Molly is terrified of Deathclaws. When she and Kieran when to Concord, there was only one suit of Power Armor. Because she had experience piloting it, she was the one who went down while Kieran stayed up on the roof. The Deathclaw there managed to knock off her helmet and slash the side of her neck jut before it died. Now, a Deathclaw's roar makes her feel ill and shaky with nerves.
(More under the cut, to avoid this getting too long.)
Kieran doesn't necessarily fear anything in the wasteland more than anyone else, but he is terrified of flying. Heights he's fine with, but the thought of being suspended up above the ground, with nothing solid to hold him? No thank you. Ynes really, really hates cazadores. One time when they were a kid, a cazador snatched them up and nearly flew away with them. Luckily their mom was right there, but the fear never went away with age. Eliazar doesn't have any big wasteland fears, except for maybe feral ghouls. For him, his biggest fear is being alone. When Ynes went missing after they were shot by Benny, Eli was alone for weeks, and every moment of it was torture. He didn't let his cousin go for an entire hour when he found them again, fearing he was dreaming.
🌼- What's your favorite thing about this OC?
There's so many things to love about Wanda, but I think the trait I love about them the most is their compassion. Wanda definitely inherited her altruism from her parents. She wants to heal the world, just a little bit. That's why securing her father's legacy was so important to her.
I love how complicated Molly is as a person. On the surface, she's very standoffish, rude, and sometimes openly hostile. But she loves and loves deeply. She's so terrified of losing the people she cares about that she keeps them all at arm's length. The thing I love most about Kieran is his determination. He never stops trying, even if everyone else thinks he's crazy for doing so. Ynes' deep sense of community is the thing I love most about them. Despite the fact that their parents died years ago, they do their best to embody what they think they would want for them. Add in their unending loyalty to their cousin and friends? Gorgeous. This isn't exactly a positive or negative thing, but the thing that makes Eli so great is his habit of not thinking. He is very impulsive, and does something the moment he feels like it. That leads to a lot of trouble for him. But he always makes sure Ynes and their friends are okay, first. He's super protective, and that helps balance things out.
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