#Benni just kinda puts up with him really
im-no-jedi · 2 years
Benni my boy, my son, my problem child, I love you dearly, truly I do
but unfortunately I cannot bring you home with me, I’m so sorry 😞
and since the show provided me with no other named characters besides Drake
I’m afraid I must take matters into my own hands 😤
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lollibumblebee · 1 year
Hiii!! can i please request some dating minho headcannons, female reader? also including some spice/smut if you are comfy
alsoooo, first time requesting!
a/n: NP, here you go! takes place in the glade, b4 thomas
WARNINGS: spicy shit and smutty shit idk bro
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Since you are quite literally the only girl in the glade, all eyes are on you
whether in a romantic aspect or not, everyone adores you
Minho would tend to get a bit possessive.
Since he's always in the maze, he can't really see who's getting up close and personal (or trying to)
he would probably appoint threaten gally to watch out for you,
it works out since you're a builder and everyone is terrified of gally, and minho for that manner
the sheer amount of shouting matches and fights this man has gotten in because someone was hitting on you is unbelievable.
Alby can't even put him in the slammer cause that's his best runner
you guys were pretty close b4 you started dating,
like to the point where you would go off work early and wait for him at the entrance
gally ALWAyS shipped you guys (shocker) he didn't let it show, but he would let you go off work to wait for him and shit.
He confessed at a bonfire one random ass night
y'all ended up making out drunk as all get up behind the homestead
you guys didn't become official until months later
but you did have random make out sessions
Obviously, no one knew that was happening
good ol' Benny was tryna slide in and minho got PISSED
like there was an argument and punch on
in the med jacks later, he said that he loved u and wanted to make shit official.
When you guys go get to have quality time together, his hands are always on you, on your waist, around your shoulders, on your thighs, holding your hand, you name it.
You will be on his lap on bonfire night, I assure you
This man is obsessed with your thighs, he loves them so much
like when y'all are making out, he is grabbing them like no tomorrow.
Flirting bro
he loves it
even before you guys started dating, he would flirt to the ends of the earth,
This man has no problem making you all flustered and shi when he's flirting, but the moment you flirt back he is speechless, an absolute mess of a man.
he would be so top energy but the moment u grind on him, it's all over folks, he is WHIPPED
he is weirdly good at this type of shit, like
eating out king bro
loves to be in between your thighs
when you guys had your first time, he was on cloud nine bro
he hadn't even jacked off b4, and that kinda pleasure was unmatchable
let's just say minho is vocal, very vocal
everyone else is traumatised
I feel like he would love it when you sit on his face, and you pull his hair
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shockercoco · 3 months
An Honorary Member
Benny Cross x reader
Warnings - fluff, unwanted advances (like one), some swear words
Word count - 2768
a/n -  request: "please please PLEASE do something ANYTHING for benny cross x reader but reader is a sweetheart and is kinda just a goody two shoes..." read the rest of the request here. It's funny how many of your guys wanted this, and of course I had to deliver. I really enjoyed writing this and hopefully this meets your expectations. enjoy :)
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“Are you sure it’s okay that I’m coming?” you ask Kathy as she finds a spot on the crowded grass to park.
You look down at your baby pink top, jeans, and white shoes, beginning to second guess your outfit choice. Despite your outfit being basic, you still felt odd amongst all the leather and dark colors. Even Kathy wasn’t wearing anything bright.
“Of course it is. These people don’t care,” Kathy tells as she puts the car in park. “Plus, if it was a problem, Benny wouldn’t have asked you to come.”
Benny loved your outfits. He thought it made you stand out next to him, and he loved that.
“You and I both know he would’ve still invited me if it even if it was a problem,” you point out, causing her to laugh in response.
“Besides you haven’t been around the girls in a while and they're looking forward to seeing you again,” Kathy says.
All the commotion outside could still be heard loud and clear even through the closed windows. You knew about the people Kathy and Benny hung out with and their well known reputation – she was technically the one who introduced you to Benny.
It also wasn’t uncommon for you to see members of the club riding through the streets whenever you were out in public running errands, but you’ve never actually met them. Dating Benny and being friends with some of the guys’ girlfriends was the closest you have gotten to this world. Benny thought it was finally time you meet the club and he thought this outing was the perfect opportunity.
Kathy could see the look of uncertainty on your face as you looked down. “You look fine, don’t worry about it too much. These guys practically wear the same thing all the time, so who are they to judge? Now get the hell out of my car.”
Making sure to grab your homemade cookies from the backseat, you both start heading towards the group. It was your idea to bring the cookies, thinking that it would make it easier for the guys to like you if you brought something to offer. You kind of went overboard and made way too many, though.
As the two of you walk to the table where the girls are, you spot Benny at another table having a smoke and talking to some of the other members.
“You actually came,” one of the girls, whose name you unfortunately forgot, smiled. She jumps up to give you a hug, before taking the cookie-filled container out of your hands, “And you brought goodies.” 
“You would go straight for the food,” Kathy jokes as the girl sits down, allowing others to reach their hand into the container.
The girl shrugs. “Her cookies are the best.”
“It’s been so long since I’ve last seen you,” Gail, whose name you do remember, tells you. You go to sit down next to her, while Kathy sits across from you. “You should come riding with us one time.”
“You ride?” you ask her, your eyebrows raised.
“Well, no not me, but my boyfriend does,” Gail says.
You turn your head as she nods in what you're assuming is her boyfriend’s general direction, but all you notice is Benny walking towards the table.
Benny had noticed your arrival, but Johnny kept running his mouth and he couldn’t find the right time to get away. He eventually just decided to get up and leave because there was no telling if the conversation would ever end, and as of now you were more important to him.
When Benny had first met you it was outside of a bar that basically belonged to the Vandals. You were only there to drop off some money for Kathy for whatever reason because she couldn’t seem to get away.
You were hesitant at first because one: it was the middle of the night, and two: you would be going to a place where all the bikeriders hung out. A bar and a bunch of crazy men didn’t seem like the best combination and you didn’t even understand why Kathy would always go to such a place, but nevertheless she was your best friend, so you felt obligated to go.
You had barely entered the bar when Kathy had come running up to you and thanking you. You were about to tell her it was no problem – even though it most definitely was – but you got distracted by this man coming up behind her.
The tattoos and the unlit cigarette hanging from his lips should’ve been a turn off for you, but you couldn’t help but feel attracted to him. The hair, the way he walked, and the look in his eye just screamed confidence, and you found yourself not being able to look away from him. He gave you a smirk when his eyes found yours, and you immediately looked away as you felt embarrassment flow through your body. 
Yeah, you definitely had to leave.
“Did you want to stay for a drink?” Kathy asked you, breaking you from your thoughts.
“What? Oh, no I should get going. It’s late an–”
“Who’s this?” the man asks Kathy as he approaches the two of you, interrupting your sentence. He removes the cigarette from his mouth and stuffs his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket.
“This is my best friend,” Kathy looks up at him, “and she’s off limits.”
The guy laughs at her statement. “Aren’t you going to introduce me?” he asks her, but he’s looking at you. 
Kathy sighs as she rolls her eyes. “This is Benny,” she tells you before looking back at him, “but it doesn’t really matter because you’re leaving, aren’t you Benny.”
Well if Kathy doesn’t seem to like him, then neither should you. Right?
“Loosen up, Kathy.”
Kathy’s about to say something else, but someone calls her name. She looks behind her before looking back at you Benny. She hesitates for a second before sending Benny a glare and walking away.
“Isn’t it a little late for you to be out by yourself?” Benny asks, looking down at you and giving you this look. A look that gives you butterflies and makes you want to smile, but you resist. His gaze is intense.
“Yes, which is why I’m going home,” you tell him.
“Do you need a ride, I’m on my way out,” he raises an eyebrow. 
“No thanks, I drove here,” you answer.
“Hmm. Well I guess I’ll see you around then,” he smiles. He’s not asking, but telling you.
“I guess so,” you say. 
You don’t know if you’re waiting for him to leave or if he’s waiting on you to make a move first, but you both just stand there for a moment. You don’t know if it’s an awkward or comfortable silence between the two of you, but you can’t handle his eyes on you anymore.
Benny watches you give him a small smile before turning around and exiting the bar. He smiles to himself as he follows you out the door, taking his cigarette and lighter out of his pocket. He watches as you get into the car you parked on the side of the street and drive off, still looking down the street, even when you’re no longer in eyesight.
You were different from him, and he wasn’t sure if it was a good thing or bad thing, but he had to find out. You seemed so gentle and shy, unlike all the other girls that hang around at the bar. Benny felt drawn to you, even though the two of you had only talked for a couple of minutes. The fact that Kathy didn’t want him around  you only egged him on more.
He had to have you.
As you’re having a cup of coffee the next morning, you decide to look out one of your living room windows – something you always do. This time when you move the curtain aside, you almost drop the cup in your hand when you see Benny across the street. He’s leaning against his bike having a cigarette, and you’re wondering how the hell he found you.
And how long has he been out there?
You set your cup down on your living room table before opening the front door. Benny notices the door open and just smirks when he sees you walking down your front steps. He gets up from his position on the bike and walks towards you, flicking his cigarette on the ground.
“What are you doing here?” you ask him once you reach the bottom of your steps, and Benny is standing on the sidewalk. You wrap your sweater tighter around your body as the morning breeze blows past you.
You give him a once-over now that he’s standing in front of you and man does he look good. Why does he look so good? 
“Kathy gave me your address,” he tells you casually.
Your eyes nearly pop out of their head because that is so unlike her. “Are you serious?”
“Yeah,” he nods with amusement, “but don’t be mad at her, I kind of forced it out of her.”
“And you’re here because…?”
“Because I wanted to see you again. I’ve been thinking about you all night,” he tells you. Your heart drops and have to keep your jaw from hanging open because there’s no way.
You wait a second before asking, “How many girls have you said that too?” 
“One,” he smiles at you as he slowly walks towards you. “You.”
That was five weeks ago. You shouldn’t have fallen for that cheesy line, but you did, which is how you now find yourself at this picnic.
“Glad my girl came,” he whispers in your ear as he takes a seat next to you. He smirks as he notices goosebumps popping up along your arm.
“You two make me sick,” Kathy says, but there’s no animosity in her voice. She can’t help but smile as she looks between you and Benny because she’s never seen him like this. Before you, she’s never seen him so…in love. It’s obvious that you have him wrapped around your finger.
Some of the other girls around the table have smiles across their faces too as they witness the interaction too because they can also see the difference in Benny.
“Come on, I want you to meet some of the guys,” he tells you and you nod. He grabs your hand in his as he walks you towards the group of guys he had been talking to when you arrived, feeling kind of nervous as you see all of their eyes on you.
As you approach, one of the older men looks down at your hand connected with his and a grin slowly grows on his lips. He’s sitting at the table while the rest of them either stand around it, or sit on the table top.
“So this is your girl huh, the one you’ve been hiding from us?” the same guy asks.
Benny rolls his eyes. “This is Johnny, he’s in charge of the club.”
“Damn right I am, but that’s not important. It’s nice to finally meet you, sweetheart,” Johnny says as he leans forward and holds his hand out for you to shake. You give him a small smile as you accept his hand.
“We’re here too,” another guy says.
“That’s Cockroach,” Johnny tells you before introducing the rest of them, and pointing out some of the others that are walking around. “And this is Danny, he’s not like everyone else. He’s writing some kind of story or somethin’.”
You turn around to see a guy with a camera hanging around his neck approaching the group, a half eaten cookie in his hand. “Someone made cookies, you guys gotta try them.”
“And you didn’t bring us any? Not cool man,” Cal says.
“Didn’t you make those?” Benny looks down at you, nodding his head towards Danny’s hand.
“Um, yeah.”
“You bake?” Cockroach asks, and you nod.
“Well hand them over so we can try it before they’re all gone,” Johnny says, and you give him a nod before heading back towards the table where the cookies are.
As you’re walking, some drunk guy stumbles his way in front of you, almost bumping into you. Thinking nothing of it since a lot of the men around are wasted, you ignore him and try to go around him. The man doesn’t let you move far though as he grabs your arm and gives you a sly smile. Your face contorts in disgust and you try to jerk your arm away, but his grip is too tight.
“I haven’t seen you around here before, little lady. What’s your name?” he slurs, the smell of alcohol filling your nostrils.
“None of your business,” you tell him. You try to pull your arm away again, but the man’s grip only gets tighter. Your heartbeat picks up as you begin to panic, but there’s too many people around so nothing can happen. Right?
“I like your shirt,” he gives the bottom of your shirt a little tug.
“Stop,” you smack his hand away.
“Come on, don’t be like that, gorgeous. I’m just trying to be nice, the least you could do is tell me your name,” the man steps closer, getting into your face.
“Let me go,” you say sternly, once again trying to move.
“I think you need to be taught some manners,” the man glares at you.
From behind you, Benny sees the altercation going down and begins to come to your aid, but you do something that makes him stop in his tracks.
You smack the man hard, making his head turn to the side. His hand immediately lets go of you to reach up and touch his cheek, the handprint already starting to show.
A few people around who witnessed the scene gasp and laugh. A few whistles and hollers join in.
“You bitch,” he says, his nostrils flaring.
“I guess we both need to be taught some manners,” you spit, no longer feeling shy since there are too many eyes on him.
Apparently, the man notices the stares too because he backs off, but not without giving you one last look.
“Well damn,” Cockroach says amongst the group.
“Got yourself a good one, Benny,” Johnny chuckles, his head falling back. That makes Benny’s heart swell with pride.
“Remind me not to piss her off,” Cal says, his eyes wide.
Kathy comes up to check on you, but you tell her you’re okay. When you come back to the group with the container in your hand, everyone’s looking at you with grins covering their face. Benny shoots you a wink, making your face heat up.
“These aren’t bad at all, you gotta bring these to all the meetings,” Johnny says after taking a bite of his cookie, the guys nodding in agreement.
Now, you don’t know what you were thinking, but the idea of attending meetings hadn’t crossed your mind at all.
You should’ve known because a couple of days later when the club meets at the bar again, you’re right there with them, a few containers of baked goods in your hand. The men don’t waste their time rushing towards you when you first step foot in the bar, making Benny shove his way through the crowd to make sure you don’t get crushed. Surprisingly, though, you don’t mind at all.
“You better wait your turn,” one guy tells another who’s trying to cut in front of him.
“Fuck off,” the man answers and shoves the guy aside.
Benny grabs them both by the neck of their jackets and pulls them back.
“Gentlemen, please, let’s not act like animals,” Johnny calls out.
Word gets out about how good your baking is – and your altercation with that drunk man – causing the bikers to have respect for you. Whenever you need something and Benny’s not around, there’s always someone that volunteers.
If you need a ride to work because your car broke down and Benny’s not able to pick you up, Johnny’s waiting right outside your door. If for some reason, someone dares to shoot their shot at you, it doesn’t take long for the person to get thrown out of the bar. And when you get cold, several of the bikers offer their jackets to you, only for Benny to quickly throw his jacket over your shoulders.
Yeah, you could get used to this.
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afewfantasies · 2 months
Lucky Strike 🎯 🎱 - HISTORY- II
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Pairing: Benny Cross (Bikeriders) X Reader
Summary: Benny deals with the personal ramifications of his joyride & learns about the precincts unexpected guest after a night of being in the doghouse with Kathy.
Warning: Mentions of DV and substance abuse. Neither are descriptive or in the current timeline of the story they are reflections of the past.
Word count: 1.3K
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Getting to the house felt like it took twice as long while Johnny drive Benny home with Kathy in the back seat and Bruce following behind with Benny’s bike. The tension was getting to be too much for Benny and half of the reason he’d been going on a joyride. He’d grown up in a household that argued and it was why he shut down most times instead of going at it with Kathy. Johnny bids him a farewell with an apologetic look having not time to talk as Brucie puts the keys to his bike in Benny’s hands.
“Come by tomorrow we’ll talk” Johnny says with a serious tone.
“Ok, thanks guys” he nods before heading in with Kathy. He closes the door behind him and heads to the kitchen to find something to eat before Kathy really starts fussing. When it does start Kathy really does lean into it. Her points are valid but it wasn’t like Benny had become a bike rider after he’d met her. If that were the case she’d be on a solid foundation. But she’d fallen in love with an outlaw and then tried to change him. 
“And who was that woman there with Johnny? Never see you fellas with them kinda real fancy women” Kathy snaps. Benny hadn’t returned home to peace but all out war for the stupidity of his deeds and disregard for his lady and the family they were building. Kathy’s words not his.
“I was locked up how should I know?” Benny asks thinking of heading to stay with his father tonight as a means of stilling the argument.
“Fancy broad, all done up” Kathy explains as he gets a cigarette. “No smoking in my house!” She snaps.
“What am I locked up in here too!?” Benny snaps finally.
“You comparing my place to a jail after I just put all I had towards your bail? I’ll be eating from cans for the next two weeks” Kathy snaps.
“I didn’t ask you to do that Kathy and you should’t of if you’d resent me for it” he snaps lighting up as he exits the house. He sees her in the doorway as he revs his engine heading back to his father’s house. The drive is long and allows him to clear his head. When he gets out he sees people up playing cards in the middle of the night and nods a greeting before getting his keys. A foul smell hits him as he enters to find his father in a worse state than last time.
“Hi son” Mr. Cross says to his son.
“Pops” Benny nods heading into his bedroom. Sitting in his room be breathless fresh air opening the window and lighting another cigarette. His eyes hold your old window. No one hand heard anything about you since you’d left with the exception of one letter from your mother to Benny’s with a check for the money she’d borrowed and a note telling her that you and your mom were safe and doing well. There was no return address. Teaching over to his nightstand Benny opens his book of children’s stories to your favourite, a photo falls out. Looking at the old photo Benny smiles at your toothless grin. It was one of very few keepsakes he kept from childhood. The two of you had walked for miles on tiny legs to the fair. One of the carnies took pity on the two of you, fed you and gave you enough cash to do one thing. After an hour of contemplation you both decided on the photograph. It was a miracle you’d survived at all. He couldn’t think of things being any worse for children. 
He didn’t know why his mind was on you that night but people say when you dream of someone they’re thinking about you. Benny was the main character in tonights dream of yours as you reimagined a colourful life for him. Based on the news reports and his new friends. He was so handsome from the picture he gave James Dean a run for his money. Wherever you were he hoped you were happy, hoped things were going well and that one day he could see you again. Tomorrow he would to to see the guys and straighten out everything to do with his bail, then he’d find a way to repay Kathy. Maybe even leave her alone for awhile.
Benny feels more eyes on him than usual. Tensing he prays Kathy didn’t carry on too badly about his jail time. He finds Johnny across the room and heads over. Brucie gets up and Benny sits down unnerved, looking at Johnny.
“How fast were you going kid?” Johnny smiles. His demeanour is a shift from Benny’s expectation.
“I don’t know but I’ll pay the club back” Benny says ready to stand up. 
“No need kid, it was taken care of here, have a beer” Johnny says putting one in front of Benny. It’s surprising he’d seen what a bailout could do to the clubs treasury and with so many lately he knew the coffers were probably nearing empty.
“How? Kathy says you called up a woman?” Benny says describing you from Kathy’s recollection.
“Handle your old lady Benny, I don’t need the headache at home.” Johnny snaps. Not wanting the untrue tale to get back to his wife. Johnny hadn’t called you, he didn’t know you.
“Alright” Benny nods sharply.
“Besides, she wasn’t there for me, she was there for you.” Johnny tells Benny.
“I don’t know any women who dress that well” Benny mumbles lighting a cigarette. He’d been underprivileged before he’d become an outlaw. 
“Yeah? Well she knows you.” Johnny responds taking out the two day old paper, handing it to Benny he points to the death announcements. Skeptical at first Benny goes line by line stopping at a familiar name. A man whose death he’d prayed for often as a kid. Emotions overtake him and suddenly he feels like the chair he’s sitting in is unsteady and the clubhouse is spinning around him.
Sitting back Benny recalls the last time he cried. It had been a tearful goodbye because of the very name he was looking at. The two of you were holding onto each others hands for dear life, with fear for the unknown as your mothers pulled you apart. Your mother trying to get you to the car before your dad returned home from 60 days in jail, while Benny’s mother tried to get him back inside. You were only kids and you were both wailing. Your father had gone on a tear and really did damage to your mother before nearly turning on you. It had been Benny screaming into the phone like a void that made the police rush over to avert a homicide. It was the first and last time he called them. He’d been trying to save your life and had lost you anyway. Once separated you both watched each other tearfully until you were no longer in each other’s sights as the taxi cab drove away. The memories flow in and he remembers how powerless the two of you had been. Remembers that you were the only person that ever really fought for him. Swallowing he gets goosebumps, he’d just been thinking of you last night.
“Y/N?” Benny asks, your name carrying with it a ghost of hope.
“Y/N, where’d you meet a dame like that?” Johnny asks making Benny smile.
“You sure?” He can’t hide his excitement.
“I’m sure Benny, she came in all done up” Benny smirks recalling the somewhat wild and unkept child from his memory. “The guys were nearly drooling, she’s a looker with good instincts.” Johnny says. Leaving Benny to ponder those thoughts.
“She married?” Benny asks.
“I didn’t look at her hands” Johnny admits as Benny tries to visualize the new image of you in his mind. He was relieved that you seemed to be alright, thriving and beautiful but his heart hoped against hope that you’d found forgiveness for such a sorry excuse of a man.
“How do you know her?” Johnny repeats drawing Benny from his thoughts.
“Neighbours, as kids” Benny mumbles getting up. “Gotta run” he says getting back on his bike suspended license and all.
Authors note:
Thanks so much for reading🩵 🎆 ! Don't forget to comment, like and reblog.
FOR FUN i'm curious to see what you think. Respond without reading the other comments:
Where's Benny headed next do you think?
Who's death announcement was in the paper?
Would you bail Benny out no questions asked, no resentment?
Tags: @mrsalwayswrite @ughdontbeboring @astrogrande
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piece of you in how i dress
“cherry” by harry styles
benny cross x reader / 1.1k words
idea: benny rocks a new look
tw: none really, drinking, smoking, cursing, but just a bunch of cuteness
notes: sooo i sent a request to clo a bit ago (b4 we became bestie boos) and i was rereading what she wrote and it was SO GOOD so i kinda wanted to write a little piece abt that!! sorry if this is kinda shit imve been really really busy the past week but i wanted to put something out BUT i hope y’all like this :)) also PLEASE go read @semperamans work bc she is just TOO GOOD and deserves all the love !!
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benny’s always had a distinct look to him. messy hair, ripped jeans, sharp tattoos, scares covering his fists, and a chilling stare on his face that completed his intimidating look. although he and the rest of the vandals all seem to look the same, with their colors on and unique pasts merging together, benny was always recognizable and stood out like a sore thumb.
nobody really questioned why the young vandal was so feral, why his past shaped him into somebody who can either lurk in silence or create chaos out of nothing in the blink of an eye, because it wasn’t anyone's business. sure the vandals began because of the love to ride all day and night, but the community of people was built around acceptance of each member, regardless of their past.
so why the hell would anyone care? the guy just has a classic look to him!
until benny met you.
“wahoo you seeing what i’m seein’?” “the sexy redhead with that tiny skirt on? cause if you are-” “stop fuckin’ droolin’ for a second and turn that thick ass head of yours ‘round! over at the pool table!” due to drinking a ton and smoking weed, it took a while for corky and wahoo to focus on the same thing. and luckily they were able to, looking over at the pool table where benny was watching cal take a strike during their game. his dark shirt and dark jeans were so rough against his skin, that the pop of blush pink was throwing the two guys off. a little pink blob was tied around a belt loop on benny’s jeans, standing out like a sore thumb.
to say that wahoo and corky were stumped was an understatement “what is that shit on his pants?” “i d’know, that’s why my last resort was askin’ you” “ah fuck you too shithead! if you care s’much let’s jus’go ahead n’ask him” wahoo stood up first with corky trailing behind as they walked to the pool table, the mix of alcohol and pot in their systems making them stumble and laugh.
once they reached the table they immediately approached benny, perching their hands on his side of the table “hey benny! did ya’ fairy godmother visit you in ya’ sleep last night?” “or a.. a princess spare y’any gifts?” the boys started chattering, trying to hint to benny at what they were talking about “what t’hell are you goin’ on about? did you take some of that shit sonny got?” benny was genuinely confused, wondering what in gods name wahoo and corky took to be asking him about fairies and princesses. “what y’mean? look at you! all pretty in pink for us tonight! jus’wanna know what lucky lady gave y’that?” corky said with a laugh, which got the attention of cal.
oh here we go.
benny put it together in his head what they were laughing about, and a rush of pink started to fill the cheeks. he completely forgot he had your pink scare tied to him, you asked him to hold onto it because it was bothering your neck. he didn’t even think of it, and now caught off guard that his friends noticed.
he didn’t know what to say. was everyone else gonna start teasing him? telling him that he’s changed and now all soft? he had no idea. but as he was trying to open his mouth to say something, cal already beat him to it.
“you guys know who gave that to him, she’s literally been in here 3 times this week! spared your sorry asses some cookies that were for the ladies!” cal chirped in, his voice gaining the intoxicated guys attention “benny’s right, what the fuck did y’all take? can’t have y’forget so much that your dicks are hanging out ‘cause you forgot how to zip up your flies!” he said vulgarly, but earning a little chuckle from benny “now go smoke whatever shit sonny gave you outside! m’getting a headache” cal told corky and wahoo. both benny and cal watched them walk away, drowning in drunken cackles.
benny turns his head back to cal, seeing him take a sip of his beer before shifting his attention back to him “so how is she? i noticed that she isn’t with you tonight?” cal’s question threw off benny for a moment, surprised that he’d be asking about his girl. “yeah she’s good. she uh.. picked up an extra shift early for the mornin’, so she stayed home so she could get a good sleep,” benny said softly, the shift to talking about his girl made the blush creep even higher “almost didn’t show tonight ‘cause i wanted to help her relax, but she insisted for me to come here anyway” he said with a smile. oh how stubborn you could be.
“well i'm glad that she’s well, y’got a hard working lady on y’hands” cal said in response, noticing how shy benny got “listen, you and i both know that they're off their asses tonight, so don’t let their teasing rattle you, i know they respect her as much as the rest of us do” cal spoke to benny calmly, unsure if he was upset with their friends “no no i.. i’m not mad. i feel the opposite really,” benny looked down at the sweet pink scarf against his jeans “jus’happy that’ll get to see her once i get back home” he looked up at cal with a smile. it’s already getting pretty late, and benny told you that he’d drive you to work in the morning, so he might as well just call it a night and head out.
and just like that it was like cal read his mind “well why don’t you go on and get to it, i’ll cover our drinks right here” cal offered, which benny returned with a nod. he benny grabbed his leather jacket, and started walking away, cal spoke up one more time
“tell her i wish her luck, and hope to see the both of you on friday” “i promise i will”
and with that final promise he was out the door, hopped on his bike, and was on his way home. while driving down the dimly lit roads he’d glance down at your scarf blowing in the wind, and couldn’t help but smile. ‘a little piece of you in how he dressed’ some could say.
he couldn’t wait to get home.
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semperamans · 3 months
hi!! ur lil blurbs abt benny are sooo cute its sickening!! so i wanted jump on the train and send in a benny request!! ok although benny isnt loudest of the club and kinda keeps to himself, i think it makes him super observant and aware of wants going on around him
so imagine his girl is kinda clumsy and doesn’t pay as much attention to her surroundings compared to benny, or in a deep convo with friends she made in the club (bc we know she’s a YAPPER) but benny is always running around so she won’t accidentally hurt herself on a table corner or place her hand down on some broken glass OR protect her when he sees something fishy and needs to act fast
basically “baby proofying” things so he can keep her safe😣😣 and maybe his girl catches up on it at some point and tries to “get hurt” but he’s alr a step ahead bc he loves her BAD:((
love ur page and so exited to read more!! also love the gracie pfp its so cute:))
hi bby! :’) thank you so much for your cutie words <3 you’re a doll, i mean it!
this!!! is!!! so!!! cute!!!
you ARE benny’s baby so of course he’s going to go above and beyond to protect u :( he notices you’re always hitting your damn hip on the sharp corner of the bar, so one day he comes in with sandpaper and a bucket of paint that hasn’t been cracked open since before either of you were born. “benny, the fuck are you doin’?” “nothin’” bc it really is nothing to him. it’s just second nature. it hurts you, so he’s going to take care of it. so he sands the point down to a dull curve, slaps a coat of paint on it, and viola, the only hip bruises you’ll have are the ones he puts there.
“y'ever notice how benny doesn’t let you out of his sight?” you’re so drunk you can’t remember the name of the girl to your left. is it wanda? wilhelmina? whatever it is it’s pretty and you feel awful that it’s slipped your mind, but she’s a new hang-around (totally besotted by cal). “i mean it,” she says, stubbing out her cigarette and pointing to you. “that man looks at you like you hung the stars in the sky.” sure enough you make eye contact with benny the moment you lift that pretty little chin. he blinks slowly, almost cat-like, before an easy smile spreads over his pink lips. pretty. he's so pretty and you've just gotta tell him. unsteady on a good day, you're an accident waiting to happen when you're tipsy and benny knows. suddenly the smell of his aftershave flurries around you and he's there. you could have sworn he was just at the pool table but now he's at your side, taking your elbow gently in his large hand, brushing the hair from your sweaty cheeks with the other. "benny," you hum, nuzzling into his palm and jesus christ, it only fuels that protective fire even more. "wanted to tell you a secret." "oh, yeah?" he's still holding onto you but bends where you can press your lips against his ear with ease "tell me." and so you do, over and over in one cherry-wine scented murmur. "think you're so pretty, benny so so so pretty. jus' wanted you to know that i like when y'take care of me when I'm a little drunk and just always. y'just mean so much to me so so so much. thank you." you're pawing at his shirt, practically preening in his ear and yeah, he's going to take care of you in some other ways tonight but for now he just takes your chin between his thumb and index fingers, plants a fat kiss on your forehead, and smiles down at your flushed face. "you don't gotta thank me, baby. c'mon. how 'bout some water?"
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creepycranberry · 2 months
Eddie x reader who mainly eats with their hands
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This is slightly self indulgent but I thought the idea was cute :)
“You’re like a little gremlin.” Eddie grins, his dimples showing.
“The fuck did you just call me?” You half laugh, looking up at him from your spot on the rug and putting down a piece of your steak that Gareth had cut up for you because you had never been taught how to properly cut steak and seeing you struggle with it made him cringe.
Practice had gone over time a bit so Garett’s parents had made dinner for the band as well.
A few months ago you had seen an ad on the bulletin board at Benny’s for a backup vocalist and had auditioned. You ended up getting it and now you were sitting in Gareth's garage at half past eight eating dinner.
The boys were seated at the various seating options around the open concept dining/living room. Eddie was sitting in the arm chair behind you, giggling at your mannerisms. You sat on the corner of the rug, rolling your eyes at Eddie and resisting the urge to throw a piece of steak into his hair.
“You're like a little gremlin. Just sitting on the floor, holding your steak in both hands while you nibble on it.” What he didn’t say was how cute he thought it was. It was amusing, sure but more than anything he thought it was adorable.
He liked getting to know you and your mannerisms. He had thanked the higher powers more than once for your vocal talent, along with Benny for never cleaning off his goddamned bulletin board.
“No one handed me a fork and I’m too lazy to get up.” You shrugged and Eddie shook his head.
That wasn’t why you were eating with your hands.
The only time he had ever seen you eat with utensils was ice cream. Maybe spaghetti.
“You always eat with your hands.” He remarks and you pout slightly, squinting your eyes at him.
“I do not.” You argue.
“Yeah you do.” He chuckles.
You look at gareth and Jeff who are eating on the couch, “hey guys? Do I always eat with my hands?”
Gareth and Jeff look at each other and sigh,
“Pretty much.”
Your pout deepens as your cheeks and the tips of your ears turn pink. You make a hmph noise and turn away from them, looking at the tv.
“Did you not notice?” Eddie smiles and his smile causes you to struggle with continuing your pout.
“I mean- not really.” You mumble, feeling slightly embarrassed.
Eddie backtracks when he sees the embarrassment painting your features, “it’s not bad or weird or anything.”
He says it a bit quieter, eyeing the guys who have turned their attention away from the conversation in favor of the Star Trek rerun playing on the tv.
“It’s not that I’m just slightly embarrassed that I never noticed it before.” You shrug, smiling shyly at him, doing your best to shrug off the embarrassment.
“It’s a habit.” Eddie shrugs, “and if it helps you be less embarrassed about it, it’s kinda cute.”
Your eyebrows raise slightly at the unexpected statement, your cheeks turning a brighter shade of pink than before.
“Oh um, thanks?”
Eddie smiles again, taking his uncut slab of steak and brandishing it in both hands, raising it in the air with fanfare before clamping his teeth into it and dramatically tearing off a mouthful.
You laugh at his theatrics and sound makes him smile wider.
It’s only when you scrunch up your nose that he realizes his wide smile has caused him to chew messily with his mouth open.
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
Sarahhh that thing with Eddie hearing you talk to someone on the phone can you do it where he hears you talking about him in bed please!!!!!🫠💕
Hiiiii babes!! I’m laughing because I have like 3 other asks about this in my inbox and I honestly didn’t even think of doing this so of course I’ll do it for y’all! I hope you enjoy this😂💖
TW: lots of sex talk, mentions of oral and choking
*Eddie thought he’d surprise you with lunch but turns out he’s the one getting surprised*
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“No he’s never done that.” You answer as you get comfortable on the couch after you prop your phone against your bottle of water on the coffee table. You’re currently in the middle of a catch up session with one of your oldest friends, you’ve been on FaceTime with her for the last hour and now as usual the conversation has moved on to talking about your relationship with Eddie. “He doesn’t really like a lot of PDA.” You add as you take a few pieces of popcorn from the bowl that’s sitting in your lap as you watch your friend make lunch through the phone.
“He doesn’t like it? Why?” She asks as she puts two pieces of bread in the toaster. You just shrug as you eat another handful of popcorn. “Has he ever choked you in the middle of it?” You nearly spit out the half chewed popcorn in your mouth making your friend laugh as she wiggles her eyebrows at you.
“You went from asking if he grabs my ass in the mini mart to now asking if he just randomly chokes me in the middle of having sex?” You confirm just to make sure you actually heard her ask what you think you did. She just laughs and nods as she begins making herself a sandwich. “I mean no he doesn’t just choke me all willy nilly it’s usually a…sort of vibe that’s known from the beginning that it’s gonna be one of those kinda nights.” You explain as you reach for your cup of juice from the coffee table.
“Ohhhh I see so you two are kinda freaky huh? Love that for you.” You just roll your eyes as you take a sip from your cup. “How often is he giving it to you?” She asks before taking a bite out of her sandwich, you purse your lips and raise an eyebrow as you put the cup back on the table.
“I mean you’re going to have to be more specific.” You watch her give you some playful side eye as she takes another bite out of her sandwich. “Do you mean how often do we have sex in general or how often do we have a quickie…or how often am I getting bent over and sent to pound town?” You can’t even finish your sentence before she’s laughing and covering her face because you know she hates the expression of pound town.
Eddie feels his cheeks get red and he wants to die on the spot, he knows he should’ve let his presence be known the moment he entered the house though the back door but he didn’t want to disturb you. But now he’s very much wishing he did as he can’t help but overhear your very personal conversation with your friend. To think all he wanted to do was surprise you with lunch from Benny’s since he managed to get off work early.
“Jesus you have categories? Well okay the how often are you two having quickies and where are these quickies taking place?” You can’t help but smile as a memory of you and Eddie in the back of his van creeps into your mind.
“I mean like once a week sometimes? The man drives a van…it’s like made for quickies he even has a pillow and blanket back there because he knows I refuse to just lay down on his gross ass carpeted floorboard.” Eddie runs a hand over his face as you talk and explain that he drives a damn shaggin waggin.
“Once a week isn’t bad…that’s about the same amount of times I can convince Tyler to go down on me.” You make a gross face at the mention of her current hookup buddy.
“You shouldn’t have to convince him to go down on you…Eddie is perfectly content with having his face between my thighs all night…once he even fell asleep down there.” You watch her eyes go wide as she shoves another bite of sandwich into her moth. “I mean after I finished of course…he’s a gentleman.” You add making her just laugh and nod her head in agreement, Eddie is a total gentleman.
“Does he do that fancy tongue and finger combination thing?” She asks and Eddie swears his face is the same shade as a tomato as he lets out a silent groan and runs his hands through his hair.
“He does oh and sometimes he does this thing with his pinky where-” before you can finish your sentence you heard something that sounds like a door slam making you jump a bit.
“Hey baby!” You hear Eddie’s voice coming from the kitchen making you smile as you look over the back of the couch. “I’m home and brought you lunch.” He shouts as you grab your phone and head into the kitchen after putting the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table.
“I’ll call you back later.” Your friend just smiles and nods before both of you say goodbye and hang up. You slide your phone into your back pocket and grin when you see Eddie standing there with a bag that says Benny’s on it. “Oh you’re just the best.” Eddie just laughs and shakes his head as he places the bag on the dinning table.
“You know me…always a gentleman.”
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reveluving · 7 months
I have another ideaaaa 👀 I imagine Santi and Benny being very flamboyant when it comes to showing their admiration for someone. Imagine Rick bringing lunch to reader’s unexpectedly just to see Santi bringing her flowers and Benny giving her the heart eyes. My poor flag baby might have a stroke just from the scene in front of hiiimmm!!
a/n: Aria, baby. it’s been a long ass time ✋🏼😔 BUT THE FIXATION IS BACK (kinda. largely because I’ve been reading fics after fics of Oscar & Pedro chars. RAAAAAH). so we’re here baby, after 1 ½? 2 years later???? ENJOY
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warnings: humour & fluff; poor Rick just wants to love you in peace.
j.k. m.list (series under 'rick flag vs the triple frontier boys'), or check out my full m.list!
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Oh, you know Rick’s eyes are TWITCHING. The paper bag in his hand, packed with lunch from your favourite stop, crumpling in his grasp, almost tearing at the top. Not the food though, he’s not trying to ruin his wife’s favourite. 
But he’s chill. Absolutely chill. He swears. 
Benny and Santi just had to stop by the same time he came home from work, both leaning against the white porch railing while you sat prettily on the bench. 
Benny was expressive in whatever he was talking about, likely his last boxing match from the way he was holding the air in a headlock before the three of you shared a laugh. As much of a troublemaker they were, they were your friends, after all. He’d chase them off his property or warn them with a glare any day if it meant cutting off any form of ‘allegiances’ with that horrible past, both yours and his.
Just when you were about to reply to God knows what they asked, you noticed Rick lingering by the mailbox. Your eyes lit up, and it didn’t take the duo any other hints to know that he was home.
“Rick!” You enthusiastically waved at your husband, beckoning him to sit on the bench next to you. Rick couldn’t help but smile back at you, walking over and ignoring the two until he reached the top step of the stairs.
“Boys.” He greeted them, going over to shake Santiago’s hand before Benny’s, flexing his hands as they shook to see if the other would break. None did, as usual, pulling away and somewhat putting the tension on hold in favour of you. Rick took a seat next to you, passing you the bag of food and a soft ‘there y’go, baby’ (but not really, he made sure the two would hear it). 
It took a few seconds, making sure he greeted you with a kiss before stretching his arm to lay on the backrest behind you.
“So, what’s the occasion?”
“The boys just came over to say hi. Gave me these flowers from the flower shop nearby,” You raised the calla lilies that were resting on your lap. Now, Rick was no flower specialist, but he has been to the shop countless times to buy you your own fix. 
And if he remembered correctly, they generally represented beauty.
Well played.
“And Santi was just telling me about this new Cuban restaurant just outside the neighbourhood.” You continued, turning to Santiago with an encouraging smile so he could tell Rick about it.
“Cuban restaurant, huh?” 
Santiago curtly nodded to his curiosity. 
“The best. Might even be your new favourite once you both try it.” He explained, only to glance at the paper bag Rick was holding—a look that was almost… Judgemental? Critical? All of the above? All Rick knew that the man before him was silently scoffing at his choice. 
And, well, Santi wouldn’t exactly deny that claim, either. 
Rick didn’t hide the scoff, only to pair it with a faux smile so you could take it as nothing more than a harmless banter, “Gotta be real good then. ‘Cause this here,” He cocked his head in the paper bag’s direction, “Is my wife’s favourite place. Our favourite place.”
Rick not only had to watch out for the bold claim Santi was making, but he also had to bear in mind the sight of Benny openly looking at you like a lovestruck puppy. The promising boxer didn’t even care about the passive-aggressive argument going on around him. He was just appreciating the beaut in front of him.
(Man’s just doesn’t give a shit atm).
“Hey, I’m not here to burst your bubble,” Santi huffed in amusement, raising his hands in a defensive way, “But I’m not trying to give the pretty girl any mediocre recommendations either. C’mon Flag, you, of all people, should know that we want the best for her.”
“Aw, Santi, you’re too kind.” You were touched and it showed, and Rick couldn’t argue with the statement. Without a doubt, he wants what was best for you, be it food, comfortable clothes, gourmet treats for the fucking neighbourhood cat you adore—anything. 
In the midst of their silent argument, you reached for Rick’s hand, holding his larger ones in between yours, “I’m sure Rick and I will enjoy it,” He mirrored the warm smile as you stared into each other’s eyes for a moment, only to break when you addressed the two, “And if it’s as good as you said it is, we might as well have a get together.”
You were growing concerned of the two’s silence, eyes darting back and forth and almost—almost asking what was wrong until Benny, as if snapped out of his trance, finally, spoke up. 
“Absolutely.” Benny raised his hand in a manner that a believer would in church. 
˚ · . f i n . · ˚
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» gorgeous rose divider by the amazing @firefly-graphics ♡
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base0h · 2 years
hi.. sorry if I boring you! I’m just thinking about shanks, zoro, mihawk and koby who have a huge crush and the reader offers to help them declare their love by saying: “I really love you, you know?” And like they tell to the reader exactly the same sentence that she recommended and she just answers dumbly: “ah, I know, NOW go telling that to your crush” not understanding that they have a crush on her! You know what I mean..?
a/n - HAHAHHAA POOR BOYS 😭😭😭 omg anon this is an amazing request don’t ever say otherwise >:)
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, mihawk questioning his life
I really love you, you know?
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- ok if it wasn’t made clear to you already, this man has a big fat crush on you and he is horrible and hiding it
- but luckily and unluckily for him- you’re super dense and still hasn’t found out yet >:)
- He ended up trying to outwardly ask for your help, hoping you’d get the hint. but knowing you, he wasn’t so sure if you’d get it
- “Hey y/n! I got a secret for ya- so uh… I have a big crush on someone in the crew and I kinda need your help. What do I say to them??”
- you thought he had a crush on benny 😭 so you got super excited, giving him a hug and agreeing to help him the moment he asked for help
- he was shocked, did you get the hint? Do you like him back?! Was this gonna be the best day of his life?!
- “OKOK- so this is what I’d say.. ‘I really like you…’ and you HAVE to put emotion into it ok?” You instructed him, sitting down as if you were an acting coach (you had a clipboard and everything)
- He cleared his throat and tried to stop gripping the sides of his coat out of nervousness.
- “Y/n… I really like you.”
- …I really don’t want to do this to poor shanks
- “WHOA! THAT WAS GREAT!!! Now go say that to ben!” You said excitedly, clapping for him with a smile
- shanks’ heart literally just broke in two- and he saw benn standing behind you, crossing his arms and shaking his head in disappointment
- why were you so dense?? He even added your name in the beginning?! And you thought he was in love with his best friend?!
- oh god he was about to pass out and drink his sorrows away until next week
- you gave him a reassuring hug, giving him a positive pep talk for when he’d confess his love to benn.
- “If he doesn’t like you- well then- uh… I’ll try to help you! I’ll buy a barrel of alcohol- it seems to help.” You said, patting the top of his head with a grin
- your smile always cheered him up. The way you were so supportive, always willing to lend a hand whenever it was needed. God he loved you.. So much.
- “thanks y/n… I appreciate your help.” He said with a faint smile, his eyes having a twinge of sadness behind them
- later, benn found him with four empty bottles of alcohol around him while he sobbed on the table
- “I- I thought i made it clear that I liked y/n!” He said between muffled sobs as he grabbed another bottle of booze
- “You did, they just didn’t get it.”
- “stop drinking, you’re gonna pass out.”
- “Stop telling me what to do benn-“ *passes out*
- “You’re both so stupid.”
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- Mihawk is so subtle about everything, and it’s come to the point where he has to make it painfully obvious that he loves you
- “Y/n… How do I say to someone that I love them?” He asked you softly, cringing inside at his blatant question
- perona helped him with this, so she was in the background floating around with a thumbs up
- you gasped excitedly, mihawk liked someone?! This was amazing! You didn’t think he was capable of it!
- “Oh my gosh! Ok- so here’s what I’d say.. ‘I really love you… You know that?’ And you gotta put some feelings into it! Don’t do that blank face you always do.” You explained, trying to force him to smile with your soft fingers
- He was about to throw up- why would he ask this? Would you even get the hint? If you didn’t he wouldn’t know what to do- he loves you so much that he’s afraid that you won’t love him the same way. What if you don’t reciprocate his feelings?
- he cleared his throat and sighed, staring straight into your eyes with his deep golden gaze
- “Y/n… I love you, you know that?” he said softly
- his emotions were so deep, and it made you blush slightly as if he were referring to you.. But no, this was for his crush! You had to focus!
- “That was great!! Now go say that to them, you’ve got this.” You said with a thumbs up and a smile
- Perona was screaming into a pillow from your obliviousness, banging her head against the walls as she passed through them
- Mihawk was absolutely shocked yet heartbroken at the same time, all of his courage to say those words had left him
- How could you not see that he was referring to you??? He might as well go crawl into a hole and stay there forever now- at least that’s what his heart wanted to do.
- “Thank you, y/n.” He said quietly, his face returning to the usual emotionless expression it was paralyzed to
- “Of course! I bet they’ll love you the same way, so don’t worry!”!
- ‘I don’t think you will’ is what he thought inside his mind. Perona was trying to cheer him up the best she could- she felt horrible for him! She knew how much he loved you, and she thought it must’ve been horrible to drop so many obvious hints, only for you to blow past them without batting an eye
- he would kind of stare out the window for a couple days, lost in his thoughts. He thought maybe after a while, this crush of his would go away. But it didn’t, it never left him
- you were all he thought about, not a moment passed where he didn’t think of you
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- I think he’s gonna go suffocate himself now- jk
- Zoro has had his eye on you ever since you joined the crew
- it was little things he did. Always protecting you first, sitting closer to you, always choosing to be your partner when exploring new islands
- he wasn’t outwardly confessing his feelings, but if you looked at it closely, it was pretty obvious hehe
- everyone in the crew (except for Luffy) knew about his crush- I mean who wouldn’t know (again except Luffy bec he’s Luffy)
- “Zoro- you should just tell y/n! You have to tell them sometime soon or else it’ll be too late!” -nami
- he kept trying to deny his feelings for you, because he was too afraid of you not sharing the same feelings for him
- “Stupid mosshead’s too scared! What a wimp.” Sanji said with a smirk
- he’s gonna go ask you now 😭
- Nami came up with the plan that maybe he could ask for your help with confessing to someone else on the crew. And then he could turn it into a confession to you! Yes! That’d totally work! Everyone was spying on him from different angles, they even hid Luffy away so he wouldn’t ruin it!
- Sanji had to make him a whole buffet of meat to keep him occupied lol
- Zoro walked up to you, fidgeting with the hilts of his swords before he finally asked
- “Y/n- I uh… I have a crush on someone in the crew. What do I say to ‘em?” He asked, visibly shaking from both cringing at his words, but also nervousness
- you smiled at him, making his cheeks flush red, “Oh my gosh! You do??? OKOK- so here’s what you say. ‘I really like you.. you know that?’ Ok go ahead and say it to me so you can practice!” You instructed, sitting down on the top of the barrel
- he was about to break his own finger from how tight he was holding it to calm himself down
- He cleared his throat, the rest of the crew anxiously waiting for the words to come out of his mouth
- “Y/n. I really like you… You know that?”
- the crew smiled, gasping in anticipation, you were gonna say you liked him back right?!
- “That was great! Now go say that to your crush- let me know what they say.” You said with a grin, patting the top of his head as you walked below the deck
- Zoro just stood there, his heart being snapped in two right then and there
- the crew fell to the floor, stunned by your obliviousness to his confession. How could you not get that he was saying those things to you?!
- Zoro was internally wanting to curl up into a ball and cry. He was both shocked and sort of discouraged at the same time. All that courage that built up to be able to confess to you was just gone in a blink of an eye.
- He walked towards the mast of the ship, sitting down and leaning his head against it as he looked down at the ground, an air of depression surrounding him
- the rest of the crew felt bad for him… they’d never seen Zoro look so- defeated and gloomy before
- yet he still thought of you, he pictured what it would’ve been like if you had shared the same feelings for him. That weight to be off his chest..
- would you ever love him the way he loved you?
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- I don’t know if this poor boy has any tears left to cry
- he’s had this HUGE crush on you for the longest time. So much so that he even made a matching bandana for you, hoping that one day you two could wear them together :)
- helmeppo was literally dying- all Koby talked about was you and sometimes Luffy. Mostly you
- how beautiful you were- how kind and sweet- how strong you were when you fought alongside him! He went on and on, much to helmeppo’s dismay
- “Koby. Just ASK. It’s not the end of the world if y/n doesn’t like you back.” -helmeppo
- oh but it was the end of his world if you didn’t love him back
- helmeppo ended up trying to create a plan to help him confess to you. He was hoping that maybe if you loved him back, he’d shut up about you (jk jk) he just wants his friend to be happy :)
- “Y/n- um.. I have a question- how would you confess to someone?” Koby asked you, his hands visibly trembling from how nervous he was
- “Oooo! So here’s what you should say.. ‘I really like you- you know that?’ You have to put a lot of feeling into it!” You instructed
- “Y/n.. I- I really like you!” He said with the pinkest cheeks you’d ever seen
- Helmeppo and Garp were hiding behind a wall, waiting for your response
- “That was amazing! Go say that to them, and let me know what they say! You’ve got this so don’t be nervous!” You said with a smile, holding his hands to try and stop them from shaking so much
- When you walked away, he collapsed into a little puddle of depression and sadness
- “Uh… Koby are you alive?” -Garp
- He heard muffled sobs and a small thumbs up from Koby, indicating that he was still alive. Poor Koby’s heart was just ripped in two, he had no self-esteem or confidence anymore..
- he thought that maybe you’d see that he liked you… But- maybe you just didn’t like him. Was that why you didn’t see it?
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a/n - I’m going to give them all a hug 🥲
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cuntry-r0ckst4r · 2 months
request where Benny Weir gets set up on a blind date with the reader
"300 Awkward Blind Dates Later ~ (benny weir x fem!reader's version)
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tw! idk cursing ig
i forgot abt my inbox's ngl also guys putting the same req in my inbox twice is not going to make me do it faster!! also ive alr had to delete some reqs too PLEASEEE read my rules befire requesting any songs
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It was Rory's fault he was doing this. He complained ONE TIME like a week ago about being single and so Rory put him on a blind date?! When Rory had told the whole friend group about setting up a blind date tonight for Benny everyone laughed, except Benny of course.
It was way too last minute to cancel the date so he had to just suck it up and go on this date with someone he had no interest to know about. Great.
"Hey Rory, next time you set someone up on a date don't you think the people going on a date should know about it?" Benny says, with an annoyed tone, sarcastically.
Rory's eyebrows furrowed, "she knew about it, she's going on the date. So by your rules... it's fine!"
He then walked off before Benny could hit him. Ethan turned to look at him with an amused smile, so did Sarah and Erica.
"Well, we're gonna go to class. Have fun on your date tonight." Sarah said teasingly before the two girls walked off laughing.
Ethan just patted his shoulder, somewhat comfortingly but also so Benny wouldn't see him laugh.
He was sitting in class, not paying attention. Just thinking about tonight. Rory wasn't known for having the best type in woman for example: Debbie Dazzle. The evil fucking doll that was turning the entire student body, and part of their friend group, into dolls!
"Mr. Weir! Whats the answer?" The teacher yelled across the room.
He was awaken from his daydreaming, he looked at the bored and it was blank. Nothing. Shit.
"uh, France...?" Benny asked with his confused smile.
"that might be correct," the teacher begun, "if this were Social Studies, but Mr. Weir... this is Science! Care to share with the class what you were dreaming about that was so important you can't pay attention?"
The look the teacher had on his face of sarcasm and a smug annoying smile. But Benny just shook his head in response.
"Then pay attention to the lesson. If I have to get on to you again I'm writing you up." Then the teacher got right back to teaching the class.
He made it through the rest of the school day without thinking about the date, but when he was walking with Ethan home it is alll he could talk and think about.
"Why would Rory set me on a date and not tell me until that day! Who does that ya know? And it'd be too rude to cancel this last minute... wait... Rory never even told me where!" He ranted about this whole thing the whole walk home, Ethan not really being able to get a word in at all.
He went to his house, found somewhat nice clothes. Three buttons at the top sorta shirt, and jeans. It was different from the shirts he usually wears because it wasn't just vertical lines across the shirt with a bunch of colors. It was one to two color max kinda shirt. He even brushed his hair.
He called Rory and found out where this date was, and he took his grandma's car. His brain then started filling with all of the positives that could come out of this date.
What if you're smokin hot?
What if you've seen every star wars movie?
What if you were nice?
His mind was just filling up with "what if". He got to the Restaurant you two were meeting up at, not super romantic but not McDonald's kind of casual.
He spots a really gorgeous girl sitting by herself at a booth, that has to be you?
He walks over, "Hey are you here on a blind date? Set up by Rory?"
You nod at the man, "Yeah... I don't really know him that well he kind of just started telling me about his single friend..."
He laughs at that before adding on, "I didn't know we were going on a date until today. He also did not tell me your name?"
You smile at him before responding, "(Y/N), and you're... Benny right?"
He nods in reassurance.
You were both there for hours, laughing and chatting. Until the restaurant was starting to close. You had both had appetisers, main dish, milkshakes, and then more dessert.
They told you they were closing and you both realized how long you had been there.
"It's been really fun talking to you... could I get your number?" Benny asked you, with a nervous undertone in his voice.
You smile and nod your head in agreement, taking one of the napkins and a pen from the checkbook, writing your number down to talk to him more often. You hand the napkin to him, as he grabs the pen and checkbook out of your hands. He had gotten the money from his grandma before the date but you didn't have to know that obviously. He actually told her to give him more incase he wanted to buy a video game.
He wasn't expecting to stay long, just get mac 'n cheese and then decide you two won't work well together. But he didn't want the video game and the amount he brought perfectly covered the check with tip.
"Do you want me to drive you home?" Benny asks after signing the checkbook and putting the cash on the table.
You looked at him with somewhat a shocked look, "oh, uh yeah if you don't mind. My dad said he was going to be a little bit late."
He heard the nervous chuckle at the end of that, and that is when he realised he fell for you. Hard.
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avastrasposts · 27 days
Big Sky Country - ch. 10
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This chapter was a long time coming and I've been struggling with inspiration to write the final part of this story. There is only the epilogue left after this, but I can't say when I'll have it done. But, at least, I'm wrapping up Frankie and Aisling's story now, leaving them in a happy place with a lot of future ahead of them.
Plot: In Big Sky Country we meet a cowboy version of Frankie as he returns to New York to patch things up with his "maybe girlfriend", but he also makes a connection with another woman, who makes this lost cowboy feel welcome in her Brooklyn bar. life doesn't follow straight paths.
Cowboy!Frankie x OFC Aisling
Warnings: None, this is all fluff
Word count: 4.6k
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The loud whoop could be heard through the closed windows of the truck as the engine went quiet. 
“What the fuck are they doing here?” Frankie said, shaking his head while Aisling gave him a confused look.
“Do you know them?” she asked and Frankie nodded, pushing the door open. 
“Yeah, my friends from the army, but I don’t know why they’re here,” he said and got out as a tall blonde man bounded down the steps.
“Fish!” he yelled, a big grin on his face, but as Aisling opened the door on her side and stepped out, a look of confusion flashed across his face before he smiled wide at Frankie again. He was on him in a couple of long steps and Aisling couldn’t help smiling as he effortlessly picked up Frankie in a bear hug. 
“Benny, you’re fucking squashing me,” Frankie laughed, patting the man on the back to get him to let up on his bone crushing grip. Behind him two other men had stepped off the porch, another blonde man almost as tall and big as the first, but older, and a shorter dark haired man who caught Aisling’s eye and smiled at her. 
“Hi, I’m Santiago,” he said, coming over and putting his hand out to her. His handshake was firm and warm, she could feel the calluses on his palm, and it reminded her of Frankie. 
“Aisling, nice to meet you,” she replied as Frankie got a hug from the other blonde man and Benny came over with a bright, curious smile with his hand out. 
“Hi, I’m Benny,” he grinned down at her and she had a moment to think he really was the biggest man she’d seen until the other blonde man offered his hand and introduced himself as Will. It was like standing in front of a wall of men. The three of them, especially the blondes, wide as barn doors, all built in the same broad shouldered form as Frankie. He came over to her side just as she introduced herself to Benny and Will and got a big hug from the man called Santiago. 
“Good to see you, Pope,” he mumbled as the other man clapped him on the back. 
Frankie stepped back and stood next to Aisling, his hands deep in his pockets and looking utterly uncomfortable and confused under the brim of his Stetson. 
“Love the cowboy hat, Fish,” Benny chuckled, swiping it off his head and swapping his own cap for it, tilting the brim at Frankie with a two fingered “Howdy.” 
“Fuck off, Benny,” Frankie sighed with a smirk, “What are you guys even doing here?” 
“You invited us, Fish,” Santiago said, his eyebrows furrowing, “I sent you the details two days ago.” 
“Yeah, for the 15th, Pope,” Frankie replied but Will immediately shook his head. 
“No, the 5th, I booked it,” he said and Frankie pulled out his phone, getting Pope’s message out and seeing that the date was indeed the 5th. 
“Fuck….” he sighed, “I messed up the dates, I’m sorry.” 
“Yeah, we were kinda confused when you didn’t pick up the phone, but that explains it,” Will said, “We met Herb down at the ranch and he told us you were out on the trail today.” 
Frankie shook his head, his face deeply apologetic, “I’m really sorry, I wasn’t focused when I read your mail, Pope. I…I had other things on my mind,” he stuttered and no one missed his quick glance at Aisling who was starting to feel uncomfortable. 
“Yeah, we can see that, Fish,” Pope smiled at Aisling who felt her cheeks heat up as all four men were suddenly looking at her. 
“Sorry, I kinda showed up unexpectedly a couple of days ago,” she said with a grimace, looking over at Frankie. 
“So, how’d you two-” 
“Fish, show us your cabin and let’s get the grill going, we brought food and beer,” Will interrupted Benny, stepping between him and Aisling and grabbing hold of Frankie’s arm, propelling him towards the house. Pope stepped round them and easily hooked an arm around Aisling’s shoulders and got her walking towards the house with him, leaving Benny to catch up. 
“It’s nice to meet you, good to see that Frankie’s got some company out here,” Santiago smiled, “let’s see if we can dig out that grill, I think I saw around the side earlier. 
Thankful for Santiago’s distraction, Aisling helped him set it up while Benny hauled a couple of coolers from the back of their rental truck. Setting up a camping table next to the BBQ, they soon had it going just as Will and Frankie returned outside with plates and utensils for the BBQ. 
“Any outdoor seating, Fish?” Santiago asked and Frankie shook his head. 
“No, just the bench on the porch and a couple of deck chairs, stairs’ll have to do.” 
“Alright, man, sounds good. Cheers!” Santiago held his beer up to the group and everyone followed suit, clinking bottles and taking long swigs. Frankie caught Aisling’s eyes over the brim of his bottle and she gave him a small smile. He knew he’d have to field a lot of questions from the guys and he wished he’d had a moment to talk to her before they started asking. 
“Frankie, before I forget,” Aisling suddenly said, “Can you help me get my bag down from the closet, I couldn’t reach it this morning and I’ve got my sweater in it.” 
Frankie looked confused for a second while Aisling nodded towards the cabin and left the guys standing by the BBQ. Then it clicked. 
“Yeah, sure. Give me a second, guys, be right back.” 
He hurried after Aisling and followed her into the cabin. He knew her bag was on the floor of his bedroom, and not on top of any closet, and now he followed her in there.
“I’m sorry about this, Ash,” he said as soon as he’d closed the door behind them, “I had no idea they’d turn up today.” 
“It’s fine, ‘Fish’,” she smiled at him, “They seem really nice. I just wanted to ask you what we tell them? Do they know we met in Brooklyn?” 
Frankie shook his head as his hand flew up to rub his neck while he grimaced at her with a pained expression. 
“No, I haven’t talked to them in a while. Pope knows Eva and I broke up, I talked to him just after I got back from New York. But I didn’t tell him about you.” 
“Which one is Pope?” Aisling asked, taking his hand from his neck and threading her fingers through his.
“Santiago, Pope’s his call sign, like mine’s Catfish,” Frankie explained, “Will is Ironhead, Benny is just Benny.” 
He sighed and wrapped his arm around her waist, leaning his forehead against hers, “I wanna tell them everything, if you’re ok with that. Or at least, that we met in New York, that we’re….” Frankie trailed off, giving a small shrug before he continued, “I mean, we didn’t talk about this yet, what we are? Are we dating?”
“I’d say we are, Fish,” Aisling replied with a small smile, “And…I don’t know, they’ll figure out I’m staying with you so just tell them I came out here to stay with you for a bit? We don’t have to tell them all the details about New York.” 
“Pope knows I came back here from New York after Eva and I broke up, but he doesn’t know about the abortion. I’ll tell him eventually, but not now,” Frankie said, shaking his head. He knew he wanted all three of them to know the whole story eventually, so that they understood why he wasn’t with Eva anymore. But it had been such a long time since all four of them had been together, tonight shouldn’t be about him. “I don’t want to bring it down, or make it weird, just make it…easy? And I don’t want them to think I made some sort of rash decision with you and that this isn’t real, you know? I want them to know you and like you and it’s just been so long and-” 
Aisling cupped her hands around his cheeks, stroking her thumbs over the scruffy bear, “Frankie, it’s nothing to worry about,” she could see the anxiety in his eyes as he went through fifty different scenarios in just a few seconds, his head starting to reel, “If they ask, we just tell them we met in Brooklyn while you were there, and now I’m here to stay with you for a while and see where it leads, how about that?” 
Frankie took a deep breath and closed his eyes, letting his mind calm down as Aisling continued to stroke his cheeks, the soft touch grounding him. 
“Yeah, sounds good, sounds like a plan,” he sighed, opening is eyes and looking down at her, “What the fuck would I do without you, Ash?” he asked, giving her a small smile. 
“Without me all these questions wouldn’t be popping up,” she smiled back, leaning in and giving him a kiss, “But I don’t mind fielding them, I’ve been a bartender in New York, three ex-military guys is a piece of cake. C’mon, let’s get some BBQ going,” she grinned at him and put her hand in his again.
She still had a firm grip on it as they returned to the front porch, the smell of burning coal already drifting from the grill. Will glanced up and noticed, his mouth pulling up in a quick smile while Benny hauled the cooler of beers to the edge of the porch stairs. 
“The coals will need some time to get nice and hot,” Will said, giving the BBQ a final look before he came over to the stairs and sat down on the bottom one, stretching out his long legs as Aisling and Frankie sat down too. Frankie leaned back as he scratched through his sweaty curls and hooked his arm around her waist. Benny passed them both beers and Pope lifted his, clinking it with Frankie’s. 
“Salud, el pececito,” he said with a grin, “Good to see you again, man. And it’s really nice to meet you Aisling.” 
“Don’t fucking call me that,” Frankie huffed with a chuckle, lifting his bottle to Pope too, “And same, it’s good to have you here.” 
They all raised their bottles and echoed the sentiment, Ashling joining in and getting a warm smile from Will. She already liked him, he seemed stable and quiet, and in tune with what the other three men were feeling. 
“What does that mean?” she asked, “El pececito?” 
“Little fish!” Pope declared with a grin while Frankie sighed. Aisling laughed and patted his head, she was sitting a step above him and he’d put his arm around her as he leaned back. 
“So ‘fish sticks’ isn’t so bad then, huh, Fishy?” she teased him as he groaned, knowing what was coming. 
Benny nearly choked on his beer as he snorted, spraying beer over his shoes as Pope and Will laughed, Will also reaching up and slapping his brother’s back. 
“Oh shit, beer totally just came out of my nose but it was worth it,” Benny coughed, wiping his grinning face, “‘Fish sticks’? I’m using that!” 
“Only Ash is allowed to call me that, Benny,” Frankie sighed as he playfully poked Aisling, “You are in so much trouble, cariño.” 
She winked at Frankie as Benny continued to laugh, “I like her, Fish, good catch.” 
“Any more fish references and you’re getting kicked out,” Frankie said with a mock serious tone, “Besides, I’ve heard them all before you know.” 
“Yeah, you need to update your repertoire,” Pope nodded, “No repeating decade old jokes.” 
Benny just shook his head, flipping Pope the finger while sipping his beer again. 
“So you guys met in New York?” Will asked, his tone casual but Aisling had the feeling he was subtly starting the interrogation part of the conversation, “Are you from there?” His clear blue eyes were friendly as he looked at her and she didn’t mind his questions. 
“Yes, on both accounts. I grew up in Brooklyn and I met Frankie when he walked into the bar I was working at, looking very much like a lost cowboy.” 
“I didn’t look that much like a cowboy, and I wasn’t that lost,” Frankie protested, “I just had some time to kill and your bar looked nice.” 
“You were wearing cowboy boots and a belt buckle the size of Texas,” she pointed out, smiling down at him as he chuckled. 
“Yeah, fair point,” he admitted, scratching his beard as he thought back to the day he’d walked into the bar. He’d been pretty lost, not physically lost, but mentally. He could still remember the feeling he had in his body as he walked down the street to Eva’s apartment, the long hours on the bus in his limbs, the worry in his head about how to handle the prospect of a child with her, how to live in New York. The temporary relief he’d felt in Aisling’s company from the start had been unexpected but flooded him and calmed in a way he’d never felt before. He looked up at her sitting next to him now on the stairs of his cabin, something he’d thought was an impossible dream just two days ago, and something loosened his chest. She continued telling the guys the story about their first meeting, and he moved himself just a little bit closer, tightening his arm around her hips. She felt it and dropped her hand to his shoulder, giving it a small squeeze in response as she smiled at his friends.
“You guys should’ve seen his face when I told him the price of the beer he’d just had, he almost fell off the stool,” she grinned, giving his shoulder another squeeze as she looked down at him with warm eyes. 
The guys laughed as Frankie shook his head in protest, but he was laughing too. 
“This little minx sold me the most expensive beer on the menu, claimed it was her favorite and then charged me fourteen fifty without even blinking,” he said, giving Aisling’s side a teasing poke as she snorted, “And then she had the balls to ask me if I wanted another one.” 
“It was a great beer!” 
“Yeah, but not worth fourteen fifty,” Frankie said, his brown eyes almost disappearing as he grinned up at her and she grabbed his chin between her thumb and fore finger, tugging at it lightly as she gave his nose a quick peck. 
“Totally worth it, I tell you, since you got me too.” 
Frankie looked as if he was mulling that over for a couple of seconds before he slipped his hand behind her neck and pulled her closer for a kiss. 
“Yeah, ok, worth it,” he smiled against her lips. 
“Enough,” Pope laughed, “this beer,” he waved his bottle at the two of them, “might not be fourteen fifty but I’m trying to keep it down, you know what I’m saying?” 
Aisling felt her cheeks heat up as Frankie pulled back a little, but his hand moved down her leg and he was still holding her close, his arm around her waist. 
“How’s ranch life then, for a New Yorker?” Will asked, taking a swig of his beer, the same easy tone to his questions. 
“I’ve only been here two days, but it’s good,” Aisling smiled at him, “Frankie gave me riding lessons yesterday and today we went out on the trail up into the mountains, it’s really beautiful and I haven’t gotten over how big and open it is out here, it’s just endless.” 
“Better than New York?” Pope asked, and something in his tone made Frankie look over at him, but the dark haired man just quirked his eyebrow back at him as Aisling nodded, she could guess what he meant too and she smiled at him. 
“So much better, on all accounts,” she said, looking over at Frankie, “Frankie showed me photos of this place before I came and I thought it was beautiful then too, but nothing compares to seeing it first hand. It’s just…” she shook her head like she couldn’t find the words to describe it, “I don’t even know, it just feels so much better, the air, the sky, the surroundings...” 
“The company,” Benny butted in with a grin and Aisling laughed. 
“Yeah, the company too,” she said and ruffled the top of Frankie’s head as he gave her leg a squeeze. 
Aisling looked over at the other three men again and grimaced, wrinkling her nose, “I…I guess it’s kinda weird for you guys to come here and find some strange woman in Frankie’s life,” she said, glancing at Santiago before meeting Will’s steady gaze, “You guys don’t know me and you’ve never heard of me, and I understand if you wonder what the fuck this is and who I am…” she trailed off but Will nodded. 
“I didn’t expect Frankie to have a new girlfriend, and I think we were all surprised to meet you, but it’s not a bad thing,” he reassured her, “We’ve know Frankie for a very long time, and I think we can all see the difference in him today compared to when we last saw him back in Florida. Whatever you’re doing, it seems to be working.” 
“It is,” Frankie cut in, “When things with Eva didn’t work out, the last thing I needed was to meet someone new, but with Aisling, it’s been easy from the start, well….” he stopped himself and looked at Aisling who had raised her eyebrows with a small smirk, “Ok, maybe not easy, outside circumstances made it difficult, but I never had to think about if you were right or not.” 
Aisling smiled at him, “You know I felt the same,” she said and wrapped her arms around Frankie, giving him a big kiss on his cheek as he grinned and the rest of the guys chuckled. 
Will shifted in his seat and took a sip off his beer while he looked at the two of them, seeming to consider his next words. 
“You look happy, Fish, really happy,” he said, pausing and looking between the two of them with a thoughtful look and seemed to change his mind about what he was going to say next as Pope glanced over at him. Instead he drank from his beer again instead, a small furrow between his eyebrows. 
But Frankie guessed what Will was thinking about, “She knows about my addiction, the PTSD, everything. I even told her about Colombia,” Frankie said, “I had to tell her, I need to go into this without any secrets.” 
Aisling nodded next to him, “This, between us, is…really new, but it’s good. It’s really good and I’m not scared by Frankie’s past, but I’m not going into it blind, I know he’s got a lot to work on.” 
“And you’re still clean, Fish?” Will asked. 
“945 days,” Frankie said without needing to think about it, pulling a small bronze chip from his pocket, “Never again.” 
“That’s awesome, Fish!” Benny exclaimed, reaching over and giving him a clap on the back, “You worked hard at it, it’s great to see something good coming into your life too.”  
“Thanks, Ben,” Frankie replied, rubbing his shoulder, “just a bit too fucking hard.” 
“Welcome to the mayhem, Aisling,” Pope laughed, “Never accept hugs from Benny.” 
“Fuck off,” Benny shot back but he couldn’t resist flexing his thick arms, showing off his physique. 
“I hope you’ve got a trip up on the trail with the horses planned for us too, Fish,” Will said, “we brought the gear for it.” 
“Yeah, of course, I planned with Herb after Pope called. We can go tomorrow if you’re all up for it?” Frankie replied, “You think you can handle another day in the saddle, Ash?” 
“Yeah, if we go slow. I’d love to go up there again,” she nodded and Frankie smiled, giving her hip a squeeze. 
“How about camping up there?” Benny asked, excitement showing on his face but Will just sighed and Pope cursed. 
“You want to go camping? Haven’t we all spent enough nights in tents?” he asked as Will pushed to his feet to check on the BBQ. 
“Yeah, seriously, Benny, I’ve done that enough,” he sighed, lining up the hot dogs and burger patties on the grill, “No more. 
“C’mon, I bet Aisling’s never been camping,” Benny pushed, pointing at Ash who was nodding. 
“I haven’t actually, and Frankie was gonna plan a camping trip for me, so maybe we can all go?” She looked at Frankie and then over at Pope and Will. Pope groaned and Will chuckled. 
“I’m not saying no to Fish’s girlfriend on the first night, I guess we’re going camping, Pope.” 
“Awesome,” Benny grinned, giving Aisling a quick nudge, “You’ll love it, we’ll get a big fire going, I make the best s’mores!”
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The evening went on with the same theme, the guys were joking around, poking fun at each other and re-telling stories for Aisling’s benefit, their loud laughter echoed around the surrounding countryside as darkness fell. She sat tucked in under Frankie’s arm on the porch swing, Pope on the other side, while Frankie rocked the three of them back and forth. She looked over at him as his eyes disappeared in his face, doubled over with laughter from Benny’s story. He was telling them about a date he’d been on last month that had started with him bringing his date lilies, which she turned out to be allergic too, and ended when he brought her to a steakhouse, only to find out she was vegan.  
“I think I could’ve saved it after the lilies, I got her allergy tablets on the way to the restaurant, but the vegan thing….” he shook his head as the rest of them laughed, “you should’ve seen her face when we pulled up to the place and there was a big bull’s head above the door.” Benny made a grimace that sent them all into laughter again and next to her Aisling her Frankie almost choked as he took a sip from his beer. He winked at her as she patted his back, looking the most relaxed she’d ever seen him. It was easy to see that hanging out with old friends, sharing stories and just easy laughter, was doing him a lot more good than he probably realized.  
As the evening began to wind down, plans were made for the camping, the guys would go into Big Sky first thing in the morning for supplies while Frankie got the gear on the ranch ready. Aisling decided she needed some better clothes for camping so she’d join them too. Frankie shot her a worried look when she said that and Pope laughed. 
“Frankie’s scared we’ll tell you all the embarrassing stories if you go alone with us,” he chuckled, “don’t worry, Fish, we’ll save that for the campfire.” 
“Very helpful, thanks, Pope,” Frankie replied, beginning to stack the plates as he rolled his eyes, behind his back Pope winked at Aisling, “We should get a move on though, early start tomorrow to get all the gear ready.” 
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It took a while longer, but eventually the three guys piled into their rented car and headed back to the ranch. Aisling yawned widely as Frankie locked the door to the cabin behind them and flicked off the kitchen light. She waited for him at the door to the bathroom and wrapped her arms around his waist. 
“You’ve got really great friends,” she said and Frankie smiled, nodding in agreement as he walked her backwards towards the counter, his arms on her shoulders. 
“Yeah, they’re good guys,” he said, “it was great seeing them, it wasn’t as weird as I thought it’d be.” 
“You’ve got people around you who care about you, Frankie, but you seem to be pretty good at forgetting that sometimes,” Aisling said in a soft voice as she caressed his back, lightly scratching as he hummed in agreement. 
“You’re not the first one to tell me that,” he admitted, “Herb has told me many times too, but I get too much in my head and think they’re better off without me, or that they don’t want me around while I’m a mess.” 
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re  dumb ass, Frankie,” she scoffed with a smile as she tugged at his chin, “a total dumb ass sometimes.”
She heaved herself up on the counter next to the sink and grabbed her toothbrush. 
“Gee, thanks,” Frankie snorted, but he was smiling too, “and you’re not the first person to call me a dumb ass, but hearing it from my girlfriend is always very heartwarming.” 
“Just making sure you’re aware, pass the tooth paste, please,” she replied, leaning forward as handed her the tube, and giving him a kiss on the cheek, “and I like it when you call me your girlfriend.” 
“I noticed,” he smiled, “it made your cheeks go all pink when I did it tonight, I’m gonna have to use it more often.” 
“If you do, I won’t call  you ‘fish sticks’ in front of Benny again,” she smiled and started brushing her teeth as Frankie rolled his eyes with exaggeration at her. 
“I will never hear the end of that, you have no idea. These guys do not forget. Gathering information for black mailing is literally part of our training for special ops.” 
Aisling grinned around her toothbrush and Frankie gave her forehead a peck before he began brushing his own teeth.
“What was that for?” she asked, tilting her head back to stop the toothpaste from escaping her mouth. 
“Yorrkuut,” Frankie slurred and Aisling giggled and rinsed her mouth, spitting in the sink. 
“No idea what you just said.” 
Frankie spat too, “You’re cute,” he repeated with a smile as Aisling slid off the counter. 
“Not as cute as you ‘Fish sticks’, see you in the bedroom.” 
Frankie gave her butt a quick swat as she slipped out of the bathroom, he could hear her giggling as she rummaged around in her bag next to the bed. He put away his toothbrush and grabbed the mouthwash as he looked at himself in the mirror. The man who faced him looked different, he was smiling widely, and even though the lines around his eyes were still there, his patchy beard changing to gray faster than he’d like, he looked brighter and happier. It was a change that had come in just two days and he knew it was because he was starting to see a future a lot different from the one he’d envisioned less than a week ago. And he felt different, he could feel it in his chest, in his stomach, and above all, in his head. It was all calmer, steadier, and he felt level in a way he hadn’t in a very long time. It wasn’t just a maybe now, it was starting to become reality, a reality he could trust in to be more long term even if there was work to be done. 
He rubbed his hand over his jaw as he rinsed the mouthwash around his teeth, studying himself; dark curls that were getting long, the gray at his temples, deep lines on his forehead, the faint scar on his left cheek and all the thoughts he could see rolling in his head. He spat out the mouthwash and inhaled deeply, still looking at himself, still calm. There was no flare of panic at thinking about the future, no fear. Just a steady confidence that he could do this.
You’ve got this, Morales, you can handle it. Whatever ‘it’ is, you can handle it because you got this far and she believes in you and so do your friends. 
He gave himself a crooked smile in the mirror, and flicked off the light, making his way down to the bedroom and Aisling waiting for him.
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artyandink · 4 months
𝙾𝙻𝙳 𝙵𝙰𝚂𝙷𝙸𝙾𝙽𝙴𝙳 | bartender!dean winchester
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Summary: Dean Winchester needs a job after his little brother left for Stanford, and he’s good at mixing drinks. You happen to work at Harvelle’s Roadhouse, which is the place he chose to work at. He finds a family. He finds a new life. But he also finds you. But you have problems of your own.
A/N - My first reader series, do make sure to comment and/or reblog feedback. Set with S1/2 Dean cause I love our baby boy 😁 and pretend group chats exist on old phones lol
A/N 2 - Chapter’s kinda short, sorry guys 😬 I’ve been ill nonstop, and that sapped my creative juice
Warnings: Blood, gore, alcohol, chaotic group chat, angst, some fluff, Charlie being Charlie, mentions of abuse, Benny isn’t a vampire, Ruby and Meg aren’t demons, everyone got an out from hunting and the Apocalypse, Azazel doesn’t come after the Winchesters
three - french 75
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You and Dean were working the bar the following Tuesday with Bela and Benny, a surprisingly chaotic duo while, as usual, the rest of the gang lived it up in a booth nearby.
After the Roadhouse closed up, all of you agreed on what you knew would be a chaotic night of strip poker, almost guaranteed highlights being Ruby’s victory gorilla grunt, Jo throwing her cards down when she lost and Bela’s painfully obvious ‘poker face’ which consisted of her smirk that was strained with poorly restrained giggles.
It was tradition, really.
“Is this place looking for vacancies?” There was a redhead at the bar, her locks cropped to her chin and she sported an eager expression. “If not, that’s ok. I need a way to make some extra cash.”
“And you are?” You asked with a broad smile, pouring a glass of whiskey for a patron.
“Charlie. Bradbury.” She replied with an equally as wide smile. You already took to her well; she seemed like another lost soul who needed a family, but someone you could easily warm up to.
“Ok, Charlie Bradbury. Behind the counter.” You let her in, starting to show her the way in, out, up, down and around the drinks lined behind the counter, showing her the baseball bat in case she needed to ever, y’know, start swinging.
Charlie seemed like a go-getter, already prepared to start flipping bottles and mixing the drinks like nobody’s business.
“This place is cool.” She grinned widely, and you gave her a warm smile and pat on the back as you handed her over to Benny, who took the reins while you and Dean dissolved back into giggles.
Dean nudged you, nodding to Ellen, who looked a lot happier than usual. “Y’know, I think we did Ellen and ol’ boy Bobby a solid. They both seem more like cheery old souls rather than just… old souls.”
“Jo said she actually saw Ellen blushing. Blushing.” You nudged him back. “We play good matchmakers, no?”
“Damn right. We just have to choose our next victims.”
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You and Benny were clearing up the bar after closing, the low rumble of your chatter being the only available ambience. The door opened, and without looking up, you and Benny said the exact same thing.
“We’re closed.” You both chorused, but an exhilarated gasp came from whoever walked in, and as your heads looked up, both of your veins turned to straight ice. A woman with flowing, perfectly coiffed brown hair, creamy olive skin and doe eyes was standing there, dressed in white with a longing expression.
You and Benny shared a look, instantly standing closer to one another as you swallowed thickly on a dry throat, the feeling stinging and scratchy. “Andrea.” You whispered, setting the broom against a table while Benny’s eyes misted over with nostalgia and barely restrained heartbreak.
Andrea Kormos. Benny’s ex girlfriend.
“Dre.” Benny breathed, his hand gripping your forearm protectively, putting himself in front of you while your hand discreetly reached for underneath the counter for the concealed weapon, holding off a panic attack as the sight of Andrea brought back unwanted memories. “What are you doing here?”
“My love.” She took a step forward, making Benny fully shield you with his body. “I’ve searched for so long.”
“Why are you here?”
“To bring you back.” Andrea insisted, tilting her head and gazing at Benny as if she was obsessed. “Our family misses you. My father misses you.”
“Tell him to go to hell.” Benny growled, your hand closing around the weapon amid rasping breaths that got shorter each time, heart pounding in your parched throat. Your thoughts drifted to the scars on your neck, the ones that you desperately hid with a good coverage foundation.
Blood draining out of you, your limbs going limp as the thick fluid dropped onto the floor, hungry tongues licking up every inch…
That didn’t help in the slightest.
“I have to bring you in by force if necessary.” She announced, her head held high. “You knew what you got into once you came to our house.”
“I didn’t.” Benny shook his head determinedly. “You said you were just taking me to meet your father. And I find this poor thing in a side room!” His finger pointing at you, blind fury on his face. “I didn’t know what the hell I was getting into.”
“Force it is.” She muttered before teeth, sharp, hooked teeth emerged as she snarled and charged for Benny. Amid gasping breaths, a pounding head and constricted lungs, you yanked a machete out of its holster and swung your dominant arm.
Andrea’s head made a dull thud as it hit the floor, even more so when her body did the same, and before you could collapse against the counter and start sobbing until your voice went hoarse you were drawn into Benny’s arms as he patted your hair, chin on your head as he shushed you. “You’re safe, sweet.” He murmured in a strained voice, torn because who he once thought his love was now lying on the floor.
A piece of his heart might have gone with her.
“Listen to my heartbeat, angel.” He told you, and the thump of his heartbeat filled your ear as you desperately timed your rasping breath with the steady rise and fall of his chest. “Attagirl. Doing so well, sister. I promised you they’d never hurt you again. Didn’t I? And you handled yourself so well. So damn well.”
You repeated that pattern until your head cleared, and you gave Benny a thank you squeeze. He held you for a few more moments before wordlessly sitting you down, getting you a tall, cool glass of water.
Normally, you’d find pin drop silence uncomfortable.
Now you welcomed the change.
The icy liquid seemed to calm your nerves as you gulped it down, Benny’s calloused hand smoothing your hair back an anchor made of the strongest material your brain could think up when it wasn’t all muddled up.
Your lungs gradually releasing the grip it had on your oxygen supply.
“You sit there, sweet.” Benny murmured with a kiss to your crown. “I’ll clear all this up. Like it never happened.”
Your parents had a baby before they were turned into vampires. That baby was you, but they decided to do something else with you.
They made you a lure.
Raised you to coax people into being fed on, and when crop yield was low, you were their supply. That was until Benny got lured into the nest by Andrea, found you and fought like hell to get you both out.
You both stumbled into the Roadhouse, covered in dust, grime and blood, but found a home for life.
You owed your life to Benny, but he insisted that he did the bare minimum and refused any attempt where you tried to repay your internalised debt, and through that you both found an older brother and younger sister figure to rely on.
But only the gang sans Dean and Charlie knew. You’d rather Dean not know where you really came from. He was too innocent for that.
You thought of him, with his million dollar grin, billion dollar flashing eyes and trillion dollar words. If you had to put a tag for his worth on him, he’d be, well, priceless.
A gentleman towards you, a grade A flirt (which you didn’t mind as he lobbed compliment after compliment your way) and he looked at you like you were the only girl in the room. And he never failed to make your heart flutter when he reached out to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear when you were working and it obstructed your vision.
You didn’t know why he’d suddenly reach out to take whatever task you were doing and do it himself. All you knew was that it was only a matter of a few weeks and you were already down bad.
Down bad for Dean Goddamn Winchester.
No. No, you couldn’t be. He was too good for you. Even if all those thoughts flew out of your head the moment he called you ‘sweetheart’.
Sweetheart. You hated that name but loved it at the same time. You hated it because it dragged you deeper into the rabbit hole that was Dean and you knew there was no way out. You loved it because the feeling was like a gulp of whiskey after months of not touching it.
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bDe: who’s managing shift this weekend
charlie weasley: I am!!!
ScarJo: I’m free to manage shift
Queen B: That’s good, cause me, Ruby, Meg are going on a girls trip
You: Where’s my invite hmmmmm
Ruby-gina George: Fine, you can come
You: YAY
Megolodon: There’s gonna be lots of booze
ScarJo: Kind of regret taking shift now
Ben Dover: Too late, darling, you’re stuck behind the counter
ScarJo: I hate you
Casanova: I’m guessing that you’ll need someone to pick you up.
Megolodon: That’s right, Cassie baby
Casanova: I’ll wait for your call, then.
bDe: a gentleman at his finest, yall
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Ruby wondered whether she was ill or something. On a grocery run, she found herself tempted to buy women’s swimsuit magazines because the ladies looked pretty. And another day, she found her heart practically somersaulting when she saw Meg’s lips close around a straw as she drank a vodka and soda.
Now, Charlie was a newbie, but she’d been open about how she was, y’know, batting for the other team. She liked girls. And that meant that Ruby could ask her for advice. And Jo, because Jo was the classic glue of the group and somehow had advice for every damn thing under the sun.
“Jo.” Ruby sat down in front of Jo, who was in animated conversation with Charlie. They both turned to her in surprise and identical raised eyebrows. “And you, Charlie. I need advice.”
Maybe Charlie could help. After all, she was an expert in the field Ruby needed advice on. This was an extremely unfamiliar topic, even though she’d grown up in a family full of suspiciously close women.
Oh, god, this was nerve wracking.
Jo looked concerned, but nodded, and Charlie did the same. “Sure, go ahead.” Jo gestured for Ruby to continue, while Charlie sat eagerly forward in her seat, waiting for Ruby to speak.
“Ok.” She took a deep breath, her eyes briefly flicking to Meg. “What if… what if I…”
“Liked girls?” Charlie finished the sentence with a wide grin. “Don’t worry, takes one to know one. Clocked you the moment I saw you.”
“Gee, thanks.” Ruby drawled, but Jo covered her hand reassuringly.
“We are really proud of you.” She grinned. “No joke there.”
In the meantime, Dean had ducked out to take a call. You saw him through the window, a frown on that gorgeous face. Then it morphed to a rather docile one as he mouthed ‘sorry, sir’, which got you thinking. Who the hell was he talking to?
“I don’t wanna come back, sir.” Dean muttered dejectedly, but heard John’s voice on the other end of the line.
‘Ain’t your choice to make, son. You’re gonna come back and keep hunting. With your brother gone-’
“Sammy’s out. I should get one too.”
‘You’re a born hunter. You’ll stay that way.’ John’s voice half inclined Dean to drop to his knees and beg for forgiveness.
Hell, he itched to, with how messed up and crappy he was, he ached to.
Then he saw you come out of the bar, brow furrowed in the sudden sunlight. His new home. The one he felt tentative, but safe in. Not like everything was an urge he needed to fight. With you, he just gave in.
And so he gave an exhilarated smile, cut the call and acted as if everything was ok.
Because it was.
You were around.
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Sam was nervous. He was at a restaurant with Jessica, wearing his best suit and adjusting his tie, while she looked stunning, in a blue, floor-length dress that brought out her eyes and her beautiful features. The warm lights flickered in the ambience while Sam ordered a round of champagne just as Jess came back from the bathroom, quickly slipping something to the waiter.
“This is a very rare date night.” Jess quipped, her manicured hands (she went for an emergency nail appointment) resting over one another as she gave Sam a knowing look.
He gave her a light scoff and a defensive look. “Hey, hey, I take you on dates all the time-”
“I’m kidding!” She giggled, waving him off before resting her head on her palm. “This is just fancier than usual. It’s a change from our coffee dates. Don’t get me wrong, I love those too, it just makes me think there’s a special occasion.”
That was his cue.
He signalled to the waiters, who brought out Jess’ favourite champagne. She delicately sipped as they talked, of Stanford, how Sam was doing and their chosen courses.
When a small metal thing hit her lips.
She gasped softly as she took it out, seeing a shiny diamond ring and then Sam on one knee, taking her hand and kissing the knuckle.
“Jessica Elizabeth Moore, will you marry me?”
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agaypanic · 10 months
Benny x female reader where he puts a love potion spell on her to make her fall in love with him but to his shock it doesn't work and take effect because she already loves him
A Faulty Love Potion (Benny Weir X Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Deeply in love with you, Benny uses a temporary love spell on you to feel what it would be like if you loved him back. But for some reason, you don’t act any different.
A/N: tbh i was gonna just link a benny x reader i already wrote that involves a love potion, but i figured this was different enough for me to write 
“Benny, are you sure you should be doing this?” Ethan asked as he watched his best friend cook up his latest concoction.
“E, it’s fine,” Benny responded, not taking his eyes off the bubbly mixture. “It’s a way toned-down version of the last love potion we tried, and this is only for twenty-four hours. Just enough for me to bask in the experience of Y/n loving me. Plus, once the twenty-four hours are up, she won’t remember any of it, so it won’t ruin our friendship.”
“Why not just ask her on a date or something? That would be way less trouble.”
“Sure, but this is way more fun,” Benny said, bottling the potion and holding it up proudly to Ethan’s view. “Ta-da!”
At school the next day, you found Benny hanging around your locker. It seemed like he was trying not to look suspicious, immediately making you suspicious of him.
“Hey Benny…” You greeted, wondering what he was up to. 
“Hey, Y/n!” He responded excitedly. You raised a brow before looking away to open your locker. 
“What did you do this time?” You asked, earning an offended and dramatic gasp.
“Why do you assume I’ve done something?” You gave Benny a knowing look, and he dropped the act, fishing around for something in his bag. “Okay, okay. But it’s nothing bad this time. Look!”
You glanced over to see a vial of glittery liquid in Benny’s hand. He handed it over for you to inspect.
“It’s perfume,” Benny answered your question before you could ask it. “It’s for science class. Wanna try it?”
“I don’t know. Does it smell rancid?” You joked, laughing at Benny’s adorable eye roll. “You’re lucky I love ya.” You laughed, taking the cap off of the vial. Benny’s heart skipped a beat at the statement, wishing you meant it the way he wanted. But soon you would, because you took a small testing sniff of the contents. Deeming it okay, you took a deeper inhale.
Benny waited for some kind of change in behavior; he thought he’d be able to notice the light love potion take effect. But instead, he watched you nod and put the cap back on.
“I like it. Good job.” You handed the vial back to Benny, who reveled in the contact of your hand touching his as you returned the perfume. “Kinda smells like you.”
“Me?” Benny asked curiously. Of course, the potion would make you think of him, considering it was made so you would fall in love with him. But he didn’t think that it would smell like him, or that you would recognize his scent. Benny wasn’t even aware he had much of a scent.
“Yeah.” You nodded, giving him a small smile. “I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s really good.” The bell rang, unfortunately cutting your conversation short. “I gotta go. See you later, Bens.” 
You shut your locker and walked off, leaving Benny confused.
Benny spent the rest of the day wondering why you were acting the same you did any other day. The potion should’ve worked. Even if it was toned down, he thought you would have at least had a noticeable change in behavior, whether it was small or not.
When he talked to Ethan about this, he was just told that he probably made the potion wrong. But Benny was sure that he did it right. 
The following day, Benny decided to tell you about his little magic attempt. After all, you’d forget about it once the twenty-four hours were up. He could confess, and then you’d forget it even happened, saving your friendship even though it meant Benny would have to suffer in silence again.
“Hey, Y/n.” Benny greeted you at your locker once again. He looked at his watch, seeing that he had five minutes to do what he wanted to do.
“Hey, Benny.” You responded, smiling at him brightly. “How’d your little science experiment go?”
“Fine.” He said, albeit a bit disappointedly. “That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about. Um… I kinda lied when I told you that was for science class.”
“Oh?” You looked at him curiously, waiting for him to continue.
“That perfume was actually… a love potion.”
“What?” You didn’t sound mad, thankfully, just a bit confused. “Why would you lie to me about that?”
“Because I really like you… Maybe even love.” Benny looked at his watch again. Three minutes left. “And I wanted to know what it would feel like if you felt the same, even if it was just for a little while. But nothing happened; you acted just like you normally do.”
You should’ve been mad at Benny. He tried to make you fall in love with him, even though it was temporary. But instead, you laughed.
“Well, of course it didn’t work, Benny.”
“What do you mean?”
“I already love you, doofus.” Benny looked stunned by your casual tone. You set your hands on his shoulders and stepped closer, hoping to ground him. “Of course, I’d act the same.”
“You love me?” Benny asked, seemingly in some kind of daze. You nodded, and his hands found their way to your hips and pulled you closer to him. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Didn’t wanna ruin our friendship.” You answered simply, face heating up from being chest to chest with Benny. Benny’s lips gravitated to yours, kissing you somewhat shyly. You kissed back eagerly, although you tried to keep the affection tame as you remembered where you were. 
Suddenly, Benny pulled away, making you frown.
“You’re gonna forget all of this.” He whispered, tone saddened with the realization. You furrowed your brow, about to ask him what he was talking about, but he continued. “The potion will make you forget this happened once the twenty-four hours are up.” You must’ve been out of time based on how urgent he sounded.
“Then make me remember.” You said, and before Benny could ask for more clarification, you pulled him back in for another kiss.
When the potion’s effects had worn off, you pulled away from Benny confusedly. You were about to ask him what had just happened, but he interrupted you.
“I love you, Y/n.”
“I love you.” Caught up in the moment, Benny kissed you once more. Although you were wondering why you couldn’t remember what had been going on, you reciprocated the contact.
“I love you too, Bens.” You muttered against his lips, your little display of affection soon being interrupted by the ringing of the school bell.
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
I adore Eddie falling asleep in front of the live stream and everything that follows
But now I’m also thinking of Steve one day seeing the live stream is still on but he has no idea how to turn it off so he has to ask Chat for help which he has to find first and it just turns into this hilarious quest of Chat trying to explain how to turn it off while Steve barely finds the chat to even read it
This is so painfully in line with this AU’s Steve and I love it so much. It’s perfect.
This time Steve is in the room when Eddie falls asleep, so he’s aware that there is a live-stream going on. He hasn’t been seen on camera, but the audience can hear him when he says, “You know what I’ve been craving?”
Followed by, “Benny’s Burgers. Isn’t that crazy?”
Followed by, “…Ed?”
Followed by, “Oh.”
Because Eddie’s eyes drifted shut ten minutes ago and they have yet to open. You can kinda hear movement and then Steve is wandering into the frame with his hands on his hips. He looks at the camera and frowns at it before he pokes Eddie in the arm, “Ed. Eddie, babe. You left the – the thing going.”
Eddie slumps over a little more and Steve sighs, running his hands through his hair. He doesn’t try to wake Eddie up anymore, just twists him around so he’s laying more comfortably. He throws a blanket over him and then wipes his hands of the whole situation. It is not his problem.
Except that makes him feel bad, so he comes back to the studio.
At first he just sits the phone facedown and leaves again, but he doesn’t like that either. What if Eddie talks in his sleep about the Upside Down (something that he has never done before), or has a bad nightmare, or farts and the whole internet hears it. Steve doesn’t want him to be embarrassed so, “It’s not rocket science, Harrington. Let’s figure this out.”
It might be rocket science.
For the audience at home, they get to experience Steve Harrington up close and personal because Steve is (1) not wearing his glasses and (2) cannot figure out how to end the stream. He keeps tapping at the screen, looking more and more annoyed as he does it, and then he stands up and walks out of the room.
Steve puts the phone on the coffee table in the living room, and then leaves again. After another five minutes, he comes back. The audience at home gets to watch this man mutter to himself as he places the phone in different rooms and then decides he doesn’t like it there and comes back for it (“The bathroom? Really, Harrington? What are you doing?”).
Frustrated with wasting the last hour of his life (much to the amusement of the people watching), Steve picks up the phone again and glares at it. He is sitting on the floor in the living room, squinting at the phone as he jabs at the screen again, “Tell me how to turn you off.”
Steve frowns, “Where’s the chatlog? I know there’s a – oh my god.”
“There was nothing wrong with AOL messenger!” Steve rants to the screen as he continues to poke at it. “I had AOL and I was happy. Everything was where it should be. Myspace was fine! I had a Myspace, but this – Oh! I got it. I got it! Hello. Can someone tell me how to turn this off?”
There are a lot of people in the chat. Most of them are excited that Steve is there and they’re gushing in the comments about how much they love him and appreciate him. Some people are asking questions about him. There are people begging him not to end the stream and others telling him to wake Eddie up.
There are even people who are genuinely trying to help him, but it’s all coming at Steve really fast. It’s sudden and overwhelming, and – “I’m too dyslexic for this.”
“I’ve got a brain like scrambled eggs, can – just one of you talk and tell me how to end this. Can you do that?” Steve asks, and everybody comments at once. “So, no. You can’t do that. Great.”
Steve rubs at his eyes and then does what he should’ve done in the first place and calls Dustin. He has his phone on speaker so the audience can hear when Dustin answers. Steve only says, “Help me.”
“With the stream or in general?”
“How do you –“ Steve stops, makes eye contact with the camera and then rolls his eyes. “Have I not suffered enough for you.”
Steve has a look on his face like he’s about to remind Dustin that he was literally tortured in the name of scientific discovery but thinks better of it and says, “I’m telling Erica.”
“Fine, I’ll tell you how to end it.”
Dustin starts walking Steve through how to end the live stream but right before Steve hits the right button to end it all, both his phone and Eddie’s phone are knocked out his hands and you hear him yelp as he’s tackled over. The chat explodes and Dustin’s like, “Where’d you go? Steve?”
Then you hear the sound of a kiss and Eddie say, “I’ve missed you.”
There’s a smile in Steve’s voice when he says, “It’s been an hour.”
“Tell me about it.”
There’s the sound of another kiss and then, very loudly, Steve says, “Turn off your live-stream!”
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mentallyillstinker · 2 months
Dating Benny headcannons NSFW EDITION!!!
YAAAYYYY (Price is right music plays)
(It's under the cut, obvi, holy shit wait did i put too much? 😭)
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Let's get this out of the way real quick, he DOES NOT, repeat, DOES NOT! want a family, he would say it's because he doesn't have time for it or something but really he just wouldn't want to raise kids out in the wasteland. Though he is yknow rich and all that fun stuff, he's still worried.
If ur a guy you don't have to worry about that stuff, unless you want to like, adopt a kid, which I don't think you'd be able to do in the wasteland, unless you literally just go out and take orphans from the side of the road, which I'm sure there probably are.
Back onto the sexy stuff 😘
He's definitely a bottom. I mean, he's a switch rlly, but he probably got tired of all of the prostitutes just letting him do whatever he wants basically. ALSO WHILE ON THE TOPIC OF PROSTITUTES I HOPE THE DOCTORS IN NEW VEGAS KNOW WHAT STDS ARE.
Back on to Benny, sorry I got distracted 😭
He loves hearing you moan, I mean, as long as it's real, he's so used to hearing fake moans that yours sound like music to his ears.
He's also very vocal. He doesn't really care what other people think if he hears him.
He loves loves LOVES when you pull his hair, or like, just be rough with him, in the end he knows you love him.(Awwww)
If he's on top he'll be as gentle as he can be, he knows you can handle more but he just waits until you tell him to be more rough, even then he won't be really.
He just loves putting his hands on you all the time, so obviously expect him to do that when you're fucking, oh wait, ur bouncing on his dick rn? His hands are busy gently holding onto ur waist.
While we're talking about his hands, I just wanna say he has big hands. And I mean, they wouldn't really be calloused because of how he treats himself now. (He treats himself like a pretty little princess)
His eyes will most likely be on you the whole time, he has this like dazed look in his eyes, he's just admiring you don't worry babes 😘. Though his eyes will most likely be on your face. He always wants to make sure you're enjoying yourself.
Benny is not a great kisser, just wanted to say that, it's not really NSFW, but he's a mediocre kisser, he doesn't really kiss prostitutes, and even then it was like a weird French kiss that Benny never knew was coming so he kinda just sat there for a second before he was like, 'oh shit, wait' and tried his best to kiss back.
He will kiss all over ur body though, he loves pampering you and just making you feel loved. Like I mentioned before, he would have to have fell for you HARD if you ended up dating.
He likes to hold your hands when you fuck, I mean, he tries to most of the time, but your hands are too busy doing anything else.
He has a thing for being praised, at first he'd be upset if you called him a good boy, he'd think your calling him a dog or something, but eventually he was like 'hey, I really like that' and would go out of his way to get praised.
He likes thighs, well, he likes it ALL! RAHHHHH!!! but if he's like giving you head his hands will be GRIPPED on ur thighs the whole time.
Like I said he's very vocal, but surprisingly he doesn't just moan like a bitch the whole time, he actually tires to tell you how much he loves you or how good you feel, but most of it is just quiet and breathy and most of the time gets cut off by him moaning or just yelling out fuck.
IDK WHAT ELSE TO PUTTT UGHHHB! At this point I might as well just write a small little story, I mean a oneshot 😭 I forgot what it was called for a second.
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