#except not either of them but cindy!
unluckycryptid · 29 days
Rise of Red Power Rangers AU
i'm known for being a huge power rangers fan around my friends/coworkers so ofc i'm doing a power rangers au for any fandom i'm apart of.
Alright Rise of Red Power Rangers AU
Red -> Red ranger (obviously)
Chloe -> Blue ranger (again, this is obvious)
Ella -> Green ranger
Bridget -> Pink ranger (obvious)
(Chris) Charming -> Yellow ranger
Special Ranger: Silver ranger -> Chad?
Let's go with a Knights of the Round Table theme except we can call it Knights of Auradon
This is gonna be SPD inspired origin (but I'm borrowing other elements from other series)
Chloe expected to be lead ranger (even though her whole color palette is blue) bc she'd be a legacy ranger from her parents being the previous power rangers.
Queen Cinderella and King Charming are separate from Ella and Charming. Cinderella -> Cindy (former blue ranger) and King Charming -> Reginald Charming (former red ranger)
Red and Bridget are from the enemy camp of the Queen of Hearts and get the chance to escape with the help of the Sorcerer's Cookbook that they stole from the Queen of Hearts. However, during their escape, the Cookbook gets damaged, scattering all of its pages all throughout Auradon.
Chloe, Charming, and Ella have all been rangers in training and are finally allowed to see if they are worthy of their morphers.
Their morphers are Swords-in-a-Stone (kind of like Lost Galaxy), but they don't know their colors until they morph.
Luckily, all 3 are deemed worthy of their swords and are immediately sent into the field to capture intruders from Wonderland which are Red and Bridget.
When they morph for the first time, Chloe is shocked she's blue ranger but they still manage to apprehend Red and Bridget and bring them back to base.
Base is at Cinderellasburg estate in Auradon
Chloe's parents (and Charming's aunt/uncle) are the mentors of the group.
Cindy goes to talk to Red and Bridget about the Queen of Hearts, revealing they used to share a past and tries to convince them to help Auradon since they put up quite a fight with the rangers in training.
Bridget immediately takes her up on the offer, becoming the Pink ranger.
Red initially declines the offer since the Queen of Hearts is her mom and she doesn't want anything to do with her, much less fight her.
Meanwhile, Chloe goes to her dad, asking why he thinks she didn't get red ranger. King Reginald tells her that he suspects that her views on the world are too black and white and that she doesn't always see the full picture before rushing into the field with her sword.
Chloe, Ella, Charming, and Bridget are sent out in the field when the Queen sends out a monster from wonderland accompanied by tons of card soldiers and the Ace the Royal Guard.
Back at base, Red is walking around the grounds of the Cinderellasburg estate and comes across some of the background tech team composed of Faye and Zellie who somehow convince her that joining the team is what Red wants in order to prevent other people from getting hurt by her mother.
Red joins the team mid-fight when it seems like they're losing to both the monster and Ace. It is revealed that Ace and Red were really close friends in Wonderland but Ace saw Red's running away as a betrayal. Red morphs into the red ranger and reveals that all the duels the two had in the past, she let him win for his own pride.
After injuring Ace and destroying the Monster of the Week, the team celebrates, but Chloe still holds a grudge against Red being team leader.
It doesn't help when Red is in charge of training drills and puts the team through hell. She ends up getting a lesson in leadership and does all the drills herself later on.
Uliana, Hook, and Morgie are either part of the comedic relief where they're always up to something and always end up needing rescuing OR they're part of the Queen of Hearts Royal Council and become some of the villains for the rangers to defeat closer to the finale.
The main motivation for the Queen of Hearts to attack Auradon and the rangers is to get back scattered remains of the Sorcerer's Cookbook.
Chad has a guest role and serves as the temporary Silver ranger
When not in use, the team uses some magical bracelets to summon their sword morphers which are stored on the magical stone.
Their morph call would be like Mystic Force where they point their swords to the sky and say something like "For the Honor of the Kingdom!" (she-ra inspired, sue me)
Throughout their run, Red and Chloe constantly butt heads with Red going for more unconventional means while Chloe wants to follow the rules. Most of the time, they end up having to compromise. Also, they're roommates
While Bridget and Ella are also opposite personalities, they end up hitting it off fairly well.
Charming is getting into some hijinks and Bridget senses the tension between him and Ella (who often scolds him) and is often trying to do matchmaking between the two or causing ruckus in the kitchen.
Ella and Chloe have a more sisterly bond, with Chloe often going to Ella about her arguments with Red.
Red and Bridget are cousins and Bridget often gets Red's side of the argument that Chloe probably told Ella about so when Ella and Bridget get back to their shared room, they're just rolling their eyes at the two other rangers.
Chloe gets along with Bridget due to their bubbly personalities, while Ella and Red get along from their shared motherly trauma (Ella lived with her stepmother before becoming a ranger).
Chloe and Charming are the best swordspersons on the team, often dueling each other with their matches ended up tied.
Charming teaches Red how to skateboard.
Bridget and Charming are often trying to get Ella to relax and join them in some silly little activity.
Red learns motherly love from Cindy
Anyway, Red and Chloe eventually learn to work together and learn a lot about each other. That's when the romance begins >:)
Finale: The gang is invited to Castlecoming at Auradon's Grand Castle.
Red and Chloe go together and they're about to confess their feelings when the Queen of Hearts makes an appearance for the first time. With the shock, she kidnaps Cindy releases her army of cards on Auradon and the Cinderellasburg estate.
Red consoles Chloe who is already thinking the worst, and she is backed up by the other members of the team who promise to get Cindy back whatever it takes.
Against King Reginald's orders, the rangers go off and enter Wonderland.
Chad stays back to help fend off the card soldiers with the other Knights of Cinderellasburg.
Red and Bridget have to lead the team through the treacherous terrain of Wonderland but they make it and manage to sneak into the castle.
They split up: Ella, Bridget, and Charming go off to rescue Cindy. Meanwhile, Chloe and Red go to confront the Queen of Hearts.
Red tries to compromise with her mom, saying that there's gotta be another way, but she ends up initiating the first attack.
Chloe and Red end up fighting the Queen of Hearts and they're doing really well until the Queen of Hearts manages to temporarily get the upper hand. She goes to strike down Red, but Chloe steps in front of her and takes the blow.
Red rises up and takes Chloe's sword, and along with her own sword, finally goes full out against her mom.
She gets to defeat her mom and knocks her out but discovers that the army of the Queen is still not defeated and is being fueled by the Sorcerer's Cookbook which has a strong protective spell around it that even the Queen of Hearts can't stop.
The other rangers come back with Cindy and Cindy tells them there is one last option, which is to combine all of their swords into one sword. However, there's a catch: the sword can only be wielded by one person and there's a chance of them getting destroyed by its power, plus destroying the cookbook would unleash even more energy, essentially giving the wielder of the sword a death sentence.
Red steps up, saying that she'll do it, and rebukes Cindy's offer to do it since Red promised Chloe she would get her mother back. Reluctantly, they all merge their swords (Cindy is able to wield Chloe's sword since she's still unconscious and since Cindy was the former blue ranger) and Red wields the Five Sword. She manages to strike the protective shield of the cookbook and stabs the Cookbook and is holding on as a great power is about to take her out.
At the last minute, the Queen of Hearts wakes up from being unconscious and sees that Red is about to die from both wielding the sword and destroying the cookbook. She steps up, takes the sword from Red and shoves her back to the other rangers.
Finally, with a bright light, the Cookbook is destroyed, along with the Queen of Hearts to Red's dismay.
Chloe is still out and Red doesn't know what to do until Cindy suggests a True Love's Kiss.
It works and when Chloe finally comes to, she asks what happens and Red says that her mom is gone, but they won. Chloe only puts a hand on the other girl's cheek, consoling her but relieved that they won.
Time Skip: Without the Queen of Hearts, Red has claim to Wonderland's throne. She and Chloe are now a couple, currently running Wonderland. The rest of the team gets relocated to Wonderland as they have a new mission: help Red and Chloe rebuild Wonderland and join it with the United States of Auradon.
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mgopinoon · 16 days
I know many are afraid to say that Austin and Kaia broke up because we've thought about it so many times and we get a paparazzi walk in our face, even I try to be cautious with that, but we can't forget everything that's happened these last few weeks, Austin's disgusted face, he didn't go to the family vacation, he didn't go to Kaia's cousin's wedding, Presley unfollowed Austin on Instagram, Austin wasn't at Kaia's birthday and she hasn't been to NY either, we know this from the daily walks he took in Los Angeles and we're also certain that Austin has been in NY since August because of reports of the filming of the movie. Kaia is acting like never before, she's very active on her social networks, she's emaciated as shit, she's avoiding questions at TIFF at all costs and little by little she's separating her name from Austin's. Why do I think this? Because in the pages that have published Kaia's red carpets, none of them mention Austin (except for Daily Mail, which put a short line), she did the show with her mother's dress when Cindy was absorbing the fame of a recognized actor, hahaha, and surprisingly, no article mentions Austin. I could be wrong about all this, but we are not crazy for thinking that something is going on, let's have faith.
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hello there I've got a fluff request because i don't fell like making myself sad today (yay) anyways can i request Stu x Billy x child reader (platonic for obvious reasons). Okay so Stu and Billy kill one of their classmate (as a student should) and then they find the classmate's little sister/brother. Naturally they where gonna kill the sibling but they just ended up feeling bad for the child and they adopt the sibling :D
This is such a cute idea, I had this idea on one of my slashers finding child reader but I thought it was too unrealistic so I scratched it but I like this!
I realised I made it too short
(Reader is gender neutral hope you don't mind and about 5-7)
Billy and Stu x Child! Reader
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"Who is this?" A deep raspy voice called out through the house phone.
"Who are you?" Your sister replied.
"First tell me who are you."
"Uh, cindy, who are you?"
"Do you like scary movies?"
You were upstairs drawing. Your sister was always out or away from you which made you alone most of the time, you don't know about your parents since you were about 2-3 which probably messed up your elder sister, she used to be very attentive but when it was around your 5th birthday she became distant. luckily she always left you food and things to entertain yourself with but you just wished you could have someone here with you.
Slowly drifting away a sudden scream awoke you from your almost slumber. Curiosity and thinking about the safety of your sister taking over you, you quietly walk downstairs and see your sister crying with an old house phone in her hand and her boyfriend in your backyard brutally beaten up. You started crying when a black robed man with a ghostly screaming face mask sliced your sister's boyfriend and just when you yelled for your sister to come to you another ghostface came up behind her and stabbed her in the back.
"RUN Y/N!" she heavily cried out.
Crying and panicking you ran to your room, you don't know why you just did. It was already too late anyways they were inside your room.
They looked at you. You were curled up in a ball with tears streaming down your chubby/thin face. You weren't even screaming or wailing you were just sniffling and pouting keeping your mouth letting out any sound. This for some reason made their heart break and when they looked around your room all they saw were pictures of you and your sister. No sign parents at all. This made them even more sympathetic as both their parents are mostly absent as well.
The shorter one slowly walked towards you and lifted its hand, out of instinct you covered your face and closed your eyes but then you felt a hand petting your head and you felt your body being raised off the ground. You were cradled in the arms of a ghostface and the taller one pinching your cheek lightly.
"can we keep them?"
"how do we look after a child?"
"we'll just figure it out!"
The shorter ghostface was about to decline (he was just in denial that he actually wanted a kid) when you hugged into his arm and let out a little soft whine. And then he started thinking. 'what if you go to an orphanage and the kids there mistreat you? Or worse you get adopted by an abusive family that will take advantage of your cute innocent self!' now he had to really take you in.
You heard some discussion about taking you in before drifting off to sleep. There are two ways they can 'adopt' you. Legally be your guardian or basically kidnapping you.
Let's say the first one because I have no idea how adopting works.
The first few days and weeks were awesome. You got everything you wanted, you were always sitting in the cart while stu ran around the store and Billy actually picking out groceries but also joining in the fun. You three may or may not have been kicked out a few times. They were extremely attentive except for when they have to go to school and you did too but after the school hours you were having continous sleep overs and hang outs and you were either in Billy's or stu's house. You have bullies? Now you don't they'll never speak to you ever again. Some immature grown ass person messed hurt you? They're seen hung upside down with a body bag on a tree.
Being with them means getting used to horror movies, if you already like them then bam you have their hearts on your hands and if you don't then you still have their hearts on your hands. A day is never dull with them. And just wait until Tatum and Sidney sees you. You don't have two but four parents! They may be high-schoolers but they do have a soft spot for a cute little child like you. Your days are now the most chaotic and fun there will be, your life's amazing and you wouldn't trade it for the world.
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flightyalrighty · 4 months
so apparently that one anon who had a dream abt infested triggered my own brain to have one. it started out pretty faithful to the comic except that apparently, by the time Shadow woke up, everyone already had a secret brainbug. and after some time he was the only one still sort of resisting it. then it got really weird and by the end he'd found the solution to the bugs, which was apparently eating some sort of star shaped candy Gerald robotnik made that caused you to sneeze out the bugs. And he had to shove them down everyone's throats bc everyone was either feral or had resigned themselves to their bug overlords. Very interesting, if nothing else xD
Y'know, if not for all the blood and gore and violence that kinda sounds like the plot of a Jimmy Neutron episode ngl
like Carl's just like trying to convince Jimmy to join them and Sheen's completely feral and he probably has to team up with Cindy to save the day
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goldenkisscs · 14 days
after a long hiatus, i am looking to get back into rp !! i only do discord 1x1. below the cut i will list some plots i am interested in doing and some fc's i am interested in using (i do have a muse page that's a WIP but am always up for making new muses!!) if anything below interests you, please read my rules here and either like this post or shoot me a message ! they are pretty general so we can customize everything and scheme together <3 if none of these interest you but you still want to plot together, feel free to reach out still !! i love plotting all the little details and screaming headcanons about plots, so if that interests you then let's get to plotting !!
muse a and muse b have been best friends since they were kids. while muse a went off and became a famous musician, muse b stayed behind in their small town. they have remained the best of friends despite all of muse a's fame and everything that comes with that. they also happen to hook up anytime muse a comes home or muse b goes to visit muse a. the catch? they always act like it never happened and pretend that they're just friends.
muse a and muse b hooked up this past summer and were hot 'n heavy. muse a thought things were great and they were getting serious, only to be blindsided when muse b broke things off to get back together with their ex. muse a pretended they weren't upset and they pair never talked about things again. except, muse b is single again and muse a? well, they just can't resist going back to their bad habit.
muse a and muse b are famous singers. they were always in each other's social circle, and always laughed it off when fans would ship them together. everything changed one night when they shared a drunken kiss. ever since then, muse a has been completely smitten with muse b. and while muse b knows they have muse a wrapped around their finger, they try their best not to take advantage of them - too much. their relationship is currently under wraps, but how will they be able to handle it when they finally go public?
muse a and muse b are polar opposites - muse a has always been a goody two shoes while muse b has been a troublemaker for as long as anyone can remember. proving opposites attract to be true, the pair can't stay away from each other and soon get together. muse a's friends are constantly warning them that muse b is just going to break their heart, but muse a doesn't want to hear it. meanwhile, muse b is constantly torn between treating and caring for muse a the way they know they deserve and proving muse a's friends right. can muse b truly change their ways?
muse a and muse b met when they were in college. a drunken hook up turned into a pregnancy, and due to pressure from both their families to "do the right thing" end up getting married. they aren't in love with each other, but they do grow to love each other and their little family a lot. over the years, muse a realizes that they have actually fallen in love with muse b, and decide they're finally going to tell them. the only issue? the same night they decide to break the news, muse b tells muse a they feel they've been "missing out" and want a divorce.
muse a and muse b are both famous celebrities in their own right. they've been fuck buddies for a couple of years, and they both had the understanding that they were just friends and the other could date/hook up with whoever they wanted. while that's still true, muse b has started to realize that they have deep feelings for muse a and want to become exclusive. the only problem is muse a has been burned in many relationships before and is too scared to commit to muse b.
fc's i want to use/have muses for (but am open to suggestions): cindy kimberly, sabrina carpenter, avan jogia, mason gooding, nailea devora, janet guzman, thomas doherty, laura harrier, nico hiraga, luke mitchell, mia goth, gemma chan, henry golding, adria arjona, charles melton, camila morrone, diane guerrero, priscilla quintana, sydney sweeney, madelyn cline, cillian murphy, emily ratajkowski, phoebe tonkin, alexa demie.
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c4rl4-k1nn13 · 5 months
Okay so this is just random stuff abt kindergarten like hcs, opinions, theories, etc!!
Head canons
-Yes, those are pennys robot legs that monty is wearing, i think he found her, rebuilt her, stole her legs and then left her at kidds house
-protagonists name is kidd with 2 d's, no its not "adam" you basic ahh, its kidd bro!!
-Nugget is neuro divergent, this isnt rlly a hc just a general fact about him tbh
-Cindy got the breathalyser from her dads car.
-Literally all the characters except from Ozzy, maybe Jerome, Lily and billy come from shitty homes.
-Carla has some issues relating to pushing people away and being unable to register her emotions with fucks up half her friendships.
List of family hcs
-Kidd and Nugget have no parents
-Lily and Billys parents are super nice
-Cindys dad was an alcoholic and fought with her mom before they got divorced (kinda canon)
-Jeromes dad is dead (obviously) and his mom is lowkey alright
-Buggs dad either got the milk (canon) or went to prison, but his mom neglects/ignores him
-Monty lives with his grandma bec his parents were just obsessed with work or substances (how he got the stuff to sell) and was "given" to his grandma
-Pennys mom is obviously dead, i dont think she has a dad but rn shes probably sat at kidds house with missing legs (monty give them back to the android girl rn.)
-Carla has no mom, but she has a really cool older sister and like 3 brothers and her dad only cares about her brothers so she just gets along with her sister really well and sees her as a mom
-Ozzys parents are 100% helicopter parents and watch his every move and take him to the hospital 50 times a day
-Ted and Felix's parents are business owners and are rich (canon) but tend to prioritize Felix over Ted, also their business 100% is involved with drugs (felix has some in his cubby)
-"Why do you hate ozzy"
A) i hate gingers (monty is an exception)
B) Fuck you ozzy (Im literally dr danner trust)
-Cindy, Monty, Nugget, and other characters will always be there, cindy as the clingy ex, monty so you can buy stuff, nugget because hes nugget, and other characters so your not lonely
-SHES BACK, MY FAVOURITE GIRLS ARE BACK!! CARLA AND CINDY, FUCK YES!?!?!?!?!?!?! (Carla better have a mission istg)
-so is that ted or felix.
-I think that the other kids were just home schooled/kindergartened or sent to another one (L Carla, monty, kidd, nugget, cindy, and felix/teds parents bro, take better care of them smh!
Opinions on characters?
Rating in order (favourite to least favourite)
-Fucking Ozzy. Fuck you ozzy.
Uhh so thats it, also the ships i ship are;
-Monty x Carla (OPT)
-Penny x Carla (multishipper core)
-Lily x Nugget (THE OG!!)
-Cindy x Felix (they hate yet like like eachother)
-Me x Miss applegate (its canon trust)
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the-physicality · 1 month
chicago round 2!
i'm pleased let's say that
you would think that a team 3p% of 30% [7/23] would be "not good" but 0 of 14 is worse
DT notching another 20 point game [23 pts to be exact] eating at the line, some real highlights. 5 assists, 3 rebounds!
monique billings! it is amazing we've played without a 4 for so long. it really does make a difference when you have someone who can consistently rebound the ball and prioritizes that
i really do love the vibe of all guards and a center but it really really helps to have a 4
so there were a couple of turnovers on long passes to billings because they were too high. and i had to laugh every time because they're used to throwing them to BG, who would not have had an issue catching them
a tech was called today and it wasn't on any of the mercs! [it's like nate said we have 2 goals today: rebound the ball and don't get a tech]
speaking of fouls: i don't think either foul on DT was justified, let alone flagrant
DT and Tash leading all players in +/- with +18 and +17 respectively
i think i tweaked my neck from clapping so hard
with the exception of kiki [who only played a minute] everyone except sug had at least 3 rebounds and everyone except monique had at least 2 assists
4 players in double digits :)
I had been trying before the break to see who held the record for most 30 point games in a season so thank you to annie and cindy for letting me know it was DT at 10
speaking of annie and cindy: "they speak spanish in brazil" no they don't! they speak Portuguese lol
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I'VE BEEN GOING INSANE OVER MY TIME TRAVEL RETCON THING RAHHHH SO HERES SOME STUFF I FELT A NEED TO CLARIFY: -Cindy Anderson, although the last name is different, is the same person as Cindy Sneedly. She just took Gaylord's last name when they got married. -Krupp and Gaylord consider each other "mortal enemies" but DO get along sometimes. They just have conflicting viewpoints on life that clash with the other, which normally causes arguments, so they aren't FRIENDS. But they aren't enemies either, since Gaylord DOES CARE for and try to understand Krupp a little, even if he refuses to admit it. ^- Krupp, on the other hand, doesn't understand Gaylords point of view and is too stubborn to try, so in short, he doesn't entirely give a shit about him, and would sacrifice him to wolves in a HEARTBEAT if he could. -Cindy has a communication disorder. She won't talk around the group, and the group's okay with that. Later on, Gaylord ends up knowing her so well that he can practically talk FOR HER if she really needs him to. -The one time Gaylord and Krupp actually end up getting along for once was during a sleepover at Lavatore's house, where everyone (except for Moxie and Gaylord) had a massive sugar rush (similar to the carnival scene from the movie) before everyone promptly fell asleep because of the crash. ^- Krupp goes even more feral than he already is when high on sugar, so he ends up biting Gaylord a lot before passing out and then waking up again to Gaylord still awake, keeping watch over everyone. Krupp gets bored of just sitting there, so Gaylord suggests going up to the roof. ^- Up there, they talk about random stuff. It's a little awkward because....rivalry and all, but the two of them open up a little eventually, talking abt their experiences with Moxie and Jasper, asking about their lives (like Gaylord infodumping about what exactly he can hypothetically invent, or dumb stories about living on a farm from Krupp) until the morning. By then, they end up pretending that 4-hour-long-chat didn't happen and they both never mention it again. -Gaylord is VERY USED to Krupp biting him, to the point where Krupp's sharp ass canines don't even hurt him anymore. Krupp gets spooked by this the first time it happened. (But eventually realizes like 4 weeks later that that just means he can bite him MORE and it wont hurt him.) (4 WEEKS LATER.) (Krupp's kind of a dumbass as a kid, but don't tell him that)
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artsykidwolf-2000 · 7 months
Ok ok I have decided to open back up my requests to do Final Fantasy requests due to Rebirth coming out recently. I will open up to other fandoms but most likely just a few (don't wanna overwhelm myself again)
I will have rules for this bc I don't like doing REALLY nasty stuff. I see enough as is... besides it's fun seeing wholesome lovey dovey bs or a good fight every once in a while.
Below will be the rules and fandoms and feel free to give me prompts/ prompt ideas as long as they're not complicated. I also do headcanons. I also listed my Original story characters below and what race they are. I'd be SO HAPPY if you guys would get excited for em.
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Be nice and don't come after me if your prompt/request is not finished within the timeframe you thought it'll be done. Just be patient.
No nasty prompts! Keep it to very minimum. I will do blood, weapons, fights etc etc. no gore unless it's like a severed arm in a fight or something idk. I will do just about any gender/sexuality (within reason, no complicated ones)
Keep your requests to one or two at a time. Don't spam me with a lot of ideas. I know you're excited but also tell me WHO you want so it's also easier.
I'll do characters as long as it's APPROPRIATE. Some of these characters are/maybe are under age/close to 18 yo. Only wholesome like for them (no nasty, fights/sparring are an exception.) Under age/close to 18 and questionable characters that I've listed are marked by this color
I will do request for my own OCs too. Either with other characters or a headcanon to get to know them better. I'll put the people in mostly ship them with in the list to give a jump off. OCs are this color
I'm giving a small list BUT I have a link to my introduction post so you know what fandoms I'm mostly into/I know if you have a different request.
Below are the Request characters I can do. Feel free to ask about my ocs/original stories if you want. I also linked my introduction post. Please Like and Share!
Final Fantasy
FF7 (ages as of remake/rebirth)
Red 13
Andrea Rhodea (yas queen)
Madam M
Chocobo Sam
Kait Sith
Raven Fujiwara (around age 30 as of FF7 RM/RB)
Seraphina (Seri) (younger sister to Sephiroth by blood relation, above age 21 as of FF7 RM/RB) (Is 7 years younger than Sephiroth)
(I don't necessarily have a lot of specific OCS for FFXV but I mostly use my common OCS)
Weiss (Ardyn's daughter I made, is over 21 yo, this version is if she was freed before Noctis' birth/around when Ardyn was freed)
Kingdom Hearts
(most of these characters are canonically under aged/below 18 so this area is a bit iffy) (mostly basing age off as of KH3)
Riku (he is 18 as of KH3 from my research)
Org 13 (Xion and Roxas)
Luxu (within the game he is in he seems to be around 18 ish but eh idk)
Foretellers (in the same boat as Luxu, idk going off looks)
Ansem SOD
Ansem the Wise
Xehanort (depends on which)
Eraqus (depends on which)
Below are characters in Golden Hearts and Silver Stars Story
Katherine Hearts (is 18 as of KH3, is a guardian Keyblade wielder) (Braig/Xigbar is her dad)
Ayla Hearts (is the mother of Katherine and Neon Hearts) (is from the age of fairytales, same boat as Luxu but not the body stealing part) (from a different world)
Neon Hearts (is 25+ like Isa and Lea) (is a Keyblade wielder and is a special case)
The Guiding Stars (most are of age but I'll list names and mark accordingly) (Mystral, Sten, Zolt, Eira, Nina)
Below is the OCs for the story KH: Rewritten
Venus (is not a part of the Hearts' story) (is from the age of Fairytales) (Keyblade Wielder and knows potion making) (was a part of the Unicornis Union and liked Luxu, she soon time traveled to Radiant Gardens where she met Braig) (Chosen Dandelion)
Poppy (Venus' BFF) (A part of Vulpes Union, a Keyblade Wielder) (also got time traveled to Scala Ad Caelum, met Eraqus and Xehanort, now resides with Eraqus as his partner) (Dandelion)
Juno (is a boy) (Venus and Poppy's friend) (Anguis union member, Keyblade wielder) (got time traveled to the time before Xehanort's birth/when Scala ad Caelum was new???) (maybe he's Xehanort's father who knows~) (Not a Dandelion)
Last Pegasus (My Comic)
This is mostly OC territory BUT I am making a comic for them. It should be out by summer (I hope...) (I also use these guys as my normal OCs bc I love them so much.) Feel free to ask about the races too. I'd be happy to explain. I'm also happy to explain Guardians too.
I have listed who is under age but mostly everyone is over 20+ unless otherwise. Not all are listed bc they're either OCs I need to work on OR don't have names but have ideas for em.
Races: Yoitzens, Scavens, Al'bineans, Sirens, Drakens
Katerina Wolfe (middle child, Twin of Flash) (next in line to be the Guardian of Freedom)
Flash Wolfe (aka Felix) (we all know this MF hehehe) (next in line for Guardian of Power) (shape shifts)
Terri Wolfe (engaged) (2nd oldest) (next in line for Guardian of Bravery)
Ally Wolfe-Cornelius (is married) (first born) (next in line for Guardian of Protection)
Ava Wolfe (youngest, has no tattoo) (unknown future)
Gavin Pravus (adopted brother to Wolfe fam) (3rd oldest) (next in line for Guardian of Balance but since is Uncle is Banished he has to figure out on his own)
Daphnes Wolfe (husband to Marina, father of Wolfe fam) (King of Yoitz)
Marina Wolfe (wife to Daphnes, mother of Wolfe fam) (Queen of Yoitz)
Laurence Wolfe (uncle, brother of Daphnes) (Guardian of Freedom, Leader)
Viktor Cornelius (Ally's husband)
Atla (Laurence's wife) (Guardian of Bravery)
Julius (Guardian of Protection and a Military officer of his country)
Ma'ato (Guardian of Power and protector of dragons)
Athena (Guardian of Knowledge, deceased)
Leonardo Pravus (Guardian of Balance, The Beast, Uncle to Gavin, Banished)
Scarlett Harrison (Flash's BFF, is a sky draken from the southern island of Furor) (she also has a family of brothers with her mom and dad) (she middle child)
Reynard (6 tailed Fox, Messenger God, Husband to Azura) (was once mortal) (acts like an uncle to the Wolfe fam)
Celene (Terri's fiance)
Forrest, Du'Fous(Doofus), and Roc (Flash's Friends and members of the Black Fangs)
Azura (Goddess of Memories, loves to rhyme) (lives near the Tree of Songs) (Guardian goddess of the Tree of Songs)
Morgana (Goddess of Dark Magic, whereabouts unknown)
Titania (Fae mother, Goddess of Light magic) (whereabouts unknown)
Modig the Gryffin (Guardian Deity of the Amber of Bravery, Golden Gryffin)
Cordelia the Siren Mother (Guardian Deity of the Sapphire of Protection)
Zergos the Elder Dragon (Guardian Deity of the Ruby of Power, in deep slumber)
Pharos the Great Phoenix Mage (Guardian Deity of the Emerald of Knowledge)
Unera the Great Mother (Goddess of Magic and Unity, asleep in the Tree of Songs in the Oasis)
Byrus the Great Beast (God of Creation and Destruction, asleep as a Statue in the Beast's Grotto, location unknown)
Faaldir the Wandering Wolf (the Wanderer God) (Grandfather of Urion and Faafnir) (Giant Grey wolf)
Urion (Wolf partner of Kat, Twin of Faafnir) (Grandson of Faaldir) (large Snowy Grey wolf)
Faafnir (walf partner of Flash, Twin of Urion) (Grandson of Faaldir) (reddish black wolf)
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songofdefiance · 1 year
okay I'm like... a stranger things fan in that i enjoy the show but don't really engage with it very deeply (because it is VERY straight and somewhat predictable and hey, kudos to all the people who subvert it with fanfiction, which i also enjoy, but it's not something i want to write for)
i am also a huge fear street trilogy fan, fucking adore those movies, and lately my brain won't stop thinking about a stranger things au with the fear street characters
not everything fits neatly one-to-one, but here are a few ideas:
the main thing i got stuck on was the idea of cindy and alice kind of serving as a steddie parallel (so no alice until s4, sadly, but w/e), except i'd keep their backstory from 1978 - in that they used to be best friends, until cindy decided to try to live up to her rich, absentee parents' expectations, alienating herself from both alice and ziggy; cue ultimate Drama for their s4 reunion, when alice has been accused of murder and cindy is trying to keep all the kids safe
deena and sam being mike and el? look, i do think byler is adorable, but i also love the idea of the 90s baby lesbians being the mike/el parallel. deena is (i think) strong-willed enough to be the 'mike' in this situation, while sam is the one who's escaped the lab
kate is dustin. full stop. she's a straight-a student but she's also a massive nerd, and is assertive enough to kidnap cindy and get her to help in s2
i haven't really figured out who would be Nancy in this scenario bc even though Cindy is Steve (down to the polo shirt), she's also a lot like Nancy. so i guess she's like. a fusion of them
at some point Cindy and Alice have a heart to heart, where Alice admits that she wishes she could do what Cindy did so that it would get her out of shadyside, but that she's convinced that the town is cursed (by vecna rather than Satan, but yeah) and so gave up on that. Cindy admits that she's had crippling self doubt all the while and isn't convinced she'll ever be able to leave either
meanwhile, in California, deena has to be physically held back from going after sam's bullies; when Sam slams a roller blade into Main Bully's face, deena walks out holding sam's hand, and she might as well be holding a sign that says "i love my girlfriend and am proud of her"
"violence is bad, deena." "shut the fuck up - you did great, Sam"
ziggy and max are A LOT alike (beyond just being played by sadie sink), so ziggy is vecna's target, and Cindy is going feral trying to find ways to keep both her and Alice safe
(cue a lot of guilt from Cindy because how did she not notice, how did she not realize just how bad it had gotten for her sister)
i don't think i would put nick goode into the story, exactly, but i would probably say "hey when you're picturing one, picture the guy who played adult Nick/Solomon goode". man does a good job being a creep
hard to say who the other adults would be in this story, bc fear street was (purposefully) bereft of actual adults. sorry jopper. it kinda plays into the theme of adults not really being reliable in actual tough situations, so I'm not too upset about it, though
ngl I'm leaning towards Ruby Lane being 8? maybe nurse lane can be the only adult, trying to figure out what happened to her daughter
uhhhh... hmm. Tommy was Cindy's bf for a while, and he's genuinely a good dude, unwittingly gets involved in s2, does his best to help out. unfortunately, i think he also ends up being the mind flayer's avatar in s3 (I'm putting poor Cindy through the ringer I'm so sorry)
this would require A LOT of character development that i would have to build myself but I'm kinda leaning towards arnie being Cindy's Robin? they both end up working at scoops, and bc Cindy knows he's dating Alice (Alice and Arnie do genuinely like each other and like dating, but it's more of a bi4bi arrangement), but Arnie is generally pretty chill around her and Cindy eventually relaxes. they bond during the Russians stuff and arnie comes out as bi, and Cindy is like "cool"
we've got Josh and Simon to round out the Party
okay I'll admit it, i have no fucking clue who any of the byers are in this scenario. genuinely zero idea. aaaand with that, that's all i got
(this is 90% because Cindy/Alice makes me sad and i want them to be happy; no Alice does NOT die, she gets badly hurt but she lives)
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elecman108 · 1 year
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Fazbear Entertainment will not be held responsible for any death-dismemberment-injury-psychological damage that you sustain while within the building. Have a Faz-erific day!
I have FINALLY made a good image showing off all my Canon-To-My-SB/R-Timeline Idiots (there are others but they occur after the Pizzaplex gets levelled) so shout out to the Animatronics and Mostly-Humans that my AU houses!
Under the cut will be some alternate images and more info.
Ooh you clicked the cut. You know what that means? A clearer image of these lot without the Transgender Lighting I put in over top because it looked CRISP!
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Left to right by head position is Sun, Vanessa Masters, Vanny, Bonnie, Ennard, Chica, DJ Music Man, Balloon Boy, Vincent Volkov, Marionette, Monty, Elizabeth "Liz" Afton Schmidt, Eclipse, Circus Baby, Michael Afton Schmidt, Roxy, Cupcake Fredbear, Cassie Stevens, Moon, Golden "Goldie" Fredbear, Freddy Fazbear, Ballora, "Springtrap" Spring Bonnie, Gregory Fazbear, and Captain Foxy.
Cassie and Gregory in this are about 16-17, several years after the events of SBR. Cassie is thinking of going into robotics in college while Gregory is thinking of going into business. Cassie's Dad still works for the Animatronics, and Freddy adopted Gregory after the events of Security Breach/Ruin in my AU.
Sun expresses that all of the Animatronics are "Furries" because they have animal ears, no exceptions. Think about it for a minute.
Additional Bonus!
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Idiot-less background! I took the intro cutscene of Security Breach, clapped out most of the colours, and then added in additional fog and colours to enhance it. It's not quite the screenshot anymore, but I think it's a pretty solid background that doesn't have to be obviously FNAF'd, lol.
I need to draw more of the idiots too, like I'm missing JJ, Deedee, Lolbit*, Bonbon, Bonnet, Minirena, Biddybab*, Electrobab*, Orville, Happy Frog*, Xor, Delilah Afton* (Liz and Michael's mom), and a few other additional Fazbear-Family Animatronics, and then I have three more Fangame-crews that are canon to my AU as well. Anyone with a * after their name has a finalized design, but I just don't have the full body reference to match these lot.
What Fangames are canon to my AU? Five Nights at Candy's, Popgoes, and Those Nights at Rachel's. Why? Because I like the groups. Also... There are other Animatronics too - and three of them have been here before!
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Although I'm reworking Katlynn (Cat-Lynn), Discord, and Wendy's group presently and may add to some of their costumes when I make their full refs to match too. In my AU, Candy and Cindy know of Katlynn (being all cat-based), Marionette knows of Discord (and met her once in passing, but never got to say hi), and Ballora has heard of another "ballerina-type" Animatronic, although has never met nor seen anything for Wendy. These lot belong to a group (similar to Orville's group) that are off-brand Fazbear Entertainment Animatronics not run by Freddy, but still get to join the main crew.
Either way, that's enough of me screaming into the void about my FNAF AU, it's basically a FNAF-based OC world with only a small fraction of the actual FNAF Lore applying to it... and yes Remnant is canon. I am finding a way to explain it. I think. That may be more than what we get from actual FNAF lore, lol.
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obstinaterixatrix · 2 years
okay the thing is what I really like about happiness (2009) is that it kind of plays hopscotch with the line between revue and continuous story and the reason it feels successful to me is because 1) wiedman does a good job having each character clearly being the main character of their own narratives and incidentally these other randos are here, the characters that exit the narrative do so because they're done with it; 2) wiedman does a good job showcasing how and why each moment of happiness might have such strong meaning to each individual, it's essentially a string of character studies; the ones that exit the narrative earlier have, like... mechanically sound reasons for doing so.
given that the only way to get the full context of this is to either be in 2009 and watch the show, or to request permission to schedule an appointment to view it in an archive, or wait until the script gets released, I'm just going to go through each character, their song, and what narrative/structural utility is highlighted by each one. oh I probably need to include a summary of the musical
the summary from concord theatricals:
Happiness unfolds the stories of a dozen or so New Yorkers stuck in the morning rush of a stalled subway car and required by the spectral trainman to recall and re-enact the happiest moment in their lives before they can continue their travels... and travails. Happiness celebrates those fleeting moments in everyday lives – typically unanticipated, largely overlooked, always ephemeral – that upon reflection become people's fondest memories.
so there are *supposed* to be seven passengers, but there's actually eight. you know what I'm just going to go down the cast list and have a brief blurb.
Stanley: train conductor
Zack: not supposed to be here
Helen: really old lady
Kevin: somewhat older gentleman
Gina: wants a life of glamor, is in retail
Maurice: somewhat older gentleman (refined)
Cindy and Neil: interracial couple
Miguel: chipper carefree (kinda fuckboy) vibes
Arlene: right-wing radio host
to set this up, there's the first number which has everyone in the cast rushing around and also kind of giving the context to their death (except one guy who doesn't die and just gets on the train by accident). the second number has stanley, the train conductor, complaining about everyone and in general giving off "I hate my job and I hate people" vibes--very specifically saying that, no matter what people might think, they're all "blips on the cosmic radar". the train stops, everyone complains, stanley comes in and prompts them to all think of their happiest moment.
Helen; “Flibberty Jibbers and Wobbly Knees”
Helen is a really old lady in a wheelchair. the context we get for her cause of death is her wheelchair rolling away from an oblivious nurse. the moment she picks is going to a dance with a friend and meeting a drafted soldier before he's sent to WWII. the song is titled “Flibberty Jibbers and Wobbly Knees”, sung by the band at the dance. in terms of mechanics, this scene offers the following: 1) it shows a different side to stanley that contrasts his initial presentation, he sits with Helen and listens patiently as all the other commuters are arguing; 2) it starts off the explanation for the premise, having to pick one happy moment to live in after death; 3) it shows an example of happiness from an older perspective and an example of happiness related to a distant memory; 4) it makes casting an old woman pretty feasible by not being too demanding; she's there for three scenes and she gets to exit, whether she's present in the ensemble in future scenes can be left up to the production. like it balances a lot of considerations and I think it matches them pretty well. and one of the aspects of happiness highlighted here is essentially the impact of potential that ends being cut short. Helen's sweetheart gets drafted, gets deployed, and dies during the war. Helen gets married and lives a full life afterwards, but still chooses this moment for the emotions she felt during the time and because he never got to be in her life. I really like it because it really... even if tragedy happened later, even if it never went anywhere, these moments still have meaning! the joy of those experiences aren't wasted! anyway I like it.
2. Kevin; “Best Seats in the Ballpark”
So Kevin is an older gentleman who works as doorman, like his father before him, and this song actually... exists in the world because there's a video up on youtube, maybe as a workshop? maybe at a concert before the musical? anyway, his death context is that he was a cancer survivor but went in for a check up since things were feeling off. at the hospital, he sees someone who looks Pretty Rough and kevin asks admin (or a nurse?) to let that guy go ahead. with that said, there are several ways this scene fits into where it is in the narrative: 1) while everyone else is in denial about death, kevin provides confirmation Well He's Definitely Dead Because He Was Just At The Hospital For Cancer Stuff; 2) similar to Helen--in fact, building off of Helen--Kevin showcases an older perspective of finding A Happy Moment and having more surety/closure. Helen and Kevin being older characters and being among the first to leave definitely feels in line with like... since both of them are in positions that are closer to death, with age and illness, it makes sense for them to feel more resolved with their life. I didn't even talk about the song yet lmao, it's “Best Seats in the Ballpark” and it's about the time he was a kid and his father's boss promised him and his dad Really Good Seats to the ballgame, then forgets and gives them to someone else, but Kevin's dad is determined to fulfill his promise to Kevin and buys tickets himself and gets them... The Worst Seats In The Ballpark. weather's terrible, view's terrible. everything kind of sucks. and in that moment kevin sees something terrifying in his father: disappointment in himself. so they decide to pack it in and leave, but then there's a complete turn around because their end of the field is where the action amps up and some star baseball guy is right under them and making The Catch Of The Game and LOOKS UP AT HIM and kevin SWEARS he WINKS AT THEM!! so it's this whole moment of triumph, it's about the effort his dad took to fulfill his promise, it's about the effort not being wasted, it's about sports. and then he leaves because he doesn't need to deal with anyone else's stuff in order to move on lol.
So we have two easy exits that don't really interact with the rest of the cast and don't really need to. do we need them both? I say: yes. because I like them. I think they're sweet. but also because having those two before the next one really reinforces how it turns out, there's practical utility in having 1) establishing mechanics, 2) reinforcing mechanics, and 3) trying to manipulate mechanics. I'll explain more when I'm talking about it
3. Gina; "Gstaad"
So Gina is a woman in her late 20s/early 30s who works at the perfume counter of a department store. her death context is while she was walking around some construction accident happens. after Kevin exits the narrative and The Mechanics Of The Train are essentially proven, she's actually happy. *really* happy. In fact, she has her moment all picked out--while she was traveling in Gstaad and admiring the view from her hotel room and the lake was beautiful and there was a hot guy who was super into her... except it's not real because a different passenger is an architect who actually was in Gstaad and knows the scenery and knows that what she's describing isn't how it actually looks. so she tries again, but he keeps correcting her, and it comes out that she's trying to put herself in a fantasy because she's always dreamed of a life of glamor but has always been trapped behind the department store counter. this is, of course, setting her up for later identifying a happy moment within her life. this establishes 1) establishing another outlier for future development and exploration (character who is trying to look outside of her own life for a happy moment), 2) further clarifying rules and mechanics.
so you do need both of the first exits because it allows the development to be: 1) are these the rules? 2) these *are* the rules! 3) let's try finding a loophole in these rules. going straight from 1 to 3 wouldn't really have as much impact or buy-in.
also, Gina's non-moment directly leads into the next character's actual moment.
3 (for real). Maurice; "The Boy Inside Your Eyes"
Maurice is another older gentleman who is specifically black and gay. He's a well-known architect that gets features in magazines and travels around the world and is living the exact life of glamor that Gina dreams of. of course, he tells Gina that it's not what it's cracked up to be, and of course Gina dismisses that because it's easy to say when you're rich and famous, and that leads to Maurice describing his happy moment in "The Boy Inside Your Eyes". how it goes is this: Maurice's partner is in the hospital with AIDS and is just about at the end. it's like. mega depressing. me and sister cried during the number. Maurice shows up with a picnic, his partner essentially pleads with him to just stop doing all that because his partner is miserable and dying and is essentially not worth spending time around at this point, and maurice's song is about how even though it's a pretty miserable situation he's choosing to be there out of love, and is able to convince his partner to eat and enjoy the picnic. I definitely think this one loses impact without the visuals, and with visuals it's really. I've heard the song without visuals before and was alright but after seeing it acted out and everything I get teary just thinking about it. so anyway, this serves the purpose of 1) concretely countering Gina's perspective because this guy literally lived that life, 2) having a character choose a moment directly in response to the previous scene. has continuity while transitioning the character to leave the narrative, because seeing Gina's desperation for glamor clearly reinforces to him what he really finds important. and the moment that's highlighted is unique from the other older folks' moment because it's not a childhood or young adult memory, it's something that takes place in his later years. This establishes variety and avoids locking the narrative into The Only Moments Worth Anything Are In The Beginning Of Your Life, which I'm sure is a message the writers would've wanted to avoid. anyway, it's also a very unique moment because it's so sad. it's so fucking sad. anyway, whereas helen's moment is highlighting the meaning of joy before (and despite) future tragedy, maurice's moment is about finding joy during tragedy, and is less of One Moment and more of The Natural Accumulation Of Moments. when maurice chooses that moment as his happiest moment, it is build off the context of their entire relationship. the first meeting, the falling in love, the struggles, how they've started and how they've grown and why they've committed, the weight of that culminates in being able to have a peaceful moment together. and I think another really sweet part is that maurice's moment has less emphasis on Being Happy In The Moment, and is more focused on being able to cheer up his partner in a moment of despair. ough.
anyway then there's a song with the remaining passengers getting a little more anxious about picking a moment--started out with 8, went down to 5, (4 dead, 1 living), and as they're getting agitated they turn against the train conductor and go like hey. what the FUCK is his deal. Zack, the living dude, specifically goes something like "they're dead, I'm not, which one are you?" and we get sent to stanley's lack of a moment which I'm going to add to the list but not count
x. Stanley; "Step Up the Ladder"
So Stanley, as it turns out, was an investment banker, "the big bad barbarian at the gate"--basically he didn't give a shit about anyone or anything except making money, he died in his 40s, and as the song reveals, if you don't pick a moment you end up as a guide for others to find their moment. now, this is necessary because it clarifies the rules to the other characters and the audience, and it also raises the stakes for the remaining characters. it also is a Direct Callout for Zack, basically saying he's on the road to being exactly like Stanley was. this is a good midpoint, separating the ones who are able to be sure and able to leave the narrative from those who are unsure and unable to leave yet for whatever reason. so in terms of mechanics: 1) rules clarification, 2) introduces stakes, 3) reinforces character parallels, 4) Banger Of A Song With Killer Choreography. oh, something else cool it does is by highlighting some of the moments from the passengers with stanley, you get more little nuggets of what can be considered happy moments, like if you *want* to read into it, it gives you ample opportunity. someone says "the winning hand in vegas", someone else says "my final cigarette" and even THOSE SNIPPETS are just. so interesting. for example, 'winning hand in vegas' to me speaks of someone who isn't used to winning, so a moment of victory and triumph, and 'final cigarette' could be finding a moment of peace before death or it could be the final cigarette before deciding to quit or it could be something else entirely. something that gets me immediately teary is that there *is* a little girl who says "the nutcracker suite with my mom" like. even with so little that says so much. it's a GOOD show they did a good job with it. okay anyway moving on
4. Cindy and Neil; "Family Flashcards"
Cindy and Neil are a fairly young couple, maybe 20s-30s range; they're both definitely nurses, Cindy is Chinese and Neil is Jewish. Side note, in Stanley's song there's some Yiddish so having Neil sort imo avoids of antisemitic stereotyping and establishes pretty firmly the stance These Are All Different People In Different Conditions, but your mileage may vary on that. So throughout the whole show, this couple is. Very Clearly Tired And Kind Of Miserable. they're snippy with each other, but they show moments of connection and alignment, e.g. Cindy is very much "oh my god are you alright do you need your inhaler" whenever Neil's Going Through It. after stanley's number, though, neil has an epiphany and knows exactly what moment to pick, he goes to cindy and goes like hey if this isn't your moment it's okay and I understand but then it turns out they both have the same moment. cheesy, but charming and therefore forgivable. anyway, cindy and neil being an interracial couple is very much the center of this, and family flashcards is them being exhausted after doing nurse stuff, but neil goads a reluctant cindy to keep studying each other's culture through flashcards to prepare for meeting and connecting with each other's families. it's sweet! it definitely makes sense where it's placed: Helen and Kevin establish the rules, but are more individually centered; Maurice really highlights relational dynamics, and Stanley highlights having none of that (lol). for a couple prone to anxiety and conflict (and regarding that, again: They Are Nurses Coming Off A Shift, So,) it makes sense for them to need examples and time before the decision, and the moment that's chosen is unique compared to the others because it's very mundane. it's just them going from tired to having fun and being in alignment. I do think it's also to clear the stage because they have nothing to learn or contribute to the following passengers, but their exit actually directly contributes to miguel's exit. okay it's starting to get slow when I scroll so I think I have to end the post here and continue with a pt 2
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actiaslunaris · 1 year
Regina ‘live-watches’ Last Man: Zenmou no Sousakan S01E08.
This time, Minami, attending to personal business along with Agatsuma, attempts to foil a bus hijacking. Godo discovers what has brought Minami to Japan and is not happy about it.
Content warnings for the episode: blood, violence, child death (I do not comment on this).
Ah, Godo isn't jumping to conclusions, but he's aware that he’s not going to like the answers he gets.
OUCH, Godo reacting to Minami not denying that he had an ulterior motive is both heart-breaking and played so beautifully. That little very quiet sob, that indicates he’s trying to hide emotion from Minami, but still revealing so much. He's so invested already while Minami -- apparently -- isn't. (I call bull. Minami is totally invested, but he's shutting off that emotional consideration in favor of a rational one, focused on a goal. Also, he’s unaware of how Godo feels right up until the point Godo breaks composure.)
The one-two punch of betrayal is done quite well. Godo is hurt by Minami, but he does give him the benefit of the doubt before he gets noticeably angry, but when it comes to his family, the anger is well-justified. His sister-in-law knew nothing; you can see it on her face.
Everyone except for Agatsuma is quite angry with Minami, now that Izumi has told them all he knows.
I like the maturity of everyone in response to this revelation. It’s dramatic, but no one is casting blame or guilt-tripping; they’re accepting what has happened and dealing with it from a personal perspective that is actively communicating where boundaries have been crossed.
Enough personal drama, straight into the case of the week. I find this switching gears a bit grinding.
I had to get up and walk around when Minami actually got shot. Picked up my kitty and gave her a hug, lol. And then I replayed it on half-speed. So much good hurt-comfort in this episode.
How much do I love that he just shoved Agatsuma down and was already thinking about her safety first, in getting her to stand behind him? He cares about her so much.
There's some inconsistency on how much blood is on Minami's hand but I'm going to write that off because he did say it hadn't stopped bleeding.
Me, shipping Agatsuma and Izumi, thinking, oh, that's a lovely moment for them there, as she sees him out the window.
The message on the handkerchief made me laugh, not because it's funny, but because I'm fairly certain Masha wrote it himself and his penmanship is so grandiose. I believe it reads: "Search the magazine capacity of the handmade gun. Please Cindy." And it does look like it was written by a non-sighted person, because of the placement of the letters, although there is more evenness in the lines than I would expect.
Points to Izumi for knowing English, good for you, Izumi.
For once, someone acting like being shot is painful. No pushing through pain to unbelievable extents.
Some other parts of this story stretching my unbelief, but when you only have forty-five minutes to tell a story... *handwaves*.
Both of them have been shot on the left side. Nice mirroring.
Godo's rant is perfect. I have no sympathy for the criminal this time. The inciting incident is tragic, but his self-absorption makes it so that I can’t. We’re not supposed to, either.
Awwww. The members of the team that Minami has most impressed are the ones most worried about him, while he's most concerned about the safety of Godo. Agatsuma’s dismay when she realizes she’d almost forgotten about Godo, too, is done well.
Hello, Debbie.
This conversation between Deborah and Godo is very interesting for revealing what preconceptions Minami brought into his relationship with Godo. I keep turning that in my head too: these two children tied together by fate. What if they had met before this? But they didn't. And yet, they have a pre-existing connection regardless of the forty-one years they were not in each other's sphere.
Flashback to Minami playing piano with his mother, his mother from whom he inherited his dimples. I wonder if he's aware of that, that he carries her smile with him. (Splendid choice of casting for that one little detail.)
What an appeal. Godo would have to be heartless to resist.
I don't even need slash goggles for this show. It's all so on the surface.
This little moment of surprise as Godo comes closer is so telling. Minami was expecting something else besides what Godo does.
Two goals of the writers, in this episode, obviously: first) further the relationship between Godo and Minami, via very short-lived conflict that immediately gets tested so that it can leave room to figure out what actually matters and second) tell a ripping good tense story that puts them both into danger. Inextricable from each other, even if a bit rushed, in my opinion. However, still handled well and gives an excellent point about social media that can stand to be pressed a bit more often.
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tomdutch · 2 years
ok plan b my friend got us tickets to see smile and then go ice skating tomorrow which i haven’t done since i was 12 so lovelorn will be out sunday 😭 i’m sorry y’all but also i wanna enjoy time with my friends and ice skate so just an extra day 🥺
here’s a little teaser 😚
He catches your gaze from across the table, and his messy eyebrow quirks in curiosity. In response, you shake your head and dramatically shush him, finger pressed over your lips before it points to the relatively empty tables near you. It’s a Tuesday afternoon, not usually the most packed time for the STEM building’s Study Centre.  In fact, the only people in your corner of the hall other than you, Ned and Gwen, are either asleep or getting there.
Peter rolls his eyes at your antics but lets it go, and you realise you’ve been clenching your free fist during the interaction. Ever since your outing at the club last Saturday, things have been a little awkward between you and a certain wall-climber. You can’t seem to stop thinking of it—or overthinking it, to be honest—that moment you walked past your friends’ little table, hand in hand with Harry, and heard them hoot at you before you went home with him. Well, all of them were whooping and catcalling you playfully, especially Cindy and Gwen, who already are smitten with Harry. Everyone except Peter, whose expression remains imprinted on your mind: his slightly furrowed brows, the hardness in his eyes, his set jaw.
On the way to Harry’s place, you tried to convince yourself it was nothing, that the lights were low, and it all happened so fast, and you were probably just projecting your own feelings on Peter. But when Harry’s arms circled around you in the elevator and his hot mouth found the nape of your neck, you forced yourself to forget your roommate’s stricken expression at the sight of you with another man.
God, another man, you think to yourself as you harshly highlight a sentence in your textbook, I sound fucking ridiculous. As if Peter thinks of himself as the man in my life for me to have another one. The rest of the weekend passed by with a cloud of unspoken tension hanging over your shared apartment, one that you couldn’t even tell was real or just a figment of your lovelorn imagination, but you and Peter were too busy with work and Spider-Man to ever acknowledge it. You haven’t yet decided if that was a fortunate coincidence or not.
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bcofl0ve · 19 days
I do think the Presley unfollow signaled a breakup. Cindy doesn’t follow him either. I know Kaia still does but likely she just doesn’t want anyone to know yet. Except the post recent Instagram post and then tonight I think is her slowly revealing that. Also that we haven’t seen Austin in a long long time.
cindy has *never* followed him, and rande still does. also we saw them together on august 17th, my friend we have gone through multiple months without pap photos of him and kaia before 😭. so if right now is a “long long time” idk how you held out during the much longer droughts.
she has a work obligation in la and he has a work obligation in nyc. it’s probably going to be a hot minute before we get new pap photos of them but it’s not like there’s no reason for that. dating actors involves work induced distance at times. it comes with the territory and if it broke everyone up there’d be no long term relationships in hollywood.
and given that cory is gay, i am unsure how her having a good time with her co star is signaling a break up lmao.
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razette · 1 month
My partner has zero (0) ability to find lost things. Theyre constantly telling me, "well it didnt sprout legs and walk away" but thats because its right the fuck there on the table, Eugene. It wasnt even lost. they got me looking for shit like it was swallowed by their ADHD, like, no Linda its just in the bathroom. I know you checked the bathroom, but next time take your eyes with you. its on the counter. its RIGHT THERE, BRAD. like taking a phone call and losing the cellphone right in your hand because you cant see it by your ear levels of not lost.
When *I* lose things we are fucked, Cindy. Its fucking lost. LOST. borrowed. fell into a worm hole. anther dimension. Isekaid, Aaron. the chosen one in the land of wallets. 5 of 1000 identical keys contracted for a dungeon trial. yeah theyre gonna be late for dinner. Yeah that means we will be late for dinner, Clyde. No i dont know where my pants are either. I take them off in the same place every time, except when I dont, Audrey. Start a ritual circle, Sean, we are going to need divine intervention to get it all back before midnight.
Living together is exciting.
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