#except for misinformation 😭😭
learnyouabiology · 2 years
Fun Fact: Starfish get around using a hydraulic system!
I want to start off by saying: you may have heard that starfish have sea water instead of blood! This is not true!
Before I explain, let me point out this little dot that every starfish has (and I SWEAR that this is relevant)
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(It’s like they all have lil’ buttons on! 1, 2, 3)
This little spot is known as a madreporite, from Italian madre (”mother”) + Latin poro (”pore”). 
What is it? Well, to over-simplify:
The madreporite is basically a pressure valve for the insides of the starfish. It lets water in and out of its water vascular system as needed. In order to prevent debris and sea life and other non-desirables from getting inside the starfish, the madreporite filters the water that it takes in.
this is what the madreporite looks like up close:
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(Name origin: apparently someone saw that and thought “huh, that kind of looks like madrepore coral, but tiny! They... weren’t wrong.)
Now, you may look at the name “water vascular system” and think “hey, I know ‘vascular’! That's related to blood!” This is a reasonable misunderstanding.
While in humans, the circulatory system is part of a vascular system (along with our lymphatic system) in the starfish’s water vascular system, seawater is NOT analogous to blood in a circulatory system. Or, well, it’s complicated, because it does do some things that are similar to a mammalian circulatory system, such as transporting certain types of immune cells, but still (source: Ferguson 1966)
Instead, these seawater-filled tubes are used for things such as the movement of starfish arms (and their little tube feet), which in turn allows them to move around their environment, find and consume food, and stick to surfaces. Mammals generally don’t use their circulatory systems in this way (if I am wrong about this, PLEASE let me know, as that would be absolutely WILD).
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(diagram of a starfish’s water-vascular system, revealing the starfish’s final form: some sort of fidget toy, I think)
I admit that “starfish use seawater instead of blood” is a much more attention-grabbing headline, but it’s not true, and it’s also kind of sad, because the water-vascular system is really cool without the misinformation!
(before you ask, yes, this entire post was prompted by one (1) person saying something that was WRONG, and that person may or may not have been related to me 😤😭😭😭😭😭)
The water-vascular system is, essentially, a hydraulic system. By adding and expelling water, as well as opening and closing internal channels via muscle contractions, starfish can create positive and negative pressure within their bodies. This allows them to “flex” their tube feet in surprisingly complex ways, among other functions.
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(these^ are a starfish’s “tube feet”. They are little structures with suckers on the ends. If you’ve ever held a starfish in your hands, you probably felt these feet holding onto you. They have a surprising amount of strength!)
You can imagine this sort of like how a whacky inflatable tube man uses air pressure to straighten up and fall down, except with hundreds in one connected, complex system (and also the pressure is more tightly controlled in order to prevent all that flailing, and also to allow fine control required for things like ripping open a mollusc shell).
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(I always imagine this when looking at starfish tube feet. And now, maybe you will too! join me. 1, 2)
The confusion regarding starfish blood being seawater is understandable, but in the end it’s essentially a misunderstanding.
Plus, starfish have coelomic fluid, which is honestly more analogous to blood.
Coelomic fluid is, basically, the fluid that fills the starfish’s body cavity between all of its organs and such, facilitating nutrient transport, gas exchange, and overall being more blood-like than the water-vascular system in general (Andradre et al. 2021).
And ok, technically the liquid part of coelomic fluid comes from seawater, ultimately, but that would be like saying I, a human, use tap water for blood. And, ok, yes, there is water in my blood, and that water came from the tap, but no one would say that I have tap water instead of blood! Except my brother but he also says trigonometry doesn’t exist so we will be ignoring his opinion at this time.
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(a more detailed diagram than the one before. The coelomic fluid is found in the coelomic cavity! Also, as a bonus, you now know where a starfish’s anus is! Enjoy this new knowledge next time you look at a starfish! source: x)
Starfish aren’t the only animals with a water vascular system and a madreporite. They can also be spotted in other echinoderms, such as sea urchins, sand dollars, and sea cucumbers (although in the sea cucumber the madreporite is inside the animal, so you probably won’t see it in the wild).
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That said, starfish have my favourite madraporites, because I think they look like little badges. They all win the award of being lil friends (and also keystone species that are essential to many marine ecosystems. So.)
This has been Fun Fact Friday, telling you all about wacky lil friends who have funny little feet and DO NOT HAVE SEAWATER INSTEAD OF BLOOD!
I will do battle with my sibling later, as is tradition
Sources under Read More:
Andrade, C., Oliveira, B., Guatelli, S., Martinez, P., Simões, B., Bispo, C., ... & Coelho, A. V. (2021). Characterization of coelomic fluid cell types in the starfish Marthasterias glacialis using a flow cytometry/imaging combined approach. Frontiers in Immunology, 807. 
Ferguson, J. C. (1966). Cell production in the Tiedemann bodies and haemal organs of the starfish, Asterias forbesi. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society, 200-209.
Mao, S., Dong, E., Zhang, S., Xu, M., & Yang, J. (2013, July). A new soft bionic starfish robot with multi-gaits. In 2013 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (pp. 1312-1317). IEEE.
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crazylittlejester · 3 months
okay maybe im the weird one, and maybe this is a middle of the night “Jesse we keep these thoughts to ourselves” thing, but is anyone else irrationally afraid of their teeth just falling out of their fucking mouths? Like one minute I’ll be vibing and then I’ll bite into a chocolate or some shit and it’ll feel weird and for some reason I’m like “ah yes, all of my fucking teeth are going to fall out, this is the end for me” and I don’t even think it’s the idea of having no teeth that scares me, it’s the idea that they could just fall out 😭
and I have been so irrationally afraid of this since I was a little kid, but i think this is just on my mind again cos I saw a tiktok of some dentist lady saying if your tooth falls out just shove it back in there, which, first of all, sounds absolutely fucking insane and in no world would I consider doing that no thank you what the hell I’ll just except my life down a tooth, and second, it’s tiktok so I don’t know if that’s misinformation and I’m genuinely too scared to fucking google it because my dumb fucking ass will start spiraling into anxiety hell if i think about my teeth possibly falling out for too long. NO ONE fucking tell me if that’s wrong or not, google it for yourselves I don’t give a shit, but I personally do not wanna know leave me out of it 😭 and maybe this is a sign i need to go back to therapy or somethin’, but yeah anyways I think it’s me I think I’m the weird one
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parsheliii · 3 days
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Fazbear's Pizza (Toys)
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Fazbear's Pizza is the next generation after Fazbear's Family Dinner, where Tatiana, the oldest daughter, decided to open her brand new pizzeria back in 2015 sponsored by 'Emily's Family & Co.', a brand new company founded by Charlie Emily themselves in memory of their father, who owned his own company in the past, but with his presumpted death, the other man in that same company took control of it, even changed its name.
Charlie was the one to hire the other employees, all of them being related to the old Fazbear's crew back in Fazbear's Family Dinner.
But sadly, the place was closed a year before due an accident happening with one of their employees.
The company, 'Emily's Family & Co." had bad fame due to their competition, 'Afton's SL', which was older and more advanced than Charlie's, giving everyone misinformation about the new company. Charlie wanted to get Afton's company down by opening a brand new 'Fazbear's' since it was very popular back in the day. Getting their number one pizza place's name would make the Emily's to rise.
Since Fazbear's was always sponsored by 'Afton's SL', the Fazbears family had trouble on changing their sponsor, both father and daughter getting into an argument. Dock Fazbear didn't want the Emily's close to his family due information he got from the Afton's, meanwhile Tatiana trusted Charlie, they convinced her that the Afton's had something going on behind all the restaurants they sponsor and protect.
At the end, Tatiana changed their sponsor anyways... It was going to be her own pizzeria after all, but her relationship with her father changed.
The accident's detailed information happening inside Fazbear's Pizza is protected by 'Emily's Family & Co.', making an explanation is impossible.
The victim and the victim's family have been already rewarded.
Endless Show At Freddy's is based on the characters and story from Five Nights At Freddy's, owned by Scott Cawthon.
The story and characters are REALLY different. It includes a lot kind of relationships and ideas that aren't canon in game, but they are in this AU, if you aren't happy with them, I'm not going to change them just 'cause of ya', so keep your words.
The same goes with some characters' genders and designs, they might change from the original character, just because! For the fun of it :]
Who is who? Here is a short list:
Tatiana Fazbear→ Toy Freddy
Valery Bach→ Toy Bonnie
Chloe Cairo→ Toy Chica
Madison Farley→ Toy Foxy/The Mangle
Charlie Emily→ The Puppet
• Yup, they are all females (...except Charlie, they are non-binary), I just think it would fit more to have more female characters in the lore, so yeah... Women
• I didn't want to give them those rosey cheeks like the toys do, it bothered me a lil since their parents don't have those cheeks kajdkajs 😭, I hope they are recognised as the toys
• The order of the Fazbear's Pizzerias are↓
-Fazbear's Family Dinner (not talked about yet)
-Fazbear's Pizza
-Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria
Making Fazbear's Pizza the second one!
• I know BB & JJ aren't there, I have other plans for them!!!
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getsuuna · 13 days
another day, another dumb ass take from KNY TikTok Fandom !!!! /extremely derogatory
the topic of the day is Uzui's family, and it all started off from a girl on TikTok affirming Tengen's marriage is strictly polygamous, which could be a valid opinion from a certain point of view, but let's dig further.
she was specifically referring to people portraying them as a polyamorous relationship, and strongly opposed to it, going so far as:
•blocking people who tried to discuss (including me)
•making a mockery video on it (which she then deleted due to threats in DMs, which I don't justify, no matter how rude she was)
•unblocking me trying to discuss further, except all she did was talking to me as if I was an uneducated and misinformed fool, and eventually blocked me again after speaking utter nonsense
so, what was the nonsense about?
it started with Suma, but I'm sadly going to have to digress on Tengen himself. she denied Tengen being a polyamorous character, because "he's polygamous and no you cannot be both"
now, I indeed spent lots of time educating myself on labels as a queer person, but I am not polyamorous, so correct me if I'm mistaken: Tengen is polyamorous by definition.
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I never denied that Tengen is in a polygamous marriage, but he's polyamorous.
Uzui's family was in a clan that canonically practiced polygamy solely for reproduction purposes, which, by the way, is usually the reason why polygamy was practiced in different cultures, and it's obviously rooted in misogyny. even the manga itself portrays this tradition as dehumanizing for women, it portrayed the historical reality of women being seen as possession and inferior worth overall.
Tengen, too, was forced into polygamy, but literally most of his character revolves around the fact that he detached himself from that toxic environment, and he was the only one that actively valued his wives' lives more than his own.
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briefly, he was the only one that actually LOVED his wives, unlike every other male member of his clan in such polygamous marriages.
yes, he's in a polygamous marriage, but he loves all of his wives equally and they're all obviously consenting to that relationship as an actual marriage, and not as an excuse to make babies. polygamy was never about feelings and love, unlike polyamory. Tengen is undeniably polyamorous, and he's widely seen and known as polyamorous representation.
yet this kid apparently had the nerve to deny that, and also denied that polygamy as a concept and as a practice is misogynistic and messed up. "there's people who are ok with it" maybe because it's tradition forced upon them??? "polyamory didn't exist back then" 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 neither did every queer label that we now know and use. sexualities weren't labeled nor legal, and it absolutely didn't mean they weren't there, and the sole fact that she assumed that made me want to just give up on that so-called argument we were having.
I wasn't even irritated anymore, just disappointed but not surprised. she just kept bragging about the same 2 phrases over and over and assuming I didn't know nor understand what she was trying to say.
what maturity level do you actually expect to give off if you start the discussion by assuming I don't know what you're talking about, using annoying and ironic pet names and just going "uhrm I don't think you understood...! hope that helps...!" ??? I unfortunately lack the patience to deal with such buffoonery but overall it's basic common sense that someone who wants to have an actual discussion should NEVER behave like that. it's not really the fact that she's wrong that pissed me off, it's the attitude, the fake superiority complex kinda vibe.
moving on to what was supposed to be the initial topic: their whole polygamous marriage being or not being polyamorous.
they're not all legally married to each other, the 3 women are only legally married to Tengen (which is the point that homegirl repeated to me over and over again as if I didn't have enough comprehension skills while reading the manga)
HOWEVER, just because they're legally recognized as polygamous doesn't mean the 3 women can't be interested in each other as much as Tengen is interested in all 3 of them.
polyamorous Tengen ≠ polyamorous relationship, we get it, but what if? Gotōge revealed that during the marriage interview, Suma proposed herself as a wife instead of her sister,, and immediately after, they also revealed that Suma is bisexual.
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oh, wait, the bisexual label didn't exist back then, yet bisexuality existed indeed! 💋
but that's besides the point, because bisexuality obviously doesn't imply polyamory...however², Gotōge has coincidentally revealed this cute little fun fact right after speaking about the fact that she begged to be Tengen's wife.
Tengen's father apparently chose the wives for his sons basing himself on the "chemistry" they seemed to have with them (still NOT love btw, if we take in consideration how poorly Tengen's brothers treated their wives) and he chose Suma's sister alongside the others, yet Suma still crashed in. then Gotōge put a comma and added "it seemed she preferred both men and women".
technically, specifying that wasn't necessary, especially since Suma is married to a man. but can you see where this is going??? it was stated for a reason, and, even better, it was stated right after that sentence for a reason.
call me delusional or call it a headcanon, but the point stands, plus this silly bisexual woman lives every day of her life with 2 other pretty women and they're all a big family. I think it's valid to assume they kiss each other.
and homegirl took it personally🙏🏻 she defends polygamy but draws the line at polyamory and queerness, the irony🩷 also, she's christian. I absolutely don't want to generalize but I see a pattern.
anyways, I don't want people to harass her or send her threats, I was just pissed off by her immature behavior but hey, she was the fuel for me to make this brief analysis which I thought was basic analytical skill😭 this Fandom never fails to cross a line I never even knew was there🤞🏻
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circusjuney · 2 months
10 random facts about me!!!
thank you sm @flovoid for the tag my friend!!!!! <3
i am a singer!!! i grew up singing my entire life, and it's actually my dream to make at least one album. idk if i'll make multiple but i really want to make just one. probably some sort of rock album
i'm a horror freak through and through. i mostly only watch horror movies and tbh for a while i've wanted to try my hand at some horror sims content but i didn't want to make anything that might scare people off ghfdsg. btw my fav horror series are the v/h/s series and terrifier (except all hallows eve srry damien) ✌️
my favorite bands are system of a down, deftones, pierce the veil, mcr, radiohead, and i have another one but tbh i'm too embarrassed to admit it on the internet <3
bugs are a special interest of mine and i just enrolled in a zoology course at my uni to hopefully learn more about them :,) learning on my own is hard tbh because there is a LOT of misinformation about bugs on the internet so i wanted to properly learn in a school environment and i hope to someday work with insects!! bugs!!!! yesss!!!
i love clowns... this one kind of ties in with the horror fact tbh because i mostly love scary horror clowns!!!! they're just so fucking cool to me idk!!! literally some of my favorite horror movies ever are clown related like terrifier and killer klowns from outer space. also the luna clown from scooby doo can hmu whenever i'm free everyday
my username is circusjuney mostly just because i love clowns but also because of circus baby from fnaf!!! fnaf is another special interest of mine and i wanted a username that tied in some of my interests like that. however i've thought about changing it bc some people call me circus instead of my name 😭
my favorite color is orange bc it's the color of pumpkins and autumn leaves and halloween and it's all my favorite things! :,)
i am lowkey a musical theater lover but i really mostly love random songs from diff musicals and haven't had the chance to go through most shows all the way through except for waitress (my fav) and hamilton which i unfortunately can recite the entirety of 😔 in my final 2 years of high school i joined a performing arts program and spent half of everyday at a different school taking theater classes!! i joined the tech crew towards the end bc being forced to perform was doing numbers on me mentally 😝
my fav food is a breakfast sandwich <3 gimme a bagel or a brioche bun with some bacon and eggs and cheese and other fun stuff.......... eating that makes my hearts go up like in minecraft
and lastly um... idk...... i'm running out of facts........ the last fact is that............ ily <3 <3 <3 i am a pretty sappy person tbh and i have so much love in my heart it kinda hurts sometimes <3 <3 <3 so i'm giving it to you now so that it hurts less <3 <3
now im tagging @butteredfrogs @living-undead @youredreamingofroo @zleepyhollow @blueyjoy @mmonetsims @kuroashims if you've done this already or don't wanna just ignore!!!
also i feel so bad i have not been keeping up on tumblr at all bc i wake up play minecraft and go back to bed it's bad fhjdskgdasklgkdfj so sorry for my inactivity <3 <3 <3
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ko-existing · 11 months
do you think you'd ever make posts re-explaining some of the more popular "nondualism" posts on here, but in the PROPER way? i just read your instagram story and i realized everything ive learned about nondualism is kinda all wrong 😭😭😭 the post you talked about was one i read and "learned" from but now i see that its misinformation, so i dont trust the bloggers i used to read. but now i have to re-learn the information now and understand it the way it's supposed to be understood. idk what other blog to go to except for you now 😭❤️
I understand what you mean, but eh🥲 most post on here are way too wordy, WAY too long and contradictory to actually dissect properly.
There are way too many accounts that have 400+ likes on post that contradict themselves from start to finish. I prefer posting short posts.
I do not practice """non dualism""" like people on Tumblr do, I tag my posts with #nonduality because it is for exposure. Other than that I do not use any concepts other than the concept of words and speech. 
If you want to you can link posts you want me to read and give my illusory opinion to, but will it really matter?👁️
Whatever you learn, including what i post, see it as a pointer to the Truth and abandon that as well. What you remain with is nothing(ness).
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anendoandfriendo · 9 months
Hey sorry I was trying to dm you but we aren't mutuals 😭 please don't publish this but https://www.tumblr.com/anendoandfriendo/739226231286939648 the person who coined this is anti endo. They even have endo dni
No, actually, we will publish it. It's a good example of how to investigate basic callouts to see if what people say is true. :) //not mad but...please understand why saying "do not publish this" is incredibly suspicious to us.
We're not sure what you're seeing exactly because we don't see that at all, unless we literally missed something? This is a screenshot of the DNI we're seeing from the link itself on that post:
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We reblogged the genderfail post off of a friend who's also pro-endogenic and, like, it's exhausting vetting every single blog over a post.
Now, what we did was go to OP's blog from that gender coining because, welp, some people are slick and try to use the foot in the door method to buy people into hatred you know? By pretending to be inclusionists like the above and then it's completely different.
Their rentry URLs are entirely different than the rentry on the genderfail link. HOWEVER, endogenic systems aren't even in their DNI on their actual DNI, it literally looks like this as of this ask:
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Now, like, we have issues with "basic criteria" being in a DNI because to us "do not harass people over their taste in fiction" is basic DNI for example, but to antishippers this obviously isn't the case. -_-'
That aside, that link under basic criteria actually leads back to that DNI list in the genderfail post.
We're actively working on getting web archives of these links in case they change. Asks are no longer acting weird and not allowing edits, but we do work in about ten minutes as of this edit of our own answer.
We don't know what is going on here but: if it's all cycling back to the same thing and we don't see "endos dni" anywhere we look, then it seems rather misinformed for you to send this ask.
Unless you happened to share the wrong link. Which is also possible.
But callouts to us, in general, are highly suspicious and this would be why.
Post will be edited as/if we come across information so people can see how it evolves.
Something that people generally do not realize about us, is, we prefer to do any kind of analytical work or any kind of...investigation? on a laptop. Now, here is the problem with that as explained by one of our headmates —
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However we were talking to a mutual @tulpafcker who has typed things in our replies that indicate the blog in question was likely not shadowbanned so we put a search into the bar #endogenic and #endo, the latter of which turns up this post. The read more does, in fact, have the ableist, bigoted, and decidedly hypocritical "dni endos and supporters" on it.
But that's not for OP that's for an entirely different blog. That said, the implicit "no exclusionism or ableism except THIS exclusionism and ableism, this one is fine I promise you okay??? :)))))" is really bad.
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Since OP of the genderfail post thinks they are slick we will probably be deleting the reblog (but not before also grabbing a screenshot and archive of our own blog for posterity). The post in question in image form, edited with the water filter for easier distinction:
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We're still working on the archive pages unfortunately, we may need to wait until our EOS for the majority of them, but we'll try in and off.
EDIT 2.0: Managed to add all web archive links from what we can tell.
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smellofemale · 2 months
nobody asked me but im answering these
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1: uhhhhh, idk an exact date 😭😭 and i genuinely don't know how
2:YAH, big shift once when i was rlly little, plenty of mini shifts
3: multiverse theory 🔛🔝
5:too many. my favorite one is my rozz dr tho 🙈
6:ROZZ <3<3<3<<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
7:i am a slut in them all
8:rarely 😭😭 i always script i can manifest on command
10:nothing about the practice, the community, y'all are soooooooooooo limited it's annoying 😭 like u believe u can travel the multiverse but u don't believe u can manifest some money or ur face changing....oh ok
11:not rlly 😭 uhhhhhhh, i think shifting is 1900000x easier than 99% of y'all make it out to be and u absolutely don't need a method or subliminals
12: i genuinely don't know 😭😭😭 maybe erm uh 'do your own thing' and like listen to urself and don't abide by methods
13: good subliminal 🕺🏼
14: all of my mutuals :3
15: idk (i know i keep saying idk, i have bad memory, leave me alone)
16: nighttime 🙏🏻🙏🏻 i only do sleeping methods 😭
17:i don't script outfits 🧍🏼‍♀️ in my dr i just scripted 'lots of leather'
18:i go there to eat
19:ive started viewing it as a hobby instead of an end all be all
20: playlist 😁
21:with my rozz dr: crucifixs, bondage gear, leather. ahs dr: blood, leather,hairspray
22:NO! except my dog, my little baby
23: rozz williams, Michael langdon (apocalypse era) are my main 2 rn 🙉
24: john waters, divine, robert mapplethorpe, david bowie, lotsa fun ppl
25: erm, idk 🧍🏼‍♀️
26: in my rozz dr: none. in my ahs dr: fucking everything. my boyfriend is the antichrist
27:"i can shift whenever i want because i say so and what i say goes"
28: no 🧍🏼‍♀️ i don't think so, idk, im not rlly up to date on misinformation
29; relations #hoelifeornolife
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wildpeachfarm · 3 months
Skibidi toilet gets tens of million views daily and yet noine except chronically online kids know about it like i simply dont think 'dnf is epstein' braindead commentary channel will have a huge cultural impact😭😭😭
people acting like the far right and republicans didn't already hate dnf (dreams first haters were neo nazis!!!) and they are simply salivating at the mouth to be fed hate against queer people in a stupid video FILLED with misinformation like😭
we really are going to compare a dnf hate video to skibidi toilet😭😭😭
yeah ok.
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starfanatic · 5 months
When people say Hades-ification of Ares they're talking about Ares fans spreading misinformation about him to make him look like a good guy when he's actually not that good in the myths - exactly the way annoying Hades fans did (and still do). Making up a story and claiming it's canon, ignoring myths that go against your headcanon...you Ares fans also do the same. Saying he never raped anyone when there are myths where he raped (I believe one person even gave receipts for this in one of your posts)... saying he's a feminist and protector of women and abused people when this literally has no basis in the myths. It's all modern headcanons. He doesn't help any woman or mortal that's not his immediate family.
Like it's fine to have headcanons but you gotta admit it's not true to the myths. Gods are assholes and rapists in some versions of their myths, and Ares is no exception.
Again as I’ve said, Ares is no where close to Hades level. Ares is still pretty much hated and the misinformation isn’t always in his favor either. And of course he does shitty things because almost every greek god does, however when Ares fans notices he does have something good about him whether its a small myth we are overjoyed to highlight it. AND when I saw the receipts I didn’t deny it either? As I’ve said in response to the first ask I don’t do extensive research on greek mythology, I believe what I’m told until told otherwise. I don’t know why you are asking as if I was like “DUDE WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ARES IS A FUCKING ANGEL FUCK YOU AND YOUE SOURCES”. The person who gave the receipts is literally my friend 😭 Also its not just ARES fans either. Its Hephaestus fans, its probably Apollo fans, its Artemis fans, Aphrodite, etc. Everyone is biased towards their favorite god, but HADES is insanely glazed to the point its insane. He’s not only glazed by greek mythology fans but also by random book readers on tik tok.
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flowwochair · 2 years
About me drawing the marshals and napoleon and stuff like that:
I felt like I should maybe make a post about this since I've been getting more questions about it lately (I know I answered a question about this way back but it's a little bit buried in my posts now)
When I draw the marshals + Napoleon although I try to stick to a good degree of accuracy I also do take certain creative liberties to make them more unique to me as character designs. If you've ever played FGO it's a bit like how they have characters based off historical figures but that are not 100% accurate to them (except I wouldn't say I go as far as they do with my creative liberties I take with my designs).
The creative liberties I take range from appearance (e.g.: Lannes' sharp teeth and hair gradient, Murat's hair being near waistlength, Bessières eyes being red, etc.), to amplifying certain aspects of their personality that made me like them or that intrigued me (e.g.: Murat's flamboyance, Junot's happt-go-lucky levels of dedication to Napoleon, Lannes' hot-headed tendencies), when I'm drawing a Marshal for the first time (most recent example being Soult) I might not have 100% of an idea of what I might want to do with them as a character, so certain inaccuracies might be more protruding because of that (I'm still quite early into my readings about both him and Augereau, I know that for some time him and Ney co-existed in this sort of exasperated "I guess I have to co-operate with you so I'll do it" sort of way, which I thought was funny so I decided to amplify that a bit). These liberties are not meant to stray away from historical accuracies, nor have any malicious intent (villainizing/spreading misinformation) but they are simply to make these characters more unique to me when I draw them, since I sort of half consider them to be OCs because I'm the one interpreting and drawing them in this way.
Basically, the way I draw the marshals + Napoleon is one in which they're simultaneously my own character designs, but also these characters are still based off my interpretation of the marshals/Napoleon and are still meant to stick to a certain degree of accuracy. I'm not saying this means people can't point out historical inaccuracies in my depictions of them, I'm pretty young, and I'm still learning more indepth things about napoleonic history and the people who shaped it, and I really love learning more about these people, especially things I might not have known prior (like how I found out Soult was an insanely unlucky person). If you have any questions/comments to send me about my designs and drawings you can feel free to do so because I do enjoy learning more and given that English is not my first language and I'm writing this after waking up in the middle of the night at 6 AM I might have not explained my POV very well 😭.
The one thing I would say about comments/questions is to please make sure they don't come off as vague/condescending 💔💔 I am schizophrenic, and this can sometimes make it so I easily misinterpret tones to be more negative/intimidating than they really are, I get very easily intimidated/scared/overwhelmed so I would appreciate consideration for this ><
I hope I explained my view somewhat well, I might pin this post to make it easier for people to access it, like I said though, if any questions/comments stem from this feel free to just ask/comment ^-^
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leehestia · 2 years
Upcoming works for Astro:
Notes from Author: I mostly make stories based on songs or whatever drama or movie I watch, and some of these won’t be released if I read it again to check and find out that it’s really horrible or cringe so please don’t have high expectations 😭😭😭
- Kim Myungjun / MJ
None yet
- Park Jinwoo / Jinjin
1. Luxurious Love || Rich husband!Jinjin x Wife!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Smut
Synopsis: Park Jinwoo, one of the richest CEO's in South Korea. You're his wife, a humble middle-class woman who is still adapting to this 'rich' environment. You and Jinwoo argue about it, until you finally understand him and you both apologize through words and pleasure.
Notes: Based on “Luxurious” by Gwen Stefani
- Lee Dongmin / Cha Eunwoo
1. It Was Always Her || Toxic boyfriend!eunwoo x reader
Genre: Angst, A little Fluff, Suggestive
Synopsis: You know you're being used, you hated it. But you'd do anything to be with him. You know you're not the one he loves. You know that you just remind him of her. You can't help but let him use you for his comfort. You love him, but he doesn't love you.
Notes: Based on “Glimpse of Us” by Joji
2. The Depth of the Crazy Sea || Stalker!eunwoo x Idol!Oc (Han Hyeseung)
Genre: Angst, Suspense, Yandere
Synopsis: Love is truly unexpected. Who would have thought that your beloved is just like you? Good-looking, rich, popular, crazy, horrific, and most importantly, in love with you. Love can never be predicted. If obsession towards someone is what you call love, then can you really call that… love? Cha Eunwoo, passionate trainee by day and an obsessed stalker by night. Han Hyeseung, a popular idol loved by many who has everything all except love. Under one company, both were casted as the main characters for an upcoming drama, The Depth of the Crazy Sea.
An opportunity for both people to find out more about each other. But what if they already know each other? To be exact, one already knows way too much about the other. Too many things even the other doesn’t know about themselves.
This is what they call love. But if stalking and obsessing towards someone is their own love, can you really call that love? No one knows. After all, no one knows the depth of a crazy sea.
Notes: Me and my friend made this for our creative writing class and it’s in short chapters. Btw if the writing style is so much better than my solo works, it’s bc my friend is 100x better in story writing.
- Moon Bin / Moonbin
1. A random moonbin story lol (I don’t have a name yet 💀💀) || husband!moonbin x wife!reader
Genre: Arranged marriage, smut, angst, fluff
Synopsis: idk yet but basically y’all got arranged marriage and moonbin lieks it but u dont etc etc and u think moonbin is dangerous af.
Notes: I didn’t really prioritize it bc it’s just a random story I made in school out of boredom 😭😭😭
- Park Minhyuk / Rocky
None yet
- Yoon Sanha / Sanha
1. To Be King || Prince!Sanha x Princess!Reader ft. knight!Rocky
Genre: Fluff, Smut, Angst
Synopsis: You and the prince from the neighboring land make an agreement to get married so that you may escape the dreadful palace life you both live. Sanha, being completely in love with you, takes advantage of your marriage to build a relationship with you. Rocky, your ex-boyfriend tries to steal you back by creating misinformation about Sanha’s love for you.
Notes: Plot by my cousin @leedongmen 😻😻🫶🫶
2. “You’re too fast!” || hufflepuff!Sanha x gryffindor!Reader
Genre: Hogwarts!au, Fluff, Sports, Humor
Synopsis: Popular quidditch player, Y/N, goes against a weak quidditch player, Sanha, and teaches him how to properly play despite the risk of getting caught.
Notes: idk bro just came up in my head after rewatching harry potter
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catb-fics · 2 years
honestly, the only reason people are freaking out is bc there are fans going around spreading misinformation. if you don't understand what the documents say, that's fine, just don't post your interpretation as fact (this isn't aimed at you, btw). there's nothing in there that we haven't known for two years now, everyone except van has resigned, another company (vm music) was appointed as a member so catb llp can be kept open... it's all old news
Let’s face it, every single snippet of information no matter how small or insignificant sends us all into meltdown these days lol - it’s always a slow news day in this fandom 😭
I just get my info from you guys tbh I know fuck all! 🤷‍♀️
But yeah, it seems like it just takes an age for things to get formally updated on companies house. At least I don’t have to cry into my pancakes now!
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wait, wtf, I feel like that??? Should I have a check up? (same nonny as the last one)
why does this keep HAPPENING to me!!! 😩 either i dont have aspd and its something more common or a LOT OF YOU SECRETLY HAVE ASPD
so i guess heres the "so you think you have aspd" guide!
hold off on a professional diagnosis. this is echoed by a fair deal of aspds, especially here on tumblr. (theres an aspd community on reddit but yk... its REDDIT....) a professional diagnosis does nothing for you as there are no medications for aspd, and it CAN be used against you to discriminate against you and, worst case scenario, forciby institutionalize you. if you REALLY wanna know for sure professionally, you can, but im just making known a Community Opinion
RESEARCH. YOUR. SYMPTOMS. are there any other disorders they could be caused by? a good starting point is ADHD, autism, and other cluster B disorders. look at the clinical stuff like the dsm/icd criteria, but the crucial point here is the experiences of people who have the thing. having symptoms and daily life explained through the lens of what its like to have them, versus what they are clinically, is gonna be crucial to figuring this out.
i'd reccomend your-aspd-dad for aspd, and npdsafe for npd! i dont have any blogs for bpd and hpd, though, sorry :( your-aspd-dad is a goldmine of aspd experiences and they even talk about comorbidities (with autism and npd, which'll make the aspd traits manifest differently. for instance, im not criminal or even outwardly mean because i care about my reputation to a grear degree, which is the npd kinda keeping the aspd "in check" as it were)
i just talked abt it but yeah remember comorbidities exist. its like pringles man, once u pop u cant stop, except a mental health version. once you snap... oh crap!!
avoid sensationalized bs. just... stick with personal anecdotes, theres a lot of aspd misinformation out there. and STAY OFF QUORA PLEASE STAY OFF QUORA. LISTEN TO ME. DO NOT GO ON QUORA. HEED MY WARNING
and just because u have the Emotions Thing, its not a set in stone deal that u have aspd! try not to get tunnel vision looking into this, and dont forget to 💞🌈✨️ believe in yourself! ✨️🌈💞
but yeah the mmmost important things to remember are that theres a lot of misinfo and mental health is varied and complex. from what ive seen about aspd, its a very "youve met one person with aspd, youve met ONE person with aspd" kinda deal. im not exactly like any of the your-aspd-dad mods or anyone in the actuallyaspd tag or my brother and if you DO have aspd, you might not be anything like me!
(no really, if you doubt yourself too much ur gonna second guess urself constantly)
good luck!! god i hope i dont secretly Not Have ASPD haha that would be wildddddd anyway!!! good luck??!? have fun??!?!?!?!?!?!?!? AAAAAAA!??!?!?!
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blaacknoir · 26 days
AI-Anon here - I messaged you because I woke up with a headache, and I follow you, I made the mistake of clicking past my chatgpt/ai content filter, and chose violence instead of peace.
😅 The first thing I say every time someone brings up AI to me is to correct them to "Bullshit Machine" because that is the most efficient way of describing the actual product. The thing is that there are a lot of situations where bullshit is good enough - and many more in which it is catastrophic.
and that's really the nuance that I see most disregarded from the conversation - AI has huuge weakspots - from the impact on the environment, to the hallucinations, to a whole lot of others. But by blanket ignoring the people who use it, you don't learn from how they have dealt with those issues, or get the chance to educate them if they are unaware.
Except the environmental issue, that is a large one. But so is the use of rare earth metals in cell phones and electronics. Recyling is in shambles. Yesterday I ate a hamburger. There are a lot of individual choices I make every day for convenience that in aggregate are huge problems. I personally think it is more productive to question the large-scale implementation of AI in every app than criticize individual specific and intentional uses of it. Personally, I HATE the way ai is bundled into every type of search bar these days - it's both a terrible use of resources and a source of misinformation.
Lastly, in one of your previous messages you suggested alternative methods to compensate for my word recall issue. I use AI because it's fastest and works best with the way my brain struggles when I am deep in the midst of brainfog. I use a thesaurus when I am looking for options to change the tone of my writing. I am suuure you have always loooved when someone suggested other ways for you to deal with your adhd because its definitely one of those things that has one size fits all solutions. <- buckets of sarcasm, but not meant to be mean
I messaged you because I woke up with a headache, and I follow you, I made the mistake of clicking past my chatgpt/ai content filter, and chose violence instead of peace.
Okay but honestly this is so relatable, anon. I do this all the time. 😭
But by blanket ignoring the people who use it, you don't learn from how they have dealt with those issues, or get the chance to educate them if they are unaware.
I definitely try to remind users that ChatGPT isn't like google, and you should be googling instead of using it as a research tool, but so many people are younger and just assume I hate fire and think Thomas Edison was a witch. Sometimes, imo most of the time, if you want to learn something, you're better off going to Google.
There are a lot of individual choices I make every day for convenience that in aggregate are huge problems. I personally think it is more productive to question the large-scale implementation of AI in every app than criticize individual specific and intentional uses of it. Personally, I HATE the way ai is bundled into every type of search bar these days - it's both a terrible use of resources and a source of misinformation.
Oh, absolutely, and I agree that the onus of things like that is on the companies rather than the individuals. It's not your water bottle that's the plastic in the ocean, it's the industrial fishing nets. But half a liter per "conversation", for something I could just as easily look up through other means, is definitely a higher cost than I personally feel comfortable with.
I also have a lot of resentment for the way that AI scraping seems to be opt-out (instead of opt-in)(if you can opt out at all), and the fact that I can't fucking escape it. One or two rich morons decided this was the wave of the future and now it's everyone's problems.
I am suuure you have always loooved when someone suggested other ways for you to deal with your adhd because its definitely one of those things that has one size fits all solutions. <- buckets of sarcasm, but not meant to be mean
Fair enough, you just happened to hit on something I'm passionate about, both as an artist and an environmentalist, so I reacted a bit strongly.
For the record, having cooled down and stepped back a bit, while your reasoning and use of AI aren't my favorite thing, and while I stand by my original point of "anti-AI isn't inherently ableist", I do want to apologize for anything that may have come off as unnecessarily harsh. I do think there's a place for AI, but I don't think a novel-writing competition is the place for it.
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co-opmode · 8 months
blegh i know im nitpicky, and I'm working on it (except at my job cause thats literally my job), but I don't understand why people get upset about someone telling them they've been incorrect (especially at my job cause that's literally my job); everyone is incorrect and makes mistakes, and we do it often! so its ok to have been wrong! its literally human. why the fuck would you want to STAY misinformed tho? what if you ACTED on your bad info? what if after you made a mistake you never found out it was a mistake, and that affected other people's lives? We all gotta learn to gracefully accept criticism and learn from it -.- its not an attack and it DEFINITELY doesn't have to be a fight.
Im not saying not to explain yourself, cause obv context and intent are both very important, so you should absolutely discuss how events came to that conclusion, but LISTEN to the critique and learn from it 😭
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