jwapostate · 5 months
atheist not in the sense that I don't believe in god (I don't) but in the sense that even if there was evidence that a higher power existed, I'd be so opposed to the idea of worshipping it I'd rather die
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usiel21 · 2 months
When you start getting harrassed by Jehovah's witnesses again Lmao first they turn up where i work to give me pamphlet, and the next i get a text from the dude who used to do my bible studies... Love they still have my number after 4 years Lmao
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wierdkid20 · 1 year
I often talk about how Small gods and good omens got me out of a cult. But I think I have to give psalm of the wild built props for showing me the kind of religion I could feel safe in again.
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midnight-in-eden · 5 months
Bro, im an PIMO (almost POMO) of the JWs. And what you post is so similar to all the jw shit. 💀💀 its creepy
I’ve heard ex-JWs and exmormons have a lot in common! Glad you’re finding it relatable. Good luck on your road out.
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ex-jw · 7 months
Nothing like being ex-JW for years and moving on in life and honestly not even thinking about it most of the time…then working your normal retail job and a customer opening their wallet and you accidentally see a classic “NO BLOOD” card right there. With his young child standing right next to him.
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chelledoggo · 11 months
CW: Jehovah's Witness mention //
i wanna make a Caleb and Sophia AU where they start deconstructing their JW teachings, are adopted by a loving new progressive/affirming Christian (or maybe even interfaith) family, and seek out God/spirituality in their own way without fear or shame.
also as she gets older, Sophia discovers she's a lesbian and starts a relationship with Zoey, who also grew to doubt JW teachings. they get married as adults and adopt several ex-JW children. Sophia also enters into a STEM field career and is highly successful.
maybe Caleb will look into Christian witchcraft, Christian mysticism, or Christian folk magic, since he was shamed for liking a magical character as a child. kind of a way to take back that part of his childhood. and just for the heck of it, let's have him start exploring his (or her. or their.) gender identity, too.
like dammit the more i watch these fucking Caleb and Sophia shorts (by proxy through people riffing on them), the more i want a better life for these poor kids.
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fandom-hoarder · 8 months
Ok this is completely (well maybe not *completely*?) random, but I've been watching this JW Thoughts channel recently (unable to concentrate on fic for sick kid reasons). He watches JW videos and reacts and makes comedy skits. JW have a lot of dramatizations in video form. But the Jade and Neeta drama...
Freaking. Watch this (i highly recommend increasing the speed though lol) and TELL ME it shouldn't have been a wlw dramedy about a JW's sexual awakening and subsequent escape! I want to write fic for it lmfao. What would they do about it, I wonder.
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signify-nothing · 2 years
So wild. I’m less than three months away from entering my thirties. If I could go back in time and tell me from ten years ago how much I’ve accomplished, she’d cry tears of relief.��
I left the cult.
I got a Bachelor’s degree in English and creative writing without debt.
I lived in the UK for half a year.
I’ve had meaningful romantic relationships with both men and women.
I’ve published over a dozen short stories.
I’ve been to nine countries. 
I moved away from Hellhole, NC.
I have a cute little airy white apartment in a downtown area.
I am fully finacially indepentent and have a job that helps people.
I have friends who will not shun me for speaking my mind.
And yet. 
Am I any happier, on a daily basis, than I was at nineteen? Not really. I despise my life. Every Sunday I get unbearably depressed thinking about going to work the next day. 
Am I proud of what I accomplished? Absolutely. But I just wish I found a way to consistently want to be alive. 
Here’s hoping I accomplish that -- if nothing else -- in the next decade.
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indigoandochre · 2 months
#and of course there's the book of bible stories#which despite being aimed at kids half the illustrations are of#people being thrown out of windows#bloody violence#Gods Wrath#also animal abuse#and several other things that should have stayed NON-ILLUSTRATED
Doesn't Jezebel's face just... stick with you forever?
Jezebel and the illustration of Lot's family are fucking Haunting.
They are without a doubt the most upsetting illustrations in there.
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the-rad1o-demon · 1 year
So far, chances of KOSA being enacted is 31% according to the site linked below.
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Let's get that fucker down to zero, guys!!
Stuff to help us do that is linked here!
The call scripts linked below were originally for Congressional representatives, but now that the bill is in committee consideration by Senate Commerce, you should call your Senators instead and you can use the scripts for them. Also, when calling your Democrat senators, make sure to add that Senator Blackburn explicitly stated in interview that it would be used to "protect children from the transgender." I think it's pretty clear that this is not meant to protect children. It's just going to harm children further, especially trans children.
(Article below with a video of the interview embedded.)
Please help stop this bill in its tracks. Reblog, donate, call your senators, and keep an eye on the bill's chances of being passed. We can't stop now. 31% is still kind of a big number. We need to shrink those chances by a lot more.
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nectarink · 5 months
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exmojoe · 1 year
Is your love language really acts of service or were you raised with the sole purpose of being a caregiver for all of eternity??
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apostatement · 1 year
Your body is not your enemy. It isn't a shell that you inhabit or an empty temple. Your mind is not a separate entity, your soul is not an inhabitant. Its desires and needs are not the devil trying to trick your soul. The 'natural man' is you. Your body is you. That's YOU.
It's okay to treat yourself with love and respect.
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apostateoverrubies · 1 year
It's funny how certain religious people act like accepting LGBTQ rights will lead to paedophilia being normalized when they've already let that shit slide for centuries.
Then again, what else do you expect from people who value religion over the rights of children?
Don't let them trick you into thinking they care.
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wildfeather5002 · 2 months
Indigenous folks, ex-christians & anyone who's knowledgeable on social issues, I have two questions that have bothered me for a long while and I believe y'all might know how to answer them.
The question: I read a webcomic about community A living on an island along with another community B with different culture & beliefs from them. Community A believes that their culture & religion are the correct ones and that members of community B are dooming themselves to eternal damnation (in a religious sense) if they don't adopt the beliefs & practices of community A.
I saw someone talking about the comic in its comment section, saying that one of the characters who's a member of community B is selfish for not adopting the burial practices from community A's religion, because according to that someone, not burying their loved one like community A believes is correct is " potentially dooming their loved one to eternal damnation".
If you're indigenous, has rhetoric / talking points like this been used against your own religious / cultural practices? Could you give any concrete examples?
If you have religious trauma / are ex christian of any kind, have people used talking points like this to guilt trip, to frighten, or to shame you into obeying religious rules? (People belonging to other religions than christianity are welcome to give their perspectives as well!)
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fandom-hoarder · 9 months
I was asking my dad about his post-high school timeline, because I know the major plotpoints but not in which order. Specifically, I wasn't sure when he was drafted for Vietnam and what "group" he was invited to in college.
It was the Children of God, btw, as I'd suspected when I was listening to podcasts about cults.
So then this happened 🙃
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Ok, actually it does; but even if it didn't, as far as how it affected my life and mom's life it does. Ugh. But I ignored it and only replied to his next text. 🙃
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