#evil lukanette
pedanticat · 5 months
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Which show has been ruined the most by romance?
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sassyduckqueen · 1 year
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis 75
Hello!! I'm back!! Did you guys miss me? Well, I missed you! :D So here's the recent chapter. So sorry it took so long. I had to put it aside while I made my Scaramouche cosplay for comic con! Which was amazing!! You can check out my pics of it on Tumblr. Now on with the story. Here we have the Triplets of Terror!!! These original akumas were provided by Mudkip4Life so thank you for letting me use them. I tried to stick to the material given by them when writing them so I hope I did them justice. Honestly, it was a really hard chapter to write because I had no idea how to do this tbh. Also enjoy this little bit of peace because we are officially entering the 'Truth' Arc so expect feels and pain for the next few chapters. The next chapter will be centered around Felix been akumatized so I'm going to be taking inspire from Gabriel Agreste and the one where he turns up with the peacock miraculous. Anyway hope you enjoy this chapter and hopefully I won't take this long with releasing the next few chapters. I am making another cosplay tho and working a lot at the moment. Yay summer holidays
Chapter Seventy-Five: Triplets of Terror
~Felix Sr's House~
Felix Sr stared at his sister in law as Bridgette handed her a cup of tea before giving one to him. He turned his attention to her and smiled lightly at her before pecking her cheek. She smiled back before clearly her throat. The Atmosphere was so thick it could be cut with a knife and it made her uncomfortable. She was glad that Felix Jr was out with his friends and cousin. Not that Amelie needed to know that. She would probably tell Adrien's father and the poor boy would be punished for trying to be normal. 
"Um... I'm going to go into my studio," She declared, causing Felix to nod. "Give me a yell if you need anything,"
With that, she quickly left the room. Amelie barely touched her tea as Felix sipped his.
"So what do you need to talk about?"
"A black swan themed hero apparently appeared in the battle against the latest akuma today," She stated, making him raise an eyebrow. "Care to explain?"
"And why would I have anything to explain?"
"I know it was you!" She gasped, standing up. "Oh god, Felix! Why?! You swore you'd never use magic again!"
"You know full well that it isn't something I can switch off, Amelie!" He declared back. "And what was I meant to do?! Let Hawkmoth win?"
"You were not meant to be involved!" She gasped, slamming her fist down before pinching her nose. "Felix, have you... fully returned?"
"I never truly left, Amelie," He replied, making her frown. "Whenever we like it or not, Colt bestowed me the title of Acting Grand Mage of Paris before he died. I never chose a successor when I walked away which was something I shouldn't have done. Hawkmoth is a threat to the magical community as well as the human one and it is my duty as both a miraculous holder and the acting grand mage to help the heroes stop him,"
"You don't understand what you are getting involved in!" She gasped, making him look at her. "Felix, I understand why you are doing what you are doing but if you keep going down this path, we will become enemies. I don't want that. You're my family for crying out loud. My son is your nephew,"
"What do you mean by enemies?" He asked, narrowing his eyes. Amilie went quiet and sat down, sipping her tea. "Amelie?"
"... Gabriel has reactivated the group..." She stated, making Felix narrow her eyes. "Oh don't give me that look again! We have a good reason to be activate again,"
"Your little cult is the reason why my brother is dead!" He snarled, making her gasp. "And yet you run back to them like they didn't kill him?!"
"It's not like that!" She gasped, tears in her eyes. "I have my duty as a member of one of the founding family and we can get Colt back!"
"By obtaining the miraculous of the heroes and using the wish?!" He roared, making her gasp. "I will not do that!"
"No! Of course not!" She gasped, making him glare at her. "But if you were to join us-"
"Felix, please just listen!" She gasped, making him look at her. "I know you have your issues but we are so close-"
"You're insane!"
"Felix, the mage is back!" She declared, grabbing his hands as he stared at her in shock. "The Celescial guardian Su Han confirmed it. We're searching for him but me and you could team up together with Gabriel and use the rest to find him then we can have him bring back Colt and Emile. We'll be a family again!"
"Amelie! Listen to yourself!" He gasped, pulling away from her. "No one can bring back the dead not even Feng or his reincarnations! Colt is gone and we both know Emile was to blame! Why on earth would you want to bring her back?!"
"She's my sister!"
"She's a leech who constantly tried to outshine you!" He shouted before grabbing her shoulders. "Amelie, listen to me. This is not going to bring you happiness. Gabriel is not going to help you. The moment you lose any use to him, he will drop you like a ton of bricks,"
"Felix, this could be our only chance to bring back our family!"
"Amelie, they are dead!" He declared, making her look at him with horror as he pinched her nose. "Yes, I miss my brother dearly but he is dead. I grieved and I had to move on. You need to move on as well. It is not healthy for you or your son!"
"I am doing this for my son!" She screamed. "I thought you would understand but you're still as cold as ever!"
"I do understand!" He shouted back. "I understand that you are thinking about yourself and only yourself so don't you dare pretend that it's for Felix when it's clearly not!"
"How dare you?!" She screamed. "I am his mother!"
"Then act like it!" He shouted back, shocking her. "Instead of running off and galvanting with a crazed cult, maybe try been there for your son! Did you know he has made so much progress in school? Full A grades and that he has taken up fencing! You haven't even asked how he is for crying out loud!"
Amelie glanced to the side but didn't even mention Felix Jr.
"Amelie, you are missing out on Felix's life," He stated, pinching his nose. "You are missing out on him growing up and one day, it will be too late. He won't want anything to do with you,"
"I am doing this for him!" She declared again. "So he can have his father and aunt back! So we can be a family again. If that means that I have to be a little distance for a while then so be it! Besides, he has you! I leave him in your care!"
With that, she turned on her heel  not willing to listen to Felix Sr's points any father before she stopped.
"We may be enemies now, brother in law but I trust my son in your care so you so much as harm him-"
"I would never think to harm him," He replied back. "I'm not Gabriel after all,"
She huffed and left the house, making him sigh and shake his head. He walked over to the table and began to clear away the tea set. He picked up Amelie's cup and glanced at the tea leaves inside it. Toward the edge where she had been drinking, the tea leaves had formed the shape of a knife, making him frown.
"Oh, my dear sister in law," He muttered, looking at the other symbols in the tea cup. A fox glared up at him and an hour glass settled between them. "Whatever you're doing, it is not going to benefit you at all,"
~A Couple of Days later at the Liberty~
"Ah I'm so excited!" Snapp gasped, zooming around as Luka watched in amusement. The little crocodile kwami had been extremely quiet at first but once he had settled in, Snapp went from shy to full on hyperactive. Luka didn't blame him though. He had been forced to be submissive for so long. "I haven't been allowed out like this ever before! You're a great master! Ooh!! What's this?!"
"That is my guitar," Luka replied as Snapp checked out his reflection in the metal plate. "And I'm not your master. I'm your friend,"
"Shiny!!" He grinned before zooming back up to Luka. "My friend?! Yay! I haven't had a friend in years! Oh can you be my holder?! We'd make such a good team!"
"Sadly, I can't," Luka replied, making the little crocodile pout. "I'm already a holder of a miraculous but I promise that if I need your help, I'll get you a holder who will respect you,"
"Aww!! You're the best!" Snapp grinned before it occurred to him what Luka had said. "Wait you said you're already a holder?! How come I didn't notice? And which one is it?!"
"The Ladybug," Luka grinned as Tikki came out from his hoodie pocket, making Snapp squeal in delight and scream her name. "And probably because you were getting use to been here,"
"Ah!! I'm so happy!!" Snapp declared, spinning her around as he turned his attention back to Luka. "I can't believe that I got to see Tikki again!! Thank you!!"
"You're welcome," Luka replied as his phone vibrated. "Ah, I do have to go to school. Can I trust you to stay here and not misbehave?"
"Can I come with you please?!" Snapp begged with big eyes. Both Luka and Tikki looked unsure. "Pretty please? I'll be super good and won't make a peep,"
"It's not that, Snapp," Tikki replied, frowning. "Luka would have to wear both miraculous so you could fly around like he is now but it will tire him out,"
"Oh," Snapp replied, frowning a little before looking up at Luka. "I'm sorry I didn't think of that,"
"That's ok, Snapp," He replied, gently picking up the kwami in his hands before looking at Tikki. "And I really don't feel that tired,"
"Maybe not now but if you have to transform, it could occur then," She pointed out, making him frown a little. "But maybe you could allow him to stay outside the miraculous. You might not be the Celestial guardian yet but you are Feng's most recent incarnation after all. That's gotta count for something,"
"Tikki, you mean he's...?" Snapp asked, getting a nod before looking at Luka and bowing. "I'm sorry! I didn't realize you were Master Feng's recent life! If I had known, I would have been more respectful,"
"Hey, none of that," Luka replied, making Snapp look at him. "I might be the most recent incarnation but I'm your friend first and foremost ok? So we don't need that respect stuff. Just be yourself ok?"
"O-ok," Snapp replied, blinking before Luka touched his miraculous and closed his eyes. His aura glowed golden a little as he focused a little on the miraculous itself.
"I, Luka Couffaine, give Snapp the Kwami of Immerison permission to remain outside of his miraculous even without a holder or miracle box," He declared, causing the necklace and Snapp to glow golden as well before it faded away. "Let's see if this worked. Snapp, I renounce your miraculous,"
Snapp closed his eyes as he took off the necklace but he didn't feel himself disappear. He opened his eyes and found that he was still inside Luka's room, causing him to zoom around happily.
"It worked!" He declared before hugging Luka's cheek. "Thank you!!"
"Now you can come with us without worrying about me getting tired," Luka smiled as Snapp squealed before he crossed his arms. "But I do have some rules I need you to follow ok?"
"Anything, mighty mage!"
"Luka's just fine," He replied, making Snapp nod. "Ok, first thing is you must stick with me and Tikki ok? No going off on your own and exploring. If you want to explore, let me know and Tikki can go with you. If you do decide to, please avoid cameras and anyone seeing you. Don't eat food that is left on the table no matter what and finally, if you get hungry, don't worry about eating. I always have cookies on me so you can help yourself to them and if you're not happy with those, I can get your favorite food. Sound good?"
"Yep!" Snapp replied, making Luka smile a little. "You're so amazing, Might- I mean Luka,"
"Well, I think you're amazing too," Luka smiled, causing the little kwami to giggle shyly. Snapp flew over to him and settled on his shoulder, making Luka smile.
"Ooh, you mentioned that if you need my help, you'll find me a holder!" He gasped excitedly. "Does this mean I will get a new holder? When?"
"Well, it depends on if and when I'll need your help.. though it might be worth not waiting for the situation to occur. Having allies ready to jump in could be beneficial," Luka replied as he grabbed his school bag. "I will look for someone to work with you but there's no rush right now. When you feel ready, we'll discuss what traits you want in a partner so we can find a good match,"
~Later that morning in Mrs Mendeleiev's class~
"Everyone, listen up!" Mrs Mendeleiev declared as she clapped her hands. Luka glanced up from his notepad as the rest of the class faced her. "On Monday next week, we will be partaking in a sports day with our sister school, Ermitage High. We will be-"
"Going to the stadium," Mrs Mendeliev continued as Luka listened but the more she talked the harder it got to focus. Slowly, her voice turned to white noise and his mind began to pound. It was a similar feeling to when he got near the miraculous in New York or when he had visions. He gripped his head as it got worst before looking up to see Mrs Medeleiev staring at him. "Luka? Is something wrong?"
"I feel really light headed," He mumbled, making her frown but nod.
"Go to the nurse's office," She replied, making him nod and get his things. He headed to the door but she called his name, making him look at her. "The Truth is coming,"
"W-What?" He question but she frowned.
"I said I'll get Marc or Kagami to bring you the notes for the lesson," She replied, making him frown but nod again. He must have misheard her. He stumbled out of the room and down the corridor as his headache got increasing worst, along with the sound of the white noise. Tikki pressed her paw against his chest as he made it to the nurse's office and knocked on the door. She opened it and ushered him in. He explained the situation as best as he could, causing her to nod and let him lie down on the medical bed as she phoned the captain. He curled up and closed his eyes as he tried to relax but it was hard to when it feel like his skull was been pulled apart.
"Luka, your mom is on her way," The nurse informed, making him nod. "I've got some water for you and the Truth is coming,"
"W-what?" He asked, looking up at her as she held out a cup of water and pain killers. He took them and drunk the water. "What did you mean by that?"
"By what?" She asked, making him frown. Did he mishear her too? He must off. "Luka?"
"I-it's nothing," He mumbled, lying back down. He closed his eyes but he was certain that she had said the same thing as Mrs Mandeveil. The Truth is coming? What on earth did that mean? He rolled onto his side and glanced out of the window. Tikki pressed her paw to his chest and Snapp gently rested his head against his shoulder, making Luka feel a bit more relaxed. He'll try and get some answers from Feng soon. It had been a while since he had seen him. Not long after his mom came in and took him home, which he was grateful for. He didn't have the energy to face the rest of the school day. The head ache had really drained him off his energy. In fact, he just rested. Snapp and Tikki kept an eye on him as he slept as they were worried for him but nothing out of the ordariary happened. However, they hid when they heard the sound of footsteps coming towards his room. The person stopped outside his door before they knocked on it, waking him up.
"Come in," He mumbled sleepily as he rubbed his eyes. The door opened and Felix walked in. "Felix?"
"Kagami had fencing after school and Marc had to go straight open so I offered to bring any work to you," He replied, glancing around. "Quite the home,"
"Oh, yeah," Luka replied, stretching as he realized Felix hadn't really been on the boat properly before. "Bit different to what you're use to?"
"Certainly," He replied, glancing around. "Mother's home is... far from this but Uncle's home isn't far from this to be honest. Aunt Bridgette is a creative type and of course then there's uncle's crystals and books,"
"Crystals?" Luka asked, not expecting Felix Sr to be interested in them. He wondered if he knew their magical properties. 
"Oh yes," Felix nodded. "It's one of the many things Gabriel can't stand about Uncle Felix. He's a practitioner of Wicca and naturally Gabriel believes it to be devil worship. Of course, Uncle is not a devil worshipper. He's just in touch with the universe or at least that's what he says. I'm not sure if I believe any of it but each to their own,"
"The universe works in very mysterious ways," Luka replied before mumbling under his breathe. "I should know,"
"Oh, nothing," He replied, shaking his head. "So what did I miss?"
"Not much," He replied, shrugging and sitting on the edge of the bed. "Lila lied again but that's nothing new. I really don't understand why she keeps doing it. Everyone in the school basically knows at this point,"
"Old habits die hard,"
"Hmm you do have a point there," Felix replied before clicking his fingers. "Ah yes. We have a sports day event thing with our sister school next Wednesday. All the classes will be attending and we''ll be racing and that. Personally I don't think it's a good idea with an terrorist that takes advantage of emotions around but hey, Anatis and Lady Noire will clear it up and save the day,"
"That sounds like sarcasm,"
"It was," Felix replied. "I feel sorry for Anatis and Lady Noire,"
"Paris constantly relies on them to sort out their problems with Hawkmoth yet none of the government try to prevent him or offer things like therapy to the citizens to help relieve the pressure that Anatis and Lady Noire feel," He sighed, making Luka frown. He had never thought about it but maybe Felix had a point. It would have to be another thing to look into. He hissed slightly as he felt a pulse from his brain again, making Felix look over with concern. "Are you ok?"
"Head hurts," He mumbled, making Felix frown. "I'm ok but it's a side effect from been almost akumatized three times,"
"Ah," Felix replied, nodding. "Well, I'll leave you to rest then,"
"You don't have to," Luka replied, switching on his tv. "It's not as bad as it was,"
"I see," He replied, sitting down on the bed. "Could I ask a favor?"
"Could you take notes for me in the morning?" Felix asked, making Luka look at him. "I have an appointment with my therapist,"
"Ah," Luka replied, nodding. "If I'm in, sure. If not, I'll ask Marc,"
"Thank you," Felix replied, getting up and looking at some of the things on Luka's desk. He picked up his amber amulet, raising an eyebrow. "Amber hm? Uncle says it's really good for protection against evil,"
"That's why I have it," Luka replied as Felix put it back. "Figured it might help with the akumas,"
"Does it?"
"Well, I've never been akumatized when wearing it," He replied, glancing at the TV. "Oh Aurora's on,"
"Ah, yes. I forgot she does TV," Felix replied, sitting down as Luka turned up the TV.
"Hi, everyone. Welcome to Kidz+," Aurora replied before she looked directly at the camera. However, Luka felt like that she was looking at him. "Today's show is Truth or Dare! The Truth is Coming!"
"W-What?" Luka gasped as the entire atmosphere of the room changed, almost getting darker.
"That's right, Luka," Aurora said, looking at him as she transformed into her akuma self. "Today's forecast is Truth and he's coming for you!"
Luka felt the blood in his veins, freeze as Stormy Weather grinned wickedly.
"The Truth will set you free, Luka," She declared, smirking evilly. "But not until he's finished with you,"
Luka stared in horror at the TV as she laughed manically before the program flickered and he saw a bright green eye looking at him before it flicked back as Felix shook him. He looked at him with a look of pure terror, causing him to worry.
"Luka, are you ok?" He asked, frowning. "You look like you just saw a ghost,"
"Y-You did hear or see any of that?" He asked, looking back at the TV. Aurora was smiling happily and in her human form. She had not been akumatized nor was there a green eyeball looking at him. In fact, the show she was hosting was about music. Nothing to do with dares or truths. 
"See what?"
"I... i think I haven't sleep enough," He gasped, running his fingers through his hair. "Sorry, Felix but i think I'm going to take a nap. I'm really tired,"
"Oh, that's fine," He replied, frowning slightly. "You will be ok right?"
"I'll be fine," Luka replied, making Felix nod. "Thank you for coming round,"
"It was no problem," Felix replied, getting up. "If you feel better, feel free to text me. I have no commitments this evening,"
"I'll see how I feel after my sleep," Luka replied, causing Felix to nod before he left. As soon as he did, Tikki and Snapp flew out. Luka looked over at them. "Can you keep an eye on me? I'm going to try and talk to Feng,"
"Ok," Tikki replied, causing Luka to nod and lie down. He closed his eyes and steadied his breathe until he felt the room around him change. He snapped open his eyes and sat up, looking around the hut but Feng wasn't there. He got up and walked into the main area.
"Feng?" He called out, looking around before looking at the door. Three of the locks were unlocked while two remained locked up. He walked over to the door. "Two more tests,"
"Indeed," Khnurn's voice echoed, causing him to turn around and raise an eyebrow. "Feng is kind of the busy right now and I sensed you here so i came to see if I could help,"
"Well... Did you ever experience anything weird when you were alive?"
"I am still alive,"
"Oh right," Luka replied, rubbing the back of his neck. "I forget that this time has no sense of time and that everyone here can co-exist despite been the same person,"
"Yes, I have those moments too," Khnurn replied, stretching. "As for your question, sometimes I get echoes,"
"Moments of the past and future that appears in the present," Khnurn replied. "Sometimes, they come as dreams. Other times, they happen during my waking hours. When I first had them, Feng explained that it's the echo of his own power. I am not naturally a prophet so I do not have visions on the same level as him nor can I control it like he can,"
"What is your power?"
"Mine? Did Feng not tell you?"
"Well, i know that you talk to Ra, your toad right?"
"Ra is my familiar but yes, I can talk to him," He replied, making Luka nod. "But my ability is much more then that. I can understand and speak any form of language. I can also allow anyone else to speak, read or understand any language too. This was why the others were about to understand you and your friends during your time visits and why you can understand me right now,"
"But you can't read any language yourself?"
"Well, it's hard to read when you can't see," Khnurn stated, making Luka frown deeply. "Yeah, I'm blind,"
"I'm sorry... I didn't realize," He replied, making Khnurn shrug. "Is that why you always have silver eyes? That's how we see the spirit world right?"
"Yeah, that's how the others see," He replied, making Luka nod. "As for me, it doesn't work on my eyes. Sure, I can sense the other side but I just use it so my eyes look normal. That way no one can actually tell that I'm blind. My enemies would try to use to their advantage if they knew,"
"I see," Luka replied, making Khnurn nod. "Can I ask how you lost your sight?"
"It's a long story," Khnurn replied, making Luka frown a little. "Stop pouting. I'll share it with you another time,"
"How did you know?"
"I'm an empath and I honed my other senses," He replied, impressing Luka. "Admittedly, it's not like how those comic books from your time make it out to be but it helps. Anyway, let's change the subject. What kind of echoes are you hearing or seeing?"
"People keeping on saying 'the Truth is coming'," Luka explained, causing Khnurn to frown as he listened. He explained how he even saw it on the TV. "Any suggestions?"
"Hmm, sounds like the echoes are from the future and that it's something huge but given that it's about truth, maybe telling a truth will change what is causing the echoes,"
"That could work," Luka stated before frowning. "But what truth should I tell? It's not like i can tell people I'm Anatis,"
"You could tell Mulan," Khnurn pointed out. "She's your ally right? Plus it would save a lot of trouble when you need the western box,"
"That's a good idea," Luka stated before raising an eyebrow. "How did you know about that?"
"Oh, it's not like I talk with Feng or Toutai at all," Khnurn replied, rolling his eyes but he had a grin on his face. Luka smiled as well, feeling a lot better then before. Maybe the 'echoes' were telling him to finally tell Dr Mila the truth. "Well, is there anything else I can help with?"
"Well, could you teach me how to tap into your magic since we're both here?"
"Hmm... sure,"
~Later that Evening~
Anatis jumped across the rooftops as he headed towards Dr Mila's home. He had sent her a message saying that he wanted to talk to her and she had answered pretty quickly so he headed there. He jumped down and used his yoyo to lower himself in front of the window, knocking on it. A few minutes later, Dr Mila opened the window and raised an eyebrow as she let him in. She probably did think it was out of character for him, even if he had messaged her first. He didn't just want to turn up unannounced.
"Are you ok?" She asked but he didn't answer. It wasn't that he wasn't ok. He just didn't know how to put his thoughts into words at that moment. He intended to tell her who he really is. Partly because it's a 'truth' as Khnurn put it but also because he believed it was time to tell her. She was his ally and she was one of the guardians. He wanted to show her that he trusted her. "Is there an akuma? I didn't see one on the app or the news,"
"There's no akuma," He replied, making her let out a sigh of relief. "But I did come here for a reason,"
"Oh?" She replied as they walked into her living room. "I assume it is something that I can help with,"
"Yes," He replied, making her nod. "I... I would like to tell you my identity,"
"Well, that- hold on, what did you just say?"
"I would like to tell you my identity," He repeated, causing her to stare at him. "We're allies right and you're one of the guardians of the miraculous so I think it's time you know,"
"Well then... I feel honored that you want to tell me," She replied, pulling the curtains. "There we go. In case, Hawkmoth or Su Han has spies around,"
"Thank you, Mulan," He replied, taking deep breathe before closing his eyes. "Tikki... spots off,"
The glow surrounded him, transforming him back into Luka. He caught Tikki in his hands before putting his hand in his pocket and taking out a cookie for her. Dr Mila gasped in shock as she stared at him but everything now made sense to her. It was so obvious that Luka and Anatis were the same person, even if Anatis was a little more confident. The mask did that though. She was always more confident with a miraculous.
"Um... are you going to say something?"
"Well, this makes a lot of sense," She replied, chuckling. Luka rose an eyebrow. "I was going to ask you to become the holder of the Jellyfish Miraculous on our next session since I believe you to have the potential to been a hero. Looks like I wasn't wrong, Boss,"
"You don't have to call me that," He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Beside, I've used quite a few miraculi now. Even managed to pull off the mouse miraculous for a bit,"
"Against Kwami Buster right?" She asked, making him nod before they both looked at the time. "It's getting late,"
"Yeah, I should head home," He replied as Tikki finished her cookie. "You ready, Tikki?"
She nodded and he used the transformation words, turning back into Anatis before opening the curtains. He climbed on the balcony and turned to Dr Mila with a relaxed smile.
"Anatis?" She asked, making him raise an eyebrow. "Thank you for sharing that with me. I'm glad you trust me,"
"Thank you for listening," He replied before saluting her. "Good night, Doc. Keep up the good work,"
With that, he dove off the balcony and swung off into the night, leaving Mila in both awe and fear. She knew the burdens that Luka carried were big ones but she never expected that he would also be carrying the burdens of being Anatis as well. She would have to try and offer better support for him but at least he seemed relieved to share his identity with her. With a heavy heart, she closed her window and pulled her curtains before going bed. Meanwhile, Anatis landed on the top of the Eiffel Tower and glanced around. Snapp flew out, causing him to look at the little kwami.
"Is everything ok, Master?"
"Just call me Annie in this form," He smiled, cupping his hands around him and holding him. "And I'm waiting for Bunnyx,"
"Because I told someone my identity," He frowned, glancing down. "Last time I did that, it..."
He went quiet, making Snapp frown.
"Well, it doesn't matter what happened but I just want to make sure it didn't cause any trouble," He replied, smiling weakly. A white glow appeared behind him and a slightly older Bunnyx stepped out, stretching. "You seem relaxed,"
"I am," She replied, grinning. "I'm just here to reassuring that telling Mila didn't affect the timeline or create anything bad. Life goes on as normal,"
"And the other thing?"
"Other thing?"
"The Truth is Coming thing," He replied, making her eyes widen a little. "It stopped whatever that was right?"
"Oh! That," She grinned, placing her hands on her head. "Well, as far as I know it stops,"
"But you're not certain?"
"Well, the future isn't exactly set in stone," She replied, shrugging. "I mean sure, certain things happen but the things around those things don't necessarily have to follow a certain path. Like the whole 'truth' been told could have easily been you telling someone like your mom or mini me your secret or even could be a different secret. Either way the outcome would be the same,"
"So it stops?"
"Yeah, it stops," 
"Why didn't you just say that then?" He asked, causing Bunnyx to grin like she knew something he didn't. Knowing her, she probably did. "Bunnyx?"
"Spoilers," She replied before taking out her umbrella. "Either way, you can sleep well tonight,"
"Well, that's something," He replied, making a thoughtful face. "You heading out?"
"Yup. Say hi to Lady Noir for me," She replied before swiping her umbrella before pointing it. "Burrow!"
A new burrow appeared before she turned to Anatis.
"See you later, boss," She declared before jumping into it. Anatis let out a sigh of relief as the burrow closed before turning to Snapp and patting his shoulder. Snapp flew out and sat on it, curling up as Anatis threw his yoyo and returned back to the Liberty. He jumped through his window and called off his transformation, catching Tikki. He gave her a cookie before he gently placed her in her little bed. Snapp floated over to his and curled up under the little blanket.
"Good night, you two," Luka smiled before getting into bed himself.
~Princes' Park Stadium, One Week Later~
"Alright, Ermitage High will be here in the next 15 minutes so I just want to go over something," Mr Damocles declared, causing everyone to stop what they were doing. Well, expect for Kim who was stretching but listening and Lila who was sat on the benches. She had somehow gotten out of joining with a sick note from her doctor. Both Luka and Marinette were sure she was faking and judging how her father is he probably paid a doctor to write a sick note for his little 'angel'. "This is meant to be fun and not a competition. Having said that, that doesn't mean you shouldn't try. Give it your best shoot,"
"Secondly," Mrs Mendeleiev started. "There are different types of games. Single contenders, pairs and teams will be a thing but you will find that in some games, the pairs and teams will be made up with one student from our school and one student from Ermitage High. We expect you to get on,"
"And finally, you are representing the school here so we all need to be on our best behavior," Miss Bustier declared before playing looking at her colleagues. "That includes you two,"
The students and teachers chuckled as the students and teachers of Ermitage High came in.
"Hello," Mr Damocles smiled, causing their head teacher to look at him with slight contempt.
"Mr Damocles," She smiled falsely before her eyes landed on Marinette's class. "I see you brought the akuma class,"
The students went quiet as a number of the Ermitage students giggled. Luka gripped his fist but Marinette placed her hand over his before clearing her throat.
"Yes, we're the akuma class," She declared, crossing her arms with an attitude that dared the head teacher to try something. "So what about it?"
"Aren't you ashamed of it?"
"Why should we be?" Kagami pointed out, making the teacher look at her. "The only reason why your students having been akumatized, Madam Devereaux, is because they're not in the vicinity of Hawkmoth. Personally, I found Dupont to be a much better place then your school. I don't actually have panic attacks because of home work these days,"
"Can confirm," Max replied, pushing up his glasses. "Hawkmoth seems to only target Paris where your school is just outside of Paris,"
"Now, this is meant to be a fun day," Miss Bustier declared, pressing her hands together. "Let's not be negative and give Hawkmoth a reason to akumatize any of us,"
"I agree," A familiar voice declared, causing everyone to look at the student who spoke. Luka looked surprised as Melodie stepped forward. "I've been akumatized and it's not nice but I also made friends that day so I would like to catch up with them and introduce them to my other friends,"
Melodie's friends happily agreed with her and the sports events began. Even the teachers raced, though the head mistress seemed to hate it. It didn't surprise Luka but he went up against a student called Terra in Martial Arts and won, causing Terra to congratulate him.  Though a strange kid from Terra's class seemed to stare at him and gave him an extremely creepy vibe. His song sent shivers up Luka's spine. It was so dark and evil that it made Lila's beauty. Luka decided it was best to avoid him, especially his arm burnt when the boy 'accidentally' knocked into him. He suspected he might have something to do with Simme but he couldn't be certain nor could he investigate. He also wondered why Simme would bother with such an area. Marinette attempted to join in but her clumsiness didn't really help. Luckily, she just found it fun more then anything. Soon, lunch time rolled around and the students found somewhere to sit and have lunch. Luka, Marinette, Rose, Juleka, Nino, Alya, Ivan, Mylene, Marc and Nathaniel were all sat on the bleachers, discussing the morning's events while enjoying Marinette's cooking. Kagami and Adrien couldn't join them as they had been picked up by their families.
"I'm definitely more suited for the arts," Marc mumbled as Kim and Ondine walked over, followed by Felix. He had only just turned up due to having a therapy appointment in the morning. Luka wondered how Dr Mila was doing. They had discussed his identity in his last session after revealing his identity to her but they only had an hour and his next appointment was for another two days.
"Me too," Marinette groaned, leaning on him. "How are you so talented at everything, Lu? Like seriously you owned that boy!"
"Well, I have been doing Martial arts for a while now,"
"How long is a while?" Melodie asked as she walked over with her friends. Luka noticed one had a similar hair style to Marinette and the boy next to her had brown hair that swooped over his eyes. Next to Melody was Terra and two girls. "Anyway, mind if we join you?"
Everyone looked at Luka who shrugged.
"Sure," He replied, causing them to sit down before he smiled at her friends. "I'm Luka. This is my sister Juleka,"
"Hi..." Juleka muttered, blushing and shying away from Terra as he looked at her. 
"This is Rose and Ivan,"
"Nino, Alya and Felix,"
"Sup, dudes,"
"Good day,"
"Marc, Nathaniel and Mylene,"
"Hm? Oh hi!"
"Hey there,"
"And finally, my girlfriend Marinette," Luka grinned, making her blush.
"Hi, anyone want some macarons?" She asked, holding out a box.
"Nice to meet you all," Melodie replied, nodding. "I'm Melodie. This is Mercury,"
"Hey there!!"
"And these three are Terra, Skylar and Aqua,"
"Hey, it's nice to meet you,"
"Hey," Skylar replied as Aqua nodded. Luka noticed each one of them wore a toy on their side bags, making him raise an eyebrow slightly. Each seemed to be from a different military service so if he had to guess, he would say their family were probably in the military. Skylar had a jet on hers, Terra had a tank and Aqua had a submarine. It was pretty cool. The three of them as well as the others sat down and started to chat but Terra seemed to focus purely on Juleka, making her feel a little uncomfortable. It wasn't because he was talking to her but more that Juleka wasn't use to people paying her attention. Sure, she had been getting better but she was still shy. As the lunch came to an end, he asked her to the side, causing Luka to linger by. He didn't seem like a bad kid but he still wanted to keep an eye on him.
"So, Juleka... I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Um..." She mumbled something, making him frown as he didn't hear her. "I s-said sorry but I have a girlfriend,"
"Y-Yeah, I'm with Rose,"
"Oh, wow... that's... that's awesome," He smiled, trying to hide his disappointment but Luka could hear it. He was very disappointed. "Well, hopefully we can be friends?"
"S-Sure I suppose," She mumbled as Rose called her over to team up. "Gotta go,"
"Y-Yeah," He replied, waving as she left before letting out a sigh as his sisters came over. "She said no,"
"I'm sorry," Aqua mumbled in a quiet voice while Skylar sat down next to him.
"Hey, you're way out of her league anyway,"
"Sky, don't say that," Terra scolded before sighing. "She has a girlfriend. Besides, she said we can be friends,"
"So she friend-zoned you?"
"You're not helping!"
~Hawkmoth's Lair~
"Ah, unrequited love. Always such a hard thing to deal with, especially when so young," Hawkmoth sighed dramatically before smirking evilly. "Perfect bait for my akuma!"
He held out his hand and one of his white butterflies landed on it. He covered it with his hand and charged it up, turning it into an akuma before letting it fly up.
"Fly away my little akuma," He declared as it reached the window. "And evilize this broken heart!"
The akuma fluttered out of the window and flew towards the triplets but before it could land on Terra, he took a deep breathe and stood up with a smile.
"I shouldn't let myself get down," He declared, causing Skylar to roll her eyes and Aqua to give him a thumbs. "While Juleka is pretty, she is taken and as a gentleman, I should respect that and I still get to be her friend,"
The akuma fluttered nearby, confused by the lack of negative emotion. Zoe, who was sat away from everyone else and saw the triplets talking, looked up and noticed the akuma, causing her to gasp. Simme was sat next to her, under the disguise of a student from Ermitage High. Zoe had helped him join the school, especially for this event. As a a spirit, he had the ability to disguise himself as a mortal. In the belly of feast, he made himself look like a monk and now he looked like a student. He had based his look of one of the american students Zoe had told him about so no one suspected a thing. As for been in the school, he had the power to manipulate people so it wasn't hard to make them believe he had always been there. He looked up and smirked evilly before turning to her.
"Finally, something interesting," He declared, turning into his spirit form. He had been bored all day. None of his attempts to make chaos happened as they kept getting shot down by the teachers of Dupont High. "Cover me,"
"Sim..." Zoe trailed off as he slithered over and watched the triplets. His eyes moved to the akuma, still fluttering nearby. Hawkmoth had ordered it to hang around. Well, if the price for Chaos was helping that idiot, he'd do it. He looked back at the triplets. Terra was smiling but despite his cheerful demeanor, there was a small slither of pain. Not enough for Hawkmoth's akumas but enough for Simme to slip in and whisper. He moved over as his sisters began to walk ahead. Terra went to walk ahead but as Simme moved over to him, he stopped as if lost in thought.
You're not good enough... that's why she rejected you...
"Terra? Come- hey, you ok?" 
That's why you're always rejected... who could ever love a loser like you?
"I'm... not good enough, am I?"
"Whoa, what brought this on?" Skylar asked, surprised. He was fine a moment ago. "Look, sure Juleka rejected you but she prefers girls so don't sweat it. It's not because you're not good enough. You just need to find the right one. Besides, we're young and got the rest of our lives ahead of us,"
Yet you'll end up alone and unloved. You'll never find love. You're nothing!
"I'm nothing," He declared, causing Simme to smirk before touching his arm. His eyes turned black before he shoved Skylar, knocking her to the ground. "Why are you always encouraging me to talk to girls when you know they're going to reject me?! Do you think it's funny?!"
"Terra! Stop it!" Skylar declared, confused. Her brother had never acted out like this before. Simme smirked before moving over to her. Why stop with just one?
He thinks you're weak. He thinks you're pathetic. He thinks you need to be protected. All because you're a girl.
"Terra!" She declared, jumping up as Simme touched her arm. Her eyes turned black as well before she growled. Aqua tried to get them to stop as Simme giggled. It didn't take a lot to push her o. "You wanna fight huh? I'll kick your ass!"
"You just want to build me up only to tear me down!"
"Guys, please!" Aqua gasped as the two shouted over her. Simme moved over to her and leaned closer to her.
They're not going to listen...
Aqua froze as the words echoed in her mind.
You're nothing but the little sister who everyone ignores. No one cares about you. No one loves you. No one notices you.
Tears fill her eyes as he used his words to open up old wounds.
You might as well be invisible.
"I'm..." She gasped as he touched her arm, turning her eyes black as well. "I'm nothing! Why do you always ignore me?!"
Simme chuckled as the triplets shouted and argued before appearing back next to Zoe to watch the show. The akuma, picking up on all of the negative emotions, fluttered over to them and landed in Terra's tank but the connection opened to the three of them, causing them all to grit their teeth angrily as Hawkmoth accepted the connection.
"Feeling heartbroken? Feeling weak? Feeling ignored?" He asked, smirking. "Well, my triplets of terror, none of you will have to feel such feelings ever again. I will give you the power to be strong, to be loved and to be noticed. In return all I ask in return is Anatis and Lady Noir's miraculous. Do we have a deal?"
"We'll make everyone see us!" The triplets declared as a purple smog covered them. Their toys grew in size and turned into real life vehicles. 
"I'll make her love me!" Tank declared, driving off.
"No one will bet me!" Jet declared before flying off.
"I'll make sure everyone sees me!" Submarine declared, dissolving into water.
"Let the show begin," Simme declared, making Zoe look on with horror as the triplets of Terror began to attack the other students.
~The Main Arena of Princes' Park Stadium~
"Ok! Everyone, we're going to begin-"
"JULEKA!" Tank's voice echoed as he drove through the walls of the stadium. Juleka looked over alarmed and jumped up as he began to fire at the students and teachers, capturing them in mud from the shells he fired. The thing was the mud literally covered them, causing them to be trapped inside. Luka frowned as he ran from the scene. Juleka and Rose were running after him, along with Marinette but Tank was firing repeatedly, not caring who he hit. Teachers, students, the staff who worked at the Stadium. He didn't care. There was no real pattern of what he was trying to do. It seemed that he was going after Juleka at first but then he didn't care who he was attacking. It made no sense and on top of that, his music was off. It was distorted and confusing. As he fired at them, Luka grabbed Juleka's and Rose's hand, pulling them away from the scene as Marinette followed but before they could run off, Jet flew over and began firing at everyone. Anyone hit with the bullets lost their gravity and began to float up. They tried desperately to cling onto anything and the students not hit tried to grab their hands. Jet aimed at Juleka but Rose pushed her out of the way and began to float up into the air. Juleka went to reach out for her but Submarine manifested and went to shot at her. Marinette pulled her back but Submarine ignored them and began to fire at the other students who were trying to help those floating away. Similar to the other two, those who were hit were affected but they literally dissolved into water.
"Split up and hide!" Luka ordered, causing Juleka to run in one direction and Marinette to run in the other as the triplets attacked anyone and everyone they could. He headed into the boys locker room, causing Tikki to fly out.
"Luka?" Tikki asked as he frowned. "Shouldn't we transform?"
"Their songs sound distorted. I thought it was just Tank but the other two's music are distorted too," He replied, frowning deeply before swiping his earrings. "Tikki! Spots on!"
He transformed into Anatis before climbing out of the window and swinging up to the top of the Stadium. Juleka had been cornered by Tank, Jet was chasing Kim who was managing to dodge her attacks and Submaine was no where to be seen. He frowned before swinging down and grabbing Juleka by the waist, pulling her away from Tank. He landed on the other side, running as Tank tried to fire at him before swinging off into the rooftops. Juleka clinged onto him as he did before he landed on the Eiffel tower. A few seconds later, Lady Noir jumped down with Kim in her arms.
"So we have an army tank to fight?" She asked, flickered her hair but Jet appeared and began firing at them. Anatis picked up Juleka and jumped down with her with Lady Noir closeby. Kim screamed as he held onto her. They landed on the ground but Tank fired at them, causing Anatis to hold Juleka with one arm and deflect the attacks with his yoyo. "Ok, we have more then just a tank,"
"A jet fighter as well," He replied, glancing around as his luck vision lit up a man hole cover. "Time to visit our second home,"
"Gotta ya!" She declared, running over to it and putting Kim down as Anatis covered them. Jet flew over and fired at them, causing her to use her baton to deflect her attacks. "Kim, open that please!"
"Sure," He replied, opening it and heading inside but as soon as he did, he was hit by Submarine. He screamed as he burst into water before Submaine appeared outside of the manhole. 
"Give us your miraculous!" The three of them declared, causing Anatis and Lady Noir to move protectively around Juleka. 
"On the count of three, get into the manhole and run," Anatis declared, getting a nod of both girls as him and Lady Noir deflected the attacks. "One..."
"Two..." Lady Noir declared before the two of them both shouted three. They jumped down and pulled Juleka with them, running as soon as their feet touched the ground. Submaine manfested behind them and fired at them as they ran as quickly as they could, dodging the attacks but they came to a dead end. Lady Noir held up her hand to use her Cataclysm but Tank appeared and fired at her. However before it hit her or any of them, the ground below them opened it as it glowed white, causing them to fall into a burrow. It closed behind them, causing the three of them to look up. 
"Oh this is a burrow?" Juleka asked, glancing around. 
"Quite right, young squire," The familiar voice of Sir Rene echoed, causing Anatis look up. He was in his rabbit form before he help them to their feet. "Fluff, counter clockwise,"
He detransformed and caught her as his pocket watch turned into a mini sun dial. Anatis couldn't help but note that it made sense since in his time, pocket watches had yet to be invented. Rene smiled at him as he gave Fluff a carrot, causing her to grin and begin to eat it.
"I hope you don't mind my interference. Sadly, you were about to lose,"
"I don't mind but I thought Bunny would be the one to sort it,"
"Miss Doe is in fact out of the burrow right now," Rene replied, walking over to the screen which she was in. "Visiting an old friend but those are spoilers. Luckily for you, I just happened to be looking into the corruption of Mordred and happened upon the future where you lost. Not a pleasant one I assure you,"
"That will be Annie's luck helping out," Lady Noir grinned, gently prodding Anatis with her arm. 
"Well, I'm grateful for both my luck and my friends," Anatis smiled before frowning. "But no where was safe for us. Tank had the ground, Jet rules the sky and Submarine could roam the sewers due to the water there. They had us surrounded like an army would. We need to work out why they got akumatized,"
"Well, I can help with that," Rene replied, turning to one of the screens. He re-winded to the moment they got akumatized and played out the screen, making Anatis frown. Especially as their eyes turned black. "I think that explains a lot,"
"Simme," Anatis muttered, frowning. "Yeah, that explains a lot,"
"Great," Lady Noir sighed as Juleka cleared her throat. The three of them looked over at her.
"Who is Simme?"
"He's an evil spirit that can corrupt people and cause negative emotions," Anatis replied, frowning. "That explains why their..."
He glanced at Juleka.
"Emotions felt off," He was going to stay their music but that would reveal to Juleka that he was Luka. If she worked that out, she might tell Marinette and then Lady Blanche might come back into existence. He shook his head and sighed. That was a can of worms that he didn't want to deal with. "He must of played on their insecurities which draw the akuma in. That complicates things,"
"Does it?" Rene asked, making Anatis look over at him with a raised eyebrow. "Well, yes. He corrupted them but he also used their insecurities to do so. Now if I do this,"
He re-winded the scene.
"And click on this," Rene replied, clicking something that made sound come through the screen. "Ta da! Sound! We can listen in on what happened,"
"Good work," Anatis smiled as Rene played the scene again. This time with the audio. The four of them listened as each triplet fell to Simme's influence but it did reveal a lot for them. Terra felt like he didn't deserve love, Skylar felt like she was weak and needed to be protected and Aqua felt like she was constantly ignored. In their own way, they all wanted attention and acknowledgement. "Well, no we know what they want but we still need to work out how to defeat them plus we're gonna need to purge Simme's influence from them... the sooner I work out how to activate that Phoenix form the better,"
"Phoenix form?" Juleka asked but Anatis shook his head.
"It's a long story," He replied before taking out his yoyo and throwing it up in their air. "Lucky charm!"
His outfit transformed into his upgraded suit as the magical bugs summoned an item. He caught it as it fell down, making him raise an eyebrow as he looked at it. It was a chess piece. The Queen to be exact.
"How is that going to help you defeat them?" Juleka asked, looking at it.
"It's not," He replied, recongizing it. "It's a hint and I know exactly what it means. Sir Rene, could you open a burrow in Mulan's loction?"
"Of course," Rene replied, turning to Fluff who had finished her carrot. "Ready?"
"Aye, aye captain!" She declared before frowning. "Wait but you're a knight? What is yes in knight lanuage?"
"A simple yes will do," He replied, holding out his mini sun dial. "Fluff! Clockwise!"
He transformed into his rabbit form before holding out his umbrella.
"Burrow," He declared, causing a burrow to open where Dr Mila was. "Here we are, young squires. May victory be yours,"
"Thank you, Sir Rene," Anatis replied before stepping out with Lady Noir and Juleka, who looked around in surprise. Dr Mila and Master Fu were both staring in slight surprise, their game of chess interrupted but not at Anatis. He looked behind them and saw they were staring at Sir Rene, who waved at them. Master Fu jumped and bowed to him.
"Celestial Guardian Rene," He gasped, making him chuckle. 
"No need to be so formal," He replied, grinning. "I'm simply dropping off my good friends here. Anatis, I'll keep an eye on your battle from here and will bring you back in here if you need it,"
"Thank you, Sir Rene,"
"Again, no need to be so formal," He chuckled before waving and closing the burrow. 
"Sir Rene is so cool," Juleka muttered, making Anatis smile before he turned to the two masters.
"I apolize for the sudden entrance but the lucky charm led me here," He replied, holding up the chess piece summoned by the lucky charm. 
"The akumas?" Mila asked, getting up along with Fu.  Anatis' miraculous beeped, causing both of them to look at him. Time seemed to be different in the burrow to out here. "Let's talk in the other room,"
"Lady Noir, would you mind keeping Juleka company?"
"Not at all," She grinned as Juleka glanced around. Anatis followed the two masters into a separate room. In the corner was Fu's phonograph and next to it was the  Western box.
"The kwamis are playing with each other," Mila replied as Fu unlocked the phonograph. "We figured it would be to be together as you might need a miraculous from either box,"
"That seemed wise," Anatis replied as his miraculous beeped again. "Is this your new home, Master?"
"It is indeed," He replied, nodding. "You have my address yes?"
"I think so but we'll sort that out after the akumas have been defeated," He replied as his transformation finally fell, turning him back into Luka. He caught Tikki and gave her a cookie, making her grin and begin to eat it. Master Fu rose an eyebrow as Dr Mila didn't blink at his identity. "Oh, I told her a week ago,"
"I'm glad you were able to trust her," Fu smiled before placing the miracle box in front of Luka as he knelt down. Dr Mila placed hers next to it, opening it as Fu opened his "Luka Couffaine, you must pick an ally to fight along side you with this mission but choose carefully. Such powers are meant to serve the greater good and once the mission is over, you will return the miraculous to us,"
"The trio of terror's akuma is in the Tank but getting close to them is the trouble. I can't be certain that just destroying Tank's tank will be enough plus his sisters will make it hard to get to him. We need to get them all together," He muttered, glancing at the selection of miraculous before him. "So we're going to need distractions..."
The fox miraculous lit up in his vision, along with the Wyvern, the Penguin and the Skunk miraculous from the Western Box, forming a plan in his mind. He grabbed the fox before grabbing the other three.
"I already have the fox with me right now but I need to know who these belong to, Dr Mila," He replied, gesturing to the others. She looked at Fu who nodded.
"I gave the Skunk to Ondine Soares," She explained, causing Luka to nod. "The Wyvern miraculous was given to two of my students Renee and Elise. Renee Marcel and Elise Chevrolet. I'll text you their address but I'm not sure if Elise is in Paris at this moment in time. She sometimes stays with her aunt,"
"I'll work it out," He muttered, nodding to himself as he got up and placed the western miraculous into their little boxes. "Ok, I have the start of a plan but I'm gonna need to find these three. Tikki, are you ready to transform?"
"Yes," She nodded, wiping the crumbs from her mouth. Luka smiled before swiping his earrings.
"Tikki, spots on!" He declared, causing her to get stuck into the earrings before turning into Anatis. He picked up the boxes from the western box and put them into his yoyo before picking up the fox. He kept hold it and walked out of the room, causing the two masters to follow him. Lady Noir was sat with Juleka, showing her something on her baton. 
"This is my favorite picture of us," She grinned, causing Juleka to chuckle.
"Are you showing her the selfies we took?" Anatis asked, making the two girls to look up. Lady Noir grinned cheekily before closing the baton. 
"We were a little bored," She replied, placing her hands behind her head. "Got what you need?"
"Yes," He replied, glancing to Juleka. "We have four heroes to pick up... Are you ok if we tell her?"
"Y-Yes," Juleka mumbled, making Lady Noir raise an eyebrow. "I'm Culpeo..."
Lady Noir blinked before grinning.
"Well, I'm glad you trust me with that information, Culpeo!" She grinned, making Juleka grin back. Anatis gently chuckled before walking over.
"Here," He stated, holding out the fox miraculous. "We're going to need Culpeo's help,"
She nodded and put it on, causing Trixx to manifest.
"Sup, Jules," He grinned, making her grin back. "Ready to rock the world?"
"You know it," She replied, a little louder then usual. Anatis couldn't help but smile. Each time he gave her the miraculous, she got a little more confident. "Trixx, Let's pouch,"
She transformed into Culpeo before turning to Anatis.
"What's the plan?"
"Well, I have three more heroes to pick up," He replied, checking his yoyo. "Hmm, looks like our trio of terror is terrorizing the people at the Louve museum... why do akumas always seem to go for that or the Eiffel tower?"
"They have issues," Culpeo replied, making both Anatis and Lady Noir chuckle. "Do you want me to keep an eye on the akumas?"
"Yes please but keep your distance and do not engage. They're like Crescendo,"
"Crap," Culpeo replied as the color drained from her face. "Are they just as... you know?"
"They seem to not care about who they hurt but unlike the others who have fallen to his influence, they haven't actually tried to really kill anyone but that doesn't mean they won't," He replied before pressing his yoyo and taking out a yellow colored macaron. "Here take this. It will give you a stealth suit. All you have to do is eat and say power up,"
"Right," Culpeo nodded, taking the cookie and eating it. "Power up,"
A glow covered her body, turning her outfit into a darker verison of her usual look. Her hair was completely black and her ears were slightly smaller. Her shorts, gloves and shirt were darker orange and had a  camflage design. Her tights had turned dark gray instead of orange and her tails were darker looking too. Similarly to her shirt, they had a camflage design but the gray parts had turned black. Her mask had also gained a camflage design but over all was the same design. Her flute was also smaller in design, attatching to her belt instead of going on her back.
"Sweet," She mumbled, looking at her hands.
"Your suit will change it's look according to your surroundings so you can blend into your environment," Anatis explained, making her raise an eyebrow. "This will allow you to observe the akuma without been noticed. To turn back into your normal form, just say 'Crouch Down',"
"Ok," She nodded before going to the window. As soon as she stepped into the light, her suit changed into a white verison, blending her into the light. Even her hair turned white. "Sick,"
"Be careful," He replied, getting a nod of her. She climbed out of the window and jumped up onto the roof, causing her suit to change again to blend better. With Culpeo spying on the akumas, he turned to Lady Noir and took out the skunk miraculous. He handed it to her, making her nod. "This belongs to Ondine Soares. Can you go collect her?"
"Of course," She replied, taking it and putting it in her pocket as her baton vibrated. She opened it and read the message before nodding. "Got it,"
"I've also sent her a message to let her know you're going to be heading there," Mulan replied, making her nod as well. "I've done the same with the other two as well... oh, Elise texted back.. she said she knows,"
"Ok, thank you," Lady Noir replied before she turned back to Anatis. "Meet near the Louvre?"
"Yes," Anatis replied, causing Lady Noir to nod. "Be careful, kitten,"
"You too, Annie," She climbed out of the window and headed into the city to find her. Anatis turned to Fu and Mulan and gave them a nod before he climbed out of the window and swung down into the city. However, he also kept low instead of going on the rooftops. He couldn't risk Jet seeing him but he had to keep out of the sewers too. He headed to Renee's address and landed on the balcony, knocking on the window. A few seconds later, it was opened by Renee. She didn't look surprised at all. He suppose she wouldn't be since Mulan texted her.
"Hey, Dr Mila let me know you were on your way but Elise told me to come to this room,"
"Ok?" He asked a little confused. Elise already knew he needed help and which room Renee should go to. Odd. He shook his head, deciding not to question it before taking out his yoyo and reaching into it. He took out the box and held it out to her. "I need Dame's help,"
"Sure," She grinned, taking it and opening it. A green ball of light appeared and moved around before turning into Vernn. "Hey Vernn,"
"Hello there, young squire!" He called cheerfully before turning to Anatis. "Master Anatis, it is good to see you again!"
"I imagine it's been a while for you,"
"A good few centuries,"
"Huh?" Renee rose an eyebrow in confusion before shaking her head. "I'm not going to ask. Vernn, ready to transform?"
"Always ready, young squire!"
"Vernn, Protect!" She declared, transforming into Dame. "Ok, let's go,"
"Before we go, I need to collect Elise as well," He replied, making her look at him. "Is she at home?"
"No, she's staying with her aunt this week... outside of Paris," She replied, making him frown. Having the Penguin's power would be useful and he didn't have time to chose a new holder. He also couldn't merge his miraculous with it. Not in this battle plus something told him that it was far too dangerous to merge miraculous from different boxes. More so then from the same ones. However before he could even word these thoughts, a burrow appeared next to him, making him smile."What is that?"
"A burrow," He replied, smiling as Elise stepped out. She looked around surprised and he noticed she was in her PJs. "Oh, that's how she knew,"
"Know what?" Both Elise and Dame asked, confused before Dame's sword vibrated. She checked it and the confusion melted from her face.
"Oh! I get it," She replied. "Present day Elise is still at her aunt. The Elise in front of us is from a couple of nights ago,"
"The nice knight said there was an akuma and that you needed my help," Elise replied, making Anatis nod and take out her miraculous. The penguin kwami, Penni, manifested and excitedly raced around everyone before stopping in front of Anatis. She blinked as she looked at him before squealing excitedly.
"Sorry, Anatis," Elise gasped, rubbing the back of her neck. "Penni loves meeting new people,"
"Hi! I'm Penni!! She gasped, fluttering into front of his face. "You're Tikki's holder, aren't you?! It's so nice to see a new Ladybug holder!"
"Thank you, Penni," He smiled, making her giggle. "I'm very happy to meet you but could I ask for your help please? There's a very difficult akuma to defeat and I need a helping hand. Could you help me out?"
"Oh!! So polite!" She gasped, flapping her fins excitedly. "Yes, yes! Elise, let's transform!"
"Ok, Penni," Elise replied, holding up her arms. "Penni, Dive Down!"
Penni got sucked into the miraculous, allowing Elise to transform into Snowbird.
"Ok, let's go," Anatis declared, causing the two nod and follow him when he swung off. As they headed to the meeting area, he explained the situation including that Simme had influenced them. The two listened to him as he explained before landing on the rooftop. Lady Noir and Aroma were already there but Anatis couldn't see Culpeo yet. He glanced around before noticing a slight distort by the left side. "Everyone here then?"
"Yep," Culpeo replied, making the three other heroes jump a little. "Crouch down,"
A glow appeared, causing her to reappear in her normal outfit.
"What did you learn, Culpeo?"
"Not much," She replied, making him frown. "Tank is planning a romantic dinner here for Juleka Couffaine. He seems to be obsessed with her. Jet has been firing at anyone and anything. Hence the tables and other objects in the sky and Submarine has yet to make an appearance. Even when Lady Noir came here, they didn't seem to care,"
"So they're not listening to Hawkmoth?"
"I don't think that's the case," She replied. "They seem to be more bothered about their own goals but intend to give him your miraculous once they've 'proved' their worth,"
"Prove their worth?" Anatis replied, thinking before remembering Sir Rene's advice. "I have more of a plan now but I think to fully form it, I'm gonna need some luck. Culpeo, can you create a mirage to distract them?"
"Huh?" Aroma gasped, confused.
"When I call out my power, it's going to get their attention," He replied, making Dame and the other two look at him.
"Which is where my power comes in. I'll provide an illusion which will distract them," Culpeo explained, taking out her flute and playing it. An orange ball appeared at the end of it and she threw it towards their direction. "Mirage!"
An illusion of herself, Anatis and Lady Noir appeared, jumping over the rooftops. Instantly, Jet appeared, shooting at them and Tank got back in his tank, driving after them. Even Submarine appeared, chasing them as they teleported across the rooftops. As soon as they were out of view, Anatis threw up his yoyo.
"Lucky charm!" He called out, causing the magic swarm to appear and create an item as his outfit turned into his upgraded one. He caught it and rose an eyebrow. "A finish line?"
"What are you going to do with that?"
"I'm not sure yet," He replied, glancing around. "Let's head towards the Eiffel Tower,"
The six of them headed in that direction before landing on the Eiffel tower. Anatis looked around before the Trocadéro Gardens lit up then Culpeo and Lady Noir. Next, his own yoyo and the finish line lit up then Aroma and Snowbird before finally lighting up Dame.
"I've got a plan," He declared, causing the five girls look at him as he opened his yoyo and took out two more power up cookies. "Culpeo, pick one. Sky, sea or earth?"
"Um... sea?" She asked, causing him to hand her a green maracron.
"Oh can I pick Sky?!" Lady Noir declared, realising where he was going with this. 
"Then I'll get ground," He replied, making the others blink. "Our friends are looking for validation right? Well, winning means they're the best so we're going to race them,"
"How is that going to help?" Aroma asked, making Anatis grin as Culpeo's miraculous beeped. He turned to her and gave her a normal cookie, making her take it and hide behind a beam. 
"Can you still hear me, Culpeo?"
"Good," He replied. "So the race isn't the only part of the plan. We're going to use it to lure them to the Trocadéro Gardens, where you and Snowbird are going to ambush them. That should distract them and then Lady Noir can destroy Tank's tank,"
"And where do I come in?" Dame asked, making Anatis look at her.
"After I've captured the akuma, cast Empower," He declared. "I'm going to need it to amplify my natural ability to break Simme's influence on them as there's three of them,"
"I see," She replied, nodding as an orange light appeared from behind the beam Culpeo was. "Um does that mean her mirage is over?"
"Yes but I lead them to the other side of Paris," Culpeo declared.
"That's fine," Anatis replied, handing Aroma the finish line. "Set up a finish line over there,"
He pointed to two lamp posts in the Trocadéro Gardens. She took it and nodded as another glow appeared from behind the beam. Culpeo stepped out.
"When the three of us cross the line, attack the trio of terror with your abilities,"
"How are you sure you'll win?"
"I don't know if we will," He replied, surprising them. "But that doesn't matter. The goal is to get them here and get them distracted,"
"Oh, I see," Snowbird nodded as Aroma nodded as well.
"Alright, let's go challenge the trio of terror," Anatis declared, causing the girls to nod and head out into the city with him. Aroma, Dame and Snowbird jumped down and set up the finishline before finding places to hide and get ready to ambush the akumas.
Anatis landed on a building near the Seine and glanced around. Lady Noir had transformed into Lady Cosmos and Culpeo had turned into her Aqua Form, Fennecée. He noticed Tank on the ground, clearly looking for him. He took out his yoyo and reached in, taking out a pink macaron, placing it in his mouth and eating it.
"Power up," He muttered after he finished it. A glow to appeared over his outfit and changing it, allowing him to turn into Alacris. His outfit began more like a professional skater's outfit, giving him elbow pads and knee pads but they were built in the suit. Not just that but the suit felt much lighter and the material seemed different, like it was designed to go faster. The design had changed as well. He still had the black panels on his sides but they changed directions on the legs, going diagonal. His boots came just below his knees and were also roller blades. They had straps that go up the boot as well. His gloves were fingerless but they also had padding on them to protect his wrists. These ones were on the outside and had a ladybug pattern on them. He also had shoulder padding and his mask had turned into speed goggles. He had a ear piece attatched to his ear as well. Unsure what it did, he pressed it, creating a helmet for him. "Nice,"
He stood up and whistled, getting Tank's attention. He went to fire at him but Alacris held up his hand.
"I have a proposal for you," He declared, causing Tank to stop attacking. " I challenge you to a race. From here to the Trocadéro Gardens. If I win, you give up your akuma,"
"And if I win?"
"I give you miraculous,"
"Great!" He declared, jumping down and skating off with incredible speed. Tank speed ahead, catching up with him but Alacris looked behind him and smirked. "Catch me if you can!"
He sped off, causing Tank to growl and race after him as Jet raced after Lady Cosmos and Submarine raced after Fennecée. The heroes managed to keep a head of them, heading towards the Trocadéro Gardens as fast as they could. Fennecée jumped out of the water as she got closer, causing Lady Cosmos to catch her and fly her towards the finish line. Submarine teleported and fired at them, causing Lady Cosmos to spin and dodge it before Alacris speed past Submarine, knocking her back with his speed. Tank rushed after him as Jet dashed after the other two but the moment the three heroes crossed the finish line, Aroma threw her smoke bombs at Jet and Snowbird turned the floor slippery, causing Tank to slide. Submarine teleported and went to fire at them but Fennecée played her flute and threw a mirage at her, causing Submarine to think her vehicle was damaged. 
"Sisters! Form together!" Tank called out, causing Jet and Submarine to go back over to him and crash into him. A bright light explored, causing the heroes to cover their eyes as it formed a new shape. Once it disappeared, a huge mech-suit was in the place of the three vehicles. It was roughly the same size as the Eiffel tower and the heroes could see the triplets in the head of the machine. It fired towards the heroes, hitting Aroma as she pushed Fennecée out of the way. Alacris speed towards them, dodging their attack before wrapping his yoyo around it and pulling them. It stumbled back, causing the triplets to fall a little.
"Lady Cosmos now!" He declared, causing her to fly at them. They started to fire at her but she dodged them with aerial movement and slammed her hand into the middle of the mech.
"Cataclysm!" She declared, causing it to spread all over the suit, breaking all of it. It shattered into pieces, causing the triplets to fall. Lady Cosmos caught Jet as Alatric caught Tank. Fennecée jumped up and caught Submarine as the akuma fluttered out. Alatric placed Tank on the ground and went to throw his yoyo but Tank charged at him, growling at him. Luckily, he sped out the way, tripping Tank up. However, Fennecée and Lady Cosmos had to pin down his sisters as they tried to attack them as well. Alatric threw his yoyo and caught the akuma before letting it go. Snowbird threw him the finish line, allowing him to throw it in their air.
"Miraculous Ladybugs!" He declared, releasing the cure as Tank turned back into Terra. He still got up and charged at Alatric. Aroma grabbed him and pinned him to the ground as Alatric powered back down into Anatis. "Dame, now!"
"Empower!" She declared, causing her sword to glow green. She tapped Anatis with it before he placed his hand on Terra's forehead as his eyes turned silver.
"You're not welcome here!" He declared as Terra screamed out. His black eyes went wide before he collapsed as they turned back to normal. Anatis jumped up and rushed over to Skylar, placing his hand on her forehead too. "Nor here either!"
She cried out as her eyes turned back to their normal color as well. Finally, he rushed over to Aqua and placed his hand on her forehead too.
"It's the same with this one!" He declared but Aqua seemed to fight back, causing his eyes to glow. "I said you're not welcome here and neither is your influence!"
Her eyes glowed silver as well before turning back to her normal color. She blinked and sat up as Anatis let her go.
"W-what happened?" She asked in a quiet voice as her siblings got up with the help of the other heroes.
"You three were akumatized," Anatis explained before he held out his yoyo. "Prosperity,"
He tapped his yoyo, causing it to open and reached in, taking out three charms. One was green with brown spots, one was yellow with white spots and one was blue with teal spots.
"Here," He said, handing the green one to Terra, the yellow to Skylar and the blue one to Aqua. "These will protect you from akumas but please keep these to yourself. Hawkmoth isn't aware of these so keeping them secret will help keep everyone who has them safe,"
"We understand," Skylar states, smiling at hers. "Thank you,"
"We owe you one," Terra grinned.
"Yeah..." Aqua replied, making Anatis nod before he looked at them.
"By the way, you don't need to feel unloved, weak or invisible," He stated, making them look at him. "People love you in their own ways. Yes, sometimes they don't return your feelings but that isn't the be all or end all. Terra, you're still a teenager and you have so many years ahead of you to love but you're not going to be a teenager forever. Don't let love take your youth away,"
He turned to Skylar.
"People protect you, not because they think you're weak but because they care for you and don't want to be hurt," He explained, making her look at him in surprise. "It's ok to ask for help. That doesn't make you weak and you don't need to pick a fight to show you are strong. There are other ways to show your strengths,"
He finally turned to Aqua.
"You're not invisible, Aqua," He stated, making her look at him. "And there is nothing wrong with you. You're not a freak for been quiet or a little reserved. Not everyone is born to be social and there is nothing wrong with that. Sometimes, it's better to a small amount of friends you can count on then hundreds of people who let you down. Been popular isn't always what you think it is,"
"I see," She replied before nodding. "Thank you,"
"No problem," He replied as his earrings beeped. "Sorry, I'm going have to go. Ladies, shall we?"
"Alright," Dame replied as Lady Cosmos turned back into Lady Noir and Fennecée turned back into Culpeo. They nodded and the six of them headed into the rooftops. Anatis turned to Lady Noir.
"Could you collect Culpeo's and Aroma's miraculous?" He asked, making her nod. The two heroes followed her to a different location as Dame called off her transformation and said goodbye to Vernn. Snowbird turned back into Elise and said her goodbyes to Penni. "Thank you for your help today, you two. I hope we can work together again,"
"Anytime you need us, we'll be there," Renee declared as Elise nodded. "But how are we going to get home?"
As soon as she asked, a burrow opened.
"I think my friend will give you a lift," Anatis smiled, causing both girls to nod and head into the burrow. Anatis headed towards Master Fu's new home and swung through the window, landing on the floor as his transformation dropped. He took a cookie out for Tikki who took off him and thanked him before eating it. Master Fu looked up from his tea and smiled.
"I am glad to see the mission was a success," He replied, smiling. "Lady Noir returned the miraculous already. She left a couple of minutes ago,"
"I'm glad she got here easily," Luka smiled as Dr Mila came in from the kitchen with her own tea. He took out the two miraculous and held them out to her as she placed her drink down. She walked over and took them off her. 
"Thank you, Luka," She smiled, putting them back in the box. "The kwamis can now continue their play time. How did you find the akuma?"
"It was hard but thanks to everyone working together, we were able to defeat them," He replied, thinking about how Simme influenced them and about the weird boy he came across during the martial art event he had joined in with. He explained it to Master Fu and Mila who both looked concerned. "I'm not sure if he was Simme or just one of his followers but i got a bad feeling,"
"Chances are is it's one of his followers,"
"Yeah..." He replied, thinking. "I'll keep an eye on the situation for now. Luckily, I can ask my team for help to defeat him this time,"
"Well, they do have a good leader and it's good that you can rely on them," Fu replied, smiling. "And I'm sure one day you'll become a great guardian.. if not the best there is,"
Luka went red and hid his face in his hoodie.
"I don't know but I'll try my best, master," He mumbled as Tikki giggled at his reaction. "I bet go. I have to get back to the Stadium,"
"Of course," Fu replied. "Enjoy the rest of your day,"
~The Catacombs, Later that Afternoon~
"Are you satisfied?" Zoe asked as Simme stretched his arms and grinned, making her gulp. 
"Well, they were mediocre but I am still pleased with the results," He replied, his mind drifting to the martial artist who went up against one of those triplets. He had been interested as soon as he saw him completing. He always had an interest in those who studied the martial arts. He might be the spirit of cruelty but he often admired those who tried that path. Mostly because it was fun to drag them down into the darkness. They always took themselves so serious but this boy felt different. He didn't think of himself as above and seemed to have fun even though he almost lost. Admittedly, he won but that triplet gave him a run for his money. The boy however laughed and complimented his skill. That drew Simme in so he moved close enough to see more... and that's when he caught the scent of his soul. The very thought of it made his mouth water. The boy was literally a light soul. The very thing he had been searching for so long but it got better then that. He had sense his own nemesis within the boy. Finni's presence was unmistakable, meaning the child was Feng reborn and oh did that excite Simme? Not only would he get to consume a light soul and tip the balance in his favor but he would literally be consume that pesky mage as well. Of course, he was planning to keep all of this to himself. Su Han wanted to kill him and that idiot wanted to akumatize him. Simme didn't care for either of them so he would keep this boy's secret.
"I got to corrupt three souls, my darling wasp," He grinned, making her gulp. "And there's more to come,"
~Later that Night~
"I am knackered," Luka declared, drying his hair as Tikki sat watching TV in his room. Snapp was curled up next to her. "Sorry, you had to hide all day, Snapp,"
"It's ok, Luka," He replied, stretching. "You had a tough battle and besides, I was safe,"
"Not as safe as I would like," Luka muttered, thinking about how Snapp had been forced to do evil by XY and how Nooroo was still trapped by Hawkmoth. "I swear I'll find a way to free all of you from that awful curse and I'll save Nooroo and Duusu as well,"
"Of course you will!" Snapp declared, flying up. "You're the true guardian!"
"You remember that?"
"Well, not ready but I believe Tikki and while my memories say otherwise, my heart and soul says you're the true guardian and the mage," Snapp declared, making Luka smile. "Wish or no wish, you're the most recent of Master Feng's life,"
"Thank you, Snapp," Luka smiled, picking up the remote and putting on a different channel. As soon as he did, the TV flickered, making him frown.
"It's time to face the truth," A voice echoed, making him feel sick as the eye he saw appeared once again before the TV turned normal as he stared. Literally seconds later, a burrow opened up in his room and a panicked Bunnyx came out, making him jump.
"Alix, what's wrong?" He asked as she literally hugged him.
"Luka!" She gasped, tears in her eyes as she looked up at him. "I... I don't know what to do,"
"Take a deep breathe and tell me what happened,"
"It's... Code Red..." She gasped, making the color drain out of his face as Tikki jumped up. "Lady Noir can't fight him. We need Anatis,"
"Tikki, spots on," He declared, turning into Anatis. "Take me to them, Bunnyx,"
She nodded and the two of them stepped into the burrow, disappearing into it's light....
Next Chapter: Coming Soon
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airi-p4 · 7 months
hey Airi, can you recommend me some alya salt fics (bonus if it's lukanette)
Hi! I haven't been reading many fics lately (I want to catch up so baaad ;v;) and my memory is not the best but sure! I'll do what I can! (Tbh, I don't think I've read any Alya salt fics that's not Lukanette so the bonus is definitely included LOL)
These are the ones I have bookmarked or subscribed on AO3 (some of them are minor salt and some are dark so make sure to check the tags, please!!):
Oops by @quickspinner [Rated M] (I recommend all Quick's fics in general btw -SO GOOD)
Two Letters by cartoonaddict564
We're a kiss at 2am by @nerdypanda3126 [Rated E] (Panda's writing is just SO GOOD- I 100% recommend all her stories)
Juleka vs the forces of evil by @goldenlaurelleaveswrites (SO FREAKING GOOD!! I get so excited every time I see an update. I LOVE IT)
Luckier without , Choice chances and LadyBugOut by @miraculouscontent (I ADORE everything MC writes. Both FLUFF and SALT are exquisite. 100% recommend all of MC's stories and rants)
I'd kill for you by @notasiren21 [Rated M]
For the Lady's Favour , Liquid Courage and Living Arrangements by @mintaka14 [Rated T , M and M] (I LOVE Min's stories!!)
Marinette's Hanahaki by @haphira
Of Science Teachers and Coffee Addicts by N3verlandsShadow and Toko_Shadow (Nixys11)
When a Snake Strikes by lunamugetsu [Rated E] (Yandere Luka - VERY DARK)
Multibug and Vipercat AU by broadwaynerd_3
Hello Stranger by Freedom_shamrock
What goes around comes around saga by Cornholio4
Minor Alya salt:
Practice makes perfect by @ladycat1
Chords and Courtship by @goldenlaurelleaveswrites
And these are three Alya salt fics written by me:
Surfacing secrets
Fact check
The choice (just a pinch of salt)
I'm sure there's more, but I can't remember right now ^^; I recommend using AO3's tags to find more of them, either "Alya salt" or "Alya Césaire Bashing" (plus "endgame Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng" or "lukanette endgame" for the bonus)
I hope this helped!
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gamerknight7310 · 25 days
Miraculous Ship Names
I hate when people just mush characters's names together to have it as their ship name, so I, and two friends of mine, have come up with a couple unique names we think fit all the canon and semi-canon ships of miraculous. I'll also give my brief opinion on what I think of the ship, so be nice as my tastes might be different from yours, but with that out of the way, let's get started.
Name: Catastrophe Ship: Adrinette (Adrien x Marinette) Type: Het Opinion: I kind of only see them as just friends
Name: Betrothed Ship: Adrigami Type: Het Opinion: I wished these two got together over what we got in canon
Name: Regal Lily Ship: Alirose (Prince Ali x Rose) Type: Het Opinion: I think it's really cute, but it probably wouldn't last too long
Name: Legally Blonde Ship: Chlodrien (Chloe x Adrien) Type: Het Opinion: I wished these two had a sibling dynamic towards the end of the show, but we can't have nice things
Name: Shining Armor Ship: Chlokim (Chloe x Kim) Type: Het Opinion: I can kind of see the vision with them, definitely toxic for sure
Name: Insecurities Ship: DjWifi (Alya x Nino) Type: Het Opinion: It felt rushed in the episode that introduced them as a couple and I don't know just never felt anything with them
Name: Stockholm Syndrome Ship: Feligami (Felix x Kagami) Type: Het Opinion: It was rushed and Kagami wouldn't realistically hook up with someone that looks like her ex especially their cousin
Name: Toxic Love Ship: Gabenath (Gabriel x Nathalie) Type: Het Opinion: I love how toxic this ship is and wished it continued for the entirety of the Agreste arc
Name: Princess & The Tailor Ship: Gabmilie (Gabriel x Emilie) Type: Het Opinion: I mean… it's alright for what we got in canon, but that's pretty much it
Name: Goths & Roses Ship: Julerose Type: Femslash Opinion: I think these two are absolute cuties and I absolutely love them
Name: Sinking Ship Ship: Kimdine (Kim x Ondine) Type: Het Opinion: I don't like this ship as both people are at fault in the relationship
Name: Just Business Ship: Liladrien (Lila x Adrien) Type: Het Opinion: Eh don't really see it
Name: What Could've Been Ship: Lukanette (Luka x Marinette) Type: Het Opinion: This should've been endgame over Adrinette
Name: Infatuated Ship: Marcaniel (Marc x Nathaniel) Type: Slash Opinion: I don't like Nathaniel he's a bitch and Marc deserved better
Name: Delusion Ship: Marikim (Marinette x Kim) Type: Het Opinion: I didn't like how the writers made Kim look evil when he's just a himbo
Name: Gentle Hearts Ship: Myvan (Mylene x Ivan) Type: Het Opinion: I wish we got more of them as I do think they're cute together
Name: Sketches Ship: Nathanette (Nathaniel x Marinette) Type: Het Opinion: Eh I don't really see it at all plus this came out on the second episode of the first season so yeah no
Name: Just Friends Ship: Ninette (Nino x Marinette) Type: Het Opinion: Honestly this came out of nowhere as it was meant to put Alya and Nino together by the end of the episode
Name: Tell Me Why Ship: Zoenette (Zoe x Marinette) Type: Femslash Opinion: There weren't that many moments with Zoe and all of a sudden she's in love with Marinette yeah fucking right
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baenyth · 20 days
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Reviews Episode 5-21: The Tiger Miraculous 2: YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD ESCAPE JULEKA DISRESPECT!?
Why the worst akuma? Why? Why? Why? Apparently there was a deleted cathartic apology scene and the whole battle was thought about being removed. What the hell?
You're going to London
Damn. Even Plagg is serious.
That feels OOC. I always saw Rose as wanting to be a children's doctor while Juleka, not being like other goths, would want to be a model.
Lila wants to rule the world. I can tell.
Straight to the shredder
Dumbing down Chloe? Really?
They're cooking
Dumb idiot teenagers. Or is this stretching it?
Wait, when did that happen? A few days ago?
There's the damn retcon. You can't fool me, even if you try to say she did it to spend more time with her girlfriend Rose.
Honestly even if you change the power to be more inline with that stuff that traumatized me on Deviantart I still think it'd be better if she caused the Third Impact instead.
Nuclear bomb
Oh no. Lila's deathtrap.
Even Sabrina is disgusted!
Villain Monologue
Love me a good surprise trap when the villain thinks they have it all!
Damn. Even if it was a few seconds, I'd still rather have that than the [@#!$]
I know we aren't going back to Corrupt Mayor Andre, but a girlie can dream.
And they're admitting Audrey is evil too, right?
Fuck this shit I'm out
I'm classifying this as a retcon. Also Juleka disrespect. She did this back in season 4 as well. And in the English dub she talked in full sentences back in the first three seasons, and I'd argue it's better that way.
I'm thinking about it and yeah, this basically is a middle finger to Crocoduel. The Juleka Respect episode. Were Lukanette and Adrigami not enough to insult that you had to go for one of my blorbos too!?
Wait, he's fired? Does the school board not exist in this universe?
This again? Can we get to Lila's secret lair if it's here?
Oh no. Just another identity.
My theory on Lila is that she's much older than she looks, and is actually a serial killer that kills other students and takes their identities for her own uses. Lila's mother last episode was actually Cerise's considering the same movie excuse, not to mention it would explain the wig: she thinks Lila's putting on the wig for her filming. I also assume Lila's planning on doing the same to Marinette and possibly even Kagami. As for the woman in the season 4 finale, I assume she's actually a friend of Lila's diplomat mother ensured to take Lila to the station, considering how busy Lila's diplomat mother clearly is.
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believeinyourotp · 4 months
Tumblr media
Nathanette ships: I just love Nathanette no matter what form it comes in.
AliRose: He should have returned past season 1, the Royal and an average girl.
Love is always to strong a word, and also there is no ship strong enough to that word that I would consider close to an OTP but not quite it, sorry guys
A strong word
Adrigami: rivals to lovers, respect dynamic.
LukAdrien: I’ve seen fanart, they’re cool.
MariGami: IRL, this would probably never happen and there doesn't seem to be any girl crushes for Mari. But if there were any girl rivals Mari didn't hate or wasn't evil, it would be Kagami.
JuLila: Mainly got into this because of @gowonielovely , no questions asked.
MariKim: Got into because of artviavivi aka @chubearr , I would love to see more of them despite their canon story sucking alot, I love any fanart or story, that she makes of them.
Ninonette: I would have liked to see them date…
LadyBee and ChLady: Chloe falls in love with the masked hero, and Marinette is usually annoyed with her shit, but comes to respect her when she gives Chloe the chance to be a hero.
ChloDrien: Childhood friends to lovers, can you tell I have a thing? I think as of now they'll never be together and maybe Adrien is a bit disappointed that his friend he's known since childhood stopped being his friend because she hates one of his other friends that 1 has a crush on him and 2 because she will never be given the offered another chance to change because of the creators wanted a character who represented other people they knew and wanted to implement into a cartoon for children, which I think they should try to let kids who relate to these characters and still have a chance to grow and change, will never have the inspiration from the WORST of characters to be inspired to. Just a bit bitter lol.
Liladrien: Maybe I want to see Marinette suffer in romance for a bit. Also Nice Guy MC x Mean Girl, please crush my IRL dreams lol.
Felix x Bridgette: they have this cute dynamic.
Don’t Mind
LukLoe: I think there was only one next gen with my OTP Nathanette and Adrigami, I liked the design of their kids, and I’ve seen some sad cosplays of them on TikTok back then.
Tikki x Marinette: ok
JuleRose: They’re cute, but maybe I would have liked to see how they met and their impact on each other
Nathaniel x Adrien: Maybe a rivals to lovers au
Adrien x Alya: could have been interesting if they figured out they were Ninonette’s wingmen.
Kim x Ondine: They’re ok I feel like they needed to pair him up with someone so people would ship Marikim less.
Liluka: Maybe it’s because Luka’s not a main character and this would feel more pair the sparesies
Nathaniel x Luka: might be a great dynamic
Lila x Marinette: Could have happened like Lumity.
Ivan x Mylene: ok
Adrien x Plagg: ok
Tom x Sabine: Awesome parents
Nino x Adrien: Best bros
Nathaniel x Alix: Could be an interesting dynamic
Lukanette: Nice guy x nice girl, but I feel like it was to replace Nathanette
Ladybug x Luka: ok
KiMax: I guess I’d prefer over Kim x Ondine
JuleRosAli: Polycule, maybe we need more of them
Ninogami: Artviavivi has a cute dynamic and cute art between them.
AdriGami: I just do, rivals to lovers amiright.
LAdrien: The most tolerable ship of the Canon Lovesquare. At least in this form it's obvious how much they like and admire each other. Had this never existed or they never found out their alternate identities, or both, would they still be into each other?
JAdrien/AdrEka: I'm not sure Juleka swings that way.
AlyNino: Ok. What if they never got together through the wingman episode, alternate scenarios?
LuKagami: Like I said Pair the Spares trope, not that into it, especially when they are basically treated like plot devices by shows, theories, films, that have the main couple, especially when they are the main focus main characters main couple, that have a will they won't they plot that makes them worst as people and probably people you don't like in real life doing the same things they do. That is one trope I hate.
MarcAniel: I guess they stopped having Nathaniel have a crush on her and felt he needed a partner if he wasn't with Ladybug or Marinette, he HAD to be with someone. I don't know, I really don't like how Marc wasn't introduced, like maybe if he wasn't introduced as someone who really wanted to work with him and felt really bad just because Nathaniel didn't feel like working with him, or just wasn't introduced working with Nathaniel at all, it would have worked, like maybe having a similar hobby that didn't relate to what they're mainly known for characterwise, I would have liked it more. It's just really hard for me to like.
LAbrina: Well don't like it so much anymore since that one episode I know she bullied Sabrina for and Sabrina tricked her into a confession, I just had hope before that episode and it made this Tierlist, It would go down a tier now.
FeLila: Villains(?) in love lol, not all that into it.
ChloBrina: The show doesn't seem to want Chloe to change which will probably lead her into downward spiral for her character, now she's completely alone. For now I want her character to be the same, but more uptight and closed off, not even blinking at the sight of a new friendship because NO ONE in the show wants to like her and even if she moves away she can't move on, but she still has dreams, wanting to be someone great and wanting love, and has finally learned her lesson. This would be a great idea for a spinoff series just for her
ChlAli: One of the Royal's and family of a democratic country's president's daughter, I don't really ship it, but like what if Chloe's dad was upset that her daughter didn't have anymore friendships in her life in Paris because everyone she's known has abandoned her and sends her to Prince Ali's country to get to know each other more, since they probably don't interact all that much except international social events, so he sets up more meetings so she can have someone to hang out with, eventually becoming one of her closest friend and eventually when everyone around them is getting married and having families, everyone in their family worried that they'll never get married they set up an arranged marriage, they don't hate it but their not romantically interested in each other, they're just a guy and girl friends who decided 'meh if it had to be anyone I'd rather it be you' type of situation.
LAlya: Lila x Alya, I think Alya wouldn't want to interact with a hardcore liar, especially being some type of journalist/she's actually a honest blogger.
AlyaNette: Alya and Marinette don't really seem like the type of relationship to be interested in each other, unless I'm not looking to deep into it and one party was actually trying to hide their feelings this entire time
KimAlix: There's not many scenes with them, and I think male/female friendships need to be important and not immediately making them romantically interested in each other and when one's feelingd are unrequited they stop being friends because they can't deal with it, and in a way it will hurt both of them in the end.
ChloLila: They either or hate each other or relate to each other.
NathLoe: Nathaniel is still friends with Marinette, somehow still cares about her in some way, also probably wouldn't get with the girl who made fun of his crush on the girl who is his ex crush still friend that much.
Antibug x Chat Blanc: Villain loves villain
MarcNette: Not sure they'll like each other in that way ever
AlixMax: Hmm... not sure really
MaxNette: Could be an interesting, but I don't think they'll ever be paired up by the creators knowing that 1 The creators don't seem to like ships that aren't main couple and isn't gonna bank them the money with the drama 2 Even if it did happen I'll probably be disappointed by canon again
Jagged Stone x Penny: Huh? They were a thing?
Pl'Ikki: Ok
Kim x Chloe: Girl probably messed with his feelings and head, don't need to watch the show to headcanon that
ChloGami: Maybe Kagami could inspire her to not be stuck up and not the total worst character, but I doubt that we'll ever happen since the show just sees them as plot devices.
Max x Sabrina: Ok
Duusu x Nooroo: Ok
Wayzz x Trixx: Ok
Wayzz x Pollen: Ok
DelBrina: Haven't watched the movie, but maybe it'd be a romantic long distance relationship.
MarcIno: I feel like this is just pair the spares trope acting up again.
FeLoLya: Childhood friends(?) plus girl they think is cool
NathAurore: Feel like even celebrities besides Adrien don't get the chance to shine more in the show besides Adrien, like has she ever appeared in the show besides her Akuma eps?
LiLuka: Before, could have been cool, one of the main/supporting characters gets with the mean girl/girl MC does not trust, could have been redeemed. But honestly who would want to get with their ex crushes bully or someone who hurt them, unless it was just your fleeting crush lol
LukaZoe: I think Zoe is gay but I could be wrong. She could be Bi, but also I feel it would be a boring because it seems like your basic pair the spares ship
LadyNoir: I feel sad for Chat even if he's a simp, it's just imagine if your crush thought you were annoying as heck.
MariChat: Mari just being openly annoyed at Chat, when he isn't looking and Chat eventually Chat falling for the 'just a friend', I don't know, I feel he would think she's a little weird even as a friend let alone a crush, like imagine the friend you never knew liked you to an unhealthily obsessed level.
AdriNette: What I said above.
ChloNette: Bully x bully, hate x hate, could have been interesting if Chloe didn't manipulate her obvious feelings for Adrien, and Marinette actually gave her a chance to be a hero again, and her not disappointing.
Gabriel x Nathalie: A man obsessed with bringing back his ex wife and the assistant who's been by his side, who looks over his kid trying to maintain their relationship they have with one another. TBH, he's willing to die just to bring Emilie back, he knows he sucks, but maybe it's mainly because he knows he has no idea what to do with his kid since then.
Don't really hate any ships TBH in general, everyone probably has a guilty pleasure.
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quickspinner · 2 years
What do you think of Adrien redemption fics, and would you ever write one?
Wow I kind of spun out on a tangent so here's the teal deer and you can read the full word vomit under the cut:
More power to the writers who enjoy such things, but personally I'm just not interested at this point, so unless it's a side plot of a Lukanette story, I wouldn't seek one out to read, nor would I write one myself. The closest I really have is Something Just Like This, where all three characters work things out not always amicably, which I tend to think of as a prequel to All in the Family, where Adrien becomes the most welcome third wheel in history. At this point in time though, I'm just tired of Adrien and all the drama, canon and fandom, that comes along with him, and I don't care enough to put the effort in.
Since I've said it in the discord I might as well say it here--if I ran the world, I would have had Adrien take all his sad about being left out in Season 4, and decide he's going to be such a good hero that LB won't need anyone else, and he'd go off to get Su Han to teach him Mirakung Fu or whatever it is and actually step up to help LB and prove he can be the partner she needs--and maybe learn along the way that it's okay not to be LB's everything and that relying on other people is actually a good thing, he doesn't have to be perfect to be important. (That plot is free to anyone who wants to use it, feel free, drop me a link so I can see what you do with it.)
Now that I've written the longest run on sentence ever, here's the actually wordy stuff under the cut. 😂
I don't think Adrien's irredeemable, in fact I don't even think he'd be all that hard to redeem, but...let me think how can I put this, because I don't want to be like love square/Adrien stans are evil because they are not. They're just people who like something different than I like and that's totally okay. Ship and let ship.
But there are a vocal number that are, shall we say, annoying. Because of that it becomes a bit of a pain to write anything because you're always going to get comments trying to argue with you (spoiler alert: I'm not looking to convince anybody nor do I care that people on the internet think I'm wrong, so I don't debate in the comments) or that sound snobby and judgey. In the past I did write Adrien into several fics and I always got weird comments on them, and the nicest ones were along the lines of, "I'm glad you don't make Adrien a complete jerk like a lot of Lukanette writers." That's not horrible, but it's also not super encouraging. Thanks, I guess? I stopped getting those comments nearer the end too so maybe people changed their mind as the story went on. 😂 (Which is fine! A very sincere thank you to anyone who quietly stopped reading and didn't leave me anything to let me know. Totally fair.)
Honestly I had similar problems with the one true salt fic I started, where a lot of the comments were just griping about the series without actually addressing my story at all, and that's kind of a bummer for me (if anyone reading this left a comment of this type please don't feel bad, I'm not saying this to guilt you, this is all about my personal preferences as a writer and none of you are mind readers).
There are a lot of things I don't like about the series, and some that occasionally make me confused or angry enough to rant about it a little bit here or on discord. At the same time, reading constant ragging and complaining about the series just depresses me. So many salt discussions spiral into this dead end of "it's such a waste what they've done and everything is awful," and there's no where to go from there. It's not going to change, and there's nothing we can do about it, and I don't like ending up at the bottom of the pit. I do this for fun and I'd rather focus on the things I like. I will be finishing Live With It, but clearly salt just doesn't make me happy, so it's not going to become my niche anytime soon.
So ultimately my reasoning boils down to, it wouldn't be fun for me, I don't think there's a huge audience out there desperately wishing I would write one, and life's too short to read or write fic that bores you. Adrien will be just fine without me.
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trixxiephantomhive · 2 years
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I posted 99 times in 2022
That's 99 more posts than 2021!
55 posts created (56%)
44 posts reblogged (44%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 51 of my posts in 2022
Only 48% of my posts had no tags
#lukanette - 13 posts
#luka couffaine - 13 posts
#miraculous ladybug - 10 posts
#art - 7 posts
#airip4 - 6 posts
#pro lukamari - 5 posts
#miraclous fanfic - 5 posts
#lukanette endgame - 4 posts
#wip - 4 posts
#this is so cute i love it - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 40 characters
#ver you’re an evil mastermind in writing
My Top Posts in 2022:
August Minific Challenge day 04!!
Today’s prompt is “How don’t you know the difference between your left and right?”
(Prompt list: )
WC is 693
Fugitive!Luka and Mari are making their way to London this time.
It’s the dead of night, and Luka and Marinette are running down the silent streets of Paris, trying to catch a ride on any bus that hopefully won’t call the cops on them.
They stop by a bus and Marinette and Luka go to board it. After getting on, the driver immediately yells for them to leave or he will call the cops, and in the heat of the moment Luka draws the gun Anarka had forced him to take with him when he started packing up to run. “Drive us to the Gare du Nord and don’t call the cops.” Luka sits in the frontmost seat facing the driver as Marinette takes the spot next to him.
The driver spits at them and curses. “Always knew you Vigilantes were freakazoids. I bet you’ve always been working with Hawkmoth.” Luka feels an almost predatory hiss climbing his throat but holds a straight face and just gestures to the gun.
The driver shuts up and takes them to where they wanted to go and Luka quickly pulls Marinette off the bus. “He’s gonna tell the cops where we’re going. We should transform to be safe then throw clothes over top.”
“Okay… and Luka… you wouldn’t actually shoot anyone… Right?”
The boy stares at her and almost drops his gun. “Of course not! It's just… we’re already criminals… It… seemed scary… I’m sorry Mar.”
“Don’t worry about it.” She smiles and quickly transforms and throws clothes on as they board the train, Luka having done the same. “I haven’t ever seen that side of you.”
“It’s the part of me I never want to be.”
“Mysterious.” The couple starts to giggle, some of the adrenaline fading away, as they’re already another step to safety.
After a bit of a trip, they carry their few things to the small residence in a quiet part of town and knock on the door. A slim woman seeming to be almost an exact copy of Sabine appears, quickly pulls the two weary travelers inside and gives them some tea.
See the full post
16 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
August Minific Challenge Day 16
Prompt: “Can I hold your hand?”
Word Count: 283
A rainy night where Marinette can’t help but wonder why Luka is standing outside in the cold weather. 
Marinette looks out her window into the pouring rain, and sees a figure standing in the street. This person, something just seems off about them. Sad, or Lonely. 
She goes down and out the bakery door. She walks up and sees it’s Luka, one of her friend’s older brother. A boy she’s grown a bit of a crush on. 
“Luka?” She calls out, and he turns his head to look at her. 
“Hey, what are you doing in the rain?” He asks. 
“I came out because I saw you, why are you out here?” She looks him up and down and her eyes are drawn to his simple grey t-shirt soaked from the rain, and his tired eyes looking to be long past ready for a nap. “Do you want to come inside?” She asks, gesturing over to her house, the bakery door still open, caught in the wind. 
“Okay” He calls out as she starts to run back towards the building. He follows her and they head up to her bedroom. 
“Luka, What are you doing in the rain?  and please let me get you something else to wear.” 
“I just felt like it?.. And I guess.”
Marinette leaves him alone and gets a pair of pyjamas from her older and quite absent older brother’s left over things, assuming they’ll fit, since he would’ve been a bit bigger than Luka is when he left. 
He gets up and changes, throwing his stuff into the dryer as well. 
“Hey Luka, are you okay?’
“I think so, I guess everything has just been too much lately…” Luka sighs and sits on the floor. Marinette kneels down and then sits next to him, glancing over. 
“Luka, Can I hold your hand?”
“Yeah..” Luka whispers back at her, his mind already shutting down for sleep, she takes his hand in her own and just smiles at the moment, hoping this can mean something for them in the future. 
17 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
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LBSC sprint Challenge for Prompt 5!
I put the original text prompt in the upper corner!
20 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
W.I.P Wednesday 11/16/2022
Luka was just zoning out and serving customers the night Marinette returned. She entered with no fanfare, just quickly over to the bar seat she found the night a week or so back. Luka didn’t even remember her at first, until after she ordered and he caught the sound of her heart. The Music that made her seem so kind at first glance.
“You know, People usually… Come to bars for alcohol. Not glasses of water and fries. That seems more of a diner thing.”
Luka chuckles at this small girl while he serves her what seems to possibly become a new usual.
“Technically you’re labeled as a Bar and Grill. That just seems to cater more to the bar side, You don’t have a bouncer. And I got a lot of work done last time.” Marinette looks up at him, plainly stating her fact of why it makes perfect sense for her to sit there with a glass of water and especially good cheesy fries.
Luka smirks and nods as he wanders off to help others. During the night the acquaintances catch each other's eye a multitude of times. Luka quickly darting away from the attention each time. The night gets later and later, and Marinette begins to sketch more and more, Losing herself in the work. After what feels like no time at all she feels a tap on her shoulder. So suddenly in fact, she screams and goes to attack with a pencil “AHH!!” “Woah, woah. It’s just, your friendly bartender here. We’re closing up and I wanted to give you some time to get out of here”
31 notes - Posted November 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
This Again?
@lovebugs-and-snakecharmers sprint fic!! 
Prompt I chose:  I'd follow him/her to hell and back but I wish s/he'd just stop going there
“Luka I love you- but please stop almost dying.” Marinette adjusts her pigtails as she gets to work pulling stitches into her boyfriend's newest of many smallish injuries.
“I’m not currently almost dying. Just- Practising sword fighting while seeing who can go the longest without sleep isn’t a good idea.” Luka smiles and looks at her, ignoring the pain in favour of watching his beautiful girlfriend doing something with such precision and focus. A small blush creeping up his cheeks. 
“It really isn’t. Are you alright though? I can’t imagine this is comfortable.”
“Eh- not the worst thing ever. I’m a Couffaine. We’re made for taking hits and dealing them back harder.”
Marinette laughs, his stubborn yet charming demeanour always managing to make her smile. Then she thinks for a second and looks at him 
“You didn’t kill your best friend did you?” 
“Nope! Just tossed him off the Liberty.”
“Don’t worry- he’s fine”
“Good. dummy.”
“I love you too Marinette”
“Oh hush..”  after letting out a tired sigh she stands and gives him a quick kiss.
After getting sewn up, and not waiting around to let it settle, Luka gets up and starts making himself a cup of coffee. Also grabbing himself a fresh donut, swearing to Tom he’ll pay when he can (He has a tab of at least 96 Euros by this point). The large man doesn’t really care, noting that Luka is a nervous wreck around the love of his life’s father. Which has the girl’s parents chuckling to themselves. 
Once the coffee is finished, Luka returns to Marinette’s room, and sits back on her chaise. The slightly exhausted boy trying to sip on the hot drink.  
“Luka, seeing how long you can stay awake isn’t healthy.” Marinette looks at him, the concern written across her face. 
“Don’t worry, I’ve stayed up longer from insomnia, and I doubt Dingo is gonna last any longer, he could barely hold a sword.”
“I can barely hold a sword on a full night's sleep. They’re heavy Luka”
“you’re just extraordinarily small. In a hot way.”
Marinette blushes and throws a halfway finished pillow at him. He gets hit and laughs looking at the black and green pillow 
“Who’s this for?” He asks, wondering if she normally makes things other than clothes
“Just trying out something new” 
“Cool.”  Luka smiles, always impressed by the sheer awesomeness that is Marinette’s talent. 
Marinette, slightly freezes, trying not to blush at Luka’s ever adorable smile. 
The young couple just watch each other for a moment. Then slowly make their way closer to each other, arms extend, a hug turns into kissing, kissing turns into cuddling, cuddling turns into Luka staying the night, and that becomes use for the condoms Luka is forced to carry around by word of his mom. 
“I’m still not sleeping. “
“Well then at least shush”
He gently hums, and moves his hand to stroke Marinette’s bare side. “Got it, quiet”.
38 notes - Posted June 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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into-september · 2 years
ice cream of singlism and amatonormativity (”Elation”)
Marinette is many a thing but smooth is not one of them. Dunno what happened since “Copycat”
Cat Noir fangirls finally get acknowledged by canon
so current logic is that romance = inevitable identity reveal because everyone involved forgot about "Cat Blanc" and "Truth" and "Lies" and "Ephemeral" ever happening? Yeah, sure, Plagg&Alya, whatever it takes for contrived reasons to deny ladynoir I guess
no but SERIOUSLY a few days ago I was rolling my eyes because someone was complaining about this show being "amatonormative" because apparently the concept of "love story" was completely alien to them. But the upcoming episode summaries suggesting that a teenage love story is MORE IMPORTANT THAN KEEPING THE CREW SAVING PARIS FROM A CACKLING MADMAN? That, my friends, is amatonormativity
(granted the two making decisions are allegedly incapable of understanding romance but why will any of the others involved agree to that BS)
oh lord but the way this went from the dodgeball game of "you're the only one who understands me" to "tell him I'll see him at school" is brutal. Insert your own meta about Marinette's lack of empathy with the boy whose biggest wish is to have friends.
we complain about how S4 went out of its way to needlessly demonise Chloé but not enough has been said about what it did to poor Wayhem. Remember back when Adrien gave Wayhem his e-mail and had video chats with him and stuff?
one thing I'll give them: I have never read this level of awkward in marichat fic
I'm so sorry for every marichat stan insisting that "it's the only healthy corner of the love square because they're FRIENDS FIRST" this episode is sinking fanon marichat by the minute
oh no please don't let this means that the third most annoying character on this show is going to be here you were doing so well
this episode is also sinking lukanette by the minute
this might be my aroace arse also being incapable of understanding romance but I am not following anyone's thinking any longer
my mind went "phallus symbol" but my mind is also soaked in Ikuhara anime
Tikki if S4 didn't end the world I'm pretty sure this won't, and if it will then maybe you shouldn't have spent the past four seasons shipping adrinette when you supposedly knew Cat Noir's identity even before "Dark Owl"
oh fuck it is a marichat episode OF COURSE they have to include André the Amatonormativy Man
oh god he's singing already. save me
nice NYC special shout-out though
good for marigami though
...well, I suppose that was a way of letting Marinette... not... face... the one struggle... that has consistently been keeping her back? Like... not letting her do it on her own, but have someone else do it on her behalf? (also how does he even know? who told him? he's clearly not some magical mind reader since he's not getting the vibe between them here)
I am not sorry for the true selves theorists though
I just can't tell whether there's supposed to be some kind of meaning to this conversation happening in front of a replica of the Statue of Liberty. More NYC special callback? Are we supposed to be recalling “Wishmaker”? I have questions,
I might have thrown my laptop out of the window of the plane if he DIDN'T end the akumatisation by kissing her
my man, isn't this like the third time or something someone denied ladynoir to your face, give it a rest with the RPF I beg
André the Amatonormativity Man is every toxic shipper bashing the character threatening their OTP
I know they're setting up "Kwami's Choice" here but I am not buying ANY of this logic, sorry
What I would buy, though: Gabriel's cataclysm getting worse every time he transforms so that every act of evil is now taking its toll on him and he COULD end this but is actively choosing not to
the subs are shaky but is he seriously telling her she's just a confused fangirl
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whenimgoodandready · 2 years
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Sh*t went down last season huh? Well, every ep was a “bomb”, so no doubt we’d all be screaming at the drama that the game changing episodes would bring and now let’s pick up the pieces of what was left from the launch of those things:Marinette struggled with guardianship (the entirety of Season 4), Hawk Moth became Shadow Moth (“Truth”/“Lies”), Lukanette and Adrigami broke up (“Truth”/“Lies”), Alya found out Marinette is Ladybug (“Gang of Secrets”), Ladybug created anti-akumatizing charms (“Mr.Pigeon 72”), we were introduced to Chloe’s long lost half-sister, Zoe Lee (“Sole Crusher”), Felix found out Gabe is Shadow Moth (“Gabriel Agreste”), Adrien is controlled by Emilies ring Gabe now wears *cough*hesasentimonsterfosho*cough* (“Mega Leech”), more of Marinettes friends became supers (“Queen Banana”/“Mega Leech”/“Guiltrip”/“Crocoduel”/“Penalteam”), Alya was the ladybug holder for a day (“Hack-San”), Luka found out who the dynamic duo were and kept it to himself (“Wishmaker”), we got another “reset button” ep on “What-would-happen-if-the-love-square-happened-and-then-the-villain-f**ks-it-up-again” as the 💯th ep (“Ephemeral”), Adrien quit being Cat Noir again, but got back to his job (“Kuro Neko”), Chloe and Lila allied together (“Penalteam”) and Shadow Moth got a hold of (almost) all the miraculouses thanks to Felix! (Shadow Moths Final Attack:“Risk”/“Strike Back”) Don! Don! Don! What are the heroes gonna do!? What’s Shadow Moths next move!? Is Paris gonna be saved!? Do you like the new ladybug frames!? Let’s see:
*Evolution-We pick up right where we left off from last seasons finale, despite Shadow Moth Monarch (and I don’t mean the villain from Venture Bros.) Don! Don! Don! Obtaining most of the miraculouses and threatening to attack relentlessly unless Ladybug and Cat Noir surrender their miraculouses, all of Paris is still on the dynamic duos side and thanks to them and Cat encouraging her with his love and loyalty, she stands proud to continue her duties.
Gabes new look as Monarch is pretty weird honestly…….he looks kinda like Thanos! Those poor Kwamies now have to suffer through the likes of the madman and submit as he uses them all simultaneously and starts with the rabbit miraculous, a.k.a. The Time-Traveling power! Don! Don! Don! Fortunately, adult Bunnyx arrives to help out the heroes after they witnessed “5 minute later” versions of them chasing Monarch through time.
Starting this season, we’ll be getting a miraculous power themed ep on which one Monarch uses for his schemes, to begin, we have the most powerful (and dangerous) miraculous, right up there with the ladybug and black cat, The Rabbit Miraculous. We’ve seen it’s work done to prevent disasters in the future form the past. Whether it’s defeating a future rapping smart mouth kid all grown up akumatized villain (“Timetagger”) or battling an albino evil version of your partner that turned Earth into a waterpark planet cuz “he-found-out-his-dad-was-his-and-his-ladies-(whom-he-found-out-was-also-his-classmate-and-they-were-happily-dating-until-forced-to-break-up-and-she-found-out-he-was-her-crime-fighting-partner-who was-also-her-crush) arch-enemy-and-was-so-traumatize-he-started-the-apocalypse-and-killed-everyone!”(“Cat Blanc”), the heroes still managed to save the day and press the accursed reset button. It was this drastic situation that called up teen Alix who officially became Bunnyx! (trumpets sounds) And gets to keep it! (trumpets end in a triumphant finish)🎉Congratulations! Alix!🎉 Your father is so proud of you! FYI, he saw this coming.
Season 5, what was originally meant to be the final season of the show, now has expanded to two more seasons (and if what I heard was true, we’ll be getting 12 seasons, so we’re on SpongeBob levels here on this!). Oh God! Hope the staff know the kids watching are growing up and write more serious eps! Monarchs use of the rabbit miraculous had us traveling through previous eps on moments where there was a perfect opportunity to steal the ladybug and black cat miraculous when the heroes were at their weakest! Guess the writers found out we fans pointed out scenes where that would’ve been easier to do (ex. Ladybug restrained by Lady Wifi), but no matter which moment Monarch found to literally steal his victory, the heroes and his own health weakening from wearing too many miraculouses (least Marinette was smart to use the Mouse Miraculous to make clones of herself to hold each miraculous to not fall ill), were holding him back. Another thing that made him lose was his obsession with defeating Ladybug and Cat Noir and not using the Rabbit Miraculous to go back and say-oh idk,-save his wife Emilie from falling into a coma! He and Emilie were so happy together there. Gabe was so young, so sweet, (so sane!). Nathalie calls him out on this decision as it was THE WHOLE F**KING REASON WHY HE WAS DOING THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! And cuz of his stupidity, she quit! Good for you Nat, good for you!👏👏👏How’s this gonna effect the show? Is she gonna tell Adrien!? (shrugs). Also, when time-traveling, Master Fu met up with the future Ladybug and Cat Noir which led him to choose Marinette and Adrien! That’s cool! Wonder if he recognized them from their hair styles? Hmmm. Good News:The Rabbit Miraculous is saved, Bad News:Monarch got away and still has the others, but if I’m correct, we’ll be getting each one from the eps that follow. WAIT! There’s only 19 miraculouses! (old timey printer sounds in the background) Ladybug and Cat Noir still have theirs, Monarch had 2, then gave away one (the peacock to Felix), gained 15 and and now had 16, but he just lost another (the rabbit to Alix), so now he only has 15 again! (old timey printer dings to a *STOP*) That wouldn’t make a full season! Plus, how do we even know Monarch will keep in the shadows!? How’s this gonna work on getting back the rest of the miraculouses!? This I gotta see! What’s coming for this season? The final Agreste family arc, being more dramatic and thrilling, a new character from the future, the first eight eps are “explosive” and we’ll be getting an extra episode! A 27th ep! Whoa! Alright! We’re ready!
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magpiejay1234 · 1 year
Lukanettes are all wondering why Adrien is constantly copying Luka, even in his "evil" au form, but I'm pretty sure ML writing staff are laughing their asses off, and sending each other jpgs of Bryke eating salad posted during LoK's ending for setting these breadcrumbs.
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airi-p4 · 11 months
If you owned miraculous what would you remove and add to the show
Personally i'd remove:
Remove the LS
Because it serves no real purpose to the show
Adrien agreste
He's only there because (If my memory is correct), Astruc said that, Adrien has to be in every single episode so that the the audience won't forget him which just means that he doesn't have any purpose in the show other than just being there.
Zoe Lee
It's so fucking obvious that she's just a cheap replacement of Chloe who just came out of nowhere just to take away Chloe's Life. She's basically a goddess of Mary sues at this point because she:
Already got a miraculous on her second day of Living in Paris.
Literally became friends with everyone on the first day.
She's literally Underdeveloped.
She has a Vague back story.
She literally became Daddy's favourite on the first day.
I wanna list more but u already get the point.
Now here's the things i'm gonna add
Basically all the ships that only involve Luka and Marinette. (u already know all of them)
Imagine If the LS wasn't about Adrien and Mari but Luka and Mari. I mean like:
Marichat X, Ladrien X , Adrienette X , Ladynoir X
Vipernette = 💙, Lukabug =💙, Lukanette= 💙, Viperbug= 💙.
(Don't worry about all the other Luka and Mari Ships like Vipermouse, I'll also make it canon)
2. Giving Chloe a redemption arc.
Chloe is a 14 year old broken girl who deserves to be redeemed, I've seen way worse and Chloe is nowhere near that Level of Evil. I don't know what Astruc means by "ShE dOeSn'T wAnT tO cHaNgE" She does want to change if u let her.
3. Making Julerose ships canon.
I'm too lazy too explain
What would you remove.
Hi anon!
Canon wise: - I think Adrien/Chat had the potential, but the writers wasted it to the point they made me dislike hate his character. (So yes, he's useless in canon- I can't deny that) -I think the LS concept is good, but I don't like how it's been developed in canon. The potential was here, but now it's all cringe to me. Not needed either. - And Zoe? She isn't really needed, true, but I'm kinda neutral about her. -Chloe should be redeemable imo, too - she showed she was willing to become a better person and I think that cutting that character development down was mean specially with what they did with Gabriel and adults in general in the show. Now, canon means nothing to me anymore, so I'm taking these ideas you would add as fanon. -Chloe redemption? YES! It would take time, sure, but I'm sure she would make it. (I like her both as a "villain" and as a "friend"- frienemy?) -Lukanette love square? NGL- I want stories with every side of them. I'm greedy. I can't never get enough of them. I LOVE THEM. Still- I have to admit that I'm a bit wary because of what canon did with their main LS, but I'm sure it can be done better if it's Lukanette (Luka/Viperion would always be respectful to Marinette/Ladybug so that's already a better start). -JuleRose canon? ABSOLUTELY YES!
I'm going to post a notice now, but I'm saying it here as well:
I don't care about canon anymore, so I don't think I want to answer to more canon related asks from now on. (You can still send them, but I'm probably not going to answer them)
Thank you for your understanding.
Have a good day!
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Im 4 episodes into season 4 and Im honestly really enjoying myself so far but I can see that some episodes that Ive heard pretty bad things about are coming up, so Id like to document some of my thoughts now before the Sentiadrien reveal happens and ruins the entire season for me
The fact that Lukanette and Adrigami respectively happened at the end of the season 3 finale only for them to break up within the first two episodes of this season is a really bad writing decision but I am glad that theyre not wasting too much of my time with this nonsense
I liked the Adrienette stuff at end of Mr Pigeon 72 and even the plot within the episode about Marinette projecting onto Kagmi and trying to get her and Adrien back together despite how obnoxious it was and despite my initial disappointment when I realized that this wouldnt be a fun episode about these two girlies going out to eat icecream or something. Idk, i think I just like watching Kagami and Marinette interact lol
I dont mind Alya knowing that Marinette is Ladybug now, Ive seen some people say that this is going to lessen the impact of the Love Square identity reveal when the episode came out and I agree but also I dont care that much about the LS at this point and Im glad that theyre focusing more on friendships instead of having all these girls fight over the same bland guy
The music is all off now, like theres different theme music for the transformations and the opening is done by a different person and Im so used to the music of the first three seasons that watching this sometimes feels like im watching a version of mlb from the Evil Dimension, its so uncanny. I think Im warming up to the transformation themes since they seem to be a lot more personalized and I can appreciate that but oughhhhhh why is the opening like now I hate i hate it i hate it
I can see what theyre going for with Marinettes new suit but Ive seen fan redesigns that do a wayyyyy better job with a similar concept and I dont like it very much. That being said, I think it is better than her previous one by virtue of being atleast a little more interesting visually
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baenyth · 5 months
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Reviews Episodes 3-25 and 3-26: Heart Hunter and Miracle Queen
So, this is it. Goodbye, Chloe.
You ever think about how weird it is that Miraculous season 3 still uses the season 2 opening despite all the new heroes and kwamis introduced? We got to see 6 more Miraculouses here out of the 12 of the Chinese Zodiac.
So that's where pizzaboy Luka came from! Seems to be a delivery boy more than anything.
Yes! Luka! And hopefully Lukanette!
pfffft Gabriel really busted out the "Our get along shirt"
Yes! Kagami and Adrien having friendly interactions with Marinette!
Andre needs to divorce his garbage heap of a wife. Does he know about the affair?
Yes! Kagami and Adrien spending happy time with eachother!
Yes! Silly Kagami and the three having mischevious antics!
Ooh, the ballpit pool as well! The three of them are so cute and fun together. Now all we need is Luka and we'll have the superior love square! One that's actually a square as well!
Kagami might have feelings for Marinette too?! Whoopee!
Marinette with her hair down is peak.
The Evil Egg that Eats Everyone
So the ice cream guy isn't really polyamorous, but just concerned about having too many flavors? I mean, peppermint and orange kinda sounds like toothpaste and orange juice, but searching it up there are people who think otherwise,
Marinette letting Adrien and Kagami be happy together. Yippee!
Master Fu's monologue really went back to normal halfway through, huh?
Steals your girlfriend
And there it is. Honestly it's less of a jape and more of a downward spiral. Chloe wants to help in deakumatizing her parents, Ladybug broke her own rules by bringing back Ryuko when Hawkmoth knows her identity as much as Queen Bee's, and paralysis being a better fit for this fight than Logias. Girl felt abandoned by her crush, and Hawkmoth only manipulated her in person because he couldn't do it with an akuma, as well as it giving her the special treatment she craved.
And the superior ships fall into place.
The bees actually stinging people wasn't in the budget?
Now that's what I call a hive mind!
Oooh, and the moth's back as well!
I'm glad the water voices aren't back. Oh yeah. A lot of stuff's coming back. This really is a season finale!
Love me a good boss rush!
Again with the baldness.
And yet, Ladybug tries to get Chloe back on her side. What an angel.
Pfft she's really putting on everything
And there's Chloe's villain meltdown. Ladybug didn't even tell her she couldn't be Queen Bee anymore. Chloe broke ties with Ladybug on her own.
Why and how are they in love again? One's a karen and the other's a pushover.
mmmm, crumbs of Julerose.
And so we get Lukanette and Adrigami. They should've stuck with these ships and abandoned the love square, but no. Not even for one measly episode.
It's been said a bajillion times before, but it's weird how Miraculous says a grown adult terrorist with too much beef with two 14-year-olds can be redeemed but a 14-year-old with blatant issues is irredeemable and the scum of the earth. Admittedly this wasn't as bad as expected. I know the first two episodes of season 4 are going to make this look like paradise. So much disrespect. I'm probably going to watch the two specials in this season, and move on to rereading that fic I decided I still love and take a long hiatus to review a different Franime series. One I've known for much longer, and feel much fonder about as well.
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verfound · 11 months
MINIFIC: Oct. 23: Day 18: Magic Mirror (MLB, Lukanette, DLM AU)
For @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers October Minific Challenge 2023.
Read on Ao3
To Feel Alive Again: Ch18: Magic Mirror
Marinette had picked up a pamphlet on their way into the gardens, and as they headed towards the café – where the bored teenager at the front desk had told them Truscott could be found – she was eagerly flipping through it, reading up on the current exhibits.
“Oh, they have a fairy tale garden!” she said, looking up to beam at him.  “We have to check it out – it’s called Snow White’s Garden!”
…he had just nodded, smiling at her excitement.  It was too easy to see her black hair as blonde in that moment, the pigtails gone in favor of a pixie cut as she bounced excitedly by his side.  Rose would have gone nuts over a fairytale garden, too.
He had Truscott’s soul popped and sent off to his lights in short enough order, and the rest of the day was spent following Marinette around the balmy conservatory.  They found the fairy tale exhibit soon enough, and Luka couldn’t shake the thought that Rose would have loved Marinette as he watched her race ahead of him.
It didn’t surprise him that Juleka had been so fond of her, either.  In another life, they were all probably thick as thieves.  The Couffaines and their Pink People, he thought with a smile.  God, they’d been such saps…
“Mirror mirror, on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?”
He looked up at Marinette’s voice to find her posing before a large silver mirror ringed in white roses.  She caught his eye in the reflection, her grin turning haughty as she threw her hip out and tilted her chin up.
“What do you think?” she asked, pretending to flip her hair over her shoulder.  Her pigtail bobbed when she hit it.  “Do I make a good Evil Queen?”
“Nah,” he said, chuckling as he walked over.  He smiled down at her as he put a hand on her head, fighting urge to ruffle her hair.  “You’re too sweet to be evil.  Not enough asshole in you.”
She snorted, and he smiled as she fell back against him, giggling.  Her cheeks were pink when she tipped her head back up at him.
“You could fix that,” she teased.  His eyes popped open in surprise, his face feeling suddenly warmer.  He saw the moment she realized what she’d said, and then she was pushing away from him and rushing off to a little cottage that had been built in the corner of the room, rambling about how cute it looked and you can go inside and look, Luka, it’s interactive!
…Rose would definitely have loved her, he thought, swallowing against a too-dry throat.
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nobodyfamousposts · 5 years
Adrien’s Lament Headcanons (The Heroes and Akumas)
Got a bit of love for both Gabriel’s Lament and Adrien’s Lament. Thank you all!
Per request, I’m going to add a few head canons specifically for Adrien’s version of the Wish.
Adrien does still have Plagg and the Ring but Tikki and the Earrings are missing.
Plagg is furious with Adrien. He’ll still transform him and assist him, but yeah...he doesn’t hide that he’s ticked. And makes sure to emphasize just how bad of a decision this was.
After seeing how his Wish affected his friends and Paris as a whole, Adrien is inclined to agree with him.
Adrien’s mother is one of the heroes. The Bee.She is horrified to discover Adrien with a Miraculous. She’s even more horrified when Adrien eventually admits what he had done and why.
Gabriel in this timeline has no memory of the other timeline. He also has no idea that his wife is a hero. She’s managed to hide it from him. This Gabriel is still a jerk, but he’s innocent of the crimes of Hawk Moth in the other timeline. If anything, he’s more overprotective of Adrien in this timeline due to the constant akuma attacks.
Akuma!Multimouse and Akuma!Viperion are partners. Take that as you will.
Akuma!Luka is a main fighter. He never loses a fight and always seems to know what his enemies are planning. (Adrien is the only one to know this is because of his Second Chance ability.)
Akuma!Multimouse seems to stay in a permanent state of small and having numerous copies of herself running around at any given time. Given that she can be in multiple places at once and is often so small and unnoticeable, this makes her a master spy. She’s always reporting information back to the new Butterfly User, and is a main part of the reason why this new Butterfly always seems to be several steps ahead of the heroes.
There is one of the Akuma!Multimouse copies that will always be with Akuma!Viperion. Always.
Adrien is supposed to be the only non-kwami with any memory of the other timeline since he made the wish.
Akuma!Multimouse does not remember the other timeline. But she gets flashes of memory on occasion. And Adrien seems familiar to her somehow.
That’s not a good thing. She doesn’t know why, but she has an intense urge to maim him.
Akuma!Viperion adores his “lady mine” and is only all too happy to try and gift her Adrien’s head if he thinks it’s what she wants.
Lukanette and Akumatized Lukanette abounds.
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