#everyone should watch eating your feed btw... comfort show.
littlekingbergara · 1 year
WAIT! You can’t just put that in the tags! I had no idea that Andrew made sushi for his cat
omg yeah he did!! it was in an episode of eating your feed! it's so cute and fun he and niki are so excited to talk about their cats and make food for them
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Yellow Flicker Beat
Summary: Ithnan had this one thing left to do. And he did it, but the past never stopped haunting him until the end.
Song: Lorde - Yellow Flicker Beat
A/N: Ah, I finally finished writing something for a friend. Feels good btw. I am sorry for the other people I missed out writing something for, but today is @ithnanss birthday and I just really wanted to do something for my friend, who I found through magi and we just kinda clicked! I am so grateful to be able to discuss the REALLY IMPORTANT TOPICS OF THIS FANDOM and also some of the unimportant ones with you. Thanks for writing me on a whim and then staying to talk to me >-< Also thank you for listening to my stupid input and answering the random questions I sometimes have lol. Really glad I have you to rant and cry together, so today I have something for you, which is a lot of things, especially rushed, unprofessional and a bit stupid, but when I asked you for your favorite songs the idea instantly popped into my head. So here I have a Songfic for you, I hope you can enjoy it, even thought it’s kind of based on your desire for more Ithan and my sudden motivation because of the song. Yeah. Happy Birthday, I hope you get to have a lot of cake and presents and that we can have more conversations in the future!
Writing Notes: This is an alternative happening of the night of the Mahrajan, not following the canon happenings at first, trying to capture a bit more of the inner conflict of Ithnan, who sadly didn’t get the attention he should have had. So I changed that, including feels and laughable English. But I think everyone is used to this by now. So please enjoy!
I’m a princess cut from marble, smoother than a storm And the scars that mark my body, they’re silver and gold My blood is a flood of rubies, precious stones It keeps my veins hot, the fires find a home in me I move through town, I’m quiet like a fight And my necklace is of rope, I tie it and untie it
Looking down onto the festivities, Ithnan let out an unappreciative sigh. They were much too happy, much too exited in their little coming together. His pale skin being enlighten for a split second, he brushed some loose strands out of his face, only to put on his checker mask, the moonlight dancing over the golden parts, before being hid away by big, dark clouds. Soon enough there was no natural light coming from the sky anymore and when he pulled up the white mask, he too, wasn’t recognizable anymore. All there was left were the electric tension and the patient growling of the sky, keeping itself low as to not draw all the attention to it right away.
He was way too high up in the sky, but he figured they must have noticed it nevertheless, as the small ant-like people seemingly stored away the stalls and walked away from the festival. They didn’t knew what was coming for them, who was coming for them and yet they were cautious. If they would know the truth like he did, if they had seen it, would they still go to such a length of preparing themselves for the storm? Halting his thoughts he shook his head. There was no time for resentment, he had to concentrate.
Lowering his body down - even the great magician had to move out of the thunder’s way -, he set foot on the ground, hiding away in one of Sindria’s countless side streets, only some tiny little mouses witnessing his presence before scattering into their holes and niches.
The tension rose inside of him, the magoi he stored in his veins and muscles started to build up energy, preparing itself for it’s purpose, and soon enough it would be set free. Soon, but not right now. If it wasn’t for that reason, it would almost have been exciting to use his magic. But everything he enjoyed now came with a price. Even though he had paid for his own will long time ago, it still suffocated him even now. With every step he took and with every blink of his eyes he felt the price lacing itself around his neck, getting tighter and tighter, loosing up for a split second before cutting into his mind again.
People talk to me, but nothing ever hits home People talk to me, and all the voices just burn holes I’m done with it
Her voice in his head as he watched the flocks of humans returning to their homes, in a hectic as to not get wet from the uprising rain, but they were still laughing and joking around. How long had it been since he had laughed. Or joked around with his friends, fought alongside them. When was the last time he had felt alive, Ithnan wondered. Not even Arba’s words reached him anymore. Her believe and her will were nothing, empty words which he didn’t let into his conscience anymore and if he ever did, he just wanted to drown the memories, the promises and the actions, which still haunted him in his dreams, in his thoughts and in his heart.
But the thing right in front of him, well, he had to finish this. And if it was the last thing he did, at least it would stop the never ending war inside of him. Right?
This is the start of how it all ever ends They used to shout my name, now they whisper it I’m speeding up and this is the Red, orange, yellow flicker beat sparking up my heart We’re at the start, the colors disappear I never watch the stars, there’s so much down here So I just try to keep up with them Red, orange, yellow flicker beat sparking up my heart
Smooth, almost gentle, were his steps. They had to be, if he didn’t want to get hurt by his own thunderbolts, crashing down onto the streets of Sindria. The sound of the occasional screams echoing in his ears, as Ithnan moved forward, channeling his body through the masses of running people. There was panic, chaos even. If not for the few dedicated generals, who were directing their citizens to safety, everyone would be lost in thunder and burning wood.
Ironic, Ithnan thought. Quite a few years ago it was he who would try to sort the chaos, rather than causing it. Now there was no one who would make him feel addressed, not even his name feeling like it belonged on the body he owned now. Still their faces made him remember the ones of his friends and comrades. No matter where he went and how much time passed, people would never change.
Picking up speed he clawed his way forward, the movements of his head becoming more and more hectic. By now they must have noticed his strange look, maybe even the magoi rushing out of him as more and more bolts of lightning formed on the dark sky. Ithnan realized how he got caught up in his thoughts again, as he had lost his aim in the bulks of people. He had to find the prince, quick. And especially without getting caught up again in his own misery or by the eyes of his enemies.
After one more shook of thunder, the magician lifted his head. In the distance he thought to have made out the person of desire, right when another dazzling bolt lit up the area, crashing down onto one stand, exploding and setting it aflame in seconds.
For a moment he felt anger boiling up in him, as he realized how he hadn’t calculated the lightness of his actions, literally. No one should have been able to see anything and yet, the tip of the spear was placed perfectly at his throat. Not surprising, Hakuryuu had trained himself quite admirably after all, Ithnan was barely able to take a step back, otherwise that deadliness would have meant his demise. Suddenly neither of them were bothered by the strike of lightning crashing down near them, leaving a shattering sound in their minds and blinding their eyes.
There it was again, that feeling of excitement rushing through his veins. And this time only, he let the smile, coming with it, creep onto his face.
I dream all year, but they’re not the sweet kinds And the shivers move down my shoulder blades in double time
Not even the sound of thunder echoed in his head anymore. It was quiet. Some would have said too quiet, but for Ithnan it was peaceful. His distraction had succeeded, even with the small incident that would have made for a big regret. But the prince was naive and the short moment of blindness was enough time to go and get into contact with him. It was almost too easy, the prince being already like a puppet with his fake limps.
Ithnan thought about himself as the puppeteer, as he floated in the nothingness of the space he head created for his personal use, lifting and sinking his fingers as if they had strings attached. Of course he was pleased, now that his plan succeeded. How could he not be? By now Solomon would have patted his shoulder, telling him how reliable he was.
Opening his eyes, Ithnan looked into the endless pit of darkness around him, fixating no specific point as he condemned himself for this thought. It’s not like he needed this recognition. It’s not like he wanted it either. Just why could he not stop himself from thinking about these things. These persons which no longer were with him. Why did they always come back, haunting him, making him feel lonely all of a sudden and leaving him trembling as they grew more, images and faces – terrible faces, burnt and pained – showing up in front of his inner eye. Suddenly this space was no longer comfortable. The suffocating feeling returned as he began to shake, heat rising and sinking constantly, fear and agony feeding away on him.
And now people talk to me I’m slipping out of reach now People talk to me, and all their faces blur But I got my fingers laced together and I made a little prison And I’m locking up everyone who ever laid a finger on me I’m done with it
Ithnan could barely hear Sinbad. Through the blurry vision he thought he saw the king’s mouth moving, but maybe that was just his imagination too.
Dying was not nice, he thought. Ithnan always believed it would be nice, more peaceful as his life until now. But it was disappointing to find out that it wasn’t. He felt a stinging pain in his back, his feet were barely sensible anymore and maybe it was the darkening magoi inside of him, but something appeared to be eating away his whole existence. It was a terrifying feeling at best. As if it wasn’t enough that he soon had to face another terrible person, no, before that he had to bear with the rest of his pitiful existence and the painful suffering. He knew what was coming for him and he knew it was himself who chose this ending. Hate was the last thing he consciously felt. Hate for all the people who made him into what he was, who manipulated him into doing these things and hate for himself, because if anything, he was the most idiotic of them all.
Coughing, his vocal cords wouldn’t make a sound anymore. As he breathed in for the last time, a certain lightness coming over him, Ithnan could hear himself talking in his head for the last time:
„I forgive you.“
This is the start of how it all ever ends They used to shout my name, now they whisper it I’m speeding up and this is the Red, orange, yellow flicker beat sparking up my heart We’re at the start, the colors disappear I never watch the stars, there’s so much down here So I just try to keep up with them Red, orange, yellow flicker beat sparking up my heart
Where he found himself, there was no pain. There was no sound, no breathing, no feeling and no regret. It was all and it was nothing, the beginning and the end. His light, colorful soul got no judgement and it neither felt sad nor happy. If anything it felt empty, but in a pleasant way.
While there were parts of him shattered on the world, when Sinbad crushed that little doll of his, Ithnan no longer felt anything of them. And it was right this way. For once he was content with things not going his way, suddenly everything he did was so meaningless. Funny, even.
The spirit next to him put a hand on his shoulder, it was saying something. The words were not understandable but Ithnan knew what it wanted. It was time to move on, they couldn’t stay at one place, they had to go with the flow. And then Ithnan opened what would have been his mouth, if not for the uncoordinated shape of his body, telling the other souls about his life on the world. Nothing he did was terrible, nothing was good either. But they listened intently and they asked things, made him tell more, review every detail there was. They told him that they were glad he was finally with them.
And as the sun rose over the ocean, dipping the flow of the rukh in the colors of its rays, letting them shimmer in all the red, orange, yellow tones it sent out, which were caught up in their translucent bodies, Ithnan told them just how glad he was, to be finally with them again.
And this is the red, orange, yellow flicker beat Sparking up my heart And this is the red, orange, yellow flicker beat
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bangtanhug · 7 years
What is this talk about Taehyung being treated... differently? ... if it's true, @bighit WYD? I hope this isn't true. BigHit fam, please take care of them -no one get's left out!! And Taehyung -be YOU MAN! ARMYs will accept you no matter what. Also, can we give Taehyung the most amount of LOVE for his upcoming birthday?! Like let's tweet the hell outta it and let Taehyung know
hmmm…honestly i saw threads about it and read many - many opinions about the issue but…hmm..its not that i dont have my own opinion, its just that i have mixed feelings so i stood on the side line and analyze the unfolded scene right now. However, i will try my best to answer with cold head, without being blinded by the emotions and without skipping the details !
if im not mistaken, you’re referring to THIS twitter post which brought the issue to the spotlight. First i will react to this, if its alright with you…
1. Negative fortune: I won’t lie, I didn’t like how his fortune sounded, how his was the worst one. Tae’s facial expressiond darkened immediately after he got it, he re-read that paper for many times and even Jimin had to step in to comfort his friend ( when he said: these papers are fake)  - i hated that part, that’s the truth; because as a fan i don’t like when any of the members feel the way how tae felt at that moment.  on the other hand,we don’t know if this was made by a real fortune teller ( they are really popular in Korea and their famous ones are highly respected) or a fake one. If this was said by a REAL one, then you know…it might be true  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯? We all believe in different things, some people says some stuffs are true some says it’s just brain control … i don’t have the right to decide this, this depends on the individuals. But let’s assume Tae believes in stuff like this, this was made by a real, good, fortune teller then is it really bad if he knows what he can expect next year and be cautious about his acts? maybe with that he can protect himself? …But what if it’s just a fake, random one?-  then Tae will be the victim of this mind game and just because of this useless pressure, he will fail. I don’t know if I expressed my doubt perfectly, but I’m conflicted to say anything. If I were the staff, after receiving the boys’ fortune and seeing how there is only one bad one which might actually hurt the person, I would ask for a new one from somebody else OR I wouldn’t even hand them out to the members, instead I would look for a different topic or idea which would fill those minutes in the DVD.
2. Shaved Ice: well, this part was freaking confusing?! :O I have no idea why Taehyung was the only one who didn’t get his portion, why he had to wait or what really happened. At first, I thought they played games and he lost so this was his punishment, HOWEVER, on the dvd they didn’t show any parts like this. This eating part basically had no context o.o we just witnessed how the members feed him. A few seconds later Tae was eating watermelon alone so here is my concern about this issue. WAS Taehyung on diet at that time so he asked for a few bites? Or did Tae ordered watermelon instead of shaved ice, but he had to wait longer to get it since the staff had to look for ir or not? Tae ate deliciously, he seemed eager to get those bite from the members ( he swallowed so hard to get Jimin and Seokjin spoon too!)  so then why didn’t he get shaved ice? this shouldn’t be a mystery but this part is 100% odd. For me, it seems he was “accidentally”  left out and it wasn’t Taehyung’s choice since he was hungry and he wanted that damn food. However, we can’t judge openly here either because as I mentioned, we have no content here!!! the boys might play before and they might made an order based on rock-paper-scissord… really, I have no idea what happened here.
3. BT21 character. Until this post, I didn’t hear about this…neither read anything negative about Tata’s profile. I’m lack of knowledge in this topic and because of that I don’t want to make quick assumptions since I don’t have enough information for that. If it’s true then this move was disgusting from bt21′s part and from the company’s part too if they said their okay to that. If it’s not true then this is just another false information which tries to hype up the real issue. If anybody knows more about this, then please tell me!  
Now about how Taehyung was mistreated. I think this topic’s roots is from the pre-debut/ debut days when Taehyung was the hidden 7th member. Still today we have no idea why Taehyung was pushed aside. He couldn’t appear in the boys’ vlog - he had to sit aside, his back was only seen on those pictures which Jimin uploaded to the Internet because he couldn’t be revealed until the press conference. Because bighit never adressed the issue we can only assume things
 - this was maybe a marketing move from Bang pd. Since Tae was always handsome and very charming, the fact that he was hidden just put this mysterious aura around him and made the expectation bigger. 
- if it’s not marketing move then WHY?!?! why did he have to hide? why was he pushed aside? Tae mentioned it before that he was actually hurt and jealous because of this. He said he always watched teh boys from behind, feeling left out and sad for being alone. He watched teh other members vlog and while teh world heard about the others nobody knew him.:( I wish one day we would know the real answer for this….I just feel like this was threw under the blanket …
The alien concept….I think it was partly pushed by the company, even they called him 4D and the members too - but also it was partly pushed by the fans. For a long time Taehyung was quiet about the topic however 2 years ago ( i think it was 2 but it might be 3? i dont remember the accurate year) Tae said that he doesn’t like when people call him 4D/alien. Since he was upset about it we/fans stopped calling him in these names. But you might notice that sometimes it still appears in the DVD captions and now with this Tata character too. Now this is an interesting case, you know why? We all know how Taehyung matured and how special he is - he doesn’t use his left brain that much, instead his right brain functions moer which gaves him skills and make him a little bit “different” from the other members. it’s a good thing, this means he relies on his instincts, artistic side more - for example im sure you witnessed many genius Taehyung moments or saw them in fan videos. Tae isn’t stupid, his view of life is very interesting. While others overthink a problem, he would come up with a solution which about nobody would ever think. This part of him was “mistranslated” by bighit and by the fans in the early days. Even namjoon says cutely how Tae is a dummy who you cant hate just love, but also he is actually a genius. I’m not sure if bighit purposely still attempts this or it’s just a mistake of their behalf. 
I feel like we don’t have enough information to judge since there are many things which are hidden by bighit. We don’t know the whole story, we just see glimpses of it…. but because of that, i think some explanation would be nice. Btw the hashtag was partly ignored because of Jonghyun…it wasn’t the right time to do this and for a few other days it will be still pushed aside by fans becaue everyone is just extremely sensitive right now…. i don’t think we should sleep on this, but i think we have to find a way to hear the answers to our questions. Of course the best method would be if we could ask Tae carefully during fansigns but we don’t have the chance for that now … If anybody hear about this more or if you want to share your opinion, I’m all ears just let’s do it polietly, carefully like always
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fukette · 8 years
Other Things To Boycott Instead Of Netflix's Dear White People.
In this modern-day, digitized province of unsolicited dick pics and Trump sponsored displays of nationally demoralizing idiocy that we call the Internet, it's easy for some things to get lost in the melee. For example, I recently just got around to watching BET's New Edition biopic and gluten-free goddamn. I had always assumed that the group was just famous for giving Black America Bobby Brown, providing me a reason to stand in the wind covered baby oiled-chest to toe in silk pajamas with the shirt unbuttoned while singing Can You Stand The Rain, and providing the soundtrack to your mother's first disappointing sexual experience. But apparently shit was more real than Atlanta housewives when the sangria and cocaine run out when (SPOILER ALERT) Bobby Brown made people want to punch him and everyone went broke.
But, I digress.
Syd The Kid, of The Internet fame, recently released her solo album that is so imbued with a studiously crafted yet well-balanced atmosphere and unabashed charisma that I've relegated listens only to instances in which I need to supplement my confidence. Like, say, the next time I eat $8 pork shoulder enchiladas at Taqueria Del Sol, blow up the toilet stall like ISIS trying to ask Al Qaeda to prom, and then exit said bathroom by calmly walking past the line of waiting people not caring that they're all within the Poop Waft Danger Zone, but with all the chill and self-assuredness of Billy Dee Williams as he steals your girl the moment you step away to grab her a pineapple Bacardi and Coke.
Lastly, I just found out that we'll soon be able to listen to Prince on platforms other than the 'Participation Award' of streaming servoces, Tidal. Does this mean that I'll soon be able to put on all the car seat concerts I want while stuck in gridlock traffic on I-85? Gifting any passerby's that gawk at my pitch-perfect rendition of When Doves Cry with an unblinking, 'no CVS brand lube necessary' eye-fuck? I dunno. Maybe. Catch me on the interstate at around 5:30pm sometime and we'll find out.
Hmm, what else? Oh yeah!
Every motherfucker on the Internet missing a chromosome, but still able to access a 4Chan message board are wildin dafuq out over a 30-second teaser clip of Netflix's Dear White People.
Fuck it, maybe there's more to it than what the visuals, monologue, and every other aspect of the teaser leads me to believe there is. Perhaps I'm simply just not perceptive enough to discern the subtextual rallying cries of White Genocide® present in the clip who's message, I believe, can best be summed up with the statement "White People Who Wear Blackface: What The Fuck,Man!?!" Granted, I am genetically predispositioned to several cognitive impairing disabilities plus I'm the only person I know that genuinely enjoys eating Tapioca pudding so, it goes without saying, that my critical thinking skills are more fucked than the bathroom glory holes at a Young Republicans Retreat. That being said, the furor over a simple show would have you think that minorities are instituting outlandish policies by which White People should have to abide by under threat of White Genocide®. No one in their right mind would advocate legislation that stipulates that White People should have to compete in underground bare-knuckle boxing matches in order to qualify for Google Fiber. No person of color would mandate that White People should be taxed for every documented instance of them saying the words 'non-frap soy decaf' while placing a coffee order. It would be ludicrous to propose that anyone in possession of a playlist that features Father John Misty, The Chainsmokers, and Meghan Trainor be placed on a no-fly list and have their family members surveilled indefinitely. So maybe being quick to label a show that no one has seen and who's message you are clearly misinterpreting as hate speech against whites could be seen as deceitful at best and SO not Raven at worst.
Although, if it's just a matter of periodically feeding the beast with a steady diet of ultimately futile yet amusingly preoccupying outrage then I will indeed bid on that glass menagerie of hand-blown fuckery by providing some outrages of my own. Be sure to let me know know how trend-worthy these are because if none of them garner a significant amount of retweets from the alt-right community then, what, I'm just some reactionary fuckwit anonymously insulting strangers who disagree with me even though my own sensibilities can be best described as 'softer than Moroccan baby shit'?
How dare you even imply such a thing?
Boycott against niggas that feel comfortable commenting on the Instagram photos of women they've never met with some deeply personal shit that only serves to make people uncomfortable as fuck. (i.e. 'Glad you had fun at PCB this weekend:) BTW, your smile is just as beautiful as your mother's. Remember? You posted a pic of her 36 weeks ago. Also, I see in the background that your door is unlocked. Is that like an everyday thing or just a mulligan for today?)
Boycott against people who fail to recognize the superiority inherent in pizzas topped with pineapple and ham. I'm not saying we should base an entire eugenics program on this one trait, but I'm not NOT saying it either. You feel me?
Boycott against whoever thinks it's acceptable to use the enlarged font on their Facebook status to announce anything other than an immediate death in the family, a growing concern that you may have been shot, and a spoiler-free reaction to the newest episode of The Magicians. (It's an amazing show. Fight me.)
Boycott against push-up bras. Despite however narrow-minded and ignorantly misogynistic it sounds, THEY. ARE. LIES. Untruths coupled with ergonomic design. A 67% cotton-based fiction of mammories. Structurally sound falsehoods capable of making a man inattentively rear end the Toyota Camry in front of him thereby making him late for work and therefore obligated to listen to his sentient semen latte of a manager go on about the importance of timeliness. I swear to White Jesus, if I have to sit through just ONE more of those lectures, I'm not exactly sure of what I'll do, but I'm confident in saying that it will be a day annually commemorated both for its horror and the revelation that you indeed can kill someone just by pelting them with two day old cranberry scones.
Boycott against whatever sadist placed the volume button perilously close to the 'share' button on porn sites. I want to quiet my shame, not broadcast it like the goddamn bat signal. What person outside of Charlie Sheen's Barebacked Fuck Palace is jerking it, stops, then thinks to themselves "Wow, I sure would like to share this video of a 3-legged Bosnian GILF and the Verizon Amphitheatre full of men just waiting for their turn to penetrate her with all of my closest friends, family, and casual acquaintances." Do you want to be uninvited from future backyard BBQs and Secret Santa gift exchanges? Because that's how you get uninvited from future backyard BBQs and Secret Santa gift exchanges.
Pokemon GO. The era has since passed. The window has closed and shall forever remain closed. If your family still gathers around the fireplace Sunday evening for pleasant conversation and familial warmth then, with all due respect, fuck you. To be specific, fuck your mother. And, while we're at it, fuck your ain't shit grandmother, fuck Lil' Jessica and her bullshit Crohn's Disease, and DEFINITELY fuck Grandpa Abraham. Who just last week channeled his inner Amos and Andy by calling his waiter at IHOP 'Colored George' even though his waiter's name was actually Jackson and, judging by the fact that Abraham's Rooty Tooty Fresh 'N Fruity Pancakes had some Rooty Tooty colored balls rubbed on it like shea butter, Jackson was none too pleased about it..
Boycott against trial periods for WinZip. How come I'm the only nigga in all of human existence to be stiff-armed for the premium version at the MOMENT I try to unzip the collected Ebooks of Michael Crichton? I told them, this is what will happen when Trump gets into office, but nobody listens to me.
Boycott extra pulp, homestyle orange juice. Because it burns like chlamydia-brand battery acid if you have cavities.
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ongames · 8 years
The Best Instagram Accounts To Follow For Yoga
Maybe you’re already into yoga. Maybe you think it’s not your style.
The truth is that yoga is for everyone ― no matter your size, age or religious preference. Don’t believe us? Scroll through our favorite yoga Instagram accounts. They’ll inspire you to hit the mat and reap the health benefits of the practice, which include reduced stress, increased physical activity and and lower risk of chronic disease.
Check out the list below:
Colleen Saidman Yee, @colleensaidman 
Eka para sirsasana. One foot to head seat. This is a great party trick. But, be careful. You really need to warm up the hips with external rotation such as pigeon and cobblers with forward bends. Practicing poses that really round the spine, like cat and rabbit poses are also good. Try a lunge and work the shoulder underneath the front thigh and maybe contemplate getting your head behind the calf. It's fun. Go slowly and remember our motto @TheYogaShanti... "any amount". #focusfriday
A post shared by C O L L E E N • S A I D M A N (@colleensaidman) on Dec 16, 2016 at 6:44pm PST
Colleen Saidman Yee is an author and international yoga instructor. Designer Donna Karan tapped her and her husband Rodney Yee to help create the Urban Zen’s Integrative Yoga Therapist Program, which brings yoga and eastern healing techniques to hospital patients in the United States.
Valerie Sagun, @biggalyoga
There was a great article my friend @themilitantbaker wrote for @ravishly recently talking about gaining weight. This made me think back to January 2014 when I was practicing yoga the most and felt my most active with biking and practicing. Since then I've definitely gained a lot of the weight back which I'm content with. A lot has happened since then. As Jes had talked about in her article, everything is always consisting changing, one year we can have more time for things, and other years things can take up your time. I know I always get those comments asking why I haven't lost any weight after practicing yoga for the last 5 years. I've never used my practice as a source of weight lose. I personally don't think it should be used for that just because there are so many other elements to practicing yoga. I lost most of my weight back in 2014 because I was biking, which is what I believe was the source of my weight loss, though the reason I biked was because it made me feel free and happy. Losing weight just happened to be a by-product. I've consistently advocated to just do active things just for the enjoyment of it, and not have to obsess about how many pounds you've lost. The more you obsess, the more expectation you put on yourself. That if you didn't do your physical activity something extremely bad will happen to you. Don't worry you'll be fine! You don't need to beat yourself up about it. Those extra pounds are okay! Be content with your body whether you have time for physical activities or life has to happen. We all have complicated lives. When you know you have the drive and time come back to it and be appreciative of yourself. Direct link in description: http://ift.tt/2mjAtoh Also this bikini pic is for @curvesbecomeher after her article for @wearyourvoicemag talking about a photo of herself and friends in bikinis that was taken down. Big and beautiful women rocking bikinis! Bikini outfit by @torridfashion Mat by @liforme
A post shared by Valerie Sagun (@biggalyoga) on Jun 3, 2016 at 12:38pm PDT
Valerie Segun practices yoga, encourages body positivity and shows her 145,000 followers that every body is a “yoga body.” Segun’s Instagram is especially valuable for people who think they can’t get into a challenging posture. She’ll frequently post inversions, such as a shoulder stand, to encourage people with varying body types to try something out of their comfort zone. 
Derrick “DJ” Townsel, @dade2shelby
☝ ️ Spirit making the most of their human experience @dharmayogawheel #RastaYogi #Yoga #OnlyTheAvatar
A post shared by DJ Townsel #RastaYogi (@dade2shelby) on Dec 9, 2016 at 7:40pm PST
DJ Townsel, also known by the hashtag #RastaYogi on social media, is a former NFL athlete who is now a certified personal trainer and a yoga instructor in Florida. Townsel’s mission is to be “an inspiration to thousands who didn’t think a passion for fitness or yoga could be a possibility for them, mainly men and people of color,” according to his blog. 
Rachel Brathen, @yoga_girl
God lives in wild, reckless abandon of structure. Shake things up. Say yes when you normally say no. Break all the rules. Follow your intuition. Travel. Talk to strangers. Laugh out loud. Dance like you don't give a fuck. Yell at the ocean. Hug a tree. Spend all your money. Cry when you feel like it. Be naked more. Eat whatever the hell you want. Quit your job. Start a new one. Speak your mind. Fall in love. Have your heart broken. Fall in love again. Live your life for YOU! You were born a free spirit. Act like it. _______________________________________________________ (found this quote in my notes this morning. feeling just as rebellious today as I did when I first wrote it!) #tbquote #wild #free #love
A post shared by Rachel Brathen (@yoga_girl) on Dec 28, 2016 at 4:46am PST
More than 2 million people follow Rachel Brathen, an international yoga instructor and author who lives in Aruba. Brathen is also founder of OneOEight, a company for web-based yoga classes accessible on your computer, phone or tablet. 
Michael James Wong’s “Boys Of Yoga,” @boysofyoga
We were all born somewhere different, but we are all here together now ✌ #boysofyoga • our BOY @victorchauyoga for @boysofyoga
A post shared by BOYSOFYOGA (@boysofyoga) on Feb 1, 2017 at 3:52am PST
Yoga instructor Michael James Wong created the project Boys of Yoga to get more men into the practice. “Some guys think yoga makes you less of a man,” he wrote of the project on Instagram. “The truth is it makes you a better one.” The Boys of Yoga Instagram feed features photos of men practicing yoga all over the world.
Laura Kasperzak, @laurasykora
We support the @LoveYourMelon organization and the @CUDenverLYMCrew because cancer sucks and we desperately need to find a cure! Love Your Melon is a nationwide organization in over 700 colleges and universities whose mission is to put a hat on every child battling cancer in the US and raise funds to support the fight against childhood cancer. 50% of the net proceeds of each purchase goes to pediatric cancer research and family support. . Pose inspired by @chubbypoptart ❤
A post shared by Laura Kasperzak (@laurasykora) on Feb 8, 2017 at 11:58am PST
More than 1 million people follow Laura Kasperzak for yoga inspiration. She does post solo poses, but often the yoga instructor’s practice is a family affair. Her son, daughter and husband are regulars on her mat and Instagram feed. 
Chelsea Jackson Roberts, @chelsealovesyoga
Still thinking about how you want to begin your New Year? Join me and a room full of beautiful humans tomorrow at @greentreeyogala in Los Angeles There are only a few spots left, so reserve your space today by visiting the link in my bio. • This class is ideal for beginners who are just beginning, returning to, or interested in really getting grounded through accessible movement and breathing exercises. In other words, this is the perfect class for slowing down, grounding, and feeling the breath come alive✨Hope to see you there, #LosAngeles
A post shared by Dr. Chelsea Jackson Roberts (@chelsealovesyoga) on Dec 31, 2016 at 8:46am PST
Chelsea Jackson Roberts is not only a certified yoga instructor devoted to bringing the wellness benefits of the practice to marginalized communities. Roberts founded Yoga, Literature, and Art camp for teen girls at Spelman College in 2013. 
Briohny Smyth and Dice Iida-Klein, @bryceyoga
"Mutual respect is the foundation of genuine harmony" - The Dalia Lama @actionhiro Wearing @aloyoga
A post shared by Briohny & Dice (@bryceyoga) on Jan 25, 2017 at 9:01pm PST
Co-parents Briohny Smyth and Dice Iida-Klein run yoga teacher trainings, classes and yoga workshops in exotic locations around the world. Their Instagram feed is full of posts from these travels. Next up? Koh-Samui, Thailand in July. Take us with you, please? 
Jessamyn Stanley, @mynameisjessamyn
I almost cried during my interview with @selfmagazine when they asked about my experience with self hate- honestly, it's bizarre to me that I'm perceived as such a confident person when I spent such a huge chunk of my life buried under truly toxic body shame. And it's not like those feelings have completely dissipated- just like anyone, I have ups and downs. And I always roll my eyes whenever people draw the conclusion that yoga is the source of my body confidence. I mean, Instagram is littered with proof that an aggressive yoga asana practice can unintentionally sow the seeds of body negativity. But there's no doubt that yoga has made me stronger- but the physical strength isn't really the point, is it? If you want to watch me get choked up and talk about body shame, click the link in my Instagram header! Photo by @nadyawasylko (Btw, I can't remember who made this sports bikini but I EFFING LOVE IT and need it in every color. I only ever want to practice in my underroos and when the #teamSELF crew said "...are you cool with wearing this?" I almost started frothing at the mouth from excitement. THIS IS WHAT FAT GIRLS WANT. )
A post shared by Jessamyn (@mynameisjessamyn) on Sep 21, 2016 at 2:33pm PDT
More than 280,000 people can’t get enough of Jessamyn Stanley’s Instagram. Stanley is a certified yoga instructor based in North Carolina with a fierce body-positive attitude. Her book, Every Body Yoga, will be published in April 2017.
Caley Alyssa, @caleyalyssa
When things get a little crazy in your life where do you turn for peace, for clarity, for wisdom? What grounds you and illuminates your best course of action? _ For me, it's always nature. Mother Nature has a way of calming the storm (whether it's inside me or outside of me) and creating space for me to see clearly. It allows me a buffer zone to feel into the absolute best course of action to take for me. And to realize that sometimes my path might be very different than those around me. _ Now is a time for wisdom. Now is a time for clarity. Now is the time for you to gather your faculties and walk down YOUR path. Stand up for what you believe in the ways that ring true for you. But stand up either way. Take action either way. Do this with love, and compassion. For others and for yourself.
A post shared by Caley Alyssa (@caleyalyssa) on Jan 29, 2017 at 10:13am PST
Caley Alyssa used yoga to transition out of a nine-to-five job in finance into the career of her dreams. She now teaches yoga classes and retreats around the world. Her Instagram feed features yoga poses (and how to modify them), healthy food and travel. 
Now, if you don’t mind us, we’re going to browse these accounts again and then settle into our Savasana.
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
The Best Instagram Accounts To Follow For Yoga published first on http://ift.tt/2lnpciY
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imreviewblog · 8 years
The Best Instagram Accounts To Follow For Yoga
Maybe you’re already into yoga. Maybe you think it’s not your style.
The truth is that yoga is for everyone ― no matter your size, age or religious preference. Don’t believe us? Scroll through our favorite yoga Instagram accounts. They’ll inspire you to hit the mat and reap the health benefits of the practice, which include reduced stress, increased physical activity and and lower risk of chronic disease.
Check out the list below:
Colleen Saidman Yee, @colleensaidman 
Eka para sirsasana. One foot to head seat. This is a great party trick. But, be careful. You really need to warm up the hips with external rotation such as pigeon and cobblers with forward bends. Practicing poses that really round the spine, like cat and rabbit poses are also good. Try a lunge and work the shoulder underneath the front thigh and maybe contemplate getting your head behind the calf. It's fun. Go slowly and remember our motto @TheYogaShanti... "any amount". #focusfriday
A post shared by C O L L E E N • S A I D M A N (@colleensaidman) on Dec 16, 2016 at 6:44pm PST
Colleen Saidman Yee is an author and international yoga instructor. Designer Donna Karan tapped her and her husband Rodney Yee to help create the Urban Zen’s Integrative Yoga Therapist Program, which brings yoga and eastern healing techniques to hospital patients in the United States.
Valerie Sagun, @biggalyoga
There was a great article my friend @themilitantbaker wrote for @ravishly recently talking about gaining weight. This made me think back to January 2014 when I was practicing yoga the most and felt my most active with biking and practicing. Since then I've definitely gained a lot of the weight back which I'm content with. A lot has happened since then. As Jes had talked about in her article, everything is always consisting changing, one year we can have more time for things, and other years things can take up your time. I know I always get those comments asking why I haven't lost any weight after practicing yoga for the last 5 years. I've never used my practice as a source of weight lose. I personally don't think it should be used for that just because there are so many other elements to practicing yoga. I lost most of my weight back in 2014 because I was biking, which is what I believe was the source of my weight loss, though the reason I biked was because it made me feel free and happy. Losing weight just happened to be a by-product. I've consistently advocated to just do active things just for the enjoyment of it, and not have to obsess about how many pounds you've lost. The more you obsess, the more expectation you put on yourself. That if you didn't do your physical activity something extremely bad will happen to you. Don't worry you'll be fine! You don't need to beat yourself up about it. Those extra pounds are okay! Be content with your body whether you have time for physical activities or life has to happen. We all have complicated lives. When you know you have the drive and time come back to it and be appreciative of yourself. Direct link in description: http://bit.ly/2lDtx1k Also this bikini pic is for @curvesbecomeher after her article for @wearyourvoicemag talking about a photo of herself and friends in bikinis that was taken down. Big and beautiful women rocking bikinis! Bikini outfit by @torridfashion Mat by @liforme
A post shared by Valerie Sagun (@biggalyoga) on Jun 3, 2016 at 12:38pm PDT
Valerie Segun practices yoga, encourages body positivity and shows her 145,000 followers that every body is a “yoga body.” Segun’s Instagram is especially valuable for people who think they can’t get into a challenging posture. She’ll frequently post inversions, such as a shoulder stand, to encourage people with varying body types to try something out of their comfort zone. 
Derrick “DJ” Townsel, @dade2shelby
☝ ️ Spirit making the most of their human experience @dharmayogawheel #RastaYogi #Yoga #OnlyTheAvatar
A post shared by DJ Townsel #RastaYogi (@dade2shelby) on Dec 9, 2016 at 7:40pm PST
DJ Townsel, also known by the hashtag #RastaYogi on social media, is a former NFL athlete who is now a certified personal trainer and a yoga instructor in Florida. Townsel’s mission is to be “an inspiration to thousands who didn’t think a passion for fitness or yoga could be a possibility for them, mainly men and people of color,” according to his blog. 
Rachel Brathen, @yoga_girl
God lives in wild, reckless abandon of structure. Shake things up. Say yes when you normally say no. Break all the rules. Follow your intuition. Travel. Talk to strangers. Laugh out loud. Dance like you don't give a fuck. Yell at the ocean. Hug a tree. Spend all your money. Cry when you feel like it. Be naked more. Eat whatever the hell you want. Quit your job. Start a new one. Speak your mind. Fall in love. Have your heart broken. Fall in love again. Live your life for YOU! You were born a free spirit. Act like it. _______________________________________________________ (found this quote in my notes this morning. feeling just as rebellious today as I did when I first wrote it!) #tbquote #wild #free #love
A post shared by Rachel Brathen (@yoga_girl) on Dec 28, 2016 at 4:46am PST
More than 2 million people follow Rachel Brathen, an international yoga instructor and author who lives in Aruba. Brathen is also founder of OneOEight, a company for web-based yoga classes accessible on your computer, phone or tablet. 
Michael James Wong’s “Boys Of Yoga,” @boysofyoga
We were all born somewhere different, but we are all here together now ✌ #boysofyoga • our BOY @victorchauyoga for @boysofyoga
A post shared by BOYSOFYOGA (@boysofyoga) on Feb 1, 2017 at 3:52am PST
Yoga instructor Michael James Wong created the project Boys of Yoga to get more men into the practice. “Some guys think yoga makes you less of a man,” he wrote of the project on Instagram. “The truth is it makes you a better one.” The Boys of Yoga Instagram feed features photos of men practicing yoga all over the world.
Laura Kasperzak, @laurasykora
We support the @LoveYourMelon organization and the @CUDenverLYMCrew because cancer sucks and we desperately need to find a cure! Love Your Melon is a nationwide organization in over 700 colleges and universities whose mission is to put a hat on every child battling cancer in the US and raise funds to support the fight against childhood cancer. 50% of the net proceeds of each purchase goes to pediatric cancer research and family support. . Pose inspired by @chubbypoptart ❤
A post shared by Laura Kasperzak (@laurasykora) on Feb 8, 2017 at 11:58am PST
More than 1 million people follow Laura Kasperzak for yoga inspiration. She does post solo poses, but often the yoga instructor’s practice is a family affair. Her son, daughter and husband are regulars on her mat and Instagram feed. 
Chelsea Jackson Roberts, @chelsealovesyoga
Still thinking about how you want to begin your New Year? Join me and a room full of beautiful humans tomorrow at @greentreeyogala in Los Angeles There are only a few spots left, so reserve your space today by visiting the link in my bio. • This class is ideal for beginners who are just beginning, returning to, or interested in really getting grounded through accessible movement and breathing exercises. In other words, this is the perfect class for slowing down, grounding, and feeling the breath come alive✨Hope to see you there, #LosAngeles
A post shared by Dr. Chelsea Jackson Roberts (@chelsealovesyoga) on Dec 31, 2016 at 8:46am PST
Chelsea Jackson Roberts is not only a certified yoga instructor devoted to bringing the wellness benefits of the practice to marginalized communities. Roberts founded Yoga, Literature, and Art camp for teen girls at Spelman College in 2013. 
Briohny Smyth and Dice Iida-Klein, @bryceyoga
"Mutual respect is the foundation of genuine harmony" - The Dalia Lama @actionhiro Wearing @aloyoga
A post shared by Briohny & Dice (@bryceyoga) on Jan 25, 2017 at 9:01pm PST
Co-parents Briohny Smyth and Dice Iida-Klein run yoga teacher trainings, classes and yoga workshops in exotic locations around the world. Their Instagram feed is full of posts from these travels. Next up? Koh-Samui, Thailand in July. Take us with you, please? 
Jessamyn Stanley, @mynameisjessamyn
I almost cried during my interview with @selfmagazine when they asked about my experience with self hate- honestly, it's bizarre to me that I'm perceived as such a confident person when I spent such a huge chunk of my life buried under truly toxic body shame. And it's not like those feelings have completely dissipated- just like anyone, I have ups and downs. And I always roll my eyes whenever people draw the conclusion that yoga is the source of my body confidence. I mean, Instagram is littered with proof that an aggressive yoga asana practice can unintentionally sow the seeds of body negativity. But there's no doubt that yoga has made me stronger- but the physical strength isn't really the point, is it? If you want to watch me get choked up and talk about body shame, click the link in my Instagram header! Photo by @nadyawasylko (Btw, I can't remember who made this sports bikini but I EFFING LOVE IT and need it in every color. I only ever want to practice in my underroos and when the #teamSELF crew said "...are you cool with wearing this?" I almost started frothing at the mouth from excitement. THIS IS WHAT FAT GIRLS WANT. )
A post shared by Jessamyn (@mynameisjessamyn) on Sep 21, 2016 at 2:33pm PDT
More than 280,000 people can’t get enough of Jessamyn Stanley’s Instagram. Stanley is a certified yoga instructor based in North Carolina with a fierce body-positive attitude. Her book, Every Body Yoga, will be published in April 2017.
Caley Alyssa, @caleyalyssa
When things get a little crazy in your life where do you turn for peace, for clarity, for wisdom? What grounds you and illuminates your best course of action? _ For me, it's always nature. Mother Nature has a way of calming the storm (whether it's inside me or outside of me) and creating space for me to see clearly. It allows me a buffer zone to feel into the absolute best course of action to take for me. And to realize that sometimes my path might be very different than those around me. _ Now is a time for wisdom. Now is a time for clarity. Now is the time for you to gather your faculties and walk down YOUR path. Stand up for what you believe in the ways that ring true for you. But stand up either way. Take action either way. Do this with love, and compassion. For others and for yourself.
A post shared by Caley Alyssa (@caleyalyssa) on Jan 29, 2017 at 10:13am PST
Caley Alyssa used yoga to transition out of a nine-to-five job in finance into the career of her dreams. She now teaches yoga classes and retreats around the world. Her Instagram feed features yoga poses (and how to modify them), healthy food and travel. 
Now, if you don’t mind us, we’re going to browse these accounts again and then settle into our Savasana.
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
from Healthy Living - The Huffington Post http://huff.to/2lDFiVp
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renegadesepiida · 8 years
From February 3 until February 11 another King of the Hammers race week made Johnson Valley an enormous cloud of dust. I’d heard about the craziness of this event since I arrived in the Southern California desert five months ago. That was the time of innocence, thinking there was no possible way our country would take the turn that it has, and out here I was definitely in the minority.
While I don’t want to get too wrapped up in politics, it does have an influence on the world we live in and of course how people see each other. It is a shame, which is why I prefer to keep traveling, to experience every culture, and to understand it with respect. I looked at this event as a perfect way to do just that, understand and respect why these people feel this way.
The first thing I should do is to explain what King of the Hammers is. How my boss explained it to me and just so everyone knows these are the words coming out of a government park institution leader whose family all grew up in this area (so don’t hate me if you’re offended by the next sentence). “It’s a shit-ton of drunk rednecks who come out here with all their heavy machinery to tear up the desert.” Honestly, after hearing that I was way more terrified of participating than I was at the actual event. I expected super rowdy drunk off their ass spectators and racers on motorcycles, quads, and every other tricked out ATVs (all-terrain vehicles) you could possibly think of. There were plenty of tricked out vehicles, which were soooooo awesome to watch. I originally thought the vast majority of people were extremely kind and were just there for fun. In fact, there weren’t people just from that area, but all over the country and even the world. It was truly an international event with people driving from Canada, flying from England, Australia, and even China (along with many others).
I couldn’t believe some of these rigs, they cost upwards of hundreds of thousands of dollars, crazy. I could never save up money for that, it’s the racers business, and if this event is anything to go by, business was good.
For my part, I was working with Art, the Mojave Desert Park Ranger (the only one), to educate the public on the native flora and fauna out in the desert and show them that they should protect it. A lot of the education was geared towards kids, but the teens and adults also got involved with questions and wanting to hold the animals Art brought. All the animals were rescues, or in the case of the baby desert tortoise, born and raised in captivity.
In the case of the desert tortoise, which is an endangered species, we told the people that, should they want a pet tortoise, to adopt one from a shelter. When they are taken out of the wild and interact with humans they develop a respiratory condition that can cause them to die around 15, the female breeding age, and will be passed to their offspring. Therefore, none of them can ever be returned to the wild. And this is especially sad because they can normally live for over a hundred years, and could be passed down through human generations. But they might be picked up, exposed and after a few years the people who took them get tired of looking after them and leave them back out in the desert where, soon enough, they die.
BTW: It’s actually illegal to take them, even really to interact with tortoises at all (except if they are on a road, then you can pick them up, keeping them low to the ground, and move them off in the direct they were originally going.) Also if you see any broken shells DO NOT COLLECT, scientists need to be able to see that that area is a tortoise habitat, otherwise people may try to build on it, displacing many more animals.
PSA… Anyways…
We also passed out maps of much of the land for free, don’t want anyone to get lost, and then it would also help them know where and where not to ride their ATVs. Everyone was extremely grateful for all of this information, and they were happy that the BLM (Bureau of Land Management – who I work for along with ACE – American Conservation Experience) was out getting involved with the public. A government branch that actually cares about the environment and the people – crazy!
Almost everyone who came by our booth really opened up to us: telling us where they are from, what they like to do for fun, and how they feel about the entire environment we were currently in. It’s interesting to see how people will act when you get them talking.
Along with the tortoise we also had a dead, stuffed raven, to explain how they eat the baby tortoises (first pecking through the soft underbelly of the shell, and then one they develop harder shells pick them up, bring them to telephone wires and then drop the tortoises on the rocks to break them – smart animals). Other than the tortoise, the living animals were as follows:
A false widow – looks like a black widow but not venomous and very common.
A desert hairy scorpion – also big (ladies are larger and almost white – glow in the dark with a black light, males are smaller and darker) and a little venomous, but not dangerous unless you’re allergic, like bees. And also very common here, shake out your shoes and jackets, really anything you left on the ground while camping.
A chuckwalla – lizard who thrives in 90+ temperature, with loose skin flaps on its sides so when it runs between rocks it can blow itself up like a balloon to keep predators from yanking it out and the detachable tail.
A California king snake – black and white (sometimes brown or red too, depending on the region) snake who eats all the other animals (including rattlesnakes) so the top predator that is nice to people and keeps us all safe and happy.
The desert may seem empty, but it’s sooooo not.
I spent most of the time with a baby northern alligator lizard, that Art saved to feed to his king snake, who loved my body heat and crawled up my sleeves and hung out under my shirt collar for hours on end. I named it Geoffery Carlile, and didn’t change it when I found out it was female; the name was too good. So now I have a pet/buddy.
We did have a couple less than sober people come by, especially because the vast majority of adult (young to old) were carrying around cans of beer in cozies. But with thousands of people passing over the week there was only one man (probably in his late 50’s or 60’s) who passed celebrating Trump’s idea of shutting down the BLM, and all the ideas he had for tearing down all the governmental structures. What that man probably didn’t know is that, without the BLM Johnson Valley would be taken over by the military and, thus, they could never access it, which would mean no more off-roading. So, YOU’RE WELCOME.
Also btw, that is not me being ok with how much of the land and habitats the off-roaders are messing up with all this crazy behavior. Just trying to appeal to what they care about.
Because standing/sitting in a booth all day is boring as shit, there were times when I would take a walk to the bathroom and take a longer way back, passing the other stalls and the stages. Almost none of the vendors were selling their products because, as I later learned, the man who puts this on every year charges through the nose for placement, and makes the vendor give him a percentage of whatever they sell. By the end, he’s basically pocketing around a million dollars a year.
But, to the casual fan, this stuff doesn’t have too much of an effect. The booths instead have people sign up through email, which gives them an opportunity to win a $500 credit with their company, spin a wheel, and get free little prizes (like hats, cozies, stickers, etc.). While $500 might sound like a decent amount, most of the products cost over a thousand dollars, so good if you are in the market for stuff like what they sell, but worthless if not.
On Thursday, the day before the final 200-mile car race, one of the fire station volunteers (who also volunteers for the BLM) offered to help me escape the monotony of the booth for a while. I took him up on the offer, we climbed into his jeep and showed me two of the coolest parts of the racetrack: chocolate thunder and the waterfall.
Since I am more comfortable in heels, rather than flat shoes (completely serious) I wore my high heeled boots every day, this made it more impressive (?) to onlookers when I jumped out of the jeep at chocolate thunder and walked through the steep sand hill and over the rocks one handed. The lizard was hanging out in my sleeve still and I didn’t want her shaken up too much. When we arrived we could see that one of the customized jeeps had flipped and the crew was trying to set it right so they could finish the race. The canyon was very steep and rocky and we watched long enough for me to take several pictures and videos of the jeep being righted and passed a couple times.
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The second location was “the waterfall” which had a straight three feet rock that both cars and motorbikes had to navigate both up and down, depending on the race direction. I only got to see the cars going down, but that was pretty awesome. Took some pictures and more videos (btw they have cameras along the track and in helicopters overhead so they can film and live stream the entire race) and my favorite was when one car drove through it like it was nothing, almost on the tail of another car and then after getting through the rocky bit slammed on the gas speeding up on the sand. Vroom Vroom motherfucker
            Watching the whole race filled me with adrenaline; I just wanted to jump on a bike or into a car and speed over all obstacles. Wouldn’t even think twice, as long as the owner wouldn’t care if I messed up the vehicle… no fear. Didn’t get to, though.
Overall, the experience was generally enjoyable and I’m glad I got to talk to groups of people that I would normally clash with. And, as it is Valentine’s Day I wish love and understanding to all people of the world, wouldn’t that be great?
  Happy Valentine’s Day and be safe on all your adventures.
Long Live the Hammer King From February 3 until February 11 another King of the Hammers race week made Johnson Valley…
0 notes