#everyone she actually talks to smile at least once........she's....So Much rip
multi-fandoms-posts · 13 days
The Explosive Mission part 1
part 2, last part
X Men Masterlist
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It’s a cold, overcast day as Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Y/N, Logan, and Wade Wilson embark on a joint mission. Somewhere deep in enemy territory, they are tasked with securing a dangerous prototype before it falls into the wrong hands. While the atmosphere is tense, Y/N’s inappropriate humor only heightens the tension, not just from the mission, but also within the team dynamics.
They move through a dense forest. Wade, as usual in his red suit, talks nonstop. Charles and Erik follow behind Y/N, and it couldn’t be better. Y/N smiles mischievously.
“You know, Charles,” Y/N begins as they carefully navigate through the underbrush, “I find it kind of unfair that you can read minds all the time. It feels like you’re just tapping into our hot thoughts.”
Erik turns slightly and raises an eyebrow, while Charles tries to remain serious. “I would never intrude into your thoughts without permission, Y/N. You know that.”
“Oh, but wouldn’t you?” Y/N replies, leaning a bit closer to Charles. “Maybe you want to know what I’m thinking about you. Or about Erik…” Y/N winks, and an amused smile plays on Charles' lips.
Erik stops, turns to Y/N, and looks at her. “Be careful, Y/N,” he says in a deep but playful voice. “I might try to stop your words. With some… metal.”
Y/N laughs and taps Erik on the chest. “Oh, Erik, you know I’m into your tricks. Do you really want to find out?”
Wade suddenly stops in the middle of a monologue about his favorite pancakes and stares at the three of them. “Wow, wow, wow! So, I knew you three had something going on, but this is better than any soap opera! Can I watch?”
“Wade,” Logan growls from the front without turning around. “Shut up.”
“Oh, come on, Logan! It’s a real love story. You, me, and this constant tension between us. Everyone notices! You want me. You know it.”
Logan stops, clenches his fists, and turns to Wade. “One more word, Wilson, and I’ll rip your head off.”
“Oh, don’t talk dirty to me, you know I’m into that,” Wade replies with a cheeky grin.
Y/N suppresses a laugh as she leans back and enjoys the spectacle. “Logan, I have to say, he’s kind of right. The tension between you two is almost tangible. Maybe you should sort it out after the mission.”
Logan growls as Wade steps in front of him. “Oh, yeah, big guy, let it out. You and me, a cage, no rules…”
“I’ll kill you, Wade,” Logan grumbles and turns back to continue walking.
“Yeah, they all say that,” Wade mutters before speaking into an invisible microphone to Y/N: “Wade Wilson, cheeky and irresistible. At least to Wolverine.”
Charles gives Y/N a gentle but warning look. “You really should stop stoking the fire.”
Y/N shrugs and grins. “It’s just too much fun. Besides, Charles, you know I love getting under your skin. Your patience fascinates me every time.”
Erik grins widely as he looks at Charles. “Maybe it’s time for him to show you that his patience has limits.”
Y/N pretends to think deeply. “Hmm, that would be interesting. But honestly, Erik, you’re the one who loses control the most.” She trails her finger over his metal belt buckle, looking innocently.
Erik raises an eyebrow and tilts his head slightly. “Are you sure you want to find out?”
Charles, usually the peacemaker, shakes his head slightly but can’t hide his smile. “Let’s finish the mission before we deal with personal matters.”
Wade, still focused on Logan, hops along beside him. “Personal matters? Charles, I have so many questions. How does it even work between you? Is there a plan, or more... free love? I mean, I once had a thing with an alien. No rules, just fun!”
Logan gives a deep growl. “Wade, if you don’t shut up soon, I’m going to slam you into the next tree.”
“Logan, my heart, that sounds like a date!”
Y/N can’t hold back any longer and laughs out loud. “Wade, you really drive him up the wall. I wonder how long it will take before he actually slams you into a tree.”
Erik shakes his head, but a slight smile plays on his lips. “Probably not long.”
“Enough,” Charles suddenly declares, his voice firm but still calm. “We’re almost at our destination, and we should focus.”
“Focus is really important,” Y/N agrees, moving closer to Charles. “But Charles, you know I’m really bad at it. Maybe you should help me focus…” She gives him a seductive smile.
Charles sighs quietly, his smile thin but his eyes sparkling with amusement. “I think we’ll save that for later.”
“Oh, definitely later,” Y/N says with a wink at Erik. “Maybe we can work on my… concentration together.”
Wade raises his hand. “I’m in. Concentration training! Logan, what do you say?”
“I’ll kill you, Wade,” Logan growls once more.
And so the team continues on their path, with Y/N continuing to stir up trouble and Wade doing his best to throw Logan off balance.
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marvelslittlewhore · 9 months
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SUMMARY | You and Rafe have more in common than you both thought.
-requested by anon
PAIRING | rafe cameron x adopted!teen!reader
WARNINGS | drug consumption, yelling, arguing, hurt/comfort, soft!Rafe, fluff at the end
You have been living with the Camerons for a few weeks now, still getting used to yet another family who grantly took you in. You're related to them, but not by blood. Your so-called mother met your stepfather when you were just a toddler, both quickly bonded over the fact that they're drug addicts.
You were only 6 when you got ripped out of your home and thrown into the system, going to family after family, everyone claiming you were too much to handle.
Now you were a teen and the system surprised you one day when they told you they found some of your relatives.
"They live in the Outer Banks. Ward and Rose Cameron already await you with open arms." The social worker told you with a smile while you only sighed, slumping in your seat before her desk. Great, another family who are 'oh so happy' to get to know you.
Now here you were, sitting in your room at Tannyhill and it was just how you expected. Ward did seem like a nice guy all until the papers were signed and the social worker left. He showed you your room and since then you were just air to him. A charity case to show off at events or the country club, to let everyone know what a good guy he is and how generous for finally getting you out of the system.
You hated it. After all these years of being thrown back and forth from family to family, you were now stuck here, adopted by someone who doesn't even acknowledge your presence when entering a room.
At least his kids, or your new siblings you suppose, talked with you and showed you around the Outer Banks.
Wheezie is funny and very smart. You both had a movie night once every week or sometimes you would go shopping with her, loving to just listen to her rambling or gossiping about school, sometimes she even asked you for advice.
Sarah took you several times to the Chateau where you got to know the pogues, they're a chaotic group of friends but it's nice feeling included in something.
And then there was Rafe. You don't really talk much, just the usual small talk when you would go to the kitchen to get water or when he passed your room, peaking inside to ask if you want to join him by the pool.
One evening you got home late, stumbling through the door, high as a kite, and didn't notice Ward standing there with his arms crossed until you kicked your shoes off jumping in surprise when you turned to face him, placing a hand on your chest.
"Where were you?" he asked, his tone laced with anger.
"Out." you simply shrugged, about to walk up the stairs when Ward turned you around, grabbing your chin in one hand and examining your face.
He scoffed with a smile, letting you go harshly, making you stumble a little before he snapped at you. "You're grounded!"
"You heard me. For the next two weeks you won't leave the house except for school," he said crossing his arms.
"But I bet I still have to go to that stupid midsummer event, right? Have to keep up your reputation?" you laughed mockingly.
"What are you on about?"
"As if you don't know! I'm nothing but a charity case to you, a trophy you can show around and live on your act as the generous Ward Cameron, so no one knows what an actual asshole you are!" you screamed in his face, pointing a finger at him.
"You better watch who you're talking to you brat!" he shouted back.
"You're pathetic. Doing everything for another dollar in your pocket as if you don't have enough already!" you waved your arm in the air.
"Alright, you just earned yourself a month of being grounded! There are rules and as long you're under my roof and care you're going to follow them. Unless you want to end up like your mother, pregnant and as an addict."
"Fuck you!" You flipped him off, stomping up the stairs and to your room, slamming the door shut before throwing yourself on your bed burying your face in a pillow.
You never wanted to be here in the first place. You screamed into your pillow in frustration before the tears started to fall, sobbing quietly.
When you heard someone knocking on your door you ignored it at first, groaning when the knocking continued and shouted. "Leave me alone!"
It didn't stop and you sighed, wiping your face before going to answer the door. "I said leave- oh, it's you."
Rafe stood before you, hands in his pockets and lips pressed in a thin line. "Hey, I- uhh, heard what happened downstairs." he coughed awkwardly. "I just wanted to see if you're okay."
"Perfectly fine." you said with a sarcastic smile, about to close the door again.
"You want some company?" he asked, rubbing the back of his neck.
You were about to turn it down but decided against it, nodding your head you stepped to the side, a silent invitation for him to enter.
You walked back over to your bed, sitting on the edge of it, and patted the place next to you. He sat down next to you, rubbing his hands over his knees.
"So, what happened?"
"I thought you heard it?" you raised an eyebrow with a small smile on your face.
"Yeah, okay, you got me." he chuckled. "You know, Dad gets angry fast, you shouldn't take it seriously."
"Don't worry, he's nothing but a clown to me." you both laughed.
There was silence for a moment before you sighed, looking down at your hands, fidgeting with them.
"I just feel so out of place, not only here. I feel like this everywhere. I know it sounds stupid...but...I just want to feel loved and appreciated. There wasn't a single family where I felt at home." You told him, tears already forming in your eyes again. "I know I can be a lot to handle, at least, that's what I've been told my whole life..."
The tears you tried to hold back started to flow down your cheeks. Rafe straightened, slightly panicking at seeing you cry. He reaches behind you, soothingly rubbing your back.
"Shh, it's okay. C'mere." he pulls you more into his side.
He continued to hold you while you soaked his shirt in your tears, but he couldn't care less right now.
"It'll be okay, and hey, don't you know how much Wheezie and Sarah love you?" he asked and you pulled back to look at him, wiping your tears away, sniffling.
He wanted you to know that there are people who love and care for you, himself being one of them. He related to you more than you'll ever know. Being the oldest he tried to be a role model for his sisters, failing miserably, but he still did so much to get his father's attention, receiving nothing in return, not even a pat on the back.
"Really?" you asked, eyes big and filled with hope.
He nodded. "Really, trust me. You're not out of place, you just need time and that's totally valid after all you've been through." he noticed the confusion on your face since you never really talked with anyone about your past. "I've done some research," he admitted and you nodded.
"Thank you, Rafe." You smiled, still sniffling a little.
"Don't mention it, kid." he smiled, reaching a hand up to ruffle your hair. "Now, how about we go and watch a movie? Wheezie had been nagging my ear off about some new horror movie."
"Sounds perfect. I'm grounded anyways, so I don't have any plans." You shrugged making him laugh again.
For everything:
@lokigirlszendaya @buckymydarlingangel @superlegend216
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sensei-venus · 2 years
Wait omg your Anthony x reader was pure gold. I live for getting caught scenes. But the part with Hawk 🤣
Could you write something with Hawk x Chubby reader where they are dating and he catches Anthony checking out her out?
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(Unedited) ( Possibly part 2? Idk if it fits a part 2 or not)
The pool was packed for it not being summer yet. The whole dojo finally decided to come together once again and go to the pool. No karate war going on meant actually getting to have fun at the pool for once. Everyone loved the idea of going to the pool on the weekend to hang out and have some good old fun on a hot cali day.
Hawk picked up his girlfriend in his car and they headed towards the pool.
Reader couldn’t help but giggle as she pulled her bag into her lap in the passenger side seat. Her face was beaming with a smile on her lips. Hawk raised a brow as he watched the road infront of them.
“I am so excited! I bought a new bathing suit just for today. When I found out we got invited to go to the pool I couldn’t help but get a brand new one. I haven’t bought a new one since last summer.”
Hawk hummed at her words, he was happy to see her so excited about a simple outing to the pool.
“ Should I ask about this new bathing suit or should I just wait and be surprised?”
“Well I would hope your surprised about it! But I think you have already seen it. It was something I tried on at the mall a couple weeks back, when you, me and Miguel where hanging out? We meet him in the food court for lunch.”
Honestly, Hawk didn’t remember that trip to much. He mostly just remembered meeting Miguel for lunch. He bought them all ice cream at the small place in the food court.
Also the fact that right after him and Reader left, they fucked in the back of the car in the mall parking lot. It was super clear in his head because he had actually ripped her panties and he promised to buy her a new set the next time they went to the mall again. It was a fun time.
“I’m just going to wait and see, I get to see you all wet this time.”
Reader huffed and punched him in the shoulder making him grin and scoff.
When they finally made it to the pool Hawk parked his car and the two teens got out. He hugged Reader close as they walked up to the entrance where they met Miguel,Sam,Moon and Demetri who where hanging around out front. All of the still had their normal clothes on. Once Moon and Sam got a look at the two they practically ripped Reader away from Hawk. Reader waved to her boyfriend before she was pulled in by the two girls and dragged to the changing rooms and bathroom’s. Sam spoke up first talking about how excited she was to finally get to go swimming again. Moon talked about how her mom gifted her a new bathing suit, a skimpy bikini set that matched her eyes. At least that’s what her mom said.
Going into one of the stalls Reader changed into her new bikini set.
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Reader slowly opened her stall door and came out. Sam and Moon where already done getting into their swim suits and stood outside her stall. They both gasped at her, for a minute Reader wanted to hide thinking maybe her bikini didn’t actually look as cute as she though. Her hand and arms tried to cover her self before the other two girls where borderline jumpy on her. Her eyes widened as Moon squealed.
“Omg your outfit is so cute! Did you get it at the mall??? I want to get one too.”
“Reader you look so cute in that bikini. It suites you perfectly.”
Readers cheeks felt hot as she uncovered her self again. She nodded and they talked for a moment about her bikini.
The three girls headed back out and into the main part of the pool area. They quickly spotted some of the boys. Robby and Demetri where already in the water with Tory throwing a ball around and swimming. Miguel and Hawk sat on the sidelines, most likely trying to protect their seats. The park was pretty busy now. Hawk pulled his shades down as the girls came into the picture. His eyes scanning over Reader as she moved though the small crowed of people and into his view. He watched as her thighs and belly jiggled with every step and the way her breasts moved up and down. The fact that her tits where still in the top was amazing to him.
She looked fucking hot.
As she got closer she smiled and waved at the two boys. Miguel gave a small wave as he pointed to a few empty seats beside them. All three girls finally got over to the boys and sat down. Reader made a beeline to the seat next to Hawk, he smirked as she sat down, his eyes following the swell of her ass as she sat down next to him. She dropped her bag between the two chairs and sighed. Hawk leaned over and gave her a small kiss and she gladly accepted. The two pulled apart and Hawk put his sunglasses back up.
Reader looked around for a minute before reaching for her bag and unzipping it. Her hands searched around for a good minute or two before she realized what she forgot. She felt bad for asking.
“Babe can you go check your car for me? I think I left my sunscreen in the car. I don’t want any of us burning under this sun. Especially you, one sun burn and your out of commission hun.” Hawk fake grunted and mumbled about going to grab it from the car for her. She gave a small “thank you Hawk~” as he left in search of the forgotten sunscreen. With him gone she turned over and looked to her friends to talk to while he was gone.
A thick mop of black hair moved though the crowed and caught her eye.
“Is it bad that I forgot Anthony was coming? Poor guy I completely forgot about him.”
“I’m his sister and sometimes I forget him too, don’t feel to bad.”
The younger boy stud by the pool for a few minutes as they talked. Reader looked over at him a few times to make sure he was ok, he seemed to be staring at something over by them. She shrugged it off and kept talking to her friends. She didn’t think about it again until she looked over and in a split second saw Anthony being shoved into the pool by some random kid. Reader couldn’t help but get up and run over to pool to see if he was alright. He hit the water hard and splashed right into the deep end. Reader quickly grabbed the boy from the water and help him haul himself up and out of the water. He coughed and spit up a bit of water as he gasped for air.
“Oh my god Anthony are you ok?! Did you hit your head when you fell in? Come on let’s get you dried off.”
She pulled the teen to his feet and lead him over to where she was sitting originally. Sam looked over and rolled her eyes before going back to sunbathing.
Anthony sat down on the pool chair, completely drenched in water. He basically looked like a wet cat. His eyes where a bit glazed over and his breath a little messed up from all the water he just inhaled. But his eyes where still working.
That’s how he got a eye full of Readers ass that was basically out for show as she searched around in her bag for a extra towel. He couldn’t stop himself from watching as she jiggled with each movement. Bent over right in front of him. He gulped as she turned around with a fresh clean towel in her hands.
“Good thing I pack extra. Let’s get you dry. Let’s hope you didn’t get to much water in your ears, nasty ear infection that would be.” She smiled as she throw the dry towel on his head and started drying his hair and face.
Then his eyes where planted on her huge tits that where right in his face. Every time she shook his head she was jiggling them right into his face. If he moved even a inch he would be right in between them. His face planted right into her pillowy cleavage. She could basically smother him. His eyes where wide as he watched them move.
That was until she stopped and big hands slammed down on his shoulder making him jump a little in the chair.
Man hands.
“Don’t worry Princess I got him. I’ll help him dry off and keep a eye on him. Don’t want him walking around with a concussion or anything. Here’s that sunscreen, found it on the floor bored. Maybe you should go see if Sam needs some while I take care of Anthony here.” He slapped his hands down hard on Anthony’s shoulders twice. Reader smiled and nodded before walking over to Sam and offering her some of the sunscreen.
“I’m feeling nice today kid, stop looking at my girlfriends tits and ass or I’ll break your scrawny little knees worse then I broke Demetri’s arm. Clearly we have some things in common and I might just be willing to give you some tips on how to score.”
Anthony looked up at Hawk and nodded.
“ I uhh could do that. What’s your advice?”
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transsongtaewon · 3 months
[Read on Ao3]
Nausea crawls up the back of Yerim's throat. Her hands are sweaty, even though she just wiped them off on her shorts. This is horrible.
Maybe she shouldn't go through with this. But then again, putting it off also didn't exactly make her feel relaxed and carefree. She'll just have to rip the band-aid off. Except pulling off band-aids that sucks and she'd much rather not have a band-aid to get rid off in the first place.
Tragically, life did not work out that way. But she can do this. She is smart and strong and confident and lovable. The people in her life really love her, and this isn't going to change that. Hopefully. Probably. Maybe she should stop just thinking about it.
It will be fine. No other option.
She swallows, and it doesn't make her feel better at all.
She felt pretty good about this at school earlier, when her friends cheered her on, but now, she is standing in front of the door, the door behind which Yoojin is waiting, Yoojin who doesn't know yet. But he will soon because Yerim already waited way too long, and the longer she takes, the worse it will be.
All her self-imposed deadlines have long since passed. It's time to be brave.
She enters her home. Hopefully it will stay home once this is over.
Yoojin is sitting at the dinner table, looking through paperwork and absently throwing a ball for Peace. He looks up and smiles in greeting when he notices Yerim.
"Did you have fun at school today?"
"Uh..." Why must her hands sweat like this? "Sure. Um, ahjussi, there's something I'd like to talk to you about."
Yoojin clearly picks up on her nerves, fully focusing on her now. He quickly scans her from top to bottom, looking slightly relieved when he doesn't spot any injuries.
"Of course Yerim, any time. Did something happen?"
Yoojin pulls out a chair for her, Yerim decides to sit across from him. He doesn't look happy about it, but Yerim feels better with a bit of distance between them.
"Nothing happened. It's more of a general fact. That I may have neglected to mention. Possibly."
Somehow, this is not getting any easier. She had a script! What happened to the script?!
Yoojin slowly nods. "I'm sure whatever it is, we can take care of it."
"Well, I mean, I'm not sure it's that kind of thing? Not that there's not stuff to take care of, but, uh." She stares down at her hands in mounting horror. "Can I start over?"
"Take all the time you need." Yoojin reaches out to her but aborts the movement, clearly trying to respect the space she created between them. Yerim kind of wishes he didn't.
"So the thing is, I don't know exactly how much you know about, um, gender stuff and such, but I guess, in short, there are some people who are born one thing but feel another, or when they're born, everyone thinks they should be one, but actually, that was never true at all, or maybe they're more than one thing, or, uh, I guess it's a bit complicated, but, like, it's called trans and that's what I am. Trans. And a girl, if that wasn't clear."
She could have phrased that better, but at least, it's out now.
Yerim looks down again, her hair falling into her face. Her short hair. She really likes how it looks, sporty and light and still feminine, not that that's a requirement! Yerim knows it isn't! But maybe, Yoojin doesn't. Maybe he'll look at her short hair and think that if she was really a girl, she would have insisted on keeping it long, the way it was when they met. God, this is horrible.
She takes a peek at Yoojin. He does not look like anything earth-shattering just happened, not at all like Yerim feels.
"Me too."
Me too???
"In the other direction of course, but still. I understand, Yerim." He reaches out again, this time not deterred by the table between them, and ruffles her hair. "I'm glad you felt safe telling me. Thank you."
"You're not mad I didn't tell you? Even when I moved in?"
"Ah, of course not." Now he looks a bit pensive. "Clearly I also forgot to mention that about myself. Sorry."
"It's fine. I think." Her heart is beating very fast. Her body does not seem to have received the notification that the crisis is over.
"So." Uh-oh. "Are you on any medication? Anything we can help you with?"
"Hm. So. I used to be on puberty blockers."
"Used to?"
Yerim definitely can't say, 'Yeah, I used to give this guy I met in the alleyway behind my uncle's restaurant cash and hoped he wouldn't randomly switch out the pills.' That would likely not go over very well.
"They're not available there anymore. So not right now?"
Yoojin looks at her. Yerim starts sweating again. Please don't ask for details. He is still looking.
"Okay. Do you want help to book a doctor's appointment? Maybe get on HRT? You don't have to, of course. I just thought I'd offer."
"I, yeah. Yeah, that'd be good."
Yerim stares at Yoojin, no doubt looking a mess. She may be about to cry. "Can I get a hug?"
"Oh, Yerim, of course!" Yoojin comes around the table, pulling her into his arms. "Do you want to go to the couch? Maybe that's more comfortable."
Yerim just nods, and together, they move into the living room. She buries her face in Yoojin's shoulder, hoping to protect her dignity at least a little when she really does start to cry. Yoojin pets her hair while Peace nudges her foot with his nose, possibly annoyed that Yerim stole his play time.
"Thank you for being okay with this, I was really scared."
"I can imagine, stuff like this is never easy. But I promise there is nothing you could do that would make me not like you anymore."
Yerim is really crying now. "Don't say sappy stuff like that, ahjussi. It's embarrassing!"
"But it's the truth! What sort of person would I be if something like this would make me look at you any different? I wouldn't be worth much as a caretaker."
Yerim sniffles. "My uncle certainly wasn't very thrilled when I told him."
"Your uncle is a scumbag not worth the air he breathes, and if you say the word, he will disappear under mysterious circumstances."
Peace growls in agreement.
Yerim giggles through her tears and (very lightly!) punches Yoojin's shoulder. "Don't say that, you're supposed to model good morals for me."
"I think that's really secondary to providing you with a good environment."
"I'll tell Officer Song you said that."
Yoojin shrugs. "If you must."
They sit in silence for a bit. "May I ask you something, Yerim?"
"You don't have to answer, of course, but your parents...?"
"Oh. I never told them." The tears are coming back. "I was really young when they died, and I didn't, like, know yet."
Yoojin nods. "I never told mine either. I mean, I'm sure it's very different for you, but I suppose it's just something that happens sometimes."
Yerim twists a lose thread of her school uniform around a finger. "Maybe it's for the best I never had to find out if they would have been okay with it. So I only get to have good memories of them, I guess."
Yoojin tightens their hug. "I'm sure if they were around, they would be so proud of their daughter. I have absolutely no doubt about that."
"Thanks, ahjussi." It comes out a bit muffled, what with the tears and snot and still having her face pressed against Yoojin's shoulder. "Can I get a tissue?"
"Oh no, I really should have thought of that! I don't have any here, but I'll get one from the kitchen really quick. And a glass of water. And maybe a snack? I think this calls for a snack." Yoojin disentangles them carefully. "Peace, watch over our Yerimie and make sure she’s okay, okay?"
Yerim can't help but giggle while Yoojin busies away collecting his post-coming-out care package.
Seems like it all went fine in the end.
Written for Sctir Pride Week Day 3: Celebration/Coming Out
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maleyanderecafe · 2 years
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Tentador Leches (Visual Novel)
Created by: Karmic Punishment
Genre: Horror/Romance
If you've ever played Don't Toy with Me, this is the same creator! They're actually working on another game with a stalker in it, which I will have to look into in the future. In this game, we don't play as the yandere's lover, but rather as someone who is investigating the rumors of the milk man. It can be stupid at times, but also rather disturbing depending on which endings you choose. Personally, I find it very enjoyable to play, since it's fun trying to unravel the mystery of what Koolie is hiding. If you want to know more, check them out at @karmicpunishmentgames for more info.
The story starts out with the MC signing up for the milk man delivery in town. They talk about how the people there would often talk about rumors about him- such as how strange his hair color was, or why his attitude is so cheery, but what seems to be the thing people talk Koolie's wife, and how they never see her. There are four endings: Spoiled Milk, Peach Milk, Milk and Cookies and Rotten Milk.
Spoiled Milk is pretty simple: talk to Koolie about general things, and is the easiest to get. We learn some basic stuff about him like how he enjoys being the milk man, how much he likes his wife and some ideas he has about how milk deliveries can be. We do mention that the town has started to spread rumors about Koolie and that he is sleeping around with other people (something he denies very heavily, as he loves his wife) as well as that his hair went white a long time ago. We also learn that he and his wife ran away together and gave each other different names, with his Koolie and her's Venus and that the reason why we never see his wife is because she's always sick. However, at the end, Koolie will continuously avoid the MC and essentially never talk to them after the first encounter. This can be achieved in a lot of different ways, but is likely the easiest ending to get.
Peach Milk is pretty funny in that the MC will start to flirt with Koolie, who doesn't really seem to know what is going on. Jazz music plays and the MC goes about doing some dirty jokes and flirting to see if the rumors about him sleeping around are true. Koolie seems to let all of this flirting go over his head, and as he's loyal to his wife, the MC will eventually have to give up on it, to which that he will wish that the MC will find someone as special to him as he feels towards his wife.
Cookies and Milk probably is the cutest ending, in that he will mention about how he wants to give cookies to the people in town to make them smile. The route plays similarly to Spoiled Milk except at the end, the MC will be greeted by Koolie in the morning holding some Cookies along with the milk that they came to deliver.
Rotten Milk is the route that reveals the most information about Koolie but is also the most disturbing one. For this, the player must constantly press about information of Koolie's wife. When he talks about how he named his wife after Venus (like the god) and she named him after Koolie (like the dog), the MC will mention that Koolie doesn't have a good wife, or at least seems rude to him, as she criticizes his looks a lot. Koolie will deny this, stating how much he is lucky to be with her, as she used to be the one who everyone would be dazzled by while he is simply just a "shrimpy looking guy". He once again mentions that she's very sick and that he has to go take care of her before attempting to leave. The straw that breaks the camel's back is when the MC asks if she's dead, to which Koolie will suddenly rip out his hair. Koolie will defend his position, stating just how much he loves her and how heartless the MC is for thinking that. After his slight breakdown, he reverts back to normal and leaves for his deliveries. However, at night, the MC hears the door ring. Upon answering their door, they see Koolie with a special "milk" delivery. He hands us milk with pieces of his hair and blood mixed into it, pressuring us to drink it as it would help us understand him and so there would be "a part of him inside of us". Not wanting to deal with Koolie, the MC reluctantly drinks it before Koolie heads off for the rest of his deliveries.
Koolie is an interesting case because technically we don't know what the true situation with his wife is- whether he has one, if she's alive or not or if it was a delusion in his head. It is very heavily implied that she is dead considering his reactions to when the MC points this out, but when or how she died is still a mystery. From how the interaction goes, it does seem that Koolie was obsessed with his wife before they married, and the insults might have been something that he internalized when Koolie kidnapped her and possibly made her immobile. It's also possible that Koolie never actually did get married at all, with the girl he liked running away, insulting his hair and looks, possibly calling him Koolie as some sort of insult as well, which is something that plays into the delusions that he is indeed married to someone. If for some strange reason Koolie's wife isn't dead, then she could be kidnapped and forced to stay at home, possibly again, somehow immobile, thus leading to the weird relationship where we never see the wife and why she would insult him. Once again though, just based on the game itself, it's hard to see exactly what happened with the wife. However, I still would consider Koolie a yandere considering how devoted he is to her (as we can never really date him), how much it seems his wife affects his life and his general response to when we do ask if his wife is dead. I really do like Koolie's general personality though- he's pretty cheerful, with a kind of wry humor about him, while still being enduring. I kept on laughing at the flirting ending with him because it's honestly so over the top that I couldn't take it seriously. The spoiled milk ending is pretty nerve wracking as well, I honestly thought Koolie would kill the MC for exposing that his wife was dead, but the ending we got instead was far more disturbing. To be honest, I'm not really sure why he chose this method, either because it's some sort of scare tactic or he was generally trying to disturb us, but it did work, and thinking about it makes me feel uncomfortable.
Besides that, I really do like the game itself, it's rather charming in its own way, and it makes me more curious about Koolie himself. It has a good balance of humor and horror, which is something that I can always appreciate. I think the idea of having a milk man yandere is very cool (though surprisingly not the first game I've played a game with a milk man) as well as unique. It's not surprising considering this creator makes rather unique and memorable games. I would recommend playing it for the fun premise and characters.
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moongeonight · 8 months
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Sweet Revenge
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Summary: Eren is being arrogant because he beat Jean in a test fighting, his friends want revenge
A/N: This turned out to be longer than I expected 😶, this is a tickle fanfic!
The 104th training corps had just finished some physical fighting tests among themselves to practice their skills in the field, This time it was Eren's turn to fight Jean and by sheer luck he managed to knock him down, which meant that now Eren was rubbing it in his face.
"Haha, suck it Jean! You just got your ass beat by me!" They were heading back to the cabin and clearly Eren wasn't going to stop anytime soon.
"I know you’re jealous of my strength, I could do this all day!!" Now he was seriously irritating everyone...
"you know, I think he’s getting a little arrogant about it.." Sasha whispers to Connie while they were looking at everything.
Jean's now sitting up and glaring at Eren "you little bastard-"
Eren was just sitting there with his chest out while smiling proudly.
"Jean, don’t tell me you can’t handle that I beat you? I’m just the better one at fighting!"
"shut up! You’re just lucky! And I’ll have you know, I’ve beaten you in many fights!"
"yeah, right. Like that time-"
Eren smirked a little and laughed a bit Knowing that he was touching his nerves.
"What, did that wound your poor pride? I’m sorry, I didn’t know it was that bad!"
they were clearly about to rip each other's heads off until Mikasa intervened.
"Eren, stop it, you're irritating everyone here" she said with a firm tone which appeased Eren a little.
Eren was still a little annoyed because of Jean, he was looking at him and started grunting like an angry ape, he then finally calmed down once he saw Mikasa with her commanding tone.
"Okay fine, I’ll chill out, But he just doesn’t know when to take it, does he!?" He said as he leave the room.
"I still could beat him any day tho" eren said muttering out loud before finally leaving.
Mikasa sighed after seeing Eren leave, she knew he and Jean had a big rivalry that probably wouldn’t resolve itself anytime soon.
"AGH! He's so...!" Jean was too frustrated for words to come out of his mouth.
Sasha notices this walks over to him to try to calm him down. "If it makes you feel any better, I also find him this time extremely annoying..."
Connie nod his head. "yeah, he’s a jerk."
Jean starts trying to calm his breathing and clears his throat.
"Yeah. I’m sure one day it will all come down to the two of us in a fight, and I’ll have to beat some sense into him!"
"Actually... As much as I hate to agree with you, this time Eren was too arrogant, I say we have to get revenge" connie said as he put his hands together and start to laugh evilly.
Connie’s words cause a large smirk to spread across Jean’s face as he laughs a little. "Heh, maybe you’re right!"
Sasha looked at the two confused. "uh guys...?"
"oh come on Sasha I know you also want to teach that idiot a lesson" Connie said trying to convince her.
"I... fine! If we don’t then he’s going to be an ass, all day and I won’t be able to resist the temptation"
Connie starts to smile more "that’s what I’m talking about!"
"Okay, that’s true enough, he needs to be taught a lesson, but what do we do to get back at him..?"
"we have to kick his ass!" Jean said clearly without thinking about it too much.
"Definitely not, the instructor shadis would kill us... Instead... I have another idea" as he said this his smile widened into a mischievous one.
next day
it was already morning, and eren was heading to the dining room to eat along with the rest of the 104th or at least that's what he wanted when...
"Surprise!" Connie and Sasha quickly appeared behind him, holding him by both arms so he couldn't escape.
Eren was taken by surprise, he looked at Connie and Sasha behind him.
"W-w-what the hell are you two doing!?" he was trying to escape from their grasp, and was starting to get a little annoyed.
"well, as you know, yesterday you were being a jerk and really rubbing it in everyone’s face that you beat jean in training" Connie said.
Sasha cut him off mid sentence. "So, we decided that you need to learn a lesson for being such a asshole."
Then Jean finally appeared who seemed to be ready for whatever they were planning, it didn't help that the entire squad was watching them with curiosity...
Eren was now starting to get worried about his situation, He was now sweating slightly, he felt like he was going to get his ass kicked.
"So… you’re going to beat me up right..?" Eren said as he tried pulling out of the grasp of Sasha and Connie.
"oh no no of course not... It will be something... Much more humiliating for you"
Jean said with a shit-eating smile when without warning he buried his hands in Eren's ribs, tickling him, going straight for everything.
"Ah...! hahaha!! Stop-hahaha!! Whahahat the hehehell?!"
Eren tried desperately to get away from Jean and the others, he was completely failing his attempts to fight back, He was in a desperate state of trying to get away and the others were thoroughly enjoying the scene.
Reiner and Berthold looked at them in disbelief and confusion, the girls was laughing at them, Mikasa wanted to intervene but Armin was stopping her peacefully.
"What's wrong you idiot, you don't have anything brave to say anymore huh?!"
"SHUT UP! you- damn- hahahaha!" Eren was in a state of humiliation and anger at the same time, he hit and kicked everything he could.
"w-wow! he is really stubborn" Connie said while trying to keep him under control along with Sasha.
"Juhuhust wait for me to free mysehehelf from this I'm going to- NO! STOP THAT!"
Jean had gone from attacking his ribs to attacking his armpits mercilessly. "Come on! We want to hear that stupid laugh of yours!"
"For someone who curses so much you are turning very red! Sasha pointed out when she saw his cheeks and ears we're turning red.
"I... I'm not-hahahaha- turning-hahahah- red!
Eren was so embarrassed that everyone was seeing his humiliation, but he was still too proud to ask anyone in particular for help in this situation.
"So what's up here huh?! "Are you ticklish here?!" Jean said as he brought his fingers closer to the lower part of his ribs to tickle him there.
"Ah! We want to help!" Sasha said and while she and Connie continued holding Eren with their free hands they joined forces to pinch his sides.
Eren lost it.
"NOHOHO STOP STOP STOHOHOP! HAHAHA! F-FINE! I'M SORRY!" Eren was laughing so hard that he had a hard time breathing.
"Leave him alone, he can't breathe"
a voice behind them was heard, it was Mikasa who could no longer be convinced by Armin to not intervene.
Sasha and Connie immediately let go of Eren causing him to fall to the ground as they ran away from the scene leaving Jean alone with an angry Mikasa and a gasping Eren.
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valleyfthdolls · 1 month
More Gal rewrite content 🙏🙏🙏
I am a man crawling through the desert to find the oasis of the Gals /silly
I'm gonna do a bullet list for this as I tend to
I love the idea of instead of the girls being shallow bullies, they're the equivalent of that girl gang in 80s who were bullied by boys and formed a gang to protect themselves and other girls from bullying. They definitely come off much less antagonistic and outright mean than the 202X mode delinquents, because they're easier to befriend, don't berate and mock everyone who comes near them, and don't belittle you for trying to befriend them on the assumption that you're doing it because you're being bullied.
I like to imagine the girls as queer. Specifically I think that Hana is a lesbian and Kokoro is a trans woman at least, based on their color schemes. As for the others, I see them as being bi or pansexual and probably polyamorous. I think it's funny to imagine that their whole little side quest or whatever about getting Gema their affection is them deciding he's cool enough to join the polycule /hj
As for why my versions of the gals don't get along with Hosho (Horuda), I honestly think it's the simple fact that they think she's creepy, and she resents them for that because that's been the defense of the people who's bullied her all her life: "she's just creepy." Of course, she's not actually interested in being shows what their friend, she just thinks it sucks that they think she's creepy too.
I think my tidbit about my Hoshiko ripping out a bully's hair shows what kind of a person she is. I imagine that she was probably being bullied for her weight and appearance (since my redesign does have Hoshiko as plus sized) and she just snapped and started tearing into the girl, slapping the shit out of her, and just yanked an entire chunk of hair out. She struggles to not take things too far, and her responses to things are often disproportionately intense. She takes pride in this because it gets people off her back, but she knows that it's not a good thing.
Since it's planned that in the future, you should be able to join Musume's friend group, I wonder what the gals would think abt Ayano as a member of the group. Lemme cook for a sec
Kashiko would be wary of her because she's creepy, but since I imagine Kashiko is a frequent client of Info-chan to keep track of what people are saying and doing around school, Ayano could convince Info-chan to help her gain Kash's trust. After that, I think Kashiko would probably cheer her on a lot. She'd take it as a challenge to try to get Ayano to laugh, smile, etc.
Hoshiko would Get Ayano's struggles. Complain to her sometimes abt how stupid she finds it that they have to pretend to be a totally different person and whatever so other people don't think they're evil, but then people ALSO think they're evil FOR pretending, and Ayano has her face buried in her hands going "oh my god yeah. dude you get it it's HELL"
I think Kokoro would recognize the way Ayano mirrors their behaviors as her own behavior and want to help her fit in. Initially, she'd be intimidated, but once she noticed that, she'd be like ohh, I understand what's happening here and start helping Ayano, like telling her abt the basics of gyaru makeup and fashion, doing her nails, giving her tips, etc.
Hana would appreciate Ayano's ability to mask I think. She'd encourage her to loosen up in private, though. They'd talk shit in private together I think, but both of them are publicly very calm.
Musume would love Ayano, or at least the idea of her, because she feels like she's really sticking it to her dad by both making another "perfectly good girl" into a member of her little gang and befriending the Aishis' kid. She'd be kind of the overbearing type who Ayano doesn't actually need to say anything around. I think she doesn't realize that she likes the idea of Ayano more than Ayano herself, though, because Ayano is such a masker that she is always others' idea of her.
I can imagine Musume just absolutely flooding her Line account with videos and selfies of her and Ayano going out to get sodas and bubble tea and snacks to meet up with the girlfriends and having her arm around Ayano's shoulder the whole time, right up next to her in every photo and doing little kissy faces and peace signs at the camera.
Because of Ayano's social chameleon traits, I think she'd fit in fine and the girls would probably be equally flirty with her as they are with each other, ask her opinions on things and people, etc, but it would also be so funny if she was like that one meme that's like "apparently the reason I've felt so outcast in my friend group is that they're all in a polyamorous relationship and didn't tell me????"
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ah-schwoopsie · 1 month
Cinderella's Castle part 4!
Bryce's dress is so pretty! The costume designers and makers did such a fantastic job!! Bless you Rebecca Carr 💕
'You're beaten.'
Crumb lunging at Curt-Guard.
I get that Curt is the fight choreographer but he did such a great job fighting Sir Hop-A-Lot! The big steps into the puppet. Beautiful.
Crumb: Yeah, what's he want?
Jeff's British accent. 'thats a fucking demon!'
Crumb knows all the loopholes. Just to get belly rubs.
The beautiful craftsmanship of these puppets!! When Crumb leaps at Stepmother and she fights him off. Even though Joey has let go, his legs still swing realistically, his ears bob and oh my his tail!! Angela is able to subtly but effectively get her hands under his arm and move it just a little bit. Oh my!! Also the fantastic joy of getting to see Joey step back and look at Bryce with his hands on his face. And him praying whilst Crumb dies. Oh I've missed Starkids puppets! I will forever have Joey's grin as February kisses Bug playing in my head (Starship).
The Prince being a foot guy. Tadius Lord-Give-Me-Strength hand gesture as he goes to ready the wanking couch.
The Narrators 'yeah-nah, nah yeah?' immediately after.
We need more of triumphant and ego driven Ella.
Putrice's 'yum, yum!' oh no, where have we heard that before?
Okay as stepmother cuts off Ella's leg. Think back to the opening scene (not the Narrator, the butchers). Stepmother says she'll have to cut off Ella's legs and if the butcher has a bone saw, does he not? Her referring back to the pigs as she cuts off her legs.
Angela's voice during Watch.
Ragweed yeah me too. I also can't wait to see the close up of this scene so I can see the details on Ragweed and Joey's puppeteering of him. His hand work looks so good. So much personality in those hand movements.
Kim's character continuing to rub her burned foot and also hobble out on it. Ah I love it.
Tadius panicking so hard when the shoe fits Putrice. It has dawned on him that he wouldn't actually take one of those Ashmore girls over the Prince.
I do love a good villains reprise of all their songs.
Stepmother and Rancilda on the stairs during the wedding is such a mood. The crowd getting a small fright when Lauren screams and gets up.
They changed so quickly into their puppets!!
The leds behind Putrice and the Prince as she rips off his head go red. Ah the details.
Putrice asking 'are you proud of me now mum?' and stepmothers next word being 'yes!' and Putrice opens her mouth in a smile. Then stepmother continues, meaning either she ignored or didn't listen to Putrice. As Putrice realises this she looks down in defeat or shame. Sooo good. The castle in the corner turns red as Stepmother talks of slaughter. As does the text saying 'The Castle'
As Ella appears on the stairs, bathed in green light, it cuts back to the stage and the same mote of light shown in the plane of the At End of Time, lights up in green also.
Bryce's HAIR!!!
You're beaten!
Once again, Rancilda didn't deserve to die! I get that Ella wouldn't have become Queen if she was alive but still she's good! At least she was able to escape her mother, for a bit, before she died.
Angela's puppetry as stepmother dies! She growls and opens the jaw more to one side and I just yeeesss. I also can't imagine getting up with the puppet on her back is easy.
Get it Tadius. He knew exactly what he was doing when he killed the King.
Ella's being slightly taken aback when Tadius swings his hips in Trappings of Starlight.
Crumb dancing with everyone else on the ground.
Lord Hop-A-Lot deserves it all. Same as Sir Crumb.
Omg James cradling Lord Hop-A-Lot's head as Jon detaches him from his shoes ! I ship Random Towns person with Lord Hop-A-Lot!
It is in character but everyone coming over to Bryce right as the Narrator starts Castle on the Hill (Reprise)! As Bryce takes off the crown Joey puts a hand on her back so kindly and they hug :')
They practically all give some sort of physical 'holy shit you did so good!' to each other. Curt has his hands together and motions at Lauren as she approaches, then turns to do the same to Joey as he reaches out to him. Mariah and Angela hug in the other side of the stage. Before that Kim and Mariah do finger guns at each other as James, Jon and Angela huddle in the back.
Lauren certainly knows exactly when her cue is because she literally just gets there in time. There is no pause between her getting in place and her first move. That's how good she is!!!
Mary Kate Wiles as an understudy! I would've loved to see her in this. So if anyone has any behind the scenes footage of her acting in this please share!!!
I can't tell who that is to the very left when the camera pans over he (?) stays quite close to the curtains. I'm sure he just likely had to go run off to do another cue.
Aaahhh this musical is so good!!!
Thank you Starkid 💕
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maryonmega · 3 months
Twin Stars - Chapter 7
One step foward (how many backwards?)
(Thank you to my dear beloved friend, who helped me decide what direction to take)
You won't tell them, but you have a slight pride that Stardust actually started talking. It's not like you could expect a large leap, you know that very well. No one to talk about slow progress. Still the "you or my eye" talk happening in the first month caught you by surprise. The whole "so much and so little at the same time" thing again.
You won't say that either, but you're yet to be used to new days even after the time you've been out, so you can't trust that you won't have an episode if you go into that area. All you do is smile and nod. 
You do show your amusement when you hear about the party ripping Stardust a new one for how they acted back in Dormont, after their bedrest time was over. They slap your arm, and that just makes you laught. 
By the time you two are done and you go back to the room you'll share with the Housemaiden, enough time has passed for her to have unpacked and be imersed in one of the doorstoppers she nicknamed books.
You make sure the door makes noise when you close it. It gets her attention, but you don't think it scared her. 
"Oh, you're back! How was your chat with Siffrin?"
"A lot." You don't try to hide how tired you feel. Even being weird can work in your favor if you're misleading enough. Your chats under the Favor Tree made that clear "And not just my thing to tell."
"Oh, of course!" Too mean? You don't even know for sure if she would ask the Stranger about it. 
You nod and grab one of your bottles. It's half empty, you'll likely finish it tonight. 
"I hope you don't feel like we're trying to force ourselves on you."
You stop when the cap makes "pop".
"Excuse me?"
She's nervous, you would have to lose your other eye to not see it, but doesn't drop it. 
"I know things started fast. We didn't give you much space, and the reason it even happened is because you're related to a friend of ours." Just dropping the unspoken part, aren't we? "A-and, I can't say for everyone, but, I don't want you to just be "Siffrin's sibling" in your circle. I... I want to know you for you, Sisyphus."
You look at her clasped hands. 
You know they're calloused. You felt them in your face, once. Would it feel different now that your skin is fresher?
You're not dealing with that sober. 
You smile at her. You do your best for it to be believable. 
"Thank you, Housemaiden. I... appreciate it."
You mean it, but you still swing. 
You don't empt it. Stupid blinding idiot drinking on an empty stomach. You need her help to make it to where you'll eat.
Congratulations, great early impressions. You're lucky Nille isn't here to see and give a flat no.
"Gems alive, how young is that woman? Twenty? And Boniface doesn't remenber their parents. How young did she run away?"
Third day with the new party, closer to figuring out how you like your eggs best (today's poched and you're surprised it took this long to find a walk in inn that offers those), filled to the brim with water and juice to not suffer again, and the Researcher gives you a commentary instead of the usual "how was your sleep?" greeting. 
"Good morning to you too, madame."
"Good morning. You're up early, Sisyphus."
"Define early, given we're not the only ones."
"The only ones not getting ready to leave or go to the sea, you mean." 
She doesn't prod after that. Good? You're not sure. She figured out that Stardust was in a time loop once, but it's one thing to figure out that someone with bad memory had been in a place before multiple times, another to figure out that a star person she interacted with rather hastly is your friends' alternative and now became human again for no clear reason. 
Still, being alone with her is nerve wrecking. 
"Which means some degree of privacy unless we yell. At least for a little time."
Play dumb.
"So, you want me to find another table?"
Not that dumb!
"I'd rather return to little chat, assuming you had enough space yesterday."
You're pretty sure a thousand years wouldn't have been enough, but still nod. Don't blow your cover in three days don't blow your cover in three days don't blow your cover in three days
"I can respect not wanting to share many things. I have plenty of secrets myself. But, it will matter a lot if you're honest with me."
Don't ask about the freckles don't ask about the birth marks don't ask about -
"Ok? About what?"
To your relief, she doesn't indicate she jumped to conclusions about your identity, but does talk about your faulty memory and the info the House had. You know all of that, but the dry yet gentle way she lays it on you is enough to keep your attention. 
"Everyone forgot our home, including ourselves. I don't know if that's better ir worse than just having a colander brain."
"I won't tell your how to feel about your situation, although, you two seen to be taking the situation rather well."
Don't blow your cover. Stardust compared it to reading a book skipping random chapters, didn't they? You should make a comparison of your own. 
You smile at her. You know she's not buying it, but that's fine. You don't have to convince her you're fine, just not let her know what the not fine thing is. 
Something bothersome, if not the thing bothering you. Would she say it too, if you allowed?
"Oh, it is very weird, madame! But it's also one of those things that you kind of just know. You know?"
"No, I don't."
You know that. You're being a blackout on porpuse. 
"Well, it's like..." You say your language's word for stars "Something that is just there now that I know. It doesn't feel good, to have bits and pieces with the full picture, but it's something that I know, even if I'm not sure how, and I don't know what I'll do if I lose it again."
You don't say you're talking about Stardust. She can't accuse you of lying. 
If you really got another life, and you really can have this, than you'd rather have it. 
They're not yours, but... The party that you had your last dinner as Siffrin with wasn't really the one you felt hope with again, was it?
... Is this how you're gonna justify this? Wow, real pathetic. Lucky you, the other four don't know enough to pity you.
At least, you hope so. 
"A curious thing, too. That both became travelers." No need to be so generous with the title "But, I suppose it makes some sense."
Her gaze isn't soft, but it's not piercing, either. For a moment, you let yourself believe that you're in the clear for now. 
"I don't know how only Siffrin lost his line of thought, but, from what we know, it seens you witnessed the Island's disappearance."
Oh... Oh! That's what she has for now? Sure, she didn't make clear with the "you" was plural, and you can only wish hope that you were vague enough earlier. Or maybe she's just concious of the "horses or zebras" situation. In this case, you still can't relax too much. 
"I refuse to believe that someone older than twelve would pull a runaway prank to avoid eating vegetables. It makes sense that a child with no guardians or memory would have trouble finding a way to settle."
She's 100% on your butt still. You don't trust how you'll sound (having a real throat can be a real pain), and even if you did you don't think it's a good idea to tell her you were thirteen. 
Somehow, your eggs are not cold and your cup of fruit is not hot when the others show up.
The Housemaiden smiles at you as she passes, and you do your best to offer one back. You look away when you notice Stardust's look of pride. 
The Housemaiden stands for a moment, before settling beside the Fighter. How cute, playing safe. No sarcasm this time. Too early for the Stranger to be eligible for physical proximity. 
When you're not the Stranger anymore...?
You don't have to stay like that, right? Neither Siffrin or Stardust needed a past to rank up to friend. You just have to... stick around, not push them away, right?
Your eyes sting. Both of them. You need something to...
You notice that there's a few pieces of pineapple on Stardust's fruit cup. And they just sank a spoon on it. Oh, no! You didn't give up on strangling them just to see him do it himself!
Without thinking, you slap their wrist, and they drop the spoonful.
"You're allergic, Stardust." You say through clenched teeth.
They, this dumb blind face that used to be yours, looks at you like a puppy you just scolded. Only after a beat their expression falls, and now it's more like a toddler than a puppy. 
"Oh stars, I am."
The other three look concerned, somehow like they need a double take. The Researcher breaks the silence and says what everyone's thinking:
"How allergic?"
Stardust gives her a sheepish smile.
"I looped twice."
"Tasted good. Sweet and spicy."
They're trying to downplay it, their face makes that clear, but the other two have such horrified faces that would be worth using that mirror to preserve. 
You don't look at them too long. Slowly, you raise your hand to the side of your face. 
"Stars above, Stardust. Wasabi exists."
"Thank Change Bonbon isn't here to hear this." The Fighter mumbles, or at least tries to. Now, physically close, you're not surprised the little chat always wakes up the others. You can tell Stardust would have tried to hide again if he wasn't eating. 
Right, right. You didn't really get to see the aftermaths, but you're pretty sure that the Kid would have been traumatized for life if they could remenber.
You watch the group. You look away when you accidently lock eyes with the Housemaiden. You see when the Researcher decides to not keep her mouth shut. 
"Do you know what looping means, Sisyphus?"
"Stardust and I had a long chat last night." You allow your face to fall "It's quite absurd, but so is for a whole country to poof out. I can't promise to not break down soon, quick warning."
You can only hope that it doesn't come across as suspicious. You can't tell by her face if it worked. 
"Oh! Already?" The Housemaiden asks, then looks away to her own breakfast. 
"I really didn't want to tiptoe around them." True. Your little understudy really learned well. 
The jealousy is palpable, but you know that they won't bring it up around you. Maybe at all? You think the pressure will crush you like a roach if they never talk. They better talk.
"That's fair. We took some time to process everything, too." The Fighter responded.
The cup with pineapple was offered to Mirabelle the Housemaiden. Her smile is a precious little thing
You look down at your almost empty plate, and bite down the last of the egg and toast. 
You don't think you'll want another runny egg anytime soon. 
You're lying on the sand. You brought your cloak, but you left it on a chair, letting the sun heat up your lightless turttleneck and gloves. 
The sand is darkless, throwing back all the light the sun gives. It's not sad nor comforting. 
You feel nothing. Not empitiness. The sand is just sand. Coarse under your bare shoulders and upper arms, getting in your hair and creating the need for a through brushing.
This, in turn, is comforting. Your country could have died and gone to hell for all you care, but it would be unfair to lose another thing because of it. 
You prop yourself up and look around. The Researcher doesn't have her coat on and has a book on her lap. Stardust scrounged your hat and is carving a figurine. Isabeau the Fighter and Mirabelle the Housemaiden are on the sea, having a little water fight. 
It's a nice scene. Peaceful, even. 
It would have been nice if they could have peace, too. 
You watch the Fighter "tackle" the Housemaiden and both disappear under the water for a few seconds before coming back up.
You look at Stardust. They eye is very focused and their mouth is mumbling. 
Something like that would be nice. You don't think you could bring yourself to that, however. Now, before, before, it doesn't feel palpable. 
The two notice you watching. You smile and wave. The Housemaiden makes a gesture for you to join. You shake your head and fall back on the sand. Even if fenched some swimming clothes, this is their little time. Friendship that doesn't involve you is important, too. It can become easy to forget when things outside of you feel less real, let alone important
You close your eyes with the feeling of the sun in your skin. 
You open them with something over your face and something cool over your body. Your hat and cloak.
You fell asleep? Now that brings memories you really didn't ask to be brought. 
You get your hat off your face, blinking under the sunlight. Stardust moved their chair closer to you. He's still carving away, but now you can see the shape at the top and know that it's gonna be a Kid figurine. 
"Hello again." They say to you, a dumb smile on their face. Your face, smiling with a whimsy that you never wanted to lose "You were gonna get sunburnt."
"Yes, right. Thanks."
The Researcher is still on her chair. She looked, but her book got her attention back. Just noticed the moviment, you think. 
On the sea, you see the Fighter helping the Housemaiden get a starfish off her hair. 
You want that. You shouldn't, but you want that
"Do you think the sister decided something?"
"The sister? Oh, Bonnie's sister? We don't know, we're yet to check."
"Well, she knows where we're staying, and I know the hat gives us away when we're not there." They put the figure down. Their hands are way too tense "If we show up wanting an answer now when she's still... how is it called again?... On the fence about coming with us, it might make her go full no."
That's... Way too logical for him to have thought about alone, but not a moment to think too much about that. You don't know how much longer this feeling will last, you should savor it. 
You put the hat back over your face and lies down again. 
You dream of waking up in the clocktower, your family all under the same blanket as you, happy that everything is over.
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hiii :) I'm requesting a marauders match up plz <3
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: demi-sexual/pan-romantic
Appearance: white, dirty blonde hair that's just past the shoulders and messy/wavy, glasses, green eyes, plus size (large belly and butt), I have two cartilage piercings and usually wear fun, colorful earrings and rings.
(MBTI &/or Engram if you would like to take the tests and add it): when I took the test, I got a 9, but my therapist told me I'm a 4 (do with that what you will)
Personality: big platonic lover - love telling friends I love them, but I'm pretty shy with romantic/sexual attraction. I'm loud when I start to feel comfortable in social situations, I'm very anxious about how others perceive me and I like to be prepared for anything (e.g. I always have band-aids, safety pins, allergy medicine, tums, etc.)
Likes (at least like three things): hanging out outside when the temperature is like the perfect fall crisp (kind cold, but not quite) - extra points if there's a fire pit; hosting a party to get all of my friends together; feeling cared for; putting together legos/puzzles; card games; laughing
Dislikes (at least three things): olives; when it's too hot outside (like 75+F); people who are passive aggressive/can't hold space for others
Extra fun fact (this is about whoever you are describing to me): I have, on multiple occasions, flown across the country or driven 6+ hours to surprise my friends/family.
thank you so much <3<3<3
(ps. If you match me with Peter, I will trust your instincts, but I will also cry thank you)
~~~~~ MATCHUP ~~~~~
Marauders Era
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Regulus Balck
~~~~~ HEADCANON ~~~~~
He is a quiet man himself. He noticed you hanging out with his younger brother's friends, and something about your warmth melted his icy heart.
He loves how you care for his brother in a way he can't.
He admires your beauty from afar and asks his brother when they talk about you often.
After Sirius left their home to live with James, he bucked up the courage to talk to you.
He knew it was a risk, but your light was so warm that he couldn't bear to miss out on you.
He was terrified of any physical contact for a while.
He always asks for permission before he does anything to you out of fear you will abandon him.
One night, he snuck into the Gryffindor common room with all of you and sat around the fire with everyone, actually smiling and laughing for once.
That same night, you two shared your first kiss.
Sirius thanks you every day for saving his brother.
As Regulus's seventh year approached, he became much more withdrawn and cold to you.
When you found out his family forced him to be a death eater, you stayed by his side in secret, only meeting occasionally and traveling far distances to avoid the eyes of the others on you.
~~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
You were sitting near the black lake, where a fresh blanket of snow had just fallen the night before. You knew if Regulus was going anywhere after an altercation with his family, it would be out here. Earlier in the day, you heard in the great hall as a Howler from the black family ripped into Regulus; ever since Sirius left, the abuse had only gotten worse on the older sibling. Not too long after the letter chewed itself up, you saw Bellatrix talking to her cousin, and it probably was nothing good. As you were trapped in your thoughts, you failed to notice the presence standing next to you by the water. He cleared his throat, and you turned to look at him. He seemed reasonably okay, but just because the scars weren't visible didn't mean the hidden ones weren't deep.
You smiled at the man and held your hand out; he looked at it before slowly taking your hand, allowing you to lead him wherever you intended to. As you two made it over to the tree line, you pulled out a blanket from your bag and made a somewhat cozy spot to sit until the snow melted through the thick layer. Regulus sat down beside you, looking out on the lake again. You sighed, " I heard what happened; how are you holding up." Regulus shrugged, "As good as I can, now that Sirius is safe out of the house, I am the new target of all problems for the black family." You nodded solemnly as you took in his words. Trying to think quickly on your feet to fix the situation and bring Regulus at least to his default bored expression, you came up with the perfect plan. You stood up and extended your hand out to the boy.
He took your hand once more, trusting you to guide him. You remembered that the boys and Lily planned to go to the three broomsticks today to relax. Nothing made Regulus more happy than seeing you and his brother happy. Leading the way, you soon entered the establishment. As if almost on queue, the group excitedly shouted to the older boy, smiling, waving him over. You could feel Regulus warming up; something about finally belonging always made him happier. As you enjoyed your drinks and games, you noticed your partner relaxing and forgetting all the hateful stuff his family had said. Who could ask for more than to see your partner happy to be alive?
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(Regulus and you were sitting at a park swinging on the playground, watching as a storm rolled in.)
Y/N: Do you ever think muggles who believe witches melt in water also believe that all magic folk can do is cast curses.
Regulus: They probably also think we are green with warts.
Y/N: We dork, but they obviously only think magic folk are women. Have you seen all their plays and shows?
Regulus: With these gorgeous locks, I could definitely pass.
Y/N: Maybe we should test their theory by staying out in the rain and seeing if we dissolve.
Regulus: Honey, all you will accomplish is get a cold again.
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missmitchieg · 6 months
i don’t go here but what happened to penelope garcia’s hair ? isn’t it like shoulder length ? did she cut it ? !
/lh , tell me about penelope garcia please ?
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Yay! I love talking about babygirl! Ok, so it looks like she did indeed cut her luscious locks so rip to her long princess curls. They will be missed until they grow back. 💖
Ok, so season 1-15 Penelope was MY GIRL, ok? She was MY GIRL.
She's, like, a super genius super cutie and she's super sweet and kind and loves animals. (Seriously, one of the reasons she started working for the FBI is she was a computer hacker and hacked into the website of a cosmetic company that tests on animals and her options when she got caught were literally work for the FBI or her ass is getting thrown in prison. She chose the FBI. We love a queen that fights for animal wellfare. The other reason was she wanted to get away from her garbage, and I do mean GARBAGE, boyfriend and have a better life.)
I'm pretty sure she has ADHD. Maybe autism. IDK, but she's definitely some kinda neurospicy.
She's a walking sparkly neon rainbow. You know the way Flynn's bedroom is described in the one jatp book? Season 1-15 Penelope is that and I love it.
She went ginger once and it was a whole vibe.
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Wow, I love her.
She was super nice to her ex boss all the way from s1 to his departure in early s12, and I'm 99% sure was the only one that actually called him bossman or sir bc everyone else just called him Aaron or by his nickname, Hotch. She was really good at making him smile, which actually wasn't that hard but people exaggerate the rarity of a Hotch smile for some reason.
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After that, she was still really nice to the replacement he handpicked, Emily Prentiss, who she already adored after working with her since s2.
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Hotch was literally physically incapable of saying no to this woman and she fully knew and took advantage of that shit, ok? Seriously, one time, Penelope made a joke like "who could say no to me?" and Hotch just smirked a little bit because he knew he couldn't say anything. Penelope does an incredible imitation of the pleading emoji. Or the Puss In Boots face. Whatever you wanna call this:
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"Boss, I want you to hire Tara. 🥺" "Ok. Tell everyone else the position has been filled." "Boss, I don't wanna eat dinner alone. Do you want a veggie omelette? 🥺" "Ok. Do you have jalapeños?"
The hilarious thing is she doesn't even have to make that face. She does it to mess with him.
And then there's her, uh...... interesting little flirtationship with Derek Morgan. Or as Penelope calls him, chocolate thunder. He loves that name and encourages it. He calls her babygirl. They also have about a million other adorable pet names for each other.
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*gestures at these gifs* They love each other so much, it's kind of gross. I've said before that before I actually started watching and only had the massive comp of him calling her that, I genuinely really thought Morcia was canon. Like, oh, my GOD, dude. These two are disgustingly obsessed with each other. The shit they say on work calls. He calls her sexy and brilliant Goddess and told her it drives him crazy when "she talks that voulez coucher stuff to him". Like, hello? Honestly, I'm amazed Derek only had to sit through one HR lecture about creating a hostile work environment. Or at least, we only saw one.
Then there's her very sweet friendship with baby genius, boy wonder, good doctor, Agent Doctor Spencer Reid.
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MY BABIES. I LOVE THEM. I want them back. Gimme back my Penny², damnit.
And her very sweet friendship with Matt Simmons! Oh, my god. I love them. 🥰🥰🥰
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They're cute and I wish at least Penelope mentioned Matt in season 16 more.
Penelope and Luke! Oh, my God. Penelope and Luke.
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They are in love and both think it's unrequited and it's exhausting but at least s12-15 were FUN. Mostly.
Season 16 Penelope, though....
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Season 16 Penelope got abducted by aliens. Or lobotomized. Hard to tell.
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helluvatired · 8 months
my predictions for hazbin season finale
(keep in mind that this is all just speculation and analysis, so i can be totally wrong in the end lol)
starting with the scenes in the order of the trailer, this is when chaggie have already reconciled, so it's probably the end of ep 7 or the first part of ep 8
and all the windows and doors are nailed down, so they are probably preparing for extermination
i really think this scene will be the end of a song, because it looks a lot like
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in this scene we have the characters ready to fight, and everyone seems to have a piece of the exorcists' weapon. alastor must have finally said that it is possible to kill an exorcist
these people in the background could be people who heard charlie's announcement or just the cannibals from cannibal town (i talk more about this below)
and most likely it's cherri on the left too!!
now angel has a new outfit, but it's all ripped (he looks like he's wearing a cropped lmao)
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and he's wearing the same hat as in the prequel! so i think he will have more development too (or at least more backstory)
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now going back to the ripped clothes, i can think of three options:
he had his clothes ripped in battle
(what i most want to happen please please) angel will have a moment similar to fizz
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in the next scene charlie is with alastor's mic, probably to make an announcement in the cannibal town (this scene in the future shows that it is the same scenario and alastor is singing with charlie (and rosie!!)) so this would be after alastor reveals that he knows exorcists can be killed
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in this scene, many were thinking (including me) that this scene would take place at a time when angel had a relapse or when she discovered the complete truth about valentino, but seeing it now i think that would be unlikely because we only have 2 more episodes and we need to talk about how carmilla killed an exorcist; vaggie is an exorcist; tell this to the rest of the cast; the extermination
i watched this at minimum speed and there is a frame where she is smiling before crying, so my guess is that this was right after they came back from heaven
charlie is happy and proud of them but remembers everything that happened in heaven and breaks down in tears, without any hope
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the next scene is vox, i think he is safe as he watches the hotel on the day of the extermination
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this scene can be either a battle scene or a training scene
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by the way, i want so much this verse to be a foreshadowing. may vaggie have her revenge
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the next scene is this, chaggie painting a wall
this could be either the present where they have already reconciled or the past (i really would prefer this because i want more flashbacks) where they are cleaning up the hotel for the first time
but anyway, this scene is definitely them cleaning up the hotel, we just don't know if it's the first or second time
and if it is the second time, this opens up questions, because in the series it was alastor who repaired the hotel
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and speaking of the devil, here he is. he is defending the hotel once again probably on the day of the extermination
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and now we have adam ready to punch someone!
i don't think lute or adam are going to die, actually i can't even say if it's because i genuinely don't think so or because i just don't want them to die lol
they were cool antagonists, and i feel like they still have potential, maybe they would fall or come back even stronger in the second season
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so about adam, i honestly don't know if we're going to have an epic battle with adam with the other exorcists. like, i hope we do! but adam seems to be too cowardly to fight a fight that he knows he could risk dying, that's why he didn't want to go down to hell when one of the exorcists was killed for the first time
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but i hope we at least have a fight with some unnamed exorcists!!
ok, so i think that covers everything, i think i'm done
so viv dropped this bomb on Q&A (it's on her channel!) and now i'm going to make my speculations about who might not die (considering it will be a permanent death)
charlie - the protagonist
vaggie - the protagonist's girlfriend, they just had a fight and made up, i don't think what this death will contribute to the plot
angel and husk - it's been confirmed that they are slow burn, so yeah, they can't be a couple if one is dead
niffty and sir pentious - they are the funny characters, they are good to break the ice when some scenes are too heavy. once again i don't think what this death will contribute to the plot
alastor - he is one of the biggest antagonists, he still has so much potential and mystery to be solved
cherri - she still has so much to work on herself, it wouldn't make sense to kill her without any development
lucifer - while i think he might die in later seasons, i don't think it makes sense for him to die now, he's barely reconnected with his daughter again, and is it time for him to die?there are still things to be explored, like his circus and his wife for example
the Vs - it doesn't make sense for them to die now if they were barely introduced, there are still more things that can be explored
carmilla - although i can see it happening, i really hope not, it seems too soon to me. again, she still has a lot of things that can be explored, like her backstory or how she killed the exorcist
now it's time for my speculation about who will die: one of charlie's pets
looking at the cards, we have one of razzle and dazzle as giants, most likely defending the hotel, perhaps one or both of them will be seriously injured
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but my bet is on keekee
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keekee is the hotel key, and some of the cards shows what will happen to the hotel, it will be destroyed
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(unless this destruction is when the guys who were after mimzy attacked)
and apparently the hotel is going to have a big renovation too??
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by the way while i was looking for the cards i saw that charlie's pitchfork hadn't been shown yet, so maybe it can make an appearance in the season finale??
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indecisive-dizzy · 14 days
Hmm,,,,,,,,,, howdy/eddie angst cause they won’t leave my brain
I love them, I love them so much. So they need to suffer >:)
Howdy is a petty ex, I can’t see it any other way
I think they dated in high school, but Howdy’s internalized homophobia kinda definitely ruined things
I think howdy said some… not nice things to Eddie (that he totally doesn’t think about himself haha 😅) and that ended the relationship
Howdy still has feelings, but he still hasn’t fully accepted himself for being bisexual so he pushes them away
Eddie was a hot mess after their breakup, he felt like he failed their relationship even though he tried his best to make things work
What Howdy said stuck with him for years. It was the first time someone he loved told him such things to his face and it haunts him
When they’re adults, Eddie tries to be cordial but Howdy just avoids him and is very bitter either with him
Howdy will never admit it, but in their relationship he liked Eddie more when he was in drag because he could pretend his relationship was “normal”
Howdy is so internalized it hurts but it still didn’t excuse him treating his bf like trash 😔
For extra angst Eddie dates Latter later on and their relationship is actually really happy and healthy
That drives Howdy up the wall, there’s now way someone could like LATTER more than him (I love u latter this is Howdy’s thoughts not mine :,3)
Lizzy tries to be supportive of Howdy’s struggles, but there’s a reason she confided in Latter that she was a lesbian before Howdy :(
Rip Eddie Dear you would’ve loved Chappel Roan
He listens to Pink Pony Club and cries in drag
Casual and Good Luck, Babe give me their relationship vibes
Also Lizzy’s girlfriend is called Gabby and she’s very pretty :)
Random but I think they both stood up Daisey at least once lmao
They’re just hanging out with Daisey and something comes up so they have to go and accidentally end up ditching Daisey
They’re just sitting at the bus stop with one of their coats, smoking a cigarette as they’re waiting for the bus. If they had a nickel for the amount of times that’s happened, they’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice /ref
Either way I think they need to talk it out. And Howdy needs to smooch a man without being ashamed of it- *cough cough* Barnany- *cough cough*
My brain is full of them so this seems kinda random lmao
Have a good day/night pookie :D
The Grinch ass smile I smiled when I read "Howdy is a petty ex" lmaooo HE IS. This man in insufferable and I want to put him in a blender (affectionate)
Howdy projecting his internalized problems onto others sob. my brain came up with the idea that the things Howdy said he didn't say in a purposefully offensive way? like "well yeah duh everyone knows..." like Obviously this thing he hates abouts himself is common sense and everyone thinks this way??
idk I just don't think he started it trying to be offensive. but it was and turned into a full shouting match as Eddie got offended/hurt and emotional. Eddie left crying (sobbing)
cough Eddie pretends he either forgot Howdy all together or at least their relationship cough. blames his bad memory to be respectful and Not Have To Talk About It. Eddie with avoidance tendencies <3 my poor bbg
You're so right. Howdy already disliked Latter (gee wonder why) but now he's in a relationship with His EX. AND They're happy and healthy! Howdy's Gonna blow a fuseeee
Eddie Dear is just like me fr. I Listen to Pink Pony Club and cry. Not in drag, but that's a skill issue lol
Poor Daisey 😭😭🤣 also, reference spotted. I have way more than two nickels for everytime I've seen this ref. I could buy a yacht!
They dooo, but Howdy's bitterness and Eddie's avoidance of the subject make it Difficult. God it'd be so funny and if Frank (or Latter?) and Barnaby teamed up (unlikely duo my beloved) to Force them to talk.
Barnaby get that "If You Were Gay" song and kiss that worm akdhajdja I think it'd fix him 🤣
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Blindfolded for the whump bingo card!
- @another-whump-sideblog
Spirals and Solitaire
Synopsis: After her capture by the heroes, Wrenna's blindfolded locked in a cell 24/7. It's lonely, so lonely, but her only friend is determined to help her, no matter what side she's on.
Content: Villain whump, hero caretaker, supervillain whumper (mentioned), solitary confinement, captivity whump, emotional/psychological whump, so much angst, also like a very, very heavy depiction of depression self loathing and suicidal ideation, happy ending though
Tagging: @whump-queen @whump-in-the-closet @soheavyaburden @turn-the-tables-on-them (thought you guys might like to read it :O)
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Day One
Wrenna lowered her head as if she were trying to avert her eyes from her nemesis. “I hate you, you know that?"
Eris could only laugh. “Do you really?” Wrenna's voice was emotionless, and from what she could see of Wrenna's face, her expression was the same. Eris could tell that there was no true malice behind her words. “Or are you only saying that because you’re supposed to?”
Wrenna tensed, cuffed hands folding into fists. “What the hell do you mean by that?”
“It’s just food for thought,” Eris replied with a gentle smile. She leaned closer, resting her arms on the table. “I don’t have anything to do today, so why don’t we chat for a bit?”
“I’m not talking,” Wrenna stated, monotone. “You can’t tie me up and strap this on my face—“ She gestured towards the blindfold she was wearing—“and expect me to agree to a friendly little chat.”
Eris shot her a sympathetic look, forgetting that Wrenna couldn't see it. “Hey, I’m sorry about that, but it’s standard safety procedures. You’re going to ah—have to prove that you aren’t dangerous, but once you do that, they’ll take the blindfold off!”
Wrenna flinched back. “Is that what you want from me…?”
“I don’t—I don’t want anything from you, in particular.” Eris spoke in a measured tone, words carefully chosen.
Wrenna frowned and said nothing.
Eris reached out an arm and gingerly intertwined her fingers with Wrenna's. Wrenna flinched at first, and Eris almost drew back, but Wrenna grasped her hand tightly at the last second. Eris smiled, small but genuine.
“Let’s forget about the whole heroes and villains thing for a moment, okay? You’re just a person. And I can see that you’ve been hurt… so I just want to help you. And maybe we can be friends?” Eris’s voice was hopeful.
Wrenna tilted her head. She hesitated before replying in a low whisper. “I guess I’ll humor you for a little bit.”
Day Eleven
Soft ticking reverberated around the cell. For some goddamn reason, there was a clock in here somewhere. Not that it mattered. She couldn't see it anyways.
God, what she'd give to see a clock.
She wished for a lot of things, but right now, she wished for this the most. Honestly, she just wanted to know how much time had passed. Life was always lonely and terrifying, but now it was boring too.
At the very least, she'd like to be able to count the hours she'd spent in this cell.
She was lying on the floor, and she wondered what the ceiling looked like. Her vision was entirely obscured by jet-black cloth. Getting around was awkward now, but it wasn't like she was going anywhere. The cell was maybe a few paces wide, from what she could tell.
But the worst part—the part that made Wrenna want to hide under the bed or scream and rip through everything and everyone—was that the blindfold stopped her from using her telekinesis. It was fucking stupid—just a piece of fabric that she couldn't get off, and it had all been taken away from her.
She had never been this powerless before.
If she didn't have anything before, she truly had nothing now.
Her mind raced and her heart drummed loudly in her chest. She tensed, turning as still as a statue. Why? Why must this happen?
Actually, there was no point in asking. She knew why. Because she was a villain. Because she was dangerous.
Did they know that if she could, she would go back in time and erase all her mistakes? Choose to never hurt those people, to never commit those crimes, to never do the shit that landed her here.
But she was a coward who let herself be fully under Móirín's thumb.
Maybe she deserved this. Maybe she deserved to be here.
No, it wasn't a maybe, it was a yes.
Day Twenty-Six
Eris had begun to make a habit of visiting Wrenna. It was something she was quite grateful for. Eris was…somewhere, rambling about a book she had recently read, and Wrenna was sitting on the bed, her worries causing her to half-tune Eris out.
"And like, at the end, the trio hops onto the dragon, and they have to fly through a bunch of storm clouds to get to the Dark Lord's castle, and—hey, Wrenna?"
The abrupt stop made Wrenna jerk her head up. "Um, yeah?"
"Are you doing okay?
After some hesitation, Wrenna answered, "I…yeah, sure, I guess." God, she didn't even sound convincing to herself.
She heard Eris's footsteps walking closer to her. It unnerved her slightly, not knowing exactly where Eris was. A hand touched her shoulder, causing her to jump in surprise.
"Oh—sorry about that, my bad!" Eris exclaimed. "I just—I just wanted to let you know, I'm here for you, if you ever want to talk about anything."
Wrenna sighed and slumped over, running the words she wanted to say over and over again in her mind. The phrase was simple, but the delivery could be everything.
Finally, she simply stated, "I want to get out of here."
Eris didn't respond immediately. "You remember the offer, don't you?" she commented.
"Yes, and I've told you before, I'm not joining the heroes."
"Wrenna, it'd be for the best, you'd be safe, and you'd prove to everyone you've changed—"
"I have changed," Wrenna interrupted. "I'm not going to fight for anyone but myself, no matter how much they try to make me." She'd made that mistake with Móirín already. She wouldn't make it again.
Eris sighed. "Alright. But maybe think about it a little more."
The room went quiet, and the silence was deafening.
It was Wrenna who broke it. "I…I haven't read a lot of books, but the one you were talking about sounds great…can I hear more about it?"
"Sure!" Eris chirped, and Wrenna imagined that she was smiling.
Day Forty-One
To keep herself from going any more insane than she already was, Wrenna had invented a few little games for herself.
There was the "Guess That Noise!" game, which was always a little treat. Sometimes there'd be a humming sound, or a crash, or the sound of something zipping by. Usually, the sources seemed to be mundane. The whir of a vent. Someone dropping something heavy upstairs. An annoying, evil mosquito. Sometimes she could make out the faint sounds of cars in the distance.
Lately, she'd added another part to this game, where she made up a story behind the sound that was much more fun. An electric field about to zap something. A piano falling from a window. A wedding cake toppling over. A murder—no, not a murder. Not that. She didn't want to think about that.
It was usually an interesting game, but she couldn't do it all the time. Wrenna had other things to occupy herself, though.
She also had the drawing game, which mostly consisted of lying on her stomach on the floor and making scratches on the cold linoleum floor. She couldn't exactly see what she was drawing, but she could imagine it might look like something a feral animal would make. Or maybe it wasn't visible at all.
Wrenna had no way to tell if she was scratching hard enough, but one day, she noticed warm liquid running down her fingertips. When she ventured to sample it, it tasted like a drop of copper on her tongue. So she knew that she'd probably made some type of mark, even if it was just bloodstains.
And there was one final game as well. Wrenna didn't particularly like playing this one, but she couldn't stop herself from doing it. It didn't have a name. It simply consisted of trying to get the restraints off.
The handcuffs had a generous chain and left her hands in the front, but they were still weighty, awkward, and uncomfortable. They had a rough texture that was a little soft when poked—Wrenna guessed it was leather padding, and as far she could tell with her hands, there wasn't a lock she could pick or break.
And she constantly found herself fiddling with the blindfold, but the damn thing had so many straps and even a fucking lock. Wrenna couldn't get it off, and yet she was still constantly trying. Where the hell did the heroes even get something like this?
Even with all these little activities, there was too much time in the day—or night? She couldn't tell anymore—to think. To ponder over all her mistakes and failures. Why did you do this? Why have you ended up here? Why, why couldn't you have just never been born?
More often than not, the blindfold was damp with tears.
Day Fifty-Two
Eris was back again. Back for another little conversation about the smallest things, heart-to-hearts that meant so much to Wrenna. Eris was standing by the door, and the two had been conversing for what felt like hours.
"Really? You never had any stuffed animals as a kid?" Eris asked her, incredulous.
Wrenna shook her head in response. In the back of her mind, she wondered how many times Eris made these kinds of gestures that she was just unable to see.
"We've got to fix that! I'm getting you a plushie. What's your favorite animal?" Eris's voice was suddenly much more animated and excited.
Wrenna felt her cheeks become hot, and she cracked a nervous smile. "Aww, you don't have to do that for me."
"But I will," Eris promised. "It's really nothing, and plushies are so important."
"Um…I like canaries a lot," Wrenna said in a soft voice.
"A canary plush it is then!" Eris confirmed.
She paced for a bit before sitting down on the floor, next to the cot that Wrenna was sitting on.
"I still can't believe you didn't have any plushies as a kid," Eris commented, voice a little sad.
Wrenna frowned. "If I had any stuffed animals, Móirín would have probably taken them away eventually," she mused.
"God, that's fucked," Eris murmured, giving Wrenna's hand a soft squeeze.
Wrenna shrugged. "It's fine. Not the worst thing she did by a long shot."
Eris was silent for a while, and Wrenna wondered what she was doing.
"Do you need to talk about it…?" Eris finally offered.
Wrenna opened her lips, and mouthed a few syllables, trying to figure out the right answer, how to phrase things. "I…"
She honestly did want to talk about it. But the prospect of telling someone was frankly terrifying. Her entire life with Móirín was an exercise in learning how to be quiet, how it was better to scream and sob than spill any information at all.
"It's…I don't know. It was a lot." Wrenna said carefully, tone kept measured and even. "I never wanted to be a villain, you know… But Móirín wanted it. And well, she won." Móirín had always made it known to Wrenna that she owed her. So Wrenna followed her orders, and paid the price when she didn't.
She shrugged. She didn't know what else to do.
She felt a supportive pat on her shoulder. From Eris, probably.
"Wow, that should have never happened to you…" Eris remarked. "But hey. You can be whatever you want to be. You're safe now. I promise that to you."
Her voice was so kind, so sweet and gentle, that at least for the moment, Wrenna truly believed she could trust Eris.
Day Sixty-Seven
Eris was the only thing Wrenna looked forward to, now. She was the only person Wrenna ever talked to—maybe no one else cared to talk to her, maybe she was just appointed—whatever, Wrenna didn't care. She just wanted to hear someone's voice.
And maybe, one day, see Eris's face.
But Wrenna had gotten used to the darkness, and she was starting to doubt if she'd ever see anything again.
As she stroked the little canary plush in her hands, Wrenna racked her mind, trying to think of something to say to her only friend. But her list of conversation topics was starting to dry up. She'd already told Eris everything. About the things she once saw and liked to do, about the secret hobbies she hid from Móirín, and Móirín's plans, their location and secret hideouts, and about the people who worked with them, too. She'd even told Eris about some of her regrets.
Nothing was off the table. And she didn't care if she was spilling valuable information anymore. She'd be happy if everything blew up in Móirín's face.
She turned her head in the direction of Eris's voice. Oh god. She was going to leave. Wrenna had nothing to say, and now Eris was just going to go. She was too boring. Everything was boring. Wrenna had nothing to do and that was so boring which had made her boring and Eris was going to lose interest, maybe she wouldn't come back—
Eris's voice interrupted her spiraling thoughts. "Um. You look pretty deep in thought. What'cha thinking about?"
Wrenna turned her head away. "I…" She could tell Eris. Eris treated her kindly. Eris always had soft, gentle words to say. She felt almost trustworthy, even.
Tears started streaming down Wrenna's face. Fuck. Fuck. Not now.
"I-I just…" Wrenna's voice cracked, and she buried her face in her hands. "I can't do this anymore!"
"Hey, hey," Eris soothed. Wrenna heard the bed creak and felt Eris's arms wrap around her, and she felt just a little more safe and secure. "It's okay, let it out…wanna talk about it, more?"
"I think—I think I'm losing my mind—oh god, how long have I even been in here?" Wrenna croaked.
"It's been, um, it's been a while," Eris murmured.
Wrenna leaned on Eris's shoulder, melting into the hug. "Please—I have to get out. Can you get me—can you get me out of here?" she whispered to Eris, every few words punctuated with a sob of utter longing.
"I…I'm sorry, but I can't. Not unless you, you join us," Eris mumbled in reply, sounding disappointed in herself.
"Oh," Wrenna sighed, defeated.
I think I'd rather die.
Day Eighty
Even though she couldn't see, Wrenna now knew the cell like the back of her hand.
Her reference was the wall where the ticking noise came from, the one that the clock was mounted on. On the opposite end of the ticking was the wall with the door. Across from the door, to the right of the ticking, was her cot, layered with extra blankets and messy sheets. To the left of the ticking was the door to the bathroom.
She had probably felt the walls hundreds of times by now, circling the cell and running her hands along the smooth paint, like what she was doing now. As far as she could tell, there weren't any bugs, though she didn't doubt that there was a camera somewhere out of her reach.
Lately, she had invented a new game. It was a bit morbid, and sometimes she wondered if she really should be playing it, but she had nothing else better to do.
It was a straightforward game—she'd find an object, feel it, and let her mind wander, thinking about ways she could use it to kill herself. Sometimes her ideas could be horribly creative, but none of them were particularly easy or painless.
Still, maybe she'd actually do it one day. Any other ending was starting to seem like a dream and an impossibility. There was nothing but her and the darkness and her stupid fucking brain and the cell that she couldn't see.
Wrenna leaned against the wall, then sunk to the floor, and sighed. There still wasn't anything to do. The cell was practically barren and empty. It was probably that way for a reason. Maybe it was empty to give the inmates fewer opportunities to kill themselves. Or maybe it was because they didn't deserve any better.
If she died here, she would die a prisoner. Which was depressing, considering that she had been one all her life. But it felt like such a minuscule concern compared to the prospect of finally ending this horrible existence.
She wanted freedom, but she'd settle for death.
Day Ninety-Five
Wrenna was lying on the cot, tangled in her sheets. She hadn't left the bed in days, and she didn't want to, either. Her mind was filled with static that pinned her down to the cot and sapped her motivation to do anything at all.
There was a knock on the door. Probably Eris. "Yeah. Come in." Her voice was tinged with a permanent sadness now, hopelessness bleeding through her words.
She heard the turn of the lock and the heavy cell door swinging open.
"Hey, Ren," Eris greeted, in that sweet voice that sounded like calm ocean waves.
"Hey…stay here for a while, please?" Wrenna had nothing to talk about. And yet she still wanted to be with Eris, anyways. Not that she deserved her, or any sort of friend. But if this was how Eris chose to spend her time, Wrenna wasn't about to argue.
"Of course." Eris sat down on the edge of the bed, and Wrenna shifted to give her more space. Eris clasped Wrenna's hand, and Wrenna enjoyed the warmth.
Eris started talking about a recent mission, and Wrenna truly did want to listen to every word, but it was all too easy to get sucked into her thoughts, her guilt, and her death wish.
Wrenna honestly didn't really remember what she felt guilty about anymore. She knew that she hurt people. And she recalled the moments, the twisting of a knife, the shrieks, and the sirens. But the past was starting to fade away and fall into the darkness. Now there was only the cell, the wretched, suffocating little box, in the waking hours, and Móirín's house in her nightmares.
She was nothing. This life was nothing. Every hour was just prolonging the agony. Even when Eris was there.
There was something she needed to ask Eris.
"Eris?" she softly called out.
Eris quickly responded. "Yeah?"
Wrenna took a deep breath and squeezed the plush canary underneath the blankets to prepare herself for asking. "Eris, I-I…" Her voice trembled, and she felt tears soaking into her blindfold.
"I need you to kill me," she finally imparted.
Eris was silent for a long time. "…What?" she whispered, with quiet horror.
"Please," Wrenna begged, "please, that's all I want… I feel like I'm dying in here. I can't take this anymore. Can you—can you kill me? I can't kill—I can't kill myself, so—so I'm asking you, to, to do it."
"No, Ren, god no, I can't do that. I'm not going to kill you. Oh, god. My god," Eris panicked. Wrenna heard Eris's heartbeat starting to race, matching her own.
Eris squeezed Wrenna's hand tightly. "I can't. I would never hurt you." Eris was crying now. Wrenna could hear it.
"It's okay. I'm sorry for asking," Wrenna apologized, voice quiet. She tried to hide the disappointment and strange relief that welled up inside her.
"No, no, it's—" Eris took a deep breath. "Okay. Okay. I think I have to—no, I will."
"Ren, I'm going to get you out of here," she declared.
"If I join the heroes, right, I've heard it all before," Wrenna supposed with a sigh.
"No. I'm going to get you out of here regardless," Eris promised, grave determination in her voice.
Wrenna couldn't believe it. "Really?"
"Yeah. Really. God, I'm so sorry—I should have done something earlier." Eris's voice cracked with regret.
It was Wrenna's turn to clutch Eris's hand. "It's—it's okay. When do we—when do we leave?" she ventured, a spark of hope igniting in her heart.
"How about right now?" Eris offered.
Wrenna's cracked lips curled into a smile, her first in a long time. "That sounds great to me."
AN: I had this written a while ago but I didn't find the time to edit it until recently
Hope you guys enjoy this, it's one of my longer pieces so <2
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pareiwheeler · 2 years
i know everyone says this, but byler really is the only way to satisfyingly end el, mike, and will's character arc.
for will this season, we as the audience were supposed to realize that will isn't just crushing on mike, he is in love with mike. we see it in almost all the byler scenes, but especially in the van scene. he tries to rip off the bandaid, to get over mike once and for all, but later in the surfer boy's, we see he hasn't gotten over him at all. he is staring at el and mike goofing off and smiling with each other, and he is upset. he didnt rip off the bandaid. he is still very much in love with mike, and its clear he can't get over him.
for mike, the season begins with him lying to el. at the airport we see el eyeing his "from, mike" on the bouquet he got her. the next day, after rink-o-mania, he tries to talk to her about what happened. this starts a fight specifically about mike not being able to say i love you to her. then, we see him make up with will after their fight, giving will what he wants (i think we should be a team, friends, best friends), after not giving el what she wants (i love you). then he spends the time in the van struggling with his ans el's fight saying its something they can't come back from, just for will to tell mike "el" loves him and needs him. at the surfer boy's, he says he loves el, although he blatantly lies in the monologue. he says he's loved her ever since he found her in the woods, but that isn't true. after he did find her in the woods, he takes her in but immediately starts planning on how to get her out of the question so he can go back to looking for will. he tries to send her to pennhurst, an insane asylum. why not just say the moment he did fall in love with her? (ah... maybe he didn't have that moment). then when they get back to hawkins, he genuinley reassures will, and when they get to the field, he stands beside will, letting el go on alone to center screen, not standing with her.
for el, her entire arc this season was about independence. she stands up to mike about how he makes her feel, and in her note (gone to become a superhero again) she signs it "from, el." not love. she goes to prison, and dr. owens brings her to nina, where she regains her buried memories and trauma. she lives through her fight with Vecna again, and when she wakes up, she has her powers back. when she gets out of nina, we see brenner die, where he begs her to understand what he did was "for the best." she doesn't respond, and he dies. she knows that the abuse she suffered from him isn't okay. then at the surfer boy's, she doesn't respond to mike's monologue after fighting vecna. she doesn't talk to him in the van, nor in hawkins. the season ends with her walking up in front of everyone else, alone, holding a dying flower, the same kind that mike got her at the airport. (doesn't seem like they're gonna get back together 😬)
so yeah, if the duffers want to satisfying bring these three's arcs to a close, i don't think mike and el will get back together. el will end up out of a relationship that she rushed into, mike will end up in a relationship where he knows he is loved, and an equal rather than an inferior. will will end up in a relationship with a boy who he has been in love with for at least three to four years, and they will actually be happy for once.
(if the duffers dont fumble the bag)
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kanene-yaaay · 2 years
You know, I'm looking at this post and I think I'd like to ask you about headcanons 🍪 ^^
But I really can’t decide who exactly, to Teru (because right now I’m obsessed with this guy) or to the Stoll brothers (Like, PJO the fandom as a whole is small in the field of the tk community, let alone these two. ALTHOUGH THESE TWO HAVE SO CHAOTIC POTENTIAL IN TK PLAN)
So I'll leave that choice up to you
I'M THINKING ABOUT BOTH NOW SDFJUJHGF okay u know what. I will make both. If I can't ramble about The Blorbos what even is the point xDD.
I will be posting Teru's in a separated post because I think it will be quite messy if I mix both here. So! Thank you very much for your asky! Writing these were extremely fun and <33 You are so right those bros deserve much more attention and tickles in their lives ajfwffwgvs
Hope the ones with the Stoll Brothers isn't too OOC, it's been a time since I read stuff w them and not gonna lie, I am kind of rusty w writing them
Life is a game, tickle fights are war and they. are. winning. Those two are the KINGS of tickling. They don't have only an ace upon their sleeve they have an entire deck that they stole from your things when you were looking away.
They are MASTERS of antecipation. Not because they can throw subtle hints of how they are going to get you or tease or anything like that, it's actually the exact opposite. Most of the time the ""victim"" (usually a new bean who just got into the camp and is living on the Hermes Cabin for the time being and they want to properly welcome them :3) is literally just chilling until the bean look to the side, see both Travis and Connor Stoll just standing there and their previously innocent faces star opening in a sharky smile and playful, determinated look take over their faces.
It's over. Because everyone knows what that grin means. Everyone had seen at least once Travis doing the same expression before jumping on Connor and squeezing his sides non stop, demanding to know where is the thing ("You know what I am talking about. You know exactly what it is and I know that you hid it. Just tell me and I will let you go, bro ~") or the way Travis will freeze on the Camp meetings (I actually forgot the proper name here but it's those meetings w the leaders of each cabin asdfghgfd) and start shaking on his chair, trying to appear nonchalant while one of his hands cover his wobbly smile and the other try to push his brother's wiggly, skilled and so unfairly nimble fingers from his spine.
That is the grin and it means only one thing: They are going to get their giggles. You don't know where. You don't know when. But they are going to get it.
Usually it doesn't take long before loud laughter and squeaky protests begins to fly across the camp.
Not all their tickles are planned attacks full of scratches, scribbles, squeezes and raspberries, tho. Travis, especially, absolutely *loves* to randomly poke or prod someone who was just stretching in preparation for a fight or just distracted enough to be caught of guard. He likes to say he has a Squeal Collection and Thank You So Much For Adding Yours :). Surprise tickle attacks are everything to him
Percy lost the counts of times he was just chilling sitting on the dock, chatting with Grover or Annabeth, feet submerged and then BOOM his ankles are trapped in a headlock and rip. Main character killed by surprise tickles he will be missed <3 Also it doesn't help that more often than not Annabeth or Grover will help to destroy him instead of saving him so Travis has actually opportunity to escape.
Connor is more on the soft side of the playful fun, tho. Which makes them an incredible powerful team. There is no one able to keep a serious face when he gets those skittering, agile nails next to any unprotected neck or ticklish ribs.
He is the only one who can get Clarisse to lauh (sometimes even giggle but she is going to take that to her grave) btw. Even tho revenge is always merciless ajvwyvsjvw but what is life without some danger yeah?
Talking about revenge, b r u h, those two are tickled at least ONCE PER WEEK because of how much gremlins they are agfwffwggshw they, of course, love the thrill of a chase and will make it difficult af to catch them but the moment you get close to any of their tickle spots? It’s over. They become a mess of limbs, loud, boisterous laughter and babbles or protests.
Tickling them together is always something lovely to see because while Travis will be promising to do anything, anything you want if you have mercy on him mah man Connor can't form a single rational word. He will be babbling a bunch of nonsense, mostly random words or jingles and they are very teased (playfully and by friends ♡) when this happens.
They are quick to recover tho. Crazy to see how they can go from a mess of giggles (and if you drum your fingers riiiight in the center of their armpits just rights or lightly scribble their ankles, squeaks and snorts) to tickle monsters in less than one minute.
Flustering them is not very easy. It needs the right amount of anticipation and surprise. But it's very cute to see so beans from the Hermes cabin will sometimes make bets to see who can do it first
(Clarisse was the one who won by sneaking behind Connor and picking him up by his waist while digging on his absurdly ticklish hips. Rip our gremlin Boi)
Their comforting, soft and more silly giggles are reserved only for each other and their close friends tho. Like some cheering up after a though nightmare or a day when the training got too much heated.
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