#everyone is like god damnit shes so fucking pathetic why do we like her
chialattea · 6 months
Lol, my Hawke is also the bottom in her relationship with Bela (it just makes sense to me) and they do commit crimes together but she tends to be more blue/diplomatic. Is yours sarcastic? And what exactly is their dynamic like?
I forgot tumblr asks were a thing,, thank god i started fucking around and clicked the correct button.
Bottom Hawke enjoyers unite!!!! I just think it's especially funny considering theyre quote unquote the leader of the group, so thinking of them as actually losers who are just winging it makes me so happy.
My Hawke is mostly a purple/sarcastic hawke. She's mostly quite laid back and easygoing because she's allergic to taking things seriously and/or confronting her issues, which bites her in the ass as the story progresses. She'd rather die than let people know she has feelings other than funny one-liners. She's loud and rash, but somehow things keep working out for her... Until they dont. They really come crashing down. Behind her chronic class clown facade is someone with a very set personal moral code. She genuinely cares for her friends and has a surprisingly high EQ, which is why the kirkwall gang hasnt devolved into beating each other senseless. At first glance she seems flaky and unreliable, but she's relentless when it comes to that she thinks as her responsibilities: her family, her friends, and for some fucking reason the city of Kirkwall (she really, really wishes she hadnt gotten attached god fucking damnit, its a dumpster but its HER dumpster). Those are the only three subjects you'll see her getting serious about. Other than that she values freedom quite highly and doesn't really care about the big picture or politics. She's more of a small-scale, act local kind of gal.
At first Isabela and her get along like a house on fire; they love partying, they love drinking, Isabela finds Hawke's smartass attitude hilarious and Hawke finds really attractive how Isabela can steal shit without being found out. The problems start when Hawke's sense of responsibility and morals start to show up. It's not like Hawke has any issue with Isabela doing whatever she wants, she's a "live and let live" kind of person, but,,, even if Hawke presents herself as an unrepentant clown, she's anything but. She wants to help to a self-sacrificing degree, refuses to engage with her own needs and has little sense of self-preservation. She's careless yet also keeps prioritizing everyone else before herself, which infuriates Isabela. They begin a situationship which is supposed to be purely physical, but Hawke gets attached yet refuses to admit it, even to herself; Isabela finds Hawke's newfound moral righteousness grating and makes her feel judged for her choices. Basically miscommunications galore. They have a big fight where neither of them actually listen to each other and refuse to be emotionally vulnerable.
And yet both of them come back for the other in their time of need, regardless and even in spite of their positions because no matter what they actively choose to love each other,, does that make sense? After the second act both of them decide their relationship is worth the trouble of,, working through their issues together and trying to better themselves. As everything around Hawke and Kirkwall start crashing down their relationship becomes their solace. It's hard, and they fuck up a lot, but they choose to make it work and actively care for their relationship.
Yeah but anyways, my Hawke is also a bumbling idiot with enough charisma to compensate it. She has fucked before but blushes like a maiden the second she sees Isabela's ankle. She's the "me and the bad bitch i pulled with my whimsical rizz" meme. Isabela is like hawke no and shes like hawke YESSSSS she's a golden retriever. if i had to choose a character she's most similar to it'd be gideon i guess.
TLDR; hawke: "isabela i taped myself to the ceiling but now i cant get down can you handfeed me some hot pockets" isabela: "why do i find this attractive"
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Piss Baby
Warnings: something that i've been thinking of, we all know he's not equipped to even take care of a baby boy, soldier boy freaking out, someone please help him, fluff
Words: 978
Summary: Soldier Boy's early days of figuring out how the fuck to be a 'girl dad'.
"Oh GOD DAMNIT!!" Soldier Boy yells and immediately hands the crying baby he'd been trying to comfort to his little son.
Homelander rolls his eyes and takes your tiny body with ease. Tenderly wiping the throw up from your pudgy chin, Homelander worries that someone as small and weak as you were would survive in the house with Soldier Boy. The man almost tossed you across the room when you pissed on him during a diaper change.
This was not what Soldier Boy signed up for. He continues to curse out Vogelbaum and Edgar and everyone for dumping this pissing, shitting, THING! He was supposed to be out stopping crime, not hastily washing baby vomit off of him for the fourth time that day.
Damn Vogelbaum for suggesting you would fair better in an actual home with your actual blood family than the way Homelander had been raised. It was all well and fine for him to grow up in a lab surrounded by scientist. But no. Vogelbaum stated that perhaps that was the problem, why Homelander tend to possess a vacant fake smile.
Why had they not adopted her out?
Soldier Boy wasn't cut out for raising babies. Raising Homelander was pushing it. Johann pushed Homelander into Soldier Boy's home when he was three years old. Well out of the newborn stage.
Returning to the nursery room, he finds Homelander rocking you in his arms. No screaming or crying or throwing up. You looked at peace in your older brother's arms. "How come with me she's always screaming her fucking head off?" He grumbles and plops down on the rocking chair. His son catches him muttering something about a 'fucking piss baby'.
Homelander pursed his lips, wanting to glare at his father but choosing instead to gaze down at your serene face. Your face was still wet from your own tears, but the stress lines were gone. He leans in to kiss your forehead before offering you once again to Soldier Boy.
Scowling, Soldier Boy tries to wave him off. "Nah. I've had enough of her."
"But Johann said she needs skin to skin contact-"
"Johann doesn't know shit. You do it if you think its so important."
"The dad has to do it." Homelander persists. "For bonding."
"For fucks sake. We've bonded enough already! Pretty sure I've never let a broad throw up all over me. And if I did at least she made up for it by-"
That's enough to give Soldier Boy a pause. Homelander rarely called him 'dad' or 'father'.
His face was starting to redden, holding you closer to his chest. "YOU have to be the one to do this. She needs you more than she needs me. You're her dad. Whether you like it or not."
A flare of indignation has Soldier Boy rising to his feet. If you weren't in his arms, Homelander was certain Soldier boy would have smacked him across the face for such insubordination.
Defiantly, Homelander holds down his glare and gently shoves you into Soldier Boy's chest. Reluctantly, his hands securely hold you.
Homelander steps back and eyes his dad. "I have homework to finish." He turns on his heel and stomps out of the room.
"Fucking kid." Soldier Boy grumbles and sits back down in the rocking chair. Awkwardly he removes his shirt while juggling you in his arms, making sure your pathetic neck didn't snap. Removing your onesie and leaving you in your diaper, Soldier Boy carefully places you onto his chest like you're some kind of bomb.
"There. Happy now?" He watches your tiny fists grab at his chest hair before unclenching and moving to clumsily grip onto his bare skin. The contours of your face scrunch and he fears for a moment that you're about to cry again.
You settle though and Soldier Boy is able to relax his tense muscles. He leans his head back and closes his eyes. Fatherhood had been a cruel bitch to him so far. There were nights where he was tempted to put your crib outside. Homelander was a much better father figure.
Then he felt it.
Your little heartbeat thumping against his chest, almost matching the own rhythm of his cardiac muscle.
He cracks open an eye to look down at you. Your head was still misshapen (something Vogelbaum said was normal with newborns) and squishy looking, but he supposed you were getting cuter. Soldier Boy opens his other eye to really get a good look at his offspring.
When you let out a soft coo, something in his brain chemistry just. . . snapped into place.
Were babies always this small?
You were too small, right? Small and weak and needing of protection.
His protection.
Sitting up a bit more, he lays a tentative hand on your back. You make that cute noise again that has his wretched heart melting. Right now it was just the two of you in that yellow painted room.
Soldier Boy and his little girl.
His throat constricts at that thought. His little girl.
You weren't what he wanted. But. . . He couldn't deny the tender song his heart started to beat to when he gazed down at you. Soldier Boy hated everything about you and fatherhood. You were messy and annoying and ruined what 'dates' he could bring to the house. He didn't know how Countess and the others found you 'utterly adorable'. Even fucking Noir held you with ease without you crying or vomiting.
Now he saw it.
You were his cute daughter. His cute, messy and annoying daughter that he would fucking die for. And there wasn't much Soldier Boy would willingly die for.
"I'll even kill for 'ya, kid." Soldier Boy smiles to himself. "Just tell me who and I'll do it. No questions asked."
You gurgle and it makes his smile widen.
His little piss baby.
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zenxvii · 9 months
character: kyung-jun x fem!reader
kdrama: night has cone
!!: thoughts are in italics
🫶🏻: lovers to exes, toxic relationships, su!c!de, depressi0n
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“God damnit! I fucking hate you, oh how I wish the mafia would kill you next!” His voice echoed through the hallways and my heart shattered.
“Oh, I’m sorry..” I mumbled as I took few steps back before completely turning around and running away from everyones eyes with tears running from my eyes.
I ran straight to my room and slammed the door shut. I sat on the ground leaning against the door with tears just pouring out of my eyes.
Why did I go back to him. This happens every time.. somehow I can’t get away from him. Why do I let him walk all over me. Why am I so pathetic.
I heard a knock in the door and few voices. I wasn’t sure who was there because of my own sobs blocking my hearing.
- few months back -
“Gosh! y/n you really are so fucking pathetic! Nobody likes you and I only pretend to like you! Like why can’t you just leave me alone or die!” Kyung-Jun spat in my face and I felt terrified.
It wasn’t because of his loud yelling or angry face, it was because he was right. I’m a nobody, nothing. Maybe I shouldn’t live.
- more memories -
“Fuck you!” He yelled and punched me in my face. He had never ever before laid hands on me. This one actually was my fault. I had made an argument about his bullying. I never intended it to start a fight I just wanted to help him.
“I’m sorry.” I said and hid my face.
- back to present -
Of course there was tomes when he was romantic and loving. Like for the time we went to amusement park because I wanted to have a date there and he held my hand in the roller coaster because I was scared.
Or the time when he t up at my door with roses and apologized for the fight from the night before.
“y/n..please open the door.” Now I recognized the voice. It was Yoon-Seo and Jung-Won. “No.” I mumbled thinking they wouldn’t hear me.
I stood up from the floor and walked towards the window. Should I..
Why not, it’s not like he would care. He pretends to card but I know he doesn’t, at least not anymore.
I opened the window and sat down at the window. My legs shivered from the nights cold air. If I do this, I won’t turn like the others. Maybe this would be more peaceful.
“We’re coming in!” Was all I heard with a door opening before pushing myself off with my arms. “Y/N!”
I felt myself falling, It was peaceful. No worries to think about anymore. Just death.
“l/n y/n was executed by herself.”
“l/n y/n was a civilian”
Kyung-Jun pov
“l/n y/n was executed by herself.”
What the fuck..
“l/n y/n was a civilian”
I got up and walked away from the cafe towards her room. I noticed her door open and walked in to seen that mansa freak and her friend.
“What the fuck did you do to her!” I demanded to know. “N-Nothing!” Yoon-Seo said but I didn’t believe her. “WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!” I yelled at them and grabbed Yoon-Seos collar. “Stop it!” Her pathetic friend said but I just pushed her away.
“Last chance. What did you do!” I said and shook her but then people cane running our way and peeled me off of her and held me back. “TELL ME YOU WITCH WHAT DID YOU DO TO Y/N!”
“She jumped herself.” The mansa said and went to Yoon-Seo. “No she wouldn’t have!” I said and tried to get out of my classmates grasp around me.
“She did and it’s all your fault.” Mansa continued and shook her head. “You are the ine who always manipulated her to love you and then hur her again. Ahe was a kind soul and a person, you destroyed her. You treated her like shit, like she didn’t matter. You made her think that her life was worthless and that she is worthless. You are the ine who kept complaining about her present and wished how she was dead. THIS is all your fault.!”
“You Go Kyung-Jun are the reason whg she is bow dead.”
I had got out of y/ns room and now I’n at the cafe. I locked the doors and sat down on a chair holding my head in my hands. Fucking y/n.
I never really wanted her to die, I just let my emotions out the wring way. If we’re being honest she was the first girl I’ve ever loved. I loved her but I wasn’t good at showing it. Screw it I was terrible at showing it. I was mean to her so she would leave because I knew in the end I wasn’t good enough for her and would end up hurting her.
And now I had done it. I had hurt her so badly that I actually hurt myself too.
sorry for the short fic I just wanted to do some angst but not too bad or I’d actually cry.
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borathae · 10 months
they are soo cute, he is right there are days where ur battery is low, u aint sad or mad just on low battery/battery saving mood and i just sleep it off
going for a bath with my lovely toaster as we speak
im gonna chose violence today for myself and read darker times
it has only started and she hurt her wrists :(
It has been years since he last witnessed something like this, thats soo great to know
You get a panic attack because of a stupid fucking noise. You feel fucking pathetic.  panic attack from phobias or fear be so stupid but hurts nevertheless ugh
You’re too embarrassed to face him. :( :( :(
You don’t have to be strong tonight. He’s got you and he always will. the way they take care of each other just them 😭😭
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reading them back to back was emotional
i have no idea how many times i have read this but it still doesnt make it any less hot, if anything it gets hotter AAAAH you got me sweating in normal room temp
THE ENGAGEMENT RING OH MY GOD *moans idk but it got hotter
“Doesn’t matter, I’ll just act surprised.” i love his noodle ass please
there were three other couples too, but those weren’t of importance in this story. she basically called everyone irrelevant lol my target isnt you, leave 💀💀
“Louder”, you order, wrapping your hand around his throat to squeeze down on his veins. AAAH MOMMY I WILL BE LOUD DONT WORRY HOLY FUCK
god damnit i cant even say jungkook get in line i loved her aura before you 😭😭😭
Holy fuck, you do. Jungkook feels like passing out at the realisation. OH GOD SUCH A CUTIE PIE BUNNY IM GONNA BITE HIM
“The wall? Oh no wait, sex dumb moment.” reminds me of the elaborate please im having a dumb boy moment he is soo noodle im gonna cry
can i eat him just a lil bite cuz WHY IS HE SO CUTE AAH
Each time you call him noodle I die because HE IS SUCH A NOODLE AND CUTE AND I CRY PLEASE HE IS SO !!! I LOVE HIM
lmaooa you taking yourself on an emotional rollercoaster again ahahah I love how you went from "aah cuties" to jumping ropes with your tears TO BEING THIRSTY to crying cause he is so cute HAHAHAH
First of all, keep the thirst for her going hahhahha I love how you're more feral for her than Kook ahhaha 🤪
Thank you so much for your asks, I genuinely have such a good time reading them ahhaha 🥺😔💜
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randynova · 3 years
♡𝓜𝔂 𝓦𝓸𝓶𝓪𝓷♡
𝓖𝓾𝓷 𝔁 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻
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𝑆𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦: 𝐴𝑙𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑦 𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑡 𝑜𝑛 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒, 𝐺𝑢𝑛 𝑖𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑓𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝑡𝑜 𝐺𝑜𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑜𝑛 ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑖𝑓 𝑖𝑡 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑠 ℎ𝑒 ℎ𝑎𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑤𝑎𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑛 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒.
✦✦✦ ✦✦✦
𝑊𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔(𝑠):𝐹𝑒𝑚!𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟, 𝐹𝑙𝑢𝑓𝑓, 𝑠𝑜𝑓𝑡(𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑝)! 𝐺𝑢𝑛
✦✦✦ ✦✦✦
“Why couldn’t this have waited until another day?” Gun muttered, unbuttoning his shirt, letting it slide off his taut frame, and neatly folding it, placing it onto the roof of his car. He was glad he hadn't put his jacket on, having left it in his passenger seat. “I can’t dirty my clothes again, [Name] will be mad if I get blood on it.” He rolled his broad shoulders until they released a satisfying crack, his thick muscles bulging as he stretched his arms across his scarred chest. Gun peered at a nearby store, the digital clock displaying in big white numbers, ‘7:45 PM’. He groaned, his lips curling into a scowl whilst his arms fell to his side. He didn’t have enough time to deal with this.
“Hmm, and it’s almost time for our date. Fuck.” Gun whispered to himself. He clenched his fists, narrowing his eyes at the man across from him. He removed his shades and revealed his dark gaze, placing his favorite accessory to his side as well. “I’ll make this quick, Goo. I have more important places to be.”
Goo laughed, grinning in his spot as he balanced a pole in his hands. He rolled his eyes, arching a brow at his partner. “Tsk, tsk, tsk, Gun, maybe if you didn’t spend all your time by [Name]’s side, we could have dealt with this matter much earlier. That girl has you wrapped around her pretty little finger, huh?”
“Shut it,” Gun said, already racing towards the blonde and thrusting his fist, knuckles colliding with metal. Upon the cold sensation meeting his skin, he wanted to absolutely kill Goo and rip him to shreds. This would take longer than he wanted, wasting his already precious, short time. He backed off, having a considerable distance between the two, stretching his fingers a few times before clenching them again. He growled, spitting venomously,  “You just like picking fights.” 
“You did too. Before you met her, y’know,” Goo tutted, waving his finger in the air. He scoffed, voice low, “Who would’ve thought? Gun going soft for a girl. Psh, pathetic. Never thought I’d live to see the day...” The blonde trailed off, his face becoming stoic, his mind wandering. You truly had to be someone exceptional if you managed to have a guy like Gun to fall for you. He always wondered who you were, how you looked like, what you did, but Gun had kept you a secret from the world of crime. He hid almost every known trace abou you and tied every loose end that implicated you existed. No one knew who you were and no one could find you — unless Gun allowed them to. 
Goo found it so irritating how he was unable to know the girl who made such a notorious gangster go soft. 
He only met you once and that was by pure sheer luck; dropping by unexpectedly at one of Gun's apartments, only to be met with the sight of you. Seeing how Gun reacted, he knew you were supposed to be kept hush-hush. But boy, did he have a field day the next time he saw the man.
Goo had to meet you again. Or at least, know you more.
Only when Gun’s fist connected with Goo’s face did the man snap out of his thoughts, the impact of such force throwing him a few feet backwards. He dug his feet into the floor, a high-pitched screech coming from his shoes as the rubber burned against the pavement. With his sleeve, Goo wiped his cheek, seeing a speck of blood staining his clothes. Goo chuckled, standing up straight with a grin, “If I can remember right, you told me you got Eli Jang in trouble for basically the same thing. What was her name again? Heather?”
Goo blocked the upcoming attack, his pole raised and crossed above his face. He pushed Gun back with an effortless swing of the pole. He tilted his head and scratched the back of his head with his free hand. “How is [Name] any different from Heather? What does she have on you?”
Gun twisted his neck gently until he heard a crack, looking back at Goo as he hissed with venom, “Nothing.”
“Let me think, let me think….” Goo hummed, racking his mind for any possibility that someone like Gun would stay with a woman longer than one night. His face lit up and he broke out into a wide grin, pointing a finger at Gun. “Aha! You got the poor girl knocked up, right?! See, I always tell you to wear protection! Just couldn’t keep it in your pants, hm? Shaaame.” 
“Ugh, fuck no. I don’t want kids and neither does she. We made that clear at the beginning," Gun said with a sneer, annoyed beyond comprehension at Goo's antics. 
“Awe, I really thought she held something over you. How about this: I’ll stop fighting you if you tell me why you’re still with such a pretty girl like [Name]? Deal?" Goo offered, slinging the pole onto his shoulder. His eyes darkened as he spat maliciously, knowing each word would wind and rile Gun's emotions. "She deserves better than a perverted gangster, you both know that.”
Gun stayed silent, the corners of his lips tugging down into a frown. Goo’s last words struck a chord in him, sending a pang through his heart upon hearing an insecurity he’ll never admit to. Of course. Everyone told you to stay away from a man like Gun. People kept telling you you will only get hurt in the end, that a better man will come along and sweep you off your feet if you just waited, or you could always do better than him. But you never listened. You stayed by his side, even when the whole world looked down on you two. Even for months, he tried convincing himself he felt nothing for you, but after a while, he finally accepted that someone managed to tear down his walls and enter his hollow, cold heart — you. 
You were just a different kind of girl - no- a different kind of woman. A special woman he had the pleasure of meeting. One he wouldn’t dare let go of now that he has the privilege of calling you ‘mine’. And by any god out there, he won’t be a stupid fool to lose you.
Gun sighed. “I tell you and you’ll put this stupid fight behind us, right?”
Goo placed a hand over his chest, replying shortly, “You have my word.~”
“[Name] is just that special person you meet once in your life. One you know you can’t let go of because there isn’t another like her. Simple as that.”
“What?! Ugh, don’t be boring! Tell me more!”
“You asked why I  stayed with her and I told you.”
“Yeah, but I expected a story, not some sad attempt at an old man’s wise words.”
A low guttural sound rumbled in Gun’s throat, his eye twitching. “Maybe when I’m in a better mood I’ll tell you, but if you’ll excuse me, I have a date with my woman.”
Goo groaned and tossed his pole to the side, rolling his eyes and grumbling, "Fiiine, but you owe me a story. "
"Whatever—damnit," Gun looked at the clock once again and his face contorted into one of pure irate. "I'm late."
'8:12 PM'
✦✦✦ ✦✦✦
Your head rested on your hand, balancing a glass of wine between your fingers, twirling the cup as the liquid swished around. Your eyes were looking down on the glory of Gangdong, the shimmering, blinding lights of the city mesmerizing you. The city always looked beautiful at this time of night. You just wished you could enjoy it with the person you cherished. A sigh leaves your lips and you look away, eyes trailing to the other tables over the balcony. 
The lingering eyes of many strange men didn't faze you anymore, the two burly boys surrounding your table always making them avert their gaze as fast as it landed. A courtesy of your boyfriend, who was at least thirteen minutes late, who insisted on you needing to be guarded at all times. You knew if he were here, no one would dare to even breathe in your direction, let alone glance. 
The cool air pricked your skin and a shiver passed through your body, reminding you of where you were. For a man as smart as him, Gun tended to neglect keeping the season in mind when planning your dates. Nonetheless, you were happy he went out of his way to take you out on such a busy schedule. 
You jumped in your seat, snapping out of your thoughts. A jacket was wrapped around your frame, warmth immediately enveloping you as the fabric made contact with your bare skin. You looked up and smiled. 
Gun stood behind you, towering over your sitting form as he made sure you were nice and covered. His coat basically swallowed you whole. A small stuffed animal was tucked under his arm, it’s fluffy fur peeking out. He walked over to take his seat, pulling the chair out, and wasting no time to slip in. He waved to the guards and they nodded, beginning to clear the scene of people.
“Sorry I’m late, [Name],” Gun started, taking the stuffie out from underneath his arm and presenting it to you. Oh, how adorable. "I brought you a gift as an apology."
A small brown otter sat in his palms, barely taking up Gun's hands. It’s beady, plastic eyes looked straight at you, a little smile stitched onto its snout. A snort left you. The sight of such a well-dressed, intimidating man carrying such an adorable toy was  amusing. "Really now? Just a cute toy, Gun?"
Gun sighed and sat up a bit from his chair, leaning over the table, and cupping your face as he planted a gentle kiss on your cheek. As quick as it started, Gun's lips left and he was seated once again. You pout. "Don't give me that look, [Name]. We can do more at home if you want but not here."
"It's not wrong to be disappointed in no kiss on the mouth after not seeing your boyfriend for such a long time. Don't you think I deserve it?"
Gun smirked, placing his shades on the table and taking your hand, intertwining your fingers together. He gave a light squeeze and you didn't miss a beat as you squeezed his coarse hand back. The way you pursed your lips and looked at him with such glossy, innocent eyes made his heart swell. With such a pretty, cute face, it was hard to say no to you. "Hmm, maybe. But Olly told me you crossed paths with Hostel A." Gun spoke, slipping his hands from yours and picking up his dinnerware, quickly cutting the savory meat into pieces. He didn't hesitate to put a piece up to your mouth, a hand underneath so as to not have the juice leak. "I was told you nearly broke the Uncles' bones and Big Daddy himself."
Your face scrunched up and you scoffed, shaking your head. You placed the stuffed animal to the side, petting it. "Figured those assholes wouldn’t tell you everything. The ‘uncles’ wouldn’t leave me alone and I thought Olly was another one of those bastards,” you snap, sitting back in your seat with a scowl. “How was I supposed to know he was trying to help when he dresses like that? I thought he was trying to assault me for God’s sake!”
Gun placed down his fork on his plate and his face twisted into one of fury, eyes turning cold and rigid as all the warmth disappeared whilst his lips curled back into a nasty frown. You almost thought his infamous scowl was directed towards you, but you knew better. You dear boyfriend wouldn't dare lay a single finger on you if it didn't bring you pleasure. "They what?" 
You smiled softly, placing your hand over his as it clenched into a fist. With your small attempt at trying to soothe him by rubbing small circles, you spoke with a bit of hesitation, "Ah, yeah. They kept trying to get my number and wouldn't let me leave the booth I was in. I had no other choice than to use the training you taught me. Since I never met Olly, I really thought he was just another one of them and I reacted before thinking, making me attack him too."
Gun scoffed, shaking his head as he listened to your explanation with disbelief, every word fueling his rage of someone daring to hit on his woman. Every fiber in Gun's body screamed, wanting to feel their skin underneath his fists as he pounded them into oblivion. But the only thing stopping him was his date with you. For now, he'll put his anger aside to be with you and keep you happy. Who knows how long he'll be gone and when he'll see you again. The man has to make every second count. 
Yet, he couldn’t let this go unpunished.
"Fuck." Gun leans closer to you and sits on the edge of his chair. Placing his hand over yours, he slips his fingers to grasp your palm, and lifts your hand to his lips, pressing tender kisses against your knuckles. His thumb grazing softly across your fingers and his eyes flutter shut. You couldn't help but stare in awe, never quite seeing him like this.
So careful with you, so gentle, you were surprised he wasn't seething in his seat and threatening to break their heads open. Gun opens his eyes and looks up at you, shaking in his seat. “I promise I’ll have those fuckers begging on their knees for your forgiveness. They should know better than to treat a woman with such rudeness and disrespect. Shit, I’ll go right now. I’ll beat them till-”
Your sweet laugh reaches his ears, cutting him off from his little speech. You lean in and pull in his hand to your lips, pressing a tender peck to his coarse knuckles. Gun felt his heart race and skip a beat at the sight, shock crossing his features. You look up, looking at your boyfriend with mirthful eyes. “As much fun as that sounds, I'd rather you stay here. Please? I want to spend as much time with you before you go back to work.”
The man stayed silent for a few seconds, taking in your words. He looked away, clicking his tongue before he broke out into a small smile, a blush blooming across his cheeks and the tip of his ears burning a bright red. “Of course, [Name]. Though, you could’ve just said you like spending time with me.”
Giggling, you lower your hands and shake your head. “Gun, of course I like spending time with you. You’re my favorite person and I love you after all.” Your voice said those three words with such fondness, it’s as if the man was in a dream. 
If your words from before didn’t send Gun over the edge, your proclamation of love surely did now. He looked down, grinning like an idiot, showing a soft, bashful side he’s never revealed to anyone before. He swore his heart would jump out of his throat from how fast it was pounding against his ribcage. Gun grasped your hand tightly and sighed blissfully, Gently, he spoke, gazing at you with loving eyes, “I love you too.”
You smiled.
The tension in the air grew to be too much and both of you found it unbearable, wanting to do what both of you have been waiting for for weeks.
Both of you sat up and leaned over the table, closing the gap between you two as your lips interlocked, slipping together like if you were made for eachother. The kiss sparked and fed the fire both of you held in your hearts, burning brighter with every moment you spent at one another’s side. Gun couldn’t help but smile against your mouth.
As much as he hated being apart from you for so long, moments like these made the long hours worth it. If working so much meant he could provide for you, then he wouldn't mind doing it for the rest of his life if you had a roof over your head and a nice, warm meal at night.
Afterall, you were his woman.
And he loved you.
©𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚢𝚗𝚘𝚟𝚊 || 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚎𝚍 || 𝚗𝚘 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜, 𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚜, 𝚌𝚘𝚙𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚎𝚝𝚌. 𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝚌𝚒𝚛𝚌𝚞𝚖𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚜 .
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mizunetzu · 4 years
Can you do a scenario where reader (male pronouns) kind of outs himself as bi and then hides for a while since it was an accident and he wasn't actually ready and after some time bakugo finds him and they end up awkwardly confessing to each other? Bonus points if you can do ComfortingTM class 1A (also I just really want bi representation 🥺)
BRO BRO ur reblogs and replies always make me BAM BAM
(Also y’all ik that gif is huge but it had denki AND baku in it and i felt compelled to use it bc kamis kinda important in the story NSNDNEKWK)
Bakugou x reader - How to Out Your Classmate
⚠️warnings - being outed by your classmate (denki) (I’m sorry denki stans), bakugou kinda bulling kami at the end kdnfjekfj
Pronouns - male, he/him
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It was something he didn’t mean to say.
Rather, it just slipped out.
“Ne, (L/n)-kun, don’t you think Yao-momos hair is kinda sexy today? Her hair down plus that hair clip is FIRE dude!”
Kaminari slung a arm around (Y/n’s) shoulder, while Mineta smugly grinned from his seat. He wiped away a line of drool dripping from his mouth.
“Oh oh oh, her hair falls over her boobs so perfectly! I just wanna touch them at least once, ehuheuheu...”
Sero sighed from his seat. “Dude. You really are a scumbag. Stop that.”
Mineta, not missing a beat, turned to Sero with a shit-eating grin. “Oh? Why’s that? Are you gay or something?”
(Y/n) visibly stiffened from under Kaminari’s grasp. Kaminari however, didn’t notice and played along into Mineta’s joke.
“Yeah dude, kinda sus. Don’t go perving on me in the locker rooms now, haha!”
Sero sighed once more, this time with a playful smile. “Shut up, your probably more sus than I am-“
He was cut off when (Y/n) started wriggling out from under Kaminari’s arm. The three looked at (Y/n) quizzically, while (Y/n) awkwardly coughed. “I’m...leaving.”
“Why? What happened?” Kaminari leaned on the back of Seros desk.
“Well-you guys are...loud and I’m going to my desk.” Even the dumbest person could tell how tense (Y/n) was. Though, Kaminari was as dumb as he was oblivious. He scoffed, but it sounded more like a chuckle.
“What? I don’t get it, man. We were teasing Sero, not you.” Kaminari’s teasing tone felt like heaters blasting full power through (Y/n’s) body. It was strange. You always felt kind of hot when you get a little flustered. “So what part of what we said bothered you?”
“N-nothing!” (Y/n) cursed at the way he raised his voice, cursing even more at his small stutter.
“Then why are you panties in such a twist? I’m just making fun of Sero bein’ sus.”
“W-well how fun! Move, class is starting.” Truth be told, class didn’t start until 10 minutes later. When (Y/n) tried to subtly push past Kaminari, he grabbed him by the arms and blocked his way out. “No way I’m moving! You’re mad for some reason, and I just wanna know why!”
“So what exactly did we do?”
Sero rested his chin on his palm. “Yeah if you can tell us we can stop doing it, (L/n)-kun. I gotta agree with Kami on this one.”
An irk mark appeared as (Y/n’s) face flushed a darker shade of pink. Not in the good way though. He struggled helplessly in Kaminari’s stronghold, before tching and looking away.
“There’s nothing more to say-! You’re just-starting to get on my nerves and I wanna leave-!”
“Really? That’s it?” Kaminari looked at (Y/n) skeptically, before his face lit up. “Oh wait!”
“You started getting all pissy when we were talking about Yaoyorozu...and you also got mad the other day when she was talking about Bakugou...”
Shit. Shit. Shit.
“..So you like Yao-“
“I don’t fucking like Yaoyorozu!”
Now Kaminari was starting to get antsy. “Then what! Why are you mad! Is it because Mineta and I were ‘perving’?!”
“I’m not fuckin’ mad about you drooling over Yao-momos boobs! I’m not mad at all!”
Students started to gather once Kaminari and (Y/n) started to raise their voices higher and higher. Kaminari’s grip on (Y/n) was long gone, though (Y/n) was too upset to notice.
“If you weren’t mad about that, you were obviously mad about that time Yao-Momo talking about how Bakugou was attractive. So what? Do you like Bakugou or something? Are you gay?”
(Y/n) paled and grit his teeth. He was full on yelling now. “Stop saying that, damnit! I don’t like boys! Y-you know that!”
Kaminari gasped comically. “Oh my god! You totally avoided my question, dude!”
“Yeah! Now I get it! That’s what’s bothering you so much! It all makes sense!”
Kaminari’s mad expression morphed into one that you make when you solve a difficult question. It felt like all the blood in (y/n’s) face was drained, yet all the blood rushing to his cheeks burned like fire. Sero stood up from his chair and placed a hand on Kaminari’s shoulder. “Dude, uh-I think that’s enou-“
“Your confused because you’re straight but now you’ve started to like a guy, right?! Bakugou, right?!”
Seros warning went over Kaminari’s head completely. (Y/n) dug his nails into his palm while Kaminari pried into (Y/n’s) mind with his eyes.
“I’m not confused! I’m pissed. Very, very pissed at you!”
The blond haired boy slammed his arms down on Seros table and leaned in uncomfortably close. (Y/n) wanted to step back, but if he did, he’d run straight into Sero.
“Ok. If you answer this compleeeetely honestly, I’ll let you go. Swear! And we’ll never talk about this again! Just say yes or no! Nothing else!”
Sero glanced around the room. Everyone was staring, some had their hands over their mouths, and some were whispering and asking what was going on. Sero nervously tugged on the fabric of (Y/n’s) blazer. “U-um...yo... (y/n)...Kamin-“
“Do you like Bakugou?”
“And don’t say you don’t like boys or you’re not gay, we ‘know’ that!”
“Just say yes or no!”
“Are you ga-“
“I’M BI!” (Y/n’s) sudden outburst silenced the classroom. It was like a blow from a king to shut up the commoners. “I’M BI, SO SHUT UP! ARE YOU HAPPY?! I’M NOT GAY AND I DON’T LIKE BAKUGOU! I DONT! I-I DONT. I don’t. I...”
Stagnant air flooded the 1-A classroom. Almost immediately, (Y/n) slapped both his hands over his mouth, eyes blown wide. Kaminari awkwardly chuckled. “Uh...”
(Y/n) took a tentative step back, bumping straight into Sero. He reflexively grabbed onto (y/n’s) forearms, stabling him.
“Are you oka-“
“Don’t touch me!” (Y/n) pushed off of Seros body and stumbled over a desk. He crashed onto the ground and fumbled onto his bottom. Students upon students neared towards him, all their face and voice blending together into one big, muddy pile. Their voices eventually turned into ringing, louder and louder until-
“SHUT UP!” (Y/n) rose to his wobbly legs, half running and half crawling towards the door as fast as he could. He could hear the protestant shouts of his classmates, or even the sleepily confused expression of his teacher as as flew by him in the hallway.
He guessed he was skipping class that day.
40 missed calls from: Mina-San domoo-!!
125 unopened texts from: Mina-San domoo-!!
23 missed calls from: Kamiii ⚡️
45 unopened texts from: Kamiii ⚡️
12 unopened texts from: Iida Tenya.
5 unopened texts from: ura-chaaaan 💖
1 unopened text from: Bakugou
(Y/n) turned off his phone. He knew if he kept it on, Mina would keep spamming his phone with text messages.
It’s been about a few days since his whole freak out happened. He’d bolt out of class the second it was dismissed, and he kept himself either locked in his room, or out of the dorms as much as humanly possible. He wasn’t ready to have that conversation yet.
His phone buzzed again. He sighed, half expecting it to be another spam text from Mina. What he didn’t expect, was to see Bakugous contact photo on his screen, with the big green words “Incoming call-Bakugou” blaring at him so intimidatingly.
Something made him want to answer.
He pressed the phone to his ear.
Bakugous gruff voice sent chills down the boys spine. His voice seemed to lock itself inside his throat, refusing to come out his mouth.
“Say something, dumbass.” Oh boy, was he trying. Everytime he opened his mouth, his throat closed up and refused to open again. Bakugou sighed harshly through the speaker.
“Stop being stupid and avoiding us-“ (Y/n) absentmindedly pressed the red “end” button. If Kaminari or Kirishima or whatever convinced Bakugou, to convince HIM to stop avoiding them, just because he ‘liked’ him, (and he totally did), he’d rather not hear it.
(Y/n) went to crumple up a piece of paper he was scribbling on, and drop it into the trash can, when it bounced on top and rolled away pathetically near his feet. His trash can was overflowing. Well, it was expected, since he was deliberately missing out on trash days just so he didn’t have to leave his dorm. (Y/n) swiped up the piece of paper, along with the trash bag lining the bin.
A few seconds outside couldn’t hurt. No one will see him. He’ll just...throw the bag in the dumpster, and slink back in before anyone knows he’s there.
(Y/n) hauled the trash bag into the dumpster, throwing it from out over his shoulder. He dusted off his hands and wiped forming sweat off his brow. The trash was out, no one saw him, all he had to do was slip back in his room before anyone sees him.
He huffed and turned around, immediately being smacked by a spiky tuft of blond hair. All the color drained from (Y/n’s) face. Bakugou turned his head and spat onto the dirt, clicking his tongue in the process.
“Figured you’d be here.”
”...there’s no way you could’ve-“
“It takes about a couple days for a small trash can to fill up. And knowing you, shit-for-brains, would come and take it out when no one was really watching. 5 pm, when everyone’s getting ready for dinner. You really do have shit-for-brains, shittyass.”
Bakugou may seem like a meathead, but the times he showed he was observant and intelligent made his heart tie knots around itself. (Y/n) bit back a stutter and a blush.
“W...ell, how-how’d you know I was going to take it out today? A-and to this dumpster, instead of the one on the other side of the dorms?”
Bakugou scoffed loudly, stalking closer to him. (Y/n) gulped. “This ones closer to your dorm room, even I know that, loser.”
Bakugous voice dipped, suddenly becoming uncharacteristically quiet. “...and I’ve been coming here everyday at 5 pm...shittyass...”
Bakugou was really dedicated to his scheme, huh. Just so he could see him? (Y/n)? He should be the LAST person Bakugou would want to see. Especially with what Kaminari was blabbering about. Still...It made (Y/n) feel a bit special.
But knowing Bakugou, he was just probably here to tell him how disgusting he was. Maybe he’ll start calling him ‘dick-for-brains’ instead of ‘shit for brains’. Or just plain on ‘fag’.
“Oi-stop spacing out and fucking listen to me! And don’t you dare run away until you hear me the fuck out!”
Bakugous palms flashed white, generating small blasts and he pointed an agitated finger at (Y/n). He stepped back reflexively.
“Um...well...what did you want then?” (Y/n) awkwardly fumbled with his hands behind his back, trying to keep still as much as he could. He wanted to disappear.
“Is it true?”
(Y/n) looked up. Bakugou was staring dead on, with his hands shoved stiffly in his pockets and sporting the faintest blush on his face. It was so unnoticeable, you could blink and miss it. That, and the trademark scowl, you could hardly tell if his face was red because of anger or something else.
“What is?”
“Don’t play dumb with me, fuckass! Do you like me or not?!”
(Y/n) opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. Bakugou grunted and stepped closer. “Answer me!”
“S-so what if I do-?! You gonna call me a fag?!” (Y/n) was sweating bullets. He hoped Bakugou wouldn’t see how utterly nervous he was. Fake it til you make it. Though, he doesn’t know what he’d do once Bakugou goes flames blazin’ on his ass. He could all ready see his reaction-
Bakugou smirked. “Knew it.”
Knew it? (Y/n’s) nerves temporarily fizzled down, a wave of confusion washing over him. “...What?”
“God, do you need me to spell everything out for you? It was obvious. To me at least. Everyone was probably too fuckin’ dumb to notice.”
(Y/n) fell silent. He could speak if he wanted to, his throat wasn’t closing up, but he chose to keep silent. It’s not like he knew what to say, anyways. He was stunned into submission.
“-so I was right. Now, go out with me, Bitch.”
“Thanks. But I’ll pass.”
“I-“ Bakugou made a sputtering noise. (Y/n) wasn’t sure if he was caught off guard or sputtered out of sheer anger. “What?! Why the fuck not?!”
“Dude, how do I know you aren’t like, I dunno, being bribed by Kaminari or something to try and ‘prove that I’m bi’? Or that your just mocking me?”
“Idiot! Why the fuck would you think I’d listen to a dumbass like dunce face?! I fucking like you, you like me, I don’t see the problem here!”
(Y/n) knew he wasn’t lying. Bakugou was many things, a shithead, a piece of angry trash, but he wasn’t a liar. Still, he sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets.
“Dude, as much as I’d love to go out with you, there’s too much cons to it. I mean-first off, I don’t want people calling you a fag or anything because you’re with me...second, I’m...scared of how the class’ll take it, especially for someone like you-“
“Eh?! What’s that supposed to mean?! Are you fucki-“
(Y/n) pushed past him, accidentally brushing his shoulder in the process.
“...And third, even if I’m too scared how the class would react, I’m too prideful to let Kaminari ‘predictions’ win.”
He was gone before Bakugou could turn around.
(Y/n) was late to class on purpose that day.
He didn’t want to risk it with Bakugou, Kaminari, anyone. He’s more afraid of the class than he is of getting scolded by Aizawa. And that was saying something.
So when he walked in the door, Bakugou gripping Kaminari’s tie and releasing small blasts in the air with his wound up hand, he didn’t know if he should replace ‘Getting Scolded By Aizawa’ with ‘Getting Murdered By Bakugou’ in his worries for today.
“Fucking idiot!” Bakugou growled, spit flying onto Kaminari’s face as he set off another blast. It was small enough not to cause damage to any desks or chairs around them, but it was close enough to Kaminari’s face to make him yelp. “I’ll fucking kill you!”
“Ow!” Kaminari half yelled-half whimpered. Bakugou’s hands heated up, glowing orange from under Kaminari’s chin. “Hey-HEY! Chill-!W-what did I even do?! OW!”
Bakugou slammed him against his desk by his blazer. “It’s your fuckin fault that shit-for-brains won’t go out with me!”
Another blast. This time, fired in the air but much bigger than before. Kaminari flinched. “Ah! S-shit-for...(L/n)?! How is it my fault?!”
“It’s your fault because you made him all scared and shit to go out with me! With your stupid prying ass! Now he won’t go out with me until I get you to apologize! So apologize so I can have a fuckin boyfriend! Go die!”
(Y/n) looked around the room. No one was trying to stop Bakugou from literally roasting Kaminari alive. Not even Iida. Everyone stood there, eyes locked on Kaminari or recording them while stifling snickers. (Y/n) walked up to Mina, who was recording and whispering commentary near the speaker.
“Uh...what’s happening? Why’s no one stopping Bakugou?”
Mine looked up. “Well-he kinda deserved it. I mean, he did act like a dick to you a few days ago. Bakugou’s just givin’ him a piece of his mind.” She fixed her angle on her phone, hunching down slightly in the process. “Also, glad to see you talking to us again, (L/n)~”
(Y/n) glances around the room once more. Everyone seemed to silently agree. Though, Iida looked like he was going to explode in his seat. Poor Iida. Poor Kaminari.
(Y/n) was brought out of his mind when Mina slowly panned her phone over to him. He was about to question her, when Kaminari was thrown carelessly at his feet. Bakugou kicked at Kaminari’s hunched figure, stepping on his back with his hands clenched in his pockets.
“Say it.”
Kaminari made a wheezing noise.
“I-I’m sorry for outing you in-in front of our classmates...”
Bakugou dug his foot into Kaminari’s back. “LOUDER!”
Bakugou gave Kaminari a look saying to ‘keep going.’ Kaminari shot back with a face that said ‘dude. What you want me to say is fucking stupid.’
Bakugou snarled and fired another mini explosion into the air. Kaminari squeaked and looked up at (y/n), who had the most confused look on his face. Kaminari sighed.
“And...totally I don’t think that you and Bakugou are gonna get together...totally unexpected...”
Kaminari, even if he was about to be best to a pulp, couldn’t help the snicker from leaving his mouth. Bakugou, you dumb fuck. He was probably thinking back to the time (Y/n) said ‘I’m too prideful to let Kaminari ‘predictions’ win’. Even so, that was just dumb. Even for Bakugou.
Bakugou huffed contently, while Kaminari shakily pulled himself up. Bakugou thunked him on the head again. “There. Now you have no fuckin’ reason not to be my boyfriend. If you don’t I’ll kill you.”
(Y/n) hummed out of hesitation. “Ehhhh...but...”
“We allowed Bakugou to rough up Kaminari, which is a CLEAR violation of the rules, the least you could do is say yes, (y/n)-kun! Though I do believe Bakugou should be punished for his harsh actions.”
Iida jutted out from his seat, swinging his arm in the air. Everyone stayed silent for a second, until Tsuyu stepped forward. “I agree with Iida-Chan, kero. You two would look nice together.”
One by one, the class started saying how ‘cute’ they’d be together or that they didn’t care that (y/n) was Bi, much. It was different from when the class was clamoring around him, instead of all their voice blending together in one big ring, he could hear every single persons song of praise. He supposed it was alright. It wouldn’t hurt as much as he think it would.
(Y/n) sucked in a breath, and turned his head to Bakugou. He looked at (Y/n) almost expectantly.
“...fine....you win...you better take care of me, Bakugou.”
He turned his head and scoffed. “Idiot. I was gonna do that regardless.”
Mina started clapping and wolf whistling. Eventually, everyone started to clap and ‘aww’ed, before quickly rushing to their seats once they heard groggy footsteps approach the door.
A man with shaggy hair walked in. The class sat silent, staring at Aizawa. He sniffed and trailed his eyes around the room.
Setting his sleeping bag behind his podium, he pursed his lips. “Where is Kaminari?”
Kaminari was laying on the floor next to (y/n’s) seat, smiling dumbly with burn marks. He was pumping his fists with his thumbs sticking out. Everyone broke into a cold sweat.
“Would anyone like to tell me why Kaminari is out of his seat?”
Oh fuck.
Bakugou got 3 days house arrest.
Jdjdjejejc this was real fun to write HAHAHAHA I’m lowkey proud of it
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theyscreamjade · 4 years
You're Mine.
Katsuki BakugoXFem!Reader!
Welcome, Guess who's feeling smutty today! This girl! I used to have a nickname back in my Wattpad days as the ovaries destroyer because I used to make characters so hot. I hope I can still live up to the name! It's been years, I hope you enjoy it! You can obviously tell I got into it a bit because it’s 2.3k words. Let them have cake! Enjoy my peeps!
Disclaimer: Cursing, Expedition, NSFW. (NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 18+!)
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If you love something, set it free; if it comes back it’s yours, if it doesn’t, it never was - Richard Bach
You panted softly, sitting on the gym’s bench that was beside you. Sweat dripped down between your breasts as Mina walked over, handing a towel to you.
“What a workout, That was excellent Y/N! That flip you did to get me down, I wasn’t even expecting it!” Ochako commented, walking over to you while you wiped the sweat from your head.
“Bakugo taught me that..before we broke up.” You said as Toru appeared. “I’m sorry about you two breaking up again, I would’ve never expected that to even happen.” She said, sadly.
You shrugged before downing your water jug, getting it to the third line designed on it. “Oh yeah, As I was saying before you obliterated Ochako. I’m having a party tonight and you all are invited, especially you Y/N” Mina said, putting her hand on her hip.
Her green crop top showed her pink stomach as she turned her attention to you. “You owe me this one, especially after you stood the last guy up.” She added before you rolled your eyes.
“You made a blind date for me the week after I and Bakugo broke up.” You responded as she whined softly.
“It’s been three months, Y/N! It’s time to move on, I know you miss him and everything but you guys broke up because you two aren’t compatible or something.” Toru said, her gloved hand forming a fist. “At least give the guy a chance and see what happens.”
“For once...I agree with her, she’s right about that. You never know, This may help you out a bit Y/N” Tsu commented, holding her water bottle in her hand before dumping it over her head. She often did this to keep herself slick and wet because..she’s a frog.
They were right though, You and Bakugo broke up a few months back and it honestly hurt you. You had true honest feelings for him and you knew he did for you too, he did things that no one had ever seen him do. The times you’ve seen him smile, laugh, and more while everyone saw the angry, yelling Pomeranian.
The breakup was so sudden as well, he called you outside. You two stood in the exact place where he saw you after school, the small patch of cherry blossoms. He stared into your eyes and just did it, be dumped you and left you. You wanted an explanation, A reason. Something! You never would receive it though.
“Fine, I’ll go.” You said as everyone eyes lit up in happiness. “Finally! I’ll make sure to have the guy there and looking scrumptious for you, I know you’ll love him Y/N!” Mina said, excitedly.
“Please, if he’s a guy who’ll give you free things because he’s dating me, I’ll never talk to you again.” You said as she gasped dramatically. “THAT WAS ONE TIME AND IT WAS FOR THE NEWEST IPHONE!” She screamed back as everyone laughed.
Your heels clicked towards the penthouse, the sound of music playing could be heard from outside. Your gut was telling you to go home while your heart was yelling to take a chance.
You wore a black lace bra that perfectly lifted and hugged your breasts with a black skirt that held your every curve perfectly with your black strapped heels, each black strap hugging up your legs before stopping at your thighs. You placed your hand on the glass door as colors flashed with music banging in your ears.
“You came!!” Mina screamed, running to you as she hugged you tightly. “Ohh! You look sexy! You’re just meeting the poor man, not sleeping with him!” She said before you slapped her arm as she giggled. “Come on! Let’s turn the fuck up!!” She screamed, pulling you towards the crowd. You giggled as the gut feeling faded away.
After a few drinks, you and the new guy (who name you accidentally forgotten.) were grinding against each other on the large dance floor. His left arm was wrapped around your waist as the music increased. Your ass rubbed against his forming bulge before you started twerking. Boom, he’s hard now. You stuck your tongue out as he held on for dear life from you grinding on him.
A wave of sickness rushed through you before you walked towards the bathroom since you knew Mina’s home pretty well. You walked down the hallway before freezing right in place as the sickening feeling feeling disappeared.
Bakugo stopped, looking at you. His red eyes softened when he finally saw you again. “Y-“
You pushed him aside, walking towards the bathroom as he grabbed your wrist. “Y/N, We need to talk.”
“I don’t need to talk to you.” You replied, your words sounding like fire. “I need t-“ “For What?!” You screamed, glaring at him as you snatched your hand away. “You fucking dumping me was the last time you’d ever do anything!”
“Damnit Y/N, Listen to m-“ “Leave me alone, Katsuki Bakugo.” You demanded before walking to the bathroom. His patience was being tested as he chuckled. “I dumped you because of what you’re fucking doing out there.” He said. Your feet stopped right at the door before you did an about-face to him. “Repeat that?”
“You heard me loud and fucking clear, Dumbass.” He responded as you scoffed. “So, You dumped me because of what happens with Deku? Right?” You asked, remembering the strange incident that happened months ago.
During a battle, You and Deku were in charge of taking everyone to safety. While the building was begging to crumble and crash down, Deku jumped towards you. You ended up landing right on top of him, and when the dust and everything were cleared. The beautiful image of you straddling Deku was the talk of the century. “You seem to be proving that it’s fu-“ his words were silenced by you.
“You’re fucking pathetic, you know that? While you’re so blinded by the fact that stupid rumor and the photo were spreading around, You failed to realize that someone loved you and that was me! You sit there and call me dumbass when you’re the actual fucking dumbass! You don’t know what the fuck happened to me after we broke up! You don’t know how it felt o lose someone you cared so much about! You just fucking dumped me and left me there like.....like...what we had never meant anything Katsuki!” You screamed, trying to keep your tears in.
His arms dropped from the folding position they were in before he looked at you before looking at the door beside him. “I’m sorry...I just..I just felt that Deku would take you away from me...and I felt I wasn’t good for you.” he whispered, making you look at him in shock.
This is what you needed right? An explanation, a reason, and..to vent your anger to him. He caused this! Why...Why did it feel as if it wasn’t enough? You hated that you loved this asshole and you still do! You couldn’t deny that at all.
“You’re still wearing it..” he suddenly said, snapping you from your thoughts. “The necklace I brought you.” He whispered, a blush covering his cheeks as your hands touched the ruby necklace he brought you after asking for you to be his girlfriend. He slowly walked towards you, his scent engulfing your nostrils while the feeling of having him so close was driving you nuts.
“God, I fucking hate what you do to me.” You said, aloud by accident. Your eyes widened as he chuckled softly, his hand touching your waist again. “It’s been way too fucking long, Teddy Bear.” He growled softly, admiring your outfit. “What about your little friend?” He asked before you gripped his shirt. “He would’ve never fucked me like you can..” you moaned softly, looking into his eyes.
The lack of not having him left you needy as hell, even your toys can’t do the trick. It’ll satisfy you for a while it’s not...Bakugo. He smirked before his right hand slipped towards your ass, gripping it tightly while pulling you up. “Let me make up for lost times, It’s the least I could do for you.” He growled, opening the bathroom door for you. You bit your lip before eagerly walking into the bathroom. The bathroom door was shut, the lights automatically turning on as his lips were smashed against yours.
Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him close as passion boiled over the surface. That feeling he created in you was sparking back alive while your lipstick was starting to be smudged by him. His hands reached down to your thighs as he plopped you on the countertop. Your hips were pulled close, rubbing against his bulge. His hand slammed onto the large mirror behind your head before you grabbed his shirt, snatching it off of him as the kiss was broken.
You tossed it aside with a harsh throw as he latched himself to your neck. A moan seeped out as his teeth bit onto the tender flesh. His hands moved from the large full mirror as he grabbed your bra, ripping it off with a simple tug. “Mmm...I’ve got to remind you, exactly who the fuck you belong to.” He growled in your ear, his voice sounding deeper than usual.
If your panties weren’t soaking from the kiss, they were now. You looked into his eyes as a smirk formed from your lips. “Oh really?... I believe I forgot who that was though. It wouldn’t be that guy I was grinding out there would it.” You said as Bakugo glared at you. You loved pushing his buttons. (brat things, you won’t understand.)
“Funny...” He said, pulling you down as he softly shoved you to your knees. “But he’s not the one who has you on your fucking knees now, is he?” He asked, unbuckling his jeans. Before you could even respond, he shoved himself down your throat. He grunted softly, holding your hair in his hands while looking at you. “What was that? I didn’t hear you..” he growled, bobbing your head before you took over.
The sounds of your soft gags, his grunts, and curses echoed through the room before you suddenly pushed down until your nose touched the base. Your eyes rolled back as you pulled away, feeling his hand gripping your hair before doing it again for you. “Fuck, That mouth of yours..does fucking wonders.” He grunted, pulling you up to him.
His lips reconnected with yours as you get two fingers slid into your panties. You moaned out, feeling his thick fingers push into your throbbing core, panting harshly against his chest while he marked your neck more. “You’re this eager for me huh? You’re dripping fucking wet for me?” He asked, curving his fingers inside you. “Y-Y-Yes!” You confessed, no longer able to keep it in while feeling his smirk against you.
Your body was pressed against the counter, bent over perfectly as he lined himself up with you. Your fingers turned into a fist, finally feeling him slide inside you. The way he stretched you yet it was perfectly fit inside you like a key to a lock. You softly moaned out as someone knocked at the door.
“Y/N! You okay?” Your original date asks from behind the door. The grip Bakugo had on your waist became tighter before a sick thought emerged in his mind. “Why don’t you respond?” Bakugo asked, slamming himself deep inside you as you moaned out in response.
“I-I-I’m okay!” You yelled back quickly, ready for him to finally leave. “I was worried about you, Should I come I-“ “NO! I’m okay! Don’t c-come i-i-in!” You tried to speak while being brutally pounded. You lifted your right hand to his waist to slow Bakugo down but he simply grabbed it and fueled him to go faster while pulling you in more.
“Fuck!” You cried out. “Are you sure you’re o-“
“She’s fucking fine! Fuck off already, You bastard!” Bakugo yelled over you, grabbing your left arm. You cried out, slapping against him as the wet sound of slapping echoed.
He suddenly pulled out, grabbing your leg as he flipped you over, pulling to the edge as he slammed back inside you. Your walls gripped him tighter than before while your right hand gripped his right that held your legs open while the other scratched the marble countertop. Your moans increased to screams while sweat dripped from you two, all while he watched you wither underneath him.
“You’re goin’ to cum aren’t you?” He asked, feeling you get even tighter around him. You nodded, whimpering and panting underneath him before he leaned close to you. “Tell me who you belong to, Baby.” He growled, wanting to hear you as he slowed his thrusts down.
“You! I belong to you!” You said, looking at him. You panted, looking at him as he went even slower. “I can’t hear you, I want everyone to know. I even want that bastard standin’ outside that fuckin’ door, Who the fuck do you belong to?” He growled as you screamed.
“You, Kastuki Bakugo! You!” You screamed, throwing your head back as he increased himself again while showing no mercy to you. You wrapped your legs around his waist while holding him close, your nails digging into his back as the blissful feeling rushed through your veins. Your head flew back as you two came together as there was a combined mess on the bathroom floor.
You panted softly, leaning against the mirror as Bakugo quickly got dressed. You raised your eyebrow in confusion as he handed your skirt to you. “Get dressed, We’re heading home. It’s about to be a long night.” He said, sliding his shirt over your body. You looked down at it before asking. “Why?”
He smirked, looking down at you again before whispering.
“I’ve gotta punish your ass for wearing that fuckin’ outfit.”
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yanderecandystore · 4 years
can we get the bullies with a male slasher s/o?
I swear like-
I swear I already did something like this?? But maybe no??¿? XD
So anyway- Alright boo, let me see what I can do- Sorry but I decided to take liberty and… Make this one be very stupid XD
TW/Tags: killer reader :3 // mentions of death // mentions of h o r n i n e s s // I have no like- Idea how to make this work so- Let's just go with it lol // low-key based on dbd, although I never played the game I know only a bit about it- // REALLY silly :P
Horror Movies Cliches [Yandere!Bully OCS x M!Slasher!Reader - Headcanon]:
🎇 Let me set the stage for a quick sec!🎇
Let's just create a bit of context- Imagine the most over the top horror movie cliche you can think off- Some teens, hanging around a haunted place, everyone is organizing a creepy party while also trying to prank one another. The twins are part of this party because duh- They're popular? Rich? Pretty af? Everyone wants a piece of them tonight, especially you.
Although technically, not in the same way the horny bastards around here want to. While some are trying to impress them, and others try to prank them and humiliate them for at least once in their lives- You're looking for something more, well, important. You were done with being the one left behind, always ridiculed by the twins and their mob of "friends".
You wanted nothing more than sweet revenge tonight, and it didn't matter which rich asshole's blood would be spilled tonight- And even if your plan wasn't exactly foolproof, you were still going to go down and smash their skulls.
With a mask covering your face, gloves to cover your fingerprints and a baseball bat- You were ready for your first hunt tonight. What could ever stop you if not God itself?
Maybe you didn't calculate all possibilities of what could go wrong today, perhaps you should have considered that you weren't the only one bloodlusty in this party.
→ Adrien Coldwell:
Adrien is not really a- Adrien is-
What can I say about Adrien? Adrien is not the best at survival, or trying to survive, or wanting to survive-
Adrien is too lazy for this- He doesn't really put an effort in trying to hide himself, since he is sold 100% that this is just another prank. The only thing stopping you from finding him and smashing his bones is his natural luck which is conveniently protecting himself from being found.
God, this party is boring.
You would probably find Adrien by accident, just- Eating some snacks as all the other participants of the party were already dead. However- You weren't so lucky when you tried killing him right there, he ran away before you could grab him.
Now noticing how real the situation was, he was ready to find any means of communication to call for help, but it seems like all possible means of easy and quick communication has been cut off.
Adrien can either hide and pray for someone to come help him, or try to fight you off and stop you from hunting him. And of course he ain't fucking attacking you, what do you take him for?? Insane?? Dumb?? Nah bitch, he is hiding.
Up until this point, Adrien had no idea you were the one behind the mask. He thought you were a random creep that went insane and decided to take his anger out on some rich people- Which could mean he is half right and half wrong!
But honestly though, you're the last person that he imagined being capable of killing so many people in one night! He didn't even know you were invited to this party, which makes this so unfortunate to him, he could be wearing a cuter outfit if he knew you would be here!
One would assume that after showing their true identities to their victims before their death would cause their victims to become even more frightened and beg for mercy!- In your case though? Nah, that ain't happening.
Adrien is treating this situation with much seriousness as one would imagine he would- With none. Knowing that you're the one killing everyone with a bat is kinda pathetic if not hilarious to him.
After all, it's just "you". What evil can you do? Honestly, you came all the way to this place to make him "pay for his actions"?? Don't you have anything better to do on a Saturday night, honey?
To be fair- He kinda digs the "unhinged maniac" look you have going on, blood suits you so well. Hell! He bet it would suit him just as well too.
Your night was supposed to be one of pure gore and carnage, revenge against those that have harmed you- Yet here you are, being flirted with by Adrien, who is getting a little too into the "killer x victim" dynamic going on.
Ugh, you don't feel in the mood anymore… It feels so wrong when he keeps flirting about it.
In the end, you two have inverted the roles in a way. You were trying to get away from Adrien who was chasing you and making you embarrassed with as much flirting as possible.
Such an unfortunate night.
→ Alexandra Coldwell:
Alexandra would think this is all an elaborate spooky prank, yet she would be lying if she said she didn't find this all…. A bit too much.
No, s-she isn't scared! Just frustrated that this party sucks! It's so immature to just- Try to humiliate her by making her scared! Is such a low move.
Alexandra wouldn't do much effort into hiding since she doesn't think there is any danger nearby. You would have found her very early on, and you can imagine how frustrating it was to see her escaping from your grasp- You have forgotten how athletic Alexandra is, of course she would have ran away faster than you could snatch her.
Now noticing how real the situation was, she was ready to find any means of communication to call for help, but it seems like all possible means of easy and quick communication has been cut off.
Alexandra can either hide and pray for someone to come help her, or try to fight you off and stop you from hunting her. And of course she'll be fighting you- Pfft, what? You think she'll chicken out?? You literally made her break her nail- You psycho!
Up until this point, Alexandra didn't know you were- Well, you! She thought you were some random ass psycho trying to ruin some teens party for some "revenge" bs. So maybe she was half right, and half wrong!
Alexandra would have never ever imagined that you were the killer! Were you even invited to the party?? Why has nobody told her? She could have chosen something more cute for you, damnit!
One would assume that after showing their true identities to their victims before their death would cause their victims to become even more frightened and beg for mercy!- In your case though? Nah, that ain't happening.
Alexandra just laughs it off and treats it like every school day- Belittling you while all's giving mix signals of affection.
She isn't afraid anymore, why would she? You're just a little wimp who thinks that getting a wooden bat and dark clothes makes you scary. Dearest, you have forgotten who is the bigger dog around here-
You wasted your whole night just to make her terrified? Honestly, you need a better hobby- Obsessing over your bully is such a loser move on your part, although she would be lying if she said she doesn't appreciate the fact you care so much about her.
Alexandra was getting a little too interested into this "roleplay" going on- Wanting to be your final girl, after all it didn't sound half as bad. Maybe she has been a little too into those slasher fanfics she has been finding around- But damn, you look almost acceptable while drenched in blood.
Her lack of care or empathy towards those who have been brutally killed, while also drooling over you, reminds you that- Honestly? Fuck this. You should have expected a Coldwell to be a morally fucked up person- Why are you surprised?
You've been trying your best to go back home, but being constantly followed by an overly affectionate Alexandra is just as bad as being humiliated by an overly sadistic Alexandra. You got no rest that day.
Such an unfortunate night.
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angelthebedsheet · 4 years
“We’re inside.”
a miles morales x reader!!!
x male! reader
a/n: MY BABY!!! i love hims!!! he makes me so mf HAPPY dude istg! here’s this oneshot bc i cant get enough of him! quite literally have a mega little crush on him
contains boy x boy miles’ awkward ass, whole lotta gang gay shit, use of n-slur, reader’s lwk a smug lil bitch, kissing, cussin and a lil spanish? miles’ parents being mega miles x m/n fans
m/n means male name!
lets get into yall!
The two boys sat in Miles’ room in a comfortable silence. That is unless you count Sunflower softly playing in the background I guess. Miles had been trying to confess how he felt towards M/N but always bitched backed out last minute. He occasionally glanced from his sketchbook to the boy sitting in his office chair. He felt his hands get sweaty as he watched M/N subconsciously chewed on his straw as he scrolled on his phone.
He admired how his locks were pulled back into a ponytail, showing his jawline. Miles’ felt his coffee coloured cheeks heat up as M/N glanced up at him from his phone. He quickly looked back at his sketchbook, pretending he was looking at it the whole time. M/N snorted. “Yo, you good, pretty boy?” He asked. “What? Psssh, yeah. I’m good. Just vibin’ y’know? Thinkin’ bout what colour I should use next.” Miles said as he waved him off, hoping his pathetic attempt at saving himself even though he felt his heart race from the nickname. He felt a sweat bead form on his forehead as M/N cocked his eyebrow. He smirked. ‘Don’t do that. Why would he do that? Why is he smirking? God, that’s hot. Fuck. I’m a disaster.’ Miles thought as he grabbed a marker. “Thinkin’ while lookin’ at my face? Cap.” M/N said as he sipped on his smoothie. “N-No it’s not! I was just in a daze while thinking okay?! I totally wasn’t staring at you. That’s gay, man.” Miles stuttered, making M/N start laughing. “Dude you‘re literally bi with a preference for dudes 70% of the time, what the fuck?” He chuckled. Miles groaned and threw a marker at him. M/N tilted his head to the side, dodging the marker. Miles huffed and looked back down at his sketchbook.
“You’re a piece of shit.” He grumbled. “But you love this piece of shit, homie.” M/N teased, earning another groan from him before relaxing his face into a soft smile. He reached over to nudge Miles’ leg. “No but like you aight, niño bonito? You know you can always talk to me. I’m here for ya. Even with your spider shit goin’ on.” M/N said. Miles felt the flutter that occurred in his stomach at the spanish substitute. “Yeah... I’m. I’m good. Just Spider-Man jitters, y’know?” Miles mumbled as he rubbed the back of his neck. M/N stared at him before humming. “No I don’t know. Not everyone wears a cool ass spandex suit and swings around the damn city with webs, saving people ‘nd shit.” He commented before picking up his phone again. Miles huffed out a chuckle. M/N bit his straw with a smile as he scrolled down his phone.
‘I’m gonna do it.’ Miles thought as he collected himself. He wiped his sweaty hands off on his jeans. “Hey, M/N?” He called out. M/N hummed as he looked up at him. “I’ve been wanting to say this but.... I loooo–”He trailed off as he started to think. ‘What if he doesn’t like me? What if he has a crush on another person? I can’t afford to ruin our friendship.’ He thought. “–iiike how the sky looks right now. Isn’t so pretty?” Miles asked, done with himself. M/N deadpanned at him. “We’re inside, my nigga. Fuck you mean you like how the sky looks? The curtain’s deadass closed too.” M/N said as he made an unimpressed expression. “Oh-uhm-I. Ah, j-just forget it.” Miles groaned. M/N rolled his eyes before smiling. “Was that another poor attempt at you trying to confess to me, Morales?” He asked. Miles’ eyes widened. “You-You noticed?!” He exclaimed as he sat up.
M/N nodded with a smile. “And you never said anything?! M/N!” He whined. “Hey, you’re a big boy. I didn’t think Spidey was so scared to confess to lil’ ol’ me.” He teased. Miles glared at him. “But, I like you too, Morales.” He said softly. Miles swang his legs off his bed and shot a web at his chair. He tugged on his web, pulling M/N in the chair to him. “Say it again.” He said.
“I like you, Miles.”
“I like you.”
“One more time for me?”
“Oh my god. Miles Morales, I like you too!” M/N groaned. Miles smiled widely as he wrapped his arms around his neck. “Can I?” He asked as he looked down at M/N’s plump lips. “Fuckin kiss m—mmhfp!” He was cut off by Miles smashing his lips onto his. He wrapped his arms around his waist. “You. Don’t. Know. How. Long. I’ve. Waited. To. Hear. That.” Miles said between pecks. M/N chuckled as Miles continued pressing kisses onto his lips. He stood up, pushing the chair back. He leaned forward, kissing him deeper. Miles smiled into the kiss and pulled him down. They fell back on the bed, never pulling away from their liplock. It felt like the world around them sizzled away only leaving them.
Unfortunately, they didn’t hear the knock on the door and it open. “Miles, M/N, do you boys want some sn— AHA! CAUGHT THEM! MI AMOR, I TOLD YOU! YOU OWE ME 20 BUCKS!” Rio exclaimed while holding a bowl of grapes, causing Miles to push M/N off. “M-Mrs. Morales!” M/N stuttered. “Mama no!” Miles exclaimed as he shot up. The two boys’ faces heated up as they looked at Rio. “It happened?! Damnit!” Jefferson exclaimed from down the hall. “You made a bet on us?” M/N questioned with a hot face. “Dios mio...” Miles mumbled under his breath. “Sorry honey, we had to. We were tired of the whining Mil—” Miles cut her off. “OOOKAYYYY MAMA! That’s enough for now, thank you for the fruit! Okay now bye!” Miles exclaimed as he set the bowl on his desk and pushed her out.
“Have fun but not too much fun!” She called out before he slammed the door embarrassed. “Oh my god, I can’t believe they did that. My mom just caught us making out oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god we were just making out, holy shit.” Miles exclaimed. “Fuck that killed the mood didn’t it?” He said as he looked at M/N. “Yeah.” He said, making Miles’ shoulders slump. “But bold of you to assume we can’t fix that. C’mere pretty boy, I’ve been deprived of this for too long. Not even Doc Ock could stop me from kissing the shit outta you.” He said as he made a ‘come hither’ sign. Miles giggled and ran over to him. M/N pulled him down and hovered over him. “That was ho—” M/N kissed him and pulled away. “Nuff talkin’ more kissin’. Got that, Morales?” M/N said. “Got it, bebé!” He exclaimed before energetically pulling him down by his collar to connect their lips once more.
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jalapeno-princess · 4 years
Tumblr media
“Babe, what are you doing?” You finished folding the top you were currently holding and placed it in to your suitcase before turning towards your boyfriend and observing the look of genuine curiosity on his face. Mark had just arrived home after his shift at the hospital; you had a feeling he must have been exhausted and you couldn’t blame him.
Since a few of his colleagues either called in sick or went on vacation this past week, he’s been working overtime and it was obvious the extra hours were taking a toll on his mental and physical health. But he was never one to complain and he sincerely loved being a nurse. Working in the medical field was one of the more tiresome occupations and so you understood that all he probably wanted to do was fall asleep. It was only 8:30 P.M., however, he would always go to bed as soon as he got home from work no matter what time it was.
Seeing you on the ground right outside of your closet, packing multiple pairs of your clothes away probably confused the hell out of him and he was most definitely not tired at all anymore. Sure, he came home wanting nothing more than to take a quick shower and go straight to bed with you wrapped tightly in his embrace, but now he had other plans.
“Packing.” He began to walk closer to where you were sitting and took his place next to you, his dumbfounded expression didn’t falter nor did it waver. You had to stifle back a laugh; you were confident he had an idea as to what you were doing, so you were well aware that your response wasn’t going to amuse him in any way.
“I can see that. Packing for what?”
“Girl’s trip.” Once you admitted your plans and the reason behind your packing, his look of confusion quickly turned in to that of a frown.
“I don’t remember us making plans to go somewhere. With who? Where are we going?”
“Not we Mark. Just Sophia, Riley, Julia and I.”
“Wait, what? Why? When? Where are you going? Why didn’t you tell me?” As much as you wanted to continue your packing, seeing his broken expression as he hesitantly reached for your clothes; as if he wanted to get you to stop tugged all but gently on your heartstrings.
“I told you a couple of days ago. Right after we finished—you know—“
“You mean to tell me, that you told me you planned on going on a trip with your friends after we finished making love? My head was obviously somewhere else—I was too busy in between your pretty thighs to even care about anything else but this beautiful body of yours—you did this on purpose babe. It’s as if you knew I would try to prevent you from going. I mean, you have every right to go and I’m not the kind of boyfriend to hold you back from having your fun and spending time with your friends, but any minute spent away from you feels like a fucking eternity and it’s sucks. I’m happiest whenever I’m with you and I’m sure you know it by now. No matter how shitty my day is at work, I put up with whatever life throws at me because I know I’m coming home to you. Now you’re leaving me all by myself for God knows how long—what am I going to do without you?”
When he first found you folding your clothes and sorting out your luggage, you found his curiosity extremely adorable. You expected this kind of reaction out of him; that’s just who Mark was. For someone who was only a few years away from reaching thirty, he could be such a big baby sometimes. However, that was a trait of your boyfriend’s that you admired the most about him. He was very sensitive; but that’s because he had one of the biggest hearts that anyone could own and he had a small amount of separation anxiety when it came to you.
It never bothered you though, it just showed that he loved and cared about you with his entire being. That information alone never failed to pull on your heartstrings. Seeing him so fragile right now; probably exhausted beyond belief after a long day yet on the verge of tears at the idea of being alone for a little while made you feel terrible. In the three years of your relationship, you never spent more than three days without each other. Wherever you went, Mark followed and vice versa. If you went to visit your family back home, he was right there next to you. If he went with his friends to an arcade, you would tag along even if gaming wasn’t your forte. A lot of your friends would jokingly refer to you and your boyfriend as magnets. The two of you stuck together like glue. You were never not together other than when either of you were at work.
Out of instinct and guilt for not informing him more about your plans, you crawled over to him and sat on his lap; wrapping your arms around his neck and placed a soft kiss on his jaw. He placed his face in the valley of your breasts and released a soft sigh. Mark was a firm believer in actions speaking louder than words. He would shower you with his love on a daily basis—he did almost every single thing for you. He loved being able to help you and support you in any way he possibly could. If you were tired from taking on more hours at your job; he would cook dinner of the both of you. He would also wash the dishes, do the laundry, sweep and mop your apartment and sometimes he would even prepare breakfast for you and pack your lunches.
Your boyfriend was just a very thoughtful and considerate human being. He was the definition of a gentleman and even if he would remind you that he loved you at least five times a day, you could tell by his many sacrifices; you were his entire world. Hearing him confess how bothered the news of the trip made him only caused you to regret not putting more thought in to your decision. What started off as a joke just to see what kind of reaction you would illicit out of him was now something so much bigger; something that could have been prevented.
“It’s only a week Mark—“
“A week? An entire week? Seriously y/n? How long have you been planning this for and why do you seem so okay with the thought of being away from me?”
“Well, I was actually the last one to know. The girls didn’t tell me until the same night I told you. They just assumed I wasn’t going to go because they all know I don’t want to go anywhere you aren’t. God, we sound so pathetic. Sophia is joining the peace core in July, so she wants to spend as much time with us before she has to go away for two years. I wouldn’t go if that wasn’t the reason why they planned this entire trip. Jackson and Jinyoung seemed to take the news perfectly fine and I’ve heard that they are planning a trip of their own. I’m surprised that they didn’t reach out to you—“
“That’s because unlike them, I’m so far up your ass that I probably wouldn’t have any fun at all and it would be a waste of time and money if I were just moping the entire vacation. Plus, I don’t think I’d want to go with them anyway. The last time we went somewhere together, we almost got kicked out of a karaoke bar because Jackson’s dumb ass was being too loud. Humph, I’m really going to miss you. Damnit, what did you do to me? I never used to be this sappy before but here I am acting like it’s the end of the world since my girlfriend is going somewhere; probably going to have the time of her life with her friends while I do nothing but sit here like a loser until she gets back.”
You giggled softly at his words and beamed up at him; cupping his cheek with your palm before placing a few sweet kisses on his lips.
“We’re driving to Vegas—and luckily they already decided that it’s Riley whose in charge of getting us there so I will make sure to call you and text you whenever I get the chance. Trust me, I already tried to hint towards inviting you but they were quick to disagree. No boys on this trip—“
He pouted frustratingly once you said those words and wrapped his arms even tired around your sides. “Why not? I’m the best boyfriend out of our friend group let’s be honest here baby. The girls like me the most. Jackson talks too much and Jinyoung’s a petty asshole. I’m the quiet, mysterious and lighthearted boyfriend. I promise, you won’t even know that I’m there.”
You grazed your thumb against his cheek; trying your best to stifle back a laugh at his attempts to get you to reconsider. You were confident in the love your boyfriend had for you, but you weren’t sure how far he was willing to go in order to be with you at all times.
“Fine, fine whatever. Go have your fun, you deserve it for all the hard work you had to suffer through in the last few weeks. But once you’re done putting away all your necessities, I want you on all fours. I need to fuck you tonight—no love making. I’m not going easy on you at all. I’m going to make sure your pussy is numb and your legs are jello once I’m done with you. Remember, five photos a day—make it ten. Two of the scenery, three of your gorgeous face I can never seem to take my eyes off of and five nudes. Oh, and I expect gifts. I want one of those five keychains and maybe a shirt that says I left my poor boyfriend home alone so that I could lose all my money playing slot machines—“
A breathy groan fell from his pretty lips as you elbowed him in his rib cage as your way to get him to stop talking. He was guilt tripping you and you’ve been with Mark long enough to know why he would do all that he did. You were also now very horny. It never failed to make you smile at an idiot knowing how soft spoken he was and how everyone around Mark assumed he must have been such a sweet, introverted guy. If only everyone knew just how much of a dominant, rough, animalistic and forceful man he was in the bedroom.
“That sounds like a great plan. Trust me my love, I’m going to miss you just as much as you’ll miss me. Before we do anything though, what are you going to do while I’m gone?”
“Wish I was a girl. Now, take off your clothes and let me hit it from the back. Maybe I can fuck you so hard you won’t be able to move and I’ll have to nurse you back to health. Preferably with my dick.”
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macabrecabra · 3 years
That fandom meme...you were making fate things, so fate?
Oh! I can do this sure thing! = w = I am a fan of the fate series indeed!
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most) OZYMANDIAS! BEHOLD! THE SUN KING DIO OZYMANDIAS! I love his personality and how he is both royal egomaniac and yet also has a strangely personable side that makes it hard to dislike him! I am not pleased at how much of his scenes were gut in the Camelot movie...how dare they do my sun king dirty!
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped) JEANNE ALTER She is a baby and adorable and trying to convince us all she is big bad and awful but every time she is taking interest in things or trying to deny she made something special, it is bloody adorable and I will NEVER get sick of that trope with her.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave) SIEGFRIED Why does everyone hate on this poor man?? He was one of the few servants who saw his master being a bitch and just said fuck that. I was sad we didn't get more of him in aporcrypha that wasn't attached to Sieg and want more of him in FGO! He is a reliable servant damnit! Ynz just don't appreciate the good boi!
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) ACHILLES If I see the carrot, I will go feral. You cannot help but love this stupid feral carrot child and the legend he comes from. People who draw Achilles in pretty dresses are saints for they know the true lore of the carrot!
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave) GILGAMESH He's a terrible bastard man, but he is OUR terrible bastard man and Fate as a series would not be what it is without him cackling all through the Grail Wars being a king of bastard energy. Also he has his adorable moments in FGO and is really just the human embodiment of pure cat energy.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason) BB She tortures us all the time so I feel justified in paying back for all of it and feel it would turn into a war of mutual torture. But if that gets us another Hawaii-style event, I'm all for it! Give me the servants and Jalter trying to make her perfect story!
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell) ALL THE ATROCITIES THAT ARE THE FAIRY SERVANTS, WHOEVER THE HELL DESIGNED JACK THE RIPPER, AND EVERY SINGLE VERSION OF GILES The fairy servants and their design is proof that if there were gods in FGO, they have abandoned these lost belts entirely, leaving only the hentai writers to write fate. They are awful. I hate them. I will burn them. Their backstories are bullshit. They are bullshit. Why would I want those atrocities when I can have actual Gawain and actual Lancelot who have designs that don't make me wonder if the artists have ever seen a real woman, spoke with a real women, or in any way, have interacted with a general human being at that. I have strong feelings about these atrocities. Also Jack the Ripper's design is a sin against humanity and whoever designed a child to wear THAT needs to go to super hell like ten times over. Just saying. Giles as a character should not be a hero nor exist and is full of cringe and stalker bullshit that always is uncomfortable. Please stop with him and all servants of all genders who like to stalk. It is not funny :<
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fever-dreamer97 · 4 years
Let’s Try This Again
Chapter 3: Pride Can Make Regret
"Damnit! I never got to finish! Do you think Aizawa-sensei might give us some free time in homeroom?" Denki whined at Hanta while Mina kept her eyes on her phone, her thumbs rapidly texting non-stop.
"Dude, just jump into that grave already..." Eijirou says, leaning forward around Hanta to talk with Denki.
Eventually, the group left the coffee shop and is now walking side-by-side up the pathway to their school's entrance. The majority of them didn't notice Katsuki's change of behavior when he returned with his coffee. They assumed he was probably annoyed and pissed off with their romance discussion and criticizing his love life that he didn't want to fool with them anymore.
Now, Kirishima Eijirou wasn't the smartest guy in the world. His grades were okay at best, and he is a bit slow on the uptake when it comes to reading the room. But Eijirou knew Katsuki the best. After all, the guy was like a brother to him.
He has seen Katsuki through his best and his worst in just this last year, likewise for Katsuki witnessing his moments. As a man, he must make sure his friends are okay. So while the group chatted mindlessly, Eijirou tries to keep a close eye on Katsuki.
But although he is worried about him, Eijirou doesn't want to pry and make Katsuki shut down even more than he already has. All he could do right now is just let Katsuki come to him...which for all Eijirou knows, could take three months. Thank goodness when it comes to either one of his friends, Eijirou has a patience level that a saint could envy.
The gang finally makes their way through the front doors and split off to their lockers. Eijirou and Katsuki are only a couple of doors down from each other, so he jumps at the one-on-one opportunity to talk with his best friend.
"Oi, Bakugo. If you need to talk or anything, just let me know, bro," He says as the both of them open their lockers. He watches Katsuki tense up before he puts on a scowl.
"Hah? What the hell are you talking about, dumbass?" He snaps.
"Just wanted to offer. You seem a bit...unhinged since the shop."
"...Shut up," Katsuki says. He takes off his outdoor shoes and puts them inside his locker before slamming it shut with more force than needed. He then drops his indoor shoes to the ground and slips them on his feet. He still keeps his gaze on the floor as he walks away and leaves Eijirou behind.
Eijirou half-heartedly sighs before he switches out his shoes and follows suit behind Bakugo. All he could do is throw the line and hope the fish takes the bait at this point.
Here's the one thing about Class 2-A: They are closer than just high school students who happen to be in the same class. Each of them has a special bond in one way or another. All of the guys get along with each other, and all of the girls see each other as sisters. They never really have any ill-will or tension in this tight-knit class.
Well, except there was their classmate, Mineta Minoru. He kept harassing and being disrespectful to the girls in the class by making sexist or perverted comments and trying to peek up their skirts when he had the chance. Due to that, he wasn't very popular with the rest of the class. But otherwise, the class were very caring of each other.
"Attention everyone! Homeroom will start in five minutes! Be sure to have all of your materials ready and finish all discussions as quickly as possible!" announced class president Iida Tenya as he stood with authority at the front of the class at the teacher's podium, doing his signature air hand-chops.
Everyone doesn't pay mind to his declaration and carry-ons with their conversations.
Katsuki feels a stab of irritation at Four-Eye's loud nagging but doesn't yell back. He just wants to get this school day over with and go home. Thank fuck that he has gym today because he gravely needs to let off some steam. Hopefully, he gets to work with the heavy bag today, so when he pummels it, he can imagine it being that pathetic shitstain. Fucking bastard can burn in hell.
"Hai, hai, Tenya-Kun. Be sure to do so as well." Round Face fondly says as she sits with her friends, Asui and Tooru, and they all giggled at the president's overdramatic antics. Katsuki's sneer grows darker at her words and affectionate tone.
Ochako and Tenya have been dating around the start of last fall, and the two are still in their honeymoon phase. Katsuki gets disgusted by their displays on a regular daily basis. They weren't that extreme due to Tenya's mindset of 'keeping inappropriate conduct outside of the classroom.'
Instead, they were those subtle, little quips like nicknames for each other, playing with each other's hair when they thought no one was looking, or holding hands underneath tables. For some reason, Katsuki's gut burned when he would see them doing these types of things. Why? He doesn't know. He just hated it. So when it happens, he makes a point to call them out on it. But right now, he just wanted to be left alone.
"ALRIGHT! CLASS WILL NOW START! EVERYONE TAKE YOUR SEATS!" Tenya yells from the front of the class.
"Dude, we've been over this since last year. You're the only one still standing..." Hanta comments. Most of the class nods in agreement, each of them in their assigned seat.
Tenya tenses up and curses under his breath before he rushes back to his desk. He mutters under his breath, feeling slightly embarrassed at his overzealous display.
Katsuki hears Ochako laughs with a softness that makes his insides clench together. He watches from the corner of his eye over at her and Four-Eyes as she reaches up from her desk to rub at his back. Tenya relaxes under her touch and softly smiles before she takes her hand back and sits down at her desk again.
Damnit, why the fuck does that one moment make Katsuki want to punch the fucking wall in? How in the hell can someone get joy from that? It was just a fucking touch on the back. Tch, whatever.
Just then, the classroom doors open up, and there walks in a man with long black hair, slight stubble, and irritated eyes. "Good morning..." he lazily drawls, making his way to his podium. "Good morning, Aizawa-sensei!" Most of the class chimes out.
"Ah, good. It took you no time at all to shut up. Now, stay that way for roll call."
At that, Katsuki moves his gaze to look outside of the window next to his desk and immediately thinks back again from this morning and that pathetic, greasy weasel.
Back when we were nine, he told some girl to go off herself and you know what? She disappeared the very next day! Weird, right?
Maybe she actually went and did what he said? It wouldn't surprise me, I mean he did bully and beat her up every single day...
Maybe you should do all of us a favor and make it permanent. Just head on up to the roof and take that one-step shortcut. It would help all of us if you just didn't exist!
Katsuki just keeps his gaze on the blowing trees outside of the window.
Deku was true to her word. Her desk was empty and nobody batted an eye at her absence. They all just chatted among themselves about random topics like last's night homework, movies, video games, and other things. Katsuki didn't pay mind to any of it, even with his lackeys chirping around him like birds.
Damn that Deku. How dare she talked back to him like that yesterday? Once she's back tomorrow, he'll have to strengthen her back out again. She'll know better than to look down on him.
But then out of nowhere, a group of girls walks up to his desk. "Neh, Bakugo-san, is it true what you said to Deku yesterday?" one of them asks.
A chill went down his spine at the question, but he plays it off as cool. "Yeah, so what? Not like she doesn't deserve it. That loser should have never existed in the first place. I just gave her some friendly advice."
Why did it feel like knives digging into his skin with every word he says? The girls slightly gasped before they mutter among themselves. Katsuki's lackeys tense up with the topic before they laugh uncomfortably at their leader's words.
"When she comes back tomorrow, she'll know where her place is again, Katsuki." One of them states. Katsuki smirks. "I know that, you idiot. No one talks back to me and gets away with it. Especially that pathetic, useless Deku!" He laughs. The group of girls giggles before they take their leave.
"Alright! Time to sit down and be quiet!" The teacher suddenly yells.
All of the nine-year-olds get into their seats as roll call was taken. Katsuki just taps his fingers impatiently at the monotone voice. Soon enough, the roll call was finished. But before they started their school day, the teacher looked slightly gloomy and said that he had an announcement to make.
"Eh...I don't know if any of you already know this, but as of today, Midoriya-san will no longer be a classmate of ours."
Katsuki's heart stops at the words. His now wide eyes snap to the teacher in disbelief. What did he just say? Some slightly gasp in disbelief as well over the news.
"It seems that...well, actually I'm not at liberty to say why she is no longer here, but just wanted to let you know in case some of you were fond of her. Very sad, but she will be missed. Okay, now get out your workbooks and turn to page 34."
At those words, Katsuki just felt colder and colder with how he phrased the explanation. Not at liberty to say could mean something too dire for a child to know...oh God, no. Katsuki's heart beats faster and faster at the thought.
Around him, his classmates appear to have the same line of thought as they whisper among themselves and frantically looking over at him.
"Do you think she-“
"She might have!"
"I mean, he did tell her, right?"
"I heard him tell her to do it!”
"Whoa, Katsuki killed Izumi."
That last statement shattered something inside him and Katsuki could no longer think or act clearly.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE'S GONE?! WHERE DID SHE GO?!" He screams before getting up and slamming his hands down on the desk.
The teacher was taken back by this display and quickly melts into an expression of anger.
"Mr. Bakugo, you calm down this minute before I send you to the principal's office. Do not ever raise your voice at me in my classroom." He reprimands.
Katsuki clicks his tongue before pressing him more. "Why is she gone? Huh? Where did that loser go?"
The teacher just sighs before giving him a downcast look. "I understand that you're upset about your friend, but let's not speak ill-will towards her okay? As her reasoning, I already told you. I'm not at liberty to say. And to be honest, it's probably best for you if you don't know why."
"Mr. Bakugo! Don't make this harder on yourself. Sit down!"
Katsuki just drops back into the chair and burns his desk with his stare.
There's just no way. There's just no way. There's just no way. Tears slightly burn into the back of his eyes. No, no, no. The judgemental stares of the class drill into Katsuki as the whispers continue around him.
"Mr. Bakugo? Do you need to go to the bathroom and collect yourself?" The teacher offers.
Katsuki doesn't answer but keeps his eyes, now dripping with tears, on the desk.
"Mr. Bakugo? Mr. Bakugo? Bakugo? Bakugo..."
Katsuki snaps back to the present at Aizawa's rare loud voice. He looks away from the window to see everyone staring confusedly at him and Aizawa looking irritated.
"Welcome back. When I say your name, answer me. I don't get paid to watch you daydream."
Katsuki blinks before his cheeks turn slightly red at the embarrassment.
"Tch. Whatever."
Aizawa rolls his eyes and continues the rest of the roll call without any more issues. Katsuki bits his lip as he tries to will his embarrassment down.
"Psst!" He suddenly hears.
He looks over to the noise, which came from none other than Shitty Hair. He gives a look to Katsuki that says 'let's talk at lunch.'
Katsuki grits his teeth but doesn't stop his rough nod at Eijirou. He needs to talk to somebody about this before he runs headfirst into a brick wall.
Now, he's praying that the heavy bag will be up for grabs today.
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shnuggletea · 4 years
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Hey there! Been a minute, I know. Thank you all for being patient and checking in on me lol. I wasn't struggling, not with writer's block or anything. Quite the opposite technically. I was moving to my new place the first three weeks and the last two or three I was on 'vacation'. Eid was the end of last month and I went to my hometown to meet up with my adopted Muslim family. Would have met with my parents but thanks to the virus, their doctor said "No way!" and I had to video chat them while less than thirty minutes from them (cue sarcastic angry face). We all got struggles yeah? ANyway, home and moved in, for the most part, I finished my final edit of my book and got it out for review. So while I sit, waiting, I'll be working on the MANY promised projects, including this fic!
Many of you guessed what was coming here; a kiss, a lemon, and even that the guy at the door wasn't really Inuyasha! And I gotta say you were all... completely wrong! LOL! As far as a lemon or a kiss... this is a slllooooowwww burn guys, so strap in. And we aren't even halfway done with all the crazy crap this world has in store for the characters. You will be learning a lot more about that in this chapter and get an idea of how much more is to come from this.
We ain't close to done folks...
Fanfiction HERE
Chapter Ten
He gently pushed her aside and walked in. The guards by the door flared but said nothing, a strange sight for sure.
"I got a migraine." He said, more for the guards than for her.
She shut and locked the door, a habit she had gotten into since Kagura's visit a few days ago. Inuyasha hopped up on a gurney and stretched out, relaxing as if to stay. "What are you doing?"
He shrugged, still smirking. "Told ya, I got a migraine. I get one once a month around this time."
Right before her eyes, he changed. His ears twitched and then folded into his head, disappearing completely. The white of his hair turned black, starting at his scalp and dripping like ink from a bottle to his tips. His eyes on her, she watched as they dulled and darkened, their bright gold shifting to black as well.
"What...what's going on?!"
He held a finger to his lips to hush her, then glanced at the door for a moment. She grabbed the curtain closest to him and wrenched it shut, hiding him from any immediate eyes that might enter. Usually, the guards would leave around this time, having no need to guard her all night as she was no threat.
They didn't care that others were a threat to her, something she had been thinking about all day since taking Shippo to his cell to rest. It would be nothing for someone to attack her in the middle of the night here.
"On the night of a new moon," Inuyasha whispered, bringing her focus back to him, "I become...human."
"It's a half-demon thing. Happens every month."
She shifted her weight, feeling overwhelmed with information. "If it's monthly then how is this the first time.."
"Because I was in solitary the first month and then you moved in here. So you've missed it. I used to spend these nights in here anyway…"
"You would come to the infirmary to sleep as a human?"
He shrugged again, "can't let the others know when I'm at my weakest. Especially the guards."
She didn't understand, coming to sit on the end of his 'bed'. "If it's an important secret then why are you telling me?"
Grabbing her hand, he played with her fingers, watching his touch on her. "Seemed only fair, you showing me yours," his eyes danced up to hers, "besides if you tell mine I could just tell yours. But you'd never do that, would you Kagome?" She slowly shook her head, feeling as if she was in a trance. "I figured as much."
He shifted on the bed, getting comfortable. She rose, grabbing him a blanket and climbing onto the gurney next to his. The lights flicked off as soon as they were settled, on a timer, and it was completely black as usual. But she felt far less uneasy about it with Inuyasha here.
She still couldn't sleep, too curious and keyed up. "Can you...will you tell me some things?"
Kagome didn't want to ask specifics, she just wanted to learn more about him without having to tell him what she wanted to hear. And to her delight, he understood her perfectly. "When I was a kid, it was just me and my mom. She didn't know shit about being a demon, only how to get knocked up by one I guess. Or she just hoped I'd never learn. Naraku knew what I was at first glance and tried to take me. I screamed, he flinched, and I saw the darkness in him. I didn't really know what a demon was but I knew he was one. So then I screamed that he was a demon and the cops came quickly. He blames me but really it was his own damn fault if you ask me."
She could hear him shift in the bed, turning and probably looking at her in the dark. His silence was short but she knew it was her turn. "My mother told me what I was when I freaked out. We were in a grocery store and people started glowing. It runs in my family, apparently. My father was like me but died long before we got to talk about it. My grandfather taught me how to use my gifts, telling me to tell no one and that anyone with a red-tinted aura should be avoided. I always thought he meant they were bad people. But now I know he just meant they were demons."
"Demons are bad."
"Not all of them."
"Yeah, but if a demon had ever caught on to what you are? It wouldn't be good."
"You don't seem to have a problem with it?"
She couldn't see him and with his human eyes, she was sure he couldn't see her. But she still turned in his direction, knowing he was doing the same in the dark.
"I used to be on the anti-demon squad with Miroku. We had the highest catch rate without casualties, even though they would have liked it if we killed a few of 'em. When things changed and we became the targets, we split. My girlfriend ran with me but…" he paused, taking a deep breath, "she was like you, Kagome. But not nearly as strong. And I'd never seen her heal anyone but herself. She refused to heal others out of fear I guess. Even me. She got caught and traded me for her freedom." He huffed loud and sad into the air. "I can't even blame her for it. She never would have survived in here."
Brushing away her tears, the bed squeaked loudly with her movements. "My fiancé was shot. His father is a politician and not well-liked by many. I was with him and… he would have died. So, I didn't hesitate but the cops were called. Hojo visited me once here, only to tell me that he couldn't help me. The coward."
"I'm sorry." He said, sincerity dripping off his tone.
She shook her head, "I'm sorry too."
He chuckled darkly, "we aren't all that different, are we?" She didn't answer him because it wasn't really a question. Inuyasha laughed harder. "Miroku was caught by a demon hunter. The idiot fell in love with her while she was just targeting him the entire time. I heard she handcuffed him to the bed and left him to collect her fee!"
"He told me he was caught getting groceries?!"
"He likes to tell people that. Less pathetic."
"He mentioned an enchantress… Poor Miroku."
"That fool has no one else to blame but himself. And his penis."
A giggle rolled out of her even though she felt it was wrong. She sobered quickly when he grew silent.
"Did you love him?"
There was an edge to his tone that she couldn't understand. "I thought I did. But...yeah now I'll never feel anything for him. It's a good thing I saw his true self before I married him."
"Probably would have been better if you saw it before you saved his worthless ass!"
"I still would have saved him. I just would have run before the cops came." She said with a sad laugh. "Did you love her?"
He sighed heavily, waiting for a beat before answering. "No. I thought I did too. But after meeting you and seeing what you can do… I made excuses for her and her fear. Gave her too many chances to change. The truth is, she was selfish. You're even more powerful than she is… maybe that makes you fearless…"
"I'm always afraid, Inuyasha. Always. I don't let it stop me from doing the right thing."
"God damnit, you shouldn't be here!" He yelled at no one and everyone. "You don't deserve it and those fucking humans should feel the loss of you! I would!"
Her cheeks burned, probably glowing in the darkness. "I think that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. Especially, in here."
"Feh. Don't take it too seriously. I'm more… emotional in my human state. It's fucking annoying."
Twisting, she stared at the ceiling, tracking the same cracks she did every night. "Is that why they put me in a cell with you? Because you're half-human?"
"If you think for one second they did that for your benefit then you're truly naive. The Warden put you in with me to mess with me. Believe it or not but beating the shit out of the Thunder Bro's was my first time in solidarity."
"Really?!" She cringed at the disbelief in her tone.
His response was to huff, "they may hate me in here but they're scared of me. They know what I can do even with the damn runes. Being half-human only makes me stronger."
"Why would Onigumo want to mess with you? You're half-human and you used to work with them? What reason could they have to dislike you that much?"
"What reason do humans have to hate any of us? They don't understand us so they fear and hate us." He growled.
"Do you think… we'll ever get out of here?"
He chewed on her words for a moment then released an exasperated sigh. "If any of us ever had a chance, it was you."
The bed squeaked, he was shifting in it, turning to face her fully. "Before you went in the goddamn basement and got on Naraku's bad side, yeah you could've gotten released."
"Naraku doesn't have any say…"
"Not because of him. Because of what you know. You drew the damn blood yourself!"
Now she turned, facing him and she could just make out his silhouette in the darkness now. "What do they do with it?"
"If I tell you, they'll never let you leave."
"I'm not leaving. Not by myself. Just tell me!"
She couldn't see it but she was sure he was grimacing at her. "They juice with it."
It took her tired mind a second but then she gasped. "That's crazy! It's so dangerous! And extremely illegal!"
"How else do you think the guards handle us in here? The runes may take away our powers but it doesn't take away nearly enough of our strength." He twisted, glancing at the door for a second and then back at her. "You've noticed, haven't you? The guards, they're hollow."
"You can see that too?"
"No. But I've heard stories about the effects of using demon blood. Sess says they've been taking more lately. Three times as much the day you did it. Have you done it since?"
She had. Two times now and each time Naraku tried to burn her soul with his evil intent. "Yes."
"Have the amounts increased?"
"Shit. Naraku is really going to have it out for you now."
"Gee, thanks."
He chuckled, "don't worry. I won't let him or anyone else touch you."
Narrowing her eyes, she looked as hard as she could right at his face, hoping to make out some of the details in the dark. "Why? You told me you would never help me. Ever. And yet all you've done is save my ass."
"It's a nice ass." He chuckled softly, showing he could see the bewildered look on her face while she could still only make out his nose. "You're special, Kagome. And you should be protected. Worshiped really. I'll do all I can to keep you safe, I promise. Even if that means keeping you at a distance. But I'll make sure Koga gets his and leaves you alone."
"From a distance?"
The loud squeak told her he had turned away from her. The conversation was coming to a swift end. "That's how I can protect you the most. Keeping you as far away from me as I can."
Shippo healed the rest of his wounds on his own quickly enough. And the wolves involved looked pretty disappointed he was alive. But it started a rumor that Shippo was unkillable.
Meanwhile, the kitsune still jumped and shrank away anytime someone large got close. Even when Kagome and Miroku were by his side. Shippo started spending his nights in the infirmary with her and Inuyasha kept his distance. More than he had before.
The trips, pushes, and pulls stopped. Koga and his buddies also kept their distance. Kagome was starting to relax, it looked like it was all over and she didn't know how much of that was thanks to Inuyasha.
None of this solved her main puzzle right now, Kagura's pregnancy. Kagome had made a promise and three weeks later, she was still coming up short with a solution.
Kagura sat, swinging her legs on the gurney, arms crossed in irritation. "I told Sessy yesterday."
"You did?" Kagome asked with genuine shock. "Was that why he was in such a foul mood on his way back to solitary?"
Kagura nodded. She really felt for the woman, she did. But it was hard to get upset with Sesshomaru for his poor reaction. No one wanted their child to be born in this kind of situation.
"Did he say anything about it? Did he have any ideas…"
"No, he has no clue what to do. But I know he's down there thinking it over right now. He won't rest." Kagura said sadly.
"I'm sorry. I'm still trying to figure something out. So far, the best I have is to sneak the baby out somehow after it's born."
Kagura shook her head, "the guards won't let it get that far. They'll be on me as soon as I start to give birth and won't let me or the baby out of their sights until they take it from me."
Sitting across from her, Kagome watched Kagura who watched her feet swing. "Who will come, Kagura? Who will take the baby?"
Kagura glanced at the door just as Inuyasha had weeks ago before telling her his secrets. Then looked her right in the eyes. "Ever heard of a company called Shikon?" When Kagome shook her head, Kagura huffed in irritation. "Of course not. They wouldn't want the public knowing about them, would they?"
"Who are they?"
"They are the ones who run experiments on demons. The blood you draw? It goes to them for processing and cleaning, turning it into a drug the guards use here to keep us in line. And for other clientele like rich humans."
Kagome was already shaking her head, "No. No way. It's illegal! How could they get away with that?"
She was angry. Angry that such risks were being taken and terrible things all done in the name of science. Her science. All while she was thrown in here for saving a life. There were real criminals running around out there and she had done nothing wrong!
Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself. She was not the issue here, there were more important things then the slights against her.
Kagura sat back on her hands, smirking over at Kagome. "Is it really that surprising? Humans fear our power so, of course, they try to find ways to get their own."
"They should just have a baby with a demon. Half demons seem to be more powerful than the rest of you against these runes." She muttered.
Worried that was offensive too late, Kagome opened her mouth with an apology but Kagura just laughed. "Figures you would think that. What with your… relationship with Inuyasha…"
"We don't have a relationship…"
"But Inuyasha doesn't have the thing the Shikon people want the most. It's why they don't take his blood."
"And what's that?"
Kagome cringed, realizing she probably should ask Inuyasha this and not Kagura. But the question was out there now and she found she wanted to know more than anything.
"Inuyasha has the strength of a demon, more than many due to his training more than anything. But he ages just like any other human. Maybe a little slower but not enough for Shikon. He doesn't heal quite as fast as we do either. He's like… a human that's extra. Strength beyond a human but with mortality. They want to obtain longevity. Some demons here have nearly eternal life and that's why they take the most blood from Naraku. That bastard just won't die."
"So what you're telling me is…" she paused, needing to swallow her disgust back down her throat, "they experiment on demons to find a cure for death?"
Kagura snickered, "You humans. You're so much weaker than us, a cold could kill you. It causes you all to be terrified all the time of… well, time."
Kagome didn't fear death and that had nothing to with her gifts. She had never healed herself, not even from a cold like Kagura 'joked'. She had always held the belief that everything happens for a reason. She may not know the why at first but she always figured it out eventually. Like being thrown in this jail. Kagome was sure it was so she could help everyone like Kagura, Shippo, even Miroku. And that she was supposed to meet… all of them. Meet all of them and not just Inuyasha.
Grabbing Kagura by the shoulders, she held the demon completely still. "It's wrong. Dangerous or not, no one should be treated that way, experimented on. And I refuse to let that happen to your child."
Kagura's eyes were wide and unmoving. "So you have a plan then?"
Lowering her head, Kagome looked at the floor. "I do… but it's a last resort and I won't tell you what it is because…" Kagura would try to stop her, Kagome thought to herself, "it's dangerous and don't want to put anyone at risk. But I will if I have to to get you and your baby to safety."
"Me and my child?!"
She had said too much but Kagome had the hopes of keeping Kagura with her child since the beginning. Every child deserves to be loved and no one would love the child like it's mother undoubtedly would.
But the plan Kagome had at present would expose her to everyone; the guards, the Warden, and… Inuyasha and Naraku. And she didn't know which of those finding out would be worse.
Not gonna lie, I’ve forgotten who’s asked for tags on this fic... Just gonna tag at random... sorry if I bug you!!
@underwater0phelia @lavendertwilight89 @mamabearcat @nartista @nopenname22 @echobows @superpixie42 @smmahamazing @redflamesofpassion @jme-chan @cstorm86 @cicleydark-light @ruddcatha @lavaffair @kirrtash @sistasecbhere @inusgirl @obsessandfangirl @britonell @lordofthechips @mcornilliac @faolenwolf @classyhumanathletepalace @keichanz @phoenix-before-the-flame @artisticloveexpressitsall @lamuertadehambre @noyourenotreal @mitty-san @thenoammonster @little-deeluna @royaltrashpanda @sailorbabydoll92 @storyweaver2017 @malditamigs @adorabubblesblog @lilms-obsessed @petri808 @anniehcresta @fan-dumpp @itzatakahashi @utakuprincess @theschultinator @all-too-ale​ @little-inukag-obsessed @theseagullqueen @queenofthesquirps @inusgirl @jolinaaa00​ @knowall7k
Spoiler alert, the one bed sharing thing comes into play again next chapter ^_~
So this is random but you guys do know I write SM fanfiction too? Just putting it out there, if you like my Inu then you’re likely to love my Sm. I’m an AU freak but I do have some stuff that’s cannon. I try to keep it even. Something to consider since I love SM and Inu I’m sure there are more of you like me. And I have A LOT of SM fics done and posted lol!
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sunflowerspecter · 4 years
in the dark of space, d.d.
summary: sometimes, not even galaxies can keep soulmates apart
warnings: cursing, angst like you wouldn’t believe, sorta some fluff, awkwardness and lovely angry outbursts 
pairing: din djarin x reader
words: 2060
part: 3/6  
note: hi so this is like, so so so so so late  and i’m SO SORRY. i’ve really been meaning to update these and then i just DONT so i’m so sorry. i really do promise to try harder ahaha but also i’ve just been falling apart and the last one didn’t do as well! also if you see a bunch of code up above i was trying to embed the first two parts and idk if that worked or failed so yeah... also school is cancelled cause of the coronavirus so i might be working on some new things!! we’ll see. 
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Space is so, so very vast. There are so many stars, so many planets, so many beautiful and wonderful and evil and deadly things. 
But even among all of these beautiful and wonderful and evil and deadly things, there are only so many hiding places. 
“I have a plan,” Mando says to you, out of the blue, one day. You’re bouncing the child in your arms near his makeshift-crib, trying to get him to sleep. 
“A plan?” you ask, not looking towards him, but keeping your attention toward the kid. Mando had been in the cockpit trying to decide where to go next for hours. 
“We’re going to end this. This whole deal with the child. We’re going back to Nevarro.” 
“What?” you say, setting the child down and turning to face him. “Mando, you’re outnumbered. They’ll kill you and me and take the child the second they see the ship.” 
“I have a plan.” You wish he would stop staying that. There is a beat before he says,“And you won’t be there.” 
“I won’t be there?”
“I’m going to get Cara to join me and you’re going to stay back on Sorgan. You’ll be fine there, you’ll live peacefully the rest of your days, unless you decide to go somewhere else.” 
“What are you saying?” you ask, because you seriously can’t hear him. There’s blood pounding in your ears. “Mando, what are you saying?” 
“I’m leaving you on Sorgan. In case something bad happens.” 
Your jaw drops, and you shake your head. “Mando, I-” 
“No,” he says, turning away from you. “It’s not up for debate.” 
You raise an eyebrow at that, crossing your arms. “Oh? The rest of my fucking life isn’t up for debate?” 
He doesn’t look at you. He’s silent. He doesn’t move a single muscle in his body. Until- “If you want to have a life, you’ll go to Sorgan and you’ll stay there.” 
“I’m not letting you abandon me.” Your voice breaks halfway through saying it. “I’m not letting you abandon me like everyone, everyone else in my life!” 
He shakes his head, still not looking at you. “I’m not abandoning you. This is what’s best for you.” 
You wipe the tears from your face and push your shoulders back. “What’s best for me? You want to talk about what’s best for me? I’m from a different galaxy, goddamnit! You’re the only person I trust!” 
“Well, these people will take care of you. But you can’t stay with me. I’m not safe.” 
You groan, throwing your hands into the air and then through your hair. “You’re so stubborn! You don’t even realize that… that…” You groan again, shaking your head and storming off. You have no words for him. Well, you do. You just can’t say them outloud. 
“Y/n! Y/n, wait!” he calls after you, but you can’t face him right now. You can’t. 
It’s a little later, and you’re absentmindedly pacing in the kitchen (“kitchen”) area, twirling a knife in your hands. It was the first thing you saw, and you quite enjoyed throwing knives at things. You have… had, been working on defense training with Mando a little, and knives are your favorite. Which is, admittedly, dangerous, but hey, you were doing pretty good so far. 
The Mandorian walks into the room, staring at you. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” he asks, reaching over to take the knife out of your hands. You shake your head, trying to reach for it again. 
“I was-”
“You’re going to hurt yourself.” 
“I was just thinking things over, for goodness sake. I’m not going to hurt myself.” 
He shakes his head, grabbing onto your wrist. You wince as he pulls your fingers away from your palm, revealing the deep cut. “Yeah, I can clearly see that you aren’t going to hurt yourself.” You ignore him, pulling your hand away painfully. You didn’t even realize you had scraped your hand. 
“So I accidentally cut my hand, it’s not even that deep. Why do you care?” 
He freezes, and you think you’ve hurt his feelings, but then you remember he doesn’t have those. 
“You’ve been extra reckless lately. More so than usual. You’re going to get yourself killed.” He turns, then, waves at the kid before he tries to leave. The pain in your hand is evident, but you ignore it. You suppose you had been reckless lately, especially on the last planet you were on, when you ran out in front of him when he was going to get shot. Because he was a dumbass, for god's sake. 
“Is that why you’re abandoning me?” you growl after him, and he sighs. 
“I’m abandoning you so that you don’t die.” 
“So what?” you scream. “So what if I die?” You regret the words as soon as they leave your mouth. You remember once yelling them at your mother. You and her had fought, and she was drunk, and she threw the wine bottle at you, and she said that you were a mistake, and you screamed that. You weren’t welcome home for a week after that. 
The memory brings tears to your eyes and you beg yourself not to break down. 
He’s in front of you in a second, hands on your shoulders, looking at you intently. Heat rises to your face and you look at the ground, and the child, anywhere but at him. He wipes a tear from your cheek. “I need you alive.” 
You scoff. “You know what, you’re right to abandon me. I’m useless. I don’t know why you’ve kept me around this long.” 
You’re sure that you look like a disaster. You’re sure that you are a disaster, and you don’t even care. You don’t have any reason to care anymore. You’re in another-fucking-galaxy and the only person you trust is leaving you. 
“Y/n, what brought this on?” he asks, but you shrug away from him and walk by the child. “What’s wrong?” 
“What’s wrong?” you ask absentmindedly. You pick up the child, setting him on the table. He looks quizzically up at you, his eyes wide. You turn to your Mandalorian. “What’s wrong is that you’re abandoning me!” You pause, then sigh. “I’m in love with you,” you whisper.
He’s frozen in time, all of a sudden, and you almost laugh. 
“It’s pathetic. It’s straight out of a fucking chick-flick. A cliche for the ages,” you mutter, wondering if you should jump out of the spaceship now or if you should wait until the child is sleeping. 
“Y/n-” he starts, but you shake your head. 
“No, no, don’t, because I already know what you’re going to say, and I don’t think I can bear to hear you say it.” You take a long pause, breathing heavily. “I get it, I do, but it hurts, however stupid it is. Even on the off chance you even felt the same, I know what you would say. ’We can’t, it’ll never work, I’m too busy being angsty and broody,’” You shake your head. He doesn’t say anything, the silent tension in the room growing by the second. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, this isn’t fair of me. I don’t know what came over me. Maybe just… forget I said anything.” You shake your head, embarrassed by your fit of passion. 
“I, er. What if…” he begins, struggling to come up with the words. 
“Don’t try to make me feel better.” 
He steps towards you. “What if I don’t want to forget you said anything?” You freeze, looking at him, your eyebrows strung together. “What if I love you too?” 
“Yeah,” you mutter. “What if?” 
He laughs, this sort of half-laugh thing. “Wow, okay.” You give a sort of half smile back, realizing that he’s standing kinda really close and your breathing is kinda really heavy. “Y/n, I love you, too.” 
“We can’t,” you suddenly say. “I’m too busy brooding and being angsty. You’ve heard my music collection.” 
He laughs, this time. “I love your music collection.” You realize that his arms are around you. And your hands are on his chest. And you’re so. Close. To. Him. You smile, then lean your head against his shoulder. 
“You’re the only person in the Universe who has ever loved me,” you say, and his arms tighten around you. “Someone once told me that humans have this instinct to love their offspring. My mother proved that can’t be true.” 
“Your mother didn’t know that you didn’t need her to turn out smart, and beautiful, and kind,” he says, and suddenly, you think you’ve found home. 
“Please don’t make me leave you,” you whisper. “Please don’t abandon me. Mando, I don't have anything besides you. Which is like super dependent, but this whole situation already sucks.” 
He’s quiet. He steps back, shaking his head. You realize that this may be the last time you ever get to see him. But, then he says, “I won’t. I… I swear, I never will.” 
It becomes clear to you, as you tuck the little green child that you’ve grown so fond of into bed, that your life has become anything but normal. But, that’s okay, you think, because you’re happy. You’re more happy in this spaceship with the strangest man you’ve ever met and this fifty-year-old child and the occasional appearance of badass space women than you ever were on earth. 
It also becomes clear to you, as you lie in the Mandalorian’s arms one evening, that you and him have no ordinary relationship. For one, you’ve never seen his face, like, ever. And for another thing, you were kind of forcefully thrown into each other’s lives. But, that’s okay, you think. Because, damnit, it’s the healthiest relationship you’ve ever had with another human being. It’s the strongest bond you’ve ever had with another human. It’s the safest you’ve ever felt… ever. 
“Mando,” you say quietly, and he hums. “Is that your real name?” 
He hesitates, then says, “It’s a real enough name.” 
You’re sitting in his lap, and he sits in the pilots seat, and you’re looking at the stars. It’s really, rather odd, you think. It feels so intimate, which, in all fairness, it is. It’s been a few days since your rather brash confessions, and you still haven’t figured out quite how this will work out. You decide, though, that you’ll ask yourself that afterwards. But for now you’re going to be as close to him as possible. You need that much. 
“Why, hello,” Cara says, and you jump up, crossing your arms, leaning against the control panel carefully. 
“Hey, hello,” you say, but she smiles knowingly. 
“So, I’m not really qualified to look after this thing,” she says, the child tucked under one of her arms. You hold your hands out and she hands it off to you willingly. 
“I won’t be able to look after you and the kid at the same time, and you can’t look after the kid while keeping your guard up,” Mando says, and Cara shrugs. 
“What are you suggesting?” she asks, and you move your gaze from her to Mando. 
“We add a party to our crew. And then we head to Nevarro.”  
You sit in the cockpit while Cara and Mando talk to whoever it is assisting. The child stays with you, in your arms, and you just wait. And waiting means you have time to think. And having time to think means nothing good. 
You realize that you’re probably going to die. This is it. You’re going to be dead. There’s no way to avoid it. I mean, your heart wants to trust Mando, but reasonably, this can’t end well. 
You could go to Sorgan… but you won’t leave Mando. Not in a million years. 
You hear voices from behind you. “So, where is the child?” an unfamiliar voice says. You turn around, and there’s Mando, Cara, and an unknown being. 
“Kuiil, this is Y/n, Y/n, Kuiil,” Mando says, and Kuiil nods at you. 
“It is truly a pleasure to meet you, Y/n,” he says, taking the baby from your arms, which you hesitantly let up. 
“Do you think you’ll be able to build a sort of crib for him?” you ask gently, and Kuiil nods, a sort of smile on his face. 
“I’ll get right on it.”
a/n: hi! like and reblog if u liked this pretty please and thank you!! also leave a comment if you feel like it! so sorry for this being so, so late. stay safe and happy darlings!  
taglist: @marvels-blue-phoenix​ @simonsbluee​ @javert-delacour​ @loilko​ @jelly-snow-stark​ @mutantsandproud​ @ugly-wall-flower​ @taman-a​ @hollanfield​ (leave an ask or message or comment to be added or removed!) 
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Dimension Jumping pt. 1
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The Fellowship of the Ring x Reader
But a lot of the stories are about the reader falling into Middle Earth…. what about the other way around? If you wanted to do all the characters, you could do a point after they left Rivendell, before they split up?
Like for example, after Gandalf ‘dies’, and it could be something sweet and cute or whatnot where the reader helps them grieve a bit, give them a bit of a rest before continuing on their journey?
Weekends have always been your favorite time of the week. 
No responsibilities, sleeping in, more time, freedom, the list goes on and on. 
Your weekends are usually spent idly doing things you enjoy, like sleeping, and lot’s of stress free activities. 
Not this weekend though, for when you got home after a grocery run, you were met with quite the surprise. 
A total of 8… people? lay strewn about in your living room seemingly unconscious. They are dressed in odd clothes, holding medieval looking weapons, and they look rather raggedy and dirty. Four of them are extremely small, and if it weren’t for their older looking faces, you would’ve thought them to be children. There’s also a handsome blond with pointy ears, a short red headed, bearded… man, and two semi-regular looking tall dudes.
Your groceries fall from your arms and land on your carpeted floor, but you barely pay that any mind since you can’t seem to tear your eyes away from the pile of people in the middle of your damn living room.
Your floofy white dog Penny is sniffing around them, but she doesn’t seem to be alarmed nor agitated by their presence, so that’s good at least. She’s an excellent judge of character after all. Eventually she settles down next to the tall guy with dark brown hair, and though you don’t like that she’s next to these strangers, you allow it.
The sound of your things falling to the ground seems to rouse them, and you watch as the man wearing dark clothing with dark hair opens his eyes and groans quietly. At first his eyes scan around the room, then they fall upon you. 
He sits up slowly, still eyeing you as he glances down at his small child-looking friends. A look of relief passes his expression before he looks at you once more, saying nothing while the rest of his merry band of crazies begin to sit up.
This is supposed to be your fucking day off, and this shit happens? A bunch of renaissance weirdos laying in your house, making your clean carpet dirty. 
“You know what, no.” You state loudly, successfully startling the dark haired man, “This is my weekend off, and I am not dealing with this. Whatever this is." 
You turn on your heel and begin picking up your groceries, though you remain vigilant incase one of them intends to try something. 
Once you’ve gathered all your discarded things you stand again and look behind you, seeing that most of them are on their feet and looking at you and your home as if you’re some alien in a structure unknown to them. You quickly look forward again and go to your kitchen, placing everything on your counters while you try to decide how the hell you’re going to deal with this. 
You look over your counter at the still staring people and ask slowly, "Does… anyone want a snack?”
Two of the small blonde men perk up when you say ‘snack’, so you take that as a yes and begin preparing apples, celery, and peanut butter for everyone to eat. 
By the time you’re done cutting up the apples you’ve only got two left, but you just sigh and bring out a tray with the snack and place it on the coffee table. 
The two blond… boys? run over to it immediately, but are halted by a sharp “No.” from the brown-haired guy. 
Said brown-haired guy is looking at you distrustfully, and you feel your blood begin to boil with his distrust (even though HE is in YOU home). 
“Okay dude, I get you don’t know me or whatever but you guys literally broke into my house, so if anyone is supposed to be cautious here it’s me. M. E. Me. I’m offering your… children…? Adult babies? Boys? Food, and damnit if they want it then they’re gonna eat it.” Your little outburst gets you several shocked looks, but you’re so FUCKING tired, you’ve just got no energy to deal with this. 
“We 'broke into your house’?” He repeats slowly, “I have no recollection of our relocation to your… house, and I’ve never seen someone of your caliber, nor a place so… odd, before. So forgive me if I am skeptical of our suspiciously willing host.” His voice is dripping with sarcasm, and it successfully ruffles your self control. 
“Now you listen here Mr. Broody, I’m not about to get sass in my own home. By god if Penny didn’t seem to love you so much I would vaporize you where you stand!” Big talk for such a small person, yes, but you stand by your statement. 
Only you don’t get the reaction you were expecting, because suddenly everyone looks horrified. 
“You can do that?” One of the small blond boys(?) gasps, scooting closer to his look-alike. 
The guy you were mouthing off to grabs the hilt of his -is that a fucking sword?!- weapon and steps in front of the small guys. The tall blond dude, other actual human, and short ginger haired man do the same, and suddenly you feel a lot less satisfied. 
“Woah there fellas, It’s a figure of speech!” You say quickly, raising your hands in a surrender motion. 
Penny senses your sudden distress, so she bounds over to you and presses her nose against your knee in a way meant to gather your attention. You glance down at her and visibly relax before looking back up at the still tense men in front of you. 
“Tough crowd…” You reach down slowly and pat Penny’s head, watching as their eyes follow your movements. “Okay, look. I’m not going to like, poison you or whatever you’re afraid of. How about we start with introductions, hm?" 
The same guy from before nods his head slowly (it seems he’s the leader here) and tells you a little hesitantly, "I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn. A Ranger, also known as Strider by most." 
What in the ever loving hell did he just say?
You can’t even stop the laughter from bellowing out of you, because this is just so god damn ridiculous and completely baffling. You grasp your stomach and double over with laughter while everyone else just watches silently and confusedly.
Eventually your laughter begins to subside when your sides start to hurt, so you stand up a bit straighter and wipe a tear from the corner of your eye, "Ahaha, ah… wow that’s good. But really though, I’m not looking for stage names bud, I’m being serious here.”
This 'Aragorn’ doesn’t seem to find it as funny as you do. “Stage names? No, I believe you are misunderstanding.”
The smile on your face drops and you suddenly don’t find it as funny either. “So… your name is actually Aragorn then?” Well, maybe not all of them have weird names, “Right, then what about the rest of you?" 
The other guy who looks like an actual human speaks up next, "I am Boromir, son of Denethor and Captain of Gondor.” Oh heck. 
Blondie comes up next, “I am Legolas from the woodland realm.”
Shortie #1, “Gimli Son of Gloin." 
The small dark haired man child comes forward, "I am Frodo Baggins, and these are my friends Samwise Gamgee, Peregrin Took, and Meriadoc Brandybuck." 
"What the-” you pause and cover Penny’s ears, “Fuck is all of this?" 
It seems your actions amuse the taller dudes because their stand-offish demeanors diminish as they seem to deem you harmless (I mean who covers their dogs ears when cursing? Clearly you’re pathetic).
"I’m afraid I don’t know what to tell you.” Mr. Aragorn states. 
“Well, start with where you come from, maybe?”
They all share a look before 'Legolas’ states, “We come from Middle Earth and have just traveled through the Mines of Moria." 
You literally don’t know what any of that means.
"Well, alright. Right now, I can tell you that you’re on Regular Earth and in my living room.” You don’t mean to be so sarcastic, but both the functional and rational parts of your brain are failing you big time, “Do you know how you got here?" 
You get 8 respective no’s, and while you expected that, it’s no less frustrating. "Shoulda seen that one coming, I guess." 
The Gimli character looks you up and down and asks in his gruff voice, "And what about you, you’ve not told us who you are." 
"Oh, right, my bad. I’m Y/N, and this cutie,” you reach down and pick up Penny’s front paws from the ground and wave them at the group, “Is Penny. She is the softest, sweetest, and cutest doggo you will ever have the pleasure of meeting. Disrespect her and there will be consequences." 
You stand back up and pat Penny’s head, watching as they all nod their understanding and appear rather nervous suddenly.
"That was also a joke.”
Most of them relax.
You tap your foot a few times and seem to think over your options, looking away from them and out the window. 
Clearly there is something very wrong going on here, so you can’t just throw them out, but at the same time you don’t have enough energy to deal with this today. And there’s the very real possibility that they could be psychos. But there’s also the fact that they seem to be a little worse for wear, some of them have puffy eyes, and is that blood?  Their disheveled and tired appearances tug at your heart strings, and you find yourself wanting to help them. 
“Okay, against my better judgement I have decided that I’m going to welcome the lot of you into my house until we can figure out what the hell is going on here.” This seems to surprise Aragorn and his two tall besties. “I don’t know why… but something is telling me that I should help you out, so I guess that’s what I’m going to do.”
Two of the small blond ones smile brightly, but you haven’t finished yet. 
“But!” Their smiles drop and everyone seems rather serious again, “If any of you try anything funny or start any trouble, I will kick all of you out. I don’t know any of you, and you all have weapons. So if I’m gonna let you stay then you’re going to have to behave.”
“Miss Y/N, you do not have to-” Aragorn begins, but you put up your hand and shake your head. 
“It’s fine. Just please don’t break anything, and if Penny wants head pats you had better give them to her." 
It seems your rules are fair enough, because you get 8 more head nods.
The two small people attack the snack you made finally, and you find that you can’t help but to laugh a bit. 
A thought then strikes you, "Oh!" 
Everything pauses and every looks at you again, more alert, but you just roll your eyes at how on edge they are.
"I was just going to say that I have two bathrooms is anyone wants to wash up.”
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dweetwise · 4 years
day 1: ouija board
prompt from: cocktober (don’t let the name fool you, this one’s very sfw!) pairing: felix x ace notes: some silly humor to kick off the challenge! warnings: none word count: 1300
”Honey, you’re not seriously doing this?” Ace asks, quirking an amused eyebrow as Felix, for some crazy reason, gets up to join the girls in their dumb little game.
“Why not?” Felix shrugs. “I’m curious to see who answers.”
“Wait wait wait,” Ace realizes. “You actually believe in that kind of crap?”
He eyes the worn, pathetic board that looks like something you’d buy right alongside other overprized spiritual crap like healing crystals and tarot cards. There’s a mismatch of symbols printed on the board’s edges, like someone was trying to shove all supernatural elements they could think of on it; there’s a few sigils, what looks to be Latin inscriptions, and even the Chinese zodiac.
All in all, it looks like a child’s game and not the paranormal relic the girls insist it is.
“Um, Ace,” Zarina starts, clearing her throat. “Are you saying you don’t believe in the paranormal? After everything we’ve been through?”
“Nothing weird about a demonic spider-god and being resurrected every other day, no sir,” Meg snarks.
“I didn’t say that,” Ace scoffs. “Just that there’s no such thing as ghosts. All that psychic powers, lingering spirits shit? A massive con—I should know.”
“I still think we should give it a shot,” Felix says, and Ace resists the urge to roll his eyes. He knows Felix is a little lacking in the street smarts department, having spent most of his life tucked away in comfortable luxury, but this is the first time Ace has seen him completely disregard common sense.
“Yeah, I didn’t go through the trouble of stealing it for nothing!” Nea insists, puffing up her chest and expecting even more cheers for having managed to nick the item from the Legion’s hideout.
“I think we’ll definitely get an answer. We know there have been survivors before us,” Zarina tries to rationalize as much as the idea of ghosts can be rationalized.
“Knock yourselves out,” Ace dismisses with a wave of his hand, lounging back against the log and preparing to watch the group make complete fools of themselves.
“Alright, let’s do this!” Meg announces when all of the four take their places on each side of the board and place their fingers on the wooden marker. “Who’s gonna ask the questions?”
“I think Zarina should do it!” Nea says. “I’d probably just piss the ghost off.”
“Alright,” Zarina says, taking a deep breath. And then, someone starts frantically moving the marker around.
“Wow, looks like a really angry ghost is possessing Meg’s hand,” Ace smirks.
“We’re warming up the board, dumbass,” Meg shoots back.
Jesus H Christ, Ace didn’t know there was a protocol to this kind of thing. It just makes it even more ridiculous.
“I think we’re ready,” Felix says, and everyone stops the marker.
“Are there any spirits present?” Zarina asks, and the way she stares at the board with a dead serious expression is almost enough for Ace to lose it.
The pointer, predictably, is still, until someone decides to slowly move it to “Yes”.
“It’s working!” Meg exclaims. “Come on, do another one!”
“Are… were you a survivor?” Zarina asks, hesitating a little bit.
Ace really wants someone to move the marker to the rooster zodiac symbol in the background so he can make a cock joke.
He’s out of luck, because the marker only spins in a slow circle, until someone pushes it to “No”.
“You…” Zarina starts, much more meekly than before. “Were you a killer?”
Someone yanks the pointer immediately to “Yes”.
“Shit,” Nea curses, eyes going wide.
“What do I do?” Zarina hisses to the group.
“Ask if—” Felix starts, but then quiets as the marker starts moving.
“L… E… T… M…” Meg’s eyes fly over the board as the marker moves. “E... O—” she gasps as it makes its way to the final two letters.
“’Let me out’,” Felix murmurs, and there’s a genuine fear in his expression that makes Ace do a double take. He’s really buying into this stuff, huh?
“We can’t do that,” Zarina addresses the board, having somewhat collected herself. She looks like she’s about to say more, but almost loses her grip on the pointer when it zips to “Yes”.
“Oh fuck,” Nea curses. Ace doesn’t think he’s ever seen the headstrong tagger look genuinely scared before, not since first arriving in the realm. Which one of them is controlling the marker?
“Ask what it’s after,” Felix urges Zarina.
“What do you want?” Zarina asks, her voice trembling just the tiniest bit. Shit, even the Ice Queen is scared? Meg is doing a fantastic job pulling the strings.
The marker goes crazy, frantically moving between letters, seeming to repeat a pattern that spells—
“’Kill’,” Meg gasps, retreating her hand as if burned, and it just keeps moving, almost like it’s possessed, and damnit, that means it’s not her doing it—
“Meg come on, we need all of us to bind it!” Nea says, and they’re all seeming to struggle with getting the marker under control, like it has a mind of its own.
“Quick, ask it something!” Felix says, an urgency in his voice as he addresses Zarina. Suddenly, Ace doesn’t want to know what happens if the marker manages to get free from their grasp.
“Who? Who do you want to kill?” Zarina nearly shouts, pressing down on the rogue game piece with both hands to get it under control.
Nea’s finger slips when the pointer flies across the board, landing on A and then moving to C—
Ace’s eyes go wide when he sees the violent spirit spell out his name on the board, his heartbeat suddenly thundering in his ears and no longer feeling safe at all, despite the familiar glow of the campfire and being surrounded by his companions.
And then it gets so much worse when Felix turns to look at him and his face blanches in fear, and Meg is doing the same, looking behind him and yelling out a warning—
Cold hands emerge from the shadows and grab at him before he can turn around, and Ace shrieks and scrambles away, not about to let the ghost drag him to the void—
And then the ghost starts laughing in a very familiar manner and his companions are quick to join in, and Ace’s adrenaline-fueled brain finally allows him to turn to face his attacker and realize the fluffy-haired ghost looks awfully familiar.
“Steve,” Ace addresses the teen through gritted teeth.
“Oh man, you screamed like a girl!” Steve cackles, actually doubling over in laughter.
“I told you it’d work!” Nea snickers, elbowing Felix.
“Wait, you planned this!?” Ace screeches, turning to face his lover in accusation.
“Maybe,” Felix smirks like the infuriating bastard that he is.
“Remember the time you scammed me out of my skeleton keys?” Zarina asks with a sickly sweet smile.
“Or when you got that chest and let me die on hook?” Steve adds, still chuckling.
“Wait, you were all in on it?” Ace realizes.
“Payback’s a bitch!” Meg sing-songs, and Ace can’t help but be impressed at their coordination. It was a perfectly executed prank, and he can’t believe Felix managed to fool him so completely.
“You,” Ace demands, an accusing finger pointing at his lover. “You’d better make this up to me.”
“Of course, darling,” Felix smirks, and Ace resigns himself to his fate of seeing that smug little smile for at least the next couple of days. Felix walks up to him and places a cute kiss into his hairline, and Ace is maybe, maybe prepared to forgive him.
“I’ll protect you from the scary ghost,” Felix murmurs and when Ace snaps his head back to gape at him in offense, Felix has the audacity to laugh.
Since when has his boyfriend been such a little demon?
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