#everyone in this show has the bluest of blue eyes!!
themeraldee · 1 month
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The Boys | 2.01 The Big Ride
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confusedlittleguy · 9 months
i love thinking abt fashion and beauty standards in WoF bc its so interesting how different the culture between each tribe is
i tried to type out my ideas but its not coming outta my brain hold on
icewings with being shiny and having the biggest antlers and being the cleanest and who has the bluest eyes and having the sharpest quills, theyd probably only wear white or blue 😒
sandwings with having the coolest patterns and having well-groomed hair and stuff abt hair length and style standards changing over time and whos ruling them - up until Oasises rule the beauty standard for hair would be whatever the queen (and sometimes her relatives) look like, and then during the sucession war youre hair could indicate whos side you were on, like being on Blisters side their hair would be braided and long and never cut and facial hair meh :/ they can do whatever as long as its taken care of, but on Burns side theyd have shorter hair, often being shaved/cut into a buzz cut and then cut/shaved back before it grows back and always growing out facial hair and on Blazes side they would care more about their hair being shiny and light or colourful, often beached/dyed white or blue to show that they are allied with icewings, and even soem dragons imitating Queen Glaciers mane of quills but not growing any facial hair even tho they are based in the Ice Kingdom bc honestly Blaze isnt that much of a practical thinker (or one at all) and Scorpian Den dragibs giving zero fucks abt the beauty standards of the rest of the tribe, individual gangs/cults/families/whatever have their own thing and after Thorn becomes queen hair styles become less 'everyone should be like this and or strive to be this' and more of an occupational and place in society type of thing, and also things like obsidian and sapphires and black, blue and pink fabric would probably be something that they think looks pretty
rainwings and being bright and colourful but also being flexible (BECAUSE ITS COOL AND THEY WOULD THINK ITS IMPRESSIVE not for sexual reasons and if someone makes a comment like that im going to throw up a foldable IKEA table) but also smelling nice, like certain flowers or fruit
nightwings with being large and healthy would probably be the traits that they find most desireable, i think that they would incorperate lots of moons and stars and space imagery into their fashion as well as silver and gold
mudwings actually probably wouldnt have beauty standards because they dont care that much about attracting other dragons, but for specific rare 'falling in love' type of instances they would learn about what that dragon likes, for fashion they also probably wouldnt have much except for gold veins between their scales and some headpeices that look like plants or are woven from plants, but that would be more common for higher classes and less common for lower classes
with skywing fashion i was thinking sorta based off european culture (mostly gaelic culture), but for skywings their beauty standards and fashion change with their royalty more than any other tribe, i think in Queen Firestorms rule the beauty standards would be far more relaxed than Scarlets beauty standards, but under Queen Rubys rule the standards would be the most relaxed, but all of them do have one thing in common - jewels, although commonly skywings will uphold the standard that traditional european based (closest to canon) skywings and rocky skywings are more beautiful, although within the avian skywing community they do have similair standards to birds, although its more that avian skywings of all genders look for shinier and brighter partners, duller avian skywings who dont end up having eggs probably end up with each other in toxic marriages/partnerships because they dont really love the other but they want to keep up appearances within their community
seawings - i think they, surprisngly dont have that many beauty standards despite the only two queens we've been shown being absolutely obsessed (/j i am joking) although they definitely do like pearls and probably shells, and patterns of sea stars and sea jellies would be used in clothing
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newtonsheffield · 2 years
Can we see Kate introducing Michael to Francesca in like a hurricane??
Oh bless Michael.
Michael who went to Kate's house warming party when she and Anthony bought their new house after they moved in together with no idea that his entire life was about to change.
No idea that when he turned around to get a drink he was going to bump right into the woman of his dreams. His hands shot out to steady her waist and she looked up at him with the bluest eyes he'd ever seen and he fell in love immediately.
"I'm Michael. Michael Stirling."
The woman had looked back at him, her face an little impassive apart from a light frown and said "I know who you are."
Michael had nodded, smiling awkwardly, "Occupational hazard I suppose, can I get you a drink? You know, just to apologise for nearly throwing you out the window."
Her lips had quirked upwards for a half second before she'd shaken her head. "No need. No harm no foul." And then she'd disappeared, leaving him standing there next the the hottub he was pretty sure Kate and Anthony had already had sex in given everyone was being directed to use the indoor pool only.
"Kate, Kate, Kate, Kate." He caught her in conversation with Edwina, interrupting whatever was being said with a wave of his hand. "I've been a good friend to you right?"
Kate raised her eyebrow, "When?"
Michael scoffed, "Oh you mean when I gave Violet your contact and introduced you to the love of your life, you mean like that?"
"Fair point." Kate conceded, "What do you need? Why are you sweating on me?"
"I'm not sweating on you."
"You are a little." Edwina said dryly.
"Edwina, always a delight." Michael grinned at her. "I'm Kate bothering now, give me a hand?"
"You know if you just asked me what you wanted, I could give it to you."
"There is a girl here, and I'm pretty sure she's the future Mrs Stirling." Michael said quickly, spinning her around. "But she rejected my drink."
Kate scoffed. "The future Mrs- This is not you hooking up with another of my friends. No!"
"This isn't like that, this is the most beautiful girl I've ever-There!" He caught sight of her, talking to Anthony's assistant, gesturing wildly.
Kate sighed, "Mickey, that's Sophie, you've met her before, and she's dating Anthony's brother so-"
"No, jesus!" Michael sighed, impatiently. "Are you really this dense? I used to cheat off you in maths!"
"That just shows how stupid you are, nothing to do with me." Kate smirked.
"I'm talking about the girl behind Sophie, the one with blue eyes."
"Oh god." Kate gasped as the woman turned towards them, a slightly pained look on her face.
"Oh no." Edwina guffawed delightedly. "You're in so much trouble. The both of you."
"Why?" He barely had time for confusion, everything in him telling him to sprint towards the girl. "You don't know her?"
"I do know her." Kate sighed, patting him on the shoulder. "Mickey, I cannot introduce you to that woman. I can't. Anthony would kill us both."
"He... dated her?" Michael asked indignantly, "He can't call dibs forever, he has you."
"Ew, no. That's his baby sister, francesca."
Michael blinked blankly at her. "I don't get the problem. Is she underage?"
"No, she's 22 but-"
"Great!" Michael clapped her on the shoulder, steering Kate towards Francesca. "So she's an adult and can make her own decisions where devastatingly handsome men who want to take her out to dinner and worship her are concerned."
Kate groaned. "Stop making feminist arguments. The more I think about it, the more I think you'd actually be kind of sweet together."
Michael grinned, his heart hammering in his chest, just three steps away. "Great, so you'll introduce us."
"I can't- Frankie!" Kate had cut herself off as Michael shoved her forward, trying not to feel like a 15 year old boy loitering behind his mum. "Are you having fun?"
Francesca smiled, wrapping Kate in a hug quickly. "I am, Anthony really went all out hey?"
Kate hummed, "The trick with him is knowing how to control him. I've some very effective ways."
"Gross." Michael muttered, drawing Kate's attention back to him who rolled her eyes.
"Frankie, Michael's looking for someone to do the score for his next movie, I told him he should talk to you."
Francesca's eyebrow quirked skeptically up at him, as if to say Really? This is low but Michael seized the opportunity.
"You write film scores? That's actually really cool!"
"Smooth, buddy!" Kate hissed, shaking her head as she disappeared into the crowd "Have fun you two!"
Michael could hardly breathe as Francesca stared back at him a little bemused for a moment before she cleared her throat. "That was really subtle. Sometimes it's so easy to see why she and Anthony are together."
"It has literally never been one of her strong suits." Michael admitted. "Her Mum, Mary, caught us getting wasted when we were sixteen and she said At least you didn't catch us having sex."
Francesca's lips parted in surprise, "I don't know-"
"Oh god!" Michael felt panic clawing at his chest, "We've not- I've never had sex! With Kate! I've had sex before and so has she but we've never together! We're just friends!"
Francesca blinked back at him for a moment before she took an odd breath. "Cool. Listen, Michael, I get it, this is usually your thing, picking up girls at parties because you're a handsome movie star and that's neat. Good for them, good for you, but I'm not really interested okay?"
Michael felt his heart sinking in his chest disappointedly, forcing a smile there anyway. "Yeah, no, I get it. Totally cool! Um I'll see you right?"
"Yeah, maybe!" Francesca smiled at him a little too kindly one last time before she disappeared again taking something from his chest with her.
And the very last thing he expected when he was walking to set two weeks later was to run right into a woman again. And when he looked into her eyes he felt the exact same tug when he said
"Hey, Frankie!"
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marvelslut16 · 4 years
The one with two Pietro’s
Pairing: Pietro x reader, Wandavision!Pietro (Peter Maximoff) x reader FORCED 
Synopsis: you find yourself in Westview living with Wanda, Vision, the boys, and your boyfriend Pietro. But happens when you start to remember your Pietro and figure out what Wanda’s doing to you and everyone else? 
Word count: 1.4k+
Warnings: Swearing I think. Angst. Fluff if you squint. Mind control. Forced relationship. Briefly mentions the idea of a forced magical pregnancy. Bullet wounds. Death. Grief I suppose. Mentions pmsing. The over use of italics. Kinda feel like I make Wanda a psychotic asshole. SPOILERS FOR WANDAVISION!
A/N: This was so much fun to write! Probably the darkest thing I’ve ever written, if you can really call it dark. Writing for Wandavision was a fun little challenge. Takes place in the 90′s so my title is a reference to friends, and so is a tv show character I use in the one shot. Pretend Evan Peters’ hair isn’t that blonde cause I will always see him with the silver he has in xmen and wrote him as such. 
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"Vision, that's not my Pietro," you mutter in horror to your friend as the two of you stand in the kitchen. 
You’re not quite sure what makes you say it, but you’re glad you do when you glance at the new Pietro in the living room, he's been playing video games with Tommy and Billy for close to an hour now. He's sweet and funny, but he's just not your Pietro.
"I'm afraid not, (Y/N)," Vision's voice is sullen, but he's glad you're not in on Wanda's mind games. Unless you are, and this is just another way for Wanda to mess with him. He’s not quite sure what’s happening, but he knows from what you’ve reminisced in passing to him about Pietro on nights when Wanda isn’t in the room, that that’s not the Pietro you know and love. 
"Oh my god," you murmur, hand coming to your mouth as little bits and pieces of memories race through your head. The genuine pain, horror, and sadness that cross your face make it obvious to Vision you're being manipulated like everyone else, even if you are Wanda's oldest friend. "My Pietro, he had an accent."
Your knees buckle when you hear his native accent saying his catchphrase in your head, 'you didn't see that coming.' Vision rushes to your side to help you stand more firmly.
"His face was longer, hair a white blonde not silver, his body more toned, and he had gorgeous blue eyes- bluest eyes I've ever seen," you grip onto Vision's arms as you imagine moments with your Pietro.
You grew up in the cell beside his and Wanda's, immediately forming a sisterly connection with her at a young age while Pietro hated you. He would tease you, pull on your pigtails, and steal some of your food on the off chance you three were eating outside of your cells. Over the years the teasing turned to flirting, and your dislike for him turned into a huge crush.
One night-a night you can normally remember with full clarity- after Hydra fell and before Ultron, the two of you were out on a walk, much to Pietro's chagrin. You were telling him about this new book that you were reading and how the characters annoyed you so because they were obviously in love but wouldn't admit it. Pietro zoomed in front of you, causing you to smack into his chest and almost fall to the ground, you would have if not for Pietro's arms wrapping around your waist and bringing you close to his toned chest.
The wind was blowing his hair into his eyes ever so slightly, so without thinking you reached up to move it out of his face and away from his eye. The small act of tenderness that you had displayed caused Pietro to give into his desires, he leaned in and his wind chapped lips descended onto yours. You melted into the kiss, clinging tightly to his biceps to ground you. One of his hands slipped down from your waist to squeeze your ass, the other wrapped more tightly around your waist and kept you anchored to him.
"I love you, Printesa, I have since we were kids," he admits when you pull apart for air, leaning his forehead on yours.
"I love you too, Quicksilver," you use the superhero nickname he gave himself when you were twelve. He grins before attaching his lips to yours once more, it was an unforgettable kiss that filled you with warmth and hope for your future.
"(Y/N), are you okay?" Vision's voice brings you back to reality, or whatever this is.
"No," your voice cracks as you remember the last kiss Pietro planted on your lips, right before he protected Clint. The memory that still haunts your dreams, seeing him with all those bullet holes and knowing there was nothing you could do to save him. "What kind of person forgets the love of their life? I'm a terrible person Vis!"
"No you aren't (Y/N)," the sincerity in Vision's voice makes you really believe him. "Wanda's doing this, she didn't want you to remember."
You gasp as another memory floods your mind. You had agreed to go on a road trip with Wanda after being resurrected from Bruce's snap and defeating Thanos. You both wanted a break, or so you thought.
Wanda had stopped right when you had passed the entrance into Westview, she claimed to be checking her directions when you asked why she had stopped in the middle of nowhere. And no matter how weird it was that she chose to stop at the border to the town and not at a gas station, you believed your best friend and sister in law because she had no reason to lie to you.
A moment later her eyes and hands were glowing red as she touched your temple. She pushed all your memories behind a wall in your brain, then filled your head with memories of a happy life with her and Vision in Westview.
She did it again when 'Pietro' showed up on your guy’s doorstep, this time filling your head with memories of him. Memories of a different first kiss, but an eerily similar first date to the one you and your Pietro had. It makes sense to you now, you and Pietro had never told Wanda the real story of your first kiss, instead telling her you had it weeks later on your first date. You had tried to keep your relationship a secret for a little because you didn't want to make it awkward for Wanda if it didn't work out.
Another thing she didn't add was your engagement and subsequent marriage to her brother. In this reality you and 'Pietro' are just dating. You have to assume that it's because it happened weeks before the battle against Ultron and she doesn't want to remember anything that close to her brother's death.
The thing about the new Pietro is that he seems to rub Wanda the wrong way, something your Pietro never did. He makes comments that you know yours would never, and Wanda always tenses up near him. This Pietro likes to show you off more than yours did, which is saying a lot because your’s used to cling to your side, praise you, and show you off in town when girls would flirt with him. Every time this Pietro kisses you it doesn’t feel right, it’s nowhere near the earth shattering kisses that you had somehow managed to remember from the deep parts of your brain. 
"My ring," you shudder in horror when you realize the diamond ring that your Pietro stole from the jeweler in Sokovia is no longer sitting delicately on your left ring finger like it was before entering Westview. You hastily search your body for your most prized possession, sighing in relief when you find it hanging from a simple silver chain around your neck.
"(Y/N)," Vision says gently, resting a hand on your shoulder, it’s one of the few times he doesn’t know what to say. 
"He's dead," you cry, knees buckling under your weight again. This time you catch yourself on the kitchen table, before sinking in the seat to your right.
"Who's dead?" Wanda appears in the doorway out of nowhere. She has an innocent, concerned expression on her face, but the tilt of her head tells you she'll come take your memories away again if you slip up in the slightest.
"Dr. Drake Ramoray on Days Of Our Lives, the soap opera I was watching this afternoon when you and the boys were out. He fell down the elevator shaft, and I'm apparently taking it harder than I thought I would. I must be pmsing or something."
"Or maybe you're pregnant," there's a red glint in her eyes that scares you to no end.
"Oh," you swallow the lump in your throat, and hold back the bile rising up your throat from anxiety. "I don't think so, I'm not ready to be a mother yet."
"It would be so fun though," 'Pietro' zooms behind your seat, leaning down to place a kiss on your cheek. "Little mini me's and you's running around the house with Billy and Tommy."
"I think two super human children are enough for the house right now," you let out an uncomfortable giggle. You and Vision side eye each other, both very aware that you'll probably be as pregnant as Wanda was a few days ago within the week.
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trans-osamu · 3 years
noble!dazai/siren!chuuya headcanons
noble dazai who’s never seen much point to life
he gets sent out to sea to find “his purpose” or his “honor”, but he’s only going to get away from the stuffy noble life. life still doesn’t appeal much on the high seas and he wants to die, so when he hears panicked shouts above the deck of sirens - beautiful creatures who lure men to their deaths - it sounds like a great deal, so he rushes upstairs to the deck to get a first look at what all the fuss is about
and that’s when he sees the pretty copper-haired mermaid boy sitting on a far off rock, away from the mermaids swarming the ship
then dazai, to everyone’s horror, jumps OFF the boat and into the infested waters, swimming frantically towards the boy, but look, he doesn’t know how to swim so halfway there he falters and starts sinking because he is wearing fancy noble clothes and those get heavy in the water
dazai feels the water enter his lungs as he sinks and thinks “this isn’t too bad of a way to die”. the water is warm, his body is light - he just wishes he could have gotten a look at that mermaid. but oh well, he’ll take this peaceful death
he closes his eyes
and then he feels an arm grab him and his eyes shoot open and they’re met immediately with the widest, bluest, prettiest eyes he’s ever seen, and it’s THAT mermaid boy, who’s hoisting him towards the surface, and they break the surface water and the boy tosses him onto the rocks, where dazai coughs up lungfuls of seawater and curses because he could feel his life ebbing, but then he looks up at the mermaid and sees the curious look in his eyes and suddenly he needs to turn his charm on
the boy doesn’t look much older than him, with pretty blue eyes that seem to shift like the water around him, and bright ginger hair that shines in the sun. he’s got a dark red tail that shimmers when the sun catches the scales, and right now, he’s not looking at dazai like he wants to eat him, but his eyes are on the fancy hat dazai was wearing when he jumped off the boat
did he... seriously save him for his hat?
he doesn’t know, but he clutches the soaked thing to his chest anyways, watching as his ship becomes overrun with sirens
they’re essentially forced to leave without dazai
so, he watches in shock as his only key to land sails off in a cacophony of shouts and wails
obviously dazai can’t just stay on that craggy rock, so chuuya leads him over to a nearby island he’s discovered
dazai has been pampered his whole life. he doesn’t know shit about hunting
for the first couple days, chuuya pops up out of the water and throws a fish at him
dazai is bewildered and eventually gets irritated enough to yell out to chuuya before he throws the next fish, yelling for him to just swim up and talk to him, dazais going mad spending these days alone
and it’s not that chuuya doesn’t want to talk to dazai
it’s several things
the most prevalent being he’s a siren
sirens are known for dragging men to their death in the sea by song, by their voice. chuuya can't speak to him - or he refuses to because he knows it'll kill dazai
and for another thing, he’s apprehensive of being nearby
he got very close to dazai the first day, saving him from drowning and leading him to the island
so for a couple of days afterward he was too intimidated to come near him, because people like dazai are supposed to be his prey
but... he doesn’t want to eat this boy. there’s something about him that draws chuuya in
maybe it’s the exhausted sadness in dazai’s face that shows through every time he thinks no one is looking
maybe it’s his pretty brown eyes and brown hair that shines gold in the sunlight
or perhaps it’s the shiny chains and pretty rocks that adorn his outfits
(chuuya prefers to think it’s the latter)
but anyway, this is new to chuuya, dazai yelling at him
dazai only spoke to him softly on the first day, and has called out thanks a couple times for the fish, but this is the first time chuuya has heard his voice reach that volume, have that throaty growl in it from lack of water and shade
it makes his stomach whirl
so, he inches closer
this surprises dazai. chuuya has kept a visible distance from him, and he expected the mermaid to dive back into the water after he yelled at him
but now the mermaid is doing the opposite
and thus begins their tentative friendship
dazai can talk to chuuya for hours about his life back home, and chuuya can listen for hours
but, again, chuuya can’t say anything back
maybe after a few weeks of building up that friendship, dazai convinces chuuya to open his mouth and say something because he wants so badly to hear what chuuya sounds like
but the second chuuya utters a word, dazai’s eyes glaze over and he starts walking towards the waves, getting deeper and deeper despite chuuya flailing and wrenching him back desperately, only stopping when chuuya shuts his mouth, silences his pleas for dazai to stop. he pulls his head out of the water and chuuya frantically pushes him back to shore
he refuses to open his mouth from that point onward
the terror chuuya felt at watching dazai lose himself in his song and walk so boldly towards death is something he never wants to see again
there’s some part of him that understands that dazai wants to die
even if he can’t fluently speak his human language, he picks up bits and pieces after listening to dazai for weeks on end every day
but he doesn’t want that. at the very least, it will not be by his hand that this human meets his end
dazai is... very upset he can’t hear chuuya’s voice
he doesn’t remember what happened when chuuya opened his mouth, because it was a trance
so chuuya can’t explain why
and dazai doesn’t know
chuuya probably rubs the adam’s apple of his throat and then rubs over his heart, trying to convey what will happen
oh, touches
now i’m thinking about touches
dazai sitting in the shallows to be with chuuya
i’m imagining dazai seeing chuuya eye the hat constantly
that damned hat that somehow survived drowning alongside him
so one day dazai climbs out of the shallows in the middle of talking. his rant is forgotten
he retrieves the hat, sits beside chuuya in the water, and lifts his hands to gently fit it on his head
tugs it nice and snug and then leans back and smiles
dazai invites chuuya for meals and they eat together
chuuya is used to eating fish raw, so he finds dazais process of roasting the fish over a fire fascinating
one day, chuuya brings dazai a crab, one he snatched from the bottom of the little cove he lives in. the pure excitement on dazai’s face when he sees the crab is enough to make chuuya bring him one every day
...oh, their first kiss
it tastes like sea salt and it stings a little on dazai’s chapped lips, but it’s one of the greatest things dazai has gotten to experience
it’s so sweet, too, because, in order to kiss him, dazai had to go out in the water... get his one pair of clothes all wet... either sit down in the shallow sand or wade into deeper water to stand beside chuuya
i’m imagining them in shallow water with the waves lapping at the shore and water swimming around dazai’s waist and chuuya is laid between dazai’s legs, propping his torso up with his hands
their chests and mouths meet
chuuya doesn’t quite understand the concept, but the way that kiss makes him feel is like nothing else
he likes the heat that dazai’s body radiates. chuuya’s body temp is colder because he’s a water creature, but dazai is warm and inviting and chuuya wants to curl up and fall asleep against him, or just bask in his presence. and when he kisses dazai once, he wants to do it again. and again. and again
when dazai pulls away for air, chuuya grasps at his shirt to claw him back
dazai’s hands are tangled in the wet coils of chuuya’s hair and chuuya has his hand splayed across dazai’s chest
he can feel dazais heart beating beneath his skin and the warmth of it as he kisses dazai deeper and deeper
maybe i’m dramatic, but i think a single tear mixes with the seawater glistening across his face
cause it’s tragic, isn’t it? and i believe chuuya recognizes that. they cannot love each other like they want to
he knows dazai has to return to human civilization. he cant spend the rest of his life on a tiny island fighting for scraps and living in one pair of clothes while he wades in the water just to see his love
chuuya sees how he wants to die and he knows that this life would be a cage. he wants dazai to be free and find something that fulfills him. chuuya wishes the world for the boy - and the world he needs is not with him. not with a siren who can’t even speak his name
...but to spare the angst, let’s say chuuya makes a deal with the ocean or a sea witch to be human
okay, so 
dazai wakes up one day to find a very familiar redhead has washed in with the tide. at first, he laughs because he thinks that chuuya fell asleep and got beached and now he has to help him roll back into the sea - but then he sees legs. chuuya no longer has a tail with glittering, red scales, but legs.
he’s naked, so dazai takes his coat and wraps it around him and pulls him onto the sand and tries to wake him up
dazai gently rocks chuuya until he finally stirs, sputtering a little because of some sea salt that dried up the back of his throat
dazai coaxes him awake with gentle praise. “that’s it, there you go. wake up. wake up for me. you’re alright”
chuuya can feel dazai shivering beneath him - but he’s not cold. it’s because he’s scared. scared for chuuya
in fact, the more chuuya thinks about it, he’s not so cold either. he’s... warm, like dazai
he’s very groggy and his eyes are bleary. it takes a couple of seconds to get used to the sun, but when he does, he sees dazai above him. he’s cradling him, chuuya realizes
chuuya nearly opens his mouth to ask what’s going on, then remembers
dazai asks him if he’s alright and chuuya only nods
dazai probably lets out a small weep, just a tiny broken sound because he was very worried
“you wouldn’t wake up, for a moment there... you were sleeping like the dead”
chuuya shakes his head
oh, when it finally clicks for chuuya that if he talks he won’t hurt dazai...
dazai has turned away from chuuya who’s sitting huddled on the beach in his coat to crack him open a coconut to drink from. chuuya doesn’t know a lot of words - but he knows dazai’s name. 
so, he whispers it at first, just to test, to see if the sound that escapes him puts dazai under a trance. when it doesn’t, he speaks it a little louder, just to make sure. then louder still, a final time, and dazai freezes. 
for a second chuuya fears his siren song didn’t wear off when he turned human, but then dazai turns to him and his eyes are full of wonder and he staggers towards chuuya and falls to his knees, absolutely dumbstruck, taking his face in his hands and breathlessly asking if he can repeat that
chuuya inhales shakily and trembles with his exhale... he puts his hands over the ones dazai has cupping his cheeks, making sure to hold his eyes as he says, “dazai”
and he’s never seen dazai cry until then. not when he was stranded, not when he was sunburnt without aid, not when he had no one to talk to for weeks
but here he is, tears streaming down his cheeks because he heard a boy speak. he heard a boy say his name.
dazai grasps his face and they quiver and gently rock as he asks in frenzied whispers, “name? what’s your name? can you tell me your name?”
“chuuya,” he gasps out
dazai laughs a little through the tears, hiccupy as he muses “sounds like your nickname” (he’s been calling him chibi this whole time)
(to which, until now, chuuya had never been able to properly respond. he’s only been able to chuck fish at dazai’s head)
well! the one issue is now they’re both stranded 
but, not to worry: dazai is a noble who’s been missing for months. even if he’s presumed dead, there’d be ships sent out to search for his body or proof of death
while they wait for rescue, dazai is content to finally be able to curl up alongside chuuya. and chuuya never wants to let him go
dazai teaches chuuya everything, patiently
how to walk, how to run, how to talk. he even sings for chuuya
teaches him how to dance. holds him like chuuya could disappear at any second
imagine them dancing to dazai’s hums on the beach in the moonlight
chuuya likes it very much, it becomes a pattern. they’re slow dancing on the beach when they’re spotted and rescued
dazai’s whoop of joy when he sees the ship
he’s so happy he picks chuuya up and whirls him around
dazai keeps chuuya close the entire ship ride back. points out what it looks like to ride above the sea, shows him the stars and how they chart them. traces the constellations that point the way. shows him compasses and how to light a lamp... and he keeps one hand steady on his waist nearly all the time
my god, chuuya feels the wind on his face for the first time and breathes in the salty sea air as it whips through his hair, and dazai is just struck again with how beautiful he is
chuuya is so full of curiosity and wonder for this new world, it makes dazai see the beauty in the little things
and mmm dazai braiding chuuya’s hair and tying it in a braid/ponytail with a ribbon as a bow
and, as this is dazai’s ship, they have his clothes, so dazai gets chuuya all dressed in a fresh pair of his clothes and chuuya feels warm and safe and it smells like dazai so it’s just... mind-numbing
dazai dresses him with gentle hands
usually noble have servants dress them, but dazai doesn’t let a single servant touch chuuya. he knows chuuya would feel uncomfortable with that, and he wants to be the one who helps chuuya learn how to tie a shirt or lace his boots
...chuuya hates shoes at first
but, dazai is able to convince him they’re necessary, especially on board because otherwise, he’ll get splinters
dazai despises those things so he gifts them, no problem.
at the beginning, chuuya tends to speak pretty soft. he’s constantly afraid the trance will return. he sees dazai carrying himself into that sea at his voice everytime he closes his eyes. it scares him. he loves this man, more than a lot of things
but he eventually learns to overcome that fear. it’s in the past, dazai won’t be lured by chuuya’s song anytime soon
imagine chuuya eating something other than fish or kelp or crab for the first time. imagine his joy at bread or an apple. he falls in love with the art of cooking. 
imagine him tasting wine for the first time and the taste fascinates him
after maybe his second or third cup dazai hoists the bottle out of his reach, which irritates chuuya, but he notices how woozy his head is and how unsteady he is on his feet, and dazai’s speaking gently to him, telling him that it’s okay to enjoy these things in moderation, but he needs to rest now
and then he picks chuuya up bridal style (because this is chuuya’s first experience with alcohol, he’s a lightweight) and carries him to their bed
chuuya is an affectionate drunk. he peppers dazai with kisses and whines when dazai tries to leave their bed to get him water
dazai finds it amusing and endearing, tells him he’s going to experience something new tomorrow and it may not be pleasant
and god, chuuya knows what he meant when he wakes up in dazais arms with a splitting headache
dazai holds him and talks quietly to avoid it hurting anymore
promises him sweetly, between kisses, that he’ll get him more wine when he recovers
in return, chuuya promises to learn how to prepare crab
(also i think it would be fun for dazai to teach (or learn with chuuya) how to fish and net)
but anyways!
think about them laying in bed as the sun rises. it is streaming in golden rays through their curtains, warming the skin it touches. and they’re lying side by side, staring at one another in complete silence
that is, until dazai touches chuuya’s nose with the tip of his finger and whispers, “your eyes are blue. like the sea.”
chuuya smiles ever so faintly, reaching up to touch dazai’s nose as he hushes, “and your eyes are brown. like the earth.”
one boy from the ocean, one boy from the land
...there are days chuuya gets homesick
he misses the embrace of the ocean. misses the feeling of gliding through the water, exploring the reef, being able to open his eyes underwater, and being able to breathe. after all, it was his home for a good chunk of his life
there isn’t much dazai can do for chuuya on days like that, other than being there for him. he’ll take him sailing or to the beach, if he wants to be there, to watch and listen to the waves crash against the sand
they wade together like they used to
and i think... chuuya rambles on, hushed, about how he can no longer understand the ocean
dazai doesn’t quite get it. doesn’t understand how one would be able to hear the ocean in the first place, much less communicate with it like chuuya is saying
but he mourns with him, nonetheless
speaking of that, chuuya has an accent. it’s a light one, you can hear it in how his tone lilts at the end of sentences and such. and no one can quite figure out where it’s from. only dazai knows why he has one
...you think dazai ever teases chuuya about how if they had kids they’d have little fish hybrid babies
chuuya raises a brow and says “dazai, we cant have children”
there is a moment where genuine shock breaches his face. 
he forgot.
oh my god chuuya can use the name mackerel for him in this universe
anyways, when chuuya was a siren and dazai was on that beach, chuuya would specifically swim great lengths and dive way down deep to find sunken items for dazai: old cast iron pots and rusty pocketwatches and grimey coins
finding him little knickknacks that he thinks are cool and he’s sure dazai will too (honestly a lot of them are nothing compared to the riches he has at home, but to him, they’re significant beyond comprehension)
it’s kind of like a dog playing fetch
the end fins of chuuya’s tail wag sometimes when dazai shows he really likes a knickknack
....one day he brings dazai a human femur bone
it takes a second for dazai to realize what it is when chuuya hands it to him
i think he tries to keep his reaction under control because he doesn’t want to hurt chuuya’s feelings, so he gently places it to the side and tries to move on. he doesn’t throw it or anything it just sits... there
IM IMAGINING THE PANIC IN HIS MIND. like....  who the fuck is this?
cause it was someone.
poor chuuya likely thought it was a mortar and pestle type instrument
dazai eventually explains to him what it is. and he is horrified
oh, chuuya feels SICK. he robbed a GRAVE
doesn’t show his face a whole day
then brings back two crabs as emotional compensation when he makes an appearance 24 hours later. (dazai is more excited to see chuuya than the crabs. he missed him)
also asks (“asks”) for the bone back to return it to where he found it
chuuya brings dazai shark teeth
once-fine silverware and dead coral and kelp that he can dry and prepare and
gives dazai the pearl and dazai keeps it close, always
strings it on a necklace when they get back home
...oh wait, speaking of shark teeth
chuuya has really sharp teeth
he’s a predator who eats men, after all 
(but he prefers seafood, don’t tell anyone)
he eats dulse and seaweed and scallops and snails and little squids
probably has 2 rows of teeth
i'm imagining dazai's equal horror and curiosity at chuuya’s teeth. probably asks something like "does it hurt" and chuuya is just like ??? it's my teeth
to help dazai out during those beach days, he may or may not have corraled some fish into the shallows near dazai. it is up to nature whether or not they survive
chuuya even redirects driftwood to dazai, so it doesn't pass the island
all his siren friends were probably like "yo where have you been, you're gone all the time these days" and he's like oh... you know.........
he's got a full time job keeping this guy alive 
...that’s all i got for now
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anonymousfiction211 · 3 years
Okay first off Hi!! I just found your Tumblr and I love your writing! So I wanted to request something. This may sound odd but a fic where the tesseract turns into a human? Lol... I was watching avengers and at the beggining Dr. Selvig referred to the tessrract as a her. (Reader doesn't have to be a female! Totally up to what your comfy with! But fluff or light smut. Maybe loki is possessive of them? Sorry if that was way to specific or not enough. I've never requested something before...So you totally can ignore this if it's bad. Thanks💓
A/N: Thank you so much for the compliments! I never thought about this scenario and I loved it! Your request can be as specific or vague as you want, depending on how much room for interpretation you want. Hope you like it :). I followed the Avengers plot, so Loki is in his underground base.
His Kjæreste 'Excuse me, WHAT?’ Loki roared. Are these midgardians going mad?
There was sweat breaking out on Dr. Selvig’s forehead. He trembled slightly when Loki raised his voice. ‘I- It’s.. We we’re done with building your weapon. And suddenly she changed’ Dr. Selvig tried to explain again.
‘She?’ Loki asked.
‘Yeah, the Tesseract suddenly changed into a woman’ Dr. Selvig answered.
Loki held his hand up, not interested in anything Dr. Selvig had to say. If Loki hadn’t put him under mind control he would have expected this to be a poorly executed plan. Now he wondered what chemical reaction in the lab had caused all his servants to imagine something ridiculous as this. He got up from his seat and quickly paced towards the lab. Dr. Selvig was stumbling behind him, trying to keep up.
The doors of the lab burst open right before Loki entered. What is magic for if not a dramatic entrance? he thought. Hoping it would remind his servants of the strength and power he holds. He scanned the lab with his eyes. There were two guards on either side of the door who visibly flinched, which made him smirk. Barton was in the middle of the lab, staring at the corner. She stood in the corner. A beautiful young woman, pushing herself against the wall in the hopes she would disappear. She tried to hide her facial expression under her wavy brown hair. When she looked at Loki he noticed her ocean blue eyes, eyes in which he could drown.
It took Loki a moment to realise the woman was naked. No wonder she is scared Loki thought. He saw that Barton had grabbed a lab coat from the chair and he was making his way over to the woman. Loki wasn’t having it. He practically sprinted towards Barton and pushed him aside. The woman watched this exchange curiously.
‘Everybody leave’ Loki growled. Without hesitation, every brainless servant quickly made their way outside. ‘Barton, close the door’ Loki added. When he heard the doors closing he turned his attention back to the woman, who was still cowering in the corner.
‘Relax, beautiful. I’m not going to hurt you’ Loki cooed as softly as he could. He slowly made his way over to the corner. The woman eyed him with slight fear, but he noticed the curious twinkle in her eyes. Loki let his eyes wander her body when he approached, not hiding that he liked what he saw. When he stood right before her he took off his leather jacket and helped her into it. She was hesitant but accepted. He zipped the jacked up, she was much smaller than him and it looked like a dress on her.
She flinched when Loki grabbed her chin. He made her look at him and he looked intensely in her eyes. Her eye colour was the bluest Loki had ever seen. It was hypnotizing. He didn’t question if this woman were the Tesseract, he could feel it. The amazing feeling of power that attracted Loki in the first place, was still emitting from her. He couldn’t help but inhale the scent of her hair. And he didn’t fail to notice that made her blush.
‘Interesting, I didn’t know you could change forms’ Loki said.
‘I don’t do it very often’ the beautiful woman whispered to him.
‘Hmm.. and do you have a name?’ Loki asked while his lips caressed her neck. The woman holds her head back, giving him better access. Her breathing has sped up and Loki could tell she was suppressing a moan.
‘No, just the Tesseract’ she answered.
‘That will not do, I’ll call you my Kjæreste for now’ Loki said.
With a snap of his fingers, the lab doors opened. Barton walked through but stopped halfway through the lab. ‘Sire?’ he asked.
‘Will you escort my Kjæreste to my room. After that I need you to find her some clothes and fetch her something to eat and drink’ he ordered Barton. ‘I will be with you shortly’ Loki told her and gave her a kiss on her cheek. When she giggled his whole face lit up, that was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard. He reluctantly pulled himself away from her and walked towards the exit. Right before he left he turned around. He saw that Barton had exchanged his hand, not clear of his intention Loki wasn’t having it.
‘The first person who touches her dies a very painful death by my own hand. That is not a threat, but a promise. Make sure everyone knows’ he said. He smirked when Barton quickly put his hand back down his side and made his Kjæreste follow him to his room. As much as Loki had wanted to escort her himself, he unfortunately had some things to work out before he could make his move on this pathetic little planet.
After an hour Loki was done and he walked back to his room. He was excited to see his Kjæreste in a beautiful green gown reading a book on the couch. When he entered she put her book away and smiled brightly at her. Before he could go to her there was a knock on the door. Loki opened the door to see one of his guards standing with a plate of food and a variety of drinks. The guard tried to peek over Loki’s shoulder to get a look at the woman. Loki quickly grabbed the plate and shoved the door back in his face. Apparently, he wasn’t the only person in the building drawn to her, but he is damned to let anyone else have her.
He walked towards her with the plate. ‘You hungry?’ he asked.
She nodded and got up from the couch to accept the food, but Loki had different plants. He sat on the couch and pulled her onto his lap in one motion. She gasped but giggled when he kissed her neck. He sat the plate on her lap and started to feed her a variety of finger food and drinks.
‘Why did you change your form if I may ask?’ he asked in between feeding her.
‘I thought this form might be more appealing towards you’ she blushed.
‘Hmm, I do like you in this form. But why now?’ Loki purred.
‘I saw your plans for this planet. Now that you have build your weapon I thought I could help you in other ways’ she answered.
‘Other ways?’ Loki asked suggestively, liking where this was going.
She nodded ‘I still have all my powers in this form. Why stop at one planet? We could take them all’ she said.
That took Loki back a bit. ‘You want to concur all the nine realms with me?’
‘Of course, you’re very powerful. And a king’ she said.
The wheels in Loki’s head were spinning. If she were willing to help him, they could take all the nine realms. She is connected to the other stones, he could get them before Thanos and take everything he deserved. And this while having a beautiful queen by his side. She looked questioningly at him when he didn’t answer.
‘Unless this is not what you want? I can revert back if that is what you prefer’ she said while averting his gaze.
Loki pulled her closer against him and started to cover her neck in bite marks. ‘You do no such thing. You’re MINE and I’m keeping you’ he growled.
After she had eaten enough he showed her around his base. He loved the way her arm linked with his and how she put her head against his upper arm sometimes. The word that Loki would kill everyone who touched her had gotten around quickly. Almost every man immediately averted their gaze when they saw her. Despite that, Loki made sure to mark her neck clearly for everyone to see. She didn’t seem to mind. Apparently, she was as drawn to him as he was to her. He couldn’t wait for tomorrow when the two of them would start to plot their schemes.
By the end of the night, he escorted her back to his room. Their room. He loved how she blushed when he pulled her close against him. Then Loki did something he wanted to do the first time he saw her. He gave a deep kiss, making her knees go weak. He supported her with his arms and walked her towards their bed. ‘I’m going to make you scream my name so loud, everyone on this planet will know you belong to me’ he growled. And he meant it. Nothing and nobody would ever take her away from him. His Kjæreste.
Tags: @delightfulheartdream @the-best-phineas @theaudacitytowrite @pescadoavocado
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witchlyboo · 4 years
Definitely, maybe.
Part 1: The one with the bluest eyes.
Introduction. Part two. Part three. Part four. Part five.
Summary: You tell the story of your first love to your son and the dramatic appearance of a human hurricane.
Pairing: Latina!reader x Logan Lerman x Tom Holland x Ben Hardy x Michael B. Jordan x Pedro Pascal x Timothee Chalamet.
Warnings: Angst, lots of misspellings (sorry) and language. Promise is going to be spicier next time.
a/n: This part took much time because I was in finals, please let me know if you like it and if there are some horrible and unforgivable misspellings, I’m learning (in private, don’t embarrasse me in front of the cool writers). Luv u for read this, thnx ✨
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“Maybe if you blow it.” Your friend suggests sitting on the toilet as nervous as you are, maybe a little bit more; she is the kind of person that takes other people’s problems terribly personal and you have struggles with take yourself seriously, the perfect match. The pregnancy test has been laughing at you for the last ten minutes even when the box said the results are ready in three, and at this point of your life, you wouldn’t be surprised if you had bought the only test that doesn’t work in the entire world.
“What?!” You ask looking at her concerned, hoping that you misunderstood her Yorker accent. Sheep (the name you gave her for the volume of her hair that remained you to that sheep in the Zootopia movie) was getting in panic, you can hear it in her voice, and considering that she is the one that keeps you both down to earth, that is very bad news.
“Yeah, maybe you have to dry the pee and yours is too dense.” She concluded really proud of the argument she made; you think of it for a second but any explication other than the universe hates you is off the table.
“That doesn’t have any sense! I...” You hear someone knocking at the apartment’s door and the color of your cheeks magically disappeared. “Fuck, it’s him, he has to be so early all the time?”You check your make-up one more time and your whole outfit before get out off the bathroom giving Sheep a forehead kiss. “I’ll buy another one on the way back home.”
“Ok, I’m going to search on internet the better way to push you off the stairs if it’s positive.” You hear her say and that makes you laugh softly forgetting for a moment the posible consequence of the bad and drunk use of a condom.
A sight of a pregnancy is, surprisingly, not you mayor reason to be nervous, tonight is your first anniversary with Logan, actually, the first one with anyone, that’s an incredible achievement for you, you were dealing with your commitment issues since you were old enough to have a relationship. Yes, this is a big deal, but to be fair, it’s not all thanks to you. The way he makes love you look so easy is the main reason.
Logan is nice. More than that. He is the kind of guy that kisses your hand before holds it warmly close to his heart that beats faster every time you say his name. He is the first person to text your mom on her birthday and asked you for your permission on your first kiss. Soft pink parted lips and blue puppy eyes; if you look at them carefully you can easily get lost on the calm sea of emotions, the clear water makes you think that you can see through them but no, there’s a dark shade warning you that they are more deeper than you could ever imagine. Was that darkness that attracted you in the first place.
You decided to wear the tight black dress he likes the most, it covers two fingers above the knee but the neckline is low enough to let everyone know that, indeed, you have two breast and no shame in show them; those kind of dresses are made for skinnier woman with regular curves that are smaller than yours but you take it as an advantage, you struggled with love your body for so many years and now that you feel comfortable with it you won’t let anyone drag you down on that again.
“Hey.” You say opening the door and pretending that there’s not any possibility of being pregnant of his baby in that exact moment.
“Wow.” He says looking at you and you feel your heart do a little jump, feeling glad that you got the expected reaction. Usually you take your time when you dress or makeup, it is way more important to you to call it vanity, you express yourself through it, make yourself a little piece of art is an everyday thing.
“I know.” You respond hugging him and smelling that scent of his neck that you are obsessed with, not too masculine or feminine, expensive cologne, mint, and his vanilla conditioner; it is the smell of stability and care, things that you never thought you could need that much. You take your time to look at him in his completely black suit, including the tie and you think for the first time in your relationship with him that you might not be correctly dressed. “Do you think I’m underdress?”
“Nonsense, you look like the hot villain of a Marvel movie.” Being that the best compliment you ever had, you kiss him deeply placing your hands under his jacket, feeling the warm of his skin through his shirt, and pressing your nails in it, enjoying the sudden tension on his posture.
“If you keep doing that we won’t make it to dinner.” He whispers in your lips but the hold on your hips don’t get softer. You laugh and not complain knowing he was right, you hold his hand instead and walk out the building playing with the sound of your heels while he gives random squeezes to your hand.
You were so over the moon to see it, you’ll really wish you had seen it.
“Where are we going?” You ask when he starts driving. His parents gave him that car on his 21th birthday, thinking that your parents couldn’t afford one for themselves even if they save money for ten years, disturbes you a little. You can’t get use to a person that doesn’t see the price of stuff when buys it when you count cents at the end of the month.
His whole life is an outsider dream to you, he is about to graduate from medicine school, his parents planned to have him, are proud of him and you are sure that he has never had those invasives thoughts at 3 am. of feeling that you may never make it to success, or at least personal satisfaction.
“I have a surprise for you, two actually, we go for them and then we go to eat dinner with my parents, I know it’s our anniversary but my mom insisted, you know how she is and how much she loves you. I promise after that the night is ours.” He takes your hand and leaves a kiss on it before put it on the gear shift covering it with his own. The second red flag is as bright as the sun, but your head is too busy thinking in baby names to actually care.
“I thought we said no gifts.” You say looking at his growing beard. He is deliciously handsome, yes, you wouldn’t deny the superficiality of your system, you study plastic arts after all, it’s not a surprise that you admire the exterior beauty before everything else. And yes, you love his face religiously, most people wouldn’t agree with you when you say he is the most beautiful person you ever met in real life, but for you he is. The sofisticated angle of his nose, the way his pink lips are always sightly parted like he has all the answers and just waiting for you to make the questions; and yes, his eyes, you aren’t the kind of person that consider that the clear eyes are more beautiful than dark ones but his are out of this world, you had painted them countless times and never get tired.
“It’s not a gift if it’s for both of us, right?” As I said, he has all the answers, it makes you nervous to think that you may not have the right questions.
You arrive at a small two floors house you’ve never seen before, it is completely white and even from the outside you can tell it has a big garden; all the lights were out and it is an early night so you figure out it is empty.
“It’s time.” He whispers in your ear before kiss your cheek and gets out of the car, you don’t even try to open your own door, he puts the kids safety on when you deny all his attempts to open the door for you, it’s a fight that you agree to lose because internally you kind of like it, it doesn’t matter how much you say you don’t.
He opens the door for you, as usual, helps you get out, as usual, holds your hand, gives you a peck on the lips and softly says: let’s break-in.
“What?!” That’s not usual at all, you stay there for a few seconds watching him walk to the front door not believing your own eyes. It’s necessary clarify that everything about Logan is safe, his job, family, personality, habits and even sex, you used to think that soft vanilla isn’t a thing you’d particularly like to do all the time but he makes it works; he is not the kind of guy that takes you to crazy and adventurous dates.
“Are you out of your mind?! There might be people inside.” You yell in a whisper running to his side not really sure if you are scary of that new attitude or really really excited.
“They’re selling the house, it’s empty.” He knocks the door with an arched eyebrow and soft smile, making the situation less disturbing but not completely. He is so handsome and you never hated that before as you do now.
“I’m a foreign student, if the cops find me stealing gum they will kill me, or worst, deport me. You have any idea of what they’d to me if they catch me getting in the house of some white family?” You look around in case somebody’s watching but he holds your face with both of his hands and kiss your forehead.
“Coward.” He whispers before open a window and enters to the house as it is his property. You stay there again like an idiot thinking in all the consequences this may have, but the new attitude of Logan is so intoxicating and attractive that you take off your shoes and enter with him. “That’s my girl.” You hear him say while holds your hand helping you get in.
An empty house, as he said, completely white on the inside too but seems bigger, with huge windows and a beautiful view of the moon entering through a skylight in the middle of the hall. You walk around the place without saying anything, enjoying each other’s existence; you like that place already even when you have no idea what are you doing there.
“The surprise is me being deported? Because I rather a puppy or something.” You break the silence throwing your heels on the floor now that you feel more comfortable with being a criminal.
“Nope, it is outside.” He walks you to the garden and the feeling of the grass under your feet remains you of home, the smell of fresh air that is a hard thing to find in a big city like that makes you smile.
“Oh, so you been here before.” He holds your waist with both of his hands and starts dancing slowly, looking at you with the calmest sea you ever seen, his fingers caress slowly your back trying to get you closer to him, and you do it without hesitation, holding his neck and connecting your forehead with his.
“Angel.” He whispers when you hug his shoulders and rest your head on his neck getting drunk of that smell and the sound of his heartbeat that you can hear weakly, everything but his voice is completely silence. You could be like that all night, drunk of him and his wonderful way of loving you; you never play the game of who loves each other the most because deep inside you know that he does and you want to allow yourself to feel that.
A fresh air moves your pink hair and suddenly and with no warning something does click in your head, but it’s late, now that your start to connect the dots, the damage is done.
“This is our house.” He says interrupting the dance and giving a step back trying to look at you, you notice the red checks and a nervous smile but there’s nothing you can do. Just panic.
“I don’t get it.” You do but you try to make more time to think, think about what? You don’t know, fake a fainting is too dramatic but is everything you can think about. Stupid telenovelas with no practical life solutions.
“i bought this house, well, I will in a few years but everything is signed. Three bedrooms, garage, the garden you always wanted and is far and close enough of everything.” You forget how to breath, your body is frozen and you start hearing the beat of your own heart. “It is ok to begin, right? Our first child will grow up here and we can move out when we want to have more, you can paint and do everything you want while I’m working and finish my studies, decore the walls, create a club, invite friends...”
“Logan.” You try to stop him but he is too excited to hear you. He is describing everything you are scare about, he is creating the image of the perfect wife you never wanted to be and he is not even asking, you have too much feelings and not words enough to express them. You start hyperventilating and your heart is too scared that beats faster than ever trying to scape from your chest to be wherever but there.
You don’t want that life, not even if it comes with him.
“You told me once that love is a decision and when all the passion of the first times and honey moon phase disappears, the only thing left is choose to love consciously. I choose you every single day.” The panic attack appears when you see him getting on his knee and getting a little box of his pocket.
“No, no, no, no.” You whisper desperately trying to cover the box, and looking for the words that can make this less terrible, but you are not as delicate as he is with words, you’re not good enough for him, you’ll never be. The clear water of his eyes turns into grey, the smile is fading away and all you could do is breaking your own heart silently.
But, as expected, it gets worst.
You see his family and some friends getting out of the kitchen where they were hiding with balloons, food and the happier smile; they thought you were taking the ring and said yes, apparently he was so sure that you would accept that he invited everyone he cares to the celebration. You hear a wave of congratulations and got hugs from people you can’t even see, the only face you are worried about is watching you with a disappointed and confused face, the sea eyes are darker than ever and his lips fully close. You’ll never forget that terrible image.
“I can’t do this, I’m so sorry.” You mouthed escaping from the hugs that feels like chains from people that ignore completely the existence of you two, too happy and busy with the celebration to realize the madness they are standing in.
You enter to the house, take your heels of the floor and run away as fast as you can with that dress and no shoes on. The tears cover your cheeks and the feeling of the pavement hurts your feet but you can’t stop. You feel that do it will be the dead of you.
You stopped when the tears covered completely your view, you know you are close to your apartment but your broken heart can’t wait for you to get there, the bar of questionable reputation seems like a god place to have a mental breakdown so you put your back against the wall and try to stop the baby crying, at least until you are home.
Out of nowhere you hear a scream of pain that makes you jump and forget that you are the most horrible and miserable human being that ever existed. Was that an exaggeration? Yes. You couldn’t care less? Also yes.
The first thing you see is a lit cigar holding out of a peachy dry lips that were softly smiling, more like mocking while the owner had a hand on his chest and making groans of pain. You couldn’t see his face since he is inclined but can already tell that he is attractive.
“Are you okay?” You ask already knowing that he isn’t in any kind of pain but your manners and curiosity are too strong to ignore.
“No, please call an ambulance, my weakness just appeared, a hot girl crying in a tight dress.” That was so amazingly smooth that you didn’t have time to get mad, the confusion on your face is replaced with disappointment and lack of interest.
“Whatever, hope it kills you.” You say cleaning the tears of your cheek and covering your chest holding your arms and trying to look less vulnerable. You start walking again pretending that you have your dignity untouched and your life together.
“Oh, c’mon, I just want to help you, it’s not a good hour for a lonely lady dressed like that.” You hear him but don’t put much attention to his words, he isn’t saying anything you don’t know already “You’re practically asking for it.” That, in other side, makes you turn around to give him your coldest look, you aren’t depressed enough to ignore an insinuation of sexual abuse.
“He says pretending he is an American scumbag to catch the pink hair girl attention and offer her a ride.” You finally see his face, green eyes, blonde hair covered with a black beanie and a pretentious smirk that you immediately hate.
“No, thanks.” You start walking again and hear his fast steps coming closer to you, when you feel that he is just a step behind you, you turned around again facing him with a firm expression, he just needs to push a little more on your nerves to get your full range.
“Then...” He put his hands on the air and gives a step back when sees your expression trying to look harmless as posible. “Take my coat, I know no one has the right to touch you but they know that too and don’t give a shit.”
No giving you time to respond he takes off his coat and puts it on your shoulders, closes the chest bottom first to let you know that there’s no hidden intentions on his gesture.
“What kind of jerk lets a girl leave like this?” He asks in a soft tone closing the rest of the coat and breathes out the smoke of the cigarette up so it can’t reach you.
“I ran away.” You answer feeling the need to defend Logan’s honor, even when doesn’t matters anymore.
“You seem to be good at it.” The stupid mock appeared again and you close your fist imagining the feeling of erase it with a punch. “I’m here on weekends, return it whenever you want, cotton candy.” You frowned your eyebrows at the name and he laughs a little when sees it. “Strawberry cake, pinky cloud, monkey muffin, powerpuffgirl, I can go all night until you give me your name.” You don’t say anything and instead looks away making him know that that’s not an option. “Fine, monkey muffin then.” He winks at you and turnes around walking back to the bar, as an apparition.
“Why did you say no?” Evan asks with his plate full of food, he was so into the story that had no interest in anything else.
“I didn’t love him as I should and no one deserves that.” You say lose in your own thoughts, that was the first of many broken hearts and no close to be the worst of them. Evan understands and takes his time to the next question.
“Were you pregnant?” He sees you with a careful look, trying to not offends you or be insensitive.
“Nope” You remember the test giving finally a negative result when you went home.
“Who is the guy of the coat?”
“Oh, that’s Benjamin Fucking Hardy, but you have to finish your pizza first.”
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byorder-fanfic · 4 years
A Ghost Walked Through the Door
Summary: Anna Gray has been looking for her brother for a very long time.
Word count: 2637
Warnings: Mention of foster care and children taken from parents, swearing, implies abuse from Church (nothing explicit) and implies homelessness/ rough childhood.
Author’s Note: In the show, Anna’s age is all over the place so I’ve decided that she is a year older than Michael (born in 1902) because I really like the older sister dynamic. Hope you enjoy xx
Anna stood outside the wooden gate, staring into the typical country garden: green grass (that surely would've been vivid in any other season but the grey winter) that stretched as far as she could see, and slap bang in the middle of it all was the little brick cottage. The fire was lit. Perhaps he was there, the person she had been searching for as long as she escaped the boat. Perhaps this was it- the day she found herself. Her shaking hands did not reach to open up the gate. Not yet. The rusted old car of Jack Low's had clunked its way down the dirt road many minutes ago, leaving behind a trail of smoke and her. She was lucky she had found someone to drive all the way to the front gate, and Jack was quite kinder than she'd expected when she saw the white-haired bloke. It was because of the fur lining her throat and wrists, the newly gained winter's coat showing off a majesty of wealth she did not have. If Jack had noticed the thick chunk of mud clinging to the bottom of her leather boots, or had he clued on to her makeup less face behind her slick bob and fringe, or even saw the dimness of the plastic beads as she rolled them between her calloused fingers, he hadn't asked. Thankfully. Maybe Michael would- he'd probably be impressed with her finery, especially if the farm life was all he knew, and then he'd probably be a bit disappointed with how she acquired each luxurious item.  Finally, her hand (pale and shaking with more than nerves- why hadn't she taken Alberta's gloves that she'd had her eye on?) pried open the gate with a creak, as she walked into the garden. The sound of her quickening breath thrummed in her ears as she kept on going, heels clacking and tangling in the field. She made it to the door. Laughter boomed inside- could it be Michael's? Eagerness overcame her as she rapped on the door, politeness replaced with loud booming knocks that scraped her already bruised knuckles. The voices quieted, a quick "I'll get it!" from a woman. Michael's foster mother, perhaps, would she let Anna see him? The weight of a knife in her pocket proved that hypothetical pointless. Heels tapped closer. And closer. And- the door swung open, Anna's heart nearly burst. She was a portly woman, a warm smile on her face as she observed the girl with evident surprise. "Hello there, can I help you?" She asked kindly, hand still on the door frame. "Yes, please." Her eyes flickered behind her, where photos lined the walls, but she couldn't make out the one face she needed. "Are you Mrs James?" She nodded, yes she was. Another breath fell from her, a smile curling on her lips. The nun hadn't lied, then. "I'm looking for Mich- Henry, I mean. Henry Johnson. Your son, I believe." The other name still seemed so wrong on her tongue. Mrs Johnson's face fell, sadness and suspicion souring the woman's once kind expression. "It's Michael Gray now," she spat out. "Those Shelby bastards took him back to Birmingham with them." Anna breathed in deeply- her entire family was reconciled, all but her. Surely, if they found Michael, that meant they knew about the documents. Fuck. "When was this?" Her voice was meek. Maybe she could stop any real damage before it was done, stop Michael and her mother from mourning a girl still alive. "Two years ago," she said in a solemn voice, her eyes growing glassy. "Why?" "I'm Anna Gray," she stuck out her hand. Mrs Johnson hesitantly accepted it, eyes wide again in shock. "I'm looking for my brother." "Don't." She shook her head. "Those Shelbys are the devils, dragging my boy," she paused, "my Henry, into their Peaky Blinders nonsense. Your Michael...he isn't that boy any more." "He's my brother," she said, trying not to feel too offended at the disgust directed at her cousins. "He's all I have." "Very well," Mrs Johnson conceded, although obviously still disapproving from the look in her eyes. Motherly, Anna would call it, if she even remembered what having a mother was like. "They live in Watery Lane, Small Heath. Everyone there knows them, so just ask for directions." "Thank you!" Without entirely thinking it through, Anna pulled the older woman into a quick hug, pulling away when she felt her tense. "And thank you for looking after my brother all these years. It's good to know he had a good woman taking care of him." She couldn't call Mrs Johnson a mother, although she knew from the grief in her tone and photographs still hung up, that she was exactly that. But her mother was still alive- her loyalty was to Elizabeth Gray, first and foremost, even if she felt pity for this woman here. Just as Mrs Johnson had said, directions to the Shelby's betting shop (now Shelby Company Limited, she was impressed to hear) were easy to come by. Although she was getting odd looks from the men in uniform caps and coats, who were obviously comparing her clothes with that of most Small Heath citizens. Her years of searching were finally over and yet she couldn't find herself to knock on the bloody door. Or even walk down the bloody street. She loitered around the Church, not daring to go in, but not straying from its sight. The rosary in her pocket was wrapped loosely around her battered fist, as she uttered a silent prayer. The nuns and priests from the orphanage had jaded her to all things Christian, but this was a gift from Peggy. The good Catholic girl that took one look at the girl on the streets and decided to befriend her. Well, friend wasn't exactly the right word. She felt a burst of courage at the feeling of the wooden beads now, the crucifix hanging on the end of it no longer bringing vomit up her throat. "Oi, you there!" She jumped at the accent. It wasn't Brummie, sounding closer to Isabela's voice: another girl that friend wasn't the right word for. She looked at the boy, who was lighter skinned that Isabela, and wore the same cap and coat of many men in Small Heath. However, he himself couldn't have been older than Anna. "You coming in, or am I allowed to lock up?" "I'm just leaving," she said. Her voice wasn't from Burmingham either, immediately making the other boys eyebrow to shoot up in suspicion. She didn't really have an accent, just a blend of all the places she'd been and all the people she'd ran from. Despite her statement, her shoes stayed firmly on the path. Michael and mum were just a walk away, and she was stuck outside the Church as the boy faffed with the keys.  "So," he came up behind her, tilting his head. "Just leaving anytime soon, or...?" He had a smirk on his face and a teasing glint in his eyes, that immediately took in her appearance with curiosity, stopping at the rosary. "Just getting courage," she held up the beads before putting them back in her pocket, tapping over it to make sure it was safely in. "Whatdya need courage for?" He asked as he lit up a cigarette, standing stationary besides her. "Need to get to the Shelby betting shop," she shrugged her shoulders, hoping that'd get Church boy to stop asking. She hadn't missed the almost fearful nature her family was spoken in. But not Michael, of course- her Michael wasn't a Shelby. "Oh, really?" The boy put the smoking cigarette in the corner of his smirk. "Cause I'm just going there." She groaned internally, knowing this meant she actually had to go. "Alright," she snapped. "Could you show me the way?" "Course," he held out his elbow like he was a gentleman. Anna didn't stop her self from rolling her eyes as she took it, with only a little smile. "I'm Isaiah Jesus, by the way." "I'm Sally." Only the nuns ever called her that, in an attempt to pacify the girl screaming for her mother. Everyone else called her Anna, and Sallyanna if she was in trouble. "No last name?" "You'll find that out soon enough." For someone who seemed so talkative, Isaiah sure knew when to shut up. "Alright, Ms No Last Name," Isaiah teased as he held open the door, gesturing for her to go inside. "Here we are: Shelby Company Limited's very own betting shop." She was slow as she walked in, head turning to the pale pink wallpaper and the floral sofa. A cross hung up on the wall, alongside a number of Biblical quotes. There was a double set of doors, painted green, that were thrown open. Inside, a crowd of men and woman sat as numbers were called out, typewriters clicking and Peaky Blinders smoking. Isaiah walked past the frozen Anna, welcoming into the shop with cheers of greetings. "Hey there Isaiah!" One boy yelled. He was round faced and freckled, taller than everyone else and skinny as Anna was behind her thick coat. "Who's that you got with you?" "Sally here wanted to come to the betting shop." Isaiah gave a shrug, revealing that was all he knew, as he sat on his desk. Three men looked up from the table: one looked a lot like the skinny boy that had noticed her, but older. Not Michael. The other was broad shouldered and intimidating, with a moustache. Not Michael. The third man had hair as dark as Anna's, with the bluest eyes. But Michael had brown hair, and hazel eyes.  "And why do you want to be here?" The blue eyes man questioned, voice cold. She recognised the three vaguely, mind scanning for facts she once knew as well as the sky was blue. "Tommy?" She asked, eyes squinting, then she pointed to the other two. "And you must be Arthur and John, then." She didn't heed the curious glances as she stepped further in, head turning around to the people staring at her. "Finn, I'm gonna guess, although I never really knew you." The freckled boy had a shocked look on his face, as he turned to Isaiah in a "who the fuck is this" kind of look. "So, where's Michael?" Her voice was stern as she looked around again for the brown hair she only barely remembered.  "And why the fuck do ya wanna know that?" John, Anna thinks, stood up, arms folded as he watched her scan the room. "I've been looking for him for fourteen bloody years," she cocked her head, seeing a light flicker in the blue eyes of her cousin. "Now tell me where the fuck Michael is." Suddenly, a door opened, two sets of shoes walking through as they muttered to one another.  "Mum, there's abso-fucking-loutely no way I'm gonna do that," a voice said as he walked into the betting shop. The round face she remembered had sharpened out, his skin tanned (probably from the farm) in ways she knew her pale skin would've had she gotten onto that boat. His mousy brown hair was tidily gelled up, a smart suit on his broad build. He didn't walk in it like he stole it, she noticed proudly. His hazel eyes widened as he looked at her. The woman at his side was frozen too, watching the betting shop's sudden pause. "Who is this?" The woman snapped, dark eyes falling on Anna. She had the same dark hair, although hers was longer and in curls, and their eyes were just the same. No one could answer for her, and she seemed too absorbed in the two figures in front of her to bother with formalities.  "Anna," Michael's voice was barely a whisper, but is shattered everyone. Next to him, Polly trembled, pale skin suddenly whitening as she started to draw the same comparisons to the baby she had held what felt like a life time ago. "Hiya Mikey," Anna said in the same soft voice she'd use when they were little. She opened up her arms. "You too old to hug your big sister or what?" In a second, her brother fell into her, arms wrapped so tightly around her torso that she thought she was going to suffocate. If the fur on her coat was itching his face, he didn't seem to mind as he pressed his face against her neck, tears spilling from both of them. "I missed you so fucking much," she croaked into his ear, not daring to look up to her mother's broken face, or her cousin's undoubtedly confused faces. "I thought you were dead." Michael sobbed a little, pulling her closer as if to check she was real and not just the ghost Polly used to have nightmares about. "They said you were dead, gone to fucking Australia so I couldn't even see you." "I didn't even get on the boat, Mike. Couldn't leave. Not with you in England." They finally broke away, as Anna allowed her rough hands to wipe away the tears on her little brother's face (not so little anymore) and giving the biggest smile she'd ever worn for the longest time. "Been looking for you for years, been from orphanage to orphanage trying to find Michael Gray. Turns out that wasn't even your fucking name." "You were looking for me?" Michael's voice was an echo, sadder and on the verge of more tears spilling. "Course. Wanted to find you so we could come back home together." She took a dramatic turn of her head, grinning. "Although you didn't seem to share that sentiment, huh?" He tried to chuckle a little, shyly wiping off tears and snot with the sleeve of his probably expensive suit. "Went all the way to the fucking countryside only to be told that I had to go all the way back to Small Heath. Honestly, couldn't have waited a few years for me?" Her teasing tone was second nature, a whisper of the what was. "Bus fare wasn't cheap, you know?" Not that she used the bus. Or paid, with her own money at least. Still, it got another smile on his face as he hugged her again, letting her breathe this time. "Anna?"  The broken voice was enough to get Michael to back away, falling by his sister's side to allow Polly a proper view of the much longed for daughter. "No, it can't be, I thought- they said...but...you were alive this whole time?" She barely whispered, shaking the dark locks of curls with her head. She took a few strides forward, lifting her hand. Despite the great comfort she felt in the woman's presence, she flinched at the sight of the manicured nails being bared. Ever so gently, Polly placed her hand (too cold for comfort, but Anna had felt colder) against Anna's cheek. Bringing another hand slowly up to pull back the dark fringe that covered her forehead. Like this, she could see her wide eyes that had once looked so big on her bald head, the little pout that would tremble when John took her toys, the curves of her face that were so like Michael's, and her dark eyes that could only be Polly's. "My girl, my Sallyanna." "Mum," Anna smiled as she fell into her embrace, letting the woman hold her like she should've done for the last fifteen years. There was no tears this time, just soft smiles and tight arms clinging to each other like she had done when the coppers came knocking. Only she was grown now, and she wouldn't let them take her from her family ever again.
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BuB Season 10 Episodes 4-7
It’s a rainy long weekend here, and I managed to catch up on the Bringing Up Bates recaps. From Christmas to making plans for Valentine’s Day, the Bates family is quite busy with four babies on the way and three budding romances. 
*Episode 4: 'Tis the Season For Surprises
Katie is teaching Ellie, Addee and Callie how to curl their hair. Katie says she is the only older girl in the house right now, and so she wanted to do a fun bonding activity. Ellie, Addee and Callie are not sure about learning themselves, but Katie says they should learn now before she leaves. The girls say they will miss Katie, but Callie is looking forward to having her own closet in the girls room. Travis will be coming soon, and Kelly says engagement is inevitable. His sister is recently engaged as well. Kelly asks Katie if they have any timeline, and Katie says she'll know when Travis talks to her dad, since he'll tell her mom and her mom will tell her. Everyone laughs, but agrees that Kelly isn't great at secrets. Kelly says Nathan is bringing his girlfriend as well, and everyone is excited to meet them. Katie is glad the pressure will be shared. The family will be spending Christmas all together, since Alyssa is due in February, they're not sure she can make Valentines.
Meanwhile, the guys get to work decorating the house outside of the house. Jackson is just back from Alert and wants to get the lights up. Jackson is glad to be home for Christmas after Alert, and Zach is there to see Jackson but got put to work on the lights. Nathan pulls up with Esther, and the family is excited to meet them. The work stops, and everyone rushes over to meet her. Esther is excited to meet everyone, and Whitney in particular is glad to meet them. Esther is also from a big family, and she says "the more the merrier!"
The couples (also Trace) gather for a bonfire, and also for a chance to meet Esther. Nathan teasingly makes Carlin move so he can sit next to Esther. Everyone works together to try to start the fire, and John jokes that the fire just needs "more people with more ideas to get it going." Eventually it starts burning, and Carlin asks for Nathan and Esther's story. They met at a mutual friends wedding, and Nathan thought she had the bluest eyes he'd ever seen. A week went by of them chatting, and Nathan wanted to be more than friends, and they kept talking everyday. Esther told him she wanted to be with him as well, and they've been talking for about a year. They waited a bit to go public, but they seem very happy. Carlin says she wanted to support them, and they're all glad that Nathan is so happy. Nathan asked Esther to be his girlfriend on her birthday, and Nathan says they'll see about the timelines but Nathan knows Esther is the one. Nathan genuinely seems thrilled, and the night is a success.
At Zach and Whitney's, they are decorating gingerbread men for a gender reveal. Whitney says she is excited for their fourth baby, and the plan is to give blue or pink cookies as a gift to the grandparents at the Christmas family photos. There is going to be multiple announcements at that time, Zach says. Bradley hopes for a boy, and Kaci wants a girl (shocker). Whitney is excited to tell everyone at the party.
Josie and Kelton arrive at a parking garage to do their gender reveal with Willow. Josie is excited to share that they're having another baby, and they don't know if it is a boy or a girl. They are going to find out by doing a photo shoot with her friend. This time, they wanted it to just be their little family finding out together. So, they twist the poppers and celebrate, but the episode doesn't show the color. They plan to tell everyone at the Christmas party.
It is time for the Christmas party, and Kelly says they have tried to be careful during covid (ok) and so Tori's family is sick and unable to make it, but everyone else was healthy and there. Zach and Whitney get their cookies ready, and then it is time to head out for pictures. The family pictures begin, and then it is time for the big family photo. It is very cold out, but the family gathers together for the photos. Then, it is announcement time. Josie goes first, and gives her father-in-law a gift. It is an ornament, and one side says "Baby Girl" and the other says "Hazel Sloane Balka." Everyone celebrates. Zach and Whitney go next, but Zach gives them one without color first as a prank, and then they get the cookie with the blue frosting. Bradley is so happy to have a brother. Erin is announcing on behalf of Tori and Bobby, and Kelly is excited to learn they are having a girl named Charlotte Raine. Everyone gets out of the cold, and Gil gathers the family to talk about Jesus. The family then sings carols. Gil says there are four new babies on the way, and two new relationships in the works, and there is a lot to celebrate.
*Episode 5: Home Sweet Home & Nathan's Love
Michael is at Tori and Bobby's new house, and Zach, Whitney and kids walk over to knock on the door. They are excited to be neighbors. Bobby says it was time to look for a house, and they haven't had a lot of luck until Whitney let them know the house two doors down went for sale. Bobby and Tori jumped on it, and they got the house since the original homeowners loved Zach and Whitney. The cousins are so excited to be close, and Bradley in particular is excited. Tori has asked Erin and Chad to decorate the house. Bobby has been working from home, so he has a desk in the bonus room that will eventually be Charlotte's. The boys have a room, and then Tori shows of their room. Brandon and Michael are thrilled for the new homeowners, and Bobby and Tori are so excited to be close to the family again.
The family goes on an outing to the zoo, which is one of Kelly's favorite places, for Layla's first birthday. Everyone is wearing masks, and Carlin is excited for Layla to see the animals. The family walks through the zoo. Kelly says the monkeys are her favorite, since they're so active. Carlin says she can't believe Layla is a year old, and she remembers all the memories they have made. Carlin says that Layla is their sunshine, and they are obsessed.
Alyssa and John are getting ready for their new arrival, and Alyssa says you would think they would be ready but technology keeps advancing and they keep getting cooler new items. Alyssa says this time around, she will be in the hospital with a doctor instead of a birth center with a midwife. The hospital rules are strict because of Covid, so Gil and Kelly will have to meet the baby at home. They set up their swing, and Alyssa says they have reversed the order with having kids young so that they will be able to enjoy their adult kids and grandkids younger too.
At the Bates Sisters Boutique location, Chad and Zach are working on getting everything functional for the boutique. Whitney says they are lucky trying to run a small business with all the talents in their family. The sisters arrive, and they are impressed with all the work that has been done. Erin says she has been sick and missed a lot of what has been going on, but she is excited to get to be part of the progress now. They go into another room to discuss the location of the photo shoot wall, since that is very important to their online branding. Erin suggests a location, and talks about how to turn the storefront area into an actual storefront. Everyone is excited by how far the boutique has come in such a short time, and they are excited to see where it will go.  
Zach is back to doing tree work with the family, and he says it is like no time has passed. Nathan is there, and he says he isn't home very much but it is satisfying getting to do tree work with his siblings. Zach says he forgot how much work tree work is, and Zach says he wants to be 56 and moving around like his dad instead of 33 and moving around like he is. Carlin says her dad is getting older,  but he is still the man. Jud and Jeb joke that is is getting too old. The tree job goes smoothly, and the guys start talking about Esther. Nathan says he wants to be with her forever, and he is thinking about the ring. Nathan thinks about a spring engagement and a fall wedding. Nathan says he is ready to change her from a girlfriend to a fiance. Nathan wants to fly her to the Bahamas, and they talk about ideas, but Nathan says he thinks he should run them by some girls to get their opinions. They get back to work, so Nathan can catch his flight out.
*Episode 6: A DIY Date and a Delivery Day
Erin and Chad and Bobby and Tori are on a couples getaway in Gatlinburg. It was a gift to them from Kelly and Gil for Christmas. While there, Erin has brought them to a place called Board & Brush, where you get to DIY home decor. First up, they begin distressing their wood. Then, they stain it. They talk about Tori's pregnancy- she is just about halfway, and feeling good. Chad asks Bobby about having a girl, and they are excited. The instructor spends some time showing them how to use the drill, which Tori thinks is useful for herself and Bobby, but not that useful for Chad. Chad tells them about the boutique project, and they are looking forward to moving in in a week. They complete their projects, and Tori is excited about hanging it up in their house.
Alyssa is preparing for her baby, and she has her daughters pack their bags to get ready for when the baby comes. John comes in to help them, and he says being a girl dad is a lot of fun. Alyssa starts handing out plastic bag filled with outfits for them to go. They finish packing, and Alyssa says they picked the name Maci Jo, Maci they just liked and Jo is for her mother and grandmother Betty Jo. Kelly is super excited to have a grandchild named for her, and says she can't stop saying the name.
Effortless Beauty Co is doing a stylized shoot at Castleton Farms, and they are thrilled about the opportunity. Katie gets to work on makeup, and she makes conversation with the models about looking forward to her wedding. Katie says she is ready for the ring. The shoot goes well, the bride loves her makeup, and Katie says she can't wait until she gets to be in the client chair.
Brandon and Michael arrive at Zach & Whitney's, bearing lasagna and homemade bread. Zach and Whitney are thrilled to get to enjoy Michael's lasagna. Zach & Whit's house is crazy, since the boutique is taking up half their house right now. Michael talks about her sewing business, which took the back burner during school but it is growing fast. Michael is volunteering at children's hospital for now while she figures out what is next. Everyone agrees that it was a fun dinner and they need to do it more.
Alyssa calls her mom, and says she thinks she is in labor. Alyssa wants to give her mom some time to make plans. Alyssa is just in early labor but she wants her parents to start heading their way so they can meet Maci. Alyssa gets everything ready to go, but now she is wondering if it is labor or not. Alyssa starts walking because she just wants labor to get going so she can be done. Alyssa has usually had shorter labors, but this one is taking its time. Alyssa has been having contractions for a while, and so she is heading to the hospital to see if they can help her progress. In the hospital, Alyssa gets an epidural and is making quick progress. The doctor lets John help deliver the baby, and he is thrilled he got to help.  Alyssa is pleased with her hospital experience, but she is excited to go home and introduce Maci to everyone. Gil and Kelly arrive in Florida to meet Maci. Everyone is thrilled for the Webster family and wants to meet Maci.
*Episode 7: Lawson's New Love and the Boutique's New Digs!?
Chad has been working on an old camper since he loved camping as a kid and he wants to do it with his family. The camper is old, but it has good bones and they are completely redoing it. They step inside the camper and talk about what they want to change. Gil and Kelly joke that they are going to make the camper incredible like they always do. Erin says that with 2020, they look forward to getting out there and making new memories all together.
Kelly is preparing for Valentine's Day, but Kelly isn't as prepared as she usually is. Nathan and Lawson walk in, and Kelly says they need to pick about the theme. They debate different ideas, and Katie walks over to get involved. One of the little kids suggested animals, and Kelly facetimes their group text and Zach gets on to share his opinion. They joke that no matter what, Zach will come as a cowboy again, and Lawson jokes that he will be a better cowboy. Zach says he won't, since he doesn't have a girlfriend-and Kelly says Lawson actually might have some news in that department. Zach asks if he is bringing Nathan again, and Lawson says he has upgraded in the beauty department. Kelly says Lawson was traveling a lot to California, and she thought he was working but she then learned that there was a girl in California that he liked. Everyone agrees on the animal theme, and Kelly is glad to start getting to work on the party.
It is Boutique moving day, and there is a lot of clothes being transported to the new location. There was a huge moving sale where 5,000 dresses where sold which enabled them to move. It was a huge group effort to move the product. Trace and Chad load up a truck load to take to the new location, and then the team goes into the new location. Everyone is so excited by the new space- Chad has built a beautiful packaging station for the boutique. There is a lot of work still to go, but they are excited for the new space for their store.
Lawson and Trace are looking for Duke, Lawson's dog. Trace jokes that Duke likes Trace better than Lawson since he is spending more time with him. Lawson is preparing to take him to training for a few months. Jackson comes out on the porch, and he has unfortunately broken his arm snowboarding in Colorado. Jackson had surgery with 13 screws and two metal plates put in his arm.  Trace mentions that Tiffany was on the trip to Colorado, and he has been spending a lot of time in California. Lawson said his girlfriend Tiffany joined him on the trip. Lawson says it is early in the relationship but a great trip. Lawson says she is coming to Valentine's Day, and everyone is thrilled about that. Gil and Kelly are looking forward to spending more time with her. Nathan is glad they're both in relationships at the same time, and they are excited to see how this pans out.
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dreamdropxoxo · 4 years
Hi! If you're still taking prompts i would absolutely love any outsider pov of lamen during kings rising or right after
Hi! Thank you so much for your prompt. This is actually my first prompt ever! So, I hope I won’t disappoint... 
Gosh, I’m putting pressure on myself hahaha *takes deep breath* No seriously, I am so excited to work on your prompt. I hope you are satisfied with my approach. 
Diana, the head chef of the Akielon palace, didn‘t know where he came from, but suddenly there was this blond-haired, blue-eyed, pale, incredibly beautiful, young man in her kitchen. He looked so out of place she was startled for a second. 
However, she was in this kitchen for too long to let that keep her from doing her job. “You, over there, what are you doing here?“
He looked up, even more beautiful than when he had looked around before. “I am one of pets that were sent by the Veretian king.“ His voice was beautiful, melodic, strong and not like the shy whispers from the slaves. He had an accent but he was surprisingly fluent in Akielon. Well, it made sense, since he would stay in Akielos and the Veretian King was said to be exceptionally wise.
Diana could understand what someone would see in a Pet like that. She also knew her king, not personally, obviously, but there were enough stories.
“And what are you doing here in the kitchen?“
“I had nothing to do, nobody showed me the library or even the gardens and as a result I thought I‘d just look around by myself.“
Diana sighed. Yes, obviously no slave but a Pet. Whatever that meant. Apparently, they didn’t have any issues concerning lacking independence. “If you are already here, you can help, if you want. What’s your name anyway?” “I’m called Lauri. What should I do?”
The pet had clever hands, that much was clear and he was very entertaining. Diana liked him. When he excused himself after two hours of decorating little cakes, she was almost sad. 
“Would it be amenable if I came over from time to time?” He sounded hopeful and looked so innocent when he asked, she hadn’t the heart to deny him.
After that he came by every two to three days and spent one to two hours in her company. 
After the third time, she furrowed her brow. “Don’t you have anything else to do Lauri?” He shrugged. “Well, most people are too occupied with the nearing arrival of the Veretian King. I have a lot of free time.”
“Who is your master?” “I don’t have a master, I have a contractor.” Lauri smiled sweetly and Diana sighed. “Who is it?” “Nikandros of Delpha.”
This surprised her. Nikandros of Delpha was one of the most important people in the whole kingdom. She gasped. “And you are here helping me in the kitchen?”
“It is very entertaining. A lot more than to sit on Nikandros’ lap while he talks about border guarding and other insignificant things.” Diana couldn’t believe it. What was wrong with this young man?
“And what is so very entertaining?” “Talking to the servants. I need as much information as I can get.” “And why is that?” Diana chuckled, she really thought Lauri’s mind was twisted in so many knots it was a wonder he could still walk a straight line. The blond man shrugged nonchalant, his blue sapphire earring glinted in the light of the kitchen. “Because I have to know everything that could prove useful.”
Diana could understand it. Lauri was most likely in no safe position, especially after his contract ended. What a frightening life. “If you ever want to work in the kitchen, you can always come to me. I would employ you without a second thought.”
She somehow felt almost motherly emotions towards the young Veretian. She would have never thought that there was a Verietian who evoked something else in her than distrust. “Thank you, Diana. I will keep it in mind.”
Lauri smiled brightly and she found herself compelled to warn him. “Lauri, I don’t know if you already met King Damianos?” He shook his head, his eyes wide and shocked. “No, I didn’t. Nikandros never takes a pet with him when he meets the King.” “Good. Try to avoid meeting him.” 
 “Why?” He looked so confused it was beyond cute. She would have liked to stroke his golden hair and hide him away from the world.
“Because the King has distinctive tastes and you’re just what he likes. I think neither Nikandros nor the King of Vere would be very pleased if you were to be taken by King Damianos. He is a good man, don’t misunderstand me, we can be happy to have such a big hearted and kind King but you are… you are very beautiful, Lauri. And King Damianos has an eye for beauty.” She cringed internally. She loved her King very much but he was only a distant figure while Lauri stood right here in her kitchen and looked at her through the bluest eyes she had ever seen. His eyes had the same color as the summer sky above Ios. The sapphire earring the exact same shade as his iris. 
“King Damianos… but isn’t he in a relationship with the King of Vere?” Diana sighed. “He is. But the King of Vere is in Arles for most of the year while King Damianos is in Ios. The hearts of men are fickle things, sweetie.”
Lauri seemed to find that very amusing. He smiled and decorated the next cake. Diana only hoped he understood what she meant. He was still so very young. How could he comprehend that his beauty tempted even the most pure heart?
Lauri came the next day again. He looked tired but very happy. A smile spread on his full, pink lips. 
“What good thing happened? You look very happy.” Diana was just directing her kitchen aids when Lauri started with his favorite work of dipping the mini muffins in some icing. 
“I had a very fulfilling night.” He grinned and placed the muffins on a plate. Diana didn’t think much of it, it was his job and if he enjoyed it then it was even better. Nikandros of Delpha seemed to be a very considerate master, or contractor, whatever.
When the door flew open she would have expected everyone to stand there but the King himself. She almost dropped her trowel.

“Exalted.” She bowed low. Lauri beside her bowed too, but not nearly low enough. “Raise.” The King’s voice was deep, commanding and smooth. It was a nice voice. 
Diana immediately did as she was told. She dared to look up and saw that the King had his eyes focused on Lauri. He seemingly couldn’t tear his eyes away. Diana had known it would come to this should King Damianos ever see Lauri. The young Veretian had his eyes carefully lowered to the floor but a smile spread over his lips. Diana could only watch in horror how the King came over and tipped Lauri’s head back with his knuckles under his chin. 
“Now, sweetheart, what are you doing here?” The King’s tone of voice was indulging, almost amused and very very taken by what he saw. Diana bit the inside of her cheek. When Lauri smiled, she knew that every chance of King Damianos turning around and leaving the Veretian Pet in the kitchen were gone.
“I am decorating cake. Diana let me help.” Lauri didn’t even add an Exalted. Didn’t they teach the Veretian Pets how to address royalty? “Didn’t you play around here enough?” Diana furrowed her brow. Did the King already know Lauri? What was going on here?
“I don’t know, did I? My lover didn’t have enough time for me up until now, he was too occupied to prepare for the arrival of the King of Vere.” Lauri sounded almost mocking and by now, Diana had no doubt that she had missed something very important. She twisted her hands in her chiton. This couldn’t end well. Either the King would kill Lauri for his insolence or he would want to take him to his bed. 
When King Damianos laughed loud and with his head thrown back, she knew it would be option two. The twinkle in Lauri’s eyes told her that he wasn’t disinclined. Poor Nikandros. She had thought Lauri was happy with him, the glint in his eyes when he arrived and his comment on a fulfilling night had lead her to that impression but maybe he wanted the King even more than the Kyros?
“Your lover doesn’t sound too bright. He should know how to set his priorities.” Lauri quirked his lips up at the words of the King. “You are a wise man, King Damianos.” Damianos still laughed. “Maybe I can tempt you to let me prove to you that not every man is so foolish as your lover?” 
Diana gasped in shock, Lauri had no possibility to deny such an direct offer from the King himself. Immediately the King looked over and Lauri’s gaze landed on her too.
“What is wrong, Chef Diana?” She couldn’t even be flattered that the King himself knew her name. She bit her tongue and then forced the words over her lips. Her mother had taught her to tell the truth whenever asked and she wouldn’t start lying because her King wouldn’t like to hear the truth.
“Exalted, I am very sorry-“ She didn’t know how to continue. But when Damianos waved his hand her way she just blabbered everything out, “Lauri is the pet of the Kyros of Delpha.”
Damianos raised both eyebrows and his gaze fell on Lauri. “Is that what you told them?” “I had to get a background story somewhere.” Lauri threw his hands up and now Diana almost fainted. How insolent could the Pets in Vere behave?
“Nik would faint on the spot if he knew you spread the rumor that you are his pet.” The King laughed so hard, tears came to his eyes. He looked really handsome, his dimples made even Diana’s knees weak. Lauri’s gaze never strayed from the King’s face. The look full of adoration. He smirked wickedly, “that’s just a nice side effect.”
“Now, shouldn’t you tell her the truth? After all the things I heard, she absolutely deserves at least that much from you.” The king crossed his arms before his chest. Very nice arms, if you asked Diana, she could understand why Lauri would be drawn to him. Lauri turned to her and signaled to follow him. She did, out of curiosity and shock.
They halted in one of the storage rooms and just then did she realize that King Damianos had followed them too.
“Diana, please take a seat. What I am going to tell you, will come as a shock, but rest assured that I wouldn’t miss our easy companionship for anything in the world.” 
Lauri motioned towards one of the boxes where salt was stored. Diana frowned but did as he told her. “Diana, I am Laurent of Vere, the King of Vere. I arrived here a month before my fixed arrival date and Damianos here had so much to do with the preparations of welcoming my court that I had a lot of free time.” Diana felt how her jaw fell slack. She stared at Lauri, no, His Royal Highness King Laurent from Vere. 
“What?” Her voice sounded weak. She had the feeling her heart would stop in her chest.
“Take one deep breath, in and out.” Lauri knelt before her and breathed with her. She just shook her head still in denial of the obvious truth. Who else but the King of Vere himself would look so beautiful? Who else but the King of Vere fitted King Damianos’ tastes in every single imaginable way? Who else but the King of Vere would be insolent enough to talk like that to the King of Akielos? 
The King of Vere had decorated the mini muffins he himself seemed to prefer. She had baked them in order to train for his arrival and he had DECORATED them. He had dipped them in the icing himself. He had placed little sugar flowers on top of them with the precision of a master and now he kneeled before her and looked at her with a smile on his youthful, gorgeous face.
“Oh by the gods, Your Royal Highness, I am so sorry. I didn’t know…” She felt how her face turned bright red just for all the blood to leave her cheeks. “I warned you to not attract King Damianos’ attention. I am so unbelievably sorry.” Laurent smiled. “Please, Diana, whenever I wear the earring, I hope I can stay Lauri for you. You have nothing to be sorry for. Your friendship means a lot to me. I would like to visit your kitchen again.”
Diana stared at him, incredulous. “You can’t! The kitchen is far below your station.” She was horrified. 
Laurent stood up and turned towards Damianos. “Do something.”“Laurent, sweetheart, you dropped quite the surprise on the poor Chef.”
Laurent furrowed his brow. “Diana, please, I thought we were friends. You promised me to show me how to bake the muffins myself.”
Diana shook her head. “You can’t be serious, Your Royal Highness.” “But I am.” Laurent sighed. “I haven’t had as much fun in a long time.” Damianos smiled at her. “You know, Chef, resistance is futile. Maybe you have to see it as a way for him to get close to his Akielon subjects after the wedding.”
Laurent smiled triumphantly, Damianos grinned boyishly and Diana... she just nodded, dumbfounded. 
These were the men who had singlehandedly conquered two kingdoms from their foes and were now in the process of uniting them after years of hostility. And now they stood in her kitchen and behaved like little kids. Well, as long as they were happy, the kingdom would be happy.
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ruthoakenshield · 4 years
“Thorin’s Fae”
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You happily danced upon the waters with glee, watching the small beam of light coming from a crack in the wall of your home illuminate the surface of the crystalline lake. Your laugh echoing off of the blue stone walls. Small gems twinkling in the roof of the cavern you called home.
You were the last of your kind, but you didn’t know it. At the end of the first age, your people went into hiding. Burying themselves in whatever they could find. Some in mountains, others in the earth, some in the woods’ trees, others in glassy lakes. You had been lucky. The mountain you had settled in had become abandoned and was quiet and you had emerged every hundred years from your sleep and found it the way it was. Quiet. The mountain slumbering and it’s energy a quiet hum.
You were nearing the time you needed to sleep again and were enjoying the last few hours doing your favourite activity. Dancing on your lake in the moonlight that came through the chink in the ceiling of your home. You laughed and giggled as the light gave you joy and a sense of peace.
Thorin, Balin, and Dwalin huffed and puffed along the abandoned path towards the Blue Mountains. The surviving dwarves of Erebor wearily following their young Prince in search of a home for them. They neared the mountain’s base and eagerly scanned the view, hoping they could finally stop wandering. There had been whispers in the nearby village that a fae lived in these mountains and would drive away anyone who tried to settle in it. Thorin was nervous.
They arrived at the base and he ordered they set up camp for the night. They did and everyone ate and then went to find places to sleep. Thorin had placed his sleep bundle against the side of the mountain and laid down. He and Dwalin had found a small cave and checked it for any foul creatures. None were found. Thorin ordered the remaining male dwarves divide themselves into watches for the night to protect the camp.
During his watch he had kept hearing a very faint laughter coming from the mountain. It sounded like tiny silver bells tinkling together. He could barely hear it and it seemed none of the others did. Finally around midnight he could stand it no longer and he got up. He told Dwalin to keep the dwarves here until he returned, that he was going to go scout ahead and inspect the mountain. Dwalin nodded and watched Thorin begin to ascend the surface of the mountain.
Thorin followed the soft sound of the bells, his heart racing, drawn to the pull of the faint sound of silvery laughter. Higher and higher he climbed until he found a cave’s entrance. He cautiously entered and slowly followed it into the darkness of the blue mountain. Deeper and deeper he delved down the path of the cave. The blue walls humming in a soft purr of a sleeping mountain. It soothed Thorin for some reason.
The laughter gradually became louder and Thorin tried to move as quietly as he could. His hand caressing the walls of the cave as he followed it until it opened up into a large cavern with a glistening ceiling and stalactites and stalagmites could be seen all along the border of a small lake. The surface of it like a reflecting glass since no air disturbed it’s surface. A small beam of ghostly white light shone through a small chink in the ceiling of the cave illuminating the middle of the lake.
Thorin’s eyes followed the beam and he let out a soft gasp. There, dancing on the surface of the lake was a small fae. It’s white hair flowing down it’s back in pale waves of silkiness. Laughter from the small being pierced the air with merriment. Thorin lay flat against a large boulder and watched mesmerized, as it danced along the water’s surface. Not wanting to disturb or frighten it, Thorin let it be for a while. Gradually it moved across the lake in it’s merry dance until it was nearing the boulder he lay upon.
You happily danced and worked your way across the waters to the place you had chosen to rest for the next 100 years. Sighing happily, you stepped off the glassy surface of the lake and made your way up to the blue boulder to sit and rest. You hopped onto the boulder and let out a little squeak when you found a handsome dwarf with long, wavy hair and the bluest eyes you had ever seen sitting there with a tired and weary look upon his face.
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You froze and stared for a moment.
He didn’t move, just raised his gaze from his tunic’s edge to you. “Oh, hello!” he says softly. His voice was warm and low, it made you immediately feel cozy and warm. “Hello, you reply. What are you doing here in my mountain?” you ask, still wary of his presence.
“Forgive the intrusion. I am in search of a home for my people.” He said softly, his hands raised to show you he bore you no ill will.
“Who are your people?” you ask as you sit down on the boulder before him and tilt your head to the side and study his face and his large body.
“I am Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror, who was King under the Mountain of Erebor.” He explains.
“Oh! I have been to that mountain, but it was a very long time ago! Lovely energy to the mountain and beautiful green stone, and it is filled with gold and jewels.” You sigh, remembering the lovely place. “Why did you leave it?” you ask the weary prince.
Thorin sighs sadly. “We were forced to abandon it. A fire drake from the north came, coveting our gold and riches. He drove us from the mountain and killed most of my people. Few of us dwarves managed to escape his wrath.” Thorin explains sadly. He sighs and continues. “We have been wandering for months, searching for a new home. My people are tired and hungry, and we have come here to the edge of Middle Earth, hoping we can start over here. We wish you no harm, and just want peace and shelter so we can start over and survive.” He explains, hoping you will agree to let him, and his people stay.
You watch his face and his body language as he tells you their story of heartace. You frown. You see he is exhausted, weighed down by some unseen force. His body language tells you he speaks the truth. His magnificent eyes tell you he has seen great heartache and sorrow. They speak of hopelessness and exhaustion.
You slowly approach him. “What will you give me if I let you and your people stay here?” you ask hesitantly.
His eyes jump to you from the boulder his fingers had been caressing.
“We have little to offer you little fae. What is it you wish to have from us?” he asks.
You stand now in front of him. Your head barely reaching his chest. You tilt your head again and study him for a moment. “Will you let me search your heart?” you ask. His heady scent of musk, cedarwood, pine, and pipesmoke fill your nose and make you feel at peace. For some reason, his presence comforts you after all these years alone.
The prince frowns, “How?” he quietly says in his baritone voice.
You laugh your silvery laugh. “I will not hurt you young prince,” you giggle, “I simply wish to see if you have a pure heart and can be trusted to give me what I ask for.” You explain.
He swallows hard and nods. You tell him to sit back against the side of the mountain. He leans back and you come up and stand next to his broad chest. “Place your hands on your lap and do not move them until I am done.” You instruct.
He does so and you reach up and place your tiny hand over his heart. A warmth radiates from your hand, making Thorin rumble, in almost a purr. It is a soothing feeling to him and he closes his eyes after watching you for a moment. He feels your presence searching him and he sits still.
You search his heart and see that it has been broken by the grief and heartache he has suffered for his people’s demise. You see his motives are pure and that he simply wants to see his people thrive once again. You also see he is an honorable dwarf and will do what he says. You nod and pull your hand back from his chest, leaving a mark on both the fabric and on his skin that looks like a mountain with a flame inside it.
Thorin feels your hand and warmth leave his chest and he opens his eyes and immediately sees your emerald green ones. They stand out against your pale skin and hair as white as moonlight on a clear night. You smile at him and nod, then step back a few paces. You yawn.
His sapphire eyes watch you and wait. You see expectancy and hope in them. “All I wish from you and your people is to be kept safe and to be left alone. This cave and it’s lake and surrounding walls going into the mountain for a yard all the way around it are mine and are to be left undisturbed for as long as you and your people remain here. You will be the only being allowed to enter it.” You explain.
“If you and your people agree to this, I will agree to allow you to stay in my home, my mountain. There is not much for riches. Nothing like what you had in Erebor, but I am willing to grant you use of whatever you find to keep your people fed and provided for. All I ask is for protection and to be left alone.” You tell him.
Thorin nods. “I will agree to those terms, little fae. Is it true you are the last of your kind? Is that why you ask for protection and solitude?” he inquires.
You frown and shrug. “I do not know if I am the last of my kind or not. I have not seen any of my kind since the end of the first age when we all went into hiding. And now alternate between sleep and awakeness for a century at a time. I am ending my century of being awake and will soon enter my century of slumber. I simply wish to remain undisturbed. I know the dwarves’ proclensitivity to dig and mine and do not wish them to disturb my sanctuary here in this cavern.” You explain.
Thorin nods. “I understand, little fae.” He says. Curious, he asks, “Little Fae, how do you protect yourself from orcs and goblins who frequent mountains as you sleep? Are you not afraid of them tunneling into your space and capturing you and torturing you?” he inquires.
You sigh, “It is always a risk when being in a mountain.” You reply.
“I can offer you a safe place to sleep, if you wish.” Thorin says. Dwarves live for hundreds of years, barring death from battle. I offer you my protection as a gift of thank for your hospitality.” He offers.
You raise your eyebrow, “How?” you ask him, returning the question he asked you a moment ago. “I can create a shell around you as you slumber. Similar to the egg of a bird, but it is clear with an opalescent sheen to it. I will leave a small hole for you to breathe through, and from the outside, it will not be able to be broken no matter what strikes it; but when you are ready to leave it’s protection, you will simply have to press firmly on the top and bottom of the shell and it will easily split open to release you.” He explains. “It is an old magic, that my ancestors used to aid and protect the fae of Erebor when they would slumber within the mountain’s walls.” He explained, suddenly remembering the tales.
Your heart skips a beat at the kingly offer. “You would do that for me?” you ask. Thorin looks at you slightly amused and nods with a chuckle. “It is the least I can do as a thank you for your help on behalf of my people. It will be our honor to protect you.” He tells you.
You look at him with appreciation. “Will you do one other thing for me, young prince?” you ask.
“It depends on what you wish, little fae.” He replies.
“Will you come and visit with me when you can? I won’t be able to respond to you, but will be able to hear your voice as I sleep. Come visit me and tell me of the world and what is happening in it as I spend my century in slumber. If you and your people leave the mountain before I wake, come and take me back with you and I will stay in Erebor and be the resident fae there, if you wish.” You reply. “Your voice soothes me, and it is always disturbing for us to come out of a hundred year sleep and find the world has changed so much.” You tell him.
Thorin closes his eyes and slowly brings his hand to his chin. He strokes his beard. I seem to remember a tale in Erebor of a fae who left our mountain when my grandfather started to get sick with the gold sickness. No one knew where she went. Some said it marked the downfall of Erebor and many hoped that if she returned, we would thrive once again. Something about the three blessings of the fae.” He murmured more to himself than her.
You giggle, learning that your departure sparked such tales.
“Is it true the fae give three blessings to those who find them and help them?” he asks.
You smile and nod. “If they are of a pure and noble heart.” You reply. “But I warn you, do not cross a fae if you have bad intentions. She will see it clearly and will give you three curses instead if you are not pure of heart. Many have refused to ask for their “blessings” because they are unsure which we will give them.” She tells the young prince. “You do not need to ask for them until you need them or feel ready and certain that you will indeed be blessed and not cursed.” You tell him. “There is no time limit, fae do not forget who they owe the gift to.” You tell him.
Thorin nods. “Tell me more of your people, young prince.” You ask, trying to get a feel for who this handsome young dwarf is, before you go to sleep and allow him to encase you in the protective egg. “Tell me of those closest to you and your family.” You request as you sit in front of him and place your hands in your lap.
Thorin spends the rest of the night, telling you of his sister, his nephews, Balin and Dwalin, and his brother Frerin and Thrain. He explains how Thrain has gone missing and no one knows what has become of him. He tells you of the battle of Moria and how the dwarven realm there is now desecrated and overrun with goblins and orcs.
You cry at learning this, knowing that many fae took refuge there. You fear to think of what has become of them and shudder.
Thorin’s belly rumbles and you giggle. “If you are hungry, young prince, eat the food you have brought with you.” You tell him.
He looks at you surprised, and nods his thanks. He pulls out the rations he has been surviving off of for the last several months and sighs. He eats while the two of you talk and you sense he is thirsty. “If you thirst, young prince, drink from my lake and be refreshed.” You offer.
He smiles, “Thank you little fae, for your kindness.” He says and stands. You suddenly realize how tall he is now that he is standing. You crane your neck up to look at him as he stands before you. He slowly slides off the boulder and walks down to the crystalline lake. He kneels and bends forward, cupping his hands and dipping them into the still waters. He drinks till his thirst is quenched and then returns to the boulder, looking around.
Your home here in this cave is peaceful and lovely.” He complements you. You smile and thank him. You yawn and sense it is nearing the time you need to sleep.
“Young Prince Thorin, my time is coming swiftly to sleep. Do not move the shell you place around me unless you either are leaving the mountain for Erebor, or this mountain is being attacked and my safety is at risk. Once I fall into the sleep, the entrance and the chink of the cave’s openings will be sealed. You will be the only one allowed to pass in or out of it as the cave and it’s protection follow my desires. I will be able to sense if my body is being moved out of this cave. If you must move me, please tell me before you do so and tell me why you must move me, otherwise I will not be happy and you may become trapped here as my prisoner until I awake. If you must move me, no one but you is to touch me or the shell you encase me in until I awake. If they do, they will be cursed. I am trusting you to keep your word to protect me, young prince. Do not accept this if you do not think the risk is worth it.”
Thorin looks down at your tiny form, he squats down to try to be more at an eye level with you, but he still towers over you. He decides to sit in front of you as before. He climbs onto the boulder once more and looks at you. “It is worth the risk, little fae. You have my word, none but I shall touch the shell around you. I will protect you with my life if need be. But I ask that if I do perish or am severely injured, protecting you, that you will accept my closest friends, Balin and Dwalin or my Nephews as a substitutes to keep you safe. They too will protect you with their life.” He tells you.
“Very well,” you say to him. “I will consider them, but only if you need to move me.” He nods. “Alright.” Thorin agrees.
You yawn again, “It is time young Prince. I must sleep now. Do not forget to visit me while I slumber. I look forward to hearing your voice as I sleep.” You tell him.
Thorin looks sad for a moment, then nods. “Thank you little fae for allowing us to take refuge in your home.” He tells you with a bow from his waist.
You nod and lie down. Prince Thorin, may I have a piece of your garment to keep with me so when I wake, I can find you?” you ask. He nods and removes a corner of his deep blue velvet tunic. It is big enough for you to use as a blanket or a cape. You thank him and as you nod off to sleep, you hear his low, rumbling voice reciting the ancient dwarvish incantation to encase you in the protective egg. His voice becoming muffled as you become surrounded in the protective shell.
Thorin watches as the opaline shell slowly grows around you. Once it is fully formed, he tells you, “Sleep well little fae. I will come visit soon.”  He watches as the blue stone of the mountain begins to grow around the shell leaving a small gap where the opening on the shell is so you can breathe. He is sad to know he won’t hear your silvery laugh for a hundred years now. Thorin caresses the stone that now encases you and he sighs. Thankful to you for allowing them to stay here.
He places a perimeter of stones around your makeshift cairn and heads out of the cavern. He feels the magic barrier caress his body as he passes through it. Sighing, he steps out into the misty morning and makes his way back down to the encampment. Making a point to memorize the way to get to the cave for his visits to the little fae.
Dwalin looks up as he sees Thorin coming back down the mountain. Thorin looks tired and Dwalin notices a corner of Throin’s velvet tunic is missing.
He looks up at the prince when he arrives back to camp. “Well?” he asks.
Thorin nods. “The mountain is empty save for a fae who lives there. She has granted us permission to stay in the mountain. In exchange for her granting us a home, she only had a few conditions.” He says.
Dwalin’s and Balin’s eyebrows raise. “And those are, Laddie?” Balin asks.
Thorin sits down and sighs. “1) That we do not delve into her area of the mountain. She has a cave and small lake that are now protected by an invisible barrier. They are her sanctuary. 2) That we protect her as she has now entered her ‘century sleep’; that if we leave the mountain because of attack or if we ever reclaim Erebor, that I specifically take her capsule with us and bring her to Erebor or wherever we go. 3) That only I am allowed to touch the capsule unless I am severely injured or die protecting it, then she said she would accept yours or Dwalin’s or my nephew’s protection, allowing them to touch the capsule in my stead if that happens you must introduce yourself before touching it and tell her I have been injured or perished protecting her.” He tells them.
“As a token of gratitude for her hospitality, I offered to encase her in the opal shell our ancestors used to use for the fae of Erebor to protect her as she slept. She accepted and now slumbers. She can hear what is going on around her, but can not respond as she sleeps. She asked for a piece of my garment so she can find me when she wakes.” He tells them.
“She has granted us use of her home. We are welcome to use whatever we find to help in our survival except her cave and lake. Only I am allowed to enter it. She has asked me to visit her often to tell her what is going on in the world as she sleeps so when she wakes, she is not as confused by all the changes that inevitably happen.” He informs his friends.
Balin strokes his greying beard. “Seems fair enough. Thorin we should know where this cave is so we don’t accidentally delve too deep or too far towards it. Will you show us where it is so we can mark it on the royal map?” he asks.
Thorin sighs. “Let me eat and sleep for a while. I was up all night talking with her working these details out so we both could finally rest in peace here.” He tells them.
They nod and call for food and once Thorin has eaten, they let him sleep.
The following morning, Thorin shows Balin, Dwalin, Kili and Fili where the cave is. They enter as far as they are able before Thorin feels the protective barrier caressing his skin. The dwarves behind him bump into it and stop. They are able to see into the cave, but are not allowed to enter it. Thorin walks over to the cairn where you sleep and tells you his people will begin moving into the mountain today. He again, thanks you for your hospitality and tells you his advisor, chief of security and his nephews are standing at the barrier so they would know where to find you should something happen to him. He tells you they are all honorable and will keep you safe should he fall.
He caresses the mound again and then walks back through the barrier, feeling it caress his body and making the hairs on his neck stand on end.
Fili’s and Kili’s eyes are wide as they look up at their tall uncle, and Balin and Dwalin are marking the tunnel’s entrance, the length of the tunnel and the cave’s entrance and estimated size onto the royal map of the blue mountains. They notice the mark you left on Thorin’s tunic glowing when he walked back through the barrier. Balin’s eyes get large and he looks at Thorin.
“Where did you get that, Thorin?” he asks, pointing at it. Thorin looks down and his eyes widen. It must’ve appeared when she searched my heart to see if I was worthy when we met, why?” he asks.
“It is the sign the fae leave on a person that they owe three blessings to!” he remarks. “Three blessings or three curses.” Dwalin grumbles.
“What do you mean, Balin?” Fili asks. Balin explains the circumstances that the fae do this and confirm, that only the fae knows if the receiver has a pure heart or if his intentions are not pure. There’s a huge risk in claiming said “blessing” because there is always a chance that they will not find you having a pure heart and will curse you thrice instead.
Fili’s and Kili’s eyes get as huge as saucers. They look at their Uncle with worry. “Do not fear, my sister-sons, there is no timeframe for claiming the “Blessings” of the fae. Some never do out of fear they will be cursed.” He tells them.
They breathe a sigh of relief.
“Come, Lads,” Balin says and begins to head out of the tunnel. “Let’s move into our new home.” He says. He squats down to the two little nephews of Thorin’s and says, “Under pain of death, you are never to tell anyone but those of us standing here about this place or the fae! Do I make myself quite clear! It is our job to keep this place safe for her as your Uncle promised and we do that by not telling anyone about it! You do NOT want to anger a fae! She has the ability to curse this mountain and all who are in it!”
Kili and Fili’s eyes open wide in fear. They both nod frantically. “Yes Mr. Balin we understand. We’ll protect it!” they say.
He pats their heads. “Come on, pebbles, lets get going now and let our little fae get her sleep.”
Thorin and his people move into the Blue Mountains and though they struggle to survive, they are better off than they were being homeless. The mountain has few riches in it, and the dwarves mine what they can and create beautiful halls in it’s belly. They have a special place in the inner courtyard where a shrine of sorts is set up thanking the fae of the mountain for her gift of hospitality. Grateful dwarves often leave little trinkets to show their thanks.
Once a month, Thorin gathers the trinkets in a large basket and brings them to the cave and places them around the stone where the little fae is encased. He tells her what is going on in the outside world while he does so and tells her what trinkets his people have left for her to show their gratitude.
Kili and Fili have taken it upon themselves to spend all their free time “Guarding the Fae” and Thorin often finds them near the entrance of the cave practicing their chosen weapons. He smiles and wonders if they are bothering the Fae’s ability to sleep. They promise him that they are quiet and try to not make much noise.
He allows them to guard the entrance for her as long as it does not bother her and they stay out of trouble.
Thorin places a large stone seal near the entrance stating that this entrance is forbidden to any but Durin’s line, and only Thorin may enter into the cave. It warns trespassers with a curse if they try to force their way inside the cave without consent.
For sixty years the two brothers guarded the entrance to the cave with their lives. You learned to recognize their voice and enjoyed listening to their banter and their practicing.
One day a pack of wargs tried to enter the cave and the two brothers tried to fight them off. The wargs slowly backed the two further and further into the cave. You could hear the growling and the brother’s frantic attempts to slay the wreched beasts. You felt their fear when they bumped against the barrier and then as a reward for their faithful service to you as guards, you allowed them to pass through , dropping the barrier only long enough to let them tumble in and then it was back up in a blinding flash that sent the remaining wargs scrambling out of the cave.
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Kili and Fili laid on their back in shock that they had been allowed entrance INTO the cave. The slowly got up and looked around. Not seeing anyone inside, they spotted your cairn and all the tokens that had accumulated around it over the years that their uncle had brought to show you how grateful his people were. The two young brothers stood before your cairn in awe. “Thank you little Fae, for allowing us into your cave and saving us from the wargs. I’m sorry we couldn’t kill them all before we made it to the barrier.” Fili said quietly and bowed out of respect. “We will leave you to sleep. I hope you don’t mind us being here and guarding the entrance to the cave. It has been an honor for us to do so for all these years.” Kili tells you. “We will always be at your service, little fae.” They tell you.
You smile in your sleep at the words and look forward to meeting them when you wake.
The two brothers quietly wander around in the cave and sit by the water looking at it. “I wish we had something to leave her as a thank you for saving us.” Fili says, picking up a stone from the floor and tossing it into the lake, making it skip across the surface.
Kili nods. Suddenly they hear Thorin’s and Dwalin’s voices outside and they hurry to the barrier. They see their Uncle and Dwalin enter the tunnel and their faces are worried when they see all the dead wargs. They begin to carry the carcases outside and then Thorin looks up and sees the two boys INSIDE the cave!
He frowns, “What are you… How did you get inside the cave?!?” he exclaims.
The boys explain what happened and Thorin is shocked. He enters the cavern and Dwalin stands outside the barrier wishing he could be allowed in.
Thorin comes over to the cairn and places a hand on it. “Thank You Little Fae, for protecting my Heirs. I hope they haven’t bothered your slumber too much. Dwalin and I have removed the wargs from the tunnel, but I’m sorry to say, there is quite a lot of blood coating the floors and it might not smell too pleasant for a while.” He informs you.
You again smile and suddenly eight buckets appear at Thorin’s feet with a rag in each one. Dwalin had raised his hand to touch the barrier and to his surprise it had been dropped, allowing him entrance. He hesitantly takes a few steps in and shakes his head.
Kili and Fili happily take two buckets each and fill them with water from the lake, then go to the tunnel and pour them on the floor. They take the rags and begin to scrub the mess. Luckily the incline of the floor channeled the blood and water away from the cavern’s opening and out to the outdoors. Thorin and Dwalin hauled buckets of water from the lake as the two youngsters scrubbed the tunnel clean.
Once it was clean, they left the buckets off to the side of the entrance inside the cave, the rags, they tossed with the dead wargs to burn after they strip the pelts off the carcasses. Kili went to gather some of the remaining season’s wild flowers and scattered them on the floor of the tunnel so it smelled better, then he brought two small bouquets and placed them reverently on the cairn. “Thank you again, little fae for your allowing us into the cave. Sorry to disturb your slumber.” He said quietly.
“Aye, Little Fae, thank ye for sparing these two knuckleheads from the wargs.” Dwalin says to you. You smile again as you hear footsteps leaving. Thorin caresses the cairn. Forty years left, Little fae, then I can hear your lovely laugh again. I miss it.” He tells you. “Thank you again, and sleep well.” He says in his low voice. He heads for the entrance and feels the barrier caress him as he walks through it. He smiles and heads down the tunnel that now smells like wildflowers.
Kili and Fili are up to their elbows in blood with Dwalin as they remove the pelts from the mangy beasts, then they haul them to a valley away from the mountain and burn them. Thorin gathers the pelts and there are 8 of the beasts’ pelts total, he hands four to Kili and Four to Fili. “Do with these as you wish.” He says. “Winter is coming and will be a cold one.” he tells them.
A few years later, Thorin comes to your cave and tells you he has to go on a journey. He tells you he expects it to last about a year and that hopefully if he survives, he will be able to take you to Erebor with his people. He tells you his nephews will be joining him as well as Balin and Dwalin.
The news makes you sad.
Thorin informs you his sister Dis will be in charge of the mountain and that he hopes you don’t mind, but he has asked her to come and check up on you each month as he has done and brings you the tokens of thanks from is people to you. He asks that you allow her passage through the barrier so she may relay information to you.
He tells you he hopes that he and his company survive this endeavor and are able to successfully reclaim the mountain without losing his company members or his life. He asks for your blessing and you happily give it, making the mark you left on him glow brightly and it fills him with a calming warmth.
“Thank you, Little Fae.” Thorin says affectionately. “I will miss our chats while I’m away. May you rest well.” He tells you and leans down and kisses the stone of your cairn. Caressing it, he walks out of the cave, as he passes through the barrier, he feels it caress and imbue him with a warm sense of peace, that everything will work out.” He sighs and heads out to meet his company.
“I have informed her that you will visit her each month, my dear Sister. Please treat her well and bring the tokens with you our people leave at the shrine each month. Tell her what is going on in the mountain with our people and the news of the outside world that you receive. Do not stay long, just give her brief updates.” Thorin tells Dis.
She nods her head, “Just come back to us, Thorin. You and my boys. Please come back alive and in one piece!” she cries and hugs them. Be safe.” She says.
Thorin and the company head out. Fili and Kili whisper their goodbyes to you and you smile sadly, knowing you will miss hearing them at your entrance of the tunnel.
Months go by and all in your cave is quiet. Dis comes to visit once a month at first, but as the time goes on, she comes more frequently. She tells you of the goings on in the mountain and how much she misses her brother and sons. How she hopes they are safe and alive. She tells you of what happened when Smaug first attacked and how they lost so many of their people, especially women and children.
“I hope that if Thorin is able to reclaim Erebor, that he does not succumb to the gold sickness that drove his grandfather mad.” She tells you.
You bless Thorin once again with protection from the sickness as well as all of Durin’s line. Effectively breaking the curse. Thorin feels the mark on his chest burn briefly with warmth, flooding him with a strange sensation that washes over him as he sits at the campfire half a world away from you. Dwalin, Balin, Kili, Fili and the direct descendants of Durin all feel the warmth. They hear a voice on the winds say. “Your sister has given you your second blessing; the curse of the Gold Sickness is broken from the line of Durin. It shall be no more.” And they all smile. They thank you and promise to leave you a token of their gratitude for when you wake.
One day Dis comes running down the tunnel, you hear her and quickly drop the barrier long enough for her to pass. She is huffing and puffing, “They did it!” she exclaims, “The mountain is reclaimed once more! We can go home!!!” she tells you.
Thorin sent a raven to have me tell you he is on his way to bring us all home, and promises to bring you with him back to Erebor. He says he will be here in a few months.” She tells you
Dis leans onto the cairn and hugs it. “Thank you my little friend for protecting my family, and for your generosity in letting us stay here all these years. Words are not enough to tell you how thankful I am for your compassion and aid.” She tells you. “If it pleases you, please stay in Erebor when you wake. Let us provide you safety and a place you can once again call ‘home’ and be comfortable and happy.” She says.
You smile.
The day before Thorin arrives, the mountain vibrates with excited energy of the dwarves clamoring to pack and prepare for the returning journey back to Erebor.
Dis takes some time to come with a cart and several large baskets. She loads them with the gifts and trinkets the dwarves have made for you over the years as thank you’s and she puts them in the wagon along with the shrine of thanks they had made for you in honor of your kindness and hospitality.
“Tomorrow,” she tells you, “tomorrow we head home and we will be able to hear Thorin’s, Kili’s and Fili’s voices again.” Dis sits against the cairn, leaning her back against it. Looking out at the beautiful lake. She sighs. “I will miss this place. It is rather a peaceful one. I know of where there is one like this in Erebor. I will show it to you if you like when you awake.” She tells you.
“I’ve never met a fae, but Thorin greatly admires you and you made quite an impression on him.” She says. “I hope you like it in Erebor.” She tells you. “I must go now and finish packing, Little Fae. Sleep well tonight.” She says, then stands and goes to leave. She feels a reassuring warmth as she passes through the barrier and heads out of the tunnel.
The next day you hear familiar voices in the tunnel. You smile and drop the barrier for all of them to pass through. Thorin, Kili, Fili, Dis, Dwalin and Balin are all there.
They greet you and ask if you are ready to go home to Erebor. A faint glow eminates from the cairn and they chuckle. “I’ll take that as a yes.” Balin chuckles. “Sorry, Little fae, but we have to make a bit of noise and vibrations to chip the rock off of the Opal Shell you are in. I’m sorry if it bothers your slumber.” He apologizes in advance, hoping they don’t upset you.
They carefully chip away at the blue stone encasing your shell. After a couple hours of work, they finally can see into the translucent Opal sheened shell. They look in and see your tiny form laying in the shell. Thorin gently picks it up and you stir at the movement of the shell, but you do not wake. “Time to go Little Fae.” Thorin tells you. The rest of the group smiles. And they all head out of the tunnel.
Thorin carefully lowers your shell into a special padded leather bag that Beorn gave him on the way back. It is lined with the softest fur and mosses and will keep you comfortable and allow you to sleep as the padding muffles the loud noises of Middle Earth as you travel with Thorin and his company.
You hear Thorin instruct everyone that there are still creatures on the road who may attack us. If the caravan is attacked, he will protect you in the case and that his company will protect the caravan. Everyone nods and you all head out.
Thorin is wearing a Dwarven steel armor designed to protect both the back and the front from attack, it has a high collar to also protect the neck. His Durin blue cloak with a silver tassel rests upon his shoulders and the bag from Beorn that you are carried in is slung across his shoulder and the bag rests on his lap with one hand protectively holding it as he rides the pony they got as a gift from Rohan welcoming the dwarves home.
Thorin talks to you off and on, telling you about the past year that he was gone as his eyes scan for threats. They were just outside of Rivendell when they heard the first screeches. It was night fall and Thorin feared a goblin attack with so many traveling with the group.
“Quick, Get up! Goblins!” he hollers, grabbing his huge, Dwarven shield and pulling it over his left arm. Quickly everyone was up and grabbing their weapons. A circle was formed with Thorin and the weaker dwarves and children in the center and a double row of warriors one surrounding those in the inner circle and a second ring surrounding that.
The goblins attacked in waves, Thorin attacking only the ones who made it into the inner circle, while being careful to protect you.
Suddenly they hear familiar sound of Elrond’s elves’ horns and the sound of hoofbeats. Thorin rounded up all the children and dwarrowdams into the empty wagons and urged the drivers to go with the elves. He stayed behind, protecting you and the other dwarves. His company formed a circle around him and Dwalin hollers to crouch down and use his shield. Thorin kneels and curls himself around your bag. You can hear the noises from the attack and are afraid. You clutch the piece of fabric he gave to you and you wait. You hear him grunt as he takes hits and then it’s quiet.
You feel yourself moving again and suddenly you hear a voice. “My little friend, it’s Fili. Uncle has taken a hit and is injured. He is unconscious and bleeding badly. So Balin said since I’m his next in line, it’s my responsibility to keep you safe, okay? I will let you know more when we hear how Uncle is. We are heading into Rivendell. Elrond and his Elves came and finished off the Goblins for us and are escorting the caravan into Rivendell to rest and heal.” He tells you. “Do not worry, you will be kept safe with me.”
You wanted to cry. You worried about Thorin and his injury, and you wished you didn’t have to sleep right now. you dearly missed talking with the Rivendell elves and especially with Elrond and his daughter, Arwen and little Ellesar.
You sighed.
The caravan spent a month in Rivendell recovering from various injuries and repairing broken wagons, supplies and weapons. Luckily no one had died. Thanks to the elves.
Elrond sensed your presence and sought you out, but was frustrated that he could not find you. One day he heard Fili in one of the little courtyards talking and wandered over to see who he spoke with. He found the dwarf prince looking into a bag and talking.
“Who are you speaking with, Prince Fili?” he inquires as he sits down on the bench.
Fili quickly snaps the bag shut. “Ummmm….” He says.
Elrond chuckles. “I get the feeling you have a sleeping fae with you, am I correct?”
Fili squirms on the seat. “I’m sorry, Elrond, but I’m not supposed to discuss that with anyone.” He replies fearing breaking the oath he swore to protect you.
Elrond chuckles. “Fear not, young Prince. I know this fae and felt her presence when you entered Rivendell’s borders. She is in her Century Sleep and I sensed her fear when the battle began with the goblins.
You and Thorin have taken on a VERY important task.” He tells Fili.
Fili looks puzzled. “What do you mean, Lord Elrond?” he asks.
Elrond sighs, “The fae you carry in the bag there, is the last living fae in Middle Earth. She has only survived because of her choice of mountains to inhabit.” He tells the dwarf.
Are you familiar with the story of the last fae of Erebor?” Elrond asks.
Fili shakes his head. “No, I haven’t heard that one.” he replies as he peeks into the bag.
Elrond smiles. He spends the next hour telling Fili of your story and why you left Erebor when his great-grandfather began to get the gold sickness. At the time, you were not strong enough to battle it and drive it away, but your time in the peaceful and quiet Blue Mountains helped you to become stronger. Your return to Erebor promises prosperity and a time of peace and plenty for both the dwarves, elves and men in that part of Middle Earth. He tells Fili to take good care of you.
Fili’s eyes widen as he learns your importance to his people. When Elrond leaves, Fili opens the bag and looks at you asleep in the opal egg. “I do not know if Uncle knows how important you are, but I do know he cares for you very much little fey. We all love you and care about you greatly. You may be the last of your kind, but know you are greatly loved by us and we will protect you with our lives. Sleep now and rest.” He says and closes the bag once more. You feel the gentle sway of his gait as he walks through the woods and parks of Rivendell.
After a while Fili goes to see Thorin. He is surprised when he sees a blonde elf with long wavy locks hovering over him. She is unusually beautiful and the moment, he steps foot in his Uncle’s room, she speaks to him in his mind.
“Welcome Fili, son of Dis, Heir to Thorin. Welcome little Anya, you are in good hands while you have your century sleep.” She says to you. You smile.”
“How is Uncle, my Lady?” Fili asks quietly.
Galadrial stands and turns to Fili. “He is healing.” She says. “He was lucky to have had his armor on, it slowed the spike and didn’t allow it to penetrate as deep, sparing his life.” She said.
Fili’s eyes got huge. “Uncle almost d-d-d-died?” he stammered, feeling like he was struck with a warhammer to his chest.
Galadrial came over to the prince and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Do not fret, young Prince, Your time to rule Erebor will not be for a long time yet.” She assures him. He sighs, relieved.
Looking down at the bag, she asks Fili, “Would you mind if I said Hello to my friend, Anya, that you are carrying?” she asked.
His eyes got huge. “Ummmm. Uncle said no one but him was supposed to touch the opal egg he made for her or they would be cursed.” He replied.
Galadrial laughed, “Very well, then, young Prince, would you open the bag so that I might see her and make sure she is sleeping well?” she inquires. He hesitates, then nods.
He gingerly opens the bag and lets her peer in. She smiles, seeing you curled up, clutching the scrap of Thorin’s tunic. She grins again. “It seems she fancies your Uncle.” She says as he closes the bag
Fili looks at her confused. “How so?” he asks.
“Rarely does a fae request something tangible from anyone when they go into their ‘century sleep’. Yet she clings to The piece of Thorin’s clothing he gave to her. I do not know what reason she asked for it, but she feels some kind of attachment to him otherwise she would not have asked for it.” Galadrial says with a twinkling gleam in her eye.
Fili opened the bag and gazed into it again. “What did you say her name was? Uncle never mentioned it. He always called her Little Fae.” Fili asked.
Galadrial chuckled. “Her name is Anya.” She tells him. “She is a mountain fae. They live in the depths of the mountains near calm bodies of water that pool at the mountain’s core.” She explains. “How long has she been in her ‘century sleep?” Galadrial asks Fili.
Fili thinks for a moment. “Um, Uncle found her when I was 12, I’m 82 now.” he tells her, “so about 70 years, I’ve protected her. Kili and I used to stand outside the entrance to the tunnel leading to her cave and pretend we were on century dudy guarding the treasure of the Blue Mountains.” He tells Galadrial.
Galadrial chuckles and you smile. “I am sure she appreciates your dedication to keeping her safe, Fili.” She tells him. He nods. “If it wasn’t for her allowing us to take refuge in the Blue Mountains, we’d have had no where else to go. All of the other mountain ranges in Middle Earth have been claimed by other dwarves or are overrun with goblins and Orcs.” He said quietly. “She didn’t have to let us stay there. Many of the locals told us not to even bother, that she’d drive us from the mountain like she did so many others who tried to live there.” He told the elf witch.
Galadrial smiled, knowingly. “Do you know why your Uncle has this mark on his chest?” she asks, moving over to Thorin’s bare chest, wrapped in bandages.
Fili follows and shakes his head. “Not really Balin, I think it was, said something about fae blessings/curses and tried to explain how they worked, but I guess I don’t quite get it.” He said.
Galadrial chuckled. “When a fae is found by someone, they usually hide. Fae can sense whether someone’s intentions are good or bad. If they feel like they are in need of something, they will allow someone to see and talk with them. If the fae touches the person over their heart, they will be able to search the person’s or being’s body and mind, and can for certain see if they have good or bad intentions. This mark indicates only good intentions. If there were any fae still alive and they saw the mark, it would tell them that he is a friend and that a fae owes him three blessings.
If the mark was black and slightly different, it would indicate that the person was not a friend and was owed or had been already given three curses by a fae.” She explained. The lines at the bottom of the symbol indicate how many of the three blessings still remain.” She explains. “It appears, that Thorin has one remaining blessing left.” She tells Fili.
He nods. “Oh, okay. But why did she give him the mark if there are no other fae left to see it?” he inquires.
“She has lived in the Blue Mountains since fleeing Erebor and your relative’s gold sickness. The fae went into hiding at the end of the first age and have only rarely been heard from. The only ones we knew survived were in Moria, but since it was desecrated, we have not heard from them, which is why we believe Anya is the only one left.” Galadrial says sadly.
“Oh.” Fili says quietly. “It must be pretty lonely for her being alone for so long, having no one to interact with.” He said as he peered into the bag again.
“Do you think that is why she let us stay there and didn’t chase us away?” he ponders.
“You’ll have to ask her when she awakens.” Galadrial tells him.
He nods. “May I stay with Uncle for a while?” he asks. Galadrial nods.
Thorin and the others finally recover and Thorin once again is riding out with the caravan, Eager to get home. You are slung across his shoulder in the bag and his hand holds your Opal egg protectively. He thanked Fili for keeping you safe when he was injured and is glad to carry you once again.
Twice more the caravan is attacked. Once by rogue Orcs near Beorn’s property. He comes and kills them as he was watching for you all after receiving word from Galadrial that you were on your way with the Caravan. That Thorin had you tucked in an opal egg nestled in the padded satchel from him. Then you were attacked by a pack of wargs near the borders of Mirkwood. Tauriel and her guard coming to help slay them.
Both times Thorin shielded you with his body as he took hits and fought back. Finally you heard a cheer from the caravan as they spotted the newly rebuilt city of Dale. You heard Thorin rumble, “Almost home, Little Anya! Almost home.” You sighed and smiled. You emitted a warm heat from the egg that Thorin could feel, letting him know you were content. He often felt it at night as he held your egg in his palm and cradled you against his massive chest as he lay under the stars, unable to sleep.
You heard him say quietly, “Thirty more years and I can see your lovely green eyes once more, and hear your silver laugh.” He murmured to you. Mahal, I miss you, Little Fea.” He says with a sigh.
You grin and emit another pulse of heat, letting Thorin know you feel the same way.” Though you have heard his voice, you miss seeing his face and wonder how different he will look.”
You arrive with The Durins and the caravan. It is noisy and you stir in the egg from all the noise. You cover your ears trying to muffle the sounds and you frown.
Thorin quickly excuses himself from the racket and hurries to his chambers where it is quieter. Balin follows him and then realizes why he hurried away. He watches as Thorin lovingly sets the bag down on the bed and gingerly takes you in the egg out of it. Balin comes over and gazes at your small form. “Tiny little thing Fae are!” he chuckles. “Welcome home, Little Fae. We will prepare you someplace safe and quiet where you can spend the next thirty years in a peaceful rest.” He tells you.
Thorin caresses the egg and looks around. He sees you have tucked your head under the ‘blanket’ he gave you and wonders if you wish to be in darkness. He frowns. “I do not know where to put her for now where she will not be bothered by the maids when they clean.” He says.
Dis comes walking in as they talk, trying to figure out where to put you. “I know of a place, Thorin, that might suit her. Come, bring her bag and follow me.” She tells him. Balin takes the bag and Thorin carries you clutched in his hands. “Little Anya, Dis is taking us to a place she thinks you will be safe and that is quiet and will please you.” He tells you. You stir and uncover your face, now that the lights aren’t so bright. You feel his gentle sway as he walks.
Dis leads them down to a small lake at the base of the mountain deep within it’s borders. There is only one known entrance and the walls and ceiling are littered with streams of gold and from the ceiling grow phosphorescent gems that glow faintly, making it look like the stars in the night sky. “Search the cave’s borders, make sure there are no cracks or other entrances for creatures to gain access and disturb her.” Thorin orders.
Dis and Balin search the entire perimeter of the cave carefully as far up as they could see. There were no other cracks, crevices or entrances save the one they entered through. They return and tell Thorin this. He looks around and tells them to find a large, flat boulder they look around and finally find one. Together they carry it over to one edge of the lake and set it down, wiggling it into the ground, securing it in place. Thorin tells Balin to take the pelts from the bag and put them on the boulder, then put the soft moss on top making a nest of sorts. He does and Thorin gently sets your egg onto the nest.  “You will be safe here, our little fae. Rest now for your remaining thirty years. None but my family will come to disturb you. We will only come to tell you of the outside world’s goings on.
I will be king soon and may not have as much time to come visit, but I will do my best to come at least once each month.” He tells you. “If I am unable to come, my family will. Please allow them to pass the border you may set up if you so desire. I will put a warning at the entrance to this cave so that none but the line of Durin may enter it.” He tells you. Rest now little Anya. Our journeys are done and we are home now.” he tells you and caresses the egg. You let out a warm pulse of light to let him know you heard his words they see a faint lite radiate out from the shell of the egg like the ripples from a drop of water into a quiet lake. They watch as your protective barrier encases the cavern in a soft blue hue before disappearing.
Thorin smiles. “Thirty years.” He says and you hear him step away. Over the next few weeks. Dis comes with Fili and Kili and they bring the baskets from the wagons one at a time and quietly lay all the gifts at the base of your boulder. None dare touch your egg. They simply tell you what they are doing and let you sleep. You listen as they talk quietly to each other. Then, when they are done, they wish you a restful sleep. You smile and they feel your warmth as they walk through the barrier and it caresses their bodies. Soon your little cave is quiet, and you hear faintly Fili and Kili’s voices at the entrance to your cave. You smile, knowing they have once again taken up guarding your sanctuary.
Time passes and Thorin visits you at least once a month as promised. Sometimes it is very late at night when he comes. He sounds tired and tries to tell you good things about what is happening in the mountain. You can tell though, the weight of ruling such a stubborn and stiffnecked race is beginning to take it’s toll on him. Sometimes he just simply comes, picks up your egg after telling you he just wishes to hold you close and hopes you do not mind. You pulse with warmth, making him smile. He sighs and holds you as he looks out at the peaceful lake.
“Thank you, little Anya, for all you have blessed me and my race with. I hope you are happy here. You are welcome to stay and explore once you wake. Kili and Fili still guard your entrance as they have time to do so, just as they have done all the years you have slumbered. I hope they do not bother you too much.” He tells you one of the times he held your egg and looked out at the lake.
“I am older now, little fae. My hair is getting grey streaks in it, and my skin is wrinkled at the corners of my eyes. I have a few more scars and the weight of ruling these stubborn dwarves is often overwhelming. I often find myself thinking of you and hope you are resting well and are happy. Twenty more years, little one, and we can see each other and hear your laughter and your little voice once again.” He sighs. you pulse with a warmth, looking forward to your century sleep being done. “I hope I have the strength to rule these dwarves well. It is much more exhausting than I ever imagined. Reclaiming this mountain was easier than it is to rule it.” he chuckles. “Sometimes I do not feel adequate enough to be the King of these dwarves. I doubt my abilities, but then I remember you and you give me the hope to continue.
You are the last of your kind, brave little fae. I can not imagine being the last dwarf in all of Middle Earth. But you seemed happy and content when I first heard your laughter echoing from the mountain like the tinkling of tiny silver bells. It drew me to come find you. You seemed so happy and carefree dancing merrily on your lake in the glow of the moonlight, with your lake as smooth as mirrored glass.” He tells you and you smile. I envy you, in a way, little fae. Your happiness and joy despite being the last of your kind. It has been a long time since I have known that kind of joy. I look forward to seeing it in you once again when you awaken.” He tells you, then sighs.
“I will let you sleep now, dear little Anya. I am sorry if my ramblings have disturbed you. I miss you, little fae.” He says as he carefully stands and places your egg back in it’s moss and fur nest. Thorin tucks the moss around the egg’s base and then takes his cloak he wore all throughout his travels over the last eighty years and drapes it over the egg, leaving the top third of the egg uncovered. “Hurun ganat, Muhudel.” (Rest well, blessing of all blessings). He tells you and kisses the top of your egg reverently. You smile and pulse with warmth that he feels when he walks through the barrier, bathing him in peace and a sense of calm confidence. His kingly gift of his robe keeping you warm, the scent of him surrounding you for months afterword until the smell faded and the robe began to disintegrate.
When Thorin noticed it was falling apart, he brought you another to keep your egg warm. Dis, Balin and Dwalin, as well as Kili and Fili would occasionally come and check in with you over the thirty years you slept. They always chuckled at seeing his cloak covering your egg.
Finally, the day came for you to wake. You woke early in the morning and pushed on the top and bottom of the egg and it easily cracked open for you. You stood and stretched, yawning, you touch the cloak and grin. Feeling it’s soft fur around the collar and the soft velvet of the fabric. You skipped down the fabric to look at all the different offerings you remember hearing Thorin tell you about. You were so engrossed in looking at all the different gifts you didn’t notice Thorin standing at the entry with Kili and Fili, Dis, Balin and Dwalin.
“Good Morning little Anya.” Thorin says quietly. You were holding a trinket from one of the dwarrowdams thanking you for providing her a home for her newborn baby when you heard his voice. You whirl around and grin. You come skipping over to the incredibly tall dwarves. Craining your neck up to see them all. Thorin squats down and lowers his hand. You hop onto it and he stands slowly. Offering you his thumb to steady yourself. You smile at the dwarrow now smiling back at you.
“Indeed! It is a good morning!” you reply. “I woke to such lovely gifts left by your kind dwarves!” you tell them. “How do they fare now that they are back home?” you ask. “Would you like to come see?” Balin asks you. “We have come to see if you would like to see the kingdom and how it has recovered.” He tells you. “I am Balin, son of Fundin. I am Thorin’s advisor.” He tells you with a bow. “At your service, little fae.” He says with a wink as he stands. You giggle, “Nice to finally meet you Master Balin!” you reply. “And this, Little Anya, is my chief of security, my body guard and one of my closest friends, Dwalin, Son of Fundin.” Thorin tells you, indicating which dwarf it was. You look up at his bald head and bushy beard and giggle, he bows and says, “Welcome to Erebor, Little Fae. We are humbly at your service.” He tells you. You giggle again. “Nice to meet you, Master Dwalin.” You tell him. He smiles and you grin.
You turn when you hear two familiar voices behind you. “Oh! You must be my loyal guards!” you exclaim. They grin huge grins. “Kili, Son of Dis… At your service” Kili says bowing. “and Fili… Son of Dis, and heir to the king of Erebor.” Fili says with a bow, “At your service, little Fae.” He tells you with a grin. You giggle and grin, then cock your head at him for a minute. “Come here, young heirs.” She says.
They both come closer. You look at their faces intently, then you reach out and touch Fili over his heart. He watches you unmoving and feels heat on his chest. When you move your hand away he sees the same mark on his chest that you had left on his Uncle’s. Then you do the same to Kili. He too receives the same mark. “For your bravery and honor defending me and keeping me safe from the wargs and orcs and goblins.” You tell them. “You have been told of the warning of using these blessings. So I leave them up to you what you wish for. Be wise in your wishes though so they do not turn to curses.” You warn. “Many never redeem them. But they are there when you need them. Simply say my name and your wish, should you desire to use it. You only get three in a lifetime. So use them wisely.” You warn them both.
They look down at them and then to you. “Thank you, little Anya. We did it because we wished to keep you safe, not for a reward.” Fili tells you. “I know. I heard you as you would practice and talk as you sat at the entrance. It is my thanks for your selfless deeds. You could have done other things, but you chose to forgo those and protect me for a hundred years. This is my thanks to you.” You say giggling.
“Now, who is this wonderful Dwarrowdam?” you ask seeing an almost spitting image to Thorin only a little shorter and a female in form. “This, little Anya, our beloved little Fae, is my sister Dis, she is the Mother to Fili and Kili.” Thorin tells you. You give her a little curtsey. “Ah!!! You were the one who came and kept me company when Thorin and his company left to reclaim this mountain!” you exclaim and dance with glee on Thorin’s hand, making them all chuckle. Dis smiles, “Yes, little Anya. That is correct. Do you like your new cave?” she asks. “It is the one I told you about when we were still in the Blue Mountains.” She tells you. You look around and smile. “Yes, I remember this cave. It was one of my favourites to spend time in before the Gold Sickness took over and I left.” You say.
You hear a bunch of gasps. When you turn to look at the dwarves, the only one who wasn’t surprised what Fili. You frown. “What?” you ask. “You were the Fae of Erebor?” Balin asks quietly. “Yes.” You reply. Balin sighs. “I am glad we found you then, and that you agreed to come home with us.” he tells you. “The mountain grieved when you left. Our numbers began to dwindle and our dwarrow now outnumber our dwarrowdams 10 to 1.” Balin tells you. You frown and sit on Thorin’s hand. “I am sorry. The gold sickness was poisoning the mountain, It was making me physically weak and ill. Had I not left when I did, It would have killed me.” You tell him. Thorin sighs. “I am sorry. Little Fae.” He says sadly. “Will you stay now?” he asks.
You look around and hop onto Fili’s shoulder, and look behind him. Then you hop to Kili’s shoulder. And look behind him. He giggles as you climb to his other shoulder, hanging onto his shirt collar to steady yourself, knowing not to touch a dwarves’ hair. You look behind him, then hop over to Dis’ shoulder. You sit down and look around. “Yes, I like it here. The mountain seems happy the sickness is gone and hummed happily as I slept.
You stand on Dis’s shoulder again and hop to her other one, and then hop to Thorin’s shoulder. You look around behind him at the tunnel, hearing the mountain starting to wake. You hop to his other shoulder, and look at all the gifts you had been given. You look up at Dwalin and hop to his shoulder, making him chuckle. “Enjoying the higher view, Lass?” he asks. You chuckle and nod. “I think you and Thorin are the tallest dwarves I’ve ever seen.” You reply and giggle again. Climbing carefully across his shoulders to the other side. He turns his head to watch you. “Why do you hang onto the collars?” he asks.
Giggling, you reply, “I know that the hair is important to a dwarf and it is not polite to touch it unless they say it is okay to do so. I did not wish to be rude.” You reply. He chuckles and sees you wish to look form Balin’s shoulders. Dwalin holds his arm over to Balin’s shoulder so you can just walk down it to his brother’s shoulder. “Thank You!” you tell him. He grins. “At your service, little lass.” He says. Balin chuckles. “You may hold onto my hair, lass, if you wish. “I do not have broad shoulders, I’m afraid.” Balin tells you. You giggle and look around. I remember you from before I left, you had darker hair, did you not?” you say. He chuckles, “Aye, lass, I did. I’m afraid it’s all gone white now.” he tells you.
You giggle again, “It suits you, Balin son of Fundin.” You tell him and pet his soft, white hair. Then you carefully hold onto it as you work your way across his shoulders to his other shoulder and then you sit down. He chuckles. “Well, little lass, would you like to see the mountain now?” he asks you. “Yes please.” You reply. “Come then, Little Anya.” Thorin tells you and moves to the doorway. Balin follows with you on his shoulder. Everyone else falling in step behind Balin.
They spend the morning showing you the mountain from bottom to top. You grin at seeing the forges working once again and see dwarves busily at work doing their tasks. Some stop to greet you and welcome you back. You smile and thank them. You meet some dwarves who look at you with wide eyed wonder. “My Amad told me stories of the fae who slept in the mountain who let us life there. It was said she was guarded by the sons of Durin.” The young dwarf told you. You giggle and nod. He thanks you with a deep bow for your hospitality. “Had you not allowed us to live there with you in your mountain, I would have been born in the wilds and most likely would not have survived.” He tells you. “I am in your debt, little fae.” He tells you.
You grin and nod. “What is your name, young dwarf?” you ask. “Silas.” He says. “What is your craft, young Silas?” you ask. “I carve.” He tells you. You look at him for a moment “Have Fili bring you to my cave tomorrow. I wish to see your skill at carving. What do you carve?” you ask. “Right now, stone, but I am still learning, eventually I will be able to carve anything.” He tells you. “Well, I hope, I will be able to.” He amends.” You chuckle. “I’m sure you will, young dwarf.” You tell him. “Do not forget, tomorrow.” You remind him. He looks up at you and beams. “Thank you little fae.” He says. You nod.
The dwarves continue to show you the mountain. Once you reach the summit, you hop down from Balin’s shoulder and place your hands on the top of the mountain. It glows an eerie blue glow briefly and then goes back to it’s normal color. “What did you do?” Kili asks curious as he looks around it. You giggle, “I blessed it.” you simply say and skip over to Thorin’s boot and look up at him with gleaming green eyes. He smiles down at you and offers you his hand. You hop onto it and hang onto his sleeve as he slowly stands. “Thank you, little Anya.” You grin. “I will stay here as long as you like. Your dwarves will be blessed with protection, and a more balanced population once more.” You say simply. “You already have the wealth and riches. You now have peace, protection and prosperity. Whatever your dwarrow put their hands to they will make prosper.” You tell him.
Thorin bows his head to you in thanks. “It is indeed a good morning. Our Fae of Erebor has returned home and blessed us once more!” Thorin says. “Come, let us go inside and celebrate. It is time for lunch.” He tells you. You giggle. “Wonderful! I love dwarven food!” you exclaim happily and hop up onto Thorin’s shoulder and sit down. You hold his collar and he chuckles. “You may hold my hair if you wish.” He tells you. Your eyes widen and you see the surprise on the rest of the dwarves’ faces. “As you wish, my King.” You tell him. He chuckles. “To you, little fae, I am Thorin.” He tells you. You giggle quietly since you are near his ear. “Okay, Thorin.” You reply.
He chuckles and heads back into the mountain. Thorin goes back down to the workshops after dismissing everyone to go find something to do. He takes you to his forge and shows you a beautiful tiny bed he crafted for you from gold and gems mined in the mountain. “For when you sleep again.” He tells you. I suppose Fili will be king by that time, and I will leave him instruction for you to have the softest furs and will teach him the incantation to encase you in the shell once again.” He tells you. You giggle and hop down to look at the beautiful bed. You admire the tiny carvings on it and the gemstone chips. “It is lovely, Thorin! I will remember you and your gifts when I sleep on it.” you tell him. He smiles. “Come, show me where you would like it to be placed, then we shall go eat and celebrate.” He tells you. You smile and hop up onto his shoulder and sit down. He picks up the tiny bed and the two of you head back to your cave.
The two of you enter it and he feels your magic barrier caress him as he enters . “Why do you keep the barrier up?” he asks. “I will keep it up for a while until the Dwarves get used to me being here. As you said, I am the last of my kind. I do not wish to have my sanctuary invaded and wish to be left in peace to do as I wish, though the line of Durin will always be able to walk past my barrier since they fought to defend me as I slept my century sleep. And brought me here safely.” You tell him.
We will always be happy to see you little fae. We will leave you to do what you like. You are always welcome to come and visit us. I will inform the guards to allow you to enter the royal wing. Just tell them your name and who you wish to see and they will take you to that dwarrow.” Thorin tells you. The two of you enter the cave and you giggle at seeing Kili and Fili putting pretty stones around your boulder. They made a little garden for you and a little bench for you by the edge of the lake along with a little table beside the bench. They even made you a little faerie house for you. You giggle and look over at Thorin. “Did you know about all this?” you ask. He just chuckles.
“Where would you like the little bed, our sweet fae?” he asks you. You hop down and go to look at the faerie house they made you. You enter it and look around. You peek out of the windows and giggle. Inside here, Thorin.” You tell him. He chuckles and opens the house slowly. He places the bed where you indicate it and then he carefully closes the house back up.
You giggle and come out of the house. Then you skip over to where Kili and Fili were and look at the faerie garden they made. “There’s moon flowers planted. They’ll grow and bloom for you at night… I hope.” Kili tells you. At least that’s what Bilbo said they’d do.” He says.  You giggle. “Like this?” you ask and wave your hand and the seeds sprout and grow rapidly spreading all along the ground. They bloom and a sweet smell fills the cave. You lower your hand and they quit growing. You grin and breathe in the heady scent. “Wow!” Kili says.
You giggle. “I hope you enjoy your gifts, Little Anya. We’ll leave you to settle and if you wish for company just let us know.” They tell you. You giggle and nod. “Thank you young princes.” You tell them.
They grin and scurry back up to the halls to go practice with their swords in the practice ring. Thorin watches them leave and chuckles. He turns to look down at you again. “I missed you.’ It is nice to hear your voice and your laugh again sweet Anya.” Thorin tells you. You grin and giggle. Making Thorin smile. I will be here whenever you wish to hear it, Thorin. I will not interfere with your rule unless you wish it. You still have your one wish left. Thorin sits down and sighs. “What would you wish for my little friend? If you could wish for anything in the world?” he asks you.
You sigh. “To be loved. I have been alone in the blue mountain since leaving Erebor. It has been quiet, but lonely. I miss being loved and having someone to love. That is why I asked you to bring me back here if you recovered the mountain. I missed the energy this mountain once pulsed with. I feel it starting to pulse with it once again now that the dragon and the gold sicknesses have been purged.” You sigh. “Would you let me love you, little Fae.” Thorin asks quietly. You look up at him and smile. “If that is your wish. “My wish is for you to be happy and content and feel loved in the way you desire to be. I do not know how long fae live, but I will do my best to love you and make you happy if you are willing. I have all I desired, except a wife and children. I never found my One. Perhaps she died or chose a life of solitude focusing on her craft in a mountain somewhere. I do not know. I too just desire to be loved and happy now that I have reclaimed our home and given my people security and brought them happiness once more.
You grin and hop onto his thigh. You tilt your head at him and smile. It would make me happy to grant your last wish Thorin Oakenshield, King under this mountain. Thorin nods and his tattoo from you glows and he watches as you hop off of his thigh and begin to grow. His eyes open wide as you grow to his height when he is standing. And you smile down at him. You extend your hand and pull him to stand. You grin and giggle, then lean in and kiss the surprised dwarf. He stands there surprised for a moment, then grins into the kiss and wraps you in his strong arms and kisses you back passionately. You grin and giggle as you pull back and break the kiss. “I have been waiting a hundred years to do that!” you giggle. And hold up the little piece of cloth he gave you. It stopped smelling like you after the first month! You giggled.
Thorin chuckled, “Was that why you asked me to come back each month?” he grins. You giggle again, “Partly, and because I love your voice and liked listening to you talk.” You tell him. “You had me from the moment you said, “Oh, hello!” you giggle.
Thorin let out a laugh. “Oh my dear! You are a clever little thing.” He tells you and kisses you again happily. “Men lananubukhs me, Ghivashel! (I love you, treasure of all treasures!) he says to you and rests his forehead on yours. “Will you marry me?” he asks you grin and nod. he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a tiny ring. “I suppose I will have to make you a new one now.” he chuckles. You grin and hold out your hand.
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 He places the tiny ring into your hand and you grin. You cover it with both hands and your hands glow blue for a moment, then you open them, you hold up the same ring only in your size now. You hand it to him giggling and hold out your left hand for him to put it on your finger. He does and kisses it reverently. You giggle. “Do you wish to see our chambers, my love, and join with me to dine of Bombur’s fine cooking?” he asks. You nod. He takes you to see the royal wing and you see his nephews, on your way there, who stop dead in their tracks.
“Anya?” they ask. You giggle and nod. “How did you… but you were so tiny! How are you Uncle’s height now?” they ask, completely gobsmacked. You just giggle and shrug. You hear Balin chuckling from behind you. He comes up and puts a hand on your back. “Fae can change size if they wish, Lads. But only if they feel comfortable in doing so and they trust the person they do it in front of. It is hard to earn a Fae’s trust.” He tells them.
You giggle and lean against Thorin. Balin chuckles. “I am happy for you both. Now, let us see the ring!” he says excitedly. You show them the ring Thorin made for you. “May I braid your hair, Ghivashel?” Thorin asks. You nod and he leads you over to a bench. He takes a section of your hair near your ear and puts an engagement braid into it. He pulls out the courting beads and chuckles. These will have to do until I can make you proper engagement beads.” He tells you. He chuckles as he puts them into your hair. “A hundred years of courting and I never got to give you them till now.” he chuckles as he clips the last one into place. You giggle and kiss him. He grins and Balin chuckles. “Alright you two, come on, let’s go tell Dis and my brother so we can eat and start making plans for the wedding.” He tells you both.
Two months later, you both are wed before a huge contingent from all over Middle Earth. The last living Fae wedded to the line of Durin, forever blessing it with wealth, protection, prosperity and blessing.
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phis-corner · 4 years
tightrope (songfic)
Some people long for a life that is simple and planned
Tied with a ribbon
Some people won't sail the sea 'cause they're safer on land
To follow what's written
“Marinette, this is Dick, our son. He’s also training on trapeze, and since he’s your age, we decided to instruct you together.” Mary tells her.
Four-year-old Marinette Dupain-Cheng beams and holds out her hand. “Hello! I’m Marinette. It’s nice to meet you!”
The boy, who has dark hair and the bluest eyes she’s ever seen, takes it and smiles brightly. “I’m Dick. It’s nice to meet you too.”
That was the beginning of a long journey. Mary and John, Dick’s parents, otherwise known as the Flying Graysons, instructed them in the art of trapeze for two years before they performed in their first show at age six. Robin and Swallow soared through the air, twisting and flipping as they propelled their bodies with the bars. They received the loudest applause, second only to the Flying Graysons themselves.
But I'd follow you to the great unknown
Off to a world we call our own
Marinette and Dick spent their days flying off the bars, throwing and catching each other and playful competition. Swallow and Robin, Haly’s youngest performers, continued to greet the crowd with joyful smiles wherever they went.
Dick was her best friend. They did nearly everything together, whether it be snacking on funnel cake or seeing who could do more backflips in a row. All the performers and staff at Haly’s knew they were inseparable.
Or so they thought, anyway. All good things must come to a close.
Hand in my hand
And we promised to never let go
We're walking a tightrope
High in the sky
We can see the whole world down below
We're walking a tightrope
One day, when they were eight, her parents, who ran the catering service, received the news. Her grandfather, who owned a bakery in Paris, had died and left it to Tom. They were going to move to France to manage the bakery.
She was going to leave the circus. Marinette was going to leave the feeling of weightless flight, the joy of tumbling through the air, behind.
Marinette was going to leave Dick behind.
She didn’t want to leave. But there was nothing she could do. The bakery needed someone to take over, and that someone was her parents. At least she was fluent in French, as well as Romani.
On their last day, she and Dick clutched each other like the world was ending, which, in a way, it was. Haly’s was a travelling circus, which meant that they didn’t use phones and letters were almost impossible to send.
“Don’t forget me.” Marinette whispered, blinking away her tears. “If you’re ever in Paris, expect me to be there.”
“I will. Don’t you dare forget me either.” Dick replied, trying hard to keep his own tears at bay.
“Marinette, sweetie, it’s time to go.” Sabine said gently. Reluctantly, the two children pulled apart and said their last words to each other for another eight years. 
Only when they landed in France did Marinette allow herself to cry, to mourn the loss of her first partner.
Never sure, never know how far we could fall
But it's all an adventure
That comes with a breathtaking view
Walking a tightrope with you
With you
With you
Paris was… different. After spending her entire life travelling the world, Marinette was finally rooted down in one place. And she was lonely. 
Sure, she had friends, but Marinette found herself searching the people around her for a playful smile, kind blue eyes, and gleaming dark hair. She missed her best friend, missed doing flips and twists on the trapeze with him.
Her parents signed her up for gymnastics. It wasn’t the same.
At night, she would stare at the night sky from her balcony, and imagine that, wherever Dick was in the world, he was doing the same. 
There was a gaping hole in Dick’s life, wherever he went. She had taken up so much of it, and now that Marinette was in France, he noticed her absence at every turn.
The first time he performed as a Flying Grayson instead of Robin, without Sparrow at his side, tears threatened to spill over his smile. It got more bearable over time, but only just. Every time he took to the skies on the trapeze, even when he saw a little girl eating funnel cake. Everything reminded him of dark blue hair and gleaming bluebell eyes, tiny freckles and a smile like the sun itself.
He found himself looking at the night sky more often than not, identifying the constellations and thinking of her.
A year later, he stood over his parents’ limp bodies and a growing pool of blood, and wished that she were there to comfort him like she always was, and not living in a bakery in Paris.
Dick donned a mask and cape and his family’s colors and became Robin again, but this time as a sidekick to Batman, helping him take down criminals and bring them to justice. He soared through the skies at night with his grappling hook, even doing a quadruple somersault off Wayne Enterprises, but it just wasn’t the same as before.
Marinette became Ladybug at thirteen.
She was suddenly thrust into a world of heroes and villains, a world of magical jewelry and evil butterflies and mini gods that granted you powers. She spent her days at school or fighting akumas, her nights on patrol incorporating extra flips in between every swing, remembering a time where another boy, with black hair instead of blonde, and blue eyes instead of green, soared alongside her.
Marinette gave Adrien his umbrella back the next day. Alya thought she had a crush on the blonde, but she couldn’t bring herself to forget Dick. If she tried to see Adrien romantically, she would just see another boy over him. 
A boy she hadn’t seen in five years.
Mountains and valleys, and all that will come in between
Desert and ocean
You pulled me in and together we're lost in a dream
Always in motion
Robin formed the Young Justice along with Aqualad, Kid Flash, Superboy, and Miss Martian when he was nearly thirteen. Half a year later, the League sends them to Paris to investigate a potential threat.
They prepared for a lot of things, but seeing a huge baby with terrible color coordination knock over the Eiffel Tower was not one of them. A girl dressed in red with black polka dots that fought with a yoyo and a boy clad in black leather with cat ears on his head were not accounted for either.
Robin noticed the way the female heroine almost flies through the air, like she’s been doing it her entire life.
Ladybug and Chat Noir were grateful for the added help during akuma attacks. Hawkmoth was caught and revealed to be Gabriel Agreste within another three months. Chat, who turned out to be his son Adrien, gave up his miraculous after that. He just wanted to live a normal life. 
Robin and his teammates offered Ladybug a spot on their team, and the League approved of their choice. Ladybug accepted, and moved into Mount Justice not long after.
Ladybug was surprised the first time the Young Justice showed up to an attack, but she easily worked them into her plan and captured the akuma. They offered their resources and skills to fight the akumas faster and track down Hawkmoth. Gabriel Agreste was arrested not long after, and Adrien no longer wanted to be a hero after that, which was understandable.
Master Fu transferred Guardianship to her following Hawkmoth’s defeat and Young Justice, backed by the Justice League, offered her a spot on their team. Ladybug agreed, as she was now the Guardian and not escaping the hero's life anytime soon, nor was she willing to leave it.
Marinette told her parents about Ladybug, and gained their approval to move into Mount Justice. To her classmates in Paris, she told them she was going to America to study.
Ladybug rotated through various miraculouses throughout the day to keep her identity hidden, for the time being. She still wasn’t comfortable with so many people knowing, even after telling her parents. Luckily, Robin was the same. From what she gathered, only Kid Flash knew his identity.
She tried hard to ignore the pang in her heart every time she saw the dark-haired, cheerful boy, dressed in the Flying Graysons’ colors with her partner’s name. Because there was no way that this Robin was Dick.
Dick, as far as she knew, was still in Haly’s with his parents. Not dividing his time between Gotham City and Mount Justice. Not being a partner to the rest of the Young Justice team and the sidekick to the Dark Knight, whom he called his father.
So I risk it all just to be with you
And I risk it all for this life we choose
Ladybug proved herself useful to the team, calling up her Lucky Charm in the stickiest solutions and always finding a way out. She was clever and quick to think on her feet in battle, choosing to outwit her opponents instead of beating them through brute force. When it was needed, she would merge with another miraculous or use a completely different form, whatever was necessary for them to win. The Tiger miraculous proved extremely useful for covert op missions.
She also constantly baked treats for everyone. Ladybug taught M’gann how to actually bake a good cake, and would give them pastries when they looked like they needed to be cheered up.
They also discovered that being the Guardian came with new powers. Robin received a fairly deep cut on his right arm from a mission, but Ladybug stopped him from stitching it up, instead muttering an incantation in an unrecognizable language. Her fingers glowed white, and she traced them over the wound, closing it instantly, not even leaving a scar behind.
When Marinette wasn’t baking for her teammates or designing, she found herself heading to the training room. The room had a wide variety of resources, including trapeze equipment. She walks into the room in her Multimouse transformation, as to give Tikki a break, and freezes in place.
Robin is swinging on the trapeze, sailing through the air with a carefree smile on his face and doing a quadruple somersault- the Flying Graysons’ signature move- like it was second nature. He moves with an elegance that she has only ever seen in one other person, and all of a sudden, the name, the colors, the familiar energy, everything makes sense.
Multimouse warms up as fast as she can, and climbs up the rungs to the platform opposite him with a grin. She recognizes the routine, the one they used to do back in the day as Robin and Sparrow at Haly’s. Without missing a beat, she launches herself onto the bar, seamlessly picking up where he was and weaving herself in.
When the time comes for her to let go and for him to catch her, she gives him a trusting smile and releases her hold, soaring, flying forward, right into his hands, which clasp around her wrists in an achingly familiar way. I’ve found you at last.
Robin- Dick- grins at her, and Multimouse smiles back, as wide as she can, because she’s finally found him again, after so many years apart. 
Hand in my hand
And you promised to never let go
We're walking a tightrope
High in the sky
We can see the whole world down below
We're walking a tightrope
When Robin has a bit of free time at Mount Justice, he finds himself climbing the rungs to the trapeze platform and immersing himself in the old routine he used to do with her. The lively dance they used to do in the air is still cheerful, but without a partner, it’s more melancholy than he’d like to admit.
He notices Multimouse walk in and freeze when she sees him. This was the first time she’d seen him on trapeze, so Robin assumes it’s just the shock. He lets go of the bar and easily turns a quadruple somersault with an exhilarated smile on his face before grabbing the bar again.
Multimouse climbs up to the opposite platform with a smile, and easily falls into the routine alongside him. She does Sparrow’s flips and twists with the grace of a person born to fly and an overjoyed smile on her face.
For a while, Robin swings through the air with his first friend and first partner. When the time comes, Multimouse- Marinette- easily lets go of her bar and soars towards him, a trusting smile on her face, and he grins brilliantly back, hands clasping her wrists tight. I’ve found you at last. The message resonates between them, and he launches her back into the air towards her own bar, laughing as she flips twice before grabbing it.
They are so immersed in their aerial dance, so immersed in each other, that they don’t see the rest of the team enter to watch the two birds fly. 
Marinette’s eyes shine with laughter and joy as she takes in the sight of the one she wished she could share the entire world with. Dick’s smile could melt ice with its brilliance as he sees the person he’s missed every single day for six years.
When they both land on the floor as the routine ends, Dick immediately pulls her into a hug, squeezing her as tight as he can. She returns it with just as much, if not more, strength.
“Mari.” He whispers. “It’s you. I found you again.”
“Dick. Robin, mon oiseau. I’ve missed you so much.” Marinette replies, a single happy tear slipping down her cheek.
In the heat of the moment, she makes an impulsive decision and yanks him down by his cape and presses her lips to his. Dick eagerly returns the kiss, and soon, they’re clutching each other like the world is ending (though it was quite the opposite) and their lips firmly glued together, sending bursts of warmth through them.
Wally clears his throat, and they spring apart, only just noticing the other people in the room. “What exactly happened? You guys were doing this super cool trapeze thing like you’ve been practicing it together for years, then you’re saying stuff about ‘finding each other’ and making out like your life depends on it?”
Multimouse and Robin turn bright red, but their smiles stay on their faces. “Well, uh, how do I explain this?” Multimouse turns to Robin, who gives her a thumbs up. “Basically, today was asterous, as Robin would say. As it turns out, our civilian identities were childhood friends and grew up performing in the circus together. I had to move to France when I was eight and we lost contact after that. I was going to train in the gym when I saw Robin doing our old routine, and then everything just sort of clicked and I realized it was him.”
Robin chuckles, wrapping an arm around her waist. “That just about sums it up. I knew it was her when Mouse just seamlessly joined the routine. Although I was suspicious after that last mission. Nobody pulls off a flyaway like Sparrow.”
Multimouse lightly punched his shoulder. “Says the one who does a quadruple somersault as easily as he breathes.” They leaned in for a second kiss, smiling, and the team took that as their cue to leave them be.
Never sure. Will you catch me if I should fall?
Well, it's all an adventure
That comes with a breathtaking view
Marinette, detransformed for once with one of Dick’s domino masks over her face, sits on top of Mount Justice with her partner by her side, enjoying the night sky from their location.
She leans into him, and Dick pulls her in close, huddled under a blanket as they watch the stars glimmer over Happy Harbor.
“You know,” Marinette says quietly, “I used to look at the sky every night in Paris and hope that you were seeing the same stars that I was.”
Dick laughs, such a beautiful sound, blue eyes sparkling. “Really? I used to look at the night sky and think of you too, lubirea mia. It’s so interesting, how things work out.”
“One could say it was… whelming? Did I use that right?” Marinette reaches up and pushes a stray lock of midnight hair out of his face.
Her boyfriend simply chuckles and pulls her in for a kiss as the sun slowly makes the horizon burst with color, shedding its light on a beautiful world.
Walking a tightrope with you
With you
With you
With you
With you
With you
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fangirlinsweden · 4 years
Nexus Part 1
Part 1:  Newest member of the Avengers
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader, Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Angst, Secrets (think that is all)
Word Count:  About 1500 words
Summary:  Y/N is a pain in the ass according to Steve. She is brought on to missions sometimes by Fury when they need help, but she is wild and does not listen to orders. She does what she wants. Now Fury has given her a place in the Avengers. And Steve is not liking it. Having to deal with her every day. He hates her. Or does he? And what is Y/N relationship with Bucky? They seem to get closer and closer.
A/N: This takes place after Avengers: Endgame, but Steve never left. Tony and Nat are still alive. 
This is written for Gab’s @buckysmischief​ Birthday Challenge. My prompt is:  “Did you bring us here to die?”  “Obviously.” “I really can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not.”
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Steve walks into the conference room, but when he sees who is sitting there with her boots on the table with her hair tumbling around her face and her lips painted dark red, all he wants to do is turn around and leave. He can’t be in the same room as her. But instead, he turned to Fury. “What is she doing here?” He asked and Fury just smiled at him. Y/N looked at him with a big smirk on her face, completly relaxed. Steve looked around the room and Bucky, Sam, Clint and Nats amused faces. Wanda was holding back a smile. It all made Steve huff. Still the only think Steve could think about was why did Y/N had to have red lips. She always had red lips. Tony comes into the room and he lights up when he sees Y/N. “Ah, there she is! The newest member of the Avengers,” Tony smiles big and goes over to Y/N. She takes her feet off the table and stands up. Tony pulls her into her arms and gives her a big hug. “Welcome to the family.” Tony realises her and Steve stands there looking with a dropped jaw.  “Close that mouth, Captain,” Y/N winks at him. That makes him wake out of his surprise.  “Why is she a new member?” Steve turns to Fury. Y/N rolls her eyes and sits down again.  “She has skills that the team is missing,” Fury answers and Y/N sends a wink to him which makes him fight a smile.  “No disrespect, Sir,” Steve runs a hand through his hair. “But we do not need her.” Y/N hides a laugh with a fake cough and Steve glares at her. The rest of the team are quiet and watching like it was a tv-show. “You could have fooled me, Captain,” Fury says and stands up. “These last five months Y/N has saved your asses over fifteen times, which tells me that you need her skills and her help.”  “Burn,” Sam whispers to Bucky who hid a smirk with the help of his hand. Y/N winks at Sam and turns back her attention to Fury. Steve’s shoulders drop and he sits down.  “If we have sorted that thing, let’s get down to business,” Fury hands Steve a file.  “There is a mission in Italy.” Steve nodded as he skimmed the file. “I want Y/N, Clint and Nat to go undercover together.” Fury continued. Steve opened his mouth to complain but saw Fury’s pointed look and closed it again. It made Y/N smirk even more. 
This was going to be fun, you thought. Fury went over the mission and everyone listened, without interrupting. You tried to not smirk too much over Steve's apparent annoyance over you joining the Avengers as well as going on an undercover mission your first week as a member. Fury detailed everything Nat, Clint and you needed to do. You were going use going undercover as a family on vacation to  spy on some people as well as get into a nightclub. From there it was on you to get into the office of the boss of the nightclub and download every information that you could get.  Being undercover was nothing new for you and pretending to be Clint’s sister would not be a hard job. Nat would pretend to be Clint’s wife and you were kind of happy that did not fall on you. Although it would have been interesting to see how Steve had handled it. Who was she kidding? Steve would not have cared. Because he did not care about her at all. She had to admit that his way of always staying away from her and when that did not work he was cold. That might be the wrong word, but it did not seem that he liked you very much. You still remember the first time you met him. It was many years ago and Steve had been out of the ice for a couple of months. You had literally walked into him at your grocery store. Smack into his hard chest. 
You had just gotten back from a mission in Russia and you were hungry. In your kitchen there was nothing to eat, everything had gone bad while you were gone. You found an energy bar that you devoured and since you felt like cooking something and not ordering anything you went to the closest grocery store, but first you made sure that your red lipstick was still in place and hadn’t gotten smushed along the way. Taking a basket when you walked into the grocery store you scan the aisles until you find the one you were looking for. You needed pasta. No need was the wrong word, you craved it. Had dreamt about pasta and your grandmother’s pasta sauce when you had been walking around in the ice-cold Russian forest with snow up to your knees. So that was what you were cooking. If you had more time you might even do your own fresh pasta from scratch, but now bought pasta would have to do. After picking a box of spaghetti you walked around the corner to get tomatoes and ran smack into a hard chest. A hand gripped on your arm and held you steady. It saved you from landing on your ass on the floor.  “I am sorry I did not look where I was going,” you said and looked up into the bluest eyes you had ever seen. The man smiled and you felt your heart beat faster. He was ridiculously handsome and had blue, blue eyes.  “It’s okay,” the man smiled and neither of you seemed to notice that you were still pressed up against him. You just gazed up in his face and  thoes blue eyes. Wow. You could have stood there for the rest of your life looking into his eyes and feeling his warm hand on your arm. Someone clears their throat behind you, the man drops his hand from you and you turn around. There stood Sharon Carter and she was not happy to see you apparently. Fuck, was the man her boyfriend. You turn around to the man again, and this time you see just who it was. Steve fucking Rodgers. Just your luck. You quickly make yourself scarce after apologizing to the man again. After picking the last things you needed to do the pasta sauce you walk to the register. There you see Steve talking with Sharon. He looks over her shoulder and when he sees you he gives you a panty-dropping smile that makes you feel warmer than if you were in the tropics. You smile back and wink at him before you turn to the shelf with chocolate and pick up a few of your favourites. After that meeting with Steve, you really needed it. 
Little did you know at the time, that Steve had moved into the apartment building opposite to yours and that you would meet him many more times. It did not help you to not think about him when you saw and meet him so many times a week. The first few months there had been a lot of flirting between the two of you on your side and a lot of blushing on his side. But then everything had changed and now he avoided you as much as he could. It was something that you needed to fix because now you were going to be working together. Problems between the two of you could affect missions and put lives on the stake.  When the meeting was over Steve jumped out of his set and walked out of the door without a single word. You stayed back a bit and talked with Fury and Maria. They both knew about Steve’s behaviour, but you got a feeling they knew more than you. Fury told you to play nice with Steve and Maria told you to give him hell. You were planning on doing a bit of both. 
Bucky walked after Steve and was not surprised when his friend walked into his room. Bucky just opened the closed door and walked inside.  “Why do you hate Y/N so much?” Bucky smirked at Steve who sat on his bed. “I don’t hate her. She is just a pain in the ass,” Steve grumbled.  “Why?” Bucky asked with his eyebrows raised.  “She is reckless, she does not take orders and she has a bad attitude,” Steve listed up.  “You mean she is like you,” Bucky countered.  “We are nothing alike,” Steve glared at Bucky, who just laughs. “I mean it,” Steve says. “You jump out of a plane without a parachute, you are always first into a fight. We both know you have problems with taking orders from people and that you usually go against them. And about the attitude... Just look at you sulking like a five-year-old in your room because YN has joined the team.” Steve started to mutter under his breath and looking kind of pissed. Bucky laughed and paused. “Just one question? Are you mad that she has joined the team without you having a say or because you are still embarrassed that she has saved our asses a couple of times?”  With that Bucky leaves Steve’s room with a big smile on his face. Bucky knew that it would be a couple of interesting weeks, if not months ahead of the team.
~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~ *~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~
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angstysebfan · 4 years
My Roommate’s Boyfriend 3/?
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Summary: Your roommate’s boyfriend and you do not get along. You don’t even know why anymore. When your roommate has to move unexpectedly across the country, you both begrudgingly drive her car to her new home. Adventure, angst, and secrets come alive.
Warnings: swearing, Bucky being a big asshole, panic attack, uber angsty
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You pull up to an old looking motel. It kind of reminds you of the Bates Motel in the movie Psycho. Bucky could feel your uneasiness and sighed, “We could sleep in the car if you are uncomfortable.” You look at him and see a smirk on his lips. He was making fun of you, which pissed you off. “Nope, I just hope the psycho killer chooses you as their victim tonight. I’ll give Nat your regards.” You say before getting out of the car.
Bucky laughs out loud, a sound that was pleasant to you. “You have watched too many horror movies.” He says as he walks into the office, with you following him. You both walk up to the counter and ask for two separate rooms. “Sorry, but we only have one room available. It has a king size bed though.” The older gentleman said. 
You look at Bucky and see the tick in his jaw. He looks at you and rolls his eyes. “How far is the nearest motel or hotel from here?” He asked, the annoyance evident in his voice. “Not for another 20 miles or so.” the older man said, ignoring Bucky’s attitude.
Bucky runs a hand through his hair thinking of what to do. “I don’t know why a good looking man like you wouldn’t want to share a room with a pretty gal like her.” The older man said, smirking at you and making you uncomfortable. You can’t help the blush that runs through your cheeks. Bucky scoffs, “Beauty isn’t everything. We will take the damn room.” He says giving his credit card over.
Once you are both settled in the room you sit on the bed, back leaning against the headrest. Bucky was taking a shower, which gave you time to think about everything that happened in the car today. Bucky kept saying he heard about what you said. What could I have possibly said? You think back to the entire year of Bucky being in your life, and you can’t for the life of you think about saying anything about him. Except that he is an asshole, but he started it.
Bucky comes out of the bathroom wearing a pair of black sweatpants and no shirt. You can’t help but admire his physique as he towels his long brown hair. His body was a sight to behold. Muscles upon muscles, which made butterflies appear in your stomach. You always thought he was attractive, even when you first saw him. You desperately wanted to talk to him, but Nat showed interest and you backed down immediately. Then you met him and saw his true personality, which surprised you. Though he seemed to treat Nat well.
Bucky looks up and sees you staring at him. “Take a fucking picture it will last longer.” he snaps, causing you to blush at being caught. You grab your stuff and quickly run into the bathroom. After a quick shower, you change into a tank top and shorts. You walk out into the room and notice Bucky was putting on shoes and a t-shirt.
“I’m going to sleep in the car.” he said. You can’t help but get offended that he would rather sleep in the small car than share a room with you. You knew you had to find out his deal, but would wait until morning. “I mean I can sleep on the floor if you want. You don’t have to sleep in the car.” you say, trying to not sound whiney. 
Bucky looks up at you and shrugs. “It’s fine. Us poor city boys are used to roughing it. Be at the car by 5:30 am, or I am leaving without you.” he says as he walks out of the motel. You can’t help but stare at the door after he leaves. You quickly pick up the phone and call Nat.
“Hey Y/N! Where are you guys?” Nat says excitedly. “Hey Nat, we are in Ohio, but close to the border of Indiana I think. Nat, what the fuck is going on? Bucky hates my guts and is making me miserable. I have almost cried three times already!” you say, frustrated.
“I’m sorry hun. Like I said I will explain everything when you get here. Just try to get along, please? It’s only temporary.” Nat pleads. You can’t help but roll your eyes. Before you can agree to her she says, “I gotta go, Bucky is calling me. I’ll talk to you tomorrow!” and the phone disconnects.
You exit the motel, dropping off the key, and enter the car at 5:15. Bucky is sitting there waiting for you. He doesn’t say anything after you buckle your seatbelt, just starts the car and heads off. You continue to think about how to broach the subject of his hatred for you. Maybe after you eat something.
“Did you want to get food, or just continue the trip?” you ask softly, hoping to keep his mood calm. You hear him sigh, “Whatever.” he says dryly. You are surprised by his response, but want to keep him in this mood so you think just driving is safer. “Let’s just drive for awhile, we can stop further along.” you say.
Over the next 3 hours, you listened to your playlist, while driving through Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. You wanted to stop into Chicago, but Bucky just wanted to keep going. He was acting very weird today. Didn’t snap at you, in fact he barely spoke to you. How were you going to ask him anything if you couldn’t gauge his mood. 
You were half way through Wisconsin when you stopped for fuel and food. you grabbed sandwiches and chips for you both, as well as some waters. it wasn’t long before you were on your way again. It was 3:30 in the afternoon and Bucky has barely said 3 words to you all day. You decided enough was enough. You paused your playlist and turned toward him.
“Hey Bucky, can I ask you a question?” you ask hesitantly. He doesn’t even glance at you. “You just did.” he said monotoned. You roll your eyes. “Seriously.” you say. He rolls his eyes. “Fine, what.” he snaps, obviously not in the mood.
You take a deep breath, “You mentioned yesterday that ‘you knew what I said’, and I was just wondering what you were talking about.” you say nervously. He scoffs, “I’m not talking about this, especially with you.” he says. You look at him annoyed, “I was accused of saying something bad about you, and I deserve to know what it is, so I can defend myself!” you say. 
Bucky sighs, “I really don’t care what you have to say to defend yourself. You are nothing but a spoiled prissy princess who judges everyone, even before you meet them. I don’t know how Nat was even friends with you. You are not in the same category in anything; looks, personality, sense of humor. I just don’t get it.” he says, like he is talking about the weather.
You feel like he just punched you in the gut, and it’s hard to breath. You have never had anyone say anything so horrible to you in your entire life. You feel a panic attack coming and you don’t know what to do. “B-bucky, you need to pull over.” you say breathlessly. Bucky looks at you, “I’m not going to pull over so you can throw a hissy fit.” He says. “Bucky pull over!!” You scream. He looks at you again and sees that you are pale and breathing heavy. He quickly pulls over to the side of the road.
You jump out and run a few paces before falling to your knees, sobbing. You have never been so insulted in your whole entire life, and the worst part is, you don’t know why. You try to control your breathing, but it’s getting harder to do so. You feel hands on your shoulders and hear a voice but it sounds far away, “Y/N.... Y/N look at me.” Bucky says softly.
You keep your eyes on the ground, trying to reign everything in. “Y/N, please... look at me, I can help you.” he says earnestly. You look at him with wide eyes and meet his blue eyes, which are currently full of fear. Bucky grabs your hand and puts it on his chest, where you can feel his heartbeat. He starts taking deep breaths through his nose and out through his mouth. You feel his breath on your face, as you continue to look into his eyes.
Before you know it, you’re matching his breaths. It takes about 15 minutes or so before you feel better, but Bucky keeps his hold on your hand. You let you eyes drop to your lap, continuing to breath deeply. “I...I’m sorry.” Bucky whispers. You shake your head, not wanting to hear it. “I didn’t mean anything I said. I just...” he stops himself and takes a deep breath.
“The night that I met Nat in the bar, I was actually interested in someone else.” he says softly. You look up at him curiously. “I, uh... I was actually interested in... you.” He says looking away. Your eyebrows shoot to the top of your head, this makes zero sense to you.
“My friend Sam, I think you met him once, went down to the bar to get drinks and overheard a conversation you were having with Nat. You were talking about me and my friends. Sizing us up and commenting on who you would go for. Nat made mention of me and you made a comment.” Bucky scoffs at this and looks at you. You think back to that night when you and Nat first saw Bucky.
You and Nat are sitting in the bar people watching. You hear laughter coming from a hightop table near by and take a look. You see a man with long brown hair, the bluest of eyes, and a sharp jawline. You were immediately attracted to him.
“Dibs on the long haired hottie,” Nat whispered to you. You couldn’t help but be disappointed that you and Nat were attracted to the same guy. Nat had just gotten out of a bad relationship, and was looking for someone to help heal her heart. You had been single for too long, and was ready for love. 
You decided that Nat’s need for love was greater than your own and conceded. You didn’t want her to know that you were checking him out, so you played it off like you weren’t interested. You scoff, “If you are into that biker gang, poor city boy type. He is all yours.” You laugh outwardly, but inside you screamed at yourself. You always put others needs before your own. 
After 10 minutes you look back over to the table and notice the long haired hottie was making eyes at Nat. He eventually came over to talk to her, and then she left with him that night. All the while you kept thinking that could have been you.
End of Flashback
You look into Bucky’s eyes with regret and sorrow. How were you going to explain yourself. No wonder he hated you, what you said was out of line and so judgemental. Bucky just looks at you. “Bucky... I.. I am so sorry that you found out what I said. But, you have to know that I really didn’t mean it.” You said, your voice waving from the tears that were starting to pour down your face.
Bucky scoffed at this, “Of course you didn’t. Isn’t that typical.” He says, finally letting go of your hand and walking a few more paces away from you. You stand on your shaky legs and look at him. “Bucky, you have to let me explain what really happened, please.” you say pleading. 
He turns around and looks at you, anger and hurt evident in his blue eyes. “Why would I believe anything that you say? Huh? Why would I?” He shouts. You flinch from his tone, but stand your ground. “Because you just made the same mistake I did. You just said things about me that you didn’t mean. I am accepting your apology, you should at least hear me out!” you shout back.
Bucky looks at you for a moment before nodding. “Okay. That night, I heard you and your friends laughing. I turned around and you were the first person I saw. I never saw a man as handsome as you. I was attracted to you from first glance. I wanted to know you, to hear your voice, and see your beautiful smile up close.” You take a deep steadying breath.
“Nat called dibs, which I know sounds childish, but I conceded. She had just gotten out of a bad relationship, and she is such a good person. I didn’t want to stand in her way of happiness, so I had to play it off that I wasn’t interested in you. If she knew, she would have backed off. I said those things to make her think I wasn’t interested, but my god I was. It’s killed me to see you guys together. Even though you have said cruel and terrible things to me, I can’t help but like you. All I have heard from Nat is how amazing you are, and I can’t help thinking if I didn’t give up so easily... th-that you and I could have been together.” you say this last part in a whisper.
You look up at Bucky, who is just staring at you. “H-how do I know that any of that is remotely true?” He asks. You sniff and shrug your shoulders. “I told Nat the truth 6 months into your relationship, when we were drunk. She felt bad, but by then you both had fallen for one another, so it was too late. You can ask her though.” you say.
Bucky looks at you for what feels like forever. You see the anger in his eyes, that slowly changes. His eyes continue to get softer as the minutes pass by. Before you knew it, Bucky was quickly walking towards you in long strides. He grabs you by the back of the neck and smashes his lips into yours.
Previous Chapter  /  Next Chapter
Feedback is appreciated. I’m thinking this will be a smaller series, but we will see what my crazy brain comes up with.
Taglist: @iheartsebastianstan​, @jessyballet​, @finleyjayne​, @cap-just-said-language​, @sarcastic-and-cool​, @humbledarkness​
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alexhogh7137 · 4 years
The Battle Between Love and Fire-
Ivar the Boneless × Reader
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four: The Final Warning
Word Count 4.5k
Warnings: some smut, slight angst, mentions of brutality, fluff in between
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When you locked eyes with the love of your life for the first time in weeks, you felt whole again. It was like a huge piece of you has been missing these past weeks and now that you are whole again, you feel the power rush through your veins. 
Daario "Wait..so this is your husband?" He looks at you, pointing to Ivar. 
Ivar "And is that a problem?" He says, walking closer to Daario. 
Daario "No, of course not-"
"Yes, Naharis..this is my husband, Ivar Lothbrok." Ivar looks at you, almost surprised that he did not hear Ivar the Boneless come from your mouth. But then again, he isn't surprised at all. He knows that you respect and love him more than anyone ever has. 
Daario "Lothbrok..Hvitserk's brother-"
Ivar "I am me, myself and I..this is who I am." He says with open arms. Daario, does not know what to say. So you take it upon yourself and walk up to your love and lean into him for warmth. 
"My love, can we go inside, it is getting cold?"
Ivar leans down and kisses your forehead softly, "Of course, my love. Come on, let's go." He takes one look at Daario before leading you into the palace. Hvitserk stays outside with Daario to make sure that the young girl stays away from you. 
Daario "How the hell did he get here?"
Hvitserk "What? Are you stupid?" Daario does not respond, "His horse!" He points at Ivar's horse and carriage. 
Daario "He said "thank gods..I made it" what does he mean by that?"
Hvitserk "Us vikings have these visions that we get pretty frequently. They foretell our futures. Whether it be near or far into the future, we can see it. Good and the bad."
Daario "So you are telling me that Ivar had a vision of the young girl, killing Y/n?" 
Ubbe "On the contrary," he says, coming up from behind his brother, "I had the vision."
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Daario "huh..and you are?"
Ubbe "Ubbe Lothbrok, and you are?"
Daario "Daario Naharis, the leader here."
Hvitserk snickers, "Barely a leader Naharis." He let his head fall but he did not let his smirk fade. 
Ubbe "I see. So you will be watching over this place when the queen is gone aye?"
Daario "That is right."
Ubbe "Mm, good. Then I am glad that I could come and meet you in person before Y/n returned home to us." He says as he gets into Daario's face, "I will say this once, if you do anything to cause destruction or chaos to this kingdom, I will make sure that you pay for ruining the kingdom that my sister is trying so hard to repair. And secondly, if you ever do anything to harm or cause my sister any ill will, I will make sure that whatever you did to her, I will do the same to you but you won't make it out alive, are we clear?" Daario simply nods, "Good." He sniffles and pats his brother on the shoulder before leaving the two men outside.
Daario looks at a smiling Hvitserk, "Are all of you this friendly?"
Hvitserk "Oh, poor Naharis.." he walks closer to him so that he can whisper in his ear, "you just met the nicest one out of all of us." He pats Daario on the back before leaving him outside with his thoughts. And those thoughts, well, let's just say that he is more scared tonight than he has been in his entire life. He takes a look around him and sees Wessex flooding with Viking warriors. He gulps and rushes inside the palace, locking his chamber door behind him.
When you were finally alone with Ivar, you practically collapsed in his arms. He did the same, you both just fell to the floor and held each other so hard that you could hear Ivar's armor start to bend. 
Ivar "Oh, my heart-"
"I have missed you so much." You look into his eyes and they were the bluest of blues. 
Ivar "I have missed you more-"
"I did not know that I was so weak without you until I saw you.." his eyes sparkled, "When I saw you, it was like my life source just fled back into my body!" You force a giggle to lighten up the conversation. "You are my everything Ivar, you know that..yes?"
Ivar "Yes, my love. How could I forget your love for me? Y/n, when you were gone, I was nothing but a crippled man sitting on his throne." Your smile fades, "I need you just as much as you need me, my sweet. We are nothing without each other..I think that time has proven that, no?"
"No, you are right Ivar. I should not have stayed here this long, I'm sor-"
Ivar "No no no, do not apologize for being in your own kingdom Y/n. This is your kingdom, your first home. I expected you to stay as long as you did. But I am just glad that I have you back in my arms."
"You are my home Ivar. I am home when I am in your arms." He holds back tears and kisses you over and over again. Once his lips are on your own, the spark in your soul reignited. When your lips part, he smiles and rubs small circles on your cheeks, making you blush from the affection. 
"I should say good night to my people, would you like to join me?"
Ivar "Of course, my queen." You both help each other up off of the floor and make your way down stairs, where you find Hvitserk and the rest of your people. You smile when your eyes lock to Hvitserk's, and once he had your attention, he silenced everyone. 
"Today was eventful to say the least. But tonight was a surprise! For one, I almost died..again." you let your head fall but for only a second, "But thankfully, I am still here because of the Gods and because of Daario." He smiles and nods, "Thank you for saving my life tonight." 
Daario "Always." He shouted just loud enough. Ivar did not like that, no. Nor does he like the way he stares at you from head to toe. That will be discussed tomorrow. 
"And another surprise happened on this night, my beloved husband and king of Kattegat, has arrived!" Your people started to clap, making Ivar smile and bow a tad. "With that being said, I will be leaving Wessex in two days time. I belong with my husband, where he goes, I go. He is my true home." He takes your hand in his own when he hears you say those words to your people. His heart practically explodes in his chest. Hvitserk too, smiles as he saw his brother smile be so genuine. 
"However, if any of you wish to speak to me, one on one, before I leave for Kattegat, please let me know. I will gladly talk to any of you. Good night everyone." They all shout their good night's and watch you and Ivar walk back to your chambers. Hvitserk walks up and makes his way to your chambers as well, waiting for his hug. 
Hvitserk "Can't go to bed without my hug." He says with his long arms out for you to wrap your arms around his waist. Ivar smiles as he takes off his armor and made his way to the bed.
"Love you so much Hvitserk, thank you for protecting me tonight. I swear, I say that everyday, for that I apologize."
Hvitserk chuckles, "Do you ever not apologize, kitten?"
"Mmm, habit I suppose." You say as you look up at him. 
Hvitserk kisses your head, "Bad habit to have love. I am glad that I am able to protect someone that I love. Now get some sleep, both of you."
Ivar "Good night, my brother."
Hvitserk "Good night."
"Sweet dreams." He smiles and walks out of the door and you shut it behind him. Ivar is in bed now, just waiting for you to be in his chest. He watches and admires your figure as you undress yourself. You know that he is watching because you can feel his eyes on your skin. 
"Like what you see, do you?" 
Ivar chuckles, "Like is not the word."
"Then what word would you use?"
Ivar thinks for a moment, "You are my weakness, my love. As soon as I see you, my desire for you is instant." You can feel your body temperature rise and the lust you crave is getting unbearable. 
"So you desire me right now, hmm?" You say as you climb in bed, inches away from his face. "Even though I am as big as a whale?" He does not laugh like you do, he just grabs your face and holds you in the palm of his hands. 
Ivar "You are carrying a beautiful human being in your core, Y/n. This is a miracle of life. A life that was expecting to not make it after all that you have gone through during this pregnancy. So do not call yourself a whale, you are the most beautiful woman that I have ever laid my eyes on...with child and without child. You are my wife, my queen, my every-" you crash your lips onto his before he could finish his sentence. He breathes in deeply with hunger, waiting for your lips to part so that his tongue can make its entrance. He gently rolls you onto your back so that he can be the dominant one. 
Ivar "Now let me show you, just how much I have missed my queen." You breathe heavily with the anticipation. You watch him lower his body down to your core and your eyes roll back at first contact. Your fingers intertwine with his unbraided hair as he devours you. Once you reach your climax, your energy is completely spent. Ivar knew that your climax hit you hard, maybe too hard. So once he rises from his position, he rushes to your side before your head hits the pillow. He held you close and watched you fall asleep in his arms. 
Ivar "Sleep well, my love. Tomorrow will be a good day." He whispers to you as he rubs your head, easing you into a soft and deep slumber.
The next morning, Ivar awoken with you in his arms. He does not know why, but when he awoke, he feared that you would not be there. He has realized that he has always had that fear ever since you were taken. But to his much relief, you are fast asleep in his arms. He kisses your skin, waking you in the kindest and most romantic way possible. 
"Mmm." You hum, half asleep. 
Ivar "Good morning, my sweetheart."
"It wasn't a dream after all.."
Ivar "It was real. I am here." Your eyes open then, looking at your handsome husband. 
"I am so glad." He reaches down to kiss your lips before crawling his way out of bed. "It is early, stay in bed."
Ivar "Mmm, no can do."
Ivar "I have some business to take care of."
"This is Wessex, Ivar. Not Kattegat."
Ivar "Oh I am aware.."
"Then what business?" Ivar looks at you and you knew instantly by his facial expressions. His face can tell you stories that words do not necessarily have to be said. "This early Ivar?"
Ivar "Earlier the better, my love."
Ivar "Hey," he struggles his way to you, "I am doing what any husband should do. I am sure that Hvitserk already had a talk to him, huh?"
"Of course he did...multiple times."
Ivar "My point has been made then. I will find you when I am done, I promise." 
"Love you." You say as you watch him walk towards the door.
Ivar "So much." He said, then closed the door. You sink your body back down into the mattress for a minute or two before forcing yourself to get out of the warmth. You decide to leave your hair down today, with very little braids. Your dress of choice is a no sleeve one with dragon scales on the breasts. It is a very beautiful one at that. But the last time you wore this dress, you were not with child, still you wear it. It is tight but it is durable. You look down at your belly and hold yourself and sway your legs from side to side, while humming a lullaby. You can't stop thinking about the day that you will get to welcome your's and Hvitserk's daughter into this world. How beautiful she will be and how strong of a woman that she will become. She will make you proud, you just know it. And one day, you will find her dragon eggs so that she can have her own magical creatures. You have to do that task for your daughter, she deserves this wonderful gift, the only gift that your father gave you that gave your life new meaning. Then, when she is old enough, you and Hvitserk will give them to her as a birthday gift. Just as your father did for you, but you will do it with love, not as a strategy. 
"You will live a long and happy life, my child. I promise." Just then, there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" You shouted. You watch the door open and a familiar figure appears in the doorway. 
Hvitserk "Good morn- oh my.." he says once he took in your appearance. 
"What is it?"
Hvitserk "Sorry I wasn't expecting you to be up this early..you just look so beautiful." You let your head fall to hide your blush. 
"Thank you, Hvit."
Hvitserk "Of course, Kitten. How did you sleep hmm?" He said whilst pulling you into his chest. 
"Very well, and you?"
Hvitserk "Probably not as good as you but it was not the worst sleep I've had."
"You did not sleep well?"
Hvitserk "Well not extremely well. I didn't have you in my arms for the first time in weeks, that's hard to readjust to." You nod because you understand completely. But instead of responding, you just look back down to your belly. Hvitserk gently grabs your growing belly and leans down to give it a bunch of kisses. You giggle at how much his scruffies tickle. 
Hvitserk "How is our little princess, hmm?"
"She is well. I was singing to her a moment a-" you pause when she kicks inside of you, taking your breath away from how strong the kick was. Hvitserk had his hand right where she kicked, and felt the brute force with his own hands. 
Hvitserk "Gods...are you alright?!"
"Uhm, fine. Just fine..wasn't expecting that is all."
Hvitserk "That was the biggest kick I have ever felt!"
"Me as well. She must be getting antsy..she must want out just as much as we do." He forces a chuckle and kisses where she kicked. 
Hvitserk "Hey little one," he whispers to her, "Don't kick momma so hard, aye? She is fragile-"
Hvitserk laughs, "okay, she is not fragile but she is special and you need to take it easy on her alright?" He pauses to kiss it again, "Everyone is excited to meet you, little one. Your mother and I especially. We love you so so much." He rests his head on you for a second, just in case she kicked again or to hear her heartbeat for a little while. Your eyelids get heavier as Hvitserk rests on you, and you hold his head on your belly. This is one of Hvitserk's favorite things to do, ever since you started growing, he would rest his head on you and awaits to hear the heart or wait for a kick. You remember his reaction when he felt the first kick. His eyes got big and his smile formed from ear to ear. Once it sunk in, he cried tears of joy, just as you did. 
Hvitserk "You here?"
"Mm, yes of course. Just adoring this moment, aren't you?"
Hvitserk "Every moment with you, I adore. But I must say, I am going to miss these moments with you when our little one is born."
"I will miss this too. But when she is here, we can hold her together, play with her, teach her together. Isn't that exciting?!"
Hvitserk "Very exciting, love-"
"My queen, what would you like for breakfast?" A maiden asked. 
"Oh sweet, it does not matter to me. Whatever you feel like cooking, I am sure that it will be delicious like always." She smiles and nods before leaving the room once again. 
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You sigh, catching Hvitserk's attention. 
Hvitserk "What is it?"
"Ivar..he is going to talk to Daario."
Hvitserk "Is that where he has gone?"
Hvitserk "Should we go find them, or wait it out?"
"If we hear screaming, we go towards the scream.." he smirks, "but until then, let's just go eat hmm?"
Hvitserk "Sounds good to me kit." You smile and lead the way to the dining hall.
Ivar asks your people to find Daario for him, to make it easier on himself. So while he waited, he was thinking of how he would talk to this man. Will he be kind, will he be harsh? We shall all find out together. 
"King Ivar.." he got up from his seat and started walking towards the maiden when he saw a man in the doorway, "Leader Daario is here."
Ivar "Uh huhh.." he says as he pauses right before him. 
Daario nods, "You wished to see me, Ivar?"
Ivar "Yes, please..would you join me?" He nods and walks where Ivar pointed. He waits for Ivar to stand in front of him to speak. 
Daario "So what is it that you wanted to speak about?"
Ivar chuckles, "My wife, of course!" He said in a high pitched voice to be dramatic. "You see, I have only been here since last night and I can already hear your thoughts, Naharis." Daario's mouth opens and he is stunned by what he is hearing. 'How can he know my thoughts' he asked himself. 
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Ivar "I am aware that my brother Hvitserk has already spoken to you, yes?"
Daario "Yes-" he clears his throat and tries again, "Yes. He has, on a few occasions."
Ivar "Mm. That is good, hmm?" Daario does not answer, "I suppose that my brother made it very clear that if you ever did any harm to her or this kingdom, well..you know you would not survive..don't you, Naharis?"
Daario gulps, "I bet that I would not-"
Ivar "Even if you ran, we would hunt you down until we found you in a ditch somewhere. Starving, dehydrated, clinging to life..but then that is when you would really suffer-"
Daario "I get it, Ivar. I have told your brother's that that is never my intent to harm y/n or this kingdom. I am simply here to guide, nothing else." Ivar's nose rises in a cocky way. 
Ivar "Hmm. But that is not completely true, is it?" He does not answer, "Everyone who can see, can see your fantasies about my wife."
Daario "I will admit to you, I have had thoughts but that was before my life got threatened every day.."
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Ivar "I see," he said with a smirk, "but you have to take things from our perspective, aye? Picture this Naharis, you are married to Y/n and she goes back to her home and leaves you to stay in your own kingdom, and she writes letters to you stating, your brother is very weary of the man that is supposed to lead her people. Lastly, your other brother tells you of his vision where you lose everything that you have ever loved. And once you get here, you see your wife but then you see the man behind her, staring her down like she is a fresh meal." He said with anger and hatred in his voice. Daario knows that he is not wrong. He has very strong feelings for you, to which he can never act upon because that would be a death wish. 
Daario sighs, "I see your point, and my sincere apologies." Ivar nods, "You know..you're not as evil as people think you are, Ivar."
Ivar snickers evily, "No, I'm much worse." He said and then started to walk towards him even closer. "If you find me kind, think twice Naharis. This is your warning from me, you have been warned by my brothers, so this was my own warning. My wife is a kind and gentle soul who is the most powerful queen that you will ever bare witness to. She is a mother of dragons, carrying my child. Shall I go on..?"
Daario "No-"
Ivar "Shh…" he puts his hand in the air for Daario to silence himself, "Someone is watching us." He turns around and find you coming into the room with Hvitserk and two guards close behind.
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"Hello, beloved. How has you two's talk been going?"
Ivar "Ahh my sweet, very well I think." You smile and then look at up at Daario who looks like he is about to projectile vomit.
Daario "Yes, very well, my queen."
"Good, that is good to hear. Now since my boys have talked to you, I figured that it would be my place to do the same-"
Daario "Are you serious-?!"
Hvitserk "Let your queen speak Naharis!" He shouted. 
"Look, I mean no ill will towards you. Men like you are all the same: eager for power, perverted in the eyes of women, and puts himself before others..but that last one is not quite true for you, Daario. You treat my people very well, and I appreciate that very much, I do. But I see your eyes linger from woman to woman in this kingdom, one being myself and for that, I cannot allow. Sadly, I cannot be two places at once so here is my warnings: if you ever harm anyone in this kingdom, whether that being violently or sexually, I will have you skinned alive. If you ever endanger my people, I will throw you in the darkest, most horrid kingdom to my knowledge. I may be kind to those I love, but if you cross me, I will make my father's legacy look like child's play." Ivar looks at his brother like 'Holy Shit!' making Hvitserk chuckle a bit. 
"Now I like you Daario, or else I would have not chosen you to lead my people when need be. But as a queen, I need to set rules and boundaries. You understand?"
Daario breathes out, "Yes, of course."
"Good. I hope that things have been cleared and the air can be lighter between all of us here. I only want happiness in my kingdom, no hatred."
Daario "No hard feelings, my queen. But can I speak now?"
"You can." Ivar tenses up and gets closer to you. 
Daario "I accept every word that you all have said to me. I cannot say that any of you are wrong." He forces a defensive laugh, "I can speak for any man or woman that you carry a beauty that is unique. When I first saw you, I have to admit, I had thoughts. But I promise you that that will never happen again. I care for you, my queen. You carry a special presence within you that is hard to find. And for that, I would never disobey you or cause you nor your people any harm whatsoever. You put your trust in me Y/n, I won't let you down."
"I believe you." Hvitserk calms down and lets his hand fall from his sword. 
Ivar "I do not. Until you prove yourself a loyal and noble man." 
Daario "I accept that. You are her husband, I respect you." Ivar nods. "And for you Hvitserk?"
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Hvitserk "I just want the best for Y/n and her people. The thought of someone ruining it after everything she has done to try to save it, infuriates me. I try not to hate you, Naharis. But you are foreign to us. We know your past and your intentions but only the gods know what your true intentions are."
Daario "I can't prove myself any more than I already have. I saved her life-!"
"You did. And for that, I now trust you more than I did when I arrived." He smiles and nods. 
Daario "And I would do it again."
Hvitserk "As for my opinion on you, I think that you are genuine, but you are perverted." Daario shakes his head and chuckles.
Daario "Okay, fine. Call me whatever you'd like, anyone who knows Y/n can tell you the same thing that I told you here today. She is very beautiful-"
Ivar "She is indeed. But that does not allow you to act out on your fantasies."
Daario "I told you that I would not."
Ivar "Then we can move forward, yes!?" 
"Yes, my love..breakfast is ready. Come join me and Hvitserk!"
Ivar "I'd love too."
"Daario, you are welcome to join us at the table."
Daario "Thank you, my queen." You nod and take Ivar's hand as you walk out the door. Daario swallows deeply, trying to hide his fear as he sits down at the table filled with Viking warriors. 
The meal went well, no one went back and forth over today's discussion which pleased you. You finally feel lighter and that the matter at hand has been taken care of. Now, you can go home tomorrow with a clear state of mind. 
Ivar "You are looking forward to coming home to Kattegat?"
"Mmm, more than you can know."
Ivar "Really?" You nod, "But why? This palace is luxurious, spotless even. More than I can offer you at home."
"Have you forgotten that I ran away from this place and came to you for sanctuary?"
Ivar smiles, "No."
"Kattegat is my home. It has been for over a year since I came to you Ivar. We've been through a lot together haven't we?"
Ivar "A little too much."
You giggle, "But it all made us stronger my love. We made it through it all and here we are..I'm home and you're with me! My daughter will be born any day now and that day will bring us all so much joy!"
Ivar "Oh so joyus!"
"I love you Ivar. You are my home and tomorrow we will go home to Kattegat!"
Ivar "I love you, my sweetheart."
"And I you." Daario smiles as he overhears yours and Ivar's conversation, to which Uvar notices. Ivar notices everything. 
Ivar "What is it?"
Daario "Nothing, its just..you look good together. Odd. But good." You look at Ivar and he simply smiles.
You both, "Odd is perfect."
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witchersjaskier · 5 years
forever awaits
my boy jaskier will not die before geralt, no angst in his house
also, don’t look too much into the timeline. basically jaskier and geralt known each other for 10 years when they met yen, and yen and geralt known each other for 13 when geralt meets ciri. that’s the basics or so internet tells me
They’re laying curled together in a good inn room, a rare fireplace crackling next to them. A lucky free room, a good contract and Jaskier’s amazing night made it possible, and of course, the bard whined and poked until Geralt agreed to spend a big amount of coin on a good room.
He can’t say he minds, however, because Jaskier is humming contently, blessedly naked on top of him, all smooth lines and occasional scars. There are quite a few of them, more than Geralt expected of the bard, but he kisses each and every one of them and thanked that damned Destiny that Jaskier is still with him.
“I can hear you thinking,” Jaskier mentions suddenly, stopping his humming. 
Geralt just shrugs carefully. “A lot to think about,” he says simply.
He can both hear and feel Jaskier’s chuckle, his chest pressed against the Witcher’s. “Hmm, now that you got your ability to think back?” the bard teases and Geralt snorts.
“Don’t flatter yourself, bard.”
“Well, I seem to recall you spread on the bed, only capable of repeating my name and the word ‘fuck’, only a few moments ago, so it’s not flattery, my dear. It’s the truth!” Jaskier’s voice is full of pride and it still just makes Geralt roll his eyes fondly. There is some merit to the bard’s feelings - not everyone can say that they reduced a Witcher to a gasping, growling mess in bed. “Care to share said thoughts?”
Geralt shrugs again, trying to form a sentence. It’s always difficult. “I- I was thinking about you,” he finally manages. Jaskier perks up and looks at him with big, blue eyes. They have to be the bluest eyes Geralt has ever seen. “Your scars.”
Jaskier laughs and sits up, on Geralt’s stomach, all soft skin and softer chest hair. He looks stunning there, ethereal somehow and it’s not that Geralt never noticed just how attractive the bard is, but this image… It makes his heart make a valiant effort on beating faster.
“I am accident prone, Geralt,” the other man says shamelessly. “And I was even worse as a child, even if it was so long ago.”
“Hard to imagine you worse,” Geralt deadpans, getting a smack to the chest. He catches Jaskier’s hand in his own and holds it there. Jaskier’s eyes soften.
“It was a long time ago, as I said,” he shrugs. “Besides, now I have a big bad Witcher to protect me from any danger. You won’t be getting rid of me anytime soon.”
Now, Geralt’s heart almost stops. He doesn’t like thinking about it, but he will lose Jaskier. Soon. Well, soon in Witcher’s years, not human. Jaskier will get older and finally die and Geralt never cared to ask how old the bard actually is, but they’ve been travelling together for a long time. Longer than humans tend to travel.
“Hey.” A hand presses aginst Geralt’s cheek and the bard forces him to meet his eyes. “What’s the matter?”
“You-,” he stops himself, a bit overwhelmed by those fucking emotions. “You will die.”
“Of course I will,” Jaskier says easily, only to frown when it makes the Witcher frown. “Everyone dies, Geralt.”
“Not me,” Geralt growls. “Not for a long time.”
He’s been venturing the Earth for over 100 years and he still has a lot to go through. More than Jaskier. Much much more.
“I’m not looking to get myself killed, so, me neither,” Jaskier shrugs. “You will not get rid of me easily, Witcher, I told you.”
He has the guts to chuckle then and it makes Geralt surge up, suddenly angry. Not at Jaskier, never at Jaskier, not after his stupid stupid stupid outburst on that mountain. No, at the world, at his own stupidity that it took them so long to get together, that Jaskier will get old and die and he will be left alone. Just him and the Path.
“You will die, Jaskier! You will die before me because I’m a Witcher and you’re just a vulnerable human and I will watch you fade away-”
He’s interrupted by a long, deep kiss and his hands settle on Jaskier’s waist on their own accord. The bard kisses him slow and sure and soothing and Geralt lets his eyes close, lets the man comfort him.
“What are you talking about?” Jaskier finally asks, lips still brushing against Geralt’s. “You know I’m not a human, Geralt, are you ill? Have you lost your memory?”
Geralt doesn’t listen to whatever Jaskier says after that, because his brain refuses to cooperate. Not human? Since when? 
“What?” he finally interrupts, voice rough. His stupid heart is already blooming in hope but he’s confused.
“Geralt are you-” the bard stops before a realization settles on his face. “You really don’t know?”
“Know what?”
This time, Jaskier’s laughter is slightly maniac, but he composes himself quickly and catches Geralt’s face in his own again. 
“Geralt, we’ve met 10 years before you met Yennefer,” Jaskier says seriously. “How long have you known her?”
“11,” he answers truthfully and then his brain catches up. “That’s 21 years.”
“And do I look older to you?” his bard asks again, showing a surprising amount of patience. 
Geralt takes a second to really look at him and comes up blank. There are no laughter lines that should be here, his hair is still as thick and rich as it was when they met, his skin is still perfect. He doesn’t look different.
“I really thought you knew,” Jaskier laughs, rubbing their noses together. “It has no consequences other than my longer lifespan, but I’m a quadroon. My mother was half-elven, but she never showed any obvious signs, so my father could marry her with no protest. I’m just enough elven to not age, but I have none of the other boosts - pointed ears or lack of fangs…”
Jaskier, as usual, is still talking while Geralt tries to process that. It’s true, Jaskier has no magic, no obvious signs, aside from the ageing. And Geralt didn’t notice that, because he was too busy admiring his overall beauty.
Maybe, sometimes Jaskier is right and he really is a bit dumb.
The revelation makes him surge up and kiss his bard, his wonderful companion, his partner, who will not leave him behind, who will be there, as lovely and full of life as ever.
Jaskier laughs and tugs at his hair and they fall back on the bed, desperate again.
“Not getting rid of me anytime soon,” his bard reminds him again, hands splayed on Geralt’s back.
He just kisses his neck, feels his pulse and smiles. “Forever then.”
“Forever it is.”
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