#everyone in stranger things is autistic btw
percysnotlistening · 2 years
hey guys… more headcanons for my comfort characters because i said so 😁 for this one it’s mike wheeler!!
based off of this post
prev. part pt.1
you better believe this mf is the definition of neurodivergent.
autistic, adhd, ocd, synesthesia—brother is a quadruple threat.
genderfluid she/he/they!!! they have a lot more feminine days now that they’ve figured themself out
special interests r d&d, writing, and she collects rocks she thinks are cool or thinks will would like
he gives the rocks to will like a cat bringing their owner a dead mouse
speaking of will
she is like a koala with him. there is no getting mike off of that boy even if it’ll kill her
they have very strong feelings about words.
like literally if you set them off about words there is no stopping them
not in a bad way, there’s just something about how one word can have like 20 synonyms but another doesn’t
“no im being so serious like what the fuck. what the fuck do you mean i can use plethora, multitude, plentitude, abundance and surplus interchangeably but there’s no synonym for unique?”
will lets them rant about stuff like that but will have no idea what they’re talking about
“then there’s words with, like, six different meanings? don’t even get me started on those-” “[gently stroking mike’s hair] me too babe”
mike’s safe food is spaghetti btw. i don’t make the rules
he hates certain brands of yogurt because they put chunks of fruit in the yogurt and every time he eats one he loses his appetite for the next two days
 even if it’s not yogurt she just hates anything that has chunks of fruit in it
which is why they will never eat strawberry ice cream. ever
he’s okay with like walnuts and cookie dough and stuff like that but if it’s fruit?? get it away from her
“mike why aren’t you eating anything?” “yogurt.” “oh…”
he can only eat it if it’s those kinds of yogurt that separate the chunks from the actual like. yogurt
whenever he goes to a fast food place and gets a side with whatever he’s eating he has to eat the side first or he’ll explode
she definitely asks nancy or robin to do her makeup.
or even steve because robin has definitely taught steve how to do makeup
mike can do makeup for herself ofc but she likes it better when someone else does it. don’t ask why because she doesn’t know
after they came out as gender-fluid they started dressing like klaus hargreeves
like. everywhere. no matter where he’s going he’s giving off that vibe
even when they become an author and do interviews and shit.
“wow, mr. wheeler.. you have a very, uh, unique style.” “i know right? who knew you could find shit like this from thrift stores?”
him and el have very similar music tastes, so sometimes they just sit together and listen to music
they don’t even speak to each other most of the times they’re doing that
they’re just doing other stuff while they listen
but it’s nice to them
mike has absolutely zero filter after he comes out
whenever they want to stare at will because of how beautiful he is? they do it.
“mike? are you okay? is there something on my face?” “no, just your face” “then,, what are you looking at?” “you.”
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geese-in-a-frock-coat · 5 months
What's your evidence for Watts and Murdoch being autistic? (I totally agree btw)
Hello, internet stranger. Buckle up cause I've thought too hard about this.
Ok disclaimer I have not really sat down and watched the whole thing for a hot minute. Its past nine, you're just gonna have to trust me this one.
Credentials: Mega autisitc
Does not understand social conventions. Like this ones pretty obvious. He doesn't understand why people keep dogs. Raises his kid in a completely non traditional way. Frequently doesn't get why people care about something that he sees as not being worth it (sports and popular trends and so forth).
Doesn't like small talk
Cares about justice NOT the law. The thing that really makes me think he's autistic is that he cares about things being just and is prepared to break the rules to do so. The main example being he lets that woman out of prison depsite the fact that he could go down for it. He turns a blind eye to Watts and lets Giles go even though they're both criminals in the eyes of the law. And on the flipside he sends George to prison because I think that's what he percieves as justice (if anyone's seen the bridge this really reminds me of Saga at the end of season 2)
Sees through hierarchy. There are so many epsiodes that play out like "I think Mr X is the killer." "But Mr x is extrememly important and influential!" "I don't care he killed her."
Interest in science and inventing. Look I know we joke about stereotypes but like, its a stereotype for a reason. He builds things with an autistic brain. He uses pattern repition through learning about previous inventions and applying them to his own devices.
Visual learner. This is not autism exclusive but he solves cases in such a unique way that it screams ND to me. Murdoch often literally builds a case. They make a joke about clue/cludo but he literally has to make the model of a house to picture where everyone is. He makes all those model of the ladies that were covered in metal. And let us not forget his famous chalk board.
Buzzkill. I say this as a long-term sufferer of leaves parties at 8:45 syndrome. He does 'boring hobbies' which autistic people often have because we don't feel the need to take up traditional ones.
Remember that scene where he attempts to read out his and Julia's book and just absolutely cannot tell that no one gives a single toss about anything he's saying.
Wears the same thing for nearly 20 years. If it ain't broke don't fix it.
Refused to let his wife cut his hair because he didn't want to change from the lady who used to do it.
breather. Part 2: watts.
Cannot read social cues: Frequently insults other station house four people. Pretty sure he called someone's baby ugly but I might have hallucinated that. "You're face is symetrical." Got chucked out of station house because he didn't get on with any of them
Disregard for societal norms: doesn't feel the need to be polite or tactful with anyone or to really follow police protocol. Acts very 'improper' a lot of the time. Only got one shoe shined that one time because that was all he needed. Puts his feet on the sofa, lies on the desk and leans over tables.
Makes limited eye contact.
The man will fidget with anything: Look this is clearly a character decision from Daniel Maslany but its an autistic character decision if ever I saw one. We're talking pencils, cups, fabric, anything. If it is on the set, he will find a way to play with out. And I don't normally like to assign autistic traits onto behaviour implemented by actors but it's basically stimming at this point. I dare you to keep an eye on this man's hands for any scene and I garuntee you they will not stay still.
Disorganised, but not: He always has tiny bits of paper and whatnot in his pockets but always seems to know where everything is. organised but doesn't have to time to be tidy. Same whenever we see his flat, it's equally disorganised. as an autistic person I find things end up all over the place because I don't have the capacity to keep them in order.
Bad handwriting and can't spell
Physicality: Most autistic people will have some sort of problem with co-ordination. He walks uneavenly. He has an odd posture. I always think about that scene where he steps in sick and moves around like a dear on ice. He's clumsy, can't sit straight and has a strange posture.
can't think when being interrupted
can't focus on two things at once.
George realised he'd been possessed by aliens because he was acting normally.
pretzels: dare i say safe food. If not, they're bland, usually the same everytime and take little mental effort to consume.
Strong sense of justic: see william murdoch.
Dr Emily Grace: didn't become a doctor becuase she didn't want to adopt a 'cheerful bedside manor.'
Dr Julia Ogden: Married to Murdoch (like calls to like) and sees through the bullshit of victorian society.
Susannah Murdoch: has those two as parents and I have the full confidence of genetics on this one.
In conclusion:
There's probably so much more I could talk about that I just don't remember because there is a lot more of this show than most others. But anyway. Murdoch is autistic because he has to be for the show to work and becuase he often comedic-foils far too close to the sun. And Watts is autistic because there is no way on God's green earth a man who stands like that is neurotypical.
Thank you, internet stranger, I am here all week.
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holewithinahole · 1 year
The Spirit's in It | Egon Spengler x nb!reader [1/3]
Summary: “I didn’t know psychology doctors also specialized in particle physics, is all.”
What you meant as a light joke to relax him did quite the opposite. He straightens, righting up his glasses one more pointless time. “I have a degree in nuclear engineering,” he states before walking out, leaving you confused and feeling like you’ve spent the entire time offending him unintentionally.
Warnings: dubious science, non-native writer, non-beta'd
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Ao3 Link
Woopsies, I'm back to plaster my insecurities on fictional characters. This work is part of a two-part series which follows the events of the Ghostbusters primary canon. The first part, set during the first movie, will be cut in 3 smaller bits for Tumblr. When all parts will be posted, I'll upload it on Ao3. The parts are all written, so it'll be released soon enough.
I just want to do a little disclaimer. Usually my 'reader' characters are very loosely characterized so anyone can project on them. However, this reader might not fit everyone? I'm sorry about that. Overall, if you're autistic, on the aro/ace spectrum or just a tiny bit ND, you might feel more connection to the reader lmao.
Ah! Also, the science sucks, pls ignore. It can be read as a prequel to It's always the quiet ones, btw.
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Summer, 1984
This is a good song, you think, the beat intense enough to distract the back of your brain as you write down the last advancements of your research. You’ve spent the entire month of July reading books and other scientists’ papers, but not managing – until now – to sit down and order the large number of notes you piled up. Running on the pure energy of your hyper-focused state, a dozen cups of coffee and a single chocolate bar, you definitely didn’t notice the man stepping into your lab, not until you randomly glanced up and met the disconcerted gaze of an unknown guest.
“Excuse me?” he mouths out.
You straighten in your chair so quickly your back snap.
“Ah! Yes! Sorry, what is it?” you stammer, taking out your headphones with shaky hands and fumbling with your Walkman.
The man stands at the entrance of the lab, strangely stiff, seemingly assessing his next course of action before taking exactly four steps toward your desk.
“I would like to borrow a soldering iron.” He rights his glasses up his long nose.
The first thing you take note of is the low modulation of his voice; an unusual pitch that seems to vibrate directly out of his chest. The second is his wide, rigid build. From your chair, he towers over you, and your neck is starting to hurt from stretching uncomfortably (it might just be your overall terrible posture.)
You’ve been staring a little too long so you clear your throat and get up. “And you are? Not that I’m unwilling to lend you a soldering iron but I can’t just give my tools to strangers–”
“Dr. Spengler, I work at the psychology pole of this university,” he interrupts.
He looks at you like you’ve got a stain right in the middle of your forehead. You glance away.
“Psychology? What do you intend to solder? A loose neuron?” You stand up, cracking up a joke nervously.
“I assure you I don’t conduct any dangerous experiments on unwilling subjects.”
Despite the tension, it’s the ‘unwilling’ that does it for you and you let out a chuckle. Finally meeting his eyes, the light frown he adorns is either one of incomprehension or irritation, making you drop the smile immediately.
“Uh–” you croak out before you decide better not to say anything. You both end up looking awkwardly at each other, and time seems to be stretching to amplify your discomfort – and probably his as well. It feels like orbiting a black hole while he’s rushing through the universe at 18.5 miles a second.
Smart enough to be a researcher, stupid enough to ruin a simple conversation.
Fingers fidgety, you walk away to rummage through your closets, taking out the tool and handing it to him. “I do intend to have it back soon, Dr. Spengler.”
There’s a slight hesitation in his hand before he takes it, nodding curtly. In your defense, you do try to smile, even if it’s an uptight, embarrassing attempt. Oddly enough, he doesn’t leave, staring at the iron for a couple of seconds.
Abruptly, he clears his throat, looking intently at your face. “I’m improving a prototype that detects the presence of paranormal entities and directs me to them using a boron-trifluoride counter tube and a platinum electrode.” He doesn’t even take a breath. “A component of the rate meter I installed seems to be defective, and the cable of my soldering iron broke while I was working.”
He comes to a sudden stop, mouth half-opened but doesn’t resume his explanation. At a loss on how to react –and surely gaping at him considering you weren’t expecting to be slapped across the face by a presentation on neutron detectors, you whisper a small: “I see.”
A nervous twitch at the corner of his mouth makes your stomach drop.
“Uh, I mean; you can borrow mine!” You let out a tiny laugh. “I didn’t know psychology doctors also specialized in particle physics, is all.”
What you meant as a light joke to relax him did quite the opposite. He straightens, righting up his glasses one more pointless time. “I have a degree in nuclear engineering,” he states before walking out, leaving you confused and feeling like you’ve spent the entire time offending him unintentionally.
Ground control to Major Tom, your circuit’s dead, there’s something wrong, screams your forgotten Walkman.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Dr. Spengler didn’t come back to your lab after your disastrous first meeting. He did return the iron, though. You simply found it on your desk one morning at seven o'clock, electric cable neatly wrapped around the handle.
You were secretly hoping for the doctor to come back to your lab to hand the iron back, so you could have apologized and asked more about his work, about his degrees… anything really. You had planned the interaction at least thirty times, going through a series of ice-breaking sentences that all relied on the fact that he would be back. He had preferred to avoid you, which couldn’t compel you to go see him yourself. Clearly, you had left a bad impression, and anxiety wouldn’t let you go look for him to apologize.
In the meantime, intrigued by his academic history, you started going through published papers by Dr. Egon – you quickly learned – Spengler. And if you thought you couldn’t get more curious about this mystery of a man, you browsing through numerous seemingly random articles – like ‘Quantum tunneling in anastomosis formations and nuclear exchanges’ – made you raise many eyebrows. Your fascination reached new heights with his brilliant article on ionizing radiation, written in M.I.T. no less. Egon Spengler had become the person you wished to chat with the most yet the most inaccessible.
You can think of a million questions to ask him, a million conversations to have. Why ionizing radiations? Did he have an interest in cosmic particles? Were his studies on gamma radiation related to his microbiology degree? How did he end up working in the psychology aisle of Columbia? Could ectoplasms really be quantified as a network of negatively charged particles?
Your life became filled with thoughts of the doctor, so you blamed it all on professional curiosity and you pushed yourself back into your work. Labs have been deserted by most researchers, preferring to treat themselves to a well-earned vacation. Nothing you can’t agree with in essence but previously attempted vacations had instilled a strong feeling of dread in you: you showed yourself incapable of not visualizing the amount of unfinished work. It’s not as bad as it sounds, really, to be work-obsessed; you love your work. Summer in Columbia is peaceful, solitary but also desperately unstimulating. Researching alone is undoubtedly slower, especially in your field, and knowing there’s an ideal candidate for some great brainstorming a few buildings away is nerve-wracking.
After an entire month going by with no new interaction with Dr. Spengler – not even sighting him at the corner of a corridor, the awkwardness that made him run away fuels your guilt. However, the opportunity of meeting again with Dr. Spengler comes unexpectedly. It comes with a mandatory meeting with the dean of the academy.
“You’ve been summoned as well, uh?”
You snap out of your social distancing trance. “Sorry?”
Next to you stands another professor with an easygoing smile and a relaxed stance. “Dean Yaeger. He likes to summon us like he’s royalty,” he jokes followed by a low staccato of a laugh.
“Oh,” you pointlessly say. “Yeah, he tends to do that.”
He offers his hand, showing another pearly-white-toothed smile. “I’m Dr. Ray Stantz, department of psychology.”
You offer your name back as you shake his hand. “Department of Physics.”
“Neat.” Dr. Stantz grins. “You should drop by our aisle sometimes. Spengs has a degree in physics; I’m sure you’ll get along well.”
“Dr. Egon Spengler, my colleague and friend.”
“Oh.” How you despise idle chatting. “I know him. He came to my lab to borrow a soldering iron about a month ago.”
“Venkman – our other colleague, forced him to go ask; he was so grumpy after being stopped in the middle of his experiment.” Dr. Stantz sure does enjoy making conversation. “He returned it, right?”
You have the impression he already knows the answer. “Yes, he did.”
“What field of physics do you specialize in by the way?” he asks excitedly. You have to say his jolly attitude is endearing, slowly getting you more at ease.
“High-energy physics.”
“That’s amazing, man. ‘actually wish I knew more about it. You should definitely swing by our lab soon. You can take a look at what we’ve–”
“Ah. Dr. Stantz.” Dean Yeager has the most distasteful expression on his face. “You may come in.”
Dr. Stantz gives you an apologetic look as Yaeger nods at you. You remain standing in front of the door, anxiety spiking up. Now you have no other choice than to go, or it’ll be rude, right?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
It took you more than a week of conditioning to get your ass moving, leading you, once more, in front of a closed door. You have to say, this part of the psychology department is far from what you’ve imagined. You wonder what Dr. Stantz, Dr. Venkman, and Dr. Spengler did to offend Dean Yaeger to the point of being located in the university equivalent of a demilitarized zone. No wonder they need to borrow equipment from the physics department. The bright red ‘Burn in hell Venkman’ tagged on the door isn’t the most welcoming sight either.
You reluctantly raise your hand and knock four times. The shuffling you hear inside almost makes you run away. But thankfully – or miserably you’re still unsure about that one, an unknown man opens the door. Dr. Venkman, you guess.
A lazy smile stretches on his face. “Can I help you?” There’s a low edge to his voice, something that’s intended and practiced.
You try not to come out as too appalled. “I’m looking for Dr. Spengler.”
Dr. Venkman raises an eyebrow, and you immediately chastise yourself. At that moment, you see Dr. Spengler popping his head behind him and you lose your train of thought… and your words. “Uh, Dr. Stantz told me to–”
Dr. Venkman opens his eyes almost comically wide, pivoting slowly between Dr. Spengler and yourself. “Aaal-right. You know what; I have to meet up with Veronica of the literature department so– I’ll leave you guys to it.” He claps obnoxiously on his friend’s shoulder before departing, sliding past you while whistling some tune.
You watch him go, slightly distracted when Dr. Spengler grabs your attention again. “Dr. Stantz isn’t here today.”
“Ah, I see…” No wait–
“He’ll be here tomorrow at 8 am.” He angles his body towards the inside of the room like he’s wanting to go back to what he was previously doing.
“Actually,” you force out, heart at the edge of your lips. “I wanted to apologize to you.”
Only the small widening of his eyes behind his frames indicates his surprise because his voice remains soft-spoken. “Apologize for?”
Better to be honest than invent a stupid excuse he’ll probably spot immediately. “Yes, I clearly made you uncomfortable last time. I was only trying to idle-chat, but I’m terrible at it.”
“What makes you think you made me uncomfortable?” Dr. Spengler asks.
A few seconds pass. “…because I went out of my way by questioning whether or not you had the knowledge to speak about particle physics?”
“Did you?” You realize he’s probably genuinely asking, not as a way to rile you up but as a way to understand. Somehow, it calms your nerves. Just a little.
“No,” you say. “I’m sorry… you just looked upset when you left.”
He faces you completely this time, taking his time to answer. “Then I’m the one apologizing. I was grateful for your help, but I failed to show it.”
Some part of you wonders if it’s entirely true. You brush it off. “It’s alright. I guess we’re not good at understanding social cues, uh?”
He seems to be pondering something. “I’ve been told that before.”
You chuckle. There’s a tension off his shoulders, and you thank Dr. Stantz internally.
“I’m actually working on a prototype of particle thrower. Your input would be appreciated.”
“A what?!”
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pinkiepartypopper · 5 months
Name's Jimmy. I'm the new Host of this Blog.
Any pronouns, I don't give a shit.
We are a diagnosed System with mixed Origins.
I'm a Factive, sorry not sorry for my existence. I am NOT the fucking real Guy. I'm myself. Don't compare me.
On Discord we're called just like here "pinkpartypopper" hmu
I'm mean, don't cry. I warned you.
PROFICTION. Hating to refer to myself as this because I just exist, but it's just what I am according to definition.
Pro Art Freedom.
Anti-Censorship/Anti-Harrassment/Ship and Let Ship
Inform yourself about what the fuck Anti-Harassment means before you go cry about it.
If you call me a Pedophile, you're not better as the people that say "That's so Autistic of me". It's a Mental Illness. Don't throw it around like an Insult or a Vibe.
Be against the Abuse, not the Disorder.
You don't fucking know if I am diagnosed with it or not. I am not. And my diagnosis shouldn't be your fucking Business, unless I trust you and tell you.
We are a Psychology Student btw.
I repost alot, I engage in lots of fucking Discourse (If you don't wanna see it, leaveee︎︎♡)
DNI-(Do not Interact) if:
You are fucking judgemental, mean, rude or just outright an awful person. No harassment. Come at me for some bullshit and I will block.
DNF if you are under 18 !!!
If you are and I follow you, sorry. Block me!!! I made this Account recently 18+ because I am now, so Minors shouldn't be here.
I block freely
So if I don't like you, you just get blocked for no other reason. Nothing Personal or.. yeah. Personal.
I encourage you to do the same if you cannot fucking handle me.
Rosi's stuff is under here. Too fucking lazy to transfer it to the other Blog.
If things are tagged on this account with #thanks man i love you , it was Rosi answering on their loved ones.
You looking for the Rosi's Selfship Blog? Click this fucking Text! She's gonna post her stuff there.
Interests of Rosi:
I am Multifandom so I only list what comes to my mind. I am in way more fandoms. Feel free to ask for informations about which/the Fandoms I am in! Some are rare/underrated/unknown and don't really have a Fanbase!
✰ current hyperfix!
English Fandoms:
✰ Fallout (Series & Games)
• Gotham
• The Batman
• Stranger Things
• Misfits
✰ Parker Lewis Can't Lose
• Malcolm in the Middle
• 8 Simple Rules
• Invader Zim
✰ Disjointed
✰ Superstore
• Eddsworld
• Ninjago
• Lego Monkey Kid
• Black Butler
• Code Geass
German Fandoms:
• School for Vampires
• Binny and The Ghost
✰ The Three Investigators
If you have recommendations for Sitcoms please hand me some over 🥺 I love Sitcoms, especially 2000s ones!
Rosi's Selfshipping:
I have no solid Self-Insert/Persona.
My "Persona" has different Names, Ages, Looks and Backstories, they are all based on the F/O's Source that I am adding them in.
The gender and pronouns are based on how I feel at the given moment or stay with specific sources.
I have an Sideblog basically for all Selfshipping based posts, there you can see my Self-Inserts!!!
︎︎♡ Rosi's F/O's ︎︎♡
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
By questions, feel free to ask!
I know I made it pretty hard to understand 😅 I just love labeling things kdfmdm
🧡 - platonic | 🌹- romantic | ❤️‍🔥 - sexual | ❤️‍🩹 - familiar
🩸 - related family
(if not placed, it is found family or just familiar bond)
✨ - parental | 🌟 - sibling | ⭐ - cousin | 💫 - step/half | 💛 - otherfam |
💥 - unhealthy |🫀 - yandere |💖 - comfort
side of type or feel/fact:
🌚 - f/o | 🌝 - s/i
Sharing everyone except for the Pink ones, you can still interact if you are open to share them tho... I will squint.
#Fallout (Series)
Thaddeus 🌹❤️‍🔥💥🫀💖🌚🌝
The Ghoul/Cooper ❤️‍🔥✨💥💖🌚
Bud Askins 🌹❤️‍🔥🩸✨💫💥💖🌚
Norm 🧡❤️‍🩹💖🌚🌝
Maximus 🧡🌟💖🌚🌝
#Fallout (Games)
Nick Valentine ❤️‍🩹🌹✨💖🌚🌝
Jerome Valeska 🌹❤️‍🔥🩸💫🌟💥🫀🌚🌝
Jervis Tetch 🌹❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹🌟💥🫀🌚🌝
Jonathan Crane 🧡❤️‍🩹✨💖🌝
#The Batman
Edward Nashton🧡💥💖🌚
#Stranger Things
Jonathan Byers🧡💖🌚🌝
Billy Hargrove ❤️‍🔥💥💖🌚
Steve Harrington 🧡❤️‍🩹🩸⭐💖🌚🌝
#Parker Lewis Can't Lose
Parker Lewis 🌹❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹🌟💖🌚🌝
Frank Lemmer 🌹❤️‍🔥🩸⭐🌚
#8 Simple Rules
C.J. Barnes ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹🩸🌟💥🌚🌝
Bridget Hennessy 🧡🩸⭐💖🌝
Travis 🌹❤️‍🔥💫💖🌚🌝
Pete 🧡❤️‍🩹🌟💖🌝
Tord 🧡❤️‍🩹🩸💫🌚🌝
Bo 🌹❤️‍🔥💖🌚🌝
#Black Butler
Drocell 🌹❤️‍🩹🌟🫀💖🌚
#School for Vampires
Oskar 🧡❤️‍🩹🌟🌝
Stoker/Fletscher 🌹🫀🌚
#The Three Investigators
Jupiter/Justus - 🌹❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹🌚🌝
Skinny Norris - 🧡🩸⭐🌚🌝
Dylan Parks - 🧡❤️‍🩹✨🌚
That was all.
If you reached to this point: Thank you so much for reading!
I appreciate your sacrificed Time! ︎︎♡︎︎♡︎︎♡
Stay Safe & Positive !!!
Or just fuck off. - Jimmy
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doomzday-zone · 6 months
ok but actually. i know i said this in the tags on ur post but genuinely i love ur faggy infinites i love ur attitude i love how u post whatever u want and put it in the main tags bc u are unapologetically urself when it is so easy to try and fit in. u have the confidence i aim to have for myself and it's so refreshing to see somebody who embraces being Weird <3 i've never engaged because i am unwell about people being aware of me but i've literally been lurking on you and the dog and hog gang for at least a year (i never really spoke much about liking them despite having interest for years) and. just. you're all so chill. the critical thinking, lack of judgement, this world needs more of that shit fr!! i hope u have a great day – good vibes from a transfag autism brained freak (and thank u for ur tags on my essay. i'm so glad other people care as much as me <3)
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I IWISJ I COULS ANSWER TJIS AND KEEP TJIS IM ,MY IMBOX FOREVER RAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM SO GLAD U LOVE MY BOYSSSSSSS<33333 RAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! i usually try n segment my replys to address every beat but this is so much........ to my liddle tiny heaet........ im ,iteralkly cyinf rnn can you tell????? UIVTBJVJBJVBKJ. this means. the world to me<33333 im glad<33 im glad i can inspire some of that in u<3 like for the longest time i was literally larping as one of the normies :sob: like i get it 100% the want 2 fit in and b accepted esp in fandom is strong but in my case it is utterlly unsustainable 2 follow the crowd. i cant pretend i dont like what i like. i cant pretend to be normal r have normal relationships 2 things r have normal opinions jnkjjkjbjk. and its hard!!!!!! there rlly isnt a real tangible space to be fucking insane and into weird n gross shit n etc in fandom like there is for the sanitized kiddy friendly stuff or the hyper horny stuff, its an awkward middle line 2 tread.(n im wayy too autistic 4 fandom anyways.... lol) and ik im not the only one. i wouldnt b able 2 be so unabashed and real and freaky w/o the support of all the amazing ppl ive met in my little freak circle<3333(IT IS SOOOOOO cheesey n cringe-sounding but im being so fr when i say my weirdoes n infinite the jackal saved my life<3333333333 i literally probably wouldnt even b alive today w/o em<333 thanks 2 all of u for helping me grow stronger btw hehe....)
Every day i choose to be insane and gross and a freak and a transexual faggot and autistic and TOO MUCH !!! for meself obv<3 but also for the ones i love and ppl like YOU!!!!!!!!!! >:D i cant change the world w just my little paws. but i CAN b crazy on main. i CAN show everyone that you dont have 2 be afraid of your own interests for fear of not being accepted in the greater fandom<333 even if these ppl never rlly come out of their shell... theres always someone, someplace out there thatll accept u. theres always more freaks, theres always more faggots<3 even if you never come out and yell it to the world if i could inspire just a tiny bit of this love in ppl thatd be enough for me :)
anyways. lol. kjnobjbiubjk thank you<33 a lot<3333 i mean it<333333 so many words i wish to say in this moment but ik you get it<3 mwamwa<333333333
life is short babey!!! dont be such a stranger okay ^_^
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demisofphoenixdrop · 10 months
hello! could i hear about 5, 6, and 11 for the ask game?
ABSOLUTELY! Thank you, kind stranger :)
5 - Favorite Minor Character
My favorite minor characters? Oooh y'all-
I'm an Emmalyn lover fr. She's autistic. She's a sweetheart. I love her. I can and will kill for Cadenza. My beloved.
Btw big fan of my friend's crack ship of Emmalyn and Nana (y'all should ask me about that <3)
6 - Favorite Skins
Y'all remember Laurance's baby shower fit? That. Specifically after his hair got fluffy and they were rocking around Malachi's castle.
Also LOVE Aph's princess dress she got from the shadow knight lady in Pikoro(?)
Oh!! And everything Lucinda ever wore ever. I love her.
And Zoey's timeskip clothes! Basically everyone's timeskip clothes are gorgeous.
11 - rewrite, redesign, and/or reinterpretation
Okay- so-
I don't have a current rewrite. I do, however, have my own canon. It's mostly a playground for my ocs tbh.
That being said-
I love shadow knights. I love their mechanics and made my own rules for them.
Shadow Knights are people who have had their soul ritually torn and removed. When someone is sacrificed on an alter to the shadow lord, they die. Their soul is extracted and half of it is given to the shadow lord for power. The other half is used to reanimate the dead. This grants them strength, speed, and some magic - a la The Shadow Knight Form.
Shadow knights complete their ritual by slaying either a loved one, someone they had an oath to, or just...so many innocent people. So, some SKs come back and off their spouses or their lords or like- burn an orphanage. Classic stuff, really. And bada bing bada boom, you got yourself a fully realized shadow knight!
Unrelated but another Danni Rewrite thing-
Brian betrays PD in my version because he is sick of living in a small town where nothing happens and he's living under his father's shadow. Also, Zane promised he could help Brian come into power.
Sometimes, though, Brian betrays PD because he's trying to woo one of the guards - my oc, Virgil - but they are more loyal to their village than Brian.
This, depending on the work I'm writing, leads to Virgil killing Brian and becoming a full shadow knight because they did truly love him, but they couldn't let him destroy the town that took them in.
I should really start drawing mcd again-
Keep up the asking!!
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brucequeensteen · 2 years
9, 11, 19, 21 :))
HI RYAN sorry thisbgot long but. :3
9. what’s a series or franchise you secretly or not so secretly think you’d be, like, a REALLY good writers for if they’d stop being cowards and hire you already?
okay the obvious answer is supernatural. i haven't had intense spn thoughts in months which is a good thing and a sign of healing but I know in my heart that I could fix that show I would treat it so well id be so good to it. Uhmm anyway. i also believe i would be an asset to the stranger things writing team because i loved it back in season 1 but now I have a very VERY mixed relationship with it (mostly including hatred and regret) but I could fix it i could fix them. Anyway.
11. if you currently write fanfiction or have ever written fanfiction, please tell us about the plot of the first fic you ever wrote
this is a difficult question because i genuinely don't know what the first fic i ever wrote was.... it was either marvel or harry potter sorry everyone. they were both when I was around 8 years old i just dont know which STARTED first. the harry potter one was basically just me making a bunch of ocs and putting them into the world with a new original villain. it was pretty good, considering, like 8 Yr old me did some in depth character development and I still have the notebook I used to outline chapters and write down songs that made me think of certain characters or stuff like that. and tge marvel thing was something I wrote with my cousin where we made a bunch of our own superheroes and villains that teamed up with the avengers and it was basically (comics universe) infinity war but to the left. notable heroes included Vortex who wore a suit that looks like the guys from Daft Punk and can create mini black holes out of thin air, and Jaguar who was basically my mini wolverine but she was also an acrobat. so yeah. My cousin had a guy called Dr Emoji who drove the emojibile and created little minions modeled after emoji faces and they basically fought for him. Me and my cousin are both autistic btw
19. what’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? also, how much do you worry about doing research in general?
UHHMMMM i don't know i can't remember nothing comes to mind. i know things. I learn things. but I can't tell u something i learned specifically while researching for a writing project. I'm most likely to remember at a random moment when it isn't important or relevant sorry ry :') um and I've never written anything that required a ton of research, but i do it for everything I write, even for small things, and not always on a huge scale. does this make sense. research is important but i don't regard it as SUPER important . Depending on what ur writing.
21. BIG ask: what do you think is the most important component of a good story?
gay sex . no im kidding. its hard to pick just 1 thing but if i must say there are 2 components that are important to ME personally:
1) complex characters that are memorable, whether they are loved or hated, characters that make you feel things and even if you aren't rooting for them you still care to see what happens to them
2) funny stuff like genuinely intelligent comedy even if it's a super duper serious and dark story if there aren't tiny moments of light and humour then. Well then I don't like it that much lol. im not saying cringey worthless one liners or even full on jokes because those are often out of place and weird, but something that's enough to make you smile or exhale through your nose, that helps you connect to the story more
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aidyaiden · 1 year
appreciation post for my brother (another one than the one who doesnt believe in byler endgame) (his name is zack btw)!!!
you dont have to read everything i just wanted to write that :)
i love him soo much, he helped me a lot and still does, hes (probably) autistic so he understands all of my autistic behaviors (and hes the one who told me about my potential autism) and he doesnt judge me, he told me about different sexualities and genders when i was around 10 (that helped me never feeling bad or uncomfortable about my sexuality and later on my gender), hes the one who told me about what periods were for and all (hes trans ftm), he listens to me talk about my special interests, he watched the goldfinch with me, he got conviced to watch stranger things (thanks to byler!!) and he is genuinely interested in byler theories (even small things, for example, the blue and yellow towels in mikes closet representation), we send each other byler edits or headcanons on tiktok, hes a mike wheeler defender and a will byers protector (like everyone should be), hes always here for me and im always here for him (hes the Jonathan to my Will, if you want), i can talk to him about pretty much anything, we criticize the society together, we can share clothes (we both wear oversized clothes, and we have similar styles), we can talk about how women are incredible and beautiful, and so so soooo much more
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1980s-slasher-film · 2 years
Wow, I guess I never thought about the fast pass due to autism dilemma. I just think my worry would be constantly overanalysing whether or not I need something and I usually tend to try to fit in. Atm I’m just using all my access arrangements for school etc, but I feel guilty.
I CAN wait in a hypothetical theme park line so I WILL wait in it, but it may have a knock on effect further down the line. But neurotypical people will feel that effect too, right? Ughh I hate thinking.
or maybe I could use the hypothetical fast pass if I was close to meltdown or overwhelmed? Yeah that makes sense. Thanks for posting about this btw, very important
Theme parks are my biggest special interest, so yeah, I see it a lot. People straight up faking disabilities because they think access passes will allow them to skip lines, people with actual disabilities using them when they’re unneeded, it goes on. My home park had to redo their entire access system because of people misusing it. They were probably going to soon enough, because the expanding knowledge on disabilities and all, but their main reason was people cheating the system or stretching the boundaries of the system.
My thing with accommodations is always, if it’ll help you and make your time easier, go for it. If the pass is being used properly there’s no harm done. Even if it’s “just” for anxiety or “just” for sensory issues, it’s always fine to be used if it genuinely helps. The people that bother me are those that take the time to fight for one, brag about it on social media, and then use it to their advantage when it was never going to make a difference for them whether they had it or not. The amount of times I’ve seen fellow autistic people get a DAS at Disney or a Cedar Fair green sheet and flash it all over social media like a prize, all while making sure everyone knows they “don’t need it”. It’s very aspie supremacy the way they try to separate themselves from those of us that do need them. Thats the part that bothers me. Generally, though, the rule of thumb is that if I helps you and it makes your day less stressful,, you need it.
Even I, someone that is sometimes at the park twice a week, haven’t gotten a green sheet yet. As a kid I enjoyed lines, got to infodump about whatever ride we were waiting for to strangers, but as my health has gotten worse and I’ve been through multiple burnouts, I definitely need one now. But I don’t feel I’m “disabled” enough, despite the fact that I’m on crutches nearly 100% of the time I’m there. I think overthinking stuff like this is pretty normal, but it just means you actually care about the experience of others I think lol.
The funniest part of the whole things tbh is that disability access passes at theme parks typically don’t even allow you to skip lines anymore. They definitely were like that in the 70s, as my grandparents used one back then and they talk about it being like a fast pass, but definitely not anymore. They work on a return time system, meaning you wait the same amount of time as the people in line, just not in the line. So these assholes really are just setting themselves up, because they’re still just gonna be waiting in lines.
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rainbowgod666 · 1 month
Warning: this is a massive joke based entirely on this video by Red Overlysarcasticproductions (here known as @comicaurora. Yes thats why the artstyle of Aurora is so familiar, congratulations you can recognize patterns and are on the same level as a crow) (crows are cool so its fine 🐦‍⬛)
Stranger in a strange land except yours truly wrote it
1) Micheal is SO BLATANTLY the definition of femboy he gets (IN THE DAMN BOOK) a Fuckton Of Porn Of Him (Which he *likes* for reasons unknown even for ME)
"doesnt understand lying" and then he gets it and he SWEARS UP A FUCKING CATEGORY 6 HURRICANE at the protagonists for an *entire chapter* and its something that NEVER actually happens in the book. Like _at most_ he says "golly" or "darn" and then he just grabs all co-protags by the collar and goes ƳØŲ FÜÇƘÏÑĢ ŁÎŢŤĻË ŞĤĮȚŜ-
its part of MY MULTIVERSE. Which means that around the middle of the book, it turns out that parallel universes are real and nobody wants to conquer anybody because "nobody gives a shit"
This also explains how Mandela County is the 51st state of america even tho it doesnt get a star on the flag: Gabriel (yes that one) appeared and everyone went to him like "please for the love of FUCK make a government" and now its full of transhumanist transgenders (which sounds cool AF btw but whatever)
And also why pokemon dont exist. Long story short the Infinity Energy is a pokemon-only thing and the funny critters DISINTEGRATE without it (whoops)
Micheal meets the ACTUAL angel micheal and they both read the original stranger in a strange land and theyre both disgusted by it. Like holy fuck
The SCP foundation doesnt outright "appear" but its so fucking blatantly obvious that they are there. As in- theres a chapter where the only SCP word is "epsilon 11 nine tailed fox" and its in ONE chapter and its to breach the house of a terrorist
Turns out a martians powers in this book are a mixed bag of references: limited telepathy, steven universe tier empathy (like me hahahahaha i am in pain actually ;w;) and their skin is SLIGHTLY different from a human so whats a little burn for us can become A FUCKING WILDFIRE
Yes theres 2/3 or so chapters about him trying to get pyrokinesis, then jill is like "dude. You are flammable, not pyrokinetical" and he goes home sad
Jill actually has a deep seated trauma which kinda EXPLAINS her """promiscuity""" (dont worry, its a school thing and not a family one) and she gets over it by... getting a girlfriend.
No im not doing this alone half the concepts are either fetishes or political statements and i dont have time for this shit
Also micheal turns out to like gay sex more than straight sex which is weirdly phrased at first bit the reality is that seeing Feminine Guys™ makes him lose his marbles a bit. And by a bit i mean that theres an entire sentence where he says shit that only here on tumblr would be accepted, and it would be classified as "do not tumblrize the thirsty white cishet male please. Its bad enough". Yes he starts crying about it. Micheal may or may not be a big ball of explosive emotions. Whoops!
Speaking of Brain Bullshit: every autistic person ever has a power REGARDLESS of their intellect. This is explained by me (BECAUSE IM NOT PUTTING A STUPID SELF INSERT. IM GETTING IN THERE MYSELF BOY/GIRL/WHATEVERIDONTCAREIJUSTHOPEYOUGOTACOOLFLAGWITHIT) and the explaination chapter ends with a sentient mass of fuel-bleeding something going like "my iq is the same as a borzoi and these people are the dumbest idiots ive ever seen" and me agreeing (because hes right)
Also apotheosis is a thing but its so fucking stupid only the non rich can do it without going insane (obviously) (no they do not lose their sense of mortality/humanity. Thats a cop-out the size of the perseus supercluster)
The only reason he gets an autism diagnosis is because of that whole soup of "being an alien + not understanding society + op bullshit". He doesnt learn what autism IS until the last chapter.
And what happens then? He goes back to mars with a bunch of earth games and films. Mostly to share them with other martians to figure out wtf is a compooter. The epilogue is the release of "stranger in a strange land". An 8-bit styled RPG where youre an alien trying to save humans and
Oh who the fuck am I kidding. In my version of stranger in a strange land, Micheal invents fucking UNDERTALE
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moonknightstarrs · 2 years
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The way that Stranger Things tried to create a quirky character without telling us it’s actually ✨autism✨
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berry-loves-yandere · 2 years
can you please do one with Stranger Things hc with an sweet autistic darling, like how do they handle certain situations and also when their darling have a huge meltdown
love ur fics btw❤
(Nancy will not be included on this list because she already has a separate headcanon bit for this)
Yandere Stranger things with a sweet autistic darling:
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Characters: Mike Wheeler, Will Byers, Eleven (Jane) Hopper, Lucas Sinclair, Max Mayfield, Steve Harrington, Jonathan Byers, Billy Hargrove, Robin Buckley, Eddie Munson, Chrissy Cunningham, Jason Carver, Gareth Emerson, Jim Hopper, Joyce Byers, Henry Creel/Peter Ballard/001
Warnings: Manipulation, obsessive behaviours, possessive behaviours, violence, unhealthy mindset, Billy and 001 are assholes (just ike in canon) DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT
Mike Wheeler:
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He'd definitely try his best to understand why his darling does certain things.
Or why they can't stand certain smells, fabrics, etc.
If his darling has very bad sensory issues, he'll do his best to make sure they're always comfortable since they're always sweet to him.
If his darling is having a meltdown in private, he's doing his best to comfort them and make sure they're okay but in public?
He'd pretend he didn't know his darling his he doesn't want to be embarrassed by them.
He'd apologize afterwards but he's not at all sorry.
Will Byers:
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This man is so attentive and caring when it comes to his darling.
If they have sensory issues, specifically with a certain fabric?
He'd replace all his clothes that are made of that fabric to one that his darling likes.
If his darling is having a meltdown he'd immediately try to help sooth them, it doesn't matter if it's in public or private.
Eleven (Jane) Hopper:
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She's in the same boat as her darling, they'd both be trying to help each in every situation, especially meltdowns.
Lucas Sinclair:
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Lucas would very nice and helpful but because of the basketball team and his popularity on the line, he may not always help his darling when they're having a public meltdown.
Would always help in private tho.
Eventually wouldn't care about popularity just to be there for his darling.
Max Mayfield:
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She was very kind and helpful with Eleven, so I assume she'd be the same with her darling.
With sensory issues she'd try her best to make her darling comfortable but there's only so much she can do.
When her darling has a meltdown, Max would sooth and coax her darling into being calm again.
Steve Harrington:
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Is extremely careful, basically walking on eggshells around his darling, especially if they have very bad sensory issues.
When his darling has meltdowns, he does his best to calm them down.
Jonathan Byers:
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He'd do basically the same thing as Will, except he'd also buy his darling anything they have a hyper fixation with.
Billy Hargrove:
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Honestly, he'd call his darling all kinds of slurs.
Would only hug them when he's wearing fabric that his darling can't stand.
When his darling has a meltdown, he'd yell at them to stop crying or laugh at them.
Robin Buckley:
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She's also autistic, so they'd both be helping each other out.
Eddie Munson:
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Eddie would treat his darling like how he treats everyone else.
This can be good and bad but it's more neutral than anything.
No special accommodations but no judgement either.
Chrissy Cunningham:
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The biggest sweetheart who would undoubtedly help in every way she can.
Always wants her darling to be happy and not uncomfortable.
Jason Carver:
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Very gentle and sweet, threatens anyone who makes fun of his darling.
When his darling has a meltdown, he'd carefully sooth them.
If anyone mocks his darling's breakdown(s), they'd instantly get a punch to the nose.
Boy or girl, it's doesn't matter to him, he just wants his darling to be as happy as possible.
He'd also buy them absolutely anything he could that his darling is hyper fixated on.
Gareth Emerson:
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Super sweet, probably has some sensory issues of his own, so he knows how to deal with them and help his darling with theirs.
When his darling has a meltdown, he'll try to distract them from what got them so upset then sooth them.
Jim Hopper:
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He's already a very caring soul despite his 'tough guy' exterior but he'd be extra sweet to his darling.
Buys them anything that he could afford that his darling is hyper fixated on.
Tries his best to calm his darling during their meltdowns.
Joyce Byers:
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Would treat her darling like anyone else but would be very caring during their breakdowns and help them with their sensory issues.
Henry Creel/Peter Ballard/001:
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Finds his darling much easier to manipulate, especially when they're having a meltdown.
Doesn't care much for their sensory issues but pretends he does so his darling will think that he cares deeply about them.
Basically does not care.
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Autism and Difficulty Socialising Online
I think a big reason why I struggle to interact with people and posts online, even though I prefer writing to speaking, is that I have no one to mirror.
I remember when I was about 11 and everyone was getting smartphones. Almost immediately they began using chatting and social media apps, and suddenly there was an entirely new, additional social arena to figure out.
But chatting and posting on social media never really 'clicked' with me; I couldn't see what use it was to me or others. The shift to online interaction, concurrent with this wonderful exploit known as 'bullying' (/s), meant I became largely socially disconnected from people my own age, and it's something I've struggled with ever since—increasingly so as being connected has become a staple of everyday life.
I think the reason that I never came to understand online interaction is that it is locked away on people's devices, and done at home, in private. Unlike face-to-face interaction, I've never been able to observe, analyse and mimic another's actions directly, and never experienced what function it filled for people. This inability to mimic meant that I could never build a repertoire of social scripts to guide my own actions, and so I had no ability to engage in interaction.
Bottom line, I have almost zero social instinct—I'm in hardcore "won't-speak-unless-spoken-to" mode 24/7. Unless I'm in an environment where I can mirror others, I won't participate in interaction, not because I'm not interested in connecting with them, but because I simply don't know how to go about it. I either need a guide who I can mirror, or a rigid social script which I can follow on my own.
Online communication offers neither a guide, nor transparency enough for me to develop a script.
It's all just a black, unknowable void to me. It feels like being dropped in the middle of the ocean and never taught how to swim.
Connecting with others online is heavily dependent on an individual having an intrinsic understanding of the social rules and being adept at initiating and propagating contact. This makes the environment very hard to breach and participate in for those of us who find social rules hard to decode and who have poor instincts for social initiative, who in daily life often rely on mirroring to navigate social interactions.
So yeah … It makes me glad to hear when autistic people say text-based interaction has opened up new, more accessible ways for them to find connection. That's great!
But I also want it stated that that is not the universal experience of all autistic people (because there is no such thing). It's fine to struggle with online communication, and those of us who do are not alone.
(Not implying this is anyone's intention or fault, btw, it's just a consequence of the way technology works and websites are structured. I do think we should keep it in mind though, and perhaps consider how we can make life easier for each other. It's yet another reason to be kind to friends and strangers.)
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lumaxramblings · 2 years
btw everyone in stranger things is autistic, the duffer brothers told me themselves
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lesbianklance · 3 years
rewrite au where, sure keith is autistic, but its revealed pidge and hunk are as well, and we get good enough personality from galra to know his weird behavior isn't a galra thing. alsooo, rewrite where the story actually cares about its characters emotions and we see keith deal with his feelings of alienation hes dealt with sense he was young from being an autistic and traumitized, and bonding with fellow characters who are autistic or traumitized, and learning its not a galra thing - aroklance
should have known that post would have attracted you and your spectacular rewrites😌
honesty blaming his autistic traits on him being galra was so fucking lazy of them but what did we expect huh?
have the boy get some actual support they have him being strong all the time and calm and collected we havent seen him break down and cry once
it might be the angst bitch in me but bro for fucks fucking sake the dude literally:
saw his dead father after a decade of going from orphanage to foster care to group homes. he saw him again the only stable family he ever had that he lost 10 years ago. he wasn't even phased. tbh i havent seen anyone talking about this??? and like??? the dude was allowed to be heartbroken it was a very emotional scene. i get that they wanted to focus on the galra shit but he literally saw his father that he lost which started a series of unfortunate events for him in a vision and then had to leave him behind. didnt even see him talk about it or cry over him
we didnt see how his galra lineage affected him, like at all. he just found out he was half galra and moved on. his entire life must have turned upside down s h o w t h a t
he left his new family and suddenly turned into a robot, living with a bunch of aliens he's never met that put the mission above people's lives
ALMOST FUCKING DIED FOR THE CAUSE but nope of course it never gets addressed, no one even tells him that he is important too and shouldn't do shit like that. ffs the team probably didnt even know about it. how did that affect keith??? he almost died and he just moved on??? he should have been at least in shock???
HE LITERALLY MET HIS MUM THAT ABANDONED HIM FOR 19 FUCKING YEARS AND NEVER YELLS AT HER. youre telling me keith the hothead of the team wouldnt yell or at least sass his mum? sounds fake. she just gives him some bs excuse they spend 2 years on a whale doing bonding or some shit and everything is cool. SHOW US KEITH DEALING WITH HIS TRAUMA THAT WOMAN LITERALLY CAUSED HIS ABANDONMENT ISSUES FFS
those 2 years on the whale must have been really fucking traumatic. they didnt have any food, any clothes, any privacy. he was stuck with the woman that left him, that is a stranger to him. no other human interraction for 2 entire years. leave me in that place for 2 years with my best friend since middle school that I've never faught with? we'd rip each other's heads off, much less my mum that left me. yet its shown as a good thing oh yay it fixed him
and then he's just a bad shiro clone for the rest of the show. just following orders doing whatever tf is good for the universe shown as being better than everyone
and theeen we get the confirmation yes the autistic coded character? the one that always thought there was something wrong with him? the one that always seeked out a family (and btw the whole point of the family trope they were supposed to do was to give him said family with the paladins but nah he left them to go to the BOM)? yeah he left the only family he found fucked off to space because apparently all those thoughts he had all his life were right. yeah kids? if you feel like something is wrong with you and you dont fit in? suck it up and leave. great message there voltron
i got off topic sorry svdkhsjsb
anyway ive told you before you're the only one i trust with voltron you shall rewrite the show😌✌️
EDIT: i just realised how off topic i went... oops? i mean you covered it perfectly on the autistic coded thing. if they had done what you said he would have been such great rep but we all know how voltron is with that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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erosofthepen · 3 years
🍁🌻for all your OCs! (Or if that’s too much then just answer for whomever you like!)
🌻 What little things do they notice about people or the world around them that make them happy? What tiny little treasures do they find in the normal every day that makes the world seem a little brighter for them?
🍁 Where does your OC go when they need to have some time to themself? Would they ever have their own “comfort corner” filled with all the things they like? Do they have a favorite spot outside that feels like its theirs and theirs alone?
Clara: She really loves the rain. Or the sound of wind. And the way the clouds move and make different shapes, that always makes her day. She also loves noticing how strangers interact with one another. Watching complete strangers smile, or preform little acts of kindness just makes her so happy! When she needs time to herself, she’ll usually retreat to her room with a book or her journal. If she needs to just get away, she’ll go outside to the woods, wandering around until she feels calm. Her favorite little spot was in Dís’s work closet (in my universe, Dís had a giant craft closet full of fabrics and different knick-knacks). It always made her feel safe.
Athenir: Athenir doesn’t get a lot of joy out of everyday things. He just doesn’t see it that way. Something that does pull on his heart a bit is catching a whiff of cardamon in the air. It always makes him smile and think of the land he left. He also likes the sounds of tiny silver bells. When Athenir needs space, he’ll let everyone know beforehand, so they don’t bother him. He’ll either go to the kitchens, or go to the nearest garden and look at flowers. He just likes to be alone with his thoughts.
Brenior: This sweet orc can find beauty in practically everything. He is a poet, after all. He loves watching the sky at all times of day, he just thinks it’s the most amazing thing in the world. Also, moments with his family (Rantin, Athenir, and Clara) are his favorite. When they’re all together, and sharing stories of dinner, that just makes him the most happy person in the world. Brenior has a lot of little comfort corners, since sometimes he finds everything a bit too much (he’s autistic btw. So is Clara). His favorite place to go is just outside the house, with his cats. They know when somethings up with Brenior, so they’ll just let him pet them and play with them until he calms down or feels peaceful again.
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